Rizal's Life and Works - Thesis Statement - Topic 1

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Dr. Jose Rizal, also known as José Protasio Rizal Mercado y Alonso Realonda.

He was a physician
who also wrote a ton of motivational books. The two best-known pieces he produced are "El
Filibusterismo" and "Noli Me Tangere," which during the Spanish Colony helped many Filipinos
develop a sense of nationalism. Rizal was a prolific author whose works continue to inspire
many Filipinos even after many decades have gone. His book awakens the nationalism of
people not just from the past but also from the present. Rizal wrote a lot about the
wrongdoings committed by Spanish colonizers in the Philippines. He continues to resist and
expose the irregularities of the colonial officials in the Spanish administration because of his
sense of nationalism. In order to awaken the nationality of every Filipino at the time and make
them aware of what was truly happening in the Philippines under Spanish misrule, he used his
talent for writing while sacrificing his family, relationships, position in life, and even his life. He
did this by exposing the atrocities and instability of the colonial administration through his
ability to write. As we continue to construct this thesis statement, we will be able to: identify
the Filipinos who were influenced by Rizal's leadership in the past and present; determine and
trace Rizal's leadership and describe those changes that brought his heroism; and understand
how Rizal's nationality awakened Filipino nationalism during the Spanish Era.

Rizal embodied the best virtues as a Filipino. Despite the most difficult conditions, he persisted
and succeeded. He also sparked the Katipunaneros' uprising, which paved the path for the first
proclamation of independence for the Philippines. All Rizal wanted and desired was to liberate
the Filipinos from the mistreatment and execution of the Spanish toward Filipinos at the time,
which led him to reform a movement known as Propaganda, wherein he became a leader in it.
At the time, Rizal's sole motto was "fighting injustice in society." His leadership style was very
extraordinary. His high mental excellence encouraged him to further his study across Europe.
Rizal spent a lot of time seeking knowledge and bettering himself. Along with his academic
work, he also kept up with current philosophical and scientific debates by studying German,
sculpture, and other languages. He also studied painting and sculpture. He documented and
prepared the literature and platforms that would incite the nationalism of the other
revolutionaries even while in exile in Dapitan. He discovered the Filipino people to be divided,
voiceless, and never aware of their suffering. This, coupled with a strong sense of morality and
selflessness, unwavered the campaign for political and social freedoms. He consistently
contributed to La Solidaridad, which was successful and included several well-known Filipino
heroes, including Andres Bonifacio. In order to expose the brutality of the Spanish colonials,
Rizal even wrote two books. He was assassinated as a result of these things, but he passed
away a hero. Because he instilled in us the value of a solid education, Rizal's leadership style has
had an impact on many Filipinos, both then and now. He exhibited a deep awareness of the
importance of education in his work as a leader, where he worked to enhance the educational
system and the ways in which Filipinos are taught about their rights as citizens and as
individuals. He is aware that, contrary to what the rulers said, it was the Spanish authorities'
neglect of the islands that led to the Philippines' backwardness during the Spanish era rather
than the people's indifference, apathy, or sloth. According to Rizal, education should be used to
promote society and develop citizens' minds. Rizal claimed that since education is the backbone
of society and a necessity for social growth, it is the only way to save the country from
dominance. Furthermore, Rizal's educational philosophy is focused on providing the right
motivation to support strong social forces like legal activists today, who have been awakened
by education that goes beyond academics and includes knowledge of the anomalies occurring
in the administration in this generation. This is done in order to instill in people from the past
and even this generation the innate and desire to develop their own ideas.

Dr. Jose Rizal has motivated many young people in these generation, including myself, to study
hard and value education since he believed that it was essential to our success, not only for
ourselves but also for our country. Remembering his ideas taught us how to be like him in the
ways that he impacted the nation, where he uses his skill for writing novels to uplift the nation's
spirit and transform the circumstances of our life. I wish more people would show the same
patriotism and love for their fellow Filipinos as I do for our nation. And his legacy is something I
won't soon forget. I shall make every effort to complete my coursework because, in the words
of Rizal, "Ang kabataan, ang pag-asa ng bayan."

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