Respiratory Physiology - Respiratory Review NO ANSWERS

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Respiratory PHYSIOLOGY

Respiratory review – no answers (yet)

Andre Azevedo, DVM, MSc

Visiting Professor of Veterinary Physiology
Increasing the body temperature causes which of the
following changes in blood hemoglobin and pH?

A. Decreased oxygen affinity and decreased pH

B. Decreased oxygen affinity and increased pH
C. Increased oxygen affinity and decreased pH
D. Increased oxygen affinity and increased pH
E. No change in oxygen affinity and pH
True or false?
The respiratory zone of the respiratory system is
mainly responsible for bringing air into and out of the

A. True
B. False
Which one is NOT considered part of the anatomic
dead space of the respiratory system?

A. Trachea
B. Nasal cavity
C. Alveolar sac
D. Bonchi
Which one is NOT a function of type II pneumocytes?

A. Remove pathogens and debris

B. Secrete cytokines
C. Regenerate the alveolar epithelium
D. Synthetize surfactant
Regarding bronchoconstriction and bronchodilation:

A. Bronchoconstriction is caused by sympathetic response,

mediated by β2 receptors
B. Bronchoconstriction is caused by parasympathetic response,
mediated by M3 receptors
C. Bronchodilation is caused by sympathetic response, mediated
by β1 receptors
D. Bronchodilation is caused by parasympathetic response,
mediated by M2 receptors
True or false?
If the lung volume increases, the resistance in the
airways will also increase.

A. True
B. False
About the mechanics of respiratory cycle, we can say

A. during inspiration lung volume increases, intrapulmonary

pressure increases and pleural pressure decreases
B. during expiration lung volume increases, intrapulmonary
pressure increases and pleural pressure increases
C. during inspiration lung volume increases, intrapulmonary
pressure decreases and pleural pressure increases
D. during expiration lung volume decreases, intrapulmonary
pressure increases and pleural pressure increases
Which on is true about the factors that influence the
rate of gas movement between alveoli and blood?

A. O2 is more soluble than CO2

B. The driving pressure gradient for O2 is bigger than for CO2
C. The thickness of the respiratory membrane is constant
D. The greater the alveolar capillaries, the smaller the gas
True or false?
At the level of the alveoli, CO2 diffuses into the
respiratory tract and O2 diffuses into the blood.

A. True
B. False
Cor pulmonale is:

A. A cardiac consequence of pulmonary hypotension

B. A cardiac consequence of pulmonary hypertension
C. A pulmonary consequence of cardiac failure
D. A pulmonary consequence of increased cardiac output
Which one is NOT true about CO2 exchange?

A. PCO2 in mixed venous blood is 46 mmHg

B. PCO2 in arterial blood is 40 mmHg
C. CO2 diffuses into the alveoli at the pulmonary level
D. CO2 diffuses out of the blood at the tissue level
Mark the option that better represents the most
important way to transport CO2 in the blood:

A. Dissolved
B. Combined with hemoglobin
C. Combined with plasmatic proteins
D. As bicarbonate
Which percentage of O2 is transported reversibly
bound to hemoglobin:

A. 2%
B. 7%
C. 23%
D. 70%
E. 98%
How many molecules of O2 each hemoglobin
molecule is capable to transport?

A. 2
B. 4
C. 6
D. 8
True or false?
When blood PCO2 increases, the affinity of
hemoglobin to O2 decreases.

A. True
B. False
Which one is NOT part of the breathing control

A. Respiratory centers at brain stem

B. Chemoreceptors for O2 and CO2
C. Alveolar macrophages
D. Respiratory muscles whose activity is directed by the brain
stem control centers
Which one better describes the major role of the
pneumotaxic center?

A. Generates the basic rhythm of respiration

B. Prevents overinflation of the lungs
C. Control the duration of inspiration
D. Operates as an overdrive mechanism when high levels of
pulmonary ventilation is required
Central chemoreceptors are highly sensitive to an
increase in _______ and send signals to _______
pulmonary ventilation.

A. PaCO2; increase
B. PaCO2; decrease
C. PaO2; increase
D. PaO2; decrease
Where the peripheral chemoreceptors for O2 are

A. In the lungs
B. In the muscles
C. In the brain
D. In the vascular system
True or false?
With a decrease in PaO2, the firing rate of the sensory
neurons synapsing with peripheral chemoreceptors

A. True
B. False
Which one is a non respiratory function of the lungs?

A. Ventilation
B. Respiration
C. Gas exchange
D. Platelet biogenesis
True or false?
Large particles usually deposit onto the mucociliary
system by diffusion.

A. True
B. False
The layer responsible for entrapping inhaled particles
in the mucociliary system is:

A. Sol layer
B. Gel layer
C. Watery layer
D. Cilia
(Taken from anesthesia quiz)
Which tidal volume (VT) and respiratory rate
produce the most ventilation?

A. VT 160 mI, respiratory rate of 15/min

B. VT 250 mI, respiratory rate of 12/min
C. VT 400 mI, respiratory rate of 8/min
D. VT 160 ml, respiratory rate of 10/min
E. VT 250 mI, respiratory rate of 15/min
(Taken from anesthesia quiz)
The effect of increased arterial carbon dioxide levels
in an otherwise normal anesthetized animal is:

A. a decrease in respiratory rate

B. a decrease in respiratory depth
C. a sudden decrease in blood pressure
D. a sudden decrease in heart rate
E. an increase in respiratory rate and depth
(Taken from anesthesia quiz)
In a non-anesthetized animal ventilating normally, you
would expect the PaCO2 to be:

A. approximately 25 mmHg
B. approximately 40 mmHg
C. approximately 55 mmHg
D. twice the value of PaO2
E. half the value of PaO2
(Taken from anesthesia quiz)
The hemoglobin-oxygen dissociation curve is shifted
to the left by:

A. decreased blood pH
B. decreased body temperature
C. increased blood 2.3-biphosphoglycerate levels
D. increased arterial carbon dioxide levels
E. increased hemoglobin levels
(Taken from anesthesia quiz)
Which arterial oxygen tension (PaO2) would
markedly alter the arterial oxygen content?

A. 560mmHg
B. 300mmHg
C. 200mrnHg
D. 140mmHg
E. 70mmHg
(Taken from anesthesia quiz)
In a dog breathing room air at sea level, the
expected partial pressure of oxygen would be:

A. 55 to 60 mmHg
B. 65 to 70 mmHg
C. 75 to 80 mm Hg
D. 85 to 90 mmHg
E. 95 to 100 mm Hg
(Taken from anesthesia quiz)
In a dog breathing 100% oxygen at sea level, the
expected partial pressure of oxygen would be:

A. 60 – 65 mmHg
B. 80 – 85 mmHg
C. >110 mmHg
D. 100 – 105 mm Hg
E. 90 – 95 mmHg
THE END – Happy studying!

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