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Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing in response to your request for...., which appears in this month's edition...
I am writing to express my interest in your request for..., which appears on the website of...

Relevant experience
Active member of the.... at my university, where I am currently studying.... The aim of the society is to raise
awareness of environmental concerns amongst studients and within the local community. As well as
organizing debates on matters of local and global importance, we also publish monthly magazines to which I
regulary contribute

I believe that I am an excellent fit for this position, given my extensive background in the conversation and
sustainable development of the marine colonies in the Mediterranean Sea. I am really interested in exploring
Austrailian wildlife which is unique and extraordinay in its variety of species. It is the perfect place to
broaden my skills and it will benefit from my experience as well.

Separate paragraphs for each issue

The economy of my region is largery based on manufactures, services and the agrarian activity, linked
together and produced for the export of goods and services. And since it is lifely that many of your readers
live in areas with similar characteristics, I am sure they would be interested to read to about the problems
facing us. Last summer, for example, the petrol... spilling large quantities of oil into the sea with devastating
effects for marine wildlife and the

In addition, the industru here has recently come under heavy criticims from environmentals. The fast-
growing …. Readers who are unaware of this situation might learn a great deal from an article on it.

Expressing suitability and desire for the job:

I am convinced that issues like these would be of interest to people in other countries and I would very much
like to have the opportuniyu to write about them for your magazine.

I am confident that my backgrounf and career goals match your requirements. If you have any further
questions or require any additional documentation, please contact me using the above information.

I look forward to hearing from you (about the progress of the application.

Yours faithgully,

American Summer Camps
Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing in response to your request for summer camp instructors, which appears in this month's edition
of Global Education.

I believe that I am an excellent fit for this position due to my extensive background in the field of children
education. I am currently studying for a PhD in Sport, Education and Children at the University of Lleida,
with the aim of developing a specialized labour as an educator. Besides my previous experience in
mountaneering activities, I am an active instructor registred in the Catalan Pedadogy Society, where I receive
regular training in several centers, especially those hosting children in difficult familiar situations.

Throughout the last twenty years the issue of immigration in Spain has raised complex challenges of how to
achieve an healthy and not traumatizing transition for people immigrating, particularly children. In order to
fulfill this goal, educators from the mentioned society are required to work in team to seek the most creative
resources which allow us to gain trust from children by organizing some activities such as painting sessions,
team games or laugh-teraphy.

I am convinced that my skills would be of assistance to American Summer Camps and I would very much
like to have the opportuniy to work for you.

I looking forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully,

Dear Sir / Madam,
I am writing in response to your request for writers, which appears in this month's edition of 'Greenpeace'.

I believe that I am an excellent fit for this position due to my extensive background in the conservation and
sustainable development of the environment. I am an active member of 'Green Society' at my university,
where I am currently studying biology. The aim of the society is to raise awareness of environmental
concerns amongst students and within the local community. As well as organizing debates on matters of local
and global issues, we also publish the monthly magazine to which I regularly contribute.

The economy of my region is based on industry, services and agriculture and since it is likely that your
readers live in areas with similar characteristics, I am sure they would be interested to read about the
problems facing us. Last summer, for example, a river near the city was found in serious condition because
of toxic waste, with devastating effects for the fish life.

In addition, the local agriculture has been repeatedy acussed of commiting corporate malpractice related to
the storage of slurry. Because of the restrictions imposed by the government, the industries has not stopped
contaminating the earth with the accumulation of slurry and, consequently, cause a decreasing quality of life.
Readers who are unaware of this situation might learn a great deal from an article about it.
I am confident that issues like these would be of interest to people in other countries and I would very much
like to have the opportunity to write about them for your magazine.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully,
• A title is advisable.
• Think what your are trying to achieve and, in the introduction, DO give your reader and
indication of the structure of your review. You should also raise a question in your
reader's mind.
• Start a new paragraph for every item/aspect you are addressing in your review.
• Try to make it interesting by using a wide range of vocabulary: colourful, lively
language; comparisons to describe something; specialised topic vocabulary.
• DO give your assessment of what you are reviewing and DO NOT forget to cover all the
points mentioned in the task input.
• DO include a final recommendation or evaluation in the final paragraph.
Don't forget!
• The target reader is specified in the question, so the candidate knows not only what register
is appropriate, but also has an idea about the kind of information to include.
• Language of opinion (positive, negative), recommendation, description is necessary.

Useful language for a review

What I liked
• What I liked most was …..
• The thing I liked most was ….
• I was pleasantly surprised by …..
• ….. would appeal to …..
• If you get a chance to ….
What I disliked
• What I disliked most was …..
• I was disappointed by/with ……
Reviews of books
• main character
• is set in
• Fiction: science fiction / thriller / fantasy / mystery / historical / romance ...
• Non-fiction: cook book / travel book / textbook / manual / coffee-table book ...
• atmosphere / plot
• author
• written by
• chapter
• factual
• unbelievable
• bestseller
• ending
Reviews of concerts
• artist / band / musician / (bass/lead/rhythm) guitarist / (backing/lead) singer / drummer /
soloist / trio / orchestra
• auditorium / hall / venue / lyrics / (catchy) tune / score / gig
Reviews of exhibitions
• painting / sculpture / handicrafts
• gallery / catalogue / display
Reviews of films
• lead role
• star role
• star
• star actor/actress
• starring
• secondary role
• He plays a …….
• written by ….
• cast / director / producer
• is set in …..
• based on a true story …..
• believable
• true to life
• not very believable
• far-fetched
• (As for fiction books +): animation / adaptation / comedy
• Costumes / design / photography / script / special effects / soundtrack
• ending
Reviews of plays
• scene / act / set / stage / interval
Reviews of TV programmes
• Chat shows / current affairs programme / debate / documentary / series / soap opera/ sitcom
(situation comedy)
• Host / presenter
Reviews of hotels, restaurants, etc
• location
• service
• setting
• attractive / disappointing setting
• owned by
• run by
• head chef (restaurant)
• waiters (restaurant)
• staff …….
• staff at reception …….(hotel)
• hotel facilities ….
• reasonable prices …..
• good/excellent/poor value for money …..
• (a bit/somehow) expensive
• overpriced
• not worth the money
• always fully booked
• book in advance
• The script seemed rather conventional/predictable to me.
• The plot struck me as completely bizarre/absurd/incomprehensible
• The characters are appealing and true to life
• The dancers were quite brilliant/amateurish
• I would strongly encourage you not to miss/not to waste your money on...
• I would definitely recommend seeing/visiting/reading/having a look at ...
- See more at:
Review: Online English is fun!

From the time of our grandparents it was unthinkable that within a few years the education would go from a
nearly-illiterate learning method to a crazy brainstorming system, whose barriers would be erased by which
would become our daily obsession. It is called Internet.

Today's language learners crave for a funny method which help them to get in touch with other users
anywhere in the world. So I want to recommend two websites that might become your ideal tool to improve
your English. They are the popular 'WordReference' and the young 'Context Reverso', both of them can be
downloaded onto your smartphones as well.

WordReference is a great go-to online dictionary approved by teachers. It is the most useful for singular
words. Besides its intuitive features and its basic functions of every single dictionary, the true 'star' is the
forum where users from all over the world can interact to discuss, voice and clarify their doubts. Whereas
'Context Reverso' has no forum or grammar rules and just offers far better translations of sentences or
collocations with many possible alternatives. The bad news is that only an advanced-level learner could
really use it properly and know which result is the right one.

While the websites are both eye-chatching and surprisingly easy to use, WordReference is the best starting
point for the beginners. And be ready for leads of fun!

Not only does sport arouse great passions amongst the enthusiastics but also it is a multi-billion dollar
industry dominated by companys, governments and associations. In fact, sport is born thanks to the existence
of sponsorhips.

Seldom has a sports association managed to survive without third-party assistance. Subventions provided by
public administration are either insufficient or non-existent, in which case the involvement of business may
be of great assistance in the survival of sporting associations. Plus, without their aid the majority of local
communities would not be able to enjoy nice and entertaining events and, even less, to dream about seeing a
team lift some League Cup. Strange as it may sound, these things help not only encourage the local
community to start some sporting activity but also improve the local economy.

However, the teams might be under pressure from their own associations to achieve good results in order not
to lose sponsporships. Passion for their favourite sport may turn into a great dislike for anything related to it,
causing them to withdraw from the competition. Furthemore, business might interfere with the everyday
sporting life, exploiting it with a barrage of advertising and silly products. Another disadvantage is the
possible exploitation of certain players, who are used to fulfill their selfish interests and that can endanger
the team spirit.

In conclusion, I think that business ensures the survival of sport as long as the entrepreneurs do not interfere
with internal matters regarding the functioning of the teams and organizations.

Never did we imagine that the Internet would cause a significant impact on our everyday life. That a thing as
small as a smartphone would raise such an exciting debate: is our social life in danger?

While I do not deny the numerous advantages of using smartphone, the face-to-face with real people is
becoming a thing of the past. Twenty years ago, the alarm would ring if a boy who hardly said a word.
Because of his anti-social behaviour, he would be to see a psychologist in a snap. And today this similar
behaviour seem 'natural' to most of us. I get incredibly frustrated every time my daughter answer every
question of mine with a 'snort' without bothering to look up from her damn mobile. It seems that we are
being a nuisance, just because we want to exchange some words.

My attitude to the work technology is contradictory. In the one hand, I strongly appreciate the intuitive
design of the programmes plus its easy-to-use functions, which facilitate the organisation of my multiple
tasks. Even the e-mail allows me to mark the finished matters with a tag. But in the other hand, it is annoying
to find your own colleagues so focused on their smartphones or even on their work computers that in reality
are being used for personal interest. I get the disheartening feeling that for them the 'offline' world is non-

All of this leads me to the conclusion that mobile phones and computers kill conversation, even if is for
mundane topics.
PENELOPE CRUZ: a renowned actress beyond the borders

Penélope Cruz is a drop-dead gorgeous Spanish actress who emigrated to the United States, after being
called by Alejandro Aménabar to work in his remake 'Vanilla Sky along with Tom Cruise. While the movie
had not received good criticism the original one had, her dark beauty and her shy personality conquered the
Americans, more accostumed to the extravagant kind of celebrity.

It seems that Tom Cruise, one of the most desired actors by the female population, fell over with a splash
thanks to Penélope's naive charism. But it was not until gossip magazines announced their romance that
Penélope Cruz really shot to fame. Professionally, she was extremely lucky to have got Woody Allen's
attention as well. She can currently claim to be one of Almódovar and Allen' muses.

While I do not consider her an amazing actress though she has delivered steady perfomance in some movies,
it is her mysterious, mild-mannered and shy aura that attracts our attention. Plus I appreciate the fact that she
has never forgotten her birthplace, always mentioning the great virtues of Spain every time she is
interviewed even if she has not been living here for years. It is nice to check that she has been able to balance
fame and humility, another one of her good qualities.

I hope that we will see her soon at the cinema because she is now focused on her maternity along with her
current husband, Javier Bardem.
Attitudes to jobs in Spain
The purpose of this report is to examine the attitudes to various jobs in Spain during the past twenty years
and to identify factors according to the survey I conducted with a random selection of 500 residents. It will
also consider the likely future developments in job status.

The behaviour of civil society towards jobs

According to the results of the poll, ninety-two percent of people trust doctors, especially the ones practising
family medicine and investigation. Other highly trusted professions included teachers, firefighters,
paramedics and self-employed farmers. On the another hand, the jobs relegated to the bottom of the list are
the ones related to politics, banking and justice.

Factors of their attitudes

An overwhelming majority cited that the main cause of their distrust towards politicals, bankers and judges is
their lack of qualities required to work in service of society: honesty, impartiality and spirit of solidarity.
They stated that the financial crisis erupted because of their continuous unsupervised malpractice.

With regards to the trustworthy jobs, the arguments are more diverse and complex due to the disparity in the
nature of the stated professions. But all of them have a common factor: they put their trust in the honesty of
professionals who use their skills to save lifes, prevent diseases, provide an healthy education and offer
higuest quality products.

Future developments
As long as the financial crisis remains unsolved, the outlook will have minor changes. Only NGO might gain
few positions thanks to their active involvement in the environmental and emigration concerns.

Highford Academy's Multimedia Centre

The purpose of the report is to examine the student satisfaction with the facilities and classes at Highford
Academy's Multimedia Center and to make suggestions for improvements.
Profile of the student
The average year of the pupil is 25.5 years. Upper middle-class, urban citize who are particularly interested
in technology, language learning and leisure activities.
Current situation
According to an online survey that I conducted with 100 students, the majority state that they are satisfied
with the functioning of the courses which matches their initial requeriments. They rate the teachers very
highly, over 85 points. However, their main criticisms are of some obsolete courses and the latecomers who
cause delays in the beginning of the lessons.
It is generally thought that the self-study center, while useful, has two drawbacks. There are not enough
computers and headphones, all of which are usually occupied at peak times. The respondents also declare
that closing time at 7pm is detrimental to those ones attending the later classes because they cannot use the
centre at all.
In the light of the results, I would suggest the following measures:
• Reorganizing the classes, by erasing the obsolete courses and not allowing the latecomers enter until
the break.
• Purchasing more computers and headphones at the expanse of the hardly-used vending machines.
• Extending the opening times until 9 p.m.
If the suggested changes are implemented, it will be an better place to study.
Experience in the study-and-work-in-English program
The purpose of this report is to evaluate the learning program in which I personally participated during the
three first weeks of April 2016 and to make suggestions for improvements.

Language learning program

My three-week experience in London is summarized in two parts: studying English at 'Summer Cambridge
School' from 9 am to 12 pm and working as a cashier in a local supermarket from 3 pm to 6 pm.

The academic side is satisfying and interesting, thanks to the proactive learning method taught by the centre.
The aim is to provide students with both simple and elaborate tools in order to respond satisfactorily to the
daily situations. The best activity is called 'living library', based on going with the class to a place where
students would borrow books in human form for a fifteen-minute chat. The drawback is that it is just two
As regards to the afternoons, the job experience as a cashier has been fulfilling and productive thanks to the
face-to-face conversations with customers. Although it has two drawbacks: the awkward atmosphere
between workmates and the hostility of the manager, making my short experience very disturbing.

In the light of my experience, I would suggest some changes: extending the length of the 'living library'
sessions and ensuring that the required jobs for foreign students are accompanied by a friendly work
Lleida, An Interesting and Underrated City

Located on the western of Catalonia and overlooking the River Segre, Lleida is a great unknown
city despite its multiple delights. Architectural attractions, captivating traditions and mouth-
watering gastronomy are the heart of the peaceful cityscape, but it has no shortage in vibrant
weekend nighlife, especially in the area popularly known as 'the wines'.

Lovers of history and art will find a large number of architectural constructions, built over the
course of centuries, which offer an interesting view of different cultures: from Roman and Medieval
remains to actual pieces. Such as La Paeria, several Modernist buildings and the old cathedral of
the city. But the true attraction is La Seu Vella, a majestic Romanic-Gothic castle, located on a hill
overlooking the city.

To these must added unmatched natural landscapes which invite the visitors for walking or bicycle
tours: the Park of Mitjana, the romantic Camps Elisis and the lively promenade of River Segre.
While in the other side of the river, towards the center ciy, there is a long road, full of shops and
bakeries. Nicknamed Eix Comercial, it is one of the longest shopping streets in Europe.

Lleida is a great place for true gourmets, who can taste some of finest European wines and a rich
variety of Mediterranean dishes. The gastronomic star is the snail ('caragol' in Catalan), highly
appreciated by the internationally renowned Spanish chefs. 'Aplec of Caragol', a popular
gastronomic annual event, is well worth a visit.

The visitors always feel welcome by Lleida's warm hospitality.

Privacy is one the biggest problems in this technological age

Nowadays Internet is immersed in our lives. It has managed to surpass the communication
boundaries. But at the cost of the loss of a valuable thing: privacy. With the complicity of
governments and multinationals, the world is being increasingly exposed to harassment, fraud and

One way to protect your privacy would be to follow simple instructions set by Internet-security
experts. The main rule is to avoid entering true personal data for accounts and to generate long
multiple characters in the passwords. And it is equally necessary to use good tools (anti-virus,
firewall...) in order to combat identity theft and hacking.

Another important step is to be fully aware that no website is absolutely private. If the settings have
not checked thoroughly, the lives of the users may be exposed to the harassment and the wrong use
of their personal data, including photos and videos. It would certainly help the users if they check
the privacy settings to make their accounts less exposed, leaving them only available to their inner

One final suggestion, which would help enormously, is to manage the ads settings in each account.
So the advertisements will stop being 'tailored' according to their prior search queries, watched
videos, as well as other information associated with the account such as the age range or gender.

To sum up, there are several measures to ensure the privacy of the users. If they are aware about its value,
they will prevent governments and multinationals from controlling them through social media.
A group of Australian history students is coming to the UdL. You have been asked to write a report on three
cultural places for them to visit in Lleida or nearby.

Cultural program for the Australian history students

The purpose of this report is to present three recommendations on the cultural exchange program for the
Australian history students on 3 and 4 June 2016.

Profile of visiting student

The average age of the Australian visitor is 21.5 years. Upper middle-class, urban citizens who are especially
interested in the anthropology, ancient history and the coexistence between the city and the nature.

Popular cultural equipment in Lleida

According to the results of the survey among the foreign visitors to Lleida during the last five years, the top
five places are the following ones:
• the medieval site consisting of 'La Seu Vella' and the Castle of the King (also known as La Suda)
along with its fortress.
• the Museum of Lleida which houses the most important collection of the romanesque and gothic art.
• the Templar Castle of Gardeny.
• The city hall called the Paeria, dating back to the 12th century.
• the Carrer Major, one of the longest shopping streets in Europe.
Outside the city, there are some places which attracts a large proportion of visitors such as Arbeca (which
offers an interesting route of olive oil) or the Iberian fortress ubicated in Vilars.

Cultural planning
In the light of the profile of the visitor, I would advise a planning, starting with a route through the medieval
site consisting of La Seu Vella and La Suda, and then a visit to the Templar Castle of Gardeny during the
afternoon, and finally, a trip to the fortress of Vilars on the second day.
Journey into post-apocalyptic sci-fi

Producer Jason Rothenberg's television adaptation of Kass Morgan's novel The 100 is a mind
blowing post-apocalyptic adventure that will leave a lasting mark on the viewers.

Set ninety seven years after a devastating nuclear war wiped out almost all life, the show tells the
story of a hundred juvenile delinquents who are sent back to Earth in order to check if the planet is
habitable again. The 100, through the three seasons, asks each character critical and soul-searching
questions about what people do to survive. The show keeps us in the edge of our seats with a plot
full of shocking twists, a steady dialogue along with a fascinating mythology that cause an
avalanche of interesting theories and, lastly, a captivating atmosphere established by special effects.

While the performance of the cast is quite up to the same high standards being involved in such
genuinely interesting arcs, Eliza Taylor, the Australian actress who plays the main character Clarke,
deserves special recognition thanks to her powerful and impressive acting.

However just reading the mislabeled 'juvenile sci-fi' genre will dishearten more than one -specially the ones
who aren't considered as sci-fi fans-. It might be a fatal decision because, despite the overused cliches filling
a large part of the first season, the journey goes from pretty teenagers killing each other to a nuanced bleak
story of survival. In short, this show is not to be missed.


Ten-year-old Darling has a choice: it's down or out.

Sometimes shocking, often heartbreaking but also pushing with energy and humor, 'We Need New
Names' by the debutant NoViolet Bulawayo tells the story of Darling and her friends.

They all had proper houses with real rooms and furniture, but now they all live in a shanty called
Paradise. They spend the day stealing guavas, playing games and wondering how to get rid of
Chipo's baby. They dream of escaping to other countries. But if they escape, will these new lands
bring everything they wish for? Those questions will be answered by Darling in a distressing
second half of the book, where she finds out bitterly that the real America is far from being her ideal

Through the naive eyes of Darling, the writer has the ability to narrate with both candor and raw
honesty, the serious issues that people from Zimbabwe were forced to deal with under the
suffocating oppression of Robert Mugabe's government. Child molestation, early pregnancy, AIDS,
deaths caused by Mugabe's supporters, hunger, unemployment and so on. Topics that doesn't sound
strange to our 'ears' due to the daily information through newspapers, television, radio. But little do
we know about people 'emigrating'. Besides the loss of their birth home, they have to endure their
devastating feeling of not belonging to the new country which forces them to reinvent themselves
in order to adjust to the new culture.

We Need New Names is a thought-provoking, slightly cynical, original book. It is definitely a must-
Opinion letter replying to the editor

Dear Mr. Thompson,

I am writing with regard to

Unless you, I have no option but to take this matter further by

I am really interested in the article...

From my point of view

Dear Chipo,

Since our last chat, I've been thinking a lot. You have no idea how broken I was by your words. I
had been in denial for so long to protect myself from the painful truth. I know you won't believe me,
even you will shake your head when you read what I'm going to say. You were right. I left behind
the house burning and let you alone. But I wasn't hurt by the knownledge that I've been running.
Run, run, run. I remember running with you and other children. We all ran just to forget the
atrocious hunger hammering our bellies. And now I'm running just to forget about the hole in my

The hole which was once filled with the nice feeling of home. We all had a proper house with real
rooms and furniture. And then we all lost everything. But we made a new house. Fractured, of
course. But at least I could call it my home. And now, I'm living a country which doesn't really love
us. They love to take pity of us. Our culture as long as we don't 'touch' theirs. The house I've been
living in with isn't happy. While filled with food and things, it is empty. I missed you too much that
I decided ignoring my country would be best for me. I'm homeless. Trapped in a country where I'm
a second-class citizen.

Things to improve

- the feeling of a great sense of achievement

- the enhancement of protection of immigrants living in fear of being caught due to their lack of
legal papers.
- the hypocrisy, the bullying

– the forced removal of thousands of families from unofficial settlements
– Murambatsvina – drive out the rubbish
– illegal market due to the restrictive immigration policies
– overprotective society – Western society mollycoddle its children
– false tolerance based in compassion which doesn't really help
– social, political and economical oppression
At the beginning....
the simple fact...
it is an issue the government must address.

One approach that policy-makers could take is to incroduce

An alternative approache would be

to According to a recent oline poll, it is inconvenience rather
would need to provide

in conclusion, an improved public transport would certainly … but in the long term, it might be a cheaper
option than borrowing monet...this is the strategy that I would recomment governments adopt.
Write a magazine article on what would be the perfect husband/wife. Talk about the typical faults
and give tips on how to improve them.


One of the most widely discussed topics are the relationships. Especially, the marriages where after
a 'honeymoon' state, they start to be resentful about the faults of their partner to whom they are
bound by law.

The marriage is a beautiful challenge because it inevitably exposes your faults and your partner's
sooner or later. And the faults force you to measure your ability to deal with the dialy problems.

The typical faults in a marriage are the following:

1. Flaws come to light.

2. Lack of domestic collaboration.
3. Inability to listen.
4. Loss of intimacy after having children

There are many more problems to be included in the list but most of them are reduced to the four
previous faults. This article is not about about the perfect husband or wife, but about having the
marriage as perfect as possible. We can't deceive ourselves because perfection is a utopia.

So, we have some tips to correct those faults. The magical keyword is the communication.

1. Don't be harsh with your partner's faults because they are human beings like you.
Accept their flaws and yours too. Give and accept constructive criticism. Don't lose the
nerves. Don't forgot their virtues that usually overshadow their flaws. If they have a very
unpleasant flaw, you can let them know about your feelings, in a calm and respectuous way.

2. Collaborate with your partner in the domestic tasks.

Be patient. Be perservering. Don't be demanding. Be aware that most of bad habits are
corrected in the medium term. The best incentive is reward good habits with a smile and a
kiss. Doing some tasks together can be satisfactory because you can gain time for youselves.
A good collaborator is equal to an happy partner. And equal to a perfect partner.

3. Create a dialy moment in your timetable to talk.

Make your dinners a good chance to talk about your day and enjoy each other's company.
Don't argue before your children. Respect their small space. And don't pretend to listen
because they always notice it. It's best to say this way: 'Don't be angry, I'm exhausted right
now. If you don't mind, I would like to do it tomorrow to listen to you appropietaly'. Their
reaction will be positive.

4. Discuss without fear about your problems of intimacy. So your partner will know that
they aren't alone in this. Communication is the secret to recover intimacy. Organize your
time. Share some activities. An good example would be to take your children on a picnic and
at the evening they will be so exhausted that they will sleep earlier. A good intimicy make
you be a better partner.

These 4 tips will make you be a 'perfect' partner. Good luck!


Famous is a very simple meaning. Accourding to the dictionary, it means 'known and recognized by
many people'. A person can become notorious thanks to their succesful, dispecturable or even
'accidental' actions. The type of celebrities can be so disparate: singers, politicians, polemical talk-
show guests, bloggers...

Being a celebrity can have many advantages. One of the most obvious ones is that they are usually
invited to the greatest events as special guest. In addition, they usually rid themselves of the awful
long queues. Finally, the main advantatge of all for some people is that their fame helps them to
increase their social and political influence thanks to the power of advertising.

However, everything has its opposite. Being famous has many dark aspects. Such as loss of privacy
and freedom in every aspect of their life. They can't go anyplace without having any guarantee that
they and their beloved people would be left in peace. Plus, some celebrities can feel that their
actions are being severely judged. Perhaps for this reason they become reckless to provoke, because
they feel fed up with being the perfect social face.

In conclusion, being famous can be helpful si they are able to balance fame and the unavoidable
loss of privacy, using good social skills to prevent the press harassment.

Silvia Sales Expósito

English B2.1.

The Tall Man, directed by Pascal Laugier, is set in a inhospitable American town where many boys
have been missing misteriously in a short period of time. The superstitious attribut the
disappearances to The Tall Man, a dark character who takes the children.

Julia Denning, starred by a brilliant Jessica Biel, is a young widow and mother of a boy. She works
as a nurse and resents the detached and gloomy attitude of parents towards their children. One day
she finds out her boy has been taken by the fearful dark kidnapper and she will fight not only to
recover him but also know the true identy of The Tall Man. She will find an unexpected ally in
Jenny (acted by Jodelle Ferland), a teen girl who communicates by a journal due to her selective
mutism. The strange teenager, being fed up with her disfunctional family, wishes being taken by the
dark hooded figure.

It seems a typical kidnapping drama film, but it isn't. We will discover that nothing is what it seems.
In the second half of the movie, it will reveal some shocking and twisted revelations, which will test
our morality. The message is clear: a subtle criticism towards the political, social and family values.

The script is alternately intriguing, gripping and dark and the two main actresses (a renewed Jessica
Biel and a fabulous rising Jodelle Ferland) gives us their most powerful performances. So, if you
are searching strong emotions, I strongly recommend The Tall Man.

Silvia Sales Expósito

English B2.1.
Nowadays most of the diseases are caused by sedentarism and the lack of food variety in our diet.

The best way to prevent some disease is to enjoy a healthier lifestyle. Here are some tips to achieve

1. Doing some regular exercise such as wakking thirty minutes each day,
2. cutting down on fat and sugar. If you want to enjoy some sweet desset, learn to use
homemade recupes! They aren't only healthier but also tastier. Of course, eat it moderately.
3. Recovering our rich Mediterranean diet, highly appreciated by nutritionists thanks ot its
well-balanced food classification. Eat more vegetables and fuit. The greener the vegetables
are, the better. They have a huge amount of vitamins and antioxidants.
4. Drinking two litres of water, whose properties are amazing. It erases toxins, cleanses our
organism and hydrates our body.
5. Using our green gold called olive oil. Use it daily but moderately. It has non-saturated fat.
6. Don't smoking.

If you follow these six tips, your good heath is guaranteed. As well your happiness.

The aim of this report is to build the best marketing campaign to launch the first energy drink of

Profile of costumer
Our target costumer are students of both genders between the ages of 15 and 25. Their main
concerns are music, sports, leisure activities -specially, social media- and their studies. The energy
usually required to do these activities is exceptionally high.

Name and slogan

The new Swapps energy drink is called 'Crazy Rabbit' which symbolizes 'high-energy'. The slogan
will be 'Reach the sky'.

The can should be black with a image of a big red rabbit with black sunglasses. Red is associated
with risk and with energy.

The budget for the launch of 'Crazy Rabbit' will be spent in the following activities:
• Viral advertising (3 months) €2.5m
Youtube, Twitter, Facebook
• Sponsor 6 major sporting events: €5m
X-Games, Iron Man, Formula 1, Ultra-Trail du Montblanc,
Motos GP and a Real Madrid vs FC Barcelona football match.
• Sponsor 6 major musical events: €5m
Primavera Sound, Madrid Popfest, Sónar, Arenal, Viña Rock, Jazzaldia
• Free samples to public in the streets of 10 largest cities €2.5m
(50,000 cans over 3 months)
• Celebrity endorsement with a two-year contract: €5m
The skyrunner Killian Jornet symbolizes high-energy and winning mentality.
• Ads in all national cinemas (2 months) €10m
Killian Jornet will promote 'Crazy Rabbit' in the three most largest cinemas.

Swapps requires an aggressive advertising campaign to achieve a place in a very competitive energy drink
sector. To fulfill the goal, €30 million are necessary to launch 'Crazy Rabbit'. Our marketing strategy is
focused on social media, sport and musical events, cinemas and streets.
Write a story (200 words approx) about a first encounter, from starting a new job

It wasn't really a job, but an intership in a small consultancy firm during six months. It was a typical
first day. I was feeling very nervous when I entered for first time into the firm but fortunately I
calmed down after checking that the staff was very nice. They told me that other two workmates
would come in the evening.

During the moring I was very bored because two women who had to teach some things were
extremely busy. So I has been sitting in the desk and 'playing' the computer. Reading some reports.
Taking a look at the file cabinets. From time to time the workmates asked me if I was comfortable.
Although I reassured them I was okay, I was feeling a bit stupid with nothing to do.

After my lunch break, I came back to the small firm. Finally I met one of the two men who didn't
came that morning. He was friendly. The evening was more promising because a woman was free to
explain me some things about my tasks. One hour later the second man arrived and introduced
himself... but in a funny way for me. Because he introduced himself in Sign Language! I was so
absolutely stunned and speechless. When I was recovered from the surprise, I laughed and I told
him that I couldn't speak the sign language. The poor man blushed profusely and apologised for the

Frankly, it was a priceless first encounter.


I was 8 years old when my parents and some uncles agreed to rent a detached house in Cambrils to
spend our summer holiday. It was a beautiful white house with a small picturesque cactus garden in
its surroundings.

One day, we were playing with balloons filled with water. Throwing against each other. Hiding.
Trying to prevent some shots. And we had to be careful with the cactus to avoid being hurt.

My sister, me and one of our cousins were stuck on the wall, on alert and prepared to throw some
balloons. But suddenly we shouted in surprise when we were drenched by some waterfall that
appeared out of nowhere. We were soaked, from top to bottom. Finally we could see the source of
the unexpected assault. Below our heads, there was a window. Our assailtants were my mother and
one of our aunts, who were in the kitchen and splashed us water with a big pot.

So, it became a big battle between children and parents. We threw balloons through the window
while they used the big pot. We laughed so much, while all we were completely soaked. And the
kitchen was filled with water.

It was definitely the most amazing experience I've ever had.

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