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Activity Guide and Evaluation Rubric – Task 2 – My wonderful dreams

presented by: Erika Rocio Monroy Martinez


presented to: Blanca Jhoanna torres Rodríguez


Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia

Step 1

Hello everyone, my mane is Erika Rocio Monroy Martinez. In recent years I have had
very important achievements in my life because I began my university studies that have
allowed me to expand my knowledge. I started with a very nice new project that has me
very happy and encouraged. Furthermore, I have managed to undertake dreams and
projects that at some point I saw as distant and that today fill me with satisfaction to be
able to complete them.

Step 2

In the next five years I will complete my professional studies and I will be working as a
health administrator in a clinic or health entity and at the same time I will complete a
specialization in auditing in health systems which will allow me to expand my
knowledge and provide me with more opportunities. in the countryside. world of work. I
am also going to be in the process of completely remodeling my house and acquiring
my own vehicle that will allow me to get to work and have more comfort for my children,
my parents and my family in general.

Step 3

In ten years I will have achieved most of my professional and personal goals and I will
enjoy more time with my children and my family, I will support them in their dreams
and help them materialize, my projects will be afloat and I will be able to enjoy the fruits
of the effort and work of so many years, and I will be able to help many people achieve
their goals and objectives, I will provide employment and opportunities for young
people and the community in general of the municipality of Guayabetal, I will have
the opportunity and economic resources to travel around the world with my children and
my family, enjoy spending quality time.
self appraisal

To carry out this activity, I studied the contents of the E-Book and read the activity guide,
although I could not attend the web conference, I participated in the forum and reviewed
the activity before uploading it to the evaluation environment. that allowed me to further
enrich my knowledge in English

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