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Haramaya University

College Of Business and Economics

Department Of Management

Course Title: Human Resources Management

Group Assignment

Group Member ID No.

1. Alazar Siledhi ……………………………………147/14

2. Betelem Gashaw…………………………………158/14

3. Biniyam Gizaw …………………………………159/14

4. Elzabet Abrha ……………………………………172/14

5. Frezer Talegeta …………………………………628/13

Submitted To: Ms. Yasmin M

Submission Date: -March. 10 , 2024 GC

Table of Contents
Contents Pages
1. Introduction ............................................................................................................................. 1

1.1. Background Information .................................................................................................. 1

2. Remedies in Human Resource Management ........................................................................... 3

2.1. The Essence of Remedies in HRM ........................................................................................ 3

2.2. Preventative Measures ......................................................................................................... 4

2.3. The Role of HRM in Administering Remedies ...................................................................... 4

3. Objective and Function of Remedies ....................................................................................... 4

4. Significance ............................................................................................................................. 5

5. Conclusion ............................................................................................................................... 5

References ....................................................................................................................................... 7
1. Introduction

1.1. Background Information

In the quest for health, justice, or environmental sustainability, remedies play a pivotal role as
solutions or treatments that address problems or diseases. Their relevance spans from medical to
legal fields, touching upon various aspects of societal norms and individual well-being. The
concept of remedies is broad, encompassing everything from pharmaceutical drugs and legal
reparations to therapeutic and ecological restoration efforts.

Remedies are courses of action that are undertaken to address a problem, correct an injustice, or
provide relief for a certain situation. They can come in various forms, ranging from legal remedies
to medical, environmental, or social remedies. The goal of remedies is to resolve or mitigate the
negative consequences of a particular issue or restore balance and justice.

Legal remedies are often sought to resolve disputes between parties, enforce rights, or obtain
compensation for harm suffered. These remedies can include monetary damages, injunctions,
specific performance, restitution, or declaratory judgments, among others. For instance, in a breach
of contract case, the non-breaching party may seek a remedy of monetary damages to compensate
for the losses incurred as a result of the breach.

Medical remedies focus on treating or alleviating physical ailments or conditions. They may
involve medication, surgical procedures, therapies, or lifestyle changes to promote healing and
improve health. The choice of remedy depends on the specific diagnosis, severity of the condition,
and individual circumstances. References to medical remedies can be found in medical literature,
research papers, and reputable healthcare websites.

Environmental remedies are actions taken to address environmental damage or pollution and
restore ecosystems to a healthy state. These remedies can include measures such as cleanup efforts,
habitat restoration, pollution controls, and sustainable resource management. References to
environmental remedies can be found in scientific studies, environmental reports, and publications
of environmental organizations.

Social remedies aim to address societal issues and promote social justice. They focus on addressing
inequality, discrimination, and systemic problems that affect the well-being of individuals or

communities. Social remedies can include policy changes, legislation, community development
initiatives, education and awareness campaigns, and advocacy efforts for marginalized groups.
References to social remedies can be found in academic literature, policy papers, and reports from
social justice organizations.

It is important to note that the specific remedies applicable to a given situation may vary depending
on the jurisdiction, context, and the nature of the problem at hand. Therefore, it is advisable to
consult relevant experts, professionals, and reputable sources to determine the most appropriate
remedies in specific cases.

Remedies are solutions or treatments that are designed to address a particular problem or issue. In
the legal context, remedies refer to the relief or compensation that is awarded to a party who has
been wronged or harmed by the actions of another. Remedies are an essential component of the
legal system as they provide a means for individuals to seek redress for their grievances and obtain

There are three main types of remedies in the legal system: legal remedies, equitable remedies,
and restitutionary remedies. Legal remedies are monetary compensation that is awarded to a party
who has suffered some form of financial loss as a result of another party's actions. These may
include damages for breach of contract, compensation for personal injury, or reimbursement for
property damage.

Equitable remedies, on the other hand, are non-monetary remedies that are designed to address a
broader range of issues beyond financial loss. These remedies are typically awarded in cases where
a legal remedy would not be sufficient to provide adequate relief. Examples of equitable remedies
include injunctions, specific performance, and rescission.

Restitutionary remedies are a third category of remedies that are designed to restore a party to the
position they would have been in had the wrongful act not occurred. These remedies are based on
the principle of unjust enrichment and are often awarded in cases where one party has been unjustly
enriched at the expense of another.

The choice of remedy that is awarded in a particular case will depend on the nature of the harm
that has been suffered and the specific facts of the case. Courts will consider a range of factors

when determining the appropriate remedy, including the severity of the harm, the conduct of the
parties, and the availability of alternative forms of relief.

Remedies play a crucial role in the legal system as they provide a means for individuals to seek
justice and obtain redress for their grievances. Without remedies, individuals would have no way
of holding wrongdoers accountable for their actions or obtaining compensation for the harm they
have suffered.

2. Remedies in Human Resource Management

Human Resource Management (HRM) plays a pivotal role in the orchestration of organizational
processes, particularly in fostering a productive work environment and mediating employment
disputes. The concept of 'remedies' within HRM encompasses a broad spectrum of strategies and
measures designed to address, rectify, and prevent issues related to employment, employee rights,
and workplace conflicts. This essay provides an overview of the various remedies available in
HRM, highlighting their significance in promoting fairness, compliance with legal standards, and
the overall well-being of employees.

2.1. The Essence of Remedies in HRM

Remedies in HRM are fundamentally about resolving issues that arise in the employment
relationship. They serve as a mechanism for enforcing employment laws and organizational
policies, ensuring that employees are treated fairly and that employers comply with their legal
obligations (Dundon & Wilkinson, 2020). These remedies can be legal, such as those provided for
under employment law, or non-legal, involving internal grievance and dispute resolution

2.1.1. Legal Remedies

Legal remedies typically come into play when there has been a violation of employment laws.
These can include wrongful termination, discrimination, harassment, and breaches of employment
contracts. Legal remedies may involve reinstatement of the employee, compensation for lost wages
and emotional distress, and punitive damages intended to deter the employer from engaging in
similar behavior in the future (Collins, 2017).

For instance, in cases of discrimination, the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
(EEOC) can require employers to compensate victims, implement training programs to prevent
future violations, and, in severe cases, impose fines (EEOC, 2021).

2.1.2. Non-Legal Remedies

Non-legal remedies are often the first line of defense against workplace issues. They include
internal grievance procedures, mediation, and arbitration. These mechanisms are designed to
resolve disputes efficiently and amicably, without the need for external legal intervention. A well-
designed grievance procedure provides a clear, confidential, and fair process for employees to raise
concerns, contributing to the resolution of issues before they escalate (Armstrong, 2014).

2.2. Preventative Measures

Beyond reactive remedies, HRM also focuses on preventative measures to avoid the occurrence of
issues that require remediation. These include developing comprehensive policies and procedures,
conducting regular training sessions on topics like harassment and discrimination, and fostering a
culture of respect and diversity. By proactively addressing potential areas of concern, organizations
can significantly reduce the incidence of legal and non-legal disputes (Dundon & Wilkinson,

2.3. The Role of HRM in Administering Remedies

The effectiveness of remedies in HRM largely depends on the ability of HR professionals to
administer them fairly and consistently. This requires a thorough understanding of employment
laws, strong communication skills, and the ability to maintain confidentiality and impartiality. HR
professionals must also be adept at conflict resolution and possess the skills to negotiate
settlements that are acceptable to all parties involved (Armstrong, 2014).

3. Objective and Function of Remedies

The objective of remedies is to provide a solution or compensation for a legal injury or violation
of rights. Remedies serve to protect and enforce legal rights, ensure justice is achieved, and
discourage wrongful conduct.

Functions of remedies include:

1. Compensation: Remedies provide a way to compensate victims for their losses, injuries, or
damages incurred as a result of a legal wrong.

2. Deterrence: Remedies serve to deter individuals or entities from engaging in wrongful behavior
by imposing penalties or requiring them to rectify the harm caused.

3. Restitution: Remedies aim to restore the injured party to the position they were in before the
legal wrong occurred, through actions such as returning property or paying monetary damages.

4. Specific Performance: In cases where monetary compensation is not sufficient to remedy a

legal wrong, remedies can require the breaching party to fulfill their obligations as originally
agreed upon, such as in contract disputes.

5. Injunctions: Remedies can include court orders preventing a party from engaging in certain
actions or compelling them to take specific actions to prevent further harm.

Overall, remedies play a crucial role in enforcing legal rights, upholding the rule of law, and
ensuring justice is served in legal disputes.

4. Significance

Understanding and implementing effective remedies is essential for advancing societal goals,
protecting the environment, and ensuring individual well-being. This discussion highlights the
need for continuous research, balanced approaches, and equitable access to remedies.

5. Conclusion

Remedies are an essential component of the legal system as they provide a means for individuals
to seek redress for their grievances and obtain justice. There are three main types of remedies in
the legal system: legal remedies, equitable remedies, and restitutionary remedies. Each type of
remedy is designed to address a specific type of harm and provide relief to the party who has been
wronged. The choice of remedy that is awarded in a particular case will depend on the specific

facts of the case and the nature of the harm that has been suffered. Remedies are crucial in ensuring
that individuals have a means of seeking justice and obtaining redress for their grievances.

Remedies in Human Resource Management are essential for maintaining legal compliance,
ensuring fair treatment of employees, and promoting a positive organizational culture. Whether
through legal action, internal processes, or preventative strategies, these remedies play a crucial
role in resolving and preventing workplace issues. As the landscape of work continues to evolve,
the need for effective remedies in HRM will remain paramount, underscoring the importance of
skilled HR professionals in navigating these complex processes.


1. Cornell Law School, Legal Information Institute, "Equitable Remedies"

2. Garcia, L. (2021). “Effects of Forest Restoration on Biodiversity and Environmental Health*.
Environmental Science & Technology.”
3. Harvard Law Review, "Legal Remedies vs. Equitable Remedies"
4. Johnson, A. (2019). “Legal Remedies in Environmental Law: Case Studies and Analysis*.
Journal of Environmental Law.”
5. Legal Information Institute, "Restitution"
6. Legal Information Institute: "Remedies" -
7. Merck Manual: "Medical Definitions of Remedies" -
8. Smith, J. (2020). “ The Impact of Antibiotics on Public Health*. Medical Journal of
9. Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy: "Remedies" -

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