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baimendu genuen, onartu genuen allow etiketatua labelled

atsekabetua, penatua ashamed lur hartu zeun, erori zen landed

jo zuen banged unibertsitateko irakasle lecturer

jokatzen zuen behaved faro, argi lighthouse

traizionatua, salduta betrayed bozgorailu loudspeaker

arku bow lizunkeria lust

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-z josita crowded with ilarak rows

aldaketa decanting basatiak savage

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gaitzespen disapproval albo-(ondorioak) side

deseroso embarrassed hasperen egin zuen sighed

animatu, poztu encouraged sinatzeko sign

porrot egin zuten failed arima soul

kaleratua, botata fired adi-adi begiratzen zuen stared

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ohi, aurreko former irentsi zuen swallowed

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babesgabe helpless urdanga! whore!

ero, zoro insane zimurtua wrinkled

ostiko eman zion kicked


Chapter 1
1. Why was the fertilising room an important place?
Because that was where humans where mass produced
2. How did the Bokanovsky process cause social stability?
It divides low-level eggs into 96 identical humans
3. What happened to the female embryos?
70% of them were given male sex-hormones
4. According to the Director, what was the secret of happiness?
Making people like what they are told to do

Chapter 2
1. What happened when the babies were offered books and flowers the last time?
They were given loud noises and electric shocks
2. Why were Delta babies conditioned to hate books and flowers?
They were conditioned to hate books to keep them docile and to hate flowers because they
could enjoy nature without spending money
3. Why was Reuben's experience important?
Because they learned that children can learn while sleeping

Chapter 3
1. Why didn't the State allow family life to exist?
Because belonging to only one person was bad for society
2. Why was sleep teaching prohibited in the past?
Because people believed in liberty, individuality and freedom
3. What was soma and why did people take it?
It was a drug that people used to escape reality

Chapter 4
1. Why did Fanny disapprove of Lenina's relationship with Henry?
Because her relationship with him has become too serious
2. Why did Lenina think the Savage Reservation would be an exciting place to visit?
Because people still live like they did in the past
3. Why was Fanny horrified to discover that Lenina was interested in Bernard?
Because he wasn't interested in games and he spent a lot of time by himself

Chapter 5
1. Why did Bernard hate Henry Foster and Benito Hoover?
Because they talked about Lenina as if she was a piece of meat
2. Why did Lenina speak loudly in the lift?
So that people would know that she was going out with more than one person
3. What made Helmholtz an outsider like Bernard?
He felt that something was missing from his life

Chapter 6
1. What were the bodies of people used for after they died and what were the advantages of this?
They were used to collect phosphorus that was used to grow plants
2. Why did the Director sign the permit for Bernard?
Because Mustapha Mond had signed it too and everything was in order
3. What happened to the girl in New Mexico?
She got lost in the mountains

Chapter 7
1. What bad news did Bernard hear from Helmholtz?
The director wanted to transfer him (Bernard)
2. What disgusted Lenina when they got to Malpais?
She was disgusted by the smell
3. Why weren't there any old or sick people in the New World?
Because they took measures to avoid it

Chapter 8
1. Why was Bernard surprised when he first met John?
John´s hair was blond, his skin was white and his eyes were blue
2. What did Bernard realise about John and Linda and what made him realise this?
John´s father was the Director. His name was the same as John´s fathers
3. Why did people on the reservation think Linda was bad?
Because she slept with everyone's men

Chapter 9
1. Why did Linda feel ashamed to be John's mother?
Because only animals and savages are mothers and have babies
2. What did Linda tell John about the 'Other Place'?
She told him how everyone belonged to everyone and how everyone was always happy
3. Why did Mustapha Mond agree to let John and Linda come to London?
Because they were of scientific interest

Chapter 10
1. What reason did the Director give the workers for transferring Bernard?
He said Bernard´s unconventional ideas were a danger to society
2. What events caused the Director to feel humiliated?
John called him father
3. How did Bernard's life change after the Controller made him John's guardian?
He started to be treated like an important person

Chapter 11
1. How did John feel about civilised life in London?
He wasn't impressed
2. How did the children learn to accept dying as a routine thing?
They spend two mornings a week at the Hospital
3. Why was Lenina feeling confused and frustrated about John's feelings for her?
Because she wasn't sure if John liked her or not
Chapter 12
1. Why didn't John want to meet the people at Bernard's party?
Because he didn't like civilisation
2. Why did Helmholtz's students report him to the Director of the college?
Because he read his poems about loneliness to them
3. Why did John protest when Lenina tried to kiss him?
Because he wanted to marry her first

Chapter 13
1. Why did John's reaction about Linda surprise the nurse?
She had never seen anybody react like that before
2. What was John's reaction when Linda thought he was Popé?
He got furious
3. Why did John try to stop the people from taking soma?
Because people had become slaves of soma

Chapter 14
1. According to the Controller, how had the world and people changed since the time of
The world was safe and people were happy, healthy and safe in the New World
2. How did Bernard react to the Controller's decision to send them to an island?
He knelt down and started crying
3. What surprising statement did the Controller make to Helmholtz and John towards the end of the
He said he envied them for thinking independently
4. Why wasn't John sent to an island with Bernard and Helmholtz?
Because the Controller wanted to see how a savage would adapt to civilization

Chapter 15
1. Why did John go and live in the lighthouse?
Because he wanted to punish himself for being severe to linda before dying
2. How did John's life change after the film The Savage was shown?
People went to the lighthouse and treated him like a zoo animal
3. What did John do when he saw Lenina?
He called her “whore” and then whipped her
4. What happened to John in the end?
He killed himself

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