Grade - 8 - Weekend Homework 03.05.24

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Grade – 8 Home Work

Date: 03.05.2024

ICT : Assessment on 07.05.2024 (Tuesday)

Syllabus: JAVA Programming using Netbeans (As per page 7 to 14 of Design


1. Display (Print) Statement

2. Variable Declaration (int, float, double, String)

3. Display variables and simple calculations using variables"

Review sheet given.

English : Complete the narrative writing assignment in your Google Classroom:

Write a narrative about how you dealt with a state of emergency. (800 Words)

Humanities : (a) Describe the justifications Adolf Hitler provided for the remilitarization of

the Rhineland.

(b) Examine the risk Hitler took when he decided to remilitarize the Rhineland.

(c) Explain the reasons behind Adolf Hitler's successful remilitarization of the


Math (Standard) : Worksheet - 3 : Percentage, Ex. 1 - Q. 5, Q. 8, Q. 9, Q. 10, Q. 12, Q. 13,

Ex. 2 - Q. 2, Q. 3, Q. 5, Q. 8, Ex. 3 - Q. 5, Q. 6, Q. 8, Q. 11, Q. 13, Q. 16, Q. 17

Ex. 4 - Q. 2, 4

Math (Accelerated) : Worksheet - 3 : Percentage, Ex. 1 - Q. 5, Q. 8, Q. 9, Q. 10, Q. 12, Q. 13,

Ex. 2 - Q. 2, Q. 3, Q. 5, Q. 8, Ex. 3 - Q. 5, Q. 6, Q. 8, Q. 11, Q. 13, Q. 16, Q. 17

Ex. 4 - Q. 2, 4

Science : Complete the given worksheet based on previous knowledge of Periodic table.

French : Complete Folder A comprehension Page 19,20 and the write-up of 130-140

words on Page 21 on "Votre Ville Favorite" after referring to the exemplaire

given on the same page

Spanish : Haz la pregunta 4 de la página 54 (Folder - Section B)

Hindi : ikB & [kqnkbZ QkStnkj] iz'u & 9] i`"B la[;k & 18
Vocab-O-Pedia : Round 2 (Online) will be held on Thursday, 2nd May from 7.15 - 7.25 PM

Google Form link will be shared on Whatsapp as well as the Google Classroom

Syllabus: Idioms & Phrases, Synonyms & One Word Substitutes

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