DMD 400 Empathize

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DMD 400 User Personas (2) Ryan Terry

User Persona 1

• Overview
o Name – Brittany Allen
o Occupation – Stay at home mom/DIY Influencer
o Family – Married with 2 children under 5 (1 and 4) and a dog.
o Demographics – Caucasian, Upper Middle class, lives in Louisiana
• A Day in the Life
o A typical day for your persona
 Up by 5:30AM making breakfast for family. Pack lunch for Spouse. Wake
children and spouse at 6:15AM. Dress kids at 7:15-7:30AM. Drop off 4-
year-old at Preschool by 8AM and home by 8:30AM. DIY project filming
till 10AM, then morning nap time for baby and editing until noon.
Lunchtime! Afternoon walk with baby and dog from 12:30PM to 1:30PM.
Afternoon nap for baby and cleaning/laundry until 2:30PM. Pick up 4-
year-old by 3PM. Home by 3:30PM and playtime with kids and dog. Start
dinner at 4-4:30PM. Dinner at 5-5:30PM. At 6, bath time and reading time
with kids. Kids in bed by 7:30-8PM. Clean up, relax time and shower
before 9:30PM. Rinse and Repeat. Weekends DIY time and cleaning are
family outings, family time, DIT research and supply shopping.
• Work Activities
o Job description/role at work
 DIY Influencer and stay at mom.
• Household and Leisure Activities
o What they do when they're not at work
 Work on new DIY activities or clean.
• Goals, Fears, and Aspirations
o Concerns about personal, professional, recreational life
 Goals - being a great parent, to reach more people and get more followers,
having time to help children learn and develop and keeping everyone
 Fears – being a terrible parent, failing as an influencer, causing issues with
spouse, and having unhealthy lifestyle.
 Aspirations – being a paid influencer, losing weight at own pace, creating
a happy family life.
• Computer Skills, Knowledge, and Abilities
o Background of computer and other technology use
 Knowledge in editing videos, working social media, using apps, and a
basic understanding of social media analytics.
• Market Size and Influence
o How important is this persona to the domain and market you are targeting.
 2.4 percent of parents (out of ~83 million) just under 2 million
DMD 400 User Personas (2) Ryan Terry
 There are 3.2M – 37.8M Influencers in the world
• Technology Attributes
o What does this persona typically do with technology now?
 Editing videos, uploading to social media, doing research on DIY projects,
going over social media analytics.
• Technology Attitudes
o Are they confident, skeptical, etc?
 Confident in editing, social media, and research.
• Communicating
o How does this persona communicate with others?
 Through social media and texting/calling.
• International Considerations
o What is this persona's international experience?
 Mostly through other influencers in the DIY scene, and bloggers.
• References
o Source materials for this persona. Should be at least three quality sources
(published, personal interview, observations)
 https://journals-sagepub-
DMD 400 User Personas (2) Ryan Terry
User Persona 2

• Overview
o Name – Jason Williams
o Occupation – Full-time Student and Full-time grocery store employee
o Family – Lives on campus but has parents and 3 siblings in the same town.
o Demographics – African American, Gen Z, parents in upper middle class but self
in low class on student income.
• A Day in the Life
o A typical day for your persona
 Up by 7AM, and at breakfast hall by 7:30AM. Classes from 8-11:45AM.
Lunch at noon and at work from 1PM- 9PM. Home by 9:30-10PM. Study
from 10PM-12AM. For MWF.
 T/TH work from 5AM-9AM, quick breakfast on the way to 9:30AM class.
Class till noon, and then lunch and class from 1-2PM. Study from 3-8PM
with dinner in between, then bed.
 Weekends, work Saturday from 5AM-12PM. Then head to parent’s house
for the rest of the weekend, mixing in study time and time with friends.
• Work Activities
o Job description/role at work
 Grocery store worker, stocks shelve and works in produce department.
• Household and Leisure Activities
o What they do when they're not at work
 Hangout with family, friends, classmates, and hit the gym when there is
extra time. Goes to college sports events with friends on weekends.
• Goals, Fears, and Aspirations
o Concerns about personal, professional, recreational life
o Personal – Graduate school, fear of not having enough time or failing, staying
healthy and happy.
o Professional – Goal to get into law school after graduating, aspires to pass the bar,
fears failing in law school.
o Rec. – Goal to maintain healthy work/life balance, fears missing friends/family
when growing up, aspires to join recreational club sport.
• Computer Skills, Knowledge, and Abilities
o Background of computer and other technology use
 Has taken online classes, especially during covid lockdown, uses it for
personal social media outlets, and has had math classes for statistics and
accounting using computer programs
• Market Size and Influence
o How important is this persona to the domain and market you are targeting.
 approximately 19.6 million college students in the U.S. in 2019, with
around 14.5 million enrolled in public colleges and a further 5.14 million
students enrolled in private colleges
DMD 400 User Personas (2) Ryan Terry
 43 percent of all full-time undergraduate students and 81 percent of part-
time students were employed while enrolled
 up to 45% of college students will exercise more than three times per
• Technology Attributes
o What does this persona typically do with technology now?
 Classes, research, social media, math classes.
• Technology Attitudes
o Are they confident, skeptical, etc?
 Confident on class side of computers. Skeptical of social media and apps.
• Communicating
o How does this persona communicate with others?
 Meeting in person for events, tagging people on social media at events,
and texting/FaceTime.
• International Considerations
o What is this persona's international experience?
 Through social media and international students/friends in dorms and
• References
o Source materials for this persona. Should be at least three quality sources
(published, personal interview, observations)

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