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Listening – Reading homework Week 8

Name: Phạm Linh Chi

Student code: 217140231080
1. Vocabulary

STT Word Phonetic Part English meaning Vietnamese

transcription of meaning
1 Extraordinary /ɪkˈstrɔː.dɪn.ər.i/ adj remarkable đặc biệt, khác
2 Set about ph. v start bắt đầu.
3 Fragile /ˈfrædʒ.aɪl/ adj easily broken dễ hỏng, dễ vỡ
4 Garment /ˈɡɑː.mənt/ n clothes Quần áo
5 Launch /lɔːntʃ/ v an event to celebrate khởi đầu, giới

2. Reading

3. Listening

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