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Empowering Learning through

Automated Assessments

Mentored by
Madhu Vadlamani
Problem Statement:
Teachers face challenges in efficiently
checking homework completion and
assessing student understanding, while
students often lack personalized feedback
to address learning gaps. Traditional
methods are time-consuming and may not
effectively evaluate comprehension levels.
There's a need for a solution that simplifies
the assessment process for teachers and
provides tailored feedback to students for
improved learning outcomes.
● A survey conducted by the National Education
Association found that 72% of teachers
consider grading homework to be a significant
source of stress.
● Research from the Pew Research Center
indicates that 87% of teachers believe that
personalized learning improves student
● According to a study by the Bill & Melinda Gates
Foundation, 60% of students say they would be
more motivated if they received feedback that
helped them understand their mistakes.
1. Teachers: Require a more efficient way to
assess student work and provide targeted
2. Students: Seek personalized feedback to
identify areas for improvement and enhance
3. School Administrators: Aim to optimize
teaching methods and student performance.
4. Parents: Interested in monitoring their child's
academic progress and receiving updates on
their strengths and weaknesses.
Present Scenario:
Currently, teachers rely on manual methods to
assign and grade homework, which can be
time-consuming and may not provide detailed
insights into student comprehension. Feedback to
students often lacks personalization and may not
effectively address individual learning needs.
There is an opportunity to leverage AI technology
to revolutionize the assessment process,
providing teachers with tools to streamline
grading and offering students personalized
feedback to enhance their learning experience.
Teachers UI enables Students can
take tests and
Proposed Solution:
teachers to add
textbooks and access receive
student analytics. personalized

An AI-powered homework and assessment

platform that allows teachers to upload
course materials and generate assignments UI built with
based on the topics covered in class. React.

Students complete these assignments Secure and fast

online, and the platform utilizes GPT 3.5 server
empowered by
model to assess their understanding and Django.
provide personalized feedback. This
solution aims to simplify the assessment
process for teachers while offering students
valuable insights into their learning
The GPT 3.5 Model is
Student and used to generate
teacher details are assignments
stored in MongoDB
1. Course Material Upload: Teachers can upload course materials, including
lectures, presentations, and reading materials.
2. Topic Selection: Teachers select the topics covered in class for assignment
3. AI-Generated Assignments: The platform uses GPT 3.5 model to generate
assignments based on selected topics.
4. Student Submissions: Students complete assignments online and submit
them through the platform.
5. AI Assessment: AI algorithms assess student submissions to provide
immediate feedback on comprehension levels.
5.Personalized Feedback: Students receive personalized feedback
highlighting areas of strength and areas for improvement.
6.Progress Tracking: Teachers can track student progress over time
and identify trends in learning outcomes.
7.Analytics Dashboard: Provides insights into overall class
performance and individual student achievements.
8.Communication Tools: Facilitates communication between
teachers, students, and parents regarding assignment feedback and
progress updates.




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