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ze słowem kluczem
Zestaw zadań egzaminacyjnych
z podziałem na zagadnienia leksykalno-gramatyczne

Marta Patkowska-Dudziak
Spis treści

1. Too / not enough 3

2. So / such 4

3. Equative and comparative adjectives 5

4. Comparative and superlative adjectives 6

5. Possessive ‘s / belong to 7

6. Possessive adjectives / possessive pronouns 8

7. Much / many / any / (a) few / (a) little / no 9

8. Have to / not have to 10

9. Present Simple and Present Continuous (time expressions) 11

10.Present Perfect (already / yet / just) 12

11.Past Simple / Present Perfect 13

12.Past Simple / Present Perfect (questions) 14

13.Past Simple / Past Continuous 15

14.Past Simple / Past Perfect 16

15.Conditional 1 17

16.Conditional 1 (if / unless) 18

17.Conditional 2 19

18.Conditional 2 (I wish, if only) 20

19.Speculation: might / may / must / can’t 21

20.Reported speech (statements and orders) 22

21.Reporting verbs 23

22.Reported speech (Yes / no questions) 24

23.Reported speech (Wh-questions) 25

24.Indirect questions (Yes / no questions) 26 Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone 1

25.Indirect questions (Wh-questions) 27

26.Passive voice 28

27.Passive voice (questions) 29

28.Although / even though / despite / in spite of / however 30

29.Let’s / Why don’t we / shall we / how about / what about 31

30.Phrasal verbs 1 32

31.Phrasal verbs 2 33

32.Word formation 34

33.Various 1 35

34.Various 2 36

35.Various 3 37

Revision 38

Klucz odpowiedzi 44 Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone 2


Uzupełnij zdania 1.1.-1.10. tak aby zachować znaczenie zdania wyjściowego. Użyj
wyrazów podanych na końcu zdania w niezmienionej formie. Wymagana jest pełna
poprawność wpisywanych fragmentów. W każdą lukę możesz wpisać maksymalnie
cztery​ wyrazy.

1.1.​ This mushroom soup is not hot enough. Could you heat it up, please? TOO

This mushroom soup …

​ ………………………………..​ . Could you heat it up, please?

1.2.​ I couldn’t hear John because he was sitting too far from me. ENOUGH

John …
​ ……………………………….. t​ o me so I couldn’t hear him.

1.3.​ In my opinion, Molly is too short to play basketball professionally. ENOUGH

Molly ​………………………………….. t​ o play basketball professionally, in my opinion.

1.4.​ My daughter is still hungry because her sandwich wasn’t big enough. TOO

My daughter is still hungry because her sandwich …

​ ……………………………….. .​

1.5.​ The audience couldn’t hear the music because it was too quiet. ENOUGH

The …
​ ……………………………….. s​ o the audience couldn’t hear it.

1.6.​ No one will watch this movie until the end if it’s not short enough. TOO

If this movie …
​ ……………………………….. ,​ no one will watch it until the end.

1.7. ​We couldn’t solve the puzzle because it was just too difficult for us. ENOUGH

We couldn’t solve the puzzle because it …

​ ……………………………….. f​ or us.

1.8. ​The policewoman won’t talk to Joe and Jill because they aren’t old enough.TOO

Joe and Jill …

​ ……………………………….. s​ o the policewoman won’t talk to them.

1.9. ​Tina refused to wear the dress because it was too ugly. ENOUGH

The dress …
​ ……………………………….. s​ o Tina refused to wear it.

1.10.​ Those bags aren’t light enough! I’m afraid I can’t carry them. TOO

Those …
​ ……………………………….. !​ I’m afraid I can’t carry them. Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone 3

2. SO / SUCH

Uzupełnij zdania 2.1.-2.10. tak aby zachować znaczenie zdania wyjściowego. Użyj
wyrazów podanych na końcu zdania w niezmienionej formie. Wymagana jest pełna
poprawność wpisywanych fragmentów. W każdą lukę możesz wpisać maksymalnie
cztery​ wyrazy.

2.1.​ Look! Blake is wearing such a beautiful dress tonight! SO

Look! The dress that Blake is wearing is …

​ ………………………………..​ !

2.2.​ My grandma gave me such a useful piece of advice yesterday. SO

The advice my grandma gave me yesterday …

​ ……………………………….. .​

2.3.​ This meal was so delicious. Thank you, mum! SUCH

This …
​ ……………………………….. m
​ eal. Thank you, mum!

2.4.​ The hotel room had such a stunning view that I didn’t want to leave. SO

The view from the hotel room …

​ ……………………………….. I​ didn’t want to leave.

2.5.​ My cousins are so greedy that they always eat all my sweets. SUCH

My cousins …
​ ……………………………….. b
​ oys that they always eat all my sweets.

2.6.​ We didn’t pass the test because there were such hard questions. SO

The …
​ ……………………………….. t​ hat we didn’t pass the test.

2.7. ​My suitcases were so heavy that I had to ask my boyfriend for help. SUCH

I had ​…………………………………..​ that I had to ask my boyfriend for help.

2.8. ​Your grandfather has such an inspiring life story. SO

Your grandfather’s life story …

​ ……………………………….. .​

2.9. ​This house costs so much money that we can’t afford it. SUCH

This house costs …

​ ……………………………….. m
​ oney that we can’t afford it.

2.10.​ The book was so gripping that Mary couldn’t put it down. SUCH

It was …
​ ……………………………….. t​ hat Mary couldn’t put it down. Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone 4


Uzupełnij zdania 3.1.-3.10. tak aby zachować znaczenie zdania wyjściowego. Użyj
wyrazów podanych na końcu zdania w niezmienionej formie. Wymagana jest pełna
poprawność wpisywanych fragmentów. W każdą lukę możesz wpisać maksymalnie
cztery​ wyrazy.

3.1.​This pencil skirt is more colourful than that cocktail dress. AS

That cocktail dress isn’t …

​ ………………………………..​ this pencil skirt.

3.2.​ The situation wasn’t as simple as you think. MORE

The situation …
​ ……………………………….. y
​ ou think.

3.3.​ It is always colder in winter than in autumn. ISN’T

The weather in autumn …

​ ……………………………….. i​ t is in winter.

3.4.​ In my opinion, daffodils aren’t as pretty as roses. THAN

In my opinion, roses …
​ ……………………………….. d
​ affodils.

3.5.​ Tom is the best at Maths in my class. AS

No other person in my class is …

​ ………………………………..​ Tom at Maths.

3.6.​ My uncle is funnier than my aunt. AS

My aunt …
​ ……………………………….. m
​ y uncle.

3.7. ​Is anyone in this class as hard-working as Alice? THAN

Is anyone in this class …

​ ……………………………….. A
​ lice?

3.8. ​Frank’s cookies were tastier than George’s. AS

George’s cookies …
​ ……………………………….. F
​ rank’s.

3.9. ​My furniture isn’t as modern as yours. IS

Your furniture …
​ ……………………………….. m
​ ine.

3.10.​ Amsterdam isn’t as far as Lisbon from London. THAN

Lisbon …
​ ……………………………….. A
​ msterdam from London. Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone 5


Uzupełnij zdania 4.1.-4.10. tak aby zachować znaczenie zdania wyjściowego. Użyj
wyrazów podanych na końcu zdania w niezmienionej formie. Wymagana jest pełna
poprawność wpisywanych fragmentów. W każdą lukę możesz wpisać maksymalnie
cztery​ wyrazy.

4.1.​ No other gift is as useful as this one. THE

This is …
​ ……………………………….. I​ ’ve ever received.

4.2.​ This is the safest car I’ve ever driven. A

I’ve never driven …

​ ……………………………….. b
​ efore.

4.3. ​No one in our family is as good at tennis as Emily. THE

Emily …
​ ……………………………….. a
​ t tennis in our family.

4.4. ​This is the worst day I’ve ever had. A

I’ve never had …

​ ……………………………….. b
​ efore.

4.5.​ This year our team won’t be any more productive than last year. THE

Last year our team …

​ ……………………………….. .​

4.6. ​No other parcel we got was as big as this one. THAN

No other parcel we got …

​ ……………………………….. t​ his one.

4.7.​ I don’t think I’ve ever been further away from home. THE

This is …
​ ……………………………….. I​ ’ve ever been away from home.

4.8. ​This is the most interesting lecture I’ve been to so far. A

I’ve never been to​ ………………………………….. ​lecture before.

4.9. ​Joanna has never had a more spacious office before. THE

This office …
​ ……………………………….. J​ oanna has ever had.

4.10.​ Bobby has never been happier before. HAPPIEST

Bobby is​ ………………………………….. ​he’s ever been. Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone 6


Uzupełnij zdania 5.1.-5.10. tak aby zachować znaczenie zdania wyjściowego. Użyj
wyrazów podanych na końcu zdania w niezmienionej formie. Wymagana jest pełna
poprawność wpisywanych fragmentów. W każdą lukę możesz wpisać maksymalnie
cztery​ wyrazy.

5.1. ​The author of the novel is German. NOVEL’S

The …
​ ……………………………….. G
​ erman.

5.2.​ These dresses belong to my daughter. ARE

These …
​ ……………………………….. d
​ resses.

5.3.​ Who does this bag belong to? WHOSE

………………………………….. t​ his?

5.4.​ The name of the company is still unknown to us. NAME

The …
​ ……………………………….. s​ till unknown to us.

5.5.​ Who’s the owner of this property? BELONG

Who …
​ ……………………………….. t​ o?

5.6.​ The toys belong to my younger brother. MY

These are …
​ ……………………………….. t​ oys.

5.7. ​Who did this sweater belong to? WHOSE

………………………………….. i​ t?

5.8. ​These pairs of scissors belong to my sons. ARE

These …
​ ………………………………..​ of scissors.

5.9. ​My father wasn’t the owner of this beautiful house in 2010. WASN’T

This …
​ ……………………………….. h
​ ouse in 2010.

5.10.​ This used to be the office of the president. BE

This used …
​ ……………………………….. o
​ ffice. Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone 7


Uzupełnij zdania 6.1.-6.10. tak aby zachować znaczenie zdania wyjściowego. Użyj
wyrazów podanych na końcu zdania w niezmienionej formie. Wymagana jest pełna
poprawność wpisywanych fragmentów. W każdą lukę możesz wpisać maksymalnie
cztery​ wyrazy.

6.1.​Which one is your blanket? YOURS

Which ​…………………………………..​ ?

6.2.​ This will be our bed. OURS

This …
​ ……………………………….. .​

6.3.​ Do these skis belong to them? THEIRS

Are ​………………………………….. ?​

6.4.​ Ronda isn’t a friend of mine any longer. MY

Ronda …
​ ……………………………….. a
​ ny longer.

6.5.​ Were we the owners of that land? OUR

………………………………….. l​ and?

6.6.​ Is that her suitcase? HERS

Is ​………………………………….. ?​

6.7. ​That key didn’t belong to me. MINE

That …
​ ……………………………….. .​

6.8. ​This signature isn’t his. HIS

This isn’t …
​ ……………………………….. .​

6.9. ​Are you the owner of these vases? YOUR

Are ​………………………………….. ?​

6.10.​ This exotic animal’s tail is very long. ITS

This is an exotic animal.​ ………………………………….. ​very long. Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone 8

7. MUCH / MANY / ANY / (A) LITTLE / (A) FEW / NO

Uzupełnij zdania 7.1.-7.10. tak aby zachować znaczenie zdania wyjściowego. Użyj
wyrazów podanych na końcu zdania w niezmienionej formie. Wymagana jest pełna
poprawność wpisywanych fragmentów. W każdą lukę możesz wpisać maksymalnie
cztery​ wyrazy.

7.1.​ There aren’t any boys in my class. NO

There​ …………………………………..​ in my class.

7.2.​ I only have a few questions so please listen to me. MANY

Please listen to me because I …

​ ……………………………….. q
​ uestions.

7.3. ​There aren’t enough political parties for us to choose from. FEW

There are …
​ ……………………………….. p
​ olitical parties to choose from.

7.4.​ There are no strawberries in the fridge. ANY

…………………………………..​ strawberries in the fridge.

7.5.​ My girlfriend has had very little time for me lately. MUCH

My girlfriend​ ………………………………….. ​time for me lately.

7.6.​ There wasn’t much water left in the pool. LITTLE

There​ ………………………………….. ​left in the pool.

7.7. ​Not many students have passed this test so far. FEW

Only​ ………………………………….. ​have passed this test so far.

7.8. ​Believe it or not,​ t​ here aren’t any trees in this park. NO

Believe it or not,​ ………………………………….. ​in this park.

7.9. ​There isn’t enough milk to make pancakes. TOO

There ​………………………………….. m
​ ilk to make pancakes.

7.10.​ My son only has a few friends in the neighbourhood. MANY

My son​ ………………………………….. ​in the neighbourhood. Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone 9


Uzupełnij zdania 8.1.-8.10. tak aby zachować znaczenie zdania wyjściowego. Użyj
wyrazów podanych na końcu zdania w niezmienionej formie. Wymagana jest pełna
poprawność wpisywanych fragmentów. W każdą lukę możesz wpisać maksymalnie
cztery​ wyrazy.

8.1.​ It’s not necessary to take off your shoes before entering. HAVE

You …
​ ………………………………..​ take off your shoes before entering.

8.2.​ It was necessary for us to sign the petition after the meeting. TO

We​ …………………………………..​ the petition after the meeting.

8.3. ​It’s not necessary for Sarah to apply for this course. HAVE

Sarah​ ………………………………….. ​for this course.

8.4.​ Will it be necessary for us to knock on the door before entering? HAVE

………………………………….. k
​ nock on the door before entering?

8.5.​ Was it necessary for participants to bring their own sandwiches? DID

………………………………….. b
​ ring their own sandwiches?

8.6.​ The food will be provided so it won’t be necessary for us to cook. WILL

We …
​ ……………………………….. c​ ook because the food will be provided.

8.7. ​It’s obligatory for everyone in my class to read at least one book a month. TO

Everyone in my class​ ………………………………….. ​at least one book a month.

8.8. ​Is it obligatory for students to wear school uniforms at all times? DO

………………………………….. w
​ ear school uniforms at all times?

8.9. ​It wasn’t necessary for Jake to call the police. NOT

Jake …
​ ……………………………….. c​ all the police.

8.10.​ Is it obligatory for everyone to wear a helmet at the construction site? DOES

………………………………….. w
​ ear a helmet at the construction site? Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone 10


Uzupełnij zdania 9.1.-9.10. tak aby zachować znaczenie zdania wyjściowego. Użyj
wyrazów podanych na końcu zdania w niezmienionej formie. Wymagana jest pełna
poprawność wpisywanych fragmentów. W każdą lukę możesz wpisać maksymalnie
cztery​ wyrazy.

9.1.​ Emily is seeing her doctor in July. It’s June now. NEXT

Emily is seeing …
​ ……………………………….. .​

9.2.​ My grandmother doesn’t cook for us very often. RARELY

My grandmother …
​ ……………………………….. f​ or us.

9.3.​ Niomi is flying to Scotland on Friday. It’s Wednesday now. TWO

Niomi is flying to …
​ ……………………………….. .​

9.4.​ My daughter-in-law goes shopping on Mondays and Fridays. WEEK

My daughter-in-law goes shopping …

​ ………………………………..​ .

9.5.​ Sharon cleans her apartment on the first day of each month. A

Sharon cleans her apartment …

​ ……………………………….. .​

9.6.​ It’s Monday today. Are you coming on Wednesday? TOMORROW

It’s Monday today. Are you coming …

​ ……………………………….. ?​

9.7.​ Lionel doesn’t visit his great-grandparents very often. FROM

Lionel only visits his great-grandparents …

​ ……………………………….. .​

9.8.​ Monica is watching a video on YouTube now. MOMENT

Monica is watching a video on YouTube …

​ ……………………………….. .​

9.9.​ My dad cleans his car seven days a week. DAY

My dad cleans …
​ ……………………………….. .​

9.10.​ We very rarely discuss financial issues. HARDLY

We …
​ ……………………………….. f​ inancial issues. Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone 11


Uzupełnij zdania 10.1.-10.10. tak aby zachować znaczenie zdania wyjściowego. Użyj
wyrazów podanych na końcu zdania w niezmienionej formie. Wymagana jest pełna
poprawność wpisywanych fragmentów. W każdą lukę możesz wpisać maksymalnie
cztery​ wyrazy.

10.1.​ Children started painting an hour ago. They’re still painting now. YET

Children haven’t …
​ ………………………………..​ .

10.2. ​Theresa had lunch a few minutes ago. JUST

Theresa …
​ ……………………………….. l​ unch.

10.3.​ We booked the plane tickets weeks ago. ALREADY

We …
​ ……………………………….. t​ he plane tickets.

10.4.​ It stopped snowing a minute ago. JUST

It ​………………………………….. s​ nowing.

10.5.​ Our teacher is still correcting our exams. YET

Our teacher hasn’t …

​ ……………………………….. .​

10.6.​ My kids took part in this competition last year. ALREADY

My kids ​………………………………….. i​ n this competition before.

10.7. ​Sheila is still writing the poem. YET

Sheila hasn’t …
​ ……………………………….. .​

10.8. ​Jordan fell asleep a few minutes ago. JUST

Jordan …
​ ……………………………….. .​

10.9. ​I met this famous actor last month. ALREADY

​ ……………………………….. t​ his famous actor.

10.10.​ Molly sent us a text message a few seconds ago. JUST

We’ve ​………………………………….. a
​ text message from Molly. Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone 12


Uzupełnij zdania 11.1.-11.10. tak aby zachować znaczenie zdania wyjściowego. Użyj
wyrazów podanych na końcu zdania w niezmienionej formie. Wymagana jest pełna
poprawność wpisywanych fragmentów. W każdą lukę możesz wpisać maksymalnie
cztery​ wyrazy.

11.1.​ I haven’t played Scrabble for two years. AGO

I last played Scrabble …

​ ………………………………..​ .

11.2.​ The last time my dad drove me to school was last Friday. DRIVEN

My dad ​………………………………….. t​ o school since last Friday.

11.3.​ Laura bought a dog in August. It’s December now. FOR

Laura has had a dog …

​ ……………………………….. n
​ ow.

11.4.​ Gina started this school in 2017. It’s 2019 now. BEEN

Gina …
​ ……………………………….. o
​ f this school for two years now.

11.5.​ It’s ages since I last saw Vincent. FOR

I haven’t …
​ ……………………………….. .​

11.6.​ I was a little girl when my grandma last baked a cake. SINCE

My grandma hasn’t baked a …

​ ……………………………….. a
​ little girl.

11.7. ​Jason stopped eating meat three years ago. EATEN

Jason …
​ ……………………………….. t​ hree years.

11.8. ​It’s a long time since our last meeting. FOR

We …
​ ……………………………….. l​ ong time.

11.9. ​Polly has been married for twenty years now. AGO

Polly got …
​ ……………………………….. .​

11.10.​ This is my first game of polo. PLAYED

​ ……………………………….. p
​ olo before. Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone 13


Uzupełnij zdania 12.1.-12.10. tak aby zachować znaczenie zdania wyjściowego. Użyj
wyrazów podanych na końcu zdania w niezmienionej formie. Wymagana jest pełna
poprawność wpisywanych fragmentów. W każdą lukę możesz wpisać maksymalnie
cztery​ wyrazy.

12.1.​ When did you go on a diet? BEEN

How …
​ ……………………………….. o
​ n a diet?

12.2.​ How long has Nick been a member of the book club? WHEN

………………………………….. j​ oin the book club?

12.3.​ When did Damien find out about our engagement? HOW

………………………………….. k
​ nown about our engagement?

12.4.​ How long has it been since Diana called you? CALL

When …
​ ……………………………….. y
​ ou?

12.5.​ Is it your first time in the Natural History Museum? BEEN

………………………………….. t​ o the National History Museum before?

12.6.​ When did your uncle arrive in Warsaw? HAS

How long …
​ ……………………………….. i​ n Warsaw?

12.7. ​How long has Mrs Porter had this car? WHEN

………………………………….. M
​ rs Porter buy this car?

12.8. ​When did you first meet Brad? LONG

How …
​ ……………………………….. B
​ rad?

12.9. ​How long have you and Mike been married? GET

When did you and Mike …

​ ……………………………….. ?​

12.10.​ Who left the room a few seconds ago? JUST

Who …
​ ……………………………….. t​ he room? Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone 14


Uzupełnij zdania 13.1.-13.10. tak aby zachować znaczenie zdania wyjściowego. Użyj
wyrazów podanych na końcu zdania w niezmienionej formie. Wymagana jest pełna
poprawność wpisywanych fragmentów. W każdą lukę możesz wpisać maksymalnie
cztery​ wyrazy.

13.1.​ I was having dinner when my cat suddenly jumped onto the table. WHILE

My cat suddenly jumped onto the table …

​ ………………………………..​ dinner.

13.2.​ Martha was skating. She broke her leg then. WHEN

Martha was skating …

​ ……………………………….. l​ eg.

13.3.​ Paul was playing the piano when the baby fell asleep. WHILE

The baby fell asleep …

​ ……………………………….. t​ he piano.

13.4.​ My mum was watching TV. I was washing the dishes at the same time. WHILE

………………………………….. t​ he dishes, my mum was watching TV.

13.5.​ I was falling asleep when my teacher asked me a question. AS

My teacher asked me a question …

​ ……………………………….. f​ alling asleep.

13.6. ​I called Sarah while she was leaving the house. WHEN

When …
​ ……………………………….. ,​ she was leaving the house.

13.7. ​While we were walking down the hill, someone called for help. WHEN

………………………………….. f​ or help, we were walking down the hill.

13.8. ​When I came back home, two policemen were talking to my parents. THEN

I came home. Two policemen were talking to …

​ ……………………………….. .​

13.9. ​We were writing the test. Our teacher was watching us. WHILE

Our teacher was watching …

​ ……………………………….. w
​ riting the test.

13.10.​ While my baby son was sleeping, our dog started barking. WHEN

My baby son was sleeping …

​ ……………………………….. b
​ arking. Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone 15


Uzupełnij zdania 14.1.-14.10. tak aby zachować znaczenie zdania wyjściowego. Użyj
wyrazów podanych na końcu zdania w niezmienionej formie. Wymagana jest pełna
poprawność wpisywanych fragmentów. W każdą lukę możesz wpisać maksymalnie
cztery​ wyrazy.

14.1.​ First we bought some soil. Then we planted some flowers. HAD

After we ​…………………………………..​ some soil, we planted some flowers.

14.2.​ Dylan failed the test on Friday. He didn’t study before the test. STUDIED

Dylan failed the test because …

​ ……………………………….. .​

14.3.​ I came to the party at 9 pm. Jessy left at 8.30 pm. BY

………………………………….. I​ came to the party, Jessy had already left.

14.4.​ Jim didn’t invite us to the party but we came anyway. HADN’T

We came to the party although Jim …

​ ……………………………….. u
​ s.

14.5.​ First we ate some sandwiches. Then we went on a hike. HAD

After​ ………………………………….. ​some sandwiches, we went on a hike.

14.6.​ My mum didn’t do the shopping on Sunday. There was no food on Monday. DONE

There was no food on Monday because my …

​ ……………………………….. t​ he shopping.

14.7. ​My parents arrived at the train station at midnight. The train left at 23.55.ALREADY

By the time my parents arrived at the train station, the train …

​ ……………………………….. .​

14.8. ​After the architect had prepared the design, she showed it to everyone. SHOWED

First, the architect prepared the design. …

​ ……………………………….. i​ t to everyone.

14.9. ​Wendy didn’t book the flight so she didn’t fly to LA the next day. BECAUSE

Wendy didn’t fly to LA …

​ ……………………………….. b
​ ooked the flight the previous day.

14.10.​ I travelled to Spain in 2011. Before 2011 I didn’t go abroad. GONE

………………………………….. u
​ ntil I traveled to Spain in 2011. Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone 16


Uzupełnij zdania 15.1.-15.10. tak aby zachować znaczenie zdania wyjściowego. Użyj
wyrazów podanych na końcu zdania w niezmienionej formie. Wymagana jest pełna
poprawność wpisywanych fragmentów. W każdą lukę możesz wpisać maksymalnie
cztery​ wyrazy.

15.1.​ If you don’t charge your phone regularly, it won’t work properly. IF

Your phone won’t work properly​ …………………………………..​ it regularly.

15.2.​ My parents will take me to the zoo if I clean my bedroom. WILL

If I don’t clean my bedroom, my parents​ …………………………………..​ to the zoo.

15.3. ​Linda will buy this computer is she earn enough money. DOESN’T

If​ ………………………………….. ​enough money, she won’t buy this computer.

15.4.​ Promise me to give the book back on Friday. Then I’ll lend it to you. WILL

​ ……………………………….. t​ he book if you promise to give it back on Friday.

15.5.​ Jack won’t fly to Mexico if his father disagrees. IF

………………………………….. a
​ grees, he will fly to Mexico.

15.6.​ First switch the TV off. Then we will tell you something. DO

If you …
​ ……………………………….. t​ he TV off, we won’t tell you anything.

15.7. ​Kate will miss the beginning of the presentation if she is late. WON’T

If Kate comes on time,​ ………………………………….. ​the beginning of the presentation.

15.8. ​Jim won’t lose weight if he doesn’t do sports regularly. DOES

Jim will only lose weight if …

​ ……………………………….. r​ egularly.

15.9. ​We will watch the movie but first find the remote control. WILL

If you find the remote control, …

​ ……………………………….. t​ he movie.

15.10.​ Go to bed now or you will feel tired in the morning. DON’T

You’ll feel tired in the morning​ ………………………………….. ​to bed now. Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone 17


Uzupełnij zdania 16.1.-16.10. tak aby zachować znaczenie zdania wyjściowego. Użyj
wyrazów podanych na końcu zdania w niezmienionej formie. Wymagana jest pełna
poprawność wpisywanych fragmentów. W każdą lukę możesz wpisać maksymalnie
cztery​ wyrazy.

16.1.​ We won’t get to school on time unless we leave now. IF

We won’t get to school on time …

​ ………………………………..​ now.

16.2.​ Tim won’t win the race if he doesn’t train hard every single day. UNLESS

Tim won’t win the race …

​ ……………………………….. e
​ very single day.

16.3.​ Unless your uncle quits smoking, he will not get better. IF

Your uncle will not get better …

​ ……………………………….. s​ moking.

16.4.​ Most people won’t sign the petition if you don’t explain everything first. UNLESS

Most people won’t sign the petition …

​ ……………………………….. e
​ verything first.

16.5.​ Linda might get lost if she doesn’t take a map with her. UNLESS

Linda might get lost …

​ ……………………………….. a
​ map with her.

16.6.​ Your kids will be cold unless they put on their jackets. IF

………………………………….. p
​ ut on their jackets, they’ll be cold.

16.7. ​Unless they tell us the truth, we won’t help them out. IF

We won’t help them out …

​ ……………………………….. u
​ s the truth.

16.8. ​I won’t talk to my parents if they don’t apologize to me first. UNLESS

I won’t talk to my parents …

​ ……………………………….. m
​ e first.

16.9. ​Josh will probably fail his driving test unless he learns the road signs. IF

………………………………….. t​ he road signs, he will probably fail his driving test.

16.10.​ The students won’t finish the assignment on time if they don’t hurry up. UNLESS

The students won’t finish the assignment on time …

​ ……………………………….. .​ Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone 18


Uzupełnij zdania 17.1.-17.10. tak aby zachować znaczenie zdania wyjściowego. Użyj
wyrazów podanych na końcu zdania w niezmienionej formie. Wymagana jest pełna
poprawność wpisywanych fragmentów. W każdą lukę możesz wpisać maksymalnie
cztery​ wyrazy.

17.1.​Ollie is very stubborn. He finds it difficult to work in groups. WASN’T

…………………………………..​ so stubborn, he would find it easier to work in groups.

17.2.​ Brad drives very fast. He often has car crashes. WOULDN’T

Brad ​………………………………….. m
​ any car crashes if he drove slower.

17.3.​ Paula won’t buy this bracelet because she doesn’t have enough money. HAD

​ ……………………………….. m
​ oney, she would buy this bracelet.

17.4.​ My advice to you would be to practise speaking more regularly. WERE

I would practise speaking more regularly if …

​ ……………………………….. .​

17.5.​ Victoria never listens to her parents. She is often in trouble. WOULD

If Victoria listened to her parents, she …

​ ………………………………..​ trouble so often.

17.6.​ Peter is absent today. I can’t talk to him. WERE

If ​………………………………….. t​ oday, I would talk to him.

17.7. ​Karen is tired because she works long hours. DIDN’T

Karen wouldn’t be so tired …

​ ……………………………….. l​ ong hours.

17.8. ​My friends don’t usually do their best at school. They often fail exams. PASS

My friends …
​ ………………………………..​ exams more often if they did their best at school.

17.9. ​Liam can’t call me because he doesn’t have his own mobile phone. ABLE

Liam …
​ ……………………………….. c​ all me if he had his own mobile phone.

17.10.​ Chris speaks Spanish fluently. He can communicate with Jose. IF

…………………………………..​ Spanish fluently, he wouldn’t be able to communicate with Jose. Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone 19


Uzupełnij zdania 18.1.-18.10. tak aby zachować znaczenie zdania wyjściowego. Użyj
wyrazów podanych na końcu zdania w niezmienionej formie. Wymagana jest pełna
poprawność wpisywanych fragmentów. W każdą lukę możesz wpisać maksymalnie
cztery​ wyrazy.

18.1.​ It’s a pity I don’t know the answer to this question. ONLY

If ​…………………………………..​ the answer to this question.

18.2. ​I don’t have anything to eat and I’m very hungry. WISH

​ ……………………………….. s​ omething to eat.

18.3.​ Unfortunately, we can’t go to Jessica’s party. COULD

If only …
​ ……………………………….. t​ o Jessica’s party.

18.4.​ Tom isn’t here and I really miss him. WERE

I wish ​………………………………….. h
​ ere.

18.5.​ My little brother is so stubborn and it makes me angry. WERE

If only my …
​ ……………………………….. s​ o stubborn.

18.6.​ Georgia doesn’t have enough money to go on holidays with us. HAD

​ ……………………………….. m
​ oney to go on holidays with us.

18.7. ​I have to go to school on Saturday and I don’t want to. HAVE

If only …
​ ……………………………….. g
​ o to school on Saturday.

18.8. ​It’s a shame my friends aren’t interested in science. ONLY

If ​………………………………….. i​ nterested in science.

18.9. ​It’s so cold outside and I don’t like it. WISH

​ ……………………………….. s​ o cold outside.

18.10.​ Ron isn’t very cooperative. MORE

If only …
​ ……………………………….. c​ ooperative. Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone 20


Uzupełnij zdania 19.1.-19.10. tak aby zachować znaczenie zdania wyjściowego. Użyj
wyrazów podanych na końcu zdania w niezmienionej formie. Wymagana jest pełna
poprawność wpisywanych fragmentów. W każdą lukę możesz wpisać maksymalnie
cztery​ wyrazy.

19.1. ​I’m sure Martha is at school right now. MUST

Martha …
​ ………………………………..​ at school right now.

19.2.​ Let’s ask Mark. Maybe he knows something. MIGHT

Let’s ask Mark. He …

​ ……………………………….. s​ omething.

19.3.​ Tommy has just woken up. I’m sure he isn’t tired now. BE

Tommy …
​ ……………………………….. n
​ ow because he’s just woken up.

19.4.​ Zack went on a fantastic holiday. I’m sure he has some great photos. HAVE

Zack went on a fantastic holiday so​ ………………………………….. ​some great photos.

19.5.​ It’s been raining for the past week so it will probably rain tomorrow, too. MAY

It’s been raining for the past week so …

​ ……………………………….. t​ omorrow, too.

19.6.​ Maybe Jason lives near here because I see his car quite often. LIVE

I see Jason’s car quite often so he …

​ ……………………………….. h
​ ere.

19.7. ​We’re sure that our destination isn’t far away. CAN’T

Our destination …
​ ……………………………….. .​

19.8. ​Mia didn’t say anything. Maybe she doesn’t know what happened. NOT

Mia ​………………………………….. w
​ hat happened because she didn’t say anything.

19.9. ​Surely,​ m
​ y parents are still at work right now. BE

My ​………………………………….. w
​ ork right now.

19.10.​ My house has a red roof. It’s hard to miss it. CAN’T

My house has a red roof so …

​ ……………………………….. t​ t. Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone 21


Uzupełnij zdania 20.1.-20.10. tak aby zachować znaczenie zdania wyjściowego. Użyj
wyrazów podanych na końcu zdania w niezmienionej formie. Wymagana jest pełna
poprawność wpisywanych fragmentów. W każdą lukę możesz wpisać maksymalnie
cztery​ wyrazy.

20.1. ​”Linda doesn’t attend the book club meetings.”, Helen said. ATTEND

Helen said that Linda …

​ ……………………………….. t​ he book club meetings.

20.2.​ “I’d like to speak German fluently one day.”, Jimmy said. WOULD

Jimmy said that​ …………………………………..​ speak German fluently one day.

20.3.​”I’m going to repair my car tonight.”, my dad said. WAS

My dad said that he …

​ ………………………………..​ his car that night.

20.4.​ “Be quiet!”, Ted said to us. TOLD

Ted ​………………………………….. q
​ uiet.

20.5.​ “I’m not listening to you any longer!”, I said to my boyfriend. WASN’T

I said to my boyfriend that I​ ………………………………….. ​any longer.

20.6.​ “I haven’t read your book yet.”, Alan told me. READ

Alan told me that he …

​ ……………………………….. y
​ et.

20.7. ​“Open your books at page twenty.”, our teacher told us. TO

Our teacher told​ ………………………………….. ​books at page twenty.

20.8. ​“The weather won’t be sunny tomorrow.”, the presenter said. BE

The presenter said that​ ………………………………….. ​sunny the following day.

20.9. ​“Dan’s flying to Scotland this weekend.”, Dan’s mum told us. FLYING

Dan’s mum told us that Dan …

​ ……………………………….. B
​ oston that weekend.

20.10.​ “Don’t say a word!”, Matt said to Gill. NOT

Matt told ​………………………………….. a

​ word. Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone 22


Uzupełnij zdania 21.1.-21.10. tak aby zachować znaczenie zdania wyjściowego. Użyj
wyrazów podanych na końcu zdania w niezmienionej formie. Wymagana jest pełna
poprawność wpisywanych fragmentów. W każdą lukę możesz wpisać maksymalnie
cztery​ wyrazy.

21.1.​”I’m sorry I broke the vase!'', Derek said. FOR

Derek ​…………………………………..​ the vase.

21.2.​ “Let’s celebrate the New Year’s Eve together!”, Nathalie said. CELEBRATING

Nathalie​ …………………………………..​ the New Year’s Eve together.

21.3. ​”I never take your clothes without your permission!”, my little sister said. TAKING

My little sister ​………………………………….. w

​ ithout my permission.

21.4.​ “Nathan, you stole my bike!”, Tim said. OF

Tim accused …
​ ……………………………….. h
​ is bike.

21.5.​ “I’ll help you with the washing-up”, my husband said. TO

My husband​ ………………………………….. ​with the washing-up

21.6.​ “You’d better go to bed early tonight”, my mum told me. ADVISED

My mum ​………………………………….. t​ o bed early that night.

21.7. ​“OK, I’ll go to church with them”, Ruby said to me. TO

Ruby​ ………………………………….. ​to church with them.

21.8. ​“It’s a great idea to take up a new sport this year”, said Harry. RECOMMENDED

Harry​ ………………………………….. ​a new sport that year.

21.9. ​“Don’t forget to take your wallet with you”, my dad told me. TO

My dad ​………………………………….. m
​ y wallet with me.

21.10.​ “We won’t go home without you”, my friends said. REFUSED

My ​………………………………….. h
​ ome without me. Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone 23


Uzupełnij zdania 22.1.-22.10. tak aby zachować znaczenie zdania wyjściowego. Użyj
wyrazów podanych na końcu zdania w niezmienionej formie. Wymagana jest pełna
poprawność wpisywanych fragmentów. W każdą lukę możesz wpisać maksymalnie
cztery​ wyrazy.

22.1.​”Can you ride a scooter?”, Bobby asked me. IF

Bobby asked me …
​ ………………………………..​ ride a scooter.

22.2.​ “Are your children in kindergarten now?”, I asked Britney. WHETHER

I asked Britney ​ …………………………………..​ in kindergarten at that moment.

22.3. ​”Do all women like to wear make-up?”, my son asked me. WHETHER

My son asked me …
​ ……………………………….. t​ o wear make-up.

22.4.​ “Could you give me a hand with the cleaning?”, John asked his wife. IF

John asked his wife …

​ ……………………………….. h
​ im a hand with the cleaning.

22.5.​ “Have you ever considered becoming a lawyer?”, Mel asked Jim. HAD

Mel asked Jim if​ ………………………………….. ​becoming a lawyer.

22.6. ​“Will robots replace teachers in the future?”, I asked my grandma. WHETHER

I asked my grandma …
​ ……………………………….. t​ eachers in the future.

22.7. ​“Do you agree with everyone?”, Fred asked Chloe. WHETHER

Fred asked Chloe​ ………………………………….. ​with everyone.

22.8. ​“Did you feel lonely last weekend?”, my mother asked my brother. IF

My mother asked my brother​ ………………………………….. ​lonely the previous weekend.

22.9.​ “Is it going to take long?”, I asked the dentist. WAS

I asked my dentist …
​ ……………………………….. t​ o take long.

22.10.​ “Did anyone leave before the end of the party?”, Tim asked me. LEFT

Tim asked me if …
​ ……………………………….. b
​ efore the end of the party. Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone 24


Uzupełnij zdania 23.1.-23.10. tak aby zachować znaczenie zdania wyjściowego. Użyj
wyrazów podanych na końcu zdania w niezmienionej formie. Wymagana jest pełna
poprawność wpisywanych fragmentów. W każdą lukę możesz wpisać maksymalnie
cztery​ wyrazy.

23.1.​”Why are you shouting?”, Xavier asked me. WAS

Xavier asked me why …

​ ………………………………..​ .

23.2.​ “Where were you last night?”, the police officer asked Zack. HAD

The police officer asked Zack​ …………………………………..​ the night before.

23.3. ​”How much money will you save next month?”, my mother asked me. WOULD

My mother asked me how much …

​ ……………………………….. t​ he following month.

23.4.​ “When did you speak to your grandfather?”, I asked my girlfriend. SPOKEN

I asked my girlfriend …
​ ……………………………….. t​ o her grandfather.

23.5.​ “Who calls you every day?”, Melissa asked Anna. WHO

Melissa asked Anna​ ………………………………….. ​every day.

23.6. ​“What time are you meeting Christina?”, my mother asked my son. WAS

My mother asked my son what …

​ ……………………………….. C
​ hristina.

23.7. ​“Who can run the fastest in your family?”, David asked me. COULD

David asked me​ ………………………………….. ​the fastest in my family.

23.8. ​“Which sport does your best friend prefer?”, I asked my cousin. HIS

I asked my cousin which sport​ ………………………………….. ​.

23.9.​ “How many books have you read so far?”, the professor asked us. HAD

The professor asked us how many …

​ ……………………………….. s​ o far.

23.10.​ “When are you going to leave?”, Corinne asked Simon. WHEN

Corinne asked Simon …

​ ……………………………….. t​ o leave. Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone 25


Uzupełnij zdania 24.1.-24.10. tak aby zachować znaczenie zdania wyjściowego. Użyj
wyrazów podanych na końcu zdania w niezmienionej formie. Wymagana jest pełna
poprawność wpisywanych fragmentów. W każdą lukę możesz wpisać maksymalnie
cztery​ wyrazy.

24.1.​ “Does Joanna enjoy playing cricket?” IF

I’d like to know ​…………………………………..​ playing cricket.

24.2. ​”Did you sleep well last night?” WHETHER

We want to know …
​ ……………………………….. l​ ast night.

24.3.​ ”Has Felix been to Canada?” IF

Does anyone know …

​ ……………………………….. t​ o Canada?

24.4.​ ”Is anyone hungry?” WHETHER

I’d like to know ​………………………………….. .​

24.5.​ ”Will it rain tomorrow?” THINK

Do you …
​ ……………………………….. t​ omorrow?

24.6.​ ”Are you listening to me now?” IF

My parents want to know …

​ ……………………………….. t​ o them now.

24.7. ​”Had Tracy left by the time you got to the party?” IF

Could you tell me …

​ ……………………………….. b
​ y the time you got to the party?

24.8. ​”Were you doing crosswords when your mum called you?” WHETHER

We’d like to know ​………………………………….. c​ rosswords when your mum called you.

24.9. ​”Did you fall down during the trip?” IF

We want to know …
​ ……………………………….. d
​ uring the trip.

24.10.​ ”Is there a bank near here?” WHETHER

Do you happen to know …

​ ……………………………….. a
​ bank near here? Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone 26


Uzupełnij zdania 25.1.-25.10. tak aby zachować znaczenie zdania wyjściowego. Użyj
wyrazów podanych na końcu zdania w niezmienionej formie. Wymagana jest pełna
poprawność wpisywanych fragmentów. W każdą lukę możesz wpisać maksymalnie
cztery​ wyrazy.

25.1.​ ”Where were you born?” KNOW

I’d like to ​…………………………………..​ born.

25.2. ​”Who are you meeting this afternoon?” WHO

Could you tell me …

​ ……………………………….. t​ his afternoon?

25.3.​ ”How often does your mum go to the gym?” GOES

We want to know how often …

​ ……………………………….. t​ o the gym.

25.4.​ ”Why is everyone so exhausted?” WHY

I’d like to know ​………………………………….. e

​ xhausted.

25.5.​ ”How many exercises has Uwe done so far?” HAS

Do you happen to know how many …

​ ……………………………….. s​ o far?

25.6.​ ”Who told you to leave?” WHO

I’d like to know ​………………………………….. l​ eave.

25.7. ​”How long will it take Jake to read the letter?” IT

Can you tell me how long …

​ ……………………………….. J​ ake to read the letter?

25.8. ​”Where’s the hospital?” IS

Do you know …
​ ……………………………….. ?​

25.9. ​”Which colour does Sandra prefer?” WHICH

I’d like to know ​………………………………….. .​

25.10.​ ”What did your teacher say yesterday?” WHAT

Can you tell me …

​ ……………………………….. y
​ esterday? Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone 27


Uzupełnij zdania 26.1.-26.10. tak aby zachować znaczenie zdania wyjściowego. Użyj
wyrazów podanych na końcu zdania w niezmienionej formie. Wymagana jest pełna
poprawność wpisywanych fragmentów. W każdą lukę możesz wpisać maksymalnie
cztery​ wyrazy.

26.1.​ Ronald doesn’t manage this company’s website. ISN’T

This company’s website​ …………………………………..​ by Ronald.

26.2.​ Mel baked all the cupcakes yesterday. BAKED

All the cupcakes​ …………………………………..​ Mel yesterday.

26.3. ​You mustn’t touch the exhibits. TOUCHED

The exhibits​ ………………………………….. ​.

26.4.​ Someone is going to install central heating in my house soon. BE

Central heating is …
​ ……………………………….. i​ n my house soon.

26.5.​ My colleague writes hundreds of reports every month. ARE

Hundreds of reports​ ………………………………….. ​every month by my colleague.

26.6.​ Someone should explain everything before it’s too late. EXPLAINED

Everything …
​ ……………………………….. b
​ efore it’s too late.

26.7. ​They will announce the results of the lottery at midnight. WILL

The results of the lottery​ ………………………………….. ​midnight.

26.8. ​They haven’t organized everything for the wedding yet. BEEN

Not everything​ ………………………………….. ​for the wedding yet.

26.9. ​They didn’t plant this oak tree in my garden. PLANTED

This oak tree …

​ ……………………………….. i​ n my garden.

26.10.​ No one will repeat the instructions. REPEATED

The instructions​ ………………………………….. ​. Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone 28


Uzupełnij zdania 27.1.-27.10. tak aby zachować znaczenie zdania wyjściowego. Użyj
wyrazów podanych na końcu zdania w niezmienionej formie. Wymagana jest pełna
poprawność wpisywanych fragmentów. W każdą lukę możesz wpisać maksymalnie
cztery​ wyrazy.

27.1.​ Should they collect the documents from everyone? BE

Should the documents …

​ ……………………………….. f​ rom everyone?

27.2.​ Did your children break Amelia’s vase? BROKEN

…………………………………..​ by your children?

27.3. ​Do they produce this wine in France? IS

………………………………….. i​ n France?

27.4.​ Will they send all invitations by tomorrow? SENT

Will​ ………………………………….. ​by tomorrow?

27.5.​ Where are they going to hide the treasure? HIDDEN

Where is the treasure​ ………………………………….. ​?

27.6.​ How many people have they vaccinated so far? BEEN

How many people …

​ ……………………………….. s​ o far?

27.7. ​When did they fire those employees? WERE

When​ ………………………………….. ​?

27.8. ​Why don’t the cleaners clean my bathrooms regularly? CLEANED

Why​ ………………………………….. ​regularly?

27.9. ​Can people leave their luggage here? BE

Can​ ………………………………….. ​here?

27.10.​ Has anyone seen Thomas anywhere since last night? BEEN

…………………………………..​ anywhere since last night? Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone 29


Uzupełnij zdania 28.1.-28.10. tak aby zachować znaczenie zdania wyjściowego. Użyj
wyrazów podanych na końcu zdania w niezmienionej formie. Wymagana jest pełna
poprawność wpisywanych fragmentów. W każdą lukę możesz wpisać maksymalnie
cztery​ wyrazy.

28.1.​ Although Matt was exhausted, he came to the board meeting. DESPITE

…………………………………..​ , Matt came to the board meeting.

28.2.​ In spite of heavy rain, we decided to go out. ALTHOUGH

We decided to go out​ …………………………………..​ heavily.

28.3. ​Everyone warned Mike not to jump over the river. He did it anyway. EVEN

Mike jumped over the river​ ………………………………….. ​him not to do it.

28.4.​ Although we had some difficulties, we managed to complete the task. HAVING

We managed to complete the task in …

​ ……………………………….. d
​ ifficulties.

28.5.​ The party was rather dull but I stayed anyway. ALTHOUGH

………………………………….. r​ ather dull, I stayed.

28.6.​ Although Vincent hates flying, he decided to join us. HOWEVER

Vincent hates flying. …

​ ……………………………….. t​ o join us.

28.7. ​My ex-girlfriend asked me to leave her alone but I continued to call her. THOUGH

I continued to call my ex-girlfriend​ ………………………………….. ​me to leave her alone.

28.8. ​Although I know Emily quite well, I don’t trust her. HOWEVER

I know Emily quite well.​ ………………………………….. ​her.

28.9. ​Brian is very good at skiing. However, he broke his leg on the slope. ALTHOUGH

Brian broke his leg on the slope …

​ ……………………………….. a
​ t skiing.

28.10.​ I asked my daughter to tidy up. However, she didn’t do it. EVEN

………………………………….. m
​ y daughter to tidy up, she didn’t do it. Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone 30


Uzupełnij zdania 29.1.-29.10. tak aby zachować znaczenie zdania wyjściowego. Użyj
wyrazów podanych na końcu zdania w niezmienionej formie. Wymagana jest pełna
poprawność wpisywanych fragmentów. W każdą lukę możesz wpisać maksymalnie
cztery​ wyrazy.

29.1.​Let’s go to the cinema, Mark! HOW

…………………………………..​ to the cinema, Mark?

29.2.​ Why don’t we talk about what happened first? LET’S

First, ​………………………………….. h
​ appened.

29.3.​ How about traveling to Rome this weekend? LET’S

………………………………….. R
​ ome this weekend, shall we?

29.4.​ The weather is beautiful so why don’t we go surfing? ABOUT

………………………………….. s​ urfing? The weather is beautiful.

29.5.​ Let’s listen to Jerry’s ideas before we decide, shall we? DON’T

………………………………….. t​ o Jerry’s ideas before we decide?

29.6. ​Why don’t we invite your high school friends to the wedding? SHALL

………………………………….. y
​ our high school friends to the wedding?

29.7. ​I’m still thirsty. Why don’t we order another drink? ORDERING

I’m still thirsty. …

​ ……………………………….. a
​ nother drink?

29.8. ​Let’s keep this party a secret. What do you say? NOT

Let’s ​………………………………….. a
​ nyone about this party. What do you say?

29.9.​ Let’s work on this together, shall we? WHY

………………………………….. o
​ n this together?

29.10.​ How about skipping school tomorrow? NOT

Let’s ​………………………………….. t​ omorrow. What do you say? Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone 31


Uzupełnij zdania 30.1.-30.10. tak aby zachować znaczenie zdania wyjściowego. Użyj
wyrazów podanych na końcu zdania w niezmienionej formie. Wymagana jest pełna
poprawność wpisywanych fragmentów. W każdą lukę możesz wpisać maksymalnie
cztery​ wyrazy.

30.1.​ Josh likes Suzy very much. FOND

Josh …
​ ………………………………..​ Suzy.

30.2.​ You’d better eat less sugar. CUT

You’d better​ …………………………………..​ sugar in your diet.

30.3. ​Who usually looks after Melanie when you’re away? CARE

Who usually …
​ ……………………………….. M
​ elanie when you’re away?

30.4.​ Everyone should quit smoking as soon as possible. UP

Everyone …
​ ……………………………….. s​ moking as soon as possible.

30.5.​ Raising children is not an easy task. UP

It’s not an easy task to​ ………………………………….. ​children.

30.6.​ When did your laptop stop working? BREAK

When did …
​ ……………………………….. ?​

30.7. ​Who do young people admire these days? LOOK

Who do young people​ ………………………………….. ​these days?

30.8. ​We can’t wait to join you on this amazing trip! FORWARD

We’re​ ………………………………….. ​you on this amazing trip!

30.9. ​My grandfather died fifteen years ago but I still miss him very much. AWAY

Although my grandfather …
​ ……………………………….. y
​ ears ago, I still miss him very much.

30.10.​ When are the travelers going to return? BACK

When are the travelers going …

​ ……………………………….. ?​ Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone 32


Uzupełnij zdania 31.1.-31.10. tak aby zachować znaczenie zdania wyjściowego. Użyj
wyrazów podanych na końcu zdania w niezmienionej formie. Wymagana jest pełna
poprawność wpisywanych fragmentów. W każdą lukę możesz wpisać maksymalnie
cztery​ wyrazy.

31.1.​ There is no more milk left. RUN

We’ve ​…………………………………..​ milk.

31.2. ​When are you going to start living with us? MOVE

When are you going …

​ ……………………………….. u
​ s?

31.3.​ I highly recommend trying to do a new sport this year. UP

I highly recommend …
​ ……………………………….. a
​ new sport this year.

31.4.​ Derek asked Martin to return the books that he has borrowed. BACK

Dered asked Martin …

​ ……………………………….. t​ he books that he has borrowed.

31.5.​ We’re leaving the bus at the next stop. OFF

We …
​ ……………………………….. t​ he bus at the next stop.

31.6.​ Unfortunately, not many people participated in yesterday’s protest. PART

Unfortunately, not many people …

​ ……………………………….. y
​ esterday’s protest.

31.7. ​When did Leo’s relationship with Tanya end? BREAK

When did Leo and Tanya …

​ ……………………………….. ?​

31.8. ​Why don’t we try to find your school uniform? FOR

Why don’t …
​ ……………………………….. s​ chool uniform?

31.9. ​Do you have a friendly relationship with your classmates? GET

Do …
​ ……………………………….. w
​ ell with your classmates?

31.10.​ When did the Second World War start? OUT

When did the Second World War …

​ ……………………………….. ?​ Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone 33


Uzupełnij zdania 32.1.-32.10. tak aby zachować znaczenie zdania wyjściowego. Użyj
wyrazów podanych na końcu zdania w niezmienionej formie. Wymagana jest pełna
poprawność wpisywanych fragmentów. W każdą lukę możesz wpisać maksymalnie
cztery​ wyrazy.

32.1.​ I felt truly inspired by the book. WAS

The book …
​ ………………………………..​ .

32.2. ​How long was your flight? DID

How long …
​ ……………………………….. ?​

32.3.​ When did Sarah make the decision to leave? DECIDE

………………………………….. t​ o leave?

32.4.​ My room has a lot of space. IS

My room …
​ ……………………………….. .​

32.5.​ Does Johnattan always talk so much? SO

Is Johnattan …
​ ……………………………….. ?​

32.6.​ There isn’t much pollution in my town. VERY

My town ​………………………………….. .​

32.7. ​Who’s going to decorate the walls? SOME

Who’s going to put up …

​ ……………………………….. t​ he walls?

32.8. ​This woman is your teacher, isn’t she? YOU

This woman …
​ ……………………………….. ,​ doesn’t she?

32.9. ​Did Mike draw this? MIKE’S

Was ​………………………………….. ?​

32.10.​ We haven’t solved the puzzle yet. THE

We haven’t …
​ ……………………………….. t​ o the puzzle yet. Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone 34


Uzupełnij zdania 33.1.-33.10. tak aby zachować znaczenie zdania wyjściowego. Użyj
wyrazów podanych na końcu zdania w niezmienionej formie. Wymagana jest pełna
poprawność wpisywanych fragmentów. W każdą lukę możesz wpisać maksymalnie
cztery​ wyrazy.

33.1.​ Could you lend me your jewellery for tomorrow’s party? BORROW

Could …
​ ………………………………..​ jewellery for tomorrow’s party?

33.2. ​How long is this skirt? LENGTH

What …
​ ……………………………….. t​ his dress?

33.3.​ Does Christian walk to school? ON

Does Christian go …
​ ……………………………….. ?​

33.4.​ Do you want to go out tonight? FEEL

Do you …
​ ……………………………….. o
​ ut tonight?

33.5.​ What time is it? THE

What …
​ ……………………………….. ?​

33.6.​ I think everyone should be treated in the same way. OUGHT

I think you …
​ ……………………………….. e
​ veryone in the same way.

33.7. ​Anna hates ironing. STAND

Anna ​………………………………….. .​

33.8. ​What’s your eldest son interested in now? KEEN

What’s your eldest son …

​ ……………………………….. t​ he moment?

33.9. ​Are you allowed to go out in the evenings? LET

Do your parents …
​ ……………………………….. i​ n the evenings?

33.10.​ Martin forgot to water the plants. DIDN’T

Martin …
​ ……………………………….. t​ he plants. Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone 35


Uzupełnij zdania 34.1.-34.10. tak aby zachować znaczenie zdania wyjściowego. Użyj
wyrazów podanych na końcu zdania w niezmienionej formie. Wymagana jest pełna
poprawność wpisywanych fragmentów. W każdą lukę możesz wpisać maksymalnie
cztery​ wyrazy.

34.1.​ Would you like to live on the outskirts of a big city? IN

Would you like to live …

​ ………………………………..​ of a big city?

34.2. ​I have nothing to say to Oscar. DON’T

​ ……………………………….. s​ ay to Oscar.

34.3.​ Does everyone always listen closely to what the teacher says? PAY

Does everyone always …

​ ……………………………….. w
​ hat the teacher says?

34.4.​ Joshua didn’t participate in the parade last weekend. TAKE

Joshua …
​ ……………………………….. t​ he parade last weekend.

34.5.​ Do you want to go to the cinema? FANCY

Do you …
​ ……………………………….. t​ he cinema?

34.6.​ I think doughnuts are tastier than pancakes. IN

………………………………….. ,​ doughnuts are tastier than pancakes.

34.7. ​Is it OK if I use your phone to call my father? CAN

………………………………….. p
​ hone to call my father?

34.8. ​Are you always punctual? TIME

Are you …
​ ……………………………….. ?​

34.9. ​We heard an explosion while we were walking down the street. AS

………………………………….. d
​ own the street, we heard the explosion.

34.10.​ Do you like Helen? FOND

………………………………….. H
​ elen? Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone 36


Uzupełnij zdania 35.1.-35.10. tak aby zachować znaczenie zdania wyjściowego. Użyj
wyrazów podanych na końcu zdania w niezmienionej formie. Wymagana jest pełna
poprawność wpisywanych fragmentów. W każdą lukę możesz wpisać maksymalnie
cztery​ wyrazy.

35.1.​ Our plan is to travel as much as possible this summer. GOING

We​ ………………………………….. ​as much as possible this summer.

35.2. ​I’ll go to bed now because I’m tired. SO

………………………………….. g
​ o to bed now.

35.3.​ My manager is always on time. NEVER

My manager …
​ ……………………………….. .​

35.4.​ Misha is very young. She can’t go out on her own. TO

Misha ​………………………………….. g
​ o out on her own.

35.5.​ There’s no flour left. ANY

There ​………………………………….. l​ eft.

35.6.​ Mark called Derek while you were on a date with him. WHO

Mark was​ ………………………………….. ​called Derek while you were on a date with him.

35.7. ​It’s forbidden to leave your bag unattended. MUST

You​ …………………………………..​ bag unattended.

35.8. ​How much time do you need to get ready in the morning? LONG

How …
​ ……………………………….. y
​ ou to get ready in the morning?

35.9. ​It’s logical to rent a flat instead of buying it, in my opinion. MAKES

I think it​ ………………………………….. ​rent a flat instead of buying it.

35.10.​ Could you look at my essay, please? TAKE

Could you …
​ ……………………………….. m
​ y essay, please? Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone 37


Uzupełnij zdania 1.-70. tak aby zachować znaczenie zdania wyjściowego. Użyj
wyrazów podanych na końcu zdania w niezmienionej formie. Wymagana jest pełna
poprawność wpisywanych fragmentów. W każdą lukę możesz wpisać maksymalnie
cztery​ wyrazy.

1.​ It often rains in Wales in autumn. IS

It ​………………………………….. i​ n Wales in autumn.

2.​ My son doesn’t want to go out because it’s not warm enough. TOO

…………………………………..​ so my son doesn’t want to go out.

3. ​Sadly, I can’t help you. WISH

​ ……………………………….. y
​ ou.

4. ​Which car belongs to you? YOURS

Which ​………………………………….. ?​

5.​ The dress was too long for me. NOT

The dress …
​ ……………………………….. f​ or me.

6.​ I came to the restaurant at midnight. It closed at 23:55. TIME

…………………………………..​ I came to the restaurant, it had already closed.

7. ​“I’m very sorry for being late.”, said the student. FOR

The student …
​ ……………………………….. l​ ate.

8.​ Let’s go hiking tomorrow! What do you say, Arthur? ABOUT

Arthur,​ ………………………………….. ​hiking tomorrow?

9.​ It’s obligatory for everyone to wear elegant clothes here. HAS

Everyone …
​ ……………………………….. e
​ legant clothes here.

10.​ Samuel hates living in the suburbs of London. ON

Samuel hates living …

​ ……………………………….. o
​ f London. Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone 38

11.​ This bike was not mine. MY

It ​………………………………….. .​

12.​ The story was so beautiful, grandma. SUCH

This was …
​ ……………………………….. ,​ grandma.

13.​ There won’t be anything left to eat unless we hurry up. IF

………………………………….. u
​ p, there won’t be anything left to eat.

14.​ Look! That little girl is entering the bus on her own. GETTING

Look! That little girl ​………………………………….. b

​ us on her own.

15. ​“We won’t give you any more money!”, my parents told me. REFUSED

My parents …
​ ……………………………….. m
​ ore money.

16. ​The tram left a few seconds ago. JUST

The tram …
​ ……………………………….. .​

17.​ The inventor of this machine was Japanese. THIS

………………………………….. w
​ as Japanese.

18.​ Maria and Greg are such a lovely couple. SO

Maria and Greg …

​ ……………………………….. a
​ s a couple.

19.​ My intention for this semester is to read more fantasy books. GOING

​ ……………………………….. m
​ ore fantasy books this semester.

20.​ While Chris was skiing, he saw Julia. WHEN

Chris was ​…………………………………..​ Julia.

21.​ There aren’t any interactive toys in our house. NO

………………………………….. i​ nteractive toys in our house.

22.​ Misha borrowed this blouse from her older sister last night. LENT

Misha’s ​………………………………….. t​ his blouse last night.

23.​ Where did they take these photographs? They’re stunning! TAKEN

Where …
​ ……………………………….. ?​ They’re stunning! Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone 39

24.​ Paula and Liam last met on Friday. SINCE

Paula and Liam …

​ ……………………………….. .​

25.​ Adventure holidays are more exciting than package holidays. AREN’T

Package holidays …
​ ……………………………….. a
​ dventure holidays.

26.​ Brian has never tried bungee jumping because he’s afraid of heights. WOULD

Brian ​………………………………….. b
​ ungee jumping if he wasn’t scared of heights.

27.​ These cards belong to my nephew. ARE

These …
​ ……………………………….. c​ ards.

28.​ It’s Saturday today. I’m seeing my doctor on Monday. TOMORROW

I’m seeing my doctor …

​ ……………………………….. .​

29.​ Does your cat sleep in your bed? IF

Can you tell me …

​ ……………………………….. i​ n your bed?

30.​ My father started cooking dinner two hours ago and he’s still cooking. YET

My father has …
​ ……………………………….. .​

31.​ It wasn’t necessary for George to bring a present. HAVE

George ​………………………………….. a
​ present.

32.​ First, press this button. Then, the coffee machine will start. IF

………………………………….. t​ his button, the coffee machine won’t start.

33.​ We can’t wait to see uncle Sam and aunt Marin. LOOKING

We are …
​ ……………………………….. u
​ ncle Sam and aunt Marin.

34.​ The cleaners never clean my office on Fridays. IS

My ​………………………………….. o
​ n Fridays.

35.​ Kate’s new car isn’t as fast as Bob’s car. THAN

Bob’s car …
​ ……………………………….. c​ ar.

36.​ “Why were you absent yesterday?”, my classmate asked me. HAD

My classmate asked me …
​ ……………………………….. a
​ bsent yesterday. Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone 40

37.​ Despite being sick, my grandmother cooked a delicious meal for us. EVEN

………………………………….. w
​ as sick, she cooked a delicious meal for us.

38.​ I’m sure my boyfriend is asleep now. BE

My boyfriend …
​ ……………………………….. n
​ ow.

39.​ How long has it been since Wendy left you? WHEN

………………………………….. y
​ ou?

40.​ If we don’t apologize, our parents will be upset. UNLESS

Our parents will be …

​ ……………………………….. .​

41.​ All the viewers were very excited during the match. WAS

The match …
​ ……………………………….. f​ or all the viewers.

42.​ Unfortunately, my employees are never on time. ALWAYS

Unfortunately, my employees …
​ ……………………………….. .​

43. ​”Where’s the pharmacy?” WHERE

I’d like to know ​………………………………….. .​

44.​ Taylor very rarely does sports. EVER

Taylor …
​ ……………………………….. s​ ports.

45. ​We’ve never seen a more boring documentary. THE

This is …
​ ……………………………….. w
​ e’ve ever seen.

46.​ My son hasn’t played with blocks since he was seven. He’s ten now. AGO

My son last played with blocks …

​ ……………………………….. .​

47.​ The tourist was hiking in the mountains when he got lost. WHILE

The tourist got lost …

​ ……………………………….. m
​ ountains.

48.​ Who’s taking care of your baby right now? AFTER

Who …
​ ……………………………….. b
​ aby right now?

49. ​This is the best gift Joe has ever received. A

Joe has never received …

​ ……………………………….. .​ Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone 41

50.​ Is anyone interested in martial arts? KEEN

………………………………….. m
​ artial arts?

51.​ How much money have they spent so far? BEEN

How much money …

​ ……………………………….. s​ o far?

52.​ When did you get a British citizenship? BEEN

How long …
​ ……………………………….. a
​ British citizen?

53.​ ”Did Martin bring any sandwiches with him yesterday?” IF

We want to know …
​ ……………………………….. a
​ ny sandwiches with him yesterday.

54.​ This story is not logical. SENSE

This story …
​ ……………………………….. .​

55.​ “I’m going out.”, our ten-year-old son told us. THAT

Our ten-year-old son told us …

​ ……………………………….. o
​ ut.

56.​ I think it would be a good idea to put on some warmer clothes. WERE

…………………………………..​ , I would put on some warmer clothes.

57.​ Why are the boys crying? ARE

I’d like to know why …

​ ……………………………….. .​

58. ​Unfortunately, my parents are very strict. ONLY

………………………………….. w
​ eren’t so strict.

59. ​Why don’t we keep this meeting a secret? LET’S

………………………………….. a
​ nyone about this meeting.

60.​ Hang on a second, I’m trying to find my mittens. LOOKING

Hang on a second, I …
​ ……………………………….. m
​ ittens.

61.​ “Do your dogs like to have baths?”, my vet asked me. WHETHER

My vet asked me …
​ ……………………………….. t​ o have baths.

62.​ I entered the exam room at noon. The exam started at 11.30. HAD

By the time I entered the exam room, the exam …

​ ……………………………….. Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone 42

63.​ My daughter only has a few exams left to finish the school year. MANY

My daughter …
​ ……………………………….. e
​ xams left to finish the school year.

64.​ “Where do you usually do your homework?”, our teacher asked Brie. WHERE

Our teacher asked Brie …

​ ……………………………….. h
​ er homework.

65.​ You must sign these documents before you receive the parcel. BE

These documents …
​ ……………………………….. y
​ ou receive the parcel.

66.​ “Open the door!”, my grandmother said to me. ORDERED

My grandmother …
​ ……………………………….. t​ he door.

67.​ The weather was sunny. However, Leo didn’t want to go to the beach. ALTHOUGH

………………………………….. s​ unny, Leo didn’t want to go to the beach.

68.​ Mr Jones called his wife an hour ago and fifteen minutes ago. ALREADY

Mr Jones …
​ ……………………………….. h
​ is wife twice.

69.​ If Sheila is tired, she won’t participate in the race. ISN’T

Sheila will participate in the race …

​ ……………………………….. .​

70.​ I’m sure Betty’s house isn’t far from here. CAN’T

Betty’s house …
​ ……………………………….. h
​ ere. Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone 43

Klucz odpowiedzi

1.1. is too cold 1.2. wasn’t sitting close enough 1.3. isn’t tall enough 1.4. was too small 1.5. music wasn’t loud

enough 1.6. is too long 1.7. wasn’t easy enough 1.8. are too young 1.9. wasn’t pretty / beautiful enough

1.10. bags are too heavy

2.1. so beautiful 2.2. was so useful 2.3. was such a delicious 2.4. was so stunning (that) 2.5. are such greedy

boys 2.6. questions were so hard 2.7. such heavy suitcases 2.8. is so inspiring 2.9. such a lot of 2.10. such a

gripping book

3.1. as colourful as 3.2. was more complicated than 3.3. isn’t as cold as 3.4. are prettier than 3.5. as good as

3.6. isn’t as funny as 3.7. more hard-working than 3.8. weren’t as tasty as 3.9. is more modern than 3.10. is

further / farther than

4.1. the most useful gift 4.2. a safer car 4.3. is the best 4.4. a worse day 4.5. was the most productive 4.6. was

bigger than 4.7. the furthest / farthest 4.8. a more interesting 4.9. is the most spacious 4.10. the happiest

5.1. novel’s author is 5.2. are my daughter’s 5.3. Whose bag is 5.4. company’s name is 5.5. does this property

belong 5.6. my younger brother’s 5.7. Whose sweater was 5.8. are my sons’ pairs 5.9. wasn’t my father’s

5.10. to be the president’s

6.1. blanket is yours 6.2. bed will be ours 6.3. these skis theirs 6.4. isn’t my friend 6.5. Was that our land

6.6. that suitcase hers 6.7. key wasn’t mine 6.8. his signature 6.9. these your vases 6.10. Its tail is

7.1. are no boys 7.2. don’t have many 7.3. (very) few 7.4. There aren’t any 7.5. hasn’t had much 7.6. was a little

water 7.7. a few students 7.8. there are no trees 7.9. is too little 7.10. doesn’t have many

8.1. don’t have to 8.2. had to sign 8.3. doesn’t have to apply 8.4. Will we have to 8.5. Did participants have to

8.6. won’t have to 8.7. has to read 8.8. Do students have to 8.9. didn’t have to 8.10. Does everyone have to

9.1. her doctor next month 9.2. rarely cooks 9.3. Scotland in two days 9.4. twice a week 9.5. once a month

9.6. the day after tomorrow 9.7. from time to time 9.8. at the moment 9.9. his car every day 9.10. hardly ever


10.1. finished painting yet 10.2. has just had 10.3. have already booked 10.4. has just stopped 10.5. corrected

our exams yet 10.6. have already taken part 10.7. written the poem yet 10.8. has just fallen asleep 10.9. have

already met 10.10. just received / got

11.1. two years ago 11.2. hasn’t driven me 11.3. for four months 11.4. has been a student 11.5. seen Vincent

for ages 11.6. cake since I was 11.7. hasn’t eaten meat for 11.8. haven’t met for a 11.9. married twenty years

ago 11.10. haven’t played Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone 44

12.1. long have you been 12.2. When did Nick 12.3. How long has Damien 12.4. did Diana call 12.5. have you

been 12.6. has your uncle been 12.7. When did 12.8. long have you known 12.9. get married 12.10. has just


13.1. while I was having 13.2. when she broke 13.3. while Paula was playing 13.4. While I was washing 13.5. as

I was 13.6. I called Sarah 13.7. When someone called 13.8. my parents then 13.9. us while we were

13.10. when our dog started

14.1. had bought 14.2. he hadn’t studied 14.3. By the time 14.4. hadn’t invited 14.5. we had eaten 14.6. mum

hadn’t done 14.7. had already left 14.8. Then she showed 14.9. because she hadn’t 14.10. I hadn’t gone


15.1. if you don’t change 15.2. won’t take me 15.3. Linda doesn’t earn 15.4. will lend you 15.5. If Jack’s father

15.6. don’t switch 15.7. she won’t miss 15.8. he does sports 15.9. we will watch 15.10. if you don’t go

16.1. if we don’t leave 16.2. unless he trains 16.3. if he doesn’t quit 16.4. unless you explain 16.5. unless she

takes 16.6. If your kids don’t 16.7. if they don’t tell 16.8. unless they apologize to 16.9. If Josh doesn’t learn

16.10. unless they hurry up

17.1. If Ollie wasn’t 17.2. wouldn’t have so 17.3. If Paula had enough 17.4. I were you 17.5. would not be in

17.6. Peter were present / weren’t absent 17.7. if she didn’t work 17.8. would pass their 17.9. would be able to

17.10. If Chris didn’t speak

18.1. only I knew 18.2. wish I had 18.3. we could go 18.4. Tom were 18.5. little brother were not 18.6. wish

Georgia had enough 18.7. I didn’t have to 18.8. only my friends were 18.9. wish it weren’t 18.10. Ron were


19.1. must be 19.2. might know 19.3. can’t be tired 19.4. he must have 19.5. it may rain 19.6. may / might live

near 19.7. can’t be far away 19.8. may / might not know 19.9. parents must be at 19.10. you can’t miss

20.1. didn’t attend 20.2. he would like to 20.3. was going to repair 20.4. told us to be 20.5. wasn’t listening to

him 20.6. hadn’t read my book 20.7. us to open our 20.8. the weather wouldn’t be 20.9. was flying to

20.10. Gill not to say

21.1. apologized for breaking 21.2. suggested celebrating 21.3. denied taking my clothes 21.4. Nathan of

stealing 21.5. offered to help me 21.6. advised me to go 21.7. agreed to go 21.8. recommended taking up

21.9. reminded me to take 21.10. friends refused to go Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone 45

22.1. if I could 22.2. whether her children were 22.3. whether all women liked 22.4. if she could give 22.5. he

had ever considered 22.6. whether robots would replace 22.7. whether she agreed 22.8. if he had felt 22.9. if

it was going 22.10. anyone had left

23.1. I was shouting 23.2. where he had been 23.3. money I would save 23.4. when she had spoken 23.5. who

called her 23.6. time he was meeting 23.7. who could run 23.8. his best friend preferred 23.9. books we had

read 23.10. when he was going

24.1. if Joanna enjoys 24.2. whether you slept well 24.3. if Felix has been 24.4. whether anyone is hungry

24.5. think it will rain 24.6. if I am listening 24.7. if Tracy had left 24.8. whether you were doing 24.9. if you fell

down 24.10. whether there’s

25.1. know where you were 25.2. who you are meeting 25.3. your mum goes 25.4. why everyone is so

25.5. exercises Uwe has done 25.6. who told you to 25.7. it will take 25.8. where the hospital is 25.9. which

colour Sandra prefers 25.10. what your teacher said

26.1. isn’t managed 26.2. were baked by 26.3. mustn’t be touched 26.4. going to be installed 26.5. are written

26.6. should be explained 26.7. will be announced at 26.8. has been organized 26.9. wasn’t planted 26.10. will

not be repeated

27.1. be collected 27.2. Was Amelia’s vase broken 27.3. Is this wine produced 27.4. all invitations be sent

27.5. going to be hidden 27.6. have been vaccinated 27.7. were those employees fired 27.8. aren’t my

bathrooms cleaned 27.9. luggage be left 27.10. Has Thomas been seen

28.1. Despite being exhausted 28.2. although it was raining 28.3. even though everyone warned 28.4. spite of

having 28.5. Although the party was 28.6. However, he decided 28.7. even though she asked 28.8. However, I

don’t trust 28.9. although he’s very good 28.10. Even though I asked

29.1. How about going 29.2. Let’s talk about what 29.3. Let’s travel to 29.4. How / What about going 29.5. Why

don’t we listen 29.6. Shall we invite 29.7. How / What about ordering 29.8. not tell 29.9. Why don’t we

29.10. not go to school

30.1. is very fond of 30.2. cut down on 30.3. takes care of 30.4. should give up 30.5. bring up 30.6. your laptop

break down 30.7. look up to 30.8. looking forward to joining 30.9. passed away fifteen 30.10. to come back

31.1. run out of 31.2. to move in with 31.3. taking up 31.4. to give back 31.5. are getting off 31.6. took part in

31.7. break up 31.8. we look for your 31.9. you get on 31.10. break out Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone 46

32.1. was truly inspiring 32.2. did you fly 32.3. When did Sarah decide 32.4. is very spacious 32.5. always so

talkative 32.6. isn’t very polluted 32.7. some decorations on 32.8. teaches you 32.9. this Mike’s drawing

32.10. found the solution

33.1. I borrow your 33.2. is the length of 33.3. to school on foot 33.4. feel like going 33.5. is the time

33.6. ought to treat 33.7. can’t stand ironing 33.8. keen on 33.9. let you go out 33.10. didn’t remember to


34.1. in the suburbs 34.2. don’t have anything to 34.3. pay attention to 34.4. didn’t take part in 34.5. fancy

going out 34.6. In my opinion 34.7. Can I use your 34.8. always on time 34.9. As we were walking 34.10. Are

you fond of

35.1. are going to travel 35.2. I’m tired so I’ll 35.3. is never late 35.4. is too young to 35.5. isn’t any flour

35.6. the one / person who 35.7. must not leave your 35.8. long does it take 35.9. makes sense to 35.10. take

a look at

1 is often rainy 2 It’s too cold 3 wish I could 4 car is yours 5 wasn’t short enough 6 By the time 7 apologized for

being 8 What / How about going 9 has to wear 10 on the outskirts 11 wasn’t my bike 12 such a beautiful story

13 If we don’t hurry up 14 is getting on the 15 refused to give me 16 has just left 17 This machine’s inventor

18 are so lovely 19 am going to read 20 skiing when he saw 21 There are no 22 older sister lent her 23 were

these photographs taken 24 haven’t met since 25 aren’t as exciting as 26 would try 27 are my nephew’s 28 the

day after tomorrow 29 if your cat sleeps 30 finished cooking dinner yet 31 didn’t have to bring 32 If you don’t

press 33 looking forward to seeing 34 office is never cleaned 35 is faster than Kate’s 36 why I had been

37 Even though my grandmother 38 must be asleep 39 When did Wendy leave 40 upset unless we apologize

41 was very exciting 42 are always late 43 where the pharmacy is 44 hardly ever does 45 the most boring

documentary 46 three years ago 47 while hiking in the 48 is looking after your 49 a better gift before

50 Is anyone keen on 51 have been spent 52 have you been 53 if Martin brought 54 doesn’t make (any) sense

55 that he was going 56 If I were you 57 the boys are crying 58 If only my parents 59 Let’s not tell 60 am

looking for my 61 whether my dogs liked 62 had already started 63 doesn’t have many 64 where she usually

did 65 must be signed before 66 ordered me to open 67 Although the weather was 68 has already called 69 if

she isn’t tired 70 can’t be far from Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone 47

Karta odpowiedzi Karta odpowiedzi
Odpowiedź Odpowiedź

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Karta odpowiedzi Karta odpowiedzi

Odpowiedź Odpowiedź

1. ……………………………………….. 1. ………………………………………..

2. ……………………………………….. 2. ………………………………………..

3. ……………………………………….. 3. ………………………………………..

4. ……………………………………….. 4. ………………………………………..

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9. ……………………………………….. 9. ………………………………………..

10. ……………………………………….. 10. ……………………………………….. Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone 48 Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone 49

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