Washington Square Answers

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1. How did Doctor Sloper’s wife and her family help his career?
He became the favourite doctor of New York society because of his wife’s connections and friends. His wife had a wealthy
family with an important position in New York.
2. What were the two tragedies in Doctor Sloper’s life?
The two people that he had loved the most had died: His son and his wife. And he thought it was all his fault.

1. Describe the difference in Doctor Sloper’s attitude towards his two sisters. Mrs Penniman and Mrs Almond.
Doctor Sloper preferred the company of Mrs Almond than Mrs Penniman and he respected her more because they had the
same thinking about people’s characteristics: being logical. Also he talked with Mrs Almond about many things, unlike Mrs
Penniman. He just talked to Mrs Penniman because he wanted that his sister made Catherine a clever woman.
2. Why was Doctor Sloper disappointed in Catherine?
He was disappointed in her because Catherine wasn’t as beautiful as his wife had been or as intelligent as he himself was. He
also didn’t expect nothing from her.
3. How did Catherine feel about her father?
Unlike his father, Catherine was extremely fond of her father, although she was also a little afraid of him. She thought he was
the cleverest and most handsome man in the world, and her greatest desire was to please him.

1. Where and how did Catherine meet Morris Townsend?
They met each other in a big party to celebrate the Marian’s engagement when she brought Morris over to Catherine because
he wanted very much to meet her.
2. Why did Catherine feel nervous and embarrassed when she first met Morris Townsend?
She felt that way when she met new people. Also, when she stood next to him, she didn’t know what to say.

1. Why was Doctor Sloper not happy that Catherine was wearing her red and gold satin dress?
Because wearing that dress Catherine looked as if Doctor Sloper had given her $80,000 and she shouldn't look as if she do. She
hadn’t got that much money yet.
2. What did Doctor Sloper suspect was going to happen?
He suspected that if Catherine wore that red and gold satin dress, men would think that she’s very rich.


1. What did Catherine learn from Arthur about Morris Townsend’s personality? She learned about Morris Townsend that
he was charming but some people said that he was too clever. He was looking for a new job because his parents died many
years ago.
2. What surprising news did Mrs Penniman tell Catherine after Arthur and Morris left?
The news were that Morris Townsend wanted to court Catherine and she couldn't believe that such a handsome and charming
man would actually want to court her.
3. What did Catherine and Morris have in common?
They didn’t like reading but they loved theatre and music.

1. What did Mrs Almond advise Doctor Sloper to do and how did he react? Mrs Almond advised Doctor Sloper to meet
Morris Townsend and give him the benefit of the doubt.
2. What were Doctor Sloper’s criticisms of Morris after meeting him? Doctor Sloper thought that Morris Townsend was
very clever and he dressed and spoke well. But he also thought that Morris was much too self-confident and he didn’t believe
in everything he said.

1. What did Doctor Sloper learn from his conversation with Mrs Penniman? He learned that Morris Penniman was very
interested in Catherine and also that he lived with his sister because he didn’t work.
2. Why did Doctor Sloper decide to give Morris a second chance? Because when he saw Catherine’s face and how
embarrassed she looked, Doctor Morris thought that was very nice for her to have such a handsome young man court her and
that he had formed an opinion of Morris too quickly.
3. What do you think Doctor Sloper was trying to tell Morris when he said that if a young man “doesn’t succeed in one
thing, he can try something else?” I think that Doctor Sloper was trying to tell Morris that if he couldn’t succeed in his
daughter's court, he could try to court other women in other cities to stay away from Catherine.

1. What reason did Morris give Catherine for predicting Doctor Sloper’s disapproval of their engagement?
Doctor Sloper would tell Catherine that Morris wanted to marry her for her money and not because he was in love with her.
2. How did Doctor Sloper react when Catherine told him about her engagement? Doctor Sloper told her that Morris
should had spoken to him first and. He also said to her daughter that he wasn’t happy for their engagement because he didn’t
like Morris and he would spend all her money with an irresponsible way.

1. According to Doctor Sloper, why wouldn't Morris be a suitable husband for Catherine?
Because Catherine was a weak woman with a great deal of money and Morris was a man with neither money nor a profession.
2. What do you think Doctor Sloper meant when he said that being “too careful” with Catherine’s money “would be
just as bad as spending it stupidly?” I think that Doctor Sloper wanted to say that Catherine’s money had the same influence
and importance than Morris’.
3. Why did Doctor Sloper believe that he could influence Catherine’s decision? Because he thought that Catherine had a
great deal of respect and affection for him and he believed that he could influence her decision.

1. Why did Doctor Sloper want to visit Mrs Montgomery?
Because if he visited Morris’s sister, she would prove or not that he had made a mistake and he would beg forgiveness from
Catherine and Morris.
2. What did Doctor Sloper learn from Mrs Montgomery that made him certain that his opinion of Morris Townsend was
He learned that Morris asked his sister for money even when she was poor, that made him selfish and superficial. Also Doctor
Sloper hadn’t told his daughter and Morris that she wouldn’t receive any money at his death if he didn’t approve a man to
marry her. Morris wanted to marry Catherine for her money and her bank account.

1. What did Catherine do to try to change her father’s mind about marrying Morris?
She decided that if she were very patient, behaved very well and spoke to him for several days, Doctor Sloper might change
his mind and agree to her marriage with Morris.
2. What did Mrs Penniman suggest to Morris?
She suggested him to have a secret wedding with Catherine because that was what people did when they felt they had no
other choice, like Doctor Solper’s forbidden to their marriage.
kkk 3. How did Morris mistakenly reveal that he was interested in Catherine’s money? When Mrs Penniman told Morris
about her brother’s plan to not give Catherine any money if she was secretly getting married, he answered quickly if she
wasn’t sure about that.

1. How did Catherine react when Mrs Penniman told her about meeting Morris? Catherine resented her aunt’s
interference and told to her that it wasn't right for her to saw him because Doctor Sloper asked her to not see Morris again.
2. What was Mrs Penniman’s opinion of how Catherine was acting? She was angry because they loved each other and
she didn’t want that Catherine broke Morris’ heart. Also she was angry because her niece never spoke to her about her
feelings and told her it was a mistake to give up the man she loved because her father didn’t like him.
3. What did Doctor Sloper want Catherine to tell Morris?
Doctor Sloper told Catherine to told Morris that if she saw him again and married him, she wouldn’t get any of his money after
his death and after saying him that watch his angry reaction.
1. What did Doctor Sloper say would happen if Mrs Penniman continued to encourage Catherine and Morris?
If Mrs Penniman continued disobeying her brother, she wouldn't be welcome to live in his house anymore.
2. What effect did Doctor Sloper’s message have on Morris?
Morris got angry and Catherine could see the anger in his eyes. However he knew how to react in front of her, even though he
was worried about Doctor Sloper’s words to not give her any money.

1. Why did Doctor Sloper want Catherine to postpone her wedding? Because he wanted to take Catherine to a trip in
Europe and during that six months in Europe she would forget Morris.
2. Why did Morris think it would be a good idea for Catherine to go to Europe with her father?
Because he thought that maybe in that trip she could talk to her father in a right time and place and change his mind about
the wedding.

1. According to Doctor Sloper, how would Morris make Catherine feel? Morris would make Catherine feel all alone in the
world and that would be her destiny if she marries him.
2. What did Doctor Sloper ask Catherine to do before marrying Morris? To tell him a few days before the wedding
because he said that when a man is going to lose his only child, he likes to know about it before the event.

1. What good news did Mrs Penniman give Catherine when she arrived back in New York?
The good news were that Morris had gone into business with a partner. kk
2. Why didn’t Catherine want Morris to talk to her father?
Because her father was so angry with her and she decided never to ask him for anything never again. She wanted to show her
father that Morris and she were not depending on him in any way.
3. What did Morris decide to do while he was walking home?
Without her inheritance, Catherine was of no interest to Morris. He decided that he would give Cathine up while he was
walking home.

1. What did Morris ask Mrs Penniman to do?
If she could tell Catherine that he didn’t want to marry her anymore because he didn’t want be the reason for her father’s
cruelty to her and to lose everything for him.
2. How did Morris’ visits to Catherine change?
He visited her less over the few weeks and when he was with Catherine it was just a short time.
3. How did Catherine try to convince Morris not to go to New Orleans? She convinced him by saying that they had
waited for so long to get married and she had more money than he would earn. He didn’t have to go to New Orleans because
he could go whenever he wanted.

1. Where did Catherine go instead of to church?
She went to see Morris but he wasn’t there because he had left town.
2. What lie did Catherine tell her father?
She told her father that the person who had broken off the engagement had been herself, not Morris.

1. Why was Catherine satisfied with her life?
Because she promised herself to not being depressed about still loving Morris and thinking about the pain her father and
Morris caused her. She was much more self-confident, went to a parties, became a respected older friend to the many
wealthy young men and women and did voluntary work for charities and hospitals. She was satisfied with her life.
2. Why do you think Catherine wouldn’t promise her father not to marry Morris after he died?
I think that maybe Catherine was still in love with Morris and she had never forgotten him through the years.
3. What did Doctor Sloper leave Catherine in his will and why?
Doctor Sloper leaved Catherine only a small amount of the money, because he was angry with her and he said that Catherine
had already got enough money.
1. How did Catherine react when Mrs Penniman first mentioned Morris? She quickly answered her aunt. She hoped he
was well but she didn’t want to see him or not even be mentioned.
2. Morris said that he wanted to see Catherine to explain to her why he had broken off their engagement. Can you
think of another reason, one that isn’t stated in the story?
I think that Morris’ future didn’t go well and he thought that maybe, with Mrs Penniman’s help, he could reconquer
Catherine’s heart. He really needed some money to keep alive and an old love could help him.
3. How did Catherine react to Morris?
She seemed to be sad to see Morris again but she just wanted him to leave the house and be alone forever. She didn’t even
want to be his friend because he treated her so badly and she didn’t want to remember her past anymore.

Gauza pila bat → a great deal Kalte egin → harm
Aliatua → ally Duda egin zuen → hesitated
Uste nuen → assumed Barkamena eskatuko diot → I'll beg forgiveness
Bankuko kontua → bank account -tzeko asmoa du → intends
Taupaka → beating Trinkotatu → knit
Andregaiaren → bride´s Jakituna → knowledgeable
Pertsonaia → character Altzoa, magala → lap
Karitateko erakundeak → charities Zorabiatzen zaitu → make you dizzy
Xarmagarria → charming Marmolezko → marble
Elizgizona → clergyman Burutu zuen → performed
Harroxkoa → conceited Eragotzi → prevent
Interesa, kezka → concern Intimitatea → privacity
Ezin zuen entzundakoa sinetsi → couldn't believe her ears Gaizki hartu zuen → resented
Gorteiatu → court Buru-konfiatua → self-confident
Negozioa, tratua → deal Berekoia → selfish
Leiala → devoted Josi → sew
Ez zuen luzaro iraun → didn't last long Saminki → sharply
Komentatzen zuen → discussed Laster gaindituko du → she'll soon get over
Aztoratua → disturbed Abileziak → skills
Txundigarria → dramatic Lasai → still
Besarkatu zuen → embraced Sostengua → support
Bordatua, broderia → embroidery -z errukitzea → to take pity on
Adoretu → encourage -z fidatu → trust
Ezkontzeko hitz emana → engaged Esker txarrekoa → ungrateful
Azkenean → eventually Haserre → upset
Nabarmena → fancy Maite zuen → was--fond of
Agurra, despedida → farewell -z ez zen jabetzen → wasn't aware of
Ergela → foolish Diruduna, aberatsa → wealthy
Debekatzen baduzu → forbid Alarguna → widow
Negozioetan jardun → go into business Ordenua → will
Ezdeusa, gauzaeza → good for nothing Ardo-sotoa → wine cellar
Marmarka aritzen da → gossip Zauria → wound
Heldulekua → handle -z trufatzen ari zara → you're making fun of

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