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The impact of
mean to you? Seeing EXCLUSION
not feeling like
Do these suggestions align to your
How does subtle exclusion show up
in your organisation?
you belong
• For me it is a feeling of connection to
In addition to impaired brain
others and a connection to place.
The impact of EXCLUSION • Who gets invited? Discuss EXCLUSION function, an employee who
• It means feeling welcomed and The impact of multiple subtle acts of exclusion can build feels a threat to their sense
• Who gets access to information?
accepted. up. of belonging will expend
A good way to understand INCLUSION – is • Who’s in the ‘ingroup’?
to focus on EXCLUSION. When you experience it regularly …..its like the cold that time and energy trying to
• It means feeling safe enough to satisfy this powerful need,
• Who feels they need to change to you can never shake.
be me; to show up and contribute! Remember a time when you felt excluded – frequently resulting in toxic
at any time in your life? YOU NEVER FEEL QUITE RIGHT. YOU NEVER FEEL LIKE behaviours.
• When everyone in a team • Access to opportunity YOU BELONG. YOU NEVER FEEL LIKE YOU FIT.
experiences this sense of belonging, Most exclusion is unintentional and is not
there is a natural shift toward an overt. What examples of unintended/ non • Involvement in informal You watch your back.
attitude of taking care of one overt exclusion occurring in your discussions
another. organization can you think of? Think about it – get deep and real, have a conversation
• Not being heard with your team – how does subtle exclusion happens –
What’s the impact on the organization of remove any feeling of guilt – its most likely completely
exclusion? • Who you know and who you have unintentional – but if you can have the courage to
access to identify it, you can rectify it!
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impact on YOU?
Have you experienced some of these If you want to be successful
seemingly minor acts of exclusion?
in becoming an inclusive
leader – you need to get
• A colleague regularly ignores your
greeting in the morning
The impact of NOT intentional about repetition
belonging and practice
• An experience of someone looking
at their phone when you are Think about what it feels like when you One off actions wont cut it.
speaking to them Creating the don’t feel like you belong. How does it The need to belong is hard wired. You need to repeat and
embed until it becomes
• You are aware that you haven’t inclusion habit impact the way you behave, how you
contribute, what you say?
Even if an individual tries to ignore it or brush it off – you automatic – the good news
been invited to a social gathering, can’t remove it.
If INCLUSION has such a big impact is that once it becomes
a bite to eat at lunch, a drink after The aim of being inclusive is for you to
on team and organisational automatic it requires way
work Humans will go to great lengths to adapt to fit in.
performance – why isn’t it the norm? understand EACH member of your team less energy.
• You have felt the awkward silence The problem is HABIT. The way we so well that you know what you need to So if you are not type and you don’t feel like you fit – you
when seeking to join a have always done things is deeply do to make them feel like they belong – will generally either self select to leave because of the The reason why most
conversation embedded. Unless we are intentional not a blanket approach or a one size fits discomfort – or you will start to adapt slowly to become organisations and leaders
and planned with our inclusive all – making a big effort to make EACH don’t succeed at becoming
just like everyone else.
• You hear about a training program leadership endeavours, its easy to INDIVIDUAL feel like they belong inclusive is that they don’t
that you know nothing about and revert to habit. The risk increases If I don’t feel like I belong I will leave or I will adapt to fit take this approach – being
that hasn’t been offered to you when you are busy, have deadlines and And that can be hard – because what inclusive is one off training
– so you don’t meet the goal of different thinking
extra stress. What will you do to works for one may not work for another. or one off random acts.
because I am not bringing my difference to the table –
embed this as a habit?
so what’s the point!
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When there is difference we
hesitate. Difference can
be harder to trust
When someone is very different from Where difference exists – its
you and you're not quite sure what to often much harder to build
do, what to say or how to say it then
We choose comfort zone mutual trust – you have to work
you may possibly hesitate in giving at it.
If in doubt – we revert to what we know –
it’s no one’s fault. Are you a bad person for You have to work at the
Often this hesitancy comes from a When in doubt – taking the safe approach? No – of course Distrust in difference suspicion which naturally
not. We are human – and I know you are a comes from difference. Its
very good place – We do not want to own up! human with huge responsibility and It’s human nature to have a degree of distrust
human nature to be suspicious
offend the other person and when we towards someone who is different. Why?
accountability, who lives day in day out with or unsure of something that’s
are not sure as to how they will react Be honest with the other person. Let Because there is more unknown: how will this
crisis and urgent issues – without thinking
to the feedback - that hesitation is them know that you're not quite sure person perform? Will she let me down? Will he different – and the only way to
too much – the idea of a ‘safe’ is appealing
natural. how to deliver the feedback…… get a get the result I’m after within the time frame? break that down is to make the
and easy. It’s easy to ‘go with the flow’ and
little bit vulnerable and explain that effort to really and truly
do the popular thing – isn’t it?
How important has sometimes you're not trying to offend in anyway Our mind battles the risk of taking a chance understand the difference –
uncomfortable feedback been to your But is this going to get YOU and your on ‘difference’ – and where the stakes are AND the individual.
and that you may make mistakes but
growth and your own career organisation to where you need to go? Is high, we are more likely to opt for the less
you know how valuable feedback is
trajectory? being exceptional about same old? Creating risky option – the ‘known quantity’. Changing Building mutual trust can
and you want to make sure that they
organisations, divisions and teams that have this habit is hard because its hardwired. therefore take more time and
are the recipient of it because it is a
a balance of different thinking are way more effort where difference exists.
gift….and it is the best way for them to
successful than those that don’t.
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Courageous Curiosity

Leaders get nervous about GOING THERE: Sometimes our Being vulnerable
• This is what I sometimes here
• I don’t feel comfortable asking
privilege is hard to
When we’re vulnerable and
people personal questions understand. when we lead there aren’t
• Work is work and it doesn’t any guarantees that we will
encroach the personal How are you disadvantaged because succeed. Many of us shy
• I don’t want to ask too many of the way society treats aspects of
personal questions because that’s How can you be more your identity? Are you a woman? Are
away from vulnerability and
feel that vulnerability is a
intruding on someone’s life and its curious today? you disabled? Does your sexuality fall Be Intentional in Challenging the weakness. We often see
Curiosity in leadership helps to move us away
under the queer umbrella? Are you
poor? Do you have a mental illness or a
Status Quo vulnerability as courageous
What if you had the courage to put from our biases. It helps to provide context and strong in others but as a
learning disability? Does the colour of
yourself out of your comfort zone and ask and understanding and builds connection How could you challenge the formula? We have weakness in ourselves. An
your skin or the way you look make you
and trust. so many rules in organisations that are applied unhelpful double standard
some questions? How could it impact the disadvantaged where you live and work
Ask more curious questions. It’s about in a blanket approach. But we all know that these which prevents leaders from
individual? right now? Are you transgender and
seeking to explore possibilities in a non- rules should not apply to EVERY situation. By reaping the reward
people stare at you but don’t ask
judgmental, non-fault finding manner. challenging the formula you create a level vulnerability brings to the
Have more conversations. Share your playing field, you create greater efficiency and workplace. What is the
thinking and seek to understand other you empower your people to bring out the best reward? Far greater creativity
perspectives. But what about the people of themselves. But challenging the formula or
and innovation.
Make more connections. Try and elicit new society doesn’t disenfranchise? What the way things are done around here takes
ideas, make sure others are included, and about the people society empowers at courage!
generate enthusiasm and energy around our expense? We call that privilege.
shared goals and opportunities.
emberin in a nutshell
Mentored 35,000 people worldwide. Trained over
10,000 leaders. Invited to conferences to speak on Global D&I thought leaders
every continent. Global D&I Awards won.

Delivered over 50 ELT and CEO sessions assisting them Elevating the conversation to
design their story for an inclusive culture. Coaching
and supporting CEO’s and ELT members. CEO and ELT
$8 Billion globally spent on D&I with little return. We
challenge this approach and focus on measuring ROI focused
impacts and actions.

Mentoring and sponsorship for minorities. Inclusive

leadership habit building for leaders – the HOW. Simplify: PUSH & PULL

Developed the 6 HABITS OF BEING INCLUSIVE + THE EVIDENCE: Changing habits

INCLUSION ENABLEMENT WHEEL. Leadership accountability
through experiments and measuring action. and behaviour
Organisations we
have had the
privilege to support

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