In Classroom Interaction at Vocational High School in Makassar

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ISSN 2747-2671 (online)

Vol. 2 No. 5, 2022

in Classroom Interaction at
Vocational High School in Makassar
Penggunaan Bahasa Pengajaran Guru dalam Interaksi Kelas pada Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan di Makassar

Rahmi Ikawati Lestari*, Syarifuddin Dollah, Haryanto Atmowardoyo

English Education Study Program, Universitas Negeri Makassar, Makassar, Indonesia
*Corresponding authors :


The participants of this research were two English teacher and two classes of tenth grades students at SMKN 10
Makassar. The data of this research were collected by observation. The obtained data were analyzed in four major
phases namely data collection, data display, data condensation and drawing conclusion. The results of this research
revealed that teachers used first language, target language, local language, code mixing and code switching in
classroom interactions. Teachers used Bahasa Indonesia more than English in instructional talk and management

Keywords: language use, classroom interaction.

Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengeksplor penggunaan Bahasa guru. Peneletian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif
kualitatif. Partisipan penelitian ini adalah 2 guru Bahasa Inggris kelas 10 di SMKN 10 Makassar. Dalam penelitian ini, data
diperoleh melalui observasi. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis dalam 4 tahap utama yaitu pengumpulan data, penyajian data,
kondensasi data dan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa guru menggunakan Bahasa Indonesia, Bahasa
Inggris, Bahasa daerah, code mixing dan code switching dalam interaksi kelas. Dalam penggunaan Bahasa sebagai Bahasa
instruksi dan Bahasa menejemen kelas guru lebih banyak menggunakan Bahasa Indonesia daripada Bahasa inggris.

Kata kunci: penggunaan Bahasa, interaksi kelas.


1. INTRODUCTION is a reasonable choice as long as it is controlled by the

necessity for the first language and provides great
In Indonesia, English is chosen as a foreign language or advantages in learning the target language.
EFL (English as a Foreign Language). As a foreign
language, teachers should use English in classroom Interaction in the language classroom has advantages
interactions because learning a foreign language is a to the students' speaking performance, therefore the
process that highly depends on the context in which it study of classroom interaction is considerably
occurs. The most effective and efficient way to learn a important and worth to be analyzed. One of the aspects
foreign language is through practice. The more to be analyzed during interaction is the teacher's
students practice, the more fluent their language language use. Teachers' language in EFL classroom
becomes. For students to acquire foreign language refers to the use of language in teaching English in the
skills, it is necessary to surround them with the target classroom (Zulfah, Rasyid, Rahman, & Rahman, 2015).
language and be in a situation where they need to use Teacher language use is defined as any words or
it. To place students in this situation, teachers can sentences said by the teacher during the interaction in
create an English-language interaction space in the the teaching-learning process. She divided the use of
classroom where students are surrounded by the target language relates to language position (first, second,
language. So they have more time to practice and can and foreign language), language function
also bring more benefits to the students. (instructional and management talk), and use the
extent of language use (frequency of language use).
Students need comprehensible input as a theory of Thus, the purpose of this research was to describe the
Krashen (1982), comprehensible input refers to the way teachers' language use in terms of instructional and
the learner acquires the language by hearing and management talk. By conducting this research, the
understanding the message that is slightly above their researcher hoped can gradually enable and empower
current English level. Students can develop their the teachers and also the students to understand,
speaking skills by listening to teachers engage in more interact, and communicate more in classroom
foreign language input in the target language in interaction. So, English learning goals can be achieved.
classroom interactions, and practice them when they
have the opportunity to communicate. In terms of
acquisition, the teacher's use of language is important
as it may be the most important source of 2. LITERATURE REVIEW
understandable input in the target language that
students may receive.
According to British Council, language use refers to the
communicative meaning of language, it deals with the
Not all teachers are devoted to using the target
language that the teacher uses in the classroom.
language for instruction, interaction, and activity in the
According to Ellis (1985), interest in language in the
classroom during the teaching and learning process.
classroom has continuously increased, owing to the
Teachers rarely speak in English because they are
realization that successful outcomes may be influenced
concerned that the students will not understand the
by the teacher's language and the type of interactions
instruction or material if the teacher does so.
that occur in the classroom, whether it is a subject or a
Furthermore, if the teacher fails to include target
language instruction.
language into classroom activities, the teaching process
will be ineffective. Aside from that, the necessity for
intelligible teachers' language is critical because if
the teacher in teaching English in classroom, either first
students do not comprehend what the teacher delivers
language or English. It refers to all that teacher say and
or explains about the target language, they will not
read. Teachers' language, according to Xiao-Yan (2006),
receive any information from the teacher during the
is not only the subject of the course, but also the tools
learning process and may thus fail the course.
by which the teaching purpose is achieved. The
Therefore, some of the teachers assume that the use of
teacher's use of language helps to organize the
the learners' First Language (L1) or Bahasa Indonesia
classroom and achieve the purpose of teaching.
has a crucial and facilitating role in the language
classroom. Brown (2001) argues that using students'
first language in a foreign language classroom setting


2.2. Kinds of Language Use 1) Instructional Talk

Teacher language use as explaining in background Instructional talk is used to present teaching or
divided in three parts as introduced by (Zulfah, language content. Language is used in teaching the
Rasyid, Rahman, & Rahman, 2015). lesson. There are five contexts in instructional talk.
1) The use of language relates to language position a) Giving explanation
(first, second, and foreign language). b) Giving direction
2) Language use relates to language function c) Giving Correction
(instructional and management talk). d) Asking a question
3) Language use relates to the use extent of language e) Answering the question
use (frequency of language use).
2) Management Talk
Relating to teacher language function and the Management talk is utilized to handle
frequency language use, Kaneko (1992) divides the classroom activities Language is used for ongoing
activities within the classroom that are not inherently
1) Language used for core goals: the language used for part of the classroom. It can be concluded that
course organization needs (eg, instructor guidance, management talk is the utterances or transactional
addressing student behavior, and student questions expressions used to guide teacher and student
about course organization needs). interactions in the classroom from start to finish. There
2) Language used for framework goals: language used are fifteen contexts in management talk.
for the organization requirements for the lesson a) Greeting
b) Checking presence
rganization c) Giving instruction
requirements of the lesson). d) Giving Direction
3) Language used for social goals: language used for e) Giving announcement
personal information (eg, greetings, conversations f) Giving advice
about personal experiences unrelated to the g) Encouraging students
teaching purpose of the course) h) Giving reprimanding
i) Giving Praise
The language functions of instructional talk and j) Giving punishment
management talk are related to the teacher's job as a k) Giving thanks
teacher and a manager in the classroom (Brown, 2001). l) Making humor
A competent teacher possesses both educational and m) Asking question
management skills. Management skills involve n) Answering question
providing effective instruction and controlling student o) Closing activity
discipline and behavior, such as: presence,
condemnation, reward, encouragement, and 2.3. Classroom Interaction
promotion of interaction. Instructional skill involves Classroom activities require interaction. It facilitates
the teacher's interpretation of topics, questioning and the smooth teaching and learning process and can
answering of students' questions and answers, while improve learners' communication skills, especially
leadership competencies involve effective instruction when learning English as a foreign language. It is
and control of student discipline and behavior, such as: accrued every day in the classroom activities between
encouragement and encouragement of attendance, the teacher and the students. The interaction between
blame, reward, interaction. teacher and students in the classroom is called
classroom interaction.
As the purpose of this research which is specially
Classroom interactions initially focused on the
function, they are instructional talk and management language used by teachers, in particular teacher's
talk used by the teacher in classroom interaction, the questions and students' responses triggered teacher
ideas and concept stated by some expert conclude by feedback and behavior for sequential matching.
(Zulfah, Rasyid, Rahman, & Rahman, 2015): interaction between teachers and students, which can


be either teacher-student interaction or student- another. According to Khan (2009), classroom

student interaction (Tsui, 2001). interaction encourages students to participate actively
in the learning process. It indicates that if the teacher
Classroom interaction is the interaction between provides students the opportunity to speak, they will
teachers and students in the classroom. Classroom be eager to engage in the learning process. Classroom
interaction stimulates students' interest in classroom interaction, as defined above, is every interaction that
communication. Goronga (2013) asserts that classroom occurs during the teaching and learning process and
interaction engages students in the teaching and must be maintained by the teacher.
learning process. This means that interactions in the
classroom can encourage students to get involved. 2.4. Typical Phases of Classroom Activities
Classroom interactions help students share with each Teacher should manage their teaching activity start
other the information they gain from the material. from open to end the class in order to make teaching
Radford (2011) claims that it is through interactions in and learning activity systematically. Rasyid (2013)
the classroom that the learning process between divided the phases that the EFL teacher does in
students occurs as they share knowledge or classroom, which are beginning, running and closing
understand each other. This means that interaction in the class. The phases of teaching activity are mentioned
the classroom encourages students to share with each below.
other what they know and learn. 1) Beginning the class
2) Running the class
Students will learn how much they participate in class 3) Ending/closing the class
through classroom interaction, and the teacher will
learn how well they take time to talk. Aside from that,
classroom interaction is critical for the teacher to 3. METHOD
evaluate their teaching method and make changes if
necessary. It signifies that the teacher's teaching style The research employed descriptive qualitative
will shift from teacher-centered to student-centered, method, which attempted to describe the teacher's
which is critical for a communicative approach. language use in classroom interaction. This study
was carried out at SMK Negeri 10 Makassar. This
Teachers' teaching styles are linked to classroom study used purposive sampling in defining the
interaction. According to Creemers and Kyriakides sample of the research. The participants were two
(2006), classroom interaction is strongly influenced by English teachers who have been certified and two
the teacher's personality. The connection appears at classes of tenth grade student at SMK Negeri 10
the more varied teaching styles a teacher employs, the Makassar. The data of this research were collected by
more the teacher know how to engage students in observation, and documentation by recorded the
classroom interaction. It means that the teacher is the teaching and learning process then analyzed through
one who will ensure that students participate actively interactive model of Miles & Huberman (2014).
and meaningfully in classroom interactions.

Classroom interaction involves the teacher and 4. FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION

students as interaction in using target language. In the 4.1. Findings
classroom, communication is mostly initiated and 1) language use in classroom interaction
maintained by the teachers. They are as the key holder Instructional talk to present lesson or language content.
of classroom communication, play prominent roles to In other words, language is used for teaching. In this
manage the classroom participant and stimulate language function, most of the utterances which the
teacher used were about the pedagogical talk, which is
is responsible for managing classroom interaction. If related to teaching, displaying knowledge of what one
the teacher is unable to manage the classroom has learned or understand, and/or knowledge
interaction, the students will become chaotic and loud. construction. There are five contexts in instructional
It will result in the failure of the teaching and learning talk. They are giving direction, giving correction,
process. A good classroom interaction also depends on giving explanation, asking question, and answering
how the teacher allows students to interact with one question. By analyzing the transcripts of the video


recordings, the researchers discovered all five types of Extract 2 above shows the teacher instructed the
this feature in classroom interactions, as shown below. students about next activity and the way they should
do their task at the time. She used first language in
2) Giving explanation giving instru
This language feature provides detailed information semuanya tulis dibukunya. Tulis kata kerja ini, verb
about teaching material. At the core of the teaching one dan verb two. Disini ada 35 kata, jadi semuanya
process is interpreting the material. In this part, the nanti mam periksa. Jadi jam 12.50 semua sudah harus
teacher explains the material to the students in the first
language and the target language. English me
book. Write this verb in verb one and verb two. Here,
Extract 1, teacher 1. Study about memo, menu, sign and there are 35 of verb, so later I will check your task. So
symbol, schedule at 12.50 all of you must have already wrote it in your
The following conversation was taken place in teacher rd
1 first meeting when he explained the material. like okay, verb one and verb two. For the other form
T : the teacher used first language. The teacher used first
before, sebelum ada WA atau sms ini sangat language to make sure the students understand the
penting ya. Okay itu yang pertama. Kalau ada yang way they should do their ask.
Tanya what memo is? memo is similar with sms or
whatsapp. 4) Giving correction
(so memo is like a massage or whatsapp. Memo is This language function takes place as the way the
important before there is a whatsapp or massage.)

Extract 1 above shows the way the teacher explained explanation or direction about the mistakes and how to
the material of the day. Firstly, the teacher informed correct it.
the students about what they are going to study. After
that, he asked a question to the students about their Extract 3, teacher 1: Asking about the price
prior knowledge of the material of the day. The extract T : okay, harga. How to say in English Rp. 10.000
above shows that the teacher used first language and perbotol?
target language (code mixing) in explaining material to S27 : ten thousand rupiah
make students understand about the materials given. T : okay ten thousand rupiah for one bottle.

3) Giving Direction Extract 3 above shows the way teacher 1 corrected the
In this language function the teacher instructed the
students to do something related to the material which students what does the price mean, after the students
was discussed that day. answered then the teacher asked again how to say Rp.
10.000/bottle. Then, the other student just mentioned
Extract 2, teacher 2: Asking the students to do the task the nominal not in complete sentence. The teacher then

in teacher 2 first meeting when she was giving the used target language in correcting the student answer
students a task to be done at the time. when a student mentioned only the nominal. He used
Ss : <xwordsx> target language in form of sentences because he
T : okay sekarang, semuanya tulis dibukunya. Tulis
kata kerja ini, verb one dan verb two. Disini ada sentence. When the student mentioned the price, it was
35 kata, jadi semuanya nanti mam periksa. Jadi
jam 12.50 semua sudah harus ada 35 dibukunya
verb one and verb two. Jadi kita tinggal belajar target language in form of sentence to show the
narrative text students about how the correct way to saying it.
(So now, all of you write this on your book.
Write the verb, verb one and verb two. Here 5) Asking question

comprehension toward teaching material. During the


teaching and learning process, the teacher used target T : commonly restaurant is bigger than food
language and first language to ask the question to the court ya. Jadi biasanya restoran lebih besar
students as described in the extract below.
Extract 4, teacher 1: Study about memo, menu, Extract 5 above shows that the teacher used target
schedule, sign and symbol
This following conversation was taken place in the
beginning of teaching process after the teacher in English is food court so one of the students asked the
informed the students what they were going to study. difference of food court and restaurant. Then, the
T :Do you have listen or do you know what memo is?
Adakah yang pernah mendengar apa itu language first then followed with first language by
(Anyone has heard about what memo is?) ya. Jadi biasanya restoran lebih besar
S6 : catatan sir target language first then followed with Bahasa
T : okay, catatan. What else? Apalagi? Indonesia to make the students could understand the
S18 : pesan singkat sir explanation.
T : Pesan singkat, good.
In this language function, most of the utterances which
Extract 4 above shows that the teacher used target is the teacher used was to manage classroom activity.
language and first language in giving questions to the Language is used for ongoing activities within the
students. At the time, teacher informed students about lesson which are not inherently part of teaching. The
the material of the day and then he asked some researcher found thirteen kinds of language function in
questions to kn this category as explained below;
material. He used target language in asking question
This language function of management talk
happened when the teacher entered the classroom
it in first language. There was a student who answered then started the learning process and before living the
his qu classroom in ending process.
mentioning again the student answer. Then he asked
again to get more information from the other students. Extract 6. teacher 2: Opening the class
The following conversation was taken place at
the beginning of the classroom activity in teacher 2 first
question. As usually, he responded the students meeting.
answer by mentioning again their answer and give T : wahyu siapkan, yok.
praise to those students. He used code switching in S6 : stand up please. Say greeting to our teacher.
asking question to make students understand the SS : assalamualaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh
T : waalaikumsalam warahmatullahi
answering his question. wabarakatuh. Good morning everyone how
are you today?
6) Answering Question Ss : fine, and you?
Answering question was given response to the T : I am good, thanks
S : sit down please.

Extract 5. teacher 1: The difference of food court and Extract 6 above shows the routine activity in opening
restaurant the English subject class. Before starting the class, the
The following conversation was happened in the teacher asked the students to greet her in order to
middle of teaching process when the teacher mention make the students ready to study. There was a
food court after he explained where the menu can be student then led the class to greet the teacher. The
found. students greeted also used Islamic greetings by
S10 : sir what the different between food court and


same opening process also occurred in different class used first language because she just made
section. The following extract is another example of conversation with the students.
greeting in closing activity.
8) Giving direction
This language function of management talk was to This language function of management talk was giving
information about procedure or how to do activity in
the students present, absent, or sick. classroom.

Extract 7 name Extract 9, teacher 2: Doing the game

The following extract was taken place in the T : okay. Aturannya ya, baca, kemudian kasih
beginning of teaching process in teacher 1 first meeting saya verb two nya kemudian kasih saya
before they start the lesson. apasih bahasa indonesianya. Do you follow me?
T : I am good, thank you. Okay before we start, okay (The rule is, read and then tell me the verb two
please listen to your name ya. Hadir, where is then tell me the meaning)
Hadir? Ss : yes
S5 : absent sir.
T : absent? Okay. Ainun. Extract 9 above shows the way teacher in giving
S5 : absent sir direction to the students. At the time, the students
T : oh my god! Akbar were playing the game. Then the teacher gave the
S3 : yes, sir! direction to the students about the rule of the game.
The teacher used first language by saying
Extract 7 above shows the way teacher checked the ya, baca, kemudian kasih saya verb two nya kemudian
kasih saya apasih bahasa indonesianya
the lesson, the teacher called their name. firstly, the
teacher asked the students to keep attention in
hearing their name. he used target language to get
student continued using first language again. She used first
language to make the students understand about the
sentences without translated it in first language. It rule of the game of the day.
was because all students could understand the
meaning. Then the teacher called the students name 9) Giving announcement
one by one l This language function of management talk was giving
on. information to the students.

7) Giving instruction Extract 10, teacher 2: Doing the game

This language function of management talk was asking The following conversation was taken place in teacher
students to do something now or soon which no 2 first meeting, when the students were playing the
related with teaching material. game.
T : sudah lewat waktunya. Mam kasih saja tiga
Extract 8, teacher 2: Opening the class poin. Thank you nasrul, sit down. Ayok siapa lagi
The following extract was taken place in teacher 2 first kelompok selanjutnya? Ayo cepat-cepat.
meeting at the beginning of classroom activity before (Time is up, I will give you 3 points)
the teaching process started. Sss :<xwordsx>
T : wahyu siapkan, yok.
(Wahyu, prepare the class) Extract 10 above shows the teacher used first language
S6 : stand up please. Say greeting to our teacher in giving information to the students. At the time, the
students were playing a game and the time is up. So,
Extract 8 above shows the way of giving instruction the teacher informed th
from teacher 2. At the time, the teacher instructed the they just get 3 points. She used first language to
student to led the class to greet her. She instructed the informed the students so the students could get the
information clearly


11) Encouraging students Ss : yes

Encouraging is one of the teacher utterances that used Extract 12 above shows the way the teacher in giving
spirit during the teaching and reprimanding to the students. At the time, the teacher
learning process. The teacher encouraging students by was opening the lesson by standing in front of the class.
challenging them and trying to make them to do the The class was crowded. There were some students who
task in the classroom. were not pay attention to her. They were talking to
each other. At first, the teacher was asking the students
Extract 11, teacher 2: Doing the task who was talking right now, after the students
This following extract was taken place in answered then the teacher warned the students that
first meeting. they should go out if the other one talked other than
T : hei, kamu tinggal menulis saja ini, sudah tidak her. She used first language and target language in
usah berpikir. Kasihkan saja, biar dia tulis. Yang
menebak yang disini.

and the other one guess it)

Ss : cook, cooked language first to emphasize her statement easily to be
understood by the students, so they realized what they
Extract 11 above shows the way of the teacher in did was wrong, then she used target language in term
encouraging her students. At the time, the material was
about narrative text. Firstly, the teacher asked the believed that the sentence was easily to be understood.
students to write the verb in past form, but there was a
student did not want to write because she afraid that 13) Giving Praise
her answered was wrong. Then, the teacher In the middle of the teaching and learning process,
encouraged that student using first language by saying during the interaction with students, the teacher
kamu tinggal menulis saja ini, sudah tidak usah berpikir. praised the students for the achievement that they
Which in English means made.
write it and the
Extract 13, teacher 2: Answering a question
make the student understand easily and also by using T : What narrative text is?
first language would be touched the student itself. The S10 : narrative text adalah text yang berisi cerita
teacher tried to make the students realize that it was no khayalan
problem in making mistake in learning process T : good, great.
because they were still learner.
Extract 13 above shows the way teacher in giving
12) Giving Reprimanding praise to the students. At the time, the teacher asked
Giving reprimanding was the teacher criticize the students about their previous lesson about
narrative text. Then there was a student answered the
meaning of narrative text, the teacher gave a praise to
communicating anger, criticism, displeasure, the s
annoyance, and rejection.
word was easily to be understood.
Extract 12, teacher 2: Opening the lesson
The following conversation was taken place in teacher 14) Giving thanks
2 first meeting, when the teacher was opening the Giving thanks was expressing grateful or telling thank.
lesson while other students were talking to another The teacher gives thanks if students do teacher
student. instruction or request.
T : all right. Siapa yang bicara?
Ss : mam ely Extract 14
T : berarti kalau ada yang bicara dan bukan The following conversation was taken in in teacher 1
mam, you go out. Do you understand me?
(so, if someone talk and not mam, you go out) condition.


T : okay how are you this morning? 16) Asking question

SS : fine, thank you. Kalau kita sir bagaimana? Asking question of language function in management
T : I am good, thank you. talk was the teacher used to asking information to the
students. This kind of questions were no relation to
Extract 14 above shows that the teacher used target teaching material.
language in giving thanks. At the time, the teacher
Extract 16. teacher 1: Beginning the teaching activity
answered then the students asked the teacher about his The following conversation was taken place in
condition too . So he said thanks to the students. He the beginning of teaching activity in teacher 1 first
The teacher used target language in form of phrase, T : okay how are you this morning?
because that expression was familiar with all the SS : fine, thank you. Kalau kita sir bagaimana?
students. T : I am good, thank you.

15) Making Humor Extract 16 above shows the teacher asked a question
Making humor was telling jokes and kissing or telling which no relation with teaching material. The teacher
funny utterance to make students laugh. This kind of
language use can help or create a more positive question in opening classroom section in English
learning environment by breaking down barriers to subject class. The teacher used target language in
communication between the teacher and the students. asking questi
So, the students could speak more and feel more
confident. that question was familiar question for the students.
Extract 15, teacher 1: Explaining material So, all the students were already known the meaning
T : ok in English, the first one we called positive, of that question.
positive degree. The second one, comparative degree
and the last is superlative degree 17) Answering question
S : superlative Answering question was gi
T : bukan superman yah, tapi superlative. Ok jadi question which no relation to teaching material.
yang pertama perbandingan positive, yang kedua
perbandingan lebih and the last is perbandingan Extract 17, teacher 1: Usually question in the opening
paling. Ok, positive section
The following conversation was taken place in
SS : positive lebih dan paling the beginning of teacher 1 first meeting.
T : okay how are you this morning?
Extract 15 above shows the way teacher in making SS : fine, thank you. Kalau kita sir bagaimana?
humor. At the time, the material was about comparison T : I am good, thank you.
or degree. When the teacher mentioned the types of
degree of comparison, then there was a student Extract 17 above shows the way of the teacher in
mentioned 1 types of degree of comparison which was
superlative. Then, the teacher made humor using first question occurred in opening section. As the usually
rman yah, tapi question in opening section, the teacher asked the
students question about their condition. After the
superlative, okay) this statement indicates that the students answered that question, they asked back
pronoun of superlative is almost same with superman, about their teacher condition too. The teacher then
so the teacher made a humor like that. The teacher used answered that question used target language by saying
first language in making humor because using the first
language the funny of the humor could be understood the sentence was familiar with the students.
easily by the students.
18) Closing activity
This was the part when the teacher wants to end the
teaching and learning process. This language function


was giving information to students that learning In giving correction and answering question only
activity was ended. occurred in teacher 1 classroom activity. In giving
correction the teacher used target language. The
Extract 18. teacher 2: Ending the class teacher used target language in term of sentences
The following conversation was taken place at the end because the teacher showed ow the correct sentences
of second meeting in teacher 2 teaching activity. actually. In answering question, the teacher used target
T : oke, time is up. Cukup untuk pelajarannya language because the student also asked in target
hari ini. Oke see you, thank you. language.

Ss : Thank you mam In asking question, both teachers used target language
and first language. Teacher 1 checke
Extract 18 above shows the way of closing activity in comprehension by asking question used target
English class subject classroom. Before leaved the language then he translated it in first language. It was
class, the teacher informed that the time was end by the same way with the teacher 2 in asking question to
the students.

In management talk, language is used to manage

lesson . The teacher used code switching, he used classroom activities. The teachers used language for
target language then followed by first language to the ongoing activities within lesson which are not
emphasize that information. inherently part of teaching the lesson. It was about
greeting, checking presence, giving instruction, giving
4.2. Discussion direction, giving announcement, giving advice,
Connected with findings, the data reveal that the encouraging students, giving reprimanding, giving
teacher used English, Bahasa Indonesia, code mixing praise, giving punishment, giving thanks, making
and code switching in classroom interaction. There are humor, asking question, answering question, and
eighteen kinds of language function that the teachers closing activity. From the fifteen-language function in
used in classroom interaction. Based on Zulfah (2015), management talk, the researcher found thirteen
language function divided into two parts namely language function occurred in teacher 1 and teacher 2
instructional talk and management talk. classroom interaction. They are greeting, checking
presence, giving instruction, giving direction, giving
In explaining material teacher 1 and teacher 2 used first announcement, encouraging students, giving praise,
language to make the material easily to be understood giving thanks, making humor, asking question,
by the students. Khati (2011), claims that most students answering question, and closing activity. There were
felt that mother tongue should be used to understand two language function in management talk which not
the difficult concept better, in the other words, it is occurred in teacher 1 and teacher 2 classroom activities,
they were giving advice and giving punishment.
concept in target language. In line with Cook (2001),
first language could be used to teach explicit grammar In greetings, the way the opening and closing section
rules to students to help them get a better in teacher 1 and teacher 2 almost the same. There was
understanding of these grammar rules. student led the class to greet their teacher, then the

In giving direction, both teachers used first language to 1 and teacher 2 classroom, they used Islamic religion
explain how students should do their task. The greetings and the teachers also greeted the students
teachers used first language to make the students using English greetings.
understand easily. Khati (2011), assumes that in order
to carry out the task, the students, must understand In checking presence, teacher 1 only used target
what they have to do. The teachers used target
language then translated into the first language or
directly using first language to make the students and also, she used target language and directly
understand about what they have should do. translate it in first language when asking who is absent.


In giving instruction, giving direction, and giving enhance the quality of interaction and it would not be
announcement both teachers used target language and restricted or banned in the classroom language process.
first language. They used that language to make sure The teachers also used code mixing, the used target
the students understand what they instructed. language in term of word or phrase for some familiar
vocabulary. The differences between this study and
In encouraging students both teachers also used first previous study was sometimes the teacher use local
language and mixed it with English in form of words language to make the class atmosphere less tense so the
or sentences where the teachers believed the words or students can enjoy the learning process.
sentences that they used were easy to be understood by
the students.

From the result of this study, in classroom interaction
she used first language and mixed it with English in the teachers used Bahasa Indonesia, English, local
form of word, phrase or sentence to critize the language, code-mixing and code switching. Related
with teachers' language use in terms of instructional
talk, it was found that all of the language function were
In giving praise and thanks, both teachers used target uttered by all teachers in classroom interaction. Related
language because this expression is familiar using in with teachers' language use in terms of management
classroom activity. In making humor, teacher 1 used talk, it was found that from fifteen language function
first language. The kind of language use can help to only two language function was not uttered by the
create a more positive learning environment by teacher 2. It was giving advice and giving punishment.
breaking down barriers to communication between In teacher 1 classroom interaction there were three
teacher and students. So the students could speak more language functions were not uttered. They were giving
and feel more confident. In making joke, the teacher advice, giving reprimanding, and giving punishment,
used first language to make the students understand while in teacher 2 classroom interaction there were five
the joke. So, the joke was perceived by the students. language function were not uttered. They were giving
humor correction, and answering question in instructional
was nothing. talk and also giving advice, giving punishment and
making humor. In classroom interaction the teachers
Asking question and answering question occurred in use first language, target language, code switching and
teacher 1 and teacher 2 classroom activity. The question code mixing. All teachers in language function and
and the answer were no relation to teaching material. management talk used more for first language than
The teachers used target language to ask and to answer target language. The teachers use more for target
the question. language in management talk than instructional talk.

In closing activity, the teachers also used target

language. The teachers closed the class by informing REFERENCES
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