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 A single static Powerpoint slide is permitted (no slide transitions, animations or 'movement' of any
description, the slide is to be presented from the beginning of the oration).

 Powerpoint slide should be created using standard format.

 No additional electronic media (e.g. sound and video files) are permitted.

 No additional props (e.g. costumes, musical instruments, laboratory equipment) are permitted.

 Presentations are limited to 3 minutes minimum, 5 minutes maximum and competitors exceeding 5
minutes are disqualified.

 Presentations are to be delivered in regular prose (e.g. no poems, slam poetry, raps, or spoken word

 Presentations are considered to have commenced when a presenter initiates through movement or

 Presentations are to be delivered in traditional presentation style.

 All participants are allowed to use a maximum of 5 slides inclusive of participant details. Not
adhering, will lead to automatic disqualification.

 The content of the PPT should not be copied. Any Plagiarism, if detected, will lead to

Judging Criteria
 Clarity: Did the speaker provide adequate background knowledge to make the talk and the
importance of the project understandable?
 Organization: Did the presentation follow a clear and logical sequence?
 Language matches audience: Was the topic and its significance communicated in a language
appropriate to an interested, but non-specialist audience? (For example, did the speaker avoid or
explain discipline-specific jargon?)
 Significance: Did the presenter explain why the project mattered, addressing the impact and results
of the research?
 Delivery: How was the delivery, including pace, enthusiasm, confidence, body language, and
dynamism of vocal delivery?
 Visual: Did the slide enhance the presentation and help to emphasize the primary points of the talk?
Was the slide well designed, clear, legible and concise?
 Engagement: To what extent did the talk speak to your intellectual curiosity? Did it make you want
to learn more about the topic?
Very Poor
Criteria Excellent (5) Good (4) Fair (3) Poor (2) (1)

Content is
presented in a Content is Content is Content is Content is
clear, logical presented somewhat clear, unclear, with extremely
manner, with clearly, with with occasional significant unclear,
excellent flow good lapses in lapses in lacking any
Clarity and and organization organization organization organization
Organization coherence. and coherence. and coherence. and coherence. or coherence.

demonstrates Presentation
exceptional Presentation Presentation Presentation lacks any
creativity and demonstrates shows some lacks creativity creativity or
innovation in creativity and creativity and and innovation innovation in
the use of innovation in innovation in in the use of the use of
visuals, the use of the use of visuals, visuals,
animations, visuals, visuals, animations, animations,
Creativity and and other animations, and animations, and and other and other
Innovation features. other features. other features. features. features.

engages the
audience Presenter Presenter Presenter Presenter
throughout the engages the engages the struggles to fails to
presentation, audience audience to engage the engage the
demonstrating adequately, some extent, but audience, audience,
enthusiasm with some lacks consistent showing little lacking any
and enthusiasm and enthusiasm and enthusiasm or enthusiasm or
Engagement confidence. confidence. confidence. confidence. confidence.

PowerPoint slides are
slides are PowerPoint visually
PowerPoint PowerPoint somewhat slides lack unappealing
slides are slides are visually visual appeal and poorly
visually visually appealing and and effective designed,
appealing, appealing and well-designed, design, significantly
well-designed, well-designed, but may not detracting detracting
and enhance supporting the fully support the from the from the
the overall overall overall overall overall
Visual Design presentation. presentation. presentation. presentation. presentation.
Very Poor
Criteria Excellent (5) Good (4) Fair (3) Poor (2) (1)

effectively Presenter Presenter Presenter Presenter
communicates communicates communicates struggles to fails to
ideas, with ideas ideas communicate communicate
articulate and effectively, adequately, but ideas, with ideas
persuasive with generally may lack poor effectively,
delivery articulate and consistent articulation lacking any
Communication throughout the persuasive articulation and and articulation or
Skills presentation. delivery. persuasion. persuasion. persuasion.

Presenter stays Presenter Presenter fails to stay
within the mostly stays Presenter struggles to within the
allotted time within the somewhat stays stay within the allotted time
frame, with allotted time within the allotted time frame, with
excellent frame, with allotted time frame, with pacing that
pacing good pacing frame, but poor pacing significantly
Time throughout the throughout the pacing may be throughout the disrupts the
Management presentation. presentation. inconsistent. presentation. presentation.

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