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Blockchain-Based Decentralized in Financial

Aniket Patil, Pratham Agrawal, Gaurav Rathod, Gaurav Rathod

Abstract—Financial networks enable the finances and communal infrastructure [3]–[5].

dissemination of messages aimed at improving Finances can communicate with their
traffic safety and efficiency; nevertheless, neighbors about road-related issues, like
evaluating the reliability of these updates on traffic jams and road conditions,
communications presents a difficulty in through financial networks. These
situations where trust is lacking. We offer a notifications are essential for keeping finances
decentralized trust management system that updated on traffic conditions, which improves
uses blockchain technology for financial the efficiency and safety of transportation [6].
networks in order to address this. Financial
Due to the dynamic and mobile character
companies can use our system's Bayesian
of financial networks, nearby funds are
Inference Model to authenticate messages
frequently unfamiliar with one another and are
from nearby equivalents. The source of the
unable to build complete confidence. The
message is then rated by each finance
existence of malevolent actors in the network
according to the results of the validation. After
makes this problem worse. The deliberate
that, roadside units (RSUs) use these ratings to
dissemination of incorrect information by
calculate trust value offsets for the concerned
these malicious funds poses serious dangers to
monies, which are then grouped into blocks.
traffic efficiency and safety. For example, a
Using a consensus technique that combines
malevolent actor may send out a message
proof-of-work (PoW) and proof-of-stake,
claiming that a route is clear when, in fact,
RSUs aim to add these blocks to a trust
there is a collision or traffic jam. The
blockchain that is collaboratively maintained
efficiency and safety of the transportation
by all RSUs. How simple it is to locate the
system may be seriously jeopardized by such
nonce for. The total value of offsets (stake) in
dishonest behaviour. As a result, one of the
the block determines the hash function (PoW).
most important problems in financial networks
By means of this cooperative endeavours,
is accurately assessing financial credibility.
RSUs maintain a current, trustworthy, and
cohesive trust blockchain. The outcomes of By enabling finances to evaluate the
our simulations validate the efficiency and reliability of received messages, trust
feasibility of our suggested system for management systems give network operators a
gathering, calculating, and archiving trust foundation on which to reward or penalize
values in financial networks. certain finances [8], [9]. A finance's trust value
is often determined by relevant nodes judging
its previous behaviours. There are two types of
I. Introduction trust management systems now in use:
decentralized and centralized. All ratings are
With the integration of onboard sensing, processed and kept in a central server, such as
computing, and communication equipment, a cloud server, in centralized systems [10],
finances have recently become more [11]. But since financial networks usually need
independent [1], [2]. The financial network, to make quick judgments, these centralized
which is now a crucial part of fifth-generation solutions frequently fall short of meeting the
mobile networks, is made up of intelligent strict quality-of-service (QoS) criteria of
financial networks. However, decentralized contributions of this paper can be outlined as
systems [13]–[15] carry out responsibilities follows:
related to trust management inside each
1. Our novel decentralized trust
roadside unit (RSU) or finance department,
management scheme for financial
potentially decreasing contacts with network
networks, leveraging blockchain
infrastructures. However, ratings produced
technology, facilitates decentralized
Because different target events have different
participation of all RSUs in updating
observation capabilities and assessment
trust values. Additionally, it furnishes
settings, results from a single finance may not
all RSUs with comprehensive trust
always be trustworthy. Furthermore, the
information pertaining to all finances
extremely unstable network topology makes it
within the network.
difficult to promptly assess detected money.
2. Introducing a joint proof-of-work
RSUs have also been investigated in several
(PoW) and proof-of-stake consensus
studies for trust management [15], but because
mechanism, we enable all RSUs to
they are frequently distributed externally, they
compete in updating trust by adding
are prone to intrusions and malfunctions,
trust blocks. This mechanism
which makes it difficult for them to deliver
emphasizes the importance of adding
dependable and consistent trust services for
the block with the highest total values
the whole financial network. As a result,
of trust offset first, as it significantly
efficient trust management in financial
impacts the entire trust database.
networks is still a pressing problem.
3. Through simulations, we demonstrate
With this in mind, blockchain is the practical efficiency of our
considered as a feasible tool to cope with the proposed blockchain-based
problems above. Blockchain is initially known decentralized trust management
as one of the disruptive technologies in system within financial networks. The
financial indus- try, which enables distributed subsequent sections of this paper are
nodes to trade with each other. Furthermore, structured as follows:
blockchain technology offers a decentralized
Section II: Reviews the existing literature and
and tamper-proof ledger system without the
related works.
need for a central authority [17], [24]. Its
robust security and reliability have led to its In Section III: We outline the system model,
widespread exploration and application adversary model, and design objectives.
beyond financial contexts, including content
delivery [26], key management [18], and Section IV: Provides a succinct overview of
decentralized storage [19], [20]. Leveraging blockchain technology and explains its
the decentralized nature of blockchain, trust advantages in building a trust management
management can be decentralized among system.
distributed RSUs, mitigating issues associated Section V: Explores the detailed workings of
with centralization. Additionally, blockchain our blockchain-based decentralized trust
facilitates collaboration among RSUs to management system.
maintain a consistent database. Even in
scenarios where a minority of RSUs are Sections VI–VIII: Cover security analysis,
compromised by attackers, the block performance evaluation, and additional
generation speed of attackers is considerably discussions on the proposed system,
slower than that of benign RSUs. Thus, the respectively.
proposed system effectively manages trust
Finally, Section IX: Concludes the paper.
tasks in financial networks, empowering
finances to assess the trustworthiness of
neighbours and evaluate the credibility of
received messages. In summary, the
management, the burgeoning development of
intelligent transportation systems renders such
II. Related work:-
centralized approaches impractical. Coping
with a large volume of finances through a
single centralized node could lead to high
A. Centralized Trust Management latency or even blockages, thus compromising
Recent research has extensively the quality of service for users. Moreover, the
explored centralized trust management within presence of a single point of failure poses a
financial networks. These studies [7], [10], significant challenge to centralized networks.
[11] typically involve the utilization of a
central server to gather, compute, and store
trust values associated with all finances. The B. Decentralized Trust Management
central server is often presumed to be an entity
To address the drawbacks associated
of complete trust, impervious to compromise
with centralized approaches, decentralized
by malicious actors.
systems have been introduced for trust
In one such study [7], a reputation- management. Raya et al. [12] proposed a data-
based announcement scheme is proposed for centric trust management scheme for ad hoc
financial networks. Here, finances detect networks. Upon receiving data from other
traffic-related events and disseminate nodes, each node calculates a trust value for
announcements to neighbouring entities. Upon the received data. These individual trust values
receiving these announcements, recipients are then aggregated using specific algorithms.
must assess the credibility of the messages and If the aggregated value surpasses a predefined
generate feedback reports. All feedback is then threshold, the receiver trusts the content of the
aggregated by a centralized reputation server. data. Similarly, Gurung et al. [13] tackled
Leveraging this data, the server updates similar issues by first analyzing message
reputation values and issues certificates for all keywords and categorizing messages into
finances within the network. Additionally, groups. Trust values for all messages are then
Mahmoud and Shen [10] introduced a computed based on factors such as content
mechanism involving stimulation and similarity, content conflict, and routing path
punishment for mobile nodes. This approach similarity. Additionally, Li and Chigan [14]
employs "micropayments" to incentivize nodes introduced a mechanism that addresses privacy
to relay packets for others. Honest nodes are and reputation concerns simultaneously.
rewarded with credits, which can be utilized Behavior evaluation, reputation aggregation,
when fulfilling relay requests. A reputation and manifestation tasks are collectively
system is integrated to address issues such as executed on each vehicle, with partially blind
packet dropping. Malicious nodes deliberately signatures utilized to safeguard financial
dropping packets are reported by receivers and privacy.
subsequently expelled from the network.
However, these schemes necessitate
Furthermore, a reputation system facilitating
individual finances to manage trust values
reliable cooperative downloading is devised in
independently, which may lead to inaccuracies
[11]. This system enables finances to securely
due to limited observation conditions or
download and forward packets on behalf of
potential malfunctions.
others. Upon completing a task honestly, a
proxy finance receives a virtual check from the In [15] and [16], roadside units
packet receiver. Leveraging these checks, the (RSUs) are employed for trust management,
reputation system encourages cooperation with finances generating ratings for others and
while penalizing malicious behaviour. uploading these ratings to nearby RSUs.
Finances can also request trust values of
Although these schemes rely on a
neighbouring entities from RSUs.
fully trusted central server for trust
Nevertheless, trust information stored in
distributed RSUs may not always be complete receivers. However, given the rapidly
or consistent. Therefore, the development of a changing traffic conditions and limited
decentralized, reliable, and consistent trust onboard device capacity, these ratings
management system in financial networks cannot be stored and managed locally
remains a critical yet challenging endeavours. in the long term. Therefore, finances
periodically upload their ratings to
nearby RSUs, serving as collectors
C. Blockchain-Based Decentralized Data and hosts for this data.
Management b) Trust Value Management: Solely
RSUs are presumed capable of
The utilization of blockchain for calculating trust values for specific
decentralized data management has garnered vehicles based on collected ratings.
significant attention. For instance, Cai et al. These trust values, representing
[19] introduced an encrypted decentralized aggregated opinions of a finance,
storage system leveraging blockchain encapsulate its historical message
techniques to address fraudulent client credibilities. Once calculated, trust
behaviours. This system stores vital values can be queried by other
information regarding stored files, such as finances as needed.
digests, tokens, and metadata for integrity 2. Finances: Equipped with onboard
checking, within the blockchain. This ensures sensors, computers, and
fair judgments for storage and search services. communication devices, finances
Additionally, Cai et al. [20] developed a undertake data gathering, processing,
blockchain-based distributed storage and and sharing tasks.
keyword search platform. Here, blockchain is
employed to store the public keys of reputable
nodes, as confirmed by the majority of the
With onboard devices, finances
network. Therefore, due to its decentralized,
autonomously detect traffic-related events and
consistent, and tamper-proof nature,
communicate warning messages to others
blockchain presents a promising solution to
using finance-to-finance communication
address trust management challenges in
standards (e.g., long-term evolution finance-
financial networks.
to-finance or dedicated short-range
communications [22]). However, not all
messages are pertinent. For instance, once a
III. Problem Defination:- finance has passed a specific event location,
subsequent reports about the event are no
longer relevant. Therefore, each finance
A. System Model maintains a reference set comprising
neighbouring finances traveling ahead within a
Illustrated in Figure 1, a decentralized trust
certain distance, as depicted in Figure 1.
management system in financial networks
Leveraging messages from the reference set,
primarily comprises several interconnected
finances stay updated on traffic conditions and
RSUs and finances on the road.
respond to potential events in a timely manner.
1. RSU: Possessing resources and
However, due to potential malfunctions or
capabilities, RSUs are tasked with key
misbehaviors, messages from the reference set
responsibilities, including rating
are not always reliable. Receivers must
collection and trust value
aggregate all messages related to a specific
event and identify credible ones using specific
a) Rating Collection: Ratings,
models, such as the majority rule.
essential for evaluating message
Subsequently, receivers generate ratings for
credibility, are generated by message
messages based on credibilities and upload can manipulate data stored in RSUs
these ratings to RSUs. by adding, deleting, or tampering
with it. However, large-scale
intrusion attacks are improbable due
B. Adversary Model to limited attacker capacity.
Moreover, periodic security checks
by network operators prevent
Both finances and RSUs are susceptible prolonged attacker control over
to potential attackers, which could compromised RSUs. Therefore, it is
significantly disrupt trust management system assumed that attackers can only
operations and compromise finance traffic compromise a small portion of
safety. This paper considers two adversaries: RSUs for a brief period.
malicious finances and compromised RSUs.
1) Malicious Finance: Occasional C. Design Goals
malicious finances may exist in
financial networks, often with This paper aims to assess, record, and
specific motivations to disrupt disseminate finance trustworthiness in
network operations. Such financial networks. Key objectives include
behaviours pose severe threats to the ensuring fair evaluation of all finance
safety and efficiency of benign behaviours and enabling access to reliable
finances. Malicious finances trust values of neighbouring finances as
primarily engage in two types of needed. The trust management system design
behaviours: must achieve the following goals:
a) Message Spoofing Attack:
1. Decentralization: With the
Attackers may intentionally
proliferation of smart finances,
broadcast fake messages to
centralized trust management schemes
undermine traffic safety or
may become impractical. Thus, the
efficiency. For instance, a malicious
trust management system must
finance detecting a traffic accident
leverage distributed nodes (i.e., RSUs
may broadcast a message falsely
and finances) for trust value
claiming "The road is clear!" to
calculation based on ratings uploaded
nearby finances.
by message receivers, ensuring system
b) Bad Mouthing and Ballot
reliability and scalability.
Stuffing Attack: In this system, bad
2. Tamper-Proofing: Given RSUs'
mouthing (ballot stuffing) attack
vulnerable, distributed nature,
refers to finances generating and
protection against RSU compromise is
uploading unfair negative (positive)
essential. Tampering with data stored
ratings on credible (incredible)
in compromised RSUs could
messages. For example, after
compromise trust management system
receiving a credible message, a
reliability. However, large-scale RSU
malicious finance may deliberately
compromise is improbable due to
generate a negative rating (e.g., -1)
limited attacker capacity. Therefore,
for this message and upload it to the
the trust management system should
withstand compromise of a small
2) Compromised RSU: Positioned
portion of RSUs.
along roads and sometimes lacking
3. Consistency: High mobility among
network operator protection, RSUs
finances necessitates seamless trust
are considered semi-trusted entities
data exchange among RSUs to
vulnerable to compromise by
maintain a consistent database, posing
attackers. Upon intrusion, attackers
a significant challenge for previous one by storing a digest (i.e., hash
decentralized trust management in value) of the preceding block, thereby
financial networks. ensuring the integrity of the chain.
4. Timeliness: Trust value, reflecting a Additionally, each block typically includes a
finance's overall evaluation based on nonce, which serves as the solution to a
its historical behaviours, may change mathematical problem. The node that solves
over time. Consequently, trust values this problem is elected as a temporary central
stored in RSUs must be promptly node, or miner, and broadcasts the block to
updated based on recent message other network participants. Various miner
credibilities. election schemes have been proposed in recent
5. Availability: Trust values stored in blockchain-based systems, such as Proof of
RSUs must be readily accessible to Work (PoW), Proof of Stake, and Proof of
finances seeking trustworthiness Capacity [21], wherein nodes with greater
information on neighbouring entities. computational power, capital, and storage
Therefore, an application interface capacity stand a higher chance of winning the
(API) facilitating finance query election. Consequently, blockchain offers a
requests and trust value retrieval from viable solution for maintaining data security
RSUs is necessary. and consistency in decentralized networks.
B. Design Overview

IV. Methodology In this paper, we explore the utilization of

blockchain to store trust values of finances.
Initially, all finances assess the credibility of
A. Blockchain received messages and generate corresponding
ratings. A positive rating (+1) denotes a
Blockchain is a set of techniques credible message, while a negative rating (-1)
commonly employed in decentralized signifies an incredible one. These ratings are
networks to maintain a consistent database then uploaded to the RSU, which assumes a
among all participants. It was initially central role in trust management. Compared to
introduced by Satoshi Nakamoto to finances, RSUs typically possess more stable
encapsulate the core principles of the network topology, reliable communication
renowned digital currency, Bitcoin [21]. channels (e.g., wired links), and enhanced
Unlike centralized network structures, computing and storage capabilities. These
blockchain-based networks lack fixed central advantages make RSU an ideal candidate for
nodes. Instead, all network members hold decentralized trust management in financial
relatively equal positions and maintain networks.
identical copies of the blockchain.
Consequently, altering data recorded in the Building upon the ratings uploaded by
blockchain requires significant computational finances, the RSU is tasked with calculating
power to override the consensus of the trust value offsets for each involved finance
network. Owing to its robust security and using specific methodologies. In this system,
reliability, blockchain has garnered trust value offsets range between -1 and +1
widespread attention and adoption in recent and are positively correlated with the ratio of
years. positive ratings. The sum of all offsets
determines the trust value of a finance.
As depicted in Figure 2, a blockchain Analogous to the transactions mentioned
comprises an ordered list of blocks, with each earlier, several offsets are bundled into a
block containing a certain number of historical candidate block by the RSU. Subsequently, the
transactions (TXs). These transactions are RSU vies to be elected as the miner and adds
initiated by traders and propagated throughout this block to the blockchain.
the network. Each block is linked to the
The method of miner election stands as a Step 1 (Rating Generation and
pivotal aspect in blockchain-based systems. In Uploading): This initial stage unfolds within
financial networks, prioritizing the addition of finances, particularly among message
blocks containing the highest total absolute receivers. Given the potential for malfunctions
values of trust offsets is crucial, as it or misbehaviour, messages sourced from the
profoundly impacts the overall trust database. reference set Ref aren't uniformly trustworthy.
In our proposed design, we introduce a hybrid Thus, specific criteria are essential for
Proof of Work (PoW) and Proof of Stake message receivers to gauge message credence
(PoS) election mechanism. This scheme and generate ratings. Messages are classified
considers the sum of absolute offset values into groups {M1, M2, Mj}, with Mj
within the candidate block as the stake. RSUs representing the message group conveying
with larger stakes are more likely to be chosen event (e.g., "A traffic accident occurred at road
as the miner. Consequently, significant segment A!"). However, not all messages
variations in trust values are swiftly reflected within a group bear equal credibility.
in the blockchain, ensuring timely updates of Messages originating from finances near the
recorded data. Through the accumulation of all event location typically hold more reliability
offsets for each finance stored in the than those from distant counterparts.
blockchain, RSUs can access real-time trust Therefore, the message's credibility is defined
values. as follows:
In contrast, traditional PoS schemes lack cj = b + e−γ ·dj (1)
randomization, potentially resulting in RSUs
Here, cj denotes the credibility of the
with substantial stakes consistently winning
message in group Mj sent by finance k, and dk
elections and impeding trust value updates for
signifies the distance between the message
RSUs with lower stakes. Should an RSU with
sender and the event location. Parameters b
significant stakes be compromised by an
and γ regulate the lower threshold and rate of
adversary, it risks compromising the entire
message credibility change, respectively.
trust system. Furthermore, conventional PoW
Additionally, cj = 0 if finance k fails to report
schemes solely prioritize miner election based
this event. Employing equation (1), the
on computational capacity, failing to
receiver derives a credibility set Cj for event
differentiate between high-stake and low-stake
ej. Based on this set, the receiver computes the
RSUs. Consequently, significant variations in
aggregated credibility of event e using
trust values may not be promptly reflected in
Bayesian inference.
the blockchain.
Step 2 (Calculation of Trust Value
Offsets): The RSU may encounter conflicting
V. Detailed design of the proposed ratings regarding a specific message (e.g.,
system: - seven positive ratings and three negative
ratings). To ascertain the trust value offset,
weighted aggregation is employed on these
A. Main Procedures ratings, producing offsets between -1 and +1.
The offset correlates positively with the ratio
Outlined in Fig. 3, the core processes of of positive ratings on the message. The
blockchain-based decentralized trust calculation of trust value offset is expressed
management unfold across the following steps: as:
1. Rating Generation and Uploading oj=θ1·m−θ2·n m+n
2. Calculation of Trust Value Offsets
3. Miner Election and Block Generation (3)
4. Distributed Consensus Here, oj denotes the trust value offset of
finance k based on message j, and oj ∈ [−1, 1].
m and n represent the count of positive and
negative ratings, respectively, with weights θ1 3. Information to validate the block's
and θ2 determined through equation (4). authenticity, including the nonce and
hash threshold.
Construction of Si: Si, comprising a
series of binary bits, influences the generation
speed of offset blocks for each RSU. The
The body primarily encompasses the list
relationship between Si and Fi (the sum of
of trust value offsets.
absolute values of trust value offsets) is
defined as: Step 4 (Distributed Consensus): Upon
receiving a block from the miner, the RSU
Si = 2Nm−Nz − 1
verifies the nonce's validity and proceeds to
(7) append it to its blockchain. Occasionally, the
RSU might receive multiple blocks
simultaneously, leading to blockchain forking.
Here, Nz indicates the count of continuous To address this, a distributed consensus
zeros at the top of Si, and Nm denotes the bits mechanism is employed. Each RSU selects a
of the hash value dependent on the hash fork to follow, with the fork garnering the
algorithm. most RSU endorsements advancing faster.
Ultimately, the longest fork becomes the
Step 3 (Miner Election and Block network's distributed consensus, while others
Generation): In light of the decentralized are discarded. Additionally, each RSU retains
network structure, a miner is periodically blocks generated in discarded forks for
elected from all RSUs to produce new offset potential future blockchain integration,
blocks. The proposed miner election method ensuring network consistency.
integrates a joint Proof of Work (PoW) and
Proof of Stake (PoS) mechanism. RSUs with B. Application Interface
larger stakes stand a better chance of being
selected as the miner, ensuring the timely
update of data stored in the blockchain. This 1. Trust Value Query: When a finance
approach fosters fairness among RSUs, seeks another's trust value, it
preventing any RSU with disproportionately dispatches a query request (QueryReq,
large Fi from continuously winning the VINi, VINj) to the nearby RSU. VINi
election. and VINj denote the identity numbers
of the requesting and target finances,
Once the RSU successfully adds the
respectively. Upon receiving the
offset block into the blockchain, it clears the
query, the RSU verifies the requester's
elements in Oi, thus ensuring the system's
identity and aggregates stored offsets
to determine the target finance's
The format of an offset block, as current trust value (Trj). Subsequently,
depicted in Fig. 5, comprises two main the RSU sends a response (VINj,
sections: the header and body. The header En(Trj)pki) to the requester, with Trj
encompasses: encrypted using the requester's public
1. Essential block details such as the 2. Warning and Revocation: RSUs can
block ID, RSU ID, and generation take actions such as warning and
time. revocation for finances with relatively
2. The hash of the preceding rating low trust values. Two thresholds,
block, facilitating the chaining of this Rwarn and Rmin, are defined for this
block to the existing blockchain. purpose, where Rwarn > Rmin.
Finances below Rwarn are added to
the warning list, publicly broadcasted
by RSUs. Warned finances must for block addition. Limited attacker numbers
actively broadcast credible messages and brief compromise durations result in few
to improve their trust values. fake blocks. Additionally, an upper bound on
Conversely, finances below Rmin face block stakes inhibits compromised RSUs from
revocation, rendering them ineligible generating excessively influential fake blocks,
for network services. mitigating their impact.
VI. Security Analysis A. Calculation of Trust Value Offsets
This section outlines the processes
from messages to ratings and from ratings to
A. Defence Against Malicious Finance:
trust value offsets. Fig. 6 depicts the
correlation between unfair ratings and false
messages. When attackers send false
1) Message Spoofing Attack: To counter messages, benign finances may produce unfair
malicious finance broadcasting fake messages, ratings. With a small number of false
the system employs a Bayesian inference- messages, the percentage of unfair ratings
based rating generation mechanism. This remains low, as the Bayesian-based model can
scheme enables message receivers to assess discern the truth from benign reports.
the credibility of messages from various However, as false messages increase, the
reference finances regarding a specific event. percentage of unfair ratings rises, eventually
By analyzing messages from multiple sources, reaching near 1 as false messages become the
receivers can discern trustworthy messages. majority, misleading the model. Moreover,
With the API's assistance, finances can prior knowledge of event probability enhances
conveniently query specific neighbors' trust decision-making efficacy, as evidenced by the
values, crucial for assessing message outperformance of the line with more prior
credibility. knowledge compared to the neutral prior
2) Bad Mouthing and Ballot Stuffing Attack: probability line.
Malicious finances may attempt to manipulate Fig. 7 illustrates the relationship
trust by uploading unfair ratings. However, between trust value offsets and the percentage
each receiver can only assign one binary rating of negative ratings. Different functions tested
per event, broadcasted to all neighbors. The for offset calculation based on equations (3)
limited number of attackers makes it and (4) show gradual offset decreases with
challenging for unfair ratings to significantly increasing negative ratings. The choice of F(x)
impact aggregated trust values. impacts offsets, with some functions being less
B. Defence Against Compromised RSU vulnerable to unfair ratings, such as the offset
with F(x) = x3.
In the scenario where some RSUs are
briefly compromised, blockchain techniques B. Block Generation:
ensure consistency across RSUs. All RSUs
maintain identical blockchain versions,
continually appending new blocks. Following the acquisition of finance trust
Compromised RSUs, upon regaining control, value offsets, RSUs attempt to become miners
can identify discrepancies by detecting and publish blocks. Block generation time T is
changes in locally stored data, which alters the primarily influenced by two parameters: the
hash value of the last block, inconsistent with sum of absolute offsets Fi and hash rate M.
subsequent blocks from benign RSUs. Fig. 8 shows T decreasing gradually with
increasing Fi due to larger Fi indicating a
Moreover, compromised RSUs might larger hash threshold Si, facilitating nonce
propagate fake blocks, yet they must compete acquisition. Additionally, T decreases with
increasing M, enabling RSUs to try more message receiver can combine this information
nonces per second. with the distance factor to derive a more
reliable assessment. The assessment is
Comparatively, the block generation time
formulated as follows:
under the PoW scheme is also evaluated. In
this scheme, block generation time depends
solely on the hash rate of each node, as all
\[ c_j = \alpha_1 \cdot e^{-\gamma \cdot d_j}
nodes have the same hash threshold. However,
+ \alpha_2 \cdot R_k \]
as RSUs generally have similar hash rates,
block generation opportunities are relatively
equal. Hence, PoW block generation time
remains unchanged with stake, unlike the Here, \( R_k \) denotes the trust value
proposed scheme, which reflects differences of the message sender, \( Ref \) represents the
between high and low stake RSUs, facilitating receiver's reference set, and \( \alpha_1 \) and \
faster trust value updates. ( \alpha_2 \) are parameters regulating the
weight of each component.
C. Communications Overhead:

B. Privacy Issues:
Wireless channels transmit two types of
data in financial networks: messages and Privacy stands as a significant concern in
ratings. Messages, triggered by road-related financial networks. In the proposed system,
events, are broadcasted by finances, with a the finance identity number serves as the
packet size of 800 bytes to align with event- identifier for each finance, posing a potential
triggered data. Ratings, nonsafety data risk of privacy breach. For instance, attackers
generated by message receivers, accumulate could exploit the finance identity number to
multiple ratings within a time period, packing uncover the actual identity of the finance
them into data packets for upload to nearby owner. A plausible solution entails using the
RSUs. Fig. 9 demonstrates that transmission public key as the finance identifier, which acts
latency of both messages and ratings increases as a meaningless string. Moreover, finances
with data arrival rate. Moreover, rating packet can periodically alter their public keys through
latency exceeds that of messages due to larger interactions with RSUs. However, these
packet sizes. measures unavoidably heighten
communication and computation overheads in
the network. Consequently, striking a balance
between privacy preservation and efficient
trust management remains an intriguing yet
daunting challenge in financial networks.
A. Trust-Based Data Credibility
In this study, we introduced a blockchain-
In the proposed system, Bayesian based decentralized trust management system
Inference is employed for message rating tailored for financial networks. This system
generation. During this process, the distance empowers finances to inquire about the
between the message sender and the event trustworthiness of neighbouring entities,
location serves as an indicator of message thereby enabling them to evaluate the
credibility. Additionally, the current trust credibility of received messages. Trust values
value of the message sender significantly are consolidated within RSUs based on ratings
influences message credibility assessment. By generated by message receivers. Leveraging
querying trust values from the RSU, the blockchain techniques, all RSUs collaborate to
uphold a dependable and uniform database.
Through a series of simulations, we assessed
the performance of the entire system, revealing
its effectiveness and feasibility in
decentralized trust management. Nonetheless,
future investigations are imperative. For
instance, exploring the integration of trust
management and privacy preservation
warrants thorough examination. It is
anticipated that the establishment of a robust
decentralized trust management system will
significantly enhance the ability of finances to
discern the credibility of neighbors, fostering
the development of a secure and efficient
intelligent transportation network.

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