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SECTION P: PARTNERSHIPS ZIMCARE Trust will ensure that all its'bartners sign agreement forms binding themselves to abide by the condition of this Child Safeguarding Policy ifthe partners do not have their own child safeguarding policy. In the event that the partner is not willing to abide by this policy, the partner should develop their own child safeguarding policy as a condition for partnership i) The Child Safeguarding policy shall be the principal point of reference to any agreement that may be entered into with all ZIMCARE Trust partners No part of this policy shall be compromised in negotiations for partnership. ii) ZIMCARE Trust has a right to partners with regards to criminal records. ZIMCARE Trust has the right to terminate any partnership if the partner violates any of the conditions in this policy v) Partners are supposed to educate their personnel on the principles in this policy before they are in contact with ZIMCARE Trust vi) Partners are not allowed to make any publications about y ZIMCARE Trust without permission to do so. ‘ vii) Any misrepresentation of information about ZIMCARE Trust will result in termination of the partnership. make background check of all This policy is recommended for approval by: fletn eects RE Trust Council —! ANNEX A: CASE REPORT AND REFERRAL FORM Child's name:... -Date of birth: \ose legal responsibility: Details of concern: what, who, where, when (including child's words if possible): Alleged Perpetrator's details (if known): Age... eer Employment details Nature of job:.. Identify if ZIMCARE TRUST or partner agent cy is the employe! Relationship, if any, to child:.... Current location of alleged perpetrator Current safety of child including location Has emergency medical attention been Referral to police (if not, why not?) Yes/No..... Referral to Local Authority for child protection Avelfare Yes/No... Other action required to ensure child not at further risk from alleged Perpetrator ral for medical treatment/ to meet health needs ADULT at RISK FEGUARDING POLICY SAFEGUARRRYS ZIMCARE TRUST Ab al AS SAFEGUARDING POLICY ADULT at RISK SAFEGUARDING POLICY Functional Area: Adult at Risk Safeguarding Policy Organisation: ZIMCARE Trust Approved by: ZIMCARE Council Date of Approval: December 2023 Date of next review: 2026 Language: English Applicable to: ZIMCARE Trust Related policies: Global Code of Conduct Procedures: Reporting and Responding to Adults with Intellectual Disability in ZIMCARE Trust Strategy: Adult at Risk Safeguarding Policy, Global Implementation Strategy 2023 to 2026 Corporate Contact: THE DIRECTOR TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS. .ssssocssesssssssssssssesstsneeseentsenstn ii INTRODUCTION | VISION.. I MISSION 2 SECTION A: BASIS OF ZIMCARE TRUST ADULT AT RISK POLICY.........ccsccscseseeseseeneeeseeesseeeneneneneene Beneficiaries under the Adult at Risk Policy. Whistle Blowing SECTION B: SCOPE OF THE ZIMCARE TRUST ADULT AT RISKSAFEGUARDING POLICY.............cccccsscsssseeeneetensensententenneenses DEFINITIONS UNDER THE ADULT AT RISK SAFEGUARDING POLICY... Adult at Risk. Adults with Intellectual Challenge: Sexual abuse. Psychological or Emotional abuse. Exploitation... Neglect and negligent treatmen Financial or material abus. Discriminatory abuse. Peer on Peer Abuse............. Institutional / Organisational abuse. Adult safeguarding. ZIMCARE Staff... SECTION D: RESPONSIBILITIES FOR THOSE COVERED BY THE SCOPE OF THE ADULT AT RISK SAFEGUARDING POLICY..... SECTION E: ZIMCARE MANAGERS ADULT AT RISK SAFEGUARDING FOCAL POINTS' RESPONSIBILITIES........... SECTION F: PERSONAL CONDUCT OUTSIDE WORK OR ASSOCIATION WITH ZIMCARE...... SECTION G: IMPLEMENTATION, MONITORING AND SANCTIONS. SECTION H: OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES. SECTION I: RISK ASSESSMENT AND MITIGATION SECTION J: BEHAVIOUR PROTOCOLS... SECTION K: PHOTOS, VIDEOS AND STORIES PROTOCOLG...... SECTION L: REPORTING STRUCTURE...... SECTION M: SAFE RECRUITMENT AND CONTRACT OFFERS... SECTION N: EDUCATION AND TRAINING. : SECTION O: IMPLEMENTATION STRATEGIE SECTION P: PARTNERSHIPS... Annex A: Case Report and Referral form. Annex B: Adult safeguarding principles. idelines.. . Workshop Safety Guide! aay een <: WROCEDURES FOR CONDUCTING F VISITS... AT RISK seu ING POLICY INTRODUCTION ZIMCARE Trust is anon-profit making organization registered under the Private Voluntary Organization ACT (Chapter 17.05) with the mandate of caring and creating an enabling learning environment for children and adults with intellectual challenges in Zimbabwe. We fulfil the above roles through social protection programmes, which include among other things, education, rehabilitation and social transfers inl4Centres of which 12 centres have children and 2 centres are sorely adult centres. This policy being specific to Adults with Intellectual Disabilities, they will be referred to as adults at risk, adults with intellectual disabilities or simply adults. People with intellectual disabilities are generally at risk of all-types of abuse hence the need for prevention interventions aiming to teach them new skills. Risk factors include poor social skills and poor judgement, poor communication skills, physical dependence (for example need for help with personal hygiene and intimate body care),a lack of education about appropriate sexual behaviour, as well as lack of knowledge about how to defend against abuse. People with intellectual disabilities have been educated or reinforced to be compliant, and as a result lack practice in making independent decisions in everyday life. Adults with intellectual disabilities are also at high risk of abuse, and often from their peers hence prevention of abuse should target everyone who comes into contact with the adults with intellectual disabilities including med by the instruments such as the United their peers. Our vision is infor VISION To be the leading Private Voluntary Organization in the creation of an enabling environment in which learning and care programmes are tailor- made to suit the special needs of persons who are intellectually challenged so that they can acquire and use life skills. MISSION To facilitate an environment in which all learning and care programmes are anchored on individual needs so that each person is assisted to excel within his or her abilities. ADULT AT RISK. @ ) — ‘SAFEGUARDING POLICY SECTION A: BASIS OF ZIMCARE TRUST ADULT AT RISK POLICY International human rights instruments Constitutional provisions National Disability Policy of Zimbabwe Principles (See Annex B for fuller explanation): - Adults are encouraged to make their own decisions and are provided with support and information (Empowerment). - Strategies are developed to prevent abuse and neglect that promotes resilience and self-determination (Prevention). =. A proportionate and least intrusive response is made balanced = with the level of risk (Proportionality). - Adults are offered ways to protect themselves, and there is a coordinated response to adult safeguarding (Protection). - Local solutions through services working together within their communities (Partnerships). - Accountability and transparency in delivering a safeguarding response (Accountability). Beneficiaries under the Adult at Risk Policy The policy beneficiaries referred to as “adult at risk” refer to: - Alllearners within ZIMCARE Trust who are 18 years and older who may be in junior centres or adult centres. For the purposes of filling out the referral form in case of an incident the form attached as annex A in the Policy shall be used. Project Participants in both junior and adult centres. e elderly who are resident in the institutions. rust covers vocational work and understands that there are gated hence safety guidelines should be pinned to the wall ommitted to hence the need to maintain a “Safe Workplace” realising the need for all kinds of Proofing to ensure the adult at risk is protected from all kind of harm such as open electricity cables. Other safety concerns need to be considered such as mitigating risks and hazards and ensuring all are Protected from such hazards, for example unpainted asbestos. ZIMCARE Trust endeavours to ensure overall quality of life for adults at risk by holistically looking at safeguarding to ensure observance of human rights and provision of overall care to meet the right to life and development. By adhering to the key standards enshrined in the national disability policy, all stakeholders including parents / guardians, staff members, associates and government departments work closely to ensure health promotion and Prevention of abuse. Whistle Blowing Policy Whistle blowing encourages and enables employees to raise serious concerns within the organization rather than overlooking a problem or “blowing the whistle” outside. Employees are often the first to realize that there is something seriously wrong within the organisation. However, they may not express their concerns as they feel that speaking up would be disloyal to their colleagues or to the organisation. ZIMCARE Trust is committed to the highest possible standards of openness, probity and accountability. In line with that commitment, employees who have serious concerns about any aspect of the Organization's work are expected to come forward and voice those concerns. The policy applies to all employees (including those designated as casual hours, temporary, agency or authorized Volunteers), and those contractors working for the organisation on the Premises, for example, agency staff, builders, drivers. It also covers Suppliers and those providing services under a contract with the Organisation. Policy Aims ; ; * Provision of avenues for you to raise concerns in confidence an receive feedback on any action taken. ADULT AT RISK ___ SAFEGUARDING poLIcy —_ 4 )—— Ensure that you receive a response to your concerns and that you are aware of how to pursue them if you are not satisfied. Reassure you will be protected from possible reprisals or victimization if you have a reasonable belief that you have madea disclosure in good faith. e Disclosure related to miscarriage of justice. e Health and safety risks, including risks to the public as well as other employees. Damage to the environment. The unauthorized use of public funds. Possible fraud and corruption. Sexual or physical abuse of clients. Other unethical conduct. Safeguards ZIMCARE Trust recognizes that the decision to report a concern can be a difficult one to make. If what you are saying is true, you should have nothing to fear because you will be doing your duty to your employer and those for whom you provide a service. ZIMCARE Trust will not tolerate any harassment or victimization and will take appropriate action to protect you when you raise a concern in good faith. Confidentiality papeoncens Al be treated in confidence and every effort will be made meee ee if you so wish. This policy encourages you Ir name to i nas thatyou your concern, whenever possible. Please test disclose the information in g00d faith. st believe it to be substantially true. maliciously or make fals. i e allegatio: any personal gain. . a How To Raise Your Concern Asa first you should normally raise concerns either verbally or in writin; with your immediate supervisor/manager. This may depend however en the seriousness and sensitivity of the issue involved and who is suspected of the malpractice. For example, if you believe that management is involved you should approach a more senior level of management. Financial allegations require that the Finance Officer shall be notified of allfinancial or accounting irregularities or suspected irregularities. SECTION B: SCOPE OF THE ZIMCARE TRUST ADULT AT RISK SAFEGUARDING POLICY The Adult at Risk Safeguarding Policy applies to all ZIMCARE Staff, Associates, Visitors and Managers, also referred to as adult carers, who must comply with its requirements and understand the sanctions that may be applied for any breach of the policy. It is intended that this policy will set a minimum global standard for all ZIMCARE staff, Associates and visitors and National Organizations. Where required by law or local practices, ZIMCARE as well as National Organizations may enhance the standards as set out in this policy. This commitment will be evidenced through signing the policy. This policy is guided bya set of principles that include; i) Ali adults at risk have equal rights to protection from abuse, exploitation and must be protected from hazardous and expired food stuff and inappropriate clothing from donors. ad ii) All adults with Intellectual challenges should have equality o} ity i i \d vocational training. opportunity in education and vocat! iii) All adults with intellectual disabilities should be cleats, 2 fulfil their potential, and inequality and discrimination shoul Cham erson. The adult at risk will , ac fact any B We will not discriminate against any ; Hs be treated with respect irrespective of gender, nationality be ADULT ATK onicy Ona iv) ethnic origin, religious or political beliefs, age, physical or men a health, gender identity, family, socio-economic and cultura) background or any history of conflict with the law. v) Everybody has responsibility to support the care and protection of adults with intellectual challenges. vi) Provision of accessible information to adults with Intellectual challenges and their parents or guardians about their fundamental rights as well as support services and facilities and other forms of assistance. vii) To promote self-reliance and independent living in adults with = Intellectual challenges through vocational training. viii) These particular responsibilities extend to those individuals or organizations that are associated with ZIMCARE. Therefore, everyone working for or associated with ZIMCARE work must be aware of and adhere to the provisions of this policy. DEFINITIONS UNDER THE ADULT AT RISK SAFEGUARDING POLICY Adult at Risk - 2 a ek ay Person aged 18 years and older who may be at risk Ploitation due to their dependence or reliance on others decision-making capaci ii pacity is impaired and/ or they do not ha ve the Adults with Intellectual Chi area. tnt : allenges — eae aie mp boesent functioning, rena ee ene aaa ee intellectual functioning, existin, eresee nad, Dy adaptive skill areas, erence, Sancre Of the: following: aponeen” . ication, self-care, home living, ceo able > ‘al skills, 2 — a self direction, health and safety, functional academics, leisure, and work. Intellectual challenges manifest themselves before the age of 18. Abuse - is a form of maltreatment of a person. Somebody may abuse or neglect a person by inflicting harm, or by failing to act to prevent harm. Abuse contains all forms of physical, emotional ill treatment and sexual exploitation, neglect or negligent treatment, commercial or other exploitation of an adult and includes any actions that result in actual or potential harm to an adult. Physical abuse — is defined as the actual or Potential physical harm Perpetrated by another person. It may involve hitting, shaking, Poisoning, drowning or burning. Sexual abuse ~ involves forcing an adult at risk to take part in sexual activities, not necessarily involving a high level of violence, whether or not the adult is aware of what is happening. Without their voluntary and informed consent and may also include sexual activity where one Party is in a position of trust, Power or authority. This may include, but is not limited to, rape, oral sex, penetration, or non-penetrative acts such as masturbation, kissing, rubbing and touching. Psychological or Emotional abuse — is defined as persistent emotional maltreatment that impacts on an adult's emotional development. Emotionally abusive acts include restriction of movement, degrading, humiliating, bullying (including cyber bullying), and threatening, scaring, discriminating, ridiculing or other non-physical forms of hostile or rejecting treatment. It also includes behaviour that has an adverse effect on an individual's mental well-being, exclusion from group or marginalization, denial of access to social contact, cultural or religious observance or possessions, disregard of choice and consent and verbal abuse. This is behaviour that has a harmful effect on the Person's emotional health and development or any form of mental Cruelty that result in: mental distress, the denial of basic human and civil rights such as self-expression, privacy and dignity negating the right of ADULT AT Risk. SLE our the adult to make choices and undermining their self esteem, tation — either opportunistically or premeditated, unfairly Exploi for profit or personal gain. manipulating someone d negligent treatment — is defined as the persistent failys k's basic physical and /or psychological needs, which is likely to result in serious impairment of the adult's physical, spiritual, moral and mental development. It includes the failure to properly supervise and protect the adults from harm and provide for nutrition, shelter and safe living/working conditions. Neglect an to meet an adult at ris Financial or material abuse - is denying an individual the benefit of their own resources. It includes: Theft, misappropriation or withholding of money, possessions or property; Pressure, by threat or persuasion, to influence wills, inheritance, property or financial transactions; and Denying access to care or accommodation for financial reasons. It is contrary to professional standards for staff to lend or borrow money from individuals for whom they care. Discriminatory abuse - involves the prejudicial treatment of an individual on the basis of group identity. It includes: Racism; Sexism; Ageism; Disability discrimination; Religious intolerance; A lack of reasonable effort to enable the adult to communicate in the language or medium most appropriate to them. ae ean -may include: Bullying of all forms; Gender based Mees ee assaults; Sexting and 'upskirting'; Physical abuse such as eee ae ee hair rol or otherwise causing physical nN procedures with abuse and such matters are always supposed to poe Maes ee S| Institutional / Organisational abuse ice within an instituti ~ includes negle stitution or specific care setting, a he Been care ° relation to 3 = rey ©) —— one off incidents to ongoing ill-treatment. It can be through neglect or poor professional practice as a result of the structure, Policies, processes and practices within an organisation. Organisational abuse occurs when the routines, systems and regimes of an institution result in poor or inadequate standards of care and poor practice which affects the whole setting and denies, restricts or curtails the dignity, privacy, choice independence or fulfilment of vulnerable adults. Institutional abuse most likely to occur when staff: Receive little support from management; Are inadequately trained; Are poorly supervised and poorly supported in their work; and Receive inadequate guidance. The risk of abuse is also greater in institutions with poor management, too few staff, rigid routines and inflexible practices, institutions which do not use person-centred care plans and where there is aclosed culture. Adult safeguarding — is defined in this policy as the responsibility, preventative, responsive measures and activities that ZIMCARE Trust undertakes to safeguard adults under care ensuring that no adult at risk is subjected to abuse as a result of their association or contact with ZIMCARE Staff, Associates and Visitors. In addition, it incorporates its responsibility to ensure that where there are concerns over‘an adult at risk's welfare or where the adult has been subjected to abuse, actions are taken to address the situation and concerns are reported and responded to appropriately and in line with the relevant global and local procedures. In addition incidents are also analyzed so as to ensure continued learning and growth in the field of organisational adult at risk protection. ZIMCARE Staff - refers to individuals who receive a regular salary for working in any institution of ZIMCARE Trust. ZIMCARE Associates - refers to a range of paid and non-paid individuals who have committed to work with or support ZIMCARE. It includes among others, members of boards, volunteers, including % ‘ fs community volunteers, interns, sponsors, researchers, dono! UT AT RISK: ING POLICY !~ consultants, contractors, staff and or representatives of organizations and local governments (when Operating in patent agreement with ZIMCARE). Ship ZIMCARE Visitors - refers to a range of persons who are Visiting oy, programmes and may come into contact with adults through ZIMCARE including journalists, media, researchers, and celebrities. : ZIMCARE Managers - refers to ZIMCARE Staff members who haye responsibility for supervising the work of other staff members ang running the centre. SECTION C: ZIMCARE VISION FOR ADULT AT RISK SAFEGUARDING ZIMCARE provides safe environments for adults at risk in all aspects of its work whether fundraising or programme implementation, where the adults are respected, protected, and empowered. SECTION D: RESPONSIBILITIES FOR THOSE COVERED BY THE SCOPE OF THE ADULT AT RISK SAFEGUARDING POLICY. Everyone who works / engages with ZIMCARE has a responsibility to ensure that adults with intellectual challenges are protected. The responsibilities detailed below are mandatory for all who fall within the scope of the policy. i) ZIMCARE Managers, Staff, and its Associates must sign to confirm their consent to the demands of the Policy : ii) Never abuse and/or exploit an adult with intellectual disability or tave in any way that places the adult at risk at harm. dult at risk abuse and safeguarding concerns they iv) ”) vii) viii) x) have in accordance with applicable local office Procedures and this policy. Respond to an adult who may have been abused or exploited in accordance with applicable local office Procedures and this policy. Cooperate fully and confidentially in any investigation of concerns or allegations of abuse concerning an adult at risk. Contribute to building an environment where adults with intellectual disabilities are respected and encouraged to discuss their concerns and rights. Always treat adults with intellectual disabilities in a manner which is respectful of their rights, integrity and dignity considering their best interests and which does not expose them to or place them at risk of harm, For example, when taking images or pictures during visit, interacting with these adults or generating stories of adults ensure that this is done in a manner consistent with appropriate ZIMCARE policies and Procedures. Never ask for or accept personal contact details (this includes email, phone numbers, social media contacts, address, webcam, Skype etc) from any adult at risk or family associated or formerly associated with ZIMCARE's work or share their own personal contact details with such individuals. Never disclose, or support the disclosure of, information that identifies sponsored families or adults through any medium which include among others print, photographs and social media. Unless that disclosure is in accordance with standard ZIMCARE policies and procedures and or has the explicit consent of ZIMCARE. Never make any contact with an Adult at risk or family associated with ZIMCARE work that is not supervised by a (or another) member of ZIMCARE Staff. Such contact may include butis not limited to visits and/ or any form of communication via social media, emails and letters. Comply with behaviours detailed in ZIMCARE Global Code of SECTION E: ZIMCARE MANAGERSADULT a, FEGUARDING FOCAL POINTS'RESPONSIBILITiEs Sk SA CARE Managers must ensure that, whilst engage wi i) All ZIM E, Associates sign the Adult at Risk Safeguarding Poly ZIMCAR' CARE Managers must ensure that each ZIMCARE centr, local procedures that are consistent with this Adult, g Policy and with the document Reporting ang Responding to Adult Safeguarding Issues in ZIMCARE to respong to incidents of Adults with intellectual disabilities abuse. Local procedures should be developed with the assistance of loca| advisers in accordance with Local law. It should be ensured that rocedures are made available in local this policy and local p languages and Adults with intellectual disability-friendly formats. ii) AZIM has in place Risk Safeguardin iii) All ZIMCARE Managers must ensure that ZIMCARE Staff members who have reported safeguarding concerns are given appropriate care, support and protection in dealing with all aspects of the case including any safety concerns and potential reprisals which may arise from the incident or from the reporting of such concerns. ADULT AT RISK SAFEGUARDING FOCAL POINT ZIMCARE Trust shall engage the services of safeguarding officers who will be adult at risk safeguarding focal points. Where there are no safeguarding officers stationed at a school/ centre it is the duty of Zimcare Managers to report cases of abuse to responsible authorities by working closely with safeguarding committee members at the school. cae, ener as well as Safeguarding Committee rust shall be assigned to ensure thi icy i é M this pol iserrented appropriately. Safeguarding Ohlicws ing Chairpersons (where there are no officers) shall be :ppointed to be the Safeguarding Focal Points to serv are stationed at. The responsibilities of the focal poi following; ice the centres they ints shall include the i) Allcases to be recorded in writing. ii) Ensureall cases are treated with confidentiality iii) Ensure all records are kept ina secure place. iv) Assesall cases before making referrals vy) Make the appropriate referral immediately after assessment vi) Ensure the adult receives the required services in the earliest time possible. vii) Ensure the victim is taken to place of safety after a case has been reported. viii) Make a report to the ZIMCARE Head Office within 24 hours ix) Offer counselling to the victim and guardians of the victim. x) Ensure the alleged perpetrator has been reported to the police. xi) Assist the victim in the legal process e Chief Safeguarding Officer shall oversee the functions of the ing officers and safeguarding chairpersons in the oa a in handling cases of contravention of the policy. he e involved in contravening the policy, the matter wi attention of the Administrator. rm is provided inthe annexure A SECTION F: PERSONAL CONDUCT OUTSIDE WORK oR ASSOCIATION WITH ZIMCARE ZIMCARE does not dictate the belief and value systems by which ZIMCARE Staff, Associates, Visitors and Managers conduct their personal lives. However, actions taken by them out of working hours that are seen to contradict this policy will be considered a violation of this policy. - ZIMCARE Staff, Associates, Visitors and Managers are required to bear in mind the principles of the Adult at Risk Safeguarding Policy and heighten their awareness of how their behaviour may be perceived both at work and outside work. : SECTION G: IMPLEMENTATION, MONITORING AND SANCTIONS tis Board of ZIMCARE Trust ultimately is accountable for this Policy. he Director and Managers are responsible for its implementation. The monitoring of adherence to this Policy is made through the mandatory tracking of the Policy Impl i ae Bee mentation Standards and Code of Conduct - 4P to and includi relations including contractual ding termination of all and partnershi oh : Ship a, iii) Where relevant — apPropriate legal o- Other s Rae ladies Such action, iS. est Of Sta; he Adult at Risk Sara “Tere there hag wd Point shall be cone SU2"ding paps been : © contacteg fi Policy the le necessary measures ac oh ey shall , anded 5. YY. ff, Associ the policy in ensuring the safe t D ty of the victii investigate i: i aan Tee amas an Policy by paxe ra habe a Sa eLaneytes eas SCRA IAG under ths iy i cokers ry CARE in accordance with disci lin . Daa ae in disciplinary or legal ld ‘atives and associates. ne Be aware that i iti with Se a ecnAe Rea Pout eee wy feeigaceeiinaact ility is raised, which proves to be unfounded on arent > action will be taken against the reporter. Hows pr e sanctions will be applied in cases of fals al accusations of abuse. repairs ico: ZIMCARE Trust will monitor fre . i quently (monthly)the implementati of this policy and keep Adult with intellectual ees registers updated. This policy will be reviewed eve is policy wil ry 3 years. This policy will be approved in December 2023 by ZIMCARE Trust Council Members ni eerie Management. SECTION H: OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES i) ZIMCARE Trust takes the responsibility to ensure that all those covered by the Policy are accountable and do not place themselves in positions where there is risk to allegations being made against them. ii) Where possible, meas! is present when working in the p! betaken. iii) Staff should work with adults at risk in public, OP environment. iv) Staff should ensure vy) Ifany other person ures to ensure that another staff member roximity of adults at risk should en and visible that thereare other peoplein the building. uired to work hired by ZIMCARE trust is real ADULTAT RIS icy

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