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Part I. Intertextuality

1. This refers to the shaping of a text’s meaning by another text.

a. hypertext
b. intertextualize
c. obligatory
d. optional

2. This is a type of intertextuality in which the writer creates a comparison or association in the text.

a. accidental
b. latent
c. obligatory
d. optional

Part II. Drama

3. This refers to a scenario with the involvement of conflict of emotions which came from the ancient Greek verb meaning “to do or
act” and the literal meaning evolved

a. drama
b. essay
c. fiction
d. poetry

4. What is the meaning of dialogue?

a. Conversations between two or more characters

b. The words in parentheses
c. A struggle that takes place in a story
d. The gestures an actor uses in a drama

Part III. Fiction

5. This refers to the time and place where the story happened.

a. character
b. plot
c. setting
d. theme

6. This are events that lead to the climax.

a. Falling Action
b. Rising Action
c. Conflict
d. Climax

Read the short story and answer the questions below.

Brilliant Blaze in Melancholia
by Yezha Hiteroza

Several hours had elapsed; the classes finally came to an end. It’s quite a relief for Zirika as she could leave this abominable place
she’s required to attend, at last. If she had the choice of how she should fulfill her educational needs, she could have decided to get
homeschooled instead. Her academic skills are excellent anyway; thus, she would rather study without anyone surrounding her.
However, a much unpleasant place awaits her… an abode she was supposed to call “home.” It all began after a certain crisis struck
their once-contented family. Arguments that do not end well resulting in resounding screams and words that are too heavy to take
could be heard every night. The reason? Infidelity; Zirika witnessed it herself. Though chose to remain silent about it, a woman’s
intuition shouldn’t be underestimated. What does it cost? A mother’s life; her crestfallen existence couldn’t bear its weight anymore. It
happened 3 years ago, but even so, a tremendous scar her heart took will remain unhealed for a fleeting moment… or perhaps, forever.
Subsequently, a new family was born after the pater married his mistress.

Upon noticing that the door was locked, the young lady swiftly fished the spare key out of her pocket and started unfastening it. She
then examined the surroundings as she made her way to the living room, scrunching her nose at the sight of filthy clothes scattered on
the floor; crumbs of rice strewn all over the sofa; and disheveled books laying beneath the table. She sauntered to her room, dropped
down her bag, and returned to the area where she began cleaning a certain section of the house. “Did they purposely leave this place
untidy just so I would have to clean it up myself?” Zirika mumbled softly, on the point of tears, yet managed to keep her emotions
contained. She decided to enter her bedroom straightaway after swiftly sprucing up everything. Zirika stood ahead of her bed for a
moment, before allowing herself to sink into the soft, cushioned mattress she had been longing to feel. ‘Where did I go wrong? Is there
even a way to bring back everything the way it used to be? Is this all my fault?’ A variety of questions overwhelmed her mind. These
past few years have been burdensome for her. It’s all coming back… the fear… the damage she took… the terrifying ordeal. It’s as if
the scar on her heart has been carved open again, and all she could do to relieve the pain was cry. You might find people who’re
willing to listen and understand you, but you will certainly encounter people who would rather make your existence miserable than
help you out with your difficulties. So why does she have to try to justify herself when this has always been the scenario whenever she
goes to school? What’s the need for defending herself from a deliberately cruel woman she has to live with for the rest of her life? She
hugged her knees and buried her face in them as she drew them close to her chest, letting her emotions all out.

“Did they hurt you again?” A deep yet mesmerizing voice washed her hopeless thoughts away. She paused for a while, wiping her
tears as she slowly turned her head to where it came from. There, a familiar blond-haired boy, sitting on the window— now standing
after jumping inside— came into view. She gasped, accompanied by protuberant twinkling eyes. “You’re here!” Zirika promptly got
out of bed, running to him with her arms wide open, ready to clasp him tightly. It was the kind of embrace she desperately needed.
The two loosen their grip on each other, “I missed you, Zirika. I apologize for the long wait; I could have protected you from them if
only I didn’t leave.” He uttered as he caresses her cheek. Zirika could tell how upset he is by the look of his aura.

“It’s fine, Thoma. You’ve already brightened up my day just by being aware of your presence,” She let out a smile, shaking her head
to reassure the lad which then altered his mood. “Hmm… if you say so. But still-“ he wrapped his left arm around her waist, pulling
her closer, “-if you ever feel lonely, don’t be stubborn and call me up immediately.” Zirika let out a soft chuckle upon seeing how cute
her sweetheart is when he pouts. “Alright, alright. I will.” She clasped her arms around his neck, stroking his silky blond hair with her

“I promise.” She continued, glancing at his green hypnotic eyes. She couldn’t deny how charming he is, one look from Thoma is
enough to give her a heart attack. ‘How come this man noticed someone like me?’ Zirika wondered. Her gaze moved towards his
pinkish lips, admiring how soft they look. She quickly averted her eyes away upon realizing she’d been staring for a while. “Hey
um…” Thoma breathed in, taking up all the courage within him,

“Can I?”

It didn’t take long for her to decipher his words. Slowly, she nodded, giving him the sign to proceed.

The young boy leaned in, closer… and closer… and closer…

“Darn, I’ve been doing it again!” She groaned after catching herself fidgeting back and forth, wording out the dialogues inside her
head, and smiling unconsciously. She crawled back to her bed and stared blankly at the ceiling.

Maladaptive Daydreaming had been part of her life since the day her eyes lost their shine. It is a psychological health issue where an
individual experiences an excessive amount of daydreaming, occasionally lasting for several hours at a time. Despite being an
unofficial diagnosis yet, the psychologist advised her to undergo Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, which aids in identifying and
exploring how one’s feelings and thoughts can influence their behavior. Considering that the treatment cost a lot of money, the
stepmother convinced her spouse to discontinue her medication, as her sense of reality isn’t lost yet, and she still can manage. Which,
of course, fumed Zirika. She desired to fix this interference with her condition which causes disturbance in her social interactions,
constant battles with unpleasant emotions, and compulsive creation of fictitious situations. However, there’s a piece of her that doesn’t
want to abandon this nonexistent realm, for it had been her escape from the bitter world she dwells in. She fears that if she gave it up,
she would finally be able to see how wretched her life has become.

‘I’d rather wallow within the figments of my vivid imagination than drown in the stark reality that served nothing but to torture me.’

Apart from this compulsive daydreaming of hers, He, Thoma, her favorite pyro-wielding character from a well-known RPG game, is
all that remained with Zirika. He made an impression on her with his humble and cheerful demeanor, which later led to her falling in
love with him.

He, who’s always ready to reach out and pick her up whenever she sinks into the deep ocean of despair…

He, the shield she employs to safeguard herself from the ferocious storm that never stops pursuing her; the brilliant torch that serves as
her guide to the universe of endless possibilities…

“I would never… EVER… leave by your side. I promise.” He whispered in her ear, before placing a kiss on her forehead. Zirika held
him tight, feeling how warm the atmosphere was now that he was here with her…

…or perhaps the pillow in her embrace was doing a splendid job in its role.

7. Who are the protagonists in the short story you've read?

a. Zirika and Thoma

b. Kazari and her classmates
c. The father and his mistress
d. Veruka and Thomas

8. What is the theme of the story?

a. It is about a girl who becomes emotionally invested in a fictional character from a story where in her mind, she finds her truest love
in this character, whom she sees as a hero sent from above.
b. A stepmother who gave her stepdaughter a trauma she had to carry for so many years.
c. A girl is using impulsive creation of fictitious events to escape her reality, where she creates a world of her own and a fictional
character who acts as her lover and protector.
d. A story about a boy who visits his lover secretly.

9. What is the main reason for Zirika’s despair?

a. her cruel stepmother
b. the affair of her father with another woman
c. the death of her biological mother
d. escaping reality through daydreaming

10. Which of the following is an example of imagery?

a. I’d rather wallow within the figments of my vivid imagination than drown in the stark reality that served nothing but to torture me.
b. She hugged her knees and buried her face in them as she drew them close to her chest, letting her emotions all out.
c. Several hours had elapsed; the classes finally came to an end.
d. Upon noticing that the door was locked, the young lady swiftly fished the spare key out of her pocket and started unfastening it.

Part IV. Poem

11. Haiku poems originated in _____.

a. America
b. Japan
c. Germany
d. China
12. A haiku can have exactly _____ lines.

a. 1
b. 2
c. 5
d. 3

13. Haiku must have the exact number of syllables in each, what is the correct pattern of syllable?

a. 5-7-5
b. 5-5-7
c. 7-7-5
d. 5-5-5

Read the poems and answer the questions below.

Summer is passing,
Temperature is falling
Fall of yellow leaves
With darting cold breeze
People’s beloved season
- Jerome Legaspi

14. Identify what type of poem is about.

a. tanka
b. haiku
c. limerick
d. diamante

15. What is the best title for the poem?

a. Summer
b. Beloved season
c. Autumn
d. Yellow Leaves

18. In the 4th line, “With darting cold breeze”, what is the meaning of the underlined word?

a. move or ran somewhere suddenly

b. very fast
c. move somewhere slowly
d. uneasy feeling in particular

19. Identify the rhyme scheme of the poem.

a. 5-7-5-5-7
b. 5-5-7-7-5
c. 7-5-5-7-5
d. 5-7-7-5-5


Boldly facing fear

Bravery in every step
Courageous heartbeats
- Aljon Loreja
20. How many syllables are in the third line?

a. 3
b. 4
c. 5
d. 6

21. What type of poem is this?

a. diamond
b. haiku
c. tanaka
d. cinquain

22. How many syllables are in each line?

a. 3-5-3
b. 5-7-5
c. 7-5-7
d. 5-5-5

23. Which of the following themes is conveyed in the poem?

a. fear and anxiety

b. love and romance
c. bravery and courage
d. sadness and despair

“Time Class”

Late to class
My new sneakers squeak
On the wooden floor
The P.E teacher looks up
I’ve nowhere to hide
- Danica Luaton

24. What is the title of the poem?

a. Happiness
b. Respect
c. Freedom
d. Time Class

25. Identify what type of poem this is.

a. haiku
b. limited
c. cinquain
d. tanka

26. How many lines are there in tanka?

a. 4 lines
b. 3 lines
c. 5 lines
d. 6 lines

“Pink Petals”

Cherry blossom blooms

Softly swaying in the breeze
Pink petals falling
A peaceful scene of nature
A moment to cherish still
- John David Magno

27. What is the total number of syllables of tanka?

a. 31
b. 28
c. 30
d. 27

28. In line 3, how many syllables are there?

a. 5
b. 7
c. 8
d. 6

29. Is tanka a type of Japanese poetry?

a. certainly
b. no way
c. I don’t know, ask Batman
d. my brain isn’t capable of answering this question


What a life
So fun I could die
Having this makes me fly
Doesn't look fine
I am high.
- Luisel Galve

30. What do you think is the poem above all about?

a. Freedom
b. Cloud
c. Habit
d. Plant

31. What kind of lyric poetry is it?

a. Cinquain
b. Epigram
c. Diamante
d. Epitaph

32. What is the rhyme scheme of the poem?

a. 3-5-6-5-3
b. 3-5-5-4-4
c. 3-5-6-4-3
d. 3-6-5-4-3

33. What is the theme of the poem?

a. If you plant, you will have something to harvest.
b. What you crave is what you get.
c. Take these white clouds and breathe.
d. Locked in heaven.

The big sun will rise

Your dream will be shine
Goal is like a price
Pursue to achieve the line

Our life is too fast

The time for you is running
Do your best until fast
Your dream are still waiting

Dream is all about future

Figth for it to reach it
To get better furniture
Forget the hate and leave it

Do envious in a goodway
To make better pathway
- Angel Mondejar

34. In the poetry, which of the following is the most suitable title?

a. Goal.
b. Dream
c. Life
d. Future

35.What is the rhyme scheme of the poetry?


36.What is the best meaning of the poetry?

a. Motivating about your dream.

b. Hoping to achieve the goal
c. Focuses about future
d. Fight for your goal

Identify what type of poetry is the literature written below. Choose the letter of the correct answer.

a. Tanka c. Haiku
b. Cinquain d. Diamante

___ 37.
“A Morning”

Bees nudged the flowers

Babies peeped out the nest
One fine crisp morning
- Sophia Manalili

___ 38.

The mountain rise tall

Proudly reaching for the sky
Rivers flow below
Trees sway in the gentle breeze
Nature’s beauty on display
- Joshua Monares

___ 39.

Falls gently down
Pitter-patter on the ground
Refreshing the earth with its
Drip drop
- Joshua Monares

___ 40.

Autumn leaves falling

Nature’s colorful carpet
Crisp air fleeting warmth
- Joshua Monares

___ 41.

A moon
Mysterious, bright
Glowing, calming, stunning
It makes heavenly peace at night
- Angela Mahilum

___ 42.

“Dusk ‘till Dawn”

Rosy, misty
Emerging, creeping, welcoming
Sunlight, daybreak, twilight, nightfall
Growing, approaching, dimming
Dark, musky
- Yezha Hiteroza

___ 43.
“Yearning for Luna’s Warmth”

Gleaming aloft
Sense none but insouciance
Cold and distant; engulfed by frost
I’m lost
- Yezha Hiteroza
Part V. Enumeration

List the seven genres of Drama.


Prepared by:

Mary Ann Sidlacan

Yezha Maye Hiteroza
Jerome Jay Legaspi
Luisel Galve
Angel Mariah Mondejar
Haydee Bermudez
Aljon Loreja
Danica Luaton
John David Magno
Angela Mahilum
Joshua Monares
Sophia Manalili

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