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Javi- Hello everybody today we have with us the great Real Madrid futboller who has just won the world
cup with Spain and this is Athenea del Castillo

Ale- Hello everyone, I’m so glad to be here, so let’s go to start with the interview

Javi- Nowadays you’re one of the best Real Madrid player, but I’m sure that it has been very difficult to
become a successful footballer, Can you tell us about your past in football?

Ale- Well, I started to play football since I was 4, I uses to play only with boys, and any girl wanted to be
my friend, then I join a youth team in Santander, my coach quickly realized about my great talent, so a
trained hard and after years I joined with Deportivo de la coruña and it was here when Real Madrid
called me

Javi- Ohhh… Incredible. And during that long road have you found many obstacles as a woman to
become a professional

Ale- The road to become professional as a woman was very hard, for example I can remember that
when I was a child the boys didn’t let me play and nobody support me

Javi.- Ohhh That’s sound horrible and… nowadays are you finding problems as a woman in football

Ale.- Yes, the situation of the women in football has improved a lot, especially in recent years, but I
think there are many aspects to improve in the coming years.

Javi- I supose that one of the most important problem is about the salary of women in the sport isn’t it?

Ale- To be honest I think that the salary isn’t the problem, because the most of the people prefer men’s
football so they produce more money than our football.

Javi- So, the problem is that people don’t give women’s football any chance for that reason it produce
less money

Ale- Yes I think so.

Javi.- Okay, so to finish, can you give any advice for the girls who are picking up in this sport and want to
be successful?

Ale- ohh let me think… (suena el telefono…) Wait a moment,… I have to left this interview. I’m so sorry.

Javi- Oh no! It’s terrible. What happened?

Ale-My agent has just finished to negation for a new contract with the best team in spain. (I show Betis

Javi. Oh that’s amazing, I didn’t expect that. Good luck in your new adventure.

Ale- Thank you very much, but that’s a secret,shhh, bye bye

Javi- Bye, bye

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