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Using GPT-4 (in the playground)

1) Open your Sheet

2) Export the data as CSV file

3) Write the System


You are a data analyst.

Given some data in csv format,
you should answer the
This is the data:

Month Product A Product B Product C Product D Product E

January 120 150 80 60 100

February 130 160 90 70 110

March 140 170 100 80 120

April 150 180 110 90 130

May 160 190 120 100 140

June 170 200 130 110 150

July 180 210 140 120 160

August 190 220 150 130 170

September 200 230 160 140 180

October 210 240 170 150 190

November 220 250 180 160 200

December 230 260 190 170 210

Answer some questions based

on this data. Generate
interesting questions and
provide the answers.

1. What was the total revenue

from Product A sales in the last
12 months?

To calculate the total revenue,

we need to sum the sales of
Product A for each month.

Total revenue from Product A

sales = 120 + 130 + 140 + 150 +
160 + 170 + 180 + 190 + 200 +
210 + 220 + 230 = 2100

2. Which product had the highest

sales in August?

To find the highest sales in

August, we need to compare the
sales of all products in August.

Sales in August:
Product A: 190
Product B: 220
Product C: 150
Product D: 130
Product E: 170

Product B had the highest sales

in August with 220 units sold.
3. What was the average
monthly sales for Product C?

To calculate the average monthly

sales for Product C, we need to
sum the sales for each month
and divide by the total number of
months (12).

Total sales for Product C = 80 +

90 + 100 + 110 + 120 + 130 + 140
+ 150 + 160 + 170 + 180 + 190 =

Average monthly sales for

Product C = Total sales / Number
of months = 1620 / 12 = 135 units
4. Which month had the lowest
total sales across all products?
To find the lowest total sales across all products,
we need to sum the sales for each product in each
month and compare the totals.

Total sales for each month:

- January: 120 + 150 + 80 + 60 + 100 = 510

- February: 130 + 160 + 90 + 70 + 110 = 560
- March: 140 + 170 + 100 + 80 + 120 = 610
- April: 150 + 180 + 110 + 90 + 130 = 660
- May: 160 + 190 + 120 + 100 + 140 = 710
- June: 170 + 200 + 130 + 110 + 150 = 760
- July: 180 + 210 + 140 + 120 + 160 = 810
- August: 190 + 220 + 150 + 130 + 170 = 860
- September: 200 + 230 + 160 + 140 + 180 = 910
- October: 210 + 240 + 170 + 150 + 190 = 960
- November: 220 + 250 + 180 + 160 + 200 = 1010
- December: 230 + 260 + 190 + 170 + 210 = 1060

January had the lowest total sales across all

products with a total of 510 units sold.

5. What was the total sales for all

products in the last 12 months?

To calculate the total sales for all

products in the last 12 months, we need
to sum the sales for each product in
each month.

Total sales for all products = 510

(January) + 560 (February) + 610
(March) + 660 (April) + 710 (May) + 760
(June) + 810 (July) + 860 (August) + 910
(September) + 960 (October) + 1010
(November) + 1060 (December) = 9000

The total sales for all products in the last

12 months was 9000 units.

6. Which product had the highest

total sales in the last 12 months?

To find the highest total sales, we need to

calculate the total sales for each product
across all months and compare the totals.

Total sales for each product:

- Product A: 2100 (from previous calculation)

- Product B: 150 + 160 + 170 + 180 + 190 +
200 + 210 + 220 + 230 + 240 + 250 + 260 =
- Product C: 1620 (from previous calculation)
- Product D: 60 + 70 + 80 + 90 + 100 + 110 +
120 + 130 + 140 + 150 + 160 + 170 = 1370
- Product E: 100 + 110 + 120 + 130 + 140 + 150
+ 160 + 170 + 180 + 190 + 200 + 210 = 1850

Product B had the highest total sales in the

last 12 months with 2250 units sold.

7. What was the average monthly

sales for all products combined?

To calculate the average monthly

sales for all products combined, we
need to divide the total sales for all
products (9000, from previous
calculation) by the total number of
months (12).

Average monthly sales for all products

combined = Total sales / Number of
months = 9000 / 12 = 750 units

On average, 750 units were sold per

month across all products in the last
12 months.

8. Which product had the lowest

total sales in the last 12 months?

From the total sales calculation for

each product mentioned earlier:

- Product A: 2100
- Product B: 2250
- Product C: 1620
- Product D: 1370
- Product E: 1850

Product D had the lowest total sales in

the last 12 months with 1370 units
9. In which month was the difference
between the highest and lowest selling
products the greatest?

To find the month with the greatest difference between the

highest and lowest selling products, we need to calculate
the difference for each month and compare them.

Differences for each month:

- January: 150 - 60 = 90
- February: 160 - 70 = 90
- March: 170 - 80 = 90
- April: 180 - 90 = 90
- May: 190 - 100 = 90
- June: 200 - 110 = 90
- July: 210 - 120 = 90
- August: 220 - 130 = 90
- September: 230 - 140 = 90
- October: 240 - 150 = 90
- November: 250 - 160 = 90
- December: 260 - 170 = 90

Surprisingly, the difference between the highest and lowest

selling products was the same for every month, at 90 units.
Therefore, there isn't a single month where the difference
was the greatest – it was consistent across all months.
10. Which product had the most
significant increase in sales between
January and December?

To find the most significant increase, we need to

calculate the difference in sales between January
and December for each product.

Differences for each product:

- Product A: 230 (December) - 120 (January) = 110

- Product B: 260 (December) - 150 (January) = 110
- Product C: 190 (December) - 80 (January) = 110
- Product D: 170 (December) - 60 (January) = 110
- Product E: 210 (December) - 100 (January) = 110

Interestingly, all products had the same increase in

sales between January and December, with each of
them having a 110-unit increase. Therefore, there
isn't a single product with the most significant
increase – they all increased by the same amount.
10. Which product had the most
significant increase in sales between
January and December?

To find the most significant increase, we need to

calculate the difference in sales between January
and December for each product.

Differences for each product:

- Product A: 230 (December) - 120 (January) = 110

- Product B: 260 (December) - 150 (January) = 110
- Product C: 190 (December) - 80 (January) = 110
- Product D: 170 (December) - 60 (January) = 110
- Product E: 210 (December) - 100 (January) = 110

Interestingly, all products had the same increase in

sales between January and December, with each of
them having a 110-unit increase. Therefore, there
isn't a single product with the most significant
increase – they all increased by the same amount.

This is where it get


Just by timing continue it

gives some insights
Based on the given data, we can make several
observations and conclusions:

1. All products had a consistent increase in sales

throughout the year, with each product showing the same
increase in sales between January and December.

2. The difference between the highest and lowest selling

products remained constant at 90 units for every month.
This suggests a stable demand for products in the store.

3. Product B had the highest total sales in the last 12

months, followed by Product A, Product E, Product C, and
Product D, in that order.

4. The store sold a total of 9000 units across all products

in the last 12 months, with an average of 750 units sold
per month.

5. January was the month with the lowest total sales

across all products, while December had the highest total

These insights could be valuable for the store's

management in making decisions related to inventory
management, marketing efforts, and product pricing.
Additionally, further analysis could be conducted on
factors influencing the consistent increase in sales, such
as promotions, seasonality, or market trends.

Yes. I type "continue"

again and this time it
gives recommendations.

Amazing, isn't it
1. Enhance in-store and online experiences: Improving the store layout, investing
in staff training, and optimizing the online shopping experience can help attract
new customers and increase satisfaction among existing ones. This can lead to
higher sales and better customer retention.

2. Leverage data analytics: By regularly analyzing sales data like the one provided,
the store can make data-driven decisions to optimize its operations, identify
trends, and respond proactively to changes in the market.

3. Track competitors and industry trends: Staying informed about competitors'

strategies, as well as industry trends and developments, can help the store
anticipate and react to market changes more effectively. This can lead to better
positioning and sustained growth.

4. Targeted marketing and promotions: Using the sales data to identify the best-
performing products, as well as any seasonal trends or fluctuations, the store can
create targeted marketing campaigns and promotions to boost sales during
specific periods. This can also help in moving slower-selling products and
increasing overall sales.

5. Diversify product offerings: If the store finds that its current product range is
not meeting the needs or preferences of its customers, it may consider
diversifying its product offerings to cater to a wider audience. By introducing new
products or expanding existing product lines, the store can attract new customers
and increase sales.

6. Strengthen relationships with suppliers: Building strong relationships with

suppliers can help the store negotiate better deals, secure exclusive products,
and ensure the timely arrival of inventory. This can lead to cost savings, improved
product availability, and ultimately, higher sales.

7. Implement a loyalty program: A well-designed loyalty program can help

increase customer retention, encourage repeat purchases, and boost overall
sales. By offering exclusive discounts, rewards, or special offers to loyal
customers, the store can improve customer satisfaction and drive sales growth.

By addressing these aspects and leveraging the insights gathered from the sales
data analysis, the store can make informed decisions to optimize its operations,
enhance customer satisfaction, and ultimately grow its sales and revenue.
These recommendations
lack context, because I
never "told" GPT-4
anything about the

What's the business

What are the
what's the business
model, etc.
GPT-4 can handle only 8,000 tokens
(32,000) in the future.

That's not enough to copy/paste a

real dataset.

1. Use Lang Chain with a vector
2. Use the Code Interpreter plugin
when available to general public.
Is currently in Alpha.
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