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Mia Camarillo 1

Mia Camarillo

Professor Martinez

English 1302 – 217

April 14, 2024

Through this third and final paper, I learned that almost any position is debatable, and

there are always multiple ways to go about it. This paper allows for different perspectives on a

topic and/or situation to be created or presented. It allows people, including myself, to see things

from many different points of view. I believe that obtaining this type of knowledge is useful in

many cases especially because it helps you possess an open mind and not remain closed off to

one side. This type of knowledge can be applied in courses that require me to create my

perspective with background and have me find different perspectives or solutions to the same

situation. This can also help me in future classes that demand an open mind willing to see

different points of view instead of being stubborn on one solely.

The knowledge obtained from the last paper Research Analysis applied to my position

paper aided me in constructing a perspective that I would stand by with the ability to present

evidence and background information. Not only was my choice perspective established, but I

was able to acknowledge that one perspective had similar and differing sides. In the last essay,

we were asked to compare or differ sources which gave me the privilege to stand in my position

of choice. Items that were used from the last essay to create the new one were the same point of

view since the beginning, sources, and articles that were in favor of my position, and even so

sources that made my position stronger.

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I believe that the creation of research positions helped me in creating a stable point of

view while it was backed up enough. Researching, especially a chosen position, gives the

advantage of demonstrating your point of view in a situation while it is held by evidence and

reliable information that favors your position. This helps me in my writing because it provides

the ability to confidentially make a position that can convince readers to stand by. Everyone is

different, with differing mindsets and not all will stand by the same perspective. Gaining the skill

of a researched position grants the ability to convince or make a person see and respect your

perspective as it is. Having the ability to open peoples’ mindsets or drive them away from a

closed mind is a significantly valuable skill.

Conferencing with my professor and classmates always provides an opportunity to better

my paper. These conferences are always worth it because lacks and errors can be pointed out

only to improve your paper. I received a good amount of feedback which I considered for the

sake of improving my essay. My professor and peer suggested that I stand better in my thesis due

to it lacking the claim. A thesis is possibly the most important element in a paper, and I had to

create this change to even have a good starting essay. I modified my thesis to where the stance

was clear following along the reasoning to my stance. Additionally, I had many suggestions

regarding my structure from my peer member. Dede has suggested that I include and create

subheadings for each of my paragraphs. Subheadings are created to illustrate a brief idea of what

will be talked about in the following paragraph. I chose to include subheadings to provide my

audience with an idea of what I will be discussing in the paragraph and to limit confusion.

Another suggestion made by the professor was that I should create a stronger connection

between my position and the evidence presented. A stance with no connection to its evidence is a
Mia Camarillo 3

failed one, so I made the change to better connect my stance and evidence providing that “why”

to my stance.

Meeting with my peer members greatly helped improve my paper because she provided a

vast amount of feedback on how my paper could be improved. The main suggestion I took upon

changing was properly introducing my articles along with their authors. I genuinely had no idea

that this was a requirement until Dede brought it to my attention. Before discussing any source, I

made sure that my articles and authors were first properly introduced and then followed their

information. As previously mentioned, Dede also stated that some of my information was

confusing because it was unable to detect what was common reasoning and what was

information obtained from the sources. This suggestion signified that I must cite my information

properly and provide the proper credit to the authors. This suggestion is crucial because it can

lead to plagiarism and will just make matters worse. Although mentioned before Dede also stated

that I add subheadings to my paragraph to grant more clarification regarding my topics.

I believe the most challenging aspect of this essay was properly constructing it with the

requirements needed. I knew the basics it required like thesis, evidence, my position, and

counters, but it would just go over my head how it had to be formatted. Also finding counters

was a challenge at first because I had believed that it specifically had to go against my stance.

Later my professor stated that a counter didn’t necessarily have to be against my stance but have

a differing perspective and/or solution to the issue. The least challenging aspect of this essay was

obtaining sources in favor of my stance and providing evidential information that supports it. As

well as arguing in favor of my stance and why it is more effective for my case than others.

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