Improved Test To Determine Design Parameters For Optimization of Free

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Bioresource Technology 280 (2019) 199–212

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Improved test to determine design parameters for optimization of free T

surface flow constructed wetlands
Changqiang Guoa, Yuanlai Cuia, , Yuanzhi Shib, Yufeng Luoa, Fangping Liuc, Di Wana, Zhen Maa

State Key Laboratory of Water Resources and Hydropower Engineering Science, Wuhan University, Wuhan 430072, China
State Key Laboratory of Hydrology-Water Resources and Hydraulic Engineering, Nanjing Hydraulic Research Institute, Nanjing 210029, China
Jiangxi Center Station of Irrigation Experiment, Nanchang 330201, China



Keywords: Orthogonal tests were performed to assess the effect of design parameters on hydraulic and treatment perfor-
Constructed wetland mances of constructed wetlands. The results showed that water depth, layout of in- and outlet, flow rate, and
Design parameter aspect ratio mainly affected hydraulic performance, and water depth, plant spacing, and layout of in- and outlet
Hydraulic performance mainly affected treatment performance. Optimal integrated performance was achieved with combination of
Treatment performance
20–30 cm water depth, five evenly distributed inlets and one middle outlet, a flow rate of 0.4–0.55 m3/h, 20-cm
Orthogonal test
plant spacing, a 1.125:1 aspect ratio, and planted with Scripus tabernaemontani. The average treatment perfor-
mances of 27.2%, 16.3%, and 30.7% removal rates were received for total nitrogen, total phosphorus, and total
suspended solid, respectively. The design parameters that significantly influenced hydraulic performance did not
significantly influence treatment performance. Various hydraulic and purification indicators displayed extremely
significant correlations. There was a significant correlation between hydraulic performance and mass removal

1. Introduction ecological function, free water surface flow constructed wetlands (FWS
CWs) have been widely used in rural areas and suburbs to treat agri-
Thanks to their many advantages, such as low construction and cultural drainage and domestic sewage (Jia et al., 2014; Kadlec and
operating costs, good resistance to shock-loading, and sustainable Wallace, 2009; Tourneize et al., 2016; Vymazal, 2013). Furthermore,

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (Y. Cui).
Received 30 December 2018; Received in revised form 31 January 2019; Accepted 4 February 2019
Available online 04 February 2019
0960-8524/ © 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
C. Guo, et al. Bioresource Technology 280 (2019) 199–212

due to their good oxygen enrichment capacity, they have often been hydraulic and treatment performances under 16 combinations of 6
used for the secondary treatment of municipal wastewater treatment design parameters, namely water depth, layout of in- and outlet, flow
plants to provide oxygen enrichment so as to avoid the hypoxia caused rate, plant spacing, plant species and aspect ratio. The results of this
by direct discharge of municipal wastewater, which threatens native early study showed the significant influence of design parameters on
water organisms and the destruction of habitat (Ham et al., 2010; hydraulic performance and the significant linear correlation between
Jenkins and Greenway, 2005). Because it is generally believed that some design parameters and hydraulic indicators, and the extremely
design parameters such as aspect ratio, water depth, and layout of in- significant correlations among hydraulic indicators. However, the re-
and outlet have direct and significant influence on hydraulic and sults showed that there was no significant effect of design parameters
treatment performances, it is important to select appropriate design on treatment performance under current design conditions, and there
parameters such that cost effectiveness is high and the integrated per- was no significant linear correlation between the hydraulic indicators
formance of hydraulics and treatment is optimal (Varis and selected for evaluating hydraulic performance and the purification in-
Vakkilainen, 2006). Maximizing hydraulic and treatment performances dicators representing treatment performance, although the authors had
for the least land resource input is a principal goal in the design of FWS intended to explore the significant influence of design parameters on
CWs. treatment performance and the significant linear correlation between
There have been many investigations of design parameters of FWS the hydraulic and treatment performances (Guo et al., 2017b). Their
CWs which affect hydraulic and treatment performance. Persson et al. analyses suggest that poor rates of purification may be the key to the
(1999), Persson (2000) concluded that appropriate aspect ratio (be- unsatisfactory correlation between the two performances in this study,
tween 2:1 and 4:1), layout of in- and outlet, and guide plates are im- where rates of removal of TN, TP and TSS were only 1.4%, 3.4% and
portant to improve the hydraulic performance by using two-dimen- 14.1%, respectively. The extremely low removal rates are not con-
sional business model studying the effects of different design ducive to providing an understanding of the internal relationships
parameters on hydraulic performance, and their results were consistent among design parameters, hydraulic and treatment performances (Guo
with previous studies (Liu et al., 2016; Persson and Wittgren, 2003; et al., 2017b).
Stamou and Noutsopoulos, 1994). Based on model construction, the Based on the deficiencies observed in the 2016 study (Guo et al.,
variation rule of hydraulic efficiency λ of FWS CWs under different 2017b), the experimental design was improved in 2017, and a new
plant planting distribution and density has demonstrated that hydro- water distribution device was installed to produce a smaller inflow rate
phytes planted along coastal waters increase the short circuit of water and thus a larger hydraulic retention time (HRT). In addition, in order
flow, resulting in the decline of hydraulic performance (Jenkins and to approximate the actual concentration of nitrogen and phosphorus in
Greenway, 2005). Holland et al. (2004) examined the effect of water farmland drainage, allowed an improved assessment of treatment per-
depth and flow rate on hydraulic performance of pond wetlands and its formance of FWS CWs, a highly concentrated solution of nitrogen and
variation rule by field tracer tests. Many other researchers reached a phosphorus was slowly and continuously released into the inflow by a
similar conclusion to the above researches about the effect of design peristaltic pump producing an even mix when entering the test area,
parameters on hydraulic performance through the tracer tests of FWS and the nitrogen and phosphorus concentration was close to the daily
CWs with different design parameters in small test areas (Bodin and drainage concentration of farmland (TN 2–3 mg/L, TP 0.1–0.2 mg/L).
Persson, 2012; Fan et al., 2008; Guo et al., 2017a; Min and Wise, 2009; By improving the wetland water HRT and the inflow concentration of
Stern et al., 2001). At present, studies on the treatment performance of nitrogen and phosphorus, a higher water quality purification effect was
FWS CWs are mainly focused on links to hydraulic performance of CWs, expected, and the variation laws of the hydraulic and treatment per-
as indicated by the residence time distribution (RTD) of tracer tests, by formances of FWS CWs under different combinations of multi-design
constructing a one-dimensional dynamic reaction equation (Lin et al., parameters could be further explored. The internal relations among
2003; Liu et al., 2016; Wahl et al., 2010, 2012). design parameters and hydraulic and treatment performances were
For evaluation of treatment performance of FWS CWs, current re- analyzed and clarified in depth, thereby providing theoretical guidance
search is mainly focused on the measurement of the rate of removal of for the improvement of performance and optimal design of FWS CWs.
pollutants such as total nitrogen (TN), total phosphorus (TP), ammo-
nium nitrogen (NH4+-N) and on determination of chemical oxygen 2. Materials and methods
demand (COD). Whether there is an improvement of treatment per-
formance by harvesting emergent aquatic plants has also been ex- 2.1. Site description
amined (Kadlec and Wallace, 2009; Stone et al., 2004; Tuncsiper et al.,
2006; Vymazal, 2013, 2014; Zheng et al., 2015). The test site is located in the experimental base of the Jiangxi
Although there has been extensive research on the impact of design Province Center Station of Irrigation Experiment, located in the Ganfu
parameters on hydraulic performance of FWS CWs, to-date these studies Plain of Poyang Lake basin. The geographical coordinates of the basin
have examined individual design parameters separately. Few studies are 115°49′E–116°46′E, 28°24′N–29°46′N. The basin is characterized by
have examined the interaction of multiple design parameters on hy- a typical subtropical and humid monsoonal climate with an annual
draulic performance; systematic and comprehensive studies are gen- average temperature of 18.1 °C. Annual average rainfall is 1685 mm, of
erally absent (Wu et al., 2015). Similarly, the experimental research on which 70% occurs between March and June inclusive.
FWS CWs treatment performance have mainly focused on studying the The test plots consist of 16 water tanks surrounded by reinforced
purification effect itself or have only been concerned with aquatic plant concrete with rammed earth at the bottom. The size of each tank is
density, species, and management options (harvesting or not) (Turker 6.0 m length, 4.7 m wide, 0.8 m net depth, and 0.3 m wall thickness.
et al., 2016; Vymazal, 2013; Zhang et al., 2017). Very little emphasis The substratum for the aquatic plants is a 20 cm thick backfill of soil
has been placed on the effects of design parameters on treatment per- overlain by 20 cm thick site soil. At the end of 2016, the aquatic plants
formance and this has limited the understanding of purification process, in all the tanks were fully harvested due to plant blight.
optimized parameter design, and how to improve the integrated per-
formance of FWS CWs. Consequently, an orthogonal experimental study 2.2. Orthogonal design
with mixed levels of hydraulic and treatment performances of FWS CWs
was designed to comprehensively and simultaneously analyze multiple A mixed level orthogonal experiment L16(44 × 23) was undertaken
design parameters of 16 FWS CW communities in the Jiangxi Center as in 2016. Three key modifications from the pilot experiment (Guo
Station of Irrigation Experiment in 2016 (Guo et al., 2017b). The or- et al., 2017b) were (i) the imposition of a reduced inflow at each level
thogonal experiment examined the variation tendency of both to obtain a longer HRT; (ii) the adjustment of plant spacing at each

C. Guo, et al. Bioresource Technology 280 (2019) 199–212

Table 1
Factors and levels of the orthogonal design.
Level Depth/cm Layout of in- and outlet Flow rate/(m3 h−1) Plant spacing/cm Length × Width/m × m Plant species

1 20 Diagonal pass in- and outlet 0.40 20 6.0 × 3.0 (2:1) Typha latifolia
2 30 Central pass in- and outlet 0.55 30
3 40 Five evenly distributed inlets and one middle outlet 0.70 40 4.5 × 4.0 (1.125:1) Scripus tabernaemontani
4 50 Evenly distributed inlets and one middle outlet 0.85 50

level; and (iii) the increased pollutant concentration of inflow. The were analyzed.
orthogonal experiment settings of design parameters and horizontal
selection are summarized in Table 1, and the combinations of design 2.3.1. Hydraulic indicators
parameters are summarized in the appendix. In order to facilitate direct comparison of wetland performance
In contrast to the experiment undertaken in 2016, the aquatic plants under different test conditions, the original tracer curves need to be
in each tank were pruned and harvested in April. By the start of this dimensionless (Holland et al., 2004). Inflow rates and water volumes
trial in July 2017, plant spacing met the requirements for the test were used to normalize the coordinate horizontal time axis. The water
program, and plant height was close to that of the 2016 experiment. volume and the mass of injected tracer were used to normalize the
The height of Typha latifolia was 170 cm and the stem diameter was vertical tracer concentration axis (Werner and Kadlec, 2000).
20–30 mm. The height of Scripus tabernaemontani was 160 cm and stem
diameter was 6–10 mm. The average temperature during the experi- = Q (t)/ V (t)dt
ment was 33 °C. At the same time, by summarizing the water quality t0 (1)
test results in 2016 and the original intention of the study on the
treatment of agricultural non-point source pollution by FWS CWs, a c ( ) = c ( ) V ( )/ M (2)
preconfigured solution containing a high concentration of nitrogen and where φ is the dimensionless time scaler (–), t0 is the time at which the
phosphorus was injected into the inflow through a peristaltic pump to tracer was released (h), t’ is the computing time (h), t is the integral
make the water flowing into the test plot blend to the same con- variable (h), Q(t) is the wetland outflow rate (m3/h), V(t) is the water
centration of nitrogen and phosphorus as farmland daily drainage (TN volume (m3), c′( ) is the dimensionless concentration scaler (–), c(φ) is
2–3 mg/L, TP 0.1–0.2 mg/L) so as to better simulate the treatment outflow tracer concentration (g/m3), M is the mass of tracer released in
performance of FWS CWs on farmland drainage (see Fig. 1). this test (g).
Because of the loss of tracer mass, recycled mass is generally used to
2.3. Observations and methods replace the released mass in tracer experiments (Kadlec, 1994).

This study mainly evaluated hydraulic performance by analyzing Mout = Q (t) c (t)dt
0 (3)
tracing data, with rhodamine WT as the tracer. The hydraulic indicators
used here were the short circuit indicator φ10, the mixing indicator where Mout is the recovery mass of tracer at the end of the test (g).
MDI, the effective volume ratio e, and the moment index MI. Together Four representative hydraulic indicators, φ10, MDI, e and MI, were
these indicators comprehensively reflect hydraulic performance (Guo calculated from the normalized tracer curve. The short circuit indicator
et al., 2015; Morrill et al., 1932; Thackston et al., 1987; Teixeira and φ10 represents the corresponding abscissa value when the cumulative
Renato, 2008; Wahl et al., 2010). The treatment performance of each distribution curve of the normalized tracer curve has a value of 0.1. The
test plot was obtained through multiple sampling tests of equal time higher the value is, the longer the time it takes for 10% of the applied
intervals during the test. The water pollutants detected were TN, TP, tracer to reach the outlet, and the better the hydraulic performance is.
and TSS. The concentration removal rate and the mass removal rate The mixing indicator MDI was calculated as follows.

Fig. 1. Location of the test site.

C. Guo, et al. Bioresource Technology 280 (2019) 199–212

MDI = 90 / 10 (4) removal rate per unit time and area of the FWS CWs to pollutant i (g/
m2/d), Q is the flow rate (m3/h), and A is the surface area (m2).
where MDI is the Morrill Dispersion Index, an hydraulic indicator re-
MATLAB 2009b was used for data processing and analyses of tracer
flecting the degree of mixing within FWS CWs (–). φ90 refers to the
curves and hydraulic indicators, and Microsoft Excel 2007 was used for
dimensionless time when the ordinate value of the cumulative dis-
the analyses and calculation of purification indicators.
tribution curve of the normalized RTD is equal to 0.9 (–). When the
value of MDI reaches its minimum value 1, the wetland flow is the ideal
2.4. Statistic method
plug flow (Morrill et al., 1932; Guo et al., 2015, 2017a, 2017b).
The effective volume ratio e of FWS CWs is the centroid of the figure
A total of 16 groups of test data were obtained in this experiment.
enclosed by the normalized RTD and the horizontal axis, namely the
All four level factors, i.e. water depth, layout of in- and outlet, flow rate,
first order origin moment of the normalized RTD (Holland et al., 2004),
and plant spacing, were repeated four times in each level setting, and
the two level factors, namely aspect ratio, plant species and blank, were
e = M1 = c ( )d repeated eight times. In order to explore the influence of different de-
0 (5) sign parameters and level settings on hydraulic and treatment perfor-
* mances, statistical analyses were conducted.
where e is the effective volume ratio (–), and M1 is the first order origin
Extreme difference analysis, or intuitive analysis, is a common
moment of the normalized RTD (–). These two indicators are both equal
method to determine the main and secondary factors from the design
to 1 under the ideal condition of plug flow and completely mixed flow,
parameters examined in orthogonal tests (Du et al., 2016; Guo et al.,
which means that the actual HRT is equal to the theoretical HRT. Under
2017b; Jiang et al., 2015; Su et al., 2016). By comparing the maximum
the condition of e = 1, the FWS CW has good water flow pattern, and
difference in the average value of hydraulic or purification indicators
the water volume of the wetland is fully utilized, with no hydraulic
under all design parameters, it is possible to ascertain the relative im-
dead zone.
portance of different design parameters. The larger the difference value,
The Moment Index, MI, is an additional hydraulic index and is little
the more important is the influence of the level setting of the parameter
affected by tail truncation errors of tracer data. Consequently it has
on the results, and the more important the parameter is to the hydraulic
great accuracy and superiority compared with other hydraulic in-
or purification indicator. The design parameter with the maximum
dicators for evaluating the hydraulic performance of FWS CWs (Wahl
mean difference of all the indicators on each level is the design para-
et al., 2010). MI is given by:
meter that has the largest influence on the results among the design
parameters. This analysis is also known as principal factor analysis
MI = 1 (1 )C ( )d
0 (6) (PFA). Through extreme difference analysis, the design parameters of
the FWS CWs which have a principal influence on hydraulic and
where MI is the moment index, denoting the abscissa of the centroid of
treatment performances could be preliminarily judged.
the figure surrounded by the horizontal axis and the front half of the
In order to distinguish the differences in the influence of different
normalized RTD divided by the vertical line marked in x-co-
design parameters and level settings on the results, one-way analysis of
ordinate = 1. The larger the value, the further the distance from the
variance and multiple comparisons were conducted based on the
origin shown in the first half of the normalized RTD (bounded by the
characteristics of orthogonal design. The level of significance was set to
vertical dividing line of φ = 1), and the closer the centroid of the first
0.05 in all tests. Bivariate correlation analysis was conducted among
half to the vertical dividing line, and the better the hydraulic perfor-
design parameters, hydraulic, and treatment performances to obtain the
mance of the FWS CWs is (Liu et al., 2016; Guo et al., 2015, 2017a,
Pearson correlation coefficient and the degrees of significance among
any pair of indices (design parameters, hydraulic performance, and
Based on the above analysis, it can be seen that under ideal plug
treatment performance). All statistical analyses were performed with
flow condition, the four hydraulic indicators, namely, the short circuit
Origin 9.0 and SPSS 19.0.
indicator φ10, mixing indicator MDI (≥1), effective volume ratio e, and
moment index MI (≤1), are all equal to 1. The larger the value of φ10
3. Results and discussion
and the smaller the value of MDI (≥1), the closer the wetland flow is to
the plug flow. Plug flow is generally accepted as the best flow condition
3.1. Tracer data observation
in FWS CWs. The closer to plug flow the wetland flow is, the better the
hydraulic performance of FWS CWs is.
The decrease in inflow in this experiment resulted in an increase in
the nominal HRT, compared to that observed in 2016. The nominal
2.3.2. Purification indicators HRT of all test wetlands were 4.2–22.5 h as shown in the appendix.
The concentration removal rates of different pollutants and the mass Based on the principle that the actual test should last at least 3 times the
removal rates of FWS CWs under different combinations of design nominal HRT (Bodin et al., 2013; Kadlec, 1994), the actual test times
parameters were obtained by the periodic measurement of the con- were 12–66 h, or longer. The average recovery rate of tracer mass in all
centrations of TN, TP, and TSS, using the following equations: test wetlands were more than 85%, meeting the criteria of tracer re-
(Cinlet, i,j Coutlet,i,j)/ Cinlet,i,j covery required by a complete tracer test (Bodin et al., 2013; Kadlec,
j= 1
= 1994). Due to the long duration, the sampling intervals at the inlet and
N (7)
outlet were once every 3–6 h after the start of the test, ensuring that
((Cinlet,i,j + Cinlet,i,j) (Coutlet,i,j + Coutlet,i,j))·Q/2/A·24 there were at least 6 water samples obtained in each test process, so as
j= 2 1 1
Li = to obtain the average removal rate of pollutants after the multiple
sampling, analysis and calculation. Test results of the in- and outlet
(8) concentrations of the 16 experimental wetlands under different design
where i is the monitored water pollutant, namely TN, TP or TSS; j is the parameters are presented in Fig. 2.
tested water sample sequence, 1–16; N is the total number of sampling, The pollutant concentrations at the outlet of the 16 test wetlands
16; cinlet,i,j is the concentration of pollutant i at the inlet of the wetland were lower than that at the inlet (Fig. 2). The inflow pollutants con-
at the jth water sample test (g/m3); coutlet,i,j is the concentration of centration of the 16 test wetland fluctuated to a certain extent, and the
pollutant i at the outlet of the wetland at the jth water sample test (g/ outflow pollutant concentration fluctuated therewith. In this test, the
m3); ηi is the concentration removal rate of pollutant i; Li is the mass average TN concentration of the inflow and outflow was

C. Guo, et al. Bioresource Technology 280 (2019) 199–212

7 0.14
(A) Inlet (B) Outlet
Outlet 0.12

5 0.10
TN concentration (mg/L)

TP concentration (mg/L)
4 0.08

3 0.06

2 0.04

1 0.02

0 0.00
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Constructed wetland Constructed wetland

60 (C) Inlet

TSS concentration (mg/L)





1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Constructed wetland

Fig. 2. In- and outlet concentrations of the orthogonal tests. (A) Variation in TN concentration at the in- and outlet in different test sequences; (B) Variation in TP
concentration at the in- and outlet in different test sequences; (C) Variation in TSS concentration at the in- and outlet in different test sequences.

2.877 ± 0.323 mg/L and 2.095 ± 0.243 mg/L, respectively; the rates observed in 2016 (ηTN 0.014 ± 0.131; ηTP 0.034 ± 0.110; ηTSS
average inflow and outflow TP concentrations were 0.141 ± 0.125) as shown in the appendix. The difference between the
0.091 ± 0.009 mg/L and 0.076 ± 0.006 mg/L, respectively, and the two years’ test results further indicated that the purification effects of
average TSS concentration was 20.1 ± 3.7 mg/L and 13.9 ± 2.7 mg/L the FWS CWs on the pollutants were closely related to the HRT and
respectively. The average concentration removal rate of TN, TP and TSS pollutant concentration in the inflow. Furthermore, the average value
were 27.2%, 16.3% and 30.7%, respectively, significantly higher than of the concentration removal rates of TN, TP and TSS (26.0%, 15.9%,
that in 2016 (1.4%, 3.4% and 14.1%, respectively). 30.6% respectively) were similar to the removal rates of the average
The variations in the hydraulic and purification indicators of the test concentrations of TN, TP and TSS (27.2%, 16.3%, 30.7%), indicating
scheme with the test sequence of wetlands are shown in Figs. 3 and 4, that all the import concentrations and all the export concentrations of
respectively. The statistical analysis results of the hydraulic and pur- the 16 test wetlands fluctuated slightly. The mass removal rates of the
ification indicators are shown in the appendix. three pollutants in the test were LTN (0.659 ± 0.306 g/(m2·d)), LTP
The evaluation indicators of the hydraulic and treatment perfor- (0.012 ± 0.005 g/(m2·d)), and LTSS (5.328 ± 3.097 g/(m2·d)), re-
mances of different design parameter combinations differed greatly spectively.
with the test sequence (Figs. 3 and 4). The coefficients of variation Cv of As shown in Fig. 3, the variation trend in effective volume ratio e
the short circuit indicator φ10 (0.260 ± 0.142) and mixing indicator and moment index MI across the sequence was essentially consistent,
MDI (9.639 ± 5.336) were 0.544 and 0.554, respectively, which were indicating that there was a strong linear correlation between e and MI.
significantly larger than the values of other hydraulic indicators such as In addition, the variation rule of the short circuit indicator φ10 with the
e and MI. This indicated that the hydraulic indicators of φ10 and MDI test sequence indicated that this indicator had a positive linear corre-
exhibited good sensitivity in identifying the change in wetland perfor- lation with the effective volume ratio e and the moment index MI.
mance. The hydraulic indicators in 2017 were significantly better than Fig. 3B showed that the mixing indicator MDI presented a relatively
those in 2016 (Guo et al., 2017b) after the inflow rate was decreased. clear mutation peak at the 9th test sequence, resulting in its box dia-
Hydraulic performance was improved by 15–30% on average. A gram being significantly different from the data distribution box dia-
number of cases where e > 1 (0.951 ± 0.256) indicated that the FWS gram of the remaining three hydraulic indicators (Fig. 3F). Through
CWs in this test had a large backflow area at a low flow rate or a low data verification and multiple tests, it was shown that the calculation of
hydraulic loading rate, which increased the repeated utilization rate of this indicator was correct, indicating that the combined conditions of
the wetland volume. the test wetland’s design parameters of this sequence lead to maximum
The purification indicators of TN, TP, and TSS pollutant con- mixing of water flow and the water tended to the completely mixed
centration removal rate were 0.260 ± 0.066 (ηTN), 0.159 ± 0.062 flow. In addition, The short circuit indicator φ10 declined to its
(ηTP) and 0.306 ± 0.112 (ηTSS), respectively, significantly better than minimum, 0.087, at the 9th test among the sequence, indicating that

C. Guo, et al. Bioresource Technology 280 (2019) 199–212

Fig. 3. Hydraulic indicator distribution across the test sequences. The upper and lower boundaries of the box represent 75% and 25% of the data, respectively. The
centerline of the box represents the median value. The hollow dot in the center of the box represents the mean of the data. The upper and lower whiskers extending
from the box represent the maximum and minimum values of the data, respectively. The subplots are labeled in alphabetical order.

there was extremely serious short-circuiting flow occurring along with et al., 2004; Persson, 2000).
the severe mixed flow. The short circuit has a strong positive correla- Despite previous work highlighting the importance of aspect ratio as
tion with the mixing. a determinant of hydraulic performance of FWS CWs (Persson, 2000;
The concentration removal rates and mass removal rates of pollu- Persson and Wittgren, 2003; Walker, 1998), the present study did not
tants were relatively stable with the distribution of the test sequence, identify aspect ratio as being important (Guo et al., 2017b). This was
and they were essentially uniformly distributed on both sides of the because of the limitation of the level setting of aspect ratio and the
mean (Fig. 4). In addition, pollutant concentration removal rate small difference between the two levels (2:1 and 1.125:1). Nevertheless,
reached to the lowest value at the 9th test sequence (Fig. 3), in which PFA showed that aspect ratio was the factor that had the greatest in-
the mixing indicator MDI was the largest and the short circuit indicator fluence on hydraulic indicators among the three two-level factors, and
φ10 was the smallest. The TSS mass removal rate of this sequence was its influence on the short circuit indicator φ10, effective volume ratio e
minimal while the mass removal rates of TN and TP were maintained at and moment index MI was greater than the influence of the four-level
a low level. All of these fact proved that a severe short-circuiting and factor of plant spacing on the three hydraulic indicators in this study
mixing flow not only seriously reduced the hydraulic performance of (Table 2). The extreme difference of the blank column in this test was
FWS CWs, but also weakened the treatment performance simulta- the lowest among all design parameters, indicating that there were few
neously. other factors more important than the design parameters selected in
this test to affect hydraulic performance.
The results of PFA of purification indicators showed that water
3.2. Principal factor analysis
depth and flow rate were the most important factors affecting TN
concentration reduction, while water depth and layout of in- and outlet
The evaluation indicators of the 16 test wetlands under different
were the main factors affecting TN mass removal rate (Table 2). Water
design parameters and different level settings are listed in Table 2. The
depth and plant spacing were the main factors influencing TP con-
main design parameters affecting the hydraulic and purification in-
centration reduction, while water depth and flow rate were the main
dicators were analyzed by PFA, or extreme difference method. The
factors influencing TP mass removal rate. Plant spacing and layout of
larger the extreme difference, the larger the influence of the design in- and outlet were the most important factors affecting TSS con-
parameters on hydraulic and treatment performances of FWS CWs.
centration reduction, while water depth and plant spacing were the
PFA demonstrated that water depth, layout of in- and outlet, and main factors influencing TSS mass removal. Thus, for both hydraulic
flow rate were the three of the most important factors that affecting
indicators and purification indicators, water depth was always the main
hydraulic performance. Water depth was a particularly important factor influencing factor. Plant spacing, flow rate and layout of in- and outlet
and this was consistent with previously published research (Holland

C. Guo, et al. Bioresource Technology 280 (2019) 199–212

Fig. 4. Purification indicator distributions across the test sequences. The upper and lower boundaries of the box represent 75% and 25% of the data, respectively. The
centerline of the box represents the median value. The hollow dot in the center of the box represents the mean of the data. The upper and lower whiskers extending
from the box represent the maximum and minimum values of the data, respectively. The subplots are labeled in alphabetical order.

were also the main factors influencing treatment performance. of water flow, decreased effective volume, and reduced the hydraulic
performance of FWS CWs.
3.3. Indicator evaluation The biggest difference between the two years’ conclusion on design
parameters’ influence was reflected in the flow rate, that is, the flow
The variation trend of the hydraulic and purification indicators rate of the design parameter combination with the optimal hydraulic
under different design parameters are shown in Fig. 5 and Fig. 6. Op- performance was level 2 (C2 1.8 m3/h) in 2016, while the optimal flow
timal design parameter combinations of the hydraulic, treatment, and rate of this test was level 4 (C4 0.85 m3/h). However, both of these two
synthetic performances were evaluated using different evaluation index values approached an optimal value somewhere in the middle. Hence,
systems and summarized in Table 3. for FWS CWs, too low or too high a flow rate was not conducive to an
improved hydraulic performance. Optimal hydraulic performance may
(1) Hydraulic performance be achieved at a flow rate of between 0.85 m3/h and 1.8 m3/h, or a
hydraulic loading rate of between 0.047 m/h and 0.1 m/h.
From an evaluation of each single hydraulic indicator reflecting the The results of this test (such as the influence of the layout of in- and
hydraulic performance (Fig. 5), it was demonstrated that the combi- outlet, water depth and plant spacing on hydraulic performance) were
nation of design parameters was different when each hydraulic in- in broad agreement with those of earlier studies (Holland et al., 2004;
dicator reached an optimum (Table 3). However, for the overall eva- Persson, 2000). However, as with the results in 2016, the variation
luation of hydraulic performance, the optimal combination of design trend of the impact of aspect ratio on hydraulic performance in 2017
parameters was uniquely identified as A2B4C4D1E2F2G2. This combi- was inconsistent with previous research (Persson, 2000; Persson and
nation consisted of a water depth of 30 cm, evenly distributed inlets and Wittgren, 2003). We found that the lower aspect ratio was beneficial to
one middle outlet, a flow rate of 0.85 m3/h, a plant spacing of 20 cm, an hydraulic performance of FWS CWs (Fig. 5).
aspect ratio of 1.125:1, and Scripus tabernaemontani as the plant species. Similar to the results in 2016, there were almost the same change
In addition, there was no significant difference in hydraulic perfor- trends among short circuit indicator φ10, effective volume ratio e, and
mance between a water depth of 20 cm and 30 cm (Table 3), which was moment index MI, meaning that there was a strong positive correlation
consistent with that in 2016. However, as is clearly shown in Fig. 5, the between the three indicators, and the mixing indicator MDI was nega-
hydraulic performance dropped off rapidly from 30 cm to 50 cm of tively correlated with the three hydraulic indicators (Fig. 5).
water depth. The short circuit indicator φ10 decreased from 0.353 to
0.123, the effect volume ratio e decreased from 1.062 to 0.665, and the (2) Treatment performance
moment index MI decreased from 0.767 to 0.531, the drop was a
whopping 31% to 65%. Thus larger water depth leaded to short circuit The optimal combination of design parameters for treatment

C. Guo, et al. Bioresource Technology 280 (2019) 199–212

Table 2
Extreme differences in the evaluation indicators (2017).
Layout of in-Flow ratePlant Aspect Plant Blank
Evaluation indicators Level Depth A
and outlet B C spacing D ratio E species F G
1 0.324 0.182 0.185 0.295
0.219 0.251 0.257
2 0.353 0.189 0.304 0.264
φ10 3 0.241 0.304 0.255 0.263
0.301 0.269 0.263
4 0.123 0.366 0.297 0.219
0.230 0.184 0.119 0.076 0.082 0.018 0.006
1 7.661 13.932 9.511 10.182
10.653 9.014 9.255
2 6.168 10.802 7.035 8.171
MDI 3 12.350 7.278 13.371 7.845
8.624 10.263 10.022
4 12.375 6.543 8.638 12.356
6.207 7.389 6.336 4.511 2.029 1.249 0.767
Hydraulic difference
indicator 1 1.065 0.887 0.804 1.088
0.849 0.931 0.945
2 1.062 0.861 0.940 0.917
e 3 1.013 0.966 1.043 0.898
1.053 0.972 0.957
4 0.665 1.092 1.017 0.901
0.400 0.231 0.239 0.190 0.204 0.041 0.012
1 0.736 0.655 0.621 0.731
0.634 0.677 0.686
2 0.767 0.647 0.680 0.683
MI 3 0.700 0.689 0.714 0.674
0.733 0.690 0.680
4 0.531 0.742 0.718 0.645
0.236 0.095 0.097 0.086 0.099 0.013 0.006
1 0.310 0.228 0.307 0.284
0.248 0.253 0.253
2 0.246 0.284 0.283 0.277
ƞTN 3 0.225 0.302 0.236 0.244
0.272 0.267 0.267
4 0.259 0.226 0.214 0.235
0.085 0.076 0.093 0.049 0.024 0.014 0.014
1 0.171 0.143 0.170 0.170
0.159 0.142 0.147
2 0.223 0.170 0.178 0.186
ƞTP 3 0.126 0.182 0.142 0.170
0.159 0.176 0.171
4 0.117 0.141 0.146 0.111
0.106 0.041 0.036 0.075 0.000 0.034 0.024
1 0.281 0.247 0.346 0.345
0.270 0.263 0.299
2 0.295 0.318 0.302 0.347
ƞTSS 3 0.339 0.385 0.252 0.339
0.342 0.349 0.313
Purification 4 0.310 0.275 0.324 0.193
indicator Extreme
0.058 0.138 0.094 0.154 0.072 0.086 0.014
1 1.0230 0.6125 0.5238 0.7338
0.6116 0.5493 0.6218
2 0.5420 0.8315 0.7513 0.7705
LTN 3 0.5270 0.6078 0.6163 0.5430
/g·m-2 d-1 0.7058 0.7681 0.6956
4 0.5440 0.5830 0.7435 0.5875
0.4960 0.2485 0.2275 0.2275 0.0941 0.2189 0.0739
1 0.0118 0.0133 0.0086 0.0108
0.0108 0.0112 0.0118
2 0.0170 0.0126 0.0129 0.0137
LTP 3 0.0104 0.0113 0.0118 0.0140
/g m-2 d-1 0.0133 0.0129 0.0123
4 0.0091 0.0110 0.0150 0.0097
0.0079 0.0023 0.0064 0.0043 0.0024 0.0016 0.0004
1 6.75 6.46 3.82 5.30
4.26 4.50 5.92
2 6.59 4.65 6.74 4.40
LTSS 3 4.28 6.11 4.02 7.64
/g m-2 d-1 6.40 6.15 4.74
4 3.68 4.10 6.74 3.98
3.07 2.36 2.92 3.65 2.14 1.65 1.19
The values highlighted in grey correspond to the main factors. The values in bold indicate that the influence
of aspect ratio of the two-level design parameter is significant and cannot be ignored in this test.

C. Guo, et al. Bioresource Technology 280 (2019) 199–212

Fig. 5. Variation trend of hydraulic indicators under different design parameters (2017).

performance was A1/2B3C1/2D2E2F2G2, which corresponds to a water of TN and TP across different water depths was opposite to that of TSS.
depth of 20 cm or 30 cm, five evenly distributed inlets and one middle In addition to water depth, the variation trend of other design para-
outlet, a flow rate of 0.4 m3/h or 0.55 m3/h, a plant spacing of 30 cm, meters' level settings on the removal of TN, TP and TSS was essentially
an 1.125:1 aspect ratio, and Scripus tabernaemontani as the plant spe- consistent. In contrast, the mass removal rates of the three pollutants
cies. The evaluation indicators of treatment performance, i.e. purifica- followed the same trend, declining rapidly as the water depth in-
tion indicators, changed with different design parameters and level creased. The falling range was also about 50%, suggesting that there
settings (Fig. 6). may be a positive correlation between mass removal rate and hydraulic
As was the case in hydraulic performance analysis, the best com- indicators, which dropped rapidly when water depth increased from
bination of design parameters differed when each purification indicator 30 cm to 50 cm as previously mentioned. I Generally, TP removal was
reached their optimum value. The effect of different levels of the same principally achieved by means of deposition and adsorption, which was
design parameter on purification indicators did not result in a con- facilitated under a higher water depth and a lower flow rate. However,
sistent variation trend, and sometimes showed an opposite variation the poor water flow condition resulted in a low mass removal rate of
(Fig. 6). For example, in terms of the variation trend analysis of the TP, as did TN and TSS (Fig. 6). It can be seen that if the overall water
effect of water depth, the variation trend in concentration removal rate flow condition was poor, even if the design of a single design parameter

Fig. 6. Variation trend of purification indicators under different design parameters (2017).

C. Guo, et al. Bioresource Technology 280 (2019) 199–212

Table 3
Optimal combination of design parameters based on different indicator evaluations.

The values in bold indicate the optimal combination of design parameters for hydraulic and treatment per-
formance. The values highlighted in grey indicate the optimal combination of the design parameters for the
overall performance of FWS CWs.

was conductive to the improvement of the purification effect, it is of no facilitating TN and TP removal (Badhe et al., 2014; Wang et al., 2016;
help. Wu et al., 2016; Zheng et al., 2015; Zheng et al., 2016). At the same
A smaller plant spacing was beneficial to the removal of TN, TP and time, higher plant density resulted in a reduced flow velocity because of
TSS (Table 3). The smaller plant spacing (i.e. larger plant density) an increase in resistance to flow, thus accelerating particle sedimenta-
provides an increased surface area for biofilm attachment and provide tion and promoting TSS removal (Gunes et al., 2012).
more oxygen to the root zone through the fibrous bundles of plant The removal rates of TN, TP and TSS in the wetland had a slump
stems. This promotes microbial adsorption and degradation, thus when there was one middle outlet and an even distribution of inlets, the

C. Guo, et al. Bioresource Technology 280 (2019) 199–212

removal rate declined sharply under this design parameter combination and aspect ratio had significant impacts on the short circuit indicator
(Fig. 6). This was inconsistent with the change trend of removal rate in φ10 (p < 0.1), confirming our results of 2016. Two years of research
the first three water inlet modes. The results showed that the TN, TP, results showed that the short circuit indicator was significantly affected
and TSS mass removal rates decreased rapidly as water depth increased, by design parameters, and reasonable wetland design could sig-
indicating that high water depth was not conducive to the pollutant nificantly improve the short circuit condition of water flow. At the same
mass removal capacity of FWS CWs. However, the numerical value of time, most of the design parameters, such as water depth, layout of in-
mass removal fluctuated as the level settings of the layout of in- and and outlet, flow rate, plant spacing and aspect ratio, had significant
outlet, flow rate, and plant spacing were experimentally varied. In influence on the effective volume ratio e (p < 0.1). Water depth, flow
general, the optimal flow rate to maximize mass removal indicators was rate and aspect ratio had significant effects on the moment index MI
higher than that to maximize concentration removal (Table 3). (p < 0.1). However, the results in 2016 showed that the design para-
meters had no significant effect on the mixing indicator MDI and the
(3) Overall performance of the constructed wetlands effective volume ratio e (Guo et al., 2017b). Furthermore, the results
derived from the variance analysis of design parameter’s impacts on
Combining the results of the hydraulic and treatment performance, hydraulic indicators were consistent with the results of extreme dif-
the design parameter combination A1/2B3C1/2D2E2F2G2 resulted in an ference analysis (i.e. PFA; Table 2). Water depth, layout of in- and
optimal overall performance. This combination included a water depth outlet, flow rate, and aspect ratio were the main factors influencing
of 20 cm or 30 cm, five evenly distributed inlets and one middle outlet, hydraulic performance.
flow rates of 0.4 m3/h or 0.55 m3/h, plant spacing of 30 cm, an aspect The change in the design scheme may have some influence on test
ratio 1.125:1, and Script tabernaemontani as the plant species. Because results. The influence of aspect ratio on hydraulic performance of FWS
an excellent purification capacity was the ultimate goal for wetland CW was reflected in the 2017 experiment. Aspect ratio became the most
design, the optimal design parameter combination for overall perfor- significant factor influencing hydraulic performance (e.g., e and MI)
mance was the same as that for treatment performance in this study. among the six design parameters. Despite having only two level settings
The ultimate purpose of the study of hydraulic performance was to and small differences between the two values imposed, the impact on
improve the treatment performance of FWS CWs. hydraulic performance of FWS CWs was significant, reflecting the im-
The maximum difference between the design parameter combina- portant role that aspect ratio plays in wetland function. This point was
tions, when hydraulic and treatment performances are optimized in- verified by the extreme difference analysis (Table 2), indicating that
dividually, lay in the difference of flow rates (Table 3). In the current there is a need for further research to identify the optimal setting for the
tests, the flow rate producing the best hydraulic performance was the aspect ratio.
fourth level, while the best treatment performance was achieved at the In contrast to the observation that design parameters had significant
first level, which was almost at the two extremes of flow rate. Never- influence on most hydraulic indicators, there were no significant in-
theless, for the purpose of wetland design for pollution reduction, the fluences of design parameters on the six purification indicators, except
first level of flow rate was selected as optimal for overall performance for an influence of water depth on TP mass removal LTP (Table 4). Thus
of FWS CWs. Although the hydraulic performance with an even dis- changes in design parameters in this study almost have no significant
tribution of inlets and one middle outlet was the best among the four differences on treatment performance, consistent with the results in
levels of in- and outlet layout, consistent with the results in 2016 (Guo 2016 (Guo et al., 2017b).
et al., 2017b) and previous research (Persson, 2000; Persson and
Wittgren, 2003), treatment performance was sharply reduced with this
combination (Fig. 6). Under the combination of optimal design para- 3.5. Correlation analysis
meters for treatment performance, the layout mode was five evenly
distributed inlets and one middle outlet, and the hydraulic performance The calculation of correlation coefficients and the analysis of sig-
was also excellent, with only a slightly lower performance observed nificance among design parameters and evaluation indicators were
than that of the evenly distributed inlets (Fig. 5). performed using bivariate correlation analysis (Tables 5 and 6).
As shown in Table 5, water depth had a significant correlation with
all hydraulic indicators of FWS CWs (p < 0.1) and was the design
3.4. Analysis of variance parameter exerting the greatest influence on hydraulic performance
among all the analyzed design parameters. This was consistent with the
In order to determine the degree of influence of different design results of the main effect analysis summarized in Table 4. In addition,
parameters on wetland performance, univariate principle effect tests of the layout of in- and outlet had a significant correlation with the hy-
design parameters, hydraulic performance and treatment performance draulic indicators φ10 and MDI (p < 0.1), but there was no significant
were performed using a general linear model (Table 4). correlation among the remaining design parameters and the hydraulic
As shown in Table 4, water depth, layout of in- and outlet, flow rate indicators because the correlation was, overall, weak (R < 0.4). The

Table 4
Main effect analysis of design parameters on evaluation indicators (2017).
Design parameter φ10 MDI e MI ȠTN ȠTP ȠTSS LTN LTP LTSS

Water depth 0.041** 0.174 0.046** 0.042** 0.260 0.339 0.387 0.219 0.095* 0.494
Layout of in- and outlet 0.046** 0.163 0.084* 0.101 0.243 0.679 0.171 0.431 0.295 0.626
Flow rate 0.077* 0.206 0.082* 0.097* 0.223 0.725 0.251 0.453 0.124 0.481
Plant spacing 0.133 0.263 0.096* 0.121 0.374 0.472 0.137 0.449 0.155 0.480
Aspect ratio 0.044** 0.230 0.037** 0.038** 0.317 0.997 0.124 0.424 0.116 0.322
Plant species 0.196 0.351 0.179 0.282 0.488 0.386 0.104 0.207 0.171 0.397
Blank 0.939 0.785 0.930 0.928 0.706 0.463 0.811 0.646 0.856 0.463

The values in bold indicate that the effect of the corresponding factors on the relevant indicators should not be discounted.
p < 0.01.
** p < 0.05.
* p < 0.1.

C. Guo, et al. Bioresource Technology 280 (2019) 199–212

Table 5
Correlation analysis between design parameters and evaluation indicators.
Deign parameter φ10 MDI e MI ȠTN ȠTP ȠTSS LTN LTP LTSS

** * ** *** * **
Water depth −0.585 0.440 −0.562 −0.628 −0.304 −0.485 0.137 −0.547 −0.359 −0.429*
0.017 0.088 0.023 0.009 0.253 0.057 0.612 0.028 0.173 0.097
Layout of in- and outlet 0.544** −0.556** 0.324 0.280 0.021 0.012 0.157 −0.118 −0.200 −0.210
0.029 0.025 0.220 0.294 0.937 0.966 0.561 0.664 0.457 0.435
Flow rate 0.234 0.080 0.334 0.300 −0.564** −0.204 −0.119 0.198 0.442* 0.225
0.383 0.767 0.206 0.259 0.023 0.450 0.660 0.463 0.087 0.403
Plant spacing −0.186 0.134 −0.261 −0.248 −0.316 −0.362 −0.476* −0.251 −0.072 −0.026
0.491 0.621 0.329 0.355 0.233 0.169 0.063 0.348 0.790 0.923
Aspect ratio 0.298 −0.196 0.411 0.409 0.188 0.001 0.329 0.159 0.268 0.357
0.263 0.466 0.114 0.116 0.486 0.997 0.213 0.557 0.315 0.174
Plant species 0.065 0.121 0.083 0.052 0.106 0.286 0.395 0.369 0.179 0.275
0.810 0.656 0.759 0.849 0.695 0.284 0.130 0.159 0.507 0.303
Blank 0.021 0.074 0.024 −0.025 0.102 0.198 0.065 0.125 0.049 −0.198
0.939 0.785 0.930 0.928 0.706 0.463 0.811 0.646 0.856 0.463

The values in italics represent the p-values. The values in bold indicate significant and good correlation between design parameters and evaluation indicators.
*** p < 0.01.
** p < 0.05.
* p < 0.1.

correlation analysis of design parameters and purification indicators significant correlations between TP concentration removal and the
showed that there was a significant negative correlation between water mass removal of TP and TSS, and there was a significant correlation
depth and the purification indicators, ȠTP, LTN, and LTSS (p < 0.1), a between TN concentration and mass removal. The strong significant
significant negative correlation between flow rate and TN removal rate correlation between TP and TSS further verified that TP mainly existed
(p < 0.1), and a significant negative correlation between plant spacing in the form of particles and mainly removed by adsorption and pre-
and TSS removal rate (p < 0.1). However, in general, linear correla- cipitation (Vymazal, 2007; Wang et al., 2015). The removal capacity of
tions among design parameters and purification indicators were weak phosphorus varies greatly (from 40% to 90%) among different types of
in this study. CWs. Traditionally, FWS CWs has a limitation of the capacity to remove
In addition to e and MDI, there was a significant correlation between phosphorus, and the major phosphorus removal processes, namely ad-
other different hydraulic indicators (p < 0.05) (Table 6), which may sorption, precipitation, and plant uptake, were all saturable. Harvesting
have arisen because of an inner link between the calculation formulas of biomass of aquatic plants could be substantial to maintain the
of these hydraulic indicators. In particular, the short circuit indicator treatment performance of FWS CWs.
φ10 exerted a extremely significant linear correlation with the mixing There were no significant correlations among TSS concentration
index MDI, effective volume ratio e and moment index MI, which in- removal and the other three mass removal indicators. Although the
dicated that the hydraulic performance of wetland can be basically short circuit indicator φ10 and the mixing index MDI revealed sig-
obtained by analyzing the short circuit indicator φ10 only. In addition, nificant correlations with TP concentration removal (p < 0.1), there
there was a significant (p < 0.1) and moderate (0.4 < R < 0.6) was a weak correlation between hydraulic indicators and pollutants
correlation among the purification indicators of concentration removal concentration removal rates overall, as previously observed by Rengers
rates. There was no significant correlation between the pollutant mass et al. (2016). Nevertheless, the mass removal rates of TP and TSS were
removal indicators except for TP and TSS. Furthermore there were significantly correlated with the four hydraulic indicators (p < 0.1),

Table 6
Correlation analysis between various evaluation indicators.
Evaluation indicator φ10 MDI e MI ȠTN ȠTP ȠTSS LTN LTP

MDI −0.753
e 0.875*** −0.394
0.000 0.131
MI 0.905*** −0.512** 0.974***
0.000 0.043 0.000
ȠTN 0.056 −0.330 −0.060 −0.038
0.838 0.212 0.826 0.890
ȠTP 0.476* −0.592** 0.271 0.409 0.507**
0.063 0.016 0.309 0.116 0.045
ȠTSS 0.194 −0.351 0.119 0.152 0.486* 0.491*
0.472 0.183 0.661 0.574 0.056 0.053
LTN 0.288 −0.174 0.322 0.304 0.487* 0.338 0.207
0.279 0.519 0.224 0.253 0.056 0.201 0.442
LTP 0.521** −0.416 0.442* 0.580** −0.170 0.602** 0.191 0.274
0.039 0.109 0.086 0.019 0.529 0.014 0.478 0.304
LTSS 0.492* −0.451* 0.395 0.485* 0.109 0.451* 0.329 0.362 0.703***
0.053 0.080 0.130 0.057 0.688 0.079 0.213 0.169 0.002

The values in italics represent the p-values. The values in bold indicate significant and good correlation between the evaluation indicators.
*** p < 0.01.
** p < 0.05.
* p < 0.1.

C. Guo, et al. Bioresource Technology 280 (2019) 199–212

which was consistent with the result of indicator evaluation on treat- 4. Conclusions
ment performance aforementioned. Hence, there were significant cor-
relation between hydraulic performance and mass removal capacity of Water depth, layout of in- and outlet, flow rate, and aspect ratio
FWS CWs. were the main and significant design parameters affecting the hydraulic
performance of FWS CWs. Water depth, plant spacing, and layout of in-
3.6. Discussion and outlet were the main factors affecting the efficiency of pollutant
removal. These design parameters displayed significant influence on
Two years’ experimental results showed that under the conditions of hydraulic performance and negligible effect on treatment performance.
large flow rate (in 2016), the most important factors affecting hydraulic Hydraulic indicators showed an extremely significant correlation and
performance were water depth, layout of in- and outlet, and plant there were a few significant correlations among purification indicators.
spacing, as shown in the appendix. Similarly, water depth and plant The correlation between hydraulic performance and mass removal ca-
spacing were the main factors influencing the removal of TN and TP, pacity of FWS CWs was significant.
while water depth and layout of in- and outlets were the main factors
influencing TSS removal (Guo et al., 2017b). However, during low in- Acknowledgements
flow rates (as applied in 2017), water depth, layout of in- and outlet and
flow rate were the main factors affecting hydraulic performance and TN This work was supported by the National Natural Science
removal of FWS CWs, while water depth and plant spacing were the Foundation of China (No. 51779181). We are very grateful to Cuixin
main factors influencing TP removal, and layout of in- and outlets and Jiang, Lu Wang and Zepeng Xu for their assistance on water quality
plant spacing were the main factors influencing TSS removal (Table 2). analyses.
Water depth and layout of in- and outlet were always the main factors
affecting the hydraulic performance of FWS CWs in this two-year ex- Appendix A. Supplementary material
perimental study, while water depth and plant spacing were the main
factors affecting treatment performance. In addition, the effect of plant Supplementary data to this article can be found online at https://
spacing on hydraulic performance was only apparent at high flow rates,
because the effects of plant stems on resistance to flow rate become
more apparent at high flow rate. References
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