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Project Resource Management

Planning Resource Management

Casey Ayers • PMP® • MBA | @caseyayers

PMP® is a registered mark of the Project Management Institute, Inc.

Preparing for the PMP® Exam

Influences & Project Project Scope Developing Project Quality
Management Lifecycle Management Project Schedules Management

Project Integration Project Schedule Project Cost

Management Management Management
Introduction to Project
Management & the PMP Exam
Preparing for the PMP® Exam

Influences & Project Project Scope Developing Project Quality
Management Lifecycle Management Project Schedules Management

Project Integration Project Schedule Project Cost Project Resource

Management Management Management
Introduction to Project
Management & the PMP Exam
Course Overview

Planning Resource Management

Estimating Activity Resources
Acquiring Project Resources
Developing Project Teams
Managing Project Teams
Controlling Project Resources
Module Overview
The Resource Management Lifecycle
A Tour of Project Resource Management
Planning Resource Management
The Resource Management Plan
Organizational Charts
Plan Resource Management Process
The Resource Management Lifecycle
The Resource Management Lifecycle

Projects require a wide variety of people

Different talents, roles and responsibilities

May work on the project part or full time

May stay on project team throughout or for a portion of time

The Resource Management Lifecycle

Other kinds of resources include equipment, materials,

workspaces, and infrastructure

Resources may come from the organization, from the project

team, or from outside sources

Resources may be generated, refined, transformed, or utilized

by either the project team or external partners
The Resource Management Lifecycle

Many administrative similarities in management of

human and other resources

Human resource management requires focus on

understanding and development

Key differences in efficiency and value questions

depending on resource type
The Resource Management Lifecycle
Number of team members

Project charter is created


Broad project objectives defined

Initiation •

Rough estimates of budget, timeline drafted

Key personnel identified

The Resource Management Lifecycle
Number of team members


Project activities defined

Project Planning

Work breakdown structure created

Better resource, time, cost estimates generated

The Resource Management Lifecycle
Number of team members


Work to satisfy project objectives

Project Planning officially begins
Initiation •

Additional product specialists and

front-line workers join team
The Resource Management Lifecycle
Project Closure
Number of team members

Project Planning

Project work concludes when

deliverables are approved & accepted
The Resource Management Lifecycle
Project Closure
Number of team members

Project Planning

Project team
The Resource Management Lifecycle
Project Closure
Level of Resources Deployed

Project Planning

Curve also applies to many other kinds of resources

involved in project work
Project & Management Teams
Project & Management Teams

Project Team: All persons involved in the project’s work

Project Management Team: Subset of project team focused

on leadership and administrative tasks. May consist of just the
PM or encompass the whole project team
HR-Related Roles of the Project Manager

Influencer •


Shape and control factors that impact •

Uphold professional and

project team: ethical standards for the
project team
Work environment

Political environment

Geographical factors

Cultural considerations

Set guidelines and serve as

Communication standards

Organizational factors

an example to others
A Tour of Project Resource Management
Project Resource
Plan Resource Management Planning


Determine what roles must be

filled and what other resources
are required on the project

Define each resource’s role and

Project Resource
Plan Resource Management Planning


Describe required skills/attributes

for roles

Determine supervisory structure

Project Resource
Estimate Activity Resources Planning


Determine resource needs based

on understanding of requirements

Ties closely to estimating activity

costs and durations
Project Resource
Acquire Resources Executing


Confirm availability of
necessary resources
Secure team members needed
to meet project objectives
Project Resource
Develop Team Executing


Improve team member

interaction and competencies

Foster a productive team

Project Resource
Manage Team Executing


Track team performance

Provide useful feedback

Moderate/resolve conflicts

Manage impact of changes

Monitoring & Project Resource
Control Resources
• •

Controlling Management

Ensure availability and adequacy

of resources to meet project

Assess whether resources are

efficiently and effectively allocated

Planning Resource Management
“ …the process of defining how to
estimate, acquire, manage, and
use team and physical resources

Project Management Institute, A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge, (PMBOK® Guide) – Sixth Edition,
Project Management Institute, Inc., 2017, Page 312
Project Resource
Plan Resource Management Planning


Ensures appropriate resources

are in place to accomplish
project goals
Project Resource
Plan Resource Management Planning


What skills and resources are

needed to complete project

What candidates possess these

skills? Which resources have the
correct attributes?
Project Resource
Plan Resource Management Planning


Which are available and which

are most cost effective?

Which best fit the project team?

Which resources may be scarce

or subject to competitive
Project Resource
Plan Resource Management Planning


Human resources often…

One of the greatest project cost


One of the most important

factors in project success

Impact schedule, risk, quality,

cost, and other project factors
Project Resource
Plan Resource Management Planning


Other project resources…

May be developed internally

or come from external sources

May be used as is or be
subject to refinement

Impact schedule, risk, quality,

cost, and other project factors
The Resource Management Plan
The Resource Management Plan

Identification of Resources:

Procedures for defining and

quantifying necessary…

Human resources

Physical resources
The Resource Management Plan

Acquiring Resources:

Strategies and policies for the

acquisition of team members and
other resources
The Resource Management Plan

Roles & Responsibilities:

Outline roles and responsibilities,

define necessary competencies
and levels of authority
The Resource Management Plan

Project Organization Charts:

Graphical display of team members

Shows reporting relationships,

groupings by function or other method

May have varying levels of formality and

detail depending on project needs
The Resource Management Plan

Project Team Resource


Outlines how and when team

members are brought in to project

Indicates how staffing and

management should take place

Details how members should be

released as their work is completed
The Resource Management Plan

Training Needs:

What team member

competencies must be
developed through training?

What certifications may be

helpful or required for team
members to fill project roles?
The Resource Management Plan

Team Development:

What activities can help

develop the overall team?

What training or
communication may be
necessary for all team
The Resource Management Plan

Resource Calendars:

What working days and shifts

are possible for project work?

How will resources be


How many team members, and

what resource attributes, are
needed to complete activities?
The Resource Management Plan

Recognition and Rewards:

Enhances morale and

productivity by incentivizing
conduct helpful to project

Should be designed to reward

performance under the control
of team members
Organizational Charts
Organizational Charts

Outline team member roles,

responsibilities and relationships

Three key types:



Hierarchical Organizational Charts

Most common organizational chart

Displays positions, relationships in a

top-down format

Similar in structure to WBS or RBS

Often referred to as an
Organizational Breakdown Structure
Matrix-based Organizational Charts

Responsibility Assignment Matrix

Shows relationship between

team members and activities Activity A Activity B Activity C

Often takes a RACI chart form: Bob R C A


Sally A R C


Tom I A R

Text-oriented Organizational Charts

Provides more information than

can typically be housed in
hierarchical or matrix formats

Position descriptions, role-

responsibility-authority forms
among types of text-based
organizational documents
Plan Resource Management
Process Components
Project Resource
Plan Resource Management Planning


Inputs Tools & Techniques Outputs

Project Charter Expert Judgment Resource
Management Plan
Project Management Data Representation Team Charter
Project Documents Organizational Theory Project Documents
Enterprise Meetings
Environmental Factors
Organizational Process
Plan Resource Management
Process Inputs
Plan Resource Management Inputs

T&Ts Outputs

Project Charter

Outlines milestones, lists key

stakeholders, and defines financial

resources available to project
May indicate project manager’s

authority to procure resources

Plan Resource Management Inputs

T&Ts Outputs

Project Management Plan

Quality Management Plan

Describes type and grade of

resources necessary to achieve

quality goals
Plan Resource Management Inputs

T&Ts Outputs

Project Management Plan

Scope Baseline

Describes deliverables that must

be generated by project team,

influencing resource requirements
Plan Resource Management Inputs

T&Ts Outputs

Project Documents

Project Schedule

Indicates when resources will be

Requirements Documentation

Defines type and amount of

resources necessary
Plan Resource Management Inputs

T&Ts Outputs

Project Documents

Risk Register

Describes threats and opportunities

that influence resource planning

Stakeholder Register

Lists stakeholders who may have

influence, impact, or interest in

resource-related topics
Plan Resource Management Inputs

T&Ts Outputs

Enterprise Environmental Factors

Organizational culture and structure

Geographic distribution of resources

Ability, availability of existing resources

Marketplace conditions

Plan Resource Management Inputs

T&Ts Outputs

Organizational Process Assets

Resource policies/procedures

Safety and security policies

Resource management templates

Historical information

Plan Resource Management
Process Tools & Techniques
Plan Resource Management Inputs

T&Ts Outputs

Expert Judgment

Helpful in determining…

What roles are needed on the project

What skills are needed for each role

What level of labor effort is needed

What reporting relationships should exist

Plan Resource Management Inputs

T&Ts Outputs

Expert Judgment

Helpful in determining…

How much time should be allowed for

acquisition of labor and training

What risks and limitations may exist

(retention, release and regulatory)

Plan Resource Management Inputs

T&Ts Outputs

Expert Judgment

Helpful in determining…

Lead times and other resource

acquisition considerations
Management strategies for

procurement and logistics partners

Plan Resource Management Inputs

T&Ts Outputs

Data Representation

Documents, visualizes team member roles and

Hierarchical charts: Graphical, top-down

representation of element relationships

Work breakdown structure

Organizational breakdown structure

Resource breakdown structure

Plan Resource Management Inputs

T&Ts Outputs

Data Representation

Matrix-based charts: Useful in describing

relationship of team members to activities. RACI

chart one of most-used versions
Text-oriented formats: Include more

information, such as position descriptions, not

easily included in graphical formats
Plan Resource Management Inputs

T&Ts Outputs

Organizational Theory

Explores behavior of people and teams

Can lead to savings in time, cost and effort on

project work
Effective tactics vary by organization and project
May need to adapt as project work progresses
Plan Resource Management Inputs

T&Ts Outputs


Identify good work being accomplished

Discover gaps and underperformance

Share best practices used on similar projects

Help improve project productivity

Collect lessons learned

Plan Resource Management
Process Outputs
Plan Resource Management Inputs

T&Ts Outputs

Resource Management Plan

Outlines human resources should be

defined, acquired, developed, managed and

released from project obligations
Describes training, development, and

recognition plans for human resources

Plan Resource Management Inputs

T&Ts Outputs

Resource Management Plan

Outlines requirements for physical

resources, infrastructure, equipment, and

facilities, as well
Specifies control policies and procedures

Plan Resource Management Inputs

T&Ts Outputs

Resource Management Plan

Roles and Responsibilities:





Plan Resource Management Inputs

T&Ts Outputs

Resource Management Plan

Project Organization Charts




Plan Resource Management Inputs

T&Ts Outputs

Team Charter

Declares team values, rules, and guidelines

Team values

Communication guidelines

Decision-making criteria

Conflict resolution procedures

Meeting procedures

Team agreements

Plan Resource Management Inputs

T&Ts Outputs

Project Documents Updates

Assumption log

Risk register

Module Review:

Planning Resource Mgmt

Human resources, equipment, materials, workspaces,
and infrastructure required to meet project objectives
Resource usage typically most intense at the peak of
project execution
Plans for resource acquisition, development, utilization,
and release are central to resource management
Module Review:

Resource Management Plan

Identification of resources
Acquiring resources
Roles and responsibilities
Project organization charts
Resource management and control
Module Review:

Resource Management Plan

Training needs
Team development
Resource calendars
Recognition and rewards
Module Review:

Plan Resource Management

Inputs: Project charter, project management
plan, project documents, EEFs & OPAs
Tools & Techniques: Expert judgment, data
representation, organizational theory, meetings
Output: Resource management plan, team
charter, project documents updates
Estimating Activity Resources

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