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A public holiday is a cultural or legal day when normal work and activities are postponed
or reduced for many reasons. Usually holidays are established for the purpose of
permitting individuals to honor a cultural or religious significance. Holidays established
by governments, religious organizations, or other groups or organizations.
By collecting, processing documents and observing: We collect clear and official
information from sources on the Internet in many different forms such as text, images,...
related to research articles. Processed and selected to achieve necessary conclusion about
the problem. We’ve took a closer look at these holiday in America.
We would like to thank lecturer Nguyen Ngoc Huy, who guided and taught throughout
this course.
CHAPTER 1: NEW YEAR HOLIDAY IN THE US......................................................................4
1.1 What is New Year holiday in the us?.....................................................................................4
1.2 New Year's Eve activities.......................................................................................................4
1.3 A few things stand out............................................................................................................4
1.4 Traditional customs................................................................................................................5
CHAPTER 2 : HALLOWEEN HOLIDAY IN THE US.................................................................6
2.1 What is Halloween?...............................................................................................................6
2.2 The origin of Halloween........................................................................................................6
2.3 Halloween activities...............................................................................................................6
2.4 How Halloween was known in America?..............................................................................6
CHAPTER 3 : LABOR DAY HOLIDAY IN THE US....................................................................7
3.1 What is Labor Day.................................................................................................................7
3.2 History of Labor Day.............................................................................................................7
3.3 Meaning of Labor Day...........................................................................................................7
3.4 What people in America often do on Labor Day and personal recommendation activities...7
CHAPTER 4: COLUMBUS DAY................................................................................................10
4.1 What is Columbus Day?.......................................................................................................10
4.2 Columbus Activities.............................................................................................................10
America has long been famous for tourism and attracts many tourists from near and far
thanks to the beauty of the landscape, blue white sand beaches and majestic, magnificent
natural beauty of America. castles, churches and famous architectural works. Not only
that, with a rich history and long-standing culture combined with famous big cities and
symbols of America's strength: New York, Los Angeles, Las Vegas. Those 3 cities in
particular and America in general have become favorite places and destinations for many
tourists from near and far.
Because it is an interesting country, every time tourists choose America as a tourist
destination, they will immerse themselves in the unique festivals held here. During the
year, every 2 to 3 months in America, there are special holidays taking place and the
atmosphere is extremely exciting and bustling.includes not only the typical holidays in
this country but also popular worldwide.
With the desire to learn more about this issue, we chose the topic "Holidays in America".
1.1 What is New Year holiday in the us?
Researchers and scientists from all around the world attest to the fact that The New Year's
celebration dates back at least 25 centuries. This custom appears to have begun about the
end of the fourth century BC in Egypt's Nile Delta, one of the first concentrations of
human civilization. The traditional New Year's celebration used to last at least 12 days,
with parades, costumes, dancing, and singing to commemorate the Supreme God's victory
over the powers of death and cruelty. During those magnificent days, everyone will be
immune to everything, including trials and executions. Almost all nations in the world
now observe January 1st as the beginning of a new year. New Year's Day is the most
serious and important event in many countries. Fireworks are frequently launched at
midnight on January 1 to symbolize the conclusion of the previous year and the
beginning of a new one filled with prosperity and opportunity for everybody. Employees
from all walks of life, as well as students, take the day off to celebrate the new year.
1.2 New Year's Eve activities
Tet is very important for American people. New Year's Eve is a time to celebrate and
show affection to family and friends. Family members counted down the last minutes and
seconds on the clock and shouted together "Happy New Year". People flock to Times
Square when it is more crowded and vibrant. In America, "Happy New Year" is a
common greeting when meeting family or friends during Tet. Individuals often express
their love for each other through words and actions in addition to sincere wishes.
Furthermore, spending time with family during Tet brings them closer together. Taking a
break from work and school as well as gathering for this special occasion are all really
1.3 A few things stand out
During Tet in the US, spectacular parades with extremely high entertainment properties
are a typical way to welcome the new year. On New Year's Eve, Americans' costumes are
equally special and they eat traditional dishes from long ago. People who hope to find
true love in the new year will often choose yellow outfits, while those who hope to make
a lot of money will wear silver outfits., and an indispensable dish is black-eyed peas.
According to New Year's beliefs in America, they believe that eating black beans will
bring luck, glory and wealth in the new year. They believe that the more beans they eat
during the New Year, the better things will come to them and their family members.
Additionally, everyone in America buys meat, alcohol, and refills bottles. Americans do
this with the belief that the new year will bring luck in their career and personal life,
because they believe that if there is not enough meat and drink, the next year will be
difficult and miserable.
1.4 Traditional customs
Like many European countries and other continents, on New Year's Day, Americans also
follow some very meaningful customs. Avoid cleaning the house every year during Tet:
This custom is a common habit of many Asians. Americans also believe that cleaning the
house on New Year's Day will bring bad luck and take away all the family's fortune.
Every year, a chosen individual bursts into the house: The person who comes is usually a
single, healthy, dark-haired young man. He will bring you some bread and coal. These
objects symbolize wealth and luck. And one is that red or blonde hair will be very averse,
even staying away from women who play groundbreaking roles because they believe that
they will bring tragedy and bad luck to the homeowner in the new year.
2.1 What is Halloween?
According to Sarah following the information from the Library of Congress (2022), the
Halloween holiday takes place on October 31 as a contribution to the eve of All Saints
Day, which is on hold in great respect for the one who passed away. However, Halloween
is known as the scariest holiday of the year nowadays.
2.2 The origin of Halloween
Based on Thomas (2021), the ancient Celtic festival of Samhain is the core beginning of
the Halloween holiday, where everyone puts on unique outfits and gathers around the
bonfires to celebrate the harvest season as well as shoo off ghosts. Continuing with
Thomas’s information (2021), the pumpkin carving tradition was originally started from
the legend of Stingy Jack, who was punished by becoming a lost soul traveling the world,
so people started to carve evil faces into pumpkins to scare his spirit as well as other evil
spirits off.
2.3 Halloween activities
Halloween holiday contains mostly at-home activities, so there can be various ways you
can do it, such as decorating your own home into a haunted place, creating your own
creepy and fashionable costumes, and most importantly, handing trick-or-treat candies to
your neighbors along with carving pumpkins. (Maggie and Lisa, 2023). Furthermore,
based on Renne’s details (2023), you can participate in more suitable-for-all-ages
activities, which are hosting costume parties.
2.4 How Halloween was known in America?
In according to Blair and Marissa (2023), America was not familiar with Halloween until
after the late 19th century, when the country was greatly infiltrated by the Scottish and
Irish immigrants, and most of them started to celebrate the holiday, leading it to evolve in
America over time. Carry on with Blair and Marissa's information (2023), Halloween was
popular widely around all of North America approximately in the 20th century.
3.1 What is Labor Day
Labor Day is a holiday occur every year at the beginning of September. It was establish
to giving laborer a day off from their work also honoring their contribution to society.
Activities celebrating American Labor Day often take place through picnics, sporting
events, and street parades. American football season begins on Labor Day or around this
3.2 History of Labor Day
Labor Day has was originate from 130 years of labor efforts to improve working
conditions in America. It is also known as International Labor Day or May Day and is
celebrated on May 1st worldwide. Along with the development of the Industrial
Revolution, the demand for labor and trade unions also increase. Around the 1850s, the
eight-hour movement with the aimed to reduce the workday from ten hours to eight hours
has been carried out throughout the world. At its first convention in 1886, the American
Federation of Labor called for a general strike in Chicago on May 1 to demand the 8-hour
workday, culminating in what is now known as the Haymarket. The first Labor Day
celebration parade was occur Tuesday September 5th 1882 in New York City. In 1893,23
more states has embrace and inherit this holiday until today and at June 28th 1894
President Grover Cleveland has made the first Monday on September each year became
an official annual holiday. The first Labor Day celebrations parades were to showcase the
"strength and unity of trade unions and labor organizations" in the community and
provide an off day for laborer to spend time with their families and friends. Speeches of
famous high ranking government officer, business men, and educator are also the
highlight of this holiday.
3.3 Meaning of Labor Day
The Holiday one true meaning is to honor laborer contribution to society and the
economy. This is the occasion to tribute the people had come before and fought for labor
right and help create a better environment with better condition for laborer. This day also
mark the transition in season from summer to winter.
3.4 What people in America often do on Labor Day and personal recommendation
There’s also many activities that people do to celebrate Labor Day in the US. Attending
Labor Day parade or music festival. There are still Labor Day parades and celebrations
hosted by unions in many areas. They're wonderful chances to soak up the sun and spend
the day with celebrants all around you. You may find out what's happening in your
neighborhood by asking your friends or coworkers, checking online, or reading the event
listings in your local newspaper. Check out local music festivals or concerts taking place
over Labor Day weekend if parades don't appeal to you. A word of notice is that there
could be extra traffic on Labor Day so you should plan your driving schedule accordingly
in order to avoid missing out on parade floats and musical acts.
Hosting a Labor Day party is also a pretty popular activity that people do when they don’t
want to go side and instead have the holiday at home and celebrate it with family friends
and people in the neighborhood. Ask your loved ones to join you in celebrating the
occasion. Have a potluck gathering and ask your friends to bring dishes, or throw a BBQ
and serve food. Put up some decorations and turn on some music to liven up the
celebration. Even outdoor games like croquet, badminton, and corn hole can be put up.
Hang paper lanterns, flags, or streamers in the colors red, white, and blue. Select some
plates and napkins with patriotic designs. Around Labor Day, patriotic decorations are
abundant at any store that sells party materials. Create a signup sheet and distribute it to
your guests so you can keep track of what each person is bringing to a successful potluck.
In this manner, you avoid having three potato salads. If you're hosting a barbecue, set up
a covered area. If you want to store food and chairs below in case guests require shelter
from the sun or rain, buy or lease an open tent.
Some people also enjoy this holiday with casual activity like watching a football game
with friends. Football season kicks off on Labor Day most years. This makes it the ideal
time to attend a professional, college, or high school football game. Look online or in the
event listings section of your local newspaper to discover a game in your region. Bring
some pals over and watch a football game at home if you'd prefer to stay in or if you can't
find a game nearby. To find out when every game airs on television, do an internet search
or consult your TV guide. To add excitement to your home game watching experience,
set out party appetizers and drinks. Swimming is also an outdoor that people in the US
favor to do on this day since Labor Day marks the end of the scorching summer months.
Enjoy the sunshine by going to a natural swimming hole or swimming at a community
pool. To make the day even more fun, remember to include goggles, sunscreen, and pool
toys. If you don't have access to a pool, consider installing a water slide in your backyard
or going to a park's fountain. A fantastic way to spend a day off is to take a day trip out of
town. Put the family in the car and go to a national park if it's close by, a local monument,
or a hiking location you've always wanted to see. Choose as much as possible to engage
with nature.
Going outside on your day off can be a fulfilling experience, particularly if you work
indoors and don't get to spend much time outside. Some peop qle choose to do groceries
and shopping on this day as well because of the sales usually occur on this holiday.
Labor Day sales are available at many retailers. Actually, one of the largest sales days of
the year occurs on this holiday. Seize the opportunity to purchase new clothing, furniture,
or household goods at discounted prices from your preferred retailers. If you would rather
to celebrate at home, take advantage of the exclusive online deals. Examine the sales
figures of nearby or small-scale enterprises. In this manner, you can obtain fantastic
bargains and assist regular workers at the same time.
Also don’t for get to show respect and appreciation toward people that work in
occupation which require them to be on standby 24/7 to keep you safe. Pay tribute to
those who must work on Labor Day by showing your support. To find out if the fire
station or hospital accepts meal delivery, give them a call beforehand. Make cookies or
other baked items and deliver them if they do. Purchase a dozen cookies from a nearby
bakery if you're not much of a baker or don't have the time to prepare them yourself.
Include a card that reads, "Thank you for all of the work that you do!" Unfortunately, not
everyone has the day off on Labor Day. If you must work, consider making the office feel
more celebratory. Bring a dozen donuts or some red, white, and blue cookies, and arrange
them in a common area such as the break room or the back office.
Make sure your coworkers know that you provided the cookies as a token of
appreciation for all of their hard work. If someone has dietary constraints, think about
providing a few treat options so they may enjoy themselves as well. Remember to
express your gratitude to your colleague. Tell them why it's a pleasure working with
them. Make a list of all the ways your coworkers have supported you this year so you can
organize your speech. They might have helped you reduce your hard burden, or they
might have offered you incredible career advice. Once you've come up with a few
suggestions, directly explain to your teammates why you consider yourself fortunate to
work with them. If you work in an office, stop by the desk of a coworker who has been
especially helpful and wish them a happy Labor Day! I wanted to express my gratitude
for all of your assistance to me this year. Upon beginning this job, I felt completely
overwhelmed. Your support has been valuable to me. Studying the origins of Labor Day
and union formation. There might be a special exhibit honoring Labor Day and worker
causes in the local museums. Check out a virtual exhibit if you don't live near a museum
or if they are closed for the day.
People also often looking for virtual exhibits about the origins of Labor Day or issues
pertaining to workers online. Participate in promoting labor-related concerns. Raising the
minimum wage, defending equitable pay for all, defending union rights, and
implementing nationwide paid family leave are just a few causes you may support. To
become involved, speak with your state legislator and urge them to introduce legislation
to bring these concerns to fruition. Giving back to the community on a day off from work
might feel nice. Give it some thought, then volunteer at a nearby group for a subject that
appeals to you. Use a volunteer website such as or Volunteer Match to locate
opportunities in your region if you are unsure of what to do. Several concepts include.
4.1 What is Columbus Day?
Columbus Day, observed on the second Monday of October in the United States,
commemorates the arrival of explorer Christopher Columbus in the New World on
October 12, 1492. This federal holiday also serves as a celebration of the cultural heritage
of Italian Americans, as Columbus is believed by many scholars to have been born in
Genoa, Italy.
4.2 History of Columbus Day
The holiday has been an annual tradition in the United States since 1937, initially
celebrated on October 12 but later moved to the second Monday in October to provide
workers with a long holiday weekend. Italian immigrants in New York first observed
Columbus Day in 1866 as a way to honor their heritage. Today, there are over 18 million
people of Italian ancestry in the United States, making them the fourth-largest ancestry
4.3 Columbus Activities
Christopher Columbus embarked on four trans-Atlantic voyages between 1492 and 1504
under the sponsorship of King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Spain. These voyages
significantly altered the map of the world and initiated a lasting encounter between
Europeans and the indigenous peoples of the Western Hemisphere.
Despite not being the first European to cross the Atlantic successfully, Columbus's
expeditions opened up the Americas to European settlement and exploitation,
fundamentally changing history. He sailed west from Spain with 90 men in August 1492
on three ships: the Santa Maria, the Niña, and the Pinta. After five weeks at sea, the
expedition reached an island in the Bahamas on October 12, which Columbus named San
Salvador. He believed he had found a new route to India, hence referring to the
indigenous peoples he encountered as "Indians."
Columbus made three subsequent voyages, convinced that he had discovered a new route
to India and Asia. However, he did not realize that he had actually stumbled upon the
gateway to North and South America.
In the United States, Columbus Day was officially designated a national holiday by
Congress and President Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1937, largely due to lobbying by the
Knights of Columbus, a Catholic fraternal organization. While federal government offices
and most banks close on Columbus Day, schools and businesses typically remain open.
Various cities across the United States hold festive Columbus Day parades and
celebrations, highlighting Italian heritage with colorful costumes, music, and Italian
cuisine. However, in some localities, alternative holidays have been established to honor
the original inhabitants of the lands where Columbus arrived. For example, cities like
Berkeley, Sebastopol, and Santa Cruz in California have replaced Columbus Day with
Indigenous Peoples Day, while Hawaii observes Discovery Day to commemorate the
arrival of Polynesian settlers.
4.4 Meaning of Columbus Day
Columbus Day is a holiday whose main purpose is to keep people from having to go to
work or school. The meaning of this holiday as well as other holidays of the year is to
recognize the efforts and achievements of people everywhere as well as the desire to
bring people together. Besides, the Wounded Knee massacre and the execution of Italians
in New Orleans further show that Columbus Day was born so that all people of this
country can overcome prejudices and recognize great achievements. of all Americans.
The first Columbus Day in New York took place widely across the United States with the
participation of public, Catholic and private school students as well as Native Americans
showing solidarity for a diverse nation clan.
NEW YEAR’ Eve in the USA
Retrieved from:
Phong Tục Đón Năm Mới Của Người Mỹ ( 23, tháng 12, 2022 )
Retrieved from:
Work cited list:
Blair. D, and Marissa. G. “What Is Halloween? Here's All About the Holiday's Origins”.
CountryLiving, Oct 03, 2023.
Retrieved from:

Heather. T. “The Origins of Halloween Traditions”. Library of Congress, Oct 26, 2021.
Retrieved from:

Maggie. S, and Lisa. M. “30 Things to Do on Halloween if You're Not Going Trick-or-
Treating”. Real Simple, August 07, 2023.
Retrieved from:
Renee. H. “20 Halloween Activities That Will Make Your Holiday Traditions Frightfully
Memorable”. Parade, Oct 29, 2023.
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Sarah. L. “The history of Halloween and why we celebrate October 31”. Today, June 23,
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Stefanie Chu-Leong ( October 10, 2023).”How to celebrate Labor Day”. Retrieved from:
“Labor Day là ngày gì? Khám phá ngày lễ lao động của nước Mỹ”. Retrieved from:

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