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Chapter I :Data 5

 Preface 6
 1-1 DataTypes 6
 1-2 Constants &Variables 7
 1-3 Assignmentstatement 12
 1-4 Priority rules for Arithmetic operations (OperatorPrecedence) 15
 1-5Errors 16
 Questions 17
Chapter II :Branching 21
 Preface 22
 2-1 Branching statement using (If…Then) 22
 2-2 Branching statement using (If ..Then..Else) 24
 2-3 Branching statement using (Select…Case) 26
 Questions 29
Chapter III : Looping & Procedures 32
 Preface 33
 3-1 (For….next)statement 33
 3-2 The use of "Dowhile" 39
 3-3Procedure 42
 3-4 Declaration of aFunction 46
 Questions 48
Chapter IV: Cyber bullying 54

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