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Electronics Fundamentals Student Lab Manual Name Date Due Score Lab Project 6: Control of Current by Resistance Resistance (R) is what provides current (|) control in a circuit. Resistance and current are inversely proportional. Note: Current is calculated by dividing the applied voltage (V) by resistance. Objectives 1. Measure and calculate current for varying circuit resistance. 2. Understand the inverse proportional relationship between current and resistance. 3. Understand Ohm's Law: |= V/R. Level of difficulty: beginner Required Materials 1. PB-503, PB-505 or PB-507 Electronic Trainer. 2. Multimeter. 3. Answer and Evaluation Chart 6 for recording measurements, answers and instructor scoring. 4, Parts List: Three 1 KQ resistors. Circuit Construction Oc. construct the circut ilustrated in Figure 6-A O1 c-2. construct the circuit iustrated in Figure 6-B. *Véyelow) GND lace) Rt Re, stave eV 1K 1K en oe REE Figure 6-A: Control Of Current By Resistance. Two Resistor Circuit. viystow ND ic samen a8 sbessiissssh gs vx ce Spess| [esse oe Gnd = ottees| [E8380 Figure 6-B: Control Of Current by Resistance. One Resistor Circuit. 19 Electronics Fundamentals Student Lab Manual Procedure 1: Calculation of Current in a Circuit O2_p-ta, Figure 6-A illustrates a two resistor series circu, Calculate the total resistance (Rr) of the circuit using the formula: 1+ R2 + RB, etc. Record the answer. O21 pats. use Ohm's Law (Ir Ry) to calculate the total current (Ir) of the circuit. Record the answer. O21 2. Figure 6-8 illustrates a one resistor series circuit. Use Ohm's Law (I = V/R) to calculate the total current ofthe circuit. Record the answer. O2 P-s.1s the resistance of circuit 6-B one-half or double that of circuit 6-A? Record the answer. O21 p-4.1s the current of circuit 6-8 one-half or double that of circuit 6-A? Record the answer. Procedure 2: Control of Current by Resistance O21 Psa. Referring to Figure 6-C, measure the current of the two resistor series circuit, Record the results. ‘*V (yellow) GND (black) ‘awe «Sh eet eee one Tt FE BEES LEEROS 5 Figure 6-C: Control of Current by Resistance. Measurement Locations. O21 P58. Does the calculated current equal the measured current? Record the answer. O2_P-6a. Reterring to Figure 6-0, measure the current of the one resistor series circuit, Record the results eVipton XD Gia) —— bo see] [sees FS runs OdsR8E || EERO ® Figure 6-D: Control of Current by Resistance, Measurement Locations. (2 _P-28, Does the calculated current equal the measured current? Record the answer. O21 P-7. Examine the current measurements. When resistance is decreased, what is the effect on current? Record the answer. Lab Project Review 1. The relationship between current and resistance is inversely proportional 2. Current can be calculated by using Ohm's Law (I= V/R). Electronics Fundamentals Student Lab Manual Name Date Due Score Lab Project 6: Answer and Evaluation Chart 6 Control of Current by Resistance Question Answers Points | Score PSB P-6A P-6B PT Total Percentage Score 2 Electronics Fundamentals Student Lab Manual Name Date Due Score Lab Project Current (1) values are controlled by varying the voltage ( V ). In a direct proportional relationship, increasing the voltage across a circuit will Increase the circuit's current. Control of Current by Voltage Objectives 1. Measure and calculate voltage across components at varying current levels. 2. Understand the direct proportional relationship of voltage to current. 3. Understand Ohm's Law: | = V/R. Level of difficulty: beginner Required Materials 1, PB-503, PB-505 or PB-507 Electronic Trainer. 2. Two Multimeters. 3, Answer and Evaluation Chart 7 for recording measurements, answers and instructor scoring. 4, Parts List: One 1 KQ resistor. Circuit Construction 1c. Construct the circuit illustrated in Figure 7-A. sv iyetow) GND iad Ri ve 1K round» tT Figure 7-A: Control of Current by Voltage Procedure 1: Calculation of Voltage at Varying Current Levels C1 xt. Figure 7-A illustrates a series circuit with a variable power supply. Use Ohm's Law (V = 1* R) to calculate voltage forthe following current values: 1.5 mA, 3 mA, 6 mA and 9 mA. Record the answers Note: The vottage will be adjusted in steps. Procedure 2: The Relationship Between Voltage and Current O21 p-2. Turn power off, Attach the +V point to the variable power supply (Yellow Terminal) and the ground to the supply ground terminal as ilustrated in Figure 7-A. Set the variable power supply to minimum, Electronics Fundamentals Student Lab Manual O23. Place a voltmeter (set at 20 VDC) and an ammeter as illustrated in Figure 7-B. Increase the voltage levels until the following current levels are reached: 1.5 mA, 3 mA, 6 mA and 9 mA. Record the voltage results for each current level. Note: The ammeter must be placed in series to measure current. To ‘measure voltage the ammeter must be removed and a jumper inserted in to its place. Rea) BR +4V (yellow) GND (black) " Rig )Rea ies & Ground Figure 7-B: Control Of Current By Voltage. Measurement Locations O21 P-4. compare the calculated and measured voltage levels. Do they match within 5%? Record the answer. 1 Ps. wnen current increased, did voltage increase? Record the answer. C1 P.6. when current decreased, did voltage decrease? Record the answer O27. trvottage is doubled, what happens to current? Record the answer. Q1 P-s.ttvoitage is reduced by one-half, what happens to current? Record the answer. Lab Project Review 1. By varying voltage, current through a fixed resistance can be controlled 2. Voltage and current have a direct proportional relationship, 3. Voltage across a component or circuit is calculated by Ohm’s Law (V 23 Electronics Fundamentals Student Lab Manual Name Date Due Score Lab Project 7: Answer and Evaluation Chart 7 Control of Current by Voltage Question Answers Score Pa P32 P4 Ps P6 Pz Pa Total | Percentage Score

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