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A tissue is a group of cells with a similar structure and function.

An organ is a group of tissues working together for a specific function.

E.g. the stomach which contains tissues.
Organs are grouped together to form organ systems which work together to form an
E.g. digestive system
Three main nutrients
Carbohydrates, lipids and proteins
Large molecules which cannot be absorbed into bloodstream, so they are digested.
Digestion - large food molecules are broken down into small molecules by enzymes. these
are then absorbed.
1. Mouth
2. Oesophagus to stomach
Enzymes digest proteins
Stomach contains hydrochloric acid which helps enzymes digest proteins
3. Small intestine
Enzymes are released from pancreas and liver
Liver releases bile which neutralises acid in stomach and speeds up digestion.
Small food molecules are absorbed into the bloodstream
4. Large intestine
Water is absorbed into bloodstream
5. Faeces are released.
Large molecules to small molecules.
Products of digestion are absorbed into bloodstream.
Some is used to build new carbohydrates, liquids and proteins.
Some glucose is used in respiration.

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