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‘1 Business and its environment (AS Level) 1 Enterprise "11 The nature of busines activity {he purpose of business activty the factors of production needed for business activity land, abou capital andenterpise the concept of adding valve he nature of economic activi, the problem of choice and opportunity cost the dyramic business envionment why businesses succeed ofa iererces betwee local tonal intemational and maltinatonalbusineses 2TH role of entreprenears and nvapreneus the qualities enepreners and itrapreneus need for success theroleof entrepreneurship ncreating and staingup abuses | thevoe barr to entrepreneurship osines rik and uncerainty thevoleo business enteprisein the development of country 713 Busnes pane the meaning and purpose of busines plane the key elements ef busines plans the benef and lntations of busines plane OIRO DOO OOOO 000 2 ‘Ceneis trainal AS Ate Buns 9608 Scanned with CamScanner 12 Business structure 1.21 cone sectors he prima, secondary, erry and qunterary sectors and busiesies within those sectors the public and private sectors nd businesses within thor sector the reasons for and consequences ofthe changing relative mportanceof these sectors 22 business ownership the mi eatures of ferent types of business mesh leaders, partntanps, private Ete conponis, public Lite companies, ranches, co-operatives, joint ventures and Soci enterprise, the appropriateness of diferent types of buna onnership the concepts nlnitedUailty and rated \ibity and ter importance the advantages and disadvantages of changing rom one ype of business oanestiptoanother 13 Sie ofbusnese 1.3.1 Measurements of Busines sae the appropriateness of aferent methads of easing the size of abusiess Ao 13.2 Signicance of mall businesses the advantages and disadvantages of sing 8 small business ‘the eng and weakness of fy busines the importance of sal businesses andthe vle inthe eco ‘the roe of small business a part ofthe indus tutu insame nutes oo Oo ml Scanned with CamScanner 1.33 Business growth wy anghow a business might grow internally ganic growth) the citerent types of external growth through merger and takeover-herzontal vertical (backward and forward), conglomerate iertication,tenaly merger, hostile takeover the impact of a merger/takeover on stakeholders why amergritakeover may or may not achieve objectives the importance of joint ventures and strategic aliances a: methods of external growth "LA Business objectives 1.41 Busnes objectives inthe private sector and public the objectives of businesses private sector, publi sect, and social enterprises theimpertance of busines objectives corporate oda responaiblity (CSR) and the ple bottom line = economic (fnarcial), socal and envionmental objectives the relationship between mission staterent, sis, objectives, strategy and tactics 142 Objectives and busines decisions the dierent stages of busines decision-making and the role of ebecivesin the stages of business deciion-making how objectives might change overtime the translation of bjectivesint targets and budgets [ aS the need for communication of objectives and the ike impact onthe workforce SMART (speci, measurable, achievable, reali, me lnited) objectives Scanned with CamScanner ow ethis may influence business objectives nd 15 Stakeholders in business 1.51 Business stakeholders india or groups with an interest in the active of a busines LW “intemal staebolders and external stakeolders (ml ‘the oles, rights and esponsiblies of stakeholders 7152 The lative importance and influence of akaholders| the impact of busines decons on stakeholders, on busines activities and ther resction® LI ‘the impact of stakeholder ams on business decisons ‘how and why a busines needs to be accountable twits stabeholdess | how conflict might arise from stakeholders having ferent aims and objectives ‘ow changing busines objectives might affect te stakeholders, 2 Human resource management (AS Level) 21 Human resource management (HRM) 21 Purpose and les of HRM theroleofHAMIn meeting organisational | —]|| | J objectives L) 22 Worlorce planning Therasnsfrandrdectawonicesin—|[~] | ‘measarement of labour tanover ‘he inplcations of high and low abourtamover fora business Scanned with CamScanner 213 Recruitment and select recutment of employees ps cron ard pen pata) nd recruitment methods (ob advertisements, employment agencies online recruitment) CR ntemal and extemal ecutent ‘election methods crilumvitae, sume, application forms, interviews, relerences, testing, siseement centres employient conse 2114 Redundancy and ésissal the ference between redundancy (wluntary and involuntary) and dismissal (a, unfit) OO O 215 Morale ond welfare the relationship between HRM, employee morale and wellare ina busines including the concept of workif balance the pact of diversity and equal i the workplace ona busines 236 Waning and development different types of taining induction, or-thejob, offthe-job Oo the impact of waning and development ona business employee development to encourage Intapteneuship ‘employee development to encourage mult shiling and esbaty 77 Management and workforce lations how cooperation between management and the workorce canbe of benefit to both the impact on employers and employees of ade union volvement inthe workplace eluding theirroleincollective bargaining HOODOO OOO OO Oo DOOOUOOOO OOO OO OO Scanned with CamScanner 2.2 Motivation 221 Metvation as teal of management andlesdeship | the need to motivate employees to achieve the Lobjeciver of» burners 222 aman needs simple explanation of human ned [how human needs may oF may not be satisfied at wok 223 Motivation theories ‘the ear ofthe maincontent there (Taylor, May, Masion Herbeg and McClelland and = proces thor (Vroom) [224 motvatien methodsin racic: nandalmatWaten, | the heres in practical stations ml non-financial mativators diferent payment methods tire Based salary, ec rates commision bose, rt shang, pefemance related poy. fngebeelis dileet types fon inanel metnatos wining opportune fo promotion. uJ) development sats, job re-sign, eam working, lempomermert paticpatin job enrchment waysin which employees can partpate inthe management and contol of businessactty —_|L—J|_—_||L_] 23 Management 231 Management and managers wadtonal manager fncins planing |eraning directing, controling the le of manages: Fayel, Miiberg he contibution of managersto busines perfomance LI management styles atouate, demecrati, asserfare, paternalistic MecgrstexntToog¥ronaes [I] Scanned with CamScanner 3 Marketing (AS Level) a 31 The nature of marketing 311 The role of marketing nd its lationship with other business acts marketing objectives the Unk between marketing objectives and corporate objectives 312 Demand.and soply the factors influencing the demand fer and supply ofthe products of abusiness interactions between demand, supply and price 313 Markets ow markets may difes consumer andindustal ‘markets local. national and international markets the ference between product enentation and customer (matket) orientation measurement of market share and market growth the implications ofchangesin marketshare and market growth IL 31:4 Consumer and indus marketing the classification af prodts ow marketing right fr fr consumer products (82C busines to consume!) and Industral products (828 business to business) 3115 Mass marketing and niche marketing the features of mass and che markets the advantages and disadvantages of mass marketing and niche marketing [316 Market segmentation methods of market segmentation: geographic, demographic and psychoyraphic Ol the advantages and disadvantages of market segmentation Ho Scanned with CamScanner '317 Customer lationship marketing (CRM) the aisof OM ‘he costsand bereft of CRM Ba Market research [3.21 The purposes of markt research ‘aentiication af mainfeatres of amare e, | er, competitors idenieaion of eustomer ard conser characteristics, poles, wants and eds 7 oO oO Raa |eaeemtenenaey amet |] Oo [ E [ 5 Oo O OO secondty research, an the mala eats af 02 ‘chines of data colected ng primary research methods ‘elles of ata olected fom secanny research sources| DOO 323 Sampling the need or and itatons of sampling 32.4 Maiet esearch data ‘te elblity fhe datacllected ‘nays of quantitative and qualatve ata 5 I interpretation of information presentedin tables carts and gapks| [3.3 The marketing ix 3317he elements ofthe maseting mix the 4Pr he 4s: rod Pic, Prometion, ace (Gstriaton chanel) LL} 33.2 Product the difference between goods nd sences tegbi nding atte of peaics|f [ theimportance of roduc development [ product illerenttion ard wique sling pont oO (usr). Contidgehterston A A Lee! Br 8509 * Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner f Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner 33.3 Product portfolio analysis ‘product lifecycle and decions about extension stratepes Boston Matix analysis and its uses ingact of pdt porte ara en maiing 33.4 Picng methods ‘objectives and iefalnes of eilfeent pricing, methods: competitive, penetration, skimming, pice discrimination, dynamic, costbased and psychological 3.35 Promotion methods the objectives and usefulness of diferent [ O OOOO prometion methods ==) advertising promotion io ‘ales promotion oO ieet promotion iC

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