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NeuroQuantology | December 2014 | Volume 12 | Issue 4 | Page 398-405 398

Zhong and Prakash., Subconscious auditory processing in anesthesia

Subconscious Auditory Processing in Anesthesia:

the Common Theme between Dreams, Implicit
Memory and Anesthesia Awareness
Yushuang Zhong* and Ravi Prakash†
The fact that auditory evoked potentials (AEPs) have been used widely as a measure of the depth of anesthesia
highlights the importance of auditory modality in consciousness-related neural processing during anesthesia, a
phenomena more specifically known as Intra-operative awareness (IOA). The phenomena of IOA has seldom been
observed from the perspective of consciousness itself. This perspective is especially important because the
dimensions of IOA exist in the subconscious domain of mind as much as they exist in the conscious domain of explicit
recall. Two important aspects of these subconscious manifestations of IOA are the implicit recall phenomena and
post-operative dreams related to anesthesia experiences. Here we present an integrated auditory-consciousness
based model of IOA. We start with a brief description of auditory awareness and the factors affecting it. Further, we
proceed to the evaluation of conscious and sub-conscious information processing by auditory modality and their
interactions during and after intraoperative period. Further, we show that both conscious and subconscious auditory
processing affect the IOA experience and both have serious psychological implications on the patient subsequently.
These effects could be prevented by using auditory evoked potential during monitoring of anesthesia, especially the
Mid-latency Auditory Evoked Potentials (MLAERs). To conclude, we propose that the use of Auditory evoked potential
should be universal with general anesthesia use in order to prevent the occurrences of distressing outcomes resulting
from both conscious and subconscious auditory processing during anesthesia.

Key Words: subconsciousness, anesthesia, auditory processing, altered state of consciousness, intra-operative
awareness, mid-latency auditory evoked potentials
DOI Number: 10.14704/nq.2014.12.4.752 NeuroQuantology 2014; 4: 398-405

Introduction1 importance of this auditory information

Importance of Auditory Modality in processing separately because our awareness is
General Anesthesia intricately interwoven with our auditory
Immeasurable auditory information is information processing and this tends to keep
continuously processed when we are awake. us in a continuous flow of thoughts. However,
However, we seldom try to acknowledge the when it comes to subconscious/unconscious
states like sleep and anesthesia, we are
compelled to acknowledge the importance of
Corresponding author: Ravi Prakash
Address: Yushuang Zhong, Dr. Yushuang Zhong, Resident neural processing and memory of individual
Physician. Department of Anesthesiology, Binhu District TCM Hospital sensory modalities. More specifically in
of Wuxi, Jiangsu 214062, P. R. China. Ravi Prakash,.S. Ramaiah Medical anesthetic states, auditory modality seems to be
College, India. M.D., D.P.M.Tutor. Department of Physiology, M.S.
Ramaiah Medical College, Bangalore.
the most important one. The essentiality of
e-mail  auditory processing and memory in anesthetic
Relevant conflicts of interest/financial disclosures: The authors states is highlighted from the fact that the most
declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any common manifestation reported during intra-
commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a
potential conflict of interest.
operative awareness has been vague auditory
Received: 10 May 2014; Accepted: 2 July 2014 recall or dreams, both of which result from
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NeuroQuantology | December 2014 | Volume 12 | Issue 4 | Page 398-405 399
Zhong and Prakash., Subconscious auditory processing in anesthesia

auditory processing during anesthesia (Myles et Auditory Processing During Anesthesia:

al., 2004). Studies have revealed that as many A Not So Sleeping Brain
as 65% of patients report having auditory The hallmark of anesthetic state is a significant
recalls of intra-operative events during loss of consciousness/awareness. This leads to
anesthesia (Ghoneim et al., 2009; Schwender et an important question: What happens to the
al., 1998). This includes both the explicit and subconscious sensory processes during
implicit recall of intra-operative events as well anesthesia? Is there a cessation of subconscious
as dream-like states. In addition to this obvious activities during anesthesia as well? Obviously,
importance, auditory processing is known to be this is a tough question to answer as the person
both being influenced by and to influence back is not awake to know or reply about his
emotions (Yuri et al., 2007; Fengqiong et al., thoughts or emotions. However, a closer look
2009). Thus it is obvious that auditory reveals that actually several subconscious
perception during anesthesia, both conscious processes are very actively working in
and unconscious would have significant effects anesthesia. For example, in the study by
on the resultant emotional experiences arising (Plourde et al., 2006), the results indicated that
from the events during anesthesia awareness. one prominent characteristic of loss of
In spite of this immense impact that consciousness induced by propofol is that
auditory perception has during anesthetic specialized, higher order processing areas that
states, it has seldom been highlighted normally respond differentially to certain
adequately in the literature. Especially, there classes of stimuli no longer do so. However, a
are no models/theories till this date that aim at generalized but attenuated response in primary
integrating all the mechanisms in which and adjacent regions persists, as well as a
auditory perception during anesthesia could paradoxical response to scrambled words. They
lead to/influence anesthesia awareness and its concluded that although the highly
subsequent consequences. Such a model is not differentiated neural processes whose outcome
only needed for understanding AA, but also for leads to conscious perception are either
developing better parameters of monitoring deprived of their normal input or are unable to
auditory consciousness during anesthetic perform their normal computations thus not all
procedures. Our present model here uses a cortical responses are abolished in the
basic consciousness-based approach to unconscious state. It thus seems that the
understand awareness in anesthesia. Here we primary and association auditory cortices
incorporate both the unconscious and conscious remain responsive to complex auditory stimuli
auditory events during anesthesia as important in a nonspecific way whereas higher-order
etiological agents for both the experiences analytical abilities are paralyzed. These non-
during anesthesia awareness and for the genesis specific neural activities can be seen in the
of its subsequent psychological consequences. context of various subconscious phenomena.
While taking this approach, we will specifically Here we highlight two of these important
zero-down to the auditory modality. Our h phenomena: 1) Dream related auditory
hypothesis in present article is that auditory processing during anesthesia and 2) Implicit
processing in both its explicit and implicit memory in anesthesia.
forms are the most important individual-related
factors contributing to AA and possibly to its Dream-Related Auditory Processing
late consequences. The clinical implication of During Anesthesia
our hypothesis is that auditory awareness being Subconscious memories in the form of vague
the most important variable we need to monitor dreams are very prevalent in GA patients. In
it for avoiding the occurrence of AA and for addition to being prevalent, they are also highly
preventing its immediate and long-term distressing. They may be in fact most
consequences. For this purpose, we proceed to distressing events during GA (Utting, 1987;
the last section showing that Mid-latency Sandhu & Dash, 2009). In the case series study
auditory evoked potentials (MLAEP) are of 500 patients by Utting et al. (1987), 7% of
important monitoring tools for assessing the patients considered these dreams to be the
anesthesia awareness as it gives an indication of worst aspects of their experience as compared
both conscious and unconscious auditory to 2% patient who rated the recall of intra-
processing during anesthesia. operative (IO) events as the most distressing
event. In addition to the fact that dreams are in
them distressing, they also increase the chances
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NeuroQuantology | December 2014 | Volume 12 | Issue 4 | Page 398-405 400
Zhong and Prakash., Subconscious auditory processing in anesthesia

of actual intra-operative awareness. In a recent connectivity and information flow (Alkire et al.,
study, it was found that IO awareness was 19 2008).
times more common among patients who had a
In the study by Koelsch et al. (2006),
dream in comparison to those who did not have
under deep propofol-induced sedation, i.e.,
those (Samuelsson et al., 2008). In fact, some
when participants were unresponsive to normal
have conceptualized dreaming during
verbal commands, a tiny MMN was observed in
anesthesia as a lighter form of awareness i.e.,
response to frequency and timbre deviants. The
awareness without explicit recall (Leslie et al.,
MMN was clearly reduced compared to the
awake state. The presence of this MMN residual
Occurrence of these dreams is the most during deep sedation replicates findings from
important indicator of the subconscious previous studies (Heinke et al., 2004b;
auditory processing during the anesthesia. But Yapparilla et al., 2002), indicating that auditory
how could the subconscious auditory processing sensory memory operations are markedly
during anesthesia then is conceptualized? For affected by sedation, but can still be observed
the answer, we turn towards a similar state of under deep sedation, even when participants
consciousness: sleep. From the outset, sleep were unresponsive to normal verbal commands.
and anesthesia seem to be very similar. Simpson et al. (2002) reported that a
Interestingly, sleep and Anesthetic states of un- frequency-MMN was visible in ERPs recorded
awareness also share many common behavioral during deep sedation, but statistically not
and neuro-physiological features. Studies of significant. The missing significance in that
deep sleep using imaging techniques have study was presumably due to an insufficient
shown that polymodal association areas are number of trials, which did not produce a
affected more profoundly than unimodal brain signal-to-noise ratio high enough to yield
areas (Franks, 2008). This functional statistical significance (note that in the study
dissociation implies that during deep sleep the the duration of the deep sedation phase was 90
brain can respond to external stimuli via the min, resulting in the presentation of 300
unimodal areas, but cannot make much sense deviants per subject in the MMN blocks).
out of the stimuli due to the inhibition of the Together, the combined evidence suggests that
higher level processing in polymodal areas. the neural processes underlying the operation
Moreover, some of the polymodal areas which of the auditory sensory memory (as indexed by
are affected during deep sleep are also the MMN), and underlying attention-related
deactivated during sedation. This indicates that processes (as indexed by the P3a and the late
the final state of anesthesia induced negativity) are still active, although strongly
unconsciousness and deep sleep are remarkably reduced, under deep sedation (even in subjects
similar. This view is further supported by that are unresponsive corresponding to
detailed electroencephalographic (EEG) studies MOAAS) (Aceto et al., 2003; Kraus et al., 1995).
that demonstrate similar activity patterns By contrast, the neural operations underlying
during non-REM sleep and anesthesia (John & the processing of complex, regularity-based
Prichep, 2005). These similarities indicate structural information (as indexed by the
common neural pathways for controlling the ERAN) are abolished. It is possible that these
arousal of the cortex in conditions of sleep and differential effects of propofol on different
anesthesia (Lydic & Baghdoyan, 2005). Recent cognitive processes are due to differential
work suggests several candidates for these effects of sedative drugs on separate cerebral
common arousal pathways. For instance, in structures (Heinke & Koelsch, 2005; Heinke et
both sleep and anesthesia the thalamus may al., 2004b; Reinsel et al., 2000).
serve as a consciousness switch (Alkyre &
Miller, 2005) that disrupts the information flow Implicit Memory in Anesthesia
through the thalamic gateway and triggers the Auditory processing during anesthesia is a very
transition between sleep stages. Moreover, complex process. On one hand, the auditory
sleep and anesthesia are not only supposed to stimuli perceived during anesthesia may be
affect the same pathways during available for an explicit recall afterwards. On
unconsciousness but act similarly on these the other hand, the auditory perception may be
pathways. For instance, the spread of cortical incorporated into more complicated
activity is reduced during deep sleep and subconscious awareness like dreams and may
sedation reflecting a breakdown of cortical be recalled subsequently. The dream-like
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auditory processing during anesthesia has been 3) The impact of subconscious auditory
described in details in the previous section. processing on other modalities,
Another form of subconscious processing is the especially on visual perception. This
implicit encoding of the stimulus. In the study could have resulted in the visual
by Aceto et al. (2003), an audiotape with one of memories of some cases whose actual
the four stories was played immediately after perception could have been in the
intraoperative MLAER recording in patients auditory domain during AA.
undergoing laparoscopic cholecystectomy.
Explicit and implicit memories were assessed
24h after awakening. Although no patients had Sleep: Highlighting the Impact of
explicit recall after the anesthesia, some Emotions 0n Subconscious Auditory
patients had clear-evidences of priming based Processing
implicit recall of the stories told during the Sleep is the most common subconscious-
anesthetic treatment. Additionally, these unconscious state which we come across at
patients also had significant AEP correlations regular intervals as a part of our physiological
which have been described in more details cycle. Interestingly, sleep and anesthesia share
below. These results indicate that not only is the some common characteristics which have been
auditory information processed in the form of mentioned in more details in the previous
implicit memory of dreams or dream-like section. In this section, we will focus the impact
states, but this information also be retrieved by of emotions on the subconscious state of sleep.
implicit key-word methods. A very well-known fact is that people become
more easily aroused upon hearing their names
softly whispered, and a young mother may
Subconscious Auditory Processing and awaken at the slightest sound emanating from
Anesthesia Awareness: her new born baby. Stimuli implying a potential
Three Important Dimensions danger, such as the slight noise of a burglar or
In the previous section, we saw that the of a fire at home, can awaken us, even though
anesthetic brain still actively processes its intensity is low. That both the physical
subconscious information. Now we come to our qualities of sounds and, even more importantly,
basic model of the effect of sub-conscious the psychological value that people assign to
auditory processing on the state of anesthetic these sounds play a role in awakening is known
awareness. We will explore this association from studies involving people who live close to
along three dimensions: airports. Many people regard airplane noise
during the night as annoying, implying that
1) The effect of emotions on the they give a high negative value to these kinds of
subconscious auditory processing. To stimuli. The emotional coloring of these stimuli
understand this dimension, we will heavily modulates the awakening threshold and
explore the most common arouses people even at very low sound
physiological state of unconsciousness intensities. The sleeping brain is able to
known: Sleep. We propose that people automatically detect these kinds of stimuli with
who are more anxiety-prone have a a high impact, and these emotional stimuli may
higher tendency to develop AA because trigger a wake-up call (Griefahn et al., 2004;
of the fact that they are more prone to Muzet, 2007).
wake up to such stimuli which are
considered threatening for them, The discriminative properties of a
similar to the sleep state. sleeping brain have been frequently studied by
measuring the electrical activity of the brain
2) The implicit memory recall. This
recorded in evoked potentials. This is
aspect is particularly important
commonly done for stimuli not awakening the
because of the fact that even if the
subjects. Nordby et al. (1996), using an oddball
patient is not able to recapitulate the
paradigm with two tones differing in pitch and
memory explicitly, he tends to carry
probability, found that the representation of
those auditory impulses in an implicit
auditory stimuli occurred in sleep just as in
form, which could be responsible for
wakefulness. The prolonged latencies of the
the long-term psychological
components of the event related potentials,
consequences of AA.
however, indicate that the processing of
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external sensory stimuli is delayed. Karakas et anesthetic awareness experiences were more
al. (2007) also found that the processing of predictable for developing PTSD. Dissociation
auditory information is slower and takes longer is the result of an extreme anxiety where one
in sleep. Auditory evoked potentials were feels like moving away from himself or reality in
recorded to frequent and deviant tones by a strict physical terminology. Thus emotions
Bastuji et al. (1995). During sleep, evoked play a very vital role in not only experiencing
potentials on frequent and deviant tones closely anesthetic awareness but also for experiencing
resembled K-complexes, but the responses to psychological consequences subsequently.
deviant tones were significantly larger than
those to frequent tones. They concluded that
the brain is able to detect stimulus deviances Implicit Memory in Absence of Explicit
during sleep, but also that this detection is less Recall
efficient compared to the waking state. Perrin, Amnesic patients often exhibit spared priming
et al. (1999) presented the subject’s own name effects on implicit memory tests despite poor
together with other names to sleeping persons explicit memory. The experiments by Schacter
while recording auditory evoked potentials. & Church (1995) provide further evidence of
Indeed, some late components in the evoked spared auditory priming in amnesia, which
responses were selectively enhanced after the demonstrate that normal priming effects are
subject’s own name. Their interpretation was not artifacts of low levels of baseline
that the sleeping brain was able to detect and performance, and provide evidence suggesting
categorize particular aspects of stimulus that amnesic patients can exhibit voice-specific
significance. The conclusion that the sleeping priming when experimental conditions do not
brain can detect meaningful events in auditory require them to interactively bind together
stimuli was highlighted by Portas et al. (2000). word and voice information. This finding
They showed by simultaneously recording EEG indicates that even in patients without explicit
and fMRI in humans, that parts of the recall, the implicit priming during the
prefrontal cortex are more activated by stimuli anesthetic procedure can be carried on which
having a special significance than by neutral could further add up to the development of late
stimuli. psychological consequences when similar
stimuli are presented to the patient. The same
This emotional significance of stimulus on can happen if there is some cue-related to the
subconscious auditory processing could also be experimental procedure. This may manifest in
responsible for a considerable group of patients subconscious way in dreams or as an
suffering from AA. In the study by Ranta et al. unidentified negative-emotional state.
(1998), three of the five patients with awareness
had a history of major depression and also had
preoperative symptoms of depression and The Possibility of Cross-Modal Priming
anxiety. On the other hand, none of the control in Anesthesia Awareness
group patients had any preoperative psychiatric The unconscious auditory processing can have
disorders. Such patients could thus be more significant effects not only on auditory modality
prone to getting awake from the stimuli of but also cross-modally, for example on visual
operation theatre due to their underlying processing. In a recent study by Lamy et al.
emotional tone. Additionally, the stimuli arising (2008), they examined whether information
in the operation theatre could be easily perceived without awareness in one modality
interpreted as threatening. Both of these factors can bias the processing of information
could be the additional reasons for the frequent presented in another modality. They used the
awakening especially in patients being process-dissociation procedure to distinguish
administered lighter anesthesia. In addition to between effects of conscious and unconscious
higher propensity of such anxious patients of perception, and compared unconscious priming
awakening to auditory stimulus, anxiety has within modality (vision to vision) as well as
also been found to act as a predictor of post- across modalities (audition to vision). The
traumatic stress disorder in patients results revealed significant unconscious
experiencing anesthesia awareness. In the study priming effects both within and between
by Osterman et al. (2001), patients modalities, with no significant differences
experiencing peri-operative dissociative between the two effects. In more specific terms,
experiences during or immediately after the Unconscious cross-modal priming consisting of
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Zhong and Prakash., Subconscious auditory processing in anesthesia

auditory prime and visual fragment was co-vary with auditory sensation (as opposed to
significant and of a magnitude similar to that of auditory perception) and it was therefore
unconscious within-modality priming suggested that they are possibly not the
consisting of visual prime and visual fragment. electrophysiological correlates of auditory
Thus, information perceived without conscious sensation.
awareness can nonetheless affect the
Midlatency auditory evoked response
subsequent information processing of not only (MLAERs) monitoring has been proposed as a
the same but also in a a different modality. measure for ascertaining the adequacy of the
From a psycholinguistic viewpoint, the finding hypnotic state during surgery (Drummond
that a spoken word perceived without 2000; Loveman et al., 2001). This adequacy of
awareness can prime that word in visual form is hypnotic state has been conceptualized as a
open to different interpretations. Heard words complete awake state with response to verbal
may be connected to seen words through direct commands. Because the primary auditory
phonology-to-orthography links or via the cortex processes incoming acoustic signals as
mediation of semantic representations. The simple sounds (Zatorre et al., 1992) it is thus
presence of cross-modal priming suggests that not surprising from the audiological standpoint
activation of at least one of these two levels can that the patients with attenuated MLAEPs have
occur without the requirement of a conscious been found to be unresponsive to verbal
control. commands. However, MLAERs are also
This kind of cross-modal integration of effective in assessing subconscious auditory
subconscious processing could result in at-least processing. This processing involves sound
some cases of the visual recall of the operation- registration and a complex mechanism of
related stimuli which could actually have been implicit memory processing (Kraus & Me Gee,
processed through auditory stimulus during the 1995; Merikle & Daneman, 1996). This close
operative procedure. relation between the MLAEP and the
responsiveness to verbal command indicates
that there is tight correlation between the
MLAEP and Auditory Consciousness functional integrity of the MLAEP neural
during Anesthesia generators and the responsiveness to verbal
The Auditory evoked potential (AEP) is command during anesthesia. The MLR has
categorized on the basis of the latency of the been suggested as a possible indicator of depth
response following the auditory stimulus. For of anesthesia, although it is not known whether
example, the auditory brainstem response the click stimulus itself affects the level of
(ABR) occurs in the first 20 ms after the arousal of the patient. Several studies have
stimulus, the middle latency response (MLR) reported changes in the response with
from 20 to 70 ms, and the slow vertex response anesthesia. The study results by Schwender and
(SVR) up to 500 ms after stimulation. The colleagues whose patients with implicit memory
midlatency auditory evoked potential (MLAEP) for a tape of the story of “Robinson Crusoe”
is generated as the auditory signals pass played during anesthesia showed preservation
through the primary auditory cortex, perhaps of the MLAERs, while in patients without
with some additional contribution from the implicit memory the MLAERs were severely
mesencephalic structures such as the medial attenuated, indicating that auditory stimulus
geniculate (Jacobson et al., 1997; Deiber et al., processing was blocked at the level of the
1988). In the review by Pockett (1999), the primary auditory cortex. Of Schwender's
empirical work was reviewed which correlated patients who showed priming, all exhibited a Pa
the presence or absence of various parts of the latency increase less than 12 ms during
auditory evoked potential with the anesthesia (Sender et al., 1994). Similarly, in
disappearance and reemergence of auditory the study by Aceto et al. (2003) it was found
sensation during induction of and recovery that during deep general anesthesia in patients
from anesthesia. From her review, she put forth without subconscious awareness, the MLAERs
the hypothesis that the electrophysiological were suppressed or attenuated. In contrast, in
correlate of auditory sensation is whatever patients with subconscious awareness, MLAERs
neural activity generates the middle latency showed a wave pattern similar to the awake
waves of the auditory evoked potential. Review state. Additionally, a small increase in the Pa
related evidence suggested that earlier or later latency of AER as related to subconscious
waves in the auditory evoked potential do not
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