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• Dynasty- pushyabhuti/Vardhan dynasty
• Last hindu ruler of india
• Birth -590 AD
• Father –Prabhakar Vardhan
• Mother-yashomati
• Elder brother – rajya Vardhan
• Sister – rajyashri
• Capital- thaneshwar
• 2nd capital- kannauj
• In 605 AD rajyavardhan was the ruler in thaneshwar
• Rajshri was married to grihvarman and was ruling in kannauj
• Shashank killed rajyawardhan
• Harsha Vardhan attacked and killed Shashank
and freed rajyashri who became the ruler of
• Coronation – at the age of 16 yrs
• 606 AD – started Harsha samvat
• He was a good writer and wrote NAAGNANDA, RATNAVALI and
• His court poet BANBHATTA wrote his biography
• 629 AD – Chinese traveller – XUANZANG came in his
period and stayed till 645 AD
• He received education from NALANDA UNIVERSITY
• He wrote SU YU KI meaning THE LIFE
• In which he mentioned that
• Shudras got the work of agriculture
• Nalanda university ran from the tax of 100 villages
• Harshavardhana recievced the title of SHILADITYA
• He could not expand his empire to south INDIA
• He was defeated by the PULkeshin 2 at the bank of
narmada river.
King Harshavardhan ascended the throne
of Thaneshwar and Kannauj on the death
of his brother, _____ ?
A) Indravardhan
b) Suryavardhan
c) Rajyavardhana
d) Chandravardhan
During the reign of which of the following
kings did Chinese traveller Xuanzang visit
India ?

A) Harshavardhana
b) Prabhakara Vardhana
c) Chandragupta Maurya
d) Ashoka
The Harshacharita is a biography of
Harshavardhana, the ruler of Kannauj,
composed in Sanskrit by his court poet,
____ ?

A) Dandin
b) Kalidas
c) Banabhatta
d) kalhna
Who among the following defeated
HarshaVardhan in 618 CE ?

A) Chandragupta I
b) Pulakeshin II
c) Pushyamitra
d) Alexander
• Founder – Harichandra
• famous ruler – Nagbhatta 1- mentioned in Gwalior inscription
• 4th ruler – vatsraj- considered to be the actual founder
• Greatest ruler – Mihir Bhoj
• He followed Vaishnavism
• He took the title of adivarha
Who was the founder of the Gurjara
Pratihara Dynasty?

A) Nagabhata I
b) Vatsraja
c) Bhoja I
d) Mahipala
What was the Initial Capital of Gurjara
Pratihara kingdom?

A) Avanti
b) Kannauj
d) Bharuch
d) Bhojpal ( Bhopal)
What was the later Capital of Gurjara
Pratihara kingdom?

A) Avanti
b) Kannauj
d) Bharuch
d) Bhojpal ( Bhopal)
Who adopted the title of “Adivaraha”?

A) Nagabhata I
b) Vatsraja
c) Bhoja I
d) Mahipala
• Founder – chandradeva
• Capital-kannauj
• Greatest ruler – Govind Chandra (114-1155)
• Title- vividh vidyavichar vachaspati
• Last great ruler- JAI CHANDRA (1170-1194)
• His daughter was sanyogita who married to prithviraj Chauhan
• In 1192 – he helped mohd. Ghori against Prithvi raj Chauhan in
2nd battle of tarain
• 1194- battle of chandawar – he was defeatd by mohd. Ghori
• Founder – Vasudeva
• Capital- shakhambari(near ajmer, rajasthan)
• AJMER was found by Ajayraj
• Ist great ruler – prithviraj 1
• 2nd great ruler – Prithvi raj Chauhan or Rai pithora
• He was the son of Someshwar
• 1191-Ist battle of tarain: he defated mohd. Gohri
• 1192- 2nd battle of tarain- he was defeated by gohri with the
help of jaichand
• Source- prithvirajraso by Chandra bardai
• Founder- moolraj I
• Capital- ANHILWAD
• Greatest ruler – BHIM 1(1022-1064)
• 1025- invasion of mehmood Ghaznavi in Gujrat – he
looted Somnath temple
• BHIM1 – he again built the temple with wood and stones
• Last great ruler – BHIM2 /moolraj 2- he defeated Mohd.
Gohri in mount abu ,rajasthan
• Founder- Gopal (750-770)
• Capital-munger bihar
• He was succeded by his Dharmapal (770-810)
• He built vikramshila university
• Buddhist monk – Haribhadra stayed in his court.
• Contemporary to pratiharas and palas
• Fopunder- dantivarman/ dantidurga
• Capital- Manyakheta
• He defeated chalukya ruler (kirtivarman ) and founded this dynasty
• Important: elephant caves are built by rashtrakutas
• Arab traveller AL MASOODI came to india during the
rule of rashtrakutas under INDRA III
• Founder- singhavishnu
• Capital- Kanchipuram
• First powerful ruler- narsimhavarman
• he built the temple of Mahabalipuram
• Narsimhavarman I defeated puleshkinII and after the war
assumed the title of VATAPIKONDA
• Location-Karnataka
• Capital-Badami
• Founder – pulakeshin I
• Ist great ruler – kirtivarman I
• Greatest ruler – pulshkein II
• He defeated harshavardhana at the bank of narmada river
• Data can be found from Aihole inscription
• Title- parmeshwara
• Last ruler –kirtivarman II
• Founder – vijaylaya (850-887)
• Location-tamil nadu
• Capital- Tanjore
• He captured tanjore and tanjawur and took the titlt of narkesari
• 1st great ruler – Aditya I
• 2nd great ruler – Rajaraja I(985-1014)
• He attacked srilanka and defeated the
ruler of srilanka – Mahindra V
• He conqured arabian sea
• He also ruled over the ganges region of north india
• and took the title of GANGAIKONDA CHOLA
Which among the following is the most
frequently mentioned tax in the
inscription of Cholas who ruled in Tamil
A) Vetti
(b) Kadamai
(c) Thari
(d) Manai
The rulers of which of the following
dynasties built the Khajuraho temples
between 950 to 1050 A.D in the central
(a) Gurjara-Pratihara Dynasty
(b) Rashtrakuta Dynasty
(c) Pala-Dynasty
(4) Chandela Dynasty
In south, who was the founder of the
dynasty called Rashtrakuta dynasty?
(a) Gopala
(b) Nagabhatta
(c) Dantidurga
(d) Vijayalaya
Which of the following languages did
Amoghavarsha write Kavirajamarga?
(a) Tamil
(b) Sanskrit
(e) Kannada
(d) Telugu
Nagabhatta I was the founder of which of
the following dynasties?
(a) Pala
(b) Gurjara Pratihara
(c) Chola
(d) Hoysala
Which of the following schools of temple
architecture was developed by the
Chandela dynasty?
(a) Solanki
(b) Dravidian
(c) Odisha
(d) Khajuraho
Rani ki Vav, built in the 11th century CE is
a stepwell located in the Indian state of
(a) Madhya Pradesh
(b) Rajasthan
(c) Gujarat
(d) Uttar Pradesh
The Vikramshila University was built
during the rule of which of the following
(a) Pallava
(b) Pala
(c) Chola
(d) Chalukya
The Barabati Fort built by the Ganga
dynasty is situated in the Indian state
(a) Karnataka
(b) Telangana
(c) Madhya Pradesh
(d) Odisha
______ represents the high point of an
eclectic art, which, in the 7th and 8th
centuries under the Chalukya dynasty,
achieved a harmonious blend of
architectural forms from northern and
southern India.
(a) Kochi
(b) Pattadakal
(c) Konark
(d) Bhimbetka
Is a style of architecture that incorporates
elements of Nagara and Dravidian styles
(a) Toran
(b) Sanhita
(c) Vesar
(d) Prashasti
Ashvaghosha was a poet in the court of
(a) Kanishka
b) Chandragupta Maurya
(c) Harshavardhana
(d) Ashoka
Which of the following dynasties is not
related to southern india?
(a) Chola dynasty
(b) Pandya dynasty
(c) Cher dynasty
(d) Chauhan dynasty
Which of the following dynasties
patronised the construction of the
Kailashnath temple at Ellora?
(a) Chaulukya
(c) Solanki
(d) Gupta
Who among the following is the founder
of the Sunga dynasty?
(a) Devabhuti
(b) Agnimitra
(c) Bhagabhadra
(d) Pushyamitra
King Harshavardhan ascended the throne
of Thaneshwar and Kannauj on the death
of his brother, _____ ?
A) Indravardhan
b) Suryavardhan
c) Rajyavardhana
d) Chandravardhan
During the reign of which of the following
kings did Chinese traveller Xuanzang visit
India ?

A) Harshavardhana
b) Prabhakara Vardhana
c) Chandragupta Maurya
d) Ashoka
The Harshacharita is a biography of
Harshavardhana, the ruler of Kannauj,
composed in Sanskrit by his court poet,
____ ?

A) Dandin
b) Kalidas
c) Banabhatta
d) kalhna
Who among the following defeated
HarshaVardhan in 618 CE ?

A) Chandragupta I
b) Pulakeshin II
c) Pushyamitra
d) Alexander
Who was the founder of the Gurjara
Pratihara Dynasty?

A) Nagabhata I
b) Vatsraja
c) Bhoja I
d) Mahipala
What was the Initial Capital of Gurjara
Pratihara kingdom?

A) Avanti
b) Kannauj
d) Bharuch
d) Bhojpal ( Bhopal)
What was the later Capital of Gurjara
Pratihara kingdom?

A) Avanti
b) Kannauj
d) Bharuch
d) Bhojpal ( Bhopal)
Who adopted the title of “Adivaraha”?

A) Nagabhata I
b) Vatsraja
c) Bhoja I
d) Mahipala


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