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In most situations all you need to do to make a ZMovement compatibility

patch for your favorite mod is setting the mod’s player to inherit
Zmovement’s functions.
This short guide will not cover mod specific issues that may arise after
successfully setting up inheritance as each mod may present different

1 – Grab the latest Zmovement_Patch_Base.pk3 and the mod you want to

2 – open SLADE and use it to open both the patch base and the mod. If you
do not have SLADE installed download it.
3 – find where in the mod you want to patch the player code is located. Usual
places include: somewhere inside a text file inside a directory (folder) named
Decorate, or Zscript, or Actors. You will recognize it because its first line of
code will most likely look something like this

Actor (or Class) ModPlayer : DoomPlayer (or PlayerPawn)

4 – Copy the file containing the player code in the Patch_Base respecting
the folder structure of the mod. If the mod you want to patch has player
code in “Decorate/Player.txt” you will need to create a folder named
Decorate inside Patch_Base and paste Player.txt in it.
5 – Figure out wherever the player code is written in Decorate or Zscript. If
the first line of code says Actor it is Decorate, if it says Class it’s Zscript.
6 – if it is written in Decorate all you have left to do is changing
DoomPlayer/PlayerPawn to ZmovePlayer. If it says something like “replaces
DoomPlayer” after that leave it as it is.

From: Actor ModPlayer : DoomPlayer replaces DoomPlayer

to: Actor ModPlayer : ZmovePlayer replaces DoomPlayer

7 – (Zscript only) If player code is written in Zscript you will need to copy
the Zmovement player code inside the mod’s player code file you have
pasted inside the patch.
Example: Zscript player code is in file “Zscript/Zplayer.txt”. Open the file
“ZScript/ZmovePlayer.ZMV”, copy all of its content and paste it at the
beginning of Zplayer.txt, before the original mod’s player code.
Then just like with decorate change

From: Class ModPlayer : DoomPlayer replaces DoomPlayer

to: Class ModPlayer : ZmovePlayer replaces DoomPlayer

Finally erase file “ZmovePlayer.ZMV”, go to file Zscript.ZMV and remove

the line

#include "Zscript/ZmovePlayer.ZMV"

Final notes – some mods might have player code inside a file named
DECORATE.txt or ZSCRIPT.txt. This is more of a rare occurrence and needs
to be handled slightly differently, please refer to the GMOTA patch to see
how it needs be done.
If you successfully create the patch, it load without issue but some things are
broken it is because Zmovement code is conflicting with the mod’s code.
Unless you have a competent modding knowledge it might be very hard to
make things work 100%. Every mod may present different issues and I
cannot make a guide on how to handle each unique case.

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