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Journal of Energy Chemistry 49 (2020) 96–123

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Current technology development for CO2 utilization into solar fuels

and chemicals: A review
Azeem Mustafa a,b, Bachirou Guene Lougou a,b,c,∗, Yong Shuai a,b,∗, Zhijiang Wang c,
Heping Tan a,b
Key Laboratory of Aerospace Thermophysics of MIIT, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin 150001, Heilongjiang, China
School of Energy Science and Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin 150001, Heilongjiang, China
MIIT Key Laboratory of Critical Materials Technology for New Energy Conversion and Storage, School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Harbin
Institute of Technology, Harbin 150001, Heilongjiang, China

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The continuous consumption of fossil fuels causes two important impediments including emission of
Received 5 December 2019 large concentrations of CO2 resulting in global warming and alarming utilization of energy assets. The
Revised 9 January 2020
conversion of greenhouse gas CO2 into solar fuels can be an expedient accomplishment for the solution
Accepted 15 January 2020
of both problems, all together. CO2 reutilization into valuable fuels and chemicals is a great challenge
Available online 5 February 2020
of the current century. Owing to limitations in traditional approaches, there have been developed many
Keywords: novel technologies such as photochemical, biochemical, electrochemical, plasma-chemical and solar ther-
CO2 conversion mochemical. They are currently being used for CO2 capture, sequestration, and utilization to transform
Photochemical CO2 into valuable products such as syngas, methane, methanol, formic acid, as well as fossil fuel con-
Biochemical sumption reduction. This review summarizes different traditional and novel thermal technologies used in
Electrochemical CO2 conversion with detailed information about their working principle, types, currently adopted meth-
Plasma chemical
ods, developments, conversion rates, products formed, catalysts and operating conditions. Moreover, a
Solar thermochemical processes
comparison of these novel technologies in terms of distinctive key features such as conversion rate, yield,
use of earth metals, renewable energy, investment, and operating cost has been provided in order to have
a useful review for future research direction.
© 2020 Science Press and Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Published
by Elsevier B.V. and Science Press. All rights reserved.

Azeem Mustafa is currently studying for a PhD degree Bachirou Guene Lougou is Assistant professor of the
from the School of Energy Science at Harbin Institute of School of Energy Science and Engineering at Harbin In-
Technology China. He received his B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees stitute of Technology. He received his B.S. degree in
in Mechanical Engineering from University of Engineering Physical-Chemistry Science and M.S. degree in Energy
and Technology, Taxila in 2012 and Harbin University of Efficiency and Renewable Energies from the University
Science and Technology, China in 2018, respectively. His of Abomey-Calavi, Benin and Ph.D. degree in Power En-
research interest is conversion of carbon dioxide into so- gineering and Engineering Thermophysics in 2018 from
lar fuels. Harbin Institute of Technology, China. In 2018, he joined
the faculty of Harbin Institute of Technology, China. His
research focuses on Carbon-neutral energy and Hydrogen
storage systems, CO2 utilization, High-temperature solar
thermochemical energy conversion, Optimum design of
redox thermochemical reactor, and Synthesis of porous
catalyst /redox oxide materials. He is also interested in Advanced chemical energy
storage materials, Electrochemical energy conversion system, and Solar Photochem-
ical energy conversion system.

Corresponding authors.
E-mail addresses: (B.G. Lougou), (Y. Shuai).
2095-4956/© 2020 Science Press and Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Published by Elsevier B.V. and Science Press. All rights reserved.
A. Mustafa, B.G. Lougou and Y. Shuai et al. / Journal of Energy Chemistry 49 (2020) 96–123 97

Dr. Yong Shuai is a full professor, Dean of School of En- chemical and solar thermochemical which can transform CO2 into
ergy Science and Engineering at Harbin Institute of Tech-
nology (HIT), China. He received his B.S. degree in 2001
valuable products.
and Ph.D. degree in 2006, from Harbin Institute of Tech- Biochemical conversion depends on photosynthesis to trans-
nology, both in Engineering Thermophysics. In Oct. 2004, form sunlight into biomass which can be further processed and
he joined the faculty of Harbin Institute of Technology,
utilized. Other novel technologies like photochemical and solar
China. In April 2011- April 2012, he was a Visiting Sci-
entist with the Mechanical Engineering at Georgia Insti- thermochemical depend on direct solar radiation. The former
tute of Technology, Atlanta, USA. His current research in- technology depends upon photons energy and the latter uses
terests are in the areas of Micro/nanoscale energy con-
concentrated solar energy. Plasma and electrochemical rely on
version and transfer, Thermal analysis of electronic equip-
ment and optical system, Numerical methods for radia- electricity. The share of renewable energy in 2014 was 19.2% of
tive heat transfer, Solar thermochemical energy conver- the overall global energy consumption and the predicted share
sion, Sustainable Energy (especially solar thermal utilization), Energy Material, Fluid of renewable energy of the world’s electricity generation was
Mechanics, Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), and Analyzing and testing tech-
niques in thermal and fluid science. He is also interested in Advanced chemical en- 23.7% in 2015 [6]. Currently, it is at a stage that the wide-scale
ergy storage materials, and combined Solar Photo-Thermal-Electrochemical energy utilization of renewable energy is the main issue for better storage
storage system. and convenient transportation of the electricity generated. Though
Zhijiang Wang is a professor of the School of Chemistry it is possible to store in batteries, it is inefficient as compared
and Chemical Engineering at Harbin Institute of Technol- to storage in chemicals and fuels [7]. These fuels - termed as
ogy, China. He received his B.S., M.S. and Ph.D. degrees carbon neutral or solar fuels – provide extremely high volumetric
from Harbin Institute of Technology. He continued his
studies as a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Ox- or gravimetric storage capacity, possess high energy densities and
ford. His technological interests are in the synthesis and are compatible with existing global fuel infrastructure.
characterization of high-quality nanoparticles and multi- The CO2 conversion reactions can be classified into fuel produc-
component nanostructures with controlled structure and
interface interactions, which could greatly enhance the
tion and chemical production. The former is regarded as a highly
potential and broaden the application of nanomaterials in suitable objective for the transformation of large amounts of CO2
the electrocatalysis including CO2 reduction and nitrogen because it has a large market size than the latter. Methanol is an
reduction reactions. His research topics presently include
interesting chemical and is in the middle of these two classes be-
understanding the mechanisms from the perspective of
electronic density of state. cause it is used as fuel and chemical in fuel cells and engines [8].
To accomplish the conversion of CO2 into valuable products, the
Heping Tan is currently a full professor and director of
reactions employ co-reactants that are actually hydrogen donors.
the Institute of Aerospace Thermophysics of Harbin In-
stitute of Technology. He graduated from Harbin Insti- Liquid products are better than gasses for most applications in the
tute of Technology with a Master’s degree in 1980 and current existing system. The direct oxidative and indirect oxidative
obtained a doctorate degree from Poitiers University in
routes are two approaches that can be utilized to accomplish
France in 1989. His research interest includes Numerical
heat transfer, Radiation heat transfer, Solar thermal uti- this. The former approach is used to produce short-chain olefins
lization, Analysis and suppression of stray light in space (C2 H2 , C3 H6 ), oxygenated products (CH3 OH, CH2 O, HCOOH) and
optical system. hydrocarbons. The latter approach yields syngas which can be
further processed into almost any kind of fuel or chemical. In
this approach, the H2 /CO should be controlled because it plays an
important role in the production of desired products.
1. Introduction Gaseous hydrogen has many serious disadvantages due to its
physicochemical characteristics as compared to liquid products [9].
The global energy infrastructure is transforming with poten- Moreover, it is very costly to safely store, dispense and transport
tially substantial effects on energy trade and market because gaseous hydrogen, while liquid products are already compatible
world energy utilization has high implications for the socioeco- with the existing infrastructure. Hence, a shift from products
nomic development of human beings [1,2]. The world has also obtained from liquid fossil fuels (kerosene, gasoline, diesel) to a
realized that necessary alterations will be much needed to meet sustainable and renewable liquid fuel is much needed. Methanol
the increasing demand for energy. The current sources of fossil is the quite simple chemical having one carbon, and hence can
fuel are insufficient to fulfill the global energy consumption, as be considered as a possible solution to meet these requirements.
they will get double in the next thirty years and triple before Nevertheless, currently, it is generated from methane for economic
2100 [2]. As stated by [3], the economic break down in Europe reasons; it can conveniently be acquired from many carbon sources
and North America reduced the energy consumption by 5% and like biomass, landfill gas, biogas, and CO2 . That is why it has been
4.5%, respectively. The rates of energy consumption were vigorous suggested as essential solar fuel for the aforementioned anthro-
in many developing countries (>4%). pogenic cycle of carbon [10]. While finding the most suitable CO2
Although, the energy obtained from fossil fuel is very im- conversion approach having the potential of commercialization on
portant because their burning yield impressive quantities of a wide scale, the efficient generation of solar fuel is very necessary
energies/weight [4], but continuous consumption of fossil fuels to be economically compatible with existing infrastructures. This
for industrial purposes is threating to the atmosphere as large review has discussed traditional and novel approaches (used to
concentrations of CO2 are emitted into the environment. The produce solar fuels) to cover all the fundamental aspects along
energy consumption exhibited an ascending trend from 1961 to with the latest developments followed by future perspectives for
2010 [3]. The world is paying huge attention to the development each CO2 conversion process. A clear understanding of the matter
of renewable energy to meet the growing demand. The main has been presented by adding effects and mitigation of notorious
sources of renewable energy like wind, waves, sunlight, tides, gas CO2 in the first section.
biomass, nuclear energy, and geothermal heat generate electricity Fig. 1 describes the adopted methodology and structure of this
with almost zero emissions of CO2 . review. Initially, effects of carbon dioxide on atmosphere and its
The abundant CO2 can be treated as an asset by employing mitigation are presented. Then a section on carbon capture and
appropriate technologies to convert CO2 into solar fuels and utilization is included. Traditional thermal approaches and their
chemicals. The recycling of CO2 can reduce global warming and subsequent pros and cons are described in the third section of
fossil fuel consumption [5]. There are many conversion technolo- this review. While in the fourth section of this review, photo-
gies such as photochemical, biochemical, electrochemical, plasma chemical, biochemical, electrochemical, plasma chemical and solar
98 A. Mustafa, B.G. Lougou and Y. Shuai et al. / Journal of Energy Chemistry 49 (2020) 96–123

Effects of CO2 and its

mitigation Ethanol Formaldehyde Ethane

Approaches for CO2

Conventional thermal Products Obtained
Novel thermal
approaches Ethylene from CO2 Formic Acid

Pure CO2
Biochemical splitting
Methanol Methane
Electrochemical Co-reactant

Fig. 3. Chemical products obtained from CO2 conversion.

Photochemical Dry
reforming of
of CO2
be 570 ppm [13]. Due to the release of this increased amount of
Plasma chemical CO2 , there are detrimental effects on the environment and climate
e.g. global warming, which is having multidimensional effects
Comparison between
Solar on the earth’s ecosystem and consequently affect human beings
approaches for CO2
conversion [14]. According to the report of the Climate Resilience Handbook,
numerous natural disasters – heat waves, hurricanes, wildfires,
Fig. 1. Methodology of the review. and droughts – leading to a loss of 31 billion-dollar were recorded
in 2017 [15].
Therefore, it seems quite necessary to reduce the production
thermochemical are discussed in terms of their working princi- of CO2 and convert this greenhouse gas into useful chemicals for
ple, conversion rates, technological advancements, and formed environmental protection [17]. The conversion of main greenhouse
products. Finally, a comparison has been provided at the end to gas, CO2 into value-added products can solve the interlinked and
demonstrate the importance of each conversion technology in challenging problems of the modern age. Its conversion can not
certain perspectives. only shift our dependence from conventional fossil fuels to newly
developed fuels (Fig. 2) but also tackle the issue of global warming
1.1. Effects of CO2 and its mitigation [18–20]. Probably, the generation of value-added products out of
CO2 can efficiently close the carbon loop.
The utilization of natural resources in industrial applications It associates with the principle of green/sustainable chemistry
has unprecedented contributions to the advancement and prosper- if the large anthropogenic concentrations of CO2 are reduced and
ity of human beings in the past centuries. At present, to meet the converted into industrially valuable feedstock for fuel produc-
82% energy requirements per day, ten billion cubic meters of nat- tion (Fig. 3) and hence, sustained chemical industry and energy
ural gas, twenty-two million tonnes of coal and eighty-five million economy can be established by developing cost-effective methods
barrels of oil are consumed [10]. These natural resources (natural and approaches for the mitigation of CO2 [21–23]. There are
gas, coal, and oil) are carbon-rich fossil fuels and their burning several modern CO2 conversion technologies that are currently
leads to the emission of large concentrations (around 30 billion) into practice, e.g. biochemical, photochemical, electrochemical,
of greenhouse gas, mainly CO2 into the environment [11,12]. The plasma-chemical and solar thermochemical and their advantages
natural carbon cycle has been outpaced by these anthropogenic and disadvantages along with their future prospects are principally
emissions of CO2 and the concentrations of atmospheric CO2 have discussed in this review. However, CO2 capture, utilization, and
increased from 280 ppm – before the industrial revolution – to storage (CCUS) [8,24–30] - which are other applications of CO2 –
390 ppm in 2010 and by the end of this century, are expected to are also briefly discussed herein.

Fig. 2. GHG emissions by gas and economic sector-wise Production of GHG [16].
A. Mustafa, B.G. Lougou and Y. Shuai et al. / Journal of Energy Chemistry 49 (2020) 96–123 99

CO2, O2, N2

Air Flue gases
Combustion CO2 separation

Post-combustion capture CO2 dehydration


Gasification process
Fuel Combustion
and CO2 separation

O2 Air
CO2, O2, N2
Air Air separation

Pre-combustion capture


Recycle flue gases
Air separation
Oxyfuel combustion capture

Fig. 4. Capturing process for CO2 [33].

2. Carbon capture and storage fossil fuel to avoid it from penetrating into the atmosphere. Large
concentrations of carbon can be obtained from several sources like
The need to reduce emissions of CO2 from the environment coal-fired and biomass plants. The former type of power plants is
is shoving scientific community and technologists to explore and regarded as dirty because they emit heavy concentrations of CO2 ,
develop new strategies that may be efficient for controlling and so there is an urgent need to employ CCS technology in this type
reducing the atmospheric level of CO2 . The capture of CO2 from of industry. Hence, excessive amounts of CO2 will be removed
flue gasses of industrial processes or power plants to prevent it from the atmosphere and a low-pollution source of energy will
from getting into the atmosphere is a possible option (Fig. 4). This be delivered to society, emphasizing the development of efficient,
captured CO2 can be utilized in different ways such as carbon economical and clean energy systems [33].
source in industrial processes or disposing of it in coal beds, oil The chemical CO2 recycling from industrial and natural re-
wells, and geological cavities, etc. The CO2 capture from flue gasses sources into different products can be obtained by utilizing CSS
released from continuous sources, that corresponds to 60% of the as a component of the reductive hydrogenative transformation
total released CO2 , is a mature approach. Phases of solid or liquid process. Fig. 5 presents a carbon transformation cycle into valuable
(membranes are also used) are utilized to capture CO2 [31,32]. products.
There is continuous innovation in this area and new materials
with enhanced specific characteristics are being developed like 2.1. Working of CCS technology
polymeric amines, hybrid materials, metallic organic structures
and functionalized silicates which are not only energetic but are Many techniques can be utilized for CO2 capture: absorption
also economical [31]. in a solid or liquid, gas phase sequestration and hybrid processes
It is considered one of the most significant technologies used [38,39]. However, three main sequestration processes can be
to decrease CO2 emissions and, in this technology, CO2 is removed described as [40]:
directly from utility or industrial plants and then subsequently • Process 1: this process incorporates the selective CO2 uptake
stored in a secure medium [34]. The main CCS rationale is to pro- over a solid surface which is reproduced by extending the tem-
duce biofuels by reducing CO2 emissions and in connection with perature or decreasing the pressure to liberate the adsorbed
this, subdue climate change [35]. In CCS technology, the CO2 stor- CO2 .
age time period should be more than the predicted peak interval • Process 2: a liquid solvent is used in this process which absorbs
of fossil fuel usage, like if CO2 reappears into the environment, it CO2 gas which subsequently forms a compound. The solvent is
should arise after the estimated peak interval of fossil fuel usage. taken to another section and when the heat is applied to this
Currently, this technology is quite promising for CO2 mitigation solvent, it liberates CO2 . This solvent is further used to absorb
and is highly useful for large amounts of CO2 [36]. Owing to the CO2 in the next cycle.
world’s big stock of low-priced fossil fuels, there is a high need to • Process 3: a permeable membrane is used to separate CO2
explore new opportunities for CO2 capture from the combustion of from flue gasses in this method.
100 A. Mustafa, B.G. Lougou and Y. Shuai et al. / Journal of Energy Chemistry 49 (2020) 96–123

Fig. 5. Production of methanol and other chemicals via carbon conversion cycle [37].

concentrations of CO2 at high pressure through different phases

100 Conversion
to decrease the pressure. At this stage, CO2 is separated and the
Energy effciency (%)

Energy efficiency
80 40 solvent restores its original shape. In stripping, after degassing,
Conversion (%)

the solvent is processed with inert gas for CO2 removal. Presently,
60 30
Purisol, Selexol, Rectisol, and Fluor are commercially available
40 20 technologies that capture CO2 by physical adsorption.

20 10
0 0 2.1.2. Post-combustion process for CO2 capture
Many technologies are utilized to separate CO2 from flue gasses
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000
released from industrial processes. The commonly used tech-
Temperature (K)
nologies are cryogenic separation, adsorption on membranes and
Fig. 6. Relation between energy efficiency and thermal conversion in terms of tem- solids, chemical and physical solvent. It is very costly to establish
perature (reproduced from ref. [51]). a post-combustion system when there are large volumes of flue
gasses to be processed and it seems an important limitation of
this process. Other than this, more energy is required to separate
Pre-combustion, oxyfuel combustion, and post-combustion CO2 from solids and solvents after separation. These drawbacks
mechanism can be used in capturing the process of CO2 and need serious attention before this process becomes an efficient
shown in Fig. 6 [41–43]. candidate for CO2 separation. This process needs an efficient
cooling system because CO2 captured through this process is
2.1.1. Pre-combustion process for CO2 capture obtained from high-temperature flue gasses, low concentrations of
In this technique, CO2 is captured from the stream of syngas CO2 . This process is utilized in coal-fired stations where the fuel is
before the occurrence of combustion and power generation pro- combusted in the presence of air to produce streams which in turn
cesses. At this stage, carbon is separated from the coal before its drives large turbines to produce electricity. The main ingredients
utilization in the stream of gas. Firstly, coal is partially oxidized of flue gasses are CO2 , O2 , impurities and moisture contents. The
by means of gasification in the presence of air or oxygen to impurities sometimes disturb the capturing process by damaging
produce the syngas which consists of H2 +CO and methane traces. the sorbents [40,45].
This syngas, after passing through several phases of gas purifier
is further moved through a reactor where CO is transformed
into CO2 which has high partial pressure and chemical potential 2.1.3. Oxyfuel combustion
paving better ways for capture and sequestration techniques. The Oxyfuel combustion is another method for CO2 capture and
complete removal of CO2 synthesis gas with larger amounts of includes the burning of coal in the presence of O2 rather than air.
H2 can be used for combustion to generate electricity [44,45]. The important products formed during the process of combustion
More energy can be harvested from the streams of combustible are water, CO2 , and SO2 , hence, CO2 separation is not essential.
gas by using heat recovery facilities. The captured CO2 can be CO2 capture can be carried out from flue gasses by condensation
compressed, dried and finally separated by physical adsorption of water accompanied by compression and storage. In 1982, this
which is a commercially adopted technique for separation. Physical method was developed for the generation of CO2 with maximum
solvents are also employed in CO2 capture without incorporating purity for the effective removal of oil. Cryogenic air dissociation
any chemical reaction but it mainly relies upon the solubility of unit provides the O2 during the early stages and appropriate
CO2 in the solvent. The solvent having large concentrations of CO2 combustible conditions are maintained by mixing pure O2 with
can be revived by utilizing stripping or flash desorption. Flash flue gasses before combustion. The high release of SO2 by flue gas
desorption incorporates the degassing of a solvent having large may cause corrosion of the complete setup. This process is highly
A. Mustafa, B.G. Lougou and Y. Shuai et al. / Journal of Energy Chemistry 49 (2020) 96–123 101

advantageous in terms of technical feasibility but the requirement Thermodynamically, very high values of temperature are
of large quantities of oxygen causes high cost [46,47]. needed for the CO2 splitting. Consider the following Fig. 6 for this
2.2. Challenges Thermal conversion and equivalent energy efficiency in terms
of temperature were discussed by Ramses et al. [51]. They theo-
Despite many advantages such as industrial CO2 utilization, retically calculated these values and showed that the reaction is
carbon trading and development of efficient CO2 storage, there not very efficient at 20 0 0 K, having reaction enthalpy 245 kJ/mol
are several gaps and uncertainties concerning the utilization and and to heat up 1 mole of CO2 from 300 to 20 0 0 K 92 kJ/mol
development of this technology with regard to life cycle effects, will be needed. The production equilibrium of oxygen and carbon
costs, storage permanence, and capacity. Furthermore, high costs monoxide changes from <1% at temperatures under 20 0 0 K up to
of implementation, inefficient framework and power penalties are 45%–80% at 30 0 0–350 0 K.
other hindrances when employing CCS technology. In the past, researches have been conducted for decomposition
Primarily, CCS technology is energy-intensive and costly. For and separation of CO2 into various chemicals – CO and O2 –
instance, the carbon capture technique itself, replacement and using different kinds of membranes. Experiments were conducted
supply of gas sequestration materials in energy consumption and by Naotsugu et al. and they utilized the yttria-stabilized zirco-
power generation and maintenance of overall process, all are quite nia membrane to determine the CO2 splitting rate and oxygen
expensive. It is an unfortunate fact that the CO2 capture and permeation rate using argon as sweep gas and also constituted
storage approach needs those areas which don’t commonly exist. their equations [52]. They concluded that CO2 conversion can be
For instance, generally, if the distance between the CO2 source improved by using the reactor system of YSZ–membrane and they
and disposal site is about 80 km, the plant efficiency reduces by obtained only 0.5% conversion of CO2 at a temperature of 1782 K
20%. The average storage cost mainly depends on the network having CO2 flow rate ranges between 4 and 250 cm3 (STP)/min.
scale and facilities location. An optimized network of CO2 pipeline Bernard et al. studied the production of carbon monoxide by direct
can minimize the cost of infrastructure and operation as pipeline decomposition of carbon dioxide [53]. Their process consisted of
length and capacity influence the cost of the overall system. There a selective oxygen pumping mechanism having a semipermeable
can’t be commercial-scale development of this technology until membrane – made up of calcia – stabilized zirconia - to dissociate
the cost of implementation is reduced, which can further get the carbon dioxide equilibrium. This process produced CO in
public acceptance and attract political attention. large quantities by extracting the oxygen with the assistance of
Legislation in different countries restricts the emissions gen- membrane, however, the overall conversion was also very low in
erated from industrial applications, effectively requiring several their study, they converted 21.5 mol% of CO2 into CO at 1954 K
industries to employ CCS technology. The collaboration between with equilibrium production of 1.2%. The efficiency of the pro-
different operators i.e. CCS storage and emission source can achieve cess was lowered by the material used in the membrane which
productive enforcement of CCS technology. For the proper imple- actually reduced the permeation rate of oxygen. The separation
mentation of CCS technology, the development of a strategy con- and decomposition of CO2 by utilizing membranes made up of
cerning the long-term utilization of this technology is necessary. solid oxide was investigated by Ren et al. [54]. In a membrane
reactor, these membranes were analyzed for CO2 decomposition
3. Conversion of CO2 – conventional thermal approaches
into carbon monoxide and oxygen. At a temperature of 1213 K,
only 10% of CO2 was converted in the reactor with a membrane
Before the utilization of modern CO2 conversion technologies,
of solid oxide (SrCo0.5 FeO3 ) along with methane which acted as a
conventional thermal approaches were into practice and the main
sweep gas. Moreover, a further 2% conversion was achieved when
difference between two was the use of ‘fuel’. The latter used fossil
CO2 and helium were diluted and fed to the lower chamber and
fuels to provide the necessary thermal energy in order to carry
mix up of argon and methane was sent to the upper membrane
out their processes. In this section, an overview (along with their
chamber for CO2 decomposition.
pros and cons) of those conventional thermal approaches has been
The feasibility of direct splitting of CO2 into chemicals (mostly
provided. Industrial-scale conventional thermal approaches may
CO and O2 ) with the help of semipermeable membranes for oxygen
be divided into pure CO2 decomposition and conversion of CO2
extraction has been demonstrated in these researches. It can be
along with a co-reactant – H2 , CH4 , and H2 O.
concluded that the approaches presented in these studies not only
3.1. Pure CO2 decomposition require high values of temperature but they exhibit very small con-
version rates and therefore, are not successful and efficient to be
To date, the pure splitting of CO2 is mainly ineffective due to considered on the industrial scale. Additionally, these approaches
high stability of CO2 molecule (the Gibbs free energy of formation lack efficient dissociation of oxygen and carbon monoxide which
for C–O bond is −394 kJ/mol), thus, requires substantial thermal becomes an explosive blend in the presence of high temperatures.
energy along with a highly active catalyst and optimal conditions A concise summary of the early attempts describing several
for the occurrence of the chemical reaction. Moreover, thermo- approaches for CO2 splitting has been provided to have a complete
dynamically, both enthalpy and entropy are unfavorable for the perspective of the topic because it has accomplished the basis
conversion [48–50]. The splitting reaction (R1) can be written as: for the development of novel technologies, discussed in the next
CO2 (g ) → CO(g )+ O2 (g ) H ◦ = −293 kJ/mol (1)
2 3.2. Co-reactant-based CO2 conversion
However, there is no point of disregarding the CO2 splitting
because it needs high thermal energy to proceed, though, appar- As discussed in the previous section that thermal decompo-
ently, it seems that for such high value of Ho that this conversion sition of CO2 requires high energy values so the only practical
is unattainable, but there are many industrial applications which approach to convert CO2 involves the usage of a co-reactant.
involve endothermic reactions and can support this conversion From the perspective of thermodynamics, it is considerably
e.g. steam reforming of methane (R2) which is highly endothermic convenient to transform CO2 when it is coupled with a reactant
reaction and has worldwide use [48–50]. having higher values of Gibbs free energy, e.g. CH4 and H2 . Basi-
CH4 (g )+H2 O(g ) → CO(g )+3H2 (g ) H ◦ = +206.3 kJ/mol (2) cally, the inherent chemical energy of hydrogen carriers will be
102 A. Mustafa, B.G. Lougou and Y. Shuai et al. / Journal of Energy Chemistry 49 (2020) 96–123

utilized to support the CO2 conversion [49,50]. For CO2 conversion the one-third of the hydrogen is transformed into water. More-
into methanol and syngas, most of the conventional processes in- over, the formation of methanol from selective hydrogenation is
volve reaction of CO2 with either H2 or CH4 with CO2 , respectively. not a thermodynamically suitable reaction as compared to the
A brief introduction to these reactions has been included in the production of methanol from synthesis gas [69,70].
next sections. Since the water is an inexpensive and ubiquitous Regardless of the problems associated, the formation of
source of hydrogen – as compared to other hydrogen sources – so methanol through the reaction of CO2 and H2 is the most effective
the combined reaction of water with carbon dioxide is of interest industrial-scale traditional approach for the transformation of CO2
and does not have any conventional approach and their reforming into valuable chemicals.
into valuable chemicals with the aid of renewable energy will sig- Recently, the hydrogenation of CO2 to yield C2+ chemicals has
nificantly impersonate the natural photosynthesis [55]. There are acquired a growing interest. The C2+ species can be regarded as en-
many other hydrogen donors which may be considered in place try platform chemicals for current value chains and therefore are
of CH4 , H2 , and H2 O e.g. glycerol. However, in the next sections more advantageous over C1 compounds. For instance, C2 –C4 can
reforming of CO2 with methane and hydrogen is presented. be utilized to enhance the calorific value of biogas and natural gas
by means of injection into distribution grids. C2 –C4 (light olefins)
3.2.1. Dry reforming of methane are useful base substances for polymer production [71]. Under
The process of converting CO2 in the presence of CH4 is named atmospheric conditions, C5+ alkanes possess high energy densities
as dry deforming of Methane (DRM), while, in steam reforming and are more suitable with the present liquid-fuel distribution.
of methane, CH4 reacts with water instead of CO2 . Fischer and Thus, they are the appealing forerunner of jet fuels. Corresponding
Tropsch studied DRM first time back in 1928 and it has been a to methanol, higher alcohols are considered as clean fuels and an
challenging issue for the engineering community ever since [56]. alternative forerunner for small-chain olefins due to their elevated
During world wars, there was a quest for developing alternative octane numbers, volatile aromatic vapors and low NOx emissions
chemicals and fuels due to the limited availability of fossil fuels [72]. The hydrogenation of CO2 to hydrocarbons generally includes
[57–59]. After the oil crisis of the 1970s, the scientific community CO generation at first through reverse water-gas shift (RWSG)
started paying attention to consuming natural gas – which is reaction accompanied by hydrogenation of the CO intermediates.
abundant and cheap – for the development of alternative fuels The RWSG is a key reaction in the hydrogenation of CO2 and
and chemicals in order to reduce the dependence on fossil fuels. In converts carbon dioxide into highly active carbon monoxide by
the past decade, concerning environmental protection and climate introducing hydrogen. This produced carbon monoxide can be
change, DRM has also been assumed as a way to mitigate the hydrogenated to alcohols and hydrocarbons [73].
CO2 concentration to produce value-added chemicals. The DRM The major hindrance in the hydrogenation of CO2 to produce
reaction (R3) is: C2+ chemicals is the high coupling of C–C. Nevertheless, the encour-
aging discussion carried out in different available research articles,
CO2 (g )+CH4 (g ) → 2CO(g )+2H2 (g ) H ◦ = +247.3 kJ/mol (3) C2+ product selectivity and time-yields has not sufficiently been
The dry reforming of methane is a complex process and re- achieved. No large-scale adoption has yet accomplished. Moreover,
quires high temperature [60,61] values – 900 to 1200 K – and interactions between promotors, support and active phase are still
some catalyst to proceed due to the high stability of CO2 molecule under discussion. More theoretical and experimental investigations
and inert nature of CH4 , while on the other hand, steam reforming are required to improve the design of catalysts to enhance the
of methane is a pretty straightforward process due to the presence number of active sites and their subsequent activity [74].
of water.
DRM, to date, is not widely utilized on the industrial scale as Methanation of CO2 . Sabatier Reaction (R7) is an important
a major drawback of this process is the formation and deposition catalytic process whereby methane is produced by reacting H2
of soot which results in the early deactivation of the catalyst. with CO2 in the presence of (some) catalyst and is commer-
The inability to efficiently convert CO2 and requirement of high cially an interesting process. Many excellent investigations about
temperature has sparked the development of new technologies the catalytic conversion of CO2 with H2 have been carried out
– biochemical, solar thermochemical and electrochemical, etc. [29,39,75,76].
for CO2 conversion. Of course, the researches on the convenient
conversion of green-house gas CO2 with the aid of CH4 and mod- CO2 (g )+4H2 (g ) → CH4 (g )+2H2 O H ◦ = −252.9 kJ/mol (7)
ification of catalyst to prevent coking issue and early deactivation Syngas and compressed natural gas are one of those many ap-
are in progress [62–68]. plications which are formed by the methanation of carbon dioxide.
Thermodynamically, the methanation of carbon dioxide is quite a
3.2.2. Hydrogenation of CO2 favorable reaction, however, this reaction has considerable kinetic Production of methanol. The formation of methanol by se- limitations because the methanation of carbon dioxide is an eight-
lective hydrogenation of carbon dioxide is a widely adopted pro- electron process and thus, an adequate catalyst becomes crucial
cess on the industrial scale across the globe and by this method, to proceed the chemical reaction [77]. This process does not have
approximately, 70 M metric tonnes are produced annually. The much commercial significance to date, because 95% of hydrogen
chemical reactions for methanol production are given below [11]: is produced through SMR and carbon capture and utilization are
CO2 (g )+H2 (g ) → CO(g )+H2 O(g ) H ◦ = +40.9 kJ/mol (4) costly. Methanation of carbon dioxide will be commercially more
advantageous and beneficial if carbon dioxide has been taken from
streams of wastes or inexpensive facilities and hydrogen from
CO(g )+2H2 (g ) → CH3 OH(g ) H ◦ = −90.8 kJ/mol (5) renewable energy sources.

CO2 (g )+3H2 (g ) → CH3 OH(g )+H2 O H ◦ = −49.9 kJ/mol (6) Other products. Other than the products described in
above sections, there are products such as ethylene, formaldehyde,
The production of H2 O as a by-product in the methanol for- and ethanol which can be produced through conventional thermal
mation process is the main drawback of this process because, conversion of CO2 . However, the process efficiency for these prod-
when initiating the conversion of methanol from synthesis gas, ucts is not notable, hence, different novel technologies are used for
A. Mustafa, B.G. Lougou and Y. Shuai et al. / Journal of Energy Chemistry 49 (2020) 96–123 103

the production of these chemicals. For example, photoelectrochem-

ical technology is preferably used for the production of ethanol, Photochemical
photochemical reduction is employed to obtain formaldehydes and Transformation
microwave plasma is utilized for the production of ethylene. The
production of different products entirely depends on reactions
conditions and the types of catalysts. Photosensitizer
Formic Acid

Electron Donor CO2

4. Novel approaches for CO2 conversion
4.1. Photochemical conversion Catalyst

The irradiations of solar light are utilized for the reduction of

CO2 in photochemical transformation of CO2 and it is a sustainable Fig. 7. The photochemical CO2 reduction mechanism [89].
and emerging approach which has acquired huge attention as
it needs low temperature, small amounts of input energy and
considerable pressure and does not have negative impact on the Any catalyst that produces formate and CO from CO2 transfor-
atmosphere and environment [3,78]. On the other hand, other con- mation has the thermodynamic capability of transforming proton
version approaches – biological, electrochemical, etc. – are costly into hydrogen. The value of CS can be utilized for the quantifica-
and need high values of input energy and temperature. Because of tion of efficiency of CO2 transformation with respect to hydrogen
these benefits, this approach is being employed to overcome the production at particular experimental provisions. Synthetic refine-
current environmental issues and energy needs [79–81]. ments of the catalysts give an opportunity to modify the relative
To date, photocatalytic activity and selectivity of products for reactivity with the assistance of steric and inductive effects [90].
CO2 reduction are low. For the enhancement of CO2 reduction
via photochemical conversion with high selectivity and efficiency, 4.1.1. Types of photocatalytic process
many kinds of researches [82,83] were conducted in the past CO2 reduction to useful chemicals via photochemical trans-
and there have been developed a number of approaches for formation is an effective approach as it does not need additional
the improvement of CO2 adsorption kinetics, separation and energy for conversion and also does not affect the surroundings.
charge transfer. Few approaches are for improvement of band-gap The process (Fig. 7) of photochemical reduction of CO2 through
[84], defect control [85], development of catalyst [86], surface solar energy is mainly of two types: homogeneous and hetero-
sensitization [87], and modification of pore texture [88]. Engi- geneous photocatalytic processes. The reactants and the catalyst
neering processes can be utilized for efficiency enhancement of are in the identical state of matter in the former process while in
photocatalysis. This technique can pave the method for photo- the latter process both are in different phases. The steps for CO2
reactor designing by changing the variables such intensity of light, reduction via heterogeneous photocatalysis are given below.
selectivity, temperature and product yield [89].
Type of catalyst bed (fixed or fluidized), operation (batch, Step 1 It is the step of light-harvesting in which solar radiations
continuous) and phase types are three important frameworks that are absorbed by the semiconductor. For the process of
are involved in the reactions of photocatalytic CO2 reforming. photocatalytic reduction of CO2 , the energy obtained
For effective reduction of CO2 into valuable products, the catalyst from solar radiation must be the same or more than the
must have specificity in order to avoid the conversion of H2 O into bandgap energy of that semiconductor. There should be
H2 and it must reduce the energy of activation that is termed a complete utilization of solar radiations that strike the
‘potential’ in electrochemical technology (Section 4.4). The uniform catalyst to avoid loss of protons and efficiency enhance-
photocatalytic CO2 transformation system mainly comprises of ment. This step is highly dependent on the structure and
electron relay, light absorber, the donor of electron and a molec- morphology of the catalyst utilized for the photocatalysis.
ular catalyst [89,90] and the efficiency of such systems can be Step 2 The holes and protons are generated in the conductance
quantified by the following terms: and valance band, respectively, as a result of the excitation
of electrons in valance band to conductance band. Taper-
• Turnover number: it corresponds to the total reductions ing the gap between bands can enhance this excitation.
accomplished by a catalyst during its lifetime. Step 3 The electrons proceed to the outer area of the semicon-
P ductor and hence restricted by the active sites of the
TN = (1a) catalyst.
Step 4 The recombining of holes and electrons takes place at
Where P is products obtained after CO2 reduction and C denotes this stage.
catalyst. Step 5 There occurs recombination of the surface due to the
recombination in the 4th step.
• Photochemical quantum yield: it is denoted by  and is the
Step 6 The reduction and oxidation reactions take place by using
determination of incident photons in a molar fraction which
the electrons and holes produced in the previous step.
are converted into products from CO2 reformation.

 = MP × N (2a) Semi-conductors are generally used in a heterogeneous pro-

cess where the thermodynamics reactions are carried out by the
Where MP denotes mole products / absorbed photons and N is solar energy for the production of chemical fuels of high energy
number of electrons needed for conversion. [91,92]. CO2 photoreduction to methanol and formaldehyde using
semi-conductors GaP, TiO2 , WO, CdS and ZnO was under research
• Catalytic selectivity: it is the ratio between the product’s back in 1979 [92]. The holes and electrons that get to the surface
molar ratio after CO2 reduction and hydrogen. of semiconductors are restricted by the active sites of the catalyst
P to go through the reduction or oxidation of the reactants and
CS = (3a) these reduction or oxidation reactions actually transform the CO2 .
104 A. Mustafa, B.G. Lougou and Y. Shuai et al. / Journal of Energy Chemistry 49 (2020) 96–123

Once the holes and electrons are formed the feasibility of (prod-
uct) production is high [2,93]. Similar to the process of natural Photoreactor
photosynthesis, solar energy can be stored in molecular bonds.
Photoreactors are utilized for energy storage whereby heat and
mass transfer and reduction process take place. Slurry Fixed bed
Homogenous photocatalysis is not widely applicable due to
the reaction’s recombination – it should be prevented to avoid Membrane
energy loss – and side reactions. Moreover, different other process
cycles may get terminated due to the degradation of catalyst in 1- Thin film
homogenous photocatalysis. 1- Internally illuminated 1- Fixed bed
2- Horizontal
2- Externally illuminated 2- Slurry
3- Optical fiber
4.1.2. Use of metal complexes for photochemical reduction of CO2 4- Packed bed
For efficient reduction of CO2 , many metal complexes are 5- Cylindrical
being utilized due to their several obtainable redox states and 6- Monolith
permitting the multielectron CO2 reduction. Some examples are
Fig. 8. Different types of photoreactors.
nickel cyclam [94], rhenium mono(bipyridyl) tricarbonyl [95],
carbine isoquinoline [96], nickel S2 N2 -type tetradentate [97],
ruthenium mono(bipyridyl) [98], ruthenium bis(bipyridyl) di- The design of photoreactor mainly relies on light source, con-
carbonyl [99], manganese monon (bipyridyl) tricarbonyl [100], struction material of photoreactor and heat exchange because the
osmium mono(bipyridyl) dicarbonyl [101], rhodium bis(bipyridyl) performance of photoreactor is directly affected by these factors.
[102] etc. These metal complexes with catalysts are used in A crucial step for efficiency determination of photoreactor is as a
heterogeneous systems and in these systems, the reactions are light source. In the photocatalytic process, the range of wavelength
initiated by lowering the catalyst to generate a complex metal and intensity are measured by the light source. The photoreactor
with low valency which further reacts with CO2 . Photosensitizer must have great capability for photon segregation [109]. The ma-
provides the electron for the generation of reduced catalysts. The terials utilized for the construction of photoreactors are of many
most commonly used metal complexes for the photochemical types but mainly are stainless steel, quartz, and Pyrex. Quartz is
conversion of CO2 are Ruthenium and (I) and Ruthenium (II). preferred over other materials for transmission of light due to
The main benefits of utilizing Re (I) complexes are high its transparency range in the ultraviolet region. Heat exchange is
product selectivity and high efficiency of reduction. Their uti- also an important parameter for the designing of photoreactor
lization as a catalyst in photochemical reactions only yields the since light is the main ingredient of photoreactors so, mixing and
CO and also restricts the generation of hydrogen. In the 1980s, flow characteristics must be carefully designed for the appropriate
these complexes were utilized as a catalyst in photochemical contact between reactants and the catalysts.
systems. It was concluded in [103] that when the combination Depending upon the phase of reactants and catalysts, the pho-
of DMF-triethanolamine solution and Re(I) complexes yielded toreactors have two types: two phase or three-phase. The phase
high selectivity and production of CO and the stability of the of the catalyst may be liquid or gas in two-phase photoreactors,
photocatalysis as well CO2 reduction can be enhanced by the ad- on the other hand, three-phase photoreactors usually employ
dition of chloride and bromide in that solution. The CO2 reduction reactants in gas or liquid phase with a catalyst in the solid phase.
found to be less along with the generation of formate complexes The further classification of photoreactors is shown in the Fig. 8.
when chloride and bromide were not added. The function of
Triethanolamine as a reductant was significant. 4.1.4. Electron donor
The Ru (II) can be demonstrated as trans(Cl)-Ru(bpy)(CO)2 Cl2 , The commonly used donors of the electron in the photo-
cis-[Ru(bpy)2 (CO)X]n + , [Ru (tpy)(bpy)X]n + and as a catalyst in CO2 chemical conversion of CO2 are amines like triethanolamine
reduction, Ruthenium (II) complexes are of great interest and re- and triethylamine, dihydro-1H-benzo[d]imidazole derivatives and
ceived remarkable attention. They absorb visible light and dissoci- ascorbate, etc. In the oxidation reaction of one-electron, a single
ation of CO ligand occurs when Ru complexes come in contact with proton is discharged by these donors to suppress the back trans-
UV light, hence, photosensitizers are required for Ru (II) photocata- port of electron from the single-electron reduction stage of the
lyst [104]. Ru (II) catalysts particularly convert CO2 into CO and for- photosensitizer to single-electron oxidation species of the donor
mate in the aqueous mixture and generate hydrogen as a reduction of the electron. That discharged proton has a powerful reductive
by-product [105] while Re (I) complexes exclusively generate CO. capability to reduce catalyst, photosensitizer and the intermediates
Co (II) complexes also act as a catalyst in photochemistry produced. The electron donors serve as oxidative species with
and there two types are [CO (macrocycle)]2+ and [CO(NN̂)n]2+ . two-electron in the photocatalytic system [110].
In photocatalytic reactions, they are utilized to reduce CO2 into
CO and H2 . The capability of the photocatalytic process is highly 4.1.5. Catalyst
influenced by the intramolecular bonding of hydrogen, redox The function of a catalyst is to receive and accumulate the
potential, and macrocycle in [CO (macrocycle)]2+ complexes. In [CO electron which is emitted from the photosensitizer for the ac-
(NN̂)n]2+ complexes, the photocatalytic activity is extended by tivation of CO2 by means of bonding. A catalyst must have the
the presence of NN̂ in the solution process [106]. Other than the ability to stifle the evolvement of hydrogen when it converges
above-mentioned metal complexes, Ir (III) and Ni (II) complexes with CO2 conversion reactions [111]. The presence of intermediates
are also being used [107,108]. and catalysts under the conditions of photo-irradiation is quite
necessary for the excitation of the photocatalytic process [112].
4.1.3. Photoreactors The utilization of pure catalysts, as well as their doping, is an
For the development of solar fuels by CO2 reduction, there important area of research. Several materials in its original form
is an increasing interest to develop and improve the mechanism don’t perform efficiently but when they are doped with other
and methods for the transformation of solar energy. The design materials, they exhibit good conversion rates. For instance, TiO2
modification of photoreactors is a new topic of interest due to its catalyst can’t efficiently convert CO2 and has poor selectivity due
direct effect on the efficiency of CO2 transformation. to inadequate charge recombination and band gap (Fig. 9). But
A. Mustafa, B.G. Lougou and Y. Shuai et al. / Journal of Energy Chemistry 49 (2020) 96–123 105

Methane production (P mol/g cat )

Methane production (P mol/g cat )
14 10
12 8
8 Ni-TiO2 (1.0 mol%)
6 Ni-TiO2 (0.5 mol%) 4 Ni-TiO2 (1.0 mol%)
Ni-TiO2 (0.1 mol%) Ni-TiO2 (0.5 mol%)
TiO2 2 Ni-TiO2 (0.1 mol%)
2 TiO2
0 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190
Reaction time (min) Reaction time (min)

Methane production (P mol/g cat )

Ni-TiO2 (1.0 mol%)
8 Ni-TiO2 (0.5 mol%)
Ni-TiO2 (0.1 mol%)

0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Reaction time (min)

Fig. 9. Reduction of CO2 by only TiO2 and with different amounts of nickel [114].

Surface Surface un-
supported modified
catalyst catalyst

Non-oxide Oxide Non-oxide Oxide

catalyst catalyst catalyst catalyst

Sensitized Sensitized

Flexible Flexible
substrate substrate

Metal doped Metal doped

Non-Metal Non-metal
doped doped

Fig. 10. Categorization of photocatalysts for CO2 conversion.

when it is doped with Ni, the production of methane increases and hard to comprehend. Broadly, there are three stages for use of
significantly because Ni narrows down the bandgap of TiO2 [113]. semiconductors in photocatalytic CO2 reduction, (1) production of
But when it is doped with Ni, the production of methane charge-carriers (2) dissociation and migration of pair of electron
increases significantly because Ni narrows down the bandgap and hole and (3) redox reaction. The working of photocatalytic
of TiO2 [113]. Generally, photocatalytic CO2 conversion primarily CO2 conversion using semiconductor has also been described in
depends on the catalyst type (Fig. 10) and catalytic systems can be Section 4.1.1. The use of several kinds of semiconductors in pho-
classified into three main classes: semiconductor, hybrid systems, tocatalytic CO2 conversion has been reported and titanium dioxide
and complexes of transition metals. Each catalytic system has a has been extensively used [3]. A semiconductor will act as a
distinct reaction route and produces a particular product. catalyst if its band edge is more negative compared to the CO2
reduction potential for a specific product [115]. While the VB po- Catalysts based on semiconductors. The use of semiconduc- tential should be positive with regard to water oxidation potential.
tors in photocatalytic CO2 conversion is a complex mechanism The heterosturucturing approach is the most efficient pathway
106 A. Mustafa, B.G. Lougou and Y. Shuai et al. / Journal of Energy Chemistry 49 (2020) 96–123

to increase the semiconductor catalytic performance in photo- developed which will be robust having high activity, selectivity
catalytic CO2 conversion. Several heterostructuring approaches and stability for industrially crucial reactions [125].
like sensitization, co-catalyst system, charge-carrier transfer and
indirect Z-scheme acquired a lot of attention due to their ability 4.1.6. Photosensitizer
to enhance the performance of the semiconductor [116]. The redox photosensitizers perform a significant role in several
photocatalytic reactions, accumulating photons for mediation of a Hybrid system. This is another type of catalytic system hole or electron to catalyst from a donor. An efficient photosensi-
that received huge attention for photocatalytic CO2 conversion. In tizer should have strong optical absorption capability at extensive
some studies, photocatalysts plus semiconductors with different wavelength ranges, mainly in the visible region and long lifetime
Z-scheme and sensitizer are categorized as hybrid systems. The to react with the electron acceptor or donor. Ru (II) complexes -
unique integration of semiconductors and TMC with enzymes to [Ru(NN̂)3 ]2+ - are the most extensively employed photosensitizer
perform the catalytic conversion is of practical interest because in different reduction-oxidation reactions e.g. photocatalytic CO2
the enzyme has a strong ability of catalysis offering high efficiency transformation, production of O2 or H2 from H2 O [126]. The disso-
and selectivity [117]. In this catalytic system, electrons required for ciation of NN̂ in the reduction reaction is the major disadvantage
CO2 reduction are provided by sensitizers which can possibly be a of using these complexes in the photocatalytic system. Neverthe-
metal complex or semiconductor. The hybrid system utilizing the less, the dissociated species can work like a catalyst for carbon
suitable enzyme experiences efficient production of multi-electron dioxide conversion but the process takes place in the absence
transport products like methane, methanol, formaldehyde and of catalyst which causes the dispersal of the product. Recently,
formic acid [118]. It is observed that the nature of the donor Osmium (II) complexes are being employed because they are
and the shape and size of CdS affects the catalytic activity of the powerful electron donors and have strong absorption capability at
hybrid system. Many efforts have been devoted to investigating large wavelengths close to the visible region. The other used PS
the integration of photoactive materials and enzymes. are cyclometalated Ir (III), Os (II) diamine, Re(I) carbonyl diamine,
and Ru (II) diamine [89]. Catalysts based on transition metal complex (TMC). This type
of catalyst is frequently used in photocatalytic CO2 conversion be- 4.1.7. Future perspective
cause they have long-lasting excited states and strong capability It is evident from the above information that promising de-
of absorbing most part of the solar radiation [119]. Moreover, velopment has been accomplished towards the photocatalytic CO2
their light absorption capability and photocatalytic activity can transformation. However, the currently used approaches are not
be changed by altering their structures. It should be noted that sufficient to date and more efforts are needed to enhance the ef-
photocatalytic CO2 conversion using transitional metal complex ficiencies of the solar-fuel conversion. Based on the photocatalysis
(TMC) is strongly influenced by reactivity and structures of the process, there is a very small number of examples of chemical
(metal) complex. Mostly, three major steps are involved in con- systems that operate efficiently. The photon efficiency of those ma-
version when the reductive quenching route is employed. Firstly, terials which are used in this technology and achievable conversion
photocatalyst absorbs the energy of light to generate excited states rates are insufficient. Additionally, photoreactors frequently induce
through metal-to-ligand charge transfer [120]. The metal complex operational inefficiencies in the overall system and consequently
works as both photosensitizer and catalyst. Secondly, excited states practical applications of photoreactors are limited. In this tech-
will go through a reductive quenching reaction with the donor to nology, the development of visible-light-sensitive photocatalysts
form a reduced complex that can be re-oxidized to photocatalyst which play an important role in the recycling of large concentra-
[121]. There are several kinds of metal complexes reported that tions of CO2 is the immediate need. The ultimate objective is to
can be photodegraded by light radiation [122]. use solar radiation as the only input source of energy to achieve
The poor chemical stability is the major barrier in commercial- a high CO2 reduction rate. Because visible light contains most part
scale use of these metal complexes. Additionally, TMC commonly of the energy of the solar spectrum, it behooves researchers to
doesn’t facilitate multiple electron-reactions because excitation regard photocatalysts as sunlight sensitive [2,127]. The researches
(done) by a photon can only yield a single electron [120]. may be conducted for the better designing of co-catalysts to
control and enhance the product selectivity and uniform sensiti- Single-atom catalysts. Single-atom catalysts (SACs) having zation of co-catalysts of the complete nanotube arrangement for
dispersed metal active centers have recently acquired growing improved conversion rates. The photocatalytic CO2 reduction may
attention for a large class of catalytic reactions. They exhibit become a crucial stepping stone for the production of solar fuels,
extraordinary performance in CO2 conversion, and their distinctive however, much development needs to be acquired before it could
structures are attractive for intermediates transfer, production of be adopted efficiently on an industrial scale. It can be said that
required products, and activation of CO2 molecule. Recent improve- game-changing reduction rates have not yet been attained and this
ments in computational modeling, characterization techniques, and approach has a long path to go to attain its full potential to effec-
synthetic methodologies have aided the development of numerous tively compete with other approaches for solar-fuel conversion.
single-atom catalysts. SACs mostly demonstrate remarkable perfor-
mance in a number of industrially crucial chemical reactions like 4.2. Biochemical conversion
photochemical, thermochemical and electrochemical conversions.
A SAC design has special electronic and geometric characteristics The conversion of solar energy into chemicals through natural
which facilitate hundred percent atom usage. The SACs reactivity photosynthesis for the generation of biofuels is another pathway
is highly useful in chemo-selective hydrogenation of nitroarenes. and it is an attractive route to transform CO2 into fuels and
Recent research investigations have widely extended the space chemicals via biological conversion (Fig. 11). Photosynthesis can
engaged by commonly used SACs. The early examples of SACs contribute significantly to CO2 conversion from several industrial
were oxide-facilitated noble metal SACs [123] and then single sources like chemical industries and power plants etc. since they
transition metal atoms grouped to N-doped carbon [124]. The can be employed in a renewable and sustainable manner. Bio-fuels,
SACs preparing technologies incorporate those approaches that can food and valuable chemicals can be generated by the direct or
utilize materials with significant densities of surface single-atoms. indirect conversion of biomass. Importantly, biomass has many
The recent rapid development indicates that such SACs will be hydrogen elements and metals of alkali when being a resource of
A. Mustafa, B.G. Lougou and Y. Shuai et al. / Journal of Energy Chemistry 49 (2020) 96–123 107

residue, generates a hydrogen bond. NiII CO species are formed due

Alternative fuel consumption (%)

to the loss of water and the splitting of the C–O1 bond. NiII CO
15 Biofuel
species quickly liberate CO and absorbs water for the completion
Natural gas of the catalytic cycle. In enzymatic conversion, the binding and
Hydrogen catalysis of CO2 incorporates the proper location of residues and
activation by the [NiFe] centers and due to this phenomenon in
5 vivo mechanism, tremendous efforts have been devoted by the
researchers to establish efficient vitro-based CO2 conversion
0 Formate is a chemical of high importance and used for the
production of hydrogen and methanol, fuel cells and formic acid.
2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 In vivo-based CO2 fixation, the catalysis carried out by Fate DH
Years with the NADH cofactor can convert CO2 into formate and it is
simply the transfer of hydride from the C4 atom to C atom carbon
Fig. 11. Projection of biofuel utilization as energy source [33].
dioxide. To facilitate this transfer, both NADH and CO2 are placed
in close proximity. NAD+ along with a bipolar arrangement is
energy, the conversion of biomass involves the same mechanism left after the production of formate and is basically the reductive
as gasification and liquefication. If the conversion of biomass is acetyl-CoA route [129–131].
carried out with a process of coal chemical generation, it can
accomplish synergies from the perspective of energy matching Transformation of CO2 by lyases. Unlike oxidation or hy-
and element supplement which will be helpful in the reduction drolysis, the splitting of the chemical bond is catalyzed by lyases
of fossil fuel usage as well as improvement of energy efficiency. and then a new structure or double bond is formed. The catalysis
Additionally, the emission of CO2 will be cut down by the use of a of Michael addition (a reverse reaction) using lyase enzyme is
biological system [128]. normally present in cells and carboxylation of molecules along
with CO2 yields Valuable products. In nature, carbonic anhydrase
4.2.1. Enzymatic conversion of CO2 (CA) is commonly found in algae, mammals, plants, and bacteria
Naturally, the CO2 fixation into organic components is not only and plays an important role in the interconversion of CO2 and
the beginning of biological evolution but it is also a life prereq- bicarbonates. Additionally, it maintains the balance of acid-base
uisite. For efficient biological evolution, six major pathways are in blood and other cells of the body. For example, [Zn] CA is used
adopted by cells and these pathways provide encouraging reaction for CO2 hydration and in this mechanism, the active sites of the
mechanisms for CO2 conversion. For the fixation of CO2 , lyases, metal CA comprised of Zn2+ ion are integrated with hydroxide and
oxidoreductases, and synthases contribute significantly to alter histidine residues. The formation of hydroxide ligand takes place
the direction and accelerate the reaction in all six pathways. The when water is deprotonated by interacting with a weak base. This
physicochemical microenvironments are created by cells to stabi- hydroxide ligand then goes through a nucleophilic attack on the C
lize these complex metabolic processes (six pathways) which also atom to produce bicarbonates and the molecules of bicarbonates
avoid the deactivation of enzymes. The vitro-based CO2 conversion are stabilized by H-bonding. A catalyst could be regenerated by
whereby an enzyme may offer an efficient route to develop CO2 the displacement of bicarbonate due to water. The specific location
capture, separation, and utilization is of practical interest [129]. of CO2 in the hydrophobic section, water activation because of
The direct use of a single enzyme (synthases, lyases or oxi- binding to Zn2+ and sites of H-boding are the key factors of this
doreductases) for the accomplishment of CO2 conversion/fixation method. Other than the turnover frequency of metal CA, it is as
reaction for the catalytic conversion of CO2 in vitro is quite a strong as ~106 s−1 . In capture and separation of CO2 , carbonic
feasible approach for CO2 capture, separation, and utilization. The anhydrase has shown great potential due to its high efficiency
use of Synthases in vitro application is not suitable because it of catalysis and CA has been used, so far, for three approaches:
involves CoA-substrates and the obtained products are useless and absorption, precipitation and membrane separation [129,132].
invaluable in our daily lives. On the other hand, he lyases and oxi- There exist many other kinds of lyases - other than CA - in cells
doreductases are obtained from particular organisms and their use that have been used to catalyze the carboxylation of unprocessed
help in the successful synthetization of notable materials, fuels, material accompanied by CO2 in vitro. The main objective of
and chemicals such as methane, formate, bicarbonate, and CO. using these lyases (decarboxylases) is to turn toxic materials into
hydrophilic and reduce their affinity for lipophilic biological com- Transformation of CO2 by oxidoreductases. The transfer of pounds. It would be interesting to note that these decarboxylases
electrons from one molecule to another is catalyzed by oxidore- are not enzymes included in those six major pathways and are
ductase and the objective of using this enzyme is to obtain carbon- considered as enzymes for catalysis of the decarboxylation process.
based energy sources by reducing the oxidation state of the carbon. In the past, researches have been conducted on the investigations
CO is also undoubtedly an important fuel and chemical and of decarboxylases since substrate carboxylation with CO2 can
considered as the important feedstock for several synthetic mech- reversibly be catalyzed by these lyases [129,132].
anisms like Cativa, Fischer-Tropsch and Monsanto processes. It also
has high fuel value and can readily be transformed into methanol. Transformation of CO2 by microbes. Different microbes such
Naturally, [NiFe] CODH catalyzes the conversion between CO2 and as cyanobacteria and algae have the ability to assimilate CO2 . The
CO and there are centers of Ni and Fe on the active faces of [NiFe] different inbuilt properties of these microbes like stability, toler-
CODH. The [3Fe–4S] cluster connects and positions these centers ance capacity and production of metabolites are generally not suit-
so that they remain close to each other. In the mechanism of CO2 able for CO2 transformation so their phenotype characteristics are
reduction via [NiFe] CODH, reduced metal (Ni) is formed by the enhanced to make them suitable for the conversion process. The
transfer of an electron, accompanied by a chemical stage in which details of a few common microbes are added in the next section.
bonding between Ni center and CO2 establishes to generate Ni-C Cyanobacteria are beneficial organisms for several industrial-
bond. Subsequently, a hydrogen bond is formed between histidine scale applications and have great potential because they are nat-
residue and oxygen atoms. The water loss from Fe1 causes the urally convertible, require simple nutrients and exhibit rapid cell
production of CO2 complex whereby O1 is bound to Fe1 and lysine growth. They can be used for biofuel generation since they have
108 A. Mustafa, B.G. Lougou and Y. Shuai et al. / Journal of Energy Chemistry 49 (2020) 96–123

Table 1. Algae and their capacity of CO2 conversion.

Carbon Monoxide
Type of algae Conversion of CO2 Reference (CO)
(μmol/(g h))

Aphanothece microscopic Nageli 136–1364 [134]

(HCOOH) or formate
Chlorella emersonii 7–73 [135] (HCOO-)
Chlorella Kessleri 16–155 [136]

Electrochemical reduction of CO2

Chlorella sp. 66–663 [137] (H2C2O4) or (C2O42-)
Chlorella sp. 109–1086 [138]
Chlorella vulgaris 591–5909 [139]
Chlorella vulgaris 335–3352 [140]
Chlorella sp. 125–1246 [141]
Methanol (CH3OH)
Euglena gracilis 36–362 [142]
Microcystis aeruginosa 49–493 [143] Formaldehyde
Nannochloris sp 57–569 [144] (CH2O)
Scenedesmus obliquus 19–188 [145]
Scenedesmus sp. 39–387 [146]
Scenedesmus obliquus 52–521 [147] Methane (CH4)
Spirulina sp. 36–358 [148]

natural diversity and can be grown at different locations, even not
suitable for agriculture. The transportation costs can be reduced by Ethylene
producing biofuel at places close to the location of fuel consump- (CH2CH2)
tion [133]. Cyanobacteria are found very helpful for the reduction
Fig. 12. Products generated by electrochemical transformation of CO2 .
of CO2 concentration and enhancement of oxygen contents. Gen-
erally, they are accountable for 20%–30% photosynthetic activity.
Engineered cyanobacteria are utilized to produce ethanol, and iso- the price of these cofactors is high plus their availability is less
prene. In cyanobacteria, carbon utilization is mainly carried out by which restricts their utilization on large-scale applications. Hence,
RuBisco, though, its affinity is low for CO2 but has higher survival more researches should be devoted to not only excavate new low
rates due to the activity of carbonic anhydrase. The fixing CO2 input energy consuming and inexpensive techniques for the effec-
efficiency of algae is low but their biomass production is higher as tive reuse and regeneration of co-factor but enzymatic reactions
compared to cyanobacteria. The RuBisco enzyme can be genetically pathways without using cofactors may also be developed.
engineered to increase its affinity and biomass yield [89]. Nevertheless, biofuel resource has huge inherent potential, the
large-scale production of algae for the generation of biofuels is
4.2.2. Transformation of CO2 by algae still in progress. The identification and development of economical
Microalgae can be utilized to capture CO2 from different methods for the growth of oil-rich algae and reduction of cost us-
sources such as industrial processes, atmosphere, and soluble ing integrated bio-refineries to generate biogas, biodiesel, electrical
carbonates, therefore, they can be used for economically and power and animal feed can significantly improve the potential of
technically feasible productions of biofuels (Table 1). For biodiesel, this technology. Moreover, the use of nutrients from industrial
microalgae are considered the most attractive alternative source wastewater and municipal sewage to minimize the consumption
and many current studies and efforts are carried out on microalgae of fertilizers for algae growth, determination of area-efficient
due to rich contents of oil and high growth rate. methods for CO2 capture and development of energy-efficient
Sugars, oils and bioactive composites are also contained by al- and inexpensive harvesting techniques can play an extremely
gae. Other than fuels, the improvement in technologies for efficient important role to make this technology commercially viable and
algal biodiesel generation is also suitable for biogas, bioethanol, meet the energy demands.
biohydrogen and biomass-to-liquid technologies employing fast-
growing microalgae. Additionally, other useful products e.g., animal 4.3. Electrochemical conversion
feed, biopolymers, and proteins can be generated during this pro-
cess. Due to the small harvesting cycle, multiple harvests with The electrochemical conversion of CO2 has gained great at-
more yields can be produced from algae. Moreover, the cultivation tention due to its various advantages. This process is controlled
of algal can be carried out on non-arable or marginal land with through reaction temperature and electrode potentials and the
the use of wastewater [149]. overall consumption can be reduced because electrolytes can
be completely recycled. Additionally, this conversion process is
4.2.3. Future perspective modular, compact, on-demand and can easily be scaled up for
Biochemical processing of CO2 has been an emerging technol- different applications and electricity required to drive the system
ogy to mitigate global warming and produce chemicals and fuels. can be acquired without producing new CO2 [150].
Based on the natural CO2 metabolic mechanism, two types of However, there are challenges, as well. For instance, slow
enzymes are being used successfully for CO2 transformation into kinetics of CO2 reduction and small energy efficiencies even at
value-added products. There have been reported several methods higher electrode potential. The electrochemical reduction process
for efficiency enhancement of enzyme-based catalytic processes. also consumes high energies. The electrocatalysts exhibit poor per-
Although a lot of work has been done, significant technical ad- formance in terms of stability and catalytic activity. The reaction
vances and investigations are required to employ enzymes for mechanisms for electro-reduction of CO2 are very complicated
CO2 conversion on large-scale. The enzymes which are being even if catalysts are used and generally, catalysts being used
used nowadays can’t be successfully used on a commercial scale are not much active. Depending upon the reaction medium and
because they are expensive and possess high sensitivities with material of the catalysts, the electrochemical transformation of
respect to the environment. Some developed techniques and their CO2 yields different kinds of products (Fig. 12) via two, four, six
scaling up to commercial level is highly needed. Enzymatic trans- and eight electron reduction routes in electrode configurations.
formation of CO2 involves reactions that are cofactor dependent, The products that can be produced via electrochemical transfor-
A. Mustafa, B.G. Lougou and Y. Shuai et al. / Journal of Energy Chemistry 49 (2020) 96–123 109

water, and proton needed for proton transfer in the electrochem-

Types of ical process is offered by the water present in the electrolytes
electrolysis Cell [153]. The selection of electrolyte strongly affects the efficiency
of CO2 reduction, current density, and product selectivity. For the
same electrolyte, the selection of anion will affect the pH of the
(SOEC) Alkaline solution at the Cu electrode which in turn, will strongly influence
Solid oxide electrolysis the amounts of products generated. Similarly, the selection of
proton conducting
electrolysis cell cell cation for bicarbonates (electrolyte) will influence the production
electrolysis cell
distribution on the Cu electrode. The buffering capacity of anion
Fig. 13. Types of the electrolysis cell. and size of cation also have impact on pH and overpotential (the
difference in voltages of electrodes between thermodynamic and
actual world values to proceed a reaction), respectively [154,155].
mation of CO2 are influenced by the materials of electrode and
catalysts, pressure and concentration of CO2 , reaction medium and Electrode. Electrodes also play an important role in each
temperature, pH, buffer strength and electrolyte solution [17].
heterogeneous electrochemical reduction of CO2 . An electrode is
The design of the electrochemical cell is an essential aspect
composed of the catalyst layer and baking substrate of performing
that has an impact on the process of CO2 reduction, ascertain
multiple functions like reactant gas delivery to the catalysts, trans-
Faradaic efficiency, stability, and current density. Electrolysis cells
fer of product produced from catalyst to electrolyte membrane.
are mainly of three types (Figs. 13 and 14); SOEC and SPCEC are
Enhancing electrode and reactor performance requires optimiza-
used for the combined/pure and combined transformation of H2 O
tion of such processes which depend on the intricate structure
and CO2 , respectively. While water splitting is carried out in the
of the electrode. The use of electrodes made up of planar metals
third type of cell. Since the first report on CO2 reduction in 1980,
(Cu, AU, Ni, Sn, Ag, Ti, etc.) is restricted due to lower CO2 concen-
different cell designs have been proposed for efficient reduction.
trations and surface area because of insufficient CO2 solubility in
Currently, reactor vessels can be generally categorized into H-type
aqueous electrolytes [156].
cells, microfluid cells, SOEC, DEMS cells, and polymer electrolyte
membrane flow cell. Gas adsorbent material. Conjugated microporous Polymer
(CMP) is widely used for adsorption of gas and capacity appli-
4.3.1. Catalysts cations owing to their micro-porosity associated with the large
As discussed in section 4.1.1, the function of a catalyst is to pro- surface zone. The application of the above-mentioned polymers in
ceed with the selective production of the desired product and to CO2 reduction is another area of advancement and few references
connect and activate CO2 to minimize the high overpotentials. The are available about their employment as terminals. The feasible
choice of catalyst is highly important for the selective production congregate of the multipurpose cathode is to provoke the impor-
of different products on a commercial scale. In CO2 electro- tance to generate efficiency, selectivity, and effectiveness of the
reduction, elements of transition metal and related compounds are electrocatalytic CO2 transformation. Desired morphology, sufficient
commonly used as electrocatalyst due to the presence of active surface territory, prevalent usefulness, and sane pore-estimate
electrons and vacant orbits which energetically assist the bonding dispersion are the important variables for the transportation of
between CO2 and metal. Four distinct streams of metal catalysts electron and mass and energy of substance response. Metal-
are significantly used for the electrochemical transformation of organic frameworks in comparison with other permeable materials
CO2 . exhibit exceptional sizes of the tunable pore, multifunctionality,
At ambient temperature and pressure, copper catalysts have a and permeable structure which strengthen them to compete with
unique capability of CO2 reduction into hydrocarbons. Modification other permeable materials in different applications. Additionally,
of Cu surfaces has exhibited an increase in selectivity for hydrocar- their design is helpful for the definite and direct legitimization of
bon production and reduction of overpotential. Cu electrode coated the associated structure-property relationship which is considered
with Cu nanoparticles has also shown impressive selectivity for an important aspect of materials enhancement. The exceptional
hydrocarbon production [151]. Formic acid with higher Faradaic ef- advancement of these MOFs has gained attention from many areas
ficiency can be produced by using metals for hydrogen production and they are animating the progress of wave of frequent exuber-
e.g. Pb, Hg. MOF catalysts, metal oxides, and alloys significantly ance applications. The extraordinary limit of gas storing of MOFs
contribute to the production of HCOOH. Methanol is a valuable at a different range of temperatures has resulted in their rapid de-
chemical due to its many applications. It can be produced by velopment, making enormous adsorbents highly useful in energy
reduction of CO2 through different processes such as heterogenous components, power offices, vehicles, and gas tank [89,157,158].
(more successful) and electrochemical methods (low faradic effi-
ciencies) [152]. Carbon monoxide can be generated efficiently on 4.3.3. CO2 conversion by microbial electrolysis
several metal electrodes and syngas can be formed when it com- The products that are formed as a result of electrochemical
bines with H2 through the Fischer-Tropsch process. The negative CO2 transformation are largely C1 species such as CO and HCOOH.
potential for CO production is higher than H2 so most researches Although several electrocatalysts can be utilized to achieve the
focus on enhanced CO production using more developed systems. coupling of C–C which is a difficult job to accomplish, microbial
The use of nanoparticles is also efficient for CO productions [153]. electrolysis is preferably being used for this sake [159]. It is a
novel approach for transforming renewable sources of energy
4.3.2. Components of an electrochemical reduction system such as solar and wind energy into useful chemicals and fuels Electrolyte. Although electrolytes strongly affect every from CO2 . In this approach, microbes are used to convert CO2
electrochemical system, few studies to date have paid attention to into organic species with electrons (obtained from cathode). For
the effects of its composition [153]. The heterogeneous process for the development of microbial electrolysis, microbes and materials
the electrochemical transformation of CO2 generally uses aqueous of the electrode are considered important factors. Mixed and
electrolytes which are composed of anions (bicarbonate, hydroxide, pure cultures are two types, utilized for CO2 transformation in
and halide) and cations (Sodium+, Potassium+). These salts are microbial electrolysis. The mixed consortium is mainly separated
frequently utilized because they possess high conductivities in from sludge or wastewater, etc. and yields acetate which is a
110 A. Mustafa, B.G. Lougou and Y. Shuai et al. / Journal of Energy Chemistry 49 (2020) 96–123

Fig. 14. Working principles of SOEC and SPCEC [51].

base for the formation of hydrogen, formate, and methane. In the Table 2. Metals and their end products.
case of a mixed consortium, there is no issue of cell apoptosis Metals End product
and the need for sterile conditions [160]. In microbial electrolysis,
cathodes are made up of carbon-based materials and cathode Ag, Au CO
improvements like surface chemistry and area are in progress to Zn CO + HCOOH
optimize microbial electrolysis. This approach has good potential Cu CH4 , H2 , C2 H2 , CO, HCOOH subjected to the conditions
for CO2 transformation and researches is being conducted for Cd, ln, Pb, Sn HCOOH + CO

its development. The development of efficient and inexpensive

cathodes can enhance the effectivity of this system. Table 3. Catalysis of electrodes by different metals with aqueous and nonaqueous
4.3.4. CO2 conversion by photoelectrochemical cell Metal End result
An emerging technology for CO2 conversion is photoelectro-
Aqueous electrolyte Nonaqueous
chemical cell (PEC). It combines electrocatalysis and photocatalysis
approaches because there are distinct areas of interest of photo-
electric synergistic reduction of CO2 with water. Firstly, the usage sp metals (ln, Sn, Cd, Zn, Cu, CO
Ag, Au)
of solar energy can primarily lower the connected voltage, in this
sp metals (Hg, ln, Sn, Pb) Formate Oxalate
way decreasing the power consumption, and other than this, the d metals (Pt, Pd) CO also HCOOH, HCHO, CO including Ni
load of external predisposition voltage can steer the detachment CH3OH and HC
of holes and electrons (photogenerated), which is a basic advance- d metals (Fe, Cr, Mo, Ti, Nb) Oxalate and CO
d metals (Ru) HC, formaldehyde,
ment deciding the productivity of photocatalysis. Most of the time,
the methods frequently embraced for the H2 O portion have been
misused for the conversion of CO2 . The CO2 initiations are con-
Table 4. Electrodes working with aqueous and non-aqueous electrolytes.
voluted as compared to water in many cases. The CO2 reduction
using photogenerated electrons can be an aggressive approach Metal End result
with H2 O reduction, in this route making necessary for these two Aqueous electrolyte
technologies vary sufficiently. The CO2 reduction yields more en- Zn, Au, Ag CO
tangled products than the reduction of H2 O which only produces Cu Hydrocarbons, aldehydes alcohols
H2 . The route of the photoelectrochemical transformation of CO2 to ln, Sn, Hg, Pb Formate
Al, Ga, Group VIII (except Pd) Weak performance
attractive chemicals emphasizes CO2 conversion from early inves-
Non-aqueous electrolyte
tigations to ongoing revelations, underscoring the refinements on Cu, Ag, Au, Sn, ln, Zn CO and CO3 2−
the latest pathways in major comprehension of the structural ef- Ni, Pd, Pt CO only
fects of the cocatalysts and semiconductors on photoelectrochem- Pb, Tl, Hg Oxalate
Al, Ga, Group VIII (except Ni, Pd, Pt) CO and Oxalic
ical CO2 reduction and several products arrangements [161,162].

4.3.5. Impact of different factors on product selectivity

Product selectivity can be mainly determined by the reduction hence, initiating the conversion of CO2 when electrode composed
route and process kinematic which results in the generation of of copper mesh was placed in the solution. The stronger halide
different chemicals. The electrons are obtained by CO2 either from anion adsorption to the electrode help achieve the highest CO2
cathode or medium in the course of early phases of electrochemi- conversion. The use of cations like cesium and rubidium also
cal reduction of CO2 . As a result, an intermediate is formed which enhances the electrochemical reduction of CO2 to CO. The use
is absorbed by the cathode for the production of desired products. of different metals (for electrodes) and their corresponding end
The nature and type of reaction route influence the electrode products are shown in the following Tables 2–5 [164].
potential, catalyst, electrolyte solution, pH and concentration of It is found highly suitable to employ an electrode made up
CO2 [163]. of single metal for the electrochemical reduction of CO2 [165]. In
The bonding accomplished between carbon and adsorbed an- Table 3, the use of particular metals and end products is given.
ion, increased the electron transfer from anion to carbon dioxide, The different other electrocatalyst materials are also used for the
A. Mustafa, B.G. Lougou and Y. Shuai et al. / Journal of Energy Chemistry 49 (2020) 96–123 111

Table 5. A summary of experimental conditions, catalytic materials and main products.

Catalyst Type of electrolyte Composition of electrolyte Current density (mA cm−2 ) Pressure/ temperature Main product Reference

Ag Solution + CO2 gas 18% mole EMIMBF4 in water − Ambient/ RT CO (96%) [166]
Pd, Ag and Zn Solution + CO2 gas 10 mM KHCO3 ~200 Ambient/ RT CO (> 90%) [167]
Ag foil CO2 Saturated solution 0.1 M KHCO3 4 (−1.02 V vs RHE) Ambient/ RT CO (90%) [168]
An-Cu CO2 Saturated solution 0.1 M KHCO3 20 (−1.08 V vs. RHE) Ambient/ RT C2 H4 (38.1%) [169]
Cu/Ag CO2 Saturated solution 0.05 M CS2 CO3 − Ambient/ RT C1 and C2 /CO [170]
CoPc CO2 gas Solution + CO2 gas 1 M KOH 150 Ambient/ RT CO (95%) [171]
Graphite/Cu/ C Solution + CO2 gas 7 M KOH ~100 (−0.55 V vs. RHE) Ambient/ RT C2 H4 (70%) [172]
Cu2 O/ZnO Solution + CO2 gas 0.5 M KHCO3 − Ambient/ RT CH3 OH (25.6%) [173]
ln/Pb CO2 Saturated solution 1 M NaHCO3 40 Ambient/RT HCOOH (80%) [174]
Cu NPs CO2 Saturated solution 0.1–0.5 KHCO3 (−1.8 V vs. Ag/AgCl). 1–9 atm /RT C2 H4 + CH4 (45%) [175]
RuPd/Sn CO2 gas Solution + CO2 gas 1 M KOH + 0.5 M KCL ~100 (−0.55 V vs. RHE) Ambient/ RT HCOOH (89%) [176]
CuNp Solution + CO2 gas 1 M KOH ~200 (−0.7 V vs. RHE) Ambient/ RT C2 H4 (46%) [177]
Cu nanocube CO2 Saturated solution 0.25 M KHCO3 68 (−0.96 V vs. RHE) Ambient/ RT C2 (over 60%) [178]
NS-C CO2 Saturated solution 0.1 M KHCO3 2.86 (−0.49 V vs. RHE) Ambient/ RT CO (92%) [179]
Ni/YSZ H2 O - CO mixtures or CO2 –H2 YSZ electrolyte tubes − 750 °C CO [180]

production of specific products with maximum current efficiencies. species. The plasma is an extensively reactive chemical due to
The poor water solubility (at STP) restricts the utilization of CO2 the interaction of the above-mentioned species with each other
in an aqueous solution. [181,182]. The high potential of this technology for the conversion
Only small CO2 quantities are available on the surface of the of CO2 has a huge potential due to the existence of energetic elec-
electrode to procced the reaction. However, this problem can be trons in a plasma. Plasma is generated when gas is broken down
overcome by using pressurized CO2 . Metals like ln or Pb generate by employing electric power to it, i.e., the generation of positive
more CO while Pb and Cu increase the production of formic acid ions and electron. Electrons have low weights as compared to
at pH 4.0 [164]. other plasma species and most energy obtained by electrons is
from the electric field. They have higher energies and don’t con-
sume their energy so expeditiously in collision with other species.
4.3.6. Future perspectives
Thus, these high energy electrons have the ability to activate the
To date, enormous rewards and potential have been accom-
inert gas by means of excitation, dissociation and ionization and
plished by electrochemical CO2 reduction. But this approach is
the species generated by this route, will easily go through other
not mature enough for the production of low carbon fuels on
reactions, producing new molecules. Hence the gas (CO2 ) does
an industrial scale due to various technological challenges like
not need to be heated completely. By this approach, endothermic
high overpotential, the generation of entangled products, material
reactions e.g. DRM or CO2 splitting can take place at moderate
instability of electrodes, high consumption of energy, small Faradic
reaction conditions with significant energy consumption. It is not
efficiencies, kinetic barriers and low CO2 solubility in aqueous
energy efficient to generate plasma by using electrical power [183].
solution. Generally, the biggest challenge is the poor performance
Microwave plasmas (MW), gliding arc (GA), and dielectric
of electrocatalysts because of insufficient stability of catalysts, poor
barrier discharges (DBD) are the most commonly used plasma for
catalyst activity, and product selectivity. There is no electrocatalyst
CO2 transformation. Microwave plasma was reported to be most
available to date for CO2 conversion on a large-scale. Hence, stable
efficient but under peculiar conditions, which would be appeal-
catalysts having high selectivity and catalytic activity should be
ing for commercialization, produces a drastic drop in efficiency
developed on priority bases. New approaches and methods for
[183,184]. The energy efficiency of GA plasma is also comparatively
the activation of CO2 molecule at small values of overpotentials
high at atmospheric pressure. Its energy efficiency was 60% for
are needed to effectively transform CO2 into valuable chemicals
conversion of up to 16% (DRM) and 43% for conversion of 18%
and fuels. The novel electrodes should be developed which enable
(CO2 splitting). DBD plasma is not much energy efficient (2%–10%),
electrolysis at suitable current densities. Novel electrodes allowing
but as indicated for different other applications, energy efficiency
electrolysis at current densities near to water electrolyzers (which
can be improved using a packing of dielectric in the reactor.
are commercially available) should be developed, for which elec-
Furthermore, its design is very simple and works at atmospheric
trodes composed of solid oxide become suitable options. Moreover,
pressure, which is highly useful for upscaling. It has already been
it is needed to better understand the mechanistic role of metal
shown for the generation of ozone on large-scale and therefore, it
oxides in order to generate the possibility of electrode design with
has huge potential for commercialization.
different compositions. It can be concluded that efforts should be
Plasma is also considered the fourth state of matter because
devoted to the development of durable catalysts as well as opti-
matter converts into solid, liquid, gas and finally plasma and Irving
mization of system design should be carried out. Several research
Langmuir first introduced this term in 1928. Plasma is an ionized
directions in the future may include improvement in stability and
state of matter having at least one unbound electron, making
catalytic activity by exploring new electrocatalysts, optimization of
ions with positive charges. Practically, the degree of ionization of
reactors, electrodes and system design for large-scale applications.
plasma varies from 100% (completely ionized) to 10−6 (partially
ionized). The presence of excited species in plasma leads to light
4.4. Plasma technology emission. Plasmas can be found in many applications such as
microelectronics, material science, environmental and medical.
Many efforts have been devoted to the development of energy- They are also used as sources of light due to their ability of
efficient methods and technologies to convert CO2 in value-added emitting light. Other than natural plasma, it can be classified into
products. Plasma technology is one of these emerging technologies fusion plasmas (high temperature) which are actually completely
which are gaining a lot of interest. Plasma is actually a (partially) ionized and gas dischargers (weakly ionized). Another classifica-
ionized gas and consists of electrons and numerous neutral species tion can be made on the basis of thermal equilibrium. The plasma
such as different kinds of ions, radicals, molecules, and excited temperature can be determined by energies of several species
112 A. Mustafa, B.G. Lougou and Y. Shuai et al. / Journal of Energy Chemistry 49 (2020) 96–123

present in plasma and their different kinds of motion (rotational,

translational and vibrational) [51].

4.4.1. Different plasma technologies for methane – carbon dioxide

reforming Line
Plasma utilized for methane – carbon dioxide reforming can be electrode
categorized into thermodynamically equilibrium (thermal plasma) Power
and thermodynamically non-equilibrium plasmas (cold plasma). In supply
cold plasma, the electrons as compared to other species possess
more kinetic energies and plasma average temperature used to
be very close to room temperature. The temperature of electrons
and other species is approximately the same (having a range of
10 0 0 K). Since electron density is higher in thermal plasma, be-
cause of the large number of collisions between other species and
electrons, the energy of electron obtained from the electric field
consumes in the heating of other species to reach thermodynamic
equilibrium in both electrons and other species. Thermal plasma
has thermo-chemical and electron-induced chemical reactions.

4.4.2. Reforming of methane-carbon dioxide by cold plasma

Cold plasmas are generally heterogeneous inside the discharge
space resulting in small reaction region which restricts treatment
and conversion capacity. The catalytic process is introduced in Fig. 15. Schematic diagram of the corona discharge reactor [185].
the reforming of methane-carbon dioxide by cold plasma in order
to increase the rate of conversion. In cold plasmas, a catalyst Gliding arc discharge. There are several diverging elec-
can be introduced either by placing it (catalyst) in the discharge
trodes made up of metals in the reactor and arc discharge is
space or at the end of discharge space [185]. Different types of
produced when high voltage is exerted on the electrode (Fig. 16).
plasmas have been used to reform methane-carbon dioxide and
Lesueur et al. patented the principle of this discharge in 1988
their characteristics have been included below. At the end of the
and it was further improved by Czernichowski et al. [188]. This
section, Table 7 is added which presents a comparison in terms of
discharge is eminent by arc flame and primarily produces on
conversion rate and products obtained between types of plasma.
the nearest gap, that arc is further extended and its root slides
along the surface of the electrode by drawing of the rapid flow Microwave discharge. The reactor of microwave plasms in- of employed gas until quenches plasmas downstream. Based upon
corporates waveguides, microwave generator and resonance cavity the flow rate of gas and discharge power, the GAD can be classified
placed into a quartz tube whereby chemical reactions are carried into cold or thermal plasma [189].
out to produce plasma. This plasma generally operates at a wide
range of pressure and frequencies (GHz). MW discharge exhibits Dielectric barrier discharge (DBD). It was first discussed
excellent discharge uniformity and has greater discharger space by Siemens and is also known as silent discharge [190,191]. It is
as compared to other cold plasmas at atmospheric pressure. The mainly used to produce ozone and typically incorporates planar
temperature of particle and electron is approximately 20 0 0 K and electrodes which are positioned parallelly having a gap of few
0.4–0.6 eV, respectively in MW discharge [186]. The reforming of millimeters and one of these electrodes has a dielectric cover
methane-carbon dioxide through MW discharge yields acetylene, which prevents the generation of arc and spark (Fig. 17).
synthesis gas and ethylene. The excessive amount of methane in The material of dielectric could be ceramics, glass, polymer,
feed leads to more hydrocarbons in the conversion process. The quartz or any material of small dielectric loss and high strength of
reforming of methane-carbon dioxide through MW discharge. The breakdown [187]. At atmospheric pressure, DBD is also a heteroge-
chemical reaction is induced by the high temperature of the gas neous discharge and needs alternating voltages for operation. The
and the high energy of electrons. Despite all, the equipment used temperature of gas and electron is approximately in hundreds K
in MW discharge is bulky and complex and it is problematic to and 1–10 eV, respectively in DBD [192]. This discharge was utilized
acquire large equipment favorable for industrial demands. for the reforming of methane-carbon dioxide by many researchers
(Table 6). DBD shows lower conversion rates in most situations Corona discharge. It is heterogeneous discharge and pro- and syngas selectivity are low and products are normally complex.
duced at atmospheric pressure having a high intensity of electric The reaction performances are not impressive even if the com-
field for the decomposition or ionization of feed gas. Corona bination of plasma and catalyst is used. The intrinsic features of
discharge incorporates two (irregular) electrode; high curvature DBD cause more production of hydrocarbons in the reforming of
and low curvature (shown in Fig. 15). This discharge is formed as methane-carbon dioxide. In the filar channel, the CH4 molecules
the electric break down occurs in the vicinity of high -curvature are easily decomposed into radicals of CHx with high density and
electrode when the applied voltage surpasses the given limit. energy of the electron. These radicals quickly leave the channel
The temperature of gas and electron is approximately 400 K and and move into other region (free-discharge zone) where they
3.5–5 eV, respectively in corona discharge [187]. The high density interact to produce hydrocarbons [185].
of electrons (1015–1019 m-3 ) mostly surrounds the high-curvature
electrode. In corona discharge, reaction volume is restricted by Atmospheric pressure glow discharge (APGD). This discharge
localized breakdown which makes this discharge difficult to obtain is like an arc and produced by employing some hundred volts
a high treatment capacity in the reforming of methane-carbon between electrodes [193] using a ballast circuit to prevent the
dioxide by this discharge. conversion of glow into the arc (Fig. 18).
A. Mustafa, B.G. Lougou and Y. Shuai et al. / Journal of Energy Chemistry 49 (2020) 96–123 113


Electric heat
Pure methane

Control B
Pure carbon panel
dioxide cylinder Electric


Voltage regulator

Teflon plate

AC power
supply Transformer
Electrode thermocouple

Mass flow


Hydrogen sensor


Fig. 16. Setup of gliding arc discharge [185].

Table 6. Different types of plasma along with their features.

Types of plasma Catalyst H2 /CO2 Conversion of CO2 (%) Major products Reference

DBD CuO/ZnO/Al2 O3 3:1 13.3 methane, methanol [196]

DBD Ni/zeolite 4:1 96 CO, methane [197]
packed-bed DBD Ni-Cex Zr1- x O2 4:1 78 methane [198]
DBD Cu/g-Al2 O3 ,Mn/g-Al2 O3 and Cu-Mn/g-Al2 O3 – 7.5 CO, H2 O, and CH4 [199]
DBD – 1:9–9:1 2–7 CO, H2 O and CH4 [200]
MW discharge – 1:1 – CO, acetylene, methanol, ethylene, [201]
RF discharge – 4:1 26 CO and H2 O, as well as CH4 [202]
MW – 3:1 82 CO, H2 O, C2 H4 [203]
MW Ni/TiO2 1:9 23 CO [204]
Surface discharge – 1:1 15 CO [205]

The ‘glow’ demonstrates that the discharge plasma is luminous APGD is a promising form of plasma for methane-carbon dioxide
contrary to the dark discharge [181]. Glow discharge can work over reforming attributable to high density and energy of electron plus
a long range of pressure. The electron density is 1018 –1019 m−3 appropriate plasma temperature. However, the enlargement of this
and the temperature of gas and electron is approximately in process on a commercial scale is one of the notable challenges.
20 0 0 K and 1–2 eV, respectively in APGD [194,195]. The efficiency
of energy conversion through the jet of cold plasma is increased 4.4.3. Thermal plasma
considerably as compared to other types of cold plasmas. This It is a uniform and continuous plasma produced in the path-
is obliged to the mode of plasma utilized and design configu- way of an electric arc. It is characterized by a high density of elec-
rations of reactors. An AC jet of cold plasma with a frequency tron (1019 –1020 m−3 ), a high temperature of electron and has dis-
of 20 kHz has high plasma temperature and density of electron tinct chemical and thermal effects. It has numerous applications
as compared to DBD and corona discharge. Such high values of and is widely adopted on the industrial scale [63]. It has several
plasma temperature cause catalyst heat up and consequently types, shown below (Fig. 19). Thermal plasma has a high poten-
increase the synergistic effect of catalyst and plasma, similarly, tial for reforming of methane-carbon dioxide due to chemically
high density of electron directly enhances the reforming reaction. reactive elements and high temperature. In comparison with the
114 A. Mustafa, B.G. Lougou and Y. Shuai et al. / Journal of Energy Chemistry 49 (2020) 96–123

Table 7. Different plasmas with percentage of obtained products at different power.

Type of plasma Feed flux CH4 / Power Conversion Selectivity (%) H2 /CO SE References
(mL/min) CO2 (W) (%) (kJ/mol)

CH4 CO2 CO H2 Acetylene Ethylene

(C2 H2 ) (C2 H4 )
Cold plasmas
MW discharge 200 3/2 30 70.8 68.8 75 – 17.8 4.1 1.5 307 [206]
DC Corona Discharge 60 1/2 63 94.1 77.9 97.1 69.4 – – 0.6 1134 [207]
Corona discharge 43 1/1 46.3 62.4 47.8 66.8 70 15.8 1.5 1.2 1798 [208]
Gliding arc discharge 1000 1/1 190 40 31 62 50 12 – 0.9 608 [209]
DBD and Ni/Al2 O3 30 1/1 130 55.71 33.48 60.9 51.92 10.12 – 1.0 10,385 [210]
DBD 20 1/1 107.4 72.8 44.4 82 70 – – 1.0 7289 [211]
Cold plasma jet and Ni/Al2 O3 8300 4/6 770 60.06 40.35 96.79 96.87 – – 1.0 134 [212]
Thermal plasmas
Bioanode thermal plasma 73,300 4/6 18,000 78.71 64.80 96.79 28.85 / / 0.8 274 [213]
Single anode thermal plasma (H2 ) 21,700 4/6 8500 87.98 84.34 82.27 43.48 / / 0.7 520 [214]
Single anode thermal plasma 33,300 4/6 9600 92.32 82.19 90.15 75.43 / / 0.7 290 [215]
(N2 + Al2 O3 )

High voltage Mixer

Cold plasma
Product jet reactor

supply Grounded
CH4 CO2 N2
Catalyst bed

Cool trap

Fig. 18. APGD schematic diagram of the experimental setup [185].

Thermal plasma

Quartz tube
Alternating Radiofrequency
Direct current High frequency
current arc inductively
arc torch capactive torch
torch coupled torch

Fig. 19. Types of thermal plasmas.

4.4.4. Hydrogenation of CO2
Fig. 17. Schematic diagram of the reactor of BDB [185].
Owing to the expensive hydrogen, there is limited research on
hydrogenation of CO2 through plasma. Economically viable and
sustainable production of H2 is essential for approaches depending
on the utilization of H2 as co-reactant. However, CO2 hydrogena-
aforementioned cold plasmas, reforming of methane-carbon diox- tion through plasma has recently attained a lot of attention.
ide using single-anode TM shows many advantages in terms of It can be concluded that CO2 hydrogenation through plasma ex-
conversion efficiency, selectivity, by-products, and treatment ca- hibits poor performance, even if we compare it with CO2 splitting
pacity. and DRM. To date, this approach is not much successful because
Moreover, in thermal plasma input gas is directly injected into the combination of hydrogen and carbon dioxide is not favorable
the plasma jet instead of the discharge region between the two for the production of methanol in the single-step process.
electrodes. The conversion efficiency and treatment capacity can
be increased if feed gasses are directly added in the discharge 4.4.5. Future perspectives
region as plasma producing gas (Fig. 20). Different plasma approaches for CO2 transformation have been
The literature cited in this review (Table 6) shows that thermal discussed in the above sections. Plasma technology has a high
plasmas exhibit higher selectivity, conversion, treatment capacity, potential for CO2 processing due to high temperature, enthalpy
and specific energy. It is quite appropriate to develop this process content, electron density, and treatment capacity. However, there
for industrial applications. are several challenges that restrict its wide-scale applications.
A. Mustafa, B.G. Lougou and Y. Shuai et al. / Journal of Energy Chemistry 49 (2020) 96–123 115

0.9 CH4


0.8 CO
0.7 H2
0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.35 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.35
Փ (m3/h/kW) Փ (m3/h/kW)


CH4 H2
0.90 0.85 CO

0.80 0.70
0.12 0.13 0.14 0.15 0.16 0.12 0.13 0.14 0.15 0.16
Փ (m3/h/kW) Փ (m3/h/kW)

Fig. 20. Experiments performed by ref. [185] to compare the conversion and selectivity for thermal plasma.

A standardized framework is highly needed in data reporting to other hand, the conventionally concentrated approach incorporates
enable data comparison inside and outside the plasma technology. the utilization of solar energy to drive many chemical reactions
The important standard here is to compare the energy efficiency [216] in several applications. Solar thermochemical operations
and conversions. As far as conversions are concerned, it needs utilize solar energy to drive highly endothermic reactions.
clear data for diluting agents when utilized, because these agents Attempts were directed to switch dependency from fossil fuels
significantly affect the plasma process. Moreover, the impact of to hydrogen economy after the fuel crisis of 1973. Consequently,
gas expansion in plasma operation, which is neglected, but can studies on thermochemical decomposition of water to produce
tremendously affect data accuracy e.g., the conversions acquired hydrogen were initiated. The oil embargo and high prices of oil
via GC measurements. Regarding energy efficiency, at first, there ensured the momentum of investigations on thermochemical
should be no interpretation space about the reported power processes for the next decade. However, the number of researches
(whether it is measured or applied power) and through which declined up to the year 20 0 0 due to the stable oil market. With
approach this power is acquired. Secondly, there should be an aim an emphasis on environmental changes, solar thermochemical
to ascertain the important products along with their selectivities, processes again received attention in the mid of the year 20 0 0
to measure the energy efficiency depending upon the reaction en- and the investigations have been increasing.
thalpy including fuel generating efficiencies. Thirdly, the literature
on power supplies and corresponding efficiencies and optimization
is urgently needed to compare conversion efficiencies (solar to 4.5.1. Working principle
fuel). Generally, for materials testing for plasma catalysis, reporting With the help of solar energy, CO2 can be reduced in many
data as well as a framework for experimentation are quite essen- ways. The most efficient method is the direct uses of sunlight
tial for the development of plasma technology which will highly because it does not require any additional energy and has no
assist the plasma community and CO2 transformation community. negative impact on the atmosphere [57]. The further two types of
Energy efficiency in terms of SEI, it is obvious that mostly this method are thermal conversion and quantum conversion. In
employed SEIs are extremely high, especially when used with the former type, firstly solar radiation is absorbed and then work
catalysts. To achieve highly efficient energy conversions, low is extracted. The latter type includes extraction of work directly
SEIs (0.1–5 eV) should be targeted. Additionally, because plasma from the semiconductor or any other compound which are used
technology is more susceptible to feed impurities, more inves- as light absorber [58]. As mentioned before, concentrated solar
tigations and researches are required towards the impact of gas energy in the solar thermochemical process is utilized as high-
compositions on the chemical (noxious by-products, distribution temperature heat to drive high endothermic reactions. Thermal
of products) and physical side. dissociation of CO2 which involves only a single step requires high
temperatures and separation techniques to prevent the formation
4.5. Solar thermochemical conversion of an explosive mixture (CO and O2 ) [58,59]. In the multi-step
thermochemical conversion of CO2 , metal oxides are used.
Traditional industrial processes rely on hydrocarbons for pro- Multi-step CO2 dissociation employing metal oxides in redox
ducing fuels and metals and they are highly carbon and energy- reactions detour the issue of separation and additionally, they
intensive. The depletion of fossil fuels and environmental changes permit operation even at moderate temperatures. In the first step
has led to the development of solar industrial processes. The con- (endothermic), solar thermal reduction of MOox to M or MOred is
centrated solar approach provides the opportunity of transforming carried out and the second step (exothermic) involves oxidation of
solar radiation into electrical, chemical and thermal forms. On the MOred with CO2 to produce CO (Fig. 21), enabling the MOox to be
116 A. Mustafa, B.G. Lougou and Y. Shuai et al. / Journal of Energy Chemistry 49 (2020) 96–123

involve compounds of chlorine, bromine, and sulfur, etc., and these

elements undergo a chain of reactions to decompose water for
oxygen and hydrogen production in different steps of the reaction.
Based on the electrolysis, further classification of multi-step cycles
is hybrid or pure thermal cycles.

4.5.3. Reactors
Reactors in solar thermochemical technology are of extreme
importance and have attained a lot of research interest [219,220].
There are two general types of reactors utilized for experimenta-
tion of solar thermochemical systems: directly or indirectly heated.
The reactants are heated by the direct solar radiation in the former
type, while the non-transparent surface is used to receive the solar
energy and then this heat is transferred to the reactants in the
latter type. Depending upon the working principle, these reactors
have further types and few reactors have been tested in pilot-scale
plants and laboratories. Further classifications of directly heated
reactors are volumetric reactors and in this type of reactors,
catalytic absorber directly absorbs the solar energy and further
transport it to feed gas. Depending upon the absorber, honeycomb,
structured and foam are other types of volumetric reactors. Com-
Fig. 21. Multi-step CO2 dissociation [51].
paratively, foam-based reactors have a much better mechanism
of heat transfer which avoids flow instabilities during working at
used again in the first step [217]. M denotes metal e.g., Zn, Fe or high temperatures and these reactors exhibit more porosity that
Ce. permits solar energy to enter deeper in the material [221].
The direct utilization of sunlight in solar thermochemical tech- The indirectly heated reactors incorporate molten salts, sodium,
nology is the main advantage. The concentrating solar technique is solid particles or air as heat transfer medium. For methane re-
currently used for electricity generation and can be combined with forming, solid particles were used at NREL. The reactor used in
high-temperature reactors to generate solar fuels on a wide-scale this process works at 1870–2120 K and generates some carbon. In
at a cheap cost and to attain high solar-to-fuel efficiencies [58]. the Asterix project [222,223], the air was used as the heat transfer
Currently, solar flux ratios (>2 MW m−2 ) can be attained using medium, this mechanism allows reforming design independent
a solar dish and tower systems. A comprehensive review related of solar considerations and the influence of any variable such
to solar concentrating approaches can be found in [218]. The as clouds can be reduced by using thermal storage. MoSTAR for
solar thermochemical cycles have the ability to achieve a greater methane reforming has been developed in Japan and primarily
efficiency compared to those methods which utilize energy vector used to obviate the cloud effects [224]. After successfully em-
or a small portion of the solar-spectrum and are simpler in design ploying at laboratory scale, they are extending it to use on five
[62,64]. This ability is due to the phenomenon that solar-based kilowatts dish concentrator. In another project, molten salts were
thermal processes work at high temperatures and use the com- used to perform the solar reforming of methane in CoMETHy [225].
plete solar spectrum and offer a thermodynamically suitable way On the other hand, there is a main challenge of coking in
to produce solar fuels [51]. other reactors. Carbon particles increase radiative heat transfer
in the aerosol reactor. Another advantage is working at a high
4.5.2. Categorization of solar thermochemical processes temperature which means higher conversion rates that directs to
In Fig. 22, different types of solar thermochemical processes more products and also avoids catalyst material [226]. The attack
are given. Broadly, this process has two types: the production of of CO2 on reactor walls can be avoided by maintaining the ratio
industrial products and fuel generation. Many industrial products of methane to carbon dioxide (>1). Tubular reformers with the
(aluminum, zinc, lime, carbon nanotubes) can be produced by different number of coils have been used for methane reforming
solar thermochemical systems and it has a high potential. in Australia. The prime focus of these reformers was to conduct
The up-gradation of carbonaceous feed yields synthesis gas and methane reforming at relatively low temperatures (820–970 K).
solar fuels such as hydrogen can be generated by solar thermolysis The process at low temperature reduces heat deficiencies from the
incorporated in a thermochemical cycle. Synthesis gas can also be reactor by using the maximum amount of solar energy. Table 8
produced by the combined splitting of water and carbon dioxide presents the reactor performance and test conditions for different
in the thermochemical cycle. The water, accompanied by process experimental setups.
heat, is directly dissociated at high temperatures (190 0–40 0 0 K)
in solar thermolysis. Solar energy can be utilized for gasification 4.5.4. Metal oxide redox pairs
and reforming of methane, biomass, and coal that incarnate solar There are many renowned redox cycles which can dissociate
energy in the produced gasses. Thermochemical cycles are actually H2 O and CO2 and have theoretical efficiencies more than 40%.
a chain of chemical reactions that decompose carbon dioxide Generally, volatile and non-volatile are two-cycle classes consid-
and water to generate carbon monoxide or hydrogen respec- ered for metal oxides. Doping techniques are frequently used in
tively. Contrary to solar thermolysis, the chemical reactions in the both types of non-volatile cycles to improve their physical, ther-
thermochemical cycle are carried out at low temperatures (800– modynamic and kinetic characteristics. The commonly employed
2100 K). Thermochemical cycles are categorized as metal oxide oxide pairs with reaction schemes are summarized in Table 9.
reduction-oxidation based cycles and multi-step cycles. In metal
oxide-based cycles, hydrogen and oxygen are produced by periodic Perovskites. Perovskites are represented by the high yield
oxidation and reduction of redox materials. Depending upon the of oxygen at relatively high temperatures and they also incorporate
material, this type of thermochemical cycle can be further catego- energy-demanding reduction-oxidation. Their redox properties are
rized into volatile and non-volatile cycles. While multi-step cycles determined by the cation which is present at the M site. It is
A. Mustafa, B.G. Lougou and Y. Shuai et al. / Journal of Energy Chemistry 49 (2020) 96–123 117


Recycling of
waste and
Solar Hydrocarbon Thermochemical
thermolysis feed cycles

Metal oxide Multistep cycles

Gaseous feed Solid feed

Carbon Sulphur Iodine

Methane Hybrid cycles Pure thermal

Solar processes Thermal Calcium

materials decomposition Hybrid sulphur bromine cycle
Copper chloride

Lime Steam
production reforming

Dry reforming

Fig. 22. Different types of solar-based thermochemical processes.

Table 8. Different types of reactors with their test conditions and obtained conversions.

Type of reactor T (K) P (bar) Qsolar (kW) Reforming element Conversion (%) Efficiency (%) Reference

Volumetric 970–1130 3.5 300 CO2 80 – [227,228]

Volumetric 1173 15 400 Steam 80 80 [229–231]
Tubular reformer 1120 20 25, 500, 1200 Steam/CO2 – – [232,233]
Volumetric 1473 1 150 CO2 70 85 [234,235]
Volumetric 1473 4–9 40 CO2 97 79 [236,237]
Volumetric 1033 8.5 220 Steam – – [238–240]
Tubular receiver 1273 7.8 170 Steam 93 – [222,223]
Sodium reflex 958–1098 2–6 1.5–7.8 CO2 50–70 – [241,242]
Aerosol 2073 – 10 CO2 70 – [226]
Tubular absorber 1193 1 5 CO2 90 26 [224]

Table 9. Commonly used redox pairs [243].

Type Cycle Symbol Reaction scheme

SnO2 (s ) → SnO(g )
Volatile Tin Oxide SnO2
ZnO(s ) → ZnO(g )
Zinc Oxide ZnO
Mx Fe3−x O4 → xMO + (3 − x )FeO
Non-volatile (stoichiometric) Ferrite Mx Fe3- x O4 Fe3 O4 → FeO
Iron oxide Fe3 O4 Fe3 O4 +3Al2 O3 → 3FeAl2 O4
Hercynite Fe3 O4 +3Al2 O3
ABO3 → ABO3−δ
Non-volatile (stoichiometric) Perovskite ABO3 CeO2 → CeO2−δ
Ceria CeO2 Mx Ce1−x O2 → Mx Ce1−x O2−δ
Doped Ceria Mx Ce1- x O2
118 A. Mustafa, B.G. Lougou and Y. Shuai et al. / Journal of Energy Chemistry 49 (2020) 96–123

Fig. 23. Classification of two-step cycles.

a category of nonstoichiometric oxides and denoted by ABO3- δ . viability under real solar conditions [257]. Panlener et al. investi-
These oxides are commonly unexplored for the metal reduction in gated defect chemistry of ceria and oxygen non-stoichiometry at
thermochemical cycles. A and B are cation sites on which dopants high temperatures. They concluded that iron oxide-based cycles
can be replaced and hence, material configurations are signifi- have a high capability of oxygen exchange compared to ceria and
cantly larger in perovskites compared to ceria. A thermodynamic sintering is not as such intricate due to a high melting point
study involving the extraction of entropies and enthalpies and [258,259]. Hence, it is not essential to dissolve or support them
data evaluation of oxygen non-stoichiometry has demonstrated in more strong structures. The decomposition of water and carbon
that LSM perovskites denoted as La1- x Srx MnO3- δ can enhance the dioxide was experimentally demonstrated in [260], producing
capacity of oxygen exchange than pure ceria [244]. As shown by syngas by changing the molar ratio of water and carbon dioxide
experiments, though reduction extents are significantly greater, in the reactor. In pure ceria, ionic and electronic conductivities
oxidation is thermodynamically less feasible leading to incomplete directly affect diffusion rates [261,262].
oxidation. Nonetheless, overall CO production from the decom- Heat transfer limits the reaction extents in reduction more
position of CO2 remains substantially higher compared to ceria. than surface kinetics or oxygen diffusion. CO2 oxidation rates
McDaniel et al. explored a more favorable and promising type of depend on surface area and are highly rapid than Fe-based ma-
perovskites. They doped Sr2+ and LaAlO3- δ with Mn on A and B terials of smaller lengths [260,262,263]. Haile and Chueh studied
sites, respectively [245]. They conducted oxidization at 1273 K, the cyclical stability and found that grain growth and sintering
reduction at 1253 K and produced six and nine times more CO decrease the yield significantly in early (100) cycles, however, the
and H2 , respectively than ceria (Fig. 23). La1- x Srx FeO3- δ for looping production rates of hydrogen and stability of hydrogen/oxygen was
applications has been studied by [246]. They produced syngas remarkable for the next 400 cycles [264]. Although ceria has an
by using methane in the reduction process which lowered the attraction in terms of stability and kinetics, its storage capacity
temperatures (10 0 0–1273 K). Large amounts of hydrogen were is low than other materials. In Fig. 24(a), production of oxygen
produced when a mixture of La0.3 Sr0.7 FeO3- δ and 5% NiO were due to CeO2 reduction with respect to Poxygen and temperature
used. To date, Lanthanum manganites – which uses Mn4+ /Mn3+ are demonstrated. The reduction is generally 1/8 of Co-Fe at
ions for redox reactions – is the family of perovskites which are T = 1473 K, x = 0.15, Poxygen = 10−10 bar is shown in Fig. 24(b).
extensively considered and studied [244,247–250]. These materials Efficient heat restoration is necessary for this cycle to achieve
of perovskite exhibit low oxidation performance and need large economic feasibility and solar-to-fuel efficiency [265].
quantities of oxidizing gas that significantly increases heat losses
[251,252]. Few perovskites material possesses high molar mass as Ferrites. Replacement of transitional metal in the lattice
compared to ceria and heat capacity [244,253]. For a specific tem- of magnetite can enhance the oxygen storage-capacity than pure
perature difference in two steps, the high heat capacity of these magnetite. An increase of metal concentration in the lattice can in-
perovskites results in a high loss in terms of sensible heat. These crease the reduction extent at given conditions. Ferrites have been
studies demonstrate that, based on different doping schemes, studied thermodynamically and tested experimentally using metal
many perovskites can be developed which can efficiently increase cations CoFe2 O4 [266], ZnFe2 O4 [267], MnFe2 O4 [268], NiFe2 O4
the yield of desired products at low temperatures. The develop- [269], Mn0.5 Zn0.5 Fe2 O4 [270] and Ni0.5 Mn0 .5Fe2O4 [271] etc. on
ment of such materials which can be transformed below 1273 K A site [272]. The testing of ferrite-powders has determined the
can be a turning point for the production of solar fuels [254]. impact of different parameters on the production of hydrogen and
oxygen and the temperature values suitable for cyclic operations Ceria. Flamant and Abanades conducted an experiment [273]. The major drawback is a high reduction temperature (1500–
in which CeO2 was reduced to Ce2 O3 at 2273 K. They observed 1700 K) which results in oxide sintering. Much attention has been
extensive sublimation (higher than 50%) [255]. Based on their devoted to addressing this issue by utilizing redox reagent at
experiments, Haile and Chueh developed a cycle to reduce CeO2 elevated temperatures. Ferrites are relatively more stabilized when
into CeO2- δ which operates at low temperatures for stoichiometric dissolved in chemically inert materials to avoid melting and sin-
reduction [256]. Chueh et al. tested and established a solar reactor tering. Kodama et al. conducted experiments incorporating Co and
based on ceria-materials and successfully demonstrated the cycle Ni ferrite with ZrO2 or YSZ [22,48]. The production of hydrogen
A. Mustafa, B.G. Lougou and Y. Shuai et al. / Journal of Energy Chemistry 49 (2020) 96–123 119

1.4 1.2
(a) (b)
1.2 1.0

Production of CO
Porduction of H2
CeO2 0.8 CeO2
0.8 SLMA3
0.6 SLMA3
0.6 SLMA1
0.4 SLMA3
0.2 0.2
0.0 0.0
0 200 400 600 800 0 200 400 600 800
Time (s) Time (s)

Fig. 24. Rates of H2 (a) and CO (b) production in terms of time for different perovskites.
SLMA1: Sr0.6 La0.4 Mn0.6 Al0.4 O3-δ ; SLMA2: Sr0.4 La0.6 Mn0.6 Al0. 4O3- δ ; SLMA3: Sr0.4 La0.6 Mn0.4 Al0.6 O3- δ [245].

Table 10. Comparison of different technologies used for CO2 conversion.

Technology Use of earth metals Renewable energy Turnkey process Conversion and yields Products Investment cost Operating cost Flexibility

Traditional Yes – No High Yes Yes High Low

Photochemical Yes Direct Yes Low Yes Low Low Low
Biochemical No Direct No Medium Yes H/L High Low
Electrochemical Yes Indirect No High Yes Low Low Medium
Plasma chemical No Indirect Yes High Yes High Low High
Solar Thermochemical Yes Direct Yes High No High Low High

The reference [3,51,111,112,127,181,183,243,273] has been considered for establishing this table.

was high than Fe–YSZ process, as demonstrated by Allendorf et al. hundreds of cycles to hamper high costs associating with repeated
[274]. replacements. Commercial-scale usage of this technology is again
Relating to the composition of materials, it can be said that fer- determined by exploring earth-abundant materials that can work
rite containing Mn and Zn demonstrates problems related to phase at lower temperatures to attain high system efficiency.
stability and volatilization, respectively [275]. The robust ferrites
are CoFe2 O4 and NiFe2 O4 which operate efficiently and reliably 5. Summary
and at real-world conditions. Concerning to reaction mechanism,
data obtained from mass-spectrometers and thermogravimetric It is evident from the above discussion that, irrespective of
analyzers have been utilized by several research groups for the maturity, commercialization and other detrimental aspects, all
establishment of kinetic models and their subsequent extraction the current approaches have particular advantages. Table 10 has
[276–278]. Interestingly, the latest studies have only converged been included to demonstrate the comparison between all these
commonly practiced patterns. Thermal decomposition of carbon technologies.
dioxide and water using ferrites is fast compared to their typical The rare utilization of earth-abundant metals is one of the dis-
reduction and hence consumes less time. tinct disadvantages of almost all the current adopted technologies,
in terms of cost and sustainability. A great challenge for all the
4.5.5. Future perspectives aforementioned approaches to become more efficient is to use eas-
Solar thermochemistry has evolved as a feasible route that ily accessible inexpensive materials. The discussion about depen-
uses concentrated solar energy and is currently being used on a dence on renewable energy (directly or indirectly) is subtle. The
commercial scale for power generation. Even though significant direct utilization of renewable energy gives an edge to photochem-
progress has been achieved in the solar thermochemical trans- ical, biochemical and solar thermochemical over other technologies
formation of CO2 utilizing metal oxides, a lack of basic research that use indirect renewable energy. There is no extra step of energy
to investigate the performance of metal oxides subjected to high conversion in photochemical, biochemical and solar thermochem-
temperatures in redox cycles has impeded the development of ical approaches and hence energy losses are prevented. In plasma
new materials. Basic problems coupled with surface chemistry, and electrochemical conversions, the efficiency of renewable gener-
production methods of material, oxygen transport, the impact of ation of electricity determines the overall energy efficiency of these
thermochemical cycling on constituents and structural changes approaches. However, it also shows that these approaches (plasma
still require efficient solutions. Moreover, thermal losses in the and electrochemical) can depend on other sources of renewable
reactor largely limit the cycling rates and efficiency which results energy such as wave, hydro, tidal and wind power, enhancing their
in the poor transfer of radiative and conductive heat across the employability, because they can be operated anywhere without the
structures of metal oxides. availability of solar energy. The combined use of photo and bio-
It is thermodynamically favorable to convert CO2 through redox chemical technologies with artificial lighting is also an indirect
reactions but the conclusive factor determining the commercial source of renewable energy. The wide-scale employability of these
feasibility is solar-to-fuel efficiency and currently, efficiencies more sources is a challenge for easy transport and efficient storage of
than 10% still need experimentation with scalable and robust solar the electricity generated. Thus, a stabilized grid is required which
reactors. It is essential to discover new materials that have large needs those technologies which flexibly follow the periodic and
capabilities of oxygen exchange at average temperatures and their sometimes inconsistent supply of electricity. Approaches that can
execution in solar reactors. Furthermore, material stability and fast harness this type of energy and transform it into carbon-free fuels
chemical kinetics over hundreds of cycles should be demonstrated could be crucial for the future infrastructure of energy. Most tech-
for every material considered. This is an important factor to nologies (except biochemical and photochemical) exhibit high con-
get market acceptance because materials should stay active for version rates and productions and solar to fuel efficiencies of these
120 A. Mustafa, B.G. Lougou and Y. Shuai et al. / Journal of Energy Chemistry 49 (2020) 96–123

approaches are demonstrated in Table 10. Another aspect is the concentrated solar energy. The direct utilization of solar energy
separation of products when all the feed is transformed. Based on makes this technology highly useful and advantageous over other
the process, electrochemical and solar thermochemical CO2 trans- conversion processes. Concentrated solar energy is currently being
formations are the only two approaches capable of producing sep- employed commercially for power generation applications and
arated products. For instance, pure splitting of CO2 yields CO and reduction of CO2 and H2 O into CO and H2 . Liquid hydrocarbons
oxygen streams. It is a notable advantage because their separa- can be produced by further processing the syngas. Though solar
tion (carbon dioxide and oxygen) is highly energy-intensive. Al- thermochemical splitting of carbon dioxide and water through
though, it is expected that the use of membranes will provide a metal oxides are thermodynamically convenient, higher ηsolar-to-fuel
convenient and energy-efficient way of separation. The products in still requires experimentation with powerful solar reactors.
plasma technology are in one feed and their separation is possibly
the biggest drawback of plasma technology. The research on this
topic needs more attention. Declaration of Competing Interests
The direct oxidative route to generate more valuable products
is highly favorable instead of current involving indirect method, The authors declare that they have no known competing finan-
which first generates carbon monoxide and hydrogen and then cial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared
these chemicals are further processed. All the technologies - to influence the work reported in this paper.
except solar thermochemical - are capable of producing many
valuable chemicals directly, though the amounts of chemicals are
extremely low. It requires insights and research to achieve more
yields from these technologies.
This work was supported by the National Natural Science
Currently, the costs of investment and operation are low for
Foundation of China (51522601; 51950410590), China Postdoc-
most approaches. Excepting, biochemical technology (where both
investment and operating costs are high depending upon the type toral Science Foundation Fund (2019M651284), and Fundamental
Research Funds for the Central Universities (HIT.NSRIF.2020054).
of bioreactor) and solar thermochemical technology which has a
high cost of investment due to the mechanism of solar energy
concentration. References

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