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“'MY MENTAL HERO' Community Application”

Team Diggers Pranav Kolhe Prathamesh Dhanashree Vedant Aware Manasi Bharati


The success of any project depends largely on the encouragement and guidelines of
many others. This research project would not have been possible without their support. We take
this opportunity to express our gratitude to the people who have been instrumental in the
successful completion of this project.

First and foremost, we wish to record our sincere gratitude to the Management of this
college Nutan College of engineering and research event “CODEMENT” for this opportunity and
encouragement in the preparation of this report .

We wish to thank our parents for financing our studies and helping us throughout our life
for achieving perfection and excellence. Their personal help in making this report and project
worth presentation is gratefully acknowledged. Last but not the least we thank the Almighty for
continuous strength we were bestowed for completion of this project.

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Sr No. Topic Name Page No.
1 Introduction 01
1.1 Problem statement 01
1.2 Purpose 01
1.3 Need 01
2 Project Plan 02
2.1 Software Model 02
2.2 Approach in project development 02
2.3 Goals 03
2.4 Project Scope 03
2.5 Project Risks 04
2.6 Project Schedule 05
3 Requirement Analysis 06
3.1 Hardware Requirement 06
3.2 Software Requirement 06
3.3 Performance Requirements 06
3.4 Safety Requirements 07
3.5 Security Requirements 07
4 System Design 08
4.1 Feasibility of the project 08
4.2 Technologies used 08
4.3 Database Structure (MongoDb) 11
4.3 Diagrams 13
4.3.1 E-R Diagram 13
4.3.2 Use Case diagram 14
4.3.3 Flowchart
5 Testing 19
6 Project Snapshots 23
7 Strength and Limitations 25
8 Future Scope 26
9 Conclusion 27
10 References 28

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List of Figures

Fig Title Pg no
Table 2.1 Risk Table 04
Table 2.2 Project schedule 05
Fig 4.1 Realtime Database used for Chatroom feature 11
Fig 4.2 Students’ details stored in Firestore Database 11
Fig 4.3 Authentication used to validate users 12
Fig 4.4 Notes stored inside Firestore database 12
Fig 4.5 ER diagram 13
Fig 4.6 Data Flow diagram 14
Fig 4.7 Sequence diagram for Student 15
Fig 4.8 Sequence diagram for Teacher 16
Fig 4.9 Use case Diagram 17
Fig 4.10 Class Diagram 18
Fig 6.1 Loading Screen 23
Fig 6.2 Walkthrough 1 23
Fig 6.3 Walkthrough 2 23
Fig 6.4 Signup page 23
Fig 6.5 Login page 23
Fig 6.6 Dashboard 23
Fig 6.7 Upload Notice page 24
Fig 6.8 Chatroom page 24
Fig 6.9 Notes page 24
Fig 6.10 Notes page 2 24
Fig 6.11 My Profile page 24


Our mental health wellness platform, My Mental Hero, is designed to provide comprehensive
support and interaction for users, doctors, and admins. At its core, My Mental Hero integrates
a powerful decision support system that acts as a middleware, offering 24/7 real-time
assistance between doctors and patients. Users have access to a range of essential features,
including secure login/signup, a personalized home page, mental health assessments with
detailed analysis reports, and a vibrant community chat room where individuals facing similar
challenges can connect and support each other.

One of the standout features of My Mental Hero is its intelligent chatbot, seamlessly integrated
into the platform's decision support system. This chatbot serves as a virtual assistant,
providing users with valuable information, guidance, and resources. Users can also schedule
appointments conveniently and manage their healthcare journey through a user-friendly

For doctors, My Mental Hero offers a streamlined experience with features such as secure
signup/login, access to patient analysis reports, goal setting capabilities, and the ability to train
and enhance the chatbot's knowledge base. Additionally, admins play a crucial role in
maintaining the platform's integrity by managing tasks such as appointment scheduling and
ensuring community standards by moderating and removing inappropriate content.

My Mental Hero is not just a platform; it's a holistic ecosystem dedicated to promoting mental
well-being, fostering meaningful connections, and empowering both users and healthcare
professionals with the tools they need for effective communication, support, and collaboration.

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Chapter 1

1.1 Problem statement:

Our aim is to address the growing need for accessible and effective mental health support by
providing a comprehensive online platform that facilitates real-time assistance to patients
24/7 with Decision support system (Anytime available), Develop an innovative and scalable
mental health wellness platform that integrates machine learning, community support
features, AI-based question-and-answer capabilities, therapist recommendation systems, and
comprehensive mental health assessment tools. The platform should aim to revolutionize
mental health care by providing personalized and accessible support to individuals facing
mental health challenges..

1.2 Purpose:
1) Real-time communication and support between patients and healthcare professionals through
a decision support system.

2) A supportive community environment where users can interact, share experiences, and offer
mutual support.

3) Access to mental health assessments, analysis reports, and personalized resources to

empower individuals in managing their mental well-being effectively.

4) Integration of an intelligent Chatbot to provide instant information, guidance, and resources.

5) Convenient appointment scheduling and management tools for users.

Streamlined features for doctors and admins to enhance patient care and platform maintenance,

6) ML model for identifying whether the user needs profession help or not .

1.4 Need:
In today's healthcare landscape, the demand for accessible and effective mental health support is
on the rise. Traditional healthcare systems often face challenges such as long wait times, limited
access to specialists, and stigma. "My Mental Hero" addresses these issues by leveraging
technology to provide real-time communication between patients and professionals, fostering
peer support in a community environment, and offering personalized interventions through a
user-centric design. By bridging gaps in existing solutions and aligning with current healthcare
trends, "My Mental Hero" aims to empower individuals, improve patient outcomes, and
contribute to the evolution of mental healthcare delivery.

Chapter 2

2.1 Software Model:

The ‘My Mental Health Hero website was developed using a modular approach, with each
module serving a specific function or feature within the app. This approach allowed for easier
maintenance and updates, as well as improved scalability and flexibility.

The main modules of the 'MY MENTAL HERO' website include:

1. User Management: Handles user registration, login, profile management, and access
control within the platform.
2. Decision Support System using Ai – Provides real time support and communication
between doctors assistance data and patient , integrating Chatbot functionalities.
3. Community Interaction – Facilitates peer support among users facing similar mental
health challenges.
4. Mental Health assessment- Offers assessments and analysis reports to doctors to have an
overview of patients they are going to deal with .
5. Appointment Scheduling : Enables user to schedule appointments with healthcare
specialists conveniently.
6. Doctor’s Dashboard : Provides doctors with access to patient analysis reports, goal setting
tools (also providing alternative goals ), managing appointments .

2.2 Approach in project development:

The project is developed following the AGILE Methodology.

Agile is a software development methodology that emphasizes iterative and incremental

development, where requirements and solutions evolve through collaboration between self-
organizing, cross-functional teams. It promotes adaptive planning, continuous improvement, and
rapid delivery of working software. Agile methodologies prioritize customer satisfaction by
delivering value early and frequently, responding to change effectively, and fostering
collaboration, transparency, and flexibility within the development process.

2.3 Goals

The following goals are achieved by this project plan:

1. Enhancing Accessibility : Provide convenient and accessible mental health support

services to individuals, overcoming barriers like geographical limitations and long wait

2. Facilitating Real-time Support: Offer 24/7 real-time communication and assistance

between patients and healthcare professionals through a robust decision support system
and chatbot integration.

3. Fostering Community Engagement: Create a supportive community environment

where users can interact, share experiences, and offer mutual support, enhancing
their overall mental health journey.

4. Delivering Personalized Interventions: Provide personalized mental health assessments,

analysis reports, and resources tailored to individual needs, empowering users to manage
their mental well-being proactively.

5. Leveraging Technology: Harness the power of technology, such as intelligent chatbots,

data analytics, and user-friendly interfaces, to deliver innovative and effective mental
health solutions.

6. Privacy and integrity of personal data: Making sure that the critical data of someones
personal experiences must be protected at all cost.

2.4 Project Scope

1. User-friendly Interface: The website must have a user-friendly interface to enable easy
navigation by both patients and Doctors.

2. Authentication System: The website must have a secure authentication system to ensure that
only authorized users can access the system.

3. Community Interaction: Developing features for peer support and interaction among users,
such as community forums, group chats, and sharing resources.

4. Decision Support System: Integrating a robust decision support system that facilitates real-
time communication and support between doctors and patients, including chatbot functionalities.

5. Testing and Quality Assurance: Conducting thorough testing, including unit testing,
integration testing, and user acceptance testing, to ensure the platform's functionality,
performance, and usability.

2.5 Project Risks

Major risks we have determined for this software are as follows:

- Technology will not meet expectations

- Changes in requirements

- Deviation from software engineering standards

- Less reuse than planned

Risk Table:

Risks Probability Impact

Technology will not meet expectations 25% 1

Changes in requirements 20% 1

Deviation from software engineering standards 10% 2

Less use than planned 45% 5

Table 2.1 Risk Table

Impact level:
1- High

2- High to

Medium 3-


4- Medium to low


Chapter 3



This chapter will explore the system requirement analysis (Functional and non-functional
requirements) and requirement specifications.

3.1 Hardware Requirements

The 'MY MENTAL HERO' website is designed for Android mobile devices. The minimum
hardware requirements for the website to function properly are as follows:
- Android Operating System Version 5.0 (Lollipop) or higher for android.
- At least 2 GB of RAM for android.
- At least 32 GB of internal storage for android.
- At least 4 GB of RAM for PC
- At least 50 GB of storage for PC.

The website does not require any specialized hardware and should function smoothly on
most modern Android mobile devices.

3.2 Software requirements

The My Mental Hero website has been developed using Java and Android Studio. The

minimum software requirements for the website to function properly are as follows:
- The website should be compatible with major operating systems such as Windows (7 or
later), macOS, Linux, iOS (for mobile devices), and Android (for mobile devices).
- Any modern web browser with support for HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, and other web
standards. Recommended browsers include Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Safari,
Microsoft Edge, or Opera.

3.3 Performance Requirements

The My Mental Health Hero Website has been designed to perform efficiently and provide
users with a seamless experience. The following performance requirements have been
identified for the application:
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- The website should load quickly and respond to user inputs in a timely manner.
- The website should not consume excessive battery or memory resources.
- The website should be able to handle a large number of concurrent users without
any performance degradation.
- The website should be able to handle a high volume of data without any loss of

To ensure that the website meets these performance requirements, rigorous testing will be
conducted throughout the development process.

3.4 Safety Requirements:

The 'MY MENTAL HERO' website does not pose any safety risks to users. However, to ensure
the safety of user data, the following safety requirements have been identified:
- User data should be securely stored and transmitted.
-The website should have robust error handling and recovery mechanisms to
prevent data loss or corruption.
- The website should comply with relevant data protection and privacy regulations.

To meet these safety requirements, the website will implement secure data storage and
transmission mechanisms.

3.5 Security Requirements:

The 'MY MENTAL HERO' website handles sensitive user data, and it is imperative that the
website meets strict security requirements. The following security requirements have been
- User data should be encrypted during storage and transmission.
-The website should implement secure authentication and authorization mechanisms to
prevent unauthorized access.

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Chapter 4

4.1 Feasibility of Project:

Before embarking on any project, it is essential to assess its feasibility to determine whether it
is viable and worth pursuing. The feasibility of the 'MY MENTAL HERO' website has been
evaluated based on the following criteria:

1. Technical Feasibility:
The 'MY MENTAL HERO' website is technically feasible as it has been developed using
industry- standard programming languages and development tools. The required hardware
and software are readily available, and there are no significant technical barriers to the
development and deployment of the application.

2. Economic Feasibility:
The 'MY MENTAL HERO' website is economically feasible as the development costs are
reasonable and can be recovered through revenue generated by the application. The
website can be monetized through various means, such as in-website advertisements, paid
features, or subscription models can be implemented to acheive this.

3. Operational Feasibility:
"My Mental Hero" website is operationally feasible as it can seamlessly integrate into
existing healthcare infrastructures. Its features are designed for user convenience and ease
of use, requiring minimal changes to existing workflows.

4. Legal and Regulatory Feasibility:

The 'MY MENTAL HERO' website is legally and regulatory feasible as it complies with
relevant data protection and privacy regulations. The website will implement secure data
storage and transmission mechanisms and will comply with relevant data protection and
privacy regulations.

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4.2 Technologies Used:
The 'MY MENTAL HERO' website has been developed using the following technologies:

4.2.1. Visual Studio code

Android Studio is an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for developing
development. It provides a rich set of tools and features for designing, developing, and testing
website applications. Android Studio is the primary tool used for developing the 'MY
MENTAL HERO' website.

4.2.2. Mongo Database:

MongoDB is a popular NoSQL database management system that uses a document-oriented
data model. It stores data in flexible, JSON-like documents, allowing for dynamic schema
design and scalability. MongoDB is known for its high performance, horizontal scalability,
and ease of use, making it suitable for a wide range of applications, including web
development, analytics, and real-time data processing.

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A. Authentication of Users
 Users can register and login themselves by filling the register form which
includes Name, Email, Phone number, Password. ongoDBAuthentication is
used for authentication is used to store and validate the data entered by user
using authentication in firebase.
B. Real-Time Database
MongoDB is used in real-time systems because it offers fast data retrieval,
scalability for handling growing data loads, change streams for real-time
notifications, an aggregation pipeline for data processing, efficient storage and
querying of time series data, and support for geospatial queries. These features
make MongoDB suitable for powering real-time applications that require rapid
data processing and responsiveness.

4.2.3. HTML & CSS (Frontend):

HTML and CSS serve as the frontend foundation for "My Mental Hero" project, creating the
visual and interactive elements of the website. HTML (HyperText Markup Language)
structures the content, defining the layout and hierarchy of elements such as headers,
paragraphs, forms, and buttons. CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) complements HTML by styling
these elements, defining colors, fonts, spacing, and overall visual presentation to enhance user
experience and make the website visually appealing. Together, HTML and CSS form the
backbone of the frontend, ensuring consistency, responsiveness, and accessibility across
different devices and screen sizes for a seamless user interface.

4.2.4. Flask (Backend):

Flask is chosen as the backend framework for "My Mental Hero" due to its simplicity,
flexibility, and scalability. It allows for rapid development of web applications with Python,
provides built-in tools for routing, templating, and handling HTTP requests, and integrates
well with other libraries and frameworks. Flask's lightweight nature and modular design make
it ideal for developing RESTful APIs, managing user sessions, and connecting with MongoDB
for data storage, ensuring efficient backend functionality for our project.

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4.3. Database (MongoDb)
Here are the screenshots of MongoDb database and authentication method used

Fig 4.1: Realtime Database used for My Mental Hero

Fig 4.2 User details stored in Database

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Fig 4.3: Schedule uploaded by doctors

Fig 4.4Analysis report data

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4.4. Diagrams

4.4.1 E-R Diagram:

This ER(Entity-Relationship) Diagram is a visual representation of data that describes how

data is related to each other. In this, we disintegrate data into entities, attributes and setup
relationships between entities.

Fig 4.5: ER diagram

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4.4.2 DFD:

Data Flow Diagram (DFD) shown below visualizes the information flows within this
system. This neat and clear DFD depicts a good amount of the system requirements
graphically. It shows how information enters and leaves this system, what changes the
information and where information is stored. The purpose of this DFDs is to show the
scope and boundaries of this system as a whole.

Fig 4.6: Data Flow diagram

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A] Use case diagram

Fig 4.9: Use case Diagram

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Chapter 5

Software testing can be stated as the process of verifying and validating that a
software or website is bug free, meets the technical requirements as guided by its design
and development and meets the user requirements effectively and efficiently with handling
all the exceptional and boundary cases.

5.1 Manual Testing

Test case id Test case Description Expected Actual result Status

scenario result
TC_Login_01 Valid login Verify that a user User is pass PASS
can log in with successfully
valid credentials logged in

TC_EditProfile_01 Valid edit Verify that a user User is able to edit pass PASS
can edit their their profile
profile information successfully

TC_EditProfile_02 Empty fields Verify that User receives error pass PASS
required fields messages for
cannot be left empty fields

28 | P a g e
Test case id Test case Description Expected Actual result Status
scenario result
TC_Communit Texting to Verify that a User is able to pass PASS
y community user is able is able to send
to send texts texts to
to community

TC_SignUp_02 Duplicate email Verify that a user User receives an User receives an PASS
cannot register error message for error message for
with an email that duplicate email duplicate email
already exists

TC_EditProfile_0 Empty fields Verify that User receives error User receives PASS
2 required fields messages for error messages
cannot be left empty fields for empty fields

TC_ScheduleApp Successful Verify that a user Appointment is Appointment is PASS

ointment_01 appointment can schedule an booked booked
scheduling appointment successfully successfully

TC_ChatbotIntera Chatbot response Verify that the Chatbot provides Chatbot provides PASS
ction_01 chatbot responds accurate and accurate and
appropriately to helpful responses helpful responses
user queries to user queries to user queries

29 | P a g e
Test Case id Test case Description Expected Actual Result Status
Scenario Result
TC_DataSecurity Data encryption and Verify that user User data is User data is PASS
_01 security data is encrypted encrypted and encrypted and
and secure protected against protected against
unauthorized unauthorized access
TC_DataSecurity Access control and Verify that Users can only Users can only PASS
_02 permissions access control access and modify access and modify
measures are in data based on their data based on their
place permissions permissions

C_ViewReports_ Restricted access Verify that Restricted users Restricted users PASS
02 restricted users receive an access receive an access
cannot access denied message denied message
analysis reports

TC_Accessibility Keyboard Verify that all Keyboard users Keyboard users can PASS
_02 navigation features are can navigate and navigate and use all
accessible via use all features features

TC_Performance Load testing Verify that the Website response Website response PASS
Testing_01 website performs times remain times remain
well under heavy acceptable during acceptable during
user loads peak usage peak usage

TC_Performance Stress testing Verify that the Website functions Website functions PASS
Testing_02 website remains normally and does normally and does
stable and not crash under not crash under
functional under stress conditions stress conditions

30 | P a g e
Test case id Test case Description Expected Actual Status
scenario result result
TC_SearchFunction_ Search for Verify that users Relevant search Relevant PASS
01 content can search for results are search results
specific Doctor displayed are displayed

TC_PageLoadTime_ Page load time Verify that website Pages load within Pages load PASS
01 optimization pages load within X seconds (define within the
an acceptable time acceptable time defined
frame threshold) acceptable
time threshold

TC_PageLoadTime_ Resource Verify that website Reduced resource Reduced PASS

02 optimization resources (images, load time and resource load
scripts) are improved page time and
optimized loading speed improved page
loading speed

TC_ErrorHandling_0 Server response Verify that server Server responds to Server PASS
2 time response time is user requests responds to
within acceptable within X user requests
limits milliseconds within the
defined limit

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Chapter 6
Project Snapshots

Fig 6.1 Loading screen Fig 6.2 Walk Through: 1 Fig 6.3 WalkThrough:2

Fig 6.4 Signup page Fig 6.5 Login page Fig 6.6 Dashboard

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Fig 6.7 Upload Notice page Fig 6.8 Chatroom page Fig 6.9 Notes page
(Only for Teachers) (Only for Students) (To select standard)

Fig 6.10 Notes page 2 Fig 6.11 My profile page

(To select subject)

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Chapter 7

Strengths and Limitations

7.1 Strengths:

Real-time Support: The platform provides 24/7 real-time support between doctors and
patients, enhancing accessibility and timely assistance.

Community Interaction: Users can interact in a supportive community environment, fostering

peer support and sharing experiences for improved mental well-being.

Personalized Interventions: The website offers personalized mental health assessments,

analysis reports, and resources tailored to individual needs, empowering users in managing
their mental health proactively.

Appointment Scheduling: Users can conveniently schedule appointments with healthcare

professionals, improving access to timely healthcare services.

User-friendly interface: 'MY MENTAL HERO' is designed with a user-friendly interface that
is easy to navigate and use, making it accessible to both students and teachers.

7.2 Limitations:

Limited use without internet access: 'MY MENTAL HERO' requires an internet connection to
function, so it may not be accessible to students who do not have internet access or who are in
areas with poor network coverage.

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Chapter 8

The future scope of the 'MY MENTAL HERO' website is immense. Some of the
potential areas of improvement and expansion are:
1. Integration with other Health cares systems: "My Mental Hero" can indeed be
integrated with other healthcare systems, leveraging interoperability standards and APIs to
exchange data, share information, and collaborate seamlessly with existing healthcare
infrastructure. This integration enables enhanced coordination of care, access to
comprehensive patient information, and improved communication between healthcare
providers and users within the platform.
2. Expanded Content and Resources: Curating and expanding the library of mental
health resources, educational content, self-help tools, and coping strategies to empower
users in their mental health journey.

3. Telehealth Integration: Integrating telehealth capabilities for virtual consultations,

remote monitoring, and teletherapy sessions, expanding access to mental healthcare services
beyond traditional clinic settings.
4. Enhanced Community Features: Enhancing community interaction with features
such as group therapy sessions, moderated support groups, expert-led discussions, and
collaborative wellness activities..
5. Integration with EHR Systems: Integrating with Electronic Health Record (EHR)
systems to streamline data exchange, maintain comprehensive health records, and ensure
continuity of care across healthcare providers and settings.
6. Advanced Analytics: Implementing advanced analytics and machine learning
algorithms to analyze user data, identify trends, and provide personalized insights and
recommendations for mental health management.

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Chapter 9

9.1 Conclusion:

The conclusion of the "My Mental Hero" project encapsulates its transformative impact on
mental health support and wellness. Through its accessible and personalized approach, the
platform has significantly improved mental health outcomes by providing real-time
support to users, fostering a sense of community, and offering personalized interventions.
The project's user-centric design, with features like AI-driven chatbots and telehealth
integration, reflects a commitment to technological innovation in mental healthcare

Moreover, "My Mental Hero" has established a collaborative ecosystem by integrating

with other healthcare systems, collaborating with healthcare providers, and engaging with
the community. This collaborative approach enhances the platform's holistic care
capabilities and ensures a seamless experience for users. Additionally, the project's
scalability, adherence to compliance standards, and sustainable business model lay a
strong foundation for long-term viability and growth.

Looking ahead, the project's future scope presents opportunities for expansion,
enhancement, and collaboration in areas such as telehealth, IoT integration, and research
collaborations. These avenues for growth and innovation position "My Mental Hero" as a
leading platform in the mental healthcare landscape, driving positive impact and
empowerment for individuals seeking mental health support.

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Chapter 10


1. Official Android Documentation:

 Website development Documentation:

2. Backend and Database Development Tutorials:

 Flask Development Developer Guides:

 Android Developers Training:

3. Material Design Guidelines:

 Material Design Documentation:

 Material Components for Android:


4. MongoDbIntegration:

 MongoDbDocumentation:

 MongoDbRealtime Database:

5. Storage and Data Persistence in Android:

 Android Storage Options:



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