GroupM Pakistan

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GroupM Pakistan


Dear Hiring Manager,

I am writing to express my keen interest in the GroupM Media Internship Program 2024, as
advertised. With a passion for marketing and digital media, combine with my academic background
in Business Administration coupled with marketing as major, I am excited about the opportunity to
contribute to GroupM's innovative and dynamic environment.

Your program description outlines an immersive experience where interns are integrated into real
media campaigns and projects alongside industry experts. This hands-on approach to learning
aligns perfectly with my desire to gain practical experience and insights into the world of media and
advertising. I am particularly drawn to the prospect of working with innovative & updated
technologies and emerging media platforms, areas where I believe GroupM excels.

Furthermore, I am excited about the opportunity to engage with senior leaders at GroupM as
mentors. I believe that their guidance and expertise will be invaluable as I navigate the complexities
of media planning and campaign optimization. I am eager to learn from the best in the industry and
leverage this experience to shape my future career path.

Enclosed is my resume, which provides additional details about my academic background, skills,
and experiences. I am looking forward to the opportunity to discuss how my qualifications align
with the objectives of the Media Internship Program during the interview process.

Thank you for considering my application.

Warm regards,

Sikander Saleem

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