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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

Activity Completion Report

School: Rizal National High School
Training Dates: January 24-26 and January 29-30, 2024
Focus Area: Mid-Year Performance Review and Evaluation for SY 2023-2024
Teachers : 15
Para teacher : 1
School Head : 1
The school-based in-service training cum mid-year performance review and evaluation
for the SY 2023-2024 at Rizal National High School took place from January 24-26 and January
29-30, 2024. The training aimed to enhance the professional development of teachers and
support staff while assessing their performance during the mid-year period. The training agenda
covered various topics, including the mid-year performance review and evaluation procedures,
evaluation of Means of Verification (MOVs) and validation of Individual Performance
Commitment and Review Form (IPCRF) ratings, Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE)
overview, child protection, and more.
The facilitators of these sessions were experienced and knowledgeable educators who
provided valuable insights into the respective topics. Sir Denijun S. Alvar, the Head Teacher-In-
Charge, played a crucial role in guiding the participants through the mid-year performance
review and evaluation procedures and discussing the framework for understanding child
protection and child protection laws. Additionally, Jedael T. Guasa, a Teacher III and CSE
Coordinator, led sessions on CSE integration and learner-centered methodologies.
This activity completion report aims to summarize the key discussions and outcomes of
each day's activities, highlighting the importance of the training in enhancing teachers'
professional growth and promoting a safe and conducive learning environment for all students.

Day 1:

Activity 1: Discussion on Mid-Year Performance Review and Evaluation Procedures and Other
Related Processes
Facilitator: Denijun S. Alvar (HTI)
This activity aimed to familiarize the participants with the procedures and processes
involved in the mid-year performance review and evaluation. Denijun S. Alvar, the Head Teacher
In-Charge, led the discussion and provided detailed insights into the evaluation framework. The
participants actively engaged in the session and sought clarifications on various evaluation

Activity 2: Evaluation of MOVs and Validation of IPCRF Ratings (per teacher)

Facilitator: Denijun S. Alvar (HT I)

In this activity, Sir Denijun S. Alvar continued to guide the participants through the
evaluation process. The focus was on reviewing and validating the individual employee's Means
of Verification (MOVs) and their corresponding ratings in the Individual Performance
Commitment and Review Form (IPCRF). The participants diligently assessed the provided
MOVs and ensured the accuracy of the ratings.

Day 2:

Activity 2 (Continuation): Evaluation of MOVs and Validation of IPCRF Ratings (per teacher)
Facilitator: Denijun S. Alvar (Head Teacher)

On the second day, Sir Denijun S. Alvar resumed the evaluation and validation process.
With his guidance, the participants meticulously evaluated the remaining MOVs and further
verified the IPCRF ratings. Attention was given to maintaining consistency and fairness
throughout the review process.

Day 3:

Activity 1: CSE Overview and CSE Road Map

Activity 2: Alignment of Monitoring and Evaluation of CSE Tools, Lesson Exemplar & DLP
Preparation of Lessons with CSE Integration and Learner-Centered Methodologies in CSE
Facilitator: Jedael T. Guasa (Teacher III and CSE Coordinator)

Sir Jedael T. Guasa, Teacher III and CSE Coordinator, facilitated the activities on the
third day. The morning session focused on providing an overview of the Comprehensive
Sexuality Education (CSE) program and its roadmap. In the afternoon, the participants explored
the alignment of CSE tools, lesson exemplars, and Detailed Lesson Plans (DLP) with CSE
integration and learner-centered methodologies. The sessions fostered a deeper understanding of
CSE and its integration into the curriculum.
Day 4:

Activity: Continuation of CSE Topics

Facilitator: Denijun S. Alvar (HT-I)

Sir Denijun S. Alvar, the Head Teacher-In-Charge, continued the discussion on CSE-
related topics. The participants delved into the framework for understanding child protection and
child protection laws. Denijun S. Alvar provided key insights, emphasizing the importance of
creating a safe and secure environment for students.

Day 5:

Activity 1: Handling Child Protection Incidents

Activity 2: Child Protection and the Need for It
Activity 3: Guide for CPS in Handling Cases of Abuse and Violence in Schools
Facilitator: Denijun S. Alvar (HT-I)

On the final day of the training, Sir Denijun S. Alvar comprehensively addressed the
critical aspects of child protection. The topics covered included handling child protection
incidents, the importance of child protection in educational institutions, and a guide for Child
Protection Specialists (CPS) in dealing with cases of abuse and violence. Denijun S. Alvar's
facilitation helped the participants gain valuable knowledge and skills in promoting a safe and
secure learning environment for all students.

In conclusion, the school-based in-service training cum mid-year performance review and
evaluation at Rizal National High School for the SY 2023-2024 was a comprehensive and
productive event. The training covered essential topics such as the mid-year performance review
and evaluation procedures, validation of IPCRF ratings, CSE integration, and child protection.
Through the facilitation of experienced educators, the participants gained valuable knowledge
and skills that will contribute to their professional development and the overall improvement of
the school's performance.
The training provided a platform for meaningful discussions, clarifications, and sharing
of best practices among the participants. It fostered a spirit of collaboration and continuous
improvement, with teachers and support staff actively engaging in the evaluation and validation
process. The focus on CSE integration and learner-centered methodologies highlighted the
school's commitment to holistic education and the development of well-rounded students.
Furthermore, the sessions on child protection emphasized the school's dedication to
creating a safe and secure learning environment for all students. By equipping the participants
with the necessary knowledge and guidelines, the training aimed to empower Child Protection
Specialists and other staff members to respond effectively to incidents and uphold the rights and
welfare of every student.
Overall, the school-based in-service training cum mid-year performance review and
evaluation proved to be a valuable opportunity for professional growth and enhancement in
various areas. The insights gained and skills acquired during the training will undoubtedly
contribute to the continuous improvement of Rizal National High School and the positive
development of its students.

Prepared by:


Brigada Pabasa Volunteer/Participant

Noted by:

Mr. Denijun S. Alvar

School Head


January 24-26, 29-30, 2024


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