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Capt saat

1 hour 10 mins
Preparation as c/o before departure
All cert to carry onboard with expiry date
Anchor procedure full details and how to know the amount of shackles to pay out for that particular depth
Dry dock in stability aspect and how many years for new ship and old ship needs to go dry dock
Bernoulli principle in details with formula
Stiff ship and tender ship, full details of stability regarding angle of loll

1.General Alarm
2.Action in case of fire at reefer container onboard gen.cargo ship. How to fight fire and hazard for the container
3.Safe water mark (spherical) explain all
4.Port hand lateral buoy region A-explain all
5.East cardinal mark-explain all, action, heading 180
6.Certificate to be carried onboard, which issued by Mardept and which issued by class
7.SEEMP contains, and how to comply
8.VGM( verrified gross mass, container) explain
9. As ISM internal auditor, what you check.
10. Vessel 50m or more in length seen from starboard side

Capt. Saat
1h 30 min
1.Latest conventions-explain all, Nairobi Convention included
2.Annex 1 Marpol-Explain, including insurance
3.All insurance-explain all and its coverage
4.Load line- draw proper plimsol mark and explain all measurements, including FWA,DWA(meaning and purpose)
5.Preferred channel to starboard-region A,-action entering port
6.Crossing Situation-Stand On Vessel action when give way vessel not taking action
7.CO Responsibility
8.MLC Survey preparation

1. Preferred channel and safe water mark
2. Drydocking interm of stability
3.Trs - all
4. Certificate...all survey
5. Load line mark - explaination
6. Ballast water management
7.type of detail
8. Comfortable rolling period

1. Rule 7,rule 3, fishing vessel
2. Certificates to be carried onboard
and validity
3. Dry dock/bottom survey

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4.TRS - formation, sign and counter
5. Ballast water management all requirement
6. Marpol certificate requirement
7. Latest stcw amendment
8. Diff annual and periodical for safety equipment in detail
9. Requirement of rescue boat
10.confidence level as chief officer
11. Charter party ( time,voyage,bareboat)
12.laytime, demurrage, dispatch

Alhamdulillah pass...thanks to all

Amjid rafique ghouri

Durtion 1 hrs
1) your sea service
2) last two ships
3) then they ask me last two ship tanker and bulk carier what you found diffrence
4)what is diffrence between two ship hull in tanker and bulk carier
5) ballast water management in detail
6)load lina draw and what is fwa
Mark and firmula of fwa
5)what is gm on tanker and bulk carier diffrence which one is large and small
6)stiff vsl and tender vessel
7)garbage record book new ammendment
8)ask how many annexes in marpole
9)annex 6 in detail
10)all buoys in detail
11)you have seen isolated danger mark in ocean what will you do
12)what is hssc and all certificates and validy and interval
13)which certificate to be carry by bulk carrier carry dg cargo
Alhumdullilah PASS

Capt Saat
1.5 hrs

1. Last ship
2. Seatime and last rank
3. Arrival port action
4. Construct GZ curve
5. Angle of Loll
6. Tender and stiff ship
7. Type of insurance and who give it
8. Type of survey and validity
9. Certificate to be carry onboard
10. Confidence as Chief Officer

*No ROR or BUOY questions at all

Atul Uniyal
Capt saat - 1 hr
1. Type of insurance all.
2. Diff between CLC 92 and Bunker CLC

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3. What is use of P& I . 4.What is blue card.
5. Why shipowner need P&I insurance .(full form and examles- hard, Britannia, UK steamship).
6. Barter trade.
7. What is contracting govt.
8. Psc inspector on board preparation as chief officer and documents to be presented for inspection.
9. Anchoring procedures u r at fwd stn .
10. U r on bridge how u will assist master for counting have many shackels to be used.
11. Which anchor preference , anchor to used in Malaysia and in Australia. Expalin and draw .
12. Angle of loll
13. Gz curve in detail.
14. During voyage how to check stability.
15. Suddenly vsl heel 10° exlapin and steps u will take.and correct both hell and angle of loll.
16. Stability criteria.
16. Stiff and tender ship. Why stiff have large gm and tender small gm.
17. What precaution u will take when u r in tender ship and securing of Ur vsl .
18. HSSC in detail. What is the difference between survey intervals in various certificate. Have to expalin all about 9
certs. And there validity
19. BWM in detail and exemption.
20. detail . Each annex , certs , additional documents
21. Sts manual requirements.
22. U have draught 10 m. Charted depth 9m , low tide 1.5 m . What is Ur ukc. He is asking whether u can calculate for
low tide or not.
23. Ecdis requirements, can u sail.without paper charts (backup) even though u have three ecdis. And these three ecdis is
not endorsed in ur cargo ship safety equipment cert.
24. Stcw manila amendments regulation new
25. What certificate will AB and chief cook will carry.
26. Rest hours
27. Ur anchor is foul. How u will make Ur anchor chain free.Anchor fouling have to take out. He only wants to listen
using wire rest all cock story he don't want .
28. Anchor terms anchor brought up how u know
Anchor aweigh
29. Dragging anchor how u know
30. Drydock and in water survey. Requirement. He want to listen that oil tankers and bulk carrier more than 15 years
must go drydock. It's compulsory. For cargo ships more than 15 years old.

Oliqul Islam
Time 37 Mins.
Al-Hamdulillah Pass.

1. Last ship.
2. Which convention has the latest ammendment regrading Tanker.
3. How the tanker ship different from other ship.
4. What are the changes in Manila ammendments regarding Tanker.
5. Design And construction of a tanker.
6. Stability in term of Tanker.
7. Period of rolling how on tanker and how draw.
8. What is the importance of Righting lever.
9. How much GM tanker should have for comfortable rolling period.
10. Stiff ship Tender ship.
11. Which Marpol annex related to tanker Tell in details.
12. Marpol Annex 2,3,4,5,6 in details.
13. What is sewage, waste and sludge?
14. Ballast water Management full including Record book.

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15. Purpose of ODMCS.
16. Can you Ballast exchange in port?
17. Mlc everything. Including latest ammendments.
18. All type of Marine Insurance.
19. How do you make sure your vessel have enough stability throughout the voyage?
20. Imo stability criteria Draw amd Explain all areas.
21. Free surface effect and Formula.
22. Fwa.
23. Dispatch and demurrage.
24. How was your oral today ??

Thank You!

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