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Fly-Wheel Energy Storage System 2023-24

Chapter 1


Over the last decade, the power quality market has seen the emergence of several new
energy storage technologies that address immediate delivery of energy to critical loads
following the interruption of utility power. These alternatives to traditional
electrochemical batteries include such exotic technologies as ultra-capacitors, super-
cooled electromagnets and quick-start engines augmented by hydraulic or pneumatic
energy storage. More recently, the industry has seen the reintroduction of one of the
oldest energy storage technologies – the flywheel. Modern flywheels take many different
forms, ranging from high-tech composite wheels that rotate at ultrahigh speeds to the
more traditional steel wheels that couple with existing rotating machines.

Generating electricity from renewable energy has increased dramatically in the last few
decades and one of the critical challenges of renewable energy is the constancy of energy
availability, so renewable energy systems need to be paired with energy storage systems
which store the electrical energy when there is a surplus and provide the power later when
there is a lack of it. Furthermore, by storing the energy, a stable balance between supply
and demand is achieved and the provision of electrical power can be stable and managed
more efficiently. One of the storage system methods is to store the electrical energy as a
mechanical energy which is divided mainly into two parts, kinetic and potential energies,
by these two energies and the energy conservation law, mechanical energy storage
systems can be designed. One such mechanical storage system is flywheel energy storage

Energy storage system (EES) should provide three main functions, first, it plays a
significant role in reducing the price of electricity by storing the electrical energy in off
peak hours to use it later in peak times. Second, it improves the power quality and prevent
power fluctuation especially when it is associated with renewable energy system such as
solar energy and wind energy due to the changes in the climate. Third, energy storage
system helps to achieve the balance between the proper amount of the generated
electricity with the varying demand, this can be achieved by monitoring second-to-second
fluctuations in demand. Consequently, the need for energy storage system can be
summarized in the need of flexible and continuous supply to consumers even during the
power network failures, such as voltage sag which happens due to overload and can last
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Fly-Wheel Energy Storage System 2023-24

for milliseconds, A UPS system based on energy storage system keeps supplying the
electricity to the load during the sag period. As a result, energy storage system helps to
utilize more generated power from renewable energy with high reliability and flexibility.
Energy storage systems play a pivotal role in modern society, providing a means to store
surplus energy generated during periods of low demand for use during peak times or
when renewable energy sources like solar and wind are not producing. Among various
energy storage technologies, one notable contender is the flywheel energy storage system.

Flywheel energy storage operates on a simple yet ingenious principle: energy is stored in
the form of rotational kinetic energy. Imagine a spinning wheel—this kinetic energy can
be tapped into whenever needed and converted back into electrical energy. One of the key
advantages of flywheels is their ability to rapidly charge and discharge energy, making
them particularly useful for applications requiring high power output in short bursts, such
as stabilizing electrical grids or providing backup power to critical infrastructure.

The concept of flywheel energy storage system (FESS) is to store the electrical energy in
the form of kinetic energy by rotating a mass which is connected mechanically into
motor/generator combination. When there is a surplus energy in the grid, the power is
applied to the motor causing the mass to spin at high speed, and when there is a need for
the stored energy the motor/generator is driven by the spinning mass causing it to work as
a generator. In this way the kinetic energy is converted back to electrical energy and the
flywheel works as a mechanical battery. Most often, the mass which is used in the
flywheel is shaped as a solid or hollow cylinder.

Flywheels seem to have inherent appeal as an alternative to traditional energy storage

technologies. Part of this appeal is due to the sheer simplicity of storing kinetic energy in
a spinning mass. For decades, most engines have used this concept to smooth their
operation. Prior to the development of cost-effective power conversion electronics, the
primary method of limiting power interruptions to critical loads was by adding inertia to a
motor-generator set feeding a load. Over the last twenty years or so, the promise of a
compact, safe, environmentally benign, low-maintenance, long-lasting and predictable
source of energy has intrigued inventors and investors alike for applications such as
electric vehicles, utility load-leveling and satellite control. The flywheel has regained
consideration as a viable means of supporting a critical load during main power
interruption. This is due to the low capital expense and extended run time now available
from many systems as well as continued customer dissatisfaction with traditional

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Fly-Wheel Energy Storage System 2023-24

electrochemical energy storage. Interestingly, continuing advances in the power

electronics field, which initially provided an alternative to original flywheels used for
“blip” protection, have now enabled some flywheel designs to deliver a cost-effective
alternative to the power quality market.

The necessity of energy storage in our daily lives cannot be overstated. As our reliance on
renewable energy sources grows, so does the need for efficient methods to store the
intermittent energy they produce. Energy storage systems help mitigate the variability
inherent in renewable sources like wind and solar power, ensuring a stable and reliable
energy supply even when the sun isn't shining or the wind isn't blowing.

There are various energy storage technologies available, each with its own set of
advantages and limitations. Batteries, for instance, are widely used due to their versatility
and relatively low cost, making them suitable for a wide range of applications from
powering electric vehicles to storing energy for residential use. Pumped hydroelectric
storage, another popular option, utilizes the gravitational potential energy of water to
store and release energy, offering large-scale storage capacity.

Energy Storage technologies produce no net energy, but can provide electric power over
limited periods of time. Affordable, compact, reliable energy storage, available in a range
of powers and discharge durations, would dramatically alter the standard solutions for
provision of electrical power. Its presence in a system can eliminate the voltage swings
caused by rapid changes in load, spare system hardware from large transient currents,
decrease demand charges, damp oscillations, or shift load from a time when energy is
scarce and expensive, to a time when energy is plentiful and cheap. It can store energy
that would otherwise be dissipated, prevent dropout of sensitive loads, and defer system
upgrades. This broad range of claims for storage technologies invokes an equally broad
range of technologies as solutions. Certain technologies are most appropriate for small
applications, while others are better at large system sizes. Some technologies have long
cycle lives and others are good for only a few charge/discharge cycles. Needless to say,
each choice has economic and functional ramifications, so careful choices of an
appropriate technology are important. These technologies have also proven difficult and
costly to develop, and this expense has driven a wide range of developers from the field.

However, what sets flywheel energy storage apart is its unique ability to provide high-
power, rapid-response energy storage solutions. Unlike batteries, which degrade over

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time and have limited lifespans, flywheels can operate for decades with minimal
maintenance. Additionally, they boast high energy efficiency and can respond to
fluctuations in demand within milliseconds, making them ideal for applications requiring
quick and precise adjustments to maintain grid stability.

Flywheel energy storage systems offer a compelling solution to the challenges of

integrating renewable energy sources into our power grids. Their ability to rapidly store
and release energy, coupled with long operational lifespans and high efficiency, makes
them indispensable for ensuring a reliable and sustainable energy future.

Flywheel energy storage systems, like other storage technologies, serve a crucial role in
modern energy management. They address the inherent intermittency and variability of
renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind power, by providing a means to store
excess energy during times of surplus and release it when needed. This helps stabilize
electrical grids, reduce reliance on fossil fuels, and ensure a consistent power supply even
during periods of fluctuating demand or renewable energy generation.

Unlike some other storage systems, such as batteries or pumped hydroelectric storage,
which rely on chemical reactions or gravitational potential energy, flywheel energy
storage operates purely on mechanical principles. A flywheel consists of a spinning rotor
mounted on bearings that minimize friction losses. When excess energy is available, such
as from renewable sources or during off-peak hours, electric motors accelerate the
flywheel to high speeds, storing energy in the form of rotational kinetic energy. Later,
when energy demand exceeds supply or renewable sources are unavailable, the flywheel's
rotational energy can be converted back into electricity using generators.

One of the key advantages of flywheel energy storage is its ability to respond rapidly to
changes in demand. Unlike some other storage technologies, which may take minutes or
even hours to reach full capacity or discharge, flywheels can ramp up or down in a matter
of milliseconds. This makes them particularly well-suited for applications requiring fast
response times, such as frequency regulation, grid stabilization, or backup power for
critical facilities like hospitals or data centres.

Additionally, flywheel energy storage systems offer several other benefits. They have a
long operational lifespan, often lasting decades with minimal maintenance compared to
some battery chemistries, which degrade over time. Flywheels also boast high efficiency,
with relatively little energy lost as heat during charging and discharging cycles. This

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Fly-Wheel Energy Storage System 2023-24

makes them a cost-effective option for certain applications, particularly those requiring
frequent cycling or rapid response capabilities.

While flywheel energy storage systems have numerous advantages, they are not without
limitations. One challenge is their relatively lower energy density compared to some other
storage technologies, meaning they may not be as suitable for applications requiring long-
duration storage or large-scale energy storage installations. However, for high-power,
short-duration applications where rapid response and reliability are paramount, flywheels

In conclusion, flywheel energy storage systems offer a unique combination of high-power

capabilities, rapid response times, and long operational lifespans, making them a valuable
asset in the transition to a more sustainable and resilient energy infrastructure. As
renewable energy sources continue to grow in prominence, technologies like flywheels
will play an increasingly important role in integrating these intermittent resources into our
electrical grids. As the world continues its transition towards cleaner energy sources,
technologies like flywheels will play an increasingly important role in shaping the energy
landscape of tomorrow.

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Fly-Wheel Energy Storage System 2023-24

Chapter 2



The concept of flywheel energy storage system (FESS) is to store the electrical energy in
the form of kinetic energy by rotating a mass which is connected mechanically into
motor/generator combination. When there is a surplus energy in the grid, the power is
applied to the motor causing the mass to spin at high speed, and when there is a need for
the stored energy the motor/generator is driven by the spinning mass causing it to work as
a generator. In this way the kinetic energy is converted back to electrical energy and the
flywheel works as a mechanical battery. Most often, the mass which is used in the
flywheel is shaped as a solid or hollow.


The amount of stored energy in the flywheel is related to the mass shape and material,
moment of inertia and velocity, as illustrated in equation (1)

E = 1/2 I ω2 … (1)

Where E is the amount of stored kinetic energy, I is the moment of inertia and ω is the

The moment of inertia I depends upon the shape of the spinning mass, for the solid
cylinder the moment of inertia is given by the equation (2)

I = 1/2 m r 2 … (2)

Where I is the moment of inertia, m is the mass of the solid cylinder, r is the radius. For
thick wall cylinder-flywheel, the moment of inertia is given by the following equation (3)

I = 1/ 2 m (r2 2 + r1 2) … (3)

Where r2 is the outer radius and r1 is the inner radius as depicted in figure 2.2.

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Fly-Wheel Energy Storage System 2023-24

Fig 2.2 Hollow cylinder block.

The mass of a hollow cylinder with height h and density ρ is given by the equation (4)

m = ρ π h (r2 2 − r1 2) … (4)

From equations (1), (3) and (4), the kinetic energy of a hollow cylinder flywheel is given
by equation (5)

𝐸 = 1/4 ρ π h ω2 (r2 4 − r1 4) … (5)

To ensure that the flywheel speed is not too low or too high the speed should be limited
between ωmin and ωmax, this also ensures that the flywheel provides an acceptable voltage
level with low fluctuation, so in this case the kinetic energy is expressed by equation (6).
E = 1/2 I (ωmax 2 − ωmin 2) … (6)


Another aspect should be considered when designing the flywheel is the tensile strength
of the material of the flywheel. When the speed increases, the tensile strength also
increases and should not exceed the material tensile strength.

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𝜎𝑚𝑎𝑥 = ρ r 2ω2 N/m2 … (7)

Which 𝜎𝑚𝑎𝑥 is the maximum tensile strength, ρ is the material density, r is the radius and
ω is the velocity.

Thus, the maximum kinetic energy per unit volume (Energy Density) and per unit mass
(Specific Energy) are given by equations (8) and (9).

Ev,max = Kσmax J/m3 …(8)

Em,max = K σmax/ρ J/kg …(9)

Where K is the shape factor of the flywheel which is related to the geometry of the
flywheel design as shown in figure 2.3.

Fig 2.3 𝐾 factor of different flywheel shapes.

It is possible to increase the amount of the stored kinetic energy in the flywheel by
increasing the spinning velocity or by increasing the moment of inertia. The best option
for the material of the flywheel is to have low density and high tensile strength, and the
shape factor of the rotor should be near or equal to the value one.

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Flywheel storage system is divided mainly into two main categories, the first one is low-
speed flywheel system less than 10000 rpm which consists of steel rotor and mechanical

The second system is the high-speed flywheel system up to 60000 rpm, which the rotor is
made from advanced composite material and the system uses magnetic bearing instead of
the mechanical bearings, but in general, the main parts of a flywheel storage system are as
follow and illustrated in figure 2.4:

• Electrical Motor/Generator combination which works as a motor when charging

and as a generator when discharging.
• Flywheel rotor which stores the kinetic energy.
• Rotor Bearing, most often magnetic bearing to reduce the friction losses.
• Bi directional converter which delivers the electrical power in both directions
during the charging and discharging periods.
• Vacuum housing.

Fig 2.4 Flywheel Structure.

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The conversion between the electrical energy and mechanical energy is done by the
motor generator machine, the motor converts the surplus electrical power into mechanical
power by accelerating the flywheel which is integrated in the motor rotor during the
charging period, and during the discharging period the spinning flywheel causes the
inversed process, it releases the stored kinetic energy and causing the machine to work as
a generator. The main criteria of choosing the optimal machine for flywheel storage
system is a brushless machine which can operate in high speed and has low electric
losses, high power density, high efficiency and low rotor losses. In addition, the generator
should be able to produce high voltage level with low current to provide high power with
low losses. There are many options to choose the flywheel motor type, but the major
option for flywheel energy storage system is to use permanent magnet machine which
offers high power density, high efficiency and high rotor torque. There are two main
types of permanent magnet machines, axial flux permanent magnet machine and radial
flux permanent magnet machine (AFPM and RFPM) as shown in figure 2.4. The
permanent magnets of the AFPM are integrated in the flywheel rotor and the stator is
fixed in the housing.

Fig 2.4 AFPM motor and RFPM machine structure.


Mechanical bearings are ruled out in high-speed flywheel energy storage system due to
the friction, losses and need for lubrication. So magnetic bearings are highly used because
of the capability to work in high speed with almost no losses, with high precision and
have long life time. According to control principle, magnetic bearing can be divided into
passive magnetic bearing (PMB), active magnetic bearing (AMB) and hybrid magnetic

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bearing (HMB). Passive magnetic bearing contains permanent magnets on both sides, on
the stationary and rotating rings, in this case, it does not need control or power, but the
main disadvantage of PMB is the difficulty to achieve stable levitation in all directions
due to Earnshaw's theorem which implies that achieving stable static levitation by using
fixed magnets is impossible, as illustrated in equation (10).

Kax + 2KRad ≤ 0 … (10)

Where 𝐾𝑎𝑥 is the axial suspension stiffness, KRad is the radial suspension stiffness, and
multiplication of 2 is due to the two dimensions of radial space. It can be seen, that if the
axial suspension is stable Kax > 0, that led to KRad < 0 which is unstable, and the opposite
is true. To overcome this issue many methods are used such as using passive magnetic
bearing for axial suspension and active magnetic bearing for radial suspension, or to use
superconducting magnetic bearing (SMB) which operates in critical temperature. The
working principle of active magnetic bearing is based on electromagnetic forces to
maintain the rotor position, so it requires a controller and position sensor as depicted in
figure 2.4.

Fig 2.4 Left: Active magnetic bearing structure. Right: Axial and radial bearing.

According to load support, magnetic bearings can be divided into axial bearing (thrust)
and radial bearing (Journal), and to maintain stable levitation, flywheel storage system
requires two journal bearings and one thrust bearing as depicted in figure 2.4. For hybrid
magnetic bearing, it is made from a combination of passive magnetic bearing and active
magnetic bearing.

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Fig 2.4 Flywheel with bearing system.


One of the main losses of flywheel storage system is the aerodynamic drag loss (windage
loss), so to minimize the losses, the flywheel system is placed in a vacuum chamber or in
low density gases such as helium, these approaches require external vacuum pump and
complex cooling system. The desirable pressure of flywheel chamber is between 10−1 hPa
𝑡𝑜 10−3 hPa and even less, to achieve this pressure, vane rotary pump is used, and for a
pressure lower than 10−3 hPa turbo pump is added to the vacuum system. For safety
reasons the chamber is made of thick steel and installed underground, in case of any
failures, there will be two barriers to prevent any damages.

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The main part of power conversion in flywheel energy storage system is the Bi-
directional converter which operates as a power link between the grid and the
motor/generator combination and enables the power to flow in both directions as depicted
in figure 2.5.

Fig 2.5 The flow of power in flywheel converter.

The working principle of bi-directional converter is based on AC-DC-AC topology, it

converts the AC power into DC and then from DC to AC, this gives the capability to
control the frequency and voltage, so bi-directional converter can be divided into three
parts: machine side converter (MSC), DC link and grid side converter (GSC) as shown in
figure 2.5.

Fig 2.5 Machine and grid side converters.

DC link also gives the possibility to connect multiple flywheel systems in parallel for
high power storage demand.

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Fly-Wheel Energy Storage System 2023-24

The working operation of the converter contains three modes: charging mode, stand-by
mode and discharging mode. During the charging mode, the grid side converter works as
a rectifier, while the motor side converter works as an inverter accelerating the flywheel,
when the flywheel reaches the required speed, the converter is set to standby mode. The
discharging mode leads to the opposite operation the motor side converter works as a
rectifier while the grid side converter works as an inverter to inject the required energy to
the grid, this causes the flywheel to slow down, one of the techniques used to prevent
voltage fluctuation is to add boost converter in the DC link, to ensure stable DC voltage
level as shown in figure 2.5.

Fig 2.5 Flywheel converter with boost converter in the DC link.


The control of Bi-directional converter can be divided into two schemes one for the grid
side inverter and the other for motor side inverter which depends upon the type of the
used motor, this section presents the control strategy of PMSM. The used method of
controlling PMSM is field oriented control which controls the stator currents, and to
simplify the analysis and the control system, all the three phase parameters are
transformed into rotating quantities (d-q coordinates system) and d coordinate is aligned
with rotor flux by using the rotor angle (θ) in the transformation, this leads the control
module of PMSM motor to become similar with the control module of a DC motor [4].
Figure 10 represents the control scheme of PMSM where (isa, isb, isc) are the three phase
currents which are transformed into d-q coordinate system. The equation of isd and isq
are given in Laplace transformation by equation (11).

isd = 1/ (sLsd + RS) vd + ωrLsqisq … (11)

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Fly-Wheel Energy Storage System 2023-24

isq = 1/ (sLsq + RS) vq − ωrLsdisd − ωrψm

Where Lsd and Lsq are the inductance of the stator, Rs is the stator winding resistor, ψm is
the rotor flux, ωr is the angular velocity, vd and vq are the motor voltage in d-q coordinate

Fig 2.5 PMSM control schemes.

Current control can be achieved by using PI controller which compares the measured
current isd and isq with the reference values Isd ref ∗ and Isq ref ∗, the output of current control
is the reference voltage values in d-q coordinate system as depicted in figure 2.5. These
values are decoupled into three phase quantities (vsa ref ∗, vsb ref ∗, vsc ref ∗) and passes
through PWM Block which produces the required pulses to drive the transistors.

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Fig 2.5 (a): 𝑖𝑠𝑑 Current controller, (b): 𝑖𝑠𝑞 Current controller.

The current reference Isq ref ∗ can be computed by a speed controller which compares the
reference speed (ω∗) with the measured speed of the motor (ω) as shown in figure 12, or
by a power controller as shown in figure 2.5.

Fig 2.5 Speed controller and Power controller.

Power controller compares the reference power (P ∗) with the measured power (P) and the
output of the controller is Isq ref ∗ which is given by the equation (12).

3/2 xP ∗/ ω×ψ … (12)

For the grid side converter, the control scheme is to keep the DC voltage in the DC link
stable which is shown in figure 14. The equation of the currents from the grid in d-q
system are presented in equation (13)

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itd = 1 /sLf + Rf (ωeLf itq + vsd − vtd) … (13)

itq = 1 /sLf + Rf (ωeLf itd + vsq − vtq)

Where Lf is the interface inductance, Rf is the interface resistor, vsq and vsd are grid
voltage, vtd and vtq are the output voltage of the inverter, ωe is the frequency. For
synchronization between d-q coordinate system and grid voltage (vs), vsd = vs and vsq = 0.

Fig 2.5 Grid side converter controller.

The current control compares the currents from the grid itd and itq with the reference
currents itd ref ∗ and itq ref ∗ , the output of the controller is the reference voltage values of
the converter vtd ref ∗ and vtq ref ∗ as shown in figure 2.5, this values are decoupled into
three coordinates system by using the phase angle of the grid, which is obtained from
phase locked loop to synchronize the terminal voltage frequency with the grid frequency ,
then the reference value of the voltages ( va ref ∗ , vb ref ∗ , vc ref ∗ ) pass into PWM block to
drive the transistors.

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Fig 2.5 DC link voltage controller.

itd ref ∗ can be computed from VDC controller output as shown in figure 2.5, which
controls the active power, while the reactive power can be computed by i tq as shown in
equation (14)

Q = −vsditq … (14)


The difference between the generated power and the load power can enormously affect
the frequency of the grid and leads to fluctuations as shown in figure 2.6. When the
generated power is lower than the load, this leads to a drop in the system frequency and
the opposite is true. So, flywheel energy storage system offers high response and high-
efficient frequency regulation with real time regulation by absorbing and providing the
power from and to the grid.

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Fig 2.6 Frequency Regulation.

In a micro grid, all synchronous generators are connected into main AC bus with the same
electrical frequency 𝜔𝑒. The dynamic equation of the micro grid is given by equation (15).

JTP (∆ωe) = PG − PL − ∆Ps … (15)

Where JT is the inertia of all generators, PL is the load, ∆Ps is the flywheel additional
power. When the grid is stable PG = PL there is no need for flywheel power flow ∆Ps = 0
and P (∆ωe) = 0. The generated and load power are monitored by micro grid energy
management system (MEMS) which determines the required power from flywheel (Pref)
to regulate the frequency of the system.



One of the applications of flywheel energy storage system is to be used in UPS system
which is divided into two categories: static UPS and rotary UPS.

Rotary UPS system consists of flywheel and motor generator combination which is
connected into a diesel engine via a mechanical clutch. The operation principle of rotary

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UPS system in emergent situation is to provide the load via flywheel energy storage for
few seconds until the diesel engine runs and reaches its full speed.

For static UPS system, the conventional UPS system uses valve-regulated lead-acid
batteries (VRLA battery) which can store a considerable amount of energy depending on
the number of the used batteries. On the other hand, flywheel UPS system uses the
flywheel as a power source which has short run-time typically measured in seconds. The
following table 3 shows the runtime of flywheel UPS for different output power.

Table 2.7 Flywheel UPS run-time in second and output power.

Due to the short run-time of flywheel storage system, flywheel can be used as battery
hardening by connecting the flywheel in parallel with batteries, this can improve the life
of the battery system. Due to the high response time of flywheel, flywheel provides the
required power for short time load, this makes the flywheel the first defence against short
time disturbances and leads to reduce the discharging cycles of the batteries consequently
reducing the life of the battery.



The last advancement of flywheel storage system makes it compete with batteries in
many aspects which are illustrated in the following table 2.6.

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Table 2.6 Comparison between flywheel and VRLA battery.


2.9.1 FLYWHEEL 101

The concept behind traditional flywheels is really quite simple. Objects in motion
continue in motion unless acted upon by an outside force. Synchronous machines can
ride-through short power interruptions by using the mass of the rotors to “flywheel”
through these periods. In the case of a motor-generator (M-G), the rotors act as flywheels.
Physics allows us to change kinetic rotational energy into electrical energy. In the case of
a M-G, a given operating speed (say 1800 rpm) produces a corresponding output
frequency, say 60 Hz. As the M-G slows, the frequency declines proportionately.
However, if the M-G is a power conditioner, the load must be able to tolerate a decreasing

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frequency during ride-through. The larger the rotors, the less speed they have to give up
for a given electrical load. However, there are practical limitations to the size of an M-G
for ride-through applications. At some point, the electrical losses of turning an oversized
rotor make it unattractive.

Fig 2.9 Simplified One Line Diagram.

The alternative is to add additional mass with a flywheel, which can be mounted on the
same shaft as the motor and generator in order to increase the ride-through time before
electrical frequency diminishes to unacceptable levels (0.1 to 0.5 seconds). Again, there
are limitations. After the ride-through is over, we must put back the kinetic energy we
removed from the mass (rotational speed) the same way we recharge a battery. The
problem when the system is a synchronous M-G is that the reacceleration current might
be ten times the normal full load current, which in most applications is unacceptable. As a
result, the cost of over-sizing the service and the cost of bracing for the high available
fault current has ruled out flywheels that ride-through much more than 350 milliseconds –
until now.


The CleanSource DC flywheel is configured as a two terminal DC power storage system

and is a functional replacement for a bank of chemical batteries used with three-phase
UPS systems. Like a chemical battery bank, it receives recharge and float power from the
two terminal UPS DC bus and returns power to the same DC bus whenever the bus
voltage drops below a programmable threshold level.

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Fly-Wheel Energy Storage System 2023-24

Fig 2.9 Flywheel Assembly.

The heart of the CleanSource DC flywheel is a 14” high, 32” diameter integrated motor/
generator/flywheel system that is capable of storing and delivering up to 250kW of power
to the DC bus of a UPS. CleanSource DC flywheel stores energy as angular momentum in
a single piece forged 4340 steel rotors rotating in a rough vacuum.

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Fig 2.9 Forged 4340 Steel Rotor.

The motor, generator and energy storage functions are all performed by the same stator
and rotor structure. There are no permanent magnets or brushes nor are there coils or
magnets on the rotor. Optical sensors control the motoring commutation. A magnetic
bearing that is integral with the motor-generator field coil structure supports most of the
rotor weight. This enables the mechanical bearings to be optimally loaded and greatly
extends bearing life. When the UPS battery charger is connected and turned on, the
system begins to draw power from the charger to accelerate the rotor. When the flywheel
reaches its “fully charged” speed, it enters a mode comparable to a chemical battery’s
“float” state, in which a small amount of power is drawn from the UPS battery charger to
maintain constant rotation.

Once the flywheel is above its minimum discharge speed (about 1/2 of its “fully charged”
speed), it is capable of supporting the DC bus in case of a main power interruption. In the
event of a utility outage, the AC output bus of the UPS provides a protected source of
power for the controller. Whenever the controller senses the DC bus voltage has fallen
below a preset minimum, motoring is disabled. A closed loop field control is used to raise
the generator output voltage so the bidirectional insulated gate bipolar transistor (IGBT)
converter boosts the flywheel DC output to maintain constant voltage, independent of
rotor speed. When the power to the UPS rectifier is restored, either by a standby generator
or utility power, the double-conversion UPS rectifier brings the DC bus back to its normal
value and the flywheel automatically resumes charging.

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Fig 2.9 Example of an integrated flywheel UPS system.

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Chapter 3



Flywheel energy storage systems possess several key advantages that make them an
appealing choice for storing and releasing energy efficiently:

1. High Power Density: Flywheel systems have a high-power density, meaning they
can store and release a significant amount of energy in a relatively small space.
This compactness is advantageous for applications where space is limited or
where high power needs to be delivered in a short amount of time.

2. High Energy Density: Alongside high-power density, flywheels also exhibit high
energy density. This means they can store a large amount of energy relative to
their size and weight, making them suitable for applications requiring long-
duration energy storage.

3. Long Lifetime: The lifetime of a flywheel is nearly independent of the depth of

charge and discharge cycles it undergoes. Unlike some other energy storage
technologies, such as batteries, the longevity of flywheels remains consistent
regardless of how deeply they are cycled. This results in a more predictable
lifespan and lower maintenance costs over time.

4. No Periodic Maintenance: Flywheel systems require little to no periodic

maintenance. Unlike traditional generators or batteries, which may require regular
upkeep such as electrolyte checks or component replacements, flywheels can
operate for extended periods without intervention. This reduces maintenance costs
and downtime associated with servicing.

5. Short Recharge Time: Flywheel systems offer a short recharge time, allowing
them to quickly absorb energy during periods of excess generation or low
demand. This rapid response capability is crucial for balancing supply and
demand on the grid and ensuring grid stability.

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6. Temperature Insensitivity: Flywheel systems operate within a vacuum

containment, which helps maintain a stable internal temperature. This temperature
stability ensures consistent performance regardless of external environmental
conditions, making flywheels suitable for a wide range of applications and

7. High Efficiency: Traditional coal and gas generators typically operate with
efficiency ratios in the range of 35-40%. In contrast, flywheel energy storage
systems boast much higher efficiency, often reaching upwards of 85-90%. This
means that a significantly larger proportion of the energy input into the system is
effectively stored and later retrieved, resulting in less wasted energy and higher
overall efficiency.

8. Reliability, Safety, and Longevity: Flywheels are known for their reliability,
safety, and long lifespan. They are designed to withstand numerous charge and
discharge cycles without significant degradation, offering consistent performance
over time. Additionally, flywheel systems are inherently safe, as they do not
involve the use of hazardous materials or combustion processes. Their reliability
and safety make them ideal for critical applications where downtime or failures
can have severe consequences.

9. Increased Demand Due to Renewable Energy: With the growing focus on

renewable energy sources like solar and wind power, there is an increasing need
for energy storage solutions to manage the intermittent nature of these sources.
Flywheel energy storage systems are well-suited to this task, providing fast
response times and high efficiency in storing and releasing energy. Their ability to
seamlessly integrate with renewable energy sources helps balance supply and
demand, ultimately enhancing the reliability and stability of the grid.

10. Stabilization of Solar Power Output: Solar photovoltaic (PV) systems generate
electricity based on the availability of sunlight, which can vary throughout the day
due to factors such as cloud cover. Managing this variability is essential for
ensuring a stable and reliable power supply. Flywheel technology can play a
crucial role in stabilizing frequency and voltage in solar power systems by quickly
adjusting energy output to match demand fluctuations. This ensures consistent and

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reliable electricity supply, even during periods of varying solar irradiance, thereby
improving overall grid stability and resilience.

11. Much Higher Charging and Discharging Rate: One of the notable advantages
of flywheel energy storage systems is their ability to charge and discharge energy
at a much higher rate compared to many other energy storage technologies. This
rapid response capability is crucial for applications requiring quick adjustments to
fluctuations in energy supply and demand. Flywheels can efficiently absorb
excess energy during periods of high generation and release it rapidly when
demand increases, thereby helping to stabilize the grid and ensure a reliable power

12. Able to Cyclically Discharge to Zero Energy Without Degrading: Unlike some
other energy storage technologies, flywheels can be discharged to zero energy
levels without suffering from degradation or reduced performance. This means
that the full capacity of the flywheel can be utilized in each cycle without
compromising its longevity or efficiency. This feature is particularly advantageous
in applications where complete energy discharge is required, such as backup
power systems or grid stabilization during periods of high demand.

13. High Power Output: Flywheel energy storage systems are capable of delivering
high power output when needed, making them suitable for applications requiring
rapid bursts of energy. Whether it's providing backup power to critical
infrastructure or supporting high-power industrial processes, flywheels can
reliably deliver the necessary energy at a moment's notice. Their ability to sustain
high power output levels over extended periods further enhances their versatility
and applicability across various industries.

14. Large Energy Storage Capacity: Flywheel systems can be designed to

accommodate large energy storage capacities, allowing them to store significant
amounts of energy for use when needed. This scalability makes flywheels suitable
for a wide range of applications, from grid-scale energy storage to industrial and
commercial uses. By providing ample energy storage capacity, flywheels help
optimize energy management and improve overall system efficiency.

15. Less Overall Cost: In addition to their technical advantages, flywheel energy
storage systems can also offer cost advantages compared to other energy storage

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technologies. While the initial investment in flywheel systems may be higher,

their long lifespan, minimal maintenance requirements, and high efficiency can
result in lower overall costs over the lifetime of the system. Additionally, the
ability to discharge to zero energy without degradation reduces the need for costly
replacement or refurbishment, further contributing to cost savings.

16. Effective Power Compensation: Flywheel systems excel at providing effective

power compensation, making them invaluable for grid stabilization and power
quality management. By rapidly adjusting energy output in response to
fluctuations in demand or generation, flywheels help maintain stable frequency
and voltage levels, ensuring a reliable and high-quality power supply. This
capability is essential for improving grid resilience and meeting the evolving
needs of modern energy systems.

17. Optimization of System Cost with Small Capacity Flywheel Energy Storage:
The utilization of small capacity flywheel energy storage systems offers a
strategic approach to minimizing overall system costs. By implementing smaller
units rather than larger, more expensive systems, organizations can tailor their
energy storage solutions to match specific demands and usage patterns more
efficiently. This approach allows for greater flexibility in system design and
deployment, enabling businesses to optimize their investments while still meeting
performance requirements. Additionally, the modular nature of small capacity
flywheel systems facilitates scalability, allowing for incremental expansions as
needed without incurring significant upfront costs.
18. Optimization of System Cost with Small Capacity Flywheel Energy Storage:
The utilization of small capacity flywheel energy storage systems offers a
strategic approach to minimizing overall system costs. By implementing smaller
units rather than larger, more expensive systems, organizations can tailor their
energy storage solutions to match specific demands and usage patterns more
efficiently. This approach allows for greater flexibility in system design and
deployment, enabling businesses to optimize their investments while still meeting
performance requirements. Additionally, the modular nature of small capacity
flywheel systems facilitates scalability, allowing for incremental expansions as
needed without incurring significant upfront costs.

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1. Complexity of Durable and Low Loss Bearings: Flywheel energy storage

systems rely on high-performance bearings to minimize energy losses and
maintain stability during operation. However, the design and implementation of
such bearings can be complex, requiring precise engineering and manufacturing
processes. Additionally, ensuring the durability of these bearings over the long
term poses a challenge, as they must withstand high rotational speeds and
mechanical stresses without experiencing significant wear or degradation. The
complexity involved in developing and maintaining durable, low-loss bearings
adds to the overall cost and complexity of flywheel systems.

2. Mechanical Stress and Fatigue Limits: Flywheels are subject to significant

mechanical stresses and fatigue during operation, particularly due to the high
rotational speeds involved. Over time, these stresses can lead to material fatigue
and structural degradation, potentially compromising the integrity and
performance of the flywheel system. Managing mechanical stress and fatigue
effectively requires careful design and material selection, as well as regular
monitoring and maintenance to prevent catastrophic failures.

3. Material Limits at High Tip Speeds: Flywheels operate at high tip speeds, often
reaching velocities of around 700 meters per second (m/s) or higher. At these
speeds, the materials used in the construction of the flywheel face significant
challenges, including material strength, thermal stability, and fatigue resistance.
Finding materials capable of withstanding these extreme conditions while
maintaining structural integrity and performance can be difficult and may limit the
maximum achievable energy storage capacity and efficiency of flywheel systems.

4. Potentially Hazardous Failure Modes: Despite their reliability and safety

features, flywheel energy storage systems can pose potential hazards in the event
of failure. Catastrophic failures, such as rotor disintegration or containment
breaches, can release large amounts of kinetic energy, resulting in mechanical
damage and potentially posing risks to nearby personnel or equipment. While
safety mechanisms and containment systems are implemented to mitigate these
risks, the potential for hazardous failure modes remains a concern, particularly in

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applications where flywheels are deployed in close proximity to populated areas

or critical infrastructure.

5. Short Discharge Time: One disadvantage of flywheel energy storage systems is

their relatively short discharge time compared to some other energy storage
technologies. While flywheels excel in rapid energy release, their capacity for
sustained discharge over extended periods is limited. This constraint can be a
drawback in applications requiring continuous power delivery or long-duration
energy storage, where longer discharge times are necessary to meet demand.

6. Low Specific Energy: Current flywheel technology suffers from a lower specific
energy compared to some alternative energy storage solutions, such as chemical
batteries. Specific energy refers to the amount of energy that can be stored per unit
mass or volume of the storage system. Flywheels typically have higher power
densities but lower specific energies, which can limit their suitability for certain
applications requiring compact, lightweight energy storage solutions.

7. Safety Concerns: Safety is a significant concern associated with flywheel energy

storage systems, primarily due to the high rotational speeds of the rotor and the
potential for catastrophic failure. If a flywheel rotor were to break loose or
experience a containment breach, it could release all of its stored energy in an
uncontrolled manner, posing significant risks to personnel and equipment in the
vicinity. Managing these safety concerns requires robust containment systems,
emergency shutdown procedures, and stringent safety protocols, which can add
complexity and cost to flywheel installations.

8. Less Mature Technology and High Costs: Compared to chemical batteries and
other established energy storage technologies, flywheels are considered less
mature and currently face higher costs. The development and commercialization
of flywheel systems have not progressed as far as some competing technologies,
leading to higher upfront capital investments and operating expenses. As a result,
flywheel energy storage systems may struggle to compete with more established
technologies in the market, particularly in cost-sensitive applications where
upfront investment and total cost of ownership are key considerations.

In summary, while flywheel energy storage systems offer several advantages, including
rapid response times and long operational lifespans, they also exhibit several

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disadvantages that must be carefully considered. These include short discharge times,
lower specific energy compared to some alternatives, safety concerns related to high-
speed rotors, and the technology's relative immaturity and associated high costs.
Addressing these challenges will be crucial for advancing flywheel technology and
expanding its applicability in various energy storage applications.

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Chapter 4


In conclusion, the flywheel energy storage system (FESS) offers a promising solution for
various applications within the electrical utility system. With its main components,
including the flywheel, electrical machine, power electronic interface, bearing system,
and housing, meticulously designed and integrated, FESS demonstrates notable
advantages. Composite materials, particularly advantageous for constructing flywheel
rotors due to their high tensile strength to density ratio, enable high-speed rotation and
consequently high specific energy, facilitating a compact design.

In terms of the electrical machine, the permanent magnet synchronous machine emerges
as the most advantageous design, offering efficiency and high-power density. As the grid
evolves towards a more dynamic system with the advancement of smart grid technology,
the functional requirements on the power interface of FESS are anticipated to increase.
FESS is expected to handle tasks such as load following and power quality services

Moreover, FESS proves to be a versatile solution, applicable in various scenarios

including load levelling, frequency regulation, and renewable energy capacity firming. Its
suitability for applications characterized by high cycling and fast dynamics is notable.
While FESS shares common characteristics with battery energy storage systems (BESS),
it offers distinct advantages such as higher power density, no cycling degradation,
environmental friendliness, and fast response times.

However, challenges remain, particularly regarding the relative short discharge time and
cost competitiveness compared to battery systems. Despite these challenges, ongoing
advancements in flywheel rotor technology, power electronics, and magnetic bearings
hold promise for FESS to become a strong contender for grid applications up to multiple
megawatts. With continued research, development, and cost reduction efforts, FESS is
poised to play a significant role in shaping the future of energy storage and grid stability.

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