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Student Self-Analysis Report: Practicum Experience at UREC

Name: Jainaya Jones

Agency: UREC

Date: 5/1/2024


As a practical intern with WSSU UREC, I have been actively involved in various aspects of

sports management, gaining valuable hands-on experience and contributing to the success of

the department. Our student staff is dedicated to serving the recreational needs of the campus

community while enhancing their personal and professional development. Leadership

opportunities are offered through student employment.


(A) What did you learn?

During my practicum experience, I learned about the organization and management of

membership sign-ups, equipment , learned event coordination, and how they handled accident


(B) In what areas did you experience the most personal growth?

I experienced significant personal growth in event planning and facility management. Individuals

seeking to book rooms or facilities.

(C) In what areas did you experience the most professional growth?

My professional growth was developed my communication skills , problem - solving

(D) In what areas did you face the most challenges?

Challenges when dealing with individuals attempting to access facilities without proper

membership or student ID.

(E) What insights have you gained into the field of sport management?

Through this experience, I gained insights into the importance of effective communication, time

management, and attention to detail in sport management.

(F) Based on your practicum experience, what skills would you like in preparation for your


In preparation for my internship,I would like to improve my conflict resolution, customer service,

and activity planning abilities more in order to be ready for my internship.

(G) How has the practicum influenced your career goals?

While my primary career goal remains focused on playing basketball overseas, the practicum

experience has made me realize the importance of communication and time management skills,

which are transferable to various career paths.


● Did the practicum experience meet your personal expectations? Yes

● How would you assess your performance at the agency? Good enough
● Would you recommend this site to future practicum students? Yes, I would highly
recommend this site to future practicum students. My experience at UREC has
been incredibly enriching, providing me with valuable hands-on experience and
opportunities for personal and professional growth. The supportive environment,
dedicated staff, and diverse range of tasks have made it an ideal setting for
learning and development. Future practicum students can expect to gain
practical skills, expand their knowledge of sports management, and contribute
meaningfully to the operations of the organization.

Summary of Practicum Project:

During my practicum, I assisted in the coordination of membership sign-ups, equipment

management, and event planning. My responsibilities included handling inquiries, assisting with

facility bookings, and addressing accident reports, engaging with the community, and creating a

positive recreational environment.Taught me useful advice on how to solve problems and

confirmed my ability to adjust to and achieve in new situations. These encounters strengthened
my dedication to encouraging a healthy lifestyle in the community while also improving my

practical skills.

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