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1. Circle the correct option. (Circule a 2. Circle the correct option.

(Circule a
resposta correta) resposta correta)
a) I ( be / am/ is) twelve years old. a) It (am / is / are ) very hot.
b) They ( be / am / are) in the garden. b) My sister (am/is/are) at work.
c) It ( am / is / are) six o'clock. c) I ( be / am / are) hungry.
d) You ( be / is / are) a dentist. d) We (am / is / are ) students.
e) I ( am / is / are ) in the station. e) The book (be / is / are) about tigers
3. Complete the sentences from stories with the present simple of be. Some are negatives or
questions. (Complete as frases das histórias com o presente simples do verbo be. Alguns
são negativos outras perguntas.)
a) Tweedledum and Tweedledee have the same parents. They __________ brothers.
b) The monster has a very ugly face. He __________ handsome.
c) The wicked queen is asking her mirror: ________ I beautiful?
d) Achilles and Hector fight. They __________ friends.
e) Robinson Crusoe has no friends on the island. _________ he unhappy?
4. Complete this book review of The Prince and the Pauper with the present simple of be.
(Complete esta resenha do livro de O Príncipe e o Pobre com o presente simples do verbo be)

The Prince and the Pauper ___________ a very good book. I ____________ 11 years old and I
(not) ____________very interested in history but I really like this book. Mark Twain
__________ a great writer. It (not) ____________ a true story but the characters _________
very realistic. The story (not) ___________ difficult. It ___________ easy to understand and
enjoy the book. Tom __________ a simple English boy. His family are poor and they
__________ always hungry. Edward (not) _____________ poor because he ___________ a
prince. The boys ____________ very different but at the end of the book they __________
friends. There are many films of the book too but they (not) ______________ very good - the
book is the best!

5.Complete the following questions with Who, Which, Where, What, Whose. (Complete as
frases com Who, Which, Where, What, Whose.)

1.___________________is your boss? Mr. Derek.

2.___________________one is your car? The blue one.
3.___________________is the teacher? In the yard.
4.___________________are you watching? An old TV show.
5.___________________car is red? Nora's.

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