Questionnaire Form 2 For Inbound Calls

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Questionnaire form specifically tailored for sales team training with multiple-choice

Inbound Calls Handling Questionnaire

Please select the option that best reflects your approach or preference for each question.

1. How do you typically greet a prospect when answering an inbound call?

a) "Hello, thank you for calling [Company Name]. How can I assist you today?"

b) "Hi there, this is [Your Name] speaking. How may I help you?"

c) "Good morning/afternoon/evening. What brings you to us today?"

d) "Welcome to [Company Name]. How may I direct your call?"

2. What approach do you take to actively listen to the prospect's needs during an inbound call?

a) Repeat key points back to the prospect to confirm understanding.

b) Use verbal cues such as "I see," "I understand," or "That makes sense."

c) Take notes during the call to capture important details and requirements.

d) Paraphrase the prospect's statements to demonstrate comprehension.

3. How do you handle a situation where a prospect is requesting information that you are unsure

a) Offer to find the information and follow up with the prospect promptly.

b) Provide general information based on your knowledge and experience.

c) Transfer the call to a colleague or supervisor who may have the required information.

d) Apologize for the inconvenience and politely decline to provide inaccurate information.

4. When qualifying a prospect during an inbound call, what aspect do you prioritize the most?

a) Determining the prospect's immediate needs or concerns.

b) Identifying the prospect's decision-making authority within their organization.

c) Assessing the prospect's budget or financial constraints.

d) Understanding the prospect's timeline for making a purchase decision.

5. How do you handle objections raised by prospects during an inbound call?

a) Acknowledge the objection and address it directly with relevant information.

b) Offer additional insights or alternatives to overcome the objection.

c) Redirect the conversation to focus on areas of agreement or common ground.

d) Express empathy and understanding while seeking further clarification.

6. What strategy do you employ to effectively close a sale during an inbound call?

a) Summarize the key benefits and value proposition of the product or service.

b) Offer a special promotion or discount to incentivize immediate action.

c) Provide a clear call to action and guide the prospect through the next steps.

d) Confirm the prospect's interest and schedule a follow-up call or meeting.

7. How do you ensure a positive and memorable experience for the prospect during an inbound call?

a) Personalize the conversation by using the prospect's name and relevant details.

b) Demonstrate enthusiasm and passion for helping the prospect solve their problem.

c) Provide proactive assistance and go above and beyond to exceed expectations.

d) Follow up with the prospect after the call to ensure their needs were met satisfactorily.

8. What do you consider the most important aspect of building rapport with a prospect during an
inbound call?

a) Establishing common ground and fostering a sense of connection.

b) Demonstrating empathy and understanding towards the prospect's situation.

c) Listening actively and attentively to the prospect's concerns and needs.

d) Building trust and credibility through honest and transparent communication.

This questionnaire can be used to assess the proficiency of sales team members in handling inbound
calls and identify areas for improvement and training.

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