9 Immunology

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Republic of the Philippines


Science Unit
Tacloban City

Name: ___________________________ Crs/Yr/Section: _____________________

Date of Submission: _______________ Score: ____________________________
Teacher: _________________________

Exercise No. ____


I. Instructions:
I. Answer the following:
1. Differentiate the following:
a. innate from adaptive immunity

Innate immunity, also known as natural immunity, is the body's initial

defense mechanism that is already active from birth and operates before
exposure to specific antigens. It encompasses nonspecific defenses such
as physical barriers (like skin and mucous membranes), as well as
processes like phagocytosis and inflammation. These mechanisms act
quickly, within minutes of exposure to an antigen. However, innate immunity
does not improve with subsequent exposures and lacks memory, providing
only short-term protection (Bartolome & Quiles, 2020, p.106)

On the other hand, adaptive immunity is antigen-specific and develops

after exposure to a particular antigen. It involves the production of
antibodies by B cells and the activation of cytotoxic T cells. Unlike innate
immunity, the response of adaptive immunity is delayed, taking about 7-10
days to produce sufficient levels of antibodies. Additionally, adaptive
immunity offers longer-lasting protection, often lasting throughout an
individual's lifetime (Bartolome & Quiles, 2020, p. 107).

The key distinction lies in memory: adaptive immunity possesses

memory cells, which are created after activation of B and T cells. These
memory cells enable a more robust and rapid response upon re-exposure to
the same antigen, making the immune response amplifiable. This memory
aspect is absent in innate immunity, which does not retain any memory of
prior encounters with antigens (Bartolome & Quiles, 2020).

b. antigen from immunogen

An antigen is any substance that is recognized by the immune system,

whether by B cells or T cells, and serves as the target of the immune
response. However, not all antigens necessarily elicit an immune response.

On the other hand, an immunogen refers to any substance capable of

inducing an immune response, whether it's a humoral (antibody-mediated)
response, cell-mediated response, or both. Immunogens have the ability to
trigger the activation of B cells and T cells, leading to the production of
antibodies and the activation of cytotoxic T cells, respectively (Bartolome &
Quiles, 2020, p.102)

In summary, while all immunogens are antigens, not all antigens are
necessarily immunogens. An antigen may be recognized by the immune
system but may not cause a response, whereas an immunogen actively
makes an immune response.

c. cell-mediated from humoral immunity

Cell-mediated immunity primarily involves T cells, including cytotoxic T cells (CD8+

T cells) and helper T cells (CD4+ T cells), which play essential roles in resisting
infections caused by intracellular organisms such as viruses, fungi, parasites,
bacteria, and tumor cells, as well as in transplant and graft rejection. It relies on
macrophages, natural killer cells, helper T cells, and cytotoxic T cells. Macrophages
present antigens to T cells, while cytotoxic T cells directly destroy antigens through
the perforin-granzyme mechanism. Helper T cells stimulate B cell differentiation and
antibody production, as well as activate cytotoxic T cells. In contrast, humoral
immunity involves antibodies produced by B cells and primarily targets extracellular
pathogens, toxin-induced diseases, certain viral infections, and infections caused by
encapsulated pathogens. This immune response is directed against a broad
spectrum of threats outside of host cells, with antibodies circulating in bodily fluids.
Both branches of immunity work collaboratively to provide comprehensive protection
against diverse pathogens and maintain immune homeostasis (Bartolome & Quiles,
2020, p.)

2. Enumerate the primary and secondary lymphoid organs

(Institute for Quality and Efficiency in Health Care (IQWiG), 2020)

Primary Lymphoid Organs
1. Bone marrow
2. Thymus

Secondary Lymphoid Organs:

(peripheral lymphoid organs)
1. Lymph nodes
2. Spleen
3. Mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue (MALT)
o tonsils,
o adenoids
o Peyer’s patches in the Ileum, and
o appendix

II. Enumerate the different hypersensitivity reactions and give examples for each

Hypersensitivity Mechanism Mediator/s Examples

Type I Type I hypersensitivity, commonly The immediate Clinical manifestations of
type I hypersensitivity
known as an allergic reaction, is phase of the
reactions include local
mediated by IgE antibodies. Upon allergic reaction anaphylaxis and systemic
anaphylaxis. Examples of
exposure to allergens, dendritic involves
local anaphylaxis include
cells present the antigen to naïve vascular events food allergy, urticaria
(hives), eczema, allergic
CD4+ T cells, which differentiate of inflammation,
rhinitis (hay fever), and
into Th2 cells. Th2 cells release with histamine asthma. Systemic
anaphylaxis is a severe
interleukin 4 (IL-4), stimulating being the major
allergic response
class switching to IgE. The chemical characterized by
circulatory collapse,
allergen binds to IgE antibodies, mediator. The
hypotension, severe
forming complexes that sensitize late phase bronchoconstriction, and
laryngeal edema. It can
mast cells. Upon subsequent involves cellular
be induced by various
exposure to the allergen, cross- events, with the allergens such as
peanuts, seafood, bee
linking of IgE allergen complexes release of slow-
venom, and certain drugs
stimulates degranulation of mast reacting like aspirin and penicillin.
Individuals with type I
cells and the release of substances of
hypersensitivity, known
histamine. anaphylaxis as atopic individuals,
typically have higher
levels of IgE antibodies
primarily than the general
leukotrienes C4,
D4, and E4
(LTC4, LTD4,
and LTE4), and
Type II Type II hypersensitivity, also mediated by Autoimmune
known as antibody-mediated IgM or IgG hemolytic
hypersensitivity, involves the targeting anemias:
binding of antibodies (usually IgG membrane- Autoantibodies
or IgM) to antigens on the surface associated target antigens
of cells or tissues, leading to cell antigens on red blood
destruction or dysfunction. This cells, leading to
classification is based on three their destruction
subtypes: opsonization and through
phagocytosis, complement and opsonization,
Fc receptor-mediated phagocytosis,
inflammation, and antibody- and
mediated cellular dysfunction. complement
antigens cross-
react with self-
antigens in
cardiac tissue,
leading to
and tissue
Type III Type III hypersensitivity, known The classical Local Immune
as immune complex-mediated pathway of the Complex
hypersensitivity, is initiated by the complement Disease (Arthus
formation of immune complexes system is Reaction): This
in the circulation. These immune activated upon form of Type III
complexes consist of antigens the formation of hypersensitivity
bound to antibodies, typically IgG immune is exemplified
or IgM. These complexes then complexes, by the Arthus
deposit in various tissues, leading to the reaction, which
particularly in the kidneys and on recruitment of occurs as a
the endothelium of blood vessels. inflammatory complication of
cells and immunization,
inflammation at especially with
the sites of vaccines
deposition. This administered in
inflammation multiple doses
not only targets (e.g., DPT
and destroys vaccine). If a
the antigen but vaccine is
also damages administered
the underlying before the next
tissues where scheduled dose
the immune and is injected
complexes at the same site
accumulate. as the previous
dose, immune
complexes form
and precipitate
in the walls of
blood vessels,
leading to
necrosis. This
results in
localized tissue
necrosis at the
injection site.
Type IV Type IV hypersensitivity, also The mediators Tuberculin Skin
known as T cell-mediated involved in Type Test for
hypersensitivity, involves the IV Tuberculosis: In
activation of T lymphocytes hypersensitivity this test, the
(either CD4+ or CD8+ T cells) include antigen PPD
rather than antibodies. The tissue cytokines (purified protein
destruction occurs either through produced by derivative) from
inflammation induced by CD4+ T cells, Mycobacterium
cytokines produced by CD4+ T such as Th1 tuberculosis is
cells (CD4+ T cell-mediated and Th17 cells, administered
inflammation) or direct killing of which promote into the skin. A
target cells by cytotoxic T cells inflammation positive
(CD8+ T cell-mediated and recruit reaction,
cytotoxicity). other immune indicated by
cells like induration
macrophages (localized
and neutrophils. swelling and
hardening of
the skin),
typically occurs
within 24–48
(sometimes up
to 72 hours) in
exposed to
tuberculosis or
against it. This
reaction is
mediated by
Th1 cells.

III. Give the function/s of the different immunoglobulins

Immunoglobulin Function/s
IgA IgA, known as the secretory immunoglobulin, is the
primary immunoglobulin in secretions such as colostrum,
saliva, tears, respiratory, gastrointestinal, and
genitourinary tract secretions. In serum, it exists as a
monomer, while in secretions, it forms a dimer held
together by a J chain. IgA is a crucial component of
mucosal immunity.
IgD IgD, a monomer, lacks a known antibody function. It
primarily serves as a surface marker on many B cells
and may function as an antigen receptor. IgD is found in
small amounts in serum, approximately 1%.

IgE IgE, also known as the reaginic antibody, holds medical

significance for two primary reasons: First, it mediates
immediate or anaphylactic hypersensitivity reactions.
Second, it provides defense against parasites such as
helminths or worms. IgE binds to the surface of mast
cells and basophils, acting as an antigen receptor for
allergens. It exists in monomeric form.

IgG The key function of IgG antibody is its role as the

predominant antibody in the secondary immune
response (anamnestic response), making it a major
defense against bacteria and viruses. IgG creates
approximately 73% of the immunoglobulins in the serum
and is comprised of four subclasses or isotypes: IgG1
(most common), IgG2, IgG3, and IgG4. Notably, IgG is
the only antibody to cross the placenta (except IgG4),
making it the most abundant antibody in newborns.
Together with IgM, IgG can fix or activate the
complement system (except IgG4). Additionally, IgG
functions as an opsonin, enhancing phagocytosis, and
serves as the main immunoglobulin in chronic infections.

IgM IgM, the largest among the immunoglobulins, is a

pentamer held together by a J chain (joining chain). It
plays a crucial role as the main immunoglobulin
produced early in the primary immune response and is
predominant in acute infections. IgM, along with IgG, can
activate the complement system and is particularly
efficient in complement activation due to its large size.
Additionally, IgM acts as an antigen receptor on the
surface of B cells.

Institute for Quality and Efficiency in Health Care (IQWiG). (2020, July 30). What are the organs of

the immune system? InformedHealth.org - NCBI Bookshelf.



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