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3 1833 00868 3101

Du Page County,





Lakeside Building.
A FTEK several months of laborious research and persistent toil, the history of P/u Page
County is complete, and it is our hope and belief that no subject of general importance or
interest has been overlooked or omitted, and even minor facts, when of sufficient note to be
worthy of record, have been faithfully chronicled. In short, where protracted investigation
promised results commensurate with the undertaking, matters not only of undoubted record,
but tegendary lore, have been brought into requisition. We are well aware of the fact that it is

next t<> impossible to furnish a perfect history from the meager resources at the command of the
historian under ordinary circumstances, but claim to have prepared a work fully up to the
standard of our engagements. Through the courtesy and assistance generously afforded by the
residents of Du Page, we have been enabled to trace out and put into s^ystematic shape, the

greater portions of the events that have transpired in the county up to the present time, and wo

feel assured that all thoughtful persons interested in the matter will recognize and appreciate
the importance of the work and its permanent value. Jl dry statement of facts has been
avoided, so far as it was possible to do so, and anecdote and incident have been interwoven with
plain recital and statistics, thereby forming a narrative at once instructive and entertaining.
To the many friends who have contributed special portions of the matter herein contained,

and to those who have assisted Mr. Blanchard with dates and other memoranda, our thanks
are due, and we trust that the earnest endeavors that we have exercised to present our patrons
with a work worthy in all respects will, in part, repay them for their kindness.
November, 1882. 0. L. BASKIN & CO.

CHAPTER V— First Introduclion of Slavery into the Colony
HISTORICAL. PA of Virginia —First Anti-Slavery Literature Southern —
CHAPTER 1.— Du Page a Spanish Possession— The French Take Origin of Anti-Slavery Societies— Action of the Quakers

Possession of the Northwest The Country Comes Under — " The Genius of Universal Emancipation "—Early Abo-
English Rule— George Rogers Clarke— Territorial Subdi- litionists—The Old Federal Party— Origin of the Demo-
visions — First Conveyance of Lsnd in Du Page County cratic and Whig Parties— Origin of the Republican Party
The Pottawatomies— Great American Treaty of 1833— —Gov. Coles— Elihu B. Washburne— Stephen A. Douglas
The Chicagou Portage— The Removal of the IndinnB— —Abraham Lincoln —The Western Citizen Introduces
Their Present Condition— Origin of the name Du Page- Abolitionism into Chicago— Its Effect— Illinois the First

Spanish Conquest and Its Aims Baron de Carondelet State to Take Political Action in the Abolition Movement

The Spanish Close the Lower Mississippi County Organ- — John Brown —Fort Sumter
izationand Subdivision— Northern Limits of Illinois
The French Traders— Act Organizing Du Page Couoty ..
CHAPTER VI.— Record of Du Page County in the War of the
CHAPTER II— The Pioneer— Stephen J Scott— The Scott Set-
tlement— Blodgett Hauley— Bailey Hobson, the First Set-
tler of Du Page County— Building the First Cabin— Cross- CHAPTER VII.— The Election— County Commissioners'
ing a Slough— Williard So>tt— Social Entertainments Court— The County Line Surveyed— The County Divided
Corn Pancakes— The Napers— First Ground Plowed— The — —
into Precincts Townships Organized List of County
First School —
Joseph Naper —
John Napcr The First — and Town Officers— Valuation of Taxable Property— The
Stove— Christopher Paine— The First Saw-Mill— Home- FirstGrand Jury— Pubtic Schools— The Old Stage Coach
made Spinning Wheels and Looms— Cold Winterof 1830- —Railroads—Removal of the County Seat The County —
31— Portage to Chicago— The Lawtons— The Pottawato- Fair— Geology of the County 139
mies— Flight to Fort Dearborn— Horrible
Indian Creek— Exploits of Col. Beaubien CHAPTER VIII. — Milton Township — Its First Settleis —
CHAPTER III.— Capt. Paine arrives at the Naper
Wheaton— How It Received Its Name— The Galena &
— Fort Paine Built—Ji.rnes Brown Shot by the Indians Chicago Union Railroad —
Churches of Wheaton Pio- —
neer School— Stacy's Corners— Babcock Grove— Prospect
Expedition to Half Day's Village— Maj. William Whistler
Arrives at Fort Dearborn —
Capt. Paine's Company Return
Park— Its Churches l^y
toDanville— Gen. Scott arrives at Chicago— The Cholera
—Gen. —
Scott Encamps on the Desplaines Gen. Scott at
CHAPTER IX— Downer's Grove Townshili— The Old Indian
— Boundary— Cass — Pierce Downer — Thomas And. us—
Fort Paine Gen. Scott's Army at Rock Island John K. — Chicago Reminiscences— The Village of Hinsdale—Brush

Clark Black Hawk Sent to Fortress Monroe His Death —
—Poll-Lists— The Pre-emption House— Claimants— The
Hill Memories —
Clarendon Hills —
Prairie Schooner— The First Grist-Mill— Fowler's Grap- Downer's Grove Village—An Ox Team Hitched to an

ple with the Wolf— The Pioneer of Pioneers— Early

Oak Log— What Grew Out of It— The Underground Rail-


CHAPTER IV— Public Land Surveys— The Land Claim Sys- CHAPTUR X — Napcrville Township— List of Early Settlers-
tem—Necessity for the Higher Law— The Big Woods Village of Naperville— Churches— Schools— Manufacto-
Claim Protecting Society— The Land Pirate Company ries — The Northwestern College —
Temperance Move-
Land Speculators — Indian Burying Grounds The Fox — ments — Newspapers—Fire Department— Military Com-
River Country— Method of Grinding Corn— Indian Vil- pany— Nurseries— The Lodges— Bank— Stoue Quarry I

lages— Indian Agriculture— Indian Modes of Travel—

The Country North, East and South of the Du Page Set- CHAPTER XI— Lisle Township— The First Settler— His Hardi-
tlements-The Du Page County Society for Mutual Pro- hood— Thanksgiving— A Female Pow-wow— The Old Grist
tection—The Hognatorial Council Mill—The Chronic Pioneer— His Generosity 5

History of Du Page County.



THE history of the world has a grandeur, poraries, and of these, county history is to
like a distant landscape —too far away for speak. They constitute the delicate tracery
the eye to take in its infinite detail — such as and details of the historic landscape destined
the delicate tracery of plant life or the stub- some day to be as grand as it is distant.
born structures of rock formations which make We propose to give a history of Du Page
it up. County from the earliest records pertaining to
But the history of our age, and especially it, to the present time.
our own locality, comes home to us personally. Not long ago, comparatively, as to the world's
Commonplace as it may seem to us now, in chronology, but primitively as to our history,
the distant future, it will help to make up a this was lost for want of a suit of
whole; deepening in interest as time chops off clothes, nor was it but a small part of the loss
the centuries, one after another. All great for such default. The circumstances are these:
men must have a constituency, but little if When Columbus was casting about from king
any inferior to themselves in intellect, and it to king in Europe to obtain patronage where-
is the actionsand deeds of the citizen which with to pursue his plans of discovery, he had
speak through some representative whose dispatched his brother Bartholomew to the
talent for becoming their advocate has given court of Henry Vllth of England to beg his
him a famejustly to be shared by his cotern- royal favor and material aid. On his way
thither, he was taken by pirates, and during ernor from 1672 to 1682, during whose admin-
his captivity was robbed of all his valuables, istration Marquette and Joliet discovered the
including his pretty suit of clothes with which Mississippi River in 1673, and on their return
he was to be attired when he made his humble trip, passed up the Desplaiues River, which
petition to the king, and after finally reaching washes the soil of Du Page County. These
England he was obliged by the labor of his hands with their five attendants were the first white
to earn another suit in which to appear before men who ever beheld its soil. They might
him ere his mission could be executed. At have encamped on it, but this is only specula-
last this was done, and he gained the king's tion. La Barre became Governor of the coun-
ear, who listened to his proposals with favor, try from 1682 to 1685, during whose term of
but alas for courtly etiquette !
— while Bar- officeLa Salle, Tonty and numerous mission-
tholomew was work earning money to pay
at aries and fur traders passed along the Des-
his tailor's bill, Queen Isabella, of Spain, had plaines River to and from the " Chicagou
fitted out Columbus, and Henry's hopes were portage, which route of travel is older than
dashed to the ground. Not the last time that history.

the impulses of a woman have circumvented the Denonville was Governor from 1685 to 1689.
mature but tardy plans and ambitions of man. Frontenac a second term from 1689 to 1699.
Du Page County is but an infinitesimal part De Calliers from 1699 to 1703. Vandreville
of the New World which Columbus promised from 1703 to 1726. Beauharnois. from 1726
to give to the king who should fit him out and to 1747. Galissoniere from 1747 to 1749.
which, as far as such a title could go, fell into Jonquiere from 1747 to 1752. Sonquill for
the hands of Spain by right of priority of dis- 1752.
covery, a precarious title as the sequel proved, Du Quesne from 1753 to 1755, during whose
but nevertheless' an honor which England will term of office the French built forts where Erie
regret the loss of, till Macauley's New Zealander and Pittsburgh, Penn., now stands, the latter
shall sketch the ruins of St. Paul. being named after him. The Marquis
Beginning with this pretentious right of de Vandreville de Cavagnal was the last
Spain to the soil of Du Page County, let us French Governor; his authority ceased when
trace the National claims to it, till private the English conquered the country under Gen.
claims began to be granted to actual settlers. Amherst ; the chief victory by which the con-
The Spanish claim vanished out of existence quest beingmade was Wolf's on the heights of
as other nations began to take possession of Abraham Though Canada now was
in 1759.
parts of the New World, for occupation based under English rule with Sir Jeffrey Amherst
on priority of discovery soon began to trans- as Governor, yet the French posts of the Illi-

cend any decree not sustained by the sword. nois country were not taken possession of by
The French found their way up the St. Law- the English till 1765, when Capt. Stirling, with
rence River as early as 1534, settled Quebec a force of one hundred men, established him-
in 1608, and under Father Alouez took nation- self at Fort Chartres, at which time the English
al possession of the Great Northwest on the flag first waved over the soil of the Prairie
14th of June, 1671, at the falls of Ste. Marie State.

(the outlet of Lake Superior). Courcelles Gen. James Miller succeeded Amherst as
was then Governor of Canada, and the entire Governor the same year, 1765, who, in turn,
country along the lakes through the latter was was suceeded by Paulus Euielius Irving in
an unknown quantity. Frontenac was Gov- 1766. The latter was succeeded by Sir Guy
Carleton, who was Governor till 1770. Hector this position till Illinois became a State, and
T. Cruinahe was Governor till 1774, and Sir Shadrack Bond was its first Governor. Edward
Guy Carleton again till 1778, during whose Coles was, in 1822, elected the next Governor,
term of office the American Declaration of In- after a struggle between the advocates of slav-
dependence in 1776 raised a new and then ery and those of freedom, perhaps never before
strange issue in the minds of men. During equaled in a State election in sanguine bitter-
all these past j'ears of French and English ness, for particulars of which see E. B. Wash-
occupation, the native inhabitants of Du Page burne's Life of Edward Coles.
Count}', as well as their white companions, the During all these years, the original owners of
fur traders, took interest in all that was pass- the soil (the Indians) were resting in a happy
ing in the political world, and when the Amer- but treacherous security that they should ever
ican fires of the Revolution were kindled along retain it. No
white people had settled on it or
the Atlantic coast, the issue was explained to manifested any disposition to do so, and
the Indians of the entire Northwest as the En- although six miles square had been ceded to
glish viewed it, which, of course, won their the United States by the Pottawatomies and
sympathies. The Americans were represented other tribes at the treaty of Greenville in 1795>
to the Indians as being cruel and savage to the yet up to this time no use had been made of it

last degree, and the quiet French of the Illinois except to build a fort and establish a trading-
couutr}', together with their loving red com- post there. The first special conveyance of
panions, believed the story, yet a combination lands within the limits of Du Page County from
of events in 1778 dispelled this illusion and made Au-
the Indians to the United States was
changed the destiny of the Northwest. This gust 24, 1816. The Pottawatomies (who then
was George Rogers Clark's conquest of the Illi- held the whole ofDu Page County) uniting with
nois country, which was the first raising of the the Ottawas and Chippewas in making a grant
American flag on her soil. By virtue of this to Ninian Edwards, William Clark and Auguste
conquest, the country was transferred from Chouteau acting in behalf of the United States.
English to American rule, and by the peace of The cession included the southeast corner of
Paris in 1783, the entire Northwest, as far as Lisle Township, all of Downer's Grove except
the Mississippi River, became a part of the the northwest corner and the southeast corner
United States. of York.
Until the year 1784, it was within the juris- The whole cession was a strip of land which
diction of the Old Virginia Colony, at which the Government bought for the purpose of con-
time it passed into that of the United States, structing a military road on it from Chicago to
and three years later, in 1787, St. Clair was ap- Ottawa to facilitate the building of the Illinois
pointed to govern the entire Northwest, of and Michigan Canal, a scheme to which pub-
which Du Page County formed a part. lic attention had early been called. Says Mr.
In 1800, the Territory of Indiana was set off, Edwards " Having been one of the Commis-

which included the present States of Indiana, sioners who treated for this land, I personally
Wisconsin and the Peninsular portion
Illinois, know that the Indians were induced to believe
of Michigan, and William Henry Harrison was that the opening of the canal would be very ad-
appointed Governor, with Vineennes on the Wa- vantageous to them, and under authorized ex-
bash as the seat of government. In 1809, the pectations that this would be done, they ceded
Territory of Illinois was set off and Ninian the land for a trifle." (See Edwards' History
Edwards was appointed Governor, who held of Illinois, page 99.)

The Pottawatomies, or Peuteowatamis as and development of the country demanded fur-

they were sometimes called, were found by the ther cessions of territory, it was to them chiefly

French adventurers along the shores of Lake that the Government looked as the highest au-

Michigan when the country was first discovered thority to apply to for the purchase of needed

by them. The position they held was a com- lands.

manding one as to locality, as it is known that As late as 1833, they had only sold to the
their hunting-grounds extended at one time all United States Government the small part of
around the Southern extremity of Lake Michi- their Illinois hunting-grounds contained within

gan, though shared at various times with the the limits of the treaty of 1816, and up to this
Ottawas, the Cherokees and the Miamis. time they owned, perhaps, in common with the
When Alouez was exploring the shores and Ottawas and Cherokees, all that part of North-

islands of Lake Superior, even before the inte- ern Illinois which lies east of Rock River and
rior of the country had been entered except by northwest of the strip of land ceded by the
Nicolet, he met a delegation of 300 Pottawato- three tribes in 1816. Settlers were coming in-

mies at Chagouamigon (an island in Lake Su- to the country and staking out their claims,
perior) as early as 1668. Among them was an knowing full well that the Government would
old man of. 100 winters. Says the relation: soon extinguish the Indian title.

He appears to have been a great " medicine Under this pressure, the United States Gov-
man " among his tribe, and was regarded by ernment summoned the Pottawatomies, Ottawa
them as a wonderful prophet. He could fast and Chippewa, tribes to a great council to be
for twenty days, and often saw the Great Spirit. held at Chicago in September, 1833. This was
This venerable seer died while on the island on the greatest event the little then mushroom
his visit to Alouez here. town had ever seen. Besides the interest the
Father Marquette makes frequent mention of Indians felt in the treaty, there were scores of
the Pottawatomies in his journal, which he white men gathered around the spot to put in
kept, in the winter of 1674-75, at " Chicagou,'' various speculative claims as to propert}- al-

and to them and the Illinois tribes was he in- leged to have been stolen by the Indians, or to
debted for many acts of kindness extended to bring in enormous charges for services ren-
him during his detention at Chicago on account dered to the Government by virtue of contracts
of sickness. of an indefinite character.
This tribe continued to be the transcend- The Government had made immense prepa-
ent Indian power along the Southern shores rations to feed the Indians, of whom three tribes
of Lake Michigan from its first discovery till were on the ground with their squaws and pa-
the final removal of all the Indians from the pooses stretched on boards or slung in pocket-
country by Col. Russell in 1836. They took shaped blankets.
sides with the British in the war of 1812, and After several days of palaver in which the
struck heavy blows against the Americans in whims of the Indians were artfully humored,

that war, of which the massacre at Fort Dear- and the bright side of their natures had been
born and other casualties in the early part of brought to the front by those arts which had the
that war bear testimony. result of years of practice, the Indians finally
They had joined with other tribes in ceding affixed their sign to the treaty, by which they
six miles square at the mouth of Chicago River sold the entire northeastern portion of Illinois (an
to the Americans -
at the treat} of Greenville in area embracing more than ten of its present
1795, as already told, and when the progress counties, among which Du Page was one) to

the Government. Thomas J. V.

G. B. Porter, by the virtues of the whites. The former they
Owen and William Weatherford, in behalf of could imitate, but the latter were sealed books
the Government, negotiated the treaty. It to them. The amount of goods dispensed to
bears date of Chicago, September 26, 1833. It them at Chicago to fulfill treaty stipulations,
was the last treaty of importance ever held was often very large, and in order to distribute
with the Indians in the Northwest, and was the them equitably, men were chosen for the
instrument by which the Indian title to the service whose personal acquaintance with the
country became extinguished after its joint oc- Indians would enable them to do it in the most
cupation by the red and white races (the latter satisfactory manner. On these occasions the
including the French) ever since 1673, more hugh piles of goods, consisting largely of In-
than a century and a half. dian blankets were dispensed by peace-meal
At no other place in America had the In- to the different Indian families, according to
dians lingered so long after the advent of the their necessities, but sometimes a discarded
whites, aud it is not strange that a great variety Indian lassie, whose place had been substituted
of associations had sprung up between the by a white wife, came in for an extra share of
triple alliances of native, French and English finery as an offset for lacerated affections —
races, as they had mingled together at the cheap way of satisfying such claims. Nowa-
"Chicagou" portage. Here was the great carry- days it costs as many thousand dollars as it

ing-place between the immense prairie country did then yards of cheap broadcloth.
to the southwest,and the lakes and along the The removal of the Pottawatomies from the
shores of Lake Michigan, from " Chicagou " to country was effected in 1835-36, as before
the straits. Indian canoes were frequently stated by Col. J. B. F. Russell.
passing to and fro during the summer season, Previous to the death of his widow, which
and Mud Lake and the Desplaines River was took place in the present year 18S2, she al-
in this direct line of travel. The first interest lowed the writer to take items from her hus-
that drove the American element to Chicago band's journal, and the following is one of the
was the Indian trade, and the American Fur items :

Company was its first representative. Most of The

" first party of Indians left Chicago Sep-
those engaged by this company were men bred tember 21, 1835, with the Chiefs Robinson,
on the frontier, and felt no repugnance toward Caldwell and La Fromborse, and proceeded to
the Indians, but on the contrary not a few felt their place of rendezvous twelve miles from
a friendship for them, strengthened by years of Chicago, on the Desplaines — a place of meeting
companionship in the fascinating sports of usual on such occasions. I met them in coun-
border life, which not only level social distinc- cil and presented to them the object of the
tions, but accept a good fellowship through a meeting, and the views of the Government re-
rough exterior, intolerable to the uninitiated lative new
to their speeciy removal to their
civilian, whose motto is " the tailor makes the country. They wished to defer answering what
man." Many of the Indians could make nice I had said to them for two days, to which I
discriminations in issues when natural rights consented. Sunday, 28th, provided teams and
were at stake, and the higher law to them was transportation for the removal of the Indians."
a tribunal from which there was no appeal. The journal next proceeds to detail the par-
This is not too much to say of them till they ticulars of his thankless toil in satisfying the
were brutalized by bad whisky, and theirtnorals realand whimsical wants of his captious charge,
corrupted by the vices without being elevated who honored him with the appellation of father,

and vexed him with complaints continually. and present condition of the people we drove
Their course la3 westward through Du Page
from the soil of Du Page County, or rather our
County, and their first stopping place was on civilization obliged them to sell out to us, in-

Skunk River, in Iowa. Patogushah started asmuch as we were mutually unendurable to

with his band to winter at this place. His was each other. The bones of their fathers are
the first party to start independent of Govern- now a component part of the dust beneath our
ment assistance. Robinson had command of a feet, with no stone to perpetuate their memory,

separate party, Caldwell another, Wabunsie except those of Alexander Robinson and Sha-
another, and Holliday another, and Robert Kin- bonee, both of whom were esteemed b}- all who
zie and Mr. Kirchival assisted Mr. Russell in knew them for their many manly and benevo-
superintending the whole. Fort Des Moines lay lent traits of character, and whose lofty virtues
on their route to Fort Leavenworth, near which deserve historic acknowledgment. A tomb-
was their reservation on the Missouri River. stone marks the grave of each, which is still
They were to draw their supplies from the fort beheld with respect by man}' who well remem-
as stipulated by the Government at the treaty, ber them. As already stated, ere the Indians
after they had settled themselves in their new had left the country, their grounds had begun
home adjacent to,it. to be claimed by the pioneer settlers, and his
Two years after their settlement, owing to plowshare had already scarred the soil never
feelings of hostility which the frontier settlers before turned up to the mellowing influence of
felt toward them, they were removed to Council the sun.
Bluffs, from whence, after remaining a few The Du Page River had, from time imme-
years, they were again removed to the Kansas morial, been a stream well known. It took its
Territory, where they now live, diminished in name from a French trader who settled on this
numbers from 5,000 at the time they left Illi- stream below the fork previous to 1800. Hon.
nois to less than half that number, but they are H. W. Blodgett, of Waukegan, informs the
now in a prosperous condition. The report writer that J. B. Beaubien had often spoken to
from the office of Indian affairs in Kansas Sep- him of the old Frenchman, Du Page, whose sta-
tember 1, 1878, says: "The Pottawatomies tion was on the bank of the river, down toward
are advancing in education, morality, Christian- itsmouth, and stated that the river took its
ity and self-support. A majority of them have name from him. The county name must have
erected substantial homes, planted fruit trees, the same origin. Col. Gurdon S. Hubbard, who
and otherwise beautified their surroundings. came into the country in 1818, informs the
The average attendance at a school which the writer that the name Du Page, as applied to the
Government has provided for them is twenty- river then, was universally known, but the
nine, from an enrollment of forty-four. The trader for whom was named lived there before

school buildings are well supplied with facili- his time. Mr. Beaubien says it is pronounced

ties for boarding and lodging the pupils, and Du Pazhe (a having the sound of ah, and that
also for teaching the females household duties. the P should be a capital). This was in reply
This reservation contains 77,357 acres of land to Mr. Blodgett's inquiry of him concerning the
in Jackson County. Their wealth in individual matter.
property amounts to $241,650. On their farms The county organization of the great North-
they have reapers, mowers, planters, cultiva- west grew into, or, rather, was, reduced into its

tors, and other agricultural machinery, all of the present conditions by successively subdividing
latest approved patterns. Such is the history, the immense areas over which its first courts
cA-ev &lb^r

held jurisdiction after Territories and States renders the above method necessary, as well to as-
certain the vacant lands as to guard against tres-
had been established.
passes, which will probably be committed on lands
After the conquest of the Illinois country by
not on record.
Gen. George Rogers Clark, in 1778, according to Given under my hand and seal at Kaskaskia the
the old Virginia claim, the whole Northwest was a 15th day of June, in the third year of the Common-
part of her territory. This claim rested on her wealth, 1779. John Todd, Jr.
original charter from King James (which, ac- The foregoing is the first official act of
cording to the view taken of it by Thomas the Americans to organize civil government
Paine, was absurd). But, without discussing over the Northwest. The Virginia cession of
its merits, let us record the commendable part 1784, rendered it a nullity, and the entire coun-
this State took to preserve the fruits of Clark's try with its 2,000 French^inhabitants, and its

conquest. 10,000 Indian population was virtually under

In the spring succeeding it (1779), Col. John no national jurisdiction during a period of
Todd, under a commission from Patrick Henry, several years.
then Governor of Virginia, came to Vincennes, Even when St. Clair was appointed Gov-
on the Wabash and Kaskaskia, 111. (over both of ernor in 1787, the English still held possession
which places the American flag waved), for the of Detroit, Michilimacinac, St. Joseph on Lake
purpose of establishing a temporary govern- Michigan, Prairie du Chien and Sandusky,
ment, according to the provisions of the act of and contrary to treaty stipulations, retained
the General Assembly of Virginia, bearing date these posts till July, 1796. This retention did
of October, 1778. On the 15th of June, 1779, not bring on any conflict of authority between
he issued the following proclamation : St. Clairand Lord Dorchester, who then, as
Illinois County, To Wit: Governor of Canada, extended his rule over all
Whereas, from the fertility and beautiful situation the towns on the upper lakes, and Oswego on
of the lands bordering on the Mississippi, Ohio, Illi- Lake Ontario. The reason for this was because
nois and Wabash Rivers, the taking up of the usual Washington gave instructions to St. Clair to do
quantity of land heretofore allowed for a settlement
nothing which might offend the English, but
by the Government of this country:
I do therefore issue this proclamation, strictly en- wait until amicable negotiations should secure
joining all persons whatsoever from making any new our rights. The attitude of Spain was then a
settlements upon the flat lands of the said rivers or constant menace and threat against the North-
within one league of said lands, unless in manner west. This power held the mouth of the Mis-
and form of settlements as heretofore made by the
sissippi River, and all the Territory on its west
French inhabitants, until further orders herein
given. And in order that all the claims to lands in side indefinitely — perhaps to the Pacific coast,

said county may be fully known, and some method (if she could circumvent the English in her
provided for perpetuating by record the just claims, claims to what she ultimately held there). Early
every inhabitant required, as soon as conven-
in 1779, war was declared between these two

iently may
be, to lay before the person, in each
and the Spanish of St. Louis, in their
powers ;

district appointed for that purpose, a memorandum

of his or her land, with copies of all their vouchers;
zeal to strike a blow at the English, formed an
and when vouchers have never been given or are expedition against the British post at St. Joseph,
lost, such depositions or certificates as will tend to under command of Capt. Don Eugenio Pierre.
support their claims— the memorandum to mention It started January 2, 1781, with a force of
the quantity of laud, to whom originally granted,
sixty-five men, surprised and took the place,
and when deducing the title through the various

occupants to the present possessor. The number of and by virtue of this conquest made an attempt
adventurers who will shortly overrun this country (absurd as it was fruitless) to annex the terri-
tory intervening to Spain, which would be all of much solicitude and anxiety in the minds of
Northern Balked in this attempt at
Illinois. our statesmen at the time, and it required their
the treaty of Paris, which established the Mis- utmost exertions to prevent armed expeditions
sissippi as our Western boundary, Spain sub- from the Northwest from going down the
sequently closed the port of New Orleans river and forcing a passage to the gulf. John
against the commerce of the Northwest, and Jay, one of our ablest men, counseled mod-
contrary to treaty stipulations of 1795, retained eration, under an assurance that by waiting
possession of Natchez and one other port on a short time, the force of events would secure
the east bank of the Mississippi, at the same our rights without war. These rights on
time forbidding the navigation of the river to the Lower Mississippi were not secured fully
the western people, except on condition that till 1798, during the summer of which year
they would secede from the Atlantic States the Spaniards reluctantly gave up their
and make themselves an independent nation forts on the east bank of the Mississippi,
under protection of the Spanish Government. and Gen. Wilkinson erected Fort Adams on the
These were the conditions on which they might spot occupied by one of them, which was just
secure the Mississippi as a thoroughfare to the above the thirty-first degree of north latitude.
seas. Prom that time henceforward, the navigation
Gen. James Wilkinson, after the death of of the Mississippi was never closed against the
Gen. Wayne, succeeded to the command of the commerce of the Northwest, till by the rebels
United States forces in the West, and to him in 1861, who kept it closed three years, when
the Baron de Carondelet, the Spanish Govern- by the courage of not a few Du Page County
or of Louisiana, sent a messenger named Thomas soldiers, with others, it was opened.
Powers, with a request that he would send no It has already been stated that the whole
force against the posts on the east bank of the Illinois country had been officially organized
Mississippi, held by Spain, but would wait for as Illinois Countyby action of the Governor of
the delivery of the posts till the matter could Virginia in 1779, which became annulled in
be negotiated amicably. Powers, at the same 1784 when that State ceded the Northwest to
time, tried to bribe the people of the Northwest the United States.
to declare themselves independent, and offered Then there followed a hiatus in organized
them $\ 00,000 and the free navigation of the government here till St. Clair, who was ap-
Mississippi if they would do so a paltry sum— pointed Governor in 1787, had established
whereby to corrupt a State, even if the State courts in the Northwest the next year, in 1788.
were capable of the treachery, and its record These courts did not extend their jurisdiction
serves rather to reveal the low Spanish esti- to the Illinois country till 1790, at which time
mate of patriotism than any honor of which an Illinois Territory became organized as one of
American need be proud, for having rejected the four counties in the Northwest, and was
the bribe. Orders were issued for the arrest of named St. Clair County, and was represented
Powers, as soon as the nature of his mission in the Territorial Legislature held at Fort
became known to Washington, but he evaded Washington (Cincinnati), by Shadrack Bond.
pursuit and found his way back to his master, On May 7, 1800. when the Territory of In-
the feeble old dotard, who was Spanish Gov- diana was set off, which embraced both of the
ernor of New Orleans at the time. present States of Illinois and Indiana, the same
Great as his folly was in attempting to divide general laws which had hitherto prevailed in
the union of the States, the inatter was a cause the Northwest were continued in operation in
Indiana Territory, and no civil subdivisions into bring Illinois Territory into the Union, in
new counties were made, till the 28th of April, 1818. Judge Nathaniel Pope then analyzed
1809, at which time Illinois Territory was set the whole situation, and, by the force of his
off and divided into two counties Randolph — logic, explained away the legal objections to

and St. Clair by Nathaniel Pope, Secretary the extension of the State of Illinois to a
under Ninian Edwards, its Governor. point farther north than the act of cession
St. Clair County embraced its Northern por- from Virginia had provided as just told.
tion, including the present county of Du Page, First let us state his arguments for the
which then had only transient white inhabitants change, and these were the substance of them :

in the employ of French fur traders. Lake Michigan, connected by water communi-
The next change in counties made was Sep- cation with the Eastern States, and indissolu-
tember 14, 1812, when Governor Edwards es- bly bound the interests of the country
tablished the county of Madison, which em- adjacent to it to them. The Mississipppi
braced the whole portion of the territory north River and its tributaries exerted the same in-

of a line extending along the south side of the fluence in a southern direction with the South.
present county of Madison due eastwardly to Give Illinois a good frontage on Lake Michi-
the Wabash River, which included the present gan, with the port of Chicago the terminus of
county of Du Page. the canal to be built, and a mighty State would
No further civil divisions were made while be formed, holding the destinies of both sec-
Illinois remained a territory, but an issue came tions within its grasp —
the middle link in the
up, on bringing it into the Union, of vital im- chain, and the strongest one. Here was an
portance not only to the locality of Du Page object worth working for, and he laid the case
and its adjacent counties, but to the nation before Congress to bring it about. He con-
itself. tended that Illinois could claim the whole of
The terms by which the Northwest was Wisconsin if Congress chose to give her such
ceded by Virginia to the United States pro- dimensions, inasmuch as the ordinance left it

vided for the number of States into which it optional with the United States to divide the
might be subdivided, which was to be five at territory into only three States, in which case
most, aud the ordinance also provided that in Indiana must reach from the Ohio River to the
the event of five States being made of the ter- British possessions, and Illinois from Cairo to
ritory, two should be constituted out of the the British possessions. But that Wisconsin
territory north of a due east and west line was powerless to establish a boundary which
drawn through the territory, intersecting the should conflict with the powers of the United
southern extremity of Lake Michigan. States, who had power to embrace her whole
This being the law, the people of Illinois area within the limits of Illinois. He carried
had no expectation that the northern boundary his measure through both Houses, and the
of the State could go farther north than this northern line of Illinois was established on the
point when it should apply for admission into parallel of 42° 30', where it now is. If he
the Union. Wisconsin Territory had already had failed in this, Du Page County would now
been set off in 1805, with its southern limits have been a part of Wisconsin, and perhaps
on a line due west from the southern limits of Illinois would not have had so strong a Union

the lake, in accordance with what nobody had element when the issue came up in 1861
yet questioned as the construction of the law. whether the Ignited States was to be divided or
Thus matters stood when it was proposed to rent in two.
The following are Judge Pope's words on Crawford County was among the first organ-
the subject, which, as we look back upon the ized on the admission of the State into the
events which have since taken place, seem to Union, and included all the territory north of
have been prophetic " A very large com-
: its present locality. It was soon reduced in its
merce of the Center and South would be found area by the organization of Clark County, whose
both upon the lakes and upon the rivers. As- dimensions extended from its present boundary
sociations in business, in interest and of friend- over the entire northern part of the State like
ship would be formed, both with the North and its predecessor, which had in turn been laid out
the South. A State thus situated, having such on a grand scale, and reduced in proportion as
a decided interest in the commerce and in the the progress of settlements had made it neces-
preservation of the whole confederacy, can sary to subdivide the great northern wilderness
never consent to disunion ; for the Union into new counties.
cannot be dissolved without a division and The next change in counties affecting the
disruption of the State itself." northern part of the State was January 31,
Du Page County is a part of this strip of 1821, under Gov. Bond, at which time Pike
which was held in dispute be-
land, the title of Count}' was organized, which took in all the ter-
tween the States of Illinois and Wisconsin, and ritory in the State north of the southern line of
on the decision of the issue which decided the the present Pike County, the Illinois and the
question of ownership to it, being a momentous Kankakee Rivers.
one ; for it must not be forgotten that when the Du Page was then a part of Pike Count}' till

" tug of war " came in the Legislature of the the 28th of January, 1823, when the county of
State as to vital questions on sustaining the Fulton was established, comprising all of Pike
Union, the loyalists had nothing to spare in or- County except the portion south of the north
der to turn the scale, and then it was that the Fulton County, which change
line of the present
influence of the part of the State which laid be- brought Du Page under the jurisdiction of Ful-
tween its northern line and a line drawn due ton County, of which Lewistown was the county
west from the southern limits of Lake Michigan, seat.
suddenly arose into prominence, and verified All these civil changes were previous to any
the arguments that Judge Pope made in 1818 permanent white settlement, and there is no
in favor of the line of 42° 30', as the northern record that any of the traders or Indians whose
line of the State; and here it should not be erratic habits gave a temporary residence in
omitted, that the influence of our Mr. Lincoln what is now our county, ever applied to the
himself, potent as it was, in the immaculate constituted authorities for any purpose. Why
foot-prints which he had left behind in the State, should they ? If any of the traders had a dis-
before heleft it for the White House, though it pute, they settled it ou the spot, perhaps by a
had an equal share with the northern tier of " knock down argument," or if they wanted to
counties in preserving the unconditional loyalty marry any of the brunette beauties of the prai-
of the State, was barely sufficient. These remin- rie, first they must be accomplished in the

iscences are no dream ; they are founded on manly arts of hunting, or their chances would
reality, and must ever stand as a memento that be slender of winning them. Next (to do the
our county, together with adjaceut ones, was in Indians justice), if any of the daughters of
that crisis the local hinge on which the issue the higher-minded class of Indians had made
turned, and to record this in history is but an themselves indispensable to the happiness of
act of justice. any of the traders, either French or American,

it required uo small measure of circumsp'ec- On the 8th of the same month, Samuel Miller
tion to gain the father's consent to the marriage, Gohlson Kircheval and James Walker were
and to do sound body and a reasonable
this a sworn in as Commissioners, who promptly pro-
discrimination of the principles of justice on ceeded to legislate for the wholesome regula-
the part of the suitor was necessary. tion of the infant county. Prominent among
These essentials being satisfactorily ar- the laws they passed were those regulating the
ranged, the marriage itself was only a promise prices of spirituous liquors, which they took as
of fidelity on both sides, and did not in the es- good care should not be extortionate, as did
timation of these sons of the wilderness need the French Revolutionists the price of bread
the record of official authority either to make during the Jacobin Reign of Terror in France.
it binding or to strengthen its force. A few of It was "ordered that the following rates be
these marriages were permanent, and the writer allowed to tavern-keepers, to wit Each half :

has interviewed the offspring of some of them pint of wine, rum or brand}7 25 cents, ;
who are now esteemed members of society pint of wine, rum or brandy, 37£ cents ; each
amongst us. half pint of gin, 18f cents pint of gin, 31^ ;

Peoria County was the next civil division cents gill of whisky, 6^ cents
half pint of ;

under which Du Page fell. It was organized whisky, 12£ cents pint of whisky, ISf
June 13, 1825, with the following boundaries: For each breakfast and supper, 25 cents ; each
" Beginning where the line between Town- dinner, 37£ cents ; each horse feed, 25 cents ;

ships 11 and 12 north intersects the Illinois keeping horse one night, 50 cents ; lodging for
River ; thence west with said line to the range each man per night, 12£ cents ;
for cider or
line -between Ranges 4 and 5 east thence ; beer, one pint, 6^ cents ;
one quart of cider or
south with said line to the range line between beer, 12£ cents."
Townships 7 and 8 thence east to the line be-
; The Commissioners also soon issued permits
tween Ranges 5 and 6 thence south to the
; to Alexander Robinson, J. B. Beaubein and
middle of the main channel of the Illinois Madore Beaubein to sell goods, who, added
River thence up along the middle of the
; to six merchants already established in the
main channel of said river to the place of be- county, made nine. From the records of the same
ginning." On the 7th of December, the county j-ear,1831, subsequent to those already men-
was divided into three Election Precincts, of tioned, appears the name of Joseph Naper, of
which Alexander Woolcott, John Kinzie and Naper settlement, who, it appears, was then a
John Baptiste Beaubien were Judges. licensed merchant and the first in the present
John Dixon was Clerk of the county, and so county of Du Page.
remained till his resignation, May 1, 1830, when Such are the first laws ever enacted to pre-
Stephen Stillman was appointed. vail over this county after settlers came to it.

Cook was the next organized county of the At that time, Chicago, Canal Port, Naperville,
now reduced area of Northern Illinois wilder- Desplaiues, Keepotaw and Thornton, were re-
ness. It took in at first the present counties ported as the towns of Cook County. It was
of Lake, McHenry, Will. Du Page and Iroquois, named after Daniel P. Cook, the same who, with
the act organizing it bearing date of March 1, the election of Shadrack Bond for Governor, in
1831. had three voting precincts the Chi-
It — 1818, had been elected Attorney General. To
cago, the Hickory Creek and the Du Page, the him the country along the canal owes a lasting
latter of which included the present county of obligation. At a session of the Legislature,
Du Page and portions of Will. January 17, 1825, a law was passed incorpo-
rating the Illinois & Michigan Canal Associa- For some cause not known to the writer, the
tion, with full power to build the canal. By Commissioners appointed to mature this plan of
the seventh section of their charter, it was pro- subdividing Cook County never met at the ap-
vided that all immunities, etc., hitherto made pointed place of rendezvous, which was to have
by the General Government to facilitate the been at a certain hotel in Chicago. The conse-
building of the canal, should revert to the asso- quence was, the subject of setting-off Du Page
ciation to which the State had granted the char- County came before the'Legislature under differ-
ter to build it. This excess of State authority ent forms, and the action of that body specified
to dispose of the large amount of land (every the limits of the county according to the act of
alternate section of a strip six miles wide on which the following is a copy :

each side of the canal, which the Government had

Section 1. Be enacted by the people of the
given to aid in building it), by placing the lands
State of Illinois represented in tlie General Assem-
at the disposal of a private company, was not bly : That all of that tract of country lying within
looked upon with favor by the General Govern- the following boundaries, to wit: Commencing on
ment, and, had it not been for the efforts of Mr. the east line of Kane County at the division line
between Sections 18 and 19, in Township 37 north, of
Cook, the State would have lost the lands, and
Range 9 east, of the Third Priucipal Meridian, pur-
the canal project would have been indefinitely
suing the same line eastward until it strikes the
postponed. He was then Member of Congress, Desplaines River; thence following the said river up
and, seeing the danger, he used his powerful in- to the range line between Township 11 and 12 east,
fluence among his constituents to have the act of the Third Principal Meridian; thence north on
said line to the township line between 40 and 41;
repealed which the State had passed. In this
thence west on said line to the east line of Kane
he was successful, and the corporations were
County; thence south on the east line of Kane
obliged to surrender their charter. County to the place of beginning, shall constitute a
We come now to the organization of Du Page new county by the name of Du Page; provided al-
County— the last subdivision of Cook. In 1 838, ways that no part of the county above described,
this was considered and talked over by the peo- now forming a part of Will County, shall be in-
cluded within the said county of Du Page, unless
ple, and a plan to make four counties out of
the inhabitants now residing in said part of Will
the area of Cook was looked upon with favor. County shall, by a vote to be given by them at the
To effect this object, committees were appointed next August election, decide by a majority of legal
from each respective locality proposed as the voters that they prefer to have the said territory

territory to be occupied by them. make a part of the said county of Du Page.

It was first proposed by the Commissioners

Sec. 2. An election shall be held at the Pre-
emption House, in Naperville, on the first Monday
to create one county of nine townships in the
in May, next, by the qualified voters of said county,
northwest corner of Cook, which, had it been for county officers, who, when qualified, shall hold
done, would have taken the three present town- their offices until the next general election said ;

ships, viz., Wayne, Bloomingdale and Addison, election shall be conducted and returns thereof
made to the Clerk of the County Commissioners'
together with the present townships of Hanover,
Court of Cook County, as in other cases, and said
Schaumberg, Elk Grove, Barriugton, Palatine Clerk shall give certificates of election; and when
and Wheeling in Cook, for one of the four new said County Commissioners shall be elected and
counties. Du Page County was to come im- qualified, the said county of Du Page shall be duly

mediately south ofthis, and take in nine town-

organized. S. M. Skinner, Stephen J. Scott and
Loren J. Butler, are hereby appointed Judges of
ships, which case Naperville would have
said election.
been not very distant from the center of the Sec. 3. Said county of Du Page shall be at-
county. tached to the Seventh Judicial District, and the
Judge of said circuit shall fix the terms of said as to the division of Cook County, and among
court, therein, two of which shall be held in said those who took part in this discussion was Mr.
county annually at Naperville, where the County
J. Filkins, who owned property in Wheeling
Commissioners may direct, until the county build-
the northern part of Cook County. His plan,
ings are completed.
Sec. For the purpose of locating the per-
4. as well as that of manj' others, was to create a
manent seat of justice for said county of Du Page, county in the northern part of Cook, which should
the following-named persons are hereby appointed include the present three northern townships of
Commissioners, to wit: Ralph "Woodruff, of La
Du Page County, with Wheeling for the county
Salle County Seth Read, of' Kane County, and

Horatio G. Loomis, of Cook, who, or a majority of

seat, and in accordance with this proposition, a
them, shall meet at the Pre-emption House, in Na- representative from Naperville and one from
perville, on the first Monday of June, or within the southeastern part of Cook County had
thirty days thereafter, and first being duly sworn by agreed to meet at a certain hotel in Chicago to
some Justice of the Peace, shall proceed to locate
agree on some concert of action in the matter.
the seat of justice for said county at the most eligi-
ble and convenient point, provided the said Com-
The Naperville representative was promptly at

missioners shall obtain for the county from the the place of rendezvous, but the others did not
claimant a quantity of land, not less than three attend, and no systematic plan of action was
acres, and $3,000 for the purpose of erecting county determined on.
buildings, which sum shall be secured to the County
Pending these ambitious schemes, which
Commissioners and paid out under their direction
for the purposes aforesaid.
local interests as well as real necessities set on
Sec. 5. The Commissioners appointed to locate foot, the citizens of Chicago were in a flutter
said county seat, shall each be allowed the sum of of perturbation lest they should lose some of
$3 per day for each day by them necessarily em- their territory, doubtless feeling their ability
ployed in the performance of that duty, to be paid
to govern more instead of being shorn of a part
out of the treasury of said county.
of what they then had.
Sec. 6. The qualified voters of the county of
Du Page, inall elections except county elections, A convention now being about to assemble
shall vote with the district to which they belong at Vandalia, to take into consideration plans
until thenext apportionment, and shall in all for public improvements, it was necessary for
respects be entitled to the same privileges and rights
the Chicagoans to call a public meeting to
as in general belong to the citizens of other counties
appoint delegates to attend it. Such a call at
in this State. William L. D. Ewing,
Speaker of the House of Representatives. Chicago would then, as well as now, bring out
S. H. Anderson, their bigguns as well as a full regiment of
Speaker of the Senate. small arms to make a rattle of musketry after
Approved February 9, 1839.
the cannons had been shot off ; or, in other
Tho. Carlin.
words, to do the cheering after the orators had
State op Illinois, } spoken. In obedience to the call, a meeting
Office of Secretary of State, (
assembled on the 3d of December, 1836, and,
I, Alexander P. Field, Secretary of State, do here-

by certify the foregoing to be a true and perfect as the pith of a woman's letter may be found
copy of "An act to create the county of Du Pace," in the postscript, so the chief object for which
now on file in my office. In testimony whereof I this meeting was called, was reserved for the
have hereunto set my hand and the seal of State at closing business. After a few vehement speech-
Vandalia February 18, 1839.
es had been made, the animus of which was
[l. s.] A. P. Field,
Secretary of State. to protest against any. further division of Cook
Previous to the passage of this act, there had County, resolutions were adopted in accord-
been considerable canvassing of public opinion ance with these sentiments, and a committee

of three was appointed to circulate a petition to act and the August election, which was to cast
be sent to the Legislature, expressive of the will the die, was utilized by the Will Count}' inter-
of the people of Cook County on the subject. ests and a formidable opposition to the Du
Unfortunately for the people of Chicago, Page interests was the result. To add to the
Joseph Naper was then representing Cook discomfiture of the Du Page advocates, some
County in the Legislature, and it was like strik- one brought a bottle of whisky into the arena
ing on a drum that wouldn't sound, to talk on election day, which roused the indignation
" such stuff" to him. He himself was a power, of the teetotalers of the Will County interests,
and two of the most members
influential and brought out their full force with their
of the Senate were his strong friends. One of thunder thrown in.
these was Peter Cartwright, of Carliuville, who The autumn sun dipped into the western
had all the Methtfdists in the State at his back, green, the polls were closed, votes counted,
and the other was old John Harker, from Union and one majority for Will County was the re-
County, who was regarded by the Egyptians sult. There wasn't much poetry about the
as a host. canvass. It need not be claimed that Johnny,
Nothing more was beard about the county with the love of his inamorata in his heart,
to be set off from the northern part of Cook;— voted to please his would-be father-in-law or
it being probably thought best not to amputate any such kind of moonshine. It was a sharply
another limb from her body at that time. defined local and temporal issue, and for a
It is worthy of record that of the committee small one, large results have grown out of it

appointed at the Chicago meeting, Gurdon S. for had the county limits extended south of
Hubbard was one, but for some reason best Naperville, as the original bill intended, no
known to himself, he declined to serve. Per- attempt would ever have been made to re-

haps Mr. Hubbard, in advance of any of the move the county seat, or if made, would not
rest, saw the impolicy as well as impractica- have been successful.
bility of the scheme iu question. He came to The parties authorized by the fourth section 1818, and is still an active man at of the act creating the new county to locate
the place, which has grown from a post of the the county seat,met on the 17th of June, 1839,
American Fur Company to what it now is under at the Pre-emption House iu Naperville, and lo-
his eye. As might be supposed, the petition cated it at that place. At the same time, a
was like seed sown in stony ground. deed was executed to the county of an undi-
In due course of legislation. Du Page County vided half of the public square on which the
was organized as per the act already stated, the county buildings were erected the same year
first section of which gave the inhabitants of by voluntary subscription from the citizens of
the three northern tiers of sections in Will Naperville to the amount of $5,000. Subse-
Count} -
, the power to choose by a popular votei quently, the small brick buildings were built for
in the following August, to which county they storing the records, etc.
would belong. Had the election taken place '
In vain may the records of any State in the
immediately, it is almost certain that the people Union be searched for a parallel in eventful
of the territory in question would have annexed epochs involving vital political questions which
themselves to Du Page County, to whose inter- locally came up within their jurisdiction as has
ests at Naperville they had been allied by his- been thrust upon the State of Illinois, and the
toric as well as social relations from the first; country around Chicago has been the pivot
but the time between the passage of the upon which these issues have turned. This is

only a just conclusion to deduce from the events generous scale, there to multiply under the
of this chapter. The next will begin with the fostering hand of nature. This has been done,
pioneer work begun in Du Page County under but let us take a retrospective view of the proc-
a new order of things destined to subordinate ess by which it was accomplished while the
wild nature to the uses of man, and reproduce living witnesses of it are still on the historic

old-settled and time-honored institutions on a stand to testify.


~V~VT~ITHIN the memory of men now living
by the time Northern Illinois was settled, the
VV the whole of Du Page Count}' was an thoroughbred pioneer, in his floodtide of glory,
immaculate tablet on which to make the first came upon the scene. He is the man referred
footprints of progress in the form of agricult- to— the incarnation of freedom in its broadest
ure, architecture and public works. In ancient sense, the man who is a law unto himself, who
times,when new countries were settled, it was takes a short cut to the ends of justice regard-
done by nations who sent out colonies under less of technicalities ; the man who evinces
the especial guardianship of a king's viceroy, himself more by what he does than by what he
and was the ease with the first new coun-
this says, and scorns unfair distinctions not based
tries settledin America from Europe. All on merit.
this became changed when the American nation To describe the American pioneer would re-
became the owner of the vast 'plains of the quire the imagery of romance and the force of
West. Then settlements began to be made on the drama. Behold him, as he turns his face to
private account for the first time in the world's the West, his gun on his shoulder, his dog by
history,and such a conception of human rights his side, his horses harnessed to the wagon
put in such universal practice, as it was here, that contains his household goods, his wife and
brought into being a class of men different from babies, behind which follow at a slow pace his
any hitherto known. They were the creation cattle, driven by his young sons, whose keen
of their period in their habits, character and ej'es often dart their irrepressible humor from
their self-sustaining powers. They valued beneath a tattered hat brim. This is the true
themselves not for what their fathers had been, pioneer. His step is firm his glance is keen
; ;

but for what they themselves were. It takes a his whole appearance commands respect,
few generations for mental force to gather and though his garments may
be of the coarsest
turn the thoughts of men into new channels, and, stuff. To him belongs a singular fame, for he

is the first to lay the dimension stone of named Du Page was Bailey Hobson. His
a social fabric which grow up where
is to widow is still living in Naperville, and the
he plants the seed, and become a lasting mon- following is a brief narrative of the events of
ument to perpetuate his memory. her experiences in coming to the place, as re-
The first of these pioneers who became ulti- ported to the writer in June, 1882.
mate residents of Du Page County were Steph- Mrs. Clarinda Hobson was born in Georgia
en J. Scott, who came with his family from in December, 1804. The family emigrated to
Maryland, and made a claim on the lake shore Orange County, Iud., in 1812, where she
just north of the present site of Evanston, in was married to Mr. Hobson in 1821. In 1830,
1826. The place was then and is still known they removed to the present site of New-
as Grose Point. an elevated sand ridge,
It is ark, 111., remaining there the succeeding
making an abrupt bank on Lake Michigan, but winter, when, in the following November
not composed of a soil adapted to the growth of the same year, Mr. Hobson went to the
of the cereals, which is probably the reason Du Page River, about two miles below the
why Mr. Scott left the place and took up a present site of Naperville, and marked out
claim at the fork of the west branch of Du his claim, consisting of about five hundred acres,

Page River, which he did in the autumn of lying on both sides of the river. This done, he
1830, with his famil}-, among whom were his returned to his temporary home to make the
sons, Willard and Willis. necessary preparations for building a habitation
This became known as the Scott settlement, on his Du Page River claim. To this end, he
and was the first beginning made which drew again went to the place with a load of shakes
to the place other settlers. Its locality was (clapboards) with which to make a roof for his
just south of the Du Page County line in the intended cabin, and a hired man accompanied
present county of Will, but accretions to it him to help cut and haul to the ground the logs
soon extended up the stream, within the pres- necessary for its walls.They had only worked
ent limits of the county. one day, when the cold was so intense they
Early in the following June, 1831, Isaac P. were obliged to abandon their plans and turn
Rlodgett came from Amherst, Hampshire Co., their coursetoward home, which they reached
Mass., and settled at the fork, his son Henry, in safety after two days' toiling over the bleak

now Judge Blodgett, of Chicago, being^then prairie with an ox team.

nine years old. With the opening of March, 1831, the work
Pierce Hawley also came to the place about was again resumed by sending Lewis Stewart,
the same time, and, in the summer of the next brother of Mrs. Hobson, to the place to cut the
year, 1831, Robert Strong, Rev. Isaac Scarrett logs for the cabin, while Mr. Hobson himself

Capt. Henry Boardman and Isaac Stockwell was to follow with the ox team and wagon
came to the Scott settlement, and became per- loaded with their household goods. A new
manentlj' identified with the interests of what dilemma now arose. More than a hundred In-
was then known as the Du Page Country. dians had just encamped hard by their house
These were near neighbors to the settlement for the purpose of making maple sugar in an
began the same year just above them on the adjacent grove, and she dare not stay with her
Du Page, and soon the little gap of unclaimed five children alone in their midst. Meantime,
land that intervened between them was filled her husband's duties were imperative. He must
up with new-comers. go to the new home to get the house ready for
But the first actual settler in the county now the opening of spring.
In this emergency, Mrs. Hobson formed the cessities. Corn seems to have constituted their
resolution to transport her family to a small entire material for bread nor had they vege-

settlement a few miles distant at what was then tables or fruits the first year, and the corn it-
oalled Weeds', and now Hollenback's Grove. self was in the ear, as it grew at Weeds' (now
Besides the family, were two horses and four- Holderman's) Grove, from whence it had to be
teen head of cattle, the same stock that had transported by ox teams.
been driven from their home in Indiana. Ac- The problem now was how to convert it into
cordingly, her husband started off with their meal, the solution of which, however, did not
furniture, and she, with the family and their task the ingenuity of a true pioneer to its ut-

flock, by a different route, to reach a temporary most by any means. The first process was to
abiding place. On the way, she had a danger- shell it ; the next to immerse it in hot water to
ous slough to cross, where the track was buried start the hulls. was then put into an iron
beneath the flood, so deep that she dare not kettle and pounded with the head of an iron
trust her little ones on the horse alone, buttook wedge (the tool used for splitting rails) till it
them across one or two at a time on her own was made into meal. The next process was to
horse and set them on the opposite bank till put this meal into cold water and float the hulls
they were all safely landed. The fourteen cattle off, and the meal was read}' for use.

were then driven over and all herded safely in It was made into a batter with water only, and
the grove, where they were kept on browse and fried like pancakes, or, for variety's sake, spread
what grass they could find on the early spring on a wooden board and turned up to a fire to
sward. Here she remained awaiting her hus- be baked into bread. Sifting this meal when
band's return to take the family and their stock dried left its coarsest portions for hominy,
to their new home. which gave them varieties improvised out of
A few days brought this about, notwithstand- corn.
ing the hardships he had encountered in camp- Such was the first household and home
ing out on the open prairie on his way, and made in this county, of which a faithful witness
other discomforts not easily imagined by those in the person of Mrs. Hobson is still among us
who read of them nowadays. March was nearly in the full enjoyment of her mental faculties.
spent when they arrived at their home. It was The next who came to the county were the
a rough log cabin with a puncheon floor, but Napers. They were men of broad ambition
no windows. The lack of them was the smallest like the pioneers who had preceded them in
of their grievances, for the unchinked crevices the Scott settlement. While residents of Ohio,
between the logs let in light enough. they had owned a sailing vessel on the lakes,
Willard, the son of Stephen J. Scott, who had named the Telegraph, which they had sold,
recently married the oldest daughter of Mr. agreeing to deliver it in Chicago in the sum-
Hawley, was then living in the same log cabin mer of 1831, and in this vessel on its passage to
with his father, and their families being the this place they came with the families of John
nearest neighbors to the Hobson family, occa- Murray, Lyman Butterfield, Henry T. Wilson
sional visits were made between them, and the and a Mr. Carpenter. It set sail from Ashta-
hospitalities of the wilds exchanged in true pio- bula, Ohio, in June, landing them in Chicago
neer style. Their entertainments did not con- in time to reach Da Page early in July.
sist of the modern aesthetic styles of serving The spring preceding, Joseph Naper had
their dishes, or of the epicurian qualities of been to the place, made a claim and hired men
them, but were simplified down to actual ne- to come from Chicago and put up a log cabin
where Naperville now stands. The building of William Naper, now a clerk in Messrs. Scott
was made ready and also ten acres of ground & Co.'s dry goods store (son of Joseph Naper,
" broke," as per a contract with Mr. Scott, on
the arrival of the colony, for such in substance, September 14, 1831.

was the Naper settlement. The season was too We, the undersigned, whose names are hereto
affixed, do agree to hire Lester Peet to teach a school
far advanced to plant corn, and in its stead,
in our respective district for the term of four
buckwheat was sown on seven acres of it, and months, for the consideration of $12 per month.
the balance planted with rutabaga turnips. Said teacher doth agree, on his part, to teach a
This, together with a few acres of ground regular English school, teaching spelling, writing,

planted by Mr. Hobson, constituted the first arithmetic and English grammar, if required. And
the understanding is, that said teacher is to board
tillage of the soil of this county, unless some
with the scholars. School is to commence by the
of its red owners, with the assistance of their loth of November next.
loving brothers — the French — had raised scan- N. B. — Each subscriber doth agree to pay his
ty patches of corn, beans or pumpkins on it, proportionable part of the teacher's wages, accord-
which is quite probable, for as earby as 1790 ing to the number of scholars that he subscribes for
and it is likewise understood that Joseph
or sends,
the Indians had cultivated extensive fields on
Naper, Christopher Paine and Bailey Hobson be
the Maumee, and also on the Wabash, and and are a committee to superintend said school,
more than half a century before had, with the and to see that there is a suitable house built in due
aid of the French, plowed and planted fields in season, etc.
Southern and also reaped considerable
Illinois, Joseph Naper, six scholars; H. T. Wilson, two
scholars Richard Sweet, two scholars Daniel
income from working the lead mines of Galena ; ;

Landon, one scholar James Green, one scholar


on their own private account, all of which goes

Bailey Hobson, one scholar John Naper, one;

to show that the inevitable crops of corn so scholar; John Manning, one scholar; Daniel Wilson,
essential to their existence had ere this been one scholar Christopher Paine, three scholars

planted by them on the fertile lands of the Du John Murray, two scholars; Edward A. Rogers, one
Page. Mr. Naper's buckwheat crop was a
bountiful one, and in the autumn drew to the Ere this school had been established, both
place countless numbers of prairie chickens to the Naper and Scott settlements had been re-
get a taste of the kind of food then so new to by new arrivals, as appears from such
them. not mentioned in the history found among
The Naper and Scott settlements, being as the subscribers to support the school.
they were in such close proximity to each But ere we proceed, let us give to the Napers
other, with a reciprocity of interest in all mat- an historic recognition of their many worthy
ters pertaining to the welfare of newly-settled traits of character.
countries, began in September following the Joseph Naper, the oldest of the two brothers,
arrival of the Naper colon}', to lay plans for began his career as a cabin boy on a steamer
the education of their children. To this end, on Lake Erie. In this occupation he was con-
preparations were made to build a schoolhouse tinually exposed to danger, which accounts for
which should accommodate both settlements, the bold and daring resolution which character-
and the following subscription paper was drawn ized him throughout his life. He remained on
up by John Murray, father of our present the lakes till he rose to the distinction of Cap-
County Judge, to obtain support for and to es- on Lake Erie which plied be-
tain of a steamer
tablish the school. tween Buffalo and Detroit from 1828 to 1830.
The original document is now in possession As has already been told, he came to the Du Page
in 1831, and here he soon established a repu- To him the whole settlement looked for de-
tation as a generous benefactor to all who came vising ways and means to accomplish ends.
within the reach of his liberality". He donated Mr. Naper set about building a mill in the au-
land to all who wished to come to the place tumn of 1831, and to Mr. Paine was confided
and build on it, and to those who owed him the building of the dam. This he did by first
debts which could not be paid without distress, laying logs, next stone and after these the
he always extended clemency, and sometimes buckwheat straw from the ground sowed in the
forgave the debt entirely. summer to help hold the dirt in its place when
John Naper was also a sailor in his tender laid on the logs and stone. The dam served
ears like his older brother, and as soon as he its purpose, and in the spring of 1832 Mr. Na-
was old enough commanded sailing vessels on per's mill—7 the first ever built in Du Page
Lake Erie, and remained in this employment River —was in running order.
till The two were in partnership together A grist-mill was needed perhaps more than
in their Du Page colony, bringing with them a saw-mill, and Hawley conceived the idea of
to the place the ironwork for the saw-mill to building it. Rut how to get the mill stones
be erected here, and also a stock of goods with •'that was the rub." He laid the case before
which to open trade. Whatever may be said Mr. Paine. He scratched his head and " his
of the oldest brother as to both his courage and jaws wagged with
increased rapidity while
generosity, ma} ?
also be said of John, " and," he kept up an incessant expectoration," (says
says Judge Murray, " the latter (John)had more Mr. Murray), and exclaimed "By Jinks, I can
dash than his older brother. His weight was make them " (the stones). He then selected two
about 200 pounds, his limbs muscular, and his good bowlders from the grove, and hammered
whole frame almost as elastic as a circus tum- and pecked on them till he had fashioned them
bler." into upper and nether mill stones.
Mr. P. F. W. Peck, afterward well known in The stone chisels to do this were probably
Chicago, came to the Du Page a few weeks made lxv Isaac Rlodgett, who was a blacksmith
after the arrival of the Napers, and formed a in the Scott settlement, of whom mention has

partnership with them in storekeeping, which already been made. The mill was a success.
was the first establishment of the kind in the It was propelled by ox power, by means of a
country around. The Sauk war, which followed sweep. Each neighbor brought his grain to it
the next year, discouraged Mr. Peck, and the and ground it with his own team.
partnership between him and the Napers was As to the toll, no one now knows how it was
dissolved by mutual consent, the latter giving paid. Probably it was a free mill, but without
to Mr. Peck three lots, each 80x165 feet, on doubt Mr. Paine was rewarded for the service
South Water street, Chicago, for his interest in he had rendered the neighborhood.
the store. It was not without misgiving that The same year he introduced the culture of
this offer was accepted, but it laid the founda- flax, and made the necessary machinery the —
tion for the princely fortune which he ultimately —
spinning wheel and loom with which to make
amassed. U into cloth. His wife, not less ingenious than
From Judge Murray, also, the writer has her husband, spun the flax and wove it into a
learned of the versatile and useful talents of handsome cloth, coloring a part of the yarn or
Christopher Paine which are worthy of record, thread, and weaving into the fabric a bright
inasmuch as he was a remarkable representa- plaid check. Of this cloth she made suits for the
tive of pioneer ingenuity. whole family, including herself and her husband.
They were the admiration of the neighbor- backs of ponies, but most of them sold their
hood, but they were thought to be rather cool furs to the traders, who had transient stations
for winter,though Mr. Paine at that season throughout the country. Bernardus Lawton
wore a warm buckskin sack, tanned and made was one of these traders, whose station was at
by himself, from beneath which the check Plaiufield, but his headquarters were at Chi-

linen vest showed conspicuously, and is still cago. David Lawton lived on the Desplaines,
remembered by the old settlers of Nuperville. where he kept a tavern at the present site
Mr. Paine was a model of generosity. " Would of Riverside from previous to 1830 till his
divide his last potato," says Judge Murray, death. Both were highly esteemed alike by
"with any one in need." In the fall of 1832, he whites and Indians. Says Mr. Scott " Ber- :

sold out and settled on the Fox River at the nardus had an Indian wife, who was a sensible
present site of Batavia, where he was subse- and discreet woman, who ever enjo}'ed the con-
quently bought out by Judge Wilson. He fidence of her husband."
then went to Geneva Lake, Wis., where he From the very first the Pottawatomies, who
started a saw mill. From thence, after again were frequently at the Naper settlement, had
selling out, he went to Duck Creek, Wis., and always been friendly-, and highly esteemed Mr.
again built a saw mill. Here he remained, Scott, with whom their acquaintance had been
still dispensing his utilitarian labors with a of several years' duration, and likewise held the
generous hand, till he died, respected by all Naper brothers in like favor, though their ac-
who knew him. Returning again to the Naper quaintance had been shorter. The same may
settlement, the severity of the winter of 1830- be said with regard to all the old settlers with
31 should not be left without a record. Snow whom the writer has conversed, all of whom
fell to an average depth of four feet, and the speak kindly of the Pottawatomies. Why
cold was intense from November till April, should they not ? They had settled on land
with but little cessation. The wild turkeys all that the Indians never had sold, and they made
died for want of forage ; and, up to that time, no attempt to molest them, but treated them
the country was full of wild hogs bred from with kindness.
thoseleft by the garrison when Fort Dearborn In speaking of an interview with the In-
was abandoned in 1812. These all died also, dians, says Mrs. Hobson :
" The Pottawatomies
for they could not penetrate the deep snow for frequently called at our house, and were alwajs
acorns in the groves, and the last one starved friendlyup to the spring of 1832, when strange
to death. appearances began to be manifest. On one
The deer fared better because they could live occasion, three Indians came to her house
on browse, but many of them died also. Mr. when no one but her two youngest children
Willard Scott, banker in Naperville, the son of were with her. Two of them seemed friendly
Stephen J., is the authority for the above and ; as usual, but the third betrayed himself to be
further states that for the next four years suc- of a strange tribe, and wore a rueful counte-
ceeding the winter of 1830-31, he had often nance. He would not eat of the food she
passed from the Desplaines River through Mud placed before the visitors, which behavior, so
Lake into the Chicago River with the barges eccentric in an Indian, boded uo good intent.
of the American Fur Company. Besides this, she plainly saw that it required
John Baptiste Beaubien was their agent an effort on the part of the two friendly Potta-
there at that time, to whom some of the In- watomies to prevent an outbreak on the spot."
dians brought their furs to sell, packed on the When the three left, she saw him conceal a
carving knife under his blanket, with which she Indians, as the colony was in an almost defense-
had been cutting off some dried beef for her less state, and, being liable to an attack from
visitors, and, as they were departing, she in- them at any moment, the settlers decided to
formed the two friendly Indians of the theft. send their families, with all possible haste, to
They promptly took the knife from the culprit, Chicago, where old Fort Dearborn offered its
and restored it to Mrs. Hobson, meanwhile protection to any- fearing the incursions of the
evidently rebuking the faithless vagabond for savages. The settlement was now the scene of
his perfidy and, at the same time, apologizing
universal disorder and alarm. Bustle and con-
to Mrs. Hobson by repeating to her " me-o-net fusion were the order of the hour. Men were
—no good Indian, pointing to the stranger. hurrying to and fro in eager pursuit of their
He was doubtless a Sauk, who had come wives and children, while weeping wives and
among the Pottawatomies to influence them to crying children were hurrying with equal ra-
take up the hatchet against the whites. pidityand greater anxiety in pursuit of their
Two days after this adventure at the house husbands and fathers. Order was at length, in
of Mrs. Hobson, the real alarm came. some degree, restored, and while the women
Its incidents are so well told in Richmond & were engaged in packing such articles of cloth-
Vallette's Early History, that their relation of ing and provision as they would require for the
it has been transferred to these columns by journey, the men were actively fitting out teams
permission of Col. Henry Vallette : to convey them away.
Never was a good time come hailed with
" '
"Early in the afternoon of the 18th of May,
more gladness than was the spring of 1832 by the train started for Chicago. But the family
the infant colon}-. A prospect of reward for of Christophej Paine, who lived near the place
past hardships was before them. All was busy of S. & D. Babbitt, consisting of his wife and
preparation for the approaching seed time. The six children, were, in the general confusion in-
labor of breaking and fencing went briskly for- cident to their hasty departure, left behind.
ward, and in due time the new-fledged grain The farnil}' were sent in advance of the train,
came peering from the mellow ground. But with directions to wait at a short distance from
long before the growing fields stood ready for the settlement for its arrival. Concealing them-
the sickle of the glad harvester, the little band selves in a thicket by the roadside, near the
were obliged to relinquish their cherished antici- farm now owned by Capt. John Sargent, and
pations, and flee from their new homes for the not hearing the company as it passed, they
safety of their lives. were obliged to remain in their place of con-
The news of the breaking-out of the Black
" cealment during the night, which must have
Hawk war caused great excitement in the settle- been one of fearful anxiety to the mother, as
ment, and the alarm was heightened by the the imaginative dangers of her situation mag-
an express from the Pottawat-
arrival of Shata, nified, while watching over her houseless and
omies, who were friendly to the whites, with defenseless children. They returned in safety
the intelligence that a party of Sac Indians to the settlement next morning, but much ex-
were committing depredations among the set- hausted by fatigue and hunger.
tlers on Fox River, some ten miles distant, and " The following incidents relating to the alarm
that the houses of Cunningham and Hollenback and sudden flight of Mr. Hobson's family, have
had been burned to the ground, and their prop- been kindly furnished by one of its members.
erty entirely destroyed. Aware of their ina- Mr. Hobson, with Mr. Paine and son, had just
bility to carry on a successful warfare with the seated themselves at their noonday meal, relat-
ing, in the meantime, the intelligence they had panion and protector for years ;
you have never
received while working in the field ; that a band been unfaithful to a trust, nor given me cause
of Indians were advancing, and were then only to question your fidelity — always the first to
thirty miles distant, when they were suddenly welcome, foremost to defend. But now you
interrupted by the appearance of Paine's eldest may betray us, and, saddening as the thought
son, who rushed into the house, bareheaded and maj' be, I must be reconciled to the thought of
breathless, informing them that Specie and putting you to death.' So, taking the unsuspect-
Anient had just arrived from the Au Sable ing victim, he went to a cabin near by, which
grove, having run their horses down, and per. had been but recently occupied by the family
formed a part of the journey on foot, to bring of Mr. Seth Wescott, his object being to pro-
the alarming intelligence that a body of Indians cure an ax with which to do the deed at which
had that morning passed through Hollenback's his very soul shuddered. It was supposed that
Grove, killing several settlers, and burning every the family of Mr. Wescott had received the
thing in their path. Upon this intelligence, alarm, and fled. What then was his surprise
immediate preparations for safety were consid- to meet him at the threshold of his door, with
ered expedient. Hobson and Paine arose from gun in hand, just starting out on a huuting ex-
the table, leaving the dinner untasted. Mr. pedition. At Mr. Hobson's solicitation, the
Paine, accompanied by his sons, started in great dog was shot but he died not. as many pass

haste for their home, while Mr. Hobson pre- from life, without a tear to consecrate the event,
pared to ride up to the Naper settlement to see or a heart to embalm the memory of the de-
what the inhabitants there had concluded to parted soul — was sincerely lamented.
his loss
and children, clinging to him,
do, but his wife Mr. Wescott made immediate preparation to
begged him not to leave them whereupon he ; join the settlers, and Mr. Hobson, fearing that
saddled the horses, and after seeing the wife the report of the gun might have alarmed his
and children all mounted, except the eldest son family, hastened to meet them. Accompanied
who was to accompany them on foot, they started by his wife, he then returned to the house to
together. They directed their course through make preparations, in case it should become
the east end of the grove, and coming upon a necessary for them to desert their home. The
rise of ground, beheld a man on horseback, about box had been removed from the wagon, but
a mile distant. It immediately occurred to Mr- with his wife's assistance he was enabled to re-
Hobson that this was an Indian spy, but it place it, and after completing their arrange-
proved to be one of a small party of scouts sent ments, they again set forth, Mrs. Hobson with
out from the settlement. He, however, directed some food to seek her children in the grove
his wife and children to hasten out of sight. while her husband went to the settlement to
They rode into the grove and dismounted. Mr. see what preparations were being made there.
Hobson came up soon after, threw the saddles On his arrival he found that the families, with
into a thicket, turned the horses into a neigh- a part of the men, had gone to Chicago. He
boring field, and made all possible haste to se- informed those that remained of the condition
crete his family ;
directing them to use every of his family, and of his anxiety that they should
precaution to evade pursuit, and not to tangle set out that night, in hopes of overtaking the
nor bruise the grass and weeds as they went advance party. Capt. Naper, Lieut. King, and
along. Having done this, his attention was Specie volunteered to return with him to the
next directed to his clog, a faithful and valuable place where he had concealed his family. They
animal. ' You have been,' said he, '
my com- were all mounted except King, who was on
Jey £i^<rv<uj^& {^yKyCCt^

foot. Having found the family in their hiding ing a night of the most intense fear and anxiety,
place, it was a matter that required considerable they arrived at Brush Hill at sunrise. Crossing
mathematical skill to determine how they were the O'Plain, they found a habitation, the only
to be conveyed. It was at length decided that one on the whole route. They journeyed on
the two eldest children should be placed on the and soon reached the " Big Prairie," the distance
horse of Mr. Hobson ;
that Capt. Naper should across which is about ten miles. Crossing this
take two more on the horse with him and that;
prairie was the most tedious part of the way.
Mrs. Hobson, assisted by King, should go on The wheels, during a greater part of the dis-
foot, carrying; the youngest child, then two years tance, were half imbedded in the marshy soil,

old. They pressed on toward the north end of rendering it almost impossible for the team to
the grove, where Mr. Hobson had agreed to move on, even with an empty wagon. The chil-

meet them with his team. Emerging from the dren became sickened from exposure and thirst.
grove they had yet half a mile to go, and Mrs. Being unprovided with a drinking vessel, Mrs.
Hobson being fatigued from the journey, one of Hobson frequentty took the shoe from her foot
the children was taken from Capt. Naper's horse and dipped the muddy water from the pools by
and placed on the horse with the two others, the roadside, which they drank with much ap-
while Mrs. Hobson mounted behind Capt. Na- parent satisfaction. They plodded on at a slow
per. They started again, one horse carrying pace, and reached their destination at a little
Capt. Naper, with his huge Kentuck) rifle, to- -
before sunset, much exhausted by hunger and
gether with Mrs. Hobson, one child, and sundry fatigue, neither Mr. nor Mrs. Hobson having
and divers trappings. It is supposed that the tasted food for more than thirty-six hours.
gallant Captain never presented a more formid- They were safely quartered in Fort Dearborn,
able appearance than he did while riding along and here we leave them, and return to the
on that memorable occasion, with his burnished settlement.
steel glistening in the moonbeams, although he " Some fifteen or twenty men remained be-
has, since that day, been the hero of at least hind, when the settlement was abandoned by
three decisive battles. the families, in order to protect, if possible, their

" They arrived in safety at the place appointed dwellings and other property, from the depreda-
to meet Mr. Hobson, who soon came up with tions of the Indians, should they come to de-
his oxen and wagon, bringing with him such stroy them. They quartered themselves in the
things from the house as he could hastily pick log house of Capt. Naper, and kept vigilant
up in the dark. The announcement of " all guard during the night. On the following
aboard " soon followed. Mr. Hobson gave up morning the settlers were visited by Lawton, an
his horse to Mr. King, who returned with Capt. Indian trader, living on the O'Plain, in company
Naper to the settlement, while the vehicle con- with three Indians and a half-breed, named
moved on its slow and weary
taining the family Burrasaw. They brought no news, but came
way. The night was cold, and rendered still to gather further particulars in relation to the
more uncomfortable by a heavy fall of rain ;
threatened invasion of the Sacs. As the set-
but wet and cold are of minor consideration tlers had heard nothing of their movements
when compared with the horrors of an excited since the departure of Shata's express, it was

imagination, which transforms every tree and resolved that a party, joined by Lawton and the
shrub into a merciless Indian foe, with toma- three Indians, should go to the camp of the Pot-

hawk and scalping knife in hand, ready to com- tawatomies, near the Big Woods, some ten
mit their deeds of cruelty and slaughter. Pass- miles distant, for information. Two men,
named Brown and Murphy, had been placed on were sufficiently sober to entertain an emotion
patrol that morning, and were out on the of an}* kind, 3'et the}' were received with no ap-
prairie, a little west of the settlement. The parent indications of hostility. On examination,
party setting out for the Big Woods determined the testimony of the Indian was fully substan^
to test their courage, and for that purpose, sent tiated. Indians were found in a state of beastly
the three Indians in advance of the main party. intoxication in even* part of the camp ;
As soon as the Indians came in sight of the others were enjoying the pastime in the most
patrol, they gave a most terrific war-whoop, and picturesque, amusing and fantastic series of per-
darted on after them with the fleetness of so formances that can be imagined. Dancing,
many arrows. The patrol, seized with sudden singing, whooping and screeching, delightfully
consternation, sprang to their horses and fled in mingled, formed the grand offering which there
the wildest dismay —
first toward the north, but went up at the shrine of bad whisky and worse
being intercepted by some of the company, tobacco. One fellow, who seemed to be of a
whom they took to be savages, they wheeled decidedly pugnacious turn, was lying on the
and took an opposite direction. In this course ground, face downward, with his hands secured
they were again intercepted by the three In- behind him, Samson like, with green withes.
dians. Concluding they must be surrounded, Frantic with rage, he seemed to utter the most
they came to a halt, laid down their arms, and vehement and fearful denunciations agaiust all
were about to sue for mercy, when they chanced who came near him. Upon inquiry, it was as-
to discover in the features of their vengeful certained that the fellow had violated an im-
pursuers a striking likeness to those they had portant law in their code respecting these
the settlement.
left at The fact soon dawned orgies, which law forbids '
a brother knocking a
upon them that they had been successfully brother down,' and he was suffering the penalt}*
hoaxed, and their duties '
on guard '
terminated affixed.
with that adventure. "The company were summoned into the
" The company advanced toward the Big who gave them
presence of the chiefs, a friendly
Woods. As they drew near the timber, an In- and courteous reception. A council was called,
dian was observed mounted on a horse, who, on and Lawton and Burrasaw were admitted to the
seeing them, turned and fled. The three In- ring. The consultation lasted for two or three
dians made instant pursuit ; overtaking him hours, and the '
outsiders ' were becoming rather
before he had gone far, they made themselves impatient. An old Indian woman, known to
known as friends, and detained him until the Capt. Naper, while passing near him, uttered in
company came up. Lawton understood the his ear the word Puc-a-che,' which, being both

dialects of several Indian tribes, and in a con- literally and liberally interpreted, signifies-
versation with him ascertained that he belonged '
Be off.' And the Captain began to think it

to the Pottawatomies, who were encamped only time to heed the advice.
three miles distant. The Indian said the whole " Inquiry was made in relation to the delib-
of his tribe were drunk, and it would be danger- erations of the council, and Lawton responded,
ous for the company to visit them. However, that '
there were 300 Sac Indians in the Black-
after brief consultation, they decided to pro- berry timber, some four miles distant, and,'
ceed to the encampment, and the captured In- said he, •
you will see them if you wait here
dian led the way. Although the appearance of an hour.' These Indians will not fight them,
the company in the camp caused some little ex- but will " stop them by talk," if they can, from
citement among that portion of the tribe who burning your settlement.' The Captain signi-

fied no inclination to hold an interview with came upon a ground which had con-
rise of
300 Sac Indians, but suggested the propriety cealed the Indians from view, when lo the !

of retreating to the settlement as soon as pos- dusky visage of their friend Lawton appeared
sible, and sending the most valuable property before them. He was at the head of about
there to Chicago. This plan received the ac- fifty brawny Pottawatomies, and had come to

quiesence of all the company, and after making warn the settlers of immediate danger. Mes-
arrangements with Lawton to send an express sengers were sent out to gather in the fugitives,
to notify them of any immediate danger from that all might listen to Lawtou's story. He
the Sacs, the settlers returned.The packing said that at least sixteen of the Sacs, and how
of their goods was immediately commenced. many more he did not know, had crossed Fox
All the articles which were inconvenient to River ; that the Pottawatomies could not stop
convey were lowered into a well partly dug, them. They were determined to attack the
and was soon ready for loading the wagons.
all settlements, and their talk could not pre-

The horses had been harnessed, and were then vent them. The settlers, upon this, abandoned
feeding at a stable some ten or fifteen rods all idea of saving their property, but deter-
from the house. Capt. Naper .was in the house mined to make every effort to save the wife
tying the corners of a quilt, which contained and children of Paine, who were still in the
the remnant of clothing left behind by his fam- settlement. The horses were attached to a
ily, when a man rushed wildly into the room, light covered wagon, in which the family was
shouting at the top of his voice, " the Indians placed, and the whole company set out that
are upon us!" The whole company took in- night for Chicago. John Naper insisted upon
stant alarm and with the exception of Captain going on foot, and divested himself of every-
and John Naper, beat a precipitate retreat to thing in the shape of attire, except his shirt
a thicket of hazel bushes, which, in those days, and pantaloons. He was earnestly entreated
flourished in prolific exuberanceon the soil to ride, but upon his assuring the party that
now known as Jefferson avenue. The two '
he could outrun any Sac Indian in the na-
Napers were somewhat unlike the redoutable further importunity was deemed useless.

Mr. Sparrowgrass, who was prone to pull trig- They reached the O'Plain, and encamped for
ger and make inquiries afterward. They de- the night without taking their horses from the
cided that inquiry should take the precedence, wagon, that they might be ready to move on
and if it came to that, why they could run at a moment's warning. They had hastened
some. on, off on the north-
through fear of being cut
"As the horses were near, they removed the ern by the Indians, and being much worn
harness and put on the saddles, that they with fatigue,all hands slept pretty soundly till

might be in readiness in case of emergency. next morning. The journey was then resumed,
They had scarcely accomplished this, when and the party arrived at Chicago before noon,
Alanson Sweet came galloping up on his fierce on the 20th day of May. A company of twen-
charger, exhorting them to instant flight, if ty-five men was raised during the day, to re-
they valued their lives. '
There are at least turn to the settlement. It consisted chiefly of
500 Indians upon us,' said he, '
and they are accompanied by Capt. Brown and Col.
not more than fifteen rods off' Alanson rode Hamilton. They started on Saturday, May 21,
away, but the Napers resolved to investigate. and passed the night at Lawton's. Next day
They walked in the direction from which Sweet they went on to the settlement, where they
said the Indians were approaching, and soon found everything undisturbed. Leaving the
settlement under the guardianship of several inmates were immediately shot down with
friendly Indians, the company proceeded to rifles, others were pierced through with spears
Plainfield, where they found the settlers safely or dispatched with the tomahawk. The In-
quartered in a fort, which they had just com- dians afterward related, with an infernal glee,
pleted. They then started for Holderman's how the women had squeaked like geese when
Grove, to ascertain the condition of the settlers they were run through the body with spears, or
there. Meeting Cunningham and Hollenback felt the sharp tomahawk entering their heads. All
on the way, they were informed that it would the victims were carefully scalped, their bodies
be of no use to go farther, as their property shockingly mutilated ; the littlechildren were
had been destroyed. Notwithstanding, they chopped to pieces with axes, and the bodies of
proceeded to Holderman's Grove. From this the women were suspended by the feet from
place they sent an express to Ottawa, to notify the walls of the houses. The young women
the settlers of the safety of their property, and prisoners were hurried, by forced marches, be-
also sent a messenger to Chicago to apprise yond the reach of pursuit. After a long and
their friends of their own safety. The party fatiguing journey with their Indian conductors,
remained at Holderman's house during the through a wilderness country, with but little to

night. Early next morning the express re- eat, and being subject to a variety of fortune,
turned from Ottawa, bringing the intelligence they were at last purchased by the chiefs of
of the massacre at Indian Creek. The party the Winnebagoes, employed by Mr. Gratiot for
immediately went to Ottawa, and thence pro- that purpose, with $2,000, in horses, wampum
ceeded to the scene of the bloody tragedy. and trinkets, and were returned in safety to
What they there witnessed was too appalling their friends.'
to be described. Not less than fifteen bodies, " The company assisted in burying the dead
of men, women and children were lying there, and returned with sad hearts to Ottawa. There
cut and mangled in the most shocking manner. they found Col. Stillman's command, consisting
It was ascertained that they were the families of about two hundred men, under Col. John-
of Messrs. Hall, Davis and Pettigrew, and that son. The settlers, or Capt. Brown's company,
two daughters of the Hall family, Silvia and as was called, encamped on the north side of

Rachel, the one about seventeen and the other the river, near where the city of Ottawa now
about fifteen years old, were carried off as pris- stands. Capt. Brown's company being so small,
oners. The party of Indians immediately re- he requested Col. Johnson to send an escort
treated into the Winnebago countiy, up Rock with his partj to Chicago, as it was expected

River, canying the scalps of the slain and that they would be attacked by Indians on their
their prisoners with them. 'Indian wars are return. Col. Johnson refused to send men for
wars of a past age. They have always been that purpose, but paraded his company and
characterized bj- the same ferocity and cruelty. called for volunteers. Maj. Bailey and twelve
To desbribe this massacre is only to repeat privates volunteered to go. But the company
what has been written a hundred times but a ; being still very small, Col. Johnson agreed to
brief account of it may not be deemed inap- send a detachment up the river and meet Maj.
propriate in this place. The Indians were Brown's company at Green's mill. Upon this
about seventy in number. They approached left Ottawa and followed
assurance, the settlers
the house, in which the three families were as- the river up as far as Green's, but no tidings
sembled, in the daytime. They entered it came to them of Col. Johnson's detachment.
suddenly, but with little notice. Some of the Returning to Holderman's Grove, they found
everything laid waste. The settlement there trying to persuade the Pottawatomies to come
was a scene of complete devastation and ruiu. to his assistance. This they declined to do,
They proceeded to Plainfleld, and found the advising the Sauks at the same time to aban-
garrison in the state of great alarm, occasioned don their warlike designs, but in vain.
by the news of the massacre at Indian Creek. Half Day then left the council and hastened
The women, who appeared the more courageous,, to the house of Mr. Blodgett, warning him of
provided the company with a good supper, and the impending danger, when he promptly set
they remained there until next day. In the about starting for Fort Dearborn with his fam-
morning the settlement was abandoned, and all ily, at the same time dispatching young Henry,
started for Chicago, except a preacher by the then ten years old, to the various families in
name of Paine. He refused to accompany them, the Scott settlement, to warn them of the dan-
as he had, from some cause, conceived the no- ger, and they all retreated together to the fort.
tion that the settlers at Chicago had all been This in no wise conflicts with the statement of
murdered. He started in the direction of Hol- Richmond and Vallette, but would go to show
dermau's Grove, but was found murdered some that warning to them came from a different
days afterward, with one scalp torn from his messenger than the one who brought the un-
head and another from his face. Paine was welcome news to the Naper settlement.
wont to wear a veiy heavy beard, which ac- " Not long after, a scouting party of twenty-

counts for the scalp being taken from his face. five horsemen started for the settlement; their
There is a tradition of this brutal affair, which object being to ascertain whether any of the
informs us that the Indians cut off Paine.' s head enemy had been there, and to look after the
and carried it with them, supposing, from the property of the settlers. This expedition was
appearance given to the face by its long beard, placed under the command of Col. Beaubien.
that they had killed one of the gods of the Thej -
left Chicago in the morning, and at noon
whites. reached the O'Plain River, where they found
•The settlers all reached Chicago the same Robert Kinzie, with fifty Indians under his com-
day on which they left Plainfleld. mand.
" The Scott families, which should have been " An arrangement was made, by which it was
noticed in another place, did not abandon their agreed that the Indians, under Capt. Kinzie,
claims at the Forks, until some time after the should proceed by the direct trail to the settle-
inhabitants fled from the settlement. A son of ment, and the mounted company should pro-
Robinson, an Indian chief of the Pottawatomie ceed to the same place by way of Capt. Board-
tribe,was living with them, and they knew that, man's, to look after the property there.
in caseof actual danger from the Sacs, the boy " It was expected that the latter party would
would be taken away. When he was removed, arrive at the settlement some time before the
they concluded there would be no safety in re- former. Beaubien's company urged their horses
maining longer, and thereupon followed in the on as fast as possible, and in a few hours ar
trail of their affrighted neighbors, to Fort Dear- rived at Ellsworth's Grove. The skirt of tim-
born." ber, which then extended over nearly the whole
The writer will here state that from Judge area of the present village of Naperville, con-
Blodgett himself he has learned that Half Day, cealed the settlement from their view, but to
a Pottawatomie chief, attended a council held their surprise, and we might add, to the dismay
at this time at Waubonsies village (now Au- of some, smoke was seen rising from the place
rora), in which Black Hawk's emissaries were where Naper's house was situated. A halt was
called, and by some of the company, most will- and the fugitives were captured and brought
ingly obeyed. A hasty consultation followed, back. R. N. Murray, who was with the com-
and John Naper, who was ever ready to don ' pany, being well mounted, started to go and
armor and break a lance in the cause of his ' ascertain what had become of Naper but he ;

friends, volunteered to ridearound the point of had gone only a short distance when John
timber and ascertain whether the settlement made his appearance and gave the signal that
was in the possession of friend or foe. In case friends were in the camp, which signal was
he could meet with friends, he was to discharge greeted with a shout as joyous as any that ever
his rifle, and anxious com-
to notify his waiting broke the silence of that grove. On entering
rades of that fact. But if foes were encoun- the settlement, was ascertained that the In-

tered, he was to return immediately to the com- dians under Capt. Kinzie had accomplished the
pany. His progress was watched with no small journey before them, and had fired the two guns
degree of interest, until he passed behind the as a salute to the gallant Naper, as he rode
point of timber, out of sight. Soon the reports fearlessly into the camp. The company had
of two guns were heard, and Naper did not make been out all day, and were very hungry, but
his appearance. In all probability he was shot, nothing could be found at the settlement in the
and the alarm among the company increased. way of provisions. Among the cattle feeding
There was no means of telling how numerous on the was a fine, fat steer, belonging
the enemy might nor how soon the sharp
be, to R. M. Sweet, and it was decided that it
report of the rifle might be their own death- should be slaughtered for their evening's re-
knell. past. The cattle were all very wild, and ran
"Two of the company, one of whom was off in fright whenever they were approached, so
mounted on a pack mule, and the other on a that the only method of securing the young
diminutive pack pony, belonging to the Ameri- steer was by shooting it. The Indians being
can Fur Company, manifested considerable un- anxious to undertake this part of the project,
easiness, as they had found by actual experi- about of them were provided with rifles,

ence that neither of their animals was very and they sallied forth toward the place where
remarkable for speed, and knew that in case of the herd was feeding, capering and cutting all
flight they must inevitably fall in the rear, and kinds of antics as they went along. As they
become an easy prey to their pursuers. They approached the herd, their victim was singled
considered discretion as the better part of valor, out, and two or three shots were fired without
and '
self-preservation the first law of nature,' taking effect. The affrighted animal ran bellow-
and, suiting their action to the consideration, ing over the field, closely pressed by his assail-
hobbled off toward the East Branch timber. ants, who kept up a continual fire upon him,
They had not gone far when they were dis- until the whole round had been discharged.
covered by Col. Beaubien, who rode on after " Of the fifty shots directed toward the ani-
them, loudly vociferating, Halt halt They '
mal, none proved mortal. A rifle ball, how-
did not heed the command, but concentrated all ever, more fatally lodged, sent a tremor through
their efforts to get out of his way. Beaubien his frame, and caused him to slacken his pace.
put spurs to his horse and soon ran them down. The chase continued for some time, when the
Coming up to them, he drew a pistol, and, pre- animal, in attempting to cross a slough, became
senting it, uttered the effective condition and mired and was easily taken. War seemed a '

conclusion, '
You run ?By gar you run, me! civil game,' compared to the uproar that fol-

shoot you !'

The argument was irresistible, lowed the fall of this hero. And as they bore

him upon their shoulders triumphantly into the bodily energies. They resolved upon committing
camp, one would have supposed, from the infer- havoc among the Sacs, and fearing that they
nal yelling, and screeching of those Indians, might, in some unguarded moment, slay some of
which their friends, the Pottawatomies, by mistake,
" Embowel'd with outrageous
noise the air,' they went again to the old log store and procured
that Milton's deep-throated engines were again a piece of cotton sheeting, which they tore into
let loose with a certainty. They all shared the small strips and tied around the head and waist
triumph, and each celebrated the capture of the of each friendly Indian. Thus decorated, they
steer as his own special achievement. Nothing left the party of Capt. Kinzie, and started for
could exceed the vainglorious vaporing of these the Big Woods. The prairies were scoured, but
rude sons of the forest, as thej' strutted about not an Indian, nor trace of an Indian, was to
and exulted in the heroism of the adventure. be found.
The animal was properly dressed, and portions " The company returned to the settlement
of the meat were prepared for supper, of which sadly dejected at the ill success of their Quix-
all partook with a good degree of relish. otic adventure, and started for Chicago on the
" After supper, the log store was broken open following morning. Nothing transpired on the
and found to contain, among other things, a good way worthy of notice, except that the company
supply of the two staple articles of pioneer mer- rode as far as Brush Hill, constantly expecting
chandise, viz., rum and tobacco. These were to suffer the incouvenience of beingshot, through
dealt out profusely to the Indians as a reward the carelessness of one of its members, a young
conduct in the evening chase.
for their valorous man then fresh from New York City, but now
The company remained at the settlement during an individual of some distinction in Chicago
the night. Iu the evening, to vary the monotony City. He accidentally discharged his piece three
a little, they prevailed upon the Indians to get times before reaching Brush Hill. The guns were
up a war dance. This performance, when dra- strapped to the saddles in a horizontal position,
matically considered, is strictly tragic, but it and the chances were that the young man's ran-
must be admitted that the '
bill ' for that even- dom shots would take effect, if he was allowed
ing had a fair sprinkling of the comic. Scalping the range of the whole company much longer.
scenes and tomahawk scenes were presented in Arriving at Brush Hill and attempting to dis-
the most approved Indian fashion, to the infinite mount, bang went his gun again. This aroused

amusement of a small but highly respectable '

the ire of Col. Beaubien. He could endure it no
audience.' At a late hour, the whole company longer, and commanded the youth to surrender
retired, each individual selecting his '
site '
with- up his arms. This the young man stoutly re-
out respect to the complexion of his neighbor. fused to do, whereupon Col. Beaubien made a
"In the morning the company under Beaubien violent descent upon him, threw him down, and
arose with an impatient desire to meet the ene- after a short struggle, succeeded in wresting the
my. They had slept on" the fatigue of the pre- gun from his grasp, after which there was no
vious day, and their desire for conflict returned more firing on parade that day."

with redoubled force with the restoration of their




PENDING these excitements, Black Hawk, Joseph Naper, Captain ; Alanson Sweet,
with his army, were encamped on the First Lieutenant, now living at Evanston, 111. ;

Rock River, north of Dixon, and Gen. At- Sherman King, Second Lieutenant, afterward a
kinson, who held chief command of the volun- resident of Brush Hill, 111.; S. M. Salsbury,
teers, was stationed at Ottawa ; and inasmuch First Sergeant, dead John Manning, Second

as the new settlers on the Du Page had no j

Sergeant ; Walter Stowell, Third Sergeant,
means of knowing the real situation, the}' afterward removed to Newark, 111.; John Na-
thought it no more than a prudential measure, per, Fourth Sergeant, died in Naperville ; T. E.
warranted by the circumstances, to build a t
Parsons, First Corporal ; Lyman Butterfield,
fort, into which the settlers might take refuge Second Corporal Israel P. Blodgett, Third

in case of a sudden invasion. Accordingly, Corporal, dead Robert N. Murry, now County

Capt. Joseph Naper,Tapt. H. Boardman and ten Judge of Du Page County.

or twelve others, about the middle of June, Privates— P. F. W. Peck, William Barber,
started for Ottawa to get assistance from Gen. Richard M. Sweet, John Stevens, Jr., Calvin M.

Atkinson to do this. He granted their request, Stowell, John Fox, Denis Clark, Caleb Foster,
and detailed Capt. Paine, of Joliet, with a com- Augustine Stowell, George Fox, T. Parsons,
pany of fifty volunteers from Danville, to assist Daniel Langdon, William Gault, Uriah Paine,
in the work. These, with the company of men John Stevens (dead), SethWescott (dead), Henry
comprising the settlers on the Du Page, under T. Wilson (now ninety-four years old, living at
command of Capt. Joseph Naper, soon com- Wheaton), Christopher Paine, Bailey Hobson,
pleted the work. Josiah II. Giddings (living in Wisconsin), Anson
The following is the muster-roll of the Du Ameut, Calvin Anient, Edmund Harrison, Wil-
Page Company : lard Scott (now living in Naperville), Prez Haw-
Muster-roll of a company of mounted volun- ley, Peter Wicoflfe.
teers in the service of the United States in de- The was situated on the spot now occu-
fense of the northern frontier of the State of pied by the house of Lewis Elsworth. It was a
Illinois against the Sac and Fox Indians, from stockade of about 100 feet square, surrounded
the County of Cook, in said State, in the year by pickets set in the ground, on two diagonal
1832, under command of Capt. Joseph Naper. corners of which were two block-houses, pierced

with port-holes so as to command the prairie Judge Drummond. Night overtook them here,
in eveiy direction. While constructing the and while the pursued could flee, the pursuers
block-house, " shakes " (clapboards or shingles) could not follow their tracks. Thus balked of
had to be used for covering. A quantity of up the
their purpose, the party returned, taking
these had already been riven out from oak tim- body of Brown on their way and conveying it
ber in Sweet's Grove, two and one-half miles dis- to the fort. He was buried with the honors of
tant, and Capt. Paine detached two men with war on a rise of ground about twenty rods from
a team to haul them to the ground. It was the fort, and subsequently his remains were re-
driven by James Brown, and a young man moved to the cemeterj at Naperville, where a

named Buckley accompanied him to assist in monument perpetuates his memory. He was
loading. Arriving at the grove, they had to one of the Danville volunteers.
pass through a pair of bars, and Buckley The night after this unfortunate occurrence,
jumped from the wagon to take them away, under the impression that a large force of hos-
proceeding thence directly toward the pile of tileSauks must be not far distant, Capt. Naper
shakes. Brown drove on toward the spot, and Alanson Sweet started for Fort Dearborn
when, on entering the grove, he was fired on at Chicago to get a re-enforcement but Gen. ;

by a party of Indians who laid in ambush for Williams, who held command there, after con-
the purpose of cutting off any one who might ferring with his subordinate officers, instead of
be so unfortunate as to cross their path. Three granting him the men refused, on the ground
balls pierced his breast, and he fell. The that he deemed it unsafe — a reply illy calcu-
horses, which were spirited animals, took fright, lated to re-assure the band already there,

and, running, with great force thrust the end of and especially the two scouts who had alone
the tongue of the wagon two or three inches ventured through a country supposed to be
into an oak tree. The three Indians who did beset with foes. The two scouts returned to
this dastardly work now came up. scalped their Fort Paine, and no further move was made till
victim, cut the horses loose from their confined the 4th of July, when a scouting party, under
position, mounted them and fled, two of them on command of Capt. Boardman, consisting of
one horse and the third on the other. about twenty well-mounted men, started out
Young Buckley, who witnessed the cruel fate on a reconnoissance to Ament's Grove, eight
of his companion, fled to the fort, breathless miles below Oswego. There they encamped at
and stupefied with terror. On his arrival, it the deserted house of Mr. Ament, who, with
was several minutes before he could speak, but his family, had taken refuge within the walls of
his blanched face and protruding tongue told Fort Dearborn.
his story in advance, all but the detail. His During the night, rain had fallen, making
feet were bare, but he could not remember hav- a mold for footprints in the well-frequented
ing pulled off his boots, which he must have trail that led past the place, and careful exami-
done to lend speed to his flight. As soon as nation the next morning revealed the tracks of
he could give an account of the affair, a com- two Indians. Of course, in the distempered
pany of ten or twelve men well mounted started imaginations of the raiders they must be
in pursuit. Passing by the spot where the un- Sauks, and they followed them about fifteen
fortunate young soldier laid still warm, but a miles to the village of a friendly Potta-
lifeless corpse, they kept on the track of the watomie While yet a mile distant from
vagabonds who had slain him, and followed the village, the figure of an Indian on top
them to a grove near the present residence of of one of the tents was plainly discernible,
evidently on the watch for his pursuers. The ered her boats. Into these the soldiers leaped,
place was soon gained, but all was silent as the and soon came rowing up Chicago River amidst
grave in the deserted place. Careful exami- the huzzas of the assembled spectators.
nation now traced the fugitives to the This was a small command under Maj. Will-
river bank opposite an island. Had the harm- iam Whistler, the son of the same who had
less but unlucky fleers been found, they would built the first Fort Dearborn in 1803-04. He
have been shot at sight. This they well knew; came as an advance to Gen. Scott to make prep-
and, instead of either attempting to hold a arations for his arrival. Those who were shel-

parley with the scouts or to run away before tered in the fort were required to leave it.
their fleet horses, stealthily climbed a tree on For a short time, some still lingered around
the island and concealed themselves amid its outside, but most of them returned to their
foliage. homes, and the Naper settlement began to as-
In vain their pursuers searched for their sume its former appearance again. Capt.
tracks along river bank and trail. No trace of Paine's company of volunteers left Fort Paine
them could be found, and the party returned on the 10th of July, as the danger by this time
to Port Paine. Some weeks afterward, two was considered past, as it had been in reality
friendly Pottawatomies told the story to Alex- long before, for Black Hawk for many days
ander Robinson, giving point to the recital b\r with, his whole army had been in full retreat

describing the astonishment of their pursuers northwestwardly in Wisconsin.

as to the mysterious way by which their tracks 'Twas on the 8th of July, at 2 o'clock, dur-
had beeu concealed. ing the small hours of morning, that the inhab-
They had circumvented White Eagle, as they itants of Chicago were awakened by an outcry
called Mr. Scott, and that was glory enough for in the streets. Gen. Scott's army had arrived
them. at the place and his soldiers were dying with
Let us now return to Port Dearborn. Here the cholera. When the broad light of morning
fugitives from the Hickory Creek, Naper, Scott came, says an eye-witness, hardly a resident
and Walker's Grove settlements had gathered was had
to be seen in the streets for nearly all
into close quarters, and nearly all of them des- fled. De Camp, the army physician, prompt-
titute of food and a change of clothing. This ly called on those who had the courage to re-
would have been no especial grievance to sav- main to allay their fears, and to assure them
ages, but to the people here assembled, who had that the disease would be confined to the garri-
been bred in the midst of plenty, nothing but son. Indian Robinson (chief of the Pottawat-
the value which a cultured citizen places on omies), John Miller (a tavern-keeper at the
life could make it endurable. and Benjamin Hall, at present residents of

While these fugitives were amusing them- Wheatou, 111., remained at their respective
selves as best they could to kill the long days posts, but the town, so recently the scene of
of July, the sound of a cannon broke the si- bustle and confusion, presented the solemnity
lence of the morning. All eyes turned toward of a graveyard.
the lake, and there was an approaching sail. In a few days the fleers began to return, but
Succeeding puffs of smoke, with a corresponding kept aloof from the fort where the disease was
number of reports, after brief intervals, threw making such havoc that there were scarcely
the town into transports, and almost everybody well ones enough to take care of the sick and
flew to the beach. The vessel approached the bury the dead. Ninety of the soldiers fell vic-

mouth of the river, cast her anchor and low- tims ere the contagion had spent its force, and

were buried just outside of the fort without the Fort Dearborn crowded with fugitives from the
usual military houors of a soldier or even the adjoining country, who had fled to the place
civil usages of a coffin. When the last spark for refugefrom the Black Hawk Indians. They
of life was supposed to be gone out, the corpse were ordered to leave at once, and obeyed the
was hastened to the grave which was ever ready summons with reluctance, as their fears were
to receive the victim, where stood two grave- not yet allayed from the danger of Indian scalp-
diggers with immobility in their faces and iug parties. A few days after their arrival,
spades in their hands to interpose a few feet of Gen. Scott came and brought the cholera.
earth between the decaying mass of contagion Maj. Whistler then left the fort and built bar-
and the living world above ground. While racks for his men at the foot of the present
this decimating process was going on, Geu. site of Madison street. Here they remained
Scott was in no condition to take the offensive, during the prevalence of cholera, and assisted
but soon the disease exhausted all the material in burying the dead of Scott's army. Soon
on which it could work, and abated. A camp after Gen. Scott's arrival, several of the dead
was then established on the Desplaines River, bodies of such soldiers as had died on the pas-
where such soldiers as were still suffering from sage (of which eighteen had been thrown into
the effects of cholera could recruit their strength the lake), were driven by the winds ashore on
preparatory to a march across the country to the beach south of Chicago, where he (Mr.
the Mississippi River. This done, Gen. Scott, Nichols) with six of the company, were ordered
with twelve men as a body guard, and two to go and bury them. It was a loathsome task,
wagons drawn by horses, started across the but quickly done. Their graves were soon dug
country for Fort Armstrong on Rock Island ;
which their
in the soft sands of the shore, into
Fort Paine, on the Du Page, lay on his route, bodies were tumbled and hastily covered, from
and here he arrived on the 20th of July, about which place they have never been resurrected.
the middle of the afternoon, and spent the first Mr. Nichols witnessed Gen. Scott's treaty
night on his journey. with the Sauks, at Rock Island, where their
He conversed very agreeably with the citi- miserable remnant made their 'signs to relin-
zen soldiers at the fort, and started on his way quish their homes forever. They were subdued,
early the next morning, taking a straight course humbled, and so emaciated by hunger and hard
for Dixon, across the open prairie, which led marching as to look like skeletons with leath-
him directly across Du Page County. It is ern sacks drawn over them. There was much
worthy of notice here that Luther Nichols, a carousing and hilarity among the soldiers. Mr.
well-known resident of Chicago till his death Davenport, after whom the city opposite was
in 1881, was one of the soldiers who accom- named, kept a grocery and drinking saloon in
panied him. Mr. Nichols was also the last Rock Island, half a mile above Fort Armstrong,
surviving soldier of Fort Dearborn who went where both officers and soldiers made them-
through that fearful ordeal.The writer called selves merry on whisky, which was said to be
on him but a few months before his death, and of a good brand, but of its quality Mr. Nichols
the following is the substance of his story, could not judge from his own knowledge.
which verifies what has already been stated. These simple facts from the lips of this hon-
He came to Chicago, with his wife and one est old man have not only an historic but a
child (as a soldier), in the service of the United moral force. Had he been intemperate, like
States Infantry, under the immediate charge of some of his comrades, he would not have been
,Maj. Whistler. On their arrival, they found the last survivor of Fort Dearborn. He was

born in Otsego County, N. Y., in 1805 ;

enlist- the last wretch who had taken refuge there was
ed in the regular service iu 1828 ;
was honora- killed, of whatever sex or age they might be.
bly discharged at Fort Dearborn in the fall of Robert N. Murray had enlisted in the serv-
1833, and remained in Chicago till his death, ice of Col. Cummings as teamster, to sit in one
in 1881. After the departure of Gen. Scott on of the fifty wagons of which the train was
hisway to Kock Island, the command of the composed and hold the ribbons. After the
main body of the army devolved on Col. Cum- firstday's ride, he run over a hornets' nest,
mings. Many of the men still lay in a feeble which gave the teams that immediately fol-
condition, encamped at the present site of Riv- lowed any benefits that might result.
erside on the Desplaines. In a few days, they The retaliation for this disturbance of their
were ready to take up their march, all but four home was prompt and decisive, as it was indis-
or five soldiers. These were carried in the criminate, for it fell not on the teams that had
wagons, and the army started up the Desplaines run over them, but on those that followed.
River to the present site of May wood ; thence Maddened into fury by their stings, the horses
in a direct line through Gilbert's Grove on the ran away and broke several wagons, and two
Du Page. They crossed the Fox River three clays' detention to make repairs was the result,

miles below where Elgin now stands. Thence all of which was charged to accident (?). Far-
through a Winnebago village where Beloit, ther along, young Murray was promoted from
Wis., now is. The track they made has since driving the baggage wagon, to which he had
been used as a highway, and called the army first been assigned, to driving the carriage of
trail, but the same trail was a well-known the Colonel himself, who held command of the
route before Scott's army traveled it. It was whole train. This promotion could not have
an old Indian trail from Chicago to the Winne- been the result of Murray's bold charge on the
bago village where Beloit now stands, from hornets nest, for his modest}- forbade that he
time immemorial. Scott's army were ordered should plume himself, and he said nothing about
to follow it, and they obeyed to the letter, cut- itto any one till he became County Judge,
ting a wagon road through groves where it when he revealed the reminiscence to the writ-
led that they could easily have gone around. er, which is hereby transferred to these columns
The train waited a week for dispatches at as a fresh bit of history to illustrate the jocular
the Indian village, and, after these came, they spirit of the times that then prevailed.
bent their course down the Rock River to Rock In the summer of 1836, Dr. TefTts, of Elgin,
Island. It was probably the result of the bat. was passing the spot where this event occurred,
tieof Bad Ax that turned the course of the and there lay iu the prairie grass, the bones of
army toward Rock Island instead of toward a skeleton beside the army trail. Without doubt
the locality where Black Hawk's army were they were those of a soldier buried here during
fighting like wild beasts at bay. At the battle the detention, and dug up by the wolves after the
of Bad Ax, most of his men were dispatched train was out of sight, who, hyena-like, had
to the happy hunting grounds, and many of made a hideous repast from his diseased flesh.

their squaws and papooses also went with These relics may now be seen in Dr. Teffts' of-

them, embarking from the fatal island in the fice.

Mississippi River where, from the steamer It may want explanation how Gen. Scott,
Black Warrior, and from the company of Capt. while at Chicago, learned of the progress of the
Taylor (afterward President of the United war,and the locality of the erratic combatants
States), a deadly fire was kept up on them till engaged in it — a knowledge so essential to him

(the Commander-in-Chief), before any steps barracks just below

St. Louis on

could be taken from his position at Fort Dear- the 9th of September. Here Black Hawk, who
born. To get this information, he employed a was among them, remained till April 26, 1833,

man acquainted with the country to go to Dix- when he was sent to Fortress Monroe, since
on, on Rock River, which was supposed to be which time worse men than he have been con-
Gen. Atkinson's base. fined there. On the 4th of June following, he
The name of the intrepid scout thus employed was sent back to the small relic of his tribe,

to communicate with Gen. Atkinson was John then removed west of the Mississippi River.

K. Clark, an early " habitant " of Chicago, still On his way, he was received with ovations in

remembered by a few of its early settlers. His all the large cities through which he passed.
mother was a captive, who had been taken in Ladies of high rank him with compli-

childhood by the Shawnees from the Virginia ments, which, if anything could astonish an In-
frontier during Dunmore's war in 1774, and dian, must have been a surprise to this old
subsequently became the wife (after the Indian weather-beaten warrior at the contrast pre-
fashion) of John Kinzie, the founder of the city sented between the treatment he had received
of Chicago (in the American sense). Clark was at the hands of the white men who first drove
the oldest son of this discarded wife after her him from his village with no provocation, and

marriage to a worthy Scotch gentleman. He the kind sympathy of these elegant ladies.
executed the mission of Gen. Scott with fidelity, Not by them in courtesy, he re-
to be outdone
taking along with him two half-breeds, equally sponded to words and smiles in
their pleasant

courageous, to assist in any emergency that as good English as he could " Pretty Squaw,:

might him on the way. Stealthily he

befall Pretty squaw."
traversed the open prairie which intervened On was restored
returning to his country, he
between Chicago and Dixon, passing through to his tribe as a chief subordinate toKeokuk.
the northern part of the present count}' of His last days were spent in quietude, where
Du Page, avoiding all trails and Indian his good squaw attended to his wants till death
lodges lest he might be captured by emissaries caused him to be
of Black Hawk, who were then supposed to be " Admitted to that equal sky
prowling about for stragglers. When he re- To which his faithful dog shall bear him company."
turned with a message from Gen. Atkinson and This was October 3, 1838. He was buried in
presented it to Gen. Scott, he with his comrades a sitting posture, near the present village of
received a liberal reward, but the two half- Towaville, in Wapello County. A mound six
breeds tarnished their laurels by a carousal, feet high was raised over the grave of this ill-
and, before they recovered from the effects of starred chieftain who must ever stand recorded
it, died with cholera. Mr. Benjamin Hall, now as the last native defender of the soil of the
living inWheaton, saw them but a few minutes Northwest. Thus ended all danger from Indian
before they were taken down. troubles, for no fears were entertained on ac-
After the arrival of Gen. Scott's army at count of the Pottawatomies, though still more
Fort Armstrong, the fifty teams accompanying numerous than the whites throughout Northern
it were sent back to Chicago, young Murray Illinois.

being one of the drivers. They had been pur- In justice to the memory of Black Hawk, it
chase^ at Milan, Ohio, but were sold at Chi- should not be omitted here that according to
cago on Government account for the most they the testimony of Gov. Reynolds, who was in
would bring. The Indian prisoners were sent the war and an eye witness, it appears that the
first hostile shot was fired at one of Black During the absence of the settlers at Naper's
Hawk's men. who was one of five to convey a colony, they had disturbed nothing which had
flag of truce to the camp of the Americans. been left behind, and when the fleers returned
Two of these white-flag bearers were captured the}- found the warm meals that some of them
and by the volunteers, and Stillman's
killed had left on the table untasted, now worse than
disgraceful defeat was the result of this affair, cold hash.
on which occasion a little handful of Indians The had been made by the
sacrifices that
gave chase to 240 volunteers, and killed 11 of hasty stampede into Fort Dearborn of the
them in revenge for their attack upon the five Naper settlers, were more than offset by the
truce- bearers. widespread fame and notoriety which the affair
The massacre at Indian Creek soon followed, had given throughout the country, which soon
which for hellish cruelty has never been ex- began to induce emigration not only into the
ceeded in the annals of Indian warfare.*" Two entire northern portion of the State ; and among
of the Indians engaged in it were supposed to the other wonders that first surprised new
be, and probably were veritably identified after- comers, was the wonder that so fertile a coun-
ward, and a bill murder against them was
for try accessible as was to the world outside,

found in the Court of the Grand Jury at Ottawa. had so long remained unnoticed.
The criminals were placed in the hands of The following poll lists are copied from the
George E. Walker, then County Sheriff of La original documents, which are now in the hands
Salle County ; but as their trial was postponed of William Naper, son of Joseph Naper. They
six months, and, in the meantime, the tribe to are authentic records of the names of settlers
which the two criminals belonged had been re- then in and contiguous to the Naper settle-
removed beyond the Mississippi River, Mr. ment :

Walker released them on their own pledge that A poll book of an election held in the Scott Gen-

they would return at the next term of court, he

eral Precinct in Cook County, 111., on Monday the
6th day of August, 1832.
himself signing their bail. •
voters' names.
On the appointed day, in stalked the two In-
Joseph Naper, P. F. W. Peck,
dians with the air of their brethren when they Harry Boarciman, Israel P. Blodgett,
sing their death song ; but, owing to the floods, Stephen M. Salesbury, Robert Strong,
the judge could not appear, and the court again John Manning, Walter Stowell,
adjourned over to another term. The two In- Seth Wescott, R. Sweet, M
John Naper, Harry T. Willson,
dians again returned to their tribe, supposing
Pierce Hawley, Peter "Wycoff,
the matter done with. In this they were mis- Willard Scott, Bailey Hobson.
taken. Mr. Walker was called upon to produce Isaac Scarritt,
them and he started
at the next session of court, At an election held at the house of Joseph Naper
immediately and alone across the country, in the Scott Precinct, in the county of Cook and
State of Illinois, on the 6th day of August, in the
reached the tribe, and the two criminals re-
year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and
turned without hesitation with him were tried ;
thirty-two, the following-named persons received
and acquitted for want of identification satis- the number of votes annexed to their respective
factory to the jury. names, for the following described offices to wit:
Mr. Walker died in 1874, at No. 34 Indiana Joseph Duncan had 14 votes for Representative to
avenue, Chicago, greatly esteemed b} -
all who
Jonathan H. Pugh had 2 votes for Representative to
knew him. This information was direct from Congress.
his truthful lips before he died. James N. Strode had 13 votes for Senator.
James W. Stephenson had 3 votes for Senator. Soon after the election, says Judge Blodgett,
Benjamin I. Mills had 16 votes for Representative. Henry Porneroy, Samuel Gooderich, Hiram
Stephen B. Forbes had 17 votes for Sheriff.
Standish and Capt. John Barber settled at what
Elijah Wentworth, Jr.. had 16 votes for Coroner.
Rufus Brown had 17 votes for County Commissioner. was at this time called the Hawley and Scott
Harry Boardman had 16 votes for County settlement, which by the next year was so
much extended by new-comers as to nearly fill

Holder Sijsson had 16 votes for County Commis- up the gap between it and the Naper settle-
James Walker had 1 vote for County Commissioner.
Certified by us,
Among this class of settlers who came after
Joseph Naper, the Black Hawk war and became permanent res-
Harry Boardman, identswas John Stephens, who in July, 1832,
Stephen M. Salesbury.
bought out a claim of P. F. W, Peck, a part of
Attest: Judges of Election.
which lies within the present corporate limits
Clerks of Election.

poll book of an election in the Scott General

of Naperville. He remained on it till his
death in 1862. Philinda, his daughter, mar-
Precinct in Cook County, 111., on Saturday the 6th
ried William Laird the next year, 1833, and
of October, 1832.
voters' names. went to the Fox River to live. Mr. Laird died
Daniel Landon, Lyman Butterfield, in 1834, when Mrs. Laird returned to her father's
Joseph Naper, John Manning, house at Naperville, where she married Hiram
Harry Boardman, Christopher Payne.
Fowler in 1844. She and her husband are now
John Murray, Peter Wycoff,
Alanson Sweet, Caleb Foster, (1882) both living in Naperville, and from them
Asahel Buckley, John Naper, the writer learned the date of the erection of
Sherman King, Pierce Hawley. the first hotel in Naperville, as well as being
S.M. Salesbury, the first in the county of Du Page. It was the
At an election held at the house of Joseph Naper
Pre-emption House, the frame of which was
in the Scott General Election Precinct in the Flag
put up by George W. Laird, brother of William.
Creek District, in the County of Cook and State of
on the 6th day of October in the year of
Illinois, He sold it to John Stephens, who partly fin-

our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty- ished and rented it to Mr. Crocker, and subse-
two, the following-named persons received the quently to Mr. Douglas, Mr. Aldrich, and lastly
number of votes annexed to their respective names,
to Messrs. Munson & Webster, after which he
for the following described offices to wit:
sold it to Gen. Bill.
Stephen M. Salisbury had 10 votes for Justice of
the Peace. When the frame of this old landmark was
John Murray had 2 votes for Justice of the Peace. raised, the event was one of no small magni-
John Manning had 1 vote for Justice of the Peace. tude in the estimation of those interested. On
Sherman King had 1 vote for Justice of the Peace.
all such occasions in that day, the inevitable
Willard Scott had 14 votes for Constable.
bottle is passed around at seasonable intervals,
William Laird had 12 votes for Constable.
John Murray had 1 vote for Constable. and it appears that on this occasion a vein of
Sherman King had 1 vote for Constable. sentiment inspired at least one mind, and found
Certified by us. vent in the following lines, which were spoken
Joseph Naper,
Harry Boardman, by Nathan Allen from the ridge pole of the
John Murray, frame when finished.
Judges of Election.
Attest: "This place once a wilderness of savage and owls.
Alanson Sweet, Where the red man once roamed and the prairie wolf
Clerks of Election.
John Manning, howled,
This house now erected the place to adorn, define the limits of their claims, they plowed a
To shelter the living and babes yet unborn, furrow around them on prairies, and blazed the
We'll name it " Pre-emption"— a law that's complete,
trees to define claim lines in the groves. The
For the use of George Laird who says he will treat."
first claims thus made were for lands comprising
The author's name is not known, hut nobody both prairie and timber in requisite proportions;
will accuse him of plagiarism, for the lines them- water also being an important consideration,
selves were too naively put together to allow lands on the Du Page River, or those on which
grounds for such a charge, painting as no other springs were found, were the first sought for.

language could the spirit of the days of 1834 All lands of this description, for mauy miles
at the Naper settlement. Michael Hines, who around the Naper settlement, were under claim
came to the place the next year (1835), arrived as earl}- as 1S35, but plenty of open prairie had
on Temple's line of stages, passing Barry's not been taken possession of previous to 1839.
Point, nUie miles west of Chicago, where the The second hotel built in the Naper settle-
Widow Barry kept a hotel Lawton's, on the
ment was the New York House. It was not at
Desplaines Brush Hill, where Mr. Fuller kept
first intended for a hotel, but for a wagon and

a log and Richard Sweet's, a hotel one

hotel, blacksmith shop, for which purpose it was used
and a half miles east of Naperville. Says Mr- for a year or more, when it was metamorphosed
Hines " The Pre-emption House was then the
: into a house of entertainment, by removing the
only building on the low grounds. On the ele- forges which once stood where now the billiard
vated grounds were log houses where the Na- table stands in this establishment, which is

pers, Mr. Strubler, Dr. White, Dr. Potter and still like the Pre-emption House, one of the
Alexander Howard, who kept the post office, links that connect the early day to the present.
lived. There was one store also at the time. R. N. Murray was its first proprietor. While
Mr. Hines is now Justice of the Peace in Na- the house inside had been purged of every ves-
perville. But the country all round was filling tige of blacksmith's cinders — honorable in their
up with settlers, and it may with truth be said place, but not appropriate in a hotel, still the
that its agricultural growth was more rapid old swings for shoeing oxen outside remained
than its increase in trading interests, for the for some years — after their mission had ended
reason that the first wants of the settler were there standing as a huge memento of the early
simplified down to his necessities, and until methods of transportation by these slow, but
the farmers of any new country get revenues faithful animals, with their cloven hoofs plated
from their farms, their villages will improve with iron.
slowly. During Naperville was the cen-
all this time,

The only public surveys that had yet been ter of attraction.Here was a saw mill, stores,
made in the country were of the lands south- shops and two taverns, and it was on the great
east of the old Indian boundary line, which highway that led from Chicago to Ottawa, and
only took in about fifty sections in the south- thence to Vandalia, the capital of the State.
east corner of the present county, but settlers This road was traveled by a constant stream of
could not wait for surveys. The}' were on the prairie schooners, as they were called. They
ground, and when they saw a piece of land that were large Pennsylvania wagons covered with
suited them, they took possession of it, or, at canvas, drawn by oxen. Slowly they moved
least, as much of it as they felt their ability to along, with their ponderous burdens following
pa}' for when it came to be surveyed and the beaten track over the great oceaii of waving
brought into market by the Government. To grass, that was omnipresent, with nothing to
^^a^^^f^^ ^t^y^U^^-
relieve its monotonous grandeur (if the ex- lor, after an unsuccessful courtship, resulting
pression is admissible) but here and there a from the blunder of sending an agent to do his
grove. When night overtook them, their drivers courting, who won the lady on his own account,
fed the oxen from the prairie and berthed him- and left poor Miles a lonesome monument of
self in the wagon after having eaten his cold the old adage, that "faint heart never won
boiled ham and corned bread, seasoned with a fair lady." Albeit the memory of Miles Stand-
swallow from his flask (if he had not joined the ish is embalmed in histoiy, for his pugnacious
teetotalers) to tone up his spirits with his di- feelings toward the Indians, who never commit-
gestion. ted an offense against him. His humble name-
Naperville was a far-famed stopping-place sake, Miss Lucy, whose ingenuity in making
for these travelers, and some of its earl}- resi- the first bolt cloth that ever separated bran
dents have informed the writer that more than from flour in this county, still lives among us,

fifty of these " prairie schooners " anchored worthy to be represented in these pages. In
there during the season of travel every night. the good old times when she was in the hey-
Whisky was 20 cents per gallon, and they had day of her vigor, almost everybody partook of
merry times. Far along the verge of the grove the "rough and ready" spirit. If anything
and their camp-fires
their shouts rent the air, difficult or dangerous was to be done, there was

gleamed through the darkness till a late hour- little shirking. Nobody was afraid of soiling
The teams from the West were loaded with grain their kid gloves. It's doubtful if there was such
for the Chicago market, and those from the a thing in the county.
East with goods to supply the necessities of Hiram Fowler, who still lives as a resident
farmers, such as salt, leather, plows and other now far advanced
of Naperville, in years, de-

indispensables. lights to rehearse the tales of early life there,

Besides this travel through the place, there and amongst other reminiscenses, has a wolf
was a large travel from every direction to it, to story, which, though familiar to his fellow-citi-
bring corn and wheat to a grist-mill, which zens, will bear printing for the benefit of those
Bailey Hobson and Harry Boardmau had fin- who have not heard him tell it.

ished in running order in 1835. This was the In 1836, his home was a mile and a half
firstand only one of the kind that went by water above Naperville, on the bank of the Du Page,
in a large scope of country around, and here from which, late one afternoon, he rode to the
the farmers came with their grists, and also took town on horseback to buy some groceries. On
the occasion to do a little shopping at the stores. his return, his dog encountered a wolf some
It was a great event in the place when this distance ahead of him, and he well knew, from
mill went into operation every one wished to
the fierce snapping and yelping, that a battle
help the enterprise along, and let it not be for- was going on between the two. Hastening to
gotten that in this benevolent work Miss Lucy the spot, he dismounted, but he had no weapon,
Standish made the bolt cloth, and ingeniously not even a stick with which he could take part
put it on the reel. She is cousin to the wife of in the evenly matched fight. But, unarmed as
Mr. F. Mather, a resident of Wheaton, and a he was, he ventured to give the wolf a kick in
true descendant of Old Cotton Mather, the great the head, or rathermake the attempt to, when
foe to Salem Witches. Whether Miss Standish the defender caught the toe of his boot, and
is related in any way to the celebrated Miles, cut a hole through the upper with a single
the writer cannot say, but it is certain that she snap, his tooth passing between two of Mr.
is not his direct descendant, as he died a bache- Fowler's toes.
Nothing daunted by the failure of this first the generosity of the neighborhood would for-
charge upon the enemy, he next grappled with bid one to charge pay for a horse feed, and he
him, catching him by the hind foot and swing- could not bring himself to such a practice.
ing him around so violently that he could not Soon after this, there came an avalanche of
turn the biting end to defend himself. Mr. settlers and the machinery of law and society
Fowler saw his advantage, hung to him with was put fairly in motion. Then he left for a
the grip of a giant, swinging him furiously with new field on which to bask in the sunshine of
one hand, while with the other he seized the immunity from restraints.
bridle of his horse and leaped upon his back, Those who have lived in frontier places can
still clinging to the wolf. He now galloped to best understand the eccentricities of these men.
the home of Mr. Bird, half a mile distant, who The writer once knew one of them to move six
came to his assistance and dispatched the wolf. or eight miles and build a new cabin at the
Besides the permanent settler who plants spot because his cow had chosen her range
himself on the soil of a new country and grows there, which whim would be wag-
like the tail
up with the country, is another class of men, ging th^dog instead of dog the tail.
of whom it may with truth be said, lose the Without drawing any comparison between
end in the means to acquire that end. They these men and Oscar Wilde, who stands at
are the incarnation of the true pioneer, and the other end of the pole, it is justly due to
their love for settling on the broad face of them to say that, with all their idiosjncracies
nature, untarnished by the devices of clans or they possess points out of which the romancer
even the restraints of conventionalism, amounts and the poet weaves the brightest colors into
some would saj', " a hobby."
to a passion, or, as his fabric. Cooper's Leather Stocking was
These men are almost always generous and one of them, and Longfellow's Lover of Evan-
self-sacrificing, abhor technicalities and scorn geline was another. One other class of the
thieves. early day deserves mention, and that is the
They take a short cut toward what they preacher.
consider a principle of justice, though it may The reverend pioneer was no aesthetic. He
be across fields of jurisdiction. Mr. Lewis rode an ambling pony from settlement to set-
Ellsworth, a well-known citizen of Naperville, tlement, and quartered on the hospitality of
tellsthe writer an anecdote as to one of these the people as he went along, which was always
men, named Stout, who had made a claim on a steadfast dependence, for no one would turn
the west side of the East Branch of the Du anybody away, especially a preacher. He was
Page, Lisle Township, Section 11. He had a always very much at home, and, if his coat
large field of corn near the road where the often wanted a few stitches to make it present-
travel went from the back country to Chicago, able to an audience, he did not hesitate to~ ask
and it was a frequent occurrence that passers the mistress of the household whose circle he
with loaded wagons would take corn from his honored with his presence to do the necessary
field to bate their teams. When informed of needle work. His sermons, if not elegant,
this, he replied that it was all right, as he felt were effective, and laid the foundation for more
so strongly imbued with the principle of hospi- learned and perhaps more effeminate preachers
tality thathe felt no desire to put a stop to to reap where he sowed the seed.
what the mildest name other people would have Rev. S. R. Beggs was one of these early
given toit would be a trespass. But Mr. Stout preachers, and has written a book relating his
came from a backwoods place in Indiana, where early experiences, from which the following
quotations are taken as good authority to strengthened. * * * My worldly goods
show the methods and mission of the early increased, so that, if one could use the paradox,
preacher. On page 91, he says: " I thanked I was cursed with blessings. Three years be-
him, and attended morning devotions. The fore, I owned a horse and S60, now 1113 farm of 7

thanks and prayers of the Methodist minister 240 acres was nearly paid for, and I had four
in those days always settled the reckoning with horses, seven cows and forty hogs."
their hosts." On page 108. continues Father On page 229, in speaking of Rev. Mr. See,
Beggs, in 183-1 : "I was re-appointed to Des- Father Beggs continues :
"I knew him well, and
plaines Mission (this included the Du Page as a good preacher, and if he '
got into the
country), and I returned with renewed zeal, brush,' as the pioneers used to say,when one
which in this case was the more necessary, as was at a loss how to go on with his sermon, it
the rage for speculation was just commencing was no more than others did who made preten-
among both settlers and emigrants. It was sions to greater advantages when trying to
an earnest struggle, and it sometimes seemed preach without a mauuscript, and at last did
impossible to hold the attention of
long enough to impress him with the great
W sinner not get the brush cleared awaj after
Father See. Indeed, I have often thought of
all, as did

claim which the Gospel had on him. Those the story of one of the '
regular succession,' who,
who would not come out to church I followed while preaching, suddenly discovered that third- '

to their houses, conversing withthem on the ly had been blown out of the window, by means

highways and by the wayside. It was a doubt- of which he lost the thread of his ideas, and
ful struggle but by the help of the Lord and
; came to a full stop. And " (continues Father
His efficient instruments — in the persons of Beggs, in defending Mr. See from an attack
Brothers Walker, E. Scarriott and F. Owens made on him for '
slaughtering the king's En-
I saw many souls converted and believers glish '
" thank God, he slaughtered sin, also."



THE public lands of the United States are square ; is one mile square
a section a half- ;

ordinarily surveyed into rectangular tracts, section one mile long and one-half mile wide
is ;

bounded by lines conforming to the cardinal a quarter-section is one-half mile square a ;

points. These tracts are designated as town- half-quarter-section is one-half mile north and
ships, sections, half-sections, quarter-sections, south, and one-fourth mile east and west ; a
half-quarter-sections, quarter-quarter-sections, quarter - quarter - section is one -fourth mile
and lots. They have, as nearly as may be, the square ; a lot is one of the subdivisions of such
following dimensions : A township is six miles part of a fractional section as is not susceptible
of division into quarter-quarter-sections, and base line at Beardstown. All of the State
contains, as nearly as may be. the quantity of west of the Illinois River, and west of the
a quarter-quarter-sectiou. Third Principal Meridian northward from where
This plan of survey is called the rectangular it crosses the Illinois River, is numbered from

system. It has been in operation since the this fourth meridian. The Second Principal
latter part of the last century. Since its in- Meridian extends from the Ohio River, in
auguration, it has undergone modifications con- Crawford County, Ind., through the State. It

tributing much to its completeness. The later intersects the base line in Orange County. The
surve3'S are, therefore, much more systematic portion of Illinois east of Range 11 east of the
and regular than the early ones. Third Principal Meridian, north to the south
In applying this system to any portion of the line of Township 31, is numbered from this
public lands, a base line, on a parallel of lati- Second Principal Meridian, all the rest is num-
tude, and a principal meridian intersecting it, bered from the Third Meridian, and Du Page
are established as the necessities and con- County is included in this territory. The public
venience of the survey ma}' require ; and they surveys*had been extended through the entire
are laid down and marked with great care. southern and central portions of the State of
Other lines are then run corresponding to these, Illinois long before Du Page County or the
and so that the last ones are, as nearly as may northern part of the State had been settled,
be. six miles apart each way. and on no part of the public domain of the
The rectangular tracts thus formed are the wild and unsurveyed territory of the United
townships, and subdivisions of these form the many complex conditions crossed
States had so
sections and fractions of sections. the path of the settler as here.
A line of townships extending north and That this country had so long remained
south is called a range. The ranges are desig- comparatively unknown to the world outside,
nated by their number east or west of the was due to the fact that the Indian title to it had
principal The townships in each
meridian. not been extinguished till the social antagon-
range are named by their number north or isms of the white and red races were brought
south of the base line. face to face with each other, and demanded
This will be understood by observing upon action to prevent violence. The Pottawatomies
the map of Illinois that a principal meridian is had been no idle observers of the manner by
laid down from the mouth of the Ohio River which their red brethren east of them had been
northward through the State, and that in the driven from their lauds. They had seen these
northeast corner of Washington County it in- tribes take up the hatchet, and though led by
tersects a base line on the parallel of thirty- such renowned chiefs as Pontiac, Little Tur-
eight and a half degrees. This principal tle and Tecumseh, had been vanquished and

meridian and base line, it will be seen, are each almost annihilated in the unequal combat that
numbered both ways from the point of inter- followed their efforts to defend their soil from
section. This is the third of the established the first inroads of the settlers. Hoping to
permanent meridians of the land survey. avert such a calamity, they attempted to do it

Springfield, for instance, is thus found to be in by submission, and in accordance with this
Township 16 north, in Range 5 west, of the policy never molested the settlers who came
Third Principal Meridian. among them, nor could Black Hawk's emissa-
The Fourth Principal Meridian begins at the ries with all their bravado induce them to
mouth of the Illinois River and intersects a change their peaceful policy. For this reason
the Government could have no quarrel with thought expedient to organize a society and
them, and there was no necessity to extinguish appoint a committee of referees with plenary
their title to their lands till social influences power to settle all issues that compromise had
under the conditions of peace as already stated failed to harmonize between parties interested-
made it essential to the best interests of both To this end, on the 6th of February, 1836,
the red and white races to do so. This is why a meeting of claim-holders was convened at
public surveys in Northern had been
Illinois the house of Mr. A. Culver, who lived on the
retarded so long. The consequence was that eastern side of the Big Woods, which lies
the settlers, in their haste to secure the best partly in the southeastern corner of Du Page
lands, were obliged to take possession of them Countj- and also beyond to' the west in Kane
in a state of nature, and establish the limits County. At this meeting, Dr. Levi Ward,
and boundaries of their farms themselves, Frederick Stolp, A. E. Carpenter, William J.
which limits of course would have to be Strong and Charles Sidders were appointed a
changed to suit the lines made by the survey- committee for the purpose required. These
ors when they came to be made. To adjust gentlemen constituted a court of justice from
these limits whose section lines left portions of whose decision there was in substance no ap-
two or more men's claims in one section, in- peal. Not that they or their constituency held
volved nice distinctions in the natural princi- themselves in a position of defiance to law-
ple of justice, with no precedent or rule as a They only made a law unto themselves to pre-
guide. This was only one of many other com- pare for an emergency for which the laws of
plications to be solved on principles of equity the land had not made provision. They only
and fair dealing growing out of land claims. protected themselves in their natural rights to
The primary object of the settlers was to secure land before was surveyed, as the Government

homes for themselves, while for the rights of protected pre-emptors after surveys had been
the land speculator who came here to take made.
possession of the land to speculate on and en- It is true that certain contingencies were lia-

rich himself on its enhanced value growing out ble to come up with them not possible to pre-
of their labor, they cared nothing. He did emptors of public lands, and for these contin-
not come within the pale of this protection; on gencies they did not hesitate to provide, as the
the contrary, he was regarded with jealousy, sequel will show ; and here the historian would
and had a thorny path to travel when he came be at default if he did not record the fact that
in collision with their interests. in no case has the decision of this self-consti-
But the foremost object of the settlers was tuted court been accused of injustice. The so-
to guard against " claim jumping." This was ciety formed at the house of Mr. Culver was
an attempt on the part of some interloper to called " The Big Woods Claim Protecting So-
take possession of some parcel of land within ciety," of which John Warne was Secretary.
the limits of a claim already made. The lim- It was the first of the kind in the county and
its were marked by a furrow in the prairie, and consisted of ninety-seven members, including
in the groves by marking the trees in a similar officers, all of whom, so far as tradition and
manner to the way in which public surveyors reports go, were stalwart, justice-loving men,
" blaze " their lines through the woods in tim- who would neither commit an offense against
bered countries. justice nor submit to one, quite a number of
To adjust all the disputes liable to grow out whom are still living.
of all these circumstantial points, it was As an historic record, a list of those who first
joined the society is John Warne,
inserted : A new committee was chosen at this meet-
A. E. Carpenter, James Dyer, John Mosier, ing, consisting of William J. Strong, Thomson
Joseph Fish, M. Warren, John Maxwell,
J. Paxton, John Gregg, Warren Smith and Fred-
Cornelius Jones, John Ogden, Phineas Graves, erick Stolp. At this meeting, it was made the
William Hall, David Crane, James Brown, duty of the Secretary to record the description
Frederick Stolp, Murray, Taylor S.
Nelson of each claim of the different members, who were
Warne, Jesse B. Ketchum, Barton Eddy, David to give the same to him within ninety days.
McKee, J. S. P. Lord, Joseph Wilson, Warren The meeting was adjourned to meet again at
Smith, Henry M. Waite, Lyman King, Luther the same place on the 4th of February the suc-
Chandler, Gilbert S. Rouse, S. H. Arnold, Jos- ceeding year.
eph Stolp, Reuben Austin, Charles Arnold, As already stated, the Big Woods' Claim
Levi Leach, Elihu Wright, Nahan Beardsley, Protecting Society was the first one of its kind

S. Hurlbut, Darias J. Lamphear, Walter Ger- established here ; but previous to its organiza-
main, John B. Eddy, John Gregg, Samuel tion a company of land speculators had entered
Mosier, OrrinW. Graves, B. Tubbs, Jr., Joseph the Big Woods, and laid claim to several sec-
Thayer, Thomson Paxton, L. Ward, Charles and for the better
tions of its best timbered laud,
Brown, Charles Sidders, James Hymes, Nathan security of their lands had built a rail fence
Williams, William J. Strong, Robert Hopkins, around The gentlemen composing this so-

Jesse Graves, John Stolp, Allen Williams, A. ciety gloried in the name of the Land Pirate
Culver, Thomas N. Paxton, Dennis Clark, Company, but their piratical exploits in monop-
Amander P. Thomas, Alfred Churchill, R. S. olizing the timber wanted for the use of the
Ostrander, A. W. Beardsley, George Laird, settlers never achieved sufficient notoriety to be
George C. Howes, Samuel Paxton, William lionized as marine highwaymen were by Byron
Williams, George Monroe, Harvey Higbee, N. in " The Corsair," for not long after the forma-
H. Thomas. Enos Coleman, Linus L. Coleman, tion of theBig Woods Society the fence they
Eli Northum, Zerah Jones, Reuben Jones, had built around their claim disappeared, and
George S. Blackmail, Blackmail & Winslow, nobody ever knew who hauled the rails away
William E. Bent, J. B. & E. Smith, Ira Wood- any more than it was known who, under the
man, Alden S. Clifford, William Hill, John Fox, guise of Indian plumes and paint, only sixty
Nathan Williams, Alanson Arnold, Eleazer years before this event, had went aboard the
Blackmail, Aurin Ralph, John Sidders, Russel English ships in Boston Harbor, and emptied
Whipple, SheffieldMills, Jonas Lamphear, Will- their tea chests into the sea. One of these tea
iam R. Currier, Manus Griswold, Isaac Barnes. destroyers survived till about the date of this
These gentlemen bound themselves, in the pe- Big Woods Company's birth, having in his lat-

nal sum of $1,000 each, to protect and assist ter years revealed his identity, and, perhaps,
each other in their respective claims, as per the some of those who moved away the offending
decisions of the committee they had appointed rails, by means of which it was hoped to retain

to represent and define their rights. the timber of the Big Woods, may yet tell how
Their meetings were to be twice a year, or it was done, and who did it. Possibly the old
oftener if necessary, and the next one met on veteran of Boston Harbor had set them up to
the 6th of August, 1836, at the house of Thomas the business.
Paxton. This was by the provisions of their Land speculators at the time of the formation
compact to be the date of their annual meet- of this society, were almost as numerous as the
actual settlers. They made a business of mark-
ing out claims in a similar manner to settlers, pied by a remnant of Waubonsie's subjects.
and, after making slight improvements on them, Besides those buried in the ground was the
selling these claims to settlers at a large profit. body of a child, incased in birch bark, attached

Against this grievance there was no remedj-, to the limb of a tree far above their reach,

forit was optional with the settler to purchase where it swung to and fro in the wind. This
his claim or go farther West and make one from custom of depositing the remains of young
the great domain west of the Fox River, between children in trees, thus incased, was not unusual
which and the Rock River no claims had been among the Indians. Perhaps it was to rock
made, except along their immediate banks. them to sleep. A Mr. McNemar then owned a
The land south of the Indian boundary line claim at the place, including the Indian ceme-
having been surveyed about thej'ear 1S30, came tery. Farther along, a man named Clybourne
into market in 1835. Much of it rested under had a saw mill on a branch of the Fox River
claims, and a collision of interest came up when coming in from the west, near the present site
the land was offered for sale at the land office of Batavia. At the present site of Geneva
in Chicago. Speculators began to bid on it as lived James Herrington, who then kept a store
high as 810 or $15 per acre, and quite a num- at the place, depending on custom from settlers
ber of actual settlers lost the lands on which from a large radius of country around. At
they had settled and made improvements ; but the present site of St. Charles lived Mr. Fer-
the sale had not proceeded long till the claim- sons, father ofReed Fersons, on the west side
ants asserted their rights, backed up by too for- of the river. Four miles to the north lived
midable an array of force and influence for the Rice Fa} who came to the place the year be-

speculators to set at defiance, and no more bid- fore, and had raised a few vegetables and some

ding on lands under a settler's claim was ven- corn for family use. Xot long afterwaid, Mr.
tured on. The same year, in 1835, the lands Teffts having made a claim and settled a short
along Fox River were partly under claims, and distance above him on the river, he came to
from Joseph Tefft, M. D., a present resident of his cabin to buy a few potatoes, but no per-
Elgin, the writer has learned the extent of set- suasion could induce him to sell them but, ;

tlements from the present site of Aurora, then just before leaving, he gave him some, in
known as Waubonsie's Village, to Elgin at that which respect he was not unlike many other
time. pioneers. Mr. Fay had a large family, and
Mr. Tefts came from Madison County, N. Y., ground all their cereals for bread in a coffee
and, after making a short stop at a place called mill during the winter of 1835-36.
the Yankee settlement, on the Desplaines Farther up, where the army trail crossed
River, he passed through Naperville, and Fox River, lived Mr. Kendall in a log cabin on
thence to the Fox River, in the autumn of his claim. Above him, Ira Minard had a claim
1835. Where Aurora now is, he found on the on the ground now occupied by the Elgin
west bank of the river a log cabin, where Mr. Insane Asylum.
Wilde lived on land he had claimed. On the Mr. Minard, Reed Fersons and B. T. Hunt
east bank were some settlers also, but not were the founders of St. Charles.
more than two or three. Two and a half miles At Elgin was a log cabin on the west side of
up the river was the Indian burying-ground, the river where Jonathan Kimball lived, who
where mounds like those in our cemeteries was subsequently Justice of the Peace at Elgin.
were raised over graves. Here were newly- Phineas Kimball lived on the east side, imme
made graves, for the country was still occu- diately north of the present site of the depot.
North of Ransom Olds, and the next
hiin lived |
a hotel that old settlers still hold in grateful
who came were James T. Gifford, the founder remembrance.
of Elgin, who built a house near where Mr. Or- Southward of the Du Page settlement —we
lando Davidson now lives Hezekiah Gifford,
must remember that which we
at this date of
who built a house where George S. Bowen lives, now speak, 1835, it belonged to Cook County
and Dr. Tefft, who settled in South Elgin and was a country settled more and more densely
now lives in Elgin. the farther one went, till he reached Edwards
There had been a large Indian village be- County, opposite St. Louis.
tween the present city of Elgin and Dundee, These were the surroundings of what is now
where about three acres of land still bore the Du Page County, when the claimants of land here
marks of their rude agriculture. Similar signs first put down their stakes, not to be pulled up
were also apparent at South Elgin, where even again, and united their wisdom in council at
some of the tent poles of the Indians were the Big Woods, for the purpose of uniting their
standing where their frail tenements had but muscle, if necessary, to protect each other in
recently stood. getting deeds of the lauds which their labors
When the inhabitants of these places changed were about to make valuable. In this there
their residence for a winter's hunt, or to make was no law but the higher law to protect them,
a visit to a neighboring town, sometimes they and this thej- were bound to employ. That dis-
all went together, with the papoose baby putes, and what are called old-claim feuds, arose,
straped to a board which was lashed to the is true, but they had their origin in the same

back of the mother. The next two oldest put misconception of the principles of justice that
one each into saddle-bags, and thrown across give rise to law suits now, and not in the action
the back of the pony as we used to take a grist of the league.
to mill in the olden time. The father then A society having similar objects in view as
mounted the pony, and then all were ready for the BigWoods Society, was formed in Naper-
a march, the patient squaw having the hardest ville It was called the Du
October 28, 1830.
part, as she tugged the papoose along by the Page County Society for Mutual Protection.
side of her lord, whose leggings her hands had For a record of this society, we quote from
ornamented with porcupine quills or beads. Richmond & Vallett's History :

Fox River was then full of fish, which were Whipple was called to the Chair, and
caught by the settlers and sometimes salted James Hatch appointed Secretary. Whereupon
the following report was read to the meeting: At
down for table use in the winter. Beyond these
a meeting of the settlers of Du Page County, held
beginnings on the river-bauk westwardly, was at Naperville on the 29th of September last, to take
a waste of prairie presenting no attraction to measures for securing their rights and interests to
the settlertill the Rock River was reached. and in their respective claims, a committee of ten
To the north no settlements had been made till was appointed to draft rules and regulations to pre-
sent for the consideration of this meeting, in com-
the vicinity of Green Bay and Fort Howard
pliance with which, said committee respectfully beg
was reached. To the east was the mushroom leave to present the following:
town of Chicago, waiting the completion of the Situated as we are upon Government lands, which
canal as a voucher for ultimate grandeur. Be- have, by the industry of the settlers, already be-
tween this germ cell of a city and the Du Page come highly valuable, and inasmuch as our claims
lie in such a variety of shapes, and are of such dif-
was first a dismal swamp, drained in its western
ferent dimensions that they cannot in any manner
verge by the Desplaines River, on the banks of correspond with the Government survey, it appears
which Mr. Barnard us Lavvton had established necessary, in order to prevent the most fearful con-
sequences, that the lines of our respective claims signed b_y a majority of any arbitration, met to es-
should be established previous to the Government tablish any line or lines of said claim; and that 'the
survey, and we ourselves bound by the strong arm said Clerk shall be entitled to 25 cents for recording
of the law, to reconvey, as hereinafter mentioned, each claim and certificate.
to our neighbors, whenever these lands are sold by Sixth. That it shall be the duty of every settler
the order of the General Government, so as to keep to present to :he Clerk, a definite description of his
our claims as they are now established; and to ac- or her claim, either from actual survey or other-
complish this end, we recommend the following wise, and also to set his or her hand and seal to a
regulations: certain indenture, drafted by Giles Spring, Esq., of
First. We do hereby form ourselves into a so- Chicago, for this society.
ciety, to be called the Du Page County Society for Seventh. That there be a committee of three in
Mutual Protection, and agree to be governed by each precinct appointed at this meeting, for the pur-
such prudent rules and by-laws as the society may pose of carrying into effect the sixth regulation.
hereafter adopt, not inconsistent with the laws of Eighth. That the settlers on the school lands
the country; and that we will make use of all hon- ought to obtain their lands at Government prices.
orable means to protect each other in our respective Ninth. That we will firmly and manfully pro-
claims, as may hereafter be agreed upon and re- tect all who conform to the above regulations pre-
corded; and that we will not countenance any un- vious to the 1st day of January, 1840.
just claim, set up by speculators or others and we
; AYhich report and regulations were unanimously
declare that the primary object of this society is to adopted, and ordered to be embodied in a consti-
protect the inhabitants in their claims and bounda- tution.
ries, so that each shall deed and redeed to the other Thereafter, on motion.a committee of six was
as hereinafter' mentioned, when the Government appointed by the chair, to nominate a board of ar-
survey does not agree with the present lines, or lines bitrationand Clerk, viz., Lewis Ellsworth, Elihu
which may hereafter be agreed upon. Thayer, Luther Hatch, Cornelius Jones, Job A.
Second. That there be a committee of five ap- Smith and David S. Dunning; who, having retired,
pointed at this meeting, three of whom may form a returned and reported Lyman Meacham, Erastus
board of arbitration, to decide from legal testimony, Gary and Stephen J. Scott Board of Arbitration, and
all disputes respecting the Hues or boundaries of any P. Balling-all, Clerk; which nominations were ap-
claim to which they ma}' be called together, with proved of.
the costs of the arbitration, and the party or parties Whereupon, it was moved and adopted, that the
who shall pay the same: Provided, It does not ap- following persons be the precinct committee, viz.:
pear that such dispute has previously been decided, —
Xaperville Precinct Stephen J. Scott, Henry
by an arbitration held by the agreement of the par- Goodrich, Nathan Allen, Jr.
ties, which shall be a bar against further proceed- —
Webster Precinct John W. Walker, James C.
ings of said committee, except as to matter of costs. Hatch, Pierce Downer.
Third. That each of the said committee shall Deerfield Precinct— Luther Morton, Perus Barney,
be entitled to $1 per day, for each day officially en- Moses Stacy.
gaged. —
Washington Precinct Lyman Meacham, Smith
Fourth. That in all cases where the parties D. Pierce, Capt. E. Kinny.
cannot establish their lines, either b}r reference to —
Orange Precinct Job A. Smith, William Kim-
their neighbors or otherwise, either party may, at ball, Luther F. Sanderson.
any time, by giving to the other ten days' notice of Du Page Precinct—Warren Smith, Lorin G. Hul-
his or her intention, call out at least three of the bert, Alvah Fowler.
board of arbitration, to decide the same, and their —
Big Woods Precinct John Warne, Levi Leach,
decision shall be final. William J. Strong.
Fifth. That there shall be one Clerk appointed Resolved, That this meeting adjourn till the first
at this meeting, who shall keep a fair record of all Monday in January, 1840.
transactions of this association, and also of all de- Russell Whipple, Chairman.
scriptions of claims presented to him for record: James C. Hatch, Secretary.
Provided, That there is attached thereto a certificate At a meeting of the "Du Page County Society
from all who have adjoining claims, certifying to forMutual Protection," held at Naperville, the 6th
the correctness of such description, or a certificate day of January, A. D. 1840, in pursuance of ad-
journment, Russell Whipple took the chair, when, Resolved, That this meeting adjourn till the first

on motion of Mr. George Martin, it was Monday in May next.

Resolved, That the time for recording the claims P. Ballingall, Clerk.

of the members of this society, in order to secure At a meeting of the Du Page County Society for
the benefits of the ninth resolution of the meeting Mutual Protection, held at Naperville, on Monday,
held on the 28th of October last, be extended till the 4th day of May, A. D. 1840, pursuant to adjourn-
the 1st dajr of March next. ment, John Stevens w as appointed Chairman and

On motion of Mr. James

Hatch, C. James F. Wight Clerk pro tern., when, on motion of
Resolved, That the claims belonging to members Mr. P. Downer,
of this society which lie on the line of or in another Resolved, That the time for settling and recording

county shall be entitled to record and protection, on claims of the members of this society be extended to
the member complying with the fifth regulation. the first Monday in June next.
Resolved, That this meeting adjourn to the first
On motion of Mr. Lyman Meacham,
Resolved, That when a claim belonging to a mem- Monday in June next, then to meet at Naperville.
J. F. Wight. Clerk pro tern.
ber of this association shall border on that of a non-
resident, or that of a person out of the State, or on At a meeting of the Du Page County Society for
land not occupied, the same shall be recorded if a Mutual Protection, held at Naperville, on Monday,
certificate from the adjoining claimants be attached the 1st day (being the first Monday) in June, 1840,
thereto, certifying to such non-residence, absence or pursuant to adjournment, Capt. John Stevens was
non-occupancy, and that there is no dispute concern- appointed Chairman.
ing the same. Patrick Ballingall, Esq., having resigned the
office of Clerk of this society, on motion of Mr.
On motion of Mr. William J. Strong,
Resolved, That an}- member of this society who,
Resolved. That James F. Wight be and is hereby
in an arbitration, fails to establish his claim before
appointed Clerk of this society, in the place of P.
the Board of Arbitration, shall pay the costs thereof
Ballingall, Esq., resigned.
within six days from the decision being pronounced,
Resolved, That the time for settling and recording
and failing to make such payment, he shall cease to
claims of the members of this society be extended
be a member of this society.
until the first Monday in September next.
Resolved, That this meeting adjourn until the first
March next.
On motion of Mr. James C. Hatch,
Monday in
P. Ballingall, Clerk. Resolved, That the Clerk hereafter record no cer-
tificates of claims unless it is certified that they are
At a meeting of the society held at Naperville, on
the only claimants adjoining the claim or claims
the 6th day of January, A. D. 1840, in pursuance
offered to be recorded, or, for want of such certifi-
of adjournment, Stephen J. Scott was appointed
cate, that the applicant shall make oath that no
other person except those named in such certificate
Resolved, That James Johnson and Isaac B. Berry
adjoin him.
be allowed another trial in their arbitration with
Resolved, That the Clerk shall notify all persons
Harry T. Wilson, on condition that said Johnson
whose claims are recorded (without their having
and Berry pay one counsel fee and the whole costs
signed the settler's bond) that they sign the said
of the arbitration.
bond, or they will not be protected by this society.
That the Board of Arbitrators shall have
Resolved, That this meeting adjourn to the first
power to fill all vacancies occasioned by death, re-
Monday in September next, then to meet at the
moval or otherwise, between this time and the first
Pre-emption House, in Naperville, at 1 o'clock P. M.
Monday in May next.
James F. Wight, Clerk.
Resolved, That the resolution offered by William
J. Strong, and passed at last meeting, be and is At a meeting of the Du Page County Society for
hereby repealed. Mutual Protection, held at Naperville, on Wednes-
Resolved, That the line between Ephraim Collar day, the 3d day of March, 1841, Hon. Russell Whip-
and Timothy E. Parsons is hereby declared to be ple was called to the Chair, and Morris Sleight ap-
the road leading from to laid by But- , pointed Secretary.
terfield, Church and Arnold, as the same has been After the object of the meeting had been stated
recorded. by Stephen J. Scott, the following persons were ap-
pointed a committee to draft resolutions expressive county call meetings, and make arrangements and
of the sense of this meeting, viz. Luther Hatch,
: adopt such measures as may be thought necessary
Stephen J. Scott, William J. Strong and Isaac with regard to their claims at the approaching land
Clark. sale.
On motion of N. Allen, Jr., Esq., Alymer Keith Resolved, 7. That the proceedings of this meeting
was appointed Clerk of this society, to record claims be forwarded by the Secretary to the land office in
and the certificates for the same, and to keep the Chicago, and ask of the Register and Receiver to
settlers' book, in place of James F. Wight. act with regard to lands in this count}' on the spirit
Resolved, That the time for recording claims be of the resolutions here passed.
extended to the first Monday of September, 1841. Resolved, 8. That the proceedings of this meeting
The committeee appointed to draft resolutions be signed by the Chairman and Secretary and pub-
reported the following, which were adopted, with lished in the Chicago papers.
one or two dissenting votes:
Subordinate claim societies were organized
Whereas, It is generally believed that the public
lands on which we hold settlers' claims will be
in each of the precincts of the county ;
the set-
shortly offered for sale, and in order that each tlers pretty generally joined thern, and many
claimant may obtain and feel secure in the pos- difficulties were adjusted by this means among
session of his just claim, it is deemed necessary that
the squatters. The hard times which followed
there be a uniformity of action and feeling on the
the crisis of 1836 and 1837 discouraged specu-
subject, and believing that the proving up of pre-
emption claims will have a tendency to create ex- lation somewhat, and but few were able to pur-

citement and confusion, if not to interfere with the chase the land which they had improved, and
rights of others; therefore be it some were unable to do that. The pledges
Resolved, 1. That we will not prove up our pre- made by the members of the claim societies
emption claims, even when justly entitled to do so,
were uniformly carried out, and all honorable
except in cases where it may be deemed necessary to
secure the claimant; but that we will not do so with-
men gave no cause of complaint to their neigh-
out the consent of a committee to be appointed by bors. In a few cases some less scrupulous
this union or the several towns, to settle disputes. refused to deed lands in their possession to the
Resolved, 2. Tnat any person who shall attempt rightful owner, and, in consequence, quarrels
to obtain a pre-emption, and thereby seize upon any
and some suits at law were the result.
part of any other person's claim, shall be deemed a
dishonest man, not entitled to the protection of this
We subjoin a few instances, showing how
union, and shall not be allowed to purchase any summarily a certain class of claim difficulties
other land in this county, if this union can pre- were disposed of. Many more might be added,
vent it.
but let these suffice.
Resolved, 3. That when the inhabitants of any
Two neighbors owned adjoining claims, and
township shall guarantee to those on the school sec-
at the time of the organization of the claim
tion, and entitled to a float, that they shall have
their claim at ten shillings per acre, then, in such society, their land was being survej'ed by the
case, if they shall obtain, or attempt to obtain, a Government surveyor. One of the men hap-
float, or lay one upon any other claimant's just pened to be a member of the society, and the
claim, they shall be considered no better than a
other, not. It so happened that the random
thief or a robber, and shall have no protection from
line, run by the surveyor, cut 'off a portion of
this union.
Rosolved, 4. That it is the duty of this association the claim of the first, and left it in such a man-
to take measures to secure to claimants on the school ner that the other would be entitled to a pre-
section their claims at government price. emption upon it. When he discovered this, he
Resolved, 5. That the protection of this union will who claimed
refused to deed the land to the one
not be extended to any person who shall either take
it. Persuasion was used in vain. He thought
or purchase a school section float, except the town-
ship refuse to guarantee, as in the third resolution. he had the advantage of his neighbor, and de-
That the several townships in this termined to keep it. In a few days, however,

matters assumed a different and then the

light, figured quite conspicuously in this part of the
line was established so as to give back to the exercises. His speech on that occasion is

society man not only what he claimed, but also spoken of as being one of his most felicitous

a large corner from his neighbor's tract, and and pointed " efforts." When the speech-mak-
now he was entitled to a pre-emption. The ob- ing had subsided, fire was set to the heap of
stinate man was thus induced to join the socie- promiscuous ruins, and the hut of the interlop-
ty, and take upon himself the obligation to ers was soon reduced to ruins. The conduct
" deed and re-deed." After being kept in sus- of the settlers in this case proved a warning to
pense for awhile, by way of punishment, his future intruders, and claim-jumping was rarely
land was again restored to him. heard of in that part of the county afterward.
There were many of the settlers who did not A man from Plumb Grove happened to be
join the claim societies, but among all bona-fide on his way to the Naper settlement, and passed
settlers there prevailed a determination to pro- near the place while the affair just described
tect each other. The first trouble arising from was taking place. Seeing the smoke ascend
'•claim jumping," was in 1836, or thereabouts, from the spot, and hearing the universal uproar
respecting the claim of a Mr. Frothingham, in among the settlers, he concluded at once that a
the town of Milton. A family of squatters came part} of Indians
was there, killing and laying
on and took possession of a portion of his waste. Turning from the beaten track which
claim, without leave or license, and were deter- led near the house, he made a circuit around
mined to remain there in spite of entreaty or the " marauders," and lashing his horses to
physical force. The settlement was apprised their utmost speed, rode to the settlement,
of this state of affairs, and a company of about warning everybody to flee for their lives. The
fifty horseman proceeded to the cabin of the in- cause of his fright was pretty generally under-
corrigible squatters, who, on seeing them, broke stood, and therefore he did not succeed in get-

for tall timber, leaving but one occupant in the ting up a very serious alarm.
cabin, an old lady who had passed the running A few years after, a contention arose respect-
point. The sum of SI 7 was raised among the ing the Tullis claim, which was situated in the
company to indemnify the family for sundry same neighborhood. Under a pre-emption law
outlays which they had made upon the prem- passed about that time, a man by the name of
ises. This the old lady received upon condi- Harmond undertook to pre-empt a portion of
tion that the family should quit the claim the claim of Mr. Tullis, who had already ob-
without delay. To expedite the execution of tained possession of it under a former pre-
her part of the contract, the settlers fell to work emption act. In order to comply with the
and assisted in the removal of the furniture provisions of the later act, Harmond built a
from the house, and in clearing the premises of pen of small poles near the center of his claim,
everything that belonged to the family. After stayed in it only one night, and started immedi-
this had been done, the house was torn down atelj' for Chicago, to prove his pre-emption. On
and the rubbish thrown into a heap near by, his return, he commenced making repairs upon
preparatory to kindling a bonfire, when the an old block-house which was already built
" meeting ". was called to order and several upon his " quarter," and being asked why he
stump speeches, of a decidedly inflammatory was doing it, replied that he had pre-empted
character, were made. We are not in posses- that claim, and was going to live there. This
sion of the minutes of those speeches, but have aroused the indignation of the neighboring
been informed that the Hon. Nathan Allen squatters, who called a meeting to take into
consideration the conduct of Mr. Harmond. He, us, and we leave the task of tracing it to pro-
being present, was advised to relinquish his fessional archasologists. The object of the
and at
claim, but he positively refused to do it, " council " seems to have been the settling of a
the same time threw out some pretty savage peculiar class of claim difficulties, which were
threats against the settlers, in case they at- not taken cognizance of by the bona fide claim
tempted to remove him by force. After a long committee, and its operations were designed to
consultation, it was concluded that the building burlesque the proceedings of that committee,
on the premises should be torn down if he did as well as to ridicule courts in general. All
not abandon it without delay. At this decis- disputes brought before the " Hognatorial
ion, Harmond became greatly exasperated, and, were settled in a summary and satisfactory
having his rifle with him, threatened to fire manner. We can illustrate this remark with
upon "the first man who should tear off a but one instance, which occurred in the south
board." Whereupon a fearless Quaker gentle- part of the county. A man by the name of
man stepped forth and remarked to Mr. Har- Clark, who was firmly grounded in Midship-
mond that if he designed to put that threat into man Easy's doctrine of " what belongs to my
execution he had better begin by shooting at neighbor belongs also, to me," made a " claim

him, as he considered himself a mark of suffi- upon another man's land, lying somewhere on
cientmagnitude for a claim jumper to shoot at, the Du Page River. Finding that peaceable
anyhow. The old Quaker was soon joined b} _
and quiet possession was impossible, he applied
Lyman Butterfield, who addressed Mr. Har- to a gentleman who happened to be posted in
mond in pretty much the same strain, inform- " hognatorial matters " for advice. He was, of
ing him that if he was not willing to waste his course, advised to bring the matter before the
powder on one man, he would offer the addi- " Hognatorial Council," as that was the only
tional inducement of placing his own body in reliable tribunalhaving jurisdiction over such
fair range, so that he might at least kill " tioo grievances. His case was prepared by Nathan
birds with one stone." But Harmond could Allen, a man of superior legal attainments, and
not be prevailed upon to shoot, and so the upon a certain day the Hognatorial Council
party proceeded to the disputed claim, tearing room was crowded to witness the proceedings
down the house, and removing every vestige of in the case. Allen opened the case by giving
former occupancy. Before ten minutes had to the jury a plain, unvarnished statement of
elapsed, after the decision of the council of the facts, and closed it by a most pathetic ap-
settlers, this was done, and Mr. Harmond was peal to their sense of justice in behalf of his
sent on his way to other parts, not rejoicing, wronged and injured client. Several witnesses
but uttering the most awful denunciations were called upon to, testify, and the upshot of
against such ungentlemanly treatment. the testimony was that Mr. Clark had a claim
In justice to a numerous class of our early commencing at a certain point on Du Page
settlers, we deem it appropriate to introduce River, but in what direction his lines ran from
here a brief notice of a society which was formed that point it was impossible to ascertain. Sev-
in 1834, and known as the " Hognatorial Coun- eral hours were occupied in examining wit-
cil." We have ransacked all the dead languages nesses, during which time Clark kept a boy
we ever heard of in order to obtain for our running to and fro between the " council cham-
readers some clew to the origin of this jiramomen, " and his house, to inform his wife of the
but have been signally defeated in the under- different phases which the case assumed as the
taking. Its origin is altogether too obscure for trial progressed. At length the testimony was
all in, the closing argument made, and the ease River, and described as follows, to wit : Com-
submitted to the jury. There was but one mencing on the east bank of
at a certain point
point left for the jury to act upon, and that re- said river, and running perpendicular to the
lated particularly to the boundary of Clark's horizon straight up." This was enough for
claim. They were out but a short time, and re- Clark. He hastened to communicate the result
turned the following verdict " We, the jurors
: to his waiting, anxious wife, and afterward pro-
in this case, decide that Mr. Clark is justly en- ceeded to the tavern and got ingloriously
titled to a piece of land lying on the Du Page drunk over the result of his victorious suit.



history of the war of the
written by several of the ablest
rebellion has
some Boston gentleman, and presented
Boston Athensum for preservation, where they
to the

our country has produced as political econo- may now be found. Nest in order, exclusively
mists and authors ; and while these men have anti-slaver}', may be cited an oration upon the
given us the fundamental principles that ruled moral and political evils of slavery, delivered
in the issue, and even told how these principles at a public meeting of the Maryland Society for
gathered force in the councils of the nation, Promoting the Abolition of Slaverj July 4, 7

none of them have made an historical record of 1791, by George Buchanan. M. D., member of
the special events from the first, which, step by the American Philosophical Society, Baltimore ;

step, produced the cause for which the issue printed by Philip Edwards, 1793, and re-printed
came Nor have they biographically
into being. by Robert Clark & Co., Cincinnati, in 1873, as
sketched the men who were the instruments bj r
an appendix to an address by William F. Poole
which the great change in public opinion was on early anti-slavery opinions, delivered before
wrought, that finally became an " irrepressible the Cincinnati Literary Club in 1872. Dr-
conflict," to be decided by the sword only. Buchanan's oration was a forcible argument
This as yet unwritten chapter in history may be against slavery, for which he received a vote of
appropriately introduced here to precede the thanks from the society before whom it was de-
war record of Du Page County. livered. He was born near Baltimore, Septem-
Among the first American anti-slavery lit- ber 19, 1763, and died at Philadelphia of yellow
erature to be found since we became a nation fever in 1807, while in the discharge of his
are some tracts in the private library of George duties as a physician.
Washington, which library was purchased by In Jefferson's Notes on Virginia, which were
written in 1781-82, occur paragraphs condem- of the Virginia Abolition Society, said :
" Be-
ningalavery in forcible language, and canvassing lieve me I shall honor the Quakers for their noble
different plans for its extinction. In these sen- efforts to abolish slavery. * * * I believe
timents Mr. Jefferson was sustained by a very a time will come when an opportunity will be
respectable constituency of Southern men, offered to abolish this lamentable evil." The
among whom was George Wythe, of William first anti-slavery society took the name of the
and Mary College. society for the relief of free negroes unlawfully
Says Mr. Poole in his address already re- held in bondage. It met four times in 1775,
ferred to :
" There never has been a time since but on account of the Revolutionary war did
1619, when the first slave ship — a Dutch man- not meet again till February,
next 1781:, the
of-war — entered James River, in Virginia, when year after peace. Benjamin Franklin was Pres-
in our country there were not persons protest- dent and Benjamin Rush Secretary of this so-
ing against the wickedness and impolicy of the ciety in 1787.
African slave trade, and of the domestic slave A society in New York was established for
system. Slavery was introduced into the the manumission of slaves January 25, 1785,
American colonies against the wishes of the of which John Jay was President, and Alexan-
by the avarice of British traders, and
settlers der Hamilton his successor.
with the connivance of the British Government. The foregoing are only a few of the leading
In 1772, the Assembly of Virginia petitioned anti-slavery societies which sprung into exis-
the throne of England to stop the importation tence in the first half-century of our Govern-
of slaves, using language as follows :
We are ment. The American Colonization Society was
encouraged to look up to the throne and implore formed purpose of freeing slaves
in 1816, for the
your Majest3 -
's paternal assistance in averting and sending them to Africa, but this was found
a calamity of a most alarming nature. The to be of but little avail in the immense work to be
importation of slaves into the colonies from the accomplished. In 1827, there were 136 aboli-
coast of Africa hath long been considered as a tion societies in the United States, 106 of which
trade of great inhumanity, and under its present were in slave-holding States. Many of the
encouragement, we have great reason to fear, later established ones of these, were the result
will endanger the very existence of your Maj- of Benjamin Lundy's efforts, who was the main
esty's dominion." connecting link between the old societies
No notice was taken of the petition by the founded by the Revolutionary fathers and the
crown, from which it is manifest that slavery more modern Abolitionists, who revised the
was enforced upon America by the mother work that they begun, and carried it on to suc-
country. cess amidst a storm of abuse, and sometimes
Even while the first crude thoughts of the great personal violence.
American Revolution were revolving in the Mr. Lundy was a Hicksite Quaker, born
minds of our fathers, an anti-slavery society in New Jersey January 4, 17S9. In 1821,
was formed by the Quakers at Sun Tavern in he commenced the publication of The Gen-
Philadelphia, April 14, 1775. ius of Universal Emancipation at Mount
The next year, 1776, the Quakers disowned Pleasant, Ohio. This name to his paper was
such of their members as continued to hold borrowed from Grattan's eloquent speech on
slaves over the lawful age. the abolition of slavery in the British Do-
Patrick Henry in a letter dated January 18, minion. His paper was removed to Tennessee,
1773, to Robert Pleasants, afterward President where it was continued till it was again re-
moved to Baltimore in 1825, and afterward to number of the historical Liberator. He started
Philadelphia, where it was continued till de- without money, and did not have even an
stroyed by a mob at the burning of Pennsyl- office. In 1832, he visited England, where he
vania Hall in 1837. was well received by many of the leaders of
Mr. Lund}', then undaunted by the murder public opinion. When the American Anti-
of Elijah P. Lovejoy, went to Illinois to con- Slavery Society was organized at Philadelphia,
tinue the work he had begun there by resuming he took a prominent part in the work. He
the publication of the Genius, where his prede- lectured frequently, and was on one occasion
cessor had lost his life in the same cause. dragged through the streets of Boston by a
William Lloyd Garrison, William Goodell, mob for pleading the cause of the bondman.
Joshua Leavitt, Arthur Tappan and many Garrison was persecuted greatly, and the Gov-
other leaders of the anti-slaver}- movement owe ernor of Georgia once offered §5,000 for his
their convictions to Lundy's teachings. His arrest. The warfare he waged against slavery
paper was largely patronized by prominent was continued until the slaves were set free,

men in the Slave States. In an August num- and January 1, 1866, he published the last
ber of the Genius, 1825, a statement is made number of the Liberator. From that time till

showing that there were more subscribers to his death, which occurred May 24, 1879, he
the paper in North Carolina than in any other was engaged in writing on various lopics.
State. He died at Lowell, 111., August 22, 1839. Benjamin Franklin Wade was born in Spring-
William Lloyd Garrison was born at New- field,Mass., October 27, 1800. Like Garrison,
buryport, Mass., December 12, 1804, and when and many of the most eminent men of this
very young, his father died, and he was left to country, his early life was a struggle to obtain
the care of a Christian mother. When only —
an education a struggle which was success-
nine years old, he was apprenticed to a shoe- ful. In 1826, he began the study of law, and
maker, but found his health would not permit two years after, was admitted to the bar in
him to continue the trade. He then, after Ashtabula County, Ohio. In 1847, he was
some efforts to secure the advantages of an chosen Presiding Judge of the Third District
academy, became apprenticed to the publisher of the State, and in 1851 was elected United
of a paper in his native town, and, while learn- States Senator, and re-elected in 1857 and
ing this trade, kept up his studies and began 1863. In 1865, he became President pro tern,
to contribute forthe press. At the age of of the Senate and Acting Vice President of
twenty-four, he became editor and proprietor the United States. In March, 1867, he was
of a paper at Newburyport, but this enterprise elected President of the Senate. Senator Wade
was not a success. In 1827, he became editor was a strong anti-slavery leader, a stalwart
of a total abstinence journal in Boston, which Union man, and advocated the homestead bill
was unitedlater with a temperance and political for years, and it was in his charge that it
paper in Bennington, Vt. Subsequently, he finally passed through the Senate. He was a
united with Benjamin Lund}-, a Quaker, in the member of the San Domingo Commission, and
publication of The Genius of Universal Eman- favored the annexation of that island to the
cipation, at Athens, Ohio, where his uncompro- United States. His death occurred March 2,
mising spirit soon manifested itself, and Gar- 1878, at Jefferson, Ohio.
rison was imprisoned for libel. His fine was T. Allan was born in Middle Tennessee, and
paid by A. Tappan, and Garrison went to Bos- grew to manhood in Huntsville, Ala. In 1832,
ton, where. January 1. 1831, he issued the first he went to Lane Seminary at Cincinnati, Ohio,
<^JLcr-<UL Via^/k

and soon afterward took an active part in Elijah Parish Lovejoy, " American mar- first

slavery discussions by the students of that tyr to the freedom of the press and the free-
institution, always advocating abolitionism. dom of the slave," was born in Albion, Me.,
This banished him from his father's house in November 9, 1802 educated at Waterville
; ;

Alabama and also from Lane Seminary, to- went to St. Louis, Mo., in 1827 ordained in ;

gether with many other anti-slavery agitators 1834 became editor of the St. Louis Observer,

among the conscientious students. Mr. Allan a Presbyterian weekly. Required by the pro-
then took the lecture field, and became agent prietors of the paper to be silent on the sub-
of the anti-slavery society in Ohio and West- ject of slaverj*, he boldly claimed the rights of
ern New York and also in Illinois. For ten free speech and a free press was mobbed in

years this was his main work. He now lives St. Louis and St. Charles ; bought the paper ;

at Geneseo, 111. removed it to Alton, 111., where three presses

William Goodell, by profession a merchant, were destroyed by violence, and at length, on
converted also by Lundy in 1828, was the the night of November 7, 1837, while, by the
editor at the time of the National Temperance Mayor's order, defending his fourth, he was
Journal at Providence, R. I. He became a siiot by an armed mob. His murder roused
permanent editor of anti-slavery journals, the the North against slavery.
Friend of Man and Principia. He was the Rev. and Hon. Owen Lovejoy, a younger
main editor and supporter of the Gerrit Smith brother of Elijah P., born in Albion, Me., Jan-
doctrine of the unconstitutionality of slavery, uary 6, 1811. He vowed eternal hostility to
on which a section of the Liberty party was slavery over the dead body of his brother ; be-
formed. He died at Janesville, Wis., in 1879. came pastor of the Congregational Church of
Joshua Leavitt, born in the western part of Princeton, 111., in 1838 ; was elected to the
Massachusetts, a convert of Lundy's, a minister Illinois Legislature in 1854, to Congress in
by education and an editor by profession. He 1856, and for three succeeding terms died ;

published the Emancijiator, the organ of the while a member, in March, 1864, in Brooklyn,
national Abolitionists, after Garrison's disaffec- N. Y. He was a very able preacher had ;

tion. He was the leader in the foundation of wonderful magnetism as a political speaker
the Liberty party of 1840, which grew into the over the masses ; became a leader in Congress,
Republican party of 1860, of which Abraham asserting and maintaining the right of free
Lincoln became thefirst successful and official speech there, against clamorous opposition*
representative. Both the Eva.ngelist and the James G. Birney was born at Danville, Ky.,
Independent of New York have been under his February 4, 1792. He was the first Libert}'
editorial charge, and were indebted to him for party candidate for the Presidency was a ;

no small share of their influence as anti-slavery wealthy Southern slaveholder ; emancipated his
organs. He died at Brooklyn, N. Y., January slaves, and was editor of the Philanthropist at
16, 1873. Cincinnati, Ohio. His press was destroyed sev-
William Ellery Channing was born at New- eral times.He died at Perth Amboy, N. J.,
port, R. I., April 7, 1780. Coleridge said :
" He November 25, 1857.
had the love of Wisdom and the wisdom of Gammiel Baily, a physician by profession,
Love." In 1837, his efforts to abolish slavery succeeded Birney in editing the Philanthropist-
began. In 1841, his book on the subject was Re founded the National Era at Washington,
published, and had a wide circulation. He
contributed the sketch of both of the Love-
died at Bennington, Yt, October 2, 1842.
the paper that first gave to the world " Uncle Lucretia Mott, one of the earliest female anti-
Tom's Cabin." The Era had a great influence slavery orators —
a Quaker preacher— was born
in popularizing anti-slavery principles. Dr. on the island of Nantucket in 1794, and resided
Bail}' died in 1857 on a passage from Europe. through her active life in Philadelphia. She
John G. Whittier was born in Haverhill, Mass., was a friend and supporter of Lundy on his
December 17, 1807. He was a shoemaker by appearance as an agitator was afterward
first ;

trade, a Quaker in religion, and a poet by alike the friendand patron of Garrison. More
nature. He was an early friend of both Garri- than any other woman, should she be known as
son and Lundy, from whom his innate abhor- the female philanthropist of America, ranking
rence to human slavery was strengthened, and with Elizabeth Fry in England. She died at
he never ceased to use his able pen against it her home, near Philadlphia, in November, 18S0.
till emancipation was proclaimed. His other Lydia Maria Child, a celebrated woman, edi-
contributions to American literature have done tor and author, a most elegant writer. She
much to elevate its standard. His home is at edited the National State Slavery Standard, the
Amesbury, Mass. organ of the Garrison party. She wrote the
Arthur Tappan was born in Connecticut May famous book, " An Appeal for the African."
22, 1786. He became a wealthy New York She died in Massachusetts at a very great age,
merchant, well known throughout the whole in the spring of 1880.
country as the abolition merchant, whose store Sarah and Angelina Grimke, two sisters and
was shunned by the Southern trade. He founded converted slaveholders from Charleston, S. C.
the Emancipator ; helped to found Oberlin Col- They emancipated their slaves and came North
lege, and was ever ready to assist the great to reside, and were active co-workers with the
cause both with his influence and money. He Garrisonians of Boston. Angelina married
died July 23, 1865. Theodore D. Weld. They were both women of
Lewis Tappan, brother of Arthur, was born in talent, and devoted philanthropists.
Connecticut May 23, 1788. He was also a Theodore D. Weld became a student of Lane
wealthy New York merchant. He founded the Seminary in 1833, was a very eloquent orator
American Missionary Association, and was one and forcible writer. At one time, he seemed to
of the promoters of the National Era. He died be the literary author of the anti-slavery move-
July 21, 1873. ment. " Slavery as It Is " and the so-called
Charles Sumner was born in Boston, Mass., " Bible Argument " against slavery, works by
January 6, 1811. He was the successor of him, were the great guns of the moral conflict.
Daniel Webster in the United States Senate in He married Angelina Grimke, a fit help'meet in
1851, which place he retained by successive his anti-slavery mission.
elections till his death. During this long and Charles T. Torrey, a minister of the Congre-
exciting period in our country's history, he was gational Church and editor of the Tocsin of
one of the main pillars in the great anti-slavery Liberty, of Albany, and other papers ; the
fabric, which grew into maturity during his operator on the Underground Railroad ; was
Senatorial terms. His speech on the rendition arrested in Maryland for running off slaves ;

of Mason and was one of the most

Slidell convicted, sent to prison for and died in a

masterly arguments of his time, and settled the year in the Maryland State Prison. He was a
American mind in favor of Seward's policy in devoted Christian man and known now as the
delivering them up. Mr. Sumner died in Wash- Martyr Torrey.
ington, D. C, March 11, 1874. Samuel Lewis, a prominent anti-slavery man

of Ohio and eloquent lay preacher of the Meth- '

John Brown and Elihu Burritt. Gave his money

odist denomination. He was a member of the freely to aid the fugitives, and for John
Board of Education of the State. He was an Brown's Kansas work, for the support of the
effective orator, friend and supporter of Birney, temperance and anti-slavery cause, and gave
Bailey and Chase. awa3T land freely to colored men upon which
Salmon P. Chase was born in Cornish, N. H., to make for themselves farms. He died sud-
January 13, 1808. He was one of the founders denly in New York in 1874.
of the Liberty party, in 1848, a member of Elihu Burritt was born at New Britain,
the Buffalo Free-Soil Convention that nomi- Conn., December 8, 1811. He was a blacksmith
nated Van Buren for President. In 1849, by trade, and was known throughout the coun-
elected United States Senator from Ohio by The Learned Blacksmith." Besides his
try as "
a coalition of Democrats and Free-Soilers, and wonderful linguistic accomplishments, he was
made a record in the Senate as the uncom- a persistent searcher into the wants of the com"
promising enemy of slavery. He became Gov- mon people, and to this end made a tour
ernor of Ohio in 1855, and was re-elected in through England on foot. He was ever ready
1857, and was appointed Secretary of the in America to assist the abolition cause with
Treasury by Lincoln in 1861, which office he his logical pen as well as every other cause on
held three years, during which time the bank- the side of humanity against oppression. He
ing sj'stem now in use was founded, of which died at the place of his birth in March, 1 867.
he may be called the father. Upon the death Wendell Phillips, the great New England
of Chief Justice Taney, Mr. Chase was ap- orator, born in Boston in 1811, the most active
pointed by Mr. Lincoln to that position, Octo- of all the agitators; now alive and as aggressive
ber, 1864. The fourteenth amendment to the as ever in the path to which his tenacious con-
Constitution of the United States, which guar- science leads. His almost uuparalleled powers
anteed civil rights to the Freedman, was among of eloquence have become well known through-
the last of the public acts passed under his ad- out the country, and the fame of them is destined
vocacy. He died of apoplexy at the residence to pass into histor}'.
of his daughter, Mrs. William Hoyt, New York Frederick Douglas was a slave by birth,
City, May 7, 1873. who secured his freedom first by flight and
Joshua R. Giddings, the famous member of afterward by paying his master his commercial
Congress from Ohio, who pioneered the slavery value in cash to enable him to avoid being
agitation in that great conservative body, was victimized by the Fugitive Slave Law. He
born at Athens, Penn., October 6, 1795. His distinguished himself by writing a book en-
reputation for consistency and honesty as a titled " My Bondage and My Freedom," which
statesman was acknowledged throughout the had a wide circulation, and by some subtle and
country. He was appointed Consul General at secret methods, found its way into various parts
Montreal by Abraham Lincoln, where he died of the South, where it caused great commotion.
May 27, 1864. Mr. Douglas is now Recorder of Deeds in the
Gerrit Smith, a wealthy man of Central New District of Columbia.
York, born in 1798, the most noted philan- Jane Gray Swishelm was born in Pittsburgh,
thropist of the country. He was the head of Penn., December 6, 1815, descended from the
the intense organization in politics known as old Scotch Reformers, and also from the amia-
the Gerrit Smith's Liberty Party. He was a ble Lady Jane Gray, the nine days' Queen of
friend alike of the two extremes of action England. In January, 1848, she started the
Pittsburgh Saturday Visitor, a paper devoted the State was admitted into the Union, pub-
to various reforms, but especially to the anti- lished the Edwardsville Spectator from about
slavery cause. This paper supported Van 1820 to 1826, which at the time was the only
Buren when a Free-Soil candidate for the Pres- paper that opposed the introduction of slavery
idency as she says " to smash one of the great into Illinois. In that issue, he was a coadjutor
pro-slavery parties of the nation, and gain an of Gov. Coles, and first nominated him as a
anti-slavery balance of power to counteract the candidate for Governor. He was editor, in
slavery vote for which both contended." This 1841 and 1842, with Z. Eastman, of the Genius
paper, together with many other anti-slavery of Liberty. He died at the home of his
sheets, were the entering-wedge of disintegra- daughter at Mendota, in 1864. He was one of
tion to the political policy which had hitherto those who early shaped the anti-slavery move-
courted the favor of the slavery interest as in- ment in the West, from Hooper Warren,
despensable to success for they forced their
; through Lovejoy, on to the culmination of the
sentiments into the ranks of the old Whig party reform in the election of Abraham Lincoln,
till there was little left of it but a shell after which was manifestly the result of their ef-
its abolition element was brought to the sur- forts.
face. In the spring of 1857, Mrs. Swishelm Jonathan Blanchard, a native of Vermont,
established the Visitor at St. Cloud, Minn., soon took strong anti-slavery ground when he, a
afterward taking the lecture field as an aboli- young man, started out in life, armed with a
tionist. Her path was
a thorny one, but she college diploma and an uncompromising spirit
succeeded with her paper in spite of mobs and toward slavery and secret societies. He was
threats,and the old public functionaries of early associated with the abolition movement,
Minnesota recoiled before her oratorical and ed- and was outspoken as to the impolicy of slav-
itorial power, and finally sunk below the sur- ery when Henry Ward Beecher, his associate,
face to rise no more. stood on neutral ground, under the wing of his
In 1881, Mrs. Swishelm published her book venerable father, Dr. Lyman Beecher, of Cin-
entitled " Half a Century," which is a valuable cinnati. Mr. Blanchard was a settled pastor
record of the stirring time indicated in its title. over a church in Cincinnati in 1848, and, dur-
She now lives at Swissvale, near Pittsburgh, ing his residence at that place, held a debate
still vigorous in mind and body. with Rev. Dr. Rice, a pro-slavery minister of
Henry B. Stanton was one of the Lane Sem- his own denomination, which debate was pub-
inary students at the time of the anti-slavery lished in book form, and is now a kind of rare
excitement there. He was from Rochester, N. old relic sometimes found on second-hand
Y. He was a man of talent, a
fine speaker, booksellers' shelves, labeled " scarce," and sold
and soon took a prominent part in the Aboli- at an advance on its original price.
tion movement. His field of labor was mostly From Cincinnati, Mr. Blanchard removed to
in New England and New York. Some of the Galesburg, where he became President of Knox
time he was associated with James G. Birney. College, after remaining at which place a few
He was one of the originators of the Liberty years he came to Wneaton, and has been Presi-
party. He is still living, hale and hearty — dent of the college at this place till 1882, when
New York lawyer. he voluntarily resigned for his son Charles to
Hooper Warren, a native of Windsor, Vt, a take his place. He is still vigorous in mind,
printer by trade, and an editor by profession. with a positiveness of purpose whose limit has
The early anti-slavery man in Illinois when not yet been overtaken by his advancing years.

Ichabod Codding was bom in Bristol, Onta- cane for having broken a previous one over the
rio Co., N. Y., September 23, 1810. Secretary head of a slave-catcher. He was appointed by
Chase acknowledged him to be the greatest President Lincoln Judge of the Slave Trade
orator he ever heard. He was educated at Court at Sierra Leone. Died at Chicago in
Middlebury College, Vt, and came to Illinois 1877.
in 1842, by invitation of Mr. Eastman, to take Charles Durkee, residing at Kenosha, Wis.,
the lecture field in the anti-slavery agitation at was the first anti-slavery Congressman from
the West, and it is not too much to say that Wisconsin, and afterward United States Sen-
his influence in this growing locality had much ator. He wasa very effective man in the anti-
to do in developing that sentiment that made slavery cause in the early days of its agitation
it possible to nominate one of its sons to the in the Northwest. He was a member of the
Presidency of the United States. Mr. Codding Peace Congress at Paris in 1849.
died at Baraboo, Wis., June 17, 1866. Elihu B. Washburn, born at Livermore, Me.,
Zebina Eastman, born in Amherst, Mass., a September 23, 1816, was elected to Congress
printer by trade and an educated journalist, from Galena, 111., November, 1852, by the votes
having studied for that profession, he suc- of the Old Whig party and the Abolitionists who
ceeded Mr. Lundy, the pioneer, in editing his joined them. He took his seat in the Thirty-
paper In 1841, edited the
in Illinois, in 1839. third Congress in December, 1853, and to the
Genius of Liberty, with Hooper Warren. In utmost of his power resisted the passage of the
1842, removed to Chicago, by invitation of Dr. Kansas and Nebraska bill, and voted for every
C. V. Dyer and Philo Carpenter, and com- measure tending to the abolition of slavery.
menced the publication of the Western Citizen, In his eight subsequent elections to Congress,
then the only anti-slavery paper in the North- he received the entire abolition vote of his dis-
west, with the exception of the Philanthropist, trict.

at Cincinnati. The Citizen was continued till He was a strong advocate for the nomination
1855. He was a coadjutor with Elihu Burritt of Mr. Lincoln in 1860, and was his confiden-
in his League of Brotherhood and a member of tial friend and adviser during his administra-

the Peace Congress at Frankfort, Germany, in tion.

1850. He was appointed by Lincoln Consul at Was appointed Secretary of State by Gen.
Bristol in 1861. He now resides near Chicago, Grant in 1869, occupying that position but a
and is in the employment of the Government. short time, when he was sent as a minister to
The policy of the anti-slavery agitation shaped France, in March, 1869. He held this position
in the Citizen was in some sense distinct from eight and a half years, during which time the
the issues of the Eastern Abolitionists. It was Franco-German war took place.
more and for the restoration
definitely political He was charged with the protection of the
of the Declaration of Independence in the German nationalities in Paris and Frauce. He
Government, and was the policy on which anti- was recalled at his own request, in 1877, since
slavery principles triumphed in the election of which time he has resided in Chicago.
Mr. Lincoln. Edward Coles was the earliest and most dis-
Dr. Charles V. Dyer, the famous Abolitionist tinguished Abolitionist that ever lived in Illi-
of Chicago, and eminent as a manager of the nois, and was the second Governor of the State.
Underground Railroad, a noted wit and ever a He was born in Virginia in 1786. His father
pronounced active man. The colored people was a large slaveholder, and at his death be-
of Chicago presented him with a gold-headed queathed to him a plantation with a large num-
ber of slaves. Determining not to live in a or an address, on the intense points of the con-
slave-holding State, nor to hold slaves, he sold test then at issue. At the time of the attempted
his plantation, liberated all his slaves, giving enforcement of the fugitive slave law, he mani-
to each 160 acres of land in Illinois and re- fested a most fierce hostility to its enforcement
moved to Illinois in 1819. From his earliest and, at one time, he addressed a large concourse
childhood, he imbibed the most intense hatred of his fellow-citizens in Federal Hall, counseling
of slaver}', and devoted the earlier part of his effective passive resistence, while the corridors
life to the cause of abolitionism. He was of the hall were filled with files of United States
Governor of Illinois at the time of the colossal soldiers with fixed bayonets, ordered there to
and desperate struggle to make it a Slave preserve the peace and enforce the law. He de-
State, and all his official and personal influence and he declared that he should
fied the soldiery,

was wielded to defeat that great iniquity. march out between their files when he had closed
To him more than to any other man is Illinois his speech ! Horace Greeley, of the New York
indebted for being a free State. Tribune, was always among the most anxious
A sketch of Gen. Coles and of the slavery to publish the forcible productions of Theo-
struggle of 1823 and 1824, has been prepared dore Parker. He died at Florence. Italy, where
by Hon. E. B. Washburn, which will form a he had gone for the purpose of rejuvenating his
valuable contribution to early Illinois history. gradually perishing vitality on the 16th of Maj,
Gov. Coles died in Philadelphia in 1868. 1860. This strong and intellectually great man,
William Henry Seward was born in Florida, who had lived such an active life, expressed
Orange Co., N. Y., May 16, 1801. When the regret, when he came to die, that he had accom-
issue of a slavery or anti-slavery policy plished so little for humanity.
before the administration, he became an em- John Quincy Adams, the sixth President of
phatic anti-slavery advocate, and ever after- the United States, and son of the second Presi-
ward was faithful to that principle. He was dent, was one of the greatest statesmen and
the author of that forcible term, the "irre- remarkable men the countrj- has produced. He
pressible conflict," which, the sequel shows, was born at Quincy, Mass., July 11, 1867, and
was no empty name. He was appointed Sec- was a youth, and doubtless very much inspired
retary of State by Lincoln in 1861, and it is to b} the events, during the period of our Revo-

his able foreign policy that our nation owed lutionary war. He should be regarded as
the preservation of peace abroad during our among the most foremost of the anti-slavery
Rebellion. Mr. Seward died in Auburn, N. Y., men of the country, though he avowed no '

October 10, 1872. affinity with any of the organizations or sects

Theodore Parker, an independent Unitarian that grew out of the agitation. He was in fact

minister of Boston, almost initiated a new school the first political victim to the slave power
in theology, which might be styled the religion of the country, that for a generation slaugh-
of humanity, and was a very effective laborer tered its thousands of advanced men, and
in the anti-slavery cause, without attaching the manhood of millions of the politicians
himself to any of its sects. He was born at of the country ; for it was because he was not
Lexington, Mass., in 1812, on the consecrated a slave-holder, and was a man of the North
ground of the Revolution, and was the grand- more than anything else that he was de-

son of one of its early heroes, Capt. John Parker. feated for the Presidency for the second term by
During the time of the fierce anti-slavery agi- Andrew Jackson ; from this period the sectional

tation, he delivered occasionally a great sermon feeling for the protection of slavery took its

rise. Mr. Adams, after his return to Congress, Liberty party, though he was particularly con-
beginning a new career in political life, after he fidential with Benjamin Lundy and Joshua

had once run its course to the Presidency, be- K. Giddings, but worked on, partially in
came specially known as the champion of the sympathy with the party to which he nominally
right of petition ; a sacred political and civil belonged, in hostility to the Jackson party,
constitutional right, which had been smitten though himself an original Democrat, and the
down in the interest of slavery at the behest of last of the Jefl'ersonian Presidents.
the slave leaders. Mr. Adams, from his expe- very much alone, and, for many years, con-
rience in political from the beginning of the
life temned by all parties not apparently perceiv-

Government, and his once personal contact ing any ground for a voting opposition to slav-
with its influence, knew more than any other ery as an institution bulwarked in the reserved
man of the insiduous wiles of the growing rights of the States, and therefore
was not a
slave power, and he knew better than any and looking probably to
political Abolitionist,
other man how to combat it. His was an in- its extirpation by moral force alone, as dis-

dividual life of combat with that power, with- couraging as it then seemed to be. But to
out support from party or combination. The this wise man above his generation was given
conflicts with it is one of the sublimest mani- the foresight to predict the policy and the way
festations of the career of the politician and in which slavery was finally abolished by the
statesman the country has ever furnished and ; war power. Abraham Lincoln adopted the
in it he sought for no co-operation from any doctrine of John Quinej' Adams when he used
clique or combination, and seems to stand alone the war power of the nation to abolish slavery.
like the form of a giant, fighting for human It was this power, which John Quincy Adams
and constitutional rights of the fellow-men- portrayed in a great speech in 1836, as the
As he had good reason to suspect the iniquities only possible way in which the nation could
that were covered in the heap of meal, he reach slavery and put it out of existence. The
delved into the maturing plot, for the robbing slaveholders madly invoked that power, and
of Mexico of her province of Texas, and get- met its recoil in the destruction of their pet
ting special information from old Benjamin institution.
Lundy, who had traveled largely in Texas for Mr. Adams was suddenly stricken down,
the purpose of settling a colony of emancipated with his fighting armor on, on the floor of the
slaves there, he astonished the slave-holding Representative Hall, and taken to a committee
plotters and the nation at large by exposing in room, where he died in February, 1848, and his
a great speech in Congress in 1836 the whole last words were remarkable for so remarkable a
plan of securing the annexation of Texas for man — " This is the last of earth."
the purpose of extending the area of slavery, Cassius M. Clay, a native of Kentucky, and
as the programme was some years later liter- an early anti-slavery man of the South, who
ally carried out. Mr. Adams virtually defined made himself most odious in his native section
the slave power as a political combination, for his hostility to their cherished institution.
though he did not give it that name, when he He was born in Madison County, Ky., in 1811,
said that was a power in American politics
it " and is still alive. He edited, in 1845, the
that governed the Government." True American, an anti-slavery newspaper in
He gave no special encouragement to any Lexington, at the time of the most intense ex-
plan of political action in hostility to slavery ;
citement. He defended his press against the
gave no special countenance to Garrison or the mob spirit by the well-known efficiency of his

tried rifle ; but being prostrated by severe ill- 111., and became pastor of the First Congrega-
ness, the mob improved the opportunity, and tional Church. He died at Ottawa, 111., March
they broke up his newspaper establishment and 21, 1860, at the house of his son, B. C. Cook,
shipped the fragments of his material out of where he speut the last fifteen years of his life.

the State. Horace Greeley, who was foremost Horace Greeley was bora in Amherst, N. H.,
in encouraging him, published a volume of his February 3, His father removed to West
anti-slavery speeches in 1848. Haven, Vt., when Horace was but ten years old,
John P. Hale, born in Rochester, N. H., where, between the ills of poverty and intemper-
March 31, 1806, and died soon after his return ance which were ever present with the father,
from Madrid as United States Minister, under the education of the son was sadly neglected ;

Abraham Lincoln, November 19, 1873. He is but the young child of fortune possessed by
distinguished as the leading politician under nature the wherewithal to educate himself, as
the Liberty party, and was that party's candi- he paddled his own canoe through the waves of
date for the Presidency after James G. Birney, the great sea of life. At the age of fifteen, he
until it was merged into the Republican party. was apprenticed to the printing business, after
He is known as the first successful rebel against learning which trade he went to New York, ar-
the slave power, he at that time being a nom- riving in August, 1831. Here he worked at his

inee of the Democratic party for Congress ; op- trade till June 1, 1833, when he became one of
posed the annexation of Texas was stricken ;
the proprietors of the Morning Post, the first

out of the party roll of candidates and the ; penny daily ever published in America. On
people taking him up, he was elected United March 22, 1834, the New Yorker was started
States Senator. He was first nominated for with Mr. Greeley as editor. In the stirring
the Presidency by the Western Citizen of Chi- times of 1840, he published the Log Cabin, a
cago, in 1858, and about six months after was campaign paper in the interest of Gen. Har-
indorsed by the National Liberty Party Con- rison's election to the Presidency, and the next
vention. He was a genial, jovial man, and year he commenced the publication of the New
very much annoyed the Southern Senators by York Tribune, which paper he planted deep in

his pungent criticisms. He was the first anti- the estimation of every thinker in America, in-

slavery man in the Senate, followed afterward cluding not only political economists, but even
by his coadjutors, Chase, Seward, Fessenden erratic dabblers in every species of reform, or

and the corps of noble men that in time came whatever was claimed to be such all had their —
to the front, to be the supporters of Lincoln in "say" in the columns of the Tribune. Of
his arduous responsibilities as the emancipator course, slavery became a target for his keenest

of 4,000,000 of slaves. darts, and from the first to the last of the con-
Rev. C. Cook, Congregational minister, was flict between the slavery and anti-slavery in-
bora in Vermont in 1778, graduated at Middle- terest he never ceased to "pour hot shot" into

bury College in 1808, preached in the State of the ranks of the enemies of universal freedom,
New York till 1837 : made an anti-slavery ar- all more effective because Mr. Greeley him-

gument in the Presbyterian General Assembly selfwas free from any entanglements to cripple
at Philadelphia, in 183G. He settled at Henne- his own action, having no alliances with any

pin, 111., in 1837, and gave anti-slavery lectures party whose interests could be compromised by
in various parts of the State in 1838 and 1839, the downfall of slavery. Under his masterly

often being the victim of mob violence. pen, the Tribune soon took the highest rank in
In 1840, he removed to Aurora, Kane Co., American journalism, and its circulation was
not exceeded by any other paper, although it in peace under a belief that they would soon be
was interdicted in many of the Southern States, glad to come back into the Union, but he did
where, could its editor have been found, he not long hold to this theory, and advocated a
would have been lynched on the spot. vigorous prosecution of the war.
When the convention of 1860 met at Chicago Omitting a record of his acts till 1872, let us
to nominate a Republican candidate for Presi- look on both sides of the question which made
dent of the United States, all eyes were turned him accept the nomination of the Democrats to
toward Mr. Greeley, who seemed to hold the key be run by them as their candidate for the Presi-
to the situationnor was this hypothesis a false
; dency. First, he did not accept a plank in
one. At that time, there were substantially their platform which could in any way, even by
but two candidates in the field Seward and — implication, compromise his life-long teachings
Lincoln. Mr. Seward stood high in the estima- of Whig and Republican doctrines. The whole
tion of his party both East and West, and his Democratic party virtually abandoned their
record was untarnished by any political act that ground and threw themselves at his feet — he
would not bear the closest scrutiny. Moreover, whom they had ever affected to despise. As
he was well versed in all the affairs of State, far as the substance went, this "was a sufficient
having been Governor, Senator and Foreign vindication of Mr. Greeley's course; but, in
Minister, and his soundness on the vital issues theory, it looked otherwise to many who had

essential to the fulfillment of the Republican been his friends. He was accused of apostacy,
doctrines was not to be questioned. These and made the butt of unsparing ridicule beyond
qualifications would seem to give him an assur- the power of his hitherto philosophic mind to
ance of success, and would certainly have done bear. He sank rapidly beneath his load of
so but for the influence of Mr. Greeley. Some humiliation, and died shortly after the election
years before this period, a rupture broke out a victim to despair.
between Mr. Seward and Mr. Greeley, growing His funeral was one of the most impressive
out of a complaint on the part of the latter that ever known in New York, and every tongue
the former had neither appreciated nor re- that, but a few days before had spoken ill of him

warded him for his services in the great Whig was now softened into charit}' for him who had
cause, in which the two were co-workers. As —
ever been the great the honest the fearless —
to this quarrel between these two distinguished mouthpiece of the Republican party.
and estimable statesmen, the public were, in the John G. Fee was born in Bracken County,
main, reticent, but, at the convention of 1860, Ky., in 1816. When a young man, he was
itwas in vain that Mr. Seward's friends tried ostracized by his pareuts for advocating anti-
to win over the great journalist —
he cast his in- slavery sentiments. He organized three
fluence in favor of Mr. Lincoln, and turned anti-slavery societies in the face of fierce op-
the scale. position, and, continuing his efforts in this

In this sketch of Mr. Greeley, it would be un- direction, he became the victim of violent
timely to state the conditions that placed Mr. mobs in 1856 and later. He was repeatedly
Lincoln in a position so high that only Mr. threatened with death if he did not leave the
Greeley's influence was necessaiy to make him State, but still he continued his labors. Dur-
the winner over the great statesman opposed to ing the war, he helped to establish various col-
him, and we will pass to the next point in Mr. ored schools in Kentucky. He was one of the
Greeley's life. When the rebellion broke out, founders of Berea College, and is now pastor
he first proposed to let the seceding States go of a church at that place.

John Brown was born in Torrington, Conn^ the edge of his sword for new encounters i

May 9, 1800, of good old Puritan stock, being the slave power, against which his whole life

fifth in descent from Peter Brown, who landed and soul and strength was pitted, and he laid

in the Mayflower in 1620. As a boy, he was his plans accordingly.

an industrious, muscular, hardy and a capable He had read of insurrections among slaves,

worker in the great hive of industry that char- and fully believed that if a respectable nucleus

acterized the age of his youth. But he never of strength could be established in their midst,
was a boy except in years, for he felt the an army could soon be improvised from them,
responsibilities of manhood from a tender age. who would gather force, like, a whirlwind, and
From his earliest recollections he entertained a sweep through the South. Under this belief,
great aversion to slavery, and, in 1854, this so inspiring to his hungry soul, he contemplated
trait in his character began to take action as seizing the United States Arsenal at Harper's
the Kansas border opened a field for it. Four Ferry, where from 100,000 to 200,000 stand of
of his sons had settled there, eight miles from arms were usually stored.
the village of Osawatomie, near the border. He was about a year maturing his plans, and
Here they became an object of great aversion all things being ready on his part, he, at the
to the border ruffians from Missouri on their head of twenty-two men, seventeen of whom
father's account as well as their own, being were white and the remainder colored, made the
Free-State men, and, in obedience to their call, attack at 10 o'clock Sunday night, on the 16th
their fathercame the next year 1855— with — of October, 1859. The three watchmen of the
arms and ammunition to defend them. During arsenal were taken prisoners, and the town of
the next year, he had several successful en- Harper's Ferry fell into his hands. Private
counters with the pro-slavery raiders who houses were entered, and arms found therein

came across the line to commit depredations were taken. The next morning, he had sixty
on the Free-State men, and soon gained a repu- prisoners in his camp, many of whom were work-
tation which made him hated and feared by his men in the employment of the United States.
adversaries in the irregular style of warfare As soon as the temporary stupor caused by
that was then going on in Kansas. Thirty his audacity had passed away, the citizens of
men were now under his command at Osawat- the surrounding county began to gather to the
omie, and were suddenly attacked hy a force scene, while, unfortunately for Brown, no recruits
of five hundred Missourians. Their advance came to his standard except six or eight slaves
was so sudden that half of his men were cut who had been compelled to do so. An attack
off and taken but, with the remainder, Brown
was now made upon the arsenal, which was kept
made a glorious retreat, fighting his pursuing up till the next day at noon, with losses on both
arm}' as he fled before them, and inflicting sides.

severe losses upon them. For this gallant Brown's forces were now all killed or mortally
action he gained the sobriquet of "Osawat- wounded but three, who still held the engine
omie Brown." house to which they had taken refuge. At 7
Six weeks later, he held command of the o'clock, the door of their "last resort" was
forces to defend Lawrence against a greatly su- battered in, when Brown, still fighting with the
perior force of the enemy ;
but the latter dared courage of Charles XII at Bender, fell beneath
not make the attack against so obstinate a a sabre stroke, receiving two bayonet thrusts
leader. after he was down, and the victory over this

These exciting events only served to whet strange man was won.

Now came his greatest triumph. Senator A Lane Seminary may be con-
brief sketch of
Mason, of Virginia, and Gov. Wise confronted sidered show the growing
as exernplaiy to
him but his bearing was dignified and cheer-
anti-slavery sentiment thatwas destined first
ful. Nor did he lose those masterly qualities to split asunder churches, colleges and ulti-
of his mind, which challenged the respect of his mately, for a time, the nation itself. It was

enemies even till his death. His trial was put established at Cincinnati in 1832 as a theo-
off till the 31st on account of his weakness from logical school, when theology by many people
his wounds. in America recognized slavery as a patriarchal
In the defense which followed, he refused to institution, justified inthe Old Testament by
allow his counsel to put in the plea of insanity, precedent and not explicitly forbidden by the
but he placed his defense solely on the moral new. Dr. Ionian Beecher was President of this
points in the case,and firmly justified his course institution,and Calvin E. Stone held the chair
to the last. He was found guilty by the court of Professor of Biblical Literature, and it was

of the several charges brought against him, and the first kind established in the West on
of its

hung on the 2d of December. a footing of the first grade. It was patronized

During the preparations, he was the calmest by the best representatives of the orthodoxy of
one of the thousands assembled to witness the the country. But, unfortunately for Lane as
last end of this hero. for other " solid " institutions of the country,
That he was an offender against the laws of there was at that time subtly creeping into the
Virginia no one can question, and his justifica- public conscience a disintegrating " heresy,"
tion by the almost entire press and people of so called, and the very attempts that the found-
the North was one of the many proofs that the ers of these various institutions made to sub-
" germ
higher law is stronger than any that man can due the " heresy (while in the cell) only
make when the public will demands its exe- served to cultivate it into a vigorous growth.
cution. What could these perplexed fathers do in this
" John Brown's body lies moldering in the dust dilemma? If they gave full freedom to the
His soul is marching on I" young mind to discuss anti-slaveiy sentiments,
became the song of the war, to be chanted by the sturdy old leaders both in church and in
thousands of voices in concert, falling upon un- State would be obliged to come in collision with
willing ears like the voice of a ghost, as the the interests of their Southern associates, whose
Northern soldiers marched through the South. tenacity as advocates for slavery forbids its

He drew the first blood in the war that was merits to be questioned under penalty of the
hastened b} T
his death, and only began in a severance of all ties of friendship and alliance.
small way, what was soon to be carried on un- Hence, free discussion must be forbidden, in
der the forms of law on a far grander scale. order to retain the good will and patronage of
His widow visited Chicago in August, 1882, southern co-workers in religion as well as poli-

and was received with public honors. tics.

Charles G. Finney was born in Litchfield, Pending this dilemma, in Lane Seminary
Conn., August 29, 1792— died in Oberlin, Ohio, many of its earnest students became thoroughly

August 16, 1875 became President of Oberlin convinced of the impolicy and wickedness of
College in 1852, and held the position till 1866. slavery through the teachings of Garrison, as
The college over which he presided was noted well as by the discussions in their own lyceum
for being a nursery of Abolitionists, from its on the subject, and formed themselves into an
first organization, under his rule. anti-slavery society. When the preamble and
resolutions of this society were read to their stitution ? Let all who answer in the negative
President, the venerable father acknowledged rise to their feet." Three-fourths of the stu-
the truth and force of them, but averred that it dents promptly rose and bade good-by to Lane,
was untimely to agitate the subject, and in- leaving her with a mill-stone around her neck
from so doing.
sisted that the}* should desist that soon sunk her to rise no more, and her
This requisition the zealous students refused fate became that of all parties, politicians and
to comply with, but published their sentiments institutions that only know enough to step in
to the world through the press. The matter other people's tracks and follow them to de-
now became serious. Many papers took sides struction, because they happen to be big ones.
one way or the other, and the students unex- And here it may be meet to say that repub-
pectedly became famous. They were extolled I lican institutions, to be consistent with their
as heroes b}* the Abolitionists, and branded as |
principles, should accept no political rule or
fools, and threatened with mob violence by the dogma or faith, except on its positive merits,
Kentucky slaveholders and their Cincinnati regardless of what interested parties may say
friends. The Trustees of Lane Seminary be- or pretend to. As long as they do this, and
held the opening of this issue with consterna- dispense even-handed justice to every interest
tion. Lane Seminar}* was a " hot-bed of aboli- and every individual, so long will such a gov-
tionism." went forth the cry. Summary meas- ernment stand, if it is to the end of time, and
ures must be taken to arrest this impression it is not too much to add that no government,

so fatal to the success of this institution. Ac- of whatsoever form, ever went into decadence
cordingly,new rules were made the students ; that had not by its contempt for the rights of
must not make public addresses against slavery its own subjects, deserved first their apathy and
must disband their anti-slaverj society, and the
lastly their antagonism.
executive committee were empowered to dis- Rufus Lumry was of French Huguenot an-
charge any student from the institution with- cestry. He was born in Rensselaerville, N. Y., at
out notice or Tyranny over minds could
trial. the close of the last century. He united with
go no further. All but the victims of this gag the Methodists, and became a minister among
law were satisfied, and in their transcient hour them at his maturity. In 1835, he took radi-
of triumph the authors of it thought they had grounds at Princeton, 111., for
cal anti-slavery
settled the whole matter. It is justice to the which he was arraigned before the conference
memory of Asa Mahan, one of the Trustees, and required to desist. This his conscience
to state that he protested against these despotic forbade, and he severed his connection with the
rules, but he was powerless to prevail against church and joined the Wesle3'ans. Subse-
them. He then informed the students of the quently he was condemned to suffer death on
substance of these laws, and heartily sympa- board a steamboat, for preaching abolition
thized with them in opposition to them. sentiments, and given half an hour for prep-
The first step taken by the Trustees under aration. He was calmer than his accusers, for
the new regulations was to make an order to he told them he was ready, but would not re-

dismiss Theodore D. Weld and W. T. Allan lent, while they reconsidered and did not kill

from the institution, whereupon H. B. Stan- him. He was a co-worker with Owen Lovejoy,
ton, then a student of Lane, and since Secre- Z. Eastman, I. Codding and others, and with
tary of War, called the attention of the students them was kicked, buffeted and despised b}' the
to the situation, saying, " The question now is, populace. The year 1862 found him in Colo-
can we, under the new laws, remain in the in- rado, pursuing his work of reform, where he

was accidental \y drowned iu crossing a mount- ster was one of these. He identified himself
ain torrent. with the agitators, and was reproved by the
H. H. Hinrnan was born in Connecticut in professors ofAndover for it, and even rebuked
1822, graduated at Willoughby Medical Col- for walking arm in arm with Rev. A. A. Phelps
lege in 1846; came to Illinois in 1819, was or- because he was a coworker with Thompson.
dained to the ministry and went as a mission- Mr. Webster left the seminary with its parting
ary to Africa in 1860. In 1866, he returned blessing, cum grano, and soon after delivered
and labored as a home missionary in Wiscon- an abolition lecture, getting pay for the same
sin till 1S73, and the next year came to Wheat- in eggs, unsavorj' as they were, hurled at his
on, 111. His first vote for President was for head. He next became pastor of a Congrega-
Birney in 1841. He always took radical tional Church at Hopkinton, Mass., and during
ground on the slavery question, advocating its his long term there, advocated the cause of the
universal and unconditional abolition by the slave and became President of the American
Government. He helped organize the first Church Anti-Slavery Society, the object of
Republican party, and start their first paper in which was the exclusion of pro-slavery senti-
Livingston County. He always assisted fugi- ments from the church. From that day to the
tive slaves to get their liberty, and did not con- present, he has been true to the cause, and like
sider himself a violator of law by so doing, as other Abolitionists has become noted for what
he looked upon all laws to enslave them as void. was once considered a weakness, and he has
He believes in Divine Law as the true basis of recently been honored with the title of D. D.
civil law — in the prohibition of the liquor His home is Wheaton, 111.

traffic —the suppression of secret societies, and James B. Walker is one of the well-preserved
the substitution of international arbitration for specimens of the pioneer preacher, editor and
war. Mr. Hinman's home is in Wheatou, 111. Abolitionist, so few of whom are now among us
J. C. Webster. The pastorates of ministers in to take us back to early days when men had
" ye olden time," were longer than thej' are now. not sought out so many inventions to subordi-
Rev. Josiah Webster presided over his flock at nate true merit to the control of pretentious
Hampton, N. H., about thirty years, and during purposes. He was born in Philadelphia in July,
this term of ministerial service, his son, Jesse 1805, but by the death of his father, which took
C. Webster, was born. It was in January, 1810. place before his birth, his mother was thrown
From him he inherited his Congregationalism, into the generous household of her parents, who
and his love for the ministerial calling. Even lived twenty miles from Fort Pitt (now Pitts-

in that day, slavery was abhorred by benevolent burgh), and here young James' first resolutions
men, and young Jesse also inherited this sen- fastened upon his childish mind to live, and
timent from "his father, who, with prophetic vis- grow from the log cabin in which he dwelt to
ion, said that slavery was destined to be " blot- the varied positions which he has honored in
ted out in blood." his long and eventful life

Mr. Webster graduated at the theological He began his career clad in garments spun,
institution at Andover About this
in 1832. woven, s cut and made by his mother, on the
time, a member of the British Parliament came frontier with the first rudiments of science dis-
to the place to lecture, named George Thomp- tilled into his mind in a log schoolhouse by a

son. To the conservative element, he was a pedagogue with a rod in one hand and a spell-

fire-brand, but many conscientious young men ing-book in the other, and when the former was
did not view him in that light, and Mr. Web- once used on him, Mr. Walker still remembers

the rueful looks and illy- concealed indications Scotch Secession Church, of which his mother,
of sympathy which little Sarah Trovillo mani- whose home was now at Pittsburgh, was
fested on the occasion, which a thousand-fold a member. Mr. Walker speaks of early
atoned for the disgrace of the whipping which it was then, as follows
Methodism, as " The :

only hurt for a few minutes, while Sarah's inno- men wore a coat of the Quaker form,
cent regrets often call back the flowers of spring and the women all wore the Quaker, or
to blossom again in midwinter. Methodist bonnet. To be a Methodist in those
Having graduated at this school, young days, was to come out from the world in a
James was set to work in a nail factory in sense not understood at the present time.
Pittsburgh, where he passed the red-hot iron When a young woman was converted, all orna-
rods from the furnace to the workmen. While ments were laid aside."
thus employed, a benevolent gentlemen, visiting While at work on the Gazette, Mr. Walker
the shop, saw something in him that attracted says he sent a contribution to the Evening
his attention, and gave him a silver half-dollar. Post, of Philadelphia, which was rejected, but

It made him feel richer than he has ever felt he reserved the same for publication in a paper
since. of his own, which acquisition —long ago a
During these tender years, Mr. Walker says reality — seemed even then a distant possibility
he felt afraid to pass the house of a certain in his ambitious imagination.
blacksmith in the night because he was an infi- Mr. Walker's next change was to go to New
del. York City. He made the journey on foot— 300
Having remained at work in the nail factory miles in ten days, carrying his pack swung
till the din of hammers there impaired his from a staff across his shoulder.
hearing for a time, he was mercifully taken From thence he went to Philadelphia, and,
from the place and set to work as a store boy like Benjamin Franklin a century before him,
at Hookstown, near the borders of Virginia. •

followed type-setting. After remaining here

It was a rough place, and was universally ! awhile, he again returned to New York, and
known by the epithet of " The Devil's Half obtained employment for a short season, in the
Acre." Mr. Walker speaks of the disgusting capacity of clerk for the celebrated M. M.
scenes of drunkenness and fighting that he saw Noah, who had established the first daily paper
during his two years' residence at the place, ever issued in New York. Its first name was

sometimes disfiguring and crippling those en- Noah's Ark, which was subsequently changed
gaged in them for life. to the Courier and Enquirer. His term of
The next change in the life of young Walker service, however, soon ceased with Mr. Noah,
was to apprentice him to Messrs. Eichbaum & as he sold out his paperand became Judge of
Johnston, who published the Pittsburgh the Court of Sessions. On
parting with young
Gazette — the newspaper published West of
first Walker, he gave him a letter recommending
the Alleghany Mountains. It was edited by him to Mr. Booth, a celebrated star actor. His

Morgan Neville. This occupation opened up a son, in 1865, was the murderer of Abraham
new field for the genius of the young lad, whose Lincoln. Mr. Booth treated the young appli-
talents had hitherto been wasted on pursuits cant with deserved attention, but informed him
for which he was neither mentally nor physic- j
that there were so many applicants from young
ally fitted. Here he remained five years, in j
men wishing to try their fortunes on the stage,
which time he learned the printer's trade, that he could not give him any encourage-
and received the religious teachings of the ment.
Mr. Walker's means now became exhausted, the building. He was not molested on his
and he sold a cloak to get money to pay a retreat —perhaps her presence saved him.
washing bill. He crossed the ferry to Hobo- After graduating at this college, he was
ken, and started into the country on foot, not employed as editor of the Ohio Observer, at
knowing whither he was going. He was soon Cleveland. Subsequently. Mr. Walker removed
overtaken by a farmer, who gave him an invi- to Cincinnati, where he established a religious
tation to ride. In conversation with him, he paper, The Watchman, under the patronage of
learned that a schoolmaster was wanted in his the Synods of Ohio, Cincinnati and Indiana.
district. He obtained the situation, and with Dr. Stowe. Jonathan Blanchard and J. Benton
it relief. Mr. Walker, having finished his en- engaged to obtain 1,600 subscribers for his
gagement, subsequently returned to the West paper. Dr. Beecher and Dr. Stowe were then
and bought a half-interest in the Western professors in Lane Seminary at Cincinnati
Courier, a paper published in the Western which was thoroughly pro-slaveiy and ulti- ,

Reserve, Ohio. mately went down under the teachings of abo-

Soon after this, he made the acquaintance of litionism. Meantime. Mr. Walker did not tone
John Brown, Theodore Weld and other early down his editorials as to the subject of slavery
Abolitionists, and espoused the cause in which in the columns of the Watchman, though he
these men were engaged, in which cause he was requested to do so by some of its time-
was the victim of a determined mob at Hud- serving supporters.
son, Ohio, while he was a student at the West- While engaged in these editorial duties, he

ern Reserve College at the place, which was wrote and published his book, •'
Plan of Sal-
shortly after his connection with the Western vation." It has been translated into six lan-
Courier. He had been invited to give an anti- guages, and is a text book in the Theological
slavery lecture at the Congregational Church. j
institutions of Europe and America.
It was known beforehand that violence would This was the crowning work of his life, but
be resorted to to prevent it, and the preacher, since that time he has been pastor of a church
either through fear or from other motives, did in Mansfield and Sandusky. Ohio, and latterly

not attend. He might have been like the ;

Professor of Mental Science at Wheaton Col-
hunter who saw an animal in the woods that, lege, his preseut home, where he is now enjoy-

in the bushes, looked some like a calf and I

ing a green old age. beloved by all. but most
some like a deer, and prudentially fired at it by those who know him best. He has no chil-
with such an aim as to miss it if a calf and |
dren. but has adopted, raised and educated
hit it if a deer. In like manner, many preachers I thirteen, and fitted them for responsible posi-

took safe ground in the pioneer days of aboli- tions in life.

tionism. But, whatever were the motives of Washington and Adams belonged to the
the minister in question, his wife nailed her old Federal party. Jefferson, though in har-

colors to the masthead and boldly took her i

mony with them as to the fundamental prin-
seat in the church. Young Walker - laid on ciples of Government, yet through his excessive

heavy and unsparing. The mob outside hurled zeal for the broadest forms of liberty, laid a deep
stones, battered the doors, broke in all the foundation for a departure from the old Fed-
windows, and, not content with this, threw fire eral conservative policy. He was radical, san-
through the apertures. By this time the audi- guine, and his mind was ready to indorse the
ence had all fled, but Mr. Walker and the hero- verdict of popular convictions, even though
ine wife of the minister were the last to leave sometimes perhaps hasty and ill digested. It
was clue to his diplomacy and his public policy and in the State of Illinois this policy gained
combined, that the declaration of the war of its firstsubstantial success politically, and set
1812 was made against England, which declar- in motion a train of events as to State policy,
ation was in violation of the sentiment of New that soon found its way into the national policy.
England, as history abundantly proves. He The circumstances are these :

had been Minister to France during the tran- Soon after the murder of Lovejoy at Alton,
sient glories of the Republic, which succeeded a meeting was called at Chicago, not as a direct
her revolution of 1798, and his sympathies be- abolition meeting, but to characterize the ac-
ing entirely with her he never lost an occasion tion of the mob that killed him as a blow aimed
to give England a thrust in the conflict that against the constitutional right of the freedom
followed between her and France, and our of the press.
declaration of war against England helped Rev. F. Bascom (now living at Downer's
France, besides settling old scores on our own Grove), the late Dr. C. V. Dyer, Philo Carpen-
account. ter and Calvin DeWolf (now living at Chicago)
The war won nothing in theory, but more were the leading spirits of this meeting. A
than any one could have hoped for in practical watch was kept outside, lest a mob might assail
results and military glory. Jackson's victory them during their deliberations, but no one
at New Orleans, though achieved after peace molested them.
had been signed, placed him at the head of the This was the first meeting ever held in Chi-
accumulating force that was gathering strength cago that called in question the right of any-
in opposition to the old Federal policy of Wash- body to oppose slavery agitation by any means-
ington, and when these two forms were arrayed fair or foul.
against each other with John Quincy Adams, As has
already been recorded in the biog-
the standard-bearer for the time-honored policy raphy of Benjamin Lundy, he came to Illinois
of his father, and Gen. Jackson the exponent of after the death of Lovejoy, and established a
the Jeflersonian policy, the latter won the day. paper in defense of constitutional rights.
Jackson became President, and the beloved After his (Lundy's) death in 1839, his paper
champion of popular rights par excellence. was continued by Hooper Warren and Z.
Under him the Democratic party became strong Eastman, the latter now a resident of May-
and invincible, till an issue came up bound to wood, Cook Co., 111.
crush all partisan organizations. Meantime In 1840, an Anti-slavery Presidential ticket
the Western States were rapidly being settled, was formed in Illinois, in Fulton County, with
and were destined become the base of oper-
to James Birney as standard-bearer. Here was
ations, from which the champions of each side the beginning ; but more practical results,
of the final issue between slavery and anti- through Illinois men, followed
due course. in
slavery should inaugurate their policy, and Warren and Eastman's paper was continued
put their respective machinery in motion. at La Salle, on the same press that the old vet-
The Whig party, whose success had been but eran Lundy had consecrated to the cause, till
was going to seed. It had in its ranks
transient, 1842, when Rev. F. Bascom invited Mr. East-
too many Abolitioniststo live permanently, man come to Chicago, Dr. Dyer being the
besides its banking policy had been disastrous bearer of the invitation. It was accepted, and
to the country. But a new party rose into Mr. Eastman transferred his type and presses
prominence out of the teachings of the men thither the same year (1842), and continued the
whose brief biographies have just been given, paper under the name of the Western Citizen.
e^T^y^y &6%Zy

On declaring its policy, the Citizen said This signal defeat for the Democrats never was
" We see no reason why our Government should recovered from ;
Mr. Washburn's heavy blows
be overturned, our Constitution trampled under fell with great force upou the party to which
foot or the Union dissolved, or why the church he was opposed, and will descend into history
* * * as a monument to perpetuate the memory of
organizations should be destroyed.
We wish it understood that our course is re- Illinois as the vanguard in the new order of
formatory, and not destructive." things about to take place. The Liberty party
Icabod Codding soon became associated with by this time held the situation in their own
Mr. Eastman, and took the field as lecturer. hands. Not that they outnumbered the Demo-
Chief Justice Chase said he was the most elo- crats, but because they held the balance of
quent orator he ever heard. The widow of Mr. power. The Whigs could do nothing without
Codding is still living at Lockport, 111. them, and spread their sails to their breezes.
A convention was soon held in Chicago, at They were potent in the Legislature, for these,
Chapman's Hall, on the southwest corner of too, they held the balance of power, and from
La Salle and Randolph Streets, at which the this time onward they continued to circumvent
new party sat in council, recognizing not only their opponents till strong enough to take the
the usual methods of propagating their senti- field alone in their own name and with their
ments, but recognizing the Underground Rail- own strength. Mr. Douglas' term in the South
road as a means worthy to be used. From this being about to expire, a new election was nec-
time henceforward, the Liberty party always essary in 1858. His joint debate with Mr.
put candidates in the field for State elections Lincoln at that time is still fresh in the minds
and for Congress as fast as the principles of of Illinois citizens. Mr. Douglas was elected
the party gained a foothold in Congressional by a majority of eight votes in the House of
districts. Representatives, which decided the election by
The Wilmot Proviso, the Nebraska Bill, their vote, but Mr. Lincoln had a majority of
Squatter Sovereignty, Fugitive Slave Laws, Re- 4,000 popular votes in the State, and won the
peal of the Missouri Compromise, John Brown's laurels during this debate that made him can-
Raid, and the Dred Scot Decision followed in didate for the Presidency in 1860.
their immutable train and augmented agitation An anecdote is told of Mr. Lincoln concern-
till two great Illinois champions were brought ing his supposed temerity in running against
into the arena destined, the one to rend asun- Mr. Douglas for the Senate, as follows : An
der the Democratic party, and the other to be inquirer says to him :
" You don't expect to
the representative of the new part}' that was to beat Douglas, do you ?" To which Mr. Lincoln
rise into being amidst the din and strife and responded that it was with him as it was with
contending emotions that racked the brains of the boys who made an attack on a hornets'
politicians opposed to moral sentiment. nest. " What do you expect to do, boys ?"

While numerical force was centering into the You don't expect to take that hornets' nest, do
hands of the Liberty party during these years, you ?" " We don't know that we shall exactly
the old Whig party still kept up its organiza- take it," replied the boys, " but we shall be-
tion. Hon. E. B. Washburn was one of their devil the nest." So said Mr. Lincoln, " If we
number, and owed his first election to Con- don't capture Douglas, we shall bedevil his
gress to votes from the Liberty party, who nest."
joined with the Whigs, and astonished the Mr. Douglas' magnanimity to Mr. Lincoln
stronghold of Democracy by electing him. after his election to the Presidency is well
known. He, too, was an Illinois man. He was highly -esteemed fellow-citizens — efficient in the
the instrument by which the partisan ties that arts of peace as they were formidable on the
originally bound the party to a wrong princi- field of battle.
ple were rent asunder, when he became the The same rnay be said, as a rule, of all the
candidate of its Northern wing for President soldiers who went from the North, and it may
at the same time that Lincoln was candidate for also be said that this fair fame is all the more
the Liberty party in 1860. to be prized, because so many share it ; but let

Every soldier who went from Illinois to fight it not be forgotten that the Liberty party of
against the rebellion may well feel pride in Illinois inserted the first wedge of disintegra-
the part their State took in it, not only in being tion into the slavery plank of the Democratic
the first State to define the new policy of the party. This plank was a fungus growth on the
Government, but in furnishing the great states- trunk of their tree. Jefferson, from whom they
man to direct the arm of the nation when raised claim origin, planted no such seed in its virgin
in defense of those rights which are essential soil, but grew there as cancers sometimes

to the grandeur of a State, and especially to grow in stalwart frames. The surgeon's knife
Illinois, whose central position binds its inter- has removed it. All this is simple history, and
ests alike to every part of the country. The not partisan pleading in any sense. '

record of Du Page County soldiers in the con- Both the officers and men composing the
flict that decided the question that Illinois Union army, were made up from each political
statesmen had been the first to give form and party, and partisan issues were lost sight of in
system to, is a noble one. the transcendent crisis thrust upon the country
And, though the count3 is small, her soldiers
by the hostile shots fired at the American flag
took part in the most decisive campaigns and that waved over Port Sumter, near the spot
battles of the war, and those who have re- where Fort Moultrie had repulsed the British
turned and are now living, are among our most in 1776.



the war with Mexico, in 1846-47, the regiment raised for service in the war of
INquota of Illinois was six regiments, which

the rebellion was numbered seven.

were the first ever raised in this State for
regular service in the United States. Thirty- SEVENTH REGIMENT.
four years had passed since that time, and The Seventh Regiment of Illinois Infantry
though the art of war had gone into disuse, was among President Lincoln's first call for
when Abraham Lincoln made a call, April three months' men. It was first organized
16, 1861, for 75,000 troops to serve three April 25, 1861. Twenty-four men from Du
months, ten regiments from Illinois responded, Page County enrolled themselves in it as pio-
though their quota was but The number-
six. neers in a new branch of industry in which they
ing began where regiments for the Mexican mostly if not all as yet were untaught. That
service left off, consequently the number of the they soon (like others who followed) became
efficient, the result proved. After the term for COMPANY A.

which this regiment had enlisted had expired, Bates, Allen, "Wayne, enlisted and mustered in July

many of the men re-enlisted, and the regiment 25, 1861; killed at Shiloh April 6, 1862.

re-organized as veterans for three years' service The following were three months' men from
at Camp Yates, Springfield, July 25, 1861. Its Du Page County, enlisted April 22 and mus-
first destination was Ironton, where it was tered in the 25th, 1861 :

placed under the command of Geu. Prentiss. Boutwell, C. M.; Goodwin, J., Musician; Ham-
Cape Girardeau was the next point reached, and mond, S. F. Oyer, Joseph; Smith, A. R. Thomp-
; ;

son, T. J.; Wilson, O. R.

Fort Holt, Ky., its next.
Three years' service
On the 3d of February, it reached Fort Henry,

Trick, Richard A., Wayne.

from which place it started on the 12th for Fort
Donelson, to take part in the siege of that post, COMPANY C.

then in the hands of the rebels, and here it was Bader, Emil, Naperville.
engaged in the last charge made against the Battles, Edwin D., Turner Junction.
enemy's works. After the capture of this fort, Erhardt, John, Naperville, re-enlisted as veteran;
it was dispatched to the Tennessee River, and, promoted Corporal.
Gilhower, John, Naperville.
the following April, took part in the battle of
Givler, David B., Naperville, Musician; re-enlisted
Shiloh, and subsequently in the battle of Corinth, as veteran.
which took place October 3, 4, during both of Hamilton, Jesse, Naperville; re-enlisted as veteran.
which days the Seventh was much of the time Lamh, Lyman, York, discharged May 6, 1862.
under fire. From the 18th of December, to the Mitchell, Robert, Warrenville; re-enlisted as vet-
following year, 1863, in May,it was mounted
Waddlehoffer, Charles, Naperville; re-enlisted as
and engaged in raiding and skirmishing. On veteran.
the 22d of December, the regiment re-enlisted Stafflinger, John, Naperville.
as veterans. On the 11th of January, 1864, it Ward, Stephen D., Warrenville, killed at Rome;
was furloughed for thirty days to rest from its Ga., August 21, 1864.
(All the above were enlisted July 18, and mustered
hitherto unceasing toils, at the expiration of
in the 25th, 1861.)
which term was sent to Pulaski, where, being
Ward, Charles, Warrenville, enlisted September 27,
again mounted, it went into scouting service in 1861; discharged May 19, 1862.
Northern Alabama. Fisher, William, Naperville, enlisted and mustered

On the 5th of October, 1864, it was in the in December 23, 1863.

Hubreht, John B., Naperville, enlisted and mustered
sanguinary battle of Altoona Pass, where it lost
in December 23, 1863; promoted Corporal; killed
143 men. On the 9th of November, it joined
at Altoona, Ga., October 5, 1864.
Sherman's army in its march to the sea, after Vorhes, William W., Warrenville, enlisted and
the successful accomplishment of which exploit mustered in December 22, 1863; promoted Ser-

the Seventh, together with its other companions geant.

in arms, marched in review before President TENTH REGIMENT.

who there beheld
Lincoln in Washington, the
The Tenth Regiment of Illinois Infantry was
men whose hardihood had won the cause for
mustered into service at Cairo April 29, 1861.
which such sacrifices had been made.
It had but one volunteer from Du Page County:
From there the Seventh proceeded to Louis-
ville, where it was mustered out July 9, 1865. company c.

Following are the names of the men in this Goodell, Charles, York, enlisted and mustered in
regiment :
August 31, 1864.
TWELFTH REGIMENT. the turbid waters of this stream till the mouth
The Twelfth Regiment of Illinois Infantry of the Yazoo was reached. Here under a con-
was organized at Cairo, and mustered in Au- voy of gunboats they steamed up this tribu-
gust 1, 1861. It had two volunteers from Du tary to make an attack on Vicksburg from the

Page Count}' east. On the morning of the 27th, the line of

COMPANY I. battle was formed, the Thirteenth occupying the
and mustered
Bolin, Dennis, Winfleld, enlisted in
left wing of the army in Gen. Steel's division.
October 25, 1864.
The first clay was occupied in making ap-
Hannesey, James, Wayne, enlisted and mustered in
October 25, 1864. proaches to the formidable works of the enemy,
and nothing more was done than to drive in
THIRTEENTH REGIMENT. their pickets. The next morning opened with
The Thirteenth Regiment of Illinois Infantry. a skirmish, but in the afternoon the Thirteenth
Company K, of this regiment was from Du and Sixteenth, led by Gen. Wyman, silenced
Page County. It was organized at Dixon May some of thebatteries of the enemy, while doing
9, 1861, and mustered into service on the 24th. which Gen. Wyman fell mortally wounded, but
It was first ordered to Caseyville, 111., thence he still encouraged his men. All this was but
to Rolla, Mo., and the succeeding October (the an insignificant skirmish compared to the work
25th) was ordered forward to join Fremont's to be accomplished before the stars and stripes
arm}- at Springfield. could shadow the defiant town in the closer ap-
Gen. Fremont being now removed, the plan proaches, to which death lurked in ominous
of the campaign was changed, and the Thir- silence.
teenth was ordered back to Rolla, where it re- Oil the 29th, the desperate charge was made.
mained till December 12. From there it was 'Twas upon the earthworks along the banks of
ordered to Salem to guard against guerrillas for Chickasaw Bayou. These were to be taken by
two weeks, after which it returned to Rolla, storm, and before they could be reached, an
where it remained till March 6, 1862, when it open space must be traversed under fire from a
was sent to join the army of Gen. Curtis, against sheltered foe from two directions. Into this
whose army Price's rebels were making demon- terrible arena the Thirteenth led the way across
strations. The junction was made with Gen. two lines of rifle-pits, which they captured.
Curtis on the 18th of March, and on the 8th of This brought them within thirty rods of the
April the army started for Helena, Ark. The frowning battlements yet to be taken. One
march was one unremitting struggle through hundred and seventy-seven of their men had
mud and water, and it was not till the fallen.To advance was death. The day was lost,
last of July that their destination was reached. and they retired in good order. The enemy
Here the regiment was attached to Gen. Steel's were wild with delight, but the end was not yet.
division of Sherman's army, then about to At Arkansas Post was a large depot of stores,
move against Vicksburg, the key to the Lower and 5,000 rebel troops to guard them. Gen.
Mississippi, and as such a strategic point of im- McClernand was sent to take the place, and
portance second to no other in the Confederacy. Gen. Steel's division, among whom was the
On the 22d of December, 1862, an immense Thirteenth, were a part of his forces. The at-
fleet of transports hung along the banks of the tack was suddenly made, and a day's fighting
river, where the Thirteenth had enjoyed a brief was rewarded with the capture of the place, in-
respite from the toils of marching. Into these cluding 5,000 prisoners. This irreparable loss
the men were closely packed and turned down to the enemy was soon succeeded by another
severe one at Greenville, Miss., in which the Thatcher, Nelson L., enlisted and mustered in
Thirteenth had a hand, after which it shared May 24, 1861; mustered out June 18, 1864.

the triumph of the capture of Jackson, the capi- COMPANY K.

tal of the State of Mississippi, from whence it Captains. —Blanchard, Walter, Downer's Grove,
was ordered again to Vicksburg, and there date of rauk May 24, 1861, died December 4, 1863,
from wounds received at Ringgold Gap; Cole, Jor-
manned the trenches which environed the place
dan J., Downer's Grove, date of rank December 4,
amidst a tempest of shot till it finally surren-
1863, promoted from Second Lieutenant to First
dered, July 13, 1863 —a monument of tena- |
Lieutenant. Term expired June 18, 1864.
cious hardihood in triumph over audacious First Lieutenants. — Bailey, Eli, Naperville, date
courage almost unparalleled in the records of of rank, December 29, 1862, promoted from Ser-
geant to Second Lieutenant. Term expired June
modern warfare.
18, 1864; Hobson, Meritt 8., Naperville, resigned
Chattanooga was the next principal scene of
January 22, 1862.
battle for the Thirteenth. It guarded the bag- —
Second Lieutenant. Naper, George A., Naper-
gage train of the army to this place was fore- ;
ville, date of rank January 22. 1862, promoted from

most Tuscumbia, and lent a

in the capture of Sergeant. Killed at Vicksburg December 29, 1862.

hand in taking Lookout Mountain, which mir-


Sergeants. —Page, Edmund E. Lisle, enlisted June
25, mustered out June 18, 1864, as First Sergeant;
acculous achievement was soon followed by the
Ketcham, Hiram, Winneld, enlisted June 25, 1861,
victory of Mission Ridge, where the Thirteenth mustered out June 18, 1864, wounded; Gladding,
captured more prisoners of the Eighteenth Ala- John G., "Winneld, enlisted June 25, 1861, discharged
bama than their own force numbered. The December 25, 1862; disability.


Corporals. Pollard, Reuben B., Downer's Grove,

enemy now were in full retreat, and the Thir-
enlisted June
25, 1861, discharged March 25, 1863;
teenth foremost in pursuit of them, but at Ring-
Blanchard, Franklin, Downer's Grove, enlisted June
gold Gap they made a stand, and, owing to the 25, 1861, mustered out June 18, 1864, as Sergeant;
natural strength of their position, held our I Farrar, Eugene W., Downer's Grove, enlisted June 25,
forces at bay. In the first charge that followed, 1861, mustered out June 18, 1864, as Sergeant; Riley,

many were Patrick, Downer's Grove, enlisted June 25, 1861, Col-
killed, among whom was Capt. Wal-
or Sergeant, killed at Ringgold November 27, 1863;
ter Blanchard, of Downer's Grove.
Kenyon, Israel, Naperville, enlist ed June25, 1861, dis-
But a desperate encounter was yet in store charged February 20, 1S62, disability; Hyde, Charles
for this regiment. At Madison Station, Ala., W., Naperville, enlisted June 25, 1861, died June 15,
where it was posted, after being reduced by the 1863, wounds; Ball, Lewis C, Naperville, enlisted

casualties of war to 350 men fit for duty, it June 25, 1861, mustered out June 18, 1864.
was surrounded by more than one thousand —
Musicians. Perry, Merritt, Downer's Grove, en-
listed June 25, 1861, transferred to non-commis-
of the enemy's cavalry, with three pieces of sioned staff September 10, 1861, as Principal Musi-
artillery. After two hours' fighting, it made cian; Sucher, James W., Downer's Grove, enlisted
good its retreat, but left behind sixty-six men June 25, 1861, mustered June 18, 1864; Kenyon,
as prisoners. The enemy's loss was sixty killed John M., York, enlisted June 25, 1861, transferred
to non-commissioned staff November 20, 1863, as
and wounded.
Principal Musician.
In the summer of 1864, the regiment returned Privates. —Beckman, Charles, Naperville, June
to their homes to rest, but soon re-enlisted in discharged March 10, 1864, lost right arm;
25, 1861,

the Fifty-sixth. The entire loss during the Bader, Adolph, Naperville, June 25, 1861, prisoner
war, from all causes, was 565 men. of war, mustered out June 18, 1865; Bolles, Charles
E., Turner Junction, enlisted and mustered in March
company n. 8, 1862,discharged February 10, 1863, for wounds;
Babcock, Frederick W., Naperville, enlisted and Beesing, Lewis, Naperville, June 25, 1861, died
mustered in August 24, 1864. August 4, 1863; Ballou, Daniel W., Naperville, June
Tenth Missouri Cavalry, promoted
25, 1861, trans, to Invalid Corps; Kenyon, William J., Naperville, June
Second Lieutenant; Blanchard, William, Downer's 25, 1861, died April 20, 1863; Miller, John F., Na-
Grove, June 25, 1861, discharged April 18, 1862, dis- perville, June 25, 1861, prisoner of war, mustered
ability; Boettger, Charles, Du Page County, June out June 7, June
1865; Neas, Baptiste, Naperville,
25, 1861, mustered out June 18, 1864; Beuck, Fritz, 25, 1861, killed at Chickasaw Bayou December 29,
Du Page County, June 25, 1861, mustered out June 1862; Naper, JohnN., June 25, 1861, discharged Jan-
18, 1864; Balliman, William, Downer's Grove, June uary 1, 1864, disability, Neaderhauser, Daniel, Na-
25, 1861, mustered out June 18, 1864; Baugertz, Lor- perville, June 24, 1861, died October 27, 1861; Potter,
entz, Downer's Grove, June 25, 1861, discharged William, Naperville, June 25, 1861, trans, to Inva-
July 25, 1862, disability; Bolles, Essec, Du Page lid Corps September 21, 1863; Potter, Robert K.,
County, June 25, 1861, mustered out June 18, 1864, Naperville, June 25, 1861, discharged May 26, 1863,
as Corporal; Carpenter, Charles, Downer's Grove, disability; Rose, William E., Naperville, June 25,
June 25, 1861, mustered out June 18, 1864; Daniels, 1861, mustered out June 18, 1864; Smith, Joseph,
John, Naperville, June 25, 1861, trans, to Tenth Lisle, enlisted and mustered in June 25, 1861, mus-
Missouri Cavalry, October 1, 1861; Deuel, Charles tered out June 18, 1864; Snyder, Reuben, Naper-
B., York, June mustered out June 18, 1864;
25, 1861, ville, June 25, 1861, died December 21, 1863, wounds;
Dirr, Adam June 25, 1861, mustered
L., Naperville, Sucher, Jacob, Downer's Grove, June 25, 1861, mus-
out June 18, 1864; Doerr, Phillip, Naperville, June tered out June 18, 1864; Shuester, William, Lisle,
25, 1861, trans, to Tenth Missouri Cavalry, October June 25, 1861, prisoner of war; Standage, Henry,
1, 1861; Fowler, Oliver S., York, June 25, 1861, Du Page County, June 25, 1861, reported dead;
mustered out June 18, 1864, as Corporal; Farrell, Turner, George, Downer's Grove, June 25, 1861,
James, Du Page County, June 25, 1861, re-enlisted mustered June 18, 1864; Townsend, Lysander, York,
as veteran January 1, 1864, trans, to Company I, June 25, 1861, discharged December 10, 1863, disa-
Fifty-sixth Illinois, prisoner of war; Ferris, Charles bility; Tuttle, Charles, Du Page County, June 25,
H., Lisle, June 25, 1861, died November 26, 1861 1861, died December 26, 1861; Toitlet, John, Dow-
Greggs, Joseph, Du Page County, June 25, 1861, ner's Grove, June 25, 1861, prisoner of war; Wilflin,
discharged September 18, 1863, disability; Griffith, Christian, Du Page County, June 25, 1861, re-en-
Charles, Warrenville, June 25, 1861, mustered out listed as veteran January 1, 1864, prisoner of war;
June 18, 1864; Gokey, Lewis, Warrenville, June 25, Walters, Christian, Downer's Grove, June 25. 1861,
1861, re-enlisted as veteran January 1, 1864, trans, to mustered out June 18, Woods, Hollis, Win-
Company I, Fifty -sixth Illinois; Howard, Abraham field, June 25, 1861, died January 29, 1863, wounds;
C, Downer's Grove, June 25, 1861, trans, to Invalid Webster, Charles, Lisle, June 25, 1861, mustered out
Corps September 1, 1863; Hart, Matthias, Naper- June 18, 1864.
ville, June 25, mustered out June 18, 1864, as
1861, Recruits.— Griffith, Samuel, Warrenville, Sep-
Corporal; Holley, James L., Du Page County, June tember 10 1861, discharged February 7, 1863, disa-
25, 1861, mustered out June 18, 1864; Hunt. Henry, bility; Hubbard John B., Naperville, September 10,
Downer's Grove, June 25, 1861, discharged Febru- 1861, trans, to Invalid Corps; Hall, Henry K., Na-
ary 20, 1862, disability; Howland, Charles E., Lisle, perville, September 10, 1861, discharged November
June 25, 1861, died October 25, 1861; Hintz, Mi- 15, 1862, disability; Ketcham, Abraham, Winfield,
chael, Du Page County, June 25, 1861, discharged October 1, 1861, re-enlisted as veteran; Prandleburg,
March 30, 1863. lost his arm; Hartigan, Patrick. Du Joseph, Du Page County, July 8, 1861, trans, to
Page County, June 25, 1861, mustered out June 18, Company I, Fifty-sixth Illinois; Remmel, Matthias,
1864; Harris, Charles, Du Page County, June 25, Naperville, September 10, 1861, discharged May 26,
1861, re-enlisted as veteran January 1. 1864, prisoner 1863, wounded in head; Roush, Jeremiah, Naper-
of war; Henrick, Christian, Brush Hill, enlisted and ville, September 10, discharged August 11,
mustered in June 25, 1861, mustered out June 18, 1863, disability; Rose, William, October 1, 1862, dis-
1864; Johnson, William, Du Page County, June 25, charged April 18, 1863, disability; Starnhagen, John,
1861, re-enlisted as veteran January 1, 1864; Kuchel, Du Page County, enlisted and mustered in July 21,
Mathias, Lisle, June 25, 1861, mustered out June 1861, died May 24, 1862; Stevens, Do Witt, Naper-
18, 1864; Kreitzer, Ferdinand, Du Page County, ville, July 7, 1861, killed at Chickasaw Bayou, De-
June 25, 1861, discharged October 1, 186', disability; cember 29, 1862; Stark, Henry, Du Page County,
Kniffin, Daniel Lisle, June 25, 1861, transferred to enlisted and mustered in July 15, 1861, re-enlisted as
veteran; Tennant, Joseph, Naperville, September in June 13, 1861. It took part in the siege of
10. 1861, re-enlisted as veteran; Tilden, Charles, Fort Donelson February, 1862, and in the bat-
Naperville, March 24, 1862, trans, to Company I,
tle of Shiloh the following April. It also was
Fifty-sixth Illinois Infantry; Wescott, Theophilus,
Warrenville, September 10, 1861, discharged October in many other engagements during the term of
1, 1861, disability. its service, till it was mustered out at Louis-
ville, Ky., July 16, 1865, and arrived at Chi-
FIFTEENTH REGIMENT. cago the 19th for discharge. It had five men
Fifteenth Regiment of Illinois Infantry was from Du Page County.
organized at Freeport, 111., and mastered into
company a.
service May 24, 1861, being the first in the Scott, Silas O, First Sergeant, enlisted and mus-
State for the three had four
years' service ; tered in October 10, 1864.
men from Du Page County. It was mustered Ewing, Robert, Sergeant, Naperville, enlisted and
out September 1, 1865, at Fort Leavenworth, mustered in October 12, 1864.
Bocker, George B., Addison, enlisted and mustered
in October 12, 1864.
Wante, Lushing, Naperville, enlisted and mustered
Truman, Ira, Milton, enlisted and mustered in May in October 12, 1864.
24, 1861; mustered out May 25, 1864.
Truman, Austin B., Milton, enlisted and mustered COMPANY B.

in May 24, 1861 ; mustered out May 25, 1864. Neff, Martin, Du Page County, enlisted October 14,
and mustered in the 28th, 1861; died at Cairo Sep-
COMPANY E. tember 2, 1863.
Blaisdell. William E.,Wayne, enlisted and mustered
in May 24, 1861 ; discharged January 22, 1863. TWENTY-THIRD REGIMENT.
Watson, Edward, Wayne, enlisted and mustered in
The Twenty-third Regiment of Illinois In-
May 24, 1861; killed at Shiloh April 6, 1862.
fantry, known as the Irish Brigade, was organ-
ized at Chicago May 17, 1861, and mustered
into service June 17, and mustered out July
The Nineteenth Regiment of Illinois Infan-
24, 1865. It had fifteen men from Du Page
try in its formation dates from the opening of
County in its ranks as follows :

the war. Three companies of it, without wait-

ing till men could be raised, were hurriedly COMPANY H.
Bates, Francis,Wheaton, Sergeant.
sent to Cairo April 14, 1861. under Gen. Swift,
Watson, Casper W., Wheaton, Corporal.
to guard the place from a threatening attack. Armbruster, Adam, Naperville.
The regiment was completely organized and Austin N, Wheaton.
mustered into service at Chicago June 17, Beardsley, Jerome G., Wheaton.
1861, and mustered out at the expiration of its Drullard, Thomas W., Wheaton.
Getsch, Frank S., Milton.
term of service July 9, 1864. It had one man
Georo, Serophine, Milton.
in it from Du Page County. Manning, Augustus, Warrenville.
Kovey, Fred, Milton.
company c.
Kinyon, Albert R., York.
Miles, Martin. Wheaton, who remained in the serv- Ott, Peter, Milton.
Ulech, Herman W. A., Wheaton.
Wilskin, Dominee, Naperville.

The Twentieth Regiment of Illinois Infantry The above all enlisted in March, ]

was organized at Joliet May 14, and mustered were mustered out with the regiment.

THIRTY-THIRD REGIMENT. re-enlisted as veterans, and March 14 reached

The Thirty-third Regiment of Illinois Infan- Bloomington, 111., and received veteran fur-
try, known as the Normal Regiment, because it lough.
was composed largely of teachers and stu- April 18, 1864. the regiment was re-organ-
dents, was organized at Camp Butler in Sep- ized at Camp Butler, 111., and proceeded to
tember, 1861, and mustered into service the New Orleans via Alton and St. Louis, arriving
same month. It moved immediately to Iron- the 29th and camping at Carrollton.
ton, Mo.,where it remained during the winter, May 17, it was ordered to Brashear City,
doing occasional scout service and fighting the La. Soon after its arrival, the regiment was
battle of Fredericksburg. In March, 1862, it scattered along the line of the road as guard,
moved southward and joined Gen. Curtis' as follows : C and K at Bayou
Companies F,
army, and took part in the battle of Cache. Boeuf Company I at Bayou L'Ours Com-
; ;

After being engaged here in several skirmishes panies A and D at Tigerville Company G at ;

with the enemy, it moved to Pilot Knob, Mo., Chacahula Company E at Terre Bonne Com-
; ;

arriving in October, 1862. pany B at Bayou La Fourche and Bayou des

November 15, it moved Van Buren, Ark.,
to Allemands Company H at Boutte
; regi- ;

in Col. Harris' brigade, Brig. Gen. W. J. Ben- mental headquarters, Terre Bonne. The dis-

ton's division of Gen. Davidson's corps, and trict was called the " District of La Fourche,"
made a winter campaign in Southeast Missouri, commanded by Brig. Gen. Robert A. Cameron,
passing through Patterson, Van Buren, Alton, headquarters at Thibodeaux.
West Plain, Eminence and and Centreville, September 17, 1864, the non-veterans of the
returned to Bellevue Valley, near Pilot Knob, regiment were started home, via New York
about March 1, 1863. City, in charge of rebel prisoners, and were
It was then ordered to St. Genevieve, Mo., mustered out at Camp Butler about October
where, with the command, it embarked for Mil- 11, 1864.

likeu's Bend, La. It was now attached to the March 2,was ordered to join the
1865, it

First Brigade, First Division, Thirteenth Armj' Sixteenth Army Near Boutte Station
Corps, and with it took part in the battles of the train was thrown from the track, and nine
Port Gibson, Champion Hills, Black River men killed and seventy wounded. On the
Bridge, the assault and sieges of Vicksburg 18th, the regiment embarked on Lake Pon-
and Jackson. chartrain for Mobile expedition. Company K
In August, it moved to New Orleans with remaining behind to guard transportation,
the Thirteenth Corps. In October, it was en- joined the regiment April 11, at Blakely.
gaged in the campaign up the Bayou Teche, It next moved via Fort Gaines and Navy
and, returning to New Orleans in November, it Cove, landed on Fish River, Ala., and marched
was ordered to Brownsville, Tex., but before with Gen. Canby's army up the east side of
landing was ordered to Arkansas Pass. It Mobile Bay. The regiment was in the First
disembarked on St. Joseph's and Matagorda Brigade, Col. W. L. McMillian, Ninety-fifth
Islands to Saluria, participating in the capture Ohio ; First Division, Brig. Gen. J. McArthur ;

of Ft. Esperanza, and thence moved to Indian- Sixteenth Army Corps, Maj. Gen. A. J. Smith.
ola and Port Lavaca. March 27, it arrived in front of Spanish
The First Brigade, while on the mainland of Fort, the main defense of Mobile, and, until its
Texas, was commanded by Brig. Gen. Fitz capture, April 18, was actively engaged. Loss,
Henry Warren. January 1. 1864, the regiment 1 killed, 2 died of wounds, and 9 wounded.
After the surrender of Mobile, it marched, Block, Ferdinand, Lisle; re-enlisted as veteran.
April 1865, with the Sixteenth Army Blodgett. Scott, Cass; re-enlisted as veteran.
Clark, Luther J., Bloomingdale; re-enlisted as Vet-
Corps, for Montgomery, Ala., where it arrived
on the 25th, and encamped on the Alabama Chattield, Alonzo B., Lisle; discharged for wounds.
River. Here it received the news of Lee and Chatfield, George W., Lisle.
Johnston's surrender, after which its operations Cry, Samuel, Naperville; re-enlisted as veteran.

were not of a hostile character. Clifford, Edward. Cass; mustered out October 11,
May 10, marched to Selma, and May 17 by
Day, Brice, Cass, died at Mound City September
rail to Meriden, Miss. In the latter part of 15, 1'862.
July, the regiment was filled above the maxi- Durant, William E., Lisle; re-enlisted as veteran.
mum by men transferred from the Seventy- Fetterman, Cyrus, Cass; re-enlisted as veteran.
second, One Hundred and Seventeenth, One Fischer, Frederick J., Addison; mustered out Octo-
ber 11, 1864, as Corporal.
Hundred and Twenty-second and One Hundred
Grothman, Frederick, Addison; discharged October
and Twenty-fourth Illinois, when it moved to
4, 1864, term expired.
Vicksburg August 4, 1865, and remained at Heartt, George, Cass; re-enlisted as veteran.
that place until mustered out of service No- Harberger, Jacob, Addison; re-enlisted as veteran.
vember and ordered to Camp Butler,
24, 1865, Holchany, Frederick, Addison re-enlisted as vet-

111., for final payment and discharge. It had
Hummer, Jacob, Naperville; re-enlisted as veteran.
forty-seven men from Du Page County.
Koshner, Charles, Naperville; re-enlisted as veteran.
COMPANY B. Morgan, Henry G., Naperville; discharged Febru-
Morgan, Moses J., Naperville, Captain; date of rank ary 11, 1862, for disability.
September 18, 1861. Marvin, Hector A., Lisle; died at Ironton, Mo.,
Durant, Edward T., Lisle, First Lieutenant; date of November 19, 1861.

promotion from Second Lieutenant March 20, Rodgers. Lucius B., Milton; re-enlisted as veteran.
1864. Ridge, Ro3r er, Naperville; re-enlisted as veteran.
Morgan, Sid. O., Naperville, Sergeant; re-enlisted Smart, Wesley, Downer's Grove; mustered out Oc-
as veteran. tober 11, 1864.
Lyon, Forester S., Downer's Grove, Sergeant; re- Schmidt, Edward, Addison.
enlisted as veteran. Schwartz, Louis, Addison; died at Ironton, Mo., Oc-
Barr, James M., Lisle, Corporal; discharged March tober 14, 1861.
23, 1863, for disability. Shimmer, J. C, Addison; mustered out October 11,
Cotter, Charles M., Lisle, Corporal ; discharged 1864.

March 23, 1863, for disability. Turtlott, James M., Cass; mustered out October 11,

Green,Frank D., Lisle, Corporal; died at Ironton, 1864.

Mo., February 15, 1862. Utting, William, Addison; died at St. Louis October
Wakeman, Bradford J, Cottage Hill, Musician; 20, 1861.

promoted to Fife Major. Wheatley, William, Lisle; mustered out October 11,
Allison, Andrew, Cass; died at Helena October 5. Grannke, Charles, Addison, enlisted December 2,
1862. 1861; died at Virginia Station, Mo., March 2,
Andrews, Charles, Downer's Grove; mustered out 1862.
October 11, 1864 Grothman, Frederick, York, e nlisted October 4,
Andrews, Giles, York, mustered out October 11, 1864.
1864. Hatch, Edward P., Lisle, enlisted September 20,
Austin, Charles G., Jr., Downer's Grove; re-enlisted 1864; discharged July 20, 1865, as Sergeant for
as veteran. promotion in U. S. Colored Infantry.
Ballou, Morgan, Lisle, mustered out October 11, Renken, Henry, Addison; transferred to gunboat
1864, as Corporal. service February 7, 1862.
COMPANY F. Second Lieutenants —
Hammond, Mathew J.,
Lapin, Charles iVarrenville. Wayne, date of rank February 15, 1862, resigned
September 7, 1862 Hazelhurst, Charles, Wayne.

date of rank September 7, 1862. mustered in Novem-
Nelson, Henry, Naperville, enlisted March 20;
ber 17, 1862, resigned July 7, 1865.
mustered in April 17, 1864.
Sergeants— Smith , Romain A., Wayne, enlisted
Those who were mustered in October 4, 1864, were August 12, 1861, re-enlisted as veteran Adams, El-

such as did not re-enlist after their terms had ex-

dridge, Wayne, enlisted August 12, 1861, died of
wounds January 18, 1863 Dickenson, David H., ;

THIRTY-SIXTH REGIMENT. Wayne, enlisted August 12, 1861, as Corporal, pro-

The Thirt3'-sixtb Regiment of Illinois In- moted to Second Lieutenant U. S. Colored Infantry.
Corporals— Folson, Theodore A., Wayne, enlisted
fantry was organized at Aurora, 111., in Sep-
August 12, 1861.
tember, 1861, and mustered into service the 23d Ketchum, Abram J., Wayne, enlisted August 12;
of the same month. was sent to St. Louis,
It 1861, transferred to Company K.
where it received its arms, from whence it was Starr, Robert H., Wayne, enlisted August 12, 1861;
re-enlisted as veteran.
sent to Rolla, where it remained till January
Albro, Eugene P., Wayne, Corporal, enlisted Au-
14, 1862. More active service now began, and
gust 12, 1861.
it was engaged in battle at Bentonville and Pea
Adams, Aseph J., Wa3 ne; r
killed in battle at Stone
Ridge, subsequent to which it was assigned to River.
Gen. Pope's command. It was next engaged in Hemmingway, George W., Wayne, musician, en-
the battle of Perry ville, where it lost seventy- listedAugust 12, 1861; discharged for disability.
Hazelhurst, James, Musician, Wayne, enlisted Au-
five killed and wounded. But its terrible con-
gust 12, 1861; re-enlisted as veteran.
flict was at Stone River, where, after six days'

fighting, it came out with only 200 men. It PRIVATES.

was subsequently engaged in other battles near Allen, Henry C, Wayne, enlisted August 12, 1861,
promoted to Corporal; discharged, February 25,
Chattanooga, in all of which its courage was not
1862, for wounds.
found wanting. It was mustered out at New Adams, William, Wayne, enlisted August 12, 1861
Orleans, October 8, 1865, and arrived at Camp missing at Chickamauga September 20, 1863.
Butler the 17th for discharge. It had forty- Blank, Harrison W., Wayne, enlisted September 20,
1861; re-enlisted as veteran.
seven men from Du Page County.
Clark, John P.,Wayne, enlisted August 12, 1861;
COMPANY A. died at Rolla December 14, 1861.

Taylor, John B. F., Wkeaton, enlisted August 8,

Delany, James, Wayne, enlisted August 12, 1861;
and mustered in September 23, 1861 ; discharged discharged September 22, 1864.
September 22, 1864. Gordon, John M., Wayne, enlisted August 12, 1861;
re-enlisted as veteran.
Grundy, Samuel, Wayne, enlisted August 12, 1861;
Rothemel, Benhard, York, enlisted and mustered
killed at Chickamauga.
in October 14, 1864; transferred from Seventy-
Gates, George W., Wayne, enlisted August 19, 1861,
fourth Regiment.
killed at Dallas, Ga., May 26, 1864.
COMPANY K. La Rue, Harrison M., Du Page County, enlisted Sep-
Captain— Adams, John Q., Wayne, date of rank tember 24, 1861, transferred to Fifteenth Cavalry.
August 20, and mustered in September 23, 1861 re- ; Hillard, Michael, Wayne, enlisted August 12, 1861,
signed September 7, 1862. died at Lebanon, Mo., Feb. 12, 1862.
First Lieutenants— Elliot, John F., Wayne, date Hazelhurst, Frederick, Wayne, enlisted August 12,
of rank September 7, 1862, mustered in March 12, 1861, mustered out, September 8, 1864, a.* Cor-
1863, promoted from Sergeant, discharged May 30, poral.
1864 Pratt, Emery W., Wayne, date of rank April
; Hammond, Dauiel, Wayne, enlisted August 12. 1861,
11, 1865, mustered in July 8, 1865. re-enlisted as veteran.
Judd, Francis, Wayne August 12, 1861, re COMPANY G.
enlisted as veteran. Topel, Dedrick, Downer's Grove, enlisted August
Matteson, Thomas P., Wayne, August 20 15; re-enlisted as veteran.
1861, promoted to Principal Musician.
Minkler, John C, Wayne, enlisted August 24, 1861
re-enlisted as veteran.
Monroe, George, Wayne, enlisted August 20, 1861 The Thirty-ninth Regiment of Illinois In-
killed in battle at Stone River. fantry began recruiting immediately after the
Monroe, Edward E., Wayne, enlisted August 20 firing on Fort Sumter, but was not ready to
take the field at the first call for six regiments
Piatt, Emery W., Wayne, enlisted August 12, 1861
from Illinois. was mustered into service
re-enlisted as veteran.
Paul. John, Wayne, enlisted August 20, 1861, re-en
August, 1861, at Chicago, and mustered out
listed as veteran. at Norfolk, Va., December 5, 1865. It had
Peterson, John, Wayne, enlisted August 21, 1861 two soldiers from Du Page County.
transferred to V. R. C. April 17, 1864.
Skinner, Harrison, Wayne, August 12,
enlisted COMPANY G.

1861; killed at Perrsville, Ky., October 8, 1862 Cook, Ezra A., Wheaton, enlisted September 2.
Simmons, Benjamin W., enlisted August 12, 1861. 1861, discharged in 1864 for disability; Decker,
Scales, George M., Wayne, enlisted August 12, Lewis, Wheaton, enlisted August 9, 1861, discharged
1861; re-enlisted as veteran. the 30th for disability.
Samson, Francis, Wayne, enlisted August 12, 1861;
died of wounds received at Cassville, Mo., April FORTY-SECOND REGIMENT.
16, 1862.
The Forty-second Regiment of Illinois In-
Sanders, Harlan, Wayne, August 12, 1861
discharged April 19, 1863, for wounds. fanty was organized at Chicago July 22, 1861
Tukesbury, Francis, Wayne, enlisted August 12, It bore the brunt of the war, being in the
1861; re-enlisted as veteran. principal battles in which the Army of the
Tucker, Charles A., Wayne, enlisted August 12,
Cumberland was engaged. It was mustered
1861, re-enlisted as veteran.
out at Indianola, Tex., December 16, 1865, and
Wood, Orrin, Wayne, enlisted August 12, 1861, diec
January 19, 1863, of wounds. reached Camp Butler January 3, 1866. It had
Wagoner, Sidney O., Wayne, enlisted August 12 :
seven men from Du Page County.
1861, discharged March 16, 1864, for wounds.
Unaasigned Recruits— Bissell, Charles, York, en- COMPANY B.

listed and mustered in October 14, 1864. O'Brien, Edward, Du Page County, enlisted and
mustered in September 3, 1860, at Chicago, re-enlist-
THIRTY-SEVENTH REGIMENT. ed as veteran from Du Page County January 1,
1864, transferred to V. R. C. March 13," 1865.
The Thirty-seventh Regiment of Illinois In-
fantry was organized at Chicago in September COMPANY H.

1861, and mustered out at Houston, Tex., May Bents, Benjamin, Naperville, enlisted and mus-
It had four men from Du Page tered in September 3, 1861, re-enlisted as veteran;
15, 1866.
Butts. Benjamin F., Naperville, enlisted February
16, 1861, re-enlisted as veteran January 1, 1864,
Clark, Elijah A., Wheaton, First Assistant Surgeon, mustered out December 16, 1865, as Sergeant; Gillis,
promoted by the President to Surgeon of Eighth Thomas, Naperville, enlisted and mustered in Aug-
Missouri Cavalry. ust 3, 1861, killed at Farmington, Miss., May 9,
Blodgett, Edward A., Downer's Grove, Quartermas- 1862; Itzenhauzer, John, Naperville, enlisted and
ter's Sergeant.
mustered in September 10, 1861, died of wounds
COMPANY C. January 8, 1862; Shimp, William, Naperville, en-
Newton, Isaac, Wheaton, enlisted September 1, listed and mustered in September 10, 1861, promoted
1861 ; re-enlisted as veteran. to Sergeant, discharged on account of wounds Sep-
tember 16, 1864; Wilcox, Elisha, Naperville, enlist- 1861 ;Lapp, Henry, Cottage Hill, enlisted December
ed and mustered in August 18, 1861.. le-enlisted as 24. 1861, mustered in January 23, 1862, accidentally
veteran. killed March 16, 1862; Lauerman, John, Cottage
ITill, enlisted December 20, 1861, mustered in Janu-
ary 23, 1862; Snow, Edgar J., Cottage Hill, enlisted
The Forty-fourth Regiment of Illinois In- October 23, mustered in December 24, 1861; Welsh.
fantry was organized in August, 1861, at Camp William, Cottage Hill, enlisted November 30, mus-
Ellsworth, in Chicago, and mustered out Sep- tered in December 24, 1861; Werden, Frederic,
Brush Hill, enlisted December 2,mustered in the
tember 25, 1865, at Port Lavaca, Tex. Ar-
24th, 1861.
rived at Springfield October 15, 1865, where it COMPANY B.
was discharged. In had one soldier from Du Hull, Edward December
E., Naperville, enlisted
Page County. 24, 1863; killed at Kenesaw Mountain June 15, 1864.
Goldhammer, Henry, York, enlisted August 1,
Miller, George W., Cass, enlisted February 25,
mustered in September 13, 1861, transferred to
mustered in March 10, 1865 Prickett, William W.,
Company K. ;

Cass, enlisted February 25, mustered in March 10,

The Regiment was organized
Fifty-first at
The Fifty-second Regiment was organized at
Camp Douglas December 24, 1861. April 2,
Geneva, 111. Its first active service was at Fort
1862, it moved against Island No. 10. It suf-
Donelson, where it arrived in time to take
fered severely at the battle of Chickamauga,
charge of the rebel prisoners taken there and
being in the thickest of the fight. On Febru-
deliver them and Chicago. It was
at Springfield
ary 10, 1864, the whole regiment mustered as
then ordered to join the Array of the Tennes-
veterans. During the Atlanta campaign, it
see, and was engaged in the battle of Shiloh,
lost 3 officers killed, 4 wounded, and 105 men
where it lost in killed, wounded and missing
killed and wounded. It was mustered out of
over one-third of its number. It was subse-
service at Camp Irwin, Tex., September 25,
quently in the battles of Iuka, Corinth, Snake
1865, and arrived at Camp Butler October 15.
It had eighteen men from Du Page County, as Creek Gap, Resaca, Lay's Ferry, Rome Cross
Roads, Dallas, Kenesaw Mountain, Nickojack
COMPANY B. Creek, Decatur and Altoona, after which it

Bates, Ansel, Cottage Hill, enlisted October 19, was with Gen. Sherman on his march to the
1861, mustered in January 23, 1862, promoted Ser- sea, and went from there to Richmond. Was
geant and Second Lieutenant; Bleasch, Gustave, next in the grand review at Washington, from
Cottage Hill, enlisted October 19, 1861, mustered in
whence it was ordered to Louisville, where it
January 23, 1862; Burman, Lewis, Addison, enlisted
December 5, 1861; Foley, John, Cottage Hill, en- was mustered out only 517 strong out of the
listed November 26, mustered in December 24, 1861, original 940 men in its ranks, to whom 400 had
died at Chattanooga June 1, 1864; Halm, Henry, been added as recruits, 823 men having been
Brush Hill, enlisted December 3, 1861; Hoffman, killed or disabled in the battles and hardships
Paul, Cottage Hill, enlisted December 5, 1861;
which this regiment had passed through. It
Johnson, Christian, Cottage Hill, enlisted Decem-
had twenty-four men from Du Page County,
ber 7, mustered in the 24th, 1861 Kehler, Phillip,;

Cottage Hill, enlisted December 7, mustered in the as follows

24th, 1861, died atPaducah June 1, 1862; Keiler, COMPANY A.

Stephen, Cottage Hill, enlisted December 13, mus- Burnham, Edward, Du Page County, enlisted Oc-
tered in the 24th, 1861, discharged October 2, 1862; tober 12, mustered in the 25th, 1861; Giles, Jerry W.,
Kernau, Mark T., York, enlisted November 26, Naperville, enlisted September 16, mustered in Oc-
tober 25, 1861; Graves, Je D., Naperville, en COMPANY K.
listed October 25, 1861. Kingston, George, Downer's Grove,
recruit October 19, 1864.

Parks, Isaac, Naperville, enlisted September 15,

mustered in November 19, 1861.
The Regiment was organized at
COMPANY D. Camp 111., in November, 1861,
Dubois, Aurora,
Brown, Gilbert N., Winfield, enlisted September as a part of aKentucky brigade. It was mus-
10, mustered in November 19. 1861, re-enlisted as
tered into service February 18, 1862. This
veteran, promoted to Sergeant; Hammond, James
regiment was actively engaged raiding against
W., Winfield, enlisted January 20, mustered in
February 27, 1864; Hammond, William H., Winfield, and skirmishiug with the enemy much of
enlisted and mustered in at the same time ;
the time during the war, and in consequence
Reckenback, Christian, Winfield, enlisted Sep- many of them were taken prisoners, but were
tember 10, mustered in November 19, 1861 ;
exchanged December 5, 1864.
Stanfer, Lewis, Winfield, enlisted and mustered in
It was mustered out at Little Rock October
at the same time, re-enlisted as veteran; Swenson,
John, Warrenville, enlisted and mustered in at the 15, 1865, and was discharged at Camp Butler
same time, re-enlisted as veteran; Vanderogen, the 26th. It had thirteen men from Du Page
John, Naperville, enlisted January 19, mustered in County.
February 27, 1864, died near Marietta, Ga., July COMPANY B.
23, 1864. Miller, Alexander, Milton, enlisted November 21,
Recruit —La Plant, Medar, Naperville, January, and mustered in February 16, 1861; re-enlisted as
13, 1864.
Farnham, Thomas E., Warrenville, enlisted Sep- Cox, William, Downer's Grove, enlisted as re-
tember 11, and mustered in October 25, 1861. cruit March 31, 1865, died at Fort Smith, Ark.,
September 12, 1865; Cox, Wesley H., Downer's
Grove, enlisted as recruit March 6, 1862, died at
Cleveland, Sylvester, Naperville, enlisted.January Memphis October 1, 1863; Hardsoc, Elzy, Downer's
9. William R„ Turner Junction, en-
1864; Currier, Grove, enlisted as recruit March 1, 1865, mustered
listedSeptember 6, mustered in October 25, 1861. out October 15. 1865.
Unassigned Recruit—Ford, John, Naperville,
mustered in February 27, 1864.
Busick, James A., Milton, enlisted December 2,
The following were musicians who enlisted 1861, mustered in February 18, 1862, re-enlisted as
October 25, 1861, all from Naperville : veteran; Sutherland, Amaziah, Milton, enlisted De-

Glines, A. B., Heitzler, John, Mathias, Gregory, cember 2, 1861, re-enlisted as veteran; Stevens,
Sayler, Alexander H., Sayler, Morgan F., Sayler, John W., Milton, enlisted December 2, 1861, re-en-
listed as veteran.
Thomas W., Swartz, Joseph, James M.

Farroll, Ezra R., York, enlisted and mustered in

FIFTY-THIRD REGIMENT. as recruit March 7, 1865, mustered out October 15,
1865; Riscoe, John, York, enlisted and mustered in
The Fifty-third Regiment of Illinois Infantry
March 7, 1865, mustered out October 15, 1865.
was organized at Ottawa, 111., in the winter of
1861-62. and moved to Camp Douglas Febru- COMPANY K.

ar}' 27. It was mustered out at Louisville, Campbell, James H., Milton, enlisted as Wagoner
December 10, 1861. mustered in February 10, 1862;
Ky., July 22, 1865, and arrived at Chicago the
Boyd, Ithamer, Milton, enlisted December 10, 1861.
28th. It had one man from Du Page County
mustered in February 16, 1862; re-enlisted as vet-
in its ranks. eran.
UNASSIGNED RECRUITS. vember 1, 1861, taken prisoner November 3, 1863;

Baker, Henry J., York, enlisted and mustered in Gushard, Isaac, Naperville, enlisted September 26, re-
March 8, 1865; Plumby, Andrew J., Milton, enlisted enlisted as veteran Kailer, Frederick, Naperville, en-

and mustered in March 30, 1864, transferred to V. listed September 3, 1861, re-enlisted as veteran; Rei-
R. C. September 22, 1864. ser, Henry, Naperville, enlisted September 3, 1861,
re-enlisted as veteran; Kennedy, James, Naperville,
enlisted September 8, 1861; Kellogg, Samuel C, Na-
perville, died at Vicksburg July 18, 1863; Leibern-
The Fifty-fifth Regiment of Illinois with the guth, Christian, Naperville, enlisted September 6,
Fifty-fourth Ohio Infantry, distinguished them- re-enlisted as veteran; Leibernguth, Christian, Cass,
selves by their obstinate valor at the battle of enlisted January 24, mustered in February 16, 1864,
Shiloh, where they held the extreme left of the
promoted fo Sergeant; Misner, Andrew, Naperville,
enlisted September 19, 1861, re-enlisted as veteran;
Union army against a greatly superior force of
Porter, William, Naperville, promoted to Captain
the enemy till the main body had retired. April 1, 1863, killed in battle June 27, 1864; Papp,
Their loss in this engagement was ten officers Martin, Naperville, enlisted September 20, 1861, dis-
and 102 killed or mortally wounded. The charged September 26, 1863, for wounds; Porter,
regiment was organized at Camp Douglas, and Martin R., Du Page County, enlisted September 3,
1861, discharged for disability June 28, 1863; Rey-
mustered into service October 31, 1861, and
nolds, Henry, Naperville, enlisted September 6,
and mustered out at Little Rock, Ark., August 1861; Reinoehl, Henry, Naperville, re-enlisted as
14, 1865. It arrived at Chicago August 22, veteran January 23, 1864; Reinoehl, Joseph, Naper-
where it was discharged. It had in its ranks ville, enlisted November 18, 1861; Shaning, Dede-

rick, York, re-enlisted as veteran January 23, 1864,

thirty-five men from Du Page County :

killed at Kenesaw Mountain June 27, 1864; Shan-

company c. ing, Richard, Naperville, enlisted September 5,
Sanders, Calvin A., Naperville, enlisted Sep tern 1861, re-enlisted as veteran; Stretcher, David, Na-
ber 26, 1861, discharged January 5, 1863, for dis perville, enlisted September 5, 1861, re-enlisted as
ability; Summers, Thomas, Du Page County, en veteran; Teisel, Henry, Naperville, enlisted Septem-
listed September 30, 1861, died at Memphis Septem ber 6, Harman, Naperville, enlisted
1861; Trinke,
ber 22, 1862; Schultz, Theodore, Du Page County October died at Napoleon, Ark., January
16, 1861,

enlisted August 27, 1861, re-enlisted as veteran. Warden, Moses, Du Page County, enlisted
17, 1863;
September 3, 1861, re-enlisted as veteran; Warden,
John, Du Page County, enlisted September 7, 1861,
First Lieutenant. — Dixon,
H, Downer's
re-enlisted as veteran.
Grove, resigned March 13, 1862.
Privates. —
Arnot, Hugo, Naperville, enlisted Sep
tember 3, 1861, promoted to Corporal; Bautling
hause, Amos, Naperville, enlisted September 6 ;
The Fifty-eighth Regiment of Illinois Infan-
1851; Benie, Henry, Naperville, enlisted September trywas organized with nine companies at Camp
25, 1861, as veteran
re-enlisted Baiger, Dedric;
Douglas, and mustered into service December
Naperville, September 26, 1861, re-en
24 and 25, 1861, the remaining tenth company
listed as veteran; Dixon, Robert, Du Page County
being mustered in February 7, 1862. It par-
enlisted February 18, mustered in the 27, 1861
promoted to Captain from First Sergeant, re-en ticipated in the capture of Fort Donelson, and
listed as veteran Downing, "William, Blooming-
was in many sanguinary battles during the
dale, enlisted March 1, mustered in April 12, 1861 war. It was mustered out at Montgomery,
Garbs, Richard, Naperville, enlisted September 16, Twelve Du Page County
Ala., April 1, 1866.
died at St. Louis of wounds October 31, 1864; Garst
Christian, Naperville, enlisted September 6, 1861
men were in its ranks, as follows :

re-enlisted as veteran ; Gleasner, Andrew, Nnper company c.

ville, enlisted September 9, 1861, re-enlisted as vet- Atwater, Benjamin F., York, enlisted December
eran ; Gushard, Emanuel, Naperville, enlisted No 12, mustered in the 25th, 1861, discharged June 17,

for disability; Eldridge, George W., York, enlisted 14, 1862. It had five Du Page County men in
January 13, 1862, discharged for disability. its ranks.
Mehan, John, Naperville, enlisted December
Benedict, Thomas, Wayne, Donovan, Henry,
Turner Junction; Griffith, William, Turner Junction;
1861, mustered in the 20th, 1861, re-enlisted as vet-
Ketchum, Charles F., Turner Junction; Stephens,
eran; Stuber, Daniel, Addison, enlisted November
Alonzo S., Winfield; all mustered out at the expira-
9, mustered in December 31, 1861, killed at Shiloh,
tion of their term.
April 6, 1862.

Hoehn, George, Corporal, Brush Hill, enlisted SEVENTY-SECOND REGIMENT.

and mustered in December 31, 1861, re-enlisted as The Seventy- second Regiment of Illinois In-
veteran; Ugoveck, Albert, Cottage Hill, Corporal,
fantry was organized by the Board of Trade,
enlistedNovember 12, mustered in December 31,
Chicago, July 23, 1862. It took part in the
1861 Shultz, John, Brush Hill, enlisted October
; 30,
mustered in December 31, 1861. campaign on the Big Black, siege of Vicksburg,
battle of Nashville, Fort Pillow, Fort Pember-
ton and many other lesser battles. It was mus-
Battles, Caleb, Winfield, enlisted and mustered in
tered out of service at Jackson, Miss., August
December 31, 1861, transferred to Company I, March
1862. 13, 1865. It had fifteen men from Du Page
COMPANY H. County in its ranks.
Scoville, George R., Wheaton, enlisted October 8,
1861, discharged for disability; Scoville, Goodwin
D., Wheaton, enlisted October re-enlisted as vet- Black, Henry, York, enlisted and mustered in

eran. October 8, 1864, transferred to Twenty-third Veteran

COMPANY I. Reserve Corps, April 24, 1865; Schurzman, Charles,
Dooner, Jeremiah, Turner Junction, enlisted De- Addison, enlisted and mustered in October 8, 1864,
cember 9, mustered in the 24th, 1861, died of wounds died of wounds at Greenville, Ala., April 16, 1865.

received at Shiloh.

Gleason, Henry J., Milton,

enlisted and mustered
in August promoted to Captain September
21, 1862,
The Sixty-seventh Regiment of Illinois In- 8, 1864; Gleason, Bishop J., Milton, enlisted Janu-

fantry was organized at Camp Douglas June ary 4, and mustered in the 31st, 1864, transferred to
13, 1862, for three months' service, where it re-
Thirty-third Regiment.

mained during its term. It had in its ranks COMPANY D.

three men from Du Page Comity. Graves, Julius, Lisle, enlisted July 28, mustered in
August 21, 1861.

Farnagham, Melvin, "Warrenville, enlisted June Wells, Abraham, Downer's Grove, enlisted Au-
4 and mustered in the 13th, 1862. gust mustered in the 21st, 1862; Wells, Lucian,

Cass, enlisted and mustered in at the same time;

Winterton, William, Downer's Grove, enlisted and
Blanchard, William F., Wheaton, enlisted June mustered in at the same time.
% and mustered in the 13th, 1862; Ward, Isaac S.,
Wheaton, enlisted and mustered in at the same time. COMPANY G.

Stinson, Thomas, Naperville, enlisted August 12,

SIXTY-NINTH REGIMENT. and mustered in the 21st, 1862, died May 28, 1862, of
The Sixty-ninth Regiment Illinois Infantry COMPANY E.
was organized at Camp Douglas, and mustered Heinricks, Peter, York; Heinrick, Christopher,
into service as a three months' regiment June York, enlisted and mustered in October 8, 1864-
Newhouse, Peter, Addison, enlisted and mustered in EIGHTY-NINTH REGIMENT.
at the same date; Ross, Charles, York, enlisted and
The Eighty-ninth Regiment of Illinois In-
mustered in August 23, '1864; Shattmau, Ernst, Ad-
dison, enlisted and mustered in October 8, 1864;
fantry was organized at Chicago under the
Williams, William M., York, enlisted and mustered united supervision of several railroad com-
in October 14, 1864. panies, whose parent offices were at the
place. Hence it was called the Railroad Regi-
EIGHTY-SECOND REGIMENT. ment. Its first company was mustered into
The Eighty-second Regiment of Illinois In- the service August, 25, and its last the 27,
fantry, called the Second Hecker Regiment, 1862. It belonged to the Army of the Cumber-
mostly made up of Germans and Scandinavians, land, and Nashville was the last great battle in
was mustered into service at Camp Butler, which it was engaged, at which place it was
August 26, 1862. This regiment always mustered out of service June 10, 1865. It had
honored the German name for toughness and seven men from Du Page County in its ranks.
endurance. It was mustered out at Chicago,
June 17, 1865, at which time it had only 310
Watson, Emery B., Turner Junction, Corporal,
men left. One man represented Du Page
enlistedAugust 5, mustered in the 25th, 1862, dis-
County in it. charged September 25, 1864, for disability Fort- ;

man, Louis, Milton, enlisted August 4, and mus-
Bumgartner, Andreas, Winfield, enlisted July 5,
tered in the 25th, 1862, died at NewAlbany, Ind.,
mustered in September 26, discharged May 5, 1864,
December 12, 1862 ; Leary, John, Turner Junction,
for disability.
enlisted August 11, and mustered in the 25th, 1862 ;

Scott, Otis P.,Turner Junction, enlisted August 7,

and mustered in the 25th, 1862 Temple, George,

The Eighty-eighth Regiment of Illinois In- Naperville, enlisted January 23, 1864 Washington,

fantry,known as the Second Board of Trade George, enlisted at the same time Wright, Wallace,

Regiment, was mustered in at Chicago August Turner Junction, enlisted August 7, mustered in
the 25th, 1862, killed at Chickamauga September
27, 1862, and after participating in its share in
19, 1863.
the war was mustered out of service at Chica-
go,June 14, 1865. Eight men from Du Page
County were in its ranks. The Ninety-fifth Regiment of Illinois Infan-
try was mustered into the service at Rockford,
111., September 4, 1862. Its chief field of op-
Hamilton, Robert, Musician, died at Nashville,
eration was around Vicksburg, New Orleans
January 13, 1863; Jones, James H., mustered out
June 9 as Corporal Sutherland, James B., died at
and Mobile. It was mustered out at Camp
Nashville of wounds January 26, 1863 Thomas, ;
Butler, Springfield, August 16, 1865. It lost
Samuel S., transferred to Company E. 84 men in battle, and 276 of disease. Two
All the above from Milton, and enlisted and men from Du Page County was in its ranks.
mustered into service in August, 1862.
company o. Pomery, Luther, Addison, enlisted October 17,1864,
Hubbart, Nicholas, enlisted August 12, mustered transferred to the Forty-seventh Illinois Infantry ;

in the 27th, 1862; Hester, Samuel L., enlisted August Smith, Thomas, Turner Junction, enlisted January,
15, mustered mustered out as Cor-
in the 27th, 1862,
25, 1865.
and mustered in at
poral; Hester, Samuel, enlisted
the same time; Kelly, Samuel, enlisted and mus-
tered in at the same time. '
I The One Hundredth Regiment of Illinois In-
All the above from Milton. / fantry was organized August 28, 1862, and
flo&n ®A'Wr

known County Regiment.

as the Will It had met the Union forces in the field as " Greek
one man from Du Page County. meets Greek."
And, while we condemned them none the
Saylor, Peter H., Naperville, enlisted August
less,we have been taught to respect them more,
mustered in the 30th. at least for their fighting qualities. Such was
the spirit of public sentiment when the One
ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTH REGIMENT. Hundred ^nd Fifth Regiment was organized in
The One Hundred and Fifth Regiment of the counties of De Kalb and Du Page — six
Illinois Infantry deserves a more extended his- from the former and four from the latter. It
tory than any other to whose ranks Du Page was in response to a call from President Lin-
County contributed her citizen soldiers, not be- more men.
coln for 300,000
cause these soldiers were better than others The One Hundred and Fifth Regiment Illi-

who had gone from county into the war

this nois Infantry Volunteers was mustered into the
before or after them, but because there were service of the United States September 2, 1862,
more of them than had enlisted into any other at Dixon, 111.

single regiment from this county. On the 8th, moved to Camp Douglas ; on the
The first call for volunteers had been made 30th left Camp Douglas for Louisville, Ky.;
April 16, 1861, more than a year previous to arriving on the 2d of October and reporting to
the initiatory steps taken to raise the One Hun- Gen. Dumont, was attached to his division,
dred and Fifth Regiment. Du Page County Brig. Gen. W. T. Ward's Brigade ; on the 3d
had fully contributed her quota to fill the first moved in the direction of Frankfort ; arrived
demand made upon her public spirit. Her on the 9th after a severe march were engaged ;

young men had gone forth, with many others in guard and picket duty, with occasional slight
from the entire North, and the enemy had been skirmishing with the enemy. While at Frank-
met on many a field. Sometimes defeat and fort, made a raid to Lawrenceburg and returned.

sometimes victory had followed, but as yet no On the 26th moved en route to Bowling Green,
substantial results had been reached as to how arriving on the 4th of November, and remain-
the conflict was to end. The rebels had lost ing one week. Was ordered to Scottville, No-
none of their confidence on the contrary, their
; vember 25 moved to Gallatin, Tenn., Decem-

resolution and courage seemed to be gathering ber 11 moved to South Tunnel February 1,

force. 1863 returned to Gallatin, remaining until the


While this was true, it may with equal 1st day of June, 1863, when it moved to La-
truth be said the inflexible determination of the vergne from thence to Murfreesboro, Tenn.;

North to conquer them had become the trans- returning to Lavergne the last of July, moved
cendent sentiment of the pulpit, forum and to Nashville August 19 was quartered in Fort ;

the press, and had fired the ambition of almost Negley, doing guard duty in it and the city of
every }
oung heart to interpose the muscular Nashville exchanged the Austrian musket,

frame that encased it between the sacred shrine with which the regiment had been armed, for
of his country's freedom and the enemy who the Springfield iifle musket. Meanwhile it was
had attacked it. The pleasing illusions, first attached to the Eleventh Army Corps, Maj.
that the rebels would not fight, and next that Gen. O. O. Howard commanding.
they could be conquered in three months, had On the 24th of February, 1864, it took the

vanished the first when they fired on Fort line of march in the diriction of Chattanooga,
Sumter, and the second when they met they Tenn. On the — th day of March it arrived
at Wauhatchie, at which place it remained Ackworth, Ga. Here it remained until the 6th,
until the 2d day of Ma}-, being brigaded with when it moved forward and took position at
the One Hundred and Second and One Hun- Golgotha Church, in line of battle, throwing
dred and Twenty-ninth Illinois, Seventieth Indi- up intrenchments and remaining until the 15th,
ana and the Seventy-ninth Ohio, with which it when it again moved forward, encountering
remained during the war. In the meantime, the enemy behind the breastworks. A steady
the Eleventh and Twelfth Army Corps were fire was kept up until dark. That night and
consolidated under the name of the Twentieth the next day (the 16th) was occupied in
Army Corps, Maj. Gen. Joseph Hooker com- strengthening the position by erecting breast-
manding. May 2, moved to Gordon's Mills works, being exposed to the fire of the enemy.
May marched to Leet's Farm
6, thence to ; Lost 19 men during the two days. The night
Taylor's Ridge on the 7th May 10, moved to
; of the 16th, the enemy retreated. On the
Snake Creek Gap May 12, to Sugar Valley
17th, 18th, 19th and 20th, followed the retreat-
May 13, moved in the direction of Resaca, ing enemy, with slight skirmishing at inter-
Ga., skirmishing that evening and the next vals ; 21st, severe skirm'.sh fighting ; 22d,
day. The morning of the 15th, moved with moved forward about a mile, in close proxim-
the corps to the extreme left of the lines. Im- ity to the enemy's works, exposed to their fire,

mediately upon its arrival, took part in a losing 11 men. The enemy evacuated its posi-

charge upon the enemy's works, which were tion during the night of July 2. On the 3d,
carried, losing several men in the engagement moved in the direction of Marietta, Ga. The
On the 16th, pursued the retreating army brigade to which the One Hundred and Fifth
arriving at Calhoun on the 17th. On the 18th, was attached being the advance, skirmished
moved to near Cassville. On the 19th, the with the enemy, losing 1 man killed and 2
One Hundred and Fifth being in advance, wounded, camping about four miles from Mari-
skirmished with the rear guard of the enemy, etta, Ga., in plain view of a portion of the
driving them at every point. Remained near rebel army. On the evening of the 4th, con"
Kingston until the 23d, when ordered forward, tinued the march in the direction of the Chat-
crossing the Etoway River; 24th, moved to tahoochie River, camping within two miles of
Burnt Hickory. On the 25th, continuing its that stream, on the north side, the night of the
march to Dallas,
Ga., encountering the enemy, 6th. Remained there until the 17th, when it

having a brisk engagement until dark the — crossed the river and encamped until the after-
casualties numbering 15, including two com- noon of the 18th moved forward about five

missioned officers. miles and rested until the morning of the 20th;
From this time until the 1st of June, the crossed Peach Tree Creek and came upon the
regiment was engaged in advancing the line, enemy.
building and strengthening the works and A line of battle was formed, a charge of the
skirmishing, losing 16 men. enemy was repulsed in the afternoon, and sev-
On the 1st of June, moved to the extreme eral prisoners captured, also the colors of the
left with the Twentieth Corps. On the 2d, the Twelfth Louisiana. The 21st was occupied in
One Hundred and was ordered out as
Fifth burying the dead of both sides, and collecting
flankers, in which position it lost a most excel- and turning over ordnance and other property.
lent officer, Surgeon Horace S. Potter, being On the 22d, moved forward about three miles,
killed by a shell. On the 3d, moved around when the enemy was again encountered, posted
and beyond the enemy's right, encamping near behind the defenses of Atlanta. Intrenchments
were immediately thrown up. Remained in troops were in ecstacies. They mingled freely
when relieved and
this position until the 26th, with the populace, bought hot cakes of the
placed on reserve 29th, moved six miles to
pretty, bright-eyed feminine rebels, who didn't
the right of the line. Making the position look so very hostile to the boys as they ate from
secure by throwing up works, remained until their pie-tins the delicious tid-bits prepared for
the 2d day of August ; returned to the left and them, " all for greenbacks," of course, and yet,
took position, which was fortified and strength- greenbacks nevertheless, it was a pleasant
ened. Constant skirmishing and artillery firing change to eat food prepared by female hands.
was kept up until the night of the 25th of On the 31st of December, A. D. 1864, and Jan-
August, when ordered to fall back to the Chat- uary 1, 1865, was occupied in crossing the Sav-

tahoochie. Here it remained until the 27th, annah River, losing one man by a musket shot
when it took position on the north side of that from the enemy. Moved five miles, and en-
stream, doing picket and guard duty. The 2d camped until the 4th of January. Marched
day of September the city of Atlanta surren- north to Hardee's farm, and again encamped
dered. The regiment remained in the vicinity of remaining until the 17th, with slight skirmishes
Atlanta until the 15th of November, when the at intervals. Moved to Hardeeville, remaining
" grand march to the sea " was begun. The there until the 29th, when it started on the
One Hundred and Fifth, accompanying the ex- campaign of the Carolinas. Moving northward,
pedition, bore its full share of the trials and nothing of interest occurred until the 2d day of
hardships incident thereto. February, when the One Hundred and Fifth be-
Passing on the route Decatur, Lithonia, So- ing in the advance, encountered the eneni}' near
cial Circle, Rutledge and Madison, at which last- Lawtonville, strongly posted behind their bar-
named place it arrived on the 19th of Novem- ricades ; it immediately charged the enemy,
ber. From thence marched southward to the driving them from their position through the
city of Milledgeville, the capital of Georgia, ar- town, losing eight men in the engagement.
riving on the 22d, and remaining until the 27th. Continued the march on the 3d, 4th, 5th, 6th

Thence to the north of the Mississippi & and 7th, when theOne Hundred and Fifth had
Georgia Central Railroad. Passing through the advance. Had some slight skirmishes
and Louisville (the One
Sandersville, Davisboro with Wade Hampton's cavalry ; 8th, 9th and
Hundred and Fifth and part of the One Hun- 10th, were engaged up railroad be-
in tearing
dred and Second meeting a body of rebel cav- tween Graham Station and Williston from ;

alry between the two last-mentioned places), thence across the North and South Edisto
reaching Milan on December 3. Rivers, on the road to Columbia, arriving op-
Continuing the march toward Savannah, pass- posite that city on the 16th, after a very disa-
ing through Springfield on the 7th, having a greeable march through swamps and marshes.
slight skirmish with the guerrillas, arriving in Not being able to cross the Congaree at that
the city ot Savannah on the 10th. The One point, moved up the river and crossed the
Hundred and Fifth being the advance that day, Broad and Saluda Rivers, which unite and
had a brisk skirmish with the enemy's pickets, form the Congaree. Marching northward, ar-
driving them within the defenses of that city. rived at Winnsboro on the 21st. On the 22d,
Participated in the siege of Savannah, which the regiment, again in the advance, had some
surrendered to a magnanimous foe, to use the skirmishing with Butler's rebel cavalry, and
words of the Savannah Republican. This was crossed the Wateree River reached Hanging;

the crowning success of the campaign, and the Rock on the 27th rested one day 29th moved
; ;
forward, arriving at Chesterfield March 3 ; at
Cheraw March 6. Crossed Great Pedee and Phillips, William N., Wayne; date of rank!
Lumber Rivers, and arrived at Fayetteville on
1862; resigned December 2, 1862.

the 11th. Resting three days, 15th moved in

Potter, Horace S., Milton; date of rank Septem-
the direction of Raleigh, N. C, some ten miles,
ber 5, 1862; killed in battle June 2, 1864.
when it encountered the enemy, heavily in-
Waterman, Alfred. Warrenville; date of rank June
trenched near Averysboro then, on the 16th,
2, 1864; promoted from First Surgeon; mustered out
followed the battle of Aveiysboro, the enemy June 7, 1865.
being driven from their position. The One
Beggs, George W., Naperville; date of rank June
One Hundred and Fifth lost six killed and six-
2, 1864; promoted from Second Surgeon; mustered
teen wounded.
out June 7, 1865.
On the 19th, 20th and 21st, took part in the
engagement near Bentonville the enemy evac- ; NON-COMMISSIONED STAFF.
uated that place on the night of the 21st. Ar-
rived at Goldsboro on the night of the 24th. Vallette, Jonathan G., Milton; discharged July 6,

Thus ended the campaign of the Carolinas. 1864, to accept commission in volunteer service.
Whitlock, Ogden, Milton, mustered out June 7,
Remained at Goldsboro until April 10, 1865.
Continued the march toward Kaleigh, arriving COMMISSARY SERGEANT.

at Smithfield on the 11th, and at Raleigh on Clinton, Beach, Winfield; promoted First Lieu-

the 13th, encountering but tenant and Quarter-master in United States Colored
little opposition
from the enemy. Resting till the 25th, moved
out some fourteen miles on the Holly Springs Beggs, George W., Naperville; promoted Assistant
road, in the direction of Gen. Johnston's Surgeon.
army. Encamped during the 26th and 27th.
Fuller, Morell, Du Page County.
In the meantime, Gen. Johnston surrendered.
Van Vetzger, Walter.
On the 28th, returned to Raleigh, and imme-
diately began making preparations for the COMPANY B.

homeward march. On the 30th. left Raleigh

Rogers, Theodore S., date of rank
en route to Washington City, by way of Rich- September 2, 1862; resigned September 30, 1864.
mond, passing through the latter city on the Church, Lucius B., Winfield, date of rank Sep-
11th of May : arrived in the vicinity of Alex- tember 30, 1864; promoted from Lieutenant; mus-
andria, Va., on the 19th tered out June 7, 1865.
took part in the

grand review at Washington on the 24th, when FIRST LIEUTENANT.

the regiment received a compliment for their Scott, Willard, Jr., Naperville, date of rank Sep-
tember 30, 1864; promoted from Second Lieutenant;
movements in the manual of arms and their
mustered out June 7, 1865.
military appearance. Remained in the vicin-
ity of Washington until the 7th of June, when
Bedell, Gilbert, Winfield, date of rank June 7,
the regiment was mustered out of the service
1865; mustered out (as Sergeant) June 7, 1865.
and started by rail for Chicago, 111., where it
arrived on the 10th. Remained at Camp Fry
Sedgwick, John A., Naperville, enlisted August 2,
until the 17th, when paid off and disbanded. 1862; discharged November 15, 1864.

Vallette, Henry F., Naperville; date of rank Sep- Kelley, Isaac D., Naperville, enlisted July
tember 2, 18G2; resigned June 18, 1864. 362; mustered out June 7, 1865.

Carpenter, Ashley E., Milton, August 6; died at Chase, Samuel B., Downer's Grove, August 11.
Scottville, Ky., November 30, 1862. Davis, Zora B., Naperville, August 6 discharged ;

Bedell, Gilbert, Winfleld, August 4; mustered out October 29, 1864 ; disability.

June 7, 1865, First Sergeant; commissioned Second Fuller, Morell, Downer's Grove, August 4; pro-
Lieutenant, but not mustered. moted Drum Major.
Townsend, Perry, Downer's Grove, July 29; mus- Fowler, Daniel H., Naperville, August 7 trans- ;

tered out May 18, 1865. ferred to Company D, One Hundred and Fifth Illi-
nois Infantry.
Fisher, Abram B., Naperville, August 5.
Naper, Mark A., Naperville, August 6 ; mustered Fey, Albert, Winfleld, August 5 mustered out

out June 7, 1865, as Sergeant. June 7, 1865, as Corporal.

Town, Morris, Winfleld, August 6 mustered out ; Gager, John T., Lisle, July 29 ; mustered out June
June 7, 1865, as Sergeant. 7, 1865, as Corporal.
Cooley, Elias A., Winfleld, August 5, private died ; Gushert, Conrad, York, August 4 discharged ;

June 22, 1864 wounds.

; January 21, 1863 disability. ;

Freeto, William, Milton, July 29 ; mustered out Grumbine, Moses, Naperville, August 4 dis- ;

May 13, 1865. charged May 2, 1865 disability. ;

Burns, Elias, York, August 4 ; died June 22, 1864 ; Hand, Lewis J., Lisle, August 5.
wounds. Hickel, George, York, August 6.
Yock, Nicholas, Naperville, August 4 mustered ; Hynen, Ernest, Lisle, August 4 killed at Averys- ;

out June 7, 1865. boro, N. C, March 16, 1865.

Foster, Alexander F., Downer's Grove, August 12 ; Hoffman, Bartholomew, Naperville, August 5.
discharged April 7, 1863 disability. ; Hammschmidt, Joseph, Winfleld, August 5 mus- ;

Barr, Samuel A., Naperville, August 6 mustered ; tered out July 1, 1865.
out June 7, 1865. Hughes, William S., Winfleld, August 6.
PRIVATES. Johnston, William, Naperville, August 4 dis- ;

Beach, Clinton, Winfleld, August 5 promoted ; charged January 21, 1863 disability. ;

Commissary Sergeant. Jones, Daniel, Downer's Grove, August 6 mus- ;

Burns, John B., York, August 2. tered out July 10, 1865.
Beggs, George W., Naperville, August 6 pro- ; Kenyon, Paris, York, July 29 died August 16, ;

moted Hospital Steward. 1864 wounds.


Bowker, George, Bloomingdale, August 7. Kummer, Henry, Lisle, August 6 transferred to ;

Branch, Royal D., Naperville, August 2. Veteran Reserve Corps March 13, 1864.
Bucks, Wesley, Lisle, August 2. Kimball, Delos, Naperville, August 7 discharged ;

Beidleman, William, Lisle, August 3. May 23, 1863 ; disability.

Bachlem, William, Winfleld, August 5. Kenyon, Nicholas R., York, August 4 ; discharged
Buchannan, Albert, Winfleld, August 5 dis- ; March 2, 1863 ; disability.
charged June 26, 1863 disability.; August 6.
Kessell, George, Naperville,
Brown, William H., Winfleld, August 6 pro- ; Kopp, Henry G, Naperville, August 6 ; mustered
moted First Lieutenant United States Colored In- out July 22, 1865 prisoner of war. ;

fantry. Lindsey, Merritt, Naperville, August 3 ; died at

Bannister, Edmund B., Naperville, August 4 ; Nashville, Tenn., April 9, 1864.
discharged January 20, 1863 ; disability. Murray, Charles, Winfleld, August 5.
Babbitt, John H, Naperville, August 4. Motzberger, Henry, Milton, August 2.
Balch, Homer, Naperville, August 5. Mowry, Henry, Winfleld, July 31.
Butz, Joseph J., Naperville, August 6. Meyers, Edwin B., Milton, August 4 discharged ;

Coslett, Robert, Winfleld, August 6 ; mustered April 6, 1863 ;

out June 7, 1865, as Corporal. Meyers, Frederick A., Milton, August 4.
Cooper, Frederick, Winfleld, August 6 died at ; Meyers, William H, Milton, August 4; trans-
Bowling Green, Ky., January 1, 1863. ferred to Engineer Corps August 15, 1864.
Cotes, John S., Winfiekl, August 11 died at Mur- ; McMillan, James, Naperville, August 5.
freesboro July 25, 1863. Mayers, Henry, Naperville, August 4.
Cornell, Joseph, Downer's Grove, August 11. McQuinston, William, Lisle, August 6.
Mussleman, Harrison, Lisle, August 6. COMPANY D.
Norton, Henry, Naperville, August 6 died August ;

19, 1864 wounds.

Graves, Amos C, Winfield, date of rank Septem-
Neitz, Moses, Naperville, August 15. ber 2, 1862; discharged March 30, 1865.
O'Conner, Hains, Winfield, August 5. Graves, Judson A., Winfield, date of rank April
Pratt, Lorenzo, Wheaton, August 5 discharged ; 20, 1865; promoted from Sergeant; mustered out (as
April 6, 1863 ; disability. First Lieutenant) June 7, 1865.
Purnell, William, Winfield, August 5 ; mustered
out May 19, 1865.
Reynolds, Alonzo L., Naperville, August 5 dis- Jeffers, William H, Downer's Grove, date of rank

charged January 21, 1863 disability. ;

September 2, 1862; resigned May 5, 1864.
Rickert, Edwin C, Milton, August 4; mustered Peaslee, Luther L., Naperville, date of rank May
out June 7, 1865, as Corporal. 5,1864; promoted from Second Lientenant; resigned
Stanley, Joseph, Naperville, August 7 ; absent September 24, 1864.
sick atmuster out of regiment. Coffin, Edward B., Winfield, date of rank April

Stephenson, John P., Winfield, August 5. 20, 1865; mustered out as Sergeant June 7, 1865.

Stevens, Matthias A., Naperville, August 7.

Strong, Robert H, Du Page County, August 3.
Brown, George, Du Page County, date of rank
Stutenroth, Charles W., Naperville, August 4;
June 7, 1865; mustered out as Sergeant June 7, 1865.
mustered out June 7 as Corporal.
Smith, Chauncey G Du Page County, August 9
, ;

discharged December 20, 1863 ; disability. Valette, Jonathan G., Milton, enlisted August 14,
Stanley, Joel, Naperville, August 3. 1862; promoted Sergeant Major.
Townsend, Augustus, York, July 29 ; discharged
May 17, 1863 ; disability.
Tucker, George, Winfield, August 9. Sedgwick, George G., Bloomingdale, enlisted
Van Veltzer, Walter, Downer's Grove, August 4 August 14; discharged February 23, 1863; disability.

promoted Fife Major. Billings, John, Jr., Winfield, August 11; dis-

Van Oven, Adelbert, Naperville, August 9. charged February 6, 1863; disability.

Wallace, Gerry, Downer's Grove, August 15. Munk, Edward, Jr., Winfield, August 11; dis-

Weaber, Edward, York, August 9 mustered out charged July 11, 1863, to accept commission Four-

June 7, 1865, as Corporal. teenth U. S. C. T.

Wright, Albert H., Naperville, August 11.
Graves, Adoniram J., Winfield, August 12; pro-
Weaver, Daniel R., Naperville, August 4.
moted First Sergeant, First Lieutenant and Commis-
Wiant, Albert H, Wheaton, August 6.
sioned Captain.
Wilson, Moultrie, Winfield, August 15 discharged ;
Coffin,Edwin, Winfield, August 12; First Ser-
February 20, 1863 disability. ;

geant, commissioned First Lieutenant, but not

Watson, Sanford, Winfield, August 5 transferred
mustered; mustered out June 7, 1865; wounded.

to Engineer Corps August 15, 1864.

Pinny, Milton, Winfield, August 12; discharged
Wyman, William H, Winfield, August 5; dis-
April 25, 1863; disability.
charged January 20, 1863 disability. ;
Apthorpe, George, Bloomingdale, August 14; dis-
Zeutmeyer, Henry S., Naperville, August 5 died ;
charged July 11, 1863, to accept commission in
August 2, 1864 wounds. ;
Fourteenth U. S. C. T.
Hayes, George, Bloomingdale, August 8; died at
Leffler, Jeremiah, Naperville, mustered in No- South Tunnel, Tenn., December 29, 1863.
vember 27, 1863; transferred to Company K, Six- Fowler, Ferdinand F., Naperville, August 12; dis-
teenth Illinois Infantry. charged February 18, 1863; disability.
Palmer, Alonzo L. Freer, Theodore R., Downer's Grove, August 14;
died at South Tunnel, Tenn., January 30, 1863.
Perkins, Tillman, mustered in June 1863. MUSICIANS.
Link, Robert, mustered in March 17, 163 ; absent, Watts, Joseph H, Winfield, August 14; mustered
sick, at muster out of regiment. out June 7, 1865.
White, Uriah C, Winfield, August 14; mustered Ingalls, Abner E., Lisle, August 10 ; discharged
out June 7, 1865. March 14, 1863 ; disability.
WAGONER. Ingalls, Andrew E., Lisle, August 14 ; died at Gal-
Wood, James H., Milton, August 15; discharged latin, Tenn., February 14, 1863.

July 16, 1864. Kumner, Herman, Milton, August 10 mustered ;

out as Corporal wounded. ;

Barrows, James, Downer's Grove, August 14. Leonard, Charles, Naperville, August 10 killed ;

Berry, Isaac J., Winfield, August 14; mustered out Averysboro, N. C, March 16, 1865.
June 7, 1865, as Sergeant. Landon, Dwight, Bloomingdale, August 14.
Billings, Simeon, Winfield, August 12; mustered Lawrence, Charles. Bloomingdale, August 14
out May 20, 1865. discharged May 29, 1863 ; disability.
Bostwick, Hiram A., Winfield, August 12; mus- Lilly, Emery A., Bloomingdale, August 14 ; left
tered out June 7, 1865, as Corporal. at Scottsville, Ky., November 24, 1862.
Bartholomew, Charles, Winfield, August 14; died Linck, Antone, Lisle, August 14 ; mustered out as
at South Tunnel, Tenn., January 18, 1863. Corporal.
Bostwick, Arthur, Winfield, August 14. Meyrs, John M., Downer's Grove, August 12 ;

Blakeman, Jacob, Downer's Grove, August 12; died at Gallatin, Tenn., April 8, 1863.
mustered out May 20, 1865. McQuestion, Christ, Naperville, August 14 ; dis-
Brown, George, Du Page County, August 11; charged December 23, 1863 disability. ;

mustered out June 7, 1865, as Sergeant; commis- Munk, James C, Winfield, August 14 ; killed at
sioned Second Lieutenant, but not mustered. Resaca, Ga., May 15, 1864.
Bartholomew, Darius, Naperville, August 14. Meachem, Lucius, Bloomingdale, August 6 dis- ;

August 14.
Collins, George, Lisle, charged December 5, 1862 disability. ;

Conners, James, Downer's Grove, August 14. Morey, John, Lisle, August 15; discharged April
Cry, David, Naperville, August 14; mustered out 18, 1865.
June 7, 1865, as Corporal. Miles, James, Lisle, August 14; discharged De-
Chapman, Edward, Bloomingdale, August 7; cember, 29, 1862.
killed at Dallas, Ga., May 29, 1864. Palmer, Alonzo, Lisle, August 14; transferred to
Clark, Henry E., Bloomingdale, August 14; died Company D March 21, 1863.
at Gallatin, Tenn., February 8, 1863. Puffer, Charles, Lisle,August 14.
Dalton, Naylor, Winfield, August 11. Pierce, John H., Bloomingdale, August 14; died
Dixon, James C, Downer's Grove, Sergeant; at Frankfort, Ky., November 13, 1863.

transferred to Engineer Corps August 7, 1864. Robberts, Charles, Naperville, August 14; dis-
Denny, Charles, Naperville, August 11; discharged charged January 9, 1863; disability.
September 22, 1864; insane. Rogers, Bloomingdale, August 7; mustered out as
Drullard, Alvaro, Naperville, August 10; Cor- Sergeant; was a prisoner.
poral; died at Murfreesboro September 2, 1863. Rogers, Dedrich, Lisle, August 14.
Elsy, Isaac, Naperville, August 14; died at Gal- Ruckerick, Henry, Downer's Grove, August 12;
latin, Tenn., April 9, 1863; accidental wounds. mustered out June 7, 1865; wounded.
French, Joseph G., Bloomingdale, August 12; Richards, Samuel T., Lisle, August 13; died South
mustered out June 7, 1865, as Corporal. Tunnel, Tenn., January 28, 1863; wounded.
Gary, Erastus N, Milton, August 14; discharged Resequie, Lucien V., Winfield, August 14; mus-
September, 1864, as Sergeant wounds. ; tered out May 19, 1865.
Givler, Solomon, Jr., Naperville, August 14 died ; Streblow, Frederick, Downer's Grove, August 14;
at Scottsville, Ky., December 5, 1862. mustered out as Corporal.
Godfry, Luther N., Bloomingdale, August 13 ;
Shimelspfenig, Frank, Naperville, August 14 ;

discharged February 24, 1863 disability. ; mustered out as Corporal.

Gumpsheimer, Christ, Downer's Grove, August Schroder, John, Naperville, August 13; trans-
14 discharged January 15, 1864.
; ferred to Mississippi Marine Brigade March 25, 1863.
Goodel, Henry, Du Page County, August 12. Straul, Antone, Lisle, August 14.
Hatch, Reuben R., Lisle, August 10 discharged ; Straul, Antonie, August 14.
April 1, 1863 ; disability. Shilling, Jacob, Downer's Grove, August 12.
Stanley, Elisha, Naperville, August 14; killed at Adams, Samuel, Wayne; date of rank, September
Kenesaw Mountain June 16, 1804. 2, 1862; resigned April 13, 1864.
Taylor, Rufus B., Lisle, August 10.
Thompson, William, York, August 14; transferred
Tirtlatt, William M., Milton; date of rank April
to navy June 30, 1863.
Urnberger, Hiram, Naperville, August 13; mus-
13, 1864; promoted from Sergeant to Second Lieu-
tered out July 1, 1865, as Corporal; prisoner of war.
tenant November 28, 1864.
Smith, Melvin, Winfield; date of rank April 13,
Wray, William T., Winfield, August 12; killed
at Resaea, Ga., May 15, 1864.
1864; promoted from Sergeant.
Wheatley, Isaac, Lisle, August 11; mustered out
as Sergeant.
Porter, Warner, York; date of rank September 2,
Wilson, Rolon, Winfield, August 12; discharged 1862; resigned April 17, 1863.
April 4, 1863.
Cram, George F., Wheaton; date of rank June 7,
Wallace, Rosell, Bloomingdale, August 14. 1865 ; commissioned, but not mustered muster out;

Winop, Daniel, Downer's Grove, August 13; trans- June 7, 1865, First Sergeant promoted from Cor-

ferred to Engineer Corps August 7, 1864. poral wounded.


Yender, Allis, Lisle, August 14.

Wheeler, Henry C, Milton, enlisted August 8.

1862; promoted Second Lieutenant Fourteenth U.
Cline, Lewis, Downer's Grove, October 18, 1864;
S. C. T.
transferred to Company F, Sixteenth Illinois Infan-
Wolcott, Morgan, Wayne, enlisted August 5,
1862; discharged March 4, 1863, disability.
Edlie, J., Downer's Grove, Oct. 18, 1864; trans-
Perry, Daniel E., Winfield, enlisted August 9,
ferred to Company F, Sixteenth Illinois Infantry.
1862: died July 29, 1863.
Fowler, Daniel, Naperville; died at Gallatin,
Tenn., March 28, 1863.
Graves, James D., Naperville, November 27, 1863; Boutwell, George W., Wayne, enlisted July 31.
transferred to Company F, Sixteenth Illinois In- discharged July 6, 1864, to accept promotion in U.
fantry. S. C.T.
Gieble, John, Downer's Grove, October 18, 1864; Akin, Sterliu D., Wayne, enlisted August 5, 1862;
transferred to Company F, Sixteenth Illinois In- died at Frankfort, Ky., October 24, 1862.
fantry. Smith, George A., Wayne, August 5, 1862; trans-
Gerlin, John, Downer's Grove, October 18, 1864; ferred to Mississippi Marine Brigade March 2, 1863.
transferred to Company F, Sixteenth Illinois In- Perry, Harris, York, August 3, 1862; discharged
fantry. March 6, 1863, as private; disability
Mayo, Alfred H., Naperville, November 27, 1863; Meachem, Marchal E., Milton, August 10, 1862.
transferred to Company F, Sixteenth Illinois In- died at Scottsville, Ky. November 25, 1862.

fantry. Thompson, John, Jr., Wayne; enlisted August 5;

Mochel, George, Downer's Grove, October 18, 1862; discharged April 20, 1863; disability.
1864; transferred to Company F, Sixteenth Illinois Knine, George W., Bloomingdale, enlisted Aug-
Infantry. ust 7, 1862.
Wolf, George, September 20, 1863.
Winslow, Edward M., September 20, 1862. Kenyon, George W., York, enlisted July 29, 1862;
mustered out June 7, 1865, as private.
Standish, Hiram C, Lisle, enlisted August 11,
Ayers, Peter, October 14, 1863; died at Nashville,
1862; discharged February 19, 1863; disability.
Tenn., March 4, 1864.
Jones, Robert, November 14, 1863; absent, sick,
at muster out of regiment. Carter, William, Wayne, enlisted August 5,

discharged May 20, 1863; disability.

company p.
Daniels, Seth F., Wheaton; date of rank, Sept- Adams, Charles H., Wayne, August 5.
ember 2, 1862; discharged June 7, 1865. Ackerman, Alonzo, Milton, August 22.

Baker, Silas, Wheaton, August 3. Holmes, Thomas W., Milton, July 30; absent
Bacheider, John, Milton, August 9; promoted wounded at muster out of regiment.
Sergeant; died August 2. 1S64, wounds. Amis L., Milton, August 8.
Braud, David N., Wayne, August 5; died Bowl- Hammond, Perry H., Wayne, July 31; died at
ing Green, Ky., December 18; 1862. Nashville, Tenn., December 24, 1863.
Blank, Joel, Wayne, August 5; died Bowling Hammond, John, Jr., Wayne, July 31; mustered
Green, Ky., November 14, 1862. out June 7, 1865, as Corporal.
Charles M., Wayne. August 5; pro- Johnston, James K., Downer's Grove, August 9.

moted Sergeant. Jipson, Thomas, Milton, August 22; transferred to

Brannon, Patrick, Winfleld, August 7; died about Engineer Corps, August 15, 1864.
June 25, 1864; wounds. Keniston, Uriah B., Wayne, July 29; wounded.
Brown, William, Wayne, July 31; discharged Kingsley, Henry S., Milton, July 28; died January
October 17, 1864; wounds. 17, 1863.
Brody, James, Bloomingdale; August 5; mustered Knickerbocker, Wilson, Milton, July 30; died at
out as Corporal; wounded. Louisville, Ky., November 11, 1862.
Conner, Samuel F., Wayne, August 13; dis- Long, Silas, Wheaton, July 26.
charged October 30, 1862; disability. Lewis, William, Wayne, August 13; wounded.
Compton, Henry D., Bloomingdale, August 9. Mills, Samuel, Wayne, August 4; transferred to
Cary, Edward, Winfield, August 7; wounded. Company I.

Clark, Norman S., Wayne, July 31; mustered out Mattocks, Andrew J., Milton, August 5; died Au-
Sergeant. gust 5, 1864.
Congleton, James A., Bloomingdale, August 7; Miller, George, York, August 8; mustered out as
mustered out as Corporal. Corporal.
Dissing, Aaron, Naperville, August 22; wounded August 9.
Miller, Albert, York,
twice. McGilvery, John, Wayne, August 20; wounded
Depue, Hanson Downer's Grove, August
J., 11; twice.
discharged September 10, 1864; wounds. Minor. Briton, Bloomingdale, August 5.
DeWolf, Leonard E., Milton, August 8; dis- McLean, Daniel, Wayne, July 31. Corporal; trans-
charged January 3, 1863; disability. ferred to navy July 15, 1864.

Ehle, Harmon S., Bloomingdale, August 7; mus- Mullen, Orlando J., Wayne, July 31; discharged
tered out June 10, 1865, as Corporal. March 22, 1864, for disability.
Pairbank, James H., Winfleld, July 31. McGraw, Patrick, Milton, August 6; wounded.
Fletcher, W. Nichols, Wayne, August 5; mustered Owen, ElishaG, Wayne, July 31; died March 28,
out as Sergeant. 1863.
Fancher, Allison, Wayne, August 13; discharged Pepper, Patrick, Wayne, August 1 ; transferred to
January 11, 1863, for disability. Company I.

Frank, York, August 9 absent, sick, at mus-

Filer. ;
Parker, Dexter, Milton, August 15; mustered out
ter out of regiment. May 17, 1865.

Geer, Daniel V., Winfleld, July 26; died January Porter, William, Wayne, August 6.
16, 1863. Rice, Arthur P., Wheaton, July 26; killed at Res-
Geer, Lewis C, Winfield, August 3; discharged aca, 6s., May 15, 1864.
January 19, 1863, for disability. Rudd, William C, Wheaton, August 10.
Griswold, Martin E., Wheaton, August 22. Reed, George B., Wayne, August 13.
Grant, Isaac J., York, July 29; discharged March Rush, Green B., Downer's Grove, August 8.
8, 18S3, for disability. Sullivan, John, Milton, July 27.
Grant, David J., York, August 7; mustered out Stanham, John, Wayne, August 5.
May 22, 1865, as Sergeant. Samuelson, Gustavus, Wayne, August 10; dis-
Grant, Orris W., York, August 7. charged April 20, 1863, for disability.
Green, Edwin. Wayne, August 5; discharged April Stover, Lewis C, Milton, August 10; discharged
7, 1863, for disability. December 15, 1863; wounded.
Gray, Virgil V., Wayne, August 22; discharged Stockton, Joseph, Winfield, August 7; wounded.
April 13, 1863. Sayer, Warren M., Wayne, July 31.
Trick, Richard A., Wayne, July 30; discharged
December 17, 1862; disability. Pierce, Hannibal, Addison, enlisted August 15;
Talmage, George H., York, August 9. discharged January 15, 1864, as First Sergeant, to
Vanhoughton, John, Milton, August 22; mustered accept commission in Sixteenth U. S. C. T.
out as Corporal. Wagner, Joseph, Danby, enlisted August 15; ab-
"Wright, Benjamin F., Milton, July 28; supposed sent, wounded, at muster out of regiment.
transferred to naval service. Baker, John, Wheaton, enlisted August 15; pri-
Wheeler, John W., Wayne, July 29. muster out of Regiment.
vate, absent, siok at
Whitlock, Ogden, Milton, August 20; promoted
to Sergeant Major.
Wakelee, William H., Wheaton, August 3; dis- Plummer, Sephemus, enlisted August 15.

charged for disability. Knust, Frederick, Addison, enlisted August 15;

Wildman, Joseph, Milton, August 5; discharged discharged April 24, 1863.
December 20, 1862; disability.
Rainking, Henry, Addison, enlisted August 15;
Wheelon, Peter, Milton, August 13; transferred commissioned Second Lieutenant, but not mus-
Company tered.
to I.

Yander, Samuel, Lisle, August 13; died February Smith, John, Addison, enlisted August 15, mus-
tered out June7, 1865, as Sergeant; wounded.

Wigand, Joseph, Danby, enlisted August 15; mus-

Grant, Isaac J., Milton, October 15; transferred to tered out July1, 1865; prisoner of war.

Company K, Sixteenth Illinois Infantry. Schmidt, Louis, Addison, enlisted August 15; mus-
Hiatt, Luther L., Wheaton, October 15. tered out June 7, 1865, as Sergeant.

Nash, Delos, Milton, October 15; discharged Jan- Werner, Jacob, Addison, enlisted August 15.

uary 8, 1863; disability.

Riley, George W., Milton, October 15; mustered
out as Corporal. Ashe, August, Addison, August 15; died May 17,
Wilcox, Herbert W., Milton, October 15 ; dis- 1864; wounds.
charged May 26, 1865. Anderson. William, Addison, August 15.
Andres, Valentine, Addison, August 15; died at
Branch, John, June 1, 1863; absent, sick, at mus- South Tunnel, Tenn., January 1, 1863.
ter out of regiment. Baker, John H, Addison, August 15.
Brockman, Henry, Addison, August 15.
Brenis, John, Bloomingdale, August 15; trans-
ferred to Engineer Corps August 15, 1864.
Jones, Enos, Milton, date of rank September 2,
Brems, Henry, Wheaton, August 15.
1862; resigned December 17, 1862.
Dohlman, Jochine, Wheaton, August 15.
Locke, William O., Addison, date of rank Decem-
Dirking, William, Wheaton, August 15.
ber 17, 1862; discharged August 25, 1864.
Damermays, Henry, Addison, August 15; died at
Bender, George A., Wheaton, date of rank Oc-
Gallatin, Tenn., February 3, 1863.
tober 14, 1864; discharged March 18, 1865; promoted.
Dollinger, Anton, Danby, August 15; mustered
Unold, John, Addison, date of rank May 19, 1865;
out as Corporal.
mustered out as First Lieutenant June 7, 1865; pro-
Fullman, Frederick, Addison, August 15; died at
Gallatin, Tenn., June 5, 1863.

Locke, William O., Addison, date of rank Sep- Fredericks, George, Addison, August 15; dis-
tember 2, 1862; promoted.
charged January 10, 1863.

Frank, David, Babcock's Grove, date of rank. Fischer, Diedrick, Addison, August 15; died at
May 19, 1865; mustered out as Sergeant June 7, 1865. Louisville, Ky., Februry 10, 1863.
Fredricks, John, Addison,August 15.
Frank, David, Babcock's Grove, August 15, com-
Fischer, Augustus H, Addison, date of rank Sep- missioned First Lieutenant, but not mustered; mus-
tember 2, 1862; died August 13, 1864. tered out June 7, 1865, as First Sergeant.
Reinking, Henry, Addison, date of rank June 7, Foust, John, Babcock's Grove, August 15; died
1865,mustered out as Sergeant June 7, 1865. at Louisville, January 8, 1863.

Fork, Gerhard H., Babcock's Grove, Augu9t 15; Pepper, Patrick, Wheaton, August 15; discharged
died at South Tunnel, Tenn., January 20, 1863. December 31, 1862; disability.
Gray, Fredrick J., Addison, August 15. Ritter, Carl, Addison, August 15; died at Bowling
Gletcher, Fredrick, Addison, August 15; mustered Green, Ky., November 27, 1862.
out as Corporal. Ruprecht, Henry, Addison, August 15; transferred
Gimble, John, Addison, August 15; mustered out to Invalid Corps February 24, 1864.
as Sergeant. Schmidt, John H., Addison, August 15; mustered
Huehl, Gerhard, Addison, August 15; discharged out as Corporal.
December 14, 1862. Schott, Adam J., Addison, August 15; discharged
Herbst, Henry, Addison, August 15; died at South May 3 ; disability.
Tunnel, Tenn., January 1, 1863. Spangenberg, Christian, Addison, August 15; died
Holdorf, Gotlieb, Addison, August 15. at Albany, Ind., December 4, 1862.
Herneman, David, Addison, August 15. Schoh, John W. H., Addison, August 15; died at
Hinton, Edward, Addison, August 15; transferred Gallatin, Tenn., May 15, 1863.
to Engineer Corps August 15, 1861. Stuve, Diedrick, Addison, August 15.
Hanebuth, August, Addison, August 15; mustered Schultz, Carl, Naperville. August 15; died at Gal
out as Corporal. latin, Tenn., March 12, 1863.
Hanebuth, "William, Addison, August 15. Tegtman, Henry, Addison, August 15; died May
Heller, Henry, Addison, August 15; absent, sick, 17, 1864; wounds.
at mustering out of regiment. Timmer, Herman, Cottage Hill. August 15; dis-
Jenkins, William F., Addison, August 15; mustered charged March 3, 1863, as Corporal; disability.
out June 7, 1865, as Corporal. Volberding, Lewis A., Addison, August 15; dis-
Kemph, Samuel, Wheaton, August 15; mustered charged April 22, 1863, as Corporal; disability.
out as Corporal. Wilke, Charles, Addison, August 15.
Konson, Henry, Wheaton, August 15. Webber, Frederick, Addison; mustered out June
Koxing, Henry, Cottage Hill, August 15; died at 19, 1865.
Bowling Green, Ky., November 25, 1862. Wailon, Peter, Wheaton, August 15; transferred
Kline, John, Wheaton, August 15. to Engineer Corps August 15, 1864.
Kniepenberg, Henry, Addison, August 15. Weisman, Henry, Addison, August 15; died at
Kessel, Christian, Addison, August 15; mustered Louisville, Ky., December 25, 1862.
out July 1, 1865. Zarzo, John, Bloomingdale, August 15.
Lenehrson, Frederick, Addison, August 15; mus-
tered out as Corporal.
Comro, Adolf, Addison, October 12, 1864; trans-
Lenesenhop, William, Addison, August 15; died
ferred to Company H, Sixteenth Illinois Infantry.
at Gallatin, Tenn., December 18, 1862.
Holt, Henry, Addison, October 12, 1864; trans-
Leseberg, Frederick, Addison, August 15; died at
ferred to Company H, Sixteenth Illinois Infantry.
Gallatin, Tenn., February 23, 1863.
Jones, David, Milton; died at Milton, 111., October
Messenbrink, Frederick, Addison, August 15.
8, 1862.
Messenbrink, Lewis, Addison, August 15; dis-
Mockling, Henry, Addison, Oct. 12, 1864; trans-
charged February 27, 1865; disability.
ferred to Company H, Sixteenth Illinois Infantry.
Mueller, Philip, Addison, August 15.
Wolf, Christian, Addison, October 12, 1864; trans-
Maas, Peter, Babcock's Grove, August 15; dis-
ferred to Company H, Sixteenth Illinois Infantry.
charged May 23, 1863.
Mishe, Augustus, Wheaton, August 15; absent,
sick, at mustering out of regiment. Levi, , August 20, 1863; absent, sick, at mus-
Mills, Samuel, Wheaton, August 15; discharged ter out of regiment.
February 19, 1863; disability. Roman, , September 15, 1863; died March 28,
Mehring, Henry, Addison, August 15; died at 1865; wounds.
Murfreesboro, Tenn., July 4, 1863. names shows the
The date affixed to the
Muss, Nicholas, Addison, August 15; discharged
time of the eulisment of each soldier.
February 19, 1863; disability.
Newman, Andrew, Cottage Hill, August 15; died The date of mustering out or discharged is

May 27, 1864; wounds. also given to such soldiers as were honorably

discharged before the regiment was mustered COMPANY C

out. The term " discharged " means an honor- Ufford, Charles, Naperville, enlisted May 31.

able discharge. COMPANY H.

Sedgwick, John A., Naperville, Captain; date of
Rook, Stephen, Naperville; recruit.
The One Hundred and Twenty-seventh Regi-
ment of Illinois Infantry was organized at COMPANY I.
Camp Douglas and mustered into service Sep- Herrick, Herrold O, Naperville, Sergeant, enlist-

tember 1862. It started out with 887 men ed May 16, 1864.

and returned with but 231 — the survivors of a Wright, William P., Naperville, Corporal, enlist-
ed May 19, 1864.
hundred battles —who were mustered out at Bickford, Levi F., Wheaton, Corporal, enlisted
Chicago June 10, 1865. It had four men from May 17, 1864.

Du Page County in its ranks. Bunn, Isaac H., Warrenville, enlisted May 18,
COMPANY A. Conklin, Lewis, Naperville, enlisted May 17. 1864.
Mosely, Albert, Naperville, enlisted August 6, Denbam, George W., Warrenville, enlisted May
mustered in September 5, 1862; died at Oswego, 111., 13, 1864.
September 7, 1863. Hall, Charles H, Naperville, enlisted May 20,
Mosely, Henry, enlisted and mustered in at the 1864.
same time; absent sick at muster out of regiment. Hallam, Robert, Naperville, enlisted May 12, 1864.
Long, Luther, Wheaton, enlisted May 21, 1864.
McNeal, John, Naperville, enlisted May 20, 1864.
Lemis, Daniel W., Naperville, enlisted August 11;
Sellers, Edward B„ Wheaton, enlisted May 12,
mustered in September 5, 1862; detached at muster
out of regiment.
COMPANY K. Thatcher, Charles D., Naperville, enlisted May
16, 1864.
Ruckel, Philip H., York, enlisted August 14 and
mustered in September 5, 1862; died at Walnut
Hill, Miss., July 3, 1863.

Regiments from number 132 to 143 inclu- The Hundred and Forty-first Regiment of
sive were enlisted for only 100 days' service. IllinoisInfantry was mustered into service

These fresh recruits were designed to hold June 16, and mustered out October 10, 1864, it
places already in possession of the Union being organized for one hundred days' service.
forces while the veterans were pushing into It had eighty men from Du Page County.
the extreme limits of the South.

Town, Albert, Winfield.

The One Hundred and Thirty-second Regi- Stephen, Milton.
ment of Illinois Infantry was organized at
Camp Fry, Chicago, and mustered in for 100 James, Albert S., Dauby.
days' service from June 1, 1864. It moved

June 6 for Columbus, Ky., and arrived on the Churchill, A. Danby.

8th. It was sent to Paducah, 111., where it
remained till its term expired, when it moved McChesney, Joseph R., Danby.
to Chicago, and was mustered out October 17

1864. It had fifteen men from Du Page Eldridge, David, York.

County. Vallette, Edward, Milton.
Pierce, William H, Bloomingdale.
Ackerman, Miles, Milton; mustered out as Cor- Puffer, George W., Downer's Grove; died at Col-
poral. umbus, Ky., August 19, 1864.
Bronson, Charles; mustered out as First Sergeant. Peters, John, Elgin.
Bird, Henry; mustered out as Corporal. Quigley, Adelbert, Milton.
Bisbey, Bruce; mustered out as Corporal. Rickert, George, Milton; mustered out as Corporal.
Barnes, William; mustered out as Corporal. Richardson, Henry, Milton.
Burback, Augustus T., Elgin. Sandercook, George, Milton.
Churchill, Andrew, Milton. Stacy, Philo W., Milton; mustered out as Cor-
Cook, Nathaniel. Milton. poral.
Cheney, Eugene M., Milton. Shepherd, William, Downer's Grove.
Dodge, Parker C, Downer's Grove. Smith, John, Downer's Grove.
De Wolf, Franklin, Mi-lton. jj
.Sabin, Charles A., Milton; mustered out as Cor-
Doherty, George, Elgin. poral.
Eldridge, George W., Elgin. Sprout, William, Milton.
Efiand, Ernst, Milton. Steavens, John, Milton.
Edwards, John, York. Smith, Charles, Milton.
Finnamore, Henry, Milton. Thompson, Alexander, Milton.
Ginter, William, Elgin. Vallette, John O., Milton; promoted Hospital
Giblin, Henry, Downer's Grove. Steward.
Gibbons, John J., Elgin. Vallette, Henry A., Milton; mustered out as Cor-
Holmes, Alanson N., Milton; mustered out as Cor- poral.
pora). Warnock, Benjamin F., Elgin.
Hockaday, William, Addison. White, James, Milton.
Hatch, Henry M., Downer's Grove; promoted White, Michael, Milton.
Sergeant. Wallace, Henry, Downer's Grove.
Hennessy. Michael, Milton. Walsh, Thomas, Windfield.
Hines, Fred, Downer's Grove. Wilson, Alexander, Downer's Grove.
Hubble, John, Milton. Weaber, William, York.
Hill, David, Milton. Wing, John P., Milton.
Harrington, James H., York. Young, Andrew, Milton.
Hageman, Francis C, Milton; promoted Assist- Zeir, Peter, Milton.
ant Surgeon. Zerell, Ferdinand, Milton.
Jewell, Andrew, Milton. Hagerman, Francis C, Milton; recruit.
Jamison, Hugh, Milton.
Kane, Thomas, Milton.
Knutt, Herman, York.
The One Hundred and Fifty-second Regi-
Kelly, James, Winfield. ment of Illinois Infantry was organized at
Litchfield, Cyrenicus W., York; mustered out as Camp Butler February 18, 1865, for one year,
Sergeant. and mustered out of service at iMernphis, Tenn.,
Luke, Robert. B., Milton.
the following September, on the 11th, the war
Lichundguth, Michael, Downer's Grove.
having closed before its term had expired. It
Myers, Edwin R., Milton; mustered out as Ser-
had one man from Du Page County.
Muzzy, Harrison, Milton.
McCormic, John, Milton.
Miller, William R., York.
Myers, Charles M., Milton.
Newton, William C, Milton.
Nickerson, James D., Milton; mustered out as
Corporal. The One Hundred and Fifty-third Regiment
Peck, Sanford, York. of Illinois Infantry was for one year's service.

Camp Fry, and was mus- Tuttle, Francis L., York; mustered out as Cor-
It was organized at
tered in February 27, 1865. Its chief mission
was to defend the Nashville & Chattanooga Brown, Alfred, Addison.
Railroad. It was mustered out at Memphis, Buckner, Daniel, Winfield.
September 15, 1865. The number of men from Johnson, Samuel, Addison.
Du Page County in it was seventy-five, as fol- Nicholas, Samuel, Addison.
Reddick, Austin, Addison.
lows :

Williams, Jehn H.

Adams, Hiram, Wayne.


Barter, Franklin, "Wayne ; died at Nashville, Warnock, Benjamin F., Milton, Sergeant; pro-
Tenn., March 16, 1865. moted to Second Lieutenant.
Barther, William, Bloomingdale. Rickert, George J., Milton, Sergeant; mustered
Bushe, George, Wayne. out as First Sergeant.
Chisholm, Oliver P., Bloomingdale; promoted to Cheeney, Eugene M., Milton, Sergeant; promoted
Second Lieutenant. to Quartermaster's Sergeant.
Eastman, Edwin, Bloomingdale, Corporal. Howard, Charles H., Milton; absent with leave at
Fowler, Charles, Bloomingdale, Wagoner. muster out of regiment.
Grow, Freeman, Bloomingdale. Miller, George T.. Milton, Corporal, mustered
Gage, James H., Wayne. out as Sergeant.
Hall, Charles A., Wayne. Miner, Ithamer, Milton, Corporal.
Hammond, Abram, Wayne. Wilson, Walter S., Winfield, Corporal; mustered
Hemmingway, Charles E., Wayne. out as Sergeant.
Johnson, William H., Milton; promoted to Com- Dore, Thomas, Winfield, Corporal.
missary Sergeant. Aitkin, Walter, Winfield.
King, George T., Wayne. Anderson, Andrew, Winfield.
McAleer, John, Bloomingdale, Sergeant. Brown, Luther D., York.
McKillips, Albert H., Wayne. Bristol, Peleg, York.
McKillips, William M., Wayne. Bristol, Augustus, York.
McNaught, Ezekiel, Wayne. Bohlander, Philip G., Milton.
O'Brien, Henry, Bloomingdale; discharged June Bohlander, Henry, Milton.
1, 1865. Boardman, Albert, Winfield.
Ray, Lewis C, Bloomingdale, Corporal; absent, Cleveland, Sylvester J., Milton.
sick, at muster out of regiment. Denham, Robert, Winfield.
Shaw, Willis, Bloomingdale, Musician. Ginter, William, Milton; wagoner.
Shaw, George W., Bloomingdale. Lewis, Fletcher, Milton.
Smith, Albert E., Wayne. Moore, Oscar, Milton.
Turner, August, Wayne. O'Brien, Thomas, Winfield.
Wheeler, Danforth M., Bloomingdale. Olsen, Sinert, Winfield.
Perkins, William F., Winfield.
COMPANY D. Piatt, William T., Milton; discharged July 16,

- Art, York; mustered out July 25, 1865.

James J., 1865, for disability.
Atherton, Lucius W., York; absent, sick, at mus- Ranston, S., York; discharged August 31, 1865,

ter out of regiment. for disability.

Balcom, Truxton H., York. Stephen, Archibald, Milton.
Delano,- William B., York; mustered out May 24, Sprout, John, Milton.
1865. Soler, John Dexter, Winfield.
Fuller, Alonzo W., York; promoted to Second Tansel, Rand, Milton; absent, sick, at muster out
Lieutenant. of regiment.
Hulett, John. Town, Albert S., Winfield.
Sperry, William 0., York ; mustered out as Cor- Weaver, John, Milton.
poral. Walan, Henry, Milton.
Elliot, Winfleld.
Young, Andrew, Milton ; mustered out as Cor- Heillegass, William H., Naperville, enlisted Feb-
poral. ruary 25, 1865; mustered out September 20, 1865, as
First Sergeant.
ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY-SIXTH REGIMENT. Crampton, William M., Naperville, enlisted March
Regiment 1, 1865; absent at muster out of regiment.
The One Hundred and Fifty-sixth
Hall, George, Naperville, enlisted February 25,
of Illinois Infantry were enlisted for one year.
1865; mustered out September 20, 1865.
It was mustered into service at Camp Fry- Brown, Jones B., Downer's Grove, February 25,
March 9, 1865, and was detailed to guard the 1865; mustered out May 16, 1865.
railroad between Chattanooga, Tenn., and Dal-
and subsequently to do patrol duty at
ton, Ga.,
Weaver, Harvey, Naperville, enlisted February
Memphis. It was mustered out at Springfield,
mustered out September 20, 1865, as Ser-
25, 1865;
111., in September, 1805. It had ninety-nine men geant.
from Du Page County in its ranks as follows : Dudley, Edward C, Lisle, enlisted February 25,
1865; mustered out September 20, 1865, as Sergeant.
Knauss, George F., Lisle; enlisted February 25,
1865; mustered out September 20, 1865.
Zase, Andrew, Addison, enlisted February 18 Thatcher, Charles T., Naperville; enlisted Febru-
1865; mustered out September 20, 1865. ary 2§, 1865; mustered out September 20, 1865.
Kulp, George J., Naperville; enlisted February 5,
1865; mustered out September 20, 1865.
Alexander, Samuel, Addison, February 18, 1865 Wilson, Alexander, Downer's Grove; enlisted Feb-
mustered out September 20, 1865. ruary 25, 1865; mustered out September 20, 1865.
Berry, Washington, Addison, February 18, 1865 Rich, Lewis M., Downer's Grove; enlisted March
mustered out September 20, 1865. 1, 1865; mustered out September 20, 1865.
Breese, James M., Addison, February 18, 1865 Miller, Levi, Naperville; enlisted February 25,
mustered out September 20, 1865. 1865; mustered out September 20, 1865.
Durfey, Jefferson, Addison, February 18, 1865
mustered out September 20, 1865.
Killey, Francis M
v Addison, February 18, 1865 Shepherd, Ralph A., Downer's Grove; enlisted
mustered out September 20, 1865. February 24, 1865; mustered out September 20, 1865.
Stowers, Robert W., Addison, February 18, 1865 Aaron, Julius, Naperville; enlisted March 1; mus-
absent, sick, at muster out of regiment. tered out May 20, 1865, as private.

Esher, Martin E., Lisle; enlisted February 24,
1865; mustered out September 20, 1865.
Blanr.hard, William, Downer's Grove, date of
rank March 9, 1865; resigned June 14, 1865.

FIRST LIEUTENANTS. Atzel, John,Downer's Grove. March 1, 1865.

Bard, Reuben W., Naperville, date of rank March Atwood, William, Downer's Grove, February 24,
9, 1865; resigned May 31, 1865.
and place unknown.
1865; died, date
Berry, Charles H., Downer's Grove, March 2,
Hudson, David G., date of rank June 12, 1865;
1865; mustered out February 20, 1865.
out September 20, 1865.

Bateman, John W., Downer's Grove, February 24,

Mertz, Solomon E., Lisle, date of rank March 9, Brown, David, Downer's Grove, February 25, 1865.
1865; resigned June 13, 1865. Bapst, Lewis, Downer's Grove, February 29?
Wright, William P., Naperville, date of rank Compte, Eugene, Naperville, February 25.
June 21, 1865; promoted from Sergeant, then Cap- Craigmilc, Alexander, Downer's Grove, February
tain; mustered out September 20, 1865.
Chomann, Jacob, February 25, 1865.
Lisle, Rickert, Lichard, Lisle, February 25, 1865; absent
Drew, Robert, Lisle, February 25, 1865. at muster out of regiment.
Davenport, Oscar, Downer's Grove, March 1, 1865; Rehin, Andrew, Downer's Grove, February 24,

absent at muster out of regiment. 1865.

Essington, Thomas, Lisle, February 25, 1865. Smith, George, Jr., Downer's Grove, March 11,

Ebberly, John B., Lisle, February 24, 1865. 1865.

Flisher, John, Downer's Grove, March 1, 1865. Smith, Charles, Downer's Grove, March 2, 1865.
Getsh, Anton, Naperville, February 25, 1865. Schmidt, Frederick, Naperville, February 25,
Grass, Frederick, Naperville, February 25, 1865. 1865.
Gushart, David, Naperville, February 25, 1865. Stoner, Frank A., Naperville, February 35, 1865.

Good, Robert G., Lisle, February 25, 1865; mus- Stover, Edmund, Lisle, February 22, 1865.
tered out May 13, 1865. Shaffer, Alfred, Lisle, February 25, 1865.
Grassley, Charles, Lisle, February 25, 1865. Stroule, George, Lisle, February 25, 1865.
Hintz, Frederick, Downer's Grove, February 24, Strauss, Albert, Lisle, February 25, 1865.
1865. Shephard, William, Downer's Grove, February
Hines, Frederick, Downer's Grove, February 25, 25, 1865.
1865. Turner, George, Naperville, February 25, 1865.
Hubbard, Charles H, Naperville, February 25, Ulrich, Henry, Naperville, March 1, 1865.
1865. Vogle, Nelson, Lisle, February 25, 1865.

Heim, Henry, Naperville, February 25, 1865. Wagner, Naperville, February 25, 1865.
Holderer, Christian, Naperville, ^.February 25, Wheatley, Frederick, Lisle, February 25, 1865.
1865. Whitney, William C, Lisle, February 25, 1865.
Houser, Milton L., Lisle, February 25, 1865. Wetten, Valentine, Downer's Grove, February 25,
Heittler, John, Lisle, February 25, 1865. 1865.
Houser, William, Naperville, February 25, 1865. Yender, George, Lisle, February 25, 1865.

Hammer, February 25, 1865.

Peter, Lisle, Yund, Simon E., Naperville, March 1, 1865; mus-
Hinderlong, Christian, Lisle, February 25, 1865. tered out August 25, 1865, as Musician.
Kreyder, Charles, Downer's Grove, March 1,
1865; mustered out as Corporal. COMPANY E.

Kochley, Joseph, Naperville, February 25, 1865. PRIVATE.

Kline, Jacob, Downer's Grove, February 25, 1865. Kaley, Jefferson, Winfield, February 28, 1865.
Kreyder, John, 'Downer's Grove, February 24,
1865. COMPANY F.

Kline, William, Lisle, February 25, 1865. PRIVATES.

Lent, Lawrence, Naperville, February 25, 1865; Cragg, Edward, Winfield, February 28, 1865.
mustered out as Corporal. Cragg, George H, Winfield, February 25, 1865;
Lienbundguth, Michael, Downer's Grove, Febru- mustered out May 12, 1865.
ary 24, 1865. Griswold, David M., Winfield, February 28, 1865;
Mattis, Sebastian, Naperville,February 25, 1865. mustered out May 27, 1865.
Mattis, Joseph, Naperville, February 25, 1865. Misener, Merit, Winfield, February 26, 1865.
Maynard, Levi, Downer's Grove, February 24,
1865. COMPANY G.
Mertz, Wellington, Downer's Grove, February 24,

1865; mustered out May 26, 1865. Campbell, Garrett, Lisle, March 1, 1865.
Netzley, John W., Lisle, February 25, 1865.
Oldfield, Joshua, Downer's Grove, February 27,
The date of the enlistment of each soldier is
1865. affixed to his name, and also of mustering out,
Porter, Alva B., Downer's Grove, March 2, 1865. when discharged before the term for which he
Peter or Petus, Frederick, Downer's Grove, March enlisted.
1, 1865.
Cogswell's battery.
Riddler, William, Naperville, February 25, 1865.
Rickert, Alexander M., Naperville, February 25, West, Louis, Naperville, enlisted February 25;
1865; mustered out September 16, 1865. mustered in April 6, 1864; mustered out as Sergeant.

Pettit's Battery had one man from Du Page Gager, Charles M., Brush Hill.
Coe, Samuel A., Downer's Grove; both enlisted
Count}' :

February 15, and mustered in the 28th, 1862.

Wesley, Christian, Milton, enlisted in 1862; served
Coffin, Menzo O, Downer's Grove.
three years and eleven days; wounded.
Fox, Herman M., Downer's Grove; both enlisted
Barker's Dragoons had three men from Du and mustered in October 18, 1864.
Page County :
Ireland, John, York, enlisted and mustered in Feb-
Litchfield, Cyrenius W., York. ruary 28, 1862; discharged March 31, 1864, for dis-
Reihansperger, Lawrence, Winfield. ability.

Reiley, John, Winfield. Reynolds, Allen, Downer's Grove, enlisted and

mustered in February 28, 1862 re-enlisted as;

Smith, Otis A., York, enlisted and mustered in
The First Regiment of Light Artillery had February 28, 1862; re-enlisted as veteran.
three men from Du Page County enlisted in it Buck, Thomas, Winfield, unassigned recruit; en-
listed and mustered in October 25, 1864.

Schuerman, Jacob, Naperville; mustered in July

30; discharged September 20, 1861. SECOND CAVALRY REGIMENT.

The Second Cavalry Regiment was mustered
Andreuss, Charles B., York, enlisted and mustered into service August 12, 1861, and mustered out

in October 14, 1864; died at Camp Butler November of service at San Antonio, Texas, November 24,
20, 1864. 1865. It had one man from Du Page County.
Darst, Jonathan H., Winfield, enlisted and mus-
tered in October 26, 1864.
Preston, Charles, Milton, enlisted June 1; mus-
tered in October 16, 1864.
The Second Artillery had eighteen men from THIRD CAVALRY REGIMENT.
Du Page Count}' :

This regiment was organized at Camp Butler,

111., in August, 1861, and mustered out at
Rich, Judson. Naperville, Second Lieutenant; pro-
moted to Captain. Springfield, October 13, 1865. It had four men
Ward, George T., Naperville, First Lieutenant; from Du Page County.
date of rank December 9, 1864.
Haight, Charles D., Naperville, Quartermaster
Hubbard, William, enlisted February 25; mus-
Sergeant; promoted to Second Lieutenant.
tered in the 27th, 1865; promoted to Sergeant.
Stolp, Rufus, Naperville, enlisted October 25, 1861;
Fischer, James H, Winfield, enlisted February
re-enlisted as veteran; promoted to Sergeant.
28; mustered in March 1, 1865.
Stolp, Rufus S., Naperville, enlisted January 1,
1864; mustered out as Sergeant. .COMPANY I.

Black, Neal J., Naperville, enlisted December 12, Backus, Myron, Addison, enlisted and mustered in
1861; mustered out as Corporal. February 28, 1865.
Blackstun, Henry, Naperville, enlisted December COMPANY K.
12, 1861.
Milner, Henry O, York, enlisted and mustered in
Potter, Robert K., Naperville, enlisted December March 7, 1865.
12. 1861.
Pool, Francis K., Downer's Grove.
Young, John, Downer's Grove; both enlisted and This regiment was mustered into service at
mustered in October 18, 1864, as recruits. Ottawa August 6, 1861, and mustered out in
November, 1864. It had two men from Du mouth November 23, 1862, after which it was
Page County. on picket duty during the active operations
company c. .
that immediately followed.
Avery, John, Milton, enlisted August 24, 1861;
The next year, 1863, its earnest work was
mustered out November 3. 1864, as Sergeant.
redoubled, and the actions in which it was
Avery, Frank H., Milton, enlisted August 29, 1861;
discharged April 20, 1862, for disability. engaged may be enumerated as follows Sul- :

phur Springs, April 14 battle near Warrenton, ;

SIXTH CAVALRY REGIMENT. the 17th ; Rapidan, May 1 ; Northern Neck, the
This regiment was organized at Camp Butler, 14th ; Borstly Ford, June 9 ; Upperville, the
111., November 19, 1861, and mustered out at 21st; Fairville, Penn., the 30th; Gettysburg,
Selma, Ala., November 5, 1865. It had two July 1. It claims the honor of firing the first

men from Du Page Count}-. shot at this decisive battle ;

Williamsport, Md.,
the 6th ; Boonsboro, the 8th ;
Funkstown, the
10th ;
Falling Waters, the 14th ;
Chester Gap,
McKinny, John H., Milton, enlisted and mustered
in March 14, 1865.
the 21st; Sandy Hook, the 21st; near Cul-
Rinehard, John, Milton, enlisted and mustered in pepper, Va., August 1 ; Brady's Station, the
March 21, 1865. 4th ; a raid to Falmouth, the 30th ; Pony Moun-
tain, September 13; Libert}- Mills, the 21st;
EIGHTH CAVALRY REGIMENT. Brady's Station, October 11 Manassas, the

The Eighth Cavalry Regiment was organ- 15th; Warrenton, the 30th ; Rexleysville, No-
ized at St. Charles, 111., in September, 1861, by vember 8 ; Mitchell's, the 12th, and Ely's Ford,
Col. Famsworth, and mustered in the 18th. In the 30th.
October it moved
Washington, and in De-
to During the war, the following is a summary
cember, to Alexandria, Va. The following of the results of their arms, from official rec-
March, it joined Gen. Sumner's division in his ords ;

advance on Manassas, after which it guarded Captured, wounded and killed of the enemy,
the Rappahannock till May. On the 4th, it 3,946 ; slaves liberated, 3,000 ; horses killed or
moved to Williamsburg under command of Gen. captured, 4,110 ; mules killed or captured, 661 ;

Stoneham. June 26, it held '.he enemy under sheep killed or captured, 1,400 ; cattle killed or
Jackson check at Mechauicsville, after which
in captured, 2,200 ; wagons captured, 280 ; smug-
battle a change of base was made by the Union gling crafts destroyed, 208 ; 10 tons of ammu-
forces, in accomplishing which the Eighth pro- nition ;
and 16 tons of pork
7 tons of leather,
tected the rear of thearmy by successful skir- captured 7 colors and 6 guns taken, added to

mishes with the enemy. At Malvern Hill, it which were cereals and small arms, valued at
led the attack which was made on that place. $2,000,000. These men were among the best
August 30, 1862, it embarked at Yorktown and soldiers in the war, whose bodies were hardened
landed at Alexandria the 1st of September, into clear muscle and bone, by their unceasing
from which place it took the offensive and capt- activity, made effective by the indomitable
ured 220 prisoners, two guns and the colors of courage that held their uplifted arms to the
the Twelfth Virginia Regiment. service.
Itwas next engaged at Antietam, and next This regiment was mustered out at Benton
at Martinsburg, after which it led the advance Barracks, Mo., July 17, 1865, and ordered to
of the Army of the Potomac almost constantly, Chicago, where its remnant, less than one-third
skirmishing with the enemy, till it reached Fal- of its original number, received its final pay-

merit and discharge. It had 197 men from Du Ackley, John W., Bloomingdale, September 2,

Page County in its ranks. 1861; re-enlisted as veteran January 1, 1864; mus-
tered out as Corporal.
Asendorf, Albert, Addison, September 12; mus-
Kelley, ElishaS., Milton; date of rank December 5, tered out September 28, 1864.
1862; resigned May 23, 1863.
Bunnell, Marcus, Bloomingdale, September 9,

1861 ; re-entisted as veteran November 30, 1863 ;

Matlock, Lucius C, Wheaton; date of rank Octo- mustered out as Corporal.

ber 8, 1861 mustered out August 25, 1862.
Baltz, William, Bloomingdale, August 24, 1861'.

transferred to Company M.
NON-COMMISSIONED STAFF. Churchill, Amos, Milton, August 30, 1861 ; trans-
ferred to Company M.
Bartholomew, George W., Winfield; re-enlisted Clark, Morgan L., Bloomingdale, September 5,

as veteran January 1, 1864. 1861; discharged in 1862; disability.

Cheesman, George B., Addison. September 17,


Chapman, Thomas, Bloomingdale, August 20,

Gates, Robert W., Bloomingdale; enlisted Janu- 1861; discharged February, 1863; disability.

ary 1, 1864; promoted to Regimental Quartermaster. Douglass, James, Bloomingdale, August 20, 1861
re-enlisted as veteran November 30, 1863; mustered
COMPANY A. out as "Wagoner.
Emery, James H.. Wheaton; enlisted September Deibert, Jacob, Bloomingdale, September 4, 1861;
8, 1861; discharged April 24, 1862. mustered out September 28, 1864.
Driscoll, Obadiah, Wayne, September 9, 1861;
discharged July 31, 1862; disability.
Eggleston, Surrial G., Addison, September 14,
Gerhart, Jacob Bloomingdale; date of rank Sep-
1861; discharged March 19, 1863; wounds.
tember 18, 1861; resigned July 28, 1862.
Ehle, Austin J., Bloomingdale, August 30, 1861
mustered out September 28, 1864.
Verbeck, Carlos H., Bloomingdale; date of rank
Ehle, John H., Bloomingdale, September 16, 1861;
September 18, 1861; promoted to First Lieutenant;
died at Alexandria, Va., April, 1862.
term expired February 1, 1865.
Eggist, Christopher, Bloomingdale, September 16,
Dunning, Andrew, Addison; date of rank March 3,
1861 ; transferred to Company M.
1865; promoted to First Lieutenant; mustered out
Fink, Barney H., Addison, September 4, 1861;
July 17, 1865.
discharged November 12, 1862; disability.
Fournier, Euseba, Bloomingdale, September 5,
Wallis, George, Bloomingdale; enlisted August 20,
1861 discharged February
1861; re-enlisted as veteran January 1, 18G4 ; mus-
; 27, 1862, for disability.
tered out as Corporal.
Clark, Charles L., Bloomingdale; enlisted Septem-
ber 4, 1861; re-enlisted as veteran.
Gannon, Thomas, Bloomingdale, September 3,

1861 ; re-enlisted as veteran November 30, 1863;

mustered out as Corporal.
Dunning, Andrew, Addison; enlisted August 28,
Gerhardt, Livingston E., Bloomingdale, Septem-
1861; re-enlisted as veteran.
ber 3, 1861 prisoner of war, reported dead, dropped

Asa W., Bloomingdale; enlisted August 28,

from rolls.
1861 mustered out September 28, 1864, as Sergeant.
Goodwin, "William W., Bloomingdale, August 30,
Coe, Curtiss H., Bloomingdale; enlisted August
1861; discharged November 26, 1862; disability.
20, 1861; died at Alexandria, Va., May, 1862.
Giedman, Henry, Addison, August 28, 1861; mus-
Durland, Garrett P., Bloomingdale; enlisted Au-
tered out September 28, 1864, as Corporal.
gust 28, 1861; re-enlisted as veteran.
Hackendorf, Henry, Bloomingdale, August 28,
1861; discharged February 4, 1863; disability.
Avery, Daniel J., "Wayne, September 9, 1861: Kollinan, Henry, Bloomingdale, September 7,
transferred to Company M. 1861 transferred to Company M.
Kotm, Frederick, Bloomingdale, September 17, Wilk, Henry, Bloomingdale, September 9, 1861;
1861; transferred to Company M. re-enlisted as veteran January 1, 1864.
Landon, Allen 8., Bloomingdale, August 20, 1861; Wedmeir, Henry, Bloomingdale, September 4,
mustered out September 28, 1864. 1861 ; re-eniisted as veteran November 30, 1863.
Landon, Charles, Bloomingdale, August 30, 1861 Woodworth, Henry, Wayne, September 16, 1861;
re-enlisted as veteran January 1, 1864; mustered out re-enlisted as veteran.
as Corporal. Way, Edmund, Bloomingdale, August 25, 1861;
Laning, Dedrick, York, September 17, 1861; re- transferred to Company M.
enlisted as veteran December 20, 1863; mustered out Wright, Sylvester, Bloomingdale, September 17;
as Saddler. mustered out September 28, 1864.
Muzzy, Emeric Bloomingdale, September 17,
O., Zooh, Frederick, Bloomingdale, September 7,
1861: died at Alexandria, Va., February, 1862. 1861; died at Baltimore Cross Roads, Va., in 1862.
Meachem, Sylvester, Bloomingdale, September 17,
1861 mustered out September 28, 1865.
Bye, William, Bloomingdale, November 30, 1863;
Mund, Dedrick, York, September 9, 1861 died at ;
mustered out as Sergeant.
Andersonville Prison September 6, 1864 number of ;
Clarke, Charles S., Bloomingdale, January 1, 1864;
grave, 7,989. mustered out as Sergeant.
Mcintosh. Hugh, Bloomingdale, September 17, Dunning, Andrew, Addison, January 1, 1864; pro-
1861 re-enlisted as a veteran November 30, 1863 moted
First Lieutenant.
mustered out as Corporal. Durland, Garrett B., Bloomingdale, January 1,
Nash, DeWitt, Bloomingdale, September 7, 1861; 1864; mustered out as Sergeant.
mustered out September 28, 1864. Duneka, Henry, Bloomingdale, Dec. 20, 1863.
Northrup, Albert, Bloomingdale, September 4 Fehrman, Lewis, Bloomingdale, December 20,
mustered out as Corporal. 1863; mustered out as Corporal.
Noon, John, Bloomingdale, September 9, 1861 ;
Fehrman, August, Addison, January 1, 1864; ab-
re-enlisted as veteran January 1, 1864; mustered out sent, sick, at mustering out of regiment.
as Sergeant.
Rave, August, Bloomingdale, January 1, 1864.
Pierce, William D., Bloomingdale, August 20,
1861 ; transferred toCompany H.
Pflarger, August, Bloomingdale, September 2,
B W., Bloomingdale, October 13, 1863.
1861 ; re-enlisted as veteran November 30, 1863
Brandt, Bloomingdale, January 20, 1863;

mustered out as Sergeant. discharged January 10, 1865; disability.

Rickert, Jacob D., Bloomingdale, August 20, 1861; Clark, Morgan L., Bloomingdale, February 3,
mustered out May 20, 1862, prisoner of war. 1864.
Rave, William D., Bloomingdale, September 9, Dunning, Samuel N,
Addison, February 20.
1861; discharged in 1862. Elbert, William, Addison, October 8, 1864.
Rode, Ernst, York, September 9, 1861 ; discharged Miner, William, Bloomingdale, October 14.
May, 1862, disability. Reinhardt, Henry, Addison, October 8, 1864.
Sedgwick, Estus P., Bloomingdale, September 2,
1861; died at Alexandria, Va., March, 1862.
Segus, Henry, Bloomingdale, September 5, 1861;
killed at Culpepper, Va.. August, 1863. Kelly, Elisha S., Milton, date of rank September
Teimer, Herman, Addison, September 7, 1861; 18, 1861 ; promoted Major.
discharged July 31. 1862, disability. Jones, Marcellus E., Wheaton, date of rank Oc-
Thorne, Alexander P., Wayne, September 16, tober 10, 1864; promoted from Sergeant to Second
1861; mustered out September 28, 1864. Lieutenant, then First Lieutenant; mustered out
Volke, John, Addison, September 5, 1861 died at ;
July 17, 1865.
Washington, D. O, October 26, 1862. Buck, Daniel N, Naperville, date of rank De-
Weaber, Benjamin F., Bloomingdale, Septem- cember 5, 1862; promoted from First Sergeant to
ber 5, 1861; killed near Boonesboro, Md., July 8, First Lieutenant; term expired October 10, 1864,
Weaber, William, Bloomingdale, September 12, Flagg, Benjamin L., Milton, date of rank Sep-
1861; discharged November 26, 1862, disability. tember 18, 1861 ; resigned July 15, 1862.

Riddler, Alexander McS. S., date of rank Octo- Bartholomew, George W.. Warren ville, Septem-
ber 10, 1864; promoted from Corporal to Second ber 10; promoted Chief Bugler.
Lieutenant; mustered out July 17, 1865. Burnham, Remembrace, Bloomingdale, Septem-
ber 5, 1861 ; re-enlisted as veteran.

Taylor, Woodbury
M., Milton, date of rank Sep-
Cooley, Herbert, Wheaton, September 5. 1861;
tember re-enlisted as veteran; mustered out as Sergeant.
promoted First Lieutenant; pro-
18, 1861;
moted second time Captain Company L by Presi- Corbet, Clark S., Milton, September 5, 1861; dis-

dent April 11, 1864. charged November 15, 1862; disability.

Whitaker, Owen, Milton, date of rank December Chadwick, William H, Milton, September 5,
1861; re-enlisted as veteran; mustered out as Corp-
8, 1864; promoted from Corporal; resigned June 9,
Churchill, William H, York, September 5, 1861;
Wayne, Edward, Naperville, date of rank June 20,
1865; mustered out as Sergeant July 17, 1865.
mustered out September 28, 1864.
Ditzler, Eli H, Naperville, September 10, 1861;
mustered out September 28, 1864.
Foster, George, Milton, enlisted September 5,
Davis, Samuel, Milton, September 5, 1861; mus-
1861; re-enlisted as veteran.
tered out September 28, 1864.
Dense, Darwin, Danby, September 14, 1861; re-
Smith, Samuel W., Naperville, enlisted Septem- enlisted as veteran January 1, 1864; mustered out
ber 10, 1861; promoted Sergeant Major. as Sergeant.
Hines, Thomas S., Naperville, enlisted Septem- Dissinger, Aaron, Naperville, September 17, 1861;
ber 10, 1861; mustered out September 28, 1864; discharged April 21, 1862; disability.
term expired. Dodge, Horace O., Milton; September 18, 1861;
Mott, Meritt, Milton, enlisted September 5, 1861; mustered out September 28, 1864; term expired.
discharged April 13, 1862; disability. Foster, James, Winfield, September 5, 1861; dis-
charged July 25, 1863.
Franks, Benjamin, Naperville, September 14,
Harnes, Benjamin F., Naperville,
1861; re-enlisted as veteran.
tember 10, 1861; discharged February 15, 1863 as
Flagg, Sewell, Milton, September 14, 1861 Ser- ;
Sergeant; wounds.
geant; killed near Manassas, Va., October 15, 1863.
Oberhallsen, Samuel, Naperville, enlisted Septem-
ber 10, 1861; discharged November 23, 1862; disa- Farrer, Judson, Downer's Grove, September 17,
1861; died at Alexandria, Va., June 18, 1863;

Fosha, George, Naperville, enlisted September

Guio, Augustus, Milton, September 5, 1861; dis-
1861; re-enlisted as veteran.
Frank, charged January 8, 1863; disability.
Crosb}', Milton, enlisted September 5,
1861; discharged October
Jacob, Gates, Downer's Grove, September 18,
8, 1864; term expired.
1861; discharged November 28, 1862; disability.
Ackley, Frank M., Milton, enlisted September 5.

1861; re-enlisted as veteran. Heim, George, Lisle, September 17; re-enlisted as

McNorth, George S., Winfield, enlisted Septem- veteran January 1, 1864; mustered out as Sergeant.
ber 5, 1861; re-enlisted as veteran. Hardy, Edgar A., Milton, September 5, 1861; re-
enlisted as veteran January 1, 1864; mustered out as
Lund, Henry, Milton, enlisted September 5, 1861; Hart, Horace, Milton, September 5, 1861; re-
promoted Chief Bugler.
enlisted as veteran January 1, 1864.
Hymes, Jacob, Naperville, September 5, 1861;
Bond, Samuel, Naperville, enlisted September 13,
discharged April 16, 1862; disability.
1861 ; re-enlisted as veteran.
Hale, James O., Winfield, September 5, 1861; re-
enlisted as veteran November 30, 1863; mustered out
Benjamin, Henry H, Lisle, September 10, 1861; as Corporal.
mustered out September 28, 1»64; term expired. Hughes, Morgan, Naperville, September 17, 1861;
Brooks, Edwin H, Milton, September 10, 1861; January 1, 1864; mustered out
re-enlisted as veteran
re-enlisted as veteran; mustered out as Corporal. as Bugler.
Hector, Frank, Milton, September 13, 1861; trans- Perry, John, Downer's Grove, September 17, 1861
ferred toCompany A. discharged March 21, 1864.
Howell, Charles, Downer's Grove, September Persem, George, Naperville, September 17, 1861
1861; mustered out September 28, 1864, as Cor- killed Funkstown, Md., July 10, 1863.
poral. Ringman, George, Milton, September 5, 1861
Havens, John W., Downer's Grove, September killed Morton's Ford, Va., October 11, 1863.
18,1861; re-enlisted as veteran; promoted Corporal Rogers, Francis A., Downer's Grove, September
absent, sick, at muster out of regiment. 18, 1861; mustered out September 28, 1864; term ex-
Hyde, James, Naperville, September 17, 1861; re pired.
enlisted as veteran January 1, 1864. Slyter, Charles, Milton, September 5, 1861; died
Jewell, Solomon W., Milton, September 5, 1861 at Alexandria, Va., July1, 1863; wounds.
discharged November 25, 1862; wounds. Strouse, Lewis, Lisle,September 10, 1861; re-en-
Jones, William, Milton, September 5, 1861; dis- listed as veteran January 1, 1861; mustered out as
charged January 23, 1863, as Sergeant; wounds. Corporal.
Jepperson, Herman K, Warrenville, September Stoner, John, Naperville, September 17, 1861; re-
18, 1861; re-enlisted as veteran January 1, 1864: enlisted as veteran January 1, 1864.
died of starvation February 21, 1865, in rebel hospi Snyder, Daniel, Lisle, September 14, 1861 ; killed
tal at Danville, Va. South Mountain, Md., September 14, 1862.
Kockley, Jacob, Naperville, September 18, 1861 Shaeffer, Levi S., Naperville, September 18, 1861;
re-enlisted as veteran January 1, 1864; died at discharged October 8, 1864, as Sergeant.
Washington, D. C, August 10, 1864; wounds. Stevens, Abraham, Warrenville, September 18,
Kelly, Benton J., Milton, September 17; mus 1861; discharged February 13, 1863; disability.
tered out September 28, 1864. Schuster, Franklin, Milton, September 18, 1861;
Kinzie, AbramA., Naperville, September 17. 1861 re-enlisted as veteran.
re-enlisted as veteran January 1, 1864. Tobias, William J., Naperville, September 10,
Loser, William, Naperville, September 17, 1861 1861; re-enlisted as veteran January 1, 1864; died at
re-enlisted as veteran January 1, 1864. Naperville, DL, May 12, 1864.
Loser, John, Naperville, September 17, 1861; re Wheeler, Allen, Downer's Grove, September 18,
enlisted as veteran January 1, 1864; mustered out as 1861
Corporal. Wentworth, Winfield, September 5, 1861.
Mott, Gilbert, Milton, September 5, 1861; re-en Weidman, Curtis S., Milton, September 5, 1861;
listed as veteran January 1, 1864. mustered out September 28, 1864.
Meachem, Frank, Milton, September 5, 1861; dis Wayne, Edward, Naperville, September 17, 1861;
charged December 5, 1862. re-enlisted as veteran January 1, 1864; mustered out
Mertz, Franklin B., Naperville, September 10, as First Sergeant; commissionel Second Lieutenant,
1861; mustered out September 28, 1864; term ex but not mustered.
pired. Whitaker, Owen, Milton, November 30. 1863; pro-
Mills, George A., Milton, September 14, 1861 moted Sergeant, then Second Lieutenant.
died at Alexandria, Va., February 22, 1862.
McCauley, Augustus, Naperville, September 17,
1861 mustered out September 28, 1864.
; Ashley, Benedict, Downer's Grove, October 18,
McMillan, Daniel, Downer's Grove, September 1864.
1861; discharged September 23, 1862; disability. Burnham, Oscar D., Naperville, January 10, 1864,
Plumer, Benjamin, York, September 18, 1861 veteran.
promoted Regimental Commissary Sergeant. Britegan, William, Naperville, February 23. 1864;
Poison, Emerick, Milton, September 14, 1861 dis ; absent, sick, at mustering out of regiment.
charged February 28, 1863; disability. Bennett, William, Milton, September 27, 1864.
Potter, Nelson A., Milton, September 5, 1861 Bunn, Henry, Downer's Grove, October 18, 1864.
transferred to Company A. S., Warrenville, Dec. 24, 1864.
Culver, Charles
Plant, Roswell. Naperville, September 14; re-en- Campbell, John, Naperville, January 1, 1864; died
January 1, 1864.
listed as veteran at Camp Relief, D. O, July 6, 1864.
Pinches, William. Downer's Grove; mustered out Desenbrock, Henry, Naperville, December 20,
September 28, 1864, as Corporal. 1863, mustered out; Blacksmith.
Dixon, Charles G, Downer's Grove, October 18, Woodworth, Frank, Bloomingdale, Corporal; cn9
1864. listed September 5, and mustered in October 26.
Freets, William, Milton, September 9, 1861; dis- 1861; re-enlisted as veteran.
charged September 18, 1861.
Graham, James, Naperville, January 10, 1864.
Gerberick, Levi, Naperville, February 23, 1864.
Gleason, Watson W., Downer's Grove, October Afterorganization in December, 1861, it

18, 1864. was promptly sent to Virginia, where, at Win-

Hudson, William, Warrenville, Deeember 22, chester, its earnestwork began in September,
1863; died in rebel prison atRichmond, Va. 1862. It was at Harper's Ferry when sur-
Johnson, Oscar, Milton, September 14, 1861, dis-
rounded by the rebels, and saved itself from
charged September 20, 1861.
Kribill, John, Naperville, December 20, 1863. capture by cutting its way through their lines,
Murray, John, Naperville, January 10, 1864. escaping into Pennsylvania.It was then joined
Mertz. Owen, Lisle, February 19, 1864. with the Potomac Army, and advanced to Dum-
Neff, Joseph, Naperville, January 4, 1864; killed
fries, Va., where it remained till March, 1863,
at Monocacy, Md., July 30, 1864.
holding the place against the rebel Gen. Stuart.
Robinson, Ashael F., Milton, August 11, 1862;
re-enlisted as veteran. It next took part in the famous Stonewall raid,
Robinson, Daniel P., Milton, August 11, 1862; re- a detachment of which, under Col. Davis,
enlisted as veteran. passed the rear of Lee's army within two miles
Strieker, David, Naperville, December 21, 1863.
of Richmond. In June, 1863, it was attached
Schaftmetzle, Chas., Naperville, January 1, 1864.
Downer's Grove, October 18; 1864.
Statt, Charles,
to the First Division Army Corps, and was in
Wilson, Thomas, Wheaton, February 5, 1864. active service through the sanguinary campaign
Ward, James A., Warrenville, January 2, 1864. that followed. It next returned to Chicago and
Winderbur§, Louis, Naperville, Dec. 20, 1863. recruited to its maximum, when it returned to
Ward, Charles H, Warrenville, December 24, the front, arriving at New Orleans April 1, 1864,
1863; died in District of Columbia July 23, 1864;
where it was engaged in picket duty and raid-
COMPANY F. ing till the war was over. It had forty-eight
men from Du Page County in its ranks.
Brown, James, Du Page County, Sept. 4, 1861;
discharged Sept. 19, 1862; accidental wounds.

Drury, John, Naperville, enlisted January 22,

Hawley, Oliver, Du Page County, August 30,
1861; re-enlisted as veteran January 1, 1864; Ser-
Camp Butler the following March.
1862; died at

geant; discharged July 1865.

Muck, Henry, Naperville, enlisted January 9,
1862, re-enlisted at veteran.


The Ninth Cavalry Regiment was organized Miskosaki, Egnes, Naperville; enlisted January 6,

at Chicago in November, 1861, and mustered 362; re-enlisted as veteran.

out at Solma, Ala., October 1, 1865. It had

three men from Du Page County.
Bronson, Stephen, Wheaton, enlisted and mus-
COMPANY D. tered in February 28, 1862;
promoted Major.
Toune, Dedrick, Addison, enlisted September 10;
mustered in the 21st, 1861.
Ward, George F., Wheaton, enlisted November
COMPANY k. _ 17,1862; promoted to First Lieutenant.
Bostwick, Henry C, Du Page County, enlisted Mills, Alexander, First Sergeant, Milton, enlisted
September 10, 1861; discharged September 30, 1862, December 10, 1861; promoted Second Lieutenant
as Sergeant. March 15, 1863; resigned, January 2, 1864.
% Chadwick, Edwin, Corporal, Milton, enlisted Oc- Welch, John, Winfield, enlisted November 15,
tober 31, 1861; re-enlisted as veteran. 1862; re-enlisted as veteran.
Paine, Robert B., Milton, enlisted November 30, Wentworth, C. E. H., Wheaton, enlisted February
1861. 1, 1862; promoted to Hospital Steward.
Finch, Charles L., Milton, Bugler, enlisted Janu- Wright, William, Milton, enlisted December 1,

ary 10, 1862; re-enlisted as veteran. 1861 discharged March 1, 1863.


Standish, Stephen, Lisle, Sergeant, enlisted Octo- Ferich, Charles L., Naperville, enlisted as veteran
ber 1, 1861; re-enlisted as veteran. March 1, 1864.

Stearns, Benjamin, Winfield, Blacksmith, enlisted Ferish, Elisha W., Milton, enlisted February 28,

December 16, 1861.

1864, as veteran.

Atkinson, Robert, Wayne, Saddler, enlisted Octo- The two above mustered in February 29, 1864, as

ber 13, 1861. veterans.

Cheeney, E. M., Milton, Wagoner, enlisted No- Woods, William, Wheaton, enlisted as recruit.
vember 3, 1861 discharged October 1, 1862.

Ackerman, J. D., Milton, enlisted December 27,
Brown, Henry D., Wayne, February 10,
1862; re-enlisted as veteran.
Ackerman, S. W., Babcock's Grove, enlisted De-
cember 24, 1861; re-enlisted as veteran. Keith, Chas., Wayne, enlisted December 27, 1861.
Langly, F. M., Wayne, enlisted February 15, 1862;
Bedford, Franklin, enlisted December 14, 1861;
re-enlisted as veteran.
promoted to Hospital Steward.
Bronson, Charles, Milton, enlisted December 31,
Ogden, Alonzo, Wayne, enlisted February 24,
1861; discharged June, 1863.
1861; discharged for disability.
Burns, Patrick, Milton, enlisted December
Panter, Allen,Wayne, enlisted February 24, 1861.
Ranter, J. C, Wayne, enlisted February 26, 1861.
1861; re-enlisted as veteran.
Rabus, Lewis, Wayne, enlisted March 2, 1861;
Butterfield, Theodore, Milton, enlisted December
discharged September 4, 1863.
10, 1861; re-enlisted as veteran.
Cooper, Benjamin, Naperville, unassigned re- COMPANY M.
cruit, enlisted December 29, 1863.
McGinty, Joseph, York, enlisted December 14,
Ensworth, Edgar, Milton, enlisted January 1,
1863; transferred to Company H as consolidated.
Finch, Elisha W., Milton, enlisted December 17,

1861; re-enlist«d as veteran.

Hickey, Ball, Milton, enlisted December 12, 1861; The Thirteenth Cavalry was organized at
discharged October 1, 1862. Camp Douglas December, 1861, and mustered
Higgins,Owen, Wayne, enlisted December 13,
out at Springfield August 31, 1865. It had
1861 became prisoner of war and was discharged.

eight men from Du Page Count}-.

Gorow, John L., Milton, enlisted December 10,
1861; re-enlisted as veteran. COMPANY A.
Mason, E. H., Milton, enlisted December 14, 1861;
Becker, Friederick, Addison, enlisted September
re-enlisted as veteran.
19,mustered in December 31, 1861.
Moon, G. W., Milton, enlisted January 1, 1862;
Jenson, Franz Z. F. W., Downer's Grove, enlisted
re-enlisted as veteran.
September 28, mustered in December 31, 1861.
Mott, Willard, Wheaton, enlisted December 1,

1861; discharged May 14, 1862.

Riley, John, Wayne, enlisted February 4, 1862; Kretzer, Ferdinand, Naperville, discharged Octo-
re-enlisted as veteran. ber 1862, for disability.
Ushner, Ferdinand, Milton, enlisted January 1,

1862; killed at Gettysburg July 1, 1863. COMPANY C.

Vintom, William, Cottage Hill, enlisted Febru- Sommer, Wilheim, Addison, enlisted October 20,
21, 1862; discharged. mustered in December 31, 1861.
Wakefield, James B., Wayne, enlisted January Sehroeder, Henry Carl, York, enlisted October 21,
16, 1862; re-enlisted as veteran. mustered in December 31, 1861.
COMPANY E. Private in detached *#
Waskon, William, Addison, enlisted October 23; of Fort Pillow.
discharged 1862.
Blackeman, Reuben. The Seventeenth Cavalry Regiment was or-
Eyor, Peter, both of Naperville, and enlisted De- ganized by John F. Farnsworth under order
cember 1 mustered in the 31st, 1864.
; issued from the War Department August 12,
1863. Eight companies were mustered into
FIFTEENTH CAVALRY. service January 22, 1864. Four more com-
The companies of which this regiment was panies were mustered in by the 24th of Febru-

composed were enlisted in the autumn of 1861. ary, and the regiment was complete. The fol-

Company I was mustered into the service Sep- lowing May, on the 3d, it moved to report to

tember 23, 1861, but the first orders organizing Gen. Rosecraus, who was then commander of
the regiment bears date of Springfield, Decem- the Department of the Missouri. In June, its

ber 25, 1862. The term of enlistment of the First and Second Battalions were ordered to the
men expired January 1, 1865, when this regi- North Missouri District, while the Third re-
ment was consolidated with the Tenth, and the mained at Alton, 111., which had been head-
re-enlisted men of both regiments made twelve quarters up to this time for the whole regi-

companies. Thirteen men from Du Page ment. Compauies C and D, of this battalion
County were in its ranks. took part in the defense of Jefferson City, Mo.,
against Price's army. The Second Battalion
COMPANY H. were engaged in patroling the country and de-
Bushell. Joseph, Naperville, Corporal. fending the railroads against rebel guerrillas,
Warner, William, Naperville, Corporal. The Third Battalion Alton
etc. left in Septem-
Monk, Joseph, Naperville, Corporal.
ber, 1864, passing through St. Louis in the
Coffman, Adam G., Wayne.
Canlon, Arnold, Wayne. direction of Rolla to prevent the arnvy of Price
Rinehart, Charles C, Winfield. from cutting off its commuuication with St.
All the above enlisted August 7, 1861. Louis. More active work was now open for

this regiment. In connection with other regi-

Hagadon, George W., Wheaton, Corporal, en- ments, it was placed under command of Gen.
listedAugust 2, 1861; discharged May 24, 1863, for Sanborn, and the Seventeenth took part in the
disability. attack on Gen. Price at Booneville. On the 22d
Mowry, Allen, Turner Junction, Corporal; re-en- of October, 1864, at Independence, Mo., it dis-
listed as veteran.
mounted, and with the Thirteenth Missouri
Rathborn, Joshua, Danby, enlisted August 2,
gained the rear guard of the enemy and capt-
1861, mustered out August 24, 1864.
Tucker, Lawrence S., Turner Junction, enlisted ured their artillery. Two days after this,

August 2, 1861; re-enlisted as veteran. 1,000 rebel prisoners were taken, among whom
was the famous Gen. Marmaduke, just over the
Kansas line.
Larkin, Nathan, Wayne, Corporal, enlisted Au-
gust 12, 1861; re-enlisted as veteran. The Seventeenth, now with McNeil's brigade,
Balch, Edwin E., Naperville, enlisted August 17, pursued the defeated foe in the direction of
1861; re-enlisted as veteran. Fort Scott, the rebels, still numerous and
formidable, oft making bold stands and giving

Barr, John C, Du Page County, Sergeant, en- battle to their pursuers. They finally escaped
listed December 2, 1861; mustered in January 1, into Arkansas, and the pursuing column re-
turned to Springfield, Mo., after a flying cam-
Andrews, August, Winfield, enlisted December
paign of forty-three days, in which 1,000 miles
25, 1863; mustered out as Corporal.
had been and many spirited skirmishes
Blessman, Frederick, York, enlisted November 9,
with the enemy encountered. It was mustered 1863.
out in November and December at Fort Leav- Boltman, Frederick, Cottage Hill, enlisted No-
enworth, Kan. It had sixty-one men from Du vember 1, 1863.

Page County in its ranks.

Barribal, Henry, Bloomingdale, enlisted January
1, 1864.
Bounear, Henry, Addison, enlisted December 15,

Matlack, Lucius C, Wheaton, date of rank Jan- 1863.

uary 23, 1864. Benkert, Lawrence, Naperville, enlisted Decem-
ber 25, 1863.
Smith, Samuel W., Naperville; date of rank, No- Bond, Elijah, Bloomingdale, enlisted January 1,

vember 25, 1863. 1864.

Bond, Rosaloo, Naperville, enlisted January 1,
Horner, Benjamin F., Naperville; date of rank 1864; mustered out as Sergeant.
July 13, 1865. Caulkins, Joshua, Naperville, enlisted December
COMPANY H. 4, 1863.
Dunn, Joseph. Downer's Grove, enlisted January
Smith, Samuel W., Naperville; date of rank De- 4, 1864.

cember 9, 1864.

Laird, William J.,. Naperville; date of rank July Fry, William, Naperville, enlisted January 1,

14, 1865; promoted from Second Lieutenant. 1864.

Grambine, Solomon, Naperville, enlisted January
1, 1864.
McMillan, Alexander. Wheaton; date of rank Gebhart, Frederick, Wheaton, enlisted January 4,
July 14, 1865. 1864.
Grant, Adelbert, York, enlisted November 10,
Filler, Thomas, York; enlisted December 23, 1863. 1863.
Guchart, Samuel, Naperville, enlisted December
25, 1863.
Oberholsen, Samuel, Naperville; enlisted January
Heinburg, Charles, Addison, enlisted January 11,
1, 1864; promoted to First Sergeant.
1864; died at Fort Scott, Kas., November 16, 1864.
Horner, Benjamin F., Naperville; enlisted Janu-
Hatch, Franklin, Bloomingdale, enlisted January
ary 1, 1864; promoted to Regimental Quartermaster.
1, 1865.
Kiesling, Augustus, Addison, enlisted December
Money, Abram W., Bloomingdale, enlisted Janu- 23, 1863; mustered out as Corporal.
Ketchum, Elias D., Naperville, enlisted January
ary 1, 1864; mustered out as Sergeant.
4, 1864.
Porter, Frank H., Wheaton, enlisted December 3,
1863; mustered out as Sergeant. Lyon, Charles, Wheaton, enlisted December 29,

Wells, Milton J., Wheaton, enlisted January 1, 1863; mustered out as Corporal.
1864; promoted to Regimental Commissary Ser- Lyman, John F., Wheaton, enlisted December 1,
1863; drowned at Pleasant Hill, Mo., June 29, 1865.
Good, Walter W., Naperville, enlisted January McMillan, Alexander, Wheaton, enlisted Novem-

1864; mustered out as Sergeant.

ber 1, 1863; promoted to Hospital Steward.
Parsons, Peter, Naperville, enlisted December McMasters, Frank, York Centre, enlisted Novem-
1863; mustered out as Sergeant.
ber 10, 1863.
Morgan, Royal T., Wheaton, enlisted December
1, 1863; mustered out as Corporal.
Andrews, Dewey, Wheaton, enlisted December Meacham, Henry, Naperville, enlisted January 1,
3, 1863; mustered out as Corporal. 1864; died at Sedalia, Mo., October 28, 1864.

Metzler, Samuel, Winfield, enlisted January 4, The above

assigned to Second Regiment U. S.
1864. Veteran Volunteers.
Meininglious, Louis, Bloomingdale, enlisted Jan- Bexler, John, York.
uary 4, 1864; mustered out as Corporal. Needham, James, York.
Miner, Martin, York, enlisted January 1, 1864. Both enlisted and musteredin February 17, 1865.
Plummer, Benjamin, York, enlisted December Goble, Abraham York, enlisted and mustered
23, 1863; promoted to Regimental Commissary in February promoted Sergeant.
24, 1865;
Sergeant. The three above assigned to the Fourth Regiment
Priess, Frederick, Wheaton, enlisted December IT. S. Veteran Volunteers.

15, 1863. Carroll, Edward.

Rohker, Henry, Naperville, enlisted January 4, Felthousen, Jacob D.
1864. Gaskell, Sylvester H.
Stoner, William, Cottage Hill, enlisted January 1, Olson, Martin.
1864. Pomeroy, Winfield K.
Sperlon, John, Wheaton, enlisted December 1, Thompson, John.
1863. The above six all from Milton; enlisted and mus-
Schorield, Joseph E., Bloomingdale, enlisted Jan- tered in March 10, 1865.
uary 1, 1864. Carpenter, James E., York.
Scott, Samuel, Naperville, enlisted December 26, Kaenig, Adolph, Downer's Grove.
1863. Hengel, Mathias, Milton.
Sininger, John, Babcock's Grove, enlisted De- Loveland, Henry, Milton.
cember 25, 1863. McGuire, Francis, Milton.
Turner, George J., Addison, enlisted January 4, The above two enlisted and mustered in March 23,
1864. 1865.
Votner, William, Wheaton, enlisted January 11, Cheney, William, Downer's Grove.
1864. Lutze, George D., Downer's Grove.
Warneke, Frederick, Wheaton, enlisted November The above twT o enlisted March 31, 1865, and as-
27, 1863. signed to the Sixth Regiment U. S. Veteran Vol-
Warkle, Christopher, Naperville, enlisted Decem- unteers.
ber 25, 1863. Tebo, Caleb, York, enlisted and mustered in April
Warren, Martin J., Downer's Grove, enlisted Jan- 10, 1865; promoted April 13, 1866, Sergeant.
uary 4, 1864. The names of Du Page County soldiers are
Detzler, William, Naperville, enlisted February
recorded in thirty-four regiments of infantry,
27, 1864; drowned at Glasgow, Mo.. August 15,
1864. ten regiments of cavalry and five regiments of
Daniels, John, Naperville, enlisted March 29, artillery, as follows :

1864; died of wounds received in battle at Hunts-

ville, Mo., July 24. 1864. INFANTRY REGIMENTS— number or ukn.

Noddlehoffer, William, Naperville, enlisted March Seventh Illinois Infantry 24

7, 1864. Tenth Illinois Infantry 1

Reinhart, Frederick, Naperville, enlisted March Twelfth Illinois Infantry 2

7, 1864. Thirteenth Illinois Infantry 90
Snibley, Henry C, Naperville, enlisted January Fifteenth Illinois Infantry 4
30, 1864. Nineteenth Illinois Infantry 1

Twentieth Illinois Infantry 5

Liusley, John C, York, February 7, mus-
enlisted Twenty-third Illinois Infantry 15
tered in the 20th, 1865; mustered out February 21, Thirty-third Illinois Infantry 47
1866. Thirty-sixth Illinois Infantry 47
Carroll, JamesYork, enlisted February 13,
L., Thirty-seventh Illinois Infantry 4
mustered in the 25th, 1865; mustered out February Thirty-ninth Dlinois Infantry 2
13, 1866. Forty-second Illinois Infantry '.
Rathburn, Joshua, Milton, enlisted and mustered Forty-fourth Illinois Infantry 1
in March 3, 1865; mustered out March 2, 1866. Fifty-first Illinois Infantry 18
Fifty-second Illinois Infantry 24 Fifteenth Cavalry 13
Fifty-third Illinois Infantry 1 Seventeenth Cavalry 61
Fifty-fourth Illinois Infantry 13
Total 339
Fifty-fifth Illinois Infantry 35
Recruits for First Army Corps had from Du
Fifty-eighth Illinois Infantry
Page County 20
Sixt3r -seventh Illinois Infantry 3
Grand total 1452
Sixty-ninth Illinois Infantry 5
Seventy-second Illinois Infantry 15 It is to the credit of Du Page County that
Eighty-second Illinois Infantry 1 she not only contributed her quota to the war
Eighty-eighth Illinois Infantry 8 for the Union, but that she took official action
Eighty-ninth Illinois Infantry 7
to reward her soldiers, an historic voucher to
Ninety-fifth Illinois Infantry 2
One Hundreth Illinois Infantry 1
which is here recorded in the following resolu-
One Hundred and Fifth Illinois Infantry. . 398 tions which were passed :

One Hundred and Twenty-seventh 4 Whereas, The President of the United States by
One Hundred and Thirty-second 15 his proclamation dated December 19, 1864, has called
One Hundred and Forty-first 80 for 300,000 men for military service, and has ordered
One Hundred and Fifty-third 75 that the number not obtained by voluntary enlist-
One Hundred and Fifty-sixth 99 ments previous to the 15th day of next February,
shall be filled by draft and ;

Total 1066
Whereas, The County of Du Page has promptly
filled all former calls for troops with volunteers, and
now desires to retain its good name in the premises,
Cogswell's Battery 1
and to do its full share in the great work of saving
Petit's Battery 1
the Union, and the necessary power to act having
Barker's Dragoons 3
been granted to the Board of Supervisors of said
First Artillery 3
county by a recent act of the General Assembly,
Second Artillery 18
Total 27 Resolved, That the Board of Supervisors of Du
Page County hereby authorize the payment of
CAVALRY— NUMBER or HEM. $400 to each volunteer except commissioned officers,
Second Cavalry 1 who may enlist and be mustered into the service of
Third Cavalry 4 the United States for one year or more, and credited
Fourth Cavalry 2 to said county under said call of December 19, 1864,
Sixth Cavalry 2 said sumto be paid in county orders, bearing inter-
Eighth Cavalry 197 est at 7percent as follows: One order for $200 pay-
Ninth Cavalry 3 able out of the bounty war fund of 1865, and one
Twelfth Cavalry 48 order for like amount to wit: $200 payable out of
Thirteenth Cavalry 8 the bounty war fund of 1866.


organization of Du
IN a previous chapter therecorded, which was
up the usual machinery of county organization,
Page Count} has been
became apparent.
in February, 1839. The following May the The following document shows the official
first election took place for county officers, at action as to the matter :

the Pre-emption House There

in Naperville.
County Commissioners' Court, June 28, 1839.
were then no voting precincts, and whoever Ordered by the court, that all of that part of Du
wished a voice in the matter in question must Page Count}', included within the following bound-
go to Naperville to the vote. Stephen J. Scott, aries, be and is hereafter known as Orange Precinct,
to wit: Commencing on the northwest corner of
S. M. Skinner and L. G. Butler had been au-
said county, thence south on the west line of said
thorized by the law to act as Judges of the
county, far enough to include Job A. Smith, Murray
first election. The officers elected at this time and Kline, and to continue east far enough to turn
were only to serve till the 5th of the following- due north and strike the west line of Mr. Clark's
August, when a general election was to have claim,and continue north to the county line, thence
west to the place of beginning. Their elections
place. Previous to this election orders were
shall be held at the schoolhouse near Luther
issued to make a map of the count}, as per
F. Sanderson, and Job A. Smith, William Kim-
following official act ball and Daniel Roundy are appointed Judges of
County Commissioners' Cocrt. June 4, 1839. Election.
It is ordered by said court that Lyman Meaeham, Ordered by the court, that all of that part of Du
Surveyor-elect for the county of Du Page, be and is Page County included within the following bound-
hereby authorized to furnish to the Clerk of this aries be hereafter known as Washington Precinct,
court, as soon as possible, an estimate of the expense to wit: Commencing at the northeast corner of the
of surveying or taking from the Surveyors already county, thence west ten miles to Orange Precinct,
made the said county, and making a map thereof thence south five miles, thence east to the county
showing thereby the boundaries of said county of line, thence north to the place of beginning. Their
Du Page as designated in an act entitled an act "To elections to be held at the house of Alanson Wat-
create the county of Du Page, and also showing son, and Charles Hoyt, Lloyd Stearns and Harvey
thereby the location of the principal roads therein Meaeham are appointed Judges of Election.
as at present located, and also showing on said map Ordered by the court, that all that part of Du
the principal groves, villages and settlements in Page County included within the following bound-
said county, together with such other information aries be and is hereby known as Deerfield Precinct,
as to the said Surveyors may seem proper." to wit : Commencing at the southeast corner of
Washington Precinct, thence running west nine
County Commissioners' Court, June 29, 1839.
miles thence south five miles
; thence east four

Ordered by the court, that the Treasurer pay Ly-

miles thence north two miles thence east to

man Meaeham, the sum of $13.18 in full for his ac-


the county line; thence north to the place of begin-

count for surveying the county line.
ning. Elections to be held at Luther Morton's
Meantime the county was filling up with set- house, and Daniel Fish, N. B. Morton and L. Q.
tlers, and the necessity for subdivisions, making Newton are appointed Judges of Election.
Ordered by the court, that all that part of Du j
Ordered by the court, that all of that part of Du
Page County included within the following bound- Page County, included within the following bounda-
aries be hereafter known as Webster Precinct, to be hereafter known as Cass Precinct, to wit

wit: Commencing at the southeast corner of Deer- Commencing at the northwest corner of Section 30,
field Precinct,running west five miles; thence south '
Township 38, Range 11 thence east to the county

two miles; thence west four miles; thence south five line ; thence south to the Desplaines River ; thence
miles; thence east three miles thence south one
; west, following the river and county line to the south-
mile; thence east, to the county line; thence north west corner of Section 18 thence north to the place

to the place of beginning. Their elections to be of beginning; their elections to be held at the
held at the house of Horace Aldrich, and Luther house of Alvin Lull, and George Jackson, Thomas
Hatch, Pierce Downer and John Talmadge are ap- Andrus and Alvin Lull are appointed Judges of
pointed Judges of Election. Election.
Ordered by the court, that all of that part of Du Ordered by the court, that all that part of Du
Page County included within the following bound- .
Page County, included within the following described
aries be hereafter known as Big Woods Precinct, boundaries, be, and is hereafter to be known as York
to wit: Commencing at the southwest corner of the Precinct, commencing on the east line of Du Page
county, running north six miles; thence east to County, at the southeast corner of Deerfield Pre-
Reuben Austin's west line thence south to said
; cinct thence west three miles thence south to the
; ;

Austin's southwest corner; thence east three miles north line of Cass Precinct thence east to the east

from the west line of the county; thence south par- line of Du Page County thence north along the

allel with the west line of the county to the south east line of said county to the place of beginning.
line of the county; thence west to the place of be- I The elections shall be held at the house now occu-
ginning. Their elections to be held at the house of I
pied bySherman King, and that Benjamin Fuller,
Fred. Stolp, and Ashbel Culver. John Warne and David Thurston and John Talmadge, be and they
Robt. H. Jefferson are appointed Judges of Election. are hereby appointed Judges of Election in said pre-
Ordered by the court, that all of that part of Du cinct.
Page County included within the following bound-
aries be hereafter known as Du Page Precinct, to County Commissioners' Court, March 6, 1841.
wit: Commencing at the southwest corner of Orange Ordered by the court, that the following described
Precinct thence running east eight miles thence
; ; boundaries constitute, and be hereafter known as
north one mile; thence east one mile; thence south Washington Precinct, in Du Page Couut\ r
, to wit :

through the center of the county to the northeast The whole of Township 40 north, Range 11 east, of
corner line of Naperville Precinct; thence west to ,,
the Third Principal Meridian ; and, it is further or-
the line of the BigWoods Precinct; thence north on dered by the court, that all elections to be in future
the Big Woods Precinct line; thence on the county held in said precinct, shall be held at the house of
line; thence to the place of beginning. Their elec- ArielBowman, and that John Lester, Mason Smith
tions to be held at the house of Alfred Tufts, in and Charles H. Hoit, be and they are hereby ap-
Warrenville, and Warren Smith, George House and pointed Judges of Election in said precinct.
Angus Boss are appointed Judges of Election. Ordered by the court, that the following described
Ordered by the court, that all of that part of Du boundaries constitute and be hereafter known as
Page County included within the following de- Bloomingdale Precinct, in Du Page County, to wit :

scribed boundaries be hereafter known as Naper- Commencing on the north line of said county, on
ville Precinct, to wit: Commencing at the southeast the line between Ranges 10 and 11 thence west on ;

corner of Du Page Precinct; thence south on the the north line of the county four miles thence ;

west line of Webster Precinct till it strikes the south five miles thence east to the line between

Galena State road thence east three miles; thence

; Ranges 10 and 11 thence north to the place of

south to the county line; thence west nine miles to beginning. And it is further ordered by the court,
the Big Woods Precinct; thence north on the east that all elections that may be held in said precinct,
line of the Big Woods Precinct; thence east to the shall be held in the schoolhouse in said precinct,
place of beginning. Their elections to be held at the near Orange Kent's, and that Harvey Meacham,
Pre-emption House in Naperville, andS. M. Skinner, Harry Woodworth and Loyd Stearns, be*and they
Stephen J. Scott and H. L. Peaslee are appointed are hereby appointed Judges of Elections in said
Judges of Election. precinct.

• County Commissioners' Court, June 3, 1846. the county of Du Page aud State of Illinois, to wit:
Ordered liy the court, that Congressional Town- Commencing at the northeast corner of Section 4,
ship 40 north. Range 11 east, of the Third Principal in Township 38 north, Range 9 east, of the Third
Meridian in the county of Du Page, State of Illi- Principal Meridian; from thence west along town-
nois, constitute and be hereafter known as Washing- ship line to county line between Kane and Du Page
ton Precinct, and that all elections in said precinct Counties; thence south along county line to county
shall be held at the house known as the Salt Creek line between Will and Du Page Counties*- thence
House in said township. east along county line to the southeast corner of
Ordered by the court, that Congressional Town- Section 33, in Township 38 aforesaid; thence north
ship 40 north, Range 10 east, of the Third Principal to the place of beginning, and that all elections to
Meridian, in the county of Du Page, State of be'held in said precinct shall be held at the house of
Illinois, constitute and be hereafter known as Frederick Stolp in said precinct.
Bloomingdale Precinct, and that all elections to be Ordered by the court, that the following bound-
held in said precinct shall be held at the school- aries constitute and be hereafter known as Naper-
house in the town of Bloomingdale in said precinct, ville Precinct, in the county of Du Page, in the
Ordered by the court that Congressional Town- State of Illinois, to wit: Commencing at the south-
ship 39 north. Range 11 east, of the Third Principal west corner of Section 34, in Township 38 north,
Meridian, in the county of Du Page, in the State of Range 9 east, of the Third Principal Meridian from ;

Illinois, constitute and be hereafter known as York thence north to the northwest corner of Section 10,
Precinct, and that all elections to be held in said in said township; from thence east to the northeast
precinct shall be held at the house of Hiram Brown corner of Section 8, in Township 38 north. Range
in said township. 10 east, of Third Principal Meridian; thence north
Ordered by the court, that Congressional Town- to township line between Townships 38 and 39,
ship 39 north, Range 10 east, of Third Principal Range 10 east; thence east along township line to
Meridian, in the County of Du Page, State of Illi- the center of the Du Page River; thence southerly
nois, constitute and be hereafter known as Deerfield along the center of said river to the county line be-
Precinct and that all elections to be held in said tween Will and Du Page Counties; thence west to
precinct shall be held at the house of Jesse C. the place of beginning; and that all elections to be
Wheaton in said township. held in said precinct, shall be held at the court
Ordered by the court, that Congressional Town- house in Naperville in said precinct.
ship 40 north,Range 9 east, of the Third Principal Ordered by the court, that the following bound-
Meridian, and Sections 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 in Town- aries constitute and be hereafter known as Webster
ship 39 north, Range 9 east, of the Third* Principal Precinct, in the County of Du Page and State of
Meridian, in the county of Du Page, State of Illi- Illinois, to wit: Commencing at the northeast cor-
nois, constitute and be hereafter known as Orange ner of Section 1, in Township 38 north, Range 11
Precinct, and that all elections to be held in said east, of Third Principal Meridian from thence

precinct shall be held at the house of Joseph Mc- west along the township line to the center of East
Millen in said precinct. Branch of the Du Page River; thence southerly
Ordered by the court, that all that portion of along the center of said river to the section line
Congressional Township 39 north. Range 9 east, of between Sections 22, 23, 26 and 27; thence east to
the Third Principal Meridian, that lies south of the the southeast corner of Section 21, in Township 38
south line of Sections 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6, in said north, Range 11 east; thence north to the north-
township, and Sections 1, 2 and 3 in Township 38 east corner of said Section 21; thence east to the
north, Range 9 east, of Third Principal Meridian, county line between Cook and Du Page Counties;
together with Sections 5 and 6 in Township 38 thence north to the place of beginning; and that all
north, Range 10 east, of the Third Principal Me- elections to be held in said precinct, shall be held at
ridian, in the county of Du Page, State of Illinois, the' house of Levi C. Aldrich in said precinct, and
constitute and be hereafter known as Du Page Pre- that Jeduthan Hatch, John Stanley and Leonard K.
cinct, and that all elections to be held in said pre- Hatch be Judges of Election in said precinct.
cinct shall be held at the house known as the War- Ordered by the court, that all that portion of
renville Hotel in said precinct. Township 37 north, Range 11 east, of the Third
Ordered by the court, that the following bound- Principal Meridian, that lies in the county of Du
aries be hereafter known as Big Woods Precinct, in Page and State of Illinois, and Sections 22, 23,
24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35 and 36, in Commissioners to divide the county of Du Page
Township 38 north, Range 11 east, together with aforesaid into towns, as anticipated and required by
those parts of Sections 25, 26, 35 and 36, in Town- said act.
ship 38 north, Range 10 east, that lies east of the Agreeable to their authority, the Commission-
center of the East Branch of the Du Page River,
ersmet and organized the county into townships
constitute and be hereafter known as Cass Precinct;
elections to be held in said precinct
as they now appear on maps of the county.
and that all

shall be held at the house known as the Washing- The next business was to elect a Board of
ton Hotel in said precinct. Supervisors, which was done the same year,
In County Court of Du Page County, December and the following is their official action at their
5, A. D. 1849. first meeting :

Commissioners to divide county into townships:

State of Illinois, I

Whereas, the Legislature of Illinois, did, at its ss

Du Page County, f
November 11, 1850.
last regular session, provide by law for the organi-
The Board of Supervisors of the county of Du
zation of counties into towns and, that the law ;
Page and State of Illinois, met on Monday the 11th
containing such provision, should, at the next gen-
day of November A. D. 1850, for their first annual
eral election, be caused to be submitted to the people
meeting, at the office of the Clerk of the County
of the several counties in said State, for their adop-
Court in Naperville in said county, and were organ-
tion or rejection ; and, whereas, at the last general
ized bj' the selection of Russell Whipple as their
election, saidlaw was adopted by the county of Du
Page, in the State of Illinois, as appears from the
The following members, upon a call of the roll
following abstract of the votes, for, or against, town-
of the towns were present, to wit:
ship organization, to wit
Addison, Smith D. Pierce; Bloomingdale, Eras-
State op Illinois, | mus 0. Hills; Wayne, Luther Pierce Winfield, ;

Du Page County, (

William C. Todd Milton, Warren L. Wheaton;


We, James F. Wight and Levi C. Aldrich, two of Downer's Grove, Leonard K. Hatch Du Page, ;

the Justices of the Peace, and Hiram H. Cody, Clerk Amasa Morse; Naperville, Russell Whipple York, ;

of the County Commissioners' Court of said county, not represented.

hereby certify that the following is a true and cor- On motion, the following standing committees
rect abstract of the votes given at an election held were appointed by the Chair:
in the several precincts in said county, on Tuesday, On Claims—E. O. Hills, Warren L. Wheaton.
the sixth day of November, in the year of our Lord Luther Pierce.
one thousand eight hundred and forty-nine, for On Paupers—W. C. Todd, L. K. Hatch, S. D.
and against township organization, to wit For :
township organization, there were seven hundred On Equalization— W. L. Wheaton, E. O. Hills,
and seventy-three votes against township organi-
Amasa Morse.
zation there was one vote. On Court House and Jail— S. D. Pierce, L. K.
Witness our hands and seals at Naperville, in said Hatch, A. Morse.
county, this twelfth day of November, A. D. 1849. On Finance— E. O. Hills, W. L. Wheaton, Luther
James F. Wight, J. P. [seal.] Pierce.
Levi C. Aldrich, J. P. [seal. J On motion of W. L. Wheaton, a select committee
Hiram H. Cody, Clerk, [seal.] was appointed b}' the Chair on Printing.
And, whereas, said law requires the County Com- The Chair appointed W. L. Wheaton, W. C. Todd
missioners' Court, or the County Court, whichever and Amasa Morse.
shall be incommission at the next session after said Various claims being presented, were referred to
election in those counties, which shall adopt said appropriate committees.
law, to appoint three Commissioners to divide such On motion, the Chair appointed the following
counties respectively into towns. Supervisors a select Committee on Licenses:
It is ordered by the court, that, in pursuance of William C. Todd, W. L. Wheaton, A. Morse.
the first article of the act to provide for township A memorial on the subject of License addressed
organization, Capt. Joseph Naper, Daniel Fish and to the Board was presented by Supervisor Todd,
Erasmus O. Hills, be, and they are hereby appointed and, on motion, referred to the Committee on Li-

censes; said memorial was signed by about three COUNTY CLERKS.

hundred and fifty ladies. 1839— Clark A. Lewis, of Warrenville ;

The certificates of the Town Auditor of the towns elected July 14, died the same month.

of Winfield, Addison, Downer's Grove, Naperville, 1839 to 1846— Allen C. Mcintosh, of Naperville.
and Wayne were presented by the several Super- 1847 to 1852— Hiram H. Cody, of Bloomingdale.
visors of said towns, and, on motion, referred to the 1853 to 1860— Myron C. Dudley, of Bloomingdale.
Committee on Claims. 1861 to 1864— C. M. Castle, of Naperville.
On motion, it is ordered that the board adjourn 1865 to 1868— F. J. Fischer, of Addison.
until to-morrow morning at 9 o'clock. 1868— H. B. Hills (vacancy), of Blooming-
For ten years previous, no change had been 1869 to 1876— J. J. Cole, of Downer's Grove.
made in the general formula of official author- 1876 to 1882— M. S. Ellsworth, Lisle.
ity, but in 1849 the Clerk of the Circuit Court
was constituted Recorder, ex officio. 1839 to 1842—Patrick Ballingall, of Naperville.
The County Court was composed of a County 1843 to 1846— E. B. Bill, of Naperville.
Judge and two Justices of the Peace. The 1847 to 1849— John J. Riddler, of Naperville.
County Clerk became the Clerk of the County RECORDERS.
Commissioners. The County Judge and two 1839 to 1842— S. M. Skinner, of Naperville.
Count}* Justices were a board for the transaction 1843 to 1846—A. S. Jones, of Naperville.
of county business, and the County Judge with 1847 to 1849— John J. Riddler, of Naperville.
the Clerk were clothed with authority to tran-
sact probate business. The organization of not 1850 to 1851—John J. Riddler, of Naperville.
only the county but the townships, with their 1852 to 1855— Peter Northrup, of Addison.
officers, having been completed, the following- 1856 to 1859— John Gloss, of Wayne.
1860 to 1867— W. M. Whitney, of Winfield.
list of them is here inserted, which will serve
1868 to 1876— John Gloss, of Wayne.
the reader as a chronological record of the
1876 to 1880— Frank Hull, of Milton.
progress of the county 1880 to 1884— Thomas M. Huh, of Milton.
The following is a list of those who served
the county in the Legislature of the State :

1839—Morris Sleight, of Naperville.

1836 — Capt.
Joseph Naper, of Naperville.
1839 to 1842— Stephen J. Scott, of Naperville.
1838— Capt. Joseph Naper of Naperville. 1843 to 1844— Robert K. Potter, of Naperville.
1842— Jeduthan Hatch, of Lisle. 1845 to 1846— John J. Kimball, of Naperville.

1844 Julius M. Warren, of Winfield.
1847 to 1848— Nelson A. Thomas (vacancy) of Na-
1846— Capt. E. Kinne, of Blooiningdale. perville.
1848—Warren L. Wheaton, of Milton. 1849 to 1854— Henry F. Vallette, of Milton.
1850— Willard T. Jones, of Naperville. 1855 to 1856— William J. Johnson, of Milton.
1852 — Capt. Joseph Naper, of Naperville.
1857 to 1858— Hiram Standish, of Naperville.
1854— E. O. Hills, of Blooiningdale. 1859 to 1860— Henry F. Vallette, of Milton.
1856— Truman W. Smith, of Winfield. 1861 to 1862— S. M. Skinner, of Naperville.
I860— F. H. Mather, of Milton. 1863 to 1868— Daniel N. Gross, of Naperville.
1862— A. S. Barnard, of Lisle. 1872— Joel Wiant, of Winfield; Henry M
1869 to
1864 —
S. P. Sedgwick, of Bloomingdale, resigned ;
Bender, of Bloomingdale.
H. C. Childs, of Milton, elected to fill vacancy. 1876— Lewis C. Stover, of Milton, from 1876
1873 to
1866— H. C. Childs, of Milton.
1868 -H. C. Childs, of Milton.
1870— William M. Whitney, of Downer's Grove. SHERIFFS.
1874— James Claflin, of Lombard V. Fredenha- ; 1839 to 1841— Daniel M. Greene, of Lisle.
gen, of Downer's Grove. 1842 to 1843— Hiram Fowler, of Naperville.
1876— James G. Wright, of Naperville. 1844 to 1845— R. N. Murray, of Naperville.

1846 to 1849— George Roush, of Naperville. 1856 to 1857— Alfred Waterman, of Milton.
1850 to 1851— C. R. Parmlee, of Lisle. 1858 to 1861— H. C Daniels, of Naperville.
1852 to 1853— Truman W. Smith, of Winfield. 1862 to 1863—Dr. Brown, of Milton.
1854 to 1855— A. C. Graves, of Winfield. 1864 to 1865— H. C. Daniels, of Naperville.
1856 to 1857— James J. Hunt, of Naperville. 1866— Clinton Cushing.
1858 to 1859— A. C. Graves, of Winfield. 1867 — George W. Beggs. of Naperville.
1880 to 1861—T. S. Rogers, of Downer's Grove. 1868 to 1869— F. C. Hagerman, of Winfield.
1862 to 1863—James J. Hunt, of Naperville. 1870 to 1876— H. C. Daniels, of Naperville.
1834 to 1865 —Samuel E. Shimp, of Naperville. 1876 to 1878— George F. Heiderman, York.
1866 to 1867— Philip Strubler, of Naperville. 1878 to 1879 — George L. Madison, of Winfield.
1868 to 1869— Charles Rinehart, of Wayne. 1879 to 1880— A. C. Cotton, Winfield, to fill vacancy.

1870 to 1876— John Kline, of Wayne. 1880 to 1882— A. C. Cotton. Winfield.

1876 to 1882— Samuel E. Shimp, Naperville.
COUNTY JUDGES. 1839 to 1842— Lewis Ellsworth, of Naperville.
1839— J. W. Walker, of Downer's Grove. 1843—R. N. Murray, of Naperville.
1839 to 1843— Lewis Ellsworth, of Naperville. 1844 to 1846— Horace Brooks, of Milton.
1843 to 1846— Nathan Allen, of Naperville. 1847 to 1848— W. L. Wheaton, of Milton.

1847 to 1848— John J. Kimball, of Naperville. 1849 to 1855— Hope Brown, of Naperville.

1849 to 1851— Nathan Allen, of Naperville.

1856 — Lorin Barnes, of Bloomingdale.
1852— Jeduthan Hatch, of Lisle. 1857 to 1858— Charles W. Richmond, of Naperville.

1853 to 1859— Walter Blanehard, of Downer's —

1859 to 1860 Lorin Barnes, of Bloomingdale.
Grove. 1861 to 1863— George P. Kimball, of Milton.

1860— Seth P. Daniels (vacancy), of Milton.

1861 to 1864— Hiram H. Cody, of Naperville.
1864— George P. Kimball, of Milton.
1865 to 1868— Seth F. Daniels, of Milton.
1865 to 1876— Charles W. Richmond, of Naperville.
1869 to 1872— M. C. Dudley of Naperville.
1876 to 1881— J. R, Haggard, Downer's Grove.
1873 to 1876—A. S. Janes, of Milton.
1881 to 1882— H. A. Fischer, Milton.
1876 to 1877— S. P. Sedgwick.Milton, to fill vacancy.
1877 to 1882— Robert N. Murray, Naperville. COUNTY COMMISSIONERS.
1839— Josiah Strong, Lisle; J. W. Walker, Downer's
Grove; H. L. Cobb, Cass; R. P.Whipple, Na-
1839 —
L. Meacham, of Bloomingdale. perville; Hiram Fowler, Winfield.
1839 to 1846— Joel B. Kimball, of Naperville. 1840— J. W. Walker, Downer's Grove; H. L. Cobb,
1847 to 1858— Horace Brooks, of Milton. Cass; Noah Stevens, Bloomingdale.
1859 to 1861— J. G. Vallette, of Milton. 1841—J. W. Walker, Downer's Grove; J. A. Smith,
1862- James M. Vallette (vacancy), of Na- Wayne; Noah Stevens, Bloomingdale.
1842— Warren Smith, Winfield; J. A. Smith, Wayne;
1863 to 1866— A. S. Janes, of Milton. Noah Stevens, Bloomingdale.
1867 to 1870—James M. "Vallette, of Naperville. 1843— J. A. Smith, Wayne; T. Hubbard, York.
1871 to 1876— A. S. Janes, of Milton. 1844— John Thompson, Lisle; J. A. Smith, Wayne.
1876 to 1882—James M. Vallette, of Lisle. —
1845 John Thompson, Lisle Thomas Andrus,

Cass; T. Hubbard, York.

1839—H. L. Peaslee, of Naperville.
1846 —John Thompson, Lisle; Thomas Andrus, Cass;
Asa Knapp, York.
1840 to 1841— E. G. Wight, of Naperville.
1842 to 1843— Nathan Loring, of Naperville.
1847 —John Thompson, Lisle;Smith D. Pierce, Ad-
dison; Asa Knapp, York.
1844 to 1845— Jacob Keefer, of Naperville.
1848— David Crane, Naperville; Smith D. Pierce,
1846 to 1847— D. C. Gould, of Naperville.
Addison; Asa Knapp, York.
1848— LaFayette Avery, of Milton.
1849 to 1851— C. C. Barnes, of Naperville. SUPERVISORS —TOWN OF ADDISON.
1852 to 1853— F. C. Hagerman, of Winfield. 1850— Smith D. Pierce.
1854 to 1855—W. B. Stewart, of Naperville. 1851— John Pierce.
1853— Hiram Bristol. TOWN OP DOWNER 8 GROVE.
1854— David Hess. 1850— Leonard K. Hatch.
1855— R. N. Murray. 1851 to 1853— Walter Blanchard.
1856— Charles Hunt. 1854— G. W. Alderman.
1857— N. Crampton and Joseph Naper.* 1855— Walter Blanchard.
1858— Charles Jenkins and John Jassoy.* 1856— Seth F. Daniels.
1859 — Jacob Saylor and Michael Hines.* 1857— Samuel DeGolyer.
1860— James G. Wright and M. 8. Hobson/ 1858 to 1861— Leonard K. Hatch.
1862— B. W. Hughes and Morris Sleight* 1862— L. D. Fuller.
1863— Charles Jenkins and Robert Naper.* 1863— Leonard K. Hatch.
1864— Charles Jenkins and D. C. Butler* 1864— John A. Thatcher.
1866— Charles Hunt and John Collins.* 1865-T. S. Rogers.
1867— B. W. Hughes and H. H. Cody.* 1866 to 1868— J. J. Cole.
1868— Charles Jenkins and R. N. Murray.* 1869— J. J. Cole.
1872— Charles Jenkins and M. C, Dudley.* 1869— J. W. Rogers (vacancy).
1873— Charles Jenkins and James Dunlap.* 1870—Alanson Ford.
1875— James G. Wright and B. B. Boecker/ 1871 to 1872— V. Fredenhagen.
1876— Christian Wise and Lewis Ellsworth .* 1873— H. F. Walker.
1870 to 1879— C. Wise and J. J. Hunt. 1874 to 1875— V. Fredenhagen.
1879 to 1880— C. Wise and A. Mc. S. S. Riddler. 1875 to 1876— Alanson Ford.
1880 to 1881— C. Wise and H. C. Daniels. 1876 to 1877— Alanson Ford.
1881 to 1882—Adam Keler and Peter Thompson. 1877 to 1882— Charles Curtiss.

The following are the names of the Judges

who have presided in this Judicial Circuit
1850—Amasa Morse.
1851— Jeduthan Hatch.
1840—John Pearsons.
1841 to 1842— Theophilus W. Smith.
1852— John Stanley.
1843 to 1847— Richard M. Young.
1853— Lewis Ellsworth.
1847 to 1849— Jesse B. Thomas.
1854— Hiram H. Cody.
1849 to 1855— Hugh Henderson.
1855—James C. Hatch.
1855 to 1857— S. W. Randall.
1856— Amasa Morse.
1857 to 1861—Jesse O. Norton.
1857— John Collins.
1861 to 1867— Isaac G. Wilson.
1858— William B. Greene.
1867 to 1874— Sylvanus Wilcox.
1859-A. S. Barnard.
1874 to 1876— Hiram H. Cody, C. W. Upton, Isaac
1860— Graham Thome.
G. Wilson, Charles Kullem.
1861— John H. Hobson.
1862— C. H. Goodrich. The total valuation of all taxable property in Du
1863-R. S. Palmer. Page County in 1840 was $196,292, on which
1864 to 1865— Gilbert Barber. $981.46 was paid for county taxes, and $392.58 for
1866— E. E. Page. State taxes, making $1,374.04, the total tax in 1840.
1867—Lewis Ellsworth. There were then only State and county taxes, the
1868 to 1875— E. E. Page. State tax being two mills on the dollar, and the
1875 to 1876— William King. county tax five mills on the dollar, making but seven
1876 to 1881— William King. mills on the dollar, the full tax. There are now
1881 to 1882— B. B. Boecker. (1882), State, county, town, road and bridge, school
and corporation taxes, added to which are special
village of Naperville, and ix officio Super assessments when necessary for specific objects.


1850. FOR 1881.

TOWNSHIPS. Estate ! Real Estate

Addison $64 269 $461 985 $1 $42 425 si 29 999 si or, c'.i.i $610 549
Bloomingdale 53 007 4)15 s;,:; 18 902 29 978 89 052 81 985 543 807
Wavne 90 196 449 524 4 985 66 179 121 329 520 688
Winfield 10(1 358 456 021 77 675 48 274 82 972 148 632
Milton 108 271 452 737 128 683 34 305 142 576
York 108 784 455 124 84 191 25 847 98 253 134 631
Downer's Grove . 96 785 2li5 35!) 32 280 144 273 129 065 1014 485
97 767 70 272 134 430 625 037
Naperville . 146 828 67 409 123 206 755 824

Totals $4258 489 $815 460 $348 314 I $916 431 ,$1232 517
Amt. R. R. property added.

Grand total. $6610 412

Note.— The first assessment of real estate in the county was in 1850.

I, L. C. Stover, Treasurer Du Page County, do hereby certify that the foregoing statement is correct.

L. C. Stover, County Treasurer for Du Page County, 111.


Following are the names of the first Grand no schoolhouses. The number of pupils was
Jury ever impaneled in Du Page County two thousand or more. Twelve hundred
summoned to appear at term of Circuit Court studied arithmetic, 500 studied geography,
begun and held at Naperville, in said county, 250 English grammar, and 100 such higlier
by virtue of an act entitled "An act to create branches as algebra, physiology and natural
the county of Du Page, 'approved February
9, A D. 1837, on the 23d day of September, Schools were taught from six to eight
A. D. 1837," to wit: months each year, but in some of the districts
William J. Strong, Morris Sleight, George there were no winter schools.
S. Blackman, Luther Hatch, John Thompson, The wages of female teachers were from
Thomas Andrus, Hiland Martin, Moor E. $8 to $16 per month, besides board; and for
Webster, Isaac Clark, Moses Stacy, Jonathan male teachers, from $16 to 130 per month.
Barnes, Luther Morton, Lloyd Stearns, Israel Five years later, in 1860, the report of Ho-
P. Blodgett, David Page, Samuel Curtiss, race Barnes, School Commissioner, shows that
Elisha Fish, William C. Todd, Warren Smith, there were eighty-one schools in the county,
Abel E. Carpenter, James Lamb, Frederick and 4,054 children who attended schools, out
Stolp and John Maxwell; and the said Lu- of a school census showing those between the
ther Hatch was appointed to act as foreman; ages of five and twenty- one of 4,909. Four-
and the hrst Petit Jury was John Naper, teen district libraries were purchased in 1860
Amander P. Thomas, Bussell Whipple, —one in Addison Township, six in Bloom
John Stevens, Jr., Shadrach Harris, Nathan ingdale Township, one in Winfield Town-
Stewart, Harry Goodrich, David G. Parson, ship, and three each in Milton and York
Harry Meacham, Theodore Hubbard, Nathan- Townships. The amount raised by direct tax
iel B. Morton, Levi Ballou, Moses K. Hoyt, in the county for school purposes that year
Pierce Downer, Walter Blanchard, Horace was $8,885.74, and the amount raised by the
Aldrich, John Tallmadge, Henry T. Wilson, State fund paid to the County Treasurer was
Seth Sprague, Ethan Griswold, David Wad- $6,480.75, making a total of receipts from
ham, Daniel H. Orcutt, John Warne and Jo- county tax and State appropriation, for the
seph Means. year 1860, to be expended for schools, of $15,-
Previous to 1855, a vigorous system of ed- The average monthly wages paid to female
ucation prevailed inDu Page County, but it teachers the same year was $12 per month,
was not as general and uniform as at pres- and male teachers, $24.50.
ent. The report of C. W. Richmond, the County
The Naperville Academy, the Illinois In- Superintendent of Schools, for the year 1870
stitute Wheaton, and the Warrenville
at shows the number of school districts in the

Seminary, were in their full tide of success county to be eighty-seven ; number of persons
during that time, as well as a goodly number between the ages of six and twenty-one to be
of district and private schools. 5,298. The gross receipts for the support of
At that date (1855), Rev. Hope Brown, schools for the year were $6,109.50, $5,727.-
School Commissioner, made a report which 15 of which came from school tax direct,
showed the number of school districts in the $359.55 from interest on school, college and
county to be sixty-eight, four of which had seminary fund, and $23 from fines and for-

fei tuxes. Addedwas $6,042.63, which

to this schools for the year were $46, 122.91, $1,032.-
should have been paid in fxom the State tax 11 of which was from income of township
of 2 mills on the dollax the yeax befoxe, but, |
fund, $6,473.20 from State fund and lines
through some informality, did not come. appropriated for the benefit of schools, $37, -
Although it was paid in by the State in 1870, i 888.51 from special district taxes, $285 from
it properly belonged to the fund of 1869. sale of school property, and $127.64 from
The same year (1870), female teachers re- various other sources.
ceived from $12 to 170 per month, and male Of the graded schools reported in the
teachers from $30 to $80 per month. county, four are high schools. The distinc-
The number of graded schools in the i tion between the two grows out of the fact
county was seven, three of which were in i
that in high schools a regular course of study
Winneld Township, two in Milton, one in |
is pursued, and pupils who take the full
Downer' s Grove and one in Naperville Town- couxse axe entitled to a diploma at gradua-
ship. tion.
Said Judge Cody, in a Fourth of July ad- These schools are located at Naperville.
dress at Naperville in 1876: " We have ex- i
Wheaton, Turner Junction and Hinsdale.
changed the log schoolhouse of 1831 for two Of the school libraries in the county, Prof.
magnificent colleges, two theological semi- Fisher, in his report, speaks in terms of com-
naries and for high schools and free schools mendation, stating that they are made up of
of easy access to every child within our lim- valuable works on history, biography, poetry,
its. science and romance of a high character, and
This expresses the general situation at that almost exempt from the gushing style of dime
date,showing the complete introduction of novels.
our school system, which is now in full tide As to the discipline of the schools, it may
of progress. be stated that the moral force of the teachers
The report of H. A. Fischer, County Super- over the pupils is gathering force, and there
intendent of Schools for 1882, shows the is little, if any, danger that it will ever lose
number graded schools in the county to be
of its grip — certainly not as long as the stand-
six, two of which are in Downer's Grove, two ard of teachers is kept up to its present grade.
in Milton, one in Winfield and one in Naper- And here the writer cannot forbear to draw a
ville. comparison between the teachers of Du Page
The number of ungraded schools are County schools and the teachers of New York
seventy-seven, making a total number of City schools, which schools he has recently
schools in the county, exclusive of private visited, and, in justice to home talent, must
schools, to be eighty-three. The total num- give it the preference. Here our most es-
ber of persons in the county between the ages teemed families are not above letting their
of six and twenty-one was 9,116. sons or daughters teach, but in New York or
Sixteen districts have school libraries, the Brooklyn such is not the case, and the class
total value of which is $1,080. teachers there have to be taken from ranks in
The average monthly wages paid male society not always clothed with the dignity
teachers was $49.15, and female teachers, of aristocracy in intelligence.
$32.84. By State authority, a 2-mill tax is collected
The entire receipts for the support of on all property and appropriated according

to the school census of each township, which measures to straighten the line between the
census enumerates those under twenty-one two places, in order to bring the travel by
years of age. Direct taxes for schools in their own doors.
this county are assessed for each school dis- St. Charles was the first to lead in this,

trict, according to their instructions. and subscribed $2,000 to lay out and improve
a road direct from their place to Chicago,
THE OLD STAGE COACH. with this end in view, and, in the summer of
The old stage coach, mail routes and roads 1836, a force of men and oxen were at work
were an institution once in the heyday of their along the line all the way between Desplaines
glory in Du Page County, and the old settlers River and their place, plowing and scraping
love to think of the good old sociables held along the flat lands. This was the origin of
in these vehicles, which jostled the passen- what is now well known as the St. Charles
gers into good nature with each other, as the road.
Jehu in the box bulldozed his horses through Elgin did a similar thing, but little, if
the sloughs. any, later, and established what has ever
In 18'25, a Mr. Kellogg pioneered his way since been known as the Elgin road, passing
across the pi'airie from Peoria to Galena. through Bloomingdale,where Col. Hoit
This was the first road that ever went to the opened a tavern: thence east to the Desplaines,
place, although it had been settled a century, i

three miles north of the present site of May-

but reached by way of the River. Dixon was wood, where Mr. Sherman kept tavern;
settled in 1830, and in 1834, a stage line was thence to the old Whisky Point road run-
established to it and Galena from Chicago, ning northwest from Chicago, connecting with
through the following points: Lawton's, on it at the present site of Jefferson, in Cook
the Desplaines; Bru3h Hill, where Oriente County. The old Indian went from
trail that

Grant opened a tavern next year; Naper's the western extremity of Lake Erie
to what

settlement, where a post office was then es- is now Rock Island was a well-known path

tablished named Paw Paw; Gray's Crossing, in the early days, and from where it in-
where Mr. Gray lived, at a favorable fording tersected the Illinois and Indiana State line,
place on the Fox River, two miles below the a road was laid out by State authority, pass-
present site of Aurora ; Dixon, on the Rock ing thence through Lockport, Naperville.
River, where Mr. Dixon kept a ferry; Apple Warrenville, Dundee on Fox River, McHem-y,
River, where a fort was built, twenty miles and thence to the Wisconsin line, near Nip-
southeast of Galena; thence to Galena, the issing Creek. Col. Warren was one of the
termination of the line. This was the first Commissioners to lay it out.

legally established road through the county. The first stage line that ever ran through
Joseph Naper was one of the Commissioners Du Page County was Templeton's line of
to lay it out under State authority, and Col. stages from Chicago to Galena. This line
Warren carried the mail in a lumber wagon went through Naperville and Dixon, but

from Chicago to Naperville till the stage subsequently changed its route, when Frink

line was established. & Walker bought out Templeton, in 1838,

Trade between Galena and Chicago was and lines were established from Chicago to
then a coveted prize, and road places north Galena via Bloomingdale; Chicago to St.
of the Naper settlement soon began to take Charles by the St. Charles road; and Chica-

go to Naperville, Aurora and Ottawa. These as premature, and no farther attempts to

three lines continued to pass through Du prosecute it were made till 1846, when
Page County, all of which carried the mail, William B. Ogden, John B. Turner and
till railroads were built, supplanting them. Stephen F. Gale purchased the charter of
During the winter months, the Government Messrs. Townsend & Mather, of New York,
at first suspended the mail to Galena, as it who, up to this time, held it, with the assets
involved too much risk. of the company. Ten thousand dollars in
stock was to be paid down, and $10,000 on its

GALENA & CHICAGO UNION RAILROAD. completion to Fox River. A preliminary

The following is a history of the Galena survey was made, and the work put in charge
& Chicago Union Railroad, now the Chicago of Richard P. Morgan, a gentleman from
& North- Western Railroad: Boston, who had earned a reputation for rail-
This road was first chartered January 16, road building in Massachusetts.
1836, which was two years before Chicago The nest year, on the 5th of April, a Board
had been chartered as a city, and it enjoys of Directors was appointed, and books were
the distinction of being her first railroad. soon opened for subscription to the stock.
Its primary interest was to advance the price Here fresh difficulties came up. Many
and thereby promote the pros-
of real estate, thought the road would injure the retail
perity of Chicago, which was then a village trade of Chicago (which was all she then
of 3,820 inhabitants, with room enough to had, by facilitating the transportation of
grow larger. The capital stock of the rail- goods to country merchants, and the latter
road company was $100,000, with power to feared their trade would suffer such quick
increase it to $1,000,000. It was" optional and easy access to Chicago as the road would
with the company to run the road either with give to the farmers. Despite these difficul-

horse or steam power. William Bennett, ties, through the efforts of Benjamin W.
Thomas Drummond, J. C. Goodhue, Peter Raymond and John B. Turner, in their suc-
Semple, John B. Turner and J. B. Thomp- cess in negotiating loans in New York, and
son, Jr., were authorized to receive subscrip- the reluctant home subscriptions to the stock,
tions to the stock. By the conditions of their the road was finally completed to Harlem,
company were obligated to com-
charter, the ten miles from Chicago, December 30, 1848,
mence work on the road within three years, towhich place its rickety old second-hand en-
and within this time the questionable enter- gine and cars ran, on a slipshod foundation
prise was undertaken. of wooden stringers, faced with bar iron.
The problem was how to get a found-
first During the autumn of the same year, its
ation through the spongy slough that inter- track was laid to Elgin, and the cars were
vened between the then mushroom town of running to the place January 23, 1850, for
Chicago and terra firma, on the ridge now which the company owe a lasting obligation
occupied by Oak Park. It was then deemed to Edward W. Brewster, now a citizen of
impossible to find bottom in these shaky Wheaton. He was then living on his farm,
lands, and piles were resorted to, with lon- at the Little Woods three miles below Elgin,
gitudinal stringers, to secure support from and he not only gave the company the right
one to another. Thus the work began along of way through his land, but gave them lib-
Madison street, but was soc erty to cut ties from his grove, without which

privilege the road could not have been fin- fast trains reach in forty-five minutes, the
ished before another summer, for navigation central portions in fifty-eight minutes, and
was about to close, and ties could not have the western portions in one hour and fifteen
been procured from any other source. " One minutes, thereby bringing the towns of this
good turn deserves another." So Mr. Brew- county within as quick time to the business
ster gave the company the necessary ground center of Chicago as the remote but already
for grading the road when filling was want- thickly settled streets in the outskirts of this
ed, but on conditions that he and his family city, to and froru which the horse cars are
should ride free on the road as long as he uncomfortably crowded constantly, and it is

lived. Little did they then know what they an unsolved problem why the thousands who
were bargaining for. Mr. Brewster still lives, have already availed themselves of these con-
though ninety years old, and when he comes ditions to secure rural luxuries are not mul-
for his annual pass, the company pleasantly tiplied, till the whole line of the road is a
tell him, " Yes, Father Brewster, we are will- continuous village. This would quickly be
ing to carry you as long as you live, but we the case if every citizen of Chicago knew by
did not expect you were going to live so experience the advantages of life among the
Out of this humble beginning, this com-
pany has grown into gigantic proportions, CHICAGO, BURLINGTON & QUINCY EAILROAU.

co-equal with the increase of wealth in Ihe The Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad
country through which it and its various di- passes through the southern tier of towns in
visions pass. These are the Galena Division, Du Page County, affording facilities for easy

313.14 miles; Iowa Division, 622.53 miles; access to Chicago,and offering good induce-
Northern Iowa Division, 292.43 miles; Wis- ments for business men to make quiet homes
consin Division, 555.26 miles; Peninsular along its line. The first beginning or nu-
Division, 290.10 miles; Madison Division, cleus of this road was the Aurora Branch
461.79 miles; Winona & St. Peter's Railroad Railroad, a line of road constructed in pur-
and Branch, 406.10 miles; Dakota Division) suance of an act of the General Assembly of
342.99 miles; total, 3,284.54 miles. the State of Illinois, approved February 12,
Lines under construction : Volga to Ab- 1849.
beyville, Dakota. 24.50; Watertown, D. T., The Aurora Branch Railroad extended from
to 65; Sioux Rapids to Ireton,
Redfield, Aurora,Kane County, about thirteen miles to
Iowa, 68 Narenta to Feleh Mountains, North-
: a point on the Galena & Chicago Union Rail-
ern Michigan, 36.40; total miles under con- road, now named Turner Junction. The first

struction, 193.96; grand total, 3,478.44. locomotive was purchased February 20, 1852.
This company achieved its first success The original charter was amended June 22,
partly in Du Page County, and through its 1852, and the name of the company changed
center, on this road, passes much freight from to the Chicago & Aurora Railroad Company.
the Pacific Coast to Europe. Its entrance On January was again
26, 1853, the charter
into the business heart of Chicago is direct amended, and the name of the company be-
and without detention, affording its business came the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Rail-
men easy access to rural homes in Du Page road Company, a name formally accepted by
County, the eastern portions of which its the stockholders February 14, 1855.

At a meeting of the Board of Directors was called, in what month it was held, by
held February 11, 1862, an act of the Gen- whom the meeting was called to order, or
eral Assembly, authorizing the construction who participated in its organization, we are
of a branch from Aurora to Chicago, by way not informed; we are assured, however, that
of the village of Naperville,was formally ac- the first meeting was held in Naperville.
cepted by the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy The minutes of the first anniversary indicate
Railroad Company. At the annual meeting that Rev. John H. Prentiss was the first Pres-
of the stockholders held June 20, 1862, it ident, and leave us to infer who were his as-
was resolved to authorize the building of the sociates in the organization:
road from Aurora to Chicago. This road was
Naperville, February 5, 1841.

completed in 1864, at which time it only went

The society met at the office of Esquire Hosmer,
to the Mississippi River, but now Northern and was opened with prayer by Rev. John H. Pren-
Missouri, the State of Kansas, Southern Iowa tiss, President. The annual meeting having failed,
and Southern Nebraska are directly on its the following were appointed officers of the society
for the ensuing year, viz.: Rev. Orange Lyman,
lines, and besides these, it claims a share in
President; Rev. Caleb Lamb, Hart L. Cobb, E.
the Colorado and Pacific trade. It had 2,- Thayer, Eli Nosheram and T. Paxton, Vice Presi-
924 miles of railroad in operation January dents; John H. Prentiss, Secretary; Aylmer Keith,
1. 1882. Treasurer; Lewis Ellsworth, Depository; J. H.
CHICAGO & PACIFIC RAILROAD. Prentiss, A. Keith, Pomeroy Goodrich, Isaac Clark
and Alexander Underwood. Executive Committee.
The Chicago & Pacific Railroad was organ-
At the second annual meeting the following resolu-
ized by R. M. Hough in December, 1877. tion was passed: "Resolved, That the first article of
The charter bears date previous to 1878, since the constitution be so altered that the name of the

which time the railroad was built, under the societ}' shall be the Du Page County Bible Society,"
thereby indicating that it formerly had a local name.
supervision of R. M. Hough, who was Pres-
At this meeting, we find the first report of the
ident of the road. The Directors of the road Treasurer, as follows: " There is now in the treas-
were Thomas S. Dobson (who was also Vice ury $8 cash, and, as far as can be ascertained. $15.80
President), Walter Pearce, John L. Wilcox, worth of books." In 1843, the Treasurer reported
eight Bibles and three Testaments on hand, valued at
George S. Bowen, George Young and Will-
$11.72, also cash $6 ($3 of which is counterfeit).
iam Howard. John L. Wilson was Solicitor, We may charitably hope this spurious money found
and William T. Hewes, Secretary. Fifteen its way into the Lord's treasury by mistake. The
thousand dollars was paid to William How- first fifteen years, the society held its annual meet-
ings at Naperville; the sixteenth anniversary at
ard for the charter. An ordinance was
"Wheaton Station," from thence it went to Bloom-
passed in the Council to give the right of
ingdale, returning by the way of Danby to Wheaton.
way for the road into Chicago in May, 1872. After visiting Lombard and Prospect Park, called
In June following, work was commenced on again at Wheaton on its way to Turner Junction,

the road, and was finished to Elgin in the

Elmhurst being the next stopping place, from which
we return to Naperville to greet our old friends of
summer This road is now owned
of 1873.
forty years ago; old friends, did we say? Were we
by the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Rail- who, forty years ago were
to call the roll of those
road. active in Bible cause, how few would respond !

DD PAGE COUNTY BIBLE SOCIETY. Opposite the names of nearly all we write gone
dead. The memories of other years crowd upon us.
In giving a history of this society, we are
The recollection of, and association with, many now
somewhat embarrassed, as we find no record living, as well as those gone before, during a resi-
of its first meeting. At whose suggestion it dence of fort3r -four years in the county, is pleasant.
We write their history to-day, who will write ours were so nearly matched in handling their
forty years hence? forces that neither gained any advantage, and
Eleven venerable men havepresided over the de-
it was the few extra votes that gave Wheaton
liberations of the society, and eight Secretaries
recorded its doings. the victory, and not her superior skill.

We are unable to give correctly the financial his- After the election, it was many months
tory of the society, but, from the best sources at our before the court confirmed the decision; this
command, it has received and disbursed at least
done, the Board of Supervisors selected a site
$15,000, the smallest sum reported in any one
year being $6.25, the largest $949.13. for the court house, which was donated to

L. W. Mills, Secretary. the county, and the building erected that now
convenes the court sessions and places crimi-
nals on the proper side of iron grates.
As stated in foregoing pages, at the organ- records were removed early one winter morn-
ization of Du Page County was anticipated
it ing, and, unfortunately, a few of them were
to take in the three ranges of sections on its lost, but not any portion of them that are es-
southern limit, but this plan miscarried, and show a good chain of title to lands.
sential to
left Naperville at the extreme southern verge In the summer of 1879, a tire-proof building
of the county, which had the effect to jeop- was erected on the north side of the court
ardize her prerogative, and ultimately to house grounds, with vault and offices for
disinherit her from a right that she, by vir- Clerks and Treasurer.
tue of age, numbers and wealth, tenaciously
claimed, which was to be the seat of justice DU PAGE COUNTY AGRICULTURAL AND MECHANICAL
of the county. Albeit her remoteness from SOCIETY.

the center of the county afforded a pretext Fairs had their origin as far back as the first

for other ambitions to come to the front and Olympiad, 600 years B. C, when kings ran
assert their claims. foot races with "news boys," whose occupa-
This rivalry began to take legal action in tions of turning an honest penny, selling the
the winter of 1857, when the Legislature of Naperville Clarion or the Wheaton Illinoisian,
the State passed an act authorizing an elec- was no bar to their social equality with a
tion to be held on the first Monday of May, crowned head, at least at the Olympic games.
the same year, to decide the question of the When both were stripped, perhaps the "news
removal of the county seat to Wheaton. boy could show the best muscle, and that was

The election was held, but it went against what counted. These were exhibitions of
removal, setting the matter at rest for ten strength, but nowadays men plume them-
years, when, through the Wheaten interest, selves more on a big pumpkin and od the
the Legislature again authorized an election muscle of their horses, so they always had a
for the same purpose. It was held in June, race-course for the latter to ventilate his fine
1868, and this time gave a small majority points on and a place in which to show the
for removal — not
without the " inside grip " pumpkins, and then in these days of female
(best known by politicians) being practiced culture, the best room in the building is al-

on both sides to their utmost limit. They lotted to the display of needle work and
made a very interesting polemic out of the crayon work of the girls, and sometimes a
campaign, which must ever stand as a monu- few loaves of bread from a matronly hand.
ment of DuPage County grit, but both sides Du Page County, animated with a laudable
Ills T< )i;Y of du page county.

ambition to stimulate her industrips and in- Prairie surface.

genuity, took steps in this direction by call- Iluvium and Drift.

ing a public meeting at Naperville, October

19, 1853, of which E. O. Hills, of Blooming-
dale, was Chairman, and James G. Wright, of
Naperville, Secretary. The society was or-
ganized with a constitution and by-laws, with
183 members, Lewis Ellsworth, President; J.
G. Wright, Secretary. The first fair was
held at Naperville October 11 and 12, 1854 I'.-u-l'nmfen'Us

The third annual fair was held at Wheaton

September 17 and 18, 1856. A charter was
obtained in February, 1857. soon after which
fifteen acres of ground were donated to the
society by J. C. and W. L. Wheaton, for a
permanent place for holding their fairs. By
the conditions of the donation, the grounds
are to revert back to the original owners if
the society neglects to hold their fairs for
three successive years. Fairs have been held
each year at the place ever since, with a good
showing of the best things in the county.
Mr. Albert D. Kelly, the present Secretary,
furnished the above statistics for the work.

Telephone lines were established Septem-
ber 1, 1882, between Chicago, Austin, May-
40 ft.
wood, Elmhurst, Lombard, Wheaton, Elgin, |

St. Charles, Geneva, Batavia, Aurora, Joliet, 120 ft.

Lockport and Summit. The intermediate

towns will be connected as soon as practicable,
and tee line is to be extended to Kockford
soon. It would be premature to state at this
time any limit to the extension of the line.

The rates now are 25 cents for five minutes'

conversation. L. C. Brown, Agent.


The following diagram shows the order
and thickness of the several divisions which
form the geological system of Illinois
Contributed by C. D. Wilber, LL.D.

The position occupied by Du Page and ad- or present a general concavity of surface, and
jacent counties is the Niagara division of the since prairies afford every variety of topog-
Upper Silurian. This" has been determined raphy of rolls, hills, slopes, plains, divides,

by the examination of the various quarries inclines, draws, ravines, terraces, bottoms,
and from outcrops of rock formation on the etc.. itseemed quite difficult at the outset to
Du Page River, and also by several artesian meet these formidable difficulties, But the
borings, which have penetrated more than heroic Lesquereux sweeps them all away with
one thousand feet. In this division are a pen stroke.
found the quarries of Lemont and Joliet, "I believe," says he, "that though undu-
from which are annually shipped vast quan- lated the surface of the prairies may be now,
tities of dimension stone and building ma- as it has been originally horizontal enough

terial. Below it from 700 to 800 feet is to form shallow lakes, and then swamps like
found the St. Peter's sandstone, which con- those which now cover some parts along the
tains the water supply of the great system of shores of Lake Erie, Lake Michigan, etc. I
artesian wells, of which about one hundred have followed for whole days the sloughs of
are already in active operation in Northern the prairies, and have seen them constantly
Illinois. passing lower and well-marked channels, or
The county of Du Page, it will be seen, to the beds of rivers by the most tortuous
occupies both extremes of the geological circuits, in a manner comparable to the me-

series, viz., the Silurian system at the bottom anderings of some creeks in nearly horizontal
and the prairie system at the top. The pres- valleys. Indeed, the only difference is that
ent article being limited to a few pages, will in the high prairies there is not a definite
be mainly devoted to a consideration of the bed, but a series of beds extending, narrow-
unfailing, omnipresent question, viz., "What ing, winding in many ways. This explana-
is the Origin of the Prairies?
" tion seems so natural that I could not under-
From observation on the smaller lakes and stand how high prairies could be perfectly
lakelets in Illinois, Michigan, Indiana and horizontal."
Ohio, Prof. Leo Lesquereux saw, as he No person ever appeared more charmed
thought, the outline of a theory which would with his favorite idea than the bold Lesque-
account for the present prairie system. reux with his pet theory for the origin of the
After a brief view of the soils of these dry prairies.
lakes, and the tree growths on the margin, he " The level of the low prairies being scarce-
says: From these facts, no other conclusion ly above that of the lakes, their surface after
can be taken than this: That all the prairies an overflow becomes dry by percolation and
of the Mississippi Valley have been formed evaporation, rather than by true drainage.
by the slow process of sheets of water of But wherever the rivers have cut deeper chan-
various extent, first transformed into swamps, nels, the drainage has constantly taken place
and by and by drained and dried. The high toward these deep channels, and the water,
and rolling prairies, the prairies around the though its movements may be very slow, fur-
lakes, those of the bottoms along the rivers rows the surface in its tortuous meanderings,
are all tho result of the same cause, and form and from this results that irregular, wavy con-
a whole and indivisable system. formation, generally and appropriately called
But since lake bottoms are generally level, rolling prairie."

For illustration of his theory, Prof. Lesque- Referring to Lesquereux's theory, and
reux refers to the prairie soil of Illinois: Whitney's. Prof. Winchell says: " The fatal
"Its thickness is first to be considered; it objection to this theory, and all the theories
and even more
varies from one to four feet, which look to the physical or chemical con-
How has been produced this enormous coat- dition of the soil for an explanation of the
ing of black mold which covers the clay sub- treeless character of the prairies, is discovered
soil? and, also, how has this subsoil been in the fact that trees will grow when once
produced, if not under the influence and ac- introduced."
tion of water? Complete oxidation of vege- The numerous lakes of Iowa, Illinois, Wis-
table remains has never resulted in the keep- consin and Michigan are mostly shallow, cov-
ing of such a peculiar thick compound as is ering often areas five miles by ten or fifteen.
the soil of the prairies. We must then con- They have a dark sediment bottom, generally
sider this prairie soil as formed under pecu- upon clay, which, being impervious, like
liar chemical action by a slow oxidation or leather, will for ages maintain these bodies
decomposition of vegetable matter, retarded of fresh water as they are. In some cases of
in its action by water, in preventing the free higher altitude, with smaller lakes, the clay
access of oxygen, as in formation of peat. can be punctured, and after the escape of
This (prairie) soil, then, as we have said, is water the black sediment becomes good soil.
half peat and half humus." Or the lake may be drained by cutting down
Prof. Whitney, formerly State Geologist of its lower edge with a deep ditch. It is ob-
California, writing of the formation of prai- vious that the concave-shaped clay substratum
ries, considers the absence of trees caused by caused the lake, and it appears that the fresh
the fineness of the soil, and partly by the ac- water acted as a medium through which the
cumulation in the bottoms of immense lakes sediments, no matter how obtained, were pre-
of a sediment of almost impalpable fineness cipitated; but directly the lake is drained the
under certain conditions. soil is ready to raise crops of grains, grasses
The one great fault with these theories is, or trees —but it does not become a prairie.
that they are hasty and indiscriminate, when West of the Missouri River, and, as far as
a larger view would include all that these known, west of the Mississippi River, in Ne-
theorists have stated, without shutting us up braska and Kansas, the brown-colored top soil
to narrow requirements. We can take in all is not a sediment of, but instead, the same
that Prof. Lesquereux says, viz., that the material as the sub-soil, whether loess or
great prairie system has been covered with drift, having the same chemical elements, but
water, and same time understood that
at the colored by successive years of decay of
water action was not even the re-
is not, or grasses. Whether these grasses, year after
motest cause the unwooded districts.
of year, were burned or disappeared by the
The prairies may come after the existence slower process of oxidation, thoy were cer-
and subsidence of lakes, but they come tain to contribute both the dark or humus
simply in the order of events, and not as a color, besides a certain amount of material
consequence of water. There is nothing in not being sediment in any sense. We are
the water or primitive lake theory that does agreeably relieved from introducing the need-
not apply equally to the wooded regions of less miracle of innumerable lakes as prairie
any country.
The evidence of prairie origin deduced from an average prairie county in the interior of
the disappearance of lakes, large or small, is Nebraska in twelve years attains the wealth
therefore rejected as not sufficient. The and population of one in the woods of Ohio,
lake patches with subsequent drainage, are of equal size, with seventy-five years of toil.

simply facts by themselves, but not in any After searching all that is known upon the
way related to the origin of the vast un- subject, we may see that both prairie and
wooded regions of North America. forset are natural conditions, and that it is

The proportion of prairie to forest is so in the power of man to make or unmake, to

great in the Western States and Territories have either surface, or to combine the two in
as to reverse the order of the inquiry. It any manner united to his use or caprice. It
seems here more proper to inquire, Why have does not matter, therefore, whether grassy
we woodland and grove and densely timbered plains or boundless forests have priority as
tracts in the Canadas and Eastern States, in- the primitive condition. It would easily ap-
stead of these "unshorn fields, sublime and pear from both geologic and human history,
beautiful, for which the speech of England that the two orders of surface have alternate-
has no name?" ly held possession, and that the present prai-
This leads to another inquiry, viz., Which ries and timbered areas, wholly, or in part,
is the normal condition of the surface; which were once covered with forests, and vice
has priority, prairie or woods? Are not versa. To that whenever we, raise the ques-
prairies, and pampas, and steppes, and vast tion of priority, we are at once carried into
unwooded areas quite as natural as forest- the realm of geologic history, whose faint
covered plains and hills? Have we not a outline can be seen on the shores of the old
problem quite as intricate in explaining the Silurian Sea, where the first fronds of vege-
existence and permanence of forests as in pre- table life raised their tiny forms, suited to
senting a theory which explains their ab- the earliest condition of light, air and moist-
sence ? ure consistent with life upon the planet.

Individual estimates of the comparative But the two great orders of vegetable life,
value of wooded and prairie regions would viz., trees and grasses, are so diverse in mode

vary as to the tastes or traditions of men; of growth, in form and in degree of vital
but the general summary of an impartial force that we may naturally took in the di-
census leaves no room for debate on the su- rection of this diversity for causes that shall
perior advantages of prairie surfaces.The logically jlead us toward a satisfactory expla-
center of empire makes its way westward nation.
meadows more rapidly than
over these natural The superior vital force of grass growths,
through dense forests. The unprecedented aided by favorable conditions, enables them
advance in the United States since the year to exclude timber growths, except where pro-
1840, in political power, wealth and popula- tected by natural barriers. The constant and
tion, is due, mainly, to the prairie system of free action of these relative forces maintains
the Western and Northwestern States and the present boundary between prairie and
Territories. timber areas. Whenever these forces are in-
The landed estate of Illinois is worth constant, or irregular, or suspended by human
$1, 000,000, 000 in forty years, is equal to agencies, the relative areas of each are varied
that of Ohio in nearly eighty years, and '

or changed.

Grass is called " an annual " plant, yet in into the bosom of the earth has made, and
an enlarged sense it isperennial. There is becomes the blanket of the dead.
more vitality in the rhizoma or roots of grass, " Grass is the forgiveness of nature her —
than in the oak or palm. Whatever may de- constant benediction. Fields trampled with
stroy a tree or shrub brings no harm to grass. battle, saturated with blood, torn with the

An ocean of flame may sweep over the prairie ruts of cannon, grow green again with grass,
and consume every living thing, and leave and carnage is forgotten. Streets abandoned
the plain a parched and desolate waste, yet by traffic become grass grown like rural lanes,
in a month the grass is green over the entire and are obliterated. Forests decay, harvests
area, but the trees are dead. What required perish, flowers vanish, but grass is immortal.
ten, twenty or a hundred years to accumulate Beleaguered by the sullen hosts of winter, it

as forest or grove, can be replaced only by the withdraws into the impregnable fortress of
same number of years, while grass will come itssubterranean vitality, and emerges upon
to its best estate in the summer time of every the first solicitation of spring. Sown by the
year. I offer this primal and fundamental winds, by wandering birds, propagated by
relation between grasses and trees, as the the subtle horticulture of the elements, which
present and procuring cause in a theory to are its ministers and servants, it softens the
explain, philosophically, the origin of the rude outline of the world. Its tenacious
prairies fibers hold the earth in its place, and prevent
Next in importance to the Divine j>rofu
' its soluble components from washing into the
sion of water, light and air, those three great wasting sea. It invades the solitude of de-

physical facts which render existence possible, serts, climbs the inaccessible slopes and for-
may be reckoned the universal beneficence of bidden pinnacles of mountains, modifies
grass. Exaggerated by tropical heats and climates, and determines the history, char-
vapors to the gigantic cane congested with its acter and destiny of nations. Unobtrusive
saccharine secretion, or dwarfed by polar rig- and patient, it has immortal vigor and ag-
Northern solitudes,
ors to the fibrous hair of gression. Banished from the thoroughfare
embracing between these extremes the maize, and the field, it bides its time to return, and
with its resolute pennons, the rice plant of when vigilance is relaxed, or the dynasty has
Southern swamps, the wheat, rye, barley, oats perished, it silently resumes the throne from
and other cereals, no less than the humbler which it has been expelled, but which it

verdure of the hillside, pasture and prairie never abdicates. bears no blazonry of

in the temperate zone, grass is the most wide- bloom charm the senses with fragrance or

ly distributed to all vegetable beings, and is splendor, but its homely hue is more en-
at once the type of our life and the emblem chanting than the lily or the rose. It yields
of our mortality. Lying in the sunshine no fruit in earth or air, and yet should its

among the buttercups and dandelions of May, harvest fail for a single year, famine would
scarcely higher in intelligence than the mi- depopulate the world."
nute tenants of the mimic wilderness, our The forest, however, in its strife for the

earliest recollections are of grass; and when mastery or possession has its peculiar advan-
the fitful fever is ended, and the foolish tages. From its deep shades it excludes the
wrangle of the market and forum is closed, grasses. The lack of light and warmth in
grass heals over the scar which our descent the twilight of vast forests — "the boundless

contiguity of shade " — partly paralyzes vege- course, in direction and power with the wind,
table growth of all kinds, and nearly obliter- but passing over, year after year, nearly the
ates all traces of grass. The shrubs and un- same and meeting the same barriers to
dergrowth are dwarfed into insignificance, stay its same bor-
progress, thus keeping the
and appear unwelcome, like lank beggars in der line between the two kingdoms. These
a lordly court. fires may have originated ages ago, from the

Grown trees, however, with their spreading ordinary lightning, or what is more probable,
branches, bearing coronals of leaves, yearly they were caused by the same means that now
increase in this manner their own bulk, and maintain them, viz. , human agency. From
at the same time deepen the shade that de- time immemorial, the Indians have, generally
prives the shrub or sapling and grass of their in the autumn of each year, fired the prairie
bread of life. By this regime the forest at- or grass plains, producing thereby that pecu-
tains its majesty, and maintains its regal liar phenomena called Indian summer. By
splendor for centuries. By this economy, these annual fires, they secure two results,
with its steady bracing and blending of viz. , first, the game is driven to the timber,
woody fiber, the tree trunk lengthens towards where it can be more easily taken; and sec-
the sun, increases in strength and beauty, ond, the grasses being burned, the bare
and contributes to man his house on land and prairie affords free vision against invasion,
his ship at sea. On the border, between the aud also facilitates speed, whether for assault
forest and plain, both grasses and trees show or retreat. Compelled thus by a twofold ne-
the decimating effect of antagonism in the cessity to annually burn the prairies, it is

struggle for existence. Trees of high growth easy to see that they must have maintained
and rank never grow into columns; but, with for ages the areas that were fixed by natural
branches near the ground, dwindle into groves barriers in the indefinite past — established
in bush forms. Among them, but with with no prospect of change, except by a
abated force, the grasses spread, and afford change of policy under a different race of
only tolerable pasture. It is evidently a men. In this case the successful invaders of
drawn battle, or an attempt to compromise the prasent vast population of farmers must
under a flag of truce. The effect of annual speedily revolutionize the Indian policy and
fires over prairie areas is nearly uniform. the former boundaries between prairies and
It is one of the constant forces, varying, of groves.



TWO who had risen from

seafaring men, —corner together. These two men were the
cabin boys become masters of vessels
to true pioneers of Milton Township, just half
by time they had attained manhood, formed a century ago last June, the time of writing
a determination to relinquish the calling to this chapter being August, 1S32. Mr. But-
which they had been trained, and strike out terfield died a few years ago, but Mr. Wilson
a new course in life. These men were the still walks the streets of Wheaton, and stal-
two Naper brothers, of whom much has been wart young men, whose fathers he saw in
said in previous pages. The new plan con- theirswaddling clothes, now help the old
templated the forming of a colony to establish man up and steady his tottering footsteps
itself and grow up with the country some- down the uneven sidewalks of Wheaton, as
where in the West to which the immense im- he goes for the mail or after a newspaper to
migration was tending that had loaded their see what is going on in a world of excitement
vessels westward bound to their utmost ca- of which he has beheld three full generations.
pacity for the years that they had been sail- His grip on life is still tenacious as it is
ors and Captains. The names of two of tbe chronic. As this goes to press, news comes
men who joined their colony are Lyman But- that Mr. Wilson's sands of life are run out
terfield and Henry T. Wilson. The vessel almost to the last grain.
started from Ashtabula, Ohio, in June, 1831, Ralph and Morgan Babcock came to the
and arrived at Chicago in July. From thence place since called Babcock's Grove, and made
the adventurers made their way across the claims in 1833 of nearly the whole grove,
spongy flats that then intervened between the with a view of parceling it out to their friends
place and the Desplaines River, and kept on who were soon to follow.
to the west tiil their destination was reached, The next year (1834), Deacon Winslow
which was the spot where Naperville now Churchill, with his sons — Seth, Winslow, Jr.,

stands. Here Mr. Butterfield and Mr. Wil- and Hiram — came to the place and made
son remained a short time, witnessed the claims — all in what is now Milton, except
Black Hawk scare, and the nest year took up that of Winslow, Jr., which was on the
claims a few miles north of the parent set- ground on which the northern part of the
tlement — Naperville. Mi-. Butterfield's claim village of Lombard, in York, now stands.
was for a half-section of land lying wholly in With the Churchills also came the wife of
the present township of Milton, in its south- Morgan Babcock, John D. Ackerman and
eastern corner. Mr. Wilson's claim, made at family and Seth Churchill and family. All
the same happened to be where the
time, these came from Onondaga County, N. Y.,
three townships— Lisle, Wintield and Milton arriving at Chicago on the schooner La

Grange, June 4, 1834; here they procured David Christian settled at the place in
teams, and, loading their household goods, 1837, and built a frame house, the first in
started over the prairies, stopping the first the new settlement. In a few years it had
night, at Scott's tavern, where Lyons now is, two good stores, two blacksmith shops, a har-
and the next night at Parson's, where Lisle ness shop, a hame factory, a wagon shop and
now is; thence over the trackless prairie all the machinery of a town.
northwardly, to the grove where their home h ad Even Chicago came to the place to get
been secured to them the year before by a few their mechanics to make a dredge to clean
blazes made on trees in the grove and a few the mud out of the Chicago River. But there
stakes driven in the prairie by Mr. Babcock. was a limit to this prosperity. The laws of
In 1835, Moses Stacy and his wife came trade are inexorable and would follow the
from Windham County, Vt., via Buffalo to railroads, even from pleasing heights into
Detroit, by steamer, thence by schooner to valleys, and when the Galena & Chicago
Chicago; thence, with a hired team, they Union Railroad came through in 1849, many
started for Hennepin, 111., their original des- buildings were moved from the Corners to
tination, but, on their arrival at Ottawa, they Danby, and all the business that had hither-
found so many cases of malarial fever that to centered at the place.
they retraced their steps in pursuit of a more But let us return again to the good old
salubrious location to the north. They found days of 1835, when log schoolhouses were
it he last of August, 1858, at the high spot built for earnest children to study in, drawn
of land to which their name has been given thither by no festhetic influences. One of
Stacy's Corners —
and here Mrs. Stacy and these was built by subscription in 1835, at
one of her sons still live on this spot so beau- an opening in the north edge of the grove,
tifully adorned by generous nature, on the top- on a small tributary of the East Fork. It is
most of those gravelly ridges that rise in ter- now a lonesome spot, away from the road, but
races one above another till it crowns the whole was then vocal with young voices on week
with a broad plateau, extending indefinitely days, and hallowed with divine worship on
to the north. Here they built a small cabin, Sundays, as all schoolhouses were in the early
14x16, with a puncheon floor and a roof of days.
split logs, the lower layers of which were The first teacher in this house was Miss
channeled so as to catch the drainage from Maria Dudley, whose brother is now a promi-
the upper ones. Soon after it was built, an oc- nent lawyer in Naperville. Rev. Pillsbury
casional traveler called at night for enter- was the pioneer preacher in it, per order of
tainment. would not do to turn him
It Presiding Elder Clark, of the Du Page dis-
had no other refuge. Thus be-
adri ft, for he trict, the same who had in June the previous
gan this business of tavern-keeping, which year, come to the place to preach the funeral
grew on their hands till their premises were sermon of a young daughter of Deacon Wins-
enlarged and rebuilt once and again, and low Churchill Amanda. — There was no
still inadequate to supply the demand as the cemetery in which to deposit her remains,
country settled to the West, and Stacey's but she was buried on private grounds with
Corners gave promise of a central nucleus of solemnities all the more impressive, because
a metropolitan character, and the name of where people are few and the face of nature
Du Page Center was given it. is ample, the loss of a single individual
leaves a broader chasm in the home circle furnish the necessary material for graveling
and in the neighborhood. the railroad.
The same year, 1835, William D. Dodge, Milton has eight school districts and as
from Eutland County, Vt., came to the settle- many good schoolhouses, two of which are
ment and made a claim adjoining Babcock's, graded. The number of persons between the
his family arriving the following October. ages of six and twenty in the town is 468.
It was no small acquisition to the settlement, In the western part of the town, at Pleas-
for he had four sons and nine daughters, all ant Hill, is a creamery that consumes 4,000
of whom settled at the piece. The names of pounds of milk, makes 120 pounds of butter
the sons were N. Mason, Darwin D., William and 350 pounds of cheese daily. The dairy
B. and J. S. It is not so necessary to name business is on the increase in the town,
the girls, for they soon became identified by owing, especially, to the facilities which the
other names of a more masculine and less railroad affords for sending milk to Chicago.
transient type, in which capacity they lent a
hand in building up the country. THE MASTODON.
Warren L. and Jesse C. Wheaton, Erastus To trace the history of this noble animal
Gary, Peter Crosby, S. H. Manchester, Al- since the timbers of Noah's ark cringed be-
vin Simmons, Peter Northrup, all came to this neath his ponderous tread, would take us
township soon afterward, and all of them through many evolutions of nature ere his
are still active men, which would go to show offspring found their way into Du Page
that half a century in Milton Township had County. That he finally chose his pasture
not tasked nature to her extreme limits, with- here is an evidence that it was then as now a
out countinghow much wear and tear these good grazing country, for he was an herb-
gentlemen had before they came here with eating animal. His teeth give evidence of
ripe growth in their limbs. These specimens, that and further pi-ove that if he did not find
together with other evidences, go to show the grass enough to fill his capacious stomach,
healthfulness of the place. Its surface that he could crop the little twigs from the
drainage is good, there being no extensive trees, or eat the trees themselves level to the
flat lands in the township, though a nar- ground, if they were young forest trees not
row belt of low interval skirts the East over twenty feet high, for what were such
Branch of the Du Page Eiver that courses saplings between teeth that weighed from
through the eastern tier of sections in this two pounds each, twenty-four in num-
to six
township. ber. Someof them were fashioned like
These low lands are not built on, but serve pruning- shears; his tusks were ten feet in
for pasturage or meadow, being too spongy length, ten inches in diameter at the base and
for cultivation. There are groves of good weighed 200 pounds. These are the dimen-
timber in the southwestern and central east sions and weight of a pair of them found
em and northeastern portions of the town near Aurora a few years ago, while excavating
ship, which have, even up to this day, large for the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Rail-
ly furnished fuel for farmers and townsmen, road. Later in the fall of 1869, the bones of
besides much material for building, fencin one fore leg, sixteen sections of vertebrje,
etc. The gravel banks along the railroad shoulder-blade and hip-bone of this extinct
west of the Du Page are very valuable, and species were found on the land of Mr. Horace

Jane, two miles from Wheaton. The prob- quite a feat for ayoung man not accustomed,
lem is, When did this animal leave his foot- like the old Romans, to play the gladiator.
prints on our soil ? Lyell says that they be- From near event had
the spot where this
came extinct many thousand years ago, but transpired, Erastas Gary came to St. Joseph,
it is evident that he had not consulted Mr. Mich., in the autumn of 1831. Here he
Jayne, for he could have given him evdience found a prosperous village, containing about
that would have dispelled such a theory. twenty-five families, with sufficient attractions
Mr. Jayne says he found the bones in a to determine him to remain for the winter to
comparatively recently tilled- up basin of teach the town school and await what might
water, imbedded iu murky accretions from its turn up. The next spring, having determined
surrounding water-shed. Near the bones to see what was on the other side of the lake,
were small tree trunks still standing with he started, April 1, 1S32, with three compan-
their roots pierced into the solid soil below ions, in a dugout canoe for Chicago, which
the black muck that covered and 'preserved was then the usual method of private travel
them. This don't look like the work of between the two places. Constant toiling at
"many thousand, years,'' for this process of the oars along the southern shores of Lake
the tilling up of prairie ponds is still going Michigan, with two nights spent in camp
on, and much of nature's handiwork in this thereon, brought the travelers to Chicago on
direction has been done within the memory the 3d, and here Mr. Gary only spent the
of our early settlers. No; we may conclude night, for the place looked far less inviting
that not more than five centuries ago at than St. Joseph. " Westward ho! " was the
most that herds of mastodons frisked about watchword the next morning, and, after
here like lambs in a June pasture. Perhaps taking leave of his companions, he took up
they grazed the timber all down where the his march toward sunset and gained Law-
prairies are, and providentially left the groves ton's, on the Desplaines, at night, after a
for winter pasture. If this settles the ques- day of amphibious toil, sometimes for miles
tion of the origin of the prairies, it will save through water a foot deep. The next day, he
archaeologists a good deal of hard study. reached Naperville, which was on the 5th.
From thence he made his way northwardly,
HISTORY OF THE VILLAGE OF WHEATON. and took up a claim at first adjoining the
Amidst the banks and braes " of
' Wind- claim of Mr. Butterfield, some years before
ham County, Conn. there grew up some note-
, the spot where Wheaton now is become his
worthy historical associations. The place residence.
was settled in 1686 by good old Puritan stock That there would have been a village at or
from Roxbury, Mass., whose influence is felt not far from where Wheaton now stands is
to-day in the social circles of Wheaton, though certain in any event, but how it came to be
transmitted through not less than six genera- located in this precise spot, and how it took
tions. From Pomfret, in that county, came its name, grew out of the following circum-
the first settlers Wheaton, whose courage
of stantial details.
and ambition may have been toned up to a Warren L. Wheaton, whose limbs had
good scale by the proximity of their birth- gathered pith and whose fires of youth had
place to the cave where Gen. Putnam bearded been fanned to manhood's naine, around the
the wolf In his lair and slew him, which was old classic grounds of Pomfret (his birth-

place), as well as Mr. Gary's, came to the able frame of mind to cast his lot with his
Gary settlement June 1, 1837, to which E. friends, among the undulating swells of land
Gary, his fellow-townsman, had preceded where he now resides. Perhaps his long
him. Ever since the Black Hawk war, set- stretches of marching between the stopping
tlershad beeD actively employed in making stations and his tired limbs, had something
claims, especially contiguous to the Naper to do with this decision, but yet the distant
settlement, and the lands where timber and hope that Chicago would rise out of the mud
prairie were conbined in desirable propor- and become at least a good market for prod-
tions,were all under the bonds of claims, uce was then in the minds of every one, and
which were sacred as deeds, at least till the had its influence with Mr. Wheaton.
land had come into market, and long enough A year had now been spent in prospecting,
thereafter to give the respective claimants a pending which time a Mr. Knickerbocker had
reasonable time to pay for them. come to the place, and, liking the lay of the
The amount of land to which the Garys land where the Garys and L. Butterfield
and Butterfields had laid claim was much had made a claim, either unwittingly or
larger than they wished for their own use, through design, came to the spot with an ox
and bad designedly been made so for the team and began to turn over the sod. Thirty
purpose of letting their friends and old fel- acres were plowed before he was discovered,
low-citizens from Pomfret have a portion of when intelligence of the trespass came to the
it. Notwithstanding this propitious chance Garys and Mr. Butterfield. Something must
of settling here, young Wheaton had a desire be done immediately, and it was planned by
to look farther west before he made a de- the aggrieved party promptly to repair to the
cision, which, as the result proved, was to spot with a team rigged to a plow, and com-
establish him for life. Accordingly, he mence breaking the sod by following the fur-
started on foot over the open prairies, in a rows already made by the claim-jumper, as
southwesterly direction, sometimes getting a Mr. Knickerbocker then was looked uj:on to be.
ride by stage or otherwise, and in his wan- Thus the two rival interested parties contin-
derings visited St. Louis, Quincy and Bur- ued at their work, without saying a word,
lington. At the latter place was only two and, as they went round after round on the
houses. Keeping on up the river, he saw same land, determination gathered force.
Dubuque, when it had but a few houses, and Knickerbocker was the first to raise the flag
Galena, when there were only a small cluster of truce, which he did substantially by com-
of buildings at the place. From this place, ing to the Gary party to hold a parley.
he turned homeward, or to what
his course During this eventful parlance, young War-
afterward became his home, but between ren Wheaton, who was a looker-on, took the
which spot and himself lay an immense Gary team and hastened to the next rise of
plain of waving grasses, almost entirely unin- land to the east, where no claim had yet been
habited. Dixon was his first point to reach, made, and plowed around about 640 acres or
to which a well-known trail led and also con- more to secure it to himself before Knicker-
tinued on to the east, the main line leading bocker could have time to do it, for Mr.
to Ottawa and a branch of it to Naperville. Wheaton well knew would be driven
that he
Over this prairie trail he traveled on foot, from the grounds of Gary or Butterfield,
and by time he had returned, wa3 in a suit- and felt almost certain that he would claim
the next adjoining land, to which he now slender encouragement from the settlers im-
was making good his own claims. While Mr. mediately east of this place, then without a
Wheaton was doing this, the dispute was ad- name. Not that the inhabitants objected to
justed by paying Mr. Knickerbocker $120 for the road, but they showed a disposition to
his service in plowing the land, of which avail themselves of the occasion to get a round
there were thirty acres — a happy way of set- price for the land needed for its construction.
tling the affair, and a generous one on the Instead of taking any such advantage, the
part of the defendants, for clairu-jumping Wheatons were in sympathy with these
then was a serious offense, and if condign representatives of the road, offered them the
punishment was meted out for it, there was right of way gratis, and invited the two gen-
no one to question its justice or propriety. tlemen to dinner. Whether it was this din-
By this time, Jesse Wheaton, who had arrived ner, which was doubtless a good one, or the
in the country a few months subsequent to free gift of land, or both combined, that in-
his brother Warren, was on the spot, and the fluenced the managers of the road to put the
disputed territory to which Knickerbocker station here and name the place Wheaton,
had laid claim, was promptly transferred to will never be known, but certain it is that no
him by his paying for the plowing, which he amount of finessing and subtlety on the part
did. of rival localities, which immediately ensued,
Perhaps this finale to these negotiations could change the firm purposes of Messrs.
was a sort of " all-in-the-family '' arrange- Turner and Ogden. They were true to their
ment, for the tradition says that it was then first love and resisted all the blandishments

supposed that Jesse felt a gentleness toward of coquetry that followed from whithersoever
Orinda, the sister of E. and J. Gary, the it came.
truth of which is confirmed by the subsequent Mr. Jewell went so far as to build a depot
marriage of the two. and it is not too much at an expense of $400, so situated as to bring
to say here that this marriage so promptly the road near to his land, the same now known
made verifies the assertion that Cupid is more as Jewell's Grove, but it had no effect.

unerring in his dai'ts in new countries, for Dissatisfaction also prevailed in other lo-

nowadays many long courtships terminate in calitieswhere apathy had existed but a short
failures. time before, ere the people had awakened to
These are the circumstances which brought the importance of the subject..
the twoWheaton brothers to the place where But let us return to trace the first settlers
each now live, and for whom the town was who came to the place after the Wheatons
named. That they came may be set down, had set their stakes here. The three next
perhaps, as the result of rivalry or ambition were Peter Crosby, who now lives next door
to secure aclaim ahead of Mr. Knickerbocker, east of the house of the writer; S. H. Man-
and that the town took its name for them, is, who now
chester, by Wheaton,
lives close
perhaps, the result of a friendly dinner. and Avin Simmons, who still lives at the
The circumstances are these: When John place. These live first settlers are all our
B. Turner and William B. Ogden came esteemed fellow-citizens to-day, July, 1882,
through the place, in 184'J, prospecting for after a residence of almost half a century, and
a route and the right of way for the Galena all able to attend to their daily avocations
& Chicago Union Railroad, they had met but with their accustomed promptness. To them
may be added Erastus Geary and Henry T and the one opened here by Patrick Lynch
Wilson, both of whom are citizens of Wheat- justified the reputation of these primitive es-
on, and came to the county several years be- tablishments, especially those who played
fore the first live named, but not to Wheaton " Hamlet without the character of Hamlet. '

till many had preceded them. Both these The next store was not a grocery store, that
gentlemen are well known throughout the is, Kentucky Bourbon was not kept in it, al-

country. Mr. Gary is still an active mem- though it kept tea, coffee and sugar and
ber of society, taking an interest in all the everything that sober people wanted from a
issues that affect the welfare of our country, penny whistle to a bass drum, to use a com-
but Mr. Wilson, now within a few weeks of parison. It was a country store, and Mr. H.
ninety-four years old, has passed his age of H. Puller was its proprietor; he, at the same
utility, though he
still sometimes walks the time, kept a hotel, was Postmaster, kept the
streets and bids good morning to his old depot and a stage office, all of which callings
friends, of which he has countless numbers. have grown into larger dimensions than one
There are many others venerable with age man could attend to, except the stage office,
and honors, but the mention of whose names which is now one of the extinct institutions,
does not belong with a list of first settlers, mastodons that were dug up
like the relics of
because they came later to the county. on the land of Mr. Jaynes, adjacent to
In the fall of 1849, the Galena & Chicago Wheaton.
Union Kailroad laid their track through the Mr. Fuller has now enough to do to attend
place, and thence to Elgin, and built a depot which he stillhas the charge.
to the depot, of
here, if poles set in the ground to sustain a His old store stood where the Central Hotel
roof of battened boards and sides, fashioned now stands, immediately south of the depot.
in the same manner, deserves such a name. The first man here who followed that occu-
The track consisted of strap iron spiked on pation to which Elihu Burritt lent so much
wooden scantling, on which rickety old sec- honor (that of a blacksmith), was Mr. Worm-
ond-hand engines ran at slow rates; but this with; his shop stood where the store of
means of transportation, though defective, Messrs. Grotte Bros, now stands, and was
was better than the bottomless sloughs that erected in 1850. Mr. Wormwith, a few years
intervened between Wheaton and Chicago. later, The ware-
died with consumption.
The first store built here was a grocery. house now occupied by Messrs. Sutcliffe &
Who ever heard of any other kind of a store Kelly was built the same year as the black-
as a pioneer effort in a new country? Its smith shop — 1850 — by E. Gary and the
very name sometimes meant that you could Wheatons.
buy from its proprietor Kentucky Twist or On the 20th of June, 1853, the southeast
Kentucky Bourbon, or something else more quarter of Section 16, Township 36, Range
liery, and it also meant that the way-worn 10, having been laid out in streets, by W.
traveler could find entertainment with a good L. Wheaton. J. C. Wheaton and others, a

solid bed to sleep in, if the bedstead which plat of it was duly recorded as the village of
held it did not break down, and that he could Wheaton.
luxuriate on nutritious corn-bread for supper From this period to 1S59, the town grew
and breakfast. This is what the pioneer apace, so as to contain not less than seven or
grocery in a new country frequently meant, eight hundred inhabitants. It was, however,.

stigmatized as "Wheaton's Mud-Hole" by the limits of the town, so as to include in all

some rival localities — a name, it must be con- the whole of Section 16 and the southeast
fessed, not unmerited in the early spring or quarter and south half of the northeast quar-
during excessive wet weather in its primitive ter of Section 17. and the south half of the
davs, when a mud blockade kept the people south half of Section 9, and the southwest

at home oftentimes when pressing necessities quarter of the southwest quarter of Section 10,
urged locomotion. and the west half of the northeast quarter
Stimulated by these unfavorable conditions, and the northwest quarter of the southwest
the prominent citizens of the place saw the quarter of Section 15, same township and
necessities of improving the streets and drain- range as the first description.
ing the sloughs and ponds, of which there The third article of the charter provided
were many, and, after conferring together, that the first Monday in each year should be
decided that the true interests of the town the day of annual election for town officers,

required an act of incorporation, in order to which officers should consist of a Council

enforce a system of public improvements. Board of five—that a Justice of the Peace
Accordingly, a charter was drawn up by the and a Constable should be elected biennially
United Council of the representative men of on the same day of each alternate year, and
the place, taking the charter of Naperville as that the Council Board shall have power
a model, with but two modifications, the first to apjjoint a Clerk, Treasurer, Assessor and
of which was that the President of the Coun- Street Commissioner. The office of Assessor
cilBoard should not be admitted as a mem- is now discontinued, as the Township Assess-
ber of the Board of Supervisors of the county, or acts in his place and the Treasurer of the
and the second was that the Council Board village corporation is elected by popular vote
should have the power to license or suppress instead of being appointed by the board.
the sale of fermented or distilled liquors of A liberal system of public improvements
all kinds. was stipulated by the charter
It has been inaugurated in Wheaton as the
as follows: "The first election shall be held permanent policy of the town. First, the
on the third Monday of March, A. D. 1859, streets were piked up with dirt from ditches
and Erastus Gary, L. J. Bliss, Seth F. Dan- each side, ponds drained by tiling, and stone
iels and J. C. Wheaton, or any two of them, culverts built, but these improvements were
may act as Judges of said election. This act found insufficient to make the streets pass-
to be in force from and after its passage." able in early spring, or during seasons of rain
Approved February 24, 1S59. and warm weather in the winter, and it was
The north half of the southwest quarter determined to grade them with gravel, which
and the west half of the southeast quarter of fortunately abounds in various places nearby.
Section 16, the south half of the northeast This work was begun in June, 1877, and, July
quarter and the east half of the southeast 16, 1S80. a gravel pit was bought of E. H.
quarter of Section 17 Township 39,
Range Gary, for $400, which gives promise of an
10, east of the Third Principal Meridian, abundant supply of this material so essential
were tbe lands comprised in the charter. to thewants of the town
The second charter of Wheaton, the one Of the manufacturing interest of Wheaton,
under whose authority the Council now acts, little need be said. In the summer of 1856,
was approved March 11,1869. It enlarged Peter Northrup built a grist-mill, with two

run of stones propelled by steam power, to Block was built the Central Block, in 1875
which a planing-mill was also attached. It It is the principal business block of the town,
fulfilled his expectations until it was burned containing ample stores and basements, with
down, in December, 1858. It stood north of a fine hall and offices above.
the blacksmith shop of August Michels, across Had none of these establishments been
the street. About the same time this grist-mill burned, it is hardly to be supposed that
was was erected just
built, a carriage factory Wheaton would ever have attained notoriety
west of by Avery Ohadwick, with steam-pow-
it as a manufacturing town, for the reason that
er for machinery. H. C. Childs, who came to no streams of living water run through it,
Wheaton in 1855, full of ambitious ideas, but its eligible situation as a p>lace of resi-
bought out this establishment, in 1S59, and dence commends it to those wishing a home
employed about fifteen hands in it in the in a healthy locality among intelligent and
manufacture of locomotive vehicles for chil- thrifty people. The houses in the town are
dren and babies, for which there was quite a ample distances apart to insure a free circula-
good home market in such a fruitful country tion of air between each, and, in consequence
as Wheaton and its surroundings. This of the college having been located at the
building burned down in 1861, but the de- eastern extremity of the town, and the grad-
mand for baby carriages kept on increasing, ed schoolhouse at the western, its area pre-
notwithstanding. In this emergency, Mr. sents tangent points in each respective direc-
Childs went to work immediately to build tion.
another factory, the site of which was across For a place of its size, few have such an
the street south of the. Methodist Church. It extended reputation, and it is well known
was finished in 1862, and the same business that its fame is due to the tenacious religious
went on it till the supply of baby carts was connections, not only of its leading men. btit

ahead of the demand, for there is a limit to of its every-day sort of people, who follow
the rate of animated reproduction. Mr. the ordinary occupations of life. This is

Childs now bought the ground now occupied evident from the fact that there are eight
by the Kelly Block, where formerly stood a churches here which support regular preach-
fine hotel owned by Mr. Kinney (which had ing, and at least four more kinds of religious
been burnt in 1861) and here he erected the beliefs, too weak in numbers to have churches

building which now stands on the spot, and and preaching, but not too hike- warm in their
it is worthy of notice tbat he established the religious feelings to keep alive in their hearts
grade of Wheaton business streets by elevat- and consciences fidelity to their principles,
ing his sidewalk several feet above the old and it is proper here to add that the univer-
grade. The next attempt at manufacturing sal charity that the necessity of religious
here was by R. Blanchard, who established a sentiment has imparted to the place, has
map factory in the Bedel Block, opposite the thrown its mantel over all who act out relig-
depot, in the autumn of 1871. In a few ion whatever they do or do not profess; and
weeks the building burned, and Mr. Blanch- it is historically due to Wheaton to say that a

ard transferred his business to other quar- citizen will be equally respected here if he
ters, and ultimately, to his own premises, on does or does not help support any religious
the grounds of his homestead. On the spot faith, other things being equal.
made vacant by the burning of the Bedel The remarkable cases of longevity here are

worthy of mention. Henry T. Wilson, aged tensive realization of its benefits in them-
ninety-four, now able to go out of doors, but selves. They were real reformers, and were
his mind enfeebled and his memory almost especially interested in the anti-slavery strag-
gone. He is well known as having been an gle which was then at its height.
active and useful pioneer and a thrifty farm- They saw with deep concern the children
er. Edward W. Brewster is ninety years of anti slavery fathers and mothers, who
old; he has seen all our early Presidents, in- were sent to college, where nothing was said
cluding President Washington, of whom he against human bondage, soon losing their
still dim recollection, though but a
retains a parents' principles and concluding that if

child when he saw him. He has ever been slavery were as bad as they had been taught
foremost in every good work that appeared at home to regard it, the teachers they had
before him done during his long and
to be learned to reverence and love would say some-
useful life.For many years he was a mem- thing about it.

ber of the School Board of Chicago, and his Their purj>ose, as his father, who was one
large list of friends are still found among the of them, has often told the writer, was not so
most intelligent people of that city and other much to start a denominational, sectarian
places where his life has been spent. His school, as to provide a place where their
mind is still bright, and he may be seen al- principles, by them prized and early taught
most any pleasant day at work in his garden. to their children, should not be smothered
Mr. and Mrs. Sanford Manchester, each out by being held in silence by those who
over eighty years old, have lived forty years taught or deslroyed by the active, despotic
in Wheaton, and, on the 28th of June, 1882, teaching of the times. Wheaton, offering the
celebrated the sixtieth anniversary of their most favorable terms, was chosen as the seat
wedding-day. They are now enjoying a rea- 1

of this school. Preparations for building

sonable degree of health. began by the founders kneeling in the prairie
The elevation ofWheaton at the depot is grass on the summit of the beautiful hill now
166 feet above Lake Michigan, on the rail- |
crowned by the stately stone edifice known as
road track. From this point, the land grad- i
Wheaton College building, and dedicated the
uates upward, both to the north and to the hill and all that should be upon it to that

south, except in the channel of a slough, God in whom trusting they had boldly gone
which tends to the southwest, and affords a into the thickest of the fight, not only for the
good escapement for surface drainage. freedom of human bodies, but of human souls
as well.
WHEATON COLLEGE. Although often being taunted by the enemy
About the year 1850, a movement was set with being men of but one idea, and some-
on foot in the Illinois Annual Conference of times pleading guilty to the charge, their one
the Wesleyan Methodist denomination to es- idea was a grand one, including the whole of
tablish an institution of learning somewhere man, all his interests for this world and the
in the State of Illinois. next.
The originators scheme were mostly
of the A plain stone building, two stories above
men who had but little of this world's goods the basement, forty-five feet by seventy -five,
and prized learning for the power that they was first erected at a cost of about$ 10,000.
saw it gave others, rather than from any ex- In the basement of which, the upper part be-

ing yet unfinished, on the 14th of December, The finances of the institution becoming
1853, the Illinois Institute, for such was its |
more and more involved, the Trustees began
first name, was opened under the instruction to cast about for outside aid to meet current
of Rev. John Cross, suceeding whom, the expenses and pay a debt that had already
next April, the Rev. C. F. Winship, afterward reached the sum of $5,000. This debt, which
missionary to Africa, had charge of the same had grown to over $6,000, was afterward paid
for one year. Subsequently, Rev. Gr. P. Kim- through the efforts of President Blanchard.
ball, Miss Pierce and the writer of this consti- If some people could be found and enlisted,
tuted the faculty until the open ing' of the next who had principles like their own, the school
college year, when Rev. J A. Martling became could yet be saved and made to fulfill the
"Principal of the first collegiate year." design of its founders.
On the opeaingof the school year, Septem- The Corigregationalists, in their free gov-
ber, 1856, Rev. L. C. Matlach, who had been ernment and general adhesion to reform prin-
chosen President some years before, entered ciples, seemed more like them than any other

upon his office. He was preceded a little by church.

Prof. F. G. Baker, who has, till his recent Overtures were accordingly made to the
decease, been Professor of Music and Trustee. Congregational State Association, and also to
Also by Dr. Hiatt. The Trustees had sold, President J. Blanchard, who had recently left
through the agency of Rev. R. F.
chiefly the Presidency of Knox College. A meeting
Markham, for many years Trustee and agent, of leading Congregationalists was appointed
scholarships to the amount of $21,000, of at Wheaton to consider the matter, which
which the' intention was to use only the in- meeting, as a whole, decided against the prop-
terest, but, in the exigencies of building and osition to adopt the college; yet many of
keeping up current expenses, some $6,000 of its leading members promised all the aid in
the principal was either invested in a board- their power, if President Blanchard would
ing-hall or used up in paying bills. take the Presidency of the college.
This was in part offset by $2,000 or $3,000 Stipulating that the charter should be so
of interest on scholarships yet unpaid. An changed that the Trustees should be a closed
effortwas made to replace the money expend- board; that the church should make some
ed by investing all the interest accruing slight changes, and, while retaining its con-
thereafter and making up a fund of $3,200 nection with the conference, should become
to run the school for two years, by the faculty connected with the Congregational Associa-
giving $200 each from their already very tion, President Blanchard consented to take
small salaries, and the Trustees giving each the Presidency, although at the same time he
a like sum, and securing the balance by sub- had similar invitations from five other insti
scription outside. This plan was only par- tutions — some, perhaps all, apparently more
tially successful, but served to help the in- eligible than theone accepted, for the reason
stitution along for a time. that he preferred a college whose principles
Under the Illinois Institute charter, the were like his own. The founders, also, were
Trustees were appointed by the Illinois Con- careful before giving up the control, to stipu-
ference, and vacancies accruing between its late that the institution should continue to
sessions were filled by the Trustees them- teach their principles, which included not
selves. only opposition to chattel slavery, but as well

opposition to all spiritual despotism that Wis., then a graduate of the college, a young
seeks to fetter the souls of men by profane man of splendid scholarship, of high, noble,
and extrajudicial oaths and obligations. Christian bearing, who went into the army
In January, 1860, President Blanehard en- to serve bis country, not for pelf or prefer-
tered upon the duties of his office. The name ment, choosing the post of a private when
of the institution was changed to Wheaton was offered him, volunteering to go un-

College, and the charter was amended by the armed with the surgeons into danger, and,
Legislature of 1861. when captured, suffering another to go free
The first class of seven young men, all of in his place when he might have been ex-
them from the regular college course, gradu- changed, died by starvation in a rebel prison.
ated on the 4th of July, 1860. H Skinner, " Little Skinner," as we used
The Board of Trustees was enlarged to to call him, wiry, withy little fellow, thwarted
twenty members, and J. Blanehard, Hon. the cunning or malice of some practical joker
Owen Lovejoy, Dr. F. Bascom, Deacon Moses or copperhead, who had, during the night,
Pettengill, De Chester Hard, Dr. Edward placed the hated palmetto flag above the
Beecher and F. H. Mathers, Esq., became great ball surmounting the cupola of the col
members of the Board of Trustees. lege, hoping to enjoy the rage of the mass of
On the breaking-out of the war, a large angry youth who, in the morning, should
number of students went into the army, so hasten to haul it down. The boy's peering
that the next year no class graduated. eyes, before all. others, espied it, and, almost
In response to the country's first call for without an observer, he performed the daring
men, several entered the service, among whom feat of climbing the lightning rod and no eye
G. W. Wood, of the Freshman class, a noble, again saw that emblem of rebellion. To our
Christian young man, who, amid many dis- surprise, for we thought him too small for a
couragements, was working his way to a col- soldier,one day Skinner donned the blue and
lege diploma and a life of usefulness beyond slung his knapsack and rode away to join the
it, contracted fatal disease while lying en- country's braves on the field of deadly strife.
camped among the swamps of Cairo. He In the morning of that awful day at Pea
lingered long enough to return to friends at Ridge, Skinner was on the sick list. When
Dover, 111., but soon struck his tent and went the order came to march out to battle, forth
to be with the angels. came he from the hospital, but was ordered
G. H. Apthorpe sickened at the same time back, but the hospital could not contain him
and place, subsequently recovered and was while his fellows were fighting for their
afterward shot dead while fighting as Captain country. Sallying forth, he mounted ahorse
of a colored company. and all day long he was in the thickest of the
J. H Dudley, too, succumbed to the ma- fight, and, at nightfall, insensible,was borne
laria engendered by the stagnant waters by loving comrades back to camp.
about Cairo, dying at his home, in Whiteside In one of the hard-fought battles of the
County, 111. Of this same first quota of the South, while in the midst of a conflict, a rebel
college to the war, W. H. H. Mills, a slender, bullet sent him to sleep with the immortal
beautiful youth, and a universal favorite, defenders of liberty. Wheaton College gave
lost his life while bathing in the Ohio River. to the country other sons not here mentioned,
Subsequently, G. C. Hand, of Elkhorn, because not. known to the writer, or, if once
known, not now recalled. Others, no less disregard it, Their parents were then inter-
brave, bear honorable scars that tell of their viewed, and one of them said that he pro-
fidelity. Among these, Maj. Powell, now of posed that his son should attend the lodge
the Smithsonian Institute, having buried an and the college too. The students were then
arm in the grave of the great rebellion, after- suspended until they should conform to the
ward, in the service of science, in the ex- rule. The falsehood was everywhere pub-
plorations of the canons of the great rivers lished that the college had expelled students
of the Pacific slope, performed deeds of dar- for belonging to a temperance society. A
ing surpassing those of knight-errant, with writ of mandamus was sued out to compel
his one strong arm boldly steering his frail the faculty to take these students back.
boat into gloomy canons, which the boldest They were beaten in the lower court and
native, with two arms, dared not enter, shoot- appealed, the Master of the Masonic Lodge
ing the water falls and coming out safe many signing the bail bonds for the costs. The
miles below. Mpj. John Kinley, of the in- Supreme Court sustained the decision of
vincible Eighth Illinois Cavalry, is growing the lower tribunal, and the first moral conflict
prematurely gray from an ugly wound receiv- ended.
ed in battle, and Sergt. J. F. Ellis, who, As to birds, there comes a time of nest build-
while carrying his colors into the deadly ing; so to men and institutions there comes
breach, fell by a terrible wound, still lives to a time to build; such was the next great un-
engage in the ever irrepressible moral con- dertaking of this young college.
flict against evil. But the great design of A proposition was made to raise the first
Wheaton College was not to fit men for car- $10,000 in little Du Page County, and the
nal warfare. It soon found that in this world President said that if others would raise this
where error reigns, truth may not be taught amount home, he would go abroad and se-
with impunity. From the first, the college cure other funds to complete the enterprise.
had a rule forbidding students to attend se- Part of the sum was raised, and the writer of
cret societies while in college. The Master this was appointed to canvass the county and
of the Masonic Lodge gave notice that he complete the subscription.
intended to break down this rule. For some The west wing was then inclosed and six
months it did not appear how he was going recitation rooms finished in the connecting
to make the attack, till at length a strolling wing, when all the moneys raised were ex-
lecturer was imported to organize a Good pended, and, in pursuance of the policy not
Templars Lodge. He said publicly, let the to go into debt, building operations ceased.
students join us, and, if the faculty dare say About two years fter, the President hav
anything we will publish them to the ends of ing secured more money, the work of build
the earth, and they will have to shut up their ing was again resumed, and continued until
doors. Three students were known to have the present noble building was completed, at
joined them, one of whom was made their a cost of some $70,000, although in doing so
Secretary, and defiantly posted notice of their a debt, in spite of the President's protest, of
meetings in the college halls. The challenge $20,000 was contracted.
thus boldly given was not declined. When After this period of external material ac-
arraigned and asked if they knew of the col- tivity, there succeeded a calm which was fol-
lege rule, they said they did and intended to lowed by a moral tornado.

The immediate successors of the Illinois the mad surges finally are laid, it is found

Institute Trustees and faculty felt doubly that God still reigns, and Wheaton College,
bound, both by their own convictions and by head and all, lives. Not only lives, but still
the injunction of their predecessors to teach grows and strengthens, sending downward its
their principles, while others who came in roots and upward and outward its branches,
later, while professing to hold the same prin- bearing leaves and flowers and fruits, bidding
ciples, wished Wheaton to be like other col- fair to become a tree of the centuries, to
leges that made no stir about these reform stand, when the errors it was set to with-
principles. The secret empire, which, de- stand have faded from the minds of an intel-
spising the weakness of this feeble folk, had ligent, free, Christian people.
before kept comparatively quiet, now began The debt of the college, now increased to
to show signs of war. As before, the local |
nearly $24,000, remained unpaid. Prof.

lodge issued, by its its brutum fulmen

Master, \
C. A. Blanchard was planning for much-
against a rule, so now came from secret
there needed rest in the summer vacation, when,
caverns a hundred miles away an edict that on reading some passages of Scripture, he
the head of this dangerous institution must felt impressed that the debt must be paid,

be cut off. Strike, but conceal the hand, is and he must take measures to raise it. Times
the assassin's motto, upon which secrecy al- were still hard, and sober business men said
ways acts. The outburst of this real division that nothing short of a financial miracle
of sentiment in the college and church; the could do it. Contrary to the judgment of
sore heads always thrown off by any active the President even, Prof. Blanchard got up
movement; the financial embarrassment of !
a subscription, payable in case the whole sum
the college, all together, seemed to afford a should be subscribed before the opening of
fitting opportunity for action, and for the i
the next fall term. When urged to put the
real actors to escape notice. time longer, he said if it was raised God

One material thing only seems to have es- i must raise it, and he could do it in that
caped their notice. No power on earth could j
time as well as longer. Before the time ap-
perform the desired decapitation outside of pointed, every dollar of he sum was made up
the Board of Trustees, and the large majority :

as a free-will offering.
of these held the same principles as their The college lives to day out of debt, its

President, and were men whom neither threats '

faculty agreeing to take what money comes

could intimidate nor money buy, both of in during the year, and at the close give be
which were tried. balance of their small salaries, and report no
When other measures failed, ecclesiastical I debt.
action was taken, such as, if now attempted i
Owing to the infirmities of age, its old
in any civil court in Christendom, would con- [
President has for two years sought to retire,
demn the actors to an immortality of infamy but, by the united entreaties of Trustees and
more enduring than that of the Star Chamber faculty, has been induced to retain the office
or the Holy Commission, the result of which till the present.
was to drive from the association of which he '

He now, full of years and honors, gives place

had been a father, and the college church to his son, Prof. Charles A. Blanchard, who
from connection with what had always pro- comes to the head of an institution every way
fessed to be a circle of free churches. When '

well equipped for duty, having in addition

to the ordinary college, a prosperous musical amicable division took place, which resulted
department, under the charge of Prof. S. in the present Wesleyan Church in Whea
Wesley Martin; a very successful art depart- ton, November, 1862. Before and since the
ment, taught by Mrs. S. H. Nutting, and a withdrawal of the Wesleyans, the members
young and vigorous theological seminary, of both churches have all walked in harmony
under the charge of President L. N. Stratton, from first to last.
one of the first graduates of the college. —O. The First Church of Christ
' -
was so ?

F. Lumry. named after the manner of the early Congre-

gational Churches of this county, which
THE COLLEGE CHURCH OF CHRIST. aimed to be after the strict New Testament
The first settlers on the site of the town of model, and were not called ''Congregational,"
Wheaton were Hon. Warren L. Wheaton and but as in Hartford and New Haven, etc.,

his brother, Jesse C. Wheaton, for whom the simply churches, number,
designated by
town was named They worshiped with a |
street or locality. Like the early Congre-
small Methodist Episcopal Society, at Gary's gational Churches, too, it called its commit-
Mill, in this county. The first society formed tees of discipline " Elders. " Its government,
within the town was by Wesleyans, February, too, like theirs, is strictly Scriptural, that is
1843, and numbered at first fourteen mem- to say, democratic.
bers. Several attempts were made to over-ride or
This society was ministered to by Rev. rescind the rule excluding the secret deistical
Kufus Lamry, Rev. Milton Smith, Alexander orders, both in the churchand in the college,
McArthur, L. B. Ferris, John Cross, Gr. Clark, but our Circuit and Supreme Courts sustained
William Kimball, H. Moulton, William Whit- the rule, and the church refused to ignore or
ten and R. F. Markham, whose labors ex- rescind it.

tended to 1855. From that year to 1859, The church united with the Fox River
the preachers were Joel Grrinnell, Gr. P. Kim- Union in 1860. It was set off to a new Con-
ball and L. C. Matlack. gregational association, the Aurora, in 1867,
January, 1860, J. Blanchard, who had been and was transferred by request to the Elgin
called to the Presidency of the college, took association, in 1875. The relations of the
charge of the church. A new charter was ob- First Church with the three local associations
tained for the college, and the name of the to which it has belonged, have been unexcep-
church was changed to the First Church of tionably harmonious, as also with the general
Christ, in Wheaton, February 2, 1860, and association of Illinois. All these bodies have
about one hundred members were received in on their records, the strongest possible testi-

the first two years of his pastorate. The Wes- monies against the deistic secret orders. In
leyans had a rule excluding members of secret 1867, the State Association adopted a resolu-
orders from the first, seventeen years before the tion, written by Professor, now President,
change, and they made it a condition of the Bartlett, of Dartmouth College, declaring
change that their testimonies against slavery Freemasonry " hostile to good government
and secret societies should be faithfully main- and the true religion," and, at the same ses-
tained, which condition has been sacredly sion, a report by Dr. Edward Beecher, which
observed. It was, however, thought expe- says: "By it (Freemasonry) Christ is de-
dient to organize a Wesleyan society, and an throned and Satan is exalted." And Aurora
Association refused to license two young In January, 1860, Rev. J. Blanchard was
men who were Freemasons to preach. employed as supply, and on February 2 suc-
Difficulties having arisen in 1877 of a com- ceeding, the church voted to adopt the name
plex nature, stimulated by an officer of a Ma of the First Church of Christ, in Wheaton,
sonic lodge outside, at the written request of 111., and to send a delegate to the next meet-
above eighty members, in January, 1878, ing of the Fox River Union, a Congrega-
the church voted to dissolve and become two tional association. At the same time, a
churches, allowing the members to go with church covenant, in accordance with Congre-
either body as they chose. Some thirty act- gational usage, was adopted. At the meet-
ing members withdrew and afterward ex- ing of the Fox River Union, April 25, 1860,
changed the name of "First Church of the church was received into the fellowship
Christ " for the " First Congregational of the Congregational Churches. For geo-
Church," and also struck from the manual graphical considerations, was dismissed to

their testimony against secret lodges. the Aurora Association in 1867, and by that
The original church, to avoid controversy body to the Elgin Association in 1S75, where
about the name, took the name of the " Col- it still holds denominational connection.
lege Church of Christ, retains the testimonies On November 29, 1862, twenty- eight mem-
unaltered (1882), worships in the same place bers petitioned for letters of dismission, to
where it ever has done since its organization; form a Wesleyan Methodist Church, which
has enjoyed several revivals of religion, peace were granted.
in its own membership and charity with all In January, 1878. difficulties in the church
churches of Christ. Jonathan Blanchakd. culminated in the withdrawal and subsequent
excision of a large number of members, who
FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. organized as an independent body, styled the
The organization known as the First Con- College Church of Christ.
gregational Church, Wheaton. originated in During the twenty-two years of existence
a meeting held at the residence of Joseph as a Congregational Church, nearly seven
Chadwick, Sr., in 1843, and was
February, hundred persons have been connected with its
first known as Wesleyan Methodist
the membership, and its pulpit has been supplied
Church, its membership numbering fourteen by the following clergymen, viz. E. N. :

persons. Rev. Rufus Lumry was the first Lewis, G. F. Milliken, William H. Brewster,
minister. For several years, no records were J. B. Walker, D. D., Lathrop Taylor and
preserved, but it is known that the follow- Augustine G. Hibbard. The pastoral relation
ing-named ministers preached for the church has been formally instituted in but two in-
between the years 1843 and 1854: Milton stances, Rev. G. F. Milliken and the present
Smith, Alex McArthur, L. B. Ferris, John pastor having been regularly installed.
Cross, Geo. Clark, Win. Kimball, H. Moulton, A house of worship was built in 1878, at a
Wm Whittin and R. F. Markham. cost of nearly $5,500. In January, 1879,
The records have been preserved since the name was changed to harmonize with its
1855, and from these we learn that Rev. Joel denominational connection, to its present
(irennell preached a few months during that title, the First Congregational Church. The
year; Rev. G. P. Kimball, four months in present membership is forty-three; Sabbath
1856; Rev. L. C. Matlack, in 1856-59. school membership, seventy; contributions

for twelve months, $1,300. Church Clerk, The following is a list of its Presiding El-
Rev. I. A. Hart; Deacons, Loren Barnes, ders, who succeeded Rev. E. M. Boring to the
Rev. H. W. Cobb and E. B. Wakeman; Sun- present time: Rev. S. P. Keys, Rev. H.
day School Superintendent, William Nunn; Crews, Rev. W. C. Damdy, Rev. A. J. Jut-
Trustees, E. W. Fisher, George Maze, S. N. kins, Rev. W. C. Willing and Rev. L. Hitch-

Moffatt. Augustine R. Hibbard. cock.

The following is the order of pastors since
METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHUKCH. the first one: Rev. A. W. Page, Rev. J. O.
The Methodist Episcopal Church at Whea- Cramb, Rev. George E. Strowbridge, Rev. S.
ton was organized as a circuit October 24, Stover, Rev. John Ellis "(during whose charge
1857, with the following officers: Rev. J. there was a gracious revival of religion), Rev.
W. Agard, Presiding Elder; Rev. J. Nate, William Goodfellow, D. D., Rev. J. G. Camp-
first pastor; Rev. C. Gary, Local Deacon; bell, Rev. S. Searl, Rev. R. Congdon, Rev.
Erastus Gary, Levi Ballou, M. E. Nash, W illiam
P. Gray and Rev. E. M. Boring.
John Finnerson, George Reed, Joel Wiant, The church has had a varied history.

William Ainsworth and Warren L. Wheaton, Many who have been identified with it
Stewards; Orlando Wakeley, David S. Chris- have removed to other localities, and many
tian and William Miller, Class-Leaders. have died in the faith and gone home to
Rev. T. L. Olmsted, with Rev. George heaven.
Brewster as his assistant, succeeded Rev. J. It has contributed its share to the benevo-
Nate as pastor. lent enterprises of the day, both in material
In 1859, Rev. Luke Hitchcock was Presid- aid and- by its influence, and now stands with
ing Elder, and Rev. Thomas Corcoran was a fair record and in the enjoyment of a rea-
preacher in charge. sonable degree of prosperity an honor to the —
In May, 1860, Rev. L. Hitchcock was cause of Christ, and a blessing to the world.
elected agent of the Western Methodist Book It has a membership of eighty-seven, and five

Concern, and Rev. E. M. Boring was ap- probationists, and a Sunday school member-
pointed Presiding Elder of the district. In ship of 225, with an average attendance, dur-
the fall of 1860, Wheaton was made a sta- ing the past year, of 110.
tion, with Rev. L. H. Bugbee as preacher in The writer has just been returned to this
charge, Rev. William Kimball as Local El- charge for the third year. The following
der, with P. M. Curtis, O. Wakeley, J. C. are the present officers of the church: A. B.

Wheaton and W. L. Wheaton as Stewards, Curtis, Local Preacher; J. C Wheaton, Sr.,

with M. E. Nash and L. S. Phillips as Class- J. C. Wheaton, Wheaton, E. H.

Jr., W. I.

Leaders. Gary, N. E. Gary, William L. Gary, William

In the winter of 1861, the present church H. Wakelee, B. Loveless and H. H. Fuller,
was finished, and dedicated by Bishop M. Stewards; A. B. Curtis, Levi Ballou, C. O.
Simpson, assisted by Rev. E. M. Boring and Boring, Class-Leaders; J. C. Wheaton, Sr.,

Rev. O. H. Tiffany. It had eighty-seven E. H. Gary, William L. Gary, H. Fuller, H

members and eighteen probationists, and the H. Holt, J. G. Vallette, J. J. Cole and A. M
Sunday school connected with it had an en- Ballou, Trustees; Boring and A. B.
C. O.
rollment of 160. Wheaton was in the Chi- Curtis, Superintendents of the Sunday school.
cago District of the Rock River Conference. The Trustees hold in trust for the church one

church valued at $3,000, and one parsonage ber. Kev. Garrison was the j>astor of this
valued at $2,500. society from its first meetings in Wheaton
The above report ismade from imperfect most of the time till its re-organization at
data, and doubtless has many omissions of that place in 1864. Rev. B. F. McLafferty
persons and events which should have been was the first pastor after its re -organization.

named. E. M. Boeing. He was succeeded by Rev. S. W. Marston,
who held charge till 1865, since which time
BAPTIST CHDECH. Rev. E. O. Brien, Rev. W. W. Smith, Rev.
Eev. Philander Taylor was the real pio- A. J. Colby, Rev. F. M. Smith, Rev. S. Ba-
neer of the Baptist denomination in this vi- ker, Jr., Rev. Henry B. Waterman and Rev.
cinity. He began his work at Stacy's Cor- T. W. Green have in turn been pastors of
ners as early as 1846, and succeeded in es- this church. The main church building is
tablishing a church at the place, which would 33x56 feet, added to which is a vestry 18x24
have been a permanent one, had not the in- feet.
fluence of the railroad, which left that place The first Trustees of the church were P.
a mile out of the way in 1849, drawn busi- W. Stacy, John Sutcliffe, P. S. Driscoll, E.
ness to Danby. S. Kelley and John Roberts.
Under such adverse circumstances, it was
in vain to try to build up the church at the THE EPISCOPAL CHUECH IN WHEATON.
Corners, and the building which had been The first services of this churchwere held
erected for its use was removed to Danby, the in June, 1875, by the Rev. Dr. C. V. Kelly,
railroad station, where the prospects for a who continued to hold occasional services
village seemed promising. Meanwhile, the until the time of his death, in the spring of
few Baptists at the Corners, intent on build- 1876. The Rev. Dr. William Reynolds suc-
ing up and re-organizing, chose Wheaton as ceeded him in the work in June, 1876, re-

the most propitious place for their second maining in charge of the mission until his
attempt, not for its local convenience, but death, in the summer of the same year. The
because it seemed to give better promise of a parish then remained without a clergyman
growing place than any other within the for nearly a year, the services being contin-
same compass. In accordance with this reso- ued every Sunday with Mr. William A.
lution, the society held their meeting at a Shearson as lay reader.
schoolhouse at this place, after the removal In May, 1877, Bishop McLaren sent to the
of their church, and continued to do so till mission the Rev. Dr. T. N. Morrison, who
1863, during which period several citizens of has remained in charge up to the present
Wheaton joined them, and they felt strong date (October, 1882).
enough to organize a church, which was done Until June, 1882, the services of the mis-
in 1804. For the next year, they held their sion were held in the Universalist Church;
meetings mostly in the Universalist Clrurch. but on Sunday, the 18th of December, 1881,
Meantime, they had commenced a building the Bishop of the Diocese laid the corner-
of their own, which was partly finished, and stone of the new church, which was completed
meetings held in its vestry room from May 12, in June of the following year.
1866, till the completion of the building, in The consecration services were held on the
1S07. It was dedicated the 5th of Decem- 20th of June, 1882, and were attended by the
Bishop and a large number of the clergy and the church are opposition to slavery, secret
from Chicago and its vicinity.
laity societies and arbitrary church government;
The new church, which bears the name of methodistical in doctrine and usages, Congre-
Trinity, is built of wood, with stone found- gational in government, the laity being
ation. Its seating capacity is about one hun- equally represented with the clergy in all

dred and fifty, the dimensions of the nave their deliberations. It holds an associated
being 2Sx60 and of the chancel 14x16.
feet, relation with a connection of churches known
The interior of the church is finished in oiled as Wesleyan Methodist connection of
pine and stained walnut, and has a handsome America. This was the first church in
open timbered roof. The windows are of Wheaton. Its early history and interests
stained glass, and are, in several instances, were closely identified with those of Wheaton
memorial gifts. The chancel is semi-octag- College, which was founded by the Wesley -

onal in form, and is finished like the body ans under the name of Illinois Institute. In
of the church. The various articles of chan- 1860, by mutual agreement, the college passed
cel furniture are of walnut, and were, with into the hands of the Congregationalists,
the exception of the altar, gifts from individ- aDd the church connected therewith assumed
uals, the altar being given by the Church of the name of the First Church of Christ, fol-
the Epiphany, Chicago. lowing which a re-organization was effected,
The church, which is entirely free of debt, thereby constituting the present Wesleyan
was built and furnished at a cost of about Church.
$5,100,all of which was contributed by the The following persons have served the
members of the mission and their friends. church as pastors: Revs. R. Lumery, Milton
Mary Drummond. Smith, A. B. Ferris, John
McArthur, L.
Cross, George Clark, William Kimball, H.
wesleyan methodist church. Maulton, William Whitten, R. F. Markham.
The Wesleyan Methodist Church of Whea- George Kimball, Joel Grennell, L. C. Mal-
ton was organized in February, 1843, at a lack, J. Blanchard, A. H. Hiatt, D. F. Shep-
meeting held at the house of Joseph Chad- ardson, H. R. Will, William Pinkney, Will-
wick, in what is now known as the Hadley iam H. Van Boren, J. M. Snyder, J. N. Bed-
neighborhood. George C. Vedder was chosen ford, A. F. Dempsey and L. N. Stratton,
Chairman; Joseph Chadwick, Steward; and President of Wheaton Theological Seminary.
Abial Hadley, Class-Leader. Eev. Rufus — L. W. Mills.
Lumery was the first pastor. The primary
reason which led to this organization was the st. michael's catholic church.
connection of the Methodist Episcopal Church The Catholic congregation of St. Michael's
with slavery, the parties in this movement Church at Wheaton was organized in 1879.
being members of her communion. That Up to that time, and until the new church "

this band of reformers were justified in their was formally and solemnly dedicated— which
action is unmistakably proven by the history was done on the 29th of June, 1882 the peo- —
of the times, the church from which they ple living in and around Wheaton used to at-
withdrew, as also others, having long since tend service partly in Winfield, partly in
indorsed their position. Milton, both places being two and a half miles
The distinctive reformatory principles of distant from Wheaton. In 1879, however, the
people thought it best to have their own at- Wheaton, who visits the church likewise
tendance, and hence they concluded to build twice a month. — Wm. de la Pokte.
a suitable church for worship. The founda-
tion was begun on the 29th of May, 1879, THE GERMAN EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN ST. JOHN'S
and by the 24th of the following month, work CHURCH OF WHEATON.
had advanced so far that the corner-stone This congregation was organized in the
could be laid, which was done by Very Eev. beginning of the year 1865. At the time of
J. MoMullen, at that time Administrator of its organization, it numbered some forty fam
the Diocese of Chicago. After the comple- ilies. Its first services were held in the Uni
tion of the basement, work stopped for nearly versalist Church, Rev. F. W. Richmann, at

two years apparently for want of means that time pastor of a congregation in Elgin,
but it was resumed in the fall of 1881. The occupying their pulpit every second Sunday
edifice, which has a stone basement, on which On Christmas Day of the same year, the
is built a handsome frame church, measures congregation tendered a regular call to Rev
45x80. Above the altar in the middle, a Prof. C. A. T. Selle, of the Evangelical Lu
picture of the Archangel St. Michael, fighting theran Teachers' Seminary at Addison, 111.

the demon, an oil painting by J. Schott, who accepted, and remained their pastor for
Detroit; at the left of the altar, a statue of nearly seven years. Services were then held
the Blessed Virgin ; and at the right a statue iD the northeastand public schoolhouse. At
of St. Joseph. The whole was finishedJune the close of 1871, Prof. Selle left, and Rev.

29, 1882. It is an ornament for Wheaton, a G. G. W. Bruegmann, pastor of Rothenberg.

proof of the liberality of the rather small followed in his place. This gentleman also
congregation — number of families at present remained for a period of seven years. Dur-
being about thirty-five. It was solemnly ing the time of his pastorate, in 1875, the
blessed on the above date, by His Grace, the congregation bought the southwest end pub-
Most Eev. Archbishop P. A. Feehan, D. D., lic school property, and fitted it up to suit
who appointed the Rev. William de la Porte, their purpose. In the spring of 1878, Rev.
who, for over twelve years, was pastor at Na- Bruegmann accepted a call to Herscher Sta-
perville, as rector of the new church. Wm. tion, 111., and the pulpit of the congregation
de la porte. from that time until the fall of 1880 wa3
alternately supplied by the Lutheran pastors
st. Stephen's church at milton. from neighboring towns, viz., Rev. H. F.
This church is as old as St. Peter's at Na- Fruechtenicht, from Elgin; Rev. M. Grosse,
perville, from which place it was formerly from Oak Park; Rev. I. H. C. Steege, from
attended up to August, 18G6. Tken the Rev. Dundee: Rev. H. Freese, from Algonquin;
M. Albrecht took, for a short time, charge of Rev. H. Grupe, from Rothenberg; Rev. L.
the congregation. After his departure, for Wagner, from Chicago; and Rev. Prof. Theo-
two years was attended by the Benedictine
it dore Brohm, from Addison. Up to this time,
Fathers from Chicago, when the church at the congregation had Gospel service but every
Winfield was built, and that place received second Sunday. In the fall of 1880, their
its own pastor. Milton then was regularly present pastor, the Rev. Karl Koch, was
attended from Winfield twice a month. At tendered a call, who had just finished his
present, it is under the care of the pastor of theological studies in the seminary, connected
with the German Evangelical Lutheran Syn- ing. It would not be proper to call this body
od of Missouri, Ohio and other States, at St. of men a church, because they never have
Loafs. Regular services were now held every united under any bond of faith, or ins'ituted
Sabbath day. The present number of fami- anychm-ch ordinance in discipline. Strictly
lies constituting the congregation is fifty-rive, speaking, they are liberals, perhaps no two of
with nearly three hundred and fifty souls. whom believe on religious questions.
In connection with the church, an every-day They are bound together by no
creed, and
school is sustained by the congregation, cannot be rent asunder by apostasy.
which is taken care of and taught by the They have occasional preaching, when a
pastor himself. The number of scholars last meritorious speaker offers his services and
winter was sixty-two; in spring, thirty-two. expounds the general theory of a broad relig-
The schoolhouse was built in the fall of 1881, ion to meet their approbation.
at an expense of nearly $600. The present
value of the whole property belonging to the ANCIENT, FREE AND ACCEPTED MASONS.
congregation is about $3,000. Wheaton Lodge, No. 269, A., F. & A. M., was
Standing in close relation with the congre- chartered by the Grand Lodge of Illinois Oc-
gation at Wheaton, there is a smaller one at tober 6, 1858, working seven months under

Turner Junction, numbering but fifteen fam- dispensation. The first officers were J. G. Val-
ilies,where regular Gospel services are led lette, W. M.; Peter Northrop, S. W.; F. H.
by the pastor of the Wheaton Church in the Mather, J. W.; Harry T. Wilson, Treas.; L. J.
Bliss, Sec; William Vallette, S. D.; Henry
afternoon of every second Sunday. The
Bird, J. D.; William E. Taylor, Tiler.
place of worship is the Methodist Church,
The charter members were J. G. Vallette,
the use of which has been secured for a small

amount of rent. Karl Koch.
Peter Northrop, Frederick H. Mather, W. P.
Abbott, H. T. Wilson, Henry Bird and James
L. Bliss.
In 1859, J. G. Vallette was W. M., and James
In 1862, a few men met together in Whea-
L. Bliss, Sec. In 1860, L. J. Bliss was W. M.,
ton to form a society. They were not pro-
and J. G. Vallette, Sec. In 1861, L. J. Bliss
fessed Universalists, but this name was applied
was W. M., and J. McConuell, Sec. In 1862,
to them, aud perhaps fitted them better than
L. J. Bliss was W. M., and W. E. Taylor, Sec.
any other. They resolved to build a church,
In 1863, Henry Bird was W. M., and Simeon
and appointed a committee to this end, whose |

Schupp, Sec. In 1864, H. C. Childs was W.

names were C. K. W. Howard, H. C. Childs,
M., and W. G. Smith, Sec. In 1865, H. C.
E. Holmes, J. O. Vallette and Hiram Smith.
Childs was W. M., and P. Parmelee, Sec. In
The house was built by subscription, and 1866, H. C* Childs was W. M., and Henry E.
dedicated the same year. S. C. Bulkley was Allen, Sec. In 1867, M. E. Jones was W. M.,
the first pastor, who has been succeeded by and H. E. Allen, Sec. In 1868, H. C. Childs
A. M. Warden, A. B. Call, J. O. Barrett, was W. M
a and J. B. Clark, Sec. In 1869,
Henry Jewell, Samuel Ashton, D. P. Kayner, 1

Melvin Smith was W. M., and James B. Clark

J. Straube and S. Sage. was Sec. In 1870, Melvin Smith was W. M.,

Some of the terms of the above ministers and William H. Johnson, Sec. In 1871, Mel-
lasted but afew weeks, and between several vin Smith was W. M., aud John Roberts, Sec.
of them have been vacations without preach- In 1872, M. E. Jones was W. M., and H. W.

Grote, Sec. In 1873, Alfred Waterman was W. In the meantime, J. Blanchard, hearing of
M., and Henry Grote, Sec. In 1874, L. Collar the effort that was being made, called an indig-
was W. M., and H. W. Grote, Sec. In 1875, nation meeting of the citizens of Wheaton, to
James Saunders was W. M., and Henry M. take measures to prevent the organization of a
Bender, Sec. In 1876, William H. Johnson Chapter of Royal Arch Masons here in their
was W. M., and G. H. Thrasher, Sec. In 1877, midst. Accordingly, he and his adherents met
William H. Johnson was W. M., and L. C. in the Wesleyan Church, and, after due con-
Stover, Sec. In 1878, Leonard Pratt was W. sideration, protested against it. Notwithstand-
M, and L. C. Stover, Sec. In 1879, William ing, on January 13, 1875, a dispensation was
H. Johnson was W. M., and L. C. Stover, Sec. issued by the Grand High Priest, authorizing

In 1880, William H. Johnson was W. M., and the formation of a chapter in Wheaton, and
L. C. Stover, Sec. In 1881, William H. John- October 28, 1875, a charter was issued to the
son was W. M., and L. C. Stover, Sec. following Companions :

The present officers are M. E. Jones, W. M. John H. Lakey, Edward J. Hill, C. P. J.

I. S. Ward, S. W.; Horace Jayne, J. W.; Will- Arion, William H. Johnson, H. T. Wilson, G.
iam H. Johnson, Treasurer L. C. Stover, Sec; ;
H. Thrasher, L. Collar, Henry M. Bender,
Fred Jewell, S. D.; William Rothchild, J. D.; James Saunders, Caspar Voll, H. H. Fuller, A.

John Hohman, Tiler. H. Wiant, J. McConnell, G. P. Gary, William J.

From its organization until May, 1866, the Loy, John Tye, John McWilliams, L. Ziemer,
lodge held its meetings in the building on the E. H. Gary, L. B. Church, J. B. Trull, H. Brad
corner of North Railroad and Hale streets, now ley, L. C. Clark, George Webb, 0. M. Hollister,
occupied by Grote Bros. From that time until A. Campbell, John Kline, L. L. Hiatt, A. Wat-
Ma} -
, 1870, meetings were held in the third erman, A, E. Bisbee and Frank F. Lovelaud.
story of the Bedell Building. At that time the The officers of Doric Chapter, while working
lodge was moved to the building where its under dispensation, were, John H. Lakey, H.
meetings are now held, then owned by Smith & P.; Edward J. Hill, K.; C. P. J. Arion. S.;

Kimball, and purchased by the lodge in Janu- William H. Johnson, C. H; L. C. Clark, P. S.;
ary, 1872. In December. 1875, the lodge, in A. H. Wiant, R. A. O; John McWilliams, M.
connection with Doric Chapter, No. 166, R. A. 3d Veil ; G. H. Thrasher, M. 2d Veil ; H. T.
M., rented rooms in the second story of the Wilson, M. 1st Veil; L. Collar, Treas.; J. B.

Central Block, and held its meetings there until Trull, Sec; A. E. Bisbee, Tiler.

July, 1878. when it moved back to its present In 1876, E. J. Hill was H. P., and G. H.
quarters in own building, where it has since
its Thrasher, Sec. In 1877 and 1878, F. F. Love-
held its meetings, enjoying a fair share of pros- land was H. P., and C. Voll, Sec. In 1879,
perity and success. William H. Johnson. 1880, 1881 and 1882, William H. Johnson was
H. P., and Caspar Voll, Sec.

Doric Chapter, N». 166, R. A. 31.— The first While working under dispensation, the chap-
movement toward organizing a chapter of Royal termet in the hall of Wheaton Lodge. After
Arch Masons in Wheaton was made by a few being chartered, it occupied rooms in Central
Companions, who met in the hall of Wheaton Block jointly with Wheaton Lodge until July,
Lodge, No. 269, November 3, 1874, and, after 1878,' since which time it has held its meetings

consultation, decided to make an earnest effort in the hall of Wheaton Lodge.

to establish a chapter in Wheaton. which they Its piesent officers are William H. Johnson,
at once proceeded to do. H. P.; John McWilliams, K.; H. T. Wilson,
S.; A. H. Wiant, C. H.; James T. Hosford, P. Treasurer; L. H. Wills, Corresponding Sec-
S.; A. C. Cotton, R. A. C; John Kline, Treas.; retary; E. W. Fisher, Marshal. — L. Pratt.
Caspar Voll, Sec; Henry Grote, M. 3d V.; Ed-
gar Stephens, M. 2d V.; William T. Reed, M. The Sunday school is an institution which,
1st V.; L. C. Clark, Chaplain; I. S. Ward, like many other kindred societies, originated

Tiler. Wm. H. Johnson. in New England, and from thence it was car-
ried to every hamlet in America where the
INDEPENDENT LITERARY ASSOCIATION OF WHEATON. representative Yankee has planted himself to
This association was permanently organized stay. In all Western towns, the question is
in November, 1880, by the adoption of a con- not, Will the Sunday school come? or Has it
stitution and by-laws and the election of the come ? but Who brought it first ?
following officers: Dr. L. Pratt, President; The honor of doing this at Wheaton be-
W. H. Johnson. Vice President; A. S. Lan- longs to Alvin Seamans. He settled here in
don, Recording Secretary; K. A. Patrick, 1839, having come from Pomf ret, Conn. , the
Corresponding Secretary; L. E. De Wolf, home Wheatons and Garys, through
of the
Treasurer; E. H Gammon, Marshal; and whose example he came to the place, and
other officers to carry out its objects. The with him came Hezekiah Holt, all the way,
originators hadview the establishment of
in with a team.
a society not controlled by any special inter- The school was established in 1850, at a
est except that of the general public good in schoolhouse where divine service was held by
mutual improvement in science and literature. the Wesleyan and Episcopal Methodists, each
It is also hoped and expected that amongst occupying it by turns, in those utilitarian
its future uses will be the establishment of a days, when no good thing was allowed to de-

reading room, winter courses of popular lect- cay for want of use. This schoolhouse stands
ures, and a public library. For two winters a little west of the old Meacham place, and
following its organization, the society has went by the name of the Wheaton School-
provided for a number of public lectures and house. Old Father Kimball, Mr. Bates, Mi -

other literary public meetings, which have Curtis and Mr. Holt, besides the Wheatons,
proved of interest to many citizens. Garys and a few others, were then the chief
Its constitution provides for debates, es- patrons of this " kind of an omnibus school-
says and addresses at stated intervals. house." whose seats hardly had time to cool
Its membership has increased within the between the varied sessions with which they
past year, and an interest in its utility is de- were occupied.
veloped to such a degree that its permanent Mr. Seamans was Superintendent of this
establishment as an important element of Sunday school, and Mr. H. H. Fuller, Secre-
progress in cultivating moral and intellectual tary. A library of 100 volumes was obtained,
attainment is looked upon as a fixture. Its and subsequently, with the school itself,

meetings are suspended during the extremely transferred to Wheaton Institute, then under
hot weather and short evenings, and renewed the charge of the Wesleyans, which, a few
with increased interest when summer is over. years later, became Wheaton College. The
Present officers: George Brown, Presi- old house has had an erratic history, hav-
dent; S. W. Moffatt, Vice President; A. S. ing, after it was no longer wanted for a
Landon, Recording Secretary; J Grove, schoolhouse, been moved half a mile west for

a farmhouse, nest a mile east for the dwell- It was erected on the land of Alonzo Crosby.
ing of a citizen of Wheaton, and lastly was This was the honorable pioneer schoolhouse
moved from thence become the home of
to of Wheaton, who, though now far outgrown
Mrs. Bender, widow him whose fatal fall
of of such unpretentious public buildings,
from a building terminated his life a few nevertheless cherishes the memory of them
years ago. with kindly retrospections. This old school -
It is not too much to say that no other house was for seven years the seat of learn-
building in Wheaton has been the abiding ing and the fine arts at the place, and within
place of such versatile experiences. Peda- its walls young minds took their first bent,

gogues, pupils, preachers and people have and genius aspired to high aims in life,
had their day within its walls, since which though perhaps incased in sunburnt skins.
time many a rollicking baby has first seen the In 1S54, a new schoolhouse was built by pub-
light of day under its venerable roof. It is lic money, the contract being let to J. G. Val-

the oldest building Wheaton, and still

in letta, for which he received $750.

standing in reasonably good order. The Eight years later, a second building was
nest generation may whittle it up into charms erected, for the primary department, the orig-
to dispel the misty shrouds that hover around iginal one being too small to seat the increas-
their way, if they don't inherit a good foun- ing number of children.
dation from us on which to build their hopes In 1863, the first one was burned, and the
of prosperity and happiness here. school was transferred to the basement of the
Methodist Episcopal Church, where it re-
WHEATON SCHOOLS. mained till the graded schoolhouse which now
In almost all newly settled places, the first ornaments the town was built, the finishing
schoolhouses are built by subscription. It is ofwhich bears date of June 6, 1874. J. C.
as natural that this should be so as it is for Wheaton, E. Gary add W. K. Guild were
children to grow in these same new settle- the Building Committee. It has six large
ments and multiply their numerical strength, school rooms and two recitation rooms, be-
and they do this so quickly in these great, sides the basement, which could be utilized
broad creations of sea room that their parents for additional school rooms should necessity
are compelled to make provision for their ed- require it.

ucation before the slow machinery of govern- The school is graded in its course of study
ment gets into working order and builds according to the formula of other first-class
schoolhouses with public money accumulated graded schools. Mrs. Frankie Wheaton Sny-
by taxation. der is Principal; Miss N. E. Cole, teacher of
Wheaton was like other new places, and, grammar; Miss L. E. Wheaton has charge of
when the endless chain of time had turned up the intermediate course; Miss E. T. Miller is

the figures 1847, a bevy of buxom boys a ad Second Principal; and Miss E. D. Knight
lithe girls were hop-skipping and jumping has charge of the primary department.
about, and stood in need of something be-
sides chimney-corner discipline. JOURNALISM IN WHEATON.
In this emergency, their fathers built a It is quite difficult, at this time, owing to

schoolhouse and hired a teacher to apply the adverse circumstances, to procure correct data
discipline, while ABC, etc., were taught. and particulars as to the first publication of a

newspaper in Wheaton. So far as the writer ploy, as well as William Marriott and John
knows, there are no files available of the news- A. Whitlock.
papers published prior to 1861, having been During the years 1862 and 1864, Benjamin
destroyed by fire or lost. F. Taylor, the well-known author and poet,
A newspaper was being published at Na- was connected with the Illinoian as its lit-
perville, then the county seat, but the citi- erary editor. The paper -was very much
zens of Wheaton, a village on the Galena Di- sought after on that account, and obtained
vision of the Chicago & North-Western Rail- an enviable reputation.
road, believing the interests of their town de- In April, 1867, H. C. Childs sold out to
manded such an enterprise, determined to aid John A. Whitlock, who successfully conduct-
and assist any one who would make the vent- ed it up
of the 16th of April, 1870, when,
ure. Sufficient encouragement being given, owing ill health, it was sold to the present
in the month Leonard E. De
of June, 1856, editor and proprietor, J. Russell Smith,
Wolf, a prominent lawyer and a large real changed to the name of Wheaton Illinoian.
estate owner, purchased a hand press and At the time of the starting of the paper, in
printing materials of S. P. Rounds & Co., of 1861, by H. C. Childs, it was made a seven
Chicago, and commenced the publication of column paper. December 7, 1864, it was en
the Du Page County Gazette, employing J. larged to an eight-column. In 1868, John A
A. J. Birdsall as foreman and associate edi- Whitlock reduced it in size to a six-column
tor. It was published about a year, when it enlarging it to a seven-column the same year
was discontinued. January 1, 1876, the present owner enlarged
After that, a gentleman from Chicago by it to an eight-column, which size it still re-
the name of Nathaniel H. Lewis undertook tains.
to resurrect the newspaper enterprise by The Illinoian is and has always been a
starting the Wheaton Flag. But this paper Republican paper, fearless in defending the
led a precarious life, and, about the year right, but charitable in allowing all parties a
1860, was burned out, the fire supposed to ! fair hearing, zealously looking af ter the local
have been the work of an incendiary. We and general interests of the county.
have no knowledge whether the paper was In addition to the Illinoian, there is pub-
resurrected after the fira lished in Wheaton a literary sixteen-page
•In June, 1861, Henry C. Childs, a public- monthly entitled the College Record, Liter-
spirited gentleman, commenced the publica- ary Union of Wheatou College, publishers;
tion of the Northern Illinoian, and remained established 1865 —
J. Russell Smith.

proprietor of it for six years. The paper was

not a financial success, but was one of the WHEATON BUSINESS DIRECTORY.
best-conducted papers at that time in North- Attorneys—N. E. Gary, E. H. Gary, C. L.
ern Illinois, and had much to do in bringing Blanchard, W. G. Smith, L. E. De Wolf,
Wheaton and Du Page County into promi- Col. J. W. Bennet.
nent notice. It was during his administra- Abstract of Titles— J. G. Valletta
tion of the paper that the county seat fight —
Banks Gary & Wheaton.
culminated, and no doubt was facilitated on Blacksmiths— A. Michels, C. W. Watson,
account of his zealous efforts. His brother- McDonald, H. Egers.
in-law, Phi —
Barber John Lawler.
Clergymen — Rev. J. Blanchard, Rev. J. B. —
Meat Markets C. A. Sohmer, Thoman &
Walker, Rev. A. H. Hiatt, Rev. L. N. Strat- Webber.
ton, Rev. C. F. Hawley, Rev. W. W. Stew- —
Masons and Builders A. Austin, C. Gates,
art, Rev. I. A. Hart, Rev. W. O. Hart, Rev. J. Knippen.
H W. Cobb, Rev. H. Fischer, Rev. A. G. Eib- Millinery — Misses Nash, Mrs. West.
bard, Rev. E. M. Boring, Rev. C. W. G. Koch, Music Teachers — (vocal) S. W. Martin,
Rev. C. A. Blanchard, Rev. J. C. Webster. (instrumental) S. W. Martin, Miss Nettie
Coal Dealer—H. H. Fuller. Pratt.
Carpenters—A. T. Childs, C. W. Miller, —
Nurserymen A. H. Hiatt, O. F. Lumery,
D. Compton, J. Homer, C. Louks. J. C. Wheaton.
Carriage Painter and Trimmer G. W, — Publishers— R. Blanchard, J. R Smith.
Matthan. Printers — J. R. Smith, A. L. Hamilton,
Carpet- Weavers — Mr. Arakelian, Martha F. Miner.
Blair. Postmaster— George B. Vastine.
Dry Goods and Groceries — A. S. Landon & —
Photographer Charles L. Kersting.
Co., Grote Bros., Cole & Guild, J. B. Colvin. Physicians and Surgeons L. E Pratt, F. —

Druggist L. L. Hiatt, W. A. Henninger. N. Englehard, A. H. Hiatt, S. P. Sedgwick,
Dentists — J. H. Ashley, P. Learn. E. Vogeler.
Dress-Making- -Misses Nash, Mrs. Sals- Painting and Drawing— Mrs. S. H. Nut-
bury, Mrs. Vernon, Mrs. f. Lewis, Miss C. ting, Miss Flora Mills.
Scofield. Real Estate Agents — C. P. J. Arion, H.'
Furniture-Dealer — Conrad Kampp. W. Cobb, J. Russell Smith.
Grain-Dealers — Sutcliffe &Kelly. Restaurants— W. Millner, E. W. Bixby.
Groceries and Confectionery — W. Millner, —
Surveyors J. G. Vallette, A. S. Landon.
J. H. Vallette, E. W. Bixby, L. W. Mills. Station Agent—H. H. Fuller.
Hardware— John Sauer, H & E. B. Holt. Telegraph Operators —Charles Fuller, M.
Hotels—M. Stark, M. Rickert. E. Griswold.
House and Sign Painters William Schatz, — Tinners—J. P. Sauer, H & E. B. Holt.
George Hagermann. Veterinary Surgeon — J. H. Brown.
House-Moving M. E. Jones. — Wagons and Carriages — William H. John-
Harness-Makers — Binder Bros. son, A. Stephens, S. Ott, F. Man.
Insurance — G. Vallette, Wm L. Gary.

Jewelers — L. C. Brown, A. Alberts. WHEATON CREAMERY COMPANY.

Livery Stables — Durland & Congleton, E. Organized February 10, 1882. Capital
H. Ehle. stock, $7,000. James S. Peirronet, President;
Lumber-Dealers— W. K. Guild, Sutcliffe E. H. Gary, Vice President; H. H. Fuller,
& Kelly. Secretary; J. J. Cole, Treasurer. Brick
Laundry- -Mrs. J. Wright. building, 36x75 feet; cost, with fixtures and
Landscape Gardener and Florist — Joseph grounds, $7,500. All late improvements,
Stanford. including the wire circular vat, Frazier
Boot and Shoe Makers —A. Rau, G. Esten- gang press (which will press twenty cheeses
felter, O. Horner. at once), and the Mason revolving butter-
Merchant Tailor — H. Garlic, F. Kusousky. worker. The milk is conducted from the re-

ceiving room into vats in the cooling room, a target for jokes from railroad passengers
where the cream is raised. Then the milk is who beheld it. The site of this town is un-
drawn from under the cream and carried equaled by any other in the county in na-
through conductor pipes to cheese vats in the j
ture's variety of oval hillocks, rising one
manufacturing room. Water is supplied by above another, all underlaid by a substratum
two wells, one twenty feet, the other 15 feet of gravel, and fanned by tbe breezes from the
deep. Capacity of factory is 16,000 pounds adjacent grove. It was platted May 20, 1854,

of milk per day. by L. V. Newton, situate on Section 11,

The interior of the building was planned Township 89, Range 10. Its elevation above
by Mr. J. J. Cole, and is entirely different I
Lake Michigan is 162 feet.
from any factory in the State.
PROSPECT PARK. This church was organized April 15, 1862.
Prospect Park is a village on the western After the ceremonies of organization, thirteen
fringe of Babcock's Grove. It grew into be- persons united —
Mr. H. B. Gifford and wife,
ing as a station on the G. & C. U. R. R. Dr. A. Standish and wife, S. Ventassel and wife,
L. V. and his brother Lensa Newton bought J. P. and wife, Mrs. Cornelia
land here of William Churchill previous to Brooks, Miss Emily Brooks and Mrs. R. Rud-
1849, and when the railroad came through, dock. Church services were held at Stacy's
Dr. Newton built a depot. David Kelly kept Corners until February, 1863, when the
it, and also a tavern and post office in the building was moved to its site. Rev. E. N.
same building He had formerly, in 1847, Lewis was the first pastor. Nearly one hun-
kept a post office on his farm, three miles to dred persons have united with the church
the north. He also has the honor of giving since its organization, but many have died,
the name of Danby to the place, this being '

and others have left the place; not quite half

the same name he had given to a town in of that number are members to-day. Three
Rutland County, Vt, ere he came West. He j
of the original members —
Mr. and Mrs. J.
lived to see it changed to its present name, P. Yalding and Mrs. C. Brooks are regular —
much to his regret i
attendants on "all church services. The
Messrs. Standish & Saylor, in 1853, opened Wednesday evening prayer meeting has been
the first store at the place. The old depot sustained ever since the organization, and a
was about this time moved away by the ladies' prayer meeting for a few years.
owner, and a new one erected by the railroad The church is in a prosperous condition,
company, which still stands. The original .
all of its services being well attended.
Prof. H. A. Fischer, of W heaton College,
one, after it had been moved, was occupied
for various uses till it had executed its j
has supplied the pulpit since the last of May.
mission, and was lastly moved to get it out of The Sabbath school has a membership of
the way, which was about the year 1862. over one hundred.
Undecided what disposition to make of it,
the rickety old structure was allowed to re- THE FREE METHODIST CHURCH.
main on a side-hill, where it stood for some The Free Methodist Church at Prospect
months, like the leaning tower of Pisa — Park grew into being in 1880, but yet the
slipshod monument of early days, as well as ! material which composed it had been accu-

mulatirg for years prior to that date. The NAMES OF THE BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL
immediate action that gave birth to it was MEN OF PROSPECT PARK.

a series of meetings held by Rev. J. E. Cole- Luther Winter, dealer in feed and coal.
man and Rev. J. D. Marsh, and, under the W. H. Luther, agent for the C. &. N. W.
pastoral charge of the latter, the church was R. R,
organized from the converts of this series of Miles Allen, store and post office.

meetings. At the expiration of Mr. Marsh's P. G. Hubbard, dealer in broom corn.

— —
term one year Rev. William Ferris became William H. Wayne, blacksmith.
pastor, who was succeeded the next year by M. H. Wayne, wheelwright.
Rev. James Sprague, the present pastor. Nelson Dodge, carpenter and builder.
The above statistics have been furnished Brake & Myers, carpenters and builders.
to the editor by Miss Rose Weidman, Clerk Will carpenter and builder.

of the church. J. McChesney & Co., general store.

The Prospect Park Library Association is H. Wegman, general store.
a stock company of twenty members, similar Allen R. Walker, tinshop and hardware.
to the one at Wheaton, kept at A. S. Lan- E. Graff, hotel.
don's. The books are Harper' s publications, John Weidman, broom factory.
and the Librarian's report shows that the John Hayden, store.
books are read and appreciated by the mem- Frank Walworth, stone mason.
bers. They intend to make an effort this G. M. H. Wayner, commission store.
winter to purchase more books and increase R. Blackman, dealer on Board of Trade.
their membership, so as to get more American John Sabin, boot and shoe shop.
publications. The officers of the association Aug Bregson, boot and shoe shop.
are: P. G.Hubbard, President; F. W. Stacy, J. S. Dodge, retired farmer.
Vice President; W. Sabin, Secretary; W. H. L. C. Cooper, attorney at law.
Luther, Treasurer; and Miss Georgiana James Sanders, M. D.
Allen, Librarian.



DOWNER'S GROVE TOWNSHIP includes The whole of Downer's Grove, except Sec-
the Government Township described as tions 5, 6, 7 and the diagonal halves of 4, 8

Town 38, Range 11, and also the three north- and 18, lies southeast of the old Indian Bound-

ern tiers of sections northwest of the Desplaines ary line, and was surveyed by the Government
River, in Town 37, Range 11, the portions lying between the years 1829 (at which time sur-
in Town 37 being unofficially known and de- veys were commenced at Chicago) and 1835.
scribed as Cass. the year of the Government sale of these lands.

this Indian Boundary line was another was a Yankee, and that meant a carpenter just
running parallel with it twenty miles southeast then. The next winter it might have meant a
of it, both of which extended from Lake Mich- pedagogue, but whatever it means it always
igan to the Illinois River at Ottawa. The strip means the best of the kind wanted.
inclosed by these lines had been ceded to the Mr. Andrus went to work and filled the bill

United States August 4, 1816, by the Ottawas, satisfactorily, and there is evidence that he was
Chippewas and Pottawatomies, particulars of above par employer
in the estimation of his
which have been stated in a former chapter. for when the frame of his building was up, Mr.
Through this belt of land the Illinois and Michi- Andrus suggested to him to call his magnifi-
gan Canal was located, and the alternate sections cent three-story hotel the Tremont House, after
for five miles on each side of it were donated the stillcelebrated house of that name in Bos-
to the State of Illinois, to aid in its construc- ton. His advice was taken, and the name has
tion. Portions of these donated lands laid in been transmitted to the third generantion of
Downer's Grove, and were sold b} the Canal r
Tremont Houses ; the present one on the corner
Commissioners, but were not offered for sale diagonally opposite where the first was built in
tillsome years after the sale of the Govern- 1834, being the third in succession, the second
ment lands, which took place in June, 1835. one having been burned in the great fire of
Many of the early settlers of Downer's Grove 1871. The
one had a billiard table in the

were purchasers both of Government and Canal third story,which then overlooked the whole
lands. one and two-story town. Dearborn street was
Very few of them were land claimants, but then the great thoroughfare to the North Side,
bona fide purchasers from the first. Mr. to which was connected by a draw-bridge

Downer, whose history is told in connection that lifted perpendicularly by means of wind-
with the village of Downer's Grove, was the lasses, but when the next bridge came to be
first settler of this town. Many other pioneers built, the Clark streeters subscribed the most

of this town are also mentioned in connection and won the prize, for money then " made the
with the history of its villages, but one of them, mare go" as well as now, and it made the
who had no participation in village building, bridge go.
deserves a page on account of his experiences, Now, let us take Mr. Andrus through one
which are so representative of life here in the more old way-mark in Chicago before he goes
early day. This was Thomas Andrus, born in to settle. It is this : He assisted in driving
Rutland County, Vt., from whence he inherited the piles for the foundation of John H.
those inflexible traits of character that are Kiuzie's warehouse in 1834, the first ever
almost certain to make a man pull through built in Chicago, and saw the first lot of
difficulties. He was born in 1801 ; came to Chi- wheat shipped from it that ever went East
cago December 1, 1833 ; couldn't find anything from the place. In the autumn of the
to do, and started back toward sunrise on foot, same year, Mr. Andrus returned to Ver-
but before he had arrived to the Calumet, a mont, and the following spring (1835), came
man hired him to drive an ox team. This oc- back with his wife and three children, arriving
cupation lasted till the next year, 183-4, when at Chicago in June, and in July settled where
a venturesome man determined to erect a three- he now lives, on Section 6, Town 37, Range 11.
story hotel on the northwest corner of Lake Shadrac Harris had preceded him a few weeks,
and Dearborn and carpenters were
street, and lived on Section 8, quite near him. Mr.
wanted. Of course he was a carpenter he ; Harris is now living at Marengo.
Dr. Branson lived on the Plainfield road, two coaches each way per day. Of course he kept
miles to the Northeast. He was the first settler tavern in his new house, which he built in 1836,
in the vicinit}'. Hartell Cobb lived a little and in the dining-room dances were held. How
west of Mr. Bronson. After Mr. Andrus had were you on tip-toe ? asked the writer of Mrs.

been settled six weeks, an election was held Andrus. Smiling through the honorable wrink-
for Justice of the Peace, and he was one of the les of eighty years that furrowed her cheek,
candidates. He came within one vote of being she replied, "Oh, I don't like to recommend
elected, his rival having three votes while he myself."
had but two. Mr. Harris, the fortunate wire- Edgar S., the fourth child of the family, was
puller, was duly sworn in, but he had to go born after their settlement where they now are,
to Chicago where folks swore to be thus dubbed. and was the first white birth of this town. He
The next term Mr. Andrus ran against the is now one of its residents.
same man for the same office and was elected. The above, together with the history of the
and could have retained the office a second villages of this town, fully represents its pioneer
term had not his wife interfered. This tidy days. There are thirteen schoolhouses in the
Vermont saw more tobacco juice than profit
girl town, three of which are graded, aud 1,142 per-
in it were held in her parlor), aud
(for the trials sons between the ages of six and twenty -one.
she requested her husband to decline a renomi-
nation. His acquiescence was no mean exam- THE VILLAGE OT HINSDALE.
ple in favor of woman's rights. The first A sailor once said that he didn't see the need
schools of the place, says Mr. Andrus, were of any land except enough to build docks to.

taught in discarded private houses, whose own- His ideas, like some other people's, were limited
ers had built better ones, and Miss Nancy to his own immediate wants. His whole sphere
Stanley was the first teacher. She afterward of human knowledge centered in himself.
married Mr. Bush, and subsequently Mr. Dryer "His soul, proud science never taught to stray,
for her second husband. Far as the solar walk and milky way."
Elder Beggs, the same who now lives in Nor even as far as 'tis from Chicago to Hins-
Plainfield, was
their first preacher, and Gen. E. dale, of which the latter is an outpost, a kind
same who got up a company for
B. Bill, the of retort, to catch the lovers of nature, and
the Mexican war and died in the service, think- hold them among the delightful ranges of the
ing the Methodists had not been sufficiently place as they pass from the man-made city of
generous with Father Beggs, got up a dona- Chicago, full of turmoil, inductions and seduc-
tion party for him, which was well received tions, into the God-made country, full of
by the devout itinerant, though it came "Ye banks and braes of Bonnie Doon."
from the world's people and not from his own Here they bloom :l
fresh and fair," and leave
flock. no " thorn behind " to the peaceful citizen as he
Mr. Andrus was appointed the first Postmas- sleeps among them, fanned by the summer
ter of Cass Post Office, which was organized in breath, as it moves over a broad heath of prairie
1834, and held the position fifteen years, during farms and groves.
which time 5 cents was reported to him as an The variegated hillocks, no two of which are
error in his account. Several offices, away from alike, on which the town is laid out, seem to
the stage line of Mr. Frinck that passed his have been fashioned by the hand of nature for
house, were supplied from his office by horse- a kind of landscape village, and for nothing
back mail riders. Frinck's line had sixteen else, for its site never had been utilized for
farming purposes before the village was boru, done by Mr. William Robbins, who, after he
with a silver spoon in its mouth, to use a met- had purchased 800 acres of land, built the fine
aphor. But, first, let us tell some of the con- residence he now occupies, which was finished
ditions of the place before the village came in February, 1864, being the first erected in the
into existence. Alfred Walker came from place. Mr. Robbins' purchase included the
Windsor County, Vt., to Brush Hill, just north west half of Section 7 in Cook County, besides
of Hinsdale, in April, 1854. Here he found Section 12, on which was the original plat of
a little bevy of settlers nestling in an open- Hinsdale. The next year, he fenced in the
ing in the around two taverns, a
grove whole tract for a stock farm, and the year after
store and a blacksmith shop. The old name (1866), laid out the northwest quarter of Sec-
of Brush Hill still clung to the place, and does tion 12 in lots, varying in size from one acre to
yet, although Benjamin Fuller, three years be- lots of sixtj'-six feet frontage. The same year,
fore,had incorporated the town and officially the streets were graded, plank sidewalks laid
named it Fullersburg. Mr. Walker bought all and those first trees planted which now lend
the land Mr. Fuller owned, and his tavern- such a charm to the place. Rev. C. M. Barnes,
stand, andbecame proprietor of the place. It the same who now has a larg$ book-store in
had few permanent inhabitants, John Coe and Chicago, bought the first lot of Mr. Robbins,
Benjamin, Lewis and Keuben Fuller being all and built a house on it, though the family of
that Mr. Walker mentions as land owners. One James Swartwout was the first one to come to
of the taverns was a sort of catch-all for new- the place after that of Mr. Robbins.
comers, where rooms were temporarily rented Mr. Swartwout occupied one of Mr. Robbins'
to them till a place to settle was found, and six houses. The golden wedding of this vener-
or eight such families at a time held their tran- able pair was celebrated at Hinsdale in July,
sient abodes there, where they baked their corn- 1882.
bread and boiled their coffee with fuel gathered In 1866, Mr. Robbins built a stone school-
from the adjacent grove. Mr. Walker's pur- house, which, at the time was deemed too large
chase of Mr. Fuller included the land on which for present or even future use, but, in 1880, an
his house now stands, half a mile north of the addition was erected beside it, doubling its ca-

depot, and here he built a farm house in 1858, pacity, and the two combined are now barely
in which he now lives, within the corporate sufficient to accommodate the multiplying wants

limits of the town— a monument to link Hins- of the place, where education of the rising
dale back to the pioneer times that preceded generation is a prominent interest, and where a
its present age. united public sentiment has provided not
At that time, says Mr. Walker, there was not only a model schoolhouse, but model teachers
a house south of him for eight miles. All the and a school exemplary in its grade and dis-

lands were owned by speculators, and held at cipline.

from $7 to $25 per acre. One tract, just over In 1866, Mr. 0. J. Stough bought eighty
the line of Cook County, sold at auction in acres, being the south half of the northwest
1854, for $5.25 per acre, and, says Mr. Walker, quarter of Section 1, and the next year he
" up to 1862, wolves were often seen, and cau- bought the southeast quarter of Section 11,
tious mothers dared not send their little chil- 160 acres, and the next year, 1868, by various
dren into the groves after the cows." purchases, he bought the most of Estabrook's
Two years later was planted the germ out of addition to Hinsdale, lying in the southeast
which Hinsdale grew into being. This was quarter of Section 2, and the next year, 1869,
he bought about one hundred and thirty-seven THE CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH AT HINSDALE."
acres lying in Section 10 — all the above The Congregationalists residing in Hinsdale
purchases situate in Town 38, Range 11, and organized themselves into a church, consisting
largely on the north side of railroad track, of ten members, August 12, 1866, which was
along those beautiful terraced elevations that duly recognized by a council of neighboring
rise one above another till the groves of Old churches October 16 of the same year. Mr.
Brush Hill are reached, and on May 19, 1868, C. M. Sanders, a student of the Chicago Theo-
1868, his first addition to Hinsdale was re- logical Seminary, commenced to preach regu-
corded, and his second addition June 2. larly in the place a few weeks before the
Besides making these purchases and sub- organization of the church. He was ordained
dividing portions of them, Mr. Stough built a by a couucil in April, 1867, and continued
church on the north side in 1868, and Rev. acting pastor of the church till the close of
William Balch, a present citizen and highly 1868.
esteemed minister of the Gospel at Elgin, was During his ministry, thirty-five members
pastor of this church for two years. A Bible were added to the original number, and their
class was connected with it of which Hon. Joel place of worship was changed from the passen-
Tiffany, a present resident of Hinsdale, held ger depot to Academy Hall.
charge. Neither the church nor the Bible-class During several succeeding mouths, the church
were working under any name, but their inde- was dependent for a supply of its pulpit prin-
pendent teachings partook of the broad type of cipally on students of the Theological Sem-
natural religion. Many of the first patrons of inary.
the church left the place after Mr. Balch's In October, 1869, Rev. F. Bascorn, then of
term had expired, and services were suspended Princeton, 111., accepted their invitation and
in it about a jear thereafter. became their resident pastor. He remained in
The first addition made by Mr. Robbins to charge of the church till May, 1872. He was
the original town was called W. Robbins' First succeeded by Rev. J. W. Hartshorn, who en-
Addition. The second was W. Robbins' Park tered upon his work in November of that year,
Addition. The latter was laid out by H. W. S. and remained till the close of 1875.
Cleveland, Landscape Gardener. From the 1st of February succeeding, Mr.
After making a thorough study of the oval Crow, from the Theological School at Evans-
elevations and graduating valleys of the place, ton, was in charge of the church for six
he laid out streets, threading their way among months.
them in scroll-shaped curves, the better to In the autumn of 1876, Rev. William
heighten their scenic effect, and that he suc- Butcher was engaged as pastor for one year,
ceeded admirably in his effort, the present and continued his ministry till December,
natural and artificial beauty of the place bears 1877.
ample evidence. Mansions, birds-nest houses, The Rev. Mr. Hartshorn, who on retiring
hedge rows, conservatories, vine-clad arbors from this place, had taken charge of the Con-

and graveled walks interlacing the ground on gregational Church in Naperville, was now re-

which they stand, have put the finishing touch and remained
called, as pastor two years, from
on the whole. May, 1878.
This is Hinsdale as it is — cheery, beautiful In the summer of 1880, Rev. John Ellis be-
and healthful, from both social and physical gan his labors as pastor of the church, which
causes. "Contributed by Rev. Flavel Bascom.

have thus far been attended with growing in- THE BAPTIST CHURCH AT HINSDALE*
terest. A Baptist Church was organized in Hinsdale
In 1873, the congregation, needing a more in 1868. For several months it had no pastor,
commodious place of worship, commenced the and has preserved no record of its transactions.
erection of a stone edifice but when the ; In October, 1869, Rev. James Lisk accepted an
walls had reached the height of the basement invitation to the pastorate of the church, and be-
story, the approach of winter and an einpty gan his ministry the first Sabbath of that month.
treasury, suggested the propriety of postpon- Their place of public worship was the wait-
ing the erection of the upper story, and the ing room of the railroad passenger depot, where
finishing of a lecture-room under a temporary he preached to them very acceptably till the
roof. In that room the congregation has found spring of the following year, when his accept-
comfortable accommodations for more than ance of a call to a larger field left them again
eight years. as sheep without a shepherd.
In the summer of 1881, an effort to complete In the meantime, they had undertaken the
this house of worship was resumed, and pros- erection of a house of worship, the expense of
ecuted with the most gratifying unanimity and which overtaxed their resources, and subse-
liberality. But unforeseen difficulties and quently involved them in great embarrassment.
hindrances delayed the work and postponed After the completion of their house, they were
its completion till August, 1882. It was dedi- unable to carry the pecuniary burdens which
cated to the worship of God on the 6th day of they had assumed, and, at the same time, pro-
that month, free from debt. vide for the salary of a pastor. They, there-
In its origin and history hitherto, this church fore, invited the Congregationalists to worship
has sought to cherish the spirit and to exem- with them, who accepted the invitation, and
plify the principles of union among evangelical both churches united in the support of the
Christians of every name. It has been toler- Congregational Pastor. In manj' respects this
ant of unessential doctrines in its membership. arrangement was profitable and satisfactory
For a long time it united with another church I
and was continued till May, 1872, when it was
in the place, in sustaining public worship and discontinued by mutual consent. During the
the various forms of Christian work. It has |
next year the church had no regular supply of
always welcomed Christians of every name to their pulpit, but depended principally on the
its fellowship in the privileges and labors of its Professors and students of the Baptist Theo-
own members, and its prosperity has been logical Seminary of Chicago.
greatly promoted by such co-operation. For In June, 1873, Rev. George Kline became
the second time it has a pastor ecclesiastically their Pastor, and for about a year labored ear-
connected with another denomination ; but his nestly and faithfully to promote the interests of
ministry is none the less satisfactory and prof- the church and community. But his people
itable to Congregationalists, while it tends to then consented regretfully to his removal, be-
obliterate all denominational distinctions in the ing unable longer to pay him the requisite sal-
community. ary. And in the prevailing financial embar-
The whole number of members connected rassment which was then so disastrous, their
with the church since its origin, is 153. Its house of worship passed out of their hands
present membership, exclusive of absentees, is They were already depleted in
eighty-four, of whom fifty-two have been re- numbers by deaths and removals as well as
ceived in the last two years. * By Eev. Fiavel BaBCora.

diminished in resources. And now the loss of During the first period of Mr. Smith's charge,
their house, added to their former reverses, was the church seemed prosperous and progressive,
so discouraging that they voted to disband, but toward the latter part, that discord which
and authorized their Clerk to give letters of more or less, all religious bodies, crept

dismission to other churches to their few re- inand nearly ruined the work which had been
maining members. done before.
On the last Sunday in January, 1882, serv-
GRACE EPISCOPAL CHURCH OP HINSDALE* ices were recommenced in the room known as
In the spring of 1873, a few of the citizens Rath's Hall, where the Rev. Mr. Perry officiated
of Hinsdale, viz., Messrs. Stuart, Notingham, on the second Sunday of each month following,
Maydwell, Chant, Slocum, Crocker and Payne, and in March the Rev. Mr. Lewis, of La Grange,
met at the house of D. J. Crocker to orgauize as the Associate of Mr. Perry, agreed to hold
the Grace Episcopal Sunday School, of which services on the last Sunday of each month, on
Mr. J. F. Stuart was chosen Superintendent, the remaining Sundays being lay services, read
and which formed the foundation for the parish by Alfred Payne. Up to this date, services
which was organized March 31, 1875, under the have so continued, and there is every prospect
name of Grace Episcopal. Easter services had of a church edifice being erected soon, on the
been held previous to this date in the base- land northeast of the Congregational Church,
ment of the Congregational Church, but no which has been donoted for building purposes
parish meeting was held till March 31, 1875, by the kindness of Mr. William Robbins.
when Alfred Payne and Robert Slocum were
elected Wardens, and John Ohls, William B. SCHOOLS OF HINSDALE.
Maydwell and J. F. Stuart were elected Vestry- In 1 when much of the real estate of Hins-
men. At the vestry meeting following the ad- dale was owned by Messrs. William Robbins, 0.
journment of the parish meeting, John Ohls J. Stough and J. I. Case, of Racine, Mr. Robbins
was chosen Treasurer J. P. Stuart, Secretary,
built the first school building iu Hinsdale —
and Alfred Payne, Lay-reader. The services three room stone building having two rooms
of the Rev. N. F. Tuson were also engaged, and below and one above. The two lower rooms
for the space of one year he acted as priest-iu- only were used for school purposes for some
charge, allowing us one service a month. time, the upper room being used as town
After his resignation, the same arrangement hall.
was made with the Rev. Mr. Fiske, of Naper- In the lower room, Miss Stocking taught a
ville, who officiated the last Sunday in each subscription school, with one assistant, till the
month till August 26, 1878, when, pursuant to fall of 1867, when it was organized into a pub
a callfrom the parish, the Rev. D. F. Smith, lie school as a branch of the Fullersburg Dis
of Champaign, 111., came to Hinsdale as Asso- trict. The Directors chosen were Messrs,
ciate of the Rev. Mr. Fiske, upon whose resig- Plummer, E. P. Hinds and William R. Banker,
nation Mr. Smith became priest-in-charge, in and Mr. B. F. Banker was appointed Principal
which capacity he remained, holding three The following year the building was bought of
services a month in the building known as Mr. Robbins for the sum of $8,000, and Mr.
"The Old Baptist Church," till June 11, 1881, Gleason received the appointment as Principal
when he resigned, and services for a time were The same year, that portion lying south of the
entirely suspended. C, B. & Q. R. R., was formed into a separate
My William C Payne. and so it remained till the year 1877,
while P. A. Downey was principal, when all and the following persons were installed as
that portion lying north of the C, B. & Q. officers :

track, and included within the corporation of D. A. Courter, W. M. ; J. M. Barr, S.

Hinsdale, was united with the south side. W. ; N. H. Warren, J. W7 . ; Charles Fox,
After Mr. Downey, Mr. R. A. Robinson became Treasurer; Charles T. Plummer, Secretary ; L.
Principal of the school, with two assistants, E. Gifford, S. D. ; B. E. Terrill, J. D., and Eben
and the following year, 1879, an extensive ad- Millions, Tyler.
dition was made to the building at an expense The lodge moved into a new hall, purchased
of about $6,000. Mr. Robinson taught three and fitted up by them January 2, 1873, but the
years, and before his resignation the school be- panic compelled them to relinquish this and
came very prosperous, giving employment to five secure smaller and less expensive quarters over
teachers. Mr. E. L. Harpham succeeded Mr. Fox Bros, store, in the spring of 1878, where
Robinson, and under his charge the school still the " three great lights " still burn.
continued to increase, and much interest was The present officers of the lodge are William
taken in it, not only by those sending children, Duncan, W. M. ; A. L. Pearsall, S. W. ; A. S.

but also by others. Johnston, J. W. ;

Charles Fox, Treasurer; A.
Upon Harpham, the
the resignation of Mr. G. Butler, Secretary ; F. A. Rice, S. D. ; George
care of the school devolved upon Mr. F. C. H. Burtt, J. D. ; E. Millions, Tyler.
Cole, an Ann Arbor graduate, who was chosen The present membership is twenty-eight,
by the present Directors, Messrs. R. A. Childs, among whom are eight of the charter members.
John Bradley and C. H. Hudson. The others have passed beyond, and have been
Mr. Cole is assisted by four teachers, and consigned to the earth b3 their brethren r
in the

the building is nearly filled with pupils, many full belief that they had found the perfection
of whom are children of those l-esidents who of light, and reached the last and highest
have but lately made Hinsdale their home. degree. — A. L. Pearsall.
— William C. Payne. Hinsdale Lodge, A. 0. U. W.,No. 182, organ-
Hinsdale Lodge, No. 649, A., F. & A. M.— ized April 16, 1881.
This lodge began work under dispensation P. M. W., George H. Talmadge M. W., J. ;

granted by Grand Master Harmon G. Reynolds, B. R. Lespinasse Foreman, Adolph Froscher ; ;

March 19, 1870, and held its first meeting Overseer, J. H. Papenhausen ; Recorder. James
March 24, 1870, in Academy Hall, D. A. W. Sucher ;
Financier, J. C. Merrick ; Guide,
Courter acting W. M. ; J. M. Barr, S. W., and Philip Bayer ; Inside Watchman, Henry Heinke;
N. H. Warren, J. H. Outside Watchman, George Trench.
The charter was granted by the Grand Lodge Damascus Legion, No. 11, Select Knights A.
October 4, 1870, the following-named being 0. U. W., organized August 19, 1882.
charter members : D. A. Courter, J. M. Barr, Select Commander, J. B. R. Lespinasse ;

N. H. Warren, F. H. Rogers, William Blan- Vice Commander, George H. Talmadge Lieu- ;

chard, L. E. Gifford, I. L. Hinds, C. T. Plum- tenant Commander, Wendal Hix Select Re- ;

mer, S. A. Coe, B. Plummer, Charles Fox, J corder, J. W. Sucher Treasurer and Record- ;

H. Alexander, B. E. Terrill, W. R, Banker, ing Treasurer, J. C. Merrick ; Standard Bearer,

Eben Millions and George H. Burtt. George H. Trench ;
Marshal, J. H. Papenhau-
The first meeting under the charter was held sen ; S. W., G. H. Steinhoff; J. W., John A.
January 5, 1871, when the lodge was consti- Debus Chaplain, Philip Bayer
; , Guard, Rich-
tuted by G. W. Barnard, Deputy Grand Master, ard Warde.
DALE, ILL. Principal of School, T. C. Cole.
Attorneys at Law, D. J. Crocker, R. A. Station Agent, E. A. Lyon.
Childs, William D. Gates, J. Tiffany. The elevation of the railroad track above
Real Estate Dealers, William Robbins, 0. J. Lake Michigan is 158 feet.
Stough, D. L. Perry, A. Walkel, D. Roth.
Postmaster, Justice of the Peace, Notary downer's grove village.
Public and Insurance, A. L. Pearsall. When the grove after which this village was
Police Magistrate, Real Estate and Insur- named looked, from a distance, like an island,
ance, A. Dorathy. and the prairie around it like the ocean sur-
Physicians, J. C. Merrick, T. T. Howard, rounding it, on one summer's day in 1838, six
Joseph Williamson, F. H. Van Liew. yoke of oxen, hitched to the trunk of a large
General Store, Fox Brothers. tree, patiently toiled along what is now Maple
Grocery and Provisions, F. Bradley. Avenue in Downer's Grove. Backward and
Drugs, William Evernden. forward, for two miles or more, they dragged
Hardware and Agricultural Implements, John their ponderous burden, till the prairie turf was
Bohlander. ground into a well-beaten path, and on this
Meat Market, John A. Giflbrd & Co., Will- path grew the village to its present dimensions.
iam His. If it had not been made here, the village would
News Agent and Bakery, Thomas Foster. have centered farther to the south, where the
Barber and Bakery, Philip Bayer. original trail first went that led from Chicago
Cool Dealer, P. S. Townsend. to Naperville, and it was to divert the travel
Lumber and Real Estate, J. Hulaniski. from its old channel and turn it where it now
Carpenters and Builders, William Johnston, is that the surface was thus marked, connect-

S. F. Mills, A. W. Bostwick, carpenter and re- ing each way with the first trail. This was
pairer. done by Israel P. Blodgett and Samuel Curtis,
Tailor, J. H. Papenhausen. who held claims within the present corporate
Shoemaker, W. Lislie. limits of this village. Soon after doing it, they
Blacksmiths, George Trench and — Lewis. . planted on each side of this marked trail those
Hotel and Livery, Philander Torode. sugar maple trees that have now attained such
Mason and Builder, Jacob Walliser. large proportions, and outrival in arborial
Painters, A. H. Townsend, William H. At- grace an}' wayside trees, far or near, in North-
kinson, Thomas Wadsworth, A. Anthony. ern Illinois. They will perpetuate the memory
President and Board of Village Trustees, of those who planted them for centuries to
D. L. Perry, George H. Talmadge, J. Hulan- come, as lithe feminine forms beside mascu-
iski, George W. Hinckley, J. C. Hess, J. C. line ones, slowly pace along beneath their foli-

Merrick. age in the twilight hour, when young minds

A. L. Pearsall, Treasurer. take sentimental turns.
George Bowles, Clerk. This is the history of the trees and their
Portrait and Landscape Painter, A. Payne. uses. Now let us relate the history of the other
Pastor Congregational Church, Rev. John conditions of the town, less ornamental, but
Ellis. quite as essential to its success.
One of the Directors Illinois Home Mission, In the autumn of 1832, by the means of the
Rev. Flavel Bascom. Sauk war, a knowledge of the country west of
Chicago had come to the county of Jefferson, lent passion to deep and downright indignation.
in the State of New York, and with a deter- To think that my claim should be invaded, and
mination to cast his lot here, Pierce Downer, a by the only two white men besides
that, too,
resident of that place, came to this spot to myself then at the grove, made the vessel of
select a location, and being attracted by. the my wrath to simmer like a pent sea over a
beautiful grove, then the favorite abiding place burning volcano. still no longer.
I could sit
of —
Wawbunsie the Pottawatomie Chief, but So I got up and advanced toward them, and
now named after himself, he made a claim on the nearer I approached, the higher rose the
what is now Section 6, Township 38, Range 11. temperature of my anger, which, by the time I
He was a man of a sound bod} an energetic -
got to them, was flush up to the boiling point.
mind, bred in the ironclad integrity of his age, I said nothing, but pitched into them, shelalah
tenacious of his rights and able to defend them, in hand, and for about five minutes did pretty
as was soon abundantly verified. good execution. But becoming exhausted and
His claim was on the north side of the grove, being no longer able to keep them at bay, they
and here he lived alone in the edge of the grappled with me, threw me on the ground, and
island-like spot, till his family came the next after holding me down a short time, they

year 1833. The same year, also, came his seemed to come to the conclusion that discre- '

son Stephen, Mr. Joel Wells and Mr. Cooley. tion was the better part of valor and let me '

Stephen then made a claim on the east side of up, when they ran one way and I the other, no
the grove, and Mr. Wells and Mr. Cooley made doubt leaving blood enough upon the field of
claims the southeast of the grove — all these action to induce a stray prairie wolf to stop
claimants selecting suitable proportions of tim- and take a passing snuff as he went that way.
ber and prairie. But, sir, they didn't come again to jump my
Meantime, Messrs. Wells and Cooley coveted claim."
a portion of Mr. Downer's claim, and in an evil As might be supposed, Mr. Wells was now in
hour commenced erecting a cabin on it. This a suitable frame of mind to sell out, and, as good
resulted in a collision, the details of which, as fortune would have it, Mr. Israel P. Blodgett,
told by Mr. Downer himself to Walter Blanch- the same who had settled in the Scott settle-
ard in 1857, and printed in Richmond & Val- ment alluded to in foregoing pages, was ready
letta's History of Du Page County, are here to buy him out, which he did in 1835, and
quoted : moved to the place with his family, who may
" went to Chicago one day to buy some
I be enumerated as follows : H. W., now Judge
provisions, and on returning, thought I saw of the Court at Chicago ;
Israel P., Jr., now liv-

some one working near the northeast corner of ing at Downer's Grove ;
Daniel, not living
the grove. I went home and deposited my Asiel, now living at Waukegan Edward A.,

cargo (a back load), and although very tired, now living in Chicago ; Wells H., now living
went out to reconnoitre my premises. To my at St. Louis.
great surprise I found that Wells and Cooley The year before this—1834— Geary Smith
had commenced erecting a cabin on nry claim. came to the place, made a claim, and also bought
I went to a thicket close by and cut a hickory out Stephen Downer. The ground on which
gad, but found I had no power to use it, for I the railroad depot now stands is on this pur-

was so mad that it took my strength all away. chase.

So I sat down and tried to cool off a little, but On the 14th of August, 1836, Samuel Curtis
my excitement only cooled from a sort of vio- bought a part of Mr. Blodgett's claim, for which

he paid $1,000 cash down, and on it now stands of the place, and nobly died in defense of the
the center of Downer's Grove. He died Feb- country at the battle of Ringgold Gap, in 1863.
ruary 25, 1867, aged seventy-seven years, and His remains were brought home and interred
was buried in the cemetery at the place. He in the cemetery at the place.
iskindly remembered by the many friends he Henry Carpenter, who bought land with him,
made during his useful life. Two of his sons did not come to the place to live till 1840. Five
Charles and Roswell 0. — still live in the village. years later, he opened a store, the first one es-

David Page came to the place in 1837 ;

tablished in the place. Eli W. Curtis was then
bought a farm at the south edge of the present Postmaster, and, at his request, Mr. Carpenter
corporate limits of the town, where he remained took the duties of the office as Secretary.

till he died a few years ago. Mr. Carpenter's trade came from the sur-
The same year, Walter Blanchard, from Or- rounding country, and in that day he was
leans County, N. Y., in connection with Henry obliged to sell largely on credit. Any one who
Carpenter, from Washington County, N. Y., came into his store with his shoes tied up, could
bought a farm, part of which is now within the get trusted, and but few of them betrayed his
the incorporate limits of Downer's Grove. confidence.
Mr. Blauchard's land extended southwardly In 1855, Mr. Carpenter sold a half-interest
from the present town, and through the more in his store to Leonard K. Hatch, and the next
elevated portions of it. The old trail went year sold out entirely.
leading from Chicago to Naperville ; thence to A town hall was built by the corporation for

Dixon and Galena by one branch, and bj- another holding town meetings, elections, etc., in 1877.
to Ottawa. It alsohad cells for confining vagrants, etc.
The track made by dragging the log, as al- Robert Dixon measured out justice to who all
read}' stated, shortened this curve that went came before him for that purpose, and was the
along the portion of Mr. Blanchard's place in- first judicial magistrate at the place.
tended for his future residence, which had been At a drunken row, while raising a building
made by the early travelers to find better eleva- on Salt Creek, a man was badly hurt, and Mr.
tions. Like many other young men who came Dixon fined the offender $15. After this he
West, Mr. Blanchard was without a wife. Here always refused to taste liquor lest it might set
was a beautiful location, where he had secured a bad example, although the best of people
a home that any of his female friends left be- then drank moderately, for there was no one to
hind might feel happy and fortunate to enjoy say Why do ye so ? Not every public officer

with him. He did not share the feelings of the is as consistent now-a-days.
young man out here, whose name need not be J. W. La Salle built a store with a commo-
mentioned, who, looking upon the matter in a dious public hall over it in 1879.

business way, said, " I ain't going to pay no A company came 1872, and bought
here in
freight on a woman, no how, when there's 600 acres of land, most of which was in the
enough here !" But, under the influence of grove which is now being laid off in streets,
first impressions, returned East, and promptly with artistic curves, rustic parks and lawns,
came back with his new bride ;
but, what was for elegant residences. Gen. Ducat is the prin-
his [surprise to find the locality of the road cipal proprietor.
changed so that his first plans had to be modi- After the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy
fied to suit the conditions. Mr. Blanchard has Railroad Company was located, and while it
ever since been one of the representative men i
was being built, there was some uncertainty as
to where the depot should be located in the enough, William C. Perry, Lewis Pound, Mary
town. To settle this matter, a meeting was C. Pound, Philip Sucher, Emily Sucher, Caro-
called, to which Walter Blanchard, Henry Car- line Gleason, Josephine Gleason, Am. E. Good-
penter, Samuel Curtis, R. 0. Curtis, S. P. Blod- enough, G. Smith, Antoinette Trumbull, Nor-
gett, N. K. Whitney and a few others attended. man Gilbert, Emily Gilbert and Sarah M. Smith.
Five hundred dollars were made up to pur- This little baud of pioneers all had a mind to
chase grounds for the depot where it now. work, and with the help of a few accessions to
stands. The owner of the land, John P. Coates, their number and the indefatigable labor of
being unfriendly to the road, would not sell their pastor for help from those outside, suc-
it short of this sum, which was a round price, ceeded during the first years in building
and, inasmuch as the lands a mile to the west, and paying for a house of worship, at a cost of
owned by Mr. Dryer, were offered free for the about $1,200 at which time the only settle-

depot, it would have been built there had not ments near, besides the farm community, were
the gentlemen mentioned above bought the a small store, kept by Messrs. Carpenter &
lands of Mr. Coates and presented them to the Hatch, and a blacksmith, Philip Sucher.
company. In 1871, their meetiug-house was destroyed
The plat of Downer's Grove bears date of by fire, without insurance. At that time, the
September 26, 1864, recorded by Norman Gil- church numbered about ninety, less than one-
bert, and situate on part of Section 8, Town 38, fourth being males. They were not discour-
Range 11. At the railroad track it is 150 feet aged. A meeting was soon called of the church
above Lake Michigan. and society, a building committee appointed,
with instructions to procure plans and build a
THE BAPTIST CHURCH. new house, which was completed and dedicated,
On August 5, 1851, a little band of Baptists free from debt, about one year thereafter, at a

assembled in a schoolhouse, about one mile cost of about $5,000, iu addition to which,
from the present location of their meeting- something over $600 was raised to pay for
house, for the purpose of consulting together organ, carpet and other furniture for the same.
as to the propriety of organizing a Baptist During the first eight 3-ears of the history of
Church. After mature deliberation, the seven- the church, preaching was only maintained on
teen present unanimously resolved to proceed alternate Sundays. Since that time, the church
to organize, and adopted articles of faith and has maintained preaching every Sabbath, with
covenant, and at said meeting extended a fair congregations, though three other churches

unanimous call to the Rev. G. F. Holt to be- have meeting-houses. One or two other soci-
come their pastor, which he accepted. At the etieshave occasional meetings. The present
same meeting, Edward Goodenough and Lewis membership is 108 a Sunday school with an

Pound were chosen Deacons. A council of average attendance of 105, there being 168
delegates from several sister churches was names on the Secretary's book. — N. K. Whit-
called tomeet with them on the 10th of Sep- ney, Present Church Clerk.
tember, which council assembled and unani-
mously voted to recognize the church as a CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH.
Scripturally organized church of Christ, the The Congregational Church of Downer's
following-named individuals being its constit- Grove was organized September 14, 1866.
uent members Edward Goodenough, Lura A.
: Meetings, at first, were held in a hall rented for

Goodenough, Henry Cruthers, Harmon Good- the purpose. In the year 1874, a meeting-
house was built. The audience-room is pleas- left in 1878. Rev. John 0. Foster was pastor
ant. A
good congregation meets on the Sab- in 1878-79. In 1880, Rev. T. C. Warrington
bath, and an interesting Sunday school is held. and Rev. C. W. Cordes were pastors. In 1881,
The pastors of the church have been T. F. Rev. A. H. Kistler, with Rev. T. C. Cordes,
Chafer. Joel Grant, A. L. Loomis, Gr. T. Hol- were pastors.
comb and S. F. Stratton, who is in the fifth year The church now occupied was rebuilt in
of his pastorate. 1879, at an expense of $15,000, besides the
grounTl, which had been originally donated by
st. Paul's church.
Hem -
}' Carpenter.
This church belongs to the Evangelical
The membership is now thirty-five, and the
Association. In 1860, Martin Escher, Sr.,
Sunday school about eighty. The church is
Jacob Rehm, Solomon Mertz, Phillipp Leh-
out of debt, both for church and parsonage.
man, Michael Hofat and others, purchased, for
The Cass Methodist Episcopal Church was
the use of this church, the one which the
organized as early as 1836, probably by Father
Congregatioualists had built some years pre-
Beggs, who would be more likely to pioneer
viously. In 1864, this building was moved to
it than an}' one known to the writer. Services
a more central location, the better to accom-
were first held in a log schoolhouse. Elisha
modate the members of the church, which then
Smart, Old Father Cobb and Mrs. John Old-
had increased to fifty in number.
field were among the first members. The pres-
The church continued to prosper, and, in
ent church was built in 1869. Rev. A. W. Pat-
1873, had increased in numbers to seventy,
ton and Rev. J. R. Allen were the ones who
many of whom lived in the village of Downer's
obtained the subscription to build it. Mr.
Grove. It was, therefore, thought best to again
William Smart donated the ground. The
move the church, to place it in a more central
church is valued at $2,500, all paid for. It
location, and to this end an acre of land was
has the same pastors as the Downer's Grove
purchased of Thomas Hustin, in the south-
Church, for which reason its history has suc-
western part of the village, to which place the
ceeded it, though the church is located in the
church was removed. A flourishing Sabbath
southern part of the town. The Sunday school
school, numbering 100 members, is connected
has ninety scholars, and the church numbers
with the church, of which William J. Boidel-
seventy-five members.
man is Superintendent. Rev. Samuel Deikover
was the first and Rev. Peth the present pastor.
METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCHES. The first schools here were maintained by
The Downer's Grove Methodist Episcopal subscriptions or by p>ro rata assessments ; but
Church was organized by Father Beggs in now schools are supported by a public school
about 1836. The first church was built in fund and taxes paid by freeholders. Early
1852. Lewis Wood, Nathan A. Belden, John schools were kept mostly in private houses,
Howard, F. M. Roe and John Cotes were the where accommodations were rude and limited.
Trustees. Rev. —
Stover was the first pastor. Now comfortable and commodious buildings,
In 1864-65, Rev. Richard Wake was pastor. erected for the purpose, give shelter to our
Rev. Samuel Ambrose, Rev. J. R. Allen, Rev. public schools.
A. W. Patton and Rev. R. D. Russell suc- As early as the winter of 1836 to 1837, in a
ceeded till 1868. " lean-to" built to the house of Mr. I. P. Blod-
Rev. Samuel Hewes was pastor in 1876, and gett, Sr., the village schools had their birth-
~> 0/\<4\J /WdUv v^
Mr. Hiram Stillson, a student from Oberlin, find seats. Others, whose names have escaped
here instructed the children of Mr. Blodgett the vigilance of memory^, here made the best
and a few others, who were glad to avail them- of the advantages afforded in instructing the
selves of the opportunities here afforded. youth placed under their care.
About the year 1837-38, what may be re- In 1867, it seems the schoolhouse of 1846
garded as the first was opened
district school had " served its day and generation," and what
in a house built by Mr. John Wallace, on the is now the " north wing " of the present brick
spot where Mr. Meadowcroft's house now building was erected by Directors John Thatch-
stands, and of which the old schoolhouse now er, John Stanley and Gardiner Paige. This
constitutes a part. Here George Carpenter building contained two rooms, and was dedi-
taught one term. cated to the cause of education by the Misses
Subsequently, school was kept under the roof Cochrane, who taught the first schools in the
of Mr. Samuel Curtiss, Sr., taught by Norman new building.
G. Hurd, followed by E. W. Curtiss. It rapidly increased in numbers, and, in 1873,
Later, Mr. L. K. Hatch taught a school in the brick building was full to overflowing, and
what was then known as the "Norwegian a room was rented on Main street to accommo-
House," or the "old shoe shop," which stood date a third department.
some distance west of the Blanchard place. Owing to the rapid increase in the population
In 1838, a schoolhouse was built on the of our village, and consequent growth of the
" west side," near the present home of L. W. school, Directors Curtiss, Blodgett and Farrar,
Stanley. Here Mr. Sherman taught the first found it necessary, in 1877, to erect the main
school, which was made up of children who part of the present building, thus furnishing
came from far and near. Mr. Slawson, E. W. four commodious rooms, all of which are at
Curtiss, L. K. Hatch and Amos Adams (now present full to their utmost capacity ; and, judg-
Judge of Circuit Court in California) served in ing from the unprecedented increase in the
the capacity of teacher. school population as recently reported to us by
In 1846, a redi vision of districts took place, the Clerk of the School Board, it cannot be long
whereupon a site was purchased and a school- ere the sound of the builder's hammer must
house built near the present residence of Mr. again be heard on the school premises, and an
F. M. Woods, by Directors James Depue, W. increased teaching force will be a necessity.
B. Pratt and John Shepard. 0. P. Hathaway In 1876, the school was thoroughly graded
was employed and was
to teach the first school, a ten years' course of instruction adopted
succeeded by Messrs. H. L. Litchfield,
J. M. embracing two years of high school work.
Valette, Dayton and M. B. Gregorj'. Here Three classes have thus far graduated from this
taught, also, Miss Mary Blodgett, who has died school ;
in 1879, a class of five members ; in
long since, and Miss Annis Gilbert, now Mrs. 1881, a class of seven, and, in 1882, a class
Paige. Our fellow-townsman, Capt. T. S. Rog- of sis.

ers, here " wielded the birch," " chalked the The school, at present under the directorship
line "and reigned a " monarch of all he sur- of Messrs. Woods, Blodgett and Curtiss, is in a
veyed " from behind the teacher's desk. Here prosperous condition. At no time during the
J. W. Rogers instructed the youth, who came seven years' work of its Principal has the out-
in such numbers " to sit at the feet of this look been more encouraging. Miss Georgia
Gamaliel," that, unless some class was contin- Fitch, in the primary ;
Miss Elizabeth F. Marsh,
ually on the " recitation floor," all could not in the intermediate, and Miss Maria L. Clark,

in the grammar department, are the assistant Real Estate Agents, Street & Pardee, East
teachers, all of whom are accomplishing credit- Grove.
able results. John K. Rassweiler, Principal. Western Agent New York Lace House, John

ABOLITIONISM. Jeweler and Watchmaker, V. Simonson.

Abolitionism in this county had its exponents Draper and Tailor, N. W. Peterson.
in Downer's Grove perhaps to a greater extent Blacksmiths and Horseshoers, J. W. Sucher,
than in any other part of the county when shop, corner Main street and Maple avenue ;

such a political doctrine was stained with dis- Peter Wertz.

grace in popular estimation. Its active spirits Tinware, Reapers, Mowers, Old Iron and
were Israel P. Blodgett, David Page, Robert Rags, John Debolt.
Dixon, Henry Carpenter and Rockwell Guild. Broom Factory, I. P. Blodgett.
Walter Blanchard was a Whig Abolitionist, Boot and Shoe-makers, and all kinds of fine
not that he loved Caesar less, but Rome
repairing,George Diener Charles Hodgman.

more." He took hold of the work as soon as Ice Cream, Confectionery and Bakery, John
he saw progress. Welter.
Mr. Blodgett had charge of the station on Wagon-maker, Livery and Sale Stable, C.
the underground railroad. The trains generally Smith.
ran in the night. Aurora was the first station Practical Wagon-maker, William Mergen-
west, and Chicago on the east, the depot at the thal.

latter place being at the house of Philo Car- Barber, E. E. West.

penter. Harness-maker and Fancy Carriage and Sign
From Aurora to Downer's Grove was one Painting, M. F; Saylor.
night's run, thence to Chicago another night's Harness-maker, George Downer.
run. When passengers arrived on these trains, Station Agent, Chicago, Burlington & Quincy,
their names were not published on register F. G.Brown.
lists; on the contrary, the passengers were Switchman, Chicago, Burlington & Quincy,
often concealed in buffalo hides as they were D. 0. Cole.
taken from the vehicles in which they rode, Engineer, Chicago, Burlington & Quincy, C.
and carried into a larder room like a quarter of W. Frisbie.
beef. This was the way the disciples of Free Fireman, Chicago, Burlington & Quincy,
Soil, in their aggressive proselytism, managed Wesley Frisbie.
to inaugurate a system which ultimately over- Pastor Congregational Church, S. F. Strat-

turned the mightiest and haughtiest patri- ton.

archal institution that ever grew into existence Attorney at Law, A. B. Wilson.
on American soil, and it is worthy of mention Police Magistrate, Gardner Paige.
that Du Page County was one of the pioneers Postmaster, J. M. Barr.
in this sweeping change in the public policy of Dealers in Lumber, Coal, Hardware, Agricul-
our nation. tural Implements, Salt, Stucco, Lime, Cement
and all kinds of Builders' Materials, J. W.

Pastor Baptist Church, Rev. Mr. Van Osdell Carpenters and Joiners, B. B. Morgan F. ;

Pastor Methodist Episcopal Church, Rev. Mr. Schindler.

Cord ice. Druggist, C. J. Meadowcroft.
Cheese Factory, Grist and Planing-Mill, Mil- lington & Quincy Railroad between Chicago
ler & Blanchard. Average amount of milk re- and the Fox River. The divide on the railroad
ceived per day, 3,000 pounds ; average amount track is two miles west of this place.
of butter made per day, seventy -five pounds ;
The elevation of the track at the depot at
average amount of cheese made per day, 225 Clarendon Hills is 158 feet above Lake Michi-
pounds. gan, from which place the land rises on both
Bricklayer, and all kinds of mason work, W. sides, but more rapidly on the north side, where
J. Beidleman. it justifies its name of Clarendon Hills in mul-
Painting, Papering, Whitewashing and Cal- tifarious ovals and convexities, intermingled
cimining, C. N. Saylor. together in Nature's ease.
Beardsley House, Proprietor, E. S. Beardsley.
All kinds of Millinery work, Mrs. R. C. FULLERSBURG.
Bates. This village lies within the old Indian boun-
and Fashionable Dressmaker, Mrs.
Milliner dary lines, and, consequently, the land on which
B. H. Andrews. it stands was sold in 1835.
Dealers in Dry Goods, Groceries, Beady- It was purchased by Robert Jones, of New
made Clothing, Etc., Thatcher & Crescy David ; York City. The next year (1836), Orin and
Kline ; La Salle & Co. David Giant, two brothers, came to the place,
Physicians, J. R, Haggard, M. D., office over who were its first settlers. They opened a tav-
drug store ; E. H. Le Due, M. D., office at drug ern, and established a post office named Brush
store. Hill, and, for many years, it was a well known

Dentist, Dr. J. F. Thompson, office in New landmark, to which roads, trails and trade
Music Hall, Chicago, 111. tended throughout the country. Sherman King
Agent for Linden Heights Land Association, succeeded him in tavern keeping, who was suc-
F. M. Woods, office at post office. ceeded by Mr. Atkinson in this business, then
The principal streets of Downer's Grove have so profitable, when the ox-team dragged its
been graveled eight inches deep in 1882. The ponderous burden over the muddy roads. John
gravel has been brought to the place by the S. Coe came to the place in 1839. Jacob W.
Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad Com- Fuller then lived two miles to the north. His
pany from their gravel pits at Montgomery, son, Benjamin, platted the place January 20,
Kane County, the gravel beiug laid down at 1851, when its name was changed to Fullers-
the place at a veiy low rate for the benefit of burg. It is a most delightful retreat, among
the town. It is designed to gravel Maple avenue the tree-clad hills just north of Hinsdale, from
next year. which place sidewalks extend to its central

Clarendon Hills, situate just west of Hins- The following is a list of its business and
dale, was platted October 29, 1873. James M. professional men : Bev. F. Boeber, Lutheran
Walker, Amos T. Hall, Robert Harris and Henry Church A. Ford, merchant S. Heineman, mer-

C. Middaugh, were the original proprietors. A chant and Postmaster C. Eidam, blacksmith ; ;

new depot has been built at the place. C. T. Coe, blacksmith F. Tunk, wagon-maker
; ;

The streets are laid out in curves adapted to I. Haff, wagon-maker C. Karnatz, shoemaker
; ;

the graduating rises of ground on which the D. Moeder, shoemaker ; I. Buchty, ice-dealer ;

whole town is located, some parts of which are I. Miller, hotel ; P. Bohlander, hotel ; F. Graue,

the highest points of land on the Chicago, Bur- miller ; W. Ostrum, plasterer and mason ; A.

Froscher, carpenter and builder ; W. Wagner, already fifty families. The congregation owns
carpenter and builder; Win. Delicate, painter ;
five acres of land, whereon the unpretending
L. Kurth, painter; Win. Ostrum, stone-mason. meeting-house is standing, and wherein the
Its Church- —In the lovely little village of dead of the church find their last resting place.
Fullersburg, Du Page County, there is a Ger- There is also a day school as well as a Sunday
man congregation, called the " German United school connected with the German Church, and
Evangelical Church of St. John," founded in attended by from fifty to sixty children. Fr.
1878 by their present pastor, and numbering Boeber, Pastor.




THE history cream

the Naper settlement com-
the pioneer history
associated with all the interests of the
settlement Their history is
prised the
of the county. It has been told in early from that of both Will and Du Page Coun-
chapters in sufficient detail to leave little to ties, as has already been made apparent to

be said here; yet a list of the names of early the reader. It may also be said that the his-
settlers of this township may be a conven- tory of Naperville Village further elucidates
ience to the reader, and the following is given the early history of the county.
Joseph Naper, John Naper, John Murray, The township has 1,289 children between
Christopher Paine, B. N. Murray, Ira Car- the ages of six and twenty-one, ten school
penter, John Stevens, Michael Hines, A. H. districts, with a schoolhouse in each, and one
Howard, John Warne, Daniel Warren, graded school.
Leister Peet, George Laird, Harry Fowler, Outside of Naperville Village are three
Hiram Fowler, E. B. Bill, Nathan Allen, churches, as follows:
Louis Ellsworth, S. M. Skinner, A. S. Jones,
S. Sabin, George Martin, L. C. Aldrich, H.
L. Peasley, R. Hyde, George Stroubler, G. The German Baptist denomination of
W. Rose, R. Wright,
Bishop, T. H. Stevenson, Christians (commonly known by the name of
E. G. Wight, J. F. Wight, W. Weaver, J. Dunkards) organized as a society in 1855,
Granger, N. Crampton, W. J. Strong, R. and built a meeting-house in 1860, about
Whipple, U. Stanley, T. Thatcher, A. T. half way between Naperville and Warren
Thatcher, J. Lamb, R. Hill, David Babbitt, ville, in Naperville Township. It was built

H. C. Babbitt, J. S. Kimball, J. B. Kimball, by subscription among themselves. Their

L. Kimball, R. K. Potter, J. J. Kimball, ministers, Deacons and Elders are elected by
Adial S. Jones, Peter Dodd, Benjamin Smith. the members of their society, and none of
The Scotts and H. Boardman were settlers them have any salary. They take care that
of Will County, just over the line, but were none of their people shall become paupers,
or want for the comforts of life, by visiting vicinity of the latter place, and alternately
every family among their order and supplying held divine service in a schoolhouse near
them with all that is necessary, if misfortune Downer's, and in a similar building situated
befalls them. They now number between in a more northerly direction, on the old plank
fifty and sixty members. Its present officers road from Naperville to the Desplaines
are C. F. Martin, Elder; Jacob Sollenberger, River.
Simon Yundt and Hiram Smith, ministers; The above men from Naperville and Lisle
Dorence Vroman, Noah Early. Michael Sol- went to hear Mr. Ottmann from time to
lenberger and John Netzley, Deacons. time, and finally made arrangements with
It is against their princifiles to go to law him to come to Naperville every third Sab-
or go to war, or to swear by oath; but they bath morning, to preach a sermon in the old
affirm when called to give evidence before a court house, and at the same time to make an
court of justice. attempt to build up a congregation sufficient-

Their origin was in Germantown, Penn. ly numerous to sustain their own preacher.
Christopher Sauer, who brought the first Mr. Ottmann fulfilled his engagement to the
printing press to America, was one of the best of his ability, establishing for himself a
founders of this society. well-earned reputation for sincerity and piety,
The name Dunkard is improperly applied but felt compelled, after a duration of fifteen
to them. Their real name is indicated at months, to abandon his trust, being unable to
the head of this sketch. agree with the members in some fundamental
principles held sacred by the Synod of Mis-
st. John's Lutheran church. souri, but which they had been taught to re-
The following history of the Evangelical gard in a more liberal light. In the winter
Lutheran St. John's Church of Naperville, of 1851-55, Mr. Ottmann received a vocation
Du Page Co., 111. from its origin in 1853 to
, to Missouri, and left for that State, accom-
the present date, is by H. Horstman: panied by the best wishes of his friends in
The above-named church owes its origin to Du Page County.
about ten or a dozen German citizens of the About the same time, information was re-

towns of Naperville and Lisle, in Du Page ceived that, in the fall of 1855, the Rev. E.
County, who desired to make the attempt to H. Buhre, formerly a member of the Lutheran
lay the foundations for a congregation of General Council of the State of Now York,
their own creed, at the same time using ex- had arrived in Aurora, Kane County, from
clusively the German language as a medium Williamsburg, N. Y., built up a congrega-
of communication in divine service, for the tion in the former place, and, by the help of
benefit of those new-comers from the Father- friends, had even succeeded in erecting a
land who might happen to'arrive in this vi- church building. The Naperville men, after
cinity. having attended his divine service occasion-
At that time, in the summer of 1853, the ally, finally induced Mr. Buhre to visit Na-

Rev. Fr. Ottmann, a member of the Lutheran perville every third Sabbath afternoon, and
Synod of Missouri, Ohio and other States, for this purpose the building of the Method-
lived between Naperville and Downer's Grove. ist Episcopal Church of that place was kindly
He had been designated to preach the Gos- ceded. Mr. Buhre came to Naperville for
pel to a number of farmers residing in the several months, when the members of the con-

gregation, which then had assumed a more whose doctrines seemed more conformable to
tangible form, secured the services of a Mr. his views.
Lerfling, who moved to Naperville in the fall The congregation soon followed his exam-
of 1850, but was again dismissed by the con- ple, organized under a new constitution, and
gregation in January, 1857, after which time numbered about thirty members, several of
Mr. Buhre kindly resumed his activity in Na- whom, however, moved to other States in the
perville, having, during this time, joined the course of time. In the fall of 1862, Mr.
Evangelical Lutheran Synod of Northern Illi- Guehl was called by his synod to Northern
nois, consisting then mostly of ministers of Wisconsin, and as his successor the congre-
German and Scandinavian, but also of Anglo- gation chose the above-named Rev. E. H.
Saxon, descent, under guidance of the Rev. Buhre, who had long felt inclined to leave
Dr. Harvey, of Springfield. Aurora. Mr. Buhre also remained in Naper-
In April, 1857, a member of the Lutheran ville two years, the same time visiting, on the
congregation at Naperville, who, in the mean- Sabbath afternoon, Downer's Grove, and then,
time, had in some way, though perhaps not owing to some difficulties, vacated the par-
formally organized, visited Germany, and sonage and removed to a private residence,
there secured the services of Mr. Herm Lies- which, in the meantime, he had created.
mann, a young man of many and ed-
abilities, Mr. Buhre left in the fall of 1864, and from
ucated by the missionary society at Barmen, that time to September, 1865, no minister of
Bhenish Prussia, to preach the Gospel to his the Lutheran denomination resided at their
countrymen in the United States. Mr. Lies- parsonage at Naperville.
mann arrived in the fall of 1857, and, after Occasionally during that time, divine serv-
having been ordained by the above-named ice and communion were held by the Rev. E.
Lutheran Synod of Northern Illinois, and de- Kenchen, a member of the then United Evan
clared their member, forthwith began to for- gelical Synod of the Northwest, comprised of
mally and legally organize the Lutheran con- representatives of both the Lutheran and
gregation at Naperville. Mr. Liesmann at Reformed Churches of Germany, as embod-
the same time held divine service about six ied in the Evangelical Churches of that State,
miles southeast of Downer's Grove, and built though conforming to republican institution.
and dedicated a church there in the summer The congregation of Naperville soon found
of 1850 During Mr. Liesmann's stay in the doctrines held by that synod more agree-
Naperville, which two and a half
lasted able to their views than the ultra- Lutheran
years, the congregation there bought the old doctrines of the Synods of Missouri and Wis-
meeting-house of the Evangelical association consin, joined the former, and were, in July,
of that place, situated on its preseut site on 1865, by them supplied with a pastor of their
Van Bu.en avenue, for $600, and, for an equal own, in the person of the Rev. William Bin
amount, erected a parsonage. Mr. Liesmann ner. The members, however, whose num-
left for Iowa in the summer and in
of 1800, bers had become smaller, organized under a
his place the congregation chose Mr. H. M. new constitution, which, with only one
Guehl, also at that time a member of the amendment, regarding membership, exists to
Synod of Northern Illinois, but which, shortly this day.
afterward, he left, to be accepted as a mem- Mr. Binner, with his family, remained at
ber of the Lutheran Svnod of Wisconsin. Naperville a little over three years, and,
though removed by the Lord some seven moval of many members to Iowa, Kansas and
years ago, is stil] kindly remembered by his other States, the number of them is not large,
many friends. Mr. Binner left Naperville but the prospect of having the ranks again
in October, 1868, and was succeeded by Mr. S
tilled by emigration from the Fatherland is

J. Kern, a young man of medium capacities, encouraging.

•who, unaided by experience, ultimately failed
in his task, and was in turn succeeded, after EVANGELICAL ASSOCIATION.
a year's time, by the Rev. T. Lotka, who, The Evangelical Association at Copenha-
however, after a short stay of nine months, gen, in the southwest part of Naperville
accepted a call for a Professorshijj at Fari- Township. Six families of this faith came
bault, Minn. The Rev. Fr. Lohappel fol- to Copenhagen and settled in 1844, from
lowed in the fall of 1870, and under his guid- Pennsylvania, holding religious services in a
ance, in 1871, the church building was schoolhouse till 1858, when was
a church
greatly enlarged, a steeple was built and a built by subscription. Rev. Lintner was
suitable bell procured; the interior alsowas ':

their tirst pastor, who preached at the school-

newly and neatly furnished, the whole outlay I
house; after whom they had other pastors
being nearly $2,000. The funds for this !

biennially, according to their church govern-

purpose were raised partly by contribution of •

ment. From its first organization, the mem-

members, one-half of them, however, present- ! bership has continued to increase, chiefly by
ed to the congregation by Mr. William Preis- immigration. It now numbers about forty
werk, a wealthy gentleman of Switzerland, members. The church is a neat edifice, and
formerly a resident of the State of Illinois, its grounds ornamented with trees.

who faithfully remembered his old friends. The society is in a prosperous condition,
Mr. Schappel having, in March, 1874, re- all of its members thrifty farmers, sons and
signed his trust, was, in July of the same daughters of the first founders of the church,
year, succeeded by the Rev. R. Wobus, a who have inherited the religion of their fa-
young man of great ability and sterling char- i thers, as well as their correct habits in social
acter, who, however, was called, two years '


afterward, to a theological Professorship near VILLAGE OF NAPERVILLE.

St. Louis, Mo., belonging to the Evangelical The first settlers of Boston were attracted
Synod of North America, which, at the pres- there by an excellent spring of pure water
ent time, comprises in the Urnted States all that broke out of the ground from the base
the representatives of their own creed. of one of the three hills that originally stood
To Lutheran Con-
this day the Evangelical at this place, which the Indians called Shau-
gregation adheres to that synod, and their mut.
pulpit has been successively occupied by the Naperville had a like attraction as to the
Rev. A. Teutschel, from September, 1876, to spring, which drew settlers here and made it

the same time in 1877, by Rev. H. Huebsch- the nucleus of rising power in Northern

mann from April, 1878, to October, 1881; Illinois west of Chicago and east of Dixon.
the present pastor, Rev. G. Hageman, how- Joseph Naper first surveyed and laid out the
ever, residing at Amboy, Lee County, and al- town in sti-eets, and his plat of it bears date
ternately holding divine service at Naperville of February 14, 1842. It was situate on the

and at the former place. Owing to the re southeast quarter of Section 13. Township

38, Eange 9 east, and henceforward the name At this election, 174 votes were polled; at
of the place was Naperville, instead of the the election in 1860, 230 votes; in 1865, 199
Naper settlement. The first frame building votes; in 1870, 253 votes; in 1874,389 votes.
erected in it was done by A. H. Howard in (Returns wanting in 1875.) In 1881, 420 votes
the fall of 1833. It stood a few rods south were j)olled.
of a house in which Mr. J. Horn lived in In March previous to this election, the
1876. most disastrous flood ever known on the Du
Here was the center to which highways Page River occurred. It carried away the
tended. Here were saw and grist mills, dam above the town, and the accumulated
stores, and the material out of which to make waters it held back thus suddenly released
a town, and here existed the necessities for a rose into the streets of the low grounds and
corporate government to regulate certain con- gave the inmates of the houses barely time
tingencies that are siu e to come up amidst
to escape. The damage caused by the flood
diverse interests in close proximity and pos- was over $15,000. M. Hines, J. T. Green,
sible rivalry to each other, and a public meet- R. Willard, C. W. Keith and J. Naper were
ing was called at the court house in 1856 to the principal losers.
take the initiatory steps to bring about the The original town lies in the southeast
desired end. By a vote at this meeting, Hi- quarter of Section 13, in the town of Naper-
ram Cody, R. N. Murray, H F. Vallette and ville, as it is now named, which civil division
H. Loring were appointed to draft the form was given to the Government township de-
by which it was desired by the sense of this scribed as Township 38, Range 9 east, but,
meeting to incorporate the town, and Lewis by subsequent additions made to it, the vil-
Ellsworth and Nathan Allen were commis- lage extends eastwardly into Range 10, Sec-
sioned to present this document to the Legis- tions 7 and 18, in Lisle Township. The
lature to be acted on by that body. In ac- elevation at the railroad track above Lake
cordance with their request, an act was passed Michigan is 146 feet.
by the Legislature of Illinois, and approved The present public square of Naperville is

by the Governor, Joel A. Matteson, February the ground occupied by the old court house,
7, 1857, to incorporate the village of Naper- about half of the grounds laid out in the town
ville. Its officers were to consist of a Presi- of Lisle, and was conveyed gratis to Naper-
dent and four Trustees, a Clerk, a Police ville March 30, 1877.
Magistrate and a Police Constable. The Much the largest portion of the village lies
President and Trustees to be chosen annually, on the northeast bank of the Du Page River,
and the other officers once in four years, and all which naturally inclines its surface toward
by a vote of the people. the south and southwest, thereby giving veg-
The first election was held under the new etation an early start in the spring. The
corporation May 4, 1857, resulting in the ground graduates upward from the river on
election of the following officers: For Presi- both sides into a great variety of oval eleva-
dent, Joseph Naper Trustees, Hiram H.
; tions. One of them, on which the house of
Cody, George Martin, Xavier Egerman, Mich- Mr. Ellsworth stands, was the spot on which
ael Hiens; for Clerk, C. M. Castle; Treasurer Fort Paine was built in 1832, it being con-
A. W. Colt; Police Magistrate, H. F. Val- siderably higher th;\n any other rise of ground
lette; Police Constable, A. C. Graves. near by, but the broad plateau in the back-

ground beyond the erosion and bank drainage tion the most extensive stock and assortment
of the river is still a little above any portion of varieties of fruit and ornamental trees,
of the village of Naperville. The town is shrubs and plants, to liefound in the North-
well supplied with springs of very pure wa- west. The yearly increase of trees and shrubs
ter, which rises several feet above the sur- by propagation is truly astonishing. The
face, and is made to flow into tanks for con- proprietors have imported, during the present
venience to the citizens. season (1857), from Europe, more than thirty
The following description of the town, thousand young evergreens and other plants.
given by O. W. Richmond and H. F. Val- Attached to the establishment is a plant-
letta, intheir History of Du Page County, house, arranged for propagating plants dur-
published in 1857, will show what it then ing the winter season. The establishment
was, only the next year after it had been in- gives employment to a large munber of work-
corporated: men, some ten or twelve families deriving
"The mercantile business, aside from agri- their entire support from it. Some fifteen
culture, is the chief business of the town. or twenty men are employed, at an expense
The principal stores employ capitals of be- of over $6,000 per annum."
tween $6,000 and $8,000 annually. They The foregoing account of a business so es-
sell large amounts of goods, not only to the in- sential to the comfort and beauty of newly
habitants of this, but to those of surrounding made prairie homes serves to show from
towns. Integrity is the marked characteristic whence came the horticultural development
of the dealings of the merchants of Naper- of the country around, or at least how a
ville. This, in connection with the uniformly branch of industry took its start that has mul-
low prices at which they sell their goods, has tiplied trees and other plants till every
secured to them a liberal and extended pat- hamlet and every farm is supplied with
ronage. them.
" There are two large nurseries near the vil- Subsequently, C. W. Richmond established
lage, from which trees and shrubs are sent to a nursery here, and continued the business
all parts of the Northwest. We have been for some years, thereby lending a hand to the
furnished some account of the business of arduous and useful work of supplying the
these nurseries, which we give below: The country with trees.

Da Page Eclectic Nurseries were established Ernst Van Oren also established a nursery
in 1853, by R. W. and R. B. Hunt. During about the same time as Mr. Richmond, and
the four years past, these nurseries have prop- still continues the business.
agated, in each year, from fifty to one hun- The Du Page County Nursery, the first one
dred and fifty thousand fruit trees. Orna- established here, is still supplying orders for
mental trees and shrubbery have been propor- trees and other plants, but is not increasing
tionately increased, and some thousands of its stock, or propagating, Mr. Ellsworth, the
foreign trees and shrubs have been added by proprietor, wishing to relieve himself of its
importation, as the business has justified. active work and responsibilities.
The Du Page County Nurseries of Lewis The present nursery stock here is not as
Ellsworth & Co. were established in 1849. large as it formerly was, but the growing of
These nurseries cover at present some fifty trees is constantly on the increase in the
acres of ground, embracing in their collec- country.

Of other manuf acturing establishments in went, something about the Dutchman,

Naperville, at the same time, says Richmond and peace was restored.
and Vallette, in their history: Mr. Boughton, not long after this, removed
"The plow and wagon shops of Messrs. the establishment to Chicago, and took these
Vaughan & Peck. It was originally estab- " real good fellows " along with him. Hence
lished by A. S. Jones, who is entitled to the they did not make "real good plows," but an
credit of originating the steel plow now so inferior article, and his business ran down,

much in use. The manufactory of this plow but, after a brief cessation, the business was
commenced in 1840. They possess many supe- resumed again in Naperville.
rior qualities, for which they have become ex- Messrs. Strauss & Getsch, who now turn out
tensively noted throughout the "West. From J
plows after the first perfect mold, invented
its circular we learn that this establishment is by Mr. A. S. Jones, the original proprietor.
the oldest in the Western States, having manu- There were two breweries in Naperville in
factured the steel scouring plow for eighteen 1857, where the famous beverage of lager
or twenty years, and always winning first beer was made. Their annual consumption
premiums at State and county fairs. The of barley was then 15,000 bushels, and of
establisbment is capable of making fifteen hops 11,000 pounds. Their capacity of
plows per day." manufacture was then 186,000 gallons annu-
Say Eichmond and Vallette, in 1857: |
ally, which brought in to the manufacturers

Snbsecpiently, this establishment passed into about $150,000 per year.

the hands of Mr. N. Bo ugh ton, who carried j
There is now (1882) but one brewery in
iton under the name of the Naperville Agri- operation here, which was established by John
cultural Works, who, having enlarged its ca- Senger in 1S50. It consumes annually 10,-
pacity, employed about sixty hands. These 000 bushels of barley and from 6,000 to 7,-
workmen, with others employed by manufact- 000 pounds of hops. It makes about five
uring establishments here, on public days thousand barrels of beer annually, which is
made the streets of Naperville lively, espe- |
sold at Chicago and through the country
on one 4th of July, 1870, when a dis-
pute arose between some of them and the From the Naperville Clarion of July 25,
German citizens of the place about some 1877, we take the following, to show the con-
matter of no vital interest, which re-
trifling dition of the town at that time:
quired the utmost efforts of Mr. J. J. Hunt, "Naperville of to-day is an enterprising
then Police Magistrate, to settle, or rather to city of about two thousand inhabitants, the
prevent violence from growing out of, for he largest and most important in the county.
made no attempt to investigate the "true in- It is situated in the heart of one of the
wardness " of
which undoubtedly had been
it, agricultural districts of Northern Illinois,
bottled up and escaped from such confine- and the fertile acres and healthful climate
ments down the throats and thence into the have contributed to make up Du Page County
brains of a few otherwise " real good fel- one of the wealthiest sections of the State.
lows." Mr. Hunt interposed between the The city is located on a series of elevations
unctuous aggressors and the objects of their overlooking the surrounding landscape of hill
resentment, when they reconsidered their res- and dale which, with the glistening waters of
olution and retreated, muttering, as they Du Page River, seen here and there as they
roll through the valleys, form a pleasant view Mr. John Pf ister's hardware store; Dr. H. C.
to the beholder. Daniels' paint, oil and drug store; Mr. P.
The streets, which are fringed with shade Strubler's grocery store; Messrs. Ehrhardt &
trees, are regularly laid out, and mostly Bros.' boot and shoe George
store ; Mr.
graded and provided with sidewalks. Upon Strubler's livery stable; Mrs. Lindeman's toy
the business thoroughf ares are many two and store; Mr. L. G. Kent's grocery; Mr. P.
three story blocks, mostly of brick or stone, Schmelzer's bakery; Mr. M. B. Powell's drugs
comprising stores and business houses, con- store; Messrs. J. Ehrhardt & Co.'s boot and
structed in modern style of architecture, and shoe store; Mr. C. Schultz's cigar store; Mr.
presenting a front scarcely inferior to the A. Scott's grocery; Mr. M. Hemmer's furni-
business streets of our larger cities. ture store; Mr. B. J. Slicks' grocery; Mr. H.
The writer of the above, in his further de- L. Peasley's dry goods store; Messrs. W. H.
scription of the place, speaks of the follow- Hillegar & Co.'s hardware store; and Mr. C.
ing material interests and business firms then H. Finley's photograph gallery; Mr. C. Ken-
prominently known here. Eight churches dig's dental rooms and photograph gallery;
are noted, a district school, the Northwestern Mr. Jacob Saylor's lumberyard; Messrs. Hart-
College, and hotels, among which the Pre- runf & Son's lumberyard; Mr. C. Boettger'a
emption House was named as an old land- meat market; Mr. D. Garst's meat market;
mark. The tile and brick works of Messrs. Thomas Saylor's ice cream and confectionery
Martin & King; the stone quarries of Mr. J. store. J. Con-
Also shoemakers as follows:
Salfisberg; the cheese factory of George H. grave, - —
Compte, G. Friess, G. Fosha, J.
Hunt; the Du Page Valley Mills, under the Fehlman, Mr. Knetzger, J. Stubeurauch and
management of L. Rosentreter, the one orig- Jacob Zimmerman; Mr. Obermayer's cigar
inally built by Joseph Naper; Mr. "William. factory; Mr. F. Strahecker's blacksmith shop;
Shimps, carriage factory ; the drug store of Mr.W. Lent's blacksmith shop; Messrs. Strausz
Mr. F. Morse; Mr. Theo German's merchant & Getsch, proprietors of the plow factory;
tailoring house; Willard Scott & Co.'s dry

Messrs. Bauer Bros., blacksmith shop, and Mr.

goods store; Messrs. Collins & Naper's store; A. Hartrunf's blacksmith shop ; Mr. J. J.

Mr. P. Beckman's leather and shoe findings Hunt's hardware store; Alfred Shafer's car-
store; Messrs. Rickert & Vance's blacksmith penter shop; Mat Stevens' carpenter shop;
ing business; Mr. Fred Long's furniture R. Swarz's blacksmith shop; John Herbert's
house; Mr. C. Scherer's hardware store; Mr. D. harness shop; Walter Good's paint shop;
Strutter's carriage factory ; Messrs. Escher & Francis Saylor's carriage factory; Mr. Arm-
Drisler's grocery; Mr. M. Weismantel's jew- bruster's Mueller's wagon shops;
and Mr.
elry store; Willard Scott, Sr., & Co.'s Bank; Fred Miller's taxidermist and painting estab-
Mr. L. S. Shafer's planing-mill; Mr: J. Hil- lishment; Mr. Brussel's livery stable; Fred
terbrand's carriage factory; Mr. Martin Fest's Kaylor's clothing store ; Mr. Schloessler's
boot and shoe factory; Messrs. Reuss& Diet- cigar factory; and Mr. Michael Hines' shoe
er's clothing store; Mr. P. Marlin's flour and shop.
feed store; Mr. M. Brown's store; Messrs. NORTHWESTERN COLLEGE.

Ditzler & Hosier's store; Messrs. Dunlap & The Northwestern College, under the aus-
Co.'s grocery; Mr. R. H. Wagner's saddlery pices and patronage of the Evangelical Asso-
establishment; Mr. \V. S. Latshaw's grocery; ciation, is located at Naperville. The college

buildingis an elegant, substantial and com- opened its doors to the public during the dark
modious structure of stone, containing spa- and lowering days of the first years of the
cious recitation rooms, a large chapel, society war of the rebellion, when public thought
halls, reading room, laboratory, and other and interest was intent upon the question of
rooms for special college purposes. The sit- the safety of the greater institution — our
uation of the building and grounds is in the united country; when thousands of young
finest part of the village, on a moderate eleva- men, the flower of the land, went forth to the
tion, affording a commanding view of the tented camp and the battle-field — notwith
rich and beautiful country all around to a standing these discouraging circumstances,
distance of many miles. the institution had an auspicious beginning.
The college was instituted at Plainfield, A.t the end of the first year, the Indiana and

Will Co., 111., in the fall of 1861. Prior to Iowa Conferences added their support to the
this time, therehad been no college institu- undertaking. There was a fair attendance of
tion under the support and patronage of the students during the first year, with an in-
Evangelical Association. With the exception crease from abroad from term to term. The
of several seminaries in the east, no higher institution received its regular collegiate
schools of learning had been sustained by the chater in 1865. With the growth of the
denomination. Indeed, it may be said that number of regular college classes, the num
the organization of Northwestern College is ber of instructors was increased. The first

the mark new departure iu the history

of a class of graduates went out in 1866, since
of the enterprises of this young and growing which time the college has annually sent out
church. It had long been verified that de- from her halls a greater or less number of
nominational schools inured greatly to the graduates into the active arena of practical
which they represent-
benefit of the churches life.

ed. Leading men, ministers and laymen, In 1864, the name of the institution was
believing that the means to support anil ma- changed to Northwestern College. While
terial to furnish a college were in the pos- public interest in the school was widening
session of the church, strongly advocated the and manifesting itself in an increase of pat-
establishment of such an institution. The ronage from a distance, it soon became ap-
Illinoisand Wisconsin Conferences of the parent that certain circumstances essential to
church were the leaders in this movement. the permanent growth of the college had not
Accordingly, a deputation of citizens of Plain- been practically anticipated when Plainfield
field was sent to the sessions of the confer- was chosen for its location. The building
ences in the spring of 1851, with overtures for soon proved insufficient for the purposes of
the location of the school in that village. An the school. Moreover, the fact that Plain
agreement was effected. There was at this time fieldwas "off the road," eight miles distant
a township high school building in process from the nearest railroad station, was found
of erection at Plainfield. This was conveyed to be increasingly prejudicial as the stage

to the Trusteesof the college, and in the fall, coach as a traveling conveyance became more
when the building was completed, the school and more unpopular. This naturally led to
was opened under the name of Plainfield Col- the agitation of the question of removal to
lege. some location more easily accessible. While
Notwithstanding the fact that the college the citizens of Plainfield, as might be ex-

pected, strenuously opposed the proposition, Smith, A. M., was appointed Professor of
facts and circumstances seemed, from year to Music. In 1863, Bev. F. W. Heidner, A.
year, to strengthen the warrant to adopt such M., was elected to the Professorship of the
a measure. Various places held out induce- German Language and Literature. In 1864,
ments to the Trustees to be chosen as a new upon the resignation of Prof. J. E. Miller,
location. Among these, Naperville, awake to Bev. John H. Leas, A. M., was made Profes-
the fact that Northwestern College would Bor of Ancient Languages. In 1868, upon
prove a valuable acquisition, proposed to give the resignation of Prof. J. E. Ehodes, H. H.
$25,000 toward the erection of the buildings, Bassweiler, A. M., was appointed Professor
provided that town were chosen. In the of Mathematics and Natural Science. In
spring of 1870, nine years after the college 1869, Prof. J. H. Leas having resigned, H.
was opened at Plaintield. after a long and C. Smith, A. M., was made Professor of An-
animated debate, first on the question of cient Languages and Literature, and was suc-
making the ohange, and second as to the pref- ceeded in the Department ot Instrumental
erence between proposed places, the Board of Music by Miss Emma M. Corbin. Upon the
Trustees decided on a removal to Naperville. removal of the college to Naperville in 1870,
The fall term of 1870 was opened in the the faculty was materially increased by the
new building. The citizens of Naperville appointment of Bev. A. Huelster, A. M., as
manifested a fair appreciation of their newly Professor of Greek (Prof. Smith remaining
acquired privileges. The facilities of the in charge of the Latin); C. F. Bassweiler, A.
school were, in many particulars, consider- M., as Tutor; Miss Nancy J. Cunningham as
ably enlarged, and Northwestern College en- Preceptress and Teacher of Drawing; Bev. J.
tered upon a new career of growth and pros- G. Cross, A. M., Principal of Commercial
perity. The history of its development will Department; and Miss Minnie P. Cody as
best appear in the following reference to its Teacher of Instrumental Music. In 1871, J.

various interests. L. Bockey was added as assistant teacher in

Endowment. — From the opening of the the Commercial Department. In 1875, C.
school, scholarships of various prices and of F. Bassweiler was promoted as Adjunct Pro-
different periods of validity were sold, with a fessor of Mathematics. In 1876, G. W. Sind-
view to the establishment of an endowment linger, A. M., was appointed Assistant
fund. By the addition of direct donations, Teacher of Greek, and, three years later, he
this fund increased from year to year with succeeded Prof. A. Huelster as Professor of
varying degrees of rapidity, so that at the that department. In 1878, Miss Cunning-
present time (1882), it has reached the sum ham resigned as Preceptress, and was suc-
of 190,000. ceeded by Miss Lizzie E. Baker, who served
Faculty. —When the school was opened, one year, after which Mrs. N. J. Knicker-
the faculty consisted of five teachers, viz., backer, nee Cunningham, was re-appointed
Profs. J. E. Ehodes, John E. Miller, S. W 7
. Preceptress and Professor of History and
Marston, Mrs. Emily Huntington Miller and English Literature. In 1879, ProE. Cross,
Miss C. M. Harlacher. Bev. A. A. Smith, of theCommercial Department, was succeed-
A. M., was elected President of the college in ed by F. W. Streets. In 1881, the Professor
1861, but did not assume the position until of Mathematics and Natural Science resigned
the fall of 1862. At the same time, H. C. the first-named department, and C. F. Bass-
weiler was made Professor of Mathematics. Graduates. — The graduates of the college,
In 1877, Miss Minnie P. Cody was succeeded now precisely 100 in number, are distributed
by Miss Rose M. Cody as Teacher of Instru- over the whole country. These, with the
mental Music, and in 1878, Prof. H. C. Smith hundreds who did not fully complete a course
was placed in charge of this department. of study, represent most of the professional
At the present date, the faculty of North- and industrial pursuits of life. As a class,
western College is constituted as follows: they are successful men and women, who, by
Rev. A. A. Smith, A. M., President, Pro- their integrity and industry, are reciprocat-
fessor of Mental and Moral Science. ing the honor bestowed on them by their
Rev. F. W. Heidner, A. M., B. L\, Profes- Alma Mater.
sor of the German Language and Literature. Departments and Courses of Study. — Be-
H. C. Smith, A. M., Professor of the Latin sides the regular collegiate or literary de-
Language and Literature. partment, the college maintains a commercial,
H. H. Rassweiler, A. M. , Professor of Nat- a German, a music and an art department.
ural Science. To meet all demands in different lines of
C. F. Rassweiler, A. M., Professor of Math- study, there are nine courses of study pro-
ematics. vided, viz., classical, Latin scientific, Greek
G. W. Sindlinger, A. M., Professor of the scientific, English pure German,

Greek Language and Literature. English German, commercial, music and art.
Mrs. N. J. Knickerbacker, Preceptress, —
Patronage. At first the patronage of the
Professor of History and English Literature. college was limited to the territory of the

H. F. Kletzing, A. M., Assistant Teacher Illinois and Wisconsin Conferences. Now

of Mathematics. the Illinois, Wiscoosin, Iowa, Indiana, Ohio,
J. L. Nichols, A. M., Teacher of Commer- Michigan, New York, Canada, South Indiana,
cial Studies and Penmanship. Des Moines and Kansas — eleven conferences,
H. C. Smith, Professor of Music. are pledged to its support, and are represented
Mrs. Jennie E. Nauman, Assistant Teacher in the Board of Trustees. In the attendance
of Piano and Organ. of students, all these territorial divisions, be
Miss Sadie Schutt, Teacher of Painting sides other States, are annually represented
and Drawing. Auxiliary Features. — As indicating the
Students. — The attendance of students general activity and practical spirit which
front the beginning has been encouraging. pervades the institution, mention may be
Notwithstanding the fact that, during the made of various organizations maintained un-
history of the institution to this time, the der the auspices of the faculty, but conducted
country has passed through at least two seri- chiefly by the students. Among these are
ous financial and while others more
crises, four literary societies, for practice in public
local and temporary circumstances have speaking, debate and general parliamentary
affected the attendance of students at the procedure; a scientific association, for the
higher schools generally, the annual enroll- !
maintenance of a lively interest in the pur-
ment at Northwestern College has not been suit of scientific knowledge, building up the
remarkably fluctuating. The attendance collegemuseum and providing occasional
during the last collegiate year (1881-82) was lectures;two religious societies, the Young
about three hundred. Men's Christian Association and the Younfj-

Ladies' Christian Association, holding regu- tional institutions of the West. —H. H Rass-
lar meetings for conference and prayer, fur- WEILEE.
nishing a reading room, and exerting a salu- CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH.
tary religious influence over the whole school. This, with one exception, is the oldest

Union Biblical Institute. In the year 1875, Congregational Church organized in the State.
a theological school, under the name of Union The first organization of this character was
Biblical Institute, was opened in connection the church at Mendon, formed in February,
with the college. Rev. R. Yeakel, formerly 1833, and, on the 13th day of July follow-
one of the Bishops of the church, is Princi- ing, "By a request of a number of persons
pal. This school provides a course of study at Du Page to be organized into a Church of
suitable for those who contemplate entering Christ, the Rev. Jonathan Porter and Rev.
the profession of the Christian ministry. N. C. Clark, missionaries for this county, and
Church. —
In 1870, a new congregation or Rev. C. W. Babbitt, of Tazewell County, met,
society, consisting of teachers, students and and, after prayer and some appropriate re-
citizens,was organized. Their Sabbath serv- marks, proceeded to examine the credentials
ices and Sabbath school have, from the begin- of applicants." So reads the old record of
ning, been held in the chapel of the college. the first Congregational Church, but one, in
The Sabbath school of this congregation is Illinois.
one of the largest and most interesting in the On this examination, the following mem-
whole denomination. The pastor is appoint- bers were received: Israel P. Blodgett, Avice
ed annually by the Illinois Conference. The Blodgett, Robert Strong, Caroline W. Strong,
pastors up to this time have been Rev. E. E. Constant Abbott, Isaac Clark, Clarissa A.
Condo, Rev. W. W. Shuler, Rev. H. Messner, Clark, Leister Peet, Henry H. Goodrich,
Rev. W. H. Bucks and Rev. C. Schmucker. Eliza S. Goodrich, Samuel Goodrich, Lydia
Object and Outlook. — The object of the col- Goodrich, Pomeroy Goodrich, Lucy M. Good-
lege is to provide for the young men and rich.
women who are intrusted to its care and in- With these sixteen persons as members, the
struction the advantages of a thorough, lib- organization was completed, and Isaac Clark,
eral education, under such moral and relig- Pomeroy Goodrich and Leister Peet were
ious influences as to associate in its culture a chosen the Elders of the church. The form
high degree of mental and moral develop- of organization was at first Presbyterian, but
ment, and the inculcation of such principles soon after, by a unanimous vote,
it was,
and habits of thought as will best fit the changed to the Congregational, and the title
student not only for extensive usefulness in of Deacon substituted for that of Elder.
life, but to meet successfully life's inevitable The record of the acts of these Christian
vicissitudes, whether of prosperity or adversity. pioneers is exceedingly interesting. Their
The prospects for the future of the institution earliest recorded resolutions provide for the
are bright. With an increasing sentiment in thorough distribution of tracts; the visitation
its favor among the people of the church under by the pastor and some member of the church
whose immediate patronage it exists, and a of all accessible families; and the imperative
growing appreciation on the part of the gen- necessity of attending all the stated meetings
eral public, Northwestern College is destined of the church. It being declared the duty of
to take a prominent place among the educa- the Moderator to note all absentees and call

for satisfactory explanation at the first meet- on December 2, it was resolved " that, as a
ing which they attended after the delin- church, we observe Thursday, the 8th of De-
quency. cember inst., as a day of thanksgiving, and

These resolutions well exhibit the deter- thiscommunity be invited to unite with us in
mined spirit of loyalty to their principles the public exercises of the day. This was
which distinguished these early Christians, probably the first public celebration of this
who thus "builded better than they knew." custom in the county.
The spark they lighted has become a flame, From 1840 to 1845, Rev. O. Lyman, Rev
burning brightly to-day upon the altar they J. H. Prentiss and Rev. E. W. Champlaiu
erected so many years ago. They built the successively served as pastors. Rev. J. H.
first steeple upon these prairies, and, from Prentiss, was installed on the 12th of July,
year to year, have Dot only increased their 1842.
membership, but have sent out to many later On January 28, 1843, it was resolved
organizations members who have carried the " That the style of this church hereafter be
same spirit. It may well be styled the parent '
The First Congregational Church of Naper-
church of this whole region. Rev. N. C. ville,' " and later, in 1845, amongst some

Clark, one of the organizers, was the first changes made with a view of according more
pastor. The meetings were for some time fully with the statute in regard to church or-
held in his house, and afterward, sometimes ganization, the name of the society was de-
in the " schoolhouse near Samuel Goodrich's," clared to be "The First Congregational
in the "schoolhouse in Naperville," and in Church and Society of Naperville, " by which
the houses or barns of different members. name it is known to-day.
The first money raised for the support of In September, Josiah Strong, John J. Fra-
the Gospel is spoken of in the minutes of a zier,Pomeroy Goodrich, George Blackman
meeting held early in 1834, when it was voted and Hiram Branch were elected Trustees.
to raise $100 for that purpose. At this time, As early as 1838, a resolution was adopted
and for some years afterward, the church was to build a house of worship, and a committee
materially aided by the American Home Mis- appointed to select a location. Naperville
sionary Society. was chosen as the place to build the church,
Mr. Clark served as pastor until July, 1836, and the building used by the society at pres-
when he was succeeded by Rev. E. Strong, ent was erected in 1846, and, on the 27th day
who remained about a year. After his de- of January, 1847, dedicated to the worship
parture, Rev. Jeremiah Porter was regularly and service of Almighty God. The land was
installed as pastor, and served in that capac- donated by Capt. Morris Sleight, on condi-
ity until July, 1840. tion that no part of
it ever be used as a bury-

On November 5, 1841, at a church meeting, ing-ground, and that upon the contemplated
itwas resolved "that the church deem it ex- house of worship a cupola for a bell be erected.
pedient and proper to revive the ancient cus- For eleven years the pulpit was filled by
tom of annual thanksgivings; and that we Rev. Hope Brown, who was installed Novem-
will observe a day of thanksgiving and praise ber 11, 1845, and resigned his pastorate in
during the present autumn, which is here- October, 1856.
after to be appointed. " No record is made of Since that time, the following ministers
services held, but in the following year, 1842, have successively served the people as pastors:

Rev. E. Barber, 1856-59; Rev. C. P. Felch. an eager listener by one who grew up within
1859-64; Rev. E. I. Alden, 1864-66; Rev. J. the shadow of its walls, and sat, Sabbath after
C. Beekman, 1866-68; Rev. J. W. Cunning- Sabbath, in its pews, drinking in the blessed
ham, 1868-74; Rev. C. F. Reed, 1874-76; truths which she has since carried across the
Rev. J. W. Hartshorn, 1876-78 and the ; waters to the joy and salvation of many
Rev. J. H. Dixon, from 1879, and who is precious souls.
still, at the present date, pastor. No one can estimate the extent of the work
From the beginning of the organization to which has been done, but the results which
the present time, the society has had, alto- can be plainly seen are enough to encourage
gether,346 members. The present actual its present supporters to put forth the most
membership of the church is ninety- nine earnest efforts in the future. —A. B. Cody.
The present Deacons of the church are EPISCOPAL CHURCH.
Pomeroy Goodrich, one of the original six- The Episcopalians in this village have a
teen members; E. R. Loomis, H. W. Knick- very beautiful house for public worship,
erbacker and C. H. Goodrich. There has which has attracted the attention of the
been a Sabbath school connected with the brethren of surrounding parishes as being a
church from a very early day. The present model in beauty and style. They likewise
Superintendent, H. H. Cody, has filled that have a rectory on an adjoining lot, built in a
position for twenty-two years, having first style correspondiug with the church. The
been elected April 7, 1860. The Sabbath lots on which these buildings stand are or-
school services are held directly after the Sab- namented with shrubs and trees, imparting
bath morning services, and are attended by to the exterior a pleasing effect, to which the
about one hundred persons. The school is interior of the church, in style, completeness
supplied with a fine library, comprising sev- and furniture, fully corresponds.
eral hundred volumes. Mr. Eli Ditzler, the Every organized church or society has a
Librarian, has served in that capacity for history, but every one has not instituted con-
about ten years. There are held two regular tinued and preserved records from which the
Sabbath services, and, during the week, two historian can write it. Not so with this
prayer meetings — the young people's meeting church. Its rectors aud officers have, from
on Tuesday evening, and the regular church time to time, furnished material from which
meeting on Wednesday evening. For fifty the following sketch is taken. The first serv-
years, this beacon light has shed its rays over ice of the Episcopal Church held in this vil-

this people. Its power has been felt not lage was by the Rev. Andrew H. Cornish,
alone within the limits of Du Page County. missionary of Joliette, November 16, 1838.
There are churches in Western States that In the years 1839, 1840 and 1841, Mr. Cor-
owe much to its early influences. In North- nish officiated at irregular intervals. The
ern Dakota, in Southern Texas, in Western Right Rev. Philander Chase, D. D., first
wilds and in Eastern cities, are influences Bishop of Illinois, made his first visitation
working which can be traced directly to this and officiated in public service May 27, 1839.
church. Yes, farther than this have its Previous to this and for several subsequent
teachings been carried, for in far-off Japan years, there being no organization sufficient
the "old, old story" has been told to many to hold church people together, they sought

fellowship and worshiped with those de- ought to have been named St. Mary's Church,
nominations having houses of worship till instead of St. John's Church, of Naperville.
June 4, 1850, when a parochial association During the year 1858, the Rev. T. N. Mor-
was organized by some thirty persons asso- rison, of Aurora, officiated occasionally.
ciating themselves together by the name and During the years 1861 and 1862, Rev. Messrs.
title of the Parish of St. John's Church, Na- Wilkinson and Gilbert, of Joliet, were en-
perville. In accordance with the purpose of gaged to hold service at stated times.
this association, July 22, 1850, a parish or- The Rev. S. T. Allen, of Aurora, held serv
ganization was accomplished. At this meet- ice once every Sunday, from 1861 to 1865, in
ing, the Rev. Daniel Brown, rector of St. houses of worship belonging to other denomi-
John's Church, Lockport, in this diocese, nations or in Mr. Sleight's hall. Mr. Allen
presided^ and Mr. James D. Wright was may be said to be the first rector of St.
chosen Secretary. Messrs. S. P. Sherwood John's Church, of Naperville, and during his
and Charles Earl were elected Wardens, and rectorship the church had prospered to such
Messrs. James F. Wight, Charles J. Sellen an extent as to be troublesome to those de-
and Delcar Sleight, chosen Vestrymen. This nominations which had generously granted to
organization may be considered a kind of churchmen the privilege of holding service in
starting point, though it effected very little the churches belonging to the denominations,
in the establishment of a living church; it consequently they began to estimate the cost

acted as an incentive to more frequent serv- of building a church of their own.

ices than would have been held had it not In 1864, Mr. Sleight presented to the
been made. Meantime, worship was still chureh the lot for the church building, and,
held with other denominations up to the year June 1, of the same year, the corner-stone
1858, except occasionally, when some neigh- was laid by the Right Rev. H. J. Whitehouse,
boring rector or the Bishop of the diocese Bishop of the diocese of Illinois.
visited this place and held service. January 1, 1865, the church was open for
In the year 1858, some church ladies of the first service, the Rev. Mr. Allen officiat-

this village feeling deeply the deprivation of ing, and, April 24, of the same year, the
themode of worship to which they had been church was solemnly consecrated by Bishop
accustomed in their beloved church, visited Whitehouse, assisted by the Revs. S. J. Allen,
Aurora and solicited Rev. V. Spalding, officiat- Clinton Lock, of Chicago, and C. A. Gilbert,
ing rector there, to give the friends of the of Joliet. Mr. Allen closed his labor here
church in this village service at stated times. by resignation. He was highly esteemed
Mr. Spalding consented, and continued to do and beloved by the members of the parish,
so until he left Aurora, and here it should and zealously aided and encouraged them in
not be omitted that the ladies in this church, the building oE the church, and he possessed
from its first organization, have been most the business talent necessary to insure suc-
zealous and efficient workers. Without their cess. The consecration service was the last

aid," the church and rectory could not have service in which he participated in this vil-

been built, at least so soon, and the church lage, and the members of the parish parted
could not have prospered at it has. For this with him with sincere regret.
reason, one of the rectors who has had charge June 14, 1865, an invitation was extended
of this parish, remarked that the church to the Rev. J. H. Knowles to take charge of
the parish, which he accepted. Under his not only contributed largely toward building
charge, the church continued to prosper. the church, and when the building and its

April 17, 1867, Mrs. D. Sleight presented to surroundings were complete, paid the last
the church a deed of the lot adjoining, on few hundred dollars yet due, and, through
which to erect a rectory. June 23, Mr. her generosity, the church was out of debt.
Knowles tendered his resignation, which was This made the amount paid into the building
accepted with regret. fund by Miss Gibbs, $868. Miss Gibbs had
November 17, 1867, Eev. J. T. Chambers frequently expressed a desire to live to see a
received a call to the rectorship, which he church of her own faith built in Naperville.
accepted, and held his first service on the She watched the progress of the building to-
twenty-second Sunday after Trinity. During ward completion with great interest, and
his rectorship, the rectory was built, and oc- finally enjoyed the satisfaction of witnessing
cupied by the rector August 29, 1870. May the consecration of the church by her be-
31, 1872, Mr. Chambers resigned. He was a loved and now departed Bishop. Soon after,

hard worker in the vineyard and a good man. this Miss Gibbs was called to her final rest.

August 14, Rev. James Cornell was called The number of baptisms in the church rec-
to the roctorship, and served as rector one ord is 150; confirmations, 78; present com-
year and seven months, when he resigned. municants, 92; burials, 46; marriages, 19.
Mr. Cornell was succeeded by the Rev. Wal- The cost of the rectory as first built was
ter F. Lloyd, who commenced his duties as $3,000; the cost of the addition, $2,200; the
rector May 3, 1874, and resigned May 20, cost of the rectory, $2,500. Selinus M. Skin-
1875. nek.
July 1, 1876, Rev.William Allen Fisk, temperance work.
having accepted of a call, entered upon his The and the death or re-
loss of records

duties as rector, it being the third Sunday moval from the place of those engaged in the
after Trinity. During his rectorship, the early temperance work in Naperville make it
church was enlarged so as to nearly double impossible to give more than a very general
its seating capacity. Work was commenced outline of that work.
on the enlargement of the church in June, The first temperance organization, so- far

1878. It was finished and re-opened with as we have been able to was known as

solemn service by the Bishop of the diocese, "The Sons of Temperance." was formed

on the 26th of November, 1878. Mr. Fisk some time during the fall of 1850. For sev-
resigned on the 1st of November, 1880, and eral years it prospered greatly. At one time
was succeeded by the present rector, Rev. it numbered over three hundred members,

Martin V. Averill, who accepted of a call and and included among the number every promi-
officiated the first time July 31, 1881. nent business and professional man of the ^
The church is out of debt, and the present town.
rector is highly esteemed by his parishion- The Daughters Temperance also had a
ers. lodge, organized about the same time, and
No history of this church would do justice published for some time a weekly paper de-
which did not speak of Miss Alethea Gibbs, voted to the interests of the order. Who
who may properly be called the Patron Saint the first officers of these two organizations
of St. John's Church of Naperville. She were, how long they flourished, how lasting
the effects of their labors, and what was the until his death,March 3, 1879. Mr. S. W.
cause of their decay, we have been unable to Smith was elected to succeed him, and held
discover. The Good Templars were the next |
the office until March 9, 1880, when he re-
to take up the work in the temperance cause. tired in favor of D. B. Givler. June 26,
The lodge was first organized some time 1880, the club adjourned for the summer,
diu'ing the war of the rebellion, the exact and, notwithstanding some well-directed ef-
date we have been unable to learn. Their forts at resuscitation, it has never been re-
lodge has been in existence for nearly twenty vived. The club held weekly meetings for
years, and has had a checkered experience; !
more than two years, and at one time had
seasons of great prosperity have been followed 710 members. The effects of its work have

by long periods of rest, during which its life been lasting. September 13, 1881, the Na-
seemed extinct, but after a time it would re- perville Temperance Alliance was organized,
vive and again prosper. March 31, 1873, Prof. H. H. Rassweiler being its first Presi-
this lodge suspended, and no meetings were ! dent, and A. B. Cody, its Secretary. The
again held until March 1, 1878, when J. Q. object of the Alliance was
combine for to
Detwile re-organized it, with C. Kendig, Fred united action all other temperance bodies of
Long, David Frost, W. M. Hillegas, George the place. It has a woman's section, a chil-
Porter. J. K. Lutz and several others as char- dren's sections and a voter's section, and is
ter members. Regular weekly meetings were to be a branch of a county organization of
held by the lodge from this re-organization the same general plan, which in turn is to
until recently, when, owing to lack of inter- ! be an auxilliary of a State association. The
est, it suspended active work, and is now en- Alliance has held monthly meetings since its
joying a season of rest. Dr. Ross, a lecturer organization, and, at the municipal elec-
of some repute, delivered a series of lectures I tion, in May, 1882, secured sixty-nine votes
on temperance during the winter of 1872-73, ! for its ticket, which was run on a prohibition
and organized what was then called a Tem- platform. — H. H. Goodrich.
perance Alliance. The work of this organi-
zation consisted in securing signers to its METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHDRCH.
pledge by personal solicitation. Its exist- As early as 1835, a Methodist Circuit,
ence, however, did not exceed two years, and where stated preaching was held as often as
the effect ofits work is not now apparent. once a month at appointed places, was formed,
The Blue Ribbon Club was one of the including the whole of Du Page County as
strongest organizations ever formed in Na- now located. Rev. Wilder B. Mark was Pre-
perville. About the 1st of December, 1878, siding Elder. The next year. Rev. John
Liberty Jones, a disciple of Francis Murphy, Clark succeeded him. Preaching was now
_ commenced to labor in Naperville. His sustained at Naperville, at intervals of two
efforts, however, were but poorly repaid for weeks, till 1847, where a church was built on
some time. He finally succeeded, however, land donated to the society by Morris Sleight.
in interesting in his work Hiram S. Cody, a I Rev. O. Lyman was first pastor, who was suc-
talented young lawyer of Naperville, and the ceeded by Rev. Hope Brown, who remained
two together succeeded in organizing a club, with them till 1856, when he was succeeded
about January 1, 1879. Mr Cody was its first i by Rev. E. Barber. In 1857, the church
President, and continued to hold the office

membership was sixty-two.


BAPTIST CHURCH. was the next whose term lasted but

In 1843, there being a few Baptists at this eight months. The church was now in the
place, Rev. Morgan Edwards made an effort zenith of her prosperity. Their Sabbath
to organize a church of that
which was faith, school numbered about fifty scholars. They
crowned with success. A society was formed, had enlarged and beautified their church, and
and, though their numbers were small, they ornamented it with a belfry, in which a bell
began to build a house for worship on some —
was hung the first that ever tolled the tid-
lots of ground of which they had not yet ob- ings of the Gospel in "these valleys and
tained a deed. But before they had proceed-
ed far in their work, a personal difficulty The doctrines of Spiritualism now subtly
arose between the owner of the lots aDd one crept into the church. Some members with-
of the members of the new church to be drew, and held spiritual services elsewhere;
erected on them, and he refused to give the others dropped out silently as a flake of snow
expected deed. Meanwhile, the foundation falls from heaven. But still the main body
had been partly laid, and the work in a good of the society held on and carried the burden,
state of progress . The bui lders now proposed with exemplary resolution, till all but a very
to remove their materials already on the few had "stood from under."
ground to another locality, but the captious Rev. George B. Simenson and Rev. E. W.
lot owner forbade. Hicks were the two last regular pastors, both of
This, eccentric conduct on his part de- whom were estimable men, but causes beyond
manded prompt action on the part of the so- their control had contributed to reduce the
ciety, and they, with the assistance of some church in numbers. Students and temporary
worthy citizens who made common cause supplies have preached to their congregation
with them (despite threats of violence), trans- from time to time since, till the winter of
planted the foundation stone and other ma- 1879, since which time the bell has hung in
terials on the ground to a lot which Lewis silence on its pivots, and the path to the
Ellsworth donated to the society, and here church door has been overgrown with green
the church was erected and nearly finished grasses.
the next year. The Congregational society GERMAN EVANGELICAL CHURCH.
occupied it on each alternate Sabbath for a This is one of the largest and oldest con-
few months, Rev. R. B. Ashley, their first gregations of the Evangelical association in
pastor, preaching on the day unoccupied by the State of Illinois. The first two families
the Congregationalists. He was their pastor of this society emigrated from Pennsylvania
till 1846, and during his term the church in- and settled in Naperville in the
to Illinois,
creased in numbers from nine members at year 1836. They were those of Conrad
itscommencement to thirty-six. Rev. Allen Gross, the father of Daniel Gross, a promi-
Glos became their next pastor, remaining ! nent resident of Naperville now, and Jacob
with them till July, 1848, at the expiration Sohnaebli, of whose family there are also
of whose term the church numbered fifty six representatives living in this county. In
members. Rev. S. Tucker, D. D., succeeding 1837. another group of four families, those
him, held the charge till October, 1S55, when I of Martin Escher, the father of George Esch-
he left the church, which now numbered er, John Rehm, who is still living in Naper-
ninety six members. Rev. Ira E. Kenney :

ville, Adam Knopp and George Strubler,


whose sons are now leading citizens of Na- this and other societies that had now been or-
perville and vicinity, followed, when the first ganized.
class was organized, by the Rev. Jacob Boos. In 1844, there was a remarkably large in-
The meetings were held in the houses of Con- crease of this society of Pennsylvania Ger-
rad Gross and John Rehin. In connection mans from Pennsylvania. On the 1st of May,
with this, there was another class organized there arrived fourteeD families, among whom
at Desplaines, in Cook County, which consti- were those of David Brown, father of Martin
tuted the first two Evangelical preaching Brown, now a prominent merchant and es-
places in the State of Illinois. In 1838, sev- teemed citizen of Naperville, of Adam Hart-
eral other families arrived from Pennsylvania, man, Joseph Bessler and Benjamin Frahlick.
and the Rev. Jacob Boos was succeeded by Two weeks after, sixteen additional families
Rev. Einsel, who organized a class in Chicago arrived, among whom were those of Sam
and preached in German in the City Hotel, Rickert, Sam Tobias and Benjamin Hassler
where the present Sherman House stands. and thirteen others, all of whom settled in
In Naperville ser/ices were still held in and near Naperville. The little frame church
private houses and partly in the schoolhouse, now becoming too small, was enlarged by an
on Scott's Hill. In 1839, the Revs. Stroh addition, in 1845, so as to accommodate the
and Lintner were in charge of the now con- faithful worshipers.
siderably increased congregation, who resid- During the next thirteen years, many other
ed in Naperville and in the surrounding families followed their friends to the ".beauti-
country, on their farins, which studded the ful West " from Pennsylvania and Germany,
most beautiful prairies in Northern Illinois. and the society increased numerically to such
The meetings were still held in private an extent that even the.enlarged frame church
houses and in the above-named schoolhouse. became again too small; hence, the energetic

In 1840, four more families arrived Schroei- Rev. C. Augenstein and the zealous and elo-
gert,Youngheim, Bishop and Garlach. Up Sam Baumgaertner,
quent Presiding Elder,
to this time, all the families were induced the now numerous and prosperous
Germans, except the last three named, who congregation to build the present substantial
were Pennsylvanians. This accession added and commodious brick church, at a cost of
materially to the strength of the society, so about 16,000.
that the private houses and schoolhouse be- During the winter of 1858-59, while the
came accommodate the attendants
too small to meetings were yet held in the incompleted
at the public services. This induced the new church, the society enjoyed a glorious
Revs. Hoffert and Kern to commence the revival, under the labors of Rev. Sam Dick-
erection of the small frame church in the over, assisted by Rev. G. Kleinknecht, when
western part of Naperville (now occupied by many were converted and added to the
the German Lutheran congregation of this church, who are still useful members of the
place) in 1840. This comfortable meeting- same.
house, as it was then regarded, was completed From that time to the present, the society
in 1841, to the great joy of the earnest and has enjoyed several marked revivals, as under
devoted membership. The Presiding Elder, the ministry of the Revs. William Goessele
Father Zinser, who recently died at an ad- and Henry Rohland.
vancer! age, added much to the prosperity of In the year 1870. by the removal of the
Northwestern College to Naperville, the so- NAPERVILLE PRESS.
ciety gained several families from the Ger- The newspapers of Naperville have been
man members of the college faculty and valu- published under circumstances adverse to
able working force in the students and teach- success. The earlier inhabitants of the vil-
ers, especially in the Sabbath school, so that lage and immediate vicinity, being largely
the latter had for several years about four composed of Germans, were not interested in
hundred members. With the opening of the the success of an English paper for the rea-
college, in the fall of 1850, an English con- son that they could read it with difficulty and
gregation was organized in the college understood less than they could read. Their
chapel, which has drawn largely on the mem- denominational paper was the source from
bership of the parent society. But while the which they gleaned all the news they desired
members of the mother church have been to hear pertaining to this world or that to
somewhat diminished in numbers, the daugh- come. The pioneer custom of exchanging
ter has remarkably prospered, so that her commodities of varioiis kinds was practical to
membership, up to date (1882), is about two an extent that took in the local newspaper, so
hundred. that one copy would go the rounds of an en-
During the revival under the Rev. H. Roh- tire school district, doing a great deal of good
land, in membership rose to over
1877, the to all readers, but impoverishing the pub-
four hundred, but through the death of aged lisher. Notwithstanding this custom has be-
members, removals, and through the division come nearly obsolete, cases occur even in this
of the Sabbath schools and the passing over to advanced day of civilization, independence
the English congregation of those who prefer and prosperity. Then, again, being so near
to worship in English, the membership of the city of Chicago, the newspapers of Na-
the German and parent church has been perville, as well as those of other suburban
somewhat diminished, while, however, in towns, have been compelled to eke out an
reality, the Evangelical Church membership existence in the shadow of the metropolitan
in Naperville, as a whole, has gained materi- press, circumscribing their patronage, belit-

ally, numbering in all about 550. tleing their importance and reducing their
The German congregation to which this source of revenue to a very limited circle.

sketch is dovoted is in a prosperous condition, The failures of earlier years may have been
and is at present under the faithful pastorate partially the result of a lack of business tact
of the Rev. J. G. Kleinknecht; but it has in on the part of publishers, but undoubtebly
its ranks a large number of veterans of the the foregoing were the chief causes that re-
cross. A few years more will remove most sulted in so many wrecks.
of them from the church militant to the In December, 1849, Charles J. Sellen is
church triumphant, but those who will pass '

sued the first paper published in Naperville,

away and those that remain have the pleasure ! or in the county, called the Du Paqe County
to know that their church, as one of the old- ! Recorder, and for nine months it had a flour-
est and largest, has, for many years, been a j
ishing existence. The name was
blessing to a large portion of the inhabitants changed Democratic Plaindealer, and,
to the

of Du Page County by preaching and prac- in connection therewith, a small weekly sheet,
ticing the true religion of Jesus Christ. — F. I called the Daughter af Temperance, both of
W. Weidner. '

which soon followed in the wake of their


predecessors, and were numbered with things under the management of R. K. Potter, Jr.,
past. who, in February, 1868, sold the outfit to D.
The printing material, however, remained B. Givler.
in the village, and, in January, 1851, the Du Mr. Givler, shortly after taking charge of
Page County Observer appeared under the the paper, changed its name from the Du

management of Barnes, Humphrey & Keith. Page County Press to the Naperville Clarion,
But, notwithstanding the paper met the de- so that the town inwhich it was established
mand of that early day, the former failures would be represented in the title. In the
had so weakened the confidence of the people course of time the old type was exchanged
in the enterprise that the subscription list for new; the hand-press gave way to the cyl-
never grew to paying proportions. In April, inder; improved jobbers were purchased, and
1852, Mr. Gershom Matin purchased Mr. the entire apparatus of the original office

Humphrey's interest in the paper, and con- supplanted by new and improved material, so
tinued it two years longer, in connection that now it is safe to say there are few su-
with Barnes & Keith, when it, too, perma- perior printing offices in any suburban town
nently suspended publication. in this State. The Clarion is in every way
With increased facilities, the Du Page worthy of liberal support, the length of time
County Journal was started, in the fall of it has been successfully published being an

1854, by Mr. Charles W. Keith, and was a assurance of its permanency and a fixed in-
marked improvement on all that had gone stitution of the town. —D. B. Givler.
before. changed hands rapidly, however,
from C. W. Keith to Keith, Edson & Co., NAPERVILLE SCHOOLS.
from that firm to J. M. Edson, and then to The first school ever taught here was in
E. M. Day, under whose proprietorship the the autumn of 1831, Leister Peet being teach-
Journal office, press, paper, type, materials, er, and probably every child in the settle-
furniture and all appurtenances and heredita- ment, which then comprised also the Scott
ments thereunto belonging were swept down settlement at the fork, were the pupils —
the Du Page River by the freshet of Febru- twenty-two in number, full details of which
ary, 1857. Portions of the wood type, cases have already been given in preceding pages.
and wooden furniture were carried scores of The Sauk war broke up this school, but
miles on the cakes of ice and picked up by after the return of the settlers from their
astonished citizens wbo went to see the river temporary absence on account of the war,
on a rampage. was decidedly the most
It Mrs. Hines and Mr. Hiram Standish both
disastrous "pi" that ever occurred in any taught in the same old log schoolhouse, built
printing office in Du Page County. before the war on a rise of ground, about
The News Letter, published by E. H. Eyer, thirty rods west of Naper's log store. R.
came into existence shortly after the Journal N. Murray says he graduated at this school.
ceased to appear, but it, too, was destined to By the year 1835, the settlement had attained
failure after a prief career. proportions sufficient to warrant the erection
Next in order came the Sentinel, published of a permanent frame building for school
by D. B. Birdsall. Its existence terminated purposes, and Joseph Naper circulated a sub-
some time during the year 1862, and was scription paper to raise the means to pay for
succeeded, in August, 1863, by the P7-ess, it. Settlers had abundance of everything
but money, but this was wanting in sufficient music, drawing and painting. The attend-
quantities to bring the enterprise to a suc- ance was good, and the progress of the pupils
cessful result,and in this emergency some of all that could be desired. Up to 1863, this
the friends of the scheme contributed labor academy, together with the public schools
or materials which was just as good as money, and a select school, in which the higher
for in those days when a public improvement branches were taught by Miss S. B. Skinner,
was to be made, there was no private pecu- fully answered the requirements of the place.
lation or friction or any subtle methods of But now the time had come when a public
depleting the public treasury out of special graded school was a necessity as an advance
funds for special objects. system of education within the means of every
Col. Warren informs the writer that he I one who felt ambitious to pursue the higher
was then hauling salt from Chicago, and, the ! branches of English education. No general
subscription paper being presented to him, law of the State had yet been passed for the
on his arrival with a load of it, he rolled off organization of graded schools, which made
a barrel as his contribution to the desired ob- it necessary to get a charter for one ere it

ject. Its value was then $6. The building could get due proportion of the public

was erected the next year, 1836, and was put i

funds for its support. In 1863, Messrs. Val-
toimmediate use; not for a school only, but lette and Cody and R. N. Miu-ray drew up
the early Gospel was dispensed from the ros- the required instrument which was sent to the
trum in it designed for the pedagogue, and Legislature of the State, and received its le-
it was, moreover, honored with judicial er- galized authority to act. The incorporate
mine, for here the Circuit Court held two or |
act was known by the following style: The
three sessions. Its location was near the i
Directors of the Naperville Graded School.
present Congregational Church. \
The school district had already bought the
For some cause not known to the writer, academy building, which had been erected in
this schoolhouse was sold by the district, and 1851. J. L. Nichols was Principal in 1881

the school had to depend on such rooms as [

-82, and W. Knickerbocker, C. Wise and Peter
were available in which to hold their ses- Thompson, Directors. Mr. Knickerbocker
sions. This unsystematic way of conducting was succeeded, July 3, by Casper L. Dilley.
them was neither creditable to the educational Mr. Nichols having resigned for a professor-
enterprise of the town, nor profitable to the ship in the Northwestern College, his place
scholars, but ample amends in due time were was supplied, in 1882, by Levi M. Umbach.
made for this, what might, with no misnomer, The Principal, with four assistant teachers,
be called a hiatus in Naperville schools, by gives instruction in botany, history, Latin,
erecting an academy building, which was in- philosophy, geometry, algebra, physiology,
corporated in 1851, where the higher branches chemistry, civil government and the usual fun-
of science were taught by competent teachers. damental branches taught in normal schools.
Mr. N. F. Atkins was its first preceptor, who The school justifies the expectations of the
was succeeded the next year by C. W. Rich- parents and pupils, and is a model worthy of

mond, from the academy at Great Barrington, imitation. 302 pupils from a cen-
It enrolls
Mass. Besides common branches of educa- sus enrollment of 572 children and youths in
tion, the classical course of the best Eastern its district, which is No 7 in Naperville

academies were taught here, including, also, Township.


FIRE DEPARTMENT. Secretaries —

W. Scott, Jr.; M. Weisman-
The Village Council, after the fire in July, tel, two terms; B. Beidelman, two terms; C.
1874, deemed it expedient to organize a fire Bast, three terms.
department, and, in September, 1874, ordered Treasurers —Reuss, six terms; X. Krey-
the purchase of a hand-engine, hose cart and deD, two terms.
hose. The committee purchased one Dutton Company No. 1 was organ-
Naperville Hose
No. 3 hand-engine, one hose-cart and 700 ized September 17, 1874. Number of men
feet oftwo and a half inch rubber hose. allowed, 20; average number of men in com-
Companies were organized to run and man- pany, 18. Officers of said company were as
age the same. On the 2d day of January, follows:
1875, the Council passed an ordinance to Foremen — A. McS. S. Riddler, four terms;
govern the fire department, and purchased a Peter Babst, Hoi Seiber; Martin Becker, two
hook and ladder truck, with twenty- four pails, terms; Henry Seiber, Albert Yost.
in September, 1875, and 300 feet more hose. Assistant —
Foremen Peter Nicholas, Peter
Total cost of apparatus, §2,800; fixing build- Babst, Hoi Seiber, Samuel Ney, Martin
ing to store apparatus, $300; expenses for Becker, S. S. Strouse, Charles Naper, George
repairs and running the department, from Ehrhardt, B. J. Slick.
September, 1874, to July, 1882, about $550; Secretaries — O. J. Wright. C. D. Kendig,
amount of property saved
by reason of organ- S. S. Strouse, A. McS. S. Riddler.
ized fire department during that time about Treasurers — George Potter, Albert Yost,
$20,000. Hoi Seiber.
The following- named citizens have served Rescue Hook and Ladder Company No. 1
as Fire Marshal and assistant: was organized on the 29th day of September,
Marshals—Willard Scott, Jr., two terms; 1875. Number of men allowed, 20; average
B. B. Boecker, one and a half terms; J. J. \
number of men in company, 17. Officered as
Hunt, two terms; A. McS. S. Riddler, two follows:
terms. Foremen — William Naper, two terms; V.
Assistant Marshals — B. B. Boecker, three A. Dieter, T. W. Saylor, Charles Boettger,
terms; A. McS. S. Riddler, M. Weismantel, Edward Stover, three terms.
M B. Hasler, J. Egermann. Assistant Foreman — V. A. Dieter, two
The Joe Naper Engine Company No. 1 terms; T. W. Saylor, Charles Boettger, Ed-
was organized September 17, 1874. Number ward Stover, William P. Wright three

of men allowed, 80; number of men in com- terms.

pany (average), 35. Secretaries — J. H. Alexander, two terms:
Foreman —Daniel Grarst; J. Egermann, !
J. H Chew, M. D., three terms; T. W. Say-
two terms M. Weismantel, two terms
lor, Eli H. Ditzler, W. W. Wickel.
Xavier Kreyder, two terms; Jacob Heim, two

Treasurer —M. B. Hastier, eight terms.

terms. A new company called the Joe Naper
Assistant Foremen — Nicholas Yack, five
Engine Company was organized in Maj-
terms; Alois Schwartz; Joseph Yender, two or June, 1881, and discharged in May,
terms. 1882. John Ehrhardt, Foreman; John P.
Second Assistant Foremen R. W. Shel- — [
Stroheckei-, Assistant Foreman. A. McS. S. —
don, Sebastian Baun, seven terms. Riddler.
THE NAPEBVILLE GUARDS. time its meetings have been held once a week.
A company was organized
of State militia Its present officers are: Fred Fochs, O. M.
at Naperville August 15, 1877, under the Adam Armbruster, U. M. ; Otto Siber, Schm;
general military law of the State. Samuel John Oestereich, Schr.
W. Smith and William J. Laird, by direction Naperville Lodge, No. 81, I. O. O. B\—
of H. H. Hilliard, Adjutant General of the Was organized October 17, 1851. The names
State, took the initiatory steps to form the of the charter members were James D.
company out of the abundant material at Wright, A. S. Sabin, William C. Mcintosh,

hand the stalwart young men of Naper- Sol W. Sonendecker, S.O. Vaughn. It has
ville. been in successful operation ever since to the
Mr. Smith was its Captain; Willard Scott, present time, meeting once a week, except for
Jr., First Lieutenant, and William J. Laird, about three years during the war, at which
Second Lieutenant. Subsequently, Messrs. time the greater portion of the members were
Smith and Scott having resigned, a new elec- in the field. Since peace was restored, the
tion was held, June 2(3, 1S78, when William lodge resumed its meetings, which are now
J. Laird was elected Captain; E. Ingals, regularly held. Present officers : John Frost,
First Lieutenant, and William P. Combs, N. G. ;
Charles Hunt, V. G.; A. McKillips,
Second Lieutenant. Mi-. Ingals next having R. S. ; D. Strubler, Treasurer; W. Marvin,
resigned, Mr. Combs was promoted to the P. S.
office of First Lieutenant, and Charles F. Euclid Chapter of Royal Arch Masons, No.
Higgins from Sergeant to Second Lieutenant 13, was chartered October 3, 1851. The names
early in 1880. The succeeding July he died, of the charter members were Aylmer Keith,
much regretted by the members of the com- H. P. ; John Eddy, K. Harry T. Wilson,

pany to which he belonged, and mourned by Scribe. Present H. P. : J. J. Hunt.

his many personal friends and relatives. Euclid Lodge, No. 65, A., F. & A. M., was
Sergt. George Ehrhardt was then promoted organized October 2, A. D. 1849, under the
to fill his place, but was discharged, June 22, dispensation of the Most Worshipful Master
1882. ' The company now numbers sixty- William Lavely, Grand Master of the Most
nine men, all muscular and young, well armed Honorable Society of Free and Accepted
with breech-loaders, peaceable as citizens, Masons in the State of Illinois. Charter
but formidable as foes whenever the State members: Lewis Ellsworth, John Kimball,
demands their service. They drill four times Nathan Loring, C. C. Barns. Officers: Ayl-
a year, preserving good order and good dis- mer Keith, W. M.; Joseph Naper, Senior
cipline, as reported by the Adjutant Inspector Warden; Nathan Allen, Junior Warden.
of the State. Attested: William Mitchell, Grand Secre-
80CIETIES. tary; W. Grand Master; T. C. Ket-
Guttenburg Lodge, No. 331, I. O. O, F.— cham, S. G. W. C. Tobbe, J. G. W.
W. ;

Was organized at Naperville October 9. 1866. Present officers: J. B. Frost, W. M. S. A. ;

Charter members : Charles Schultz, Martin Ballou, Senior Warden; W. W. Wickel, Jun-
Stranbe, Daniel Garst, Joseph Eggerman, ior Warden; J. J. Hunt, Senior Deacon; J.
Charles Boetiger, Jacob Hein, Xavier Kreyter, Solfisberg, Junior Deacon; J. Horn, Treas-
Simeon Schupp. The lodge had forty mem- urer; C. P. Dorn, Secretary; S. Balliman,
bers at the end of its first year, since which Tiler.

BANKING. of the river. It was first worked by George

Willard Scott, Sr., and his son Thaddeus Martin, but is now worked by Joseph Sals-

opened a banking and exchange office, in con- bury. The stone has been tested as to ex-
nection with their general store, in 1854, posure to frost and atmospheric changes, and
and continued in said business until 1866. found be equal in durability, if not super-

Thaddeus died in 1866, and W. Scott, Sr., ior, any in the country. It is soft when
retired for a short time. Willard Scott Jr., quarried and hardens by exposure. The an-
carried on the business with C. M. Castle nual production of the quarry is from five to
from 1866 to 1870. Then Willard Scott, six hundred cords per annum.
Sr. , again assumed the bauking and exchange
office(which was removed to another building BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL REGISTER.

and entirely disconnected from the store) Agricultural implement dealers W. H. —

with C. M. Castle until October 1, 1872. Hillegas & Co.. J. J. Hunt, Andrew Ory, D.
Then A. McS. S. Eiddler was associated with B. Hartronft.
him as Cashier until October 1, 1873, when Attorneys —Hiram H. Cody, John H. Bat-
Mr. Jonathan Royce entered the hrm, and ton, Jr., M. C. Dudley, H. H. Goodrich,
retired October 1, 1875, since which time Mr. John Haight.
Scott has continued in the business until the Bankers— Willard Scott & Co.

present time, with A. McS. S. Riddler as Bakers — Joseph Bapst, C. A. Nadelhafer.

Cashier. During all these years they have Barbers William — McCauly, George
had the confidence of the people, and not an Knoch, Wert Bros., Andrew Kreyder.
obligation has been presented that was not —
Blacksmiths Bauer Bros.. Charles Hunt,
paid promptly, nor have they ever had a Abraham Hartronft, Heim & Stoner, Norman
check or draft protested. Lent, Richard Swartz, Strausz & Getsch,
Daniel Strubler, J. F. Stroheker, David
The Naperville Drain- Tile and Brick Fac- Brewers— John Stenger.
tory was established in 1871 by George Mar- Butchers — William Hartronft, L. Halber-
tin. It started with two hand machines, stadt, Becker & McCain.
there being but little demand for tile at that Boot and shoe dealers — Collins & Durran,
time. Its utility has since been sufficiently W. R. Steward.
demonstrated and the demand for it has war- Butter and cheese —Naperville has two
ranted the introduction of machinery pro- butter and cheese factories. The oldest one
pelled by steam power to supply the increas- isrun by Mr. George H. Hunt. He came to
ing orders which come in for from the
it Naperville in 1877, and made butter and
country all around. -Two steam tile and cheese in Mr. John Stenger's building, from
brick machines are now kept running, with a 1877 to 1880; then he bought the grounds
capacity of producing from eight to ten and put up the factory he is now occupying.
thousand linear feet of tile per day, varying In 1881, he paid to his patrons about $50,000
in diameter from eight to fifteen inches. The for milk, averaging $1.18 per 100 pounds.
style of the firm is now Martin & Vanoven. The other butter and cheese factory is carried
A quarry of magnesian limestone crops on in Mr. John Stenger's building, by Messrs.
out to the surface on the southwestern bank i
Eggerman & Bauer. They started October
1, 1881, and receive about 6,000 pounds of Justices of the Peace —David B. Givler,
milk now per day. W. R. Steward, J. Haight, E. Musselman.
City Officers —President, Peter Thompson; Livery stable keepers — B. F. Russell,
Trustees., Valentine A. Dieter, Michael George Strubler.
Schwartz, H. J. Diirran, Louis Reiche; Lumber dealers —E. F. Hartronft, Michael
Treasurer, Oliver Stutenroth; Clerk, S. M. Schwartz.
Skinner; City Marshal, William J. Laird; —
Marble works Charles H. Kayler.
Police Magistrate, David B. Givler; City Merchant tailors —
Theodore German,
Weigher, Philip Beckman. George Reuss.
Carriage-makers F. A. — Saylor, Joseph Milliners— Mrs. Butler, Mrs. Strebel, Mrs.
Hildenbrandt, William Shimp. Scott, Mrs. Blake.
Carpenters —Alfred Shafer, Mathias Stev- Newspaper —Naperville Clarion, David B.
ens, Levi S. Shafer (proprietor of pianing- Givler, proprietor.
mill). Notaries public —John H. Batten, Jr., M.

Carpet weavers — Nicholaus Fons, Jacob C. Dudley, Jasper L. Dille, Arthur Cody,
Stroheker, John Fuss. H. H. Goodrich, J. J. Hunt, J. M. Vallette.
Cigar makers and dealers Hiram Ebright,— Nursery proprietors — Lewis Ellsworth,
Henry Obermeyer, John Schloessler, Kline & Ernst Von Oven.
Bard, Charles Schulz. Painters — Walter Good, Fred Miller, Mar-
County Judge — Robert N. Murray. tin Straube.
Dentists —C. P. Dorn, L. Eberhardt. Photographers — A. C. Kendig, L. Luplau.
Druggists—H. C. Daniels, M. B. Powell, Physicians— Bell & Nauman, H. C. Dan
Strayer, Wickel & Co. iels, M. R. Cullison, A. L. Freund, T. J.
Furniture dealers — Chas. Bapst,
F. Long. Sprague, S. S. Stayer.

General stores —Martin

Brown, Ditzler & Postmaster — Philip Strubler.
Hosier, H. H. Peasly, Willard Scott & Co. Real estate agent —A. McS. S. Riddler.
Gents' furnishing goods Fred Kaylor. — Restaurants — Ed Clemens, T. W. Saylor.

Grocers Joseph Bapst, Valentine Dieter, Saloon —-Adam Conrad,
keepers Thomas
Saul Drissler, John Drissler, John Marlin, Costello, J. Eggerman, Fred Fuchs, Jacob
David Frost, Win. Latshaw, Mrs. Linderman. Keller, Samuel Kreyder, John Ruchty, Xavier
Grain and coal dealers B. B. Boecker, — Swein, O. A. Siebert, John Krieger.
Elias Musselman. Shoemakers —
John Congrave, Xavier

Hardware dealers J. J. Hunt, W. H. Compte, George Ehrhardt & Bro., John
Hillegas & Co., John Pfister, Sherer & Yost. Ehrhardt & Co., George Friess, Martin, Fest,

Harness-makers John Herbert, R. H. Martin Scherff, Jacob Zimmerman.
Wagner, Philip Beckman (dealer in hides Stone Quarries — Jacob Solfisberg, Mel-
and leather). chior Braun, Harry Norbury.

Hotels American House, B. F. Russell, Tile and brick works — Martin & Von Oven.
proprietor; Pre-emption House, Jefferson Toys and notions — Mrs. Lindeman.
Bush, proprietor; Washington House, Jacob Undertakers — Charles Bapst, Fred Long,
Keller, proprietor. Philip Orcutt.
Jewelers — M. Weismantel, Collins & Dur- Wagon-makers — A. Armbruster, Ferdinand



AS early as 1834, as the

crept along the fringe of the groves that
autumn hunter Thanksgiving turkey? Yes,
Deacon Pomeroy Goodrich's, and hadn't he a
why not! It's

grew in patches on the east side of the East right amoug other Yankee notions he brought
Branch of the Du Page River, just above from New Hampshire to bring the institution
the fork, if of a contemplative mind, he of Thanksgiving with him ? And who could
could hardly help forgetting his search for do it with more dignity than a deacon? Besides,
game to gaze on and admire the scene. An it was a kind of a relief to throw off the

even surface, graduating upward from the deacon at least once in a while, and have a
stream, unbroken except in a few places by a good jovial time, and anybody who knew
spring of living water or the channel of a Deacon Goodrich knew that he could put it on
rivulet, dry, alluvial and fertile. Here were again at a minute's notice if it was necessary to
patches of oak, hicko^, black walnut and appl}- the brakes to those within his moral at-

other trees unscarred by the woodman's axe, mosphere at least by example. He kept up this
and here was a wealth in the soil waiting the anniversary as the years rolled along, and kin-
touch of the plow to yield "thirty, sixty or an dred neighbors partook in his hospitalities. He
hundred fold." planted the institutions of New England here
All this had been abandoned by a people first, and in his labor he was soon reinforced
who knew not how to utilize it, and here it lay by detachment after detachment from the
spread out before the first one who chose to parent stem, among whom was Henry Good-
take it for a consideration so small that it rich, his brother. But before we proceed
might be counted as nothing. He passes on farther in this direction, let us first return to
the squirrels are busy at their nut harvest, the the actual settler who drove the first stake into
wild ducks probe the bottom of the river with the soil of what is now Lisle, whose name was
their flat bills, the prairie chickens whirl past Bailey Hobson.
him through the air, the sand-hill cranes are This intrepid pioneer, in May, 1830, left his

seen in flocks at a long distance, aud the deer home in Orange County, Ind., on horseback,
startle from the thickets of hazel brush before bound for the prairie country in Illinois, of
his approach. Far beyond all these he sees a which he had heard reports. He wended his
new sight as he pursues his trackless way. way through the forest path in an almost west-
There is a log cabin, men and women, children erly course, till Fort Clark was reached, the

hop-skipping around as if a section of New original French name of which was Opa. It
England had been cut out and planted here as is now Peoria. At the time of Mr. Hobson's
an experiment to see if it would grow. He arrival at the place, it was a county seat, where
approaches nearer and he hears the convivial courts were held. From thence he bent his
shouts of the youngsters as they chase each course northeastwardly to Halderman's Grove,
other around. Surfeited with — with — with where a small settlement had been begun. Next,

after taking a look at the Fox River country, but not without a strain of muscle that

he turned away from it, and made a claim a would have overtaxed the powers even of the
few miles from the village of the Pottawato- average pioneer, with all his hardihood. At
mies, which would be south of the present site home was noth-
again, but not to rest, for there
of Aurora. He then returned to his home by ing there to winter on but some dry corn, and
the way he had come, reaching his destination a scant}* supply of that. In this emergency,
early in July. He had passed many nights in he again started, through the deep snows, for
his blanket on the ground, his faithful horse the pork he had bought, taking Mr. Stewart
hobbled and turned out to browse; but this with him. Before leaving, a good supply of
was mere pastime to the trials in store for him. fuel was provided and brought into the house.
On the 1st of September following, everything This done, the two men took their departure.
was in readiness, and he started with his family Two days after they had left, another snow-
for the prairie home that he had laid claim to. storm came, more terrific than the first. The
His means of travel was an ox team hitched cattle dared not venture from the grove, except
to A lumber wagon, which by day was a vehicle one cow, who naturally sought protection from
of locomotion, and at night a domicile for his her friendly mistress, Mrs. Hobson, and coming
family, consisting of three young children, one to her door pressed to come in. This could
of whom was a baby. Besides these was a not be allowed, and the poor brute laid down
hired man — Mr. L. Stewart. After twenty-one in the snow, and died in a short time on the
days of toiling through the wilderness path, spot. Mrs. Hobson covered her deep with snow,
they reached Halderman's Grove, near where lest she should bait the wolves to the place.
Mr. Hobson had made a clai m a few weeks be- The spring was a few rods from the house, but
fore. Next a cabin was to be built for shelter was cut off. and Mrs. Hobson
to this all egress
during the ensuing winter. Hay was to be cut melted snow for water, boiled her corn, and ate
for his cattle, of which Mr. Hobson had thir- the untenanting food, with her little ones, in

same on whose
teen head, besides a horse, the solitude, day after day, till the return of her
back Mrs. Hobson had crossed several rivers husband. After the lapse of fourteen days, he
on the way, with her babe in her arms. Mr. came with relief. He had passed through dan-
Hobson, with the aid of Mr. Stewart, after ac- gers and trials that had well nigh reached the
complishing all this, broke a few acres of prai- limits of human endurance, in his desperate
rie and sowed winter wheat in it, to provide but vain attempts to contend against the forces
food for the ensuing year. But his supplies for of nature, for the protection of his family.
the winter were getting low, and something We have now followed the adventures of this
must be done immediately to replenish them. heroic pioneer to where they were begun in a
There were sparse settlements to the east, and previous chapter, which tells of his coming to
Mr. Hobson started for them, and after many Du Page County, and here we will leave him
wanderings found some pork for sale. This he to note the progress of events.
engaged, and returned to his family to get his The arrival of Deacon Goodrich at the
ox-team to transport it. He accordingly again place was November 6, 1832. Bailey Hobson
started on this mission, but after a few days' was his nearest neighbor, but across the pres-
absence the snow fell to such a depth that it ent line of Will County was the Scott Settle-
was impossible to travel, and after many vain ment, the nearest resident of which was Harry
attempts to reach home with his team, he finally, Boardman, at whose home Mr. Goodrich and
after nineteen days' absence, made the tour on family boarded the ensuing winter after their

arrival. Theron Parsons had just come to the ignorance of the proprieties of civilized life.

place and made claims to land where Mr. In the spring of 1834, when the wet ground, as
Goodrich now lives, which he relinqished well as the damp winds, made camping uncom-
gratis to him, as he had seen other lands that fortable, a squad of squaws came to Mr. Good-
suited him better, to which he immediately laid rich'sdoor just at night. They did not ask
claim after having relinquished his first one. permission to stay, but planted themselves on
In June, 1833, Luther and James C. Hatch the floor of his house before the comfortable
came to the present site of Lisle Station and fire and seemed quite contented. Mr. Good-
made claims. James C. is still living ou the rich could not turn the wretches out in the cold,
same at the present time, where he is enjoying and he and his wife went to bed, but not to

a green old age. They were from Cheshire sleep, for, says Mr. Goodrich, " they kept up
County, N. H. Sherman King had preceded such a pow-wowing all night as to set sleep at
them a few months, and was then living on his defiance."
claim near by. Benjamin Tupper and Mr. In 1834, a log schoolhouse was built, by
Madison came the same year. Mr. Stout, from subscription, near where Lisle Station now is.

Tennessee, was also here with his family. He It, like many others of its kind, was also used
belonged to that race of chronic pioneers who for a church, and Rev. N. Catlin Clark, a Con-
live and thrive best on the broad face of nature gregationalist minister, preached in it. Rev.
" untarnished "
them by progressive society
to Jeremiah Porter, that venerable old pioneer
with its infinitude ofwants and refinements. preacher who is still living, also preached occa-
The limit of the Stouts' ambition was a log sionally at the place. Soon afterward, a church
cabin to live in, corn bread to eat and home- was and one-half miles east of the
built one
spun clothes to wear. Of his worldly goods, present station, in which services were held by
he was generous, and his heart was full of love Rev. Orange Lyman. But subsequently this
for mankind, and everybody respected him for church was sold to the Lutherans, about the
his sterling integrity as well as his generosity ;
time the railroad was laid out, who moved it

but as the means of a better st3'le of living in- half a mile south of where it first stood. Serv-
creased among the and wants kept
settlers, ices were then held in a new schoolhouse, built

pace with these accumulating means, Mr. Stout in 1837, till the Congregationalists built the
saw himself a kind of speckled bird of the large church that now stands at the Station.

flock, and took his leave pleasantly and uncom- On March 14, 1835, Daniel M. Green and
plainingly for a newer country, where conditions Venelia, his wife, came to Section 26, with their
were on his plane. Allusion has already been own team, from Ogdeu, Monroe Co., N. Y.
made to him in a chapter of pioneer history, They arrived at the house of Mr. Strong, a
with a feeling more kind even than charity, for resident of the place, at midnight. The wolves
the writer does not forget the hospitalities of had followed them along the lonesome prairie
just such people extended to himself while in for the last three hours of their ride, and kept
his teens on the frontier. up a yelping on either side, as if they were
In 1834, A. D. Chatfield and Thomas Gates hungry for their blood.

came to the place. The former still lives at Besides those already mentioned, Mr. Green
Lisle Station where he first settled. reports the following residents at the place on
The Indians frequently visited these early the arrival of himself and family : Jeduthan
settlers in a friendly spirit, but sometimes Hatch, John Thompson, from New Hampshire ;

made themselves offensive through their total John Graves, who kept tavern, and now lives
J'rrtJolvuL^ &c

in Lisle ; Martin and Stephen Pierce ;

Thomas knees. There was no mill north of
it, not even

Gates, from Ohio ; George and Charles Parinely, at Galena, which was then a good-sized town,
from Vermont ; John Dudley, from Ogden, N. but obtained their meal and flour from St.
Y. ;
Russell Webster Isaac Clark
; Huchins ; Louis, and Chicago received such supplies
Crocker —a pretty old man, sociable when from Detroit but the whole intervening inte-

he had plenty of tobacco, but in the slough rior had to pound their corn in mortars, grind
of despond without it Harmon and James ; it in a coffee mill or bring it to Hobson's Mill.
Carman, from New York, and Amasa Moore, Mr. Daniel Green ran the mill on shares dur-
whose wife was sister to Miss Daphine P. ing the years 1836 and 1837, and the' cash
Ball, the first schoolmistress at the place. receipts for meal sold were over $4,000 per
She taught in a small log cabin built by annum. Mr. Hobson could neither read nor
Deacon Goodrich near his own house, and figure, but was good at mental reckoning. No
was paid by subscription from the neigh- accounts were kept, not even a scratch to prove
bors who patronized it, which meant everybody the terms of their contract. There were the
near by. She subsequently taught in Naper- receipts in cash, which would show for them-
ville. and to her are many men and women, selves, and it was as easy to divide them as to
now in their maturity, indebted for their first divide a pint of peas. Mr. Hobson took three
lessons, not only in scholastic science, but in parts, Mr. Green one. No expense for clerk
those courtesies which grace the social circle. hire, paper, pens or ink. Subsequently, when
She is now the wife of Mr. Skinner, of Naper- Mr. Green became County Mr. Hobson,

ville. his quondam friend,was the first to volunteer

In 1836, a Sunday school was established at to sign his bail bond, and it surprised the court
the house of Mr. Green —Deacon Goodrich, to see how prettily he wrote his name.
Superintendent. The name of Lisle was suggested by A. B.
Among others who came to the place that Chatfield. and 576
It has nine schoolhouses
year was Thomas Jellies, from England. The persons between the ages of six and twenty -
next year, he built a schoolhouse at what is one.
now the village of Lisle, the best one in the The village of Lisle is a station on the C,
country at that time, and the same already B. & Q. R R., in the midst of a region not sur-
alluded to as a place of worship, as well as for passed in fertility in the county. A combina-
a school. tion of circumstances as to land ownership
The very first preaching in what is now Lisle and other causes have thus far stood in the
was by Rev. Isaac Scarritt, who had settled in way of its growth up to the present time.
the Scott settlement. It was of the Methodist There is more milk shipped from this than any
itinerant kind ;
but Rev. C. Clark, already al- other station on the road, and the place is li-
luded to, a Congregationalist, soon after began able at any time to rally and become a thriving
to preach at his own house, on the West Fork village. Robert Dixon keeps a general store
of the Du Page, about a mile below Hobson's here, J. R. McMillen is Station Agent and
Mill. Postmaster and Hart, Nagle & Long carry on
This old mill was far-famed, and thither came the blacksmith and wagon-making business.
people to it like pilgrims to Mecca, except that The elevation of the railroad track at the
thev did not bow down before it on bended place is 115 feet above Lake Michigan.


took nameits from the State of New and settled a few miles to the north of them.
ITYork because its first settlers came from Henry Reider came the same year.
there and planted its institutions in thenew The next year, Nicholas Torode, Jr., Peter
prairie soil of the land of their adoption, R., C. W. and David H. Torode, came to the

there to live and grow, which expectation has place, all these from Mount Vernon, Ohio, and,
been verified, perhaps, sooner than was ex- Oriente Grant, from the Eastern States. Luther
pected, for they have lived to see villages and Morton, David Talmadge, Edward Eldredge
railroads, schools and churches and farms with and Sherman King, all came in 1836. The lat-

luxurious houses on them and all the machin- ter built a saw-mill the next year in the south
ery of old States in working order. part of the present town, on Salt Creek. The
Elisha Fish was the first. He came in the same year (1837), a settlement was begun at
spring of 1833, and settled in what is now Sec- what is now Elmhurst, by the arrival of John
tion 26. Glos, Sr., with two other German families, the
In the spring of 1834, Winslow Churchill, fathers of whom had married his daughters.
Jr., settled where Lombard now is. His son, John Gloss, Jr., who is now a resident
Jesse Atwater and John Talmadge came in of St. Charles, brought them to the place.
1834, and it is probable that some other set- About this time, the farmers had begun to
tlers came in during the same year, among raise something to sell. Chicago was their
whom were German settlers, spoken of under only market, and, insignificant as it then ap-
the head of Addison. Of these the Graue peared, there were wholesale dealers there in
family who settled around Graue's Grove, close wheat, pork, hides and every substantial kind
to the line of Addison, might be mentioned. of produce, and how to make the roads toler-
In 1835, Jacob W. Fuller came to this settle- able to transport them thither was the problem
ment from Broome County, N. Y., and settled In this direction, the first thing to be done was
on what is now Section 27. He had five sons to build a bridge over the Desplaines River,
— Benjamin, the oldest, Daniel, the third son, which was promptly done by the united efforts

and Morell and Lewis; the two youngest came of the settlers of York and Milton. It was
with him. The next year, 1836, George, the situated about where the present bridge at
second son of Mr. Fuller, came and settled on Maywood now is ;
and, let it not be forgotten
Section 27, where he still lives. The youngest that the early settlers of Du Page County had
brothers, Morell and Lewis, also now live in the honor of first bridging this turbulent stream.
York. Nicholas and Philander
Torode, Sr., The settlement thus begun, the next thing
Torode came and settled 24 in 1835,
in Section was to have preaching on Sundays. Without
and John Bolander came about the same time, this consolation, their minds might wander, and
their thoughts vanish into mysteiy, like their Mr. Brown was a good worker and a zealous
vision, as they looked over the lonesome re- man in prayer Often held them at
moteness of the green below, and the blue above his lonesome cabin, which, though it lacked the
losing themselves in each other's embrace in magic touch of the female hand to give it an
the dim distance of the prairies Besides, the ! air of comfort, was nevertheless visited by the
Sunday exercises would help to keep the young neighbors in goodly numbers to hear Mr.
hearts of the boys and girls from getting home- Brown's unctious prayers, as well as those of
sick in thinking of youthful associations left others. Brown called these meetings praj-ing
behind ! The old folks had less need for diver- matches. Finally his face of nonchalance was
sion, for they had family cares but the young ; missed in the neighborhood, and on going to
were looking forward to them with pleasing his cabin to see what was the matter, he was
anticipations and felt the need of instruction. found dead with the cup of laudanum on the
The Methodists appear to have understood table, from which he had taken the fatal
this principle,and were generally the first to draught to relieve himself from some incubus
supply the demand. To this end, Rev. David that had laid across his path, intolerable to him-
Colson, an itinerant of this circuit, visited the but unknown to the world. His sous soon

place,and was invited to preach at the house came to settle his small estate and returned.
of John Talmadge. The date of his first advent The more common diseases that afflict new set-
has not been preserved ; but it must have been tlements are fevers and chills, and in justice
as late or later than 1837, as the seats provided to this country it is fair to assume that
for the occasion were made of slabs sawed at the disease or the cause of it which terminated
Mr. King's mill, just spoken of. fatally in Mr. Brown's case was contracted in
A schoolhouse was built in 1839, which was the East, through some social grievance not
considered as essential a piece of machinery common to pioneer settlements.
as the church, when everything has to be built A small portion of Babcock's Grove lies in

new, and the timber taken from the stumps. York, around which the Churchills and the Bab-
Both go hand in hand, at least they did in the cocks had settled in 1833 and 1834, but, from
early day, for the schoolhouse then was always the most authentic accounts, their claims were
used on Sunday for a church, and this was, there- almost, if not entirely, made within the present
by affording relief to the then scanty private limits of Milton Township, and their history
houses, where meetings were held. Miss C. has been given under that head.
Barnes taught school in this house, but she was In the spring of 1861, a copious spring of
not the first schoolma'am in the place. Miss water burst out of the ground, with a concus-
Mary Fuller has that distinction.Her school sion that made the ground tremble. It was
was established in a private house, made vacant near the house of Robert Reed. The spring
by the suicide of an eccentric man named Elias empties into Salt Creek, about three miles
Brown. Yes, even in that primitive day there above Mr. Graues' grist-mill.

was one moody sentimentalist wrought up to Walker's Grove, in the southwest part of
the frenzy of self-destruction. He had come York, occupies land enough to make a full
to the place alone, made a claim and built a section. John Walker settled here in 1835.
comfortable cabin to receive his wife and chil- The large grove in the southeast part of
dren, who were to follow as soon as suitable York, with one on its east line, a little to the
preparation had been made to secure a home north of it, would make at least four sections
for them. of land, which would, with the other groves,

give one-sixth as the proportion of prairie to been remodeled by Mr. Gray by putting in a
the timber in York. Jonathan mill, with a capacity of 125 barrels
Sections 25, 35, 36 and the diagonal halves superfine flour per day. It runs by steam and

of Sections 24, 26 and 34 lie within the limits water power both. Mr. Gray was one of the
of the Indian boundary lines, and were sur- pioneer settlers of Addison, who came to the
veyed at an early date and brought into market place in 1834. He has been, for the sake of
in June, 1835. convenience, compelled, though reluctantly, to
It is impossible to give the dates of the early

change his name from its pure German (Graue)

roads of the country. Most of them had their j
to Gray,on account of the faltering manner
origin in a trail that marked the prairie by with which Americans write or attempt to
travel between the most prominent points I spell it.

known at the time. DRAIN TILE AND BRICK WORKS.

According to a map of Cook and Du Page This establishment, owned by William Ham-
Counties, drawn by James H. Rees, of Chicago, merschmit, is situated a mile south of Lom-
in 1850. a road passed through this township bard. It employs from ten to fifteen men, and
leading from Chicago to St. Charles ; another i
turns out from 60,000 to 70,000 feet of from
from a steam mill where Maywood, on the Des- ! two to ten inches tile per month, with ma-
plaines, now is, to Warrenville, on the West Fork :
chine capacity for turning out from 125,000 to
of the Du Page another from the house of H.
; 150,000 feet per month. Capital invested,
Fischer, on Section 35, in Addison, to the saw- $11,000. The steam power is furnished by a
mill on Salt Creek, in Section 36, thence to 25-horse-power engine.
Brush Hill and a short one leading from the

intersection of the St. Charles road with Salt ELMHURST.

Creek down the stream to the Warrenville road, This village or rather tavern stand, as it first

at the junction with which Eldridge Post Office was, went by thename of Hill Cottage, a mis-
is put down, Bingham's tavern on the St. nomer one would say who came from a mount-
Charles road, on Section 12, and Cottage Hill ainous or even a hilly region, yetit was really

and Bates, on Section 2. These are all the a compared to any intervening lands be-

roads and names on Mr. Rees' map of 1850. tween it and Chicago, being 106 feet above the
The surface of the township is sufficiently j
lake, the ground graduating upward all the
rolling for good drainage, but not as uneven as way till the place is reached.
some other townships in the county. Mr. J. L. Hovey came from Painesville, Ohio,
The dairy business is a prominent interest in here and opened a taven in 1843. His place
the township, but the raising of vegetables, es- soon presented attractions to the lonesome
pecially potatoes, for the Chicago market, is an inhabitants of the prairie around in those
increasing interest. days, and a request was made that he should
York has nine school districts and 875 per- petition for a post office at his tavern stand,
sons between the ages of six and twenty-one ;
which soon became the nucleus of a village.
$23 is reported as the value of her school li- John Wentworth then represented the dis-
braries. trict inCongress, and to him the petition was
The old saw-mill on Salt Creek was burnt sent. The Postmaster General objected to the
down in 1848, and in 1852 a grist-mill was name on the ground that already many names
built in its place by Fred Graue, or Gray (to of post offices began with hill, and suggested a
anglicize it), and W. Arche. It has recently transposition of the name, making it Cottage
Hill instead of Hill Cottage. This satisfied The town was platted May 25, 1854, by
the petitioners, and the village was " baptized Anson Bates, situated on the east half of the
accordingly. Not long afterward, Dedrick northeast quarter of Section2, Town 39, Range

Mong also opened a tavern, and soon afterward 11. Its elevation above Lake Michigan is 106

a general store, the first ever established at feet.

the place. It stood where the store now occu- COLLEGE AT ELMHURST.
pied by Henry A. Glos stands. This institution is called the Elmliiust
The Chicago & North- Western Railroad came Troseminar of the German Evangelical Synod
through the place in 1849, and Mr. Mong was of North America. was established by the
employed by the company to tend the station. German Evangelical Synod of the Northwest
The place now began to increase in numbers, in 1869, and two years later was transferred to

and another store was opened by Gerry Bates the Synod of North America upon the union of
on the spot now occupied by the post office, j
the two Synods in 1871.
Soon after this, wealthy men came from Chi- The Troseminar is a preparatory school for
cago, and the building of those palatial resi- the Theological Seminary of Missouri, and, be-
dences, for which the place is remarkable, was sides preparing theological students for said
begun. These beautiful homes are now shadowed institute, it fits teachers for parocfiial schools
by an artificial forest of elm, maple, pine, of the denomination, and admits a limited
cedar and other trees, surrounded by ramparts number of pupils to a selected course.
of arbor-vitae hedges, trimmed with linear pre- When the school was founded in 1869, the
cision, and during the sultry days of midsum- instructors and twelve pupils occupied the resi-

mer these tree-clad recesses are as inviting as dence which was on the property at the time of
they are ornate. purchase. Two years later, a brick building
They are also glad retreats during the nip- was erected, 75x40, and three stories high. The
ping blasts of winter, toning down its severity number of pupils was increased threefold, and
and taking off its keen edge. But their crown- the growth of the institution was so rapid that
ing glory is at flood-tide during the full moons five years afterward it was found necessary to

of autumn, when the glitter of her rays mottles build again. A handsome structure, costing
the ground with radiance beneath the foliage of $25,000 was then built, which proved no more
the trees. These suburban delights cannot be than sufficient to contain the increased number
purchased at any price in large cities, and the that sought admittance, and since then the
wonder is that more do not embrace the first growth of the school has increased steadily.
opportunity to secure them. About 130 pupils can be accommodated, and
The company named their station at
railroad all the modern conveniences known to the best

the place after the name of the post office architects have been adopted in the construc-
Cottage Hill, but this was changed to Elm- tion of the recitation, study rooms and dormi-
hurst, its present name, in 1869. tories, and the methods of heating, lighting and
The place has a good public school where ventilation were carefullly considered.
both German and English are taught, but no In addition to the theological studies, there

pupil receives instruction in German till first are a classical course and complete courses in
taught to read and write English. Algebra and the German and English languages. Music is

other high branches of scholastic education are not neglected ; all are trained in vocal music,
also taught, besides the common routine of the and the theological students, as well as those
institution. who are preparing to teach, are taught to play
on the organ and piano ; the teacher pupils, in Frederick Boeber succeeded him till March,
addition, are instructed in pla3'ing the violin. 1882, when Rev. Emil Keucheu, the present
The grounds cover about thirty acres, twenty pastor took the charge. A parsonage and
acres of which are devoted to a garden, where schoolhouse has been built adjoining the church,
the students find healthful and useful employ- and a parochial school is taught under its pat-
ment. Except the cooking and laundry work, ronage. -
Fift3 -four families constitute its mem-
all the labor is performed by the pupils, who bership, the younger children of whom attend
are thereby kept from idleness and mischief. the school.
The School Board consists of a sub-commit-
tee called Overseers, who report to the Direct- BUSINESS REGISTER OP ELMHURST.
ors, a committee who are responsible to the Lumber, coal, grain, flour and feed, etc.
Synod. The school has no endowment, depend- Brownell & Strange.
ing mainly on free-will offerings for mainte- Dry goods and groceries (general store),
nance. Henry L. Glos, Charles Most, August Grave.
The Inspector, or President, in addition to Hardware and agricultural implements,
the usual duties of such an office, exercises a Adam S. Glos.
general supervision over all the interests of the Hardware, stoves and tin shop, William
institution, for which he is personally responsi- Most, Carl Bauer.
ble. The present Inspector, Rev. P. Goebel, Blacksmiths and wagon-makers, Louis Bal-
succeeded the late Eev. Philipp Meusch in geman and Louis Rakow; William Geise,
1880. The remaining members of the Faculty blacksmith; Henry Moeller, wagon-maker.
are J. Lueder, Professor of Latin, Greek and
: Elmhurst Manufacturing Company, manu-
History W. J. A. Hogan, Professor in charge
; facturer of patent spoke driver and wagon
of the English Department H. Brodt, Profes- ; fixtures.
sor of German and Pedagogy F. Berchtold. ; Elinhurst Creamery, Arthur Robinson, les-
Professor of Mathematics, Chemistry and see.
Physics ; G. Rosche, Professor of Music— J. maker and saddler, Peter A. Wolf.
Lueder. Boots and shoes and shoe-maker, Nick
st. peter's church. Peter; D. Benjamin Miche, shoe-maker.
This belongs to the German Evangelical Butchers, Rudolph Kraemer, Edward Dul-
Synod of North America in Elmhurst, and was berg.
founded May At
this time the num-
21, 1876. Tailors, John Barge, Henry Gehrke, Albert
ber of pupils in the college had increased to T. Schultz.
an extent sufficient to warrant the building of Painters and paper hangers, Jacob Witten-
a church, to enlarge the sphere of its useful- burg, Frank Blau, Julius Heegard.
ness and turn its teachings in the minds of its Carpenters and joiners, Ernst Balgemann i

pupils in a proper direction. The first mem- Henry Battermann, William Hanabeth,
bers and founders of this church were those Baker, Arthur Silvers, Hermann Warnecke,
who were residents of Elmhurst but had previ- Hermann Conrad, John Hahn.
ously attended Immanuel Church at Addison. Masons, Henry Boettcher, Henry Morwitzer,
During the first year of its existence, the profes- William Weigrafe.
sors in the college acted as pastors. Rev. Chris- Hotel and saloon, William Ohleiich.
tian Beck was the first ordained pastor, holding Saloons. Christian Blieveruicht, Franz Boed-
the position from April till October, 1877. Rev. er, Christian Bell.

Methodist Episcopal, Rev. J. A. Potter. therans bought a half interest in it in 1879, since
Evangelical Lutheran, Rev. E. Kenchen. which time the Germans have increased in
Roman Catholic, Rev. C. J. Neiderberger. numbers, while the Americans have diminished.
Physicians and surgeons, F. J. T. Fischer, The Catholic Church at Elmhurst. This was —
George F. Heidemann. built in the year 1862, by Rev. P. Meinrad, a
Postmaster, Jacob Glos. Benedictine Father, and about twelve Catholic
Chicago & Northwestern Railway and Ameri- families.
can Express, Albert S. Brownell, Agent. In 1864, the Redemptorist Fathers attended
this mission every second Sunday from Chicago
VILLAGE GOVERNMENT. until 1876, when Right Rev. Bishop Foley ele-
Trustees, Henry L. Glos, George Sawin, Chris- vated it to a parish, appointing Rev. Charles
tian Blievernicht, Peter A Wolf, Ernst Balge- Becker as the first stationary pastor.
mann, Henry Hohman, Sr. He was succeeded, in 1877, by Rev. M. Wolly,
President, Henry L. Glos. and, in 1880, by the present pastor, Rev. C. J.
Clerk, William H. Litchfield. Niederberger, who has, by his clerical bearing

Treasurer, George F. Heidemann. in the execution of his duties as pastor, won

Street Commissioner, Henry C. Holman. the esteem not only of his own flock, but of the
citizens of Elmhurst, who have verified this by
EVANGELICAL SEMINARY AT ELMHURST, ILL. their contributions to improve the grounds of
President, Rev. Peter Goebel. the church and parsonage, with hedge rows and
Professor, Rev. John Lueder. trees and flowers, nor did the friends of the

Professor of English, W. J. H. Hogan. church stop here. Two fine oil paintings, one
Professor of Music, George F. Rosche. on each side of the altar, have also been con-
Teachers, H. Brodt, Fred Berchtold. tributed by them. The subjects are the " Ma-
dona and the Infant Jesus," which is on the
CHURCHES. left, and the other, " St. Joseph and the In-
Trinity Church. —This is located York
at fant Jesus," which is on the right. The} were -

Center, and was organized in 1868, when the painted by H. Kaiser, a pupil of the celebrated
church was built. It was first a private school M. P. Von Deschwandore, of Switzerland. Pict-

— a branch of the Addison congregation. ures of the fourteen stations ornament the sides
Rev. Theodore Martens was the first pastor, of the church, and the recess, in which is the
who was succeeded, in 1871, by Rev. C. A. T. altar, is tastefully adorned with sacred devices
Selle, Professor in the Addison Seminary, till appropriate to the place, and well calculated to
1872, when Rev. G. T. H. Gotsch became pastor, inspire the conscientious one who kneels be-
who holds the position to the present time. fore it with good resolutions. The number of
Sixt}' families are connected with this church. parishioners has now increased to sixty families,
It has a parish school, numbering about fifty one-third of whom are Irish and the other Ger-
scholars ; is connected with the church, in which man.
German and English are taught. LOMBARD.
The York Center Methodist Church was orga- This is a pleasantly located village on the
nized in 1857. A church was built in 1859, eastern boundar} of Babcock's Grove, which
and dedicated June 5, the same year. It num- name was first given to the place. Luther
bered about twenty-five members, at com-
first Morton and Winslow Churchill, Jr., made
posed of Americans only. The German Lu- claims in 1834, where this village now stands,

and built a log house. Mr. Morton bought his ret Dodge (wife of Mr. Pardon Dodge) and Mr.
land of the Government when it came into Ebenezer Landers.
market, and assigned his certificate to his The Congregational Church of Babcock's
who sold out to
brother, Nathaniel B., in 1843, Grove, thus organized, stood firm and square,
Reuben Mink in 1846, May 14, who in turn not only upon the ancient foundations, but also
sold out to Josiah Lombard, in 1867, who upon the live issues of the day. It opened its

changed the name to that which it now has. fellowship to "all who love our Lord Jesus
John Rumble came to the place in 1843, and Christ in sincerity, who have witnessed a good
Hiram Whittemore and Levi Ballou in 1846. profession before men and practically honor
J. B. Hull came to the place and built a house their Master ;
" but in welcoming to the Lord's
and store in 1848. He was also first Postmas- Supper all such believers, it said also :
" Per-
ter, and when the railroad came through the sons engaged in the manufacture, sale or use of
next year he was the station agent. Chauncey intoxicating liquors as a beverage, slaveholders
Harmon was section boss on the road. and apologists for slavery are not included in
For many years previous to the completion this invitation."

of the railroad, Babcock's Grove enjoyed a wide For several years, the Sabbath worship and
reputation as a kind of center for a future vil- the Sabbath school, which was a year older than
lage when the country should become sufficient- [
the church, were held in the village school house,
ly settled to require one. In 1851, there were a building about half-a-mile east of the present
five frame houses and one store at the place, Lombard Station, and now used as the dwelling
besides the building owned by the railroad of Mr. D. Klussrnej'er.
company, which was a depot and hotel and In 1 852, the little company was increased by
kept by Mr. Parsons. the addition of Mr. and Mrs. William Nefl' and
It J. S. Lombard and others
was platted by |
Mrs. Mary Miller (first wife of Mr. Thomas
April 28, 1868. Situated on parts of Sections Miller). Rev. James McChesney and wife, Mr.
5, 6, 7, 8, and 18, Township 39. Range 11. Its and Mrs. Charles Mather and Mrs. Sarah E.
elevation above Lake Michigan is 127 feet. Somers (a daughter of Mr. William Emerson)
Daniel Shehan came to the place in 1848, were added to it in February, 1855. In the
and succeeded Mr. Hull as station agent, re- same month, the church at Danby (now Pros-
taining the post till it was occupied by the pect Park), which had been organized in Jan-
present agent. uary, 1850, was dissolved, and of its members,
Mr. Stephen Van Tassel and wife, Mr. Alfred
CHURCH HISTORY OF LOMBARD. Staudish and wife, Mrs. R. Rudock, Sirs. Mar-
The first church organization which made tha Dean, Mrs. Fidelia Ober (wife of Mr. David
the village of Babcock's Grove (now Lombard) Ober), Mrs. Mercy Churchill, Mrs. Cornelia
its center, was inaugurated on November 28, Brooks and Mrs. H. Ackerman immediately
1851. Rev. E. E. Wells, agent of the "West- joined the church of Babcock's Grove.
ern Home and Foreign Missionary Association," In the autumn of 1856, the meetings began
was present to give form to the enterprise The to be held in the Baptist Church at Du Page
following nine persons were the original mem- Center (now Stacy's Corners), in the township
bers : Rev. Charles Boswell and wife, Mr. Will- of Milton, that point being more central for
iam Emerson and wife, Mr. Phineas Ames and the congregation as changed by the recent ad-
wife (Mrs. Ames was a daughter of Mr. and : ditious. The church, however, still kept as a
Mrs. Emerson), Mrs. Pamela Filer, Mrs. Marga- ,
preaching station its old place at " The Grove."
The body had become strong enough in 1860 teman was Superintendent. J. T. Reade served
to consider the matter of " building meeting- from March, 1865, to the close of 1866. This
houses at Danby and Babcock's Grove." A re- brings the school inside the time when a more
sult of this movement was the organization, in permanent church force began to be operant.
February of that r
of the " Congregational During the years 1865-69, the population of
j ear,
Society of Danby," for the purpose of erecting the village was increased by the coming of
a building and caring for the financial affairs of many familes specially interested in Christian
the church. No corresponding work was ef- institutions and public-spirited in giving freely

fected at Babcock's Grove. for their support.

April 27, 1861, the church unanimously "re- In the summer of 1866, Mr. (now Rev.)
solved that this church shall hereafter be James Tompkins, then a student of Chicago
known as the '
First Congregational Church of Theological Seminary, had been preaching to
Danby,' and its regular place of worship shall the congregation for several months, the meet-
be in that village." ings being held in the schoolhouse. On the
Of the church whose history is here dropped, 26th of July of that year was formed
Kev. Charles Boswell was the first pastor and The First Church of Christ, Babcock's Grove,
clerk. He died, in the pastorate, in 1852 or and on August 2, a council of the neighboring
1853. Rev. Harry Jones seems to have been churches and clergymen met and gave it a
a preacher here, as well as at Danby, in 1853. brotherly recognition. Six denominations
But Rev. James McChesney was pastor of the were represented in the original membership of
church during the greater part of its existence, fourteen. It was, as it is claimed to be, a
remaining with it after its location at Danby. Union Church of Evangelical Christians, and
He acted also as Clerk, and the public is in- at first kept free from all ecclesiastical connec-
debted to him for the preservation of his faith- tions. The persons thus allying themselves
ful records of the early times. The first Deacon were :

of the church was Mr. William Emerson, who Joseph B. Hull and Fanny E., his wife; Isaac
held that office until his death, which occurred Claflinand Mary W.,his wife; Josiah T. Reade
about 1856. and Christia (now deceased), his wife; Allen
From 1861 to 1866, no church organization B. Wrisley and Lucy, his wife; Mrs. Clarissa
existed in the village. The death or removal Frisbie (now deceased); Mrs. Margaret A. Mil-
of early supporters and the confusions incident ler(now deceased), second wife of Mr. Thomas
to thewar conspired to prevent such work but ; Miller; Mrs.Emily Fish Miss Lydia M. Hull

preaching was sustained pretty regular!}' and (now deceased); Miss M. Albina Harris (now
the Sundav school was frequently in a vigorous Mrs. Frank Hull); and R. Franklin Claflin.
condition. Among its early Superintendents The meetings continued to be held mostly in
were successively Rev. Mr. Boswell, Mr. W. Em- the schoolhouse. But, in about two years from
erson, Mr. Phineas Ames, Mr. Adam Hatfield, its organization, the church having increased
Mr. Seth Churchill, Mr. Davis and various well in numbers and means, a beautiful chapel
men who had acted as temporary preachers. was erected on the lot at the northeast corner
In 1859, the schoolhouse now in use was of Main and Maple streets, the spot now oc-
built,and the congregation removed thither. cupied by the residence of Mrs. John Bracken.
In the autumn of 1864 since which time — It was dedicated on December 3, 1868. This

the writer has been familiar with the town his- building was destroyed by an incendiary
tory— and the succeeding winter, Rev. Mr. Wa- I fire on the night of August 27, 1869.

Up to this time the church property had been continued with it till 1872. The first Deacons
owned by the church itself, an incorporated were N. S. Cushing and Newton Chapin, and
body. Immediately after the loss of its edi- the first Clerk was J. B. Vallette.
fice an " ecclesiastical society " was formed to The First Church, Lombard.— In 1873, the
manage financial affairs. This body thought impolic}' of sustaining two churches of the
best to change the church location, and there- same general faith having been thoroughly dem-
fore built its new house on North Main street. onstrated, the two were discontinued, by agree-
This was used for worship till 1873. ment, and on May 2 of that 3'ear, the present
The pastors of this church were: Rev. James organization, bearing the above name, was
Tompkins, from its origin to May, 1869; Rev. formed. It is " Evangelical " in its creed, and
Osmar W. Fay, from June, 1869, to November Congregational in its polity, and belongs to
2, 1869; Rev. Henry T. Rose, from May, 1870, Chicago Association. It occupies the " south
to October, 1871; and after this Rev. Josiah A. side " church, having sold the other building.
Mack, for a time not recorded exactly. The The church had no regular pastor until April,
first Deacon of this church was J. T. Reade, 1874. Rev. Charles Caverno then commenced
and Isaac Claflin was its first Clerk. his work, in which he still continues. Nathan-
The village, having been incorporated in iel S. Cushing and Allen B. Wrisley were the
1869 as the " Town of Lombard," the church first Deacons. The first Clerk and Treasurer
underwent a corresponding change of name. was William L. Rogers (now deceased).
The First Congregational Church of Lom- There are now eighty resident members.
bard was formed October 22, 1869, with thir- The financial affairs are cared for by an allied
teen original members. With the exception of society of the usual form. Among the enter-
three, they came directly from the ''First prises that look hither for their inspiration is

Church of Christ," and were as follows: the church library, partly of religious, but
Nathaniel S. Cushing and Elizabeth B., his mostly of general literature, numbering about
wife; Newton Chapin and Caroline B., his eight hundred volumes, and now open to the
wife A. B. Chatfield and Emma L., his wife;
; general public. — J. T. Reade.
J. Benson Vallette and Ruth M., his wife; Mrs.

Margaret A. Miller (now deceased); Mrs. J. E. BUSINESS MEN.

Ambrose; Miss Eva C. Cushing; Noah Shep- I. Claflin, real estate.
ardson; and Charles M. Lewis (now deceased). B. T. Teets & Sons, hardware.
An ecclesiastical society to work in connec- August Koerber, miller.
tion with the church was also formed, and a C. Fabri, harness-maker.
church building was immediately commenced R. Grunwald, shoe-maker.
at the southwest corner of Main and Maple P. Arnoldi, shoe-maker.
streets. It was dedicated May 29, 1870, and A. B. Wrisley, soap manufacturer.
is still used as a place of worship. W. Stuenkel, butter and cheese factory. He
On January 20, 1870, a council of Congre- receives 6,000pounds of milk daily and makes
gational Churches and clergymen met and rec- 300 pounds of cheese; also 200 pounds of but-
ognized this church as a member of Congrega- ter daily.
tional sisterhood. A. E. and D. C. Hills, general store.
Rev. 0. W. Fay, having closed his connec- A. E. Hills, general auctioneer.
tion with the older church, became pastor of Gray & Malcomb, hardware and farm imple-
this immediately upon its organization, and ments.
L. Marquart & Bros., general store, feed and N: S. Cushing, retired.
grain. Martin Hogan, section boss, Chicago & North
John Q. Reber, grocer. Western Railroad.
E. M. Ackerman, butcher. John Patterson, station agent, Chicago &
John Fischer, blacksmith and wagon-rnaker. North Western Railroad.
C. W. Oleson, physician and surgeon. Melvin Ballou, conductor, Chicago & North-
Joseph Gregory, carpenter and builder. Western Railroad.
Richard Wells, ice cream and confectionery. 0. F. Long, engineer, Chicago & North-West-
Dave Prank, mason and contractor. ern Railroad.
Henry Assman, mason and contractor. M. C. Carroll, fine groceries, flour, etc.

Levi Castleman, painter.





A S we drink at the fountains of nature, tions in animal and vegetable life from the
-£^- how little do we know of her subterra- laboratory of nature, the handiwork of her
nean secrets. In arid deserts, and sometimes geological composition whose formula is a
even in fruitful countries of considerable ex- sealed book to us.
tent, no living springs are found, but they The delightful springs attracted the attention
occur along the banks of the Du Page River of the what is now Warren ville
first settlers at

at many places, and in profusion at Warren- and and the following are their
its vicinity,

ville. Here they burst out of the ground un- names in the order in which they came Eras- :

tarnished with the tincture of lead or iron tus Gary, now living at Wheaton Jude P. ;

pipes — the bane of water in all large cities Gary, who died in 1881 on his farm, and The-
and in their pebbly -bottomed rivulets a tangle ron Parsons, all came in 1832 and made claims.
of water-cresses overspreads their trickling Alvah Fowler and Col. J. M. Warren, both of
courses to the river. It is said that where whom now live in Warrenville, came and made
speckled trout are found in the streams of a claims in the spring of 1833. Ira Herrick and
country, no fever and ague exists there. This Jacob Galusha, neither now living, came the
does not go to show that trout are an antidote to same year, and made claims near Warrenville.
the ague. Nor is it claimed that water-cresses Israel Lord and Alfred Churchill both came to
make pure water, but it is claimed that pure the vicinity and made claims in 1834.
cold water makes water-cresses, the same as a These were the true pioneers of what is now
healthful, well-drained country abounding in Winfield Township. To add to these names
mountain torrents makes speckled trout. Both those who arrived soon afterward would multi-
the trout and water-cresses are refined produc- ply words without knowing where to stop, as
so many settlers soon followed them. Daniel They visited each other at parties, and assisted
Warren, a native of Massachusetts, had settled each other at raisings. The latterwas one of
at Naperville in 1833. His family consisted of the olden-time institutions, now almost obsolete,
a wife, whose maiden name was Nanc}' Morton, but then in the heyday of its glory, and, while
and the following children Philinda H., who : it served a practical purpose, it also toned up

married Alvah Fowler, of Warrenville Louisa ; the social feeling and became the means by
G., who married Frederick Bird, and then Silas which distant neighbors could form a knowl-
E. Warren as her second husband Julius M. ; edge of each other's character and a measure of
Warren, after whom Warrenville was named, their merits on general principles.
and who now lives at the place Sally L., who ; After Col. Warren had made his claim in
married A. E. Carpenter, brother of Philo Car- 1833, he returned to his native place, and the
penter, of Chicago ;
Harriet N., who married next year (1834) on coming back he found two
C. B. Dodson, of Geneva ; Maria and Mary new-comers. Grant Goodrich had come to the
(twins), the former of w hom T
married S. B. place and made a claim of 200 acres on the
Cobb, of Chicago, and the latter Jerome Beech- west side of the river, intending to make a
er, of the same place ; and Jane, who married farm. He hired sixteen acres of ground "broke,"
N. B. Curtis, of Peoria. and in the programme took off his broadcloth
In the spring of 1834, Alvah Fowler, together coat, rolled up his sleeves and, with the assist-
with a large number of adventurers, made a ance of Sidney Able, went to work at splitting
tour of discovery to the north up the Desplaines rails to fence it. Here were two men, the one
River. After leaving the present site of May- destined to become Judge of the Superior Court
wood, no white were found, but the am-
settlers at Chicago and the other its Postmaster, maul-
ple groves on
banks were alive with Indians,
its ing an iron wedge into an oak log I33' alternate
whose wigwams seemed to be omnipresent. At strokes, not for amusement, but to make rails to
Half Day's village, in the present county of fence in a corn-field. But these hours of labor
Lake, were forty or fifty families housed in their were not without relief. Fourth of July came,
rude huts, killing the hours after the time- and something must be done to leaven the vir-
honored custom of their race, whose wants are gin soil with patriotism, and Naperville was the
limited according to their disinclination to work. " stamping ground " for all such gatherings.

There was a large burying-ground at the place, The morning came. There were no bells to
and a white flag flying over it as a sacred charm ring They did not need any such stimulent
to honor the dead. to set their patriotic blood to tingling in their
To the north, there were no neighbors but veins. When the crowd had assembled, young
the Meachams, the Dunklees, the Churchills and Goodrich was honored with an invitation to
the Babcocks. At Brush Hill and at Downer's read the Declaration of Independence, and he
Grove, were settlements, and at Naperville, soon became the most conspicuous man in the

which was at their doors, comparatively speak- crowd. The next thing was to get a copy.
ing, and was the parent colony of all. To the Here was the fatal balk, for none could be
west was the Fox River Valley, where clusters found in all Naperville, and faces all round be-
of houses had ahead}' been put up at Elgin, St. gan to look rueful, till a sweet little girl stepped
Charles, Geneva and Aurora, and near the pres- forward and offered her pocket handkerchief,
ent site of Batavia Mr. Dodson had a saw-mill on which this immortal document was printed,
on a western tributary of the river. All these justly proud of the service she had rendered
settlements seemed like neighbors together. to the convention. Young Henry B. Blodgett,

the son of the stalwart blacksmith, now Judge lion, still mind the pleasing remin-
calls to

of the court of the United States, at District in iscence. No more refined and truly ;esthetic
Chicago, then thirteen years old, sat near the circles than these dancing and private parties

honored elocutionist of the day, and paid have ever graced the elegant drawing rooms of
strict attention to the words. Let us return to even Chicago since that eventful period.
business. Col. Warren wanted to buy out the Their influence has elevated the aims in life

claim of Mr. Goodrich. He contemplated build- of many a man and woman now in the best

ing a saw-mill, and needed the land on both ranks of society, and perhaps some of them
sides of the river whereupon to build his dam. in their twilight hour of life, in thinking of

Mr. Goodrich's hands were blistered splitting old scars in their hearts not yet quite healed

rails, and he was in a suitable frame of mind over, can fix their dates in Col. Warren's old

to sell. Col. Warren paid him 50 cents per dancing hall.

hundred for the rails he had split, and a rea- Amidst a trunk full of old Warrenville pa-

sonable price for the breaking, and he quit- pers from which scraps of history have been

claimed to him. gathered by the writer, the following verses at-

Col. Warren erected his house the same sea- tracted his attention, and are here inserted to

son, hauling the lumber for it from Dodson's mill. show the sentiment of the times. Their author
This was the first frame house ever built at the is unknown. Perhaps he gave them to some
place. His eldest sister kept house for him. inamorata who lost them and they fortunately
The next year he built a saw-mill, and the place found a place among these old musty records,
became a lively resort for mechanics, teamsters to be rescued from oblivion in the pages of
this book

and farmers, as soon as the mill began to turn

out lumber, a material so much needed in the " fly to the prairie, sweet maiden, with me,

country. A house was soon erected, where the 'Tis as green, and as wild, and as wide as the sea,

strong men who saw car-

rolled the logs to the O'er its emerald bosom the summer winds glide,

" And waves the wild grass like the vanishing tide.
riage with "caut-hooks boarded, and in the
" Let us hie to the chase, lovely maiden, away,
upper story of it a room was finished off for a
And follow the fawns as they gambol and play,
school, and here the lady who subsequently be-
On the back of the courser so lithe and so free,
came Principal of the academy at the place, While circling and bounding o'er heather and lea.
Mrs. Holmes, taught its first school. " The woodman delights in his trees and his shade,
The next year, 1836, a schoolhouse was built But the sun leaves no tinge of the cheeks of his maid
by subscription. It is now remodeled into a His flowers are blighted, its colors are pale

private dwelling and occupied by Joseph Hud- And weak is the breath when their perfumes exhale.

son. A post office was established at the place " Soft zephyrs ere play in the prairie breeze,

in May, 1838, Col. Warren, Postmaster, who And farrow the grasses like waves of the seas,
And waft o'er the landscape its sweets from the West.
kept the office at his house. He is Postmaster
Aromas delicious, with fragrance possessed.
at the present time.
" fly to the prairies, sweet maiden, with me,
The same year, 1838, he built a fine hotel and
Each flower here dimples and blushes for thee,
spacious hall in it for dancing. It was pat- sky
And nightly the moon in her star-studded
ronized by the elite of Chicago as well as Twinkles love in her ray while the katydids cry.
Naperville and the Fox River towns, and here " There nothing to cloy in the wilds of the West,
it was that John Wentworth made his debut pleasures where love confessed,
Each day hath its is

into social circles, and the lady who first initiat- My cottage now empty is waiting for thee,
ed him into the graceful motions of the cotil- Will you come to my bower and share it with me?"

The same cooling springs now lave the banks WARRENVILLE ACADEMY.
of the river that then did, and the same water- This institution, while in its prime, was to
cresses bathe their roots in their pools. They the country around what Oxford is to the En-
might have had something to do with the fine glish Church to-day. The old building now
sentiments that then lived and grew there. If stands a silent monument of its once beneficent
so, their mission may not yet be ended. This mission. To the teachings within its walls
we will leave to the future, while the progress many retrospections of youthful ambitions
of events is continued. revert back with pleasing emotions from men
The village of Warrenville was platted by and women now mature with life's experiences.
Julius M. Warren May 7, 1844. He was then Who can tell its history best ? thought I, while
a Representative of his district, and again in looking at the untrodden grass that has en-
1850. croached upon the threshold of its door.
Since the era of railroads, it has lost its For the necessary information I wrote to its
equilibrium with other towns in the scale of early Principal, and the following is her reply,
progress ;
but the end is not yet. together with her historical sketch, which is
That a brighter prospect will yet open before better than any other one could write, for who
it seems certain, as the magnitude of Chicago else could measure the value and rehearse the
will create a demand for its beautiful grounds for story and make it live again, at least in mem-
residences, and a way to reach them by railroad. ory, as she has done it in her own unaffected
The following is a list of the business men of style :

the place :
" Rockford, July 7, 1882.
Cheese factory — Consumes 8,000
pounds of "Mr. Blanchard I send you a : brief, and,
milk makes 200 pounds of butter, and 500
I feel, quite imperfect, manuscript. It may,
pounds of cheese daily. R. R. Barnard is pro- however, serve as the basis of a better article.

prietor. I found it difficult to get statistics ; dates may

The Warrenville Grist and Merchant Mill not be correct. I wrote to some who were as-

was built by Smith & Fowler in 1847. sociated with me during the years I was en-
It came into possession of Lamb & Co. in gaged there, but the answers were not satisfac-
1857 was burnt August 1 1, 1879 was rebuilt,
; ; tory, so I have given you the best I have at
and commenced running in March, 1880. It hand.
is a full roller mill, using the celebrated Gratiot ' You will see that I have not written this to

Conical Vertical Gradual Reduction Machine. be recognized as its author, only to give the
Uses 500 bushels of wheat, and manufactures facts in my possession as the groundwork of
100 barrels of flour per day. Brands Peace- — what you may say on the subject.
Maker and Reliable. " Yours very respectfully,
Blacksmiths— J. M. Hollister, J. W. Watson, " S. W. Holmes.

George F. Ressequie. "In the settlement of every new country, one

Merchants C. A. Bowen,— J. D. Hawbecker. of the first objects of the settlers seems to be
Boot and shoe-maker D. Stafford. — to organize some effective system of education.

Notary Public J. Hudson. In Du Page County, Warrenville aimed to take
Justice of the Peace— A. Jones. T. the lead in that direction. As early as 1843-
House painter— Henry Wyman. 44, two schools were opened in Warrenville,
Carpenter — L. V. Ressequie. one under the auspices of the Baptist denomi-
Clergyman — Rev. — . Adams. nation with the design of founding a collegiate
institution, the otherunder the supervision of Bull remaiued about two years, and was suc-
Misses H. W. Bryant and S. Warren. Both ceeded by Miss M. C. Knight. Under their
these schools flourished for a time, and did supervision, the school was brought up to its
good work, but both, for some reason, were former standard, but the demand for increased
given up. After that time, several teachers facilities were greater than the ladies in charge

had commenced operations there, but had could supply, and the school was again aban-
abandoned the project and gone into more doned. During these many years, hundreds of
promising fields of labor. In 1850, the good pupils went out from this school to take their
people of Warreuville and vieinitj*, aided by places in the active arena of life, with a broader
strong, earnest friends from Chicago, who were outlook, with higher aims and nobler ambitions.
desirous of sending their children to some The course of instruction they had received
healthy country place to be educated, succeeded aimed to develop thought-power, to quicken
in raising an amount necessary for the erection mental activity, to rouse latent energy, and
of a suitable building for the accommodation give the self-reliance necessary for the cumula-
of a school. The was duly in-
institution tive responsibilities that lay before them. So
corporated by an act of Legislature, a Board far as it accomplished this purpose, its brief
of Directors was chosen, the financial and edu- existence became a moral force, whose power
cational charge was intrusted to Mrs. S. W. must be enduring. At the opening of the civil
Holmes. The school was opened in September war, many students went out from that school
1851. Competent teachers were secured. Mrs. and took their places in the ranks of the Union
Holmes converted her own home into a board- army. Ashley Carpenter, Joseph Monk and his
ing-house for pupils from abroad. The patron- brother Corelle, Ferdinand and Daniel Fowler,
age was fair. The number of pupils taught in William Ray, Alvord Drullard were, within a few
the school for the next four or five years was months, brought back and consigned to their
between one and two hundred each year. In final rest in the village cemetery. Dr. J. M.
1855-56, B. F. Taylor was engaged to take Woodworth, Gen. F. A. Starring and his brother,

charge of the male department of the institu- Capt. William Starring, followed the fortunes of
tion, and a fine class of young men were sent the war to its close. Dr. Woodworth has since
out from Chicago to fit for college under his died at the post of duty in Washington. The
instruction. This measure promised well, but mission and influence of this school may still

owing to Mr. Taylor's resignation, proved an be traced by the life-record of those who were
unfortunate one for the material interests of its members, as every seed dropped in the fer-

the school. After some delay, a gentleman was tile soil of the young heart germinates and
found to supply Mr. Taylor's place, but the bears fruit, it may be a hundred fold,' ac-

delay was fatal. Mrs. Holmes, although ably cording to the strength of the germ and the
assisted by Mr. C. Howes and Miss M. C. favoring influence of its environments, so that
Knight, feeling that it would be difficult to tide the social and educational force which gave to
the school over the crisis, resigned her position. •
Warrensville an impetus for a few years, inay be
The Directors took the finances in charge, and repeated from new centers which trace their life-

the school passed into other hands. The fort- threads back to a starting-point in that village
unes of the school for the next three or four school."
years were fluctuating, when Mrs. Holmes was CHURCHES.
recalled, and, assisted by Mrs. M. V. Bull, Baptist Church. —As early as 1834, steps
again took charge of the institution. Mrs. were taken to organize a Baptist Church, so

says the record, but in 1836 measures were into the soil, " to use a figure." It was under
taken to organize a society, and a church was the charge of Rev. Washington Wilcox, who
established numbering sixteen members, Rev. rode the Du Page Circuit (as this region was
L. B. King, pastor. He was succeeded by A. then called), and preached to the new congre-
B. Hubbard, Joel Wheeler, A. J. Joslyn, P. gation in the schoolhouse at Gary's Mills every
Taylor, Joel Wheeler, S. F. Holt, Freeman and fourth week. Erastus, Jude and Charles Gary,
H. Wescott. The society first worshiped in a Warren L. and Jesse C. Wheaton, Hezekiah

private house, and next in a schoolhouse, till Holt and family, William Aiusworth, Peter B.
this church was built, in 1857, which isa com- Curtis and family, Nat. Brown, Mrs. Woodard
modious edifice, on a beautiful site, and im- and a few others were members. A black-
parts to the town an air of propriety. Mrs. smith shop next came in, where Mr. Foster,
Alvah Fowler is now the only remaining one like others at the place, " struck while the iron
living of the original sixteen who formed this was hot," and Gary's Mills became a center at
church. which covetous eyes looked with regret that
Methodist Episcopal Church. — This denomi- they had not made early claims there. The
nation has a fine church, eligibly located, at old settlers of Turner Junction and Wheaton
which regular preaching is sustained, and also for several years received their letters there.
a flourishing Sabbath school. Rev. J. R. Wel- It alsobecame the place where camp-meetings
burn is its present Pastor. were held, and the groves near by, which were
then vocal with singing, are now solitudes.
Gary's mills. When this place was in the heyday of its

Just above the southern line of Section 15 glory, the church there may claim the honor of
in the present township of Winfield, the West having first established a principle worthy of
Fork of the Du Page River presents unusual imitation. The case was this One of its mem-

attractions. Its banks are firm on both sides, bers, Nat. Brown, held a deed for forty acres
and graduate upward, without marshy inter- of land near the place, ten acres of which he
vals. The current of the river is active, and was justly bound, by the rules of Claim Socie-
afforded a mill site of fair promise. There ties, to deed back to Mrs. Woodard, whose

was then much valuable timber in the adjacent claim, before the surveys were made, covered
groves, and the three Gary brothers, Erastus, the said ten acres. This he refused to do, and
Jude and Charles, jointly erected a saw-mill at in this resolution he had the law on his side,
the place in 1837, which then gave a reasona- but not the higher law of justice. The matter
ble assurance of becoming the most important came before the church, and he still refused to
town in the count} except Naperville. A post
relinquish the land. Here was a dilemma —
office was soon organized at the place, Charles brother refusing to do an act of simple justice
Gary, Postmaster. A store was next estab- because the law did not compel him to do it.

lished, kept by William Gary, the present might sometime repent of this sin.
'Tis true, he
banker in Wheaton. A schoolhouse was built but repentance without restoration was but a
which proved more permanent than anything skin-deep disguise, and if such repentance
else built there, as it is still standing and in could not be verified by restitution when the
use. The inevitable church organization came land was worth but 13 per acre, as at pres-
in with the rest, and this spot became the ent, would it be likely to come with this

nucleus around which the Methodism of the vouchsafe when the land had increased in

immediate country first planted its principles value to five or ten times that amount, as
such men Wheatons, Garys, Curtises
as the agricultural labors upon the Volentine farm for
and Holts must have thought a probability ? five years. In 1835, Mr. Turner embarked in
An}T expectation of a remote restitution was railroad enterprise ; he first contracted to build
not to be thought of, and Mr Brown was ex- seven miles of the Ransom & Saratoga Railroad.
communicated by a clear vote of the church. In the same year, he constructed a part of the
The name of Gary's Mills is still familiar, New York & Erie Railroad. In this work he
though the mills, having executed their mis- continued until the crisis of 1837, then he en-
sion, which was to saw into lumber all the use- gaged in the work of building the Genesee
ful timber near by, have been suffered to decaj r
. Valley Canal. In 1841, he contracted to grade
The dam has gone with the floods, and the mill seven miles of the Troy & Schenectady Rail-
has been entirely demolished by the ravages of road. In 1843, he came to Chicago, and in
time, though the most of the private dwellings 1847, was appointed Acting Director of the
at the place still stand there, tenanted by till- Galena & Chicago Union Railroad Company,
ers of the soil. which had been chartered in 1836. In 1848, he
The West Fork of the Du Page passes through accompanied B. W. Raymond to New York,
the eastern portion of Winfleld Township. Its and by his previous experience in railroad
banks graduate upward in the form of rolling building,and having examined the surveyed
lands on both sides, beyond which are exten- route of the Galena & Chicago Railroad, aided
sive lands sufficiently rolling for drainage, all very much in the sale of the bonds and stock of
of which are fertile and well suited to dairy the Galena & Chicago Railroad work com- ;

business or the growth of cereals. menced March, 1848, and track laid to Free-
There are eight schools in the township, in- port, 121 miles. In 1853, the Dixon Air Line
cluding the graded school at Turner's Junction, was commenced, and the same year he organ
and 782 persons between the ages of five and ized the Beloit & Madison Railroad Company
twenty-one years. He resigned the Presidency of Galena, Chicago
& Northwestern Railroad Company. In 1858
TURNER JUNCTION. as a citizen of Chicago, he was not forgetful of
A brief biographical sketch of the gentle- her local prospects and interests ;
was a Direc
man for whom this village was named cannot tor inBoards of Water Commissioners organ- ;

fail to be of interest to every reader, the more ized the North Side Horse Railroad Company,
so on account of the high standard of integrity His wife, mother of his six children, died in
he ever maintained through a long and useful 1853. Two years after, he married Miss Ade-
life: line Williams. Among the many whose names
John B. Turner
was born in Colchester, Del- Chicago is proud to honor and perpetuate, none
aware Co., N. Y., January 14, 1799. His father are more deserving than that of John B. Turner,
died when he was two years of age his mother; with a record of more than seventy years, and
when he was fourteen. He was adopted by a character unstained by the many corruptions
Mr. and Mrs. Powers at eleven years of age. of the present age. His declining years were
Mr. Powers purchased a farm in Martin, Sar- spent amid the sunshine of life, sincerely
atoga Co., N. upon which he labored for
Y., mourned by his many friends, among whom
nine years. In 1819, he married Miss Martha he was universally respected and beloved. He
Volentine, formed a copartnership with Joshua died on the 26th day of February, 1871.
Parmelee, who had married the twin sister of Many years before it was supposed that a
his bride. They successfully prosecuted the ;
thriving village was to spring up here, the

land on which now stands had been taken up

it The machine shops and other buildings of
in claims by settlers expecting to make farms the Chicago & North- Western Railroad Com-
of it. pany consist of a freight-house, built in 1856;
The claim covering the present village was two water tanks, one built in 1862, the other in
brought by Capt. Alonzo Harvey. Among the 1865; round-house, built in 1864; rail mill and
early residents at or near the place were James depot, both built in 1869; junction round-
Conley, from Mount Morris, N. Y., who is still house and repairs shops, repairs engine tools
a citizen of the town. Sherman Winslow was and machinery; at rail mill, rails are cut,
his nearest neighbor to the east. Next in the straightened, drilled and reslotted; twenty-
same direction was George W. Easton. Job A. horse power engine at round-house, and em-
Smith, Thomas Brown and William Ribley ploys thirty-two men; at rail mill, uses forty-
were not far away in the same direction. horse power engine, and employs eleven men.
South of him were Warren Towne and Will- Foreman of shop and rail mill, David Hanney.
iam Bailey, and north, John Barre.
When the railroad came through the place SCHOOLS OP TURNER JUNCTION.
in 1849, Michael McDonald came from Chicago Its pioneer school was taught in a log house
and opened a general store, but subsequently situated on property now owned by E. Carey.
sold out to his brother Joseph, who in turn Miss Sarah Carter was its first teacher, but in
sold the same to Joel Wiant in the spring of 1856 school was kept in a small building
1857. The place at this date, says Mr. Wiant, standing on the spot now occupied by the Con-
consisted only of a post office, kept by C. D. gregational Church, when Miss Arvilla Currier
Smith; a blacksmith shop, by Mr. Foster; a taught. She now the wife of Charles M.

doctor's office and about two hundred inhabit- Clark, a well-known citizen of the place. The
ants all told. next year a two-story schoolhouse was built on
James M. Dale was station agent. Mr. Con- North street, in the eastern part of the town,
ley, in 1848, bought eighty acres of land where in which the school was continued for sixteen
the graded school now stands, for $3 per acre, years. When the present building for the
which is now worth §10 a front foot in lots. graded school was finished, which was in 1873,
Mr. A. Archer owned ninety-six acres near John Tye, William Ripley and Charles M. Clark
the center of the town. He did not like rail- were Directors, and also constituted the build-
roads, and refused either to give or even to sell ing committee. The entire cost of the build-
the right of way through it, but would sell the ing was $23,502.50. It contains four rooms
whole tract for $530.00. The railroad company being one for each department ^ a recitation
bought it a few 3-ears later it became worth
; room, a library room and lecture room in the
from $200 to $300 per lot. basement.
The Galena & Chicago Union Railroad Com- The course of study includes only English
pany platted the town, and recorded it Sep- branches, but classical and foreign languages
tember 29, 1855. are taught outside of the regular course.
It is situated on the northwest quarter of Miss H. F. Yakeley has been Principal for
Section 10, Township 39, Range 9, and its ele- seven years. Miss Lizzie Davis, Miss Addie
vation above Lake Michigan is 182 feet. By Everden, Miss Louisa Anthony and Miss
the last census the village contained 1,125 in- Annie Lockwood are the names of the teachers.
habitants, having attained thesenumbers not Under the charge of the Principal, the school
by a spasmodic but a steady growth. has won distinction in the county for its good

discipline. And due to its credit to

here it is Rev. William H. Holmes is the present pas-
state that Mr. Clark, who has been Director tor of the church. He has recently written a
ever since 1872, gives Miss Yakeley credit for "History of Early Methodism in Du Page
managing the school with so much discretion County and Adjacent Territory," from which
as to leave him little care to distract his atten- the above sketch has been copied verbatim.
tion from his daily routine of other responsi- German M. E. Church.—The Methodist Epis-
bilities. It is also due to the credit of Miss Germans was organized in
copal Church of the
Emma Davies, who formerly had charge of the the spring of 1864 by about a dozen men. Rev.
Primary Department, to say that her system of John G. Keller came from Aurora to preach
trainingand gymnastic drilling of the little every Sunday, services being held in the Ger-
ones under her charge won the admiration of man language at the Methodist Church already
all who beheld it. The School Board of organized by the American portion of the
Rockford, who came to the place to witness it, community, where English services were
pronounced hers the best drilled class in the held.

State. The name of the present pastor is Jacob

A library of 300 volumes has been provided who resides also in Aurora, and preaches
for the school, from the proceeds of its exhibi- once in two weeks in the German language to
tions. The average attendance is about 250, this church, in the house owned by their Amer-
from an enrollment of 300. ican brethren.
German Evangelical Church.—The German
CHURCHES. Evangelical Protestant Church was established
Methodist Episcopal Church. — " Just when the in the summer of 1870, and the church edifice
church at Turner was built the records do not finished the same
year. Mr. John M. Faessler
show, but believed to have been during 1857 was appointed on the building committee, in
and 1858. The parsonage was built some ten connection with Rev. Julius Schumm.
years later. Mr. Schumm was pastor nearly two years
" In all this work Charles Gary was a leading when he was succeeded by Rev. Gustave Koch.
spirit. His house was a preaching place in He was succeeded by Rev. Jacob Furrer, who
1835. He was many years a class leader remained nearly two years, when the pulpit was
March 23, 1850, licensed to preach ; four years supplied for about a year by theological stu-
later, assistant preacher; and in 1861 ordained dents from the Melancthon College in Ehnhurst.
Deacon. To his long and faithful services, as Rev. Fredrick Boeber was the next ordained
much as to any other, isdue the establishment pastor, who remained about a year. Rev. Hen-
of Turner Methodist Episcopal Church. rich Wolf came next, and remained about three
" Most of the fathers have passed to their re- J
years, and was succeeded by Rev. William Hat-
ward. As far as we can learn, only Erastus :

tendorf, the present pastor.

Gary and Edward D. Wheedon remain of those The church is out of debt and in a flourish-
who composed the quarterly conference of the ing situation.
original Du Page Circuit. A parsonage was built in 1881 and a German
" Turner now stands in the front rank of vil- school in attachment to it. The school is taught
lage churches on Chicago District. During the by the minister.
last year, 123 different names were on her reg- Congregational Church. — On May 17, 1856,

ister, twenty-one were baptized and $198.58 thischurch was organized with the following
contributed for benevolent purposes." members Dr. J. McConnell, John L. Haga-

done, Margaret Hagadone, Mary Towa. Rev. CATHOLIC CHURCH.

Lot Church as pastor, assisted by the Rev. Mr. Services are held once in two weeks by Rev.
Watkins from Vermont, adopting the Constitu- Dominick Spellman, who resides at Aurora.

tion, Discipline and Articles of Faith of the

Fox River Union, Dr. J. McConnell and J. L. LODGES.

Hagadone its first Deacons. The next minister Amity Lodge No. J/72, A., F. & A. M., was
called was Rev. Mr. Champlin, who preached chartered October 3, A. D. 1866, A. L. 5866.
off and on until the church was re-organized Charter Members : John H. Lakey, Joseph
March 30, 1867, finding at that time only McConnell, Richard W. Bushnell, Joel Wiant,
seven members remaining, and all of them H. H. Ketcham, John McWilliams, John Tye,
females. A meeting was called by the Rev. J. F. F. Loveland, J. Newbarger, William Ripley,
E. Roy, who was then acting as Home Mission- Jr., M. Fessler, A. H. Wiant, G. McAuley and
ary, for the purpose of organizing and building Thomas Wiant. The following brethren were
a church on the lot given by J. B. Turner, installed as the officers at that time. John H.
where the present church remains at present, Lakey, W.M.; Joseph McConnell, S. W.; Rich-
with the following members : W. J. Wilson, ard W. Bushnell, J. W.
Mrs. H. M. Nelson, Mr. Esbon Morrill and wife, After changing places of meeting several
Mrs. Charlotte Delton, Dr. H. C. French, Msr. times, this lodge finally secured a nicely-fitted
Julia A. French, making in all fourteen mem- and well-adorned hall in Casper Voll's brick
bers. Steps were then taken to build a house block, which was subsequentl}' destroyed b}'
of worship, Rev. J. E. Roy supplying the pul- fire, the lodge losing everything, but were
pit, preaching in the Methodist Episcopal happily insured for money enough to enable
Church until the church was built, which was them to furnish another hall on a more limited
dedicated March 8, 1868, out of debt. Rev. J. scale, but comfortable and convenient, with all

D. Davis was called from the Chicago Semi- the requisite appurtenances. The present offi-
nary, who preached months during vaca-
six cers are G. M. D. Gregory, W. M.; James T.
tion (was then a student), after which Rev. I. Hosford, S. W.; Robert T. Robertson, J. W.;
B. Smith was called, and preached about two Lyman C. Clark, Chaplain ;
Henry Bradley,
years. The Rev. A. R. Thain was called, and Treasurer ;
Wiliiam P. Reed, Secretary John ;

preached three years. Rev. Mr. Fox was the McWilliams, S. D.; Joseph A. Norris, J. D.;
next pastor, who preached one year. After George Cary, S. S.; James Fuuston, J. S.; Ed-
that, the Rev. H. M. Skeels was called, and ward Morgan, Tiler.
preached five years. The present pastor is
Rev. E. L. Hill. The church has a member- LIST OF BUSINESS MEN AND HOUSES.
ship of eighty members, with the present offi- Thomas Hosford, Mayor.
cers, T. C. K. Sanders and E. Boynton,
Brown, John C. Neltuer, general store.

Trustees Watson and Manvill, Deacons W.

; ;
Wiant & Stevens, general store.
J. Wilson, Clerk, with a large Sunday school of J. E. West, general store.

over one hundred members, with a good libra- Reed & Stark, general store.
ry, and the following officers : W. J. Wilson, Charles Norris, furniture.
Superintendent ; R. T. Robinson, Assistant 0. C. Woodworth, groceries.
T. Evendon, Librarian ; J. Grove, Clerk ; Mrs. Prof. Crossman, groceries.
€. K. Sanders, Treasurer. — W. J. Wilson, T. V. Otis, hardware and tin.

Church Clerk. C. W. Gary, hardware and tin.


PUBLICATIONS. Tavern, John Casper.

The Fruit and Flower Grower and Vegetable Insurance agent and Notary Public, Jacob
Gardener, published quarterly, three numbers Miller.

in one, by John C. Neltner, Turner Junction, Tailor, Nicholas Rerker.

fllacksmith, Henry Hamschmidt.
Turner Junction News, published weekly, by Carpenter, William Hastert.

J. Russell Smith. Wagon-maker, Valentine Weinrich.

WINFIELD. Boot and shoe-maker, Anton Schmitt.
This town grew up as a station on the old Winfield Creamery, consumes 6,000 pounds
Galena & Chicago Union Railroad, which of milk, manufactures 120 pounds of butter and
passed through the place in 1849, and John 425 pounds of cheese daily on an average.
Hodges was the first station agent. A store Parish priest, Rev. John Wiedenhold.
was soon after opened at the place, by Andrew —
Church of St John the Baptist. This church
Vandusen, who also kept a tavern. January was built in 1867 by the people of Winfield. It

25, 1853, a plat of the village, made by James was first attended to by one of the Benedictine
P. Doe, was recorded as the village of Frede- Fathers, from St. Joseph's Church, Chicago,
ricksburg, situate upon Sections 12 and 13, until 1869, March 1. After this date, Rev.
Town 39, Range 9. The present depot was Father John Wiederhold was appointed as pas-
built in 1854, at which time there was an ex- tor of this church, who keeps the pulpit there
tensive brewery at the place, and a lumber up to this time. The parish numbered, at its

yard the latter kept by John Collins. Much beginning, about thirty families, but at present
freight at that time came to and from the place, the number is about eighty-five. In course of
to and from Naperville, it being their nearest time, the church, being only 45x30 feet long and
railroad point. Gilbert S. Higgins is the pres- twenty-seven feet high, became too small for the
ent Postmaster ;
Adalbert Jewell, station agent, still growing congregation, and in 1879 they
and the following are the names of the present found it necessary to enlarge the church to the
business firms, etc. : extension of 100 feet. In February, 1880, it

General stores, George Fehrman & Son ; M. was completed, and duly blessed on the 2d of
Hills. that month by Very Rev. J. McMulleu.


THREE years before the battle of Tippe- and here was the place, then amidst Indian
canoe was fought by Gen. Harrison, Rob- alarms and the rough-and-tumble conditions of
ert Y. Benjamin was born. His father, Daniel border life, where he raised his family, one of
Benjamin was a brave old pioneer who had set- whom, Robert Y., is now a citizen of Wayne
tled on the north side of the Little Scioto Riv- thefirst who came to the place and settled in —
er, in Ohio, opposite where Columbus now is, mind and body still sound, and seventy-four.

Daniel Benjamin, the father, with his four sons built a pen around him, cob house fashion, and
— Andrew, John Joseph and Robert Y. —and left him provided with a bow and arrow, and
about ten other families, all came to the place an extra pair of leggings for future use in the
together with their own teams, from Ohio, ar- happy hunting grounds. His frail tomb was on
riving at what is now Wayne on the 12th of Mr. Benjamin's land and was frequently visited
Maj, 1834. All these families, except the by him out of curiosity. He did not disturb
Benjamins and Joseph Vale, whose family was the corpse
one of the part}', settled on the Fox River. " In the grave where an Indian had laid him,"

But Robert Y. was attracted to the place where but the prairie wolves had no respect for In-
he still lives by the famous spring that gushes dian rites, and soon pressed between the poles
out of the ground from beneath the shadow of that illy protected his clay, and made man}- a
the beautiful grove at the place, and there he late supper from it under cover of night. Sub-
set down his stakes ;
moreover, he sa3 -
s his wife sequently the Vale boys set the skull up for a
was tired of traveling and liked the location. target to shoot at. The wolves carried away
This is a point in favor of female counsel, the rest of the bones to their lair for Christmas
and poorer ones have been made in favor of toys for their j'oung whelps to play with.
female suffrage, for Mr. Benjamin and his wife " Alas, poor Yorick !"

made a success of their attempt. Mr. Giles Billings and John Laughliu came
The rest of the family settled not far distant, to the settlement the following autumn, and
on claims from nature's amplitude of prairie soon after him John Rinehardt, Mr. Simpson
and grove as free as it was inviting. Besides and Patrick Scott. The next year, 1835, an
the Benjamin's Mr. Vale also settled, a little to appeared at Mr. Benjamin's house he
officer ;

the west of them. Among the necessities which was from an obscure town in the east, named
he brought to the new country in his wagon Chicago, the same slab city through which Mr.
way a. barrel of whisky (a questionable one) of Benjamin had passed the year before, and had
which Mr. Benjamin says he never gave away a then failed to attract his favorable notice, but
drop. He was the only one of the companj -
now the place was coming up in the scale. A
who laid in a stock of this emollient, and may grand jury was to be impaneled there, and Mr.
be regarded as the first monopolist that ever Benjamin was wanted to sit as one of its mem-
practiced that modern art in Wayne. Here he bers. The officer served the summons, mount-
he had a corner on whisky, and shortly after the ed his horse and vanished in the tall prairie
settlement of the place, a band of 300 Pottawat- grass, and Mr. Benjamin set about getting
omies came to the grove and encamped. He j
ready to obej' the call. The next morning he
was now bull in the whisky market, having it started on foot, keeping his course due east by
all his own way.
At whatever price he sold it, the compass. The was spongy, and noon

Mr. Banjamin says, a riot among the Indians found him toiling through the trackless flats
was soon manifest, and one of their number i
that border the east margin of Salt Creek. He
was killed. was hungry, but relief soon came. It was roast
Next came the interment of the fallen sav- |
potatoes and a cup of tea, on which he dined at
age. He was dressed up in his best blanket the hospitable home of Maj. Giles, who lived
and leggings, and placed in a sitting position on two miles west of the Desplaines River, with
the ground, his body erect, his head upright his latch string always hanging on tire outside
and ornate with feathers. Thus tableaued his of the door. This was the only house on his
friends cut some saplings from the grove and way to Chicago, along what was then known

as the St. Charles trail. On Mr. Benjamin's very small. The bed was in one corner, and
return he took the precaution to fill his pockets the fire-place in one end, with the chimney out-
with ginger snaps or some other kinds of bak- side, and yet she sometimes played the hostess
ery delectables, which Chicago had then begun to travelers overnight, who managed to find a
tomake for Indian traffic or hungry footmen, spot on the floor not occupied by trundle beds,
who had long stretches of prairie marsh to on which they could stretch out full length,
cross. with perhaps a horse saddle for a pillow, or
Of other settlers whose pioneer experiences some other makeshift.
represented the times, were the families of Solo- The first year they raised nothing, and Mr.
mon Dunham and Edmund Bartlett. Bartlett was obliged to go to Chicago with his
Both were from the State of New York, and team for provisions, a trip which required three
both arrived at Chicago in company with each days' time. While thus left alone, except with
other, on the 24th of March, 1835, in their own the children, one night an Indian came to her
teams all Here they rented a small
the way. door, entered without knocking, according to
house on Randolph street, not far from the their custom,and threw his baggage down in
store of Mr. Dale, the pioneer store-keeper of one corner of the room, " Me stay all night
Chicago. The house was a log cabin, with but Me good Indian ! Me no hurt you !" said
one room, over which was a loft, reached by a the red intruder, and all her entreaties could
ladder through an aperture in its loosely laid not dissuade him from his purpose. Mrs. Bart-
floor. Into this cabin, the two families were lett had to accept the situation, and laid down

crowded as a temporary abode, while the two on her bed, while her red guest snoozed himself
heads of them— Mr. Dunham and Mr. Bartlett to sleep, not ten feet away from her.
—started with the team westward to hunt up a He was
a good Indian who wanted a night's
location on which to settle. rest,and why should he sleep outdoors when
Mrs. Dunham had two children, and Mrs. there was a house to sleep in, reasoned the hon-
Bartlett six, making, with themselves, ten in est child of nature ; and let us be charitable
the family after their husbands had started on enough toward him to believe that had he un-
their mission. The two men threaded their derstood the improprieties of his demands as
winding way around the sloughs till they reached civilians do, he would not have insisted on
the fertile prairies on the fringe of the timber lodging in the house when a woman was alone
that skirts the eastern banks of Fox River, just in it. On another occasion, when Mrs. Bartlett
west of the present site of Wayne Station, and was also alone, a young red rascal came rush-
here they each bought claims to lands. Mr. ing into her cabin, crying out, " Bad Indian
Bartlett still lives on the same now but Mr. ; coming ! Kill !" and immediately fled into the
Dunham died in 1865. Having set their stakes adjacent grove. Sure enough there were five
here, the two pioneers returned to their families Indians rapidly approaching her house, on the
in Chicago paid up the rent of their wretched
well-frequented Indian trail that passed it, as
tenement ($1.25 for the ten days they had hard as they could gallop on their ponies. On
occupied it), and all started together for their arriving, they could easily see that she was ter-
new homes. On arriving there, the first thing rified at their presence, and the first thiug they
to be done was to build a house, and, of course, did was to allay her fears by pulling off some
a log house, for they had neither means nor of their trinkets and giving them to her chil-
material to build a frame ; and Mrs. Bartlett dren, and otherwise exhibiting tokens of kind-
says the one she and her family lived in was ness. This done, they inquired for the first

Indian who had and she told them

visited her, a slung-shot. On one occasion, one of the early
the course he had taken, and that he had called settlers, late in the afternoon, while returning
them bad Indians. At this they laughed heart- from some distant place with his horses and
ily, and informed her that they were following wagon, was followed by a pack of these hungry
him to get a pony he had stolen. They then prowlers, who actually tried to leap into the
left in hot pursuit of the fugitive. Sometimes hind end of his wagon, and might have done it

large numbers of Indians would encamp near had he not repelled their charge with his whip.
the house and remain a day or two, but never There are yet a few of these animals sneaking
did any harm, except to sometimes take what about in the groves adjacent, and six of them
salt they wanted to eat wherever they could were killed in 1881.
find it ; but to do them justice, Mrs. Bartlett In the spring succeeding the first winter
says that if they ever took any they soon spent at this new settlement, there was a great
brought its equivalent in value in fish caught want of potatoes, and one of the settlers was
from the Fox River or venison shot from the sent with a team to the Wabash River in Indi-
groves, and many a quarter of this delicious ana, to get seed to plaut, which was the nearest
meat did the Indians present her family. The place where they could be bought. During
Indians were very fond of Mrs. Bartlett's bread, their first year at the place, they had been de-
and one da} -
, seeing two loaves of it on her prived of this healthful esculent, and when
table, took one of them, and gave her a butcher they finally got a supply, no table delicacy
knife in return, saying at the same time, " Me could be more delicious. Daniel and Mark
got two knives, you got two loaves. Me give Dunham, both now well-known residents of the
you one knife and take one loaf." She found vicinity, are sons of Solomon Dunham, who
the knife very useful, and kept it many years. came with Mr. Bartlett, but, as before stated,

Mrs. Bartlett said nothing against the Indiaus, Mr. Solomon Dunham is not living, and Mr.
but felt glad when they were removed. The Bartlett, though living, feels the etfect of eighty-

country was alive with wolves for the first one 3-ears, and has forgotten much of his long

few years, and they continually came howling and eventful life, but his wife is in the full vigor

around the house like thieving dogs after of her mental and physical powers, though the
bones, and it was no unusual thing for them mother of ten children, and a monument of the
to come to her door at night and quarrel health-giving air of Du Page County, and to
together over bacon rinds or other food thrown her is the writer indebted for the foregoing
out. pioneer reminiscences. Ira Albro, a present
The early settlers here took their first corn to resident of Wayne, came to where he now lives
mill at Bailey Hobson's grist-mill, near Naper- in the autumn succeeding the arrival of Mr.
ville, usually carrying it in a bag slung across Dunham and Mr. Bartlett, and shared the laud-
the back of a horse. able ambitions with the toils of pioneer life

was a lonesome way, and the wolves often

It with the peers of his age.
followed the horse and rider all the way home, Samuel Brand, Mr. Styles, Mr. Whaples
if late in the evening ; and sometimes, if they (father of Mrs. P. Hull, of Wheaton), Daniel
came too close, the rider took out one of the Roundy (uncle of Capt. Roundy, of Winfield),
stirrups of the saddle to defend himself with Samuel Talmadge, the Whittacres, the Ker-
in case of an attack, which weapon would be shaws, Mr. Hemingway, W. Hammond, Ezra
quite effective for close quarters, the iron stir- Gilbert, J. V. King, Charles and Wesley Gray,
rup with the straps attached to it working like Reuben Walpole, Joseph Davis, W. Farnsworth,
Joseph McMillen (who established the first post came, Father Kimball had led the way as al-

office at the place at McMillen's Grove, Daniel ready stated.

Lyman, John Smith (father of Mrs. Colvin, of The first hopes of a village in this region
Wheaton), Luther F. Sanderson, Horace Keed, found a rallying point at Wayne Centre. Will-
Aaron Wood, James McCabe, Mr. Hilling iam K. Guild, now a citizen ofWheaton, settled
(who subsequently died of cholera at St. there in 1839. The incipient town was on the
Charles), Orin Higgins, Thomas Morgan, Lu- oldarmy trail, and the land around was at-
ther Pierce, Joel Wiant and James Davis all tractive.A store was opened at the place by
came to the settlement between the years 1 835 Abner Guild and James A. Nind, in 1844,
and 1837. and, the inevitable blacksmith shop, by-

In the latter part of 1837, William Kimball, John Shermau, about the same time, who
a native of Vermont, came to the place. He was succeeded in the muscular art by E.
was a Methodist class leader and preacher " to Eckhart.
the manner born," and here was a field for his Wayne Centre had by this time outgrown her
clerical learning. He built a log cabin for a nickname of Gimletville, and the prospect was
family domicile ; but, in default of any other reasonable that she might become a moderate
place for divine worship, it became also a rally- sized village, like her nearest neighbor to the
ing place from whence to dispense the Gospel, south —
Naperville. Under this impression, she
and thither settlers gathered, even from five or must have a church. Accordingly, one was
six miles distant on on horseback, and
foot, organized, first as a branch of the St. Charles
with ox teams, to hear Father Kimball preach. Church, which was Congregational, that being
He, with the assistance of his neighbors, built the religion that most of the settlers had brought
a log schoolhouse the next year, which served with them to the place. It became an inde-
also for a church, thereby giving the family of pendent organization soon afterward, and held
Elder Kimball, consisting of a wife and eleven services in the schoolhouse till 1852, at which
children,more sea-room at home on Sundays. time they had completed a church of their
John Kershaw, brother of A. Kershaw, of own, its membership numbering thirty. Rev.
Wayne, was the first male teacher in this pio- Ebenezer Raymond was their first settled
neer temple of science, and Miss Julia Talmadge pastor, who was succeeded by Rev. L. E.
was the first female teacher. She now lives in Sykes. Rev. E. W. Kellogg was the next
Aurora, the wife of Mr. Weaver. pastor, who was succeeded by his son, L. H.
was an event of no small magnitude when
It Kellogg.
was established, and its reputation
this school The influence of the railroad which pierces
might be envied by some of our modern col- the central portions of the county was now
leges. It was a subscription school, and was fully demonstrated. It had been running three
patronized for a radius of four or five miles, years,and while towns on its line were growing,
some distant ones taking board near by to avail those remote from it were decaying. Under
themselves of its teachings. This settlement these discouragements, the church in Wayne
then belonged to the Du Page Circuit, as the was sold and removed to a society in Bartlett,
Methodists had named it. After the original just over the line inCook County, in 1879,
Fox Kiver Circuit had been divided into two. and Wayne Centre preserves nothing of its
Elder Wilcox was the first circuit preacher sent early hopes but its name.
here by the Presiding Elder, and Rev. — . Gad- The township of Wayne is in the extreme
ding the second. But before either of these northwestern part of the county, and is known

by Congressional description as Township 40, It sprang into existence when the railroad
Range 9. Its surface is quite diversified, being passed through in 1849, at which place Solo-
rather more uneven than that of any other mon Dunham was the first Postmaster, and
township in the county. It has a large num- Egbert Adams opened the first store, which
ber of living springs, several small groves of was in the same building now occupied by H.
timber and many transplanted trees and or- Campbell.
chards, giving its whole area the appearance of The following lists show the business men in
a timbered country. the place, in 1870 and 1882 :

The West Fork of the Du Page River has its

main source in the northeastern corner of the BUSINESS MEN OF WAYNE IN 1870.

township, and waters its eastern portions, but Dry goods and groceries, Campbell &
a small head tributary of this stream flows from Brother, Adam M. G-los.
Bloomingdale. The little inlets and springs Carriage factory, John Arndt.
from which this stream is made up are nu- Boots and shoes, Hiram Adams.
merous, and present a pleasing landscape as Blacksmiths, Vincent Smith, Hasbrook Lo-
they creep along beneath a tangle of vegetation zier.

toward the larger channel, which is more con- Tin and hardware, James Campbell.
stant here, near its fountain-head, than it is Pressed hay, Case & Arndt.
farther down in extreme low water. A saw- Postmaster and station agent, A. D. Trull.
millwas erected on it, on Section 14, by Jonas
Blank in 1849, who died with typhoid fever BUSINESS MEN OF WAYNE IN 1882.
soon afterward. Dry goods and groceries, Adam M. Glos,
The farms are large, and those who own H. Campbell.
them may generally be called wealthy. Fine Wagous and carriages, John Arndt.
blooded cattle, horses and sheep are a specialty Boot and shoe maker, Peter Carlson.
with them, but milk and the dairy business is Blacksmiths, William Eggleston and Has-
a growing interest. brook Lozier.
The Chicago & St. Paul Railroad touches its Tin shop, James Campbell.
northeastern corner, and the Chicago & North- Station agent, H. W. Hubbard.
Western Railroad passes through its southwest- Postmaster, A. D. Trull.
ern portions, and from the elevations of their American Express Agent, Adam M. Grlos.
tracks, reported by the engineers of the two Justice of the Peace, Adam M. Glos.
roads, the average elevation of the surface of Cheese factory, three miles east of station,
the township above Lake Michigan is estimated owned by C. W. Gould, of Elgin.
by the writer to be about one hundred and It is due to science to state that Adam M.
seventy feet. Glos has been collecting Indian relics for the
By the school report of 1882, it has eight past thirty years in Du Page and Kane Coun-
school districts and 351 persons between the ties, a great many from Wayne, W infield and
ages of sis and twenty -one years, of whom 218 Naperville Townships, which consists of stone
are enrolled in school lists. Its contiguity to arrows, all sizes and patterns also stone axes

Elgin makes villages unnecessary in the town- in great variety, and many other relics of the
and there are none except a small one
ship, stone age. Mr. Glos has explored a great
named Wayne Station, on the Chicago & North- many mounds along the Fox River Valley,
western Railway. none being fouud in Du Page County.

There is a Congregational Church at Wayne ONTARIOVILLE.

Station, for which thanks are due to William This is a station on the Chicago and St. Paul
Sayer. Railroad, about one-half of which is in Wayne,
THE CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. situated on Section 1.

This was organized February 18, 1871. Five . It was platted by William Leesburg April
members withdrew their names from the Wayne 7, 1874. It affords excellent facilities for
Centre Church, and with the aid of thirteen on shipping the produce of Wayne to Chicago,
profession of faith was organized, with a
it especially milk, which is an increasing interest
membership of eighteen in number, as follows : in the vicinity. The following is a list of the
Simeon Barber, Hulda L. Barber, Albert W. business men of the place :

Moffatt, Alice Moffatt, Elizabeth Smith. By E. Bartlett, station agentand lumber dealer.
profession : Julia Trull, Cordelia Pratt, Ro- M. Debker, Postmaster and general store.
land Hall, Esther Hall, Rhoda Wolcott, Catha- Fred Freeman, blacksmith.
rine Dolph, Nancy Dolph, Harriett Lozier, Mary Fred Olendorf, general store.
Smith, John Arndt, Ellen Arndt, Janette Pix- C. Ackerman, cheese factory.

ley and Robert Carswell. C. Humbrocht, hotel.

r I 1HIS is the central northern township of the heat of summer, and here they made
-*- Da Page County, situated in Township offerings to appease the supposed wrath of
40, Range 1. Its average elevation above the Great Spirit, and here their rights of
Lake Michigan is above that of any other sepulture were devoutly performed in their
town in the county, as is shown by its being own barbaric way, evidences of which are
the sources of both the forks of the Du Page still extant and afford speculations for the

River, and also the source of a western tribu- archaeologist. Their name for the grove was
tary of Salt Creek. Penneack, which in their tongue was the
Its general elevation above Lake Michigan name of an esculent root which they used Eor
is estimated to be about 180 feet, except in food and which grew there. What the root
its lower portions. A beautiful grove occu- was the writer does not know. It might have
pies the southern parts of Sections 10, 11 been ginseng. The Indians in their straits
and 12 and the northern portions of Sections have often lived on worse fare than this.
13, 14 and a corner of 15. This grove at- Whatever the root was, the Indians made an-
tracted the attention of the aboriginal inhab- nual autumn harvests of it for two or three
itants of the country as a refuge to fly to years after white settlements had begun at
during the nipping frosts of winter, and also the place which was on the 11th day of
March, 1833, when Silas, Henry and Lyman stake of his claim through the heart ofyoung
Meacham, three brothers from Rutland Noble, healing the wound by making a simi-
County, Vt., built a log cabin there. They lar impression on Miss Sybil Stephens, and
had traversed the broad face of the country the priest did the rest by the usual ceremo-
that intervened between this spot and their nial. No wedding cards were printed.
home with their own teams. As settlements increased, public highways
The ground was covered with snow, and were necessary. The old army trail road,
everything on the broad face of nature which passed along in its westerly course
around, except the grove, looked desolate and south of the grove, was older than history,
forbidding, but here was a glad retreat and for, when army traveled over it, the
here their stakes were set. track had hitherto been known as an Indian
The Meachams were men of broad-gauge trail, leading from Chicago to the great
charity —could fellowship their red neighbors nebago village, where Beloit, Wis., now
and lived on good terms with them for the stands. But_ this road only went in one di-
few years that they remained at the place j
rection, and roads leading to neighboring
previous to their removal, and the trust and settlements were soon projected by the au-
confidence extended to them was never dis- thorities of Cook County, in which this set-
honored. Their nearest neighbors were the tlement then was. Road
districts were laid
settlements of Jude Gary, Lyman Butterfield |
out, and and the settlements
this settlement
and H. T. Wilson, near the present corners ! at Warrenville were in the same district, un-

of Milton, Winfield and Lisle Townships der the charge of an official who was called a
a distance of about ten miles. The follow- Roadmaster.
ing autumn after their first settlement, Mrs. The neighbors all agreed pretty well to-

Lyman Meacham died. There was no ma- gether, but still the inexorable law demanded
terial at hand wberewith to make her coffin, that they must have a Justice of the Peace
except the wagon box. This was taken apart, to settle difficulties that might arise, and
and the boards of which it was made recon- Lyman Meacham was elected to this honor-
structed into a coffin to receive the remains able office at their voting-place, which was
of her who had come to the place in the ve- Elk Grove, about six miles to the northeast,
hicle, so soon to serve her for this last in the present town of the same name in Cook
purpose. In the autumn of the same year, County.
Maj. Skinner came to the new settlement, In 1836, Peter Northrup, now a resident of
and a young mechanic came with him, whose Wheaton, came to the place, and the same
name has not been preserved, but he died year Deacon Elijah Hough and family Ro-
shortly after his arrival, and was buried selle, one of his sons, since so widely known,

in a coffin made of boards riven from a forest was then a youth of sixteen, and Cornelia A.,
tree and dressed with a plane. his daughter, a girl of ten years. She is now
The next years, 1834 and 1835, Daniel D. the wife of Hackaliah Brown, of Wheaton.
Noble, Capt. E. Kinney, Isaac Kinney, Noah Moses B. Elliott came the same year, and
Stevens, David Bangs, Elias Maynard and large numbers soon came in to avail them-
Harry Woodworth came to the place. Cupid selves of the advantages of the healthy loca-
came soon afterward as a regular immigrant tion and cheap lands that abounded here,
to settle in the country, and drove the first amoncr whom was L. E. Landon, now a citizen

of Wheaton, and Waters Northrup, now liv- ing about for a key to the tune. He has no
ing in Bloomingdale. Deacon Allen Hills tuning-fork, but very soon we hear ahum — m.
came in 1840, with his four sons Erasmus — Satisfied he is right, he commences the
O. and Nubria, who are now living at Chicago hymn; all join in singing with a gusto, when
Hileman, who still lives at Bloomingdale, and lo! half way through the first line the leader
H. B., who died at Wheaton in 1881. Be- stops. The audience sing on, but he has
sides these was one daughter —Almeda, who gone back for a better pitch, and, starting

married T. R. Stevens, an early settler at the the piece again, he is coming on with a
place, and the same year Dr. Parker Sedg- choir of one. The girls blush, the boys
wick and S. P. Sedgwick, his son, now a giggle, the elderly and pious people trying
physician in Wheaton, and Hiram Cody, all the while to look grave. The situation
father of Judge Cody, of Naperville, came to calls for a compromise. For the sake of
this settlement. charity, the audience yield, go back and join
We have now a thriving colony of relig- him, for his deafness was the cause of the
iously inclined men, among whom were two jargon. The sermon was passably interest-
Deacons, and, of course, divine services ing, and was only disturbed by a dog fight or
promptly came in, and the following descrip- two."
tion of one of them, written by Mr. Bronson Every one familiar with pioneer life will
Hills, and published, before his death, in the acknowledge the fidelity with which Mr. Hills

Wheaton paper, is a spirited description of has described the early meetings, but there
one of them was purpose in these first ministers, deacons
" Sunday was quite generally observed by and laymen, not lacquered with pretentious
the settlers attending meeting at the little log formula. Virtue had a high standard then,
schoolhouse. We
must go, of course, with but desperate motives, asif by some freak

the rest to see what is done. * * The of the moral law, lurked in the secret re-
seats have no backs. They are made of logs cesses of a few moody hearts and soon cul-
split and turned the flat side up, the face of minated in a scene of blood.
them bearing the marks of the ax with which
they were scored and hewed. Twenty or THE KENT TRAGEDY.
thirty, including children, constitute the au- Dr. Meacham, the first settler at the pres-
dience, with an addition of about as many ent site of Bloomingdale, in 1833, made a
dogs as men. Curiosity to see our new claim on what became Sections 14 and 15,
neighbors is the principal item of interest built a house and leased both
on Section 14,

now, especially to see the young ladies. That sections to Milton Kent, who came to the
trim-looking girl, with large gray eyes and place in 1835 from the State of New York.
jet black hair, is not handsome, but there is While Mr. Kent held this lease, he had made
something peculiar about her looks that in- a claim in Sections 10 and 11, but erected
duces one to look that way again. * * his buildings on the land he had leased of
But it is meeting time. Call in your wan- Mr. Meacham. They consisted of a frame
dering thoughts. The minister has come and house and barn designed for tavern-keeping,
is reading the opening hymn. A venerable occupying but a small portion of the leased
gray-haired man arises and announces 'Mear' land, which portion Mr. Kent said that
as the tune to be sung. He seems to be cast- Meacham had given him. Before the expira-
tion of the lease, Mr. Kent had sold the piledup the furniture for a sort of wall and
land, or rather, his claim to it. to George W. overspread these walls with canvas to make
Green, of Chicago. a temporary habitation. Night came on with
At the expiration of the lease, which was its glooms, and the Kents determined on ven-
in 1837, Mr. Green demanded possession of geance.
the property of Mr. Kent, which was refused. Besides the father, who was a stanch
As already stated, Kent had erected his tav- old man, F. L. Kent, his son, and James
ern buildings on the property, which, if not Wakeman, who had married one of his daugh-
at the time in dispute, was liable to be, inas- ters, and a Mr. Turnbull, who subsequently

much as he had only a lease of the premises. married another of them, were all in council
Albeit, let it not been forgotten that none of together. A quit-claim was drawn up, ready
the parties yet held any claim to the property, for Green to sign, and they intended to force
which the United States Government recog- him to do it by violence, and to execute this
nized, but the State of Illinois had passed an purpose appeared at his door the following
act guaranteeing to those who first took pos- night,which was Saturday. Green had taken
session of public lands and made improve- immediate possession of the house fiom which
ments on them, could hold them, provided Kent had been driven, and here the battle
they paid for them at government price when was to be fought. First, one of them rapped
offered for sale. at the door to gain admission.
This being
Meacham now, in order to fulfill his con- refused, the door was burst open. Green
tract of sale with Green, was obliged to bring was armed with a rifle, pistol and butcher
a suit of ejectment against Kent, which he knife. The first weapon was fired off, but it
did, and the court confirmed the title to barely missed the neck of elder Kent. The
Meacham, who held the improvements, also, men were now in the house, and the elder
that Kent had put on the land, consisting of Kent grappled with Green. He snapped his
the tavern buildings. pistol at him, but the hammer in the scuffle

The next thing was to dispossess Kent. rubbed against his person and did not strike
This was done in the spring of 1840 by the the cap with sufficient force to explode it.

Sheriff of Du Page County, who called in to Next came the knife. Green stuck it into
bis assistance several men, of whom Thomas Kent's heart, and he reeled back outdoors,
Muir, a young Scotchman living in the neigh- exclaiming, "lama dead man! " Instantly
borhood, was one. In giving the writer in- young Kent grappled with Green, but soon
formation of the Mr. Muir speaks of
affair, he loosed his hold, for his antagonist thrust
the two accomplished and beautiful daugh- the same dagger into his back that had just
ters ofMr. Kent and the unpleasant task al- killed the father. Green in his turn now re-
lotted tohim in removing their toilet furni- ceived a blow over the head with a pistol,
ture from their rooms, they, meantime, pleas- which brought him down and the conflict
antly inviting him to join them in a game of ended. Young Kent was not dangerously
ball, but the law was inexorable, and he, im- wounded. One of the party was left with
pervious to their attractions, obeyed the or. the old man, who was not yet dead, while the
ders of the Sheriff. other seized Green, conducted him to the
The ejected family now moved their goods camp of the Kents, presented the quit-claim
to a grove about thirty rods distant, and to him and he signed it: he was then brought

back and left on the doorsteps of his house; These unfortunate people generally mani-
his wifehad fled to the neighbors to give the fest about as much prudence as a hen that
alarm, and they soon returned with her to attacks a bull dog in defense of her chickens,
the late scene of conflict. Roselle Hough or a partisan politician who often persists in
helped dress the wounds of young Kent, and running for a courted office, when ordinary
others helped nurse Green. Happy would it reflectionought to convince him that the peo-
have been for Mrs. Green had her husband ple don't want him elected. When two such
been killed in the encounter, for he gave her persons are brought into relations with each
poison a few years and was tried and
later, other, the result may be a tragedy, as it was
condemned to be hung for the crime, but he in this case. Neither of the men engaged in
anticipated the hangman a few days by hang- it were accounted idiots, but yet it cannot be
ing himself in his cell. denied that when men do common -place kind
He is said by those who knew him to have of acts, or business, with as little foresight
been totally depraved to all sense of right, as they did criminal acts, they are ac-
cruel to his wife, whom every one who knew counted fools. It hardly need be told that
esteemed, and unmerciful to everybody. the court did not regard the quit-claim that
That he once charged a spring with arsenic Green had signed to the property on that
and poisoned three innocent children to drive fatal night as binding.
their father away is well known, and Thomas There are still many persons living in the
Muir, by mistake, became one of the victims neighborhood who were residents of the place
of this diabolical crime, barely escaping with at the time this tragedy occurred, and the
his life. shock it made to the public sense of justice
Good fellowship is almost always at flood is still fresh in their minds, though great
tide in all new counties. Leaving one's old moral, religious and physical changes have
home for a new place where new associations since had place. Of the two former, the
are to be made, stimulates better emotions in clerical Sunday service is an index. Of the
average individuals and improves them in all physical changes that have come over the
the social accomplishments that make up a face of nature, the drainage of low lands and
neighborhood. But there are some, even dimunition of streams is a marked one. On
among pioneers, who take council only with the little rivulet then called Shaw's Creek,
sinister motives, and regard others with whom which took its rise just south of Meacham's
they may come in contact as instruments by Grove, Hiram Gooding erected a saw-mill in
which they may improve their own standing 1844. worked about three months annual-
pecuniarily, which to them is the only meas- ly, but now there is not water enough in the

ure by which anything can be gauged. Any little wet-weather brook to propel a saw

consideration that cannot be measured by mill, except during some excessive fall of
money, or its equivalent, is a myth to them. rain sufficient to cause a flood. Fine fish
When two such persons are pitted against were caught in this brook in the early day,
each other, the result is always hostile. such as pickerel and bass.
Neither have learned how to offset aggressive As late as 1850, the southern and western
action with discriminative prudence, but act portions of Bloomingdale Township were but
only on impulses, and those selfish and evil sparsely settled, but the road from Chicago
ones. to Galena passed along the northern portions,
and was one of the principal thoroughfares In 1843, there lived at the place H. Meach-
leading to the West, and at that time was of am, Deacons Hough, Hills and Stevens;
as much local importance as a railroad is in Moses Hoyt, who kept tavern; Levi H. Kinne,
our day, and it gave promise of future wealth, F. Kinney, W. Northrup (Postmaster), H.
which would have been realized but for the Woodruff, James Vint, Hileman Hills, Nu-
railroad system, which subsequently drew bria Hills, sons of Deacon Hills, together with
this trade and travel into other localities. others sufficient to make a good beginning
The Chicago Pacific (now the Chicago & St. for a town. A mile to the east, Mi Tupper -

Paul Railroad), which was finished through kept another tavern. The site of the town is
the northwestern part of this township in said to be the most elevated land of any vil-
1873, sets it now on an equal footing with I lage in the county, being 190 feet above
jfci adjoining ones, as the railroad facilities Lake Michigan. The plat of the town bears
for easy marketing. date of January 11, 1845, H. S. Hills, pro-
There is no waste land in the township, prietor —
situated on the northwest and north-
but all of it high, rolling and fertile, afford- east quarters of Section 15, Township 40,
ing excellent dairy farms, to which interest Range 10. About thirty-five families live in
there seems to be a tendency. There are the village. An excellent spring of pure
twelve school districts, and, by the school j
water breaks out of the ground just west of
census, 366 persons between the ages of six the village, at which place Col. Hoyt kept his
and twenty-one years. Schools are sustained famous tavern.
on an average of between seven and eight The Congregational society of Blooming-
months in the year. dale was established August 22, 1840, and
There is a cheese factory in the southeast- held their services in a log schoolhouse at
ern part of the township which consumes the southeastern extremity of Meacham's
4,000 pounds of milk and makes 135 pounds :
Grove, by which name the village was first

of butter and 2S0 pounds of cheese daily. j

known. Rev. D. Rockwell and Rev. Flavel
William Rathge and Fred Stuenkel, proprie- Bascom, who at this time live in Hinsdale,
tors. officiated at the ceremonies of organization.
The Coverdale Creamery, in the southwest Mr. Rockwell was ordained as first pastor
part of the township, does a similar amount and remained over this charge till 1842, when
of business. he was succeeded by H. Colton for one year
Many petrifactions of nuts and various veg- B. W. Reynolds, for two years; L. Parker,
etable forms are found in the creek that runs for four years; N\ Shapley, for one year; L.
along the northern fringe of Meachain Grove. Parker again, for three years; D. Chapman,
The village of Bloomingdale grew into ex- for one year; H. Judd, for one or more years,
istence as a convenience for the surrounding who was succeeded by others not known to
farmers —a depot from whence their wants the writer. The society built a new church
for store goods could be supplied. It was in 1851, and, June 13, 1852, it was dedicated,
first Meacham's Grove, and, being on
called but the limits of their prosperity was reached
the early stage road from Chicago to Galena, not long after the new church edifice was oc-
and eligibly located on the border of the cupied. Death removed some, and others
grove, it had a fair prospect of becoming a went West, while none came forward to take
large village. their places. This decimating process went

on till 1879, when the church was sold to the present pastor. About thirty-five families

Lutherans. Between two and three hundred belong to this society.

members in all have been enrolled on the The following is a list of the business and
books of this church, which had a Sabbath professional menBloomingdale Village
of :

school numbering once fifty, and a library of Brown & Verbeck, proprietors of the Bloom-
300 books. ingdale Flax Mill, consumes 1,000 tons of
The Baptist Church of Bloomingdale was flax straw and manufactures 600 tons of tow

organized in 1841 by Bev. Joel Wheeler. It I

annually, the firm employs eight m?n; T. C.
first numbered ten members. The next year, i Byan, cheese factory, employs three men,
a revivalist named Morgan Edwards came to consumes 8,000 pounds of milk, makes fifteen
the place and preached with effect. Six new cheeses and 240 pounds of batter daily; bed
members were added to the church, but no spring factory, by A. B. Kinne, makes 500
regular preaching was held till Bev. P. Tay- bed springs annually; John Beurmaster, tai-
lor, of Babcock's Grove, supplied them each lor; Bobert Gates, C. Eden, wagon-makers;

alternate Sunday. John Shank, George Wallis, William Sleep,

In 1848, the society commenced building Elijah Bond, blacksmiths; O. A. Verbeck,
a church. The frame was erected and the Bradford Hills, carpenters; Henry Bohler, A.
question arose whether the site of the place

Backhouse, shoe shop; Boger Ryan, Charles

chosen was destined to be the true center of Hills, Josiah Stevens, artesian well-borers;
the town. This question hung in suspense, j
Thomas Saureman, harness shop; Hills &
and the prairie breeze whistled through the Deibert, general store; J. B. Dunning, Post
naked scantlings and rafters of the unfinished master at-d general store; Henry Vanderhoof
edifice while this question was being settled physician; G. W. Bobinson, Baptist clergy
by the events of time. Finally, the locality man; A. B. Lutheran clergyman
was not considered a good one, the work was William Bathge, Notary Public; Bobert Gates
abandoned, another site selected and a church j
Henry Woodruff, Justices of the Peace; Jo
built in 1849. Prosperity rewarded their j
si ah Stevens, Charles Pierce, Constables
efforts, the church proved too small for their j
Henry Holstine, grist-mill, propelled by wind
increasing numbers, and the society sold it power, manufacturers of flour and grinds feed
for a schoolhouse and built a larger one in The village of Boselle, situated in the
1855, at which time they had over one hun- northeast quarter of the southeast quarter of
dred members. Bev. P. Taylor was the first !
Section 3, Township 40, Bange was plat-

settled pastor of the church, who remained ted and recorded October 5, 1874, by Bernard
with them until the church was built which Beck. The following is a list of its business

they now occupy. The number of their men:

members is now about fifty. The church has Hattendorf &
Bagge, general store and
regular preaching and a Sabbath school. j
agricultural implements; M. Seeker, general
The Evangelical Lutheran Church of store; Illinois Linen Company, manufactory

Bloomingdale was organized in 1878, and of linen fabrics, ropes, twines, etc.; a grist-
the next year occupied the church which they '

mill with three run of stones for flour and

bought of the Congregationalists. Bev. Gus- i
feed, Henry Holstine, proprietor; Budolph
tavo Lambrecht was their first pastor, who Milton, blacksmith; grain elevator, by Fred-
was succeeded by Bev. A. B. Mysch, the I
erick Langburst; meat market, by J. Theo-
bald; wholesale meat market, by Fred Golt ized numbered only six members. Now it
ermann; lumber yard, by Frederick Thies; numbers thirty-six and is under the pastoral
hardware and tiu shop, by Hemy Williams; charge of Rev. T. C. Warrington.
H. A. Seeker, hotel; Henry Eincke, hotel; Mr. Rufits Blanchard:
Henry Sumner, keeps the depot; J. H. C. Agreeable to your request, 1 give you herewith a
statement as to a strange phenomenon that occurred
Hattendorf, Postmaster; a public school;
on my land in Bloomingdale in August, 1856.
Henry Woodworth, Justice of the Peace; Jo- Observing that one of my fences was prostrated,
seph Fidler, carpenter; John D. Behrer, I examined the breach, and found that one of the
boots and shoes; George Steging, harness posts had been shattered into splinters from below
the second board above the ground, including the
portion of it set in the ground. The portion of
The elevation of the place is 190 feet the post above where the bottom board was nailed
above Lake Michigan. to was whole, without the marks of violence, but

the lower board nailed toit was somewhat shattered.

Meacham is a station on the Chicago, St.
The strangest part of the whole was that in the
Paul & Pacific Railroad, in Section 1, in
identical hole made in the ground in which the post
Bloomingdale Township. It has one general had stood, a deep incision was made as if, by some
store,kept by James Pierce, who also keeps violent operation of nature, something had perfo-
the depot and is Postmaster. The Methodist rated it from below up, the evidence of which
theory being found from the abundance of dirt
Church at the place was first organized as a
thrown out and scattered for three or four rods all in
class meeting by Rev. J. C. Stoughton, in

one direction probably owing to the wind. The
1851. Elizabeth Pierce, Mary Ann Battin, splinters of the lower part of the fence post were

Grace Lawrence and Mr. and Mrs. B. B also scattered the same as the dirt which had been
thrown out of the hole. I ran a pole about ten feet
Miller were the members. They met in the
long down the hole, but could find no bottom, nor
old schoolhouse. Here their services were could I hear pebbles strike any bottom as I dropped
held, including their Sunday school, which them down. The hole was about six inches in
was organized in January, 1858. The next diameter, and as clean a cut as could be bored with
an auger. Daniel Kellet.
year their church was finished and regular
Subscribed and sworn to before me, a Notary
preaching has been sustained in it till the Public, the 13th day of September, 1882.
present time. The church when first organ- W. L. Guv, Notary Public.



r F, HE mountain daisy is a handsome white he was joined by Mason Smith, and the two
* flower, about the size of the old-fash- started together for the West.

ioned bell-buttons that were fashionably used Their road lay along the old historic
on boys' blue satinet roundabouts in the early grounds of Fort Stanwix (now Rome), thence
part of the present century, and discontinued across the Genesee River at Rochester and

about the year 1835. This daisy was cer- Buffalo, at which place they took a boat for
tainly more ornamental than useful. But Detroit, where they bought a horse and wag-
what had it to do with the history of Addi- on, and pursued their journey across the State
son? Let us speculate. The daisy was so of Michigan to Chicago, which they reached
tenacious of life that it was more difficult to on the 3d of September. They rested here

kill than blue grass. Wherever it took pos- five days, and again started westwardly for
session of the land, it outrivaled every other the Desplaines River, crossing it at the pres-

kind of vegetation, and rendered it almost ent site of Maywood, from which place a well-

valueless for meadow or pasturage. It grew traveled road bore westwardly across an ap-
in several of the towns east of the Meirimack parently boundless prairie. But, before
River, in the vicinity of Concord, N. H., es- starting on this road, they encamped for the

pecially in Stoddard and Hillsboro, and forced night in the country so strange to the visit-
many of the inhabitants away from their ors. The low, flat j>rairie, and the sluggish
mountain homes to seek more fruitful locali- river that drained it, were the least of their

ties, where a better reward met the hands of surprises. The Pottawatomies still owned
the husbandman. The writer came from this the entire country to which they were emi-
part, of New Hampshire, and speaks from his grating, and 300 of their number were as-
own knowledge. At Hillsboro lived Heze- sembled on the river bank here. It was a
kiah Duncklee, and from this place he emi- picture rarely to be looked on to see these
grated in the summer of 1833. If the mount- natives just preparing to leave their homes to
ain daisy drove farmers away from the place, make room for the new-comers, for they (the

perhaps their gorgeous beauty gave them a Indians) were now bending their course to
taste for the ornamental, and may not have Chicago to attend the treaty there, destined
served a vain purpose. Mr. Duncklee, having to convey Northern Illinois east of Rock
crossed the Green Mountains, arrived at Pots- River to those who had already taken pos-
dam, in the State of New York, safely, session of the choicest portions of it before

the bargain was made to and Mr.

sell it, north of where they had crossed this stream,
Duncklee and Mr. Smith were two more of and, on the 12th of September, selected a lo-
this class on whom the Indians could look in cation on the northern verge of a grove, to
no other light than that of intruders. which the name of Duncklee' s Grove has
The next morning they resumed their jour- since been given. Mr. Dunckley's claim was
ney, following the trail over which Scott's on what became Sections 10 and 1 5 when the
army had passed eleven months before. It country came to be surveyed. It consisted of
has since been put down on early maps as the suitable portions of prairie and timber, as
Elgin road. It enters the present township first claims always did till timber lands had

of Addison at its extreme southeast corner, all been taken possession of.

and leads thence to the village of Addison, The first thing to be done was to build a
on Salt Creek, and this was the location of house. This was no difficult task to accom-
the road which the travelers took. plish where there was plenty of timber, and
Toiling along their way in this narrow all the tools required were an ax, hammer,

path between two oceans of green, they came saw, and adze to smooth the surface of the
to a grave where one of the soldiers who came floor, which was made of split logs, flat side

the year before, under command of Gen. upward, called puncheons, besides which a
Scott, to defend the country from the Sauks, frow, with which to rive out clapboards for
had found his last and the
resting-place, the roof, was necessary. The whole was fin-
first grave of a white man
Addison Town-
in ished in two weeks, and occupied by the first
ship. Farther along, at Salt Creek, were the freeholder of Addison Township. Mr. Dunck-
tent poles still standing as the army had left lee's family arrived the next year, 1834, in
them. They crossed the stream and encamped August, at the new home, amidst the growing
for the night on the prairie, amidst the lul- crops that had rewarded the labors of this
laby din of reptile But soon these soft
life. pioneer farmer. The following June, on the
voices of the night were drowned by the 18th, was born a daughter, Julia A., who, at
sharp yelp of the numerous wolves that hung her maturity, became the wife of Frederick
around the camp attracted by the scent of E. Lester. She was the first white child born
strange animal life in their midst, but too in Addison, and became the first school-
formidable for them to attack. Pushing for- teacher at the place, from which we must in-
ward the next morning, they reached the fer that Addison was rather tardy in estab-
settlement which theMeachams had made six lishing schools, or wished to wait till they
months before. Here two men in pursuit of could grow a teacher on their own soil. Set-
a home met three who had already laid claim ting this down to their love of home talent,

to one in the verge of a grove that now bears if the latter was the case, we will pass on to
their name — Meacham's Grove. Six months' the next thing done here in a similar direc-
experience in a country, wild as nature could tion. This was to plant apple seeds, which
make was productive of much practical in-
it, Mr. Duncklee did in 1836, and his orchard
formation. Everything was to be built new, grew from this seed, as the first school-teacher
and the problem was how to begin. The had grown on the fuitful soil of Addison.
Meachams gave the new-comers the benefit Both were a success. Miss Julia taught a
of their experience, and the result was that good school, and the orchard of Mr. Dunck-
they proceeded back to a grove on Salt Creek, lee bore fruitfully, affording a handsome in-

come for itsfruit in a few years after it was State of New York; also two brothers, Charles
planted. In the summer subsequent to Mr. H. and Hiram Hoit, and George Rouse, came
Duncklee's first arrival, came to the
there from the Eastern States, and Young America
place and settled a Mr. Perin, who^took sick seemed to hold her own with Young Ger-
and died in a few weeks, his being the first many, but soon again the latter, coming in
death in Addison, except the unfortunate sol- great force, took the lead. J. H Schmidt,
dier whose grave was seen by Mr. Dunck- and his son, H. Schmidt, Jr. , and Mr. Buch-
lee, as already told. ols, who was subsequently killed at the rais-
Early in the summer of the same year ing of Mr. Plagge's log cabin in 1838, all

1834, Ebenezer Duncklee, brother to Heze- came in 1835, and the next Henry D.
kiah, came and made a claim adjoininghim Fischer, J. L. Franzen, B. Kaler, D. S. Dun-
and Richard Kingston. Thomas H. Thom- ning, Frederick Stuenkle, the Banum broth-
son, James Bean, Demerit Hoyt and D. Par- ers, J. Bertram, S. D. Pierce, C. W. Martin,
sons, all from the Eastern States, came and B. F. Fillmore, came to the settlement; and
made claims, mostly at the southern side of the next year, 1837, Conrad Fischer, father
the grove. of Henry D., also Frederick J. and August,
Thus far, the settlement was exclusively two of his brothers, and William Asche, came
American, but close upon their heels, or per- to the place.
haps ere the last of the above-mentioned had The famous old tavern known as the Buck-
settled, there came to the place the vanguard horn was opened the same year, by Charles
of the German immigration destined to ap- Hoit. It stood on the Galena road, two miles
propriate the lands of what, since that time, west of Salt Creek. It did a thriving busi-
became Addison Township. This vanguard ness, the farmers to the west as far as Rock
was William Henry Bosque, Barney H. Fran- River being guests at the place on their way
zen, Frederick Graue (with his family of five to and from Chicago to market their produce.

stalwart young men Dedrick, Frederick, Jr., Teams also came from Galena, loaded with
Luderwich, Heinrich and August and one — lead, a heavy article to pull through the
daughter, Willemine, to help the mother gar- sloughs that intervened between the two
nish the house and the manners of the boys). places. As prices range now for every kind
The main settlement of these Germans was of supply, a teamster would find his bills
at a small grove, in what is now Section 34, payable larger than his bills receivable, if he
ever since called Graue's Grove; but some of had lead given to him free, and hauled it to
the Graue family settled in what is now York. Chicago to sell at the going price, if he paid
Willemine was soon married to Frederick common hotel f are and allowed the customary
Kraige, who also settled near by. Banhard rates for the use of his horses and pay for his
Koeler, who came with Mr. Graue, and Ded- own time; but conditions were different then.
rick Leseman, all came the same year, and His horses bated on the prairie for rough feed,
Young Germany took deep root at the place. and ate their allowance of corn or oats from
Besides all these, Thomas Williams and E. the feed trough attached to the wagon, which
Lamb, from New York State, came in 1834. was brought from the farm from whence they
The next year, 1835, Edward Lester, with came. The owner of the team slept in his
his five sons -Marshall, John, Daniel, Fred- wagon, except in very cold weather, and
erick and Lewis —came to the place from the brought a portion of his food from home, pat-
ronizing the tavern for only an occasional meal, The village of Addison is situated on Sec-
or for "hay for his horses, when the prairie tions 21 and 28, on the east side of Salt
did not furnish grass, which was from the Creek. Its elevation above Lake Michigan
time of its being burnt over in the fall till is about one hundred and twenty feet.
the following June. It was one of the early settlements of the
It was about this time that Salt Creek re- township, and, as these settlements progressed,
ceived its name. A teamster named John became a central point for a village, post
Reid, from Oneida County, N. Y., was em- office and stores to accommodate them. But
ployed to haul lead from Galena to Chicago, the chief elements of a village in the place
and on one of his trips, loaded back with salt, are its educational institutions, the history
and, in crossing this stream, got " stuck " in of which, together with that of the church,
the mud. The water was high, flooded his will constitute substantially the history of the
load and melted it away ere he could get help village itself.

to pull it out. The consecpience was that the

creek ran brine for a few hours, and received GERMAN EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH.
a name which is also a memento of the early The first German settler came to Addison,
toils of the teamster. f.hen known as Duncklee's Grove, in 1834.
Everything was cheap then, and a hotel or As long as a public ministry was not estab-
anything else could be carried on at but tri- lished with them, they would assemble on
fling expense. If the income was small, the Sundays for prayer and devotional reading
outgoes were still smaller. Ten cents for the at their own homes, going the rounds in the
hay for a horse during the night, and 15 cents neighborhood. Later, they had occasional
or 20 cents for a meal for the teamster, were visits of In November, 1842, a
ordinary charges. congregation was organized, about twenty
All other charges were proportionate, in- families joining, some of Reformed, some of
cluding the expense incurred for dispensing Lutheran persuasion. Accordingly, they
the early Gospel. Divine services were held in adopted the name of the German Reformed
schoolhouses, or sometimes in private houses. Lutheran Congregation. Forty-eight acres
The Germans who settled this township were purchased as a site for a church, parson-
were Lutherans. Rev. Koschon was their age and cemetery. The membership increas-
first preacher. Services were sometimes held ing, aLutheran minister, Rev. E. A. Brauer,
in the house of Mr. Schmidt. He remained I
was calledin November, 1847, and by a unani-

two years, when his place was

pastor for about mous it was resolved no longer to be a
supplied by Francis Hoffman, the same who mixed, but a truly Lutheran Church. The
subsequently opened a bank in Chicago in new name, the German Evangelical- Lutheran
connection with Mr. Gelpke. He now owns ! Congregation, was adopted. In the follow-
the model farm of the State of Wisconsin. ing year, the Reformed members severed their
Mr. Hoffman was schoolmaster, as well as j
connection and organized a new church, re-
preacher, and the old log cabin where he gave j
ceiving from the Lutheran congregation
the rudiments of science to the young gener- $170 in return for their former contributions,
ation of his time stood where the house of I
and $65 for their share of church property.
Lewis Schmidt now stands, in Addison Vil- Following is the confession of faith of the
lage. |
congregation, as contained in Section 2 of its

constitution : Lutheran Church)

"As such (a at present is about threehundred and fifty-
the congregation professes the holy and di- five. Both the English and the German lan-
vine word of the Old and the New Testa- guages are means of instruction, it being the
ments, as the doctrine of the same is laid earnest desire of the congregation that their
down in the public confessions of the Evan- children, whilst retaining their mother
gelical Lutheran Church, viz., the three ec- tongue, should master the ruling language of
umenical symbols, the unaltered Augsburg the country. The teachers now in charge of
confession, the apology of the latter, the the schools are: West District, Mr. H. Bart-
Smalealdian Articles, the two catechisms of ling (since 1849), Mr. C. Greve, Miss B.
Luther, and the Formula of Concord. By Heidemann, Mr. A. Meder; East District,
the rule of these confessions, since they are Mr. H. Cluever: North District, Mr. E. Rosen;
taken from the Word of God, all doctrinal South District (Elmhurst), Mr. A. Bader.
and religious disputes that may arise in our H. Bartling.
midst shall be decided."
The congregation now owns a large brick- GERMAN EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN TEACHERS' SEM-
church, 42x85 feet, steeple 150 feet high, INARY.

which was dedicated to its sacred purposes The German Evangelical Lutheran Teach-
December 11, 1861. It was built, furnished ers' Seminary at Addison, Du Page Co., 111.,

and provided with pipe organ at an expense is an institution for educating Evangelical
of about $12,000. Adjoining the chiu-ch is Lutheran parochial teachers. In the year
a spacious parsonage, valued at nearly $4,000. 1855, several Lutheran pastors and teachers
The members are scattered over a district in Milwaukee privately opened this normal
fourteen miles long and twelve miles wide. school there. Two years later, they offered
The congregation is subdivided into four dis- the institution to the German Evangelical
tricts, three of which support one school each, Lutheran Synod of Missouri, Ohio and other
and one two schools, one of the latter graded States. The offer was accepted, and the sem-
into three classes. All expenses for support inary next located at Fort Wayne, Ind., in
of church and schools are provided for by close connection with the Concordia College,
voluntary contributions of the individual another of the several institutions of the
members, now numbering over two hundred synod. A Professor was appointed by the
families. synod, who became same time Director
at the
The pastors in charge from 1847 were: of the Seminary Department, and who was
Rev. E. A. Branor, till 1856, when he accept- assisted in his special work by the Professors
ed the call of the Lutheran congregation at of the college. In 1861, a second Professor
Pittsburgh, Penn. ; Rev. A. G. G. Francke, for the seminarywas called. In 1863, it was
till January 3, 1879, when he was called off thought expedient to accept an invitation
by death; Rev. T. I. Grosse, who is still from the German Evangelical Lutheran Con-
pastor at present. gregation at Addison, 111., to permanently

The congregation strictly insists on having locate the seminary in their midst. One year
the children of its fold instructed and edu- after this, the necessary buildings for sixty
cated in the parochial schools of the four dis- scholars and two Professors, with their fami-
tricts, presided over by six male teachers and lies, were erected, viz. , a main building. 64x-
one female teacher. The number of pupils 40 feet, containing basement, two stories,

and a high and airy dormitory, and, north pervisors for the seminary consists at present
and south from it, two wings, each 32x15 of Revs. T. J. Gros&e and H. Wunder, and
feet, built of brick, and at a cost of upward Messrs. E. H. W. Leeseberg, Henry Oehler-
of $16,000. Later, as the number of stu- king and T. C. Diener.— C. A. T. Selle.
dents increased, two other large wings were
added, first one to the north and then one to THE GERMAN EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN ORPHAN
the sonth, each at the cost of about 110,000. ASYLUM.
The entire length of the building is now This asylum is situated in the immediate
about 208 feet. The faculty at present con- vicinity of the German Evangelical Lutheran
sists of six regular Professors —E. A. "W. Teachers' Seminary, and of one of the paro-
Krauss, C. A. T. Selle, Karl Brauer, C. chial schools of the German Evangelical Lu-
Hentzschel, Th. Brohm and E. Homann theran Congregation of Addison. It is the
two of whom teach almost exclusively music joint property of twenty-three Lutheran con-
—singing, violin, piano, organ. Two of the gregations and societies in Northern Illinois,
six have their dwellings in the main build- eight of which large congregations are in
ings; here, also, the Steward, Mr. V. von Chicago. This association commits the gen-
Dissen, resides, who has to provide the stu- eral management of its business to a board of
dents with their board. Four Professors are seven persons, elected for a term of three
supplied with spacious and comfortable frame years. The members now constituting the
houses. The present number of students is board are: Rev. T. J. Grosse, of Addison,
about one hundred and thirty, all males. In President; Prof. C. A. T. Selle, oE Addison,
the course of five years, they are taught all Vice President; Rev. F. M. Grosse, of Har-
the branches necessary to qualify them to lem, Secretary; Mr. H. Bartling, of Addison.
become teachers, both in the German and Cashier; Mr. E. H, W. Leeseberg, of Addi-
English languages, and, besides, such son; H. C. Zuttermeister, of Chicago; I. O.
branches as are requisite for a good general Piepenbrink, of Crete, 111., Trustees. The
education. The parochial school, which is orphan house is under the superintendence
quite near, affords them the necessary oppor- of Mr. and Mrs. John Harmening, assisted by
tunity for practical exercises in teaching. Mrs. Nickel, one baker and five servants.
By the liberality of the synod, they receive According to its constitution, the Orphan
their tuition and lodgings gratuitously; the House Association proposes to provide for
members of the congregation supply them and to educate orphans and half orphans that
with clean linen, and for board they have to are intrusted to the same to such purpose by
pay but very little, since numerous friends their guardians or by siirviving parent, or that
from far and near send large quantities of God sends by other ways. The association
provisions to the seminary kitchen. The educates the children in the full truth of the
annual number of alumni varies from twelve Divine Word, as this truth is intrusted to the
to twenty-five. As they did come here from Lutheran Church, and thus endeavors to lead
all parts of the Union, not to speak of those them to the Lord Christ and to heaven; but
that came directly from Germany, so they re- it is also earnestly solicited to prepare its
ceive calls from almost all parts of the United wards for a blessed and hopeful life in this
States, and many more are wanted than the world, that may redound to the honor of our
institution can furnish. The Board of Su- own great God. In order that this purpose

may be accomplished as far as possible, chil- the Lutheran faith, German and English lan-
dren must be committed to the care of the as- guages, and in all common branches.
sociation till they are eighteen years of age. Funds and endowments there are none.
Up to the time when they are confirmed, they The institution depends for its support on
stay in the orphan house, and after confir- voluntary contributions. The cash amount
mation, the association, through its officers, of these was, in 1873, $3,070.06; in 1874,
provides suitable situations for them — to $6,095.03; in 1875, $2,870.24, in 1876, $3,-
work as servants, to learn a trade, to pursue 367.82; in 1877,13,893.85; in 1878, $5,815.-
studies with the view to serving the church, 23; in 1879, $5,090.39; in 1880, $4,762.19;
it being understood, however, that the asso- in 1881, $4,808.60. The many donations of
ciation retains the exclusive control of the clothing, provisions, etc., are an essential
children up to the completion of their eight- source of income. —H. Bartling.
eenth year. Whenever it is necessary and
practicable, the assoication provides for the immandel's church.
support of its wards also, after this period. The Immanuel's Church of the German
Orphans are received irrespective of previous Evangelical Synod was founded in Addison
creed of parents, or of creed of surviving in 1859, under the pastoral charge of Rev.
parent. (Constitution, Section 4.) C. Braemer. He has been succeeded by
In 1873, forty acres were bought for $4,- Revs. C. F. Warth, Phillip Albert and Gus-
425. A little house on this property was oc- tavus Lambrecht, the latter being the pres-
cupied as a temporary home by the Superin- ent pastor. The present membership of this
tendent and six orphans, and was dedicated church is ninety families.
October In 1874, the east wing of
11, 1873. The following are the professional and
the present home (one and a half stories business men of Addison:
high, 65x38 feet, extension 30x28 feet) was Rotermund & Weber, general store.
erected, at a cost of $6,814.27. It was ded- F. Triechler, general store.
icated October 28, and, at that date, harbored H. Overcamp, blacksmith.
eighteen orphans. In 1878, the main build- Charles Harloff, wagon -maker.
ing, 50x50, two stories, was built, and was J. G. Franke, M. D.
dedicated November 7. This part cost $5,- Charles Shulle, meat market.
122.25. Henry Schneider, hotel.
From October 11, 1873, when the home Charles Strauchild, harness-maker.
was opened, till June 28, 1882, 154 children John Giehls, custom tailor.
were received, of which 106 are still in the W. Golterman, custom tailor.
institution; five died, ten were returned to W. Licht, boot and shoe maker.
their relatives, twenty-nine serve on farms F. Tuon, wood-turner.
and and four are now preparing
in families, W. Holstein, carpenter and builder.
for service in the church —
two at the Addison H. Hoefener, mason and plasterer.
Teachers' Seminary, two at Concordia Col- Louis Stuenkel, cheese factory — 7,000 to
lege, Fort Wayne, Ind. 8,000 pounds of milk daily.
The orphans attend the graded school (three Rev. J. Grosse, Evangelical Lutheran
classes) of the German Evangelical Lutheran Church.
Congregation. Here they are instructed in H. Bartling, Postmaster and school teacher.

Cristian Grerie, school-teacher. Henry F. Lawrence, general store.

C. Kraus, Director of Addison Seminary. A. G. Chesman, Postmaster.

C. Hantchell, Professor of Addison Semi- Chessman & Cramer, carpenters and build-
nary. ers.

E. Sella, Professor of Addison Seminary. Henry Ahlenstorf, boots and shoes.

C. Brauer, Professor of Addison Seminary. Ernst Schroeder, blacksmith and wagon
Th. Brolum, Professor of Addison Seminary. maker.
E. Homann, Professor of Addison Seminary. Lewis Magers, grain elevator, coal and
J. Harmening, Orphan Father 110 or- — lumber.
phans there at present. William Baruth, general store.

W. Leseberg, Justice of the Peace and Henry Dragermuller, blacksmith and wag-
Notary Public. on-maker.
Itasca is a pleasant village on Ihe Chicago August Hartman, meat market.
& St. Paul Railroad, at its crossing of a trib- Hendricks Bros., proprietors of cheese and
utary to Salt Creek. Here Dr. Elijah Smith butter factory; 5,000 gallons of milk used
settled in 1841, and still lives at the place. daily; 200 pounds of butter and 400 pounds
He platted the town May 14, 1874. The of cheese, daily production.
banks of the stream that passes through it Henry Senne, agricultural implements.
are firm, and graduate upward from it on John Holland, mason.
both sides. Its elevation above Lake Mich- Haberstich Godleib, flax-dresser.
igan is 170 feet. Dr. Smith gave the rail- M. & W. Browne, depot masters.
road the right of way to build the road Salt Creek, or Lester's, is a station on the
through the place, and $400 toward building Chicago & St. Paul Railroad, at its crossing
the depot. of Salt Creek. It is yet very new, and has
There are two theories as to the origin of but one store, which is kept by F. E. Lester,
the name Itasca. If it has an Indian deriva- who is Postmaster at the place.
tion, it is from the Ogibwa dialect — la, to It has a cheese factory, owned by Mr.
be; totash, the female breast; hence, the lake Lester.
from which the Mississippi draws its first

source is called Itasca, and this town is BENSENVILLE BY HERMAN H. KORTHAUER.

named after it. The present site of Bensenville, located in
Another theory gives the name a Latin or- Sections 13, 14 and 23, was purchased by
igin —Veritas caput, true head, Itas, in the Dedrich Struckmann, T. R. Dobbins and Col.
first word, and ca, in the last, being used to Roselle M. Hough, of Jobn Lemarche, in
signify that Itasca Lake is the true head of 1872; shortly after, Hough's interest (one-
the Mississippi River. Which of these is fourth) was purchased by Frederick Hener
the true root of the word the writer is unable and Henry Korthauer.
to determine. The purchase was subdivided in 1874, two
The following are the business men of years after the Chicago & Pacific Railroad
was built, and a post office obtained, Henry
Elijah Smith, physician. A. Glos being appointed Postmaster. It had
A. G. Chessman, steam power for grain already become an incorporated village, its

elevator, cheese box and tub factory. p'at recorded bearing date of October 10, 1873.

In 1879, the Chicago & Pacific Company of March, 1855, for a term of twenty-five
becoming insolvent, the road was purchased years, Diedrich Struckmann. Henry Roter-
by the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Rail- mund, Frederick Schmidt, John E. Kiessling
road, a change greatly beneficial to the north- and John H. Franzen being the charter mem-
ern portion of the county; new steel rails bers.
were substituted for the old track, the road- The first officers were: William Roter-
bed raised, new buildings erected and in- mund, President; Benjamin F. Filmore, Sec-
creased facilities given. retary Henry Rotermund, Treasurer Dr.
; ;

The water supply being insufficient, the A. W. Heise, D. Struckmann, Frederick

Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Company Schmidt and H. Rotemiund, Directors.
contracted with W. H. Gray, of Jefferson, In March, 1S79, the charter was extended
Cook Co., 111., a professional borer of arte- thirty years, or to 1909.
sian wells, for an artesian well. Work was Since the establishment of the company,
commenced August 1, 1881, and, after five business has increased steadily from year to
months' continuous labor, day and night, and year, all losses have been promptly paid, and
an expense of $5, 000, it was sunk to the depth the affairs managed satisfactorily to the mem-
of 21,198 feet 8 inches, the greater portion bers.
of the distance being through solid rock. There are now in force 2,022 policies,
The water obtained, on analysis, proved to insuring $2,338,352 of property.
be almost chemically pure. The present assets are over $125,000.
It rises thirty-eight feet above the surface, A general meeting of the members occurs
and has a temperature of sixty-eight degrees annually, on the second Saturday in January.
Fahrenheit, flowing about one hundred gal- The quarterly meeting of Directors is held
lons per minute. on the second Saturday in January, April,
The village has about two hundred and fifty July and October.
residents, the majority ofwhom are German. The officers for the current year (1882) are:
This is the largest village in the town of Henry Bosenberg, President; Herman H
Addison, and the most important station be- Korthauer, Secretary; Barney L. Franzen,
tween Chicago and Elgin. Treasurer; H. Bosenberg, B. L. Franzen,
The location ishigh, and an abundance of Henry L. Glos, L. Wolf, Phillip Bohlander,
good water is found at a depth of about John Longguth and Heniy Kolze, Directors.
twenty feet. The first church in Addison Township was
The dairy interests of Bensenville and vi- organized in 1837 by Rev. E. Benberger.
cinity areby far the most important. Over For three were held in
years, the services
three hundred thousand gallons of milk are a small log house on Louis Schmidt's farm.
shipped annually to Chicago, and double that In 1840, Rev. F. A. Hoffmann assumed
amount ismanufactured into butter and charge; there being no house provided for
cheese. During 1881, 150,000 pounds of the pastor, he was obliged to live with the
butter and nearly 400,000 pounds of cheese members, moving weekly from house to house.
were made here. During 1840, a frame building was erected
Bensenville is the home office of the Ad- near the present site of the Evangelical Lu-
dison Farmers' Mutual Insurance Company. theran Church, where services were held un-
This company was incorporated on the 3d til 1847.

Id 1 847, Rev. Hoffmann severed his connec- The following is a list of the business and
tion with the church, and Rev. Ernest professional men:
Brauer, a Lutheran minister, was installed, C. A. Franzen, lumber, grain, coal, flour

with the understanding that the services were and feed.

to be conducted as formerly to suit both fac- P. J. Tiedemann, dry goods, groceries,

tions of the congregations, one portion of crockery, etc.

which was Lutheran and the other Reformed Christian Hiebenthal, Postmaster, grocer-
Lutheran. ies, boots and shoes.
About six months after, it became evident Hermann H. Korthauer (Notary Public),
that the union services could not be contin- stoves, agricultural implements and general
ued; accordingly, a division took place, the hardware.
Lutherans retaining possession of the church, Henry Ernsting, merchant tailor.

and the Reformed Lutherans, twenty-one in Herman Fiebrandt, tinner, also dealer in
number, organizing under the name of the hardware, etc.

Evangelical St. Johanne's Society. Louis Markmann, hotel.

The names of the firstmembers were Henry Christian Koch, hotel.
Hoppenstadt, Fred Federke, Barney H. Louis Schroeder, blacksmith.
Landmeier, J. H. Schoppe, J. G. Landmeier, Charles Martin, blacksmith.
Fred Heine, H. Kolze, Fred Volberding, G. Charles Sandhagen, wheelwright.
Eitermann, W. Niemeyer, John H. Franzen, J. Henry Wellner, furniture, burial cases.

H. Korthauer, H. Kirchhop, Christian Dunter- Frank Ort, harness, saddles, etc.

mann, J. B. Schoppe, H. Volberding, John Christian Bauche, mason.
Franzen, H. Hartman, J. H Duehna, G. H Henry Schmidt and Louis Biermann,
Frazen, F. Dierking. manufacturers of tow.
A church was built in the winter of 1849- August Seuf, butcher.
50, in Section 12. The first pastor of the Frank Hornbostle, butcher.
new congregation was Rev. Wucherer, who William Struckmeyer, butter and cheese.
died one year after taking charge. He was Gustaf Gutche, shoemaker.
succeeded by Rev. Ulrich Moecklin, who re- Frederick H Bates, M. D., physician and
mained until which occurred in
his death, surgeon.
1868. Rev. Peter Lehmann then assumed A. D. Swenson, V. S., veterinary surgeon.
charge, and was their pastor until 1880. The town of Addison occupies the extreme
Under his pastorate, a handsome church, a northeastern corner of Du Page County. Its
parsonage, schoolhouse and a dwelling for surface is generally quite level, but its drain-
the school teacher was built, eighteen acres of age good, as its elevation is sufficient to make
land purchased, besides expending a large it so. Its soil is of the best quality, produc-
sum in beautifying the church grounds and ing corn, oats and other cereals in great abun-
cemetery. dance. But the dairy business is getting to
Rev. Mr. Lehmann resigned in 1880, be its chief agricultural interest. The ex-
and by Rev. Bower, who
was succeeded tensive groves of this town have been, and are
is the present pastor. The church is in still, of great value to the farmers, affording
a flourishing condition, having over 400 abundance of lumber for fencing, as well as
a large supply of fuel. They have also

valuable purpose in modulating have been built, which, together with the lit-

the extremes of summer and winter, and erary institutions of the village of Addison,

have proved a substantial inducement to place the town high in the scale of scholastic
settlers. education. The school census shows the num-
There are now five school districts in the ber of persons between the ages* of six and
town, in each of which good schoolhouses twenty-five in the town to be 525. s

Biographical Sketches,

Biographical Sketches.
FRANCIS P. ABBOTT, farmer, P. 0. Na- About 1839, David married Elizabeth Clinson,
perville, is a native of Ireland, born in the year a native of Lancaster County. He was a black-

1832, and received but a limited schooling. In smith by trade, but during the last nine years
1851, he came to the United States, and in of residence in Pennsylvania he followed farm-
October of that year to Du Page County, 111., ing. In 1844, he came, with his family, in
and worked on a farm by the month for two company with thirteen other families, to Naper-
years and four months for one man, and then ville, 111., the company being induced to settle
some six years he lived with his mother and in this neighborhood by Bishop Seibert, of Lan-
sister,and worked at odd jobs. He then caster County, who had traveled as missionary
rented a place, and began farming on his own in this vicinity. The party bought land here,
account, renting some eight years. He then and Mr. Brown farmed until about 1867, when
bought a place of his own, and in 1868 came he sold his place. In 1865, he engaged in mer-
to his present place, which contains 100 acres cantile business with his son, Martin, and was
located three and one-half miles northwest of connected in mercantile business in all about
Naperville. March 29, 1864, he married Miss five years, and lived retired thereafter until his
Tamar Simpson, a native of New York. She death, November, 1875. Mrs. B. is living here
came to Du Page County with her parents. in Naperville. Five children, all of whom are
By the marriage there are two children — Arthur living. He served as Road Commissioner in

E. and Nora M. He is Republican in politics. Naperville Township; also Assessor. Was a

MARTIN BROWN, merchant, Naperville, is member of the Evangelical Church. Our sub-
a native of Lancaster County, Penn., born Au- ject lived at home until the spring of 1851,

gust 3, 1831, and is the third in a family of five when he went to Chicago and engaged as clerk
children born to David and Mary (Fry) Brown, in the generalgoods business, wholesale and
natives of Lancaster County, Penn.; their where he remained two years. He then

parents were also born in Lancaster County ;

determined to go to California, and went via
David and Mary were married in Lancaster New York and Nicaragua route, arriving at
County, where she died in 1838, leaving five chil- San Francisco March 24,1853. Remained a
dren, all of whom are now living, and grown up. little over two years, engaged in mining, and

had Returned to Naperville, and

fair success. ler, natives of Vermont, in which State they
worked on the farm for four years. He had were married. Roswell Butler was engaged in
sent money home, which was invested in land, the lumber business and conducted a farm. He
and had to wait until he improved it in order was also interested in a paper-mill and a flour-
to realize upon
which he did, and in 1860
it, mill he died about the year 1830
; his wife ;

engaged as clerk for Mr. Yount, and continued came West about 1849 or 1850, and lived in
about two years. He then, with his father, Naperville with her sister, Mrs. H. L. Peaslee,
bought out the business of Mr. Yount, and until her death, which occurred about the year
continued about two years, when Mr. Brown, ! 1868. The subject of this sketch received a
Sr., withdrew and Mr. E. Holler became common school education, and afterward took
a partner, and continued five years, Mr. M. an academic course. In May, 1838, he came
Brown being the sole proprietor since. In to Napervijle with his brother-in-law, Mr. H. L.
1856, he married Miss Catharine C. Rickert, Peaslee, and assisted in the latter's store till

a native of Pennsylvania, who died in October, 1840, when he returned to Vermont and at-

1869, leaving three children — Emma, Lincoln tended school two years. He then moved to
and Mary. In 1871, he married Miss Mary A. Chicago, where he clerked in a grocery store
Barr, a native of Pennsylvania, who has borne two years ;
thence to Naperville, and again en-
two children — Clarence and Irvin. Has been ! gaged with Mr. Peaslee, remaining with him
connected with the Evangelical Church since until he sold out his business, about the year
1843. 1853, and continuing on five years longer in the
B. B. BOECKER, grain and coal dealer, same store in the employ of Mr. Peaslee's suc-
Naperville, is a native of Prussia, born in cessor. In 1858, he formed a partnership with
1840, and lived in his native land about twenty |
H. L. Peaslee, and conducted a general store
years ; received a fair education, including a j
for a year. In 1861, he engaged as Sutler in
high school course. At the age of sixteen, the Eighth Illinois Cavalry, but afterward sold
he began clerking, and at nineteen he went his business at Washington, D. C, to Col. Bev-
into the army and served as volunteer one eridge, and returned to Naperville and engaged
year. In 1860, he came to the United States in the hardware business two years. He after-
and vicinity of Naperville, where a friend lived, ward engaged as clerk for Robert Naper for
and worked several years on a farm. He then two years, and for two years longer with Na-
went to Germany and married Miss Annie per's successors, then as book-keeper for the
Ohn ; returned to Naperville and farmed two Chicago Ale and Malt Company four years.
years. He then sold his farm and engaged j
He then returned to Naperville, clerked two
in the lumber business and hay press con- ;
years in grocery business for L. G. Kent, and
tinued nine years sold out and bought his
; then engaged with W. Scott & Co., with which
present business ; has served as Alderman and firm he has since been employed. In 1851. he
Mayor, and is now the Supervisor of Lisle married Freedom Herrick, a native of Vermont,
Township. He deals in grain and coal, and is who came to Naperville with her mother about
doing a very thriving business. He has three j
the year 1849. Mr. Butler has been School
children —Theodore, Adolphine and Arnold. i
Trustee two terms, and was President of the
He is a Democrat. Board of Naperville for the year 1862.
D. C. BUTLER, clerk, with W. Scott & Co., DR. J. A. BELL, of the firm of Drs. Bell
Naperville, was born in Burlington, Vt., in & Nauman, Naperville, is a native of Morgan
1825, son of Roswell and Ruth (Worden) But- I County, Ohio, born March 19, 1838 ;
came to
Illinois with his parents about the year 1853, present place, but afterward traded for his
and settled in Knox Count} 7
. He received his present place, where he has lived for the past
education at Hedding Seminary, of Abingdon, twenty-eight years. In 1850, he married Miss
Knox County, and began reading medicine in Asenath McFerren, a native of Vermont ; they
1858 with Dr. Andrew McFarland, Superintend- were married in New York, and came here to
ent of the Insane Asylum of Jasksonville, 111., Du Page County. They have two children
under whose tuition he remained until 1861. Henry and Nettie. By the first marriage there
In that year, he enlisted in the Tenth Illinois were three children — Susan, Darius and Emma.
Infantry ;
was detailed as Assistant Surgeon He owns 200 acres of land located on river,
in the general hospital at Cairo ; served in that three miles of Naperville. He is a Republican.
capacity and on detached duty until December, AMOS BUTZ, farmer, P. 0. Naperville, is a
1861 ;
then served in the field until August, native of Lehigh Count}*, Penn., born in the
1862, when he resigned his and
position re- year 1811, was raised on the farm and received
turned to Jacksonville ; thence he went to a common-school education. At the age of
Cambridge, 111., where he practiced his profes- twenty-two, he married Esther Wenner, a native
sion until 1866, and in 1868 came to Naperville, of Lehigh County, Penn. He lived at home
where he has since been engaged in the practice until he was twent} -seven years of age, and then

of medicine ;
since he came to Naperville, he bought a place of his own, which he farmed
has taken the degree of M. D. at the Hahne- until 1845 he then came West by team to

mann Homoeopathic Medical College of Chicago. Illinois, and stopped about a month at Naper-

In 1861, he married Miss Elizabeth Eagle, a ville, where he bought his present place, and^

native of England, who came to the United except three years' residence in Naperville, has
States with her parents, and settled in the vi- lived here since. He owns 116 acres, located
cinity of Jacksonville, 111. From this union one and a half miles northwest of Naperville.
two children have been born. The Doctor is a He is a Republican, and has served as School
member of the Illinois State Institute of Director in his district for some ten or twelve
Homoeopathy. years. By the marriage there have been six
BISHOP BARTHOLOMEW, farmer, P. 0. children, five of whom are living Abigail, —
Warrensville, is a native of Whitehall, Wash- George, Owen W., Aaron, Eva Louise, Anna
ington County. N. Y., and was born in the year Eliza. He is a member of the Evangelical As-
1817 ; he was raised on the farm, and received sociation since 1835.
a common school education. In 1837, he came PHILIP BECKMAN, harness, hides and
West ; he went on the Erie Canal to Buffalo, to leather, Naperville, is a native of Bavaria, born
Detroit by the lakes, and, in company with sev- in 1836, and received a common-school educa-
eral others, drove by team to Lake Michigan, tion up to the age of thirteen ; then apprenticed
thence to Chicago by boat ; he had $75 when to his trade,and served three years, and came
he lauded in Chicago, and felt that he would to America and stopped nearly two years in
not give his $75 for the town. He footed it to Cleveland thence to Chicago, where he worked

Naperville, and stopped with Mr. Z. Jones, who for about five years. In 1859, he came to
was formerly neighbor with him East. In Naperville, worked as jour until April, 1864, for
1838, he married Elmina Jones, daughter of Martin Ward, when he bought him out, and
Mr. Z. Jones. She died about 1848. After continued to the present time. He married
his marriage, he farmed on shares a number Miss Elizabeth Pfeifl'er in Chicago, in 1858, a
of years, and then bought a place adjoining his native of Germany. They have eight children

—Pauline. Carl, Mattie, Ellen, Libbie, Lula, who was engaged in mercantile business, was
Bernice and Philip, Jr. Is a Republican. by a sudden reverse of fortune compelled to re-
ANTONI BAPST, retired blacksmith, Na- sume the occupation of his early
life, that of

perville,was born September 25,1817, in Alsace, shoemaking. Hiram, the eldest of the five
German} is a son of Joseph and Ursal Bapst.
; children, then about sixteen years of age, was
He came to this county in 1S46, and worked expecting to enter an advanced class in college
at the blacksmith's trade at Naperville, which the following year, instead, however, he volun-
he began at the age of sixteen. Iu 1862. he tarily left his school and assisted his father in
abandoned the business and moved on his the support of the family, pursuing his studies
present farm of eighty acres, near the village, afterward to some extent under private instruc-
in Naperville Township. He was for a few tion. This circumstance, though it seemed a
years engaged in a grocery store in Naperville ;
great calamity, and the destroyer of his highest
was married in 1849 to Caroline Cooney, who hopes and aspirations proved to him a blessing
blessed him with nine children, viz. Mary, : in disguise, by inducing his removal to the
Fannie, Joseph, Antoni, Carrie, Frank, Louisa, West and settlement in Illinois. In 1843, with
Annie and Helen. He and wife are the arti- his father's family, he removed to Lisbon, Ken-
ficers of their own fortune, having started their dall Co., 111., and one year later the family set-
married life with $20. They are members of tled at Bloomingdale, Du Page County. In
the Catholic Church. 1847, Mr. Cody removed to Naperville, having
HON. HIRAM H. CODY, P. 0. Naperville, beenjelected Clerk of the County Commissoners'
isa native of Vernon Center, Oneida Co., N. Y. Court of Du Page County. Two years later,
He was born June 11, 1824, and is the son of upon the adoption of the constitution of 1848,
Hiram Cody and Huldah, n<§e Hitchcock. His he was nominated by acclamation, and in 1849
paternal grandparents, Samuel Cody and Su- elected the first County Clerk of said county,
sannah, n6e Carroll, were among the pioneers and during the six years he held the office
of Oneida County. The former was a soldier he applied himself to the study of law. and
in the Revolutionary army the latter, with
; finally,was admitted to the bar, after which
pardonable pride, traced her lineage to Charles he retired from public life and devoted him-
Carroll, of Carrollton. His maternal grand- self to his profession. Politically, his views
parents, David Hitchcock and Mercy, nee Gil- were Democratic, but during the war of the re-
bert, formerly of Connecticut, but during many bellion his earnest efforts and eloquent appeals
years residents of Hamilton, Madison Co., N. in behalf of the Union cause will ever be re-
Y., were universally respected for their many membered by his fellow-citizens, and it was to
virtues. Hiram's parents took a deep interest these that Du Page County was largely indebt-
in his early eduaction, and intended to give ed for her brilliant record made during the war.
him the advantage of a thorough course of study In 1861, in a convention assembled without
in Hamilton College, five miles from their home. was nominated and af-
distinction of party, he
Their design was that he should enter the legal terward almost unanimously elected County
profession, and in all his instruction, both at Judge of Du Page County. In 1869, he was
school and under private tuition, this purpose elected a delegate to the Constitutional Con-
was kept in view, and, being well known to him, vention, and was one of its most useful mem-
made a very deep impression upon his hopes bers, being elected by votes irrespective of
and aspirations for the future. A sad disap- party. He acted with a small number of inde-
pointment, however, awaited him. His father, pendents who in the convention really held the
balance of power, which they'so used that party and his thorough investigation of the law, his
spiritwas more neai'ly banished from that as- clear perceptions and his careful, deliberate
sembly than from any deliberative legislative and correct opinions made him a most en-

body that ever convened in Illinois. He was viable reputation at home or abroad. During
the chairman of the important committee on his whole term as Count}' Judge, no appeal was

Revision and Adjustment. In 1874, he was ever taken from his decisions, and of the ap-
elected to succeed the Hon. S. Wilcox as Judge peals taken during his term as Circuit Judge
of the Fourth Judicial Circuit of Illinois (com- over 81 per cent were affirmed by the Supreme
posed of the couuties of Kane, Du Page and Court. Judge Cody was married, December
Kendall) by the largest majority ever given in 31, 1846, to Miss Philomela E. Sedgwick,
the circuit, every town in his own county giv- daughter of Parker Sedgwick, M. D., formerly
ing him a majority, and in the three south of Lowell, Oneida Co., N. Y., but since 1843 a
towns, which have been his home since 1847, resident of Du Page County, 111., where he is

out of a total vote of 1,021 he received 1,007. widely known as an eminent and successful
During his official term as Circuit Judge, the physician. Mrs. Cody is a lady of intelligence
Appellate Court was organized and the State and refinement, esteemed for her earnest piety
redistricted, the counties of Lake, McHenry, and her true womanly qualities a devoted ;

De Kalb and Boone being combined with Kane, wife and fond mother. They have from early
Du Page and Kendall, forming what is now life both been members of the Congregational
known as the Twelfth Judicial District. At Church.
the end of his term, the Republicans of the new HARLOW CROSIER, farmer, P. O. Naper-
circuit held a convention and nominated a party ville, 111., is a native of Berkshire County,
ticket for the three Judges then to be elected, Mass., born in the year 1812 ; was raised on
which resulted in the retirement of Judge Cody the farm and received a common-school edu-
from the bench, though he was largely sup- cation. At the age of twenty, he apprenticed
ported as an independent candidate by those who to the carpenter's trade,and the next year be-
were opposed to making political nominations gan drawing wages. In 1837, he went to Ohio
for judicial offices. Although the district had and clerked in a tavern in Mentor, and in 1839
a Republican majority of about 12,000, and he married Miss Mary S. Nowlen, a native of
was well organized, the Judge lacked but about New York, and soon after the marriage came
2,000 votes of being successful against the to Naperville, 111., and the next year began
regular party nomination. Immediately after farming near the village, and about two years
the election in 1879, he commenced the practice later came to his present place, where he has

of his profession in Chicago, having formed a lived since. During his residence here, he has
copartnership with Messrs. E. H. and N. E. worked alternately between farming and build-
Gary, the firm being as Gary, Cody & Gary, ing, he having built most of the buildings in

and having an extended and rapidly growing this vicinit}'. By the marriage there were six
practice. In the fall of 1 880, Judge Cody was children, of whom five are living. Mr. Crosier
nominated b}' the Democrats first for the office is a Republican in politics. He owns eighty-
of State Senator for the Fourteenth Senatorial six acres, located on the railroad, three miles
District, and soon after for Representative in west of Naperville.
Congress for the First Congressional District, NATHANIEL CRAMPTON, farmer, P. O.
both of which nominations he declined. As a Naperville, was born in Connecticut in 1815 ;

Judge, he was peculiarly free from prejudices, was raised on the farm, received a very limited

education,'and at the age of twelve years moved Wayne County, N. Y. By the marriage there
to Benson, Vt., with his parents. On attaining have been five children, ofwhom three are liv-
his majority, he came West, and stopped with ing —
George S., Edith May and Charles F. He
Robert Strong, who lives in Will County, 111., owns 243 acres located on the west county line,
near the Du Page County line. Here he re- three miles northeast of Aurora.
mained for a time, assisting in the erection of W. M. CRAMPTON, farmer, P. O. Naper-
a barn ; then went to St. Charles and took a ville, is a native of Du Page County, 111., born
claim, which he sold next season ;
then came in the year 1844, and is the third of five chil-
to this count}'. Here he bought for $400 a dren born to Nathaniel and Lucy H. (Dudley)
claim of 160 acres, located four miles west of Crampton. Our subject was raised on the pres-
Naperville, on the Naperville & Oswego road, ent place, and received a common-school and
where he lived until 1878, when he retired from academic course of study. In 1862, he entered
farm life and moved to Naperville, where he the Post Quartermaster's Department as clerk,
has since resided. On the farm is a fine grove, and was located at Springfield, Mo. In 1864,
which Mr. Crampton set out about the year he enlisted in the One Hundred and Fifty-sixth
1870. In 1839, he married Lucy Dudley, a Illinois Infantry, Company D, and became Ser-
native of Connecticut. They have had five geant of his company, and served until the close
children, three of whom are living, viz. : Mil- of the war, when he came home and occupied
ton, Rosetta and May.Mr. Crampton is a one of his father's farms, adjoining the present,
zealous member of the Congregational Church ;
and farmed there until 1873, when he went by
has held the office of Supervisor for his town- railroad to California, and lived there for five
ship and President of the Du Page County years, during which time he was engaged as a
Agricultural Society. clerk with the Central Pacific Railroad Com-
EDGAR G. CRANE, farmer, P. 0. Eola, pany, and located at Oakland and San Fran-
111., is a native of Naperville Township, Du cisco, though he always lived in the latter

Page Co., 111. He was born in the year 1837, place. He then returned East, and occupied
and is the third of seven children born to David the present place, where he has lived since. In
and Catharine W. (Stolp) Crane, who were na- 1869, he married Miss Minnie A. Kimball, a na-
tives of Wayne County, N. Y. They came West tive of Wisconsin ; she came to Naperville, 111.,

in 1835, and settled on the present place, where with her parents. By the marriage, there are
he lived until his death, June 2,1849. Mrs. —
two children Genevieve and Florence. Mr.
Crane lived on the place a number of years, Crampton is Republican in politics. In Janu-
when she married Mr. Edgar Galloway, and ary, 1882, he was elected President of the Du
moved to Wayne County, N. Y., where she now Page County Agricultural Society.
lives. Our subject was raised on the farm he ; M. C. DUDLEY, attorney, Naperville, is a
received a common-school course of study. On native of Oswego, N. Y., born October 7, 1820,
becoming of age, he went by team to California, and is the fifth of a family of nine children
and lived there and in Oregon for seven years. born to Asa and Levina (Olcott) Dudley, who
He was principally engaged in mining. In were natives of Vermont and Connecticut. In
180G, he returned home, and, in the spring of May, 1839, he with his family, wife and five chil-
1867, went to Montana and mined for a year and dren, came West and settled iu Bloomiugdale
a half ; he then returned and bought out the Township, where one of his married daughters,
heirs to the place. Iu January, 1869, he mar- Mrs. Kent lived. He occupied a piece of land
ried Miss Salinda M. Griswold, a native of and took the claim and bought of Government,
and farmed the same. Mrs. D. died in winter eral store of W. Scott & Co., where he remained
1862-3, after which he lived with his children, until 1861. In that year, he enlisted in Com-
and in 1868 died at the home of his daughter, pany E, Eighth Illinois Cavalry. He served three
near Norwood Park, in Cook County. He was years, during which time he participated in the
aged eighty-three, and was one of the early battles of Beverly Ford, Rappahannock Station,

County Collectors was a Baptist. Our sub-

; Fair Oaks. Gettysburg, Boonesboro, and all the
ject was educated in New York, principally. other engagements in which his regiment took
He early began clerking in a general merchan- part. During his last year of service, he was
dise store. At first, when he came West, he detailed as Orderly to Gen. Chapman. In Oc-
assisted on the farm, and began teaching he ;
he returned to Naperville and re-
tober, 1864,
then worked about two years in a store at sumed his former occupation until February.
Peoria, when he returned home and married 1867, when he formed a partnership with
Miss Lucinda Willey, a resident of Du Page Joseph Hilligas in a general merchandising
County ; then entered a claim and followed business. In 1870, Mr. Hilligas sold his in-
farming until 1853, when he was elected County terest in the business to Alvin Scott, who, in
Clerk, and served until 1861. During the 1873, sold to Mr. Hosier, the business being
latter part of his term he, in company with since conducted under the firm name of Ditzler
David Hate, engaged in general merchandising & Hosier. In the spring of 1882, he was ap-
in Naperville, firm of M. C. Dudley & Co., and pointed Treasurer of Lisle Township; has
continued until about 1868, when the business served as Village Treasurer for some time. In
was closed up. In 1869, Mr. D. was elected 1870, he married Celia A. Babcock, a native of
County Judge, serving until 1873, since which Ohio, and at the time of her marriage a res-
time he has practiced his profession. During ident of Cook County, 111., who has borne him
his terms of office, he read law, and was ad- six children, viz.: Hugh W., H. lone, Wenona
mitted to practice. While County Judge, he A., Guy E., L) man B., J. Elmo and Bell Eloise.

was appointed Master in Chancery. His busi- Mr. Ditzler is a Republican, and polled his first

ness is principally in that and the County vote while in the army.
Court. He has had born to him five children, XAVIER DRENDEL, farmer, P. 0. Naper-
three of whom are dead, the other two, daugh- ville, is a native of Alsace, France, now Ger-
ters, are living, Ida and Eva. He is a Baptist many, and was born in the year 1829. He was
and a Republican. brought up a farmer, and received a common
ELI H. DITZLER, Naperville, of the firm school education. He came to the United
of Ditzler & Hosier, dealers in general mer- States of America in the year 1846 with his

chandise, was born in Stark County, Ohio, in parents, Xavier and Theresa (Rhode) Drendel
1841, second child of a family of four born to they were natives of France, and settled in

Jonathan and Esther ( Alspaugh) Ditzler, natives Milton Township, Du Page Co., 111., and they

of Pennsylvania. Jonathan Ditzler, who was a lived there a number of years, and then moved
carpenter by trade, removed with his family to to a farm near by, located in Lisle Township,

this county 1844 or 1845, and settled in

in where he died February 15, 1872. Mrs. Dren-
Naperville, where he followed his trade until delowns the old homestead in Lisle, and lives
his death, which occurred September 18, 1880. with her son-in-law, Mr. Swartz. Our subject

His wife is still living on the old homestead. was seventeen years of age when his folks
Our subject received a fair education, and at came to the United States of America he lived ;

the age of fifteen engaged as clerk in the gen- at home with his parents until he was twenty-

five years of age, when he went to California limited to one month's attendance at the dis-
and lived there two years * he followed mining, trict school. When about twelve years of age,
and met with fair success ; he went via Pana- began working among his neighbors. When
ma, and returned by the Nicaragua route. In he became eighteen years of age, he appren-
the fall of 1857, he married Miss Elizabeth ticed to the blacksmith trade, at which he
Winkler, a native of Alsace, France ;
she came served two 3 ears and a half; then engaged in

to the United States of America with her parents farming a few years, after which he followed
in 1845, and settled in Will County, 111. By teaming about ten years. In 1845, he came to
the marriage there have been eight children, Naperville, where he worked a farm on shares,
seven of whom are living, four boys and three and also engaged in teaming to Chicago. From
girls. After his marriage, he lived on the old 1851 to 1865, he was engaged in the furniture
homestead, and in 1869 came to his present business, keeping also a stock of groceries, and
place, and has lived there since. He owns 200 in 1865 sold out the furniture stock, and en-
acres of land located two miles west of Naper- gaged in the grocery business exclusively. In
ville. He is a Democrat. 1876, he sold out his business, and in 1880
R. H. DICKINSON, farmer, P. 0. Naper- opened his present place, where he has since
ville, is a native of Otsego County, N. Y., born been engaged in the grocery trade. In 1835,
in the year 1834; he was raised on the farm he married Mary Gilbert, a native of Pennsyl-
and received a common school education, and vania, who March 8, 1872, leaving one
taught a short period, on becoming of age. He child —
William, now a member of the police
began business on his own account as news force in Chicago. In May, 1874, he married
man, and two jears later he became Deputy Mrs. Mary Raisley, formerly Miss Mary Stucker
Route Agent on the Syracuse, Binghamton & a native of Penns3'lvania. She is the mother
New York Railroad, which position he held of five children, one boy and four girls, by her
until 1861, when he enlisted in the Twenty- first marriage. Mr. Drissler is an adherent of
seventh New York Volunteer Infantry, Com- the Republican part3*.
pany D, and served two years. He was in the GEORGE EHRHARDT, boots and shoes,
first battle of Bull Run and Gaine's Mills. After Naperville, of the firm of Ehrhardt & Brother,
his first 3-ear's service he was detailed as Mail dealers in boots and shoes, was born in Alsace,
Agent under Gen. Slocum. After he was mus- France, now Germai^'. He was apprenticed
tered out, he remainedwith the command as to the shoemaker's trade at the age of fifteen,
News Agent a number of months. He returned and served three years. He then worked at his
home and engaged with the United States Ex- trade till twenty years of age, when he entered
press Companj? and resided in Binghamton, the French Army. While in the army, he
and in the spring of 1868 came West prospect- worked at his trade for his regiment, remaining
ing, and in August following located on his till 1852, when he emigrated to the United
present place. In 1863, he married Miss Edna States. In the spring of 1853, he came to
R. Bennett, a native of Broome County, N. Y. Naperville, where he has since remained, en-

They have two children Lewis E. and Lee A. gaged in the boot ane shoe business, in part-
He owns 100 acres located on the railroad, two nership with his younger brother, Jacob, whose
miles west of Naperville. sketch appears elsewhere in this work. In
JOHN DRISSLER, grocer, Naperville, is a 1858, he married Louisa Kagler, a native of
native of Lehigh County, Penn., born in 1813. Alsace, France, now Germany, who has borne
II is parents were poor and his education was him two children— Julia and Carolina. Mr.
Ehrhardt is a Democrat and a member of the to the United States in 1860. They are the
Lutheran Evangelical Church. parents of two children, one of whom is liv-
JACOB EHRHARDT, boots and shoes, is ing, viz., Maria S. Mr. Ehrhardt is a member
a native of Alsace, France, born in 1831. At of the German Lutheran Church. He is a Re-
the age of fifteen, he was apprenticed to the publican.
shoemaker's trade, at which he served three HON. LEWIS ELLSWORTH, agriculturist,
years. He then worked with his father until P. 0. Naperville, is a son of Nathan and Bet-
1854. In that T
3 ear, he emigrated to the United sey B. (Palmer) Ellsworth. He was born at
States, and joined his brother, George, in Na- Walpole, N. H, July 22, 1805, aud lived in his
perville, with whom, after working a few years native State until his eighteenth year, when he
at his trade, he entered into partnership in the moved to Rutland County, Vt, where he learned
boot and shoe business. In 1864, the brothers the tailor's trade. In 1827, he went to Troy,
built a store in Naperville, where they have N. Y., and engaged in the merchant tailoring
since carried on a retail boot and shoe busi- busiuess. In 1836, he sold his business and
ness, doing a good trade. He married, in 1868, made a trip West, buying an improved Govern-
Mary Catherine Sturm, a native of Alsace. ment claim of some four or five hundred acres,
From this union three children have been born, and in 1837 he opened a general store in Na-
viz. : Emilia, Minnie and Henry. Mr. Ehr- perville. During this year, he also built a
hardt has held the office of City Trustee. He frame house on his land, and occupied the
is a Republican and a member of the Lutheran same with his family in October. In 1848, he
Evangelical Church. sold his general store business, and in 1850 en-
JOHN EHRHARDT, of the firm of J. Ehr- gaged in the nursery business, which he has con-
hardt & Co., manufacturers and retail dealers ducted until the present time. In December,
in boots and shoes, is a native of Alsace, France 1828, he married Miss Chloe M. Skinner, a na-
(now German} -
), born September 12, 1841. His tive of New Lebanon, N. Y. She died October
father was a shoemaker, and subject learned 16, 1876. Of the five children, two are living.
that trade, beginning when fourteen years of In 1839, Mr. Ellsworth was elected the first
age. In 1859, subject came to the United Probate Judge of Du Page County, and served
States, and settled in Naperville, where his four years. He is deeply concerned in the sub-

brothers, who had preceded him, then lived. ject of agriculture, and from its earliest days
He worked at his trade with his brother till in Illiuois he has taken a leading part. He was
July, 1861, when he enlisted in Company C, one of the incorporators of the Union Agricult-
Seventh Illinois Infantry, was chosen Corporal ural Society (which was the first held in

of his companj-, aud remained in service until Northern and subsequently became its

the close of the war. He participated in Vice President and President. He was one of
the engagements of Fort Donelson, Pittsburg the organizers of the county society and also
Landing, Corinth, was in the Atlanta cam- one of the constituent members of the State
paign, the march to the sea " and through
" Agricultural Society organized at Springfield
the Carolinas, and was with Gen. Corse at Ala- in 1853, and served as its President during the
toona Pass. In 1865, he returned to Naper- years 1859-60; also at present a member of
worked at his trade till 1873 then opened
ville, ;
the State Board of Agriculture.
a shop and engaged in business, in company WILLIAM FEY, farmer, P. O. Naperville,
with Mr. Gushart. In 1867, he married Maria was born October 7, 1819, in Schuylkill County,
Nadelhoffer, who was born in Alsace and came Penn. ; is the son of Rudolph and Eve (Snyder)
Fey. natives, the former the same county as the overland route to California, where he re-
the subject, and the latter Bucks County. mained four 3'ears engaged in mining. He then
They were the parents of five children, viz. : returned home, but soon after started on his
William, George, Joseph, Paul and Lewis. The [
second trip to California, taking with him forty-
father was a weaver by trade the parents ; four horses, of which number he had but seven
were Lutherans. Mr. Fey had some school when he reached his destination, the rest hav-
advantages and has always been a farmer was ; ing either died or been stolen on the way.
married, in 1841, to Esther Hoy, the union re- After remaining in California three years en-
sulting in eleven children, all of whom are liv- gaged in mining, he returned home in 1857,
ing — Albert, Henry, William, Lydia (Mrs. bought a farm in York Township, this county,
Abert Rickert. who died December 11, 1877), i
occupied it three years, then sold it and bought
Laura (Mrs. Charles Lefler), Elizabeth (Mrs. \
a place near Warrenville, this county, where
Henry Houser), Emma (Mrs. Joseph Good), '

he farmed for six years, then sold out and came

George, Lewis, Morgan and Anna. Our sub- to his present place, where he has since fol-
ject came to Illinois in 1854, settling at Naper- lowed farming. In 1875, he built an ice-house,
ville, and soon after rented a farm in Lisle and has since been engaged in the ice business.
Township. In 1855, he bought 145 acres, a In 1858, he married Mrs. Butterfield, formerly
part of his present farm of 251, on which he Miss Ann Bennett, a native of this county, her
settled and has remained since. He started father being one of the pioneer settlers they ;

with scarcely anything but stout hands and a have a family of three children Charles H., —
willing heart, having experienced many hard- Samuel A. and Frances. Mr. Finley is a
ships in Pennsylvania. He has been no office supporter of the Democratic party.
seeker, yet has served in some of the smaller JOSEPH S. FERRY, farmer, P. 0. Aurora,
offices. He has always been a temperance ad- 111., is a native of Washington County, N. Y.;
vocate, and has reared his large family without he was born in the year 1829, and is the young-
the use of coffee or tea. He nor none of his est of three children born to Sylvanus and
boys ever used tobacco, a very rare case Rhoda (Wilson) Ferry ; they were natives of
indeed. The family are members of the Evan- Massachusetts and New York. He was a tan-
gelical Association at Naperville ; vote the Re- ner, and moved to New York when a young
publican ticket. man, and married there. In the spring of 1 835,
THOMAS FINLEY, dealer in ice, Naper- they moved to Terre Haute, Ind., and occupied
ville,was born in Massachusetts in 1822. Is a place belonging to his brother-in-law, and
the second child of a family of seven children worked at his trade in the town. In 1838, they
born to Alexander and Elizabeth (McCray) Fin- moved to Warreusville, in Du Page Co., 111.,
ley,natives of the North of Ireland. Alexander and rented his brother-in-law's (Joseph Wilson's)
Finley, subject's father, came to the United place. The next year he bought a claim, and
States with his wife and one child about the soon afterward Mr. Ferry died. The family
year 1821, landed at Boston, Mass.. and settled continued on the place until about 1845, and
in Meadville, Penn. In 1839, came to Naper- Mrs. Ferry lived with her son thereafter until
ville, where he followed farming, and died in her death in 1879. Our subject was raised on
1856* ; his wife died in 1858. Subject received the farm, and received but a limited course of
a common-school education, and lived with his study in the district schools. When he was
parents on the farm till 1850, when he organ- sixteen years of age, he bought, with the help
ized a company of thirteen men, and went by of his uncle, fifty-three acres of land, and, with
his mother and sister, occupied the place, which in his faith until he came to Naperville, when
he farmed with a yoke of oxen. About 1850, he joined the Episcopalian Church, in the af-
he sold the place and bought 120 acres close fairs ofwhich he has taken an active interest
by, and farmed it until 1868, when he moved to D. N. CROSS, merchant, Naperville, is a na-
Aurora to obtain school facilities for his family, tive of this county, born in Lisle Township
and lived there six years, during which time he December 11, 1837, and is the sixth child of a
built and sold property. He then came to his family of seven born to George Conrad and
present place, and has lived here since. He Salome (Dather) Gross, natives of Bavaria,
owns 600 acres, which is divided into three ad- Germany, he born in Limberg, in July, 1796,
joining farms, located two and a half to three she in Giersbach, July 13, 1804. George Con-
miles east of Aurora.In 1855, he married Miss rad Gross was married in his native land. May
Sophronia B. Kenj'on, a native of Washington 28, 1825, where two of his children were born.
County, N. Y. She came to Du Page County, In 1832, he, with his family, emigrated to the
111., with her parents about 1853. They have United States, and located in Pennsylvania,
three children — Adelaide, Jennie and William. where he followed farming until 1835 then ;

Mr. F. attributes his success to industry and I came to Illinois and settled on a farm in Lisle
economy. He is a Republican in politics. Township, this county, where he lived until
ROBERT FREEMAN, retired, Naperville, 1844, when he moved to a farm in the town of
was born in Meadville, Penn., February 21, Naperville, where he died in March, 1850. His
1809. He learned the trade of carpenter and widow, a number of years after his death, mar-
joiner, and in 1833 moved to Chicago, where ried Jacob Snibley, and lived in Lisle Town-
he followed his trade for ten years, after which ship until her death in May, 1864. Our subject
he moved to his farm, located in Du Page and began working for himself at the age of fifteen,
Will Counties, part of which he had bought as and lived with his brother. When seventeen
early as 1837. He followed farming until years old, he was apprenticed to the carpenter
1876, when he built his present elegant brick and joiner trade, and served with the late Johu
residence. Mr. Freeman has been thrice mar- Collins, of Naperville, three and one-half years,
ried — in 1841, to Miss Adaline Bordman, a na- and, having learned his trade, worked with his
tive of New York; she died September 10, employer until the breaking-out of the late
1859 ; of their children, two are living war. In September, 1861, he enlisted in Com-
Mrs. Emma M. Wescott, of Naperville, and pany E, Eighth Illinois Cavalry, was detailed
Eliza Jane Morris, of Keya Paha, Nebraska. as Orderly to Gen. Sumner, and served until
He married, December 11, 1861, Miss C. J. June when he was wounded in the
30. 1862,
Dewey, a native of New York ; she died battle of White Oak Swamp, Va., and remained
March two children Arthur
14, 1866, leaving — in the hospital inBaltimore until December 13,
R. and Ella O, living at home. The present 1862, when he was discharged, the severity of
Mrs. Freeman, formerly Mrs. Brown, is a na- his wound having necessitated the amputation
tive of Du Page County, 111.; her maiden name 1

of his foot. During his term of service, he par-

was Miss F. B. Wescott. By the present mar- ticipated in the engagements of Yorktown,
riage there is one child— Jessie. Though not Williamsburg, on the Chickahominy, Fair Oaks,
an office holder, Mr. Freeman has been an act- Savage Station, being wounded the last day of
ive partisan, an Old-Line Whig, a strong anti- the Seven Days' fight. Mr. Gross was an eye
slavery man, and a Republican in politics. In witness of the naval battle between the Merri-
1820. he became a Presbyterian and continued 1

mac and the Monitor. On deing discharged.


he returned to Naperville. Iu 1863, was is the eldest child of a family of four born to
elected County Treasurer. Was elected to that Charles H. and P. Jaue (Turner) Goodrich.
office three terms, but, owing to the removal of FRANK S. GETSCH, of the firm of Strauss
the county seat, served but five years. In & Getsch, manufacturers of the Naperville
1869, he received the appointment of Postmas-
plows, Naperville, is a native of this count} ,

ter, which position he held until the spring of born in Milton Township in October, 1850,
1882. when he bought a mercantile business in third child of a family of six children born to
Brownsville, Mo., which he conducts at the Anthony and Philisitus (Hilts) Getsch, resi-

present time, though he still retains his resi- dents of this county ; subject was raised on
dence in Naperville. He married, January 4, the farm, and at twelve years of age hired
1864, Mary E. Dudley, a native of Lisle Town- out by the month, and worked on the farm of
ship, this county. They have five children L. Meacham a year and three months ; thence
Bertha C, Cheeny C, Dean D., Mary S. and to Kankakee County, 111., where he worked on
Fred A., and also living with the family, Ade- a farm for a year. He then returned home,
line M. Smith, an adopted child of Mrs. Dud- where he remained a year then in 1865 en- ;

ley. Mrs. Gross' sister, now a missionary, will listed in Company H, Twenty-third Illinois In-

also become one of the family. Her mother, fantry, and remained in service till the close of
whose maiden name was Mary Barrows, organ- the war then came home, and worked on a

ized and taught the first public school in Chi- farm till 1866. when he went to Danby (now
cago. Prospect Park). There he apprenticed to the
HOWARD H. GOODRICH, attorney, Na- blacksmith trade, at which he served three
perville, is a native of this county, born in Lisle years and four months, then came to Naper-
Township September 25, 1852, was raised on ville, where he worked in the fork shops; worked

the farm, and attended the district schools till a year in plow works in Chicago, also a year in
he was seventeen years of age, when he en- !
South Elgin Fork Shops, and finally in 1876,
tered the Beloit, Wis., College, which he at- 1

became partner in present business. In May,

tended one j'ear, then, upon the removal of the : 1876, he married Frances Bapst, a native of
Northwestern College to Naperville, he entered Naperville ; they have two children, viz., Will-
that institution, where he completed his classi- iam and Edwin.
cal course, graduating in 1876 with the degree DAVID B. GIVLER, editor Clarion, Naper-
of M. A., and the honor of valedictorian of ville, is a native of Ashland County, Ohio ;
his class. After his graduation he taught dis- November 20, 1841, and is the fifth in a family of
trict schools one term. In the spring of 1877, seven children born to Solomon and Leah
he began reading law with Judge H. H. Cody, (Brown) Givler. They were natives of Lan-
and the same year attended the Union College caster Count} -
, Penn.; he was a farmer and
of Law, Chicago ; in 1879, he passed an exam- moved to Ohio, settling on a farm in Wayne
ination by the Appellate Court, and was ad- County ; thence to Ashland County, where they
mitted to the bar by the Supreme Court in ses- farmed until 1851 ;
then came to Illinois, and
sion at Mount Vernon, 111. In 1880, he received settled on a farm in the vicinity of Naperville.
the degree of A. M. Began the practice of his where he lived until his death, in December,
profession at Naperville, and soon after entered i 1868. He took an active interest in politics,
into partnership with Samuel W. Smith, who and was a Republican member of the Evan- ;

however withdrew from the partnership Janu- gelical Church. Mrs. Givler is living in Na-
uary 1, 1882, and went to Iowa. Mr. Goodrich perville with her son, David B. Our subject
was raised on the farm, where he lived until on the Price raid, fighting in the battles of Lex-
1861, when he enlisted in the Seventh Illinois ington, Independence and others. At the end
Infantry, Company C served during the war
of his service, he returned to Naperville and
was in the battles of Fort Henry, Fort Donel- worked at his trade, with his father, until the
son, Pittsburg Landing, Corinth, Alatoona Pass death of the latter, since which time he has
and the Atlanta campaign, and was with Sher- worked on his own account. In 1867, he mar-
man at the surrender of Johnston. He returned riedSarah Rickert, a native of Geneva, 111.,
in 1865. and farmed for one year; he then worked who has borne him one child Charles W. Mr. —
as clerk in the grain warehouse at Naperville Good has held the office of Village Trustee for
one year. In 1868, he bought the Du Page some time he is a Republican.

County Press, and has published since, having, MICHAEL HINES, Naperville, Justice of
in 1869, changed the name to the Naperville the Peace, was born in Londonderry, Ireland,
Glaripn- January 24, 1864, he married Miss April 9, 1803, son of Michael and Jane (Walk-

Abbie Matter, a native of Pennsylvania. (Mr. er ) Hines, who emigrated to Canada and set-
G. married while home from the army on fur- tled on a farm near the Vermont State line.
lough.) They have six children, three sons and At the age of eighteen years, our subject was
three daughters. Mr. G. has served as Justice apprenticed in Montreal, Canada, to his trade,
of the Peace, Police Magistrate, Collector, etc., and served three years. He then worked for a
etc. time at Grand Isle, in Lake Champlain, and
WALTER L. GOOD, Naperville, house and in Vermont. In 1834, he came West, stopped
carriage painter, is a native of Lehigh County, in Chicago about a year, and, in 1 835, came to
Penn., born in 1843 ; son of Charles and Mary Naperville, and engaged in business in part-
Ann (Miller) Good, natives of Lehigh County, nership with a friend, Samuel Talmadge. He
Penn., and who were the parents of eleven afterward bought out Talmadge's interest, and
children, subject being the third. Charles continued business alone, being very success-
Good, subject's father, was raised on a farm ;
ful ; he built several stores on water street,

learned the tailoring trade. In 1846, he came which were swept away in the ice gorge during
to Naperville, where he learned the painter's the big flood, his loss being over $10,000. He
trade, which he followed until his death, which married Lucetta Stephens daughter of Capt.
occurred in Naperville in the spring of 1867 ;
John Stephens, who was one of the old pioneers
his widow married Mr. Jacob Trumbauer, and of this county, and who served during the
now resides in Polo, Ogle County, 111. Walter Black Hawk war ; they have had five children,
L. was raised in Naperville, received a fair ed- of whom three are living —Thomas S., agent of
ucation, and, when eleven years of age, began the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Railroad at
working with his father at the painter's trade, Moline, 111. ; has been in the employ of that com-
remaining till he was seventeen years of age. pany since his discharge from the army ; he
He then went to Chicago, where he worked for served three years in the Eighth Illinois Cav-
three years ; then enlisted in Company H, alry ; Mrs. Holmatf, of Creston, Iowa ; and Mrs.
Seventeenth Illinois Cavalry ; was chosen Cor- Smith, of Naperville. In March, 1850, he started
poral ; afterward promoted to a Sergeancy, and by the overland route for California, in company
mustered out after a two years' service. His with Stephen J. Scott, and accomplished the
regiment operated principally in Missouri, and, journey in four months and .seventeen days.
though in no pitched battles, was constantly After mining for two years in California, he re-
employed among the guerrillas was ten weeks ;
turned home via the Isthmus of Panama and

New York ; while on the way, he bought a par- He took his company to Dixon, 111., where he
rot in the city of Menargo, said to be at that turned his office over to Judge Blanchard. He
time forty -two years old. This parrot lived had held the office of Major in militia of Penn-
with the family in Naperville till it died, in sylvania, where he raised a company. He re-
1882, being, therefore, seventy-two years old ;
turned home from Dixon and raised another
Mr. Hines has had it stuffed. Mr. Hines has company, and notified Gov. Gates, who an-
been Presidentof the Board of Village Trustees ;
swered that he should disband. He bought
was two years Trustee, and is now serving his new stock, having sacrificed his property to go
third term as Justice of the Peace he is a ; to the army, and continued the livery business
Democrat. While living in Chicago, he bought about one year. About 1861, he engaged in his

a block of land on La Salle street, containing present business, bujing a small stock of goods
one-half acre, for $150, and sold it the follow- |
from another man. The business was small,
ing year for $1,150. and his sons conducted the same, but when the
JAMES J. HUNT, hardware and agri- war was over he engaged regularly in the busi-
cultural implements, Naperville, is a native of ness, which at first was principally a tin shop,
Crawford County, Penn.; was born in the year but gradually grew to what it is now. In 1858,
1824, and is the fourth child in a family of nine i he built the present building, where he carries
children born to James N. Y. and Sarah (Jewell) I
on business. He was formerly a Whig, but is

Hunt, natives of Vermont. He, a blacksmith, now a Republican. Has had nine children, four
moved, when our subject was six years of age, of whom are living. He was married, Septem-
to Erie, Penn. Our subject received a common- ber 3, 1874, to Miss Lucia A. Davis, a native of
school education ; at eighteen, went into his New York ;
no children from second marriage.
father's shop, and at nineteen he visited the The four children living are Frank W., partner
West, spending one summer in Naperville ;
with his father ;
Charles C., in father's storo ;

then returned home. He married Miss Nancy James E., now in Dakota Eva E., at home. ;

Converse, a native of Erie County, Penn., in Mr. Hunt has been Justice of the Peace and
1843 ;
she died in 1872, in Colorado, where she Police Magistrate over twenty years ;
had gone for her health. After his marriage, the entire time, never had a verdict changed by
he lived in Erie one year, then came, in fall of Circuit Court, nor lost a prisoner during his
1844, with his father, mother and six children term as Sheriff. He has liberally supported
to Naperville. Subject worked one year here the enterprises of this community.
in plow shop, and, opened a blacksmith
in 1846, GEORGE H. HUNT, proprietor Naperville
shop upon the present site of his store, and con- Creamery, is a native of Madison County, N.
tinued about twelve years. Soon after coming Y.; hewas born March 6, 1847 his father, ;

here, his father and mother moved to De Kalb Anson Hunt, was a farmer, and George was
County, where they died. He was elected raised on his father's farm, and received a dis-
Sheriff in 1856, and has served one term since trict school and academic course of study, ob-
He engaged in the livery business as earl}- as taining a good commercial education. In 1864,
1855, and was identified with the business until his father engaged in the creamery business,
about 1861. He then sold out his business, en- his being the first creamery in Madison County.
listed in the Thirteenth Infantry, and was Our subject assisted in his father's business.
elected Captain of a company. [He had pre- At the age of twenty he married Miss Estella
viously held the office of Captain of a militia Tuttle, of Madison County, N. Y., and after the
company of Naperville, which he had raised.] marriage he began as foreman in a creamery,
and continued in that employ in Madison and family of eight children born to Joseph and
Boone Counties until 1873, when he took a trip Sarah Willtrout Hillegas they were natives of

West, stopping one year as an officer in the Berks and Schuylkill Counties, Penn. He was
State Reform School of Wisconsin, at Wauke- a gunsmith by trade, which he followed up to
sha. He then engaged as foreman of C. W. about 1840, since which he has been farming.
Golds' Creamery at Elgin, 111., where he re- In 1856, the family came to Naperville and
mained for three 3-ears, when in 1874 he came bought a farm one mile west of the village,
to Naperville and rented a building, and con- and occupied the same, where our subject lived
ducted a creamery for three years, then built for '
two years. He then engaged as a clerk
his present factory, 36x60 feet and two stories with Mr. A. Friedfy, in the hardware business,
high, and, being built after his own direc- at Naperville, and continued with him until
tions, is a model of convenience. Mr. Anson 1867, when, in company with Mr. Louis Reiche,
Hunt died here in Naperville in 1878. Mrs. bought the business, and has conducted the
Hunt, formerly Miss Lydia Wilcox, is living same since, firm being W. H. Hillegas & Co.
here with her son. In 1865, Mr. Hillegas enlisted for one year, or
N. B. HOSLER, general store, Naperville, is a during the war, in the One Hundred and Fifty-
native of Lancaster County, Penn., born in 1831, sixth Regiment Illinois Infantry, Company D ;

fifth child of a family of six born to Benjamin was Orderly Sergeant, and served until dis-
and Elizabeth (Beamerderfer) Hosier, both na- charged in September following, and returned
tives of Lancaster County. Penn. Jacob Hosier, to Naperville and took his position in the store.
the father of subject, moved to Schuylkill In 1862, he married Miss Mary Hartman, a
County, Penn., in 1831, where he engaged in native of Lancaster County, Penn., born 1840,
farming. In 1844, came to this county, and and came to Du Page County, 111., with her
followed farming till 1870, when he retired from parents when she was two years of age. They
active life, and died in 1879 his wife died in
have three children, viz., Ida May, Charles W.
1866. Subject worked on the farm till 1857, and Harvey H. Is a Republican, and a mem-
when he married Abigail Butts, a native of ber of the Evangelical Church since 1857, tak-
Lehigh County, Penn., who died in the fall of ing an active interest in the Sabbath school, of
1870, leaving seven children, six of whom are which he has been Secretary a number of years.
living at home. After his marriage he rented HERMAN HAMMERSCHMIDT, farming,
a farm, which he worked three years. In 1866, P. O. Naperville, is a native of Westphalia,
he engaged as clerk with Mr. M. Brown, of Prussia ;
he was born in the year 1830. He
Naperville, with whom he remained until the received, in addition toa common school educa-
spring of 1869 ;
then engaged in general mer- tion, twoyears' attendance at college. When he
chandising in Bloomingdale, this count}', for was eighteen years old, he came with his brother
two years, and in 1872 became partner in the to the United States, and bought a farm in
business in which he is at present engaged. Naperville Township, Du Page Co., 111., and
He ran a threshing machine sixteen years, was some eight years later Herman bought his
also engaged in buying produce for a number of present place and has lived here since. In
years. 1856, he married Bliss Emma Van Oven, a
W. H. HILLEGAS, of Hillega's & Co.. hard- native of Westphalia, Prussia. She came to
ware, agricultural implements, etc.. Naperville, the United States with her married sister in
is a native of Pottsville. Schuylkill County, 1852. By the marriage there have been ten
Penn. ; bom in 1840. and is the seventh in a children. He is a Republican, and has served

as Assessor for four 3-ears ; he has also served age of nineteen he came West and stopped
as School Trustee. He is a member of the about six months in Du Page County, 111. He
German Lutheran Church, of which he has then worked about one year in Kane County,
been Trustee a number of years, and has taken when he again came to Du Page County, and
an active interest. He owns eighty acres locat- worked by the month until the spring of 1849.
ed three miles west of Naperville and six from He then worked on the shares one year, and in
Aurora. 1850 went overland bj- team to California, and
S. B. HILL, farmer, P. O. Eola, 111., is a na- lived there for two years, during which time he

tive of the State of Maine, and was born in worked at mining. Returning by the Nicar-
the city of Calais in the year 1823. He was agua route, he rented his present place, and
raised on the farm, and received a common- two years later bought it. Mr. Jenkins first
school education. When he was eighteen years voted for Gen. Taylor and has been a Repub-
of age, he came West to Chicago, and traveled lican since the organization of the party. He
transient, stopping at Galena and in the pine- has held the offices of Township Trustee, Road
ries of Wisconsin. He then came to Warrens- Commissioner, and has served as Supervisor
ville in 18-12, and rented a farm. He also ran for a number of years. In May, 1852, he mar-
a thresher, incompany with Mr. Daniel Warne, ried Miss Harriet H. Thatcher, a native of
until 1849, when he went to California. He Wayne County, N. Y. She came West with
went with a company of twenty- five men, they her parents in 1839. By the marriage there
driving overland by ox teams. He lived about are three children. He owns 219 acres of land,

three years in California, during which time he located three miles west of Naperville.
followed mining and kept a butcher's shop in H. W. KNICKERBACKER, Naperville, is a
the mountains. He returned, via Panama, to native of Rensselaer County, N. Y., born No-
Du Page County, and bought his present place. vember 20, 1813, and was raised on a farm.
He married Miss Caroline, daughter of John At the age of eighteen, he began reading law,
Warne, of Michigan. She came to Du Page and in October, 1833, he moved to Chicago,
County in 1 831 with her parents. By the mar- where his brother lived (Abram V., Assistant
riage there have been six children, of whom Superintendent with Capt. Allen in building the

three are living — Annie, now Mrs. Paxton, liv- harbor); our subject went in the store of P. F.
ing in this county; Howard, at home ; Lorin, at W. Peck, and in May, 1834, he came to Naper-
home. After his marriage, he lived on his ville and purchased a claim adjoining the town;
farm, where he has lived since. He is a Re- he then went East and married, returning to
publican in his politics. He is a member of his claim in the fall and built a frame house,

the M. E. Church. He owns 425 acres, located considered at that time the best in Northern
in Naperville and Winfield Townships, two and Illinois; though not very pretentious, he lived
one-half miles north of Eola. He first bought on his claim until 1843, when, upon the death
about one hundred and sixty acres, and has of his wife, he went East, in the spring of 1844,
added the rest since. and, in order not to lose his residence, he re-
CHARLES JENKINS, farmer, P. 0. Naper- turned in the fall and voted for Henry Clay.

ville. 111., is a native of Allegany County, N. Y. His firstwas Miss Sarah Groesbeck, a na-
He was born in July, 1826 ; was raised on the tive of New York they had three children, all

farm, and received a common-school education. living. He engaged in mercantile business in

When he was sixteen years of age, he began Lansingburg, N. Y., and continued for twenty
working by the month for himself, and at the years. In 1847 or 1848, he married Miss
Clarissa A. Seelye, a native of New York. In all the engagements in the Shenandoah Valley,
1868, they came to their farm here at Naper- where his regiment operated under command of
where she died in 1875, after which he
ville, Gens. Fremont and Pope. At the close of the
went East, and next year, he went to Adrian, war, he returned to Cleveland, Ohio, and worked
Mich., where he engaged in mercantile busi- at his trade till 1866; he then came to Chicago
ness for about one year; he then again returned and engaged as baggage- master on the Chicago,
to Naperville, where, in 1877, he married Miss Burlington & Quincy Railroad, which position
N. Cunningham, a native of Jonesboro,
C. he held for six years. '
He then removed to
Tenn., daughter of Rev. J. W. Cunningham, and Naperville, where he engaged in the marble
engaged as Preceptress and Professor of En- business. He employs from four to six work-
glish Literature in the Northwestern College of men, and does an annual business of from $16,-
Naperville. Mr. K. was the first Assessor in 000 to $20,000. His establishment, which is
this count}'. During the war, he resided in the only one of the kind in the county, turns
Lansingburg, N. Y.; he took an active part, out well-executed work, which finds ready sale;
devoting his time and money to forwarding he has furnished many elegant jobs for the city
military affairs. He used his influence with of Chicago. Mr. Kayler has been twice mar-
Governor to establish a hospital at that joint. ried. In 1860, he married Prudence P. Stevens,
He had been the principal officer of the agri- a native of Ohio, who died in 1865, leaving
cultural society, and through his influence they three children, viz., Clarence, Oscar and Byron.
gave the location for the hospital on which the In 1872, he married Emma B. Bolliman, a na-
Government erected buildings costing over tive of Naperville, who has borne him two chil-
$100,000, and during the war our subject made dren —Robert and Lulu.
daily visits with the surgeons, his object being FREDERICK KAILER, clothing and gents'
to cheer the patients, who became greatly at- furnishing. Naperville, a native of this county,
tached to him. Freemason; was .a Whig,
Is a born in Naperville in 1841 ;
is the second child
and is at present a Republican, and a " no of a family of seven. His parents, Jacob and
license " advocate, also a member of the Con- Dorotha (Degen) Kailer, natives of Alsace, Ger-
gregational Church. many, came to the United States about the
CHARLES H. KAYLER, Naperville Marble year 1839, and to Naperville in 1840. Jacob
Works, Naperville, is a native of German)', was Kailer, who was a shoemaker by trade, died in
born in 1837. In 1843, the family emigrated January, 1852 ; his widow, now Mrs. Louis Wen-
to the United States and settled at Cleveland, delberg, resides in Chicago. Frederick received
Ohio, where Charles H. lived till he was twenty- a fair education, and worked on the farm till

three years of age, his father being engaged 1861, when he enlisted in Company E, Fifty-
in agricultural pursuits. At the age of eighteen fifth Illinois Infantry ;
was elected Sergeant ;

our subject was apprenticed to the marble-cut- was in the battles of Shiloh, siege of Vicks-
ting trade, at which he served three years, under burg, Arkansas Post, Lookout Mountain, also
his brother John, who conducted the business. served in the Atlanta campaign and the march
After completing his apprenticeship, he worked to the sea. The regiment was veteranized in
at the trade as journeyman till 1861, when he 1864, and he returned to Naperville. Soon
enlisted in the Sixth Ohio Cavalry, Company C, afterward, he went to Chicago and engaged in
and served till the close of the war. During the butcher business for a number of years. In
his term of service, he participated in the bat- 1868, he opened a clothing store in Naperville,
tles of Winchester and Port Republic, and in where he has since remained engaged in that

business. In 1870, he married Melvina Snyder, harmony with the Republican party. In 1875,
a native of Pennsylvania, and from this mar- he was elected Supervisor of the town of Lisle,
riage five children have been born. Mr. Kailer and was re-elected successively for six terms.

is a Kepublican, and a member of the Evan- ADAM KELLER, farmer, P. 0. Naperville,

gelical Church. is a native of Bavaria, Germany, and was born
WILLIAM KING, farmer, P. 0. Naperville, in the year 1831. His father was a forrester,
is a native of Germany, born in the year 1829. and Adam assisted in the business, and on be-
He received a common-school education, and, coming of age he came to America. He had
at the age of eighteen, came to America. In received a district school education. He came
1848, he arrived in Bloomingdale Township, through to Naperville, where he expected to
Du Page County, where he had relatives living, meet his brother, but the latter had gone to
and the following year he engaged by the Minnesota. Adam worked on the farm in this
month on a farm about five miles south of Na- vicinity by the year until 1860, when he mar-
perville, where he remained about three years. ried Miss Barbara Weigand, a native of Bava-
In 1852, in company with a party of forty-four, I
ria, Germany. She came to the United States
headed by Dr. Barnes and Thaddeus Swift, he with her parents when she was a child. Her
started overland with ox teams for California. parents, John and Barbara (Pfister) Weigand,
At Fort Laramie, the party divided, Mr. King were natives of Bavaria, Germairy. They came
joining a company bound for Oregon. The |
to the United States in 1848, and settled in
company had considerable trouble with the In- York Township, Du Page Co., 111., where he
dians, who stole their oxen, requiring them to farmed until his death in 1861. His first wife,

abandon some of their wagons, and in the "lava Barbara Pfister, died in Germany the second ;

beds " (since made historic by the Indians un- wife, Cuigunde Waltz, also died in Germany,
der Capt. Jack) their vanguard were massacred and the third wife, Gertrude Fleeman, survives
by the Indians. Mr. King remained in Oregon him, and is living in the old home. After the
and California about five years, during which marriage he rented farms (three) for about nine
time he followed mining and butchering re- — years. He then bought 152 acres where he
turning by water via Nicaragua route. Janu- now resides, and has since added eighty-nine
ary 22, 1857, he married Miss Hypsa Royce ;
acres, having in all 241 acres, located on the
she was a native of New Hampshire and was rivertwo miles northwest of Naperville. Mr.
raised in New York, daughter of Jonathan Kellercame to this vicinity $9 in debt, and has
Royce, who came to the vicinity of Naperville earned all he has by his labor and management.

in 1835, and was largely interested in farming. He is Democratic in his politics, though he
After marriage, they settled on a farm he had votes generally independent. He has served
bought, and farmed until 1870 ;
he then moved three years as Road Commissioner, and isnow
to Naperville, and engaged in the manufacture serving as Supervisor of the township. By the
of brick and tile in company with Mr. George marriage there have been nine children — seven
Martin, theymaking the first tile in the county. girls and two boys.
After somesix years, Mr. King withdrew WILLIAM J. LAIRD, police, Naperville,
from the business, and has lived retired since, was born in Naperville April 12, 1835, and is

his farming interests, amounting to some four the youngest of two children born to William
hundred acres located a few miles from Naper- and Philinda (Stevens) Laird. William Laird,
ville, being managed by tenants. Politically, our subject's father, came west to Naperville
Mr. King is independent, though generally in with his brother George in 1832. opened a store
and traded with the Indians fall of 1833,
till the to the rank of First Lieutenant August 8, 1865.
then went to Fox River and took a claim a mile Company H, Seventeenth Illinois Cavalry, was
above Aurora, but owing to the Indians claim- organized by Capt. L. C. Matlack January
ing the land he abandoned it, and removed to 22, 1864, atSt. Charles, 111. Our subject
Montgomery County, 111., where he took a claim served as guard for prisoners at Alton, 111.,
and where he afterward died. Our subject's thence went to Glasgow, Mo., and served in
mother, daughter of John and Polly (Taylor) guerrilla warfare ;
joined Gen. Ewing's army in
Stevens, came to Naperville with her parents defense of Jefferson City engaged in the fights

about the year 1832, where they took a claim at Independence and Osage, Mo. was on the ;

and afterward conducted a hotel. John Stevens forty-three days' march, for which the command
was born in Rindge, N. H., September 2, 1785, received the thanks of the Missouri Legislature;
removed when quite young with his parents to was present at the surrender of the rebel Gen.
Hartland, Vt.. where he afterward married Miss Jeff Thompson at Chalk Bluff, Ark. ; served <^n

Polly Taylor, a native of that place — born April the Kansas frontier, and marched to the relief
23, 1786. He moved to Enosburg, Vt., thence of Gen. Dodge, who was endangered by the In-
in 1832 to Naperville, 111., where he bought a dians, and was discharged at Camp Butler,
claim and afterward ran a hotel there. He Springfield, 111., December 21, 1865. After the
died May 3, 1862. During his life he had war he returned to Naperville, and engaged in

worked at his trade carpentering farmed and — the harness-making business until 1873 or 1874,
engaged in the hotel business. His wife, our when his shop was destroj'ed by fire. He was
subject's grandmother, died January 23, 1873. appointed police on his return from the army,
Of their eightchildren, three are now living. Our and also served as Deputy Sheriff eight years.

subject's mother, after the death of his father, In 1858, he married Miss Marie Vosburg, a
returned to her father's place near Naperville, native of Milwaukee, Wis. They have had
where she lived until January, 1844, when she three children, two of whom are living — Arthur
married Mr. Hiram Fowler, a native of Berk- W. and Edward S. ; Louie L. was killed on a
shire County, Mass., born in 1798, came to this train at Riverside. 111. Upon the organization
and bought a claim three miles
vicinity in 1833, of the Naperville Light Guards, Company K,
from Naperville, which he occupied a number Third Regiment Illinois Infantry, in 1877, Mr.
of years, then retired from active life, and is Laird was appointed Second Lieutenant, and is

now living in the town of Naperville. The sub- now serving his second term as Captain of the
ject of this sketch was raised in Naperville, re- company.
ceived an ordinary education in the common NORMAN LENT, blacksmith, Naperville,
school?, and at the age of eighteen years he was was born in Bradford County, Penn., June 17,

apprenticed to the harness-maker's trade, at 1826, son of Egbert and Polly (Stocking)
which he served three years. He soon after Lent. Egbert Lent, born in Peekskill, N. Y.;
opened a shop where he followed
in Naperville, was a carpenter and wagon-maker by trade, and
his trade. May, 1861, he was appointed
In died about the year 1847; his wife, born in

police, which position he held until 1863, when Binghamton, N. Y., is now living with her
he was commissioned as recruiting officer for daughter in Iowa, and is eighty years of age;
the Seventeenth Illinois Cavalry. He raised of their eleven children, ten are still living.

twenty-eight men, joined his regiment at St. Subject received but a limited education ; at

was appointed Second Lieutenant of

Charles, the age of thirteen moved with his parents to
Company H January 22, 1864, and promoted Onondaga County, N. Y., and when

years old was apprenticed to the blacksmith He owns 158 acres located six miles southwest
trade ; served four years, and then worked at of Naperville, and four and one-half miles
his trade as journeyman two years. In 1851, southeast of Aurora.
he came to worked at his trade in St.
Illinois, FREDERICK LONG, furniture and under-
Charles for one year, and March 2, 1852, came taker, Naperville, is a native of Wurtemberg,
to Naperville, where he worked as journeyman Germany, born in 1837. In 18.53, he came to
three years. He then went into partnership America and stopped with his brother in Chi-
with Willard & Loomis, but after one year cago, who had come to the country previously,
withdrew from the firm, and has since carried and the same year he hired on a farm near
on business on his own account. He married Wheeling, remaining one and one-half years.
on July 4, 1848, Miss Caroline M. Richmond, a In 1856, he came to Naperville and apprenticed
native of Vernon, Oneida Co., N. Y. From to the cabinet trade with Mr. Butts and served
this marriage eleven children have been born, for three years, then worked as journeyman
of whom seven are living, viz.. Elgin E., Edwin for two years longer. He then began on his
W. and George W., all engaged in the black- own account, opening a shop on the south side
smithing business in Correctionville, Woodbury of the river and doing business in a small way,
Co., Iowa ; Emma J. (wife of Mr. Thompson, a putting in all his time, and in 1866 he bought
farmer of Cherokee, Iowa), Lillian, Walter and his present location and built the buildings,
Minnie, at home. Mr. Lent is a Republican. and has conducted the business since has one ;

SAMUEL LONG, farmer, P. 0. Naperville, building 100 feet deep, two stories, and in the
is a native of Lehigh County, Penn., and was spring of 1882 he added two stories, 22x40 — now
born in the year 1819. His father was a miller, doing a business of over $12,000. In the spring
and Samuel was brought up to the business of 1861 he married Miss Amelia Beidelman, a
until he became sixteen years of age, when he native of Illinois. They have one adopted son
began working at farming, and on becoming whom they took when but six weeks of age. Is
seventeen he apprenticed to tailoring, and a Republican.
served for four years he then worked as a
; GEORGE MARTIN, farmer, P. 0. Naper-
journeyman for a number of years, and about ville, was born in Edinburgh, Scotland, in the
1843 came to Illinois, and settled in Naperville, year 1826, only child of George and Elizabeth
and worked on the farm. In 1848, he married (Christie) Martin, who were natives of Scotland.
Miss Martha Nitz, a native of Lehigh County, George Martin, Sr., was engaged in the grain
Penn., who came to this county with her par- business, running vessels between the Baltic
ents about the same time he came. The fol- and Black Seas to ports in England and Scot-
lowing year after his marriage, he began work land. In 1833, the family came toAmerica,
at his trade in Naperville, opened a shop, and, and in June of that year, stopped with Mark
a year company with Mr. Weaver, he
later, in Beaubien in the old pioneer hotel, Soginnash,
opened a clothing store, he buying Mr. Wea- of Chicago. From Martin
this point, Messrs.
ver's interest a few years and conductedlater, & on a prospecting tour to
Christie started
the business until 1863, when he sold out and Ottawa, and returned via the Naper settlement,
bought the present place where he has lived where Mr. Martin bought a claim of Capt.
since. By the marriage there have been four- Joseph Naper, having thirty acres fenced and
teen children, eleven of whom are living. He broken ; the unimproved portion included all

is Republican, and is a member of the Evan- the land desired, west of the river, there being
gelical association for upward of forty years. no settlers there then. The family occupied

the claim in August, living in a log house until settled in Buffalo, N. Y. When he became
spring, when they occupied their new frame of age, he came to Illinois and worked on
house, which was the first frame house in what the canal, and about 1840 married and began
now constitutes Du Page Count}'. Mr. George farming, renting the first few years; he then
Martin, Sr., improved and lived on the farm bought a place of the Government, and in 1849
until his death in 1841 his wife also remained
went to California, overland, with a company
on the old homestead until her death in 1872. from this vicinity. He was gone three years,
Both were life-long members of the Presbyte- and was engaged in mining; returning, he oc-

rian Church, and were active and liberal in cupied his place, which he had bought of the
their support to its cause. He was a man of Government, and farmed there until 1875, when
fine education; a Liberal in his native land, he he removed to Naperville, where he died in
joined the Liberal party in his new home, and March, 1879. Mrs. Metz is living at the old

lived enjoying the respect and confidence of home in Naperville. Our subject was raised
all who knew him. George Martin, Jr., came on the farm, and received a common-school
with his parents, and has always lived on the education. In 1870, he married Miss Mary
old homestead. He received the advantages Grove, a native of Cumberland County, Penn.;
of the district and select schools of his vicinity, she came to Du Page County, 111., with her
and, in addition to the management of his farm- parents in 1865. By the marriage, there have
ing interest, has been identified, first in the been six children, of whom five are living

mercantile business inNaperville, and, later, in Edna, Emery A.,Arthur A., Sherman G. and
company with the Hon. J. G. Wright, estab- Elsie M. He owns 104f acres located one a
lished the Producers' Bank of Martin & half miles southwest of Naperville. He is Re-
Wright, He has also engaged himself in laying publican in politics.

out several additions to Naperville, which in- E. MUSSELMAN, grain dealer, Naperville,
clude all that portion of the city lying south is a native of Northampton County, Penn.,
and west of the river. He is at present en- born in 1816, and lived in his native county
gaged in the manufacture of brick and drain until 1847. His father was a weaver. Our sub-

tile on his place, which has grown to be an ex- ject learned the carpenter's trade, and followed
tensive business, his works being the largest in the same during the summers and teaching
the State. Mr. Martin also owns a fine stone school during the winters. He was apprenticed
quarry, located on his farm, which, though not when seventeen years of age, and served with
fully developed, gives ample proof of an inex- his employer six or seven years. He received
haustible supply of the finest of building stone. a district school education, and was fond of
In 1854, Mr. Martin married Miss Sibelia Rid- books, studying the higher branches at home.
dler, a daughter of the Rev. Alexander Rid- At about the age of twenty-one, he began teach-

dler, of Peoria. There are four children ing, which he did during the winters for some
Elizabeth, Kittie, George and Carrie. ten years. In 1839, he married Miss Catharine
J. F. METZ, farmer, P. 0. Naperville, is a Billiard, a native of Pennsylvania, who died

native of Du Page County, 111., born in the year January 31, 1882; they had eight children, six

1849, and is the fourth of seven children born living. In 1847, the came to Du Page County,
to Adam and Elizabeth (Knapp) Metz, who and settled at Naperville, and engaged at his
were natives of Germany and Warren County, trade for a number of years in this and Will

Penn. He came to America with his par- Counties, and then about 1855 became a minis-
ents when he was but one year of age; they ter of the Evangelical Association, traveling in
the interest of the Association for fifteen years. tering in the summer seasons for fifteen years.
He then located at Naperville, and worked at In 1844, he came to Illinois, where he stayed
his trade of carpenter for several years. Dur- with his brother Daniel, and farmed and worked
ing the past five years has been engaged in at carpentering. In 1846, he married Laura
his present business, buying and shipping Gates, a native of New York, who came to
grain and dealing in coal. He is now Justice Illinois with her parents at an early date ; she
of the Peace, an office he formerly held in Will died November 15. 1859, leaving four children,
County. viz., John P., merchant and Deputy Postmaster
JOSEPH MEANS, deceased, was a native at Gilman, 111. ; Thomas (in Iowa) ; Frank,
of Pennsylvania, born near Pittsburgh in the Assistant Cashier in post office, Chicago ; Fred,
year 1795, and was raised a farmer, and in the at home. After his marriage, Mr. Orcutt
year 1834 came West to Illinois, and made a bought a piece of land one and a quarter miles
claim to the present place, which he began im- west of Naperville, on which he lived till about
proving and cultivating. In 1840, he married the year 1855, when he moved to Naperville
Miss Mary Vaughan, a native of Vermont; she and there engaged in the lumber business, also
died in 1853. In 1855, he married Miss contracting and building. About the year
Abia Vaughan, a sister of the first wife, 1859 he discontinued the lumber business. In
and a native of Vermont, by which marriage the fall of 1861, he enlisted in Company H,
there were born four children, two of whom are Ninth Illinois Cavalry, and remained in service
living —
Archibald and Nancy. Mr. Means three years, his regiment operating in the West
died on the old homestead in 1872. Mrs. with Grant's army. He returned to Naperville

Means has lived on the homestead since. in 1864; afterward worked in North Carolina,
LEVI MANBECK, gardener, Naperville, is a where he assisted in the construction of seven
native of Berks County, Penn., was born in 1820, bridgea over the Neuse River ; returned to
and was raised to farming, receiving a common Naperville in 1865, where he has since followed
school education. In 1847, he came to Du Page contracting and building. His second wife,
County and farmed, and teamed in the meantime Anna Ingalls, whom he married December 11,
to Chicago,always making his home in Naper- 1868, is a native of New York, and came to
ville.In January, 1847, he married Miss Han- Illinois, with her parents, when a child ; she has
nah Hoy, a native of Schuylkill County, Penn., borne him two children, of whom one is living,
from which union have been born two children: viz., Daniel. Mr. Orcutt is a Republican.
Mrs. Ida Hafle, residing near Freeport, 111., and H. L. PEASLEE, retired, Naperville, is a
Celia, at home. He is a member of the Evan- native of Burlington, Vt, born 1810, second
gelical Church and a Kepublicau. child born to Robert and Amanda Loomis
PHILIP ORCUTT, contractor, builder and Peaslee, natives of New Hampshire and Ver-
undertaker, Naperville, was born in Mont- mont. Our subject engaged as clerk in the
gomery County, N. Y., in that portion since mercantile business in his native town at about
annexed to Hamilton County, that State, De- the age of sixteen, and clerked until he was
cember 12, 1819 was raised on the farm, and
; nineteen or twenty, when he took a position as
received a limited education in the common bank of Burlington, where he re-
teller in the
schools. His father was a carpenter, and from mained about two years. He then, in company
him subject learned the trade at home ; he with his brother-in-law, Amos W. Butler, en-
also acquired the shoemaking trade, working gaged in the mercantile business, conducting a
at the latter during the winter and at carpen- general store, until about 1834-35. In May, 1836,

he and wife came West to Chicago, where he this county, born in Naperville in August, 1846,
had relatives. Harmon & Loomis having es- son of H. L. Peaslee. Subject was raised in
tablished a store in Naperville about 1835, our his native village, where he received a fair edu-
subject took charge of it, which he conducted cation. His father was a merchant, and H. H.
until when, owing to sickness in his
1841, was early trained in mercantile business, be-
family, he returned to Vermont, where he re- ginning when quite young, and assisting his
mained two years ; then came to Chicago and father until the latter closed out his business.
assisted Mr. Harmon in wholesale grocery for In 1865, he went to Chicago, engaged as clerk
several years. In 1845, he came to Naperville, with King, Harmon & Co., wholesale dry goods,
where he and Mr. Loomis engaged in general etc.,and in 1868 went to Chelsea, Iowa, opened
merchandising, continuing about ten years, a hardware store on his own account, and re-
when the business was sold to Mr. Yount. He mained in business there till 1869, when he sold
then, in company with others, established a out to his partner, and returned to Naperville.
deposit bank, known as the Producers' Bank, Thence he went to Memphis, Tenn., where he
with which he was connected about three years. engaged as collector for an ice company the ;

He then engaged in merchandising, with the same year he entered the retail store of Field,
object of establishing his son, Luther L., in Leiter & Co., Chicago, as clerk, and at the end
business ; and soon after, his son enlisted in of the first year was given charge of a depart-
the One Hundred and Fifth Illinois Infantry, ment, and soon after became a general sales-
he holding the office of Second Lieutenant, and man, having charge of the woolen department,
served through, with his command, to Atlanta, in which he was assisted by seven salesmen.
where he resigned and came home, owing to In 1874, owing to ill health, occasioned by
the failure of his father's health. Our subject overwork, he resigned his position with Field,
continued the business a few years after his Leiter & Co., visited Colorado for a few mouths,

son went into the army, and then sold out, and and in 1875 came to Naperville, where he has
has lived retired ever since, excepting a few since been engaged in his present business. In
years which he devoted to the management of 1873, he married Nellie Threadgold, daughter
Mr. Loomis' business, during the latter's trip of Capt. Theadgold, a seafaring man ; she was
to Europe. Upon the organization of the coun- born in the East Indies ; sailed with her father
ty, he was made Coroner and Justice of the till she was fifteen years of age, then settled in
Peace. In July, 1831, he married Miss Amelia Jeresy City, where she was educated ;
she and
M. Butler, at the latter's home in Essex, Vt. her married sisters moved to Chicago, where
They have had five children —three living she resided at the time of her marriage. From
Luther L., of Chicago ;
Horace H., merchant this union two children have been born, of
at Naperville, and Harriet L., now Mrs. W. H. whom one is living, viz., Henrj- L.
Moore, of Peru, 111. Mrs. Peaslee was a daugh- WILLIAM PIERCE, farmer, P. 0. Aurora,
ter of Roswell Butler and Ruth Wardner. He 111., is a native of England, born in the county
was a merchant and lumberman, and previous of Kent in the year 1817, eldest of eight chil-
to our subject's moving West, Mrs. Peaslee dren born to William and Ruth (Stephenson)
came West and lived with her daughter twenty- Pierce, who were natives of Kent and Notting-
two years, and died here in Naperville about hamshire, England. He was raised on the farm,
the year 1868. and when about sixteen years of age he entered
H. H. PEASLEE, proprieter of Du Page the army and remained a soldier until about
County Cash Store, Naperville, is a native of the year 1817, having served for nine years,
and fought with Wellington at the battle of he born January 23, 1783, and she January 16,
Waterloo, was at the siege of Antwerp and the 1790. They married March 6, 1816. He was
other battles of those days. In 1832, the fam- a soldier in the war of 1812, and fought under
ily came to America, and located in Wayne Gen. Jackson against the Creek Indians. His
County. N. Y., where he farmed, and in 1835 brother, James Paxton, was in the battle of
moved to Ohio, locating in Summit County, New Orleans. They moved to Maury County,
where he farmed until his death in the year Tenn., soon after their marriage. He had a
1875. She died in Ohio about the year 1850. small farm and worked at his trade of cabinet-
Our subject was raised on the farm, and at the making, he carrying on a shop. They moved to
age of sixteen, was apprenticed to the black- Fountain County, Ind., about the year 1830, and
smith trade. In 1839, came to Illinois, and he carried on farming on a large scale there
worked at farming in Du Page County until until 1833. In 1832, he came to Illinois, and
the fall; he then began threshing in Kendall made claim to a large track of land, probably
County, and in the spring of 1840, he worked over six hundred acres, and the next year
at his trade on the Illinois and Michigan Canal brought his family and settled on the place in
until the fall of that year, when he came to Du a log cabin. He was a colonizationist in his
Page County again and worked at farming, views on the negro question and a strong anti-
until the fall of 1842, when he went to Iowa, slavery man, and voted the only vote in Cook
and worked at his trade in various places, and County for James G. Birney, the anti-slavery
in the summer of 1843, he came here to his candidate.Mr. Paxton kept a station of the
present place, which he bought at the land sale Underground Railroad, and frequently assisted
in the winter of 1842-43, and farmed here in effecting the escape of the slaves. His house
until the fall of 1844, when he went to Michigan was a place of public worship and Sabbath
and carried on the lumber business, and in the school. He was a Presbyterian until the latter
fallof 1845 he returned to his farm. In 1848, years of his life he joined the Christian Church.
he married Miss Susan Davis, a native of Ver- He died September 12, 1859, and his wife died
mont; she came to Du Page County with her March 19, 1853. Our subject lived with his
parents when young; she died in 1849. He parents until he was about twent} -
years of
then followed his trade in Aurora until 1852, age. In addition to the district schools, he
when he married Miss Margaret Regan, a attended Granville Academy, 111., he intending
native of Canada. She came to Aurora with to prepare for college, but owing to his health
her parents. In 1853, they came back to the he turned to farming after two years' attend-
farm and have lived heresince. They had six ance. He began working with his brother, in
children, two sons and four daughters. Mr. partnership, on the claim, and on coming to
Pierce voted for Martin Van Buren for
first Illinois he farmed on his father's claim, aud
President, and has been a Republican since later went with his father and others and deeded
organization of the party. He has 230 acres the laud. March 31, 1846, he married Miss
of land located on the line of Kane and Du Miranda Pitcher, a native of New York. She
Page Counties, four miles southeast of Aurora. died in April, 1847. July 4, 1850, he married
J. H. PAXTON, retired farmer, P. 0. Eola, Miss Olive E. Fowler, a native of York Town-
111., is a native of Maury County, Tenn., born ship, Du Page County. January 27, 1869, he
in the year 1822, and is the sixth of twelve married Miss Sarah Ann Crosier, a native of
children born to Thompson and Cynthia (Potts) New York. By the first marriage there was
Paxton. They were natives of North Carolina, one child, since deceased. By the second mar-

riage there were seven children, six living. Prussia. Henry Rassweiler, the father of sub-
There are no children by the present marriage. ject, was married in Prussia, came to the
After deeding his land, he followed farming United States in 1831 and settled in Pennsyl-
until he was taken sick, and left the farm and vania, where he followed his trade —that of a
and then came
lived for ten years in Aurora, weaver. In 1850, he came to Illinois and
back to the old farm and has lived on the settled in Stephenson County, where he en-
place since. During the past three 3 ears. he -
gaged in weaving, while the male members of
has been confined to the house, owing to an his family followed farming. He is now seven-
illness. ty-seven and his wife seventy-nine years of
JAMES P. PAXTON, farmer, P. 0. Eola, age ; they live retired in the village of Dakota,
111., is a native of Fountain County, Ind. ;
he Stephenson Co., 111. The subject of this sketch

was born in the year 1831. His parents came eaily assisted his father in weaving, and, hav-
to Du Page County, 111., in 1835, and settled ing received a fair education, began teaching
on the present place. Our subject was raised school at the age of sixteen. When seventeen
on the farm. He received a common school years of age, he entered the Northwestern College
education, and at the age of nineteen took at Plaiufield, 111., but was unable to attend
charge of his father's place and has managed regularly, on account of ill-health, for the next
the farm ever since. His father deeded him three years or more, but afterward attended
180 acres, and after his death he paid the other regularly and graduated in 1870, having taught
heirs a sum of money. He bought some 200 in the college part of the time during his at-

acres since, and has deeded a portion to his son. tendance in order to meet the expenses of his
He now owns 280 acres located six miles north- tuition. After graduating, he made a regular
east of Aurora. Mr. Paxton has been thrice engagement with the college, acting as tutor
married. His present wife was Miss Nettie M. for several years, then Assistant Professor of
Olmstead, a native of Canada. She moved Mathematics until 1879, when he left the col-
with her parents to Kendall County, 111., in lege for a two years' furlough, which time he
1856. • They were married in Aurora, March spent in California managing a branch office of
26, 1868. By the first wife there is one child the Western Publishing House, Chicago, with
living — Frederick E. By the present marriage which establishment he has been connected
there are four children— Nellie L., Edward S., since 1875. On his return from California, in
J. Everette and Roy N. Mr. Paxton is a Re- 1881, he became Professor of Mathematics in
publican in politics. He has served as Asses- the college, which position he now holds. In
sor and School Director, and belongs to the 1871, he married Lizzie E. Harlacher, a native
Congregational Church. His first wife was of Wisconsin, daughter of Rev. Joseph Har-
Emeline McPherren, a native of Whitehall, lacher, now of Cedar Falls, Iowa. From this

N. Y., who came to Du Page County with union three children have been born, viz., George
her parents, who lived in Bloomingdale Town- F., Katie M. and Inez Josephine.
ship. She was married July 5, 1856, and died PROF. H. H. RASSWEILER, A. M.. nat-
October 31, 1859, aged twenty-six years. ural science, Naperville. The eldest of a
PROF. C. F. RASSWEILER, A. M., teacher of family of seven children. Is a native of Or-
mathematics, Northwestern College, Naperville, wigsburg, Schuylkill Co., Penn., born April 3.

was born in Allentown, Penn., in 1846, young- 1842. In 1857, the family removed to Illinois
est child of a family of five born to Henry and and settled in Stephenson County, where they
Catharine B. (Hoffman) Rassweiler, natives of engaged in farming. Subject, at the age of

seventeen, began teaching in the district Riddler and family came to the United States
schools of Stephenson Count}-, and also assist- in 1837 lived one year in New York City,

ed his father on the farm. When he became thence moved to Chicago thence, in 1838, to

twenty years of age, he entered the North- Flag Creek, Cook Co., 111., where he carried on
western College at Plainfield, 111., and, by farming in 1840, moved to Du Page County

teaching during the college vacations and act- thence, in 1844, to the village of Naperville.
ing as tutor in the college, he earned sufficient In r843, he became Deputy Recorder, and, in
money to give him a thorough collegiate edu- 1847, was elected Recorder, serving in that
cation. He graduated in 1868, and was ap- office from 1850 to 1854. Was engaged in
pointed Professor of Mathematics and Natural mercantile business in Naperville ; was Post-

Science, which position he maintained till the master there from 1856 to I860, and thereafter
spring of 1881, when, owing to the increase in held the office of Justice of the Peace until
his classes in natural science, he resigned his his death, in 1866. His widow lives on the
position as Professor of Mathematics, and has old homestead in Naperville. The subject of
since given his attention solely to the natural this sketch received a fair education, and,
science department. In 1868, he married a when thirteen years old, entered his father's
former classmate of
his, S. Victoria Harlacher, store in Naperville. In 1855, secured a posi-
a native of Milwaukee, Wis., who has borne tion as clerk in a store in Omaha, Neb., which
him two Lorena Belle and Harry
children, viz., he resigned in 1859 on account of ill health,
Clinton. Prof. Rassweiler has been Superin- and returned to Naperville, where he secured
tendent of the Sunday School in connection the office of Treasurer, and was elected Clerk
with the college since its organization in 1870; in 1861. In September, 1861, he enlisted in
he is a member of the Illinois Conference Company E, Eighth Illinois Cavalry; served
Evangelical Association; was licensed in 1876 three years and ten months, and was mustered
and ordained in 1880. The Professor's par- out in July, 1865, as First Lieutenant, having
ents, Philip and Dora (Haeseler) Rassweiler, attained to that rank by successive promotions
were natives of Germany. Philip came to from Fifth Corporal. During his time of serv-
the United States when a young man and set- ice, he participated in the battles of Beverly
tled in Lehigh County, Penn., where he learned Ford and Hazel Run. W. Va., South Mountain,
the weaving trade, and afterward worked with Antietam, Gettysburg and other engagements
his wife's father in Orwigsburg, Schuylkill in which his regiment took part. Returned to
Co., Penn. Was married in 1841; in 1844, Naperville at the close of the war. He was
moved to Millersburg, Penn., and, in 1857, to elected Village Clerk in 1866, which office he
where he has since followed farming.
Illinois, held till 1873. In 1867, he engaged as clerk
His wife came to America with her parents, in Dr. Daniels' drug store, where he remained
who were weavers, and settled in Schuylkill until 1872, when he took his present position,
County, Penn. cashier for the banking firm W. Scott & Co.
A. McS. S. RIDDLER, cashier for W. Scott He has filled the offices of Village Trustee for
& Co., bankers, Naperville, is a native of the three years and President of the Board one
city of New York ; born in 1837 ; second child year. In 1874, he married Mary D. Collins, a
of a family of nine children born to John J. native of Naperville, daughter of John Collins,
and Elizabeth (Sanderson) Riddler, natives of one of the early residents of this vicinit}'.
Scotland, where they were married, and where LOUIS REICHE, hardware and agricultural
also their eldest child was born. John J. implements, tin manufacturer, Naperville, is

a native of Hoenstein, Saxony, born in 1S39, to Ogle County with her parents. After mar-
and is the fifth in a family of eight children riage they rented a farm, and the next year oc-
born to Fritz G-. and Caroline (Eidarn) Reiche, cupied a place of his own in Ogle County, and
natives of Saxony. In 1850, the family came farmed six years he then bought a place in

to the United States and bought a farm in Cook Du Page County, and lived on the place for
County, which they occupied, but afterward three years. He then moved to Naperville,
sold to a railroad company and bought another where he lived four years then bought a farm,;

place near the Indiana line, and farmed until and farmed it some three years. He then went
about 1867, since which time he has lived re- to Nebraska, where he lived about one year,
tired, being now eiglnVy-one years of age. Mrs. and returned to Du Page County, and rented
Reiche died in Chicago about 1860. Our sub- his present place, and two years later bought
ject lived with his parents until he was eighteen the same. In 1865, he enlisted in the Fifteenth
years of age. At sixteen, he was apprenticed Illinois Infantiy, Company K, and served about
to the tinner's trade, in Chicago, serving about seven months. He is a Republican in politics.
two years then came to Naperville in 1857,
; By the marriage there have been three children
and finished his trade, working as journeyman — Amelia O, Johnand Gertrude H. Mr.
several years in Chicago and other places. In Rickert owns a number of
fine stock, and a fine
1863, he came back to Naperville and worked seven-year-old Clydesdale stallion. He owns
for Mr. Fridley, and in 1867 he and Mr. W. 115 acres, located one mile north of Naperville.
H. Hillegas formed a partnership and bought DANIEL N. RESSLER, farmer, P. O.
the business which they have continued since.
Naperville, is a native of Du Page County,
In 186-1, he married Miss Elizabeth Hickel, a
111. , born on his present place in the year
native of France, who came to Du Page County,
1847, and is the fourth of eight children born
III, with her parents, when quite young. They
to Joseph and Susan (Swilley) Ressler, who
have two children — Otto and Edwin ; also, liv-
were natives of Lancaster County, Penn.
ing with them, is Elizabeth, daughter of George
They married and came to Du Pag9
Hickel (deceased). Is a member of the Lu-
County, 111., where they lived until
in 1842,
theran Church, and independent in politics.
SAMUEL H. RICKERT, farmer, P. 0. Na-
their death —
he, in July, 1881, and she, in
May, 1879. He was a miller in his native
perville, is a native of Schuylkill County, Penn.,
State, but followed farming in the West.
born in the year 1841, and is the younger .of
two children born to John and Rebecca (dow-
Our subject was raised on his present place,
ser) Rickert, natives of Pennsylvania, who, in
and, in addition to the common schools, at-

1845, moved west by teams to Cleveland thence

tended the Northwestern College, at Plain-

by lake to Chicago thence to Naperville, and field, 111. , a number of terms. In his twenty-

bought a farm southwest of the town, where second year, he married Miss Hannah Rick-
they farmed until his death in 1847 she re- ;
ert, a native of Kane County, 111. After the

mained on the place a few years, and married marriage, he rented his father's farm a few
Mr. John Messner, and they moved to Brook- years, and then moved to Iowa, where he
ville, Ogle Co., 111., where he died she is liv- ;
farmed in Black Hawk County for four years.
ing in Brookville at the present time. Our He then returned to Du Page County, 111.,
home until he was twenty-one.
subject lived at and rented his father's farm again, and, after
On becoming of age, he married Miss Elizabeth his father's death, he bought his present
Hummel, a native of Pennsylvania, who came place, being the old homestead. He owns

eighty acres, located two miles southwest of and blankets, at Gross Point, now Evanston,
Naperville. By this marriage there have theirs being the first house at the place. In
been five children, four of whom are living 1829, July 16, at Holdermau's Grove, our sub-
Oscar, Wilson and William, and Robert. ject was married to Caroline Hawley. Her
WILLARD SCOTT, St., banker, Naperville, father, Pierce Hawley, moved from Vermont to
was born at Unadilla, Otsego Co., N. Y., April Viucennes, Ind., in 1818, and later moved to
20, 1808. His father, Stephen J. Scott, was, in Illinois, living at various places, settling at
early life, a sea-faring man, having been the Holderman's Grove in 1825. In the fall of
owner and master of a schooner bearing his 1830, Willard, with his father, father-in-law,
name, and engaged in the coast trade along the and their families, settled at the junction of the

eastern shore of our country. The mother, two branches of the Du Page River, three miles
whose maiden name was Hadassah Trask, was south of Naperville. At that time, Cook Coun-
a relative of Gen. Israel Putnam, of Revolution- ty included the present counties of Lake, Mc-
ary fame. They were married iu Connecticut, Henry, Du Page and Will. Chicago was the
and moved from Hartford to Unadilla, Otsego voting place, and of the thirty-two votes polled
Co., N. Y. In 1816, the family moved to Mary- that year, the father of our subject heads the
land, where they lived about ten years. During list. In 1832, the Black Hawk War broke out,
this time, Willard Scott, Sr., received his edu- and Willard's knowledge of the habits and
cation, which was confined to the district school wiles of the Indians made him a useful man to
course of study, except a short special course the settlers during those perilous months. In
in mathematics. His desire was to be a sailor, the spring of 1838, he removed to the village
as his father before him, but abandoned the of Naperville, where his father had preceded
idea, yielding to his mother's entreaties, to him the previous year. He built the Naper-
whom a sailor's life seemed full of peril. In ville Hotel, which he conducted for eight years.
1825, his father determined on seeking a new He then commenced merchandising, and for
home in the West. The family visited New nearl}' twenty 3 ears, most of the time with his

York, and then started for St. Joe, Mich. At eldest son, Thaddeus (since deceased, leaving
Buffalo, N. Y., the father shipped the household one son, Willard H), continued the business
goods, going with them by sail vessel to De- by which the firm name of Willard Scott & Co.
troit, and Willard, with the family, started over- has been made historical. After the late war
land through Canada. At Detroit, the family of the rebellion, he retired from active business
went by schooner for St. Joe, save Willard, life as a merchant, in which, however, he has
who, in company with a man from Ohio, crossed been succeeded by his son, Willard Scott, Jr.,
the country in order to meet the goods which who continues the business under the same
had been sent in advance. The journey was a firm name. During the time of his residence
perilous one, there being no habitation save in Naperville, he has been President, first, of
the Indians, and no route marked except by the Du Page County Bank and afterward of
blazed trees and Indian trails, through the the Bank of Naperville, and since he retired
dense Michigan forests. They arrived ten days from mercantile life has been doing business as
ahead of the boats, during which time they a private banker ; and the banking house of
livedon corn and potatoes obtained from a Willard Scott & Co., is considered one of the
Frenchman who lived on an island in the river. absolutely safe institutions of its class in North-
Not liking the east side of the lake, the family ern Illinois. - An attendant of the Congrega-
and built a habitation with posts, poles tional Church, his religious views may be
classed as orthodox, except for a strong lean- |
the Northwestern College, and has continued
ing toward the belief of the final salvation of
in his position since. May 23, 1833, he mar-
all, through the Savior. In politics, he is a i
ried Miss Eliza Cowles, a native of Litchfield
Democrat voted for Jackson, loved Douglas,
County, Conn., born in 1808. They have
and with him believed in " obeying the laws one While in Ashtabula County,

and supporting the Constitution." Mr. and Ohio, Mr. Smith was licensed to preach by
Mrs. Scott have both been residents of Illinois : the Congregational Conference, and was or-
for more than half a century, and all that time dained a minister while at Greensburg.
have lived near Chicago. They have seen and HENRY COWLES SMITH, A. M., Pro-
helped to produce the remarkable progress of I fessor, Northwestern College, Naperville,
this section,and now move around amid their was born in Ashtabula County, Ohio, in the
children, grandchildren and neighbors, enjoy-
year 1839, only child of the Rev. A. A. Smith,
ing the confidence, esteem and respect of eveiy-
A. M., and Eliza Cowles, with whom he has
always made his home. He received a dis-
REV. A. A. SMITH, A. M, President trictand academic course of study, and, at
Northwestern College, Naperville, is a native the age of eighteen, began teaching in the
of Berkshire County, Mass., born November Greensburg Seminary. In 1860, he entered
23, 1806. His early life was spent on a farm, Oberlin College, graduating in 1863. Mr.
and there began his thirst for knowledge. Smith is a natural musician, and, early in
His means and the times were not favorable life, matured to a more than ordinary musi-
for obtaining an education, but he was fond cian, as early as the age of fifteen beginning
of books, and spent many hours by the fire-
to give instructions in vocal and instrumen-
side in study. However, he obtained a few tal music. After graduating from Oberlin
short terms of instruction at the district College, he came to Plainfield, 111., and en-

schools, and, at the age of seventeen, began gaged as teacher of music in the college, and
teaching during winter, later attending two in 1869 he became Professor of Languages,
terms at an academy in Lenox, Mass. At 1

Latin and Greek. Since 1870, he has been

the age of twenty -one, he moved to Ashtabu- Professor of Latin and Music. In July,
la County, Ohio, where he was alternately 1863, he married Miss Mary H. Dreisbach, of
engaged in teaching and studying; was also Circleville, Ohio; they have had five children:
for a short period in the mercantile business. Annie May (died). Fannie Eyre, Mattie Eliza.
He taught first in the public school, and then Lucy Jewett, Henry Augustine and Charles
in an academy; then attended Oberlin Col- Arthur.
lege for a year or more, and, in 183S, began G. W. SINDLINGER, Professor of Greek
teaching in the Grand River Institute, finally inNorthwestern College, Naperville, was
becoming its President, and continuing with born in Tioga County, Penn. March 5, 1843

the institution until 1857, when he resigned was raised on the farm, where he remained
and became Principal of the Greensburg with his parents, who were in moderate cir-
Seminary, which position he held for five cumstances, until he was twenty years of age.
years. While there, he received the honor- He attended the common schools, and after-

ary degree of A. M. from the Farmers Col- ward a select school, and, being desirous of

lege of Cincinnati, Ohio. In 1862, he was obtaining, a thorough education, devoted him-
called to Plainfield, 111. , as the President of self zealously to his studies. At nineteen

years of age, he began the business of life, lic schools there for two years; then traveled
teaching public school in winter and working a year for his health. In 1876, he came to

at the carpenter's trade during the summer. Naperville, engaged as Assistant Professor in
He came to Illinois, locating in Freeport, the Northwestern College; and, in 1880, was
where he followed teaching and carpentering appointed to his present position, Professor of
the summer of 1864, when he enlisted in
till the Greek Language in that institution. In
Company G, Ninety-second Illinois Mounted 1870, he married Miss A. M. M. Pfeiffer, a na-
Infantry, and remained in service ten months. tive of Pittsburgh, Penn. ; they have one
Soon and while on their way
after enlisting, child, Edna G.
to join their regiment, which was with Sher- PHILLIP STBUBLEK, Postmaster, deal-
man, the new recruits were detached to serve er in seeds, plants, etc., Naperville, is a na-
under Maj. Cox, with Gen. Thomas, and took tive of "Warren County, Penn., born in 1832,
part in the three days' engagement at Nash- second in a family of four children born to

ville, afterward engaging in a six weeks' George and Saloma (Stocker) Strubler.
campaign in pursuit of Hood through Ten- They were natives of Alsace, France, and
nessee and Alabama. He returned to Nash- were married there, and came to the United
ville, thence by steamer to Louisville, thence States in 1832, locating in Warren, Penn.,
by train to Crestline, Ohio, thence via Harris- where he followed rafting on the Alleghany.
burg and Baltimore to Annapolis, Md., thence In 1837, he came to Naperville and worked
by steamer to Fortress Monroe, thence to at his trade of shoemaking, walking to Chi-
Beaufort and Newborn, N. G, thence on a cago for leather; continued his trade here a
campaign to Goldsboro, N. C, engaging in munber of years, when he engaged in farm-
the battle of Kingston, and at Goldsboro ing, living in town, and, after a few years,
joined his regiment, continuing in the com- rented his land; continued to reside here
mand until the surrender of Johnston. The until death, September 28, 1868; she died
day previous to the entrance of the army into August 16, 1871.Our subject lived in Na-
Raleigh, the Ninety-second Regiment was on perville until 1854, when he went to Califor-
the advanced guard, and were repulsed by nia via New York and Panama, and remained
the rear guard of Johnston's army, subject about five years engaged in mining the first

having a narrow escape from being captured. eighteen months, after which he was on a
He returned to Freeport, HI., after the war, ranch and followed teaming. In 1859, he
with $1,000, which he determined to devote returned to Naperville, and engaged, in com-
to the procuring of an education. In the fall pany with his brother George, in livery and
of 1865, he entered the Northwestern Col- staging, which they followed about ten years,
lege, and graduated in the classical course in and, about 1859 or 1860, they took the agency
1869, making three terms during vacations. of the American Express Company. In 1866,
He then took charge of the public schools of our subject was elected Sheriff of the coun-
Naperville, and, after remaining there two ty, and served one term. At the end of the
years, resigned his position on account of ill ten years, our subject sold the livery busi-
health, and went to Weston, Mo., where he ness to his brother, and, in connection with
taught two years as Assistant Principal in his agency of express, he engaged in the
the public schools of that place. Thence he fruit and seed business. On April 26, his
went to Holden, Mo. ; was Principal of pub- name was sent tu the United States Senate,
and he received the appointment of Post- a loss of about $10,000, insurance only $1.-
master of Naperville. In 1860, he mar- 000. After the fire, he purchased the good
ried Miss Maria Mottinger, a native of will of his former barber business and opened
Ohio, and came with her parents to this a shop, keeping also a stock of tobacco and
vicinity when she was young. They have cigars; improved the site of his former bus-
four children —Linnie M., Clinton P., Oliver iness place, to which he added a lot, and
W. andArlette. Is a Eepublican; has served built his present two-story brick block, 30x-
several terms in Town Council: also as As- 70, located corner of Main and Jefferson
sessor of Corporation. streets, now occupied by the post office and
CHARLES SCHULZ, tobacconist and bar- his tobacco and barber business. In New
ber, Naperville, was born in Prussia in 1S29, York, in 1855, he married Eliza Jeep, a na-
son of Carl and Henrietta (Geistler) Schulz, tive of Hanover, Germany, who has borne him
natives of Prussia. Carl Schulz was a com- five children, of whom three are living, viz.,

missioned Government Pilot on the Baltic Bertha, Robert and Emma. In January,
Sea for upward of forty years, and is now a 1882, Mr. Schulz visited his parents, who are
pensioner, living retired. Charles received living in Prussia; his father is now eighty-
an ordinary education in the schools of his one, his mother seventy-nine years of age.
native land, and, at the age of foiirteen, was JOHN F. STROHEKER, blacksmith, Na-
apprenticed to the barber's trade in Stettin, perville,was born in Wurtemberg, Germany,
Prussia. After learning his trade, he worked in 1838. His mother died when he was
as journeyman in a number of the leading seven years old, and, two years after his fa-
cities of Germany. From Berlin he went to ther and family emigrated to the United
London. England, where he stayed two years; States and settled in Wayne County, Ohio,
thence to Liverpool, remaining there a year; [
where they lived about eight years; thence
and thence, in 1852. to America, and settled i removed to Plainfield, 111., where they lived
in New York City. He worked as a journey- one year, and, in 1855, came to Naperville.
man barber in New York for three and a half i Jacob, subject's father, who had followed
years, then opened a shop of his own, which farming in Ohio, began weaving carpet and
he carried on for a year- and a half, then sold doing general labor in Naperville after he
out and came to Chicago, intending to locate came there; since 1877, however, he has been
permanently there, but, not liking the ap- engaged exclusively in weaving. John F.
pearance of the city at that time, came to [
worked at farming and teaming for a year,
Naperville and opened a shop, and has since and, in the fall of 1856, was apprenticed to
conducted business there. In 1859, he add- N. Lent, blacksmith, of Naperville, under
ed the tobacco and cigar business; in 1873, whom he served two years; he then worked
sold out the barber business to one of his ap- at his trade as journeyman at Joliet, Plain-
prentices, and devoted his entire attention to field, Aurora and Kaneville, 111. At the lat-
the tobacco and cigar trade, which grew to ter place. August 8, 1S61, he enlisted in Com-
large proportions, he traveling and selling pany A, Fifty-second Illinois Infantry, and
goods in the adjoining counties. In Decem- was chosen Corporal. In the battle of Pitts-
ber, 1874, the frame building owned by Mr. burg Landing, he received a wound in the
Schulz. containing the tobacco store and bar- left thigh, and came home to Naperville, and,

ber shop, was destroyed by fire, he suffering 1

June 18 following, again joined his regiment,


and particijjated in the battles of Iuka and missioner. Mrs. Strong died in Aurora in
Corinth, and was promoted to the rank of 1878. Our subject was
raised on the farm.
Sergeant. January 17, 1864, the regiment In addition to a common school course of
disbanded, and he came home, but re-enlisted study, he attended several terms at the Col-
for three years, and took part in the battles legiate Institute of Rochester, N. Y. On be-
of Eesaca, in the Atlanta campaign and the coming twenty-one, he drove an ox team to
march to the sea, and through the Carol inas. California, where he lived about six years,
In July, 1865, he returned home to Naper- during which time he followed mining, team-
ville, and, three days afterward, went to work ing, and also carried on a ranch a few years.
at his trade. In November of the same year, In 1855, he returned home via Panama and
he opened a shop at Turner Junction, remain- New York, and lived at home until October
ing there till 1867, when he went to Kane- of that year, when he married Miss Frances
ville and worked as journeyman for a year, M. Crane, and rented his father's farm, and
after which he opened a shop there. After the next year he went to Kansas and Nebras-
running a shop in Kaneville for two years ka, taking a quarter section claim in the lat-
and a half, he came to Naperville, built a ter State, and also made a quarter-section
house, and, one year later, bought his pres- claim in Kansas. He returned home the
ent shop, where he has ever since carried same year, and went to California to settle
on business. February 22, 1862, he mar- up his business, via Panama; returned same
ried Maria Good, a native of Pennsylva- route the following spring, and bought his
nia, who has borne him two children- father's farm, and has lived here ever sfnce.
Charles F. and William S. Mr. Stroheker By the marriage there have been four chil-
is a Republican; is a pensioner; in 1876, he dren, three living — Edward C, Wilbur,
organized the Naperville Light Guards, num- (died), Nettie E., Mervin W. He is a Repub-
bering seventy-two members, of which force lican.
he was Captain for two years. L. S. SHAFER, contractor and builder,
GILES E. STRONG, farmer, P. O. Auro- planing-mill, Naperville, is a native of Dau-
ra, 111., is a native of Tompkins County, N. phin County, Penn., born in 1837. When
Y. , born in the year 1827, eldest of five chil- quite young, he began working in a wagon
dren born to William and Caroline Blod-
J. shop, which he continued until he was
gett Strong; they were natives of Tompkins eighteen years old, when he went to Dixon,
County, N. Y., and Massachusetts, though 111., and worked there as a carpenter about

she lived in New York at the time of her six months; then to Naperville; thence to
marriage. In 1834, they came West by the Kansas, remaining one year, when he re-
lakes, and lived in the vicinity of Naperville, turned to Naperville; thence to Indiana, and
and, in the fall, he made a claim in Section again to Naperville. In September, 1861, he
30, which he sold in the spring of 1835, and enlisted in the Eighth Illinois Cavalry, Com-
made on it and
a claim on Section 20, settled pany E, and served three years and one
lived there until the year 1857, when he sold month, being First Sergeant when discharged;
out to his son, G. E., and moved to Aurora, was in battles of Williamsburg, seven days'
where he has lived since. While living in fight around Richmond, South Mountain,
Du Page County, Mr. Strong served as Jus- Gettysburg and the other engagements of his
tice of the Peace, and also as County Com- regiment. After the war, he returned to Na-
pervilleand became the foreman and machin- three years, Mr. Shimp has followed the bus-
ist in the agricultural works, where he re- iness of auctioneer.
mained about five years. He then erected GEORGE SIMPSON, farmer, P. O. Na-
his present saw-mill, and conducted it, in perville, is a native ofVermont, born at Al-
connection with his business as a contractor and burg in the year 1837, and is the youngest of
builder, he building many of the best build- eight children born to George and Tamer
ings in the city. In 1866, he married Miss (Bell) Simpson; they were natives of England;
Hannah Naugle, a native of Cumberland they married there, and came to the United
County, Penn.; they have four children, two States about the year 1831, and settled in
living —Elizabeth and Adelia. Vermont, where they farmed until 1837,
S. E. SHIMP, farmer and auctioneer, P. when they moved to Clinton County, N. Y.
O. Naperville, is a native of Lancaster and farmed there until about the year 1852,
County, Penn., born in the year 1831, and is when they came to Illinois and settled in
the eldest of eleven children born to William Du Page County, where they farmed until
and Nancy Eberly Shimp; they were natives their death —he in 1857, and she in 1875.
of Pennsylvania; he was a farmer, and died on Our subject was raised on the farm, and re-
his old homestead in Pennsylvania in the year ceived a common-school education. His fa-
1878; Mrs. Shimp is living in Pennsylvania, at ther diedwhen he was in his tweuty-first year,
the old homestead. Our subject was raised on and he took the home farm, buying out the
the farm, and attended a few months at the dis- heirs, and farmed the place until about 1873,
trict schools. In 1851, he went to Ohio and when he rented it out, and purchased and oc-
apprenticed to the blacksmith's trade in cupied the place. In 1871, he married Miss
Wooster, and served for three years. He De Etta C. Marlet, a native of Otsego
then came to Illinois and stopj)ed at Plain- County, N. T. ; she died in 1876; they had
field, where he followed his trade for three two children, only one of whom is living,
years, when he moved to Naperville and fol- Grace E. In 1880, he married Miss Etta
lowed his trade until the spring of 1861, Ferry, a native of Du Page County, 111.;
when he married Miss Catharine L. Kline, a they have one child, viz., Birdie. He owns
native of Pennsylvania, who came to Dti Page 251 acres in this county, located on the rail-
County with her parents when she was young. road, two and a half miles west of Naperville.
After the marriage, he settled on a farm in ANDREW STOOS, farmer, P. O. Naper-
Naperville Township, and has farmed most of ville, is a native of Alsace, France (now Ger-

the time since. In 1861, he was elected many); he was born in the year 1828; he re-
Sheriff, and served for two years. He then ceived a common-school education, and, at
came to his present place, and, in 1876, was the age of fifteen, he apprenticed to the wag-
again elected Sheriff, and has been re-elected on-maker's trade, and served three years; he
twice since. In 1876, he moved to Wheaton, then went to Paris, where he worked at his
and lived there until 1880, when he came to trade until 1851. He then came to the Unit-
the farm. Mr. Shimp first voted for Franklin ed States, landing at New Orleans, in which
Pierce, but has been a Republican since the rityhe worked at his trade about nine months
formation of that party. By the marriage he then went to St. Louis, whence he left for
there have been eleven children, of whom Chicago, but stopped off at Naperville and
eight are living. During the past twenty- went to work in the plow factory, where he

worked for nine years. He then started a been Village Treasurer two years, Deputy
wagon shop of his own, which he conducted Sheriff two years under P. Strubler, and six
for five years. He then traded his business years under Kline. In 1850, he married
for his farm,and occupied the place, and has Wilhelmina Meyers, a native of Pennsylva-
farmed here since. In 1856, he married Miss nia, who came to Illinois with her parents;
Jennie Kreyder, a native of Alsace, France, she died in 1859, leaving one child, Charles
who came to the United States with her par- G. In 1860, he married his second wife,
ents and settled in Du Page County. By Leo Hartman, a native of Pennsylvania, who
this marriage there have been ten children, has borne him two children, viz., Frank and
nine of whom are living. He owns 200 acres Edward. Mr. Strubler is a Republican. He
of land, located one and a half miles west of began the livery business in the fall of 1856,
Naperville. He is Democratic in his poli- and has ever since carried it on.
tics, and has served as Road Commissioner ALFRED SHAFFER, contractor and
for three years. builder, Naperville, was born in Dauphin
WILLIAM SIMPSON, farmer, P. O. Na- County, Penn., September 7, 1881, and re-
perville, is a native of Vermont, born in AT- ceived an ordinary education in the district
burg in the year 1832, and is the sixth of eight schools of his native State. When eighteen
children born to George and Tamer (Bell) years of age, he was apprenticed to the car.
Simpson. He was raised on the farm, and penter and cabinet-making trade, at which
received a common-school ediication. When he served three years, and worked one year at
he became of age, he began work on his own his trade in Western Pennsylvania. In the
account, working at carpentering, which bus- spring of 1854, he came to Chicago, where
iness he continued for some twelve years, he followed his trade for about six months ;

and then occupied his present place, and has thence to Naperville, where he remained three
farmed since. In 1863, he married Miss years; he then went East to his home, and,
Adelia Ferry, a native of Du Page County. after a stay of six months, returned to Naper-
By the marriage there are three children where he remained till 1858. He then

Edgar G., Carrie and Oscar. He owns 145 moved to Kansas, worked there four months,
acres of land, located on the railroad three then went to St. Paul; thence to St. Louis;
miles west of Naperville. He has been Re- thence to Beardstown, and, in 1860, returned
publican in politics. to Naperville. In 1S65, he enlisted in Com-
GEORGE STRUBLER, livery, feed and pany D, One Hundred and Fifty-sixth Illi-
sale stable, Naperville, was born in Warren nois Infantry, and served till the close of the
County, Penn., in 1829; is the eldest of a war; enlisted as a soldier, but was detailed
family of four children born to George and to work at his trade, and worked principally
Sallie (Stucker) Strubler. He came to Na- at Chattanooga and Memphis. At the close
perville when seven years of age; received a of the war, he returned to Naperville, where
fair education, and, when twenty years old, he has since been in business; since 1802,
began teaming In 1853, he was
to Chicago. has been working on his own account, taking
elected Constable of Naperville, which posi- contracts of building. He married, July 5,

tion he has ever since held, with the excep- 1861, to Elizabeth Stover, a native of York
tion of eight years, when he acted as Police, County, Penn., who has borne him five chil-

Constable and Collector of Naperville; has dren, three of whom are living, viz. , Emma

S., Edmond C. and Lewis F. Mi-. Shaffer daughter of Jacob and Louisa (Dather) Snib-
is a supporter of the Republican party. ley, natives of Germany, who emigrated to
MATTHIAS A. STEPHENS, contractor the United States in 1832, and located in
and was born in Lehigh
builder, Naperville, Wan-en County, Penn. Jacob Snibley, who
County, Penn., in 1839; his parents, Jacob was a farmer by occupation, removed from
and Judia (Leibig) Stephens, were also natives Pennsylvania to this county with his family
of that county, and now reside at Allentown, in 1835, and settled two miles east of Naper-
Penn. Subject, at the age of sixteen, began ville; his first wife died in 1850, leaving ten
working in the iron mines, and finally became children ; the same year, he went with a
overseer of a mine. When twenty-one years company raised in this vicinity to Califor-

of age, he went West, to Tiffin, Ohio, where nia, traveling with teams by the overland
he worked in a grist-mill for a year, then route; he remained in California two years,
came to Naperville, to which place he had and returned to this county, making the re-

been recommended by a young man whom he turn trip via the water route; he died in June,
met in Tiffin, Ohio. He arrived in Naper- 1863; his second wife, Saloma Dather, sister
ville in April, 1861, and worked on a farm of his first wife, died in 1864. The subject
about one and a half years, then enlisted in of this sketch, who was engaged in the brew-
Company B, One Hundred and Fifth Regi- ing business in company with his brother
ment Illinois Infantry, and served until the John, died December 31, 1865. Of his seven
close of the war. During his time of serv- children, five are living. Mrs. Stenger has
ice, he participated in the battles of Resaca, recently purchased the old homestead where
Lost Mountain, Burnt Hickory, New Hope her parents first settled. She now resides in
Church, Peach Tree Creek and Savannah, Naperville.
being in the Atlanta campaign, march to the SIMON STRAUSS, Strauss & Getsch,
sea and through the Carolinas. After the manufacturers of the Naperville Plows, Na-
war, he returned to Naperville, and. in July, perville. This gentleman, one of the old pio-

1865, married Elizabeth Yost, a native of neer plowmen of Du Page County, is a na-
Naperville, who has borne him five children, tive of Lehigh County, Penn., born in 1819;
four of whom are living: Ida M.,Emma L. (de- he was raised on the farm, and, at the age of
ceased), Nora L., Josie L., and Sherman H. eighteen, apprenticed to the blacksmith's
After his marriage, he learned the carpenter's trade, and worked at the trade until 1847,
trade, at which he worked as journeyman when he came West and opened a shop in
seven years; he then formed a partnership Naperville, and, about two years later, he be-
with C. B. Schuster, with whom he engaged gan work in the plow shop of A. S. Jones,
in the contracting and building business four where he remained for seven years, after
years; then with Abraham Kinsey four years, which he resumed business on his own ac-
since which time he has carried on business count, doing business successively at Bloom-
himself. ingdale, Lisle Station and Barber Corners.
NICHOLAS STENGER, deceased, was At the latter place, he purchased ninety acres
born in Germany in 1830, and came to the of land and farmed nearly two years. He
United States with his parents, who settled then returned to Naperville and worked in
at Naperville. In July, 1852, he married the plow shop there, then conducted by
Elizabeth Snibley, born in Germany in 1831, Boughton & Co., for three years, after which

he established his present business, and, in made a Sergeant; the Adjutant became Col-
1876, associated in partnership with himself onel, and was always a good friend to Sergt.
Mr. Getsch. The firm make the old Naper- Shimp; the latter's old Company B, of the
ville or Jones Plow, which is celebrated for Fifty-fifth, was in the battle of Pittsburg
its light draught and efficient work. It is Landing, and lost every officer and twenty-
particularly adapted to this soil, and has for eight men. Mr. Shimp served in the Forty-
the past four or five years been awarded the second three years and two months, and was
premium. Mr. Strauss was married, in 1843, in the battles of Corinth, siege of Nashville,
to Miss Catharine Butz, a native of Lehigh Stone River, Chickamauga, the Atlanta cam-
County, Penn. ; she died about 1860; they paign, and other engagements. In 1864,^ he
had five children. In 1862, he married Miss returned to Naperville, and has continued his
Mary Frost, a native of Lebanon Couuty, business here since. In 1861, he married
Penn. Miss Louisa E. Moyer, a native of North-
WILLIAM SHIMP, carriage manufact- ampton County, Penn. she died May 3,

urer, Naperville, is a native of Lancaster 1879; they had nine children, eight of whom
County, Penn., born September 24, 1833; are living, viz., Andrew, Alice, David, Will-
was raised on the farm, and received a dis- iam, Abbie, Dollie, Ida and Burd; Louisa
trict-school education. Wheu he was eight died.
years of age, his father died, and he lived JACOB SALFISBERG, proprietor of the
with neighbors until he was about sixteen, Naperville Quarry, Naperville, was born in
when he went to Wooster, Ohio, where his Switzerland in 1834. He received an ordi-
uncle lived, and learned the carriage-maker's nary education, and, at the age of seventeen
trade, after which he worked as a journey- years, apprenticed to the miller's trade,
man in Terre Haute and Greencastle, Ind., served two years, and afterward worked at his
and Cedar Rapids, Iowa. About 1857, he trade in his native land. In 1854, the fam-
came to Naperville, and, a few years later, he ily emigrated to the United States and settled
engaged in business for himself. In 1861, in Oswego, 111., where his father died; his
he enlisted in the Fifty-fifth Illinois Infantry, mother now resides in Aurora, 111. Subject
and was elected Second Lieutenant in Com- worked at his trade in Oswego, 111., for five
pany B. While in Camp Douglas, he saw years; then went to Chicago, where he tend-
the Forty-second Illinois Infantry preparing ed a flour and feed store for a year; he then
to move, and determined to try and join it; went to Aurora, 111., where he manufactured
he made application, and finally was told to lime for eight years; thence, in December,
pick his company; he viewed the regiment, 1868, to Naperville, and purchased his pres-
and decided on Company H; the Colonel and ent quarry property, consisting of seven and
Adjutant of the regiment disputed as to his three- fourths acres, underlaid with the well-
pluck, and the Adjutant, a very large man, known Naperville stone. He married, on
stepped up and gave him a blow on the breast; January 4, 1859, Anna Salfisberg, a native of
the little I ieutenant sprang at him, and Switzerland, who has born him nine chil-
stated,if the Adjutant raised a hand, he dren. Mr. Salfisberg is a Republican.
would knock him over; the officer stepped T. J. SPRAGUE, M. D., Naperville, was
back, and said he would make a soldier; he en- born in 1855 in Du Page Township, Will
tered the company as private, and. later, was Co., 111., where his parents, T. J. and Lydia
(Swift) Sprague, now reside. He received a teen, apprenticed to the blacksmith's trade.
rudimentary education in the district schools, In April, 1858, he opened a shop of his own,
and afterward attended the Lockport; High in company with Mr. Samuel Shimp; the
School. In 1875, he began reading medicine a year and a half, sold his inter-
latter, after

with Dr. William Hanley, of Lockport; in est,and Mr. Strubler formed another part-
1876, entered the Rush Medical College, and nership, which lasted about three years, since
graduated in February, 1879. He began the which time he has been alone in business.
practice of his profession in Chicago, in part-
He does a general blacksmith business, is a
nership with his preceptor, Dr. William Han- first-class mechanic, and, in October, 1866,
ley, who had moved remaining
to that city, ;
was awarded the first premium by the Du
in Chicago till October of the same year; Page County Agricultural and Mechanical
thence he moved to Eockford, 111., where he Association for horseshoes finished with
carried on a drug store in addition to his hammer. Connected with his shop, he owns
practice till February, 1881, when he sold a wagon shop, which is rented to a wagon-
out his business and came to Naperville, builder, the two shops manufacturing car-
where he engaged in the practice of his pro- riages and wagons. July 14, 1859, he mar-
fession, and, in the following August, formed ried Miss Mary Krimbill, a native of Penn-
a partnership with Dr. J. H. Chew. In Oc- sylvania, and, at the time of her marriage,
tober, 1881, Dr. Chew removed to Chicago, living with her uncle, Mr. S. M. Skinner, an
and Dr. Sprague has since carried on the old resident of this vicinity. They had ODe
business himself. He is a member of the child, since deceased; living with them is

Aurora Medical Society. In March, 1880, Lorena Krimbill Strubler, an adopted child.

he married Emma, daughter of Jonathan A. T. THATCHER, farmer, P. O. Naper-

Eoyce, of Du Page Township, Will Co., 111. ville, 111., is a native of Wayne County, N.
they have one child, Frank. Y.; he was born in the year 1809, and is the

E. B. STOLP, farmer, P. O. Eola, is a eldest of seven children born to Thomas and

native of Du Page County, 111., and was born Roxana (Look) Thatcher; they were natives of
on his present place in the year 1857, and is Rhode Island and Massachusetts; they mar-
the second of six children born to Charles ried in New York; he came West in 1838, and
W. and Sarah (Bristol) Stolp, who were na- brought his family out the next year; he took
tives of New York, and came to Illinois in a claim near Naperville, where he lived until
1835. Mr. Stolp has always lived on his his death, and farmed about one year, when
present place. In November, 1880, he mar- his wife died. He then resided in Naperville
ried Miss Alice Updyke, a native of Kendall about ten years, carrying on the grocery bus-
County, 111. After his marriage, he took the iness. In 1851, he went to California by the
management of his father's place, the latter overland route, and remained there about two
moving to Aurora. He is a Republican. years, where he followed mining. Return-
DANIEL STRUBLER, blacksmith and ing to Naperville, he resumed the grocery bus-
manufacturer of wagons, etc., Naperville, is iness, and, a year later, came to his farm, in
a native of Naperville, 111.; he was born Sep- the fall of 1860. Mrs. Thos. Thatcher is now
tember 15, 1837, son of George and Saloma ninety-three years of age, and living with her
(Stucker) Strubler. He received a common- son, A. T. Our subject was raised on his
school education, and, at the age of seven- father's farm, and received a common-school

education. In 1838, he came West with his I

tlement. He was married in New Jersey, in
father and made a claim to his present place, the year 1819, to Miss Sarah Stires, a native
which he afterward bought at the land office of Hunterdon County, N. J. ; she was born
in Chicago. In 1840, he went to New York in the year 1801; they had eleven children,
and married Miss Mary Cottrell, and returned of whom eight are living —two sons and six
to his claim, and has lived here ever since. daughters; their eldest son is now sixty-three
In May, 1841, Mrs. Thatcher died. In 1848, years of age. During his residence in New
Mr. Thatcher again married, and the follow- Jersey, he served for a number of years as
ing children were born to him : C. T. Thatcher, Justice of the Peace. Mr. Warne has been
teacher, Rochester, N. Y. ; Horace L. a Democrat in politics, and has been a mem-
Thatcher and Emma L., now living at home ber of the Methodist Episcopal Church for
with their parents. nearly fifty years; the early religious socie-
JOHN WARNE, retired, Eola, 111., is a ties met at his house. He kept the post office
native of Hunterdon County, N. J., and was here in his house, called the Big Woods Post
born August 30, 1795; his father, John Office, forsome ten or twelve years, and had
Warne, was born at Cranbury, N. J.; was a daily mails. While in New Jersey, he stud-
soldier in the Revolutionary war, a farmer, ied surveying, and followed it there for some
and carried on a flour-mill. Our subject was time, and he also did surveying here in his
raised on bis father's farm, and assisted in vicinity. He has in his possession an old
the mill. When he was thirteen years of claim book, and in the beginning is a pream-
age,he engaged as clerk In a general store, ble forming the early settlers into an associa-
and clerked until he became twenty-one, tion for the protection of their claims from
when he engaged in the business on his own intruders.
moved to
account, a Lid, after three years, he MATTHEW WEISMANTEL, jeweler, and
Warren County, where he bought a farm and dealer in watches, clocks and silverware, Na-
put up a store and hotel, which he conducted perville, was born in Germany in 1841; is

some fifteen years. During this time, the the fourth child of a family of eight children
Morris Canal was made, and Mr. Warne took born to John and Rosina (Preisendorfer)
a contract and excavated one mile of the ca- Weismantel. His parents were natives of
nal, in which job he employed 200 men. In Germany; came to the United States in 1846,
1832. he came to Washtenaw County, Mich., and, in 1855, settled in Joliet, 111., where

where he farmed two years. During the lat- they died; his father was a stone-cutter by
ter year, he assessed his township (Ann Ar- trade. Subject received a common school
bor). In 1834, he came to Illinois, made a education, and, at the age of fourteen years,
claim to his present place and erected a log entered a general store in Defiance, Ohio,
cabin. About four miles west of their place where he remained three years. He then
were camped about fifteen hundred Indians, apprenticed to the watch-maker's trade at
of whom Mr. Warne has many pleasant rec- Fort Wayne, Ind. ; served three years; then
ollections. Mrs. Warne could talk the lan- worked as journeyman one year. In 1801,
guage, and often visited the Indians, and they he came to Chicago and enlisted in Company
would return the visits, and never did any- A, Fifty-eighth Regiment Illinois Infantry,
thing to mar the friendship between them. and remained in service from October, 1861,
Mr. Warne has lived here ever since his set- to April, 1866, participating in the engage-
ments at Fort Donelson, Pittsburg Landing, terms; he has also served as Director and
luka, Corinth, Nashville, Mobile, besides Marshal of the Du Page County Agricultural
other minor engagements in which his regi- Association. He owns 163 acres, located
ment took part, and was also in the Red three miles west of Naperville.
River expedition. He enlisted as private; ALBERT YOST, of the firm of Sherer &
was successively promoted till he became Yost, dealers in hardware, and tin-manufact-
First Lieutenant, which rank he held when urers, Naperville, is a native of this county,

he was discharged. After the war, he came born in Naperville in 1854, youngest of a
to Naperville and opened a jewelry store, in family of five children born to Jacob and
which business he has since been engaged. Magdalena (Voght) Yost, natives of France
In 1866, he married Gertrude Schurnaker, a and Germany, who came to the United States
native of Germany, who came to Fort Wayne, about 1840, and settled in this county. Ja-
Ind., with her parents. From this marriage cob Yost, subject's father, followed teaming
six children have been born, viz., Francis J., and well-digging in 1854 he went overland,

Gertrude, Catherina, Lora, John and Joseph with Thomas Finley's company, to Califor-
H. Weismantel
Mr. is a member of the nia, where he stayed fourteen years; return-
Catholic Church, and is a Democrat. ed, in 1868, to Naperville, and resumed well-
OLIVER J. WRIGHT, farmer, P. O. Na- digging, and is now living retired; he is now
perville, is a native to Illinois, born in the sixty-nine, his wife sixty-eight years of age.
year 1848, and was raised on the farm, three Subject was raised in Naperville, where he
miles west of Naperville. In addition to the received an ordinary education. A.t the age

common schools, he attended the Jennings of sixteen, he was apprenticed to the miller's
Seminary, of Aurora, for three years. At the trade, at which he served three years; after-
age of twenty, he began teaching in Du Page ward worked several years at his trade as a
County, and taught the greater part of six journeyman, then conducted the mill for Mr.
years. He then engaged in the grocery bus- Robert Naper for about two years. In 1880,
iness in Naperville, and continued in busi- he formed a partnership with Christian
ness for about four years, after which he came Sherer and engaged in his present business,
and took his farm on the shares, and,
father's which has since been conducted under the
three years later,bought the place. June firm name of Sherer & Yost. In 1877, he
23, 1880, he married Miss Luella Finch, a married Amelia Stenger, daughter of the late
native of Du Page County; they have ono Nicholas Stenger; they have two children,
child, Elzora V. He is Republican in poli- viz., Libbie and Grace.
tics, and has served as Township Trustee two

COL. C. P. J. ARION, and farm-
real estate WINSLOW ACKERMAN, farmer, P. 0.
ing, P. Wheaton, was born in Jefferson
0. Prospect Park, is Onondaga County,
a native of
Count}', Ky.; was raised on the farm, and re- N. Y. He was born vear 1826
in thewas ;

ceived a common-school education. When raised on the farm, and received a common-
about eighteen years of age, he purchased one- school education. The family came to Illinois
half interest in the Indiana Republican, pub- in 1833, and settled in the vicinity of Prospect
lished at Madison, Ind., and was connected Park. Our subject lived at home until he was
with the paper for upward of twelve years, twenty-three years of age, when he married
during which time he became the sole editor Miss Permelia Holmes. She is a native of New
and proprietor, finally selling his paper, which York, and came to Du Page Count}*, 111., with
became the Republican Banner, under which her parents when she was a child. After the
name it again came into his possession for a marriage, he settled on his present place, which
short period, he selling out, and engaged in the consists of 180 acres, located one and one-
mercantile business, establishing the
first book quarter miles northeast of Prospect Park. He
and stationery business in Madison, where he has held the office of Highway Commissioner.
also conducted the wholesale grocery and iron By the marriage there have been four children
store business. In 1858, he went to Chicago, —Eben, Loraine, Perry and Adella ; all the
where he engaged in the job printing business, children are married, and all but one live in the
and later took a position at the head of the county. Mr. Ackerman is a Republican. When
dead letter department, where he remained for he first came to his place, there were nine acres.
seven years, after which he engaged in real es- He conducted a threshing-machine for some
tate business, and in 1871 retired to his farm, thirty years, and kept bu}'ing additions to his
one mile southwest of Wheaton, where he has place until he now owns 180 acres.
lived since. During the past five years, he has MILES ACKERMAN, farmer, P. 0. Lom
carried on a real estate office in Wheaton. Col. bard, 111., is a native of Onondaga County. N.
Arion, as might be judged from his career, Y., born in the year 1831, and is the third in
early took an active interest in politics. As a a famil}' of five children born to John D. and
Henry Clay Whig, he represented Jefferson Lurania (Churchill) Ackerman ; they were na-
County in the Indiana Legislature, and later tives of New York. Mr. Ackerman's father
was elected a member of the State Senate. He was a native of Holland, and came to America
has been a Republican since the organization of soon after his marriage. John D. Ackerman
the party, and took an active part in the can- and family came West to Illinois, and settled
vass for Lincoln. He has been twice married. here in Milton Township, where J. D. Acker-
His first wife, Miss Lucretia Givens, was a na- man died in 1859. Ackerman is living on
tive of Kentucky ; she and their six children the old homestead, being now in her eighty-
all since deceased. The second marriage was first year. Miles Ackerman lived at home
to Mrs. Beson, formerly Miss Helen M. Test, until he was twenty-two years of age; he was
daughter of Judge John Test, and aunt to Gen. reared on the farm and received a common
Lew Wallace. school education. In 1852, he married Miss
Jane Cox, a native of England. She came to sylvania, meeting in public debate Gov. Pinney,
United States of America with her parents, of Liberia, and maivy leading lawyers of the
who settled in Du Page Count}' in 1850, and State. He then went to Cincinnati, Ohio, where
followed farming. By the marriage there have he completed his theological course, under Dr.
been five children, of whom four are living, Lyman Beecher, of Lane Seminary. While
viz., Edwin M., Emma, Charles M. and Fannie. there, he was called to the pastorate of the
After his marriage, he bought a farm in Bloom- Sixth Presbyterian Church, of Cincinnati, where
ingdale Township, and lived there until 1861, he presided for nine years, and received over
when he came to his present place. In June, five hundred members to the church. He was
1864, he enlisted in the One Hundred and then called to the Presidency of Knox College,
Forty-first Illinois Infantry, Company H, and Galesburg, III, which institution he found in
served about five months. He was Corporal in debt, and left it in 1860 out of debt, with prop-
his company. From the army he returned erty worth |400,000, and all of its present
home and has lived here since he owns 138 ;
permanent buildings were erected during his
acres, located in Sections 1, 2, 11 and 12. administration. From Galesburg he came to
JONATHAN BLANCHARD, President Wheaton College, and served as its President
Emeritus Wheaton College, is a native of Rock- until in June, 1882, when he was succeeded in
ingham, Windham Co., Vt., born January 19, that office by his son, though he was continued
1811, and is the ninth in a family of thirteen by the board as President Emeritus, with an
children born to Jonathan and Polly (Lovell) annual stipend. In 1838, in Middlebury, Vt.,
Blanchard. They were natives of Massachu- he married Miss Mary Avery Bent, a native of
setts and Vermont he was a farmer, in which
; Middlebury, Vt., b}' which marriage there have
business he was extensively engaged. Our been twelve children, of whom seven are living.
subject was raised on the farm. At the age of While in Middlebury College, Mr. Blanchard
twelve years, began study in the Chester Acad- was editor, and with others established the
emy, and in his fifteenth year he began teaching Under Graduate, a college paper, which has
public school, and taught during winters until continued to this day. He also aided in start-
he became of age, by which time he had grad- ing and edited the Watchman of the Valley,
uated from the Middlebury College, and became which paper has under different names been
the Principal of the Plattsburg Academy, the continued to this date. At Knox College, he
oldest chartered school in that locality, which started the Christian Era, since absorbed by
he taught several years. He has always, since the Independent. In 1868, he started and is

his childhood, been an advocate of temperance, editor of the Christian Cynosure, a sixteen-page
and at the age of eighteen he delivered a speech weekly. Since 1840, he has been known as an
on that subject at Rockingham, and continued open enemy to all secret organizations, and in

to speak in public thereafter. His early speeches 1881, he was nominated a candidate for Presi-
were printed and widely circulated in the neigh- dent of the United States of America, by the
borhood. From the Plattsburg Academy he American party in convention assembled at

went to the Andover Theological Seminary, and Galesburg, 111.

in that year received an appointment to lecture CHARLES A. BLANCHARD, A. B., A. M.,

in the State House at Boston, before the Amer- President Wheaton College, is a native of Gales-
ican Institute. He was next appointed by burg. Knox Co., 111., born November 8, 1848,
the American Anti-Slavery Society to lecture and lived town for twelve years,
in his native
against slavery. He lectured one year in Penn- when the family came to Wheaton. Our sub-

ject received a public school coarse of study at followed the example of the New York banks,
Galesburg, and in 1870 graduated from Whea- and specie rose to 33 per cent premium, but
ton College. In 1865, he was employed to graduall}- fell during the two years succeed-
teach penmanship in the college, and continued ing, till it again became par with bank paper,
until his graduating in 1870. He then engaged as bank after bank resumed specie payments,
in lecturing for the National Christian Associa- first on small and next on large sums. In
tions opposed to secret societies, delivering over 1837, R. Blanchard went to the wilderness por-
four hundred lectures in nineteen States and tions of Ohio, where three years were spent in
Canada. In 1872, he was elected Principal of a bushwhacking life, hunting and trapping. In
the Preparatory School in Wheaton College, in 1840, he returned to New York, and was em-
which position he remained several years, and ployed in selling the publications of Messrs.
was then elected Professor of the English Lan- .Harper Brothers. In 1843, he opened a book
guage and Literature, in which department he store in Lowell, Mass.; in 1846, he removed to
continued until 1880, when he was elected Pro- Cincinnati, where he continued the same busi-
fessor of Logic and Rhetoric, where he contin- ness three years, in connection with his brother
ued until June, 1882. In 1879, he was elected Edwin. During this term, he opened a branch
Vice President of the college, and during two of his store in New Orleans.During the win-
years,owing to the illness of the President, he ter of 1847-48, and the succeeding summer,
performed the duties of that office. In June, witnessed the ravages of cholera along the
1882, upon the resignation of the President, he Ohio and Mississippi Rivers, passing through
was elected President of the college. October Aurora and Rising Sun, Ind., from both of
16, 1873, he married Miss Margaret E. Milli- which places such as had not died had fled,

gan, daughter of A. M. Milligan, D. D., pastor leaving their empty houses behind. The same
of the First Reformed Presbyterian Church, of year he witnessed the great conflagration of St.

Pittsburgh. They had four children, three of Louis, which burnt almost the entire business
whom are living. In 1862, he became a mem- portion of the city. It is worthy of remark
ber of the College Church, and in 1875 became that no case of cholera occurred at the place
acting pastor of the Presbyterian Church of for two weeks after the fire. Out of a popula-
Paxton, and served there one 3
ear, after which tion of about 75,000, the death rate exceeded
he preached transiently, and in May, 1877, he 150 per day during the height of the epidemic.
became the acting pastor of the Independent From Cincinnati Mr. Blanchard removed to 191
Church at Streator, 111., for one year. He then Broadway, New York, where, in connection
became pastor of the College Church, and has with C. Morse, son of the inventor of the tele-
continued in that capacity since. graph, he commenced the publication of maps
RUFUS BLANCHARD, Wheaton, was born engraved in cerography, a new invention of
March 7, 1821, in Lyndeboro, Hillsboro Co. Prof. Morse, editor of the New York Observer,
N. H. Went to New York City in 1835, and and brother of the inventor of the telegraph.
witnessed the great fire of that year. The next The same S3*stem somewhat modified is now
spring, in 1836, the banks in Wall street closed used for railroad maps thoughout the country.
their doors and stopped payment b} a concertedT
From New York Mr. Blanchard transferred his
movement. The whole city was in an uproar, business to Chicago, in 1854, and introduced
and the military were ordered from Govern- the manufacture of maps in the West, in all its

or's Island, to defend the banks from mob departments. Perhaps it is not too much to
violence. The banks throughout the country say that his early experiences, together with

his twenty-eight years of activity in Chicago, for December, 1815, he married Miss Ann.

have modified his aspirations in some directions, daughter of Mr. Calvin Stewart, of Orange
while they have been stimulated in other direc- County, N. Y. She died in Chicago in 1861.
tions into new fields of industry better under- They had six children, three of whom are liv-

stood at full maturity than when the flood-tide ing — Charles and Joanna S. at home
James ;

of youth sometimes propels the machine faster R., now in California ; Edward and Thomas
than obstacles can make waj- before it, causing died in infancy ; Oscar, the eldest child, lived
it to zigzag in its course. to manhood, was married, and was a successful
EDWARD W. BREWSTER, retired, is a lumber dealer of Chicago. He died, leaving
native of Blooming Grove, Orange Co., N. Y., one child, Josephine, living in Oak Park.
born July 9, 1793, was raised on the farm and DAVID BRONSON, retired, is a native of
received a common school education. At the Broome County, N. Y., bom in the year 1809.
age of sixteen he engaged as a clerk in a gen- His parents, Stephen and Polly (Page) Bron-
eral store in Washingtonville, Orange Co., N. son, were natives of Connecticut. They mar-
Y.. and continued as a clerk until about the ried there, and soon after moved to New York,
year 1814, when he became interested, as a where the}- followed farming. David was
partner, in the business and remained there un- raised on the farm ; he received a common
til about 1820, when he sold out and bought a school education, and at the age of twenty-two
small farm and settled on the same, teaching began to work for his father, for wages, and at
school in the and later became the
winters, the age of twenty-seven he married Miss Rhoda
Principal of the Blooming Grove Academy. Page, a native of New York ; she died in 1848.
In 1839, he sold his farm and came west, pros- After the marriage they occupied a house
pecting. He purchased a claim where Elgin he built on some land he had bought, and
now stands, and in the spring of 1840 he occu- which he farmed until 1840, when he, his
pied the same with his family ; and, finally, father and mother, brother and brother-in-law,
when the land came into the market, he re- sold out and came West, by teams, to Illinois,
ceived his title from President Tyler. Mr. Brews and located in Lisle Township, Du Page Coun-
ter lived on his farm until about 1854, when ty, where they bought a claim of about 500
he sold the place and moved to Chicago, where acres, and divided it into farms, occupied them
he invested in real estate, and erected some and farmed the same. Stephen Bronson and
buildings,and took the position of Professor of his wife both died there. David Bronson lived
English in a private Jewish school, where he there until 1859, when he rented his place and
remained a number of 3"ears, during which time moved to Wheaton, where he has since lived.
he was a member of the Board of Education of B} the marriage there have been seven chil-

Chicago. After the great fire, in the spring of dren, of whom only two are living, viz., Marin-
1872 he came to Wheaton, where he has since tha J., now Mrs. Mack, of Butler County, Iowa ;

lived. While living on his farm at Elgin, the and Marilla E., now Mrs. Churchill, of Du Page
Galena & Chicago, now the Northwestern, rail- County, 111. Mr. Bronson married Miss Polly
road was built, and Mr. Brewster took an act- A. Ashley, a native of New York, in the spring
ive interest in furthering the interests of the of 1849. They had one child, since deceased.
road —granted them a free right of way through LEVI BALLOU, farmer, P. 0. Wheaton, 111.,

his land, and assisted them in many ways is a native of Onondaga County, N. Y., born
and in recognition of his services he was given in Jordan in the year 1811. His father, Eben-
a free pass for himself and family over the road ezer Ballou, was a cooper, and died in 1817,

leaving Mrs. Ballon (formerly Miss Marania He received a common school education, and
Ward) with six children. Levi lived with his also a commercial course in Wheaton College.
uncle from his father's death until he was He then went to Elgin, and worked in the

twelve years of age. He then apprenticed to watch factory for five years. He then went to
the carpenter's trade and remained until he Grand Crossing, where he was foreman of the
was twenty-one, receiving a common school Pinion and Finishing Department of the Cornell
education. On becoming of age, he and an- Watch Company for three years. He then
other apprentice, who had just finished his time, went to San Francisco, Cal., and occupied a
set up in business for themselves, which they similar position in the California Watch Com-
followed for about three years. Mr. Ballou pau}',and two years later he came to Wheaton
then bought a farm and lived on it for one and engaged in his present business. He is
year, when, in 1836, he started for the West, Republican has held the office of City Treas-

driving by team to Lombard, where he landed urer of Wheaton one term. June 14, 1871, he
with an old team and SI 5, and took up a claim, married Miss Evelyn A. Piper, a native of Os-
and a few years later bought the same of the wego, N. Y. They have three children — Ern-
Government, and farmed there some five or six est Clair, Dora I. and Leuthold H.
years. He then bought a place located just JOHN CHRISTIE, retired farmer, P. 0.
north of where the Wheaton College now stands, Wheaton, 111.; is a native of Scotland, and lived
and in 1857 he came to his present place, which in his native land until 1833. His father was
consists of 116 acres located one mile south- a farmer, and John was brought up to the same
west of Wheaton. Mr. Ballou is Republican ;
pursuit. In 1833, Mr. Christie came to America
he has served as Road Commissioner some in company with his brother-in-law, Mr. Martin
twelve years ; he also served as Poormaster (deceased), formerly of Naperville. They came
for seven years, he being in office during the to Chicago, and from there drove to Ottawa on
war. August 21, 1833, he married Miss Mary a prospecting tour, returning via the Naper
Marble, a native of Vermont. She had gone to settlement, where they concluded to locate. Mr.
New York with her parents ; she died August Christie lived with Mr. Martin some time, when,
2, 1 881. By the marriage there have been seven at the suggestion of Capt. Joseph Naper, he
children, of whom five are living. Mr. Ballou came to his present place and bought a claim
is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, for $100, and put up a log house and began
having joined the church in his nineteenth improving the place, and has lived here since.
year. The place consists of about seven hundred
L. C. BROWN, jeweler, is a native of Chi- acres located two and a half miles south
cago, 111., born in the year 1849, and is the of Wheaton. Mr. Christie has been twice
third of a famil} of nine children born to
Hack- married ; first, to Miss Mary Boyd, a na-
aliah and Cornelia A. (Hough) Brown, who were tive of Leith, Scotland ; she died March 4,

natives of New York. He came West, a single 1862. There were seven children, of whom
man, at an early day ; she came West with her three are living — John, Andrew and William
parents, who settled in Bloomigdale Township, all living at home. Mr. Christie's second mar-
at an early day. She engaged as a school riage occurred June 27, 1866, to Janette M.
teacher, and married Mr. Brown about 1845. Keith, a native of New York ; she came to
He was a carpenter by trade, and lived three Du Page County with her parents in an early
years in Chicago, when the family returned to day. Mr. C. is Republican in politics, and a
Du Page County, where L. C. lived thereafter. member of the Congregational Church.
CAPT. COLE, merchant, was bom on
J. J. present partnership. Mr. Cole has been twice
the 16th day of April, 1833, in Putnam County, married ; Agnes P. Palmer, a native
first, to Miss
N. Y. His father, Berry Cole, was also a na- of New York she came to Du Page County in

tive of Putnam County, and was born June 24, 1854 her parents were dead, and she lived

1769 ; he was a farmer and the principal owner with her uncle, Mr. Riley Palmer, a farmer.
of the first show or menagerie that ever trav- The second marriage was to Miss Susan P.
eled through the country; he died in his native Smith, a native of Vermont she came to Du ;

county in 1835. Our subject was raised onthe Page County with her parents, who now live in
farm ; he received a common-school education, Wheaton By the marriage there are two chil-
and at the age of fifteen he went to New York —
dren Agnes M. and Reno B.
City, where he engaged as a clerk in a dry A. B. CURTIS, farmer, P. 0. Wheaton, III.
goods store, and remained until he was twenty is a native of Lewis County, N. Y., born in the
years of age, when he traveled for one year as year 1832, and is the youngest of two children
the advertising agent for a circus and men- born to Peter B. and Filena (Look) Curtis; they
agerie. He then returned to his home; the old were natives of New York and Massachusetts ;

homestead was sold, and, with his mother^ he was a farmer. In 1832, they moved to Ohio,
brother and sister, he came to Illinois and lo- where he worked on a farm for four years in
cated in the Big Woods, in Naperville Town- Ashtabula County, and in 1836 they came to
ship, Du Page County, and a year later they Illinois and located on the present place, sit-
moved to Downer's Grove, where he farmed uated two miles due west of Wheaton, purchas-
until 1861, when he enlisted Company K,
in ing the land from the Government at $1.25
Thirteenth Illinois Volunteer Infantry. Upon per acre. They erected a house and began im-
the organization of the company, he was elected proving the land, and, excepting two years
Second Lieutenant, and was later promoted spent in Missouri, the parents lived here until
first, to First Lieutenant, then to Captain. He their death. They had two children; the eldest,
was taken prisoner Vicksburg in
in the rear of Benjamin S., was killed by an explosion of a
December, 1862, and held four mouths at stationary engine at Turner Junction in 1850.
Vicksburg, Jackson and Libby Prison, in Rich- Our subject was raised at home on a farm ; he
mond. From the latter place, he was exchanged received a district school course of study, and
in May, 1863, and joined his regiment within a attended a select school at Naperville ; he also
few rods of the place where he was taken, and attended one short term at Lowville Academy,
was with his command at the battles of Look- New York. At the age of twenty-two, he mar-
out Mountain, Mission Ridge and the other en- ried Miss Rebecca Shatz, a native of Pennsyl-
gagements of the regiment. After his three vania ;
she came to Du Page County, 111., with
years' service, he returned home and engaged her parents in the year 1850. After marriage,
in mercantile business. In 1866, he was elected he worked hisfarm on shares a few
Supervisor of his township, and was re-elected years, and then went by team to Missouri, where
four terms, when he was elected County Clerk, he farmed on the line of Miller and Maries
and moved
to Wheaton, where he has since Counties for about four years he then re- ;

lived. During his last year in his term of turned to Du Page County and farmed the
office, he formed a partnership with Mr. F. G. home farm for a number of years, when he went
Kimball, and engaged in the mercantile busi- to Manteno, Kankakee County, where he farmed
ness, of which he became the sole proprietor in for two years he then farmed the home farm

the spring of 1877, and, in 1878, formed his in this county until 1870, when he went by

team to Iowa, and in the following spring, ow- year came to the present place. He followed
ing to his father's illness, he returned home, his trade of millwright, and his sons carried

and has lived here since. By the marriage on the farm. Samuel Davis died June 3, 1861,
there have been four children, of whom three are and Mrs. Davis died here on the old homestead
living. Mr. Curtis became a member of the in 1872. Our subject made his home with his

M. E. Church when he was eighteen years of parents until their death. He received a lim-
age, and in 1856 was licensed as an exhorter, ited common school education ;
he was raised
and as a minister in 1865. on the farm, and after becoming of age he as-
A. T. CHILDS, carpenter, Wheaton, is a na- sisted his father at millwrighting, and also
tive of Windham County, Vt., born in the year worked some at carpentering, and about 1857
1817. His father, Jairus, was a carpenter, and he took the management of his father's farm,
also owned a flue farm, which though he lived and has farmed the place ever since, and after

on he followed his trade building nearly the his father's death he bought out the heirs.
entire village of Wilmington, in his native During Pearce's administration, Mr. Davis was
county. A. T. early began working with his Postmaster at Danby, now Prospect Park. Mr.
father, and continued with him until his death, Davis owns 118 acres located two and one-half
in 1837. A. T. and his brother, L. J., finished miles north of Lisle.
an uncompleted contract of their father's. In G. B. DURLAND, of Durland & Congleton,
1839, A. T. and L. J. engaged in general mer- livery stable, is a native of Luzerne County,
cantile business in Whitingham, and two years Penn., born in the year 1836 ; he was raised
later they dissolved, A. T. moving to Wilming- on the farm. At the age of twenty-two, he
ton, where he continued for twelve years, when married Miss K. J. Congleton, a native of Lu-
he sold out and came West, and bought a farm zerne County, Penn. After the marriage, he
in Elk Grove Township, Cook County, where rented a farm, and farmed on his own account
he lived until 1856, when he sold out and came until 1860, when he moved West, locating on
to Wheaton, where he has followed his trade a farm in Bloomingdale Township, Du Page
since. Iu 1844, he married Miss Sarah N., County. In September, 1861, he enlisted in the
daughter of Judge Roberts, of Windham Eighth Illinois Cavalry, and served until the
County, Vt. They have three children Terza, — close of the war ;
re-enlisted at the end of
Jessie and Harriet. Mr. Childs has always about thirty months as veteran. Mr. Durland
been a Democrat. entered Company D as a private, and was fin-

MARK DAVIS, farmer, P. O. Lisle, is a ally discharged as Quartermaster Sergeant of

native of Oneida County, N. Y., born September the company ;
was with the command at the
19, 1827, and is the fifth child of ten children capture of Yorktown, Fort Magruder, Gettys-
born to Samuel and Rheumilla (Tilden) Davis, burg, Autietam, and all the engagements of the
who were natives of Oneida County, N. Y., regiment. He home from the army,
and Poultney, Vt. Her father was a farmer and in 1866 was elected Constable of Bloom-
and settled in Vermont with Ethan Allen, ingdale, an office he held eight years. In
and moved to New York when she was young. 1871, he was elected Collector. By the mar-
She married Mr. Davis in Oneida County, and riage there has been one child, viz.. Sarah E.
in 183-4 they moved to Canada, where he fol- A. J. EHLE, farming and stock-raising, P.
lowed his trade of millwright for three years O. Wheaton, 111., is a native of Oswego County,
and iu 1838 they came to Illinois, and first N. Y., born in the year 1833, and is the second
stopped in Lockport, and in August of same in a family of eight children born to John H.
and Lucinda (Pierce) Ehle. They were natives up in the hospital several months), also in the
of New York, married there and came West in other engagements of the regiment. From the
1849, and settled in Du Page County, 111. They army he came to Bloomingdale, and soon after
bought a farm near where Itaska now stands, married Miss Mary A. Patrick, a native of New
and farmed there about ten years. They then York. After the marriage, he located on the
sold their place and bought a place in Bloom- farm, where he remained until 1879, when he
ingdale Township, where they farmed until 18,61, came to Wheaton and engaged in his present
when he entered the army, where he died. Our business. By the marriage there has been one
subject lived on the farm until the fall of 1861, child — Alma. Mrs. Lucinda Ehle is living in
when he enlisted in the Eighth Illinois Cav- Bloomingdale Village.
alry, Company D, and served three j'ears. He F. N. ENGELHARD, M. D., is a native of
took part in the seven days' fight before Copenhagen, Denmark, born November 24,
Richmond, Antietam, Spottsylvania Court 1847. He received a collegiate education,
House, etc. During the latter part of his term graduating from the Copenhagen University of
of service he served at the headquarters of Art in 1868, and in 1869 he graduated as
Gen. Wilson, having charge of his wagon train. Bachelor of Philosophy, and in 1870, as
From the arm}' he returned home and resumed Bachelor of Medicine, when he entered the
farming, buying a place in Bloomingdale Town- Commune Hospital, of Copenhagen, as an as-
ship, in which township he farmed until he sistant, and remained three years, passing
came to his present place, which consists of through the five divisions of the hospital serv-
200 acres located one and oue-half miles north ice. He then, in March, 1873, entered the
of Wheatou. In the fall of 1865, he married Royal Danish Navy as an Assistant Surgeon,
Miss Martha J. Knowles. a native of Du Page and made a cruise on the North Sea, until the
County, 111. They have two children — Freder- fall following, when he attended the lectures
ick and Avis. He is Republican in politics, and experiments in the laboratory with the
and a member of the Baptist Church. study of the natural sciences in the university
H. S. EHLE, livery, sale and feed, is a until 1876, when he came to America, and first
native of Oswego County, N. Y., born in the stopped in Chicago, then to Franklin Grove
year 1840, and raised on the farm, receiving a and Ashton, Lee Co., 111., and in 1877 he en-
common school education. His parents, John tered the Chicago Homoeopathic College and
H. and Lucinda (Pierce) Ehle, were natives of graduated the year following, and in August of
New York married there, and in 1848 came
; the latter year he began as assistant with Dr.
West to Illinois, and settled in Du Page County; Leonard Pratt, with whom he now continues.
bought a farm in Addison Township, and some In 1881, he married Miss Johanne Marion Jul-
eight or ten years later moved to Bloomingdale iane Ertberg, a native of Denmark. They have
Township, where they lived until the war, one child — Alefi Muriel Anna Elisa.
when John H. Ehle enlisted in the Eighth Illi- PROF. H. A. FISCHER, A. M., is a native
nois Cavalry as bugler, and served with the of Du Page County, 111., born in the year 1846,
regiment until his death, from sickness, in and is the fifth in a family of ten children born
1863. Our subject, H. S., enlisted in the One to Henry D. and Maria E. Franzen, they were
Hundred and Fifth Illinois Infantry, and natives of Germany. Our subject was reared
served until the close of the war. He was a on his father's farm in Addison Township; he
Corporal in Company F. He was in the battle received a common school education, and also
of Resaca (where he was wounded and was laid studied in private, and at the age of nineteen

entered the Wheaton College, graduating from went to Michigan and taught school, and in the

same at the age of twenty-three. At the age of spring of 1833 he returned to his old claim, in
seventeen, he began teaching in the public company with his brother Jude and sister
schools. During the winter after graduating, Orinda, who joined him in 1832, and spent the
he was appointed Principal of the preparatory winter with him in Michigan they put in a ;

department of the college, and

two years
after crop and continued improving the claim. In
he was appointed Professor of mathematics 1847, Erastus moved to a farm near Wheaton,
and natural philosophy. In 1875, he received and since 1864 he has lived in the village. He
a one year's leave of absence, and attended was married in 1841 to Miss Susan A. Vallette,
the Leipzig and Heidelberg Universities, Ger- a native of Massachusetts ; she died in 1874,
many, returning in 1876, and, resuming his in Wheaton. Of their seven children, but four
former position in the college, continues since. are living. Mr. Gary has served as Justice for
In 1875, he married Miss Julia W., daughter of twenty-one years ; he has also been Supervisor
President J. Blanchard, of Wheaton College. and President of the village. He was Demo-
They have four children, viz., Faith A., Paul B. cratic in politics until the repeal of the Missouri
Frederick L. and Herman. Addison
While in Compromise, since which time he has been Re-
Township, Mr. Fischer held the office of Town- publican. He has been a member of the Meth-
ship Treasurer a number of years and also the odist Episcopal Church siuce he was fifteen
secretaryship of the Addison Farmers' Mutual years of age.
Insurance Company. In December, 1881, he NOAH E. GARY, a son of Erastus Gary,
was appointed County Superintendent of was born near Warrenville, in Du Page County,
Schools for Du Page County. Republican. Is on the 8th day of September, 1844. In the
a member of the College Church of Christ. spring of 1848, he removed with his parents to
Since graduating, he has held the position of Wheaton, where he has lived ever since. He
College Treasurer. was educated mainly in the public schools, at-
ERASTUS GARY, retired, Wheaton, is a tending but two terms at Wheaton College. He
native of Pomfret, Windham Co., Conn. He followed farming until August, 1862, when he
was born April 5, 1806, and is the fourth of enlisted in Company D, One Hundred aud
seven children born to William and Lucy (Per- Fifth Illinois Volunteer Infantry, and three
rin) Gary, who were also natives of Pomfret. months later was appointed Corporal, and at
Erastus was raised on the farm, and in addition the expiration of a year was made Sergeant.
to the common schools he attended the Wilbra- May 15, 1865, he was severety wounded at the
ham Academy, of Massachusetts, a short term. battle of Resaca, in Georgia, having been struck
At the age of eighteen, he began teaching school by four bullets in that action. He was dis-
during the winters, working on the farm in the charged in November, but could not dispense
summers. In 1831, he came West, and made with crutches until the following March. In
a claim four miles north of Warrenville, and November, 1865, he married Ella M. Guild, of
began at once to cut and split rails, put up a Downer's Grove, who died in 1870. In 1868,
small cabin, and " bached " it until about May, he entered the office of the Clerk of the Supe-
when he was advised to leave for Chicago, ow- rior Court, and remained there until October,
ing to the Indians. He abandoned everything, 1872. While in the Superior Court, he read
and footed it to Chicago, where he remained law, and resigned his position as Chief Deputy
six weeks, during which time all were drilled to enter into the practice of the law with his
for defense. After Gen. Scott came, Erastus brother, E. H. Gary. The rule of the Supreme

Court not allowing an examination for admis- member of the M. E. Church, and
sion to the bar until the applicant had read law minister in that faith, preaching in his vicinity,
two years with an attorney in general practice, and at one time on the regular circuit. He was
Mr. Gary was not examined and admitted until widely known and respected by all. Our sub-
January, 1875. In 1873^ he married Carrie H. ject lived at home until he was twenty four
Wheat, who for several years had been Princi- years of age. He received a limited common
pal of the Wheaton Public Schools. For two school course of study, assisting on the farm
years he was President of the Wheaton Town and at the mill. In 1852, he married Miss
Council, and in 1879 he was appointed Master Elizabeth White, a native of the State of
in Chancery of Du Page County, which office Maine, who was stopping with a married sister
he now holds. In 1879, Judge Cody joined and teaching school in this county. After the
the firm of E. H. & N. E. Gary, and the firm is marriage, he began the mercantile business,
now styled Gary, Cody & Gary. Mr. Gary had opening a general store at the mill, which he
three children by first marriage, two living ;
continued about two years, when he discontin-
three children by present marriage, two living. ued the store and engaged in farming. He
He is Republican, voting first for U. S. Grant. was also interested in the mill. He continued
He is a member of the Methodist Episcopal the latter interest until the closing up of the
Church, in which he takes an active interest, mill, and the farming interest until 1874.
and has been Superintendent of Sabbath school when came to Wheaton and became Cashier in
for some five years. the banking firm of Miner Gary& Webster,
WILLIAM L. GARY, Cashier banking which position he held through several changes
house of G. & W., is a native of Pomfret, in the firm to the present time, finally becoming
Windham County, Conn., born in the year interested as a member of the firm During
1828, and is the second in a family of seven his residence in Winfield Township, Mr. Gar}'
children born to Charles and Melinda M. (Morse) held the offices of Town Clerk and School
Gary. They were natives of Connecticut and Treasurer a number of years, also Assessor and
Massachusetts. They married in Connecticut. Collector several terms. He has been a Re-
He was the oldest son of William L. Gary, and publican since the organization of the party.
followed farming. In 1837, the family came By the marriage there are two children — John
West to Illinois by the water route to Chicago, E. and William E. His father was a licensed
and stopped with his brother, Erastus Gary, minister of the M. E. Church, and held the
who had settled near Warrenville, in Du Page position of Associate Justice.
Count}', and during the summer the}- erected a W. K. GUILD, dealer in lumber, doors, sash,
saw-mill two miles south of Turner Junction. blinds, etc., Wheaton, is a native of Brookfield,
and occupied a house which they erected at the Washington Co., Vt., born July 4, 1819. and
mill, which they conducted until about 1864, is the third child in a family of seven children
and he lived on his farm thereafter until his born to Israel and Rachel (Kellogg) Guild, who
death in 1871. Gary died on the old
Mrs. were natives of Vermont. He was a carpenter
homestead in about 1858.During his resi- by trade. W. K. was raised on the farm, and
dence in this county, Mr. Gary held the offices received a common school education. At the
of Postmaster at Gary's Mill and Justice of age of sixteen he began making brooms, and
the Peace, both of which offices he held a long in 1839 the family came West, taking the canal
term of years. He was also Supervisor of his to Buffalo and steamer thence to Chicago,
'Township, and Associate Justice. He was a thence to Wayne Township, Du Page Co., 111.,

where they settled on a farm, and also engaged tended the academy for about eight months; he
in manufacturing brooms, which were probably then came to Du Page County, 111., his parents
the first brooms made in the TV est. W. K. having come hither the year previous, and set-

lived at home until about 1842, when, with his tled in —

York Township Babcock's Grove, now
older brother, he made a claim on some land, —
Lombard where Mr. E. A. Hull practiced his
and later, at land sale, purchased the same, and profession — law. T. N. engaged in clerking in

upon his marriage, in 1844, sold his interest in the Grove some three years ;
he then clerked
the claim. In 1844, he married'Miss Lydia A. for Potter Palmer in Chicago, and then engaged
Ford, a native of New York, who came to Illi- with his brother, G. H. Hull, in the market
nois with her parents and settled in Wayne business ; the} continued about five years.
Township. After marriage, he settled on a then traveled in Iowa one year, when he re-
farm and lived there until 1868 or 1869, when turned to Lombard and bought the general
he came to Wheaton, and has lived here since. store business of Reuben Link, and conducted
About one year after coming
Wheaton, he to the business about four years. He then en-'
engaged in the present business and continued gaged with the Weed Sewing Machine Com-
since. During a short period he had a partner, pany in Chicago, filling the position of assis-
but principally conducted the business alone. tant book-keeper, correspondent, then city agent
While in Wayne he served as Highway Com- and finally as traveling agent, remaining with
missioner, and in Wheaton as a member of the the company, in all, about six 3'ears. He then,
Town Council. He has been a member of the in 1876, became Deputy Circuit Clerk under
Congregational Church for forty years, and a his brother, Frank Hull, and in 1880 was elected
Deacon in same for the past thirty years. By Circuit Clerk, which office he now holds. In
his marriage he has five children, four boys
and 1868, he married Miss Caroline C. Whipples, of
one daughter — Sarah
home; William B.,
L., at Oak Park, Cook Co., 111. They have two chil-
merchant, Wheaton; Edwin L., lumber mer- dren. He is a Republican.
chant, Dakota Carroll W., with his father in
; HON. P. G. HUBBARD, Prospect Park, 111,
the lumber business ; Everett A., at home. is a native of Hampden County, Mass, born in

Mr. Guild's parents died in Wayne Township the year 1811. He was raised on his father's
on the old homestead. Mr. Guild was Presi- farm, and received an academic course of study.
dent of the Board of School Directors, in 1874, At the age of seventeen, he began teaching in
at building the schoolhouse in Wheaton. Mr. the public schools, and taught during the win-
Guild cast his first vote in 1840 for Gen. Har- ters thereafter for about seven years. He was
-rison, and has been a Republican since the or- married, in 1834, to Miss Elizabeth Le Baron,
ganization of the party. a native of Plymouth County, Mass., and re-
T. M. HULL, Circuit Clerk, Wheaton, is a resided in his native State until 1855, during
native of Madison County, N. Y., and was born which time he served in his township as As-
in the year 1840. He received a common school sessor and as a member of the Boards of
and academic course of study, and at the age Selectmen and of Examiners. During the term
of sixteen he began as a clerk in a general of 1847-48, he was elected by the Whigs a
store in De Ruyter, Madison Co., N. Y., where member of the State Legislature. In 1855, he
he remained one year. He then removed to came West De Kalb County, 111, and the
Montgomery County, 111., and clerked one year next year moved to Knox County, where he
in a store in Litchfield, where his brother lived, engaged in farming. In 1864, he engaged in
and the following year returned home and at- the commission business in Chicago, firm,
Hubbard & Bird. He came to Du Page and in March, 1S82, he bought out the present
County in 1870, and to Prospect Park in 1873. business, and formed a partnership with his
By the marriage there has been three children, nephew, Mr. E. B. Holt. While in Turner
of whom but one is living —William Le Baron Junction, Mr. Holt was elected Supervisor of
Hubbard, of Chicago. Mr. Hubbard has been Winfield Township, but was ineligible for the
a member of the Congregational Church since reason he had not lived one year in the town-
he was eighteen, and has officiated as Deacon ship. He was afterward elected Police Magis-
for upward of twenty-five years of the time. trate and President of the Board of Trustees.
HEZEKIAH HOLT, hardware, tin, etc., The former position he held until he came to
Wheaton, 111., is a native of Pomfret, Wind- Wheaton.
ham Co., Conn., born in the year 1835, and is A. H. HIATT, physicau, is a native of Indi-
the second child in a family of six children, ana, born in Fayette County in 1823 ; was
born to Hezekiah and Harriet Gary Holt. reared on the farm ; received a common school
They were natives of Windham County, Conn. and academic course of stud}-. At the age of
They married there and came West in 1837, seventeen, began reading medicine, and in 1846
coming through by wagon. It being in the graduated from the Ohio Medical College in
winter time, part of the trip was made on run- Cincinnati, Ohio, and began practice at New
ners put under the wagon. The}' arrived in Castle, Ind., where he remained until 1854 ;

the vicinity of the present village of Warren- thence to Westfield, Ind. ; remained there four
ville, where Mrs. Holt's brother, Erastus Gary, years. He
then came to Wheaton, and has
lived, and soon after Mr. Holt bought a claim practiced here since. In 1870, he opened an
located about one mile southwest of Wheaton. Chicago, and was burned out in 1871,
office in

The claim was occupied and improved, and and in 1872 opened another office in Chicago,
bought of the Government when the land came which he attends daily. From 1877 to 1880,
into market. Mr. Holt lived on his place until the Doctor was Professor of Surgery in the
his death in 1850. He was well knowu among Bennett Medical College of Chicago, and has
the old pioneers, and was a life-long member of been Professor in Wheaton College of Anatomy,
the Methodist Church, and took an active in- Physology and Hygiene, and gives a course of
terest in its affairs. He was anti-slavery in lectures every winter. In 1844, he married
politics. The family continued on the old Miss Mary Ann J. Bowman a native of Ten-
homestead until 1877, when they reth-ed to nessee, and moved with parents to Indiana
Turner Junction, where they lived until May, when she was a child ; eleven children, eight
1881, when they moved to Wheaton. Our living.
subject was raised a farmer, and was edu- LUTHER L. HIATT, druggist, is a native
cated at Wheaton College. On becoming of of Henry County, Ind., born in the year 1844;
age, he began doing business on his own he received a common school course of study,
account in partnership with his brother, con- and had entered the college course at the
ducting the farm. In 1877, Mr. Holt engaged Wheaton College (having with his parents
in the hardware business in Turner Junction, moved to Wheaton in 1859), when in 1862,
in partnership with Mr. C. W. Gary, and in October, he enlisted in the One Hundred and
1880 he sold his interest to Mr. Gary, and soon Fifth Illinois Infantry, Company F, and served
after served as Government Enumerator in until the close of thewar. After the war he
taking the census of Winfield Township, after returned to Wheaton, and engaged as clerk in
which he kept books a short period in Chicago, his father's drug store, and after became a part-
ner with his father, and later became the sole and farming in Milton Township ; Catherine
proprietor of the business, which he continues E., now Mrs. Beebe, of Milton Township. Mr.
at the present time. Mr. Hiatt is Republican Hadley first voted in 1848, was anti-Slavery
in politics ; he has held the office of Town and Republican since organization of party.
Clerk of Milton Township, also of the corpora- (In 1848 he voted for the Whig candidate.)
tion of Wheaton, holding the latter office in all He is a Wesleyan Methodist been a member ;

some ten years ; he also held the office of Po- since 1844.
lice Magistrate, being elected three times. In ELIAS JEWELL (deceased), was a native
July, 1882, Mr. Hiatt was nominated by the of Connecticut. He was born June 22, 1791.
Republican Convention candidate for Represen- While yet a child, his parents moved to New
tative of the Fourteenth Senatorial District, York, where they followed farming. He was
comprising Kane and Du Page Counties. Oc- married, February 26, 1815, to Harriet Howe,
tober 4, 1865, he married Miss Statira E. Jewett, and after the marriage settled on a farm, where
a native of New York. They have three chil- they lived until about 1825, when they went to
dren living, three sons. Canada, and he worked at the building of the
HIRAM H. HADLEY, farmer, P. 0. Welland Canal, and a few years later they
Wheaton, 111., is a native of Bethel Township, moved to Michigan, where he farmed and con-
Windsor Co., Vt., born on his father's farm in ducted a brickyard near Detroit. While here,
the year 1824, and is the eldest of three chil- Mrs. Jewell returned to Canada on business,
dren born to Abial and Elmina (Chadwick) and died while away. In 1833, he married
Hadley. They were natives of Vermont, mar- Miss Cynthia Whitney, a native of Detroit,
ried there and followed farming ; he was also a Mich., born in the year 1808 her father, Solo-

carpenter, and principally followed his trade. mon B. Whitney, was a Sergeant Major under
In 1841, the family came West by the water Gen. Hull, at Detroit, during the war of 1812.
route to Chicago, thence by team to Du Page In 1838, they came to Illinois, and made a
County, and settled in Milton Township, one claim to the present place, where he lived until
and a half miles southwest of Wheaton, where his death in 1858. Mrs. Jewell is living on the
he bought 160 acres of the Government at old homestead. By the first marriage there
$1.25 per acre. They occupied the place and were five children, of whom but one is living,
farmed there some eighteen or twentj' years; viz., Elias. By the second marriage there were
then moved to Wheaton, where he has lived no children. Mr. Jewell was a soldier in the
since. Mrs. H. died in Wheaton in the fall of war of 1812.
1873. Our subject lived at home until he be- ELIAS JEWELL, Jr., farmer, P. 0. Naper-
came of age ; he received a very limited course ville, is a native of Canada, born June 11,
of study in the common schools of his district, 1827, and is the only surviving child of Elias

and was brought up to farming. In 1845, he Jewell, Sr., deceased. He was raised on the
married Miss Charity S. Lewis, a native of farm and received a common-school education.
New York. She came to Du Page County, 111., March 11, 1849, he married Miss Sabra A.
with her parents, who were farmers, when she Winchell, a native of Lake County, Ohio. She
was young. After the marriage they located came to Du Page County, 111., with her parents
on their present place, which adjoins the old in 1844 or 1845. After the marriage, he occu-
homestead, and they have lived there since. pied an 80-acre farm his father gave him, and
By the marriage there have been three children, farmed on his own account, and has lived on
of whom two are living — Philip L., married the place ever since, except a short residence

in Michigan and Chicago. By the marriage mand about three months, when he was dis-

there have been sis children, of whom five charged, owing to ill health. He has had six
sons are living. In 1860, Mr. Jewell began as children, five living. Republican.
a traveling salesman for the McCormick Reaper HORACE JAYNE, carpenter and agricult-
Company, and the next year engaged with the ural implements, is a native of Wyoming Co.,

Chicago branch of Messrs. D. M. Osborn & Penn., born in the year 1823, and was raised
Co., manufacturers of reapers and mowers, and on the farm. His father carried on the farm,
continued with them for fifteen years. During and was also engaged in the lumber business,
the past seven years he has worked on short and Horace assisted his father both on the
engagements for different companies, his health ! farm and in his business, living at home until
not permitting regular engagements. He owns i he was twenty -three. He then worked at farm-
110 acres, located one and a half miles north- J
ing and carpentering in the neighborhood until
east of Wheaton. 1849, when he came West and located at Rock-
0. F. JOHNSON,lumber merchant, Chicago, ford, 111., where he worked at carpenter work

P. 0. Prospect Park, is a native of Vermont, until 1860. He then came to Du Page County,
born, in the year 1838, son of William J. and and located on a farm he bought two miles

Harriet (French) Johnson, who moved to Erie, west of Wheaton, and farmed for fourteen
Penn., at an early day, thence to Ohio, thence years. He then sold his farm and came to
to Lockport, 111., and thence to Du Page Coun- Wheaton. where he engaged in the hardware
ty, in 1839, locating on a claim he bought in j
business, which he continued about three years,
the southeastern part of Milton Township. A when he sold out and retired from active busi-
year or two later, they went to Chicago and |
ness. In 1847, he married Miss Lucy M.
kept the New York House, and in the spring of Robinson, a native of Susquehanna Count}',
1844 came to Prospect Park. Our subject ;
Penn. She died in Wheaton, 111., in 1878.
lived at home until he was seventeen. He then They had seven children, five of whom are liv-

began as a brakeman on the North Western Rail- j

ing. July 27, 1879, he married, in Pennsyl-
road, where he remained about seven years', vania, Elzina (Brown) Corey, of Susquehanna
quitting as a conductor. He then engaged as County, that State. After the marriage, they
conductor, for two years, on the Chicago, Bur- came Wheaton, and have lived here since.

lington & Quincy. He then engaged as man- CAPT. M. E. JONES, carpenter and house
ager of a lumber camp in Michigan, conducting |
mover, is a native of Rutland County, Vt,
two where he remained until 1863.
mills, etc., born in the year 1830 was raised on the

He then conducted a lumber yard at Prospect farm, receiving a common school education;
Park for three years. He then took charge of the his father, Ephraim Jones, was a wagon-maker,
Lumber Department of (loss & Phillips Manu- and the Captain early began to labor with his
facturing Company, of Chicago, where he re- '

father. When seventeen years of age, he began

mained for seven years. He then opened in peddling jewelry, and a year later went West,
the lumber commission business for Johnson stopping in Niagara County, N. Y., and Medina
& Gibbs, 248 South Water street, and has re- County, Ohio, finally reaching Chicago, where
mained since. He has always kept his home he worked about four years, during which time
in Prospect Park. He married in 1864 to he married Miss Sarah Reece, who died there
Miss Emilj Churchill, a native of Du Page
about two years after the marriage. The only
County, 111. He enlisted in Company E, Eighth child died when seven years of age. In 1858,
Illinois Cavalry, and remained with the com- i
Capt. Jones came to Du Page Page County

and located at Danby, now Prospect Park, and $602, and has owned over 1,400 acres of land
worked at his trade. August 5, 1861, he en- here, but has lately sold portions to his chil-

listed in the Eighth Illinois Regiment Cavalry, dren and others. He was President of the
Company E, and served until the close of the Wool Growers' Association of the State of Illi-

war. He company a private, and

entered his nois, by virtue of which office he also became
was elected First Duty Sergeant; was several Delegate to the National Convention. He was
times promoted, coming home as Captain of his the first President of the Northern Illinois
company, and now, may it be told for the benefit Wool Growers' Association and is now Vice
of history, that while placing his men on pickett President of the State Association.
at Gettysburg, about fifteen minutes of 4 A. M., A. D. KELLEY, Sutcliffe & Kelley, grain,
Capt. Jones took a carbine of his Sergeant, Levi lumber and agricultural implement deal-
S. Shafer, and fired at the advancing enemy, ers,Wheaton, is a native of Milton Town-
the first shot in that mighty battle. From the Du Page Co., 111., and was born June 30,
army he returned to Wheaton, and, except a 1849 was raised on his father's farm, and re-

few months, lived there until 1872, when he ceived a common school education, living at
went to Colorado and engaged in the stock home until the fall of 1872, when he married
business, returning again to Wheaton in 1877, Miss Callie A. Smith, a native of Walworth
and has lived here since. September 1, 1864, County, Wis. After the marriage, they settled
in camp near Washington, D. C, he married on a farm that he bought in Kane County one
Miss Elvira N. Meacham, a native of Benson, mile west of St. Charles, where they lived for
Rutland Co., Vt. She had come to Du Page seven years. He then sold out his farm and
County, 111., with her parents in 1854. moved to Wheaton. when he engaged in his
DANIEL KELLEY, farmer, P. 0. Wheaton, present business, and has conducted ever since.
is a native of Rutland Co., Vt., born in the year By the marriage there have been three children
1818. On becoming seventeen, he began teach- born, of whom one is living — Raymond Albert.
ing public school in the winter, teaching in all JUDSON A. KELLEY, farmer, P. O. Whea-
three terms. Hewas was a shepherd,
also ton, 111., is a native of Milton Township, Du
having charge of his father's flock; when he was Page Co., and was born on his father's farm in
twenty-six years of age, he came West by the the year 1858, and in addition to a common
water route, and purchased and occupied his school course, attended Wheaton College for a

present place, where he has lived ever since, year or two. February 15, 1882, he married
located two miles due north of Wheaton. He Miss Lillian A. Taylor, a native of Wisconsin.
soon began the sheep business in the West, and After the marriage, they located on the present
early placed some fine merinos on his place, place, which he bought of Mr. J. L. Bennett,
and has carried on the business on a large scale and consists of fifteen acres, located one and
ever since, having as high as 2,600 head at one three-fourth miles north of Wheaton. Mr.
time. In 1846, he married Miss Mary E. Huls, a Kelley is Republican in politics.

native of New York. She came to St. Charles, F. G. KIMBALL, farming, P. O. Wheaton,
Ills., with her parents. She had eleven chil- is a native of Washington County, Vt., born
dren, nine of whom are living. He first voted Sept. 9, 1825, fifth child in a family of eleven
for Harrison, and has been Republican since children born to the Rev. William Kimball,
the organization of the party. He has been a who married Miss Lovisa Lathrop. They were
member of the Baptist Church for the past thirty natives of Vermont married there, and came

years. On coming to Du Page County, he had West in 1836, coming by the water route, and
bought a claim in what is now Wayne Town- New York; he moved to Whitestown, N. Y., at
ship, Du Page Co., 111., where they farmed for ! an early day, and there married Miss Wood,
about three years, when the family moved to j
daughter of Deacon Wood of the Congrega-
Aurora, where Mr. Kimball preached in Kane tional Church of that place. Joseph Landon,
and Du Page Counties for some thirty years, at the time of L. E.'s birth, was engaged in a
when he retired from the active ministry, hav- saw-mill, and Salter moved to Wales' Paper-
ing returned to Wheaton, Du Page County, mill and bought rags and sold paper for same,
where he died in 1869. Mrs. Kimball died two j
and thence to a farm; and, about the year 1820,
years previous, in Wheaton. Our subject lived I
he moved to Oswego Village (now city), he
at home until he was twenty years of age he ; ;
carrying the mail from Utica to Oswego, his
received in all only about nine months' stud}' in !
being the first four-horse stage ever driven
the district schools. He followed farming until through that route; his wife died in Oswego in
about 1850, when he engaged as a clerk in the March, 1825; he married again to Mrs. Huldau,
general merchandise business at Turner Junc- widow of Samuel Farnham, by whom he has
tion, continuing there about ten years. He |
one child, a son; he moved to Hannibal, and
then traveled for some five years, and in 1865, thence to Marcellus, where his second wife died ;

in company with Mr. M. Smith, engaged in he married again, and live"! in that vicinity
the mercantile business in Wheaton, they con- antil his death. Our subject lived at home
tinuing in business some seven years, when until he was about twenty-two or twenty-three
they dissolved, and Mr. Kimball engaged in years of age; he received a common school
farming, and a few years later he again en- education. In 1825, he married Miss Hul-
gaged in mercantile business, but owing to ill- I dah M. Farnham, in Oswego, N. Y.; she
health, he soon gave up his business and re- ! was a native of Canada, where her parents re-
turned to farming, which he has continued sided on a farm forty-five miles northeast of
since, locating on which con-
his present place, I Kingston, she being on a visit to her aunt's, at
sists of thirty acres, located one mile southwest Oswego, N. Y., at the time of her marriage, after
from Wheaton. In 1866, he married Miss Mary !
which they lived on a farm for about a year
E. Barnes, a native of Michigan, and living at and a half, and then went to Upper Canada,
Mendota. 111., at time of her marriage. By the where they lived also about a year and a half.
marriage there have been three children, two |
In January, 1838, they drove by sleigh to Mar-
of whom are living, Frank Grant Kimball,
viz., cellus, N. Y., and, gathering some effects, they
Ida May Kimball. Mr. Kimball has held the started on February 22d of that year for Illi-

office of Collector and Road Commissioner in nois, sleighingto Cleveland and thence by wheels
Winfield Township, and Supervisor in Milton to Addison Township, Du Page County, where
Township. He first voted for John P. Hale his brother lived, and soon after arriving he
was anti-slavery and Republican since the or- bought a claim located in Section 12, Bloom-
ganization of party. He has been a member ingdale Township, and occupied the same, where
of the Methodist Episcopal Church for about he lived until about 1857 or 1858; he then
twelve years. moved to Section 14, where he lived until the
L. E. LANDON, retired farmer, is a native fall of 1867, when he moved to Wheaton, and
of Whitestown, Oneida Co., N. Y., born No- has lived here since. By the marriage there
vember 19, 1809, second child of a family of were five children, four of whom are living,
five children born to Joseph and Sarah Wood three daughters and one son; all married. The
Landon. They were natives of Connecticut and son, A. S., merchant in Wheaton; Laura A.

Gates, in Blooraingiiale; Hattie M. Beacli, of stick chimney, puncheon floor, etc., etc. — and the
St. Joe, Mo.; Sarah E. Mann, of Geneva, 111. teacher received two steers, valued at $36, for
W. H. LUTHER, station agent, Northwest- three months' services. He continued his home
ern Railroad and dealer in grain, coal and feed, with his brother-in-law, teaching winters and
of the firm of Luther & Newton, Prospect assisting on the farm, about one year, when he
Park, is a native of Springfield, Mass., and was went East Orange County, N. Y., where he
born in the year 1846. In 1854, the family taught his former school and iji the spring of

came West to Rockford. 111., where they now 1844 he married Miss Harriet Elizabeth Sayer,
reside. W. H. Luther, Sr., was a manufacturer a native of Orange County, N. Y. The same
of cotton and woolen goods in the East, and spring, they came to Wayne Township, Du Page
after coming West, followed farming. Our sub- Co., 111., where they purchased a farm and
ject received a common school education. In lived on the same until about 1863. He then
1864, he enlisted in the One Hundred and rented his place and moved to Elgin, returning
Forty-seventh Illinois Regiment Infantry, Com- to his farm the year following and about one

pany A, and served one year. After his re- year later he sold his farm and moved to
turn from the army, he engaged in farming, Wheaton, where he has lived since. While in
which he continued about five years. He then Wayne Township, he served two terms each in
became station agent at Winnebago, 111., and 1
the offices of Town Clerk and Supervisor ;

in 1874 he became agent here at Prospect Park. while in Wheaton he has been in the Council
In 1877, company with E. C. Marks, en-
in for a number of years, and now serving as
gaged in the coal and feed business, and three President of the Board for the fifth term. In
years later, Mr. Marks sold his interest in the former years he was a Whig, and Republican
business to Mr. W. C. Newton. Mr. Luther since the organization of the part) -
. Is a mem-
married Miss F. A. Copeland, daughter of Dr. ber of the Congregational Church since his
Copeland, of Winnebago. By the marriage coming to the county. By the marriage there
there are two children, viz., Flora L. and Paul were two of whom are living
five children,
G. Republican in politics. Clerk of the Board William S., shorthand correspondent, Chicago,
of Trustees and the School Board of Prospect and Harriet E., at home.
Park. HON. P. II. MATHER, farmer, is a native
S. W. MOFFATT, retired farmer, is a native of Benson, Rutland Co., Vt., born in the year
of Orange County, N. Y., born March 1, 1818. 1819. His father, Demas, was a farmer, and
He was raised on a farm until he was about also kept hotel. He and his wife, Miss Clarissa
sixteen years of age. He received a common C. Ingraham, were natives of Connecticut. They
and select school course of study. On becom- married there and moved to Vermont, where
ing sixteen, he began teaching, and continued they lived until their death. Our subject was
to teach for about five years. He then came raised on the farm ; received a common-school
West to Aurora, 111., where he taught school education. In 1842, he married Miss Rhode E.
and iissisted his brother-in-law on the farm Meacham, a native of his native town. After
until the spring of 1842, when he came to Du marriage, they came West, by line boat to Buf-
Page County and stopped with his brother-in- falo, thence on the old Illinois steamer to Chi-
law,who had moved to Wayne Township and, ;
cago, thence to Milton Township, Du Page Co.,
in the winter following, he taught school near Ill,where Mrs. Mather had a brother living.
where the town of Bartlett now stands. The They bought a farm and began farming, which
schoolhouse was an old pioneer one, of logs business he followed until about 1860, when he
came Wheaton, where he has since lived.
to 1862, he formed a partnership and engaged in
While on the farm, he also engaged in the stock the general store business in Danby, now Pros-
and wool business, buying, and shipping to Chi- pect Park. In 1864, he enlisted in the One
cago and New York, and has carried on his Hundred and Forty-first Illinois Volunteer In-
farms and conducted the wool and stock busi- fantry Regiment, Company H, and served about
ness ever since. In 1869, he went to Colorado five months; he entered as a private and re-

and bought wool, and in 1872 the family moved turned as Second Lieutenant of his company;
there, and they carried on a stock ranch, re- he then sold out his store business and engaged
maining on the same for thirteen months, when in buying and shipping grain, which he con-
they returned to Wheaton. Mr. Mather has tinued for several years; he then moved to El-
been Supervisor of Milton Township for three gin and conducted the grain business there in
years ; has also served on the Town Council. company with Mr. George Sawin for three years,
In the fall of 1860, he was elected, on the Re- then returned to Prospect Park and engaged in
publicau ticket, a member of the State Legis- the lumber business for Mr. Huff, and about
lature, and served two years, during which time 1872 he engaged in his present business, and
he actively engaged himself to have passed a for a term served as Postmaster. August 1,
bill he presented for the removal of the county 1882, Mr. McC. was elected President of the
seat from Naperville to Wheaton. The bill Village of Prospect Park, it being the first elec-

passed the House, but was defeated in the Sen- tion under corporation.
ate,and the war coming on, no further action PETER NORTHROP, retired, is a native of
was taken until 1866, when the bill passed. By Cayuga County, N. Y., born in the year 1818.
the marriage there has been one child — Minnie, At the age of sixteen he engaged as a clerk in
now Mrs. Sanders. Mr. Mather was an Old-Line a general store in Oswego County, N. Y., and
Whig, and became Republican upon the organ- followed clerking, principally, until 1836. when
ization of the party ; is a member of the Con- he took a_trip West prospecting, visiting Illinois,
gregational Church. Wisconsin, Michigan, etc. He returned East,
J. R. McCHESNEY, merchant, of J. R.McC. and in 1837 engaged in business for himself at
& Co., Prospect Park, 111., is a native of New- Jordan, in Onondaga County, N. Y., where he
ark, N. J., born June 18, 1828. His parents, remained until 1841, when he came West and
Rev. James and Matilda (Davis) McChesney, settledon a farm which he bought in Addison
were natives of Ireland and New York; he is a Township, where he remained four years, and
Congregational minister. In 1846, they moved where he was a Justice of the Peace. He then
to Chicago,and one year later pre-empted 160 sold his farm and engaged in merchandising in
acres inSchaumberg Township, Cook Co., 111., Addison Village ; continued until 1852, when
where they lived until about 1854, when they he was elected Circuit Clerk and went to Na-
sold the land and moved to Prospect Park. perville (then the county seat), and he lived
Our subject lived with his parents until about there four years. He then came to Wheaton,
1853, when, about fourteen years of age, he be- and built a steam and which he con-
grist mill
gan work in an ornamental iron works, and ducted until 1859, when it was destroyed by
worked there about four years. In 1854, he fire. He then went to Chicago and engaged in
married, at Hanover,Cook County, Miss Eliza- the grain business two years, thence to his land
beth Leatherman, a native of Indiana; they in Addison Township, where he remained till
have four children, two of whom are living. 1865 then he came to Wheaton, and in com-

After the marriage, he farmed a few years. In pany with Mr. H. B. Hills engaged in mercan-
tile business. The}- continued until 1875, when REV. FATHER DE LA PORTE was bora
he went to a farm he had at Turner Junction, in Burgsteinfurt, Province of Westphalia, Prus-
where he remained until October, 1881, when sia, May 11, 1841. His father, Francis M. de
he came to Wheaton and has lived here since. la Porte was a Frenchman, though born in
He married Miss Mariell Kinney, a native of Santa Cruz, W. I., in 1797, and when five
Oswego County, N. Y. She came to Du Page 3
ears of age moved to Europe, locating in
County with her parents. She died in 1862. Germany, where he afterward became the
His present wife was Miss S. B. Eastman, a Inspector of Forests, a position he held for
native of Illinois.They had seven children fifty-five years. Our subject was raised in his
six living. Was, in an early day, a Democrat, native village until he was seventeen years of
but has been a Republican since the organiza- age, when he went to Munster and prepared for
tion of that party. Mr. Northrop was elected the ministry, attending the college there, from
one of the Associate Justices, and, on forma- which he graduated in August, 1862. He then
tion of the Board of Supervisors, he was elected studied philosophy during a short term, and
Supervisor of his township. returning home made his preparations to come
FRANCIS OTT, farmer, P. 0. Wheaton, to America, arriving in Chicago, 111., in October,
was born in Germany in the year 1816, and
III., 1863, where he completed his course of study
was raised on a farm. At the age of sixteen, in the St. Mary's Seminary of the Lake, and
he apprenticed to shoemaking, and, in 1837, he was ordained to the priesthood April 7, 1866,
came to the United States of America, and by the Rt. Rev. Bishop Duggan, and was
lived two years in the State of New York, assigned Professor of Latin in the St. Mary's
working at his trade. He then came West b} -
Seminary. A few months later, he was ap-
the water route to Chicago. He then came out pointed pastor of the St. Peter's Church at
in the country to work, and worked in this part Naperville, 111. The large church there was
of the State on the farm and canal, or cutting- only partly finished, and had quite a heavy
wood until 1841. He then went to Naperville, debt, but by his energy Father de la Porte dis-
where he worked at his trade. He also went to charged the debt, built a parsonage and finished
school a few months. He then went to live the church in a most elegant manner, remain-
with his brother, who was farming in Milton ing in Naperville until in November, 1878,
Township, and soon after he took up a claim when, owing to his health, which was much
and improved it, and later he sold his place impaired by reason of his labors in behalf of
and bought the present, which contains 250 his church, he left Naperville, where he had
acres, located one and a quarter miles east of made many warm and went to Wiscon-
Wheaton. In 1847, he married Miss Anna M. j
sin and became a professor in the Normal
Werner, a native of Germany. She came to School in St. Francis, and one year later he
the United States of America with her parents removed to Chicago, where he became Assistant
when she was young she died in September,
Priest of St. Anthony's Church, in which posi-

1877. They had seven children, six of whom tion he continued for two years, and, in April,
are living. Mr. Ott has held the office of was appointed pastor of the St. Michael's
Road Commissioner and Assessor of his Church of Wheaton.
Township. Also the school office of Director. J. S. PEIRONNET, retired, P. 0. Wheaton,
He has been a Democrat in politics, but of 111., is a native of Binghamton, N. Y., born in
late is rather independent, going for the best |
the year 1841. His parents were J. S. and
Mary J. (Lance) Peironnet. He was a mer-
chant, and, in 1854, came to Peru, 111., where which business he conducted in addition to
he bought and improved lands. In 1868, he farming. They died in Towanda, the county
returned East, locating at Waverly, N. Y., seat of Bradford County. Our subject lived
where he died. Our subject, at the age of at home on the farm until he was fifteen
nineteen, engaged in the lumber business at years of age; he received a common school
Peru, 111., and, on becoming of age, he, in com- course of study, also attended the La Fay-
pany with his brother, William F. Peironnet, ette College at Easton about one year; after
in the commission business in Chicago, and his attendance at the college, he taught public
they successfully conducted the business for school one term — for the most part, he worked
eighteen years, maintaining the excellent posi- to earn the means to educate himself — alternat-
tion of the house as one of the strong con- ing the work with the schooling. In 18-41, he
cerns of the board throughout the entire time. began reading medicine at Le Raysville, Brad-
The magnitude of the business was enormous ford Co., Penn., and later attended lectures at
during the navigation season; they received as the Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia,
high as 1,000,000 bushels of grain per month. and then began practice with his preceptor, and
For a few years during the business of the later by himself, in Towanda, and in 1851 he
firm, they owned a large flour mill at Minneap- again attended the Jefferson College and grad-
olis, having a capacity of 500 barrels per day. uated from the same, and two years later, he
During the ownership of this mill, Mr. Peironnet came to Illinois and located near Mount Carroll,
was one of the organizers of the Minneapolis Ills., where he bought a farm and opened an
Millers' Association, now the largest grain asso- office in Mount Carroll, where he practiced for
ciation in the world. He became the Chicago twelve years, when he came to Wheaton and
agent, and contracted the freights from Chicago has practiced here since. In 1869, the Doctor
East. During the years 1868-69-70-71, they began lecturing in the Hahnemann 3Iedical
received fully one-third of the entire receipts College, and continued lectures seven years,
of the city, and contracted freights on as high and since then he has been connected Emeritus
as 8,000 barrels per day. Aside from these Professor of the Chicago Homoeopathic Col-
active interests, Mr. Peironnet has large special lege, lecturing occasional^-, and during the past
interests in various commercial enterprises. seven years the Doctor has attended his office
In 1877, owing to his health, he sought a in Chicago two days each week. He is a mem-
home and located at Wheaton.
in the country, ber of the American Institute of Homoeopathy,
Being pleased with the change, he purchased the Western Academy of Medicine, Illinois
property and permanently made it his home. State Medical Society and the Academy of
In January, 1882, he retired entirely from Medicine, Chicago. In 1843, he married Miss
the business he was engaged in for the past Betsy, daughter of Dr. L. C. Belding, of Brad-
eighteen years. In 1873, he married Miss ford County, Penn. They had four children,
Fannie, daughter of William Baker, editor and two living, one son and a daughter.
proprietor of the Chicago Journal of Com- HIRAM B. PATRICK, farmer and dealer
merce. in stock, P. O. Wheaton. Came to county in
LEONARD PRATT, M. D., is a native of 1845.
Bradford County, Penn., born . in the year A. G-. RANSOM, farming, P. O. Wheaton,
1819, and is second in a family of nine is a native of Du Page County, 111., born in the
children born to Russell and Olive (Towner) year 1845, and is the only child of A. S. and
Pratt. He was a farmer and cabinet-maker, Melissa (Bingham) Ransom, who were natives

of New York and Connecticut they married in

; mon schools he attended a short term at the
Ohio He came to Illinois when a single man Monmouth College. He early became initiated
about the year 1840, and a few years later went in the way of printing, beginning in his father's
to Ohio, where he was married, and then came office when nine years of age, and worked un-
and occupied the claim where
to Illinois again til his father sold out and retired to the farm ;

he now lives. He was a soldier in a dragoon he then assisted at farming until he became
company, under Maj. De Acker, in the war of of age, when he again entered a printing office
1812. Our subject was raised a farmer, aud and worked at his trade. During 1861, he be-
received a common At the
school education. came Deputy Postmaster of Monmouth, and
age of sixteen he began managing the home next engaged in the mercantile business, con-
farm. In 1868, he married Miss Christina ducting a general store for several years. He
Steven, a native of Du Page County, and
111, then moved to California, Mo., where he pub-
daughter of Alex. Steven. She died August lished the " Loyal Missourian," and a few years
25, 1871. June 20, 1877. he married Miss Liz- later he went to St. Louis, and worked at his
zie A. Moore, a native of Canada. She came trade for a year or two. He then worked at
to Du Page County, 111., with her parents. By Bellville, 111., a few years, when, in 1870, he
the marriage there two children Aning
are — came to Wheaton, and bought the Wheaton Illi-

R. and Cornelia M. He is a Republican in noian, which he has published since. In 1871,

politics ;has served as Highway Commissioner he established the Turner Junction News,
for six years. In 1864, Mr. Ranson began the which he has published since. In 1865, he
business of threshiug and has conducted a married Miss Mary E. Clark, a native of New
thresher most of the time since. He owns 120 York. She came to Warren County, 111., with
acres located three miles northwest of Wheaton. her parents, when she was young. By this

J. RUSSELL SMITH, editor and proprietor marriage there have been five children, of whom
Wheaton Illinoian and Turner Junction News, four are living. Mr. Smith first voted for Lin-
Wheaton, is a native of Bluff Dale, Greene Co., coln, and has been a member of the Repub-
111. He was born in the year 1838, and is the lican party since.
second of nine children born to Charles K. and W. G. SMITH, attorney, is a native of
Lucretia M. (Gray) Smith, who were natives of Rutland Count}', Vt., born in the year 1816,
Woodstock, Vt.; they married there, and in September 6. He was raised on the farm, and
the year 1836 came West. He was a publish- received a common-school education. At the
er in his native State, and upon coming to Illi- age of seventeen, he engaged as a clerk in a
nois published the " Back Woodsman " a paper general merchandise store, and clerked nearly
owned and edited by Mr. John Russell. He one year. He then sold goods by wagon for a
also published the Mississippian at Rock Island, season. At about the age of eighteen, he
and later became editor and proprietor of the began reading law with Judge William C. Kit-
Monmouth Atlas, of Monmouth, 111., and after ridge, and, after a year, owing to his sight, he

a connection of some eleven years with the pa- began clerking again, reading at leisure. In
per he retired to the farm, and later was en- 1845, he engaged in the grocery business for
gaged in the mercantile business at Monmouth, himself at Whitehall, N. Y.; continued about
and in 1878 he moved to California, and is now two or three years. He then came West and
located at San Diego, with his wife and daugh- located in Du Page County, 111., oil a farm
ter. Our subject lived with his parents until near Warrenville, where he farmed one year.
he became of age, and in addition to the com- He then returned East, to Whitehall, where he
remained four years — two as Captain of a he moved where he now lives, in Prospect
steam towboat, and two as Constable and Dep- Park. He married Miss Ann Smith, a native

uty Sheriff then returned to Illinois, and of Yorkshire, England, who came to the Unit-
located and farmed there
near Warrenville, ed States in 1844. By the marriage, six chil-
three years, when he moved
to Huntley, Mc- dren were born, of whom four are living
Henry County, and carried on a farm. While Mary J., now Mrs. Dodge, of Prospect Park
here, he served as Coroner and Associate Joseph, farmer in Crawford County, .Iowa
Justice. After five years' residence, he re- Mattie, nowMcChesney, of Prospect
turned to Warrenville and engaged in the fire Park ;
Charles, at home.
Mr. Smith first vot-
insurance business, and, in 1864, he came to ed for Gen. Scott, and has since voted for Fre-
Wheaton. During his residence in Illinois, he mont, Lincoln, Grant, Greeley, Tilden and
practiced more or less before Justices, and, in Hancock.
1867, he was admitted a member of the bar, ALEXANDER SPROUT, farming, P. 0.
and has practiced here since. In 1870, he was Wheaton, is a native of Guernsey County, Ohio,
elected State's Attorney, and held the office for born in the year 1S22. He was raised on the
four years. In 1844, he married Miss Catha- farm, and received a common-school education,
rine Miller, a native of New York. She died in such as obtained in the old log schoolhouses ;

1845. In 1847, he married Miss Mary E. he also taught school a number of terms during
Manville, a native of New York. By the mar- the winters. His mother died when he was
riage there have been three children, two of about six years of age, and when he became
whom are living. twelve his father moved to Sandusky, and about
JOHN SMITH, farmer, P. 0. Prospect Park, one year later he began working by the month,
is a native of Yorkshire, England, born and continued working out some ten years. In
January 29, 1822, and, when about six or 1841, he married Miss Anna Fry, a native of
seven years of age, was put into a cotton fac- Stark County, Ohio, and i-esident of Sandusky.
tory, receiving 1 shilling per week, and he re- About a year later the}' came West to Du Page
mained there until he was about eighteen years County, 111., renting the old Jewell place in
of age. He then took a position in a dye Milton Township the first season, and the next
wool mill, and worked there until he came to year bought forty acres where he now resides,
the United States, in 1844, and located in gradually adding to his place until increased to
Wayne County, Mich., where he worked at 180 acres, located about three miles northwest
clearing an eighty-acre piece of laud his uncle, of Wheaton. By the marriage there have been
James Smith, who came over with him, left ten children, of whom seven are living. He is
him at his death. In 1856, he came to Illinois a Republican.
and settled in De Witt County, where he and WILLIAM F. SPROUT, farming, P. 0.
his brother Joseph took up a half-section of Wheaton, is a native of Milton Township, Du
Illinois Central Railroad land, and farmed it Page County born on his father's farm in

for number of years, when they sold out,

a 1846, and lived at home until 1869, and has al-
and, in 1865, came to Du Page County and ways followed farming. In 1864, he enlisted
bought 190 acres in the vicinity of Prospect in the One Hundred and Forty-first Illinois In-
Park, where they farmed until 1876, when fantry, Company H, and served about five
John Smith bought his brother Joseph's inter- months. He returned home from the army, and
est, the latter going to Maryland. Mr. Smith in 1869,he married Miss Francis E. Jayne, a
lived on the farm until February, 1882, when daughter of Mr. Horace Jayne, of Wheaton.

She was born Susquehanna County, Penn.,

in Commissioner and Constable. He is a Repub-
and came to Illinois with her parents when and a member of the Baptist
lican in politics
young. After the marriage, he located on a Church for thirty j'ears.
small farm in Winfield Township, and farmed JOHN SUTCLIFFE, of Sutcliffe & Kelley,
there about two years. He then rented in this grain, lumber and agricultural implements, is

neighborhood a few years, then bought his a native of Huntingdonshire, Eng.; he was
present place, which consists of ninety acres, born in the year 1830; he received a common
located three miles northwest of Wheaton. By school education; at the age of thirteen, he ap-
the marriage there have been five children, viz., prenticed to the milling trade in Bythorn, serv-
Jessie M., Ernest W., Grace L., Alexander C, ing seven years, after which he worked one year
Melvin R. Mr. Sprout is Republican, though as a journeyman at Thrapstone, and in 1852 he
he has not taken any active part in politics. came to the United States and stopped in
PHILO W. STACY, farmer, P. O. Prospect Cleveland, Ohio, and viciuity about twenty
Park, 111., is a native of Cattaraugus County, N. months, following his trade; he then returned to
Y., born January 13, 1833, and is the youngest England and visited about six months, when he
and only surviving child of Moses and Joan again came to the United States and located in
(Kimball) Stacy. He was born in Massachu- Chicago, where he followed his trade, being in
setts in the year 1795, and was raised a farmer. charge of the Hydraulic Cit}' Mills, which, at
In 1824, he married Miss Joan Kimball, a na- that time, also supplied the city with water, re-
tive of Connecticut, born in the year 1804. maining was torn down, about
until the mill
Her father was a farmer, and moved to Massa- 1854; he then Du Page County and
came to
chusetts in 1816. After the marriage, they started a mill for Chicago parties in the town
moved to Vermont, where they farmed about of Addison, which he conducted some two years;
five years, when they moved to Cattaraugus he then came to Wheaton and took charge of
County, N. Y., and in 1835 they came to Illi- the mill, and after about one year he rented the
nois, intending to locate at Hennepin ; but not mill and conducted it on his own account, con-
liking that county, they located here in Du tinuing until the destruction of the mill by fire,
Page County. They were on the main road to in which Mr. Sutcliffe lost all his property; he
Chicago, and the circumstances of the times then opened a small flour and feed store, occu-
started them into a sort of hotel business. In- pying a portion of what is now his present
deed, for a few years, a sign was extended. Mr. warehouse, which he continued a few years; he
Stacy continued on the place until his death, then moved to Kenosha, Wis., where he bought
June 15, 1870. Mrs. Stacy has lived on the a farm and followed farming about three years;
old homestead ever since. Philo W. lived at he then sold out and returned to Wheaton and
home was twenty-three years of age.
until he formed a partnership in the grain, lumber and
He attended the common schools and an acad- coal business, and, through several changes in
emy. On becoming twenty-three, he bought a the firm, Mr. Sutcliffe has continued in the busi-
place adjoining the old homestead, and lived on ness to this day. Mr. S. is Republican. He
it until his father's death since which time he
; married Miss Martha M. Muzzey, a native of
has lived in the old home. February 22, 1853,^ Pennsylvania, and came to Du Page County
he married Miss Betsy D. Taylor, a native of with her parents, who settled in Bloomingdale
New York. Of their three children, two are Township; seven children, five living.
living, viz. : Carrie A. and Fannie M. Mr. ALVIN SEAMANS, retired, P. 0. Wheaton,
Stacy has held the office of Collector, Road 111., is a native of Ashfort, Windham Co.,
Conn., bom in the year 1817, and was raised lives there to this day, being now in his ninety-
on a farm. He lived at home until he was past fourth year. Alexander lived at home until he
eighteen, when he went to Pomfret, where he was twenty-two years of age. He received a
lived over a year, working by the month on the common school education. In 1 843, he came to
farm, and in December, 1836, he started for Illi- the United States and settled in Du Page
nois,coming through by team to Warrenville, County, working by the month for one year,
where he hired to the Messrs. Gary as a farm and then settled on his present place, which he
hand; after some five months, for which he drew pre-empted, and has lived here ever since. In
$11 per month, he removed to Deacon Clark's, 1845, he married Miss Elizabeth Fry, a native
who paid him $25 per month, and continued of Pennsylvania, and came to Du Page County,
working transiently until December following, 111., with her parents. She died September 10,
when he went to the Benjamin settlement and 1876. They had ten children, of whom seven
took care of his cousin, Mr. Samuel Gary, are living. September 26, 1876, he married
who was sick, and in April, 1839, he made a Mrs. Green, formerly Miss Fidelia Drake, a
claim in Wayne Township and occupied the native of St. Lawrence County, N. Y., and
same, but in July following he sold out and came to Du Page County, 111., in May, 1866.
made a claim about half a mile west of where By the present marriage there are two children.
Wheaton now stands, and lived there until 1871, Mr. S. is a Republican ; was strong anti-slavery.
when he retired to his present place. In Has 240 acres of land located on Sections 4
April, 1839, he married Miss Almira Munyan, a and 6, he residing on the latter, distanced three
native of Thompson, Windham She
Co., Conn. miles northwest of Wheaton.
came to this county in 1838, and died January S. P. SEDGWICK, M. D., is a native of

7, 1870, leaving eight children. May 15, 1870, Westmoreland, Oneida County, N. Y., born
he married Betsy M. Barber, a native of Ben- February 7, 1822. He received a common
son, Vt. Mr. Seamans has held the office of school course of study, and also attended
School Director for some seven \-ears; he has Cazenovia Seminary about one year. At the
also served as Road Commissioner; he is Re- age of eighteen, he began reading medicine
publican in his politics, and one of the first in under his Parker Sedgwick, and in
father, Dr.
his precinct to vote anti-slavery; he was brought February, 1843, he graduated from the Medical
up a Baptist, but has for the past twenty years Department of the Geneva College, New York,
been a member of the Congregational Church ;
and then began practice in his native town,
and has acted as Deacon for the past seventeen and the following year came to Bloomingdale
years. Soon after the lajing-out of Wheaton, Township, Du Page County, 111., where his
Mr. Seamans was made the Superintendent of parents had settled the j"ear previous. He and
the Sabbath School, which was the first formed his father practiced together some two years,
in Wheaton. after which he practiced alone, moving from
ALEXANDER STEVEN, farmer, Wheaton, the farm to the village of Bloomingdale, where
111. Is a native of Scotland, born in the year he remained for twenty years. He then came
1821, and is the third of nine children born to to Wheaton, where he has since lived. In
James and Janet (McGown) Steven, who were 1877, he was appointed by Gov. Cullom.
natives of Scotland, and married there. He County Judge, holding the office until Decem-
was a farmer, and about 1831 the family came ber following, when he received the nomination
to Canada, where, they engaged in farming. of the Republican party, but declined to run.
Mrs. Steven died in Canada, and Mr. Steven Except one year, the Doctor has been the

Chairman of the County Republican Committee enlisted in the One Hundred and Fifth Regi-
since the organization of the party. While ment Illinois Infantry, and continued with the
residing in Bloomingdale, the Doctor held the command until the spring of 1864, when he
office of Justice of the Peace for eighteen received his discharge, owing to an accident
years, and also four years in Wheaton. He while on the train with a portion of his com-
has also held the office of President of the pany, being conveyed to Chattanooga. As soon
Town Council of Wheaton three years. as able, he returned to Du Page County,
JOHN SAUER, hardware, cutlery, etc., is a York Township, and engaged in clerking, and
native of Hiszbach, Bavaria, born in the year part of the time as Collector of York Town-
1824. He received a common school education, ship. He was out of health, and visited Penn-
and at the age of twelve he apprenticed to the sylvania several times, and, while there in

tailor's trade and served three years, and worked 1873, he was elected, and returned and entered
as a journeyman until 1846. He then came to the duties in December of that year, and has
America, and worked at his trade in New York held the office since. In 1876, he married Miss
City for nearly three years. He then came Jennie A. Eggleston, of Jackson, Mich. He
West to Geneva, Kane Co., 111., where he worked is a Republican in politics.
about five years. He then, in 1854, came to H. J. TRAVER, farmer ; P. 0. Wheaton ;

Wheaton, where he opened a clothing store and is a native of Montgomery County, N. Y.;
did a general tailoring business, which he con- born in the year 1827, and is the sixth child in
tinued some twelve years, when he closed out a family of nine children born to George and
and engaged in the hardware business, which Elizabeth (Plautz) Traver. They were natives
he has continued to this day. Of late years, of New About 1835 or 1836, they
his son, Peter K. Sauer, has the active manage- moved to Summit County, Ohio, where they
ment of the business. In 1847, he married followed farming. George Traver died in Sum-
Miss Catherine Winter, a native of Hesse-Darm- mit County, Ohio, about the year 1837, owing
stadt, near Frankfort. They had eight chil- to an accident while cutting with an ax.The
dren, six living — John P., married, lives in family then movedMedina County and
Wheaton ; Peter K., at home Adam J., mar- ; lived on the farm. Our subject received a
ried, lives in Kane County, 111. Boniface, ; very limited common-school course of study,
Catharine and Elizabeth, in Kane County with and, at the age of seventeen, he apprenticed
their brother. Mr. Sauer has always been a to the carriage-maker's trade and served three
Democrat, and a member of the Roman Catholic years. He then opened a shop of his own in
Church since his birth. He has held the office Wadsworth Township, and continued in the
of Town Councilman of Wheaton. He has a business for some twenty-eight years, employ-
farm one and one-half miles southwest of ing from twenty to thirty men. During part
Wheaton, which he purchased some twelve of the time, he also carried on a branch shop
years ago, and carries on by tenant. at Ashland. He sold out his business and
L. C. STOVER, County Treasurer, is a lived one year in Having invested
native of York County, Penn., born October largely in Chicago real he came West
7, 1842. He was raised on the farm, and with the view of looking after his property and
received a common-school education. In 1854, handling real estate. In 1872, he moved to
the family came to Du Page
and County, 111., Wheaton, and occupied his present place in
bought a farm in Milton Township. L. C. 1873, where he has lived since. His mother,
lived on the farm until August, 1862, when he who had lived with him, died here on the farm

in 1877. In 1850, Mr. Traver married Miss continued until 1875, when he was appointed
Charlotte Beach, a native of Wadsworth, Me- Postmaster of Wheaton, which office he has
dina Co., Ohio. She died in 1855. They had held since. In 1866, he married Miss Effie D.
two children, viz., Emily, now Mrs. Grote, of Sedgwick, a daughter of Dr. Sedgwick, of
Wheaton, and Marietta, now Mrs. Turner, of Wheaton. They have six children. He is a
Ann Arbor, Mich. As second wife, he mar- Republican.
ried Miss Clarissa A. Andrews, a native of HON. WARREN L. WHEATON, P. 0.
Akron, Ohio. She died in February, 1882. Wheaton, was born in Pomfret, Windham Coun-

They have six children Ida, Cora, Ella, ty, March 6, 1812, son of James and
Gurta, Jessie, Ruby. Mr. T. has ninety-seven Nancy Lyon Wheaton, who were also natives
acres, located one and one-fourth miles east of of Windham County. Warren L. received his
Wheaton. education in the Pomfret schools and at Wood-
G. B. VASTINE, Postmaster, Wheaton, is a stock Academy, and at the age of nineteen
native of Northumberland County, Penn., born began teaching school during the winters and
in the year 1839, and is the youngest of ten worked on the farm during the summer. In
children born to Lewis and Martha (Boone) 1837, he started for the West, going to Hart-
Vastine. They were natives of Pennsylvania. ford by stage, thence by water to Albany and
Martha Boone was the daughter of Hezekiah to Schenectady by railroad, then the only rail-
Boone, a second cousin of Daniel Boone. Lewis road in the State ; then by the Erie Canal and
Vastine and family came West in 1854, and the lakes to Chicago, where he arrived June 1,

settled near Elgin, where he bought a large and footed it to Gary's Mill, where he made his
land interest, and engaged in farming, where, headquarters and traveled over the country very
also, he died in 1859 or 1860. Mrs. Vastine extensively, b}' horse, visiting Helena and Madi-
died in Wheaton in 1879. G. B. lived at home son, Wis., Ottawa, La Salle and Quincy, 111., St.

until after the death of his father ; he received Louis, and returning via Galena, 111. In June,
a limited common-school course of stud}'. The 1838, he located a section of land.Soon after.
family remained on the farm until 1865. In while sick, he had a narrow escape from the
1862, G. B. went to California, where he re- burning of Messrs. Gary's house, where he was
mained one year. He then returned by the stopping. In 1838, he put out eighteen acres
ship Ariel, which had, on its way from New of wheat. June 25, 1848, he married Miss
York to Aspinwall, been captured by the Ala- Harriet E. Rickard, a native of Pomfret, Wind-
bama, and, owing to the passengers being mosth* ham Co., Conn., born June 10, 1826, and came
women and children, the vessel was not de- toDu Page County, with her parents, when
stroyed. On the return, the ship did not use she was young ; she died May 29, 1863. By
lights, as the Alabama was on the lookout, de- the marriage there were six children. During
termined to destroy her. Returning home, the summer of 1848, he received the nomina-
he then went to Bloomingdale, where he en- tion of the Democratic party as candidate to
gaged in the general store business for one the Legislature was elected and took an active

year, when he sold out and went on a farm at part in the deliberations of that bodv. He was
Elgin, and shortly after engaged in the shoe one of the Committee on township organiza-
trade in Elgin ; thence to Wheaton, where, in tion, which was the first of the township organ-
company with others, he opened a general store, zation, and under that organization was elect-
which was conducted several years. He then ed Supervisor in 1 850. Mr. Wheaton is one of
engaged in building houses, which he sold, and the original proprietors of the town bearing

his uame, and which has prospered much, owing years, during which time he was also Secretary
to his liberal favors, he, with his brother, of the Board. He took an active part in se-
first obtaining the good will of the railroad by curing to Wheaton the present elegant public
donating the right of way for two miles. He school, and has served his township in the ca-
took an active part in securing Wesleyan, now pacity of Collector, Assessor and Road Com-
Wheaton College, and gave liberally to the missioner. Mr. and Wheaton and the
same. family are all members of the Methodist Epis-
JESSE C. WHEATON, farmer, P. 0. copal Church, he for forty-four years and she
Wheaton, is a native of Pomfret, Windham Co., for fifty-three years.

Conn., and he was born March 27, 1813. His fa- OLIVER B. WILCOX, retired, was born in

ther was soldier in the war of 1812, and his grand- Sandisfield, Berkshire Co., Mass., in the year
father was a veteran of the Revolution His moth- 1818 ; he received a limited common school
er died Nov. 15, 181-1, aged twenty-nine, in course of stndj', and at the age of twelve
Pomfret. Our subject was raised on the farm, united with the Congregational Church ; he
and received the usual district school educa- worked on the farm at home until he became of
tion, and at the age of seventeen apprenticed to age, and thereafter in the neighborhood until
the carpenter's trade, serving^three years ; he his twenty-sixth year, when he married Miss
then went to Worcester, Mass., and in 1837 Esther A., daughter of Josiah Sheldon, of
left the latter place, by stage, for Norwich, Conn., Berkshire County, and farmed the home farm;
and thence by the Sound, Hudson River, Erie soon after his marriage his father died, and he
Canal and the Lakes to Chicago where he ar- bought out the heirs, and remained on the
rived July 1, aud worked at his trade a few place some ten years, when he sold out, and
months. He then came to Warrenville and with his family and mother moved to Owego,
worked on Gary's mill, after which he built sev- N. Y., intending to enter in partnership with
eral barns, etc. March 26, 1839, he married his brother, the Rev. Samuel C. Wilcox, who
Miss Orinda Gary, and settled on his claim owned a farm there, and had started a board-
which had been made for him in 1837, by ing school for boys. In February following the
Messrs. Erastus and Jude Gary. A house was removal to New York, his mother died, and the
built and some laud broke in 1838. This year Rev. Samuel C. Wilcox died in March. 0. B.
a party jumped the claim but was afterward remained about one year settling up affairs,
bought and Mr. Wheaton has lived on the
off, and then moved to Illinois, locating at Como,
place since. By the marriage there has been in Whiteside County. While there in 1857, he
nine children. Mr. Wheaton was one of the had a stroke of paralysis, losing his voice and
the original proprietors of the town bearing the use of his right side, and was laid up for
his name, and has been actively identified with some time, and was gradually restored. In
its history, and interested in its growth. He 1860, his wife died, leaving three children, one
labored to obtain and subscribed liberally to son and two daughters. In 1864, he married
the construction fund of the Wesleyan, now Mrs. L. Mead, widow of Dr. T. Mead, of

Wheaton College. As a partisan he has been Batavia, to which place they soon moved.

identified with the Whig, Free-Soil and Repub- She had two children living at this time, one
lican parties, he casting one of the four votes son and one daughter, an invalid, who died in
in this county for James G. Birney in 1840. July following, and in October his eldest
He served on the first Iowa Town Council, under daughter died also. In 1865, he bought a farm
the charter, and as School Director, for sixteen in Du Page County, three miles east of Bata-

via, which he occupied with his family, and in nearly one year, when he started for the West,
1875 moved to Wheaton, where his wife died locating at Newton Station, later Danby, now
April 5, 1880. In July, Wilcox
1881, Mr. Prospect Park. At that time, the railroad was
received a sudden stroke of paralysis, which a single track slab rail, and only a switch at

seemed to threaten his life. He finally thought Newton Mr. Wagner was one of the
of sending to Dr. Collins, the great faith doc- first and now the only resident one.

tor of Boston, when his mind was impressed, In the fall, he bought out a shop which had just
most forcibly with the question, Wiry write to been established, and has successfully conducted
Dr. Collins? God is by your side ;
he placed the business ever since. In 1851, he married
his faith in God and asked for a cure ;
instant- Miss Lovina S. Weidman, a native of Berks
ly a peculiar sensation came over him and CountjT , Penn. B} the marriage there have

lasted one hour, and he was able to assist him- been ten children, of whom eight are living.

self and to walk thereafter, causing much sur- Mr. Wagner has held the office of School Di-
prise to his neighbors and friends, both at home rector for twelve j'ears, and has been Super-
and abroad ; he received so many letters of visor of Milton Township for four years, being

inquiry about the faith cure, that finally a Chairman the latter year ; he is now a Town
pamphlet giving the matter in detail was Trustee of the newly incorporated village of
printed, and over 1,000 circulated. Prospect Park. He is a Democrat in politics,
WILLIAM H. WAGNER, blacksmith, Pros-' and though not a member he has been an at-
pect Park, 111., is a native of Hamburg, Berks tendant of the Congregational Church, of which
Co., Penn., born in the year 1S29. At the age of he has been Treasurer for the past nine years.
nineteen, he was apprenticed to the blacksmith's Mr. Wagner started in the world without any
trade in his native village, serving two and one- means, and by strict attendance to his business
half years. He then worked as a journeyman he has gained an ample competency.


A. B. AUSTIN, nursery, P. 0. Downer's B. (subject), Deidamia, Charles, Elvira and
Grove, was born in Columbia County, N. Y., Esther. Subject attended school and worked
July 1, 1832. His father, Charles G. Austin, with his father until thirteen years old, after
born December 3, 1808, in Berkshire County, which he lived with his grandfather in New
Mass., was one of seven children born to Amos York two years. He was married, in this

and Jerusha (Callender) Austin. When fifteen county, August 31, 1854, to Susan Havens,
years old, he began learning the tanning, shoe- born county February 26, 1837, daugh-
in this

making and harness-making business, at which ter of Lauren and Charlotte (Ranney) Havens,
he worked six years. He then engaged in the he born in Oneida County, N. Y., October 11,
business on his own account for some time at 1799, she born in Ashfield, Mass., April 22,
different places. He came to Illinois in 1848. 1801. Mrs. Austin's parents came to Cass,
Was married, 1826, to Catharine, daughter of this count}', in 1836, where her mother died
Asahel and Mary (Rockerfeller) Blakeman, November 15, 1855, and her father December
born in Columbia County, N. Y., August 23, 9, 1876, at the subject's home. They had
1809. They have had five children, viz., Asel seven children. Subject settled for a short

time in Cass, where, in 1856, he entered into then after moving to different places, finally
partnership with Albert Havens in the nursery York Township, this county, in 1844,
settled in
business. He made one or two changes before where he remained engaged in farming twenty
1869, when he began his present extensive years. In 1864, he came to Downer's Grove,
nursery business, having as partner Mr. E. A. bought a property, and has since lived there.
Crittendon. They have thirty acres, well He has accumulated considerable property by
stocked with a full line of fruit, ornamental his own labors ; he first settled in a log cabin,

and shade trees in fact, everything to be and now has 260 acres of well improved, fifteen
found in a first-class nursery. Mr. and Mrs. acres of timber, three lots and sixteen and a
Austin are the parents of five children, viz., half acres in Downer's Grove, beside 100 acres
Lauren G. (deceased), Mary Estella, Edith in Downer's Grove Township. Mr. Austin has
Catharine, Mabel Gertrude and Francis Charles held several small offices. His wife is a mem-
(deceased). Mr. Austin was Town Clerk two ber of the M. E. Church at Downer's Grove.
terms while at Cass has also served in other
PERRY J. ASHTON, farmer, P. O. Hins-
offices ; has been Sunday School Superintendent dale, was born December 8, 1846, in Livingston
for twelve 3
ears in the Universalist organiza- County, N. Y. ;
is a son of Palmer and Sally
tion to which he and his wife belong ; was (Bush) Ashton, natives of Tompkins County,
President of the Union League two years. He N. Y. His parents came to Illinois in 1865,
is a Democrat. His brother Charles served in and engaged some time afterward in
his father
Company B, Third Illinois Volunteer Infantry. a butcher shop at Hinsdale, this being the first
His grandfathers Austin and Blakemau were one of the place. He and wife are now living
in the Revolutionary war, in which the latter in Boone County, Iowa, the former a member
was killed. of the Christian Church, and the latter of the
B. AUSTIN, retired farmer, P. 0. Downer's Baptist. Our subject is one of five children,
Grove, is a native of Hancock, Berkshire and being attentive to his studies, obtained a
County, Mass., born July 28, 1809, son of good common school education. He worked in
George and Boxy (Ely) Austin, natives of Mas- his father's meat market until 1862, when he
sachusetts, he a blacksmith by trade. They enlisted in Company H, Twenty-fourth New
were the parents of eleven children, of whom York Cavalry Volunteers, in which he served
the following are living : Noah E., George, two years. In the beginning'of the battle of
John B. (subject), Eleanor, Sarah and Caroline. Petersburg he received a sunstroke, from which
Subject attended the country schools during he has never fully recovered. Soon after leav-
the winter seasons, and in summer worked on ing the army, hecame to Hinsdale, and rented
a farm by the month. He married, February land of Bush and Howard for two years. In
6, 1832, Lucinda Jenks, who has borne him 1867, he married Mary A. Roth, daughter of
five children, of whom four are living — Daniel, David Roth, of Hinsdale. They have had five
Thomas, Sarah (married John Gager) and children — Willie, Ida, Mamie, Edith (deceased)
Delia. Mrs. Austin is a daughter of Thomas and Clara. Mr. and Mrs. Ashton remained one
and Rachel (Ellis) Jenks, who were natives of year on the farm of the and
latter's father,
Massachusetts and parents of twelve children, then went to Western Springs, where tbey
of whom the following are living — Welcome, erected the first house in that place. He was
Lucinda. Nancy, Albiua and Ellis. Mr. Austin, next engaged with his father in the butcher
after his marriage, settled in Chenango County, business for four years, after which he made
N. Y., where he carried on farming four years, several trades of property until he procured

his present farm of twenty-nine acres in She was married, prior to that with him, to
Downer's Grove Township. This land is well Dwight Bartlett, the result being one child,
improved, and contains one of the best Horace D., a farmer in California.
orchards in the county. Mr. Ashton and wife ANSON AYERS, retired farmer, P. 0. Hins-

were members of the Baptist Church of this dale, was born Romulus, Seneca Co., N. Y.,

place, until it disbanded on account of the February 17, 1819 son of Zebulon and Sarah

scarcity of members. He votes the Greenback (Scudder) Ayers, natives of New Jersey and
ticket. parents of nine children, four of whom are liv-

E. S. ANDRUS, farmer, P. 0. Lemont,Cook ing —Augustus D., Louise (Mrs. Gurney, of

County, was born in this county December 27, Chicago), Nancy (Mrs. Hannah, of Chicago)
1835, and was probably the first white child and Anson. His parents were Presbyterians ;

born in what is now Downer's Grove Township. his father,born January 22. 1775, died July
He was married, in 1862, to Apthia, a daughter 25, 1828. His mother, born December 20, 1780,
of Andrew and Phosbe (Daily) McMillan, resi- died December 29, 1864. Anson received an
dents of this township and parents of nine chil- ordinary education in the district schools, and
dren. Mr. and Mrs. Andrus are the parents of at the age of seventeen apprenticed to the car-

four children, namely, Frankie M., Albert R.i riage maker's trade, at which he worked till he
Marvin P. and Phcebe M. He settled on his was twenty -one, when he attended an academy
present farm of fifty acres in 1867, and has for a time and afterward taught school for

made good improvements. His father, Thomas a short time. He then engaged in farming,
Andrus, was among the first settlers of Chicago, which he followed in his native State twelve
having come there about 1833; he was born in years, afterwhich he engaged in a saddlery,
Vermont January 26, 1801, and is a son of hardware and leather store, with D. Gurney &
Lincoln and Amy (Short) Andrus, natives of I
111., remaining with that firm
Steele, in Peoria,
Massachusetts. Thomas was married, in 1823, about twenty years, and doing well. He then
to Philena Fox, by whom he was given two engaged in the saw-milling business in Gurnet',
children, viz., Mary (Mrs. Moses Walton), Eliza- Mich., for about eighteen months. In 1867, he
beth (Mrs. Lorenzo Walton). Mrs. Andrus died came to Naperville, this county, renting a farm
and Thomas was married, March 23, 1835, there one year ; then bought eighty acres, now
to Melissa A., daughter of John and Zerua in the corporation of Hinsdale, where he now
(Sanford) Snow. After going to Chicago, he lives. In Peoria, 111., September 3, 1861, he
worked at carpentering, and drove the first pile married Mary J. Mish, who has borne him
in the Chicago River. In 1835, he settled on three children — Charles, born August 25, 1862,

eighty acres of land, a part of his present farm died December 1, 1864 ; Mary Louise, born
of 130 acres. He kept a hotel in a log cabin, December 4, 1864 ; and Frank E., born August
and was Postmaster for fourteen years. Mr. 4, 1867, now employed in a railroad office in

Andrus began breaking the wild prairie with an Chicago. Mrs. Ayers was born in Franklin
ox team and a plow with a wooden mold-board. County, Penn., March 30, 1830, and is a daugh-
He has been Justice of the Peace, County Com- ter ofJacob and Elizabeth (Gillam) Mish, na-
missioner, Town Clerk and Assessor. He tives of Franklin County, Penn. He died in
assessed the township in 1870. He and November, 1837. She, born in 1806, is still
family are stanch Republicans. Thomas cast living. Mr. Ayers and family are members of
his first vote for Jackson. The companion of the Congregational Church. He is a Repub-
Mr. Thomas is yet with him, yet very feeble.

FREDERICK ANDERMANN, farmer, P. O. of prairie and eight acres of timber. Batrom

Gower, was born in Hassbergen, Hanover, Ger- soon died, and Mr. A.twood became owner of
man}*, January 20, 1843, and is the only child the farm, save eight acres, which was left to
of John and Dorothea (Strangmaun) Ander- the widow of Mr. Batrom. Our subject has
mann ; he, residing with subject, born in Hass- but four children living —
Thomas, Albert, Jane
bergen, Hanover, Germany, September 28, 1809 ;
and Eliza he had one son, named William,

she, born in Heemsen, Hanover, Germany, Feb- who died in Company D, Illinois Volunteer In-
ruary 14, 1805, diedMay 25, 1876. Mr. An- fantry. By careful labor and strict economy,
dermaun obtained a good common-school edu- Mr. Atwood has succeeded in increasing his
cation in both the German and English lan- farm to 150 acres, and has improved the same,
guages. In Downer's Grove, September 21, making it one of the best farms in the county.
1866, he married Sophia Marguerite Schramm, He is a Republican.
born in Wietzen, Hanover, Germany, Novem- I. P. BLODGETT, farmer, P. 0. Downer's
ber 15, 1841, daughter of Wilhelm and Mar- Grove, was born in Belchertown, Mass., Sep-
guerite (Palm) Schramm ; he, born in Wietzen, tember 14, 1823, son of Israel P. and Avis
Hanover, Germany, died in July, 1871 ; she, (Dodge) Blodgett. He born in Amherst, Mass.,
born in Grane, Hanover, Germany. Mrs. An- March 4, 1797, came to Will County, 111., in
dermann's parents came to Illinois in 1862 1831, with his family ; settled on a farm, where
and settled in Cook County. Mr. and Mrs. he remained till 1835 ; then sold out, and in
Andermann have been blessed with seven chil- February, 1836, bought a farm where Downer's
dren, four boys and three girls —William F., Grove now stands, where he lived until his
Henry F. W., John C. H., Frederick G. A., death, which occurred November 24, 1861. He
Louisa M. F., May D. and Emma S. Mr. An- served in the Black Hawk war. His wife was
dermann is engaged in farming 122 acres of a native of Belchertown, Mass., born June 5,
fine land owned by himself and father, the at- 1796, and died in Chicago March 10, 1882.
tainment of their joint labors. Mr. Andermann They were members of the first Congregational
is also clerk of the Downer's Grove Insurance Church founded in Northern Illinois, and were
Company. He has held several small offices in the parents of nine children, six of whom are
the county. He and his wife are members of living. Subject remained at home till 1849,
the Lutheran Church. when he went where he engaged
to California,
JOHN ATWOOD, farmer, P. O. Downer's in mining, stock-dealing and merchandising till
Grove, was born in England January 13, 1819. 1858, when he returned home. In Downer's
His parents, John and Jane (Knight) Atwood, Grove, August 30, 1859, he married Mary M.,
were also natives of same country, and parents daughter of Alonzo C. and Rosalind (Hyde)
of three children. Subject attended school but Blodgett, natives of Amherst, Mass., he born
a few days, and at the age of ten began herd- April 24, 1805 ; she, born July 13, 1809, died
ing sheep at 25 cents per week. At fourteen November 16, 1849. From this union three
years of age, he hired with a farmer at £3 per children have been born —
Edward A., Charles
year, and at the end of nine years his wages P. and Cora C. Mrs. Blodgett was born at
were increased to £11 per year. He was mar- South Hadley, Mass., May 13, 1833. Her par-
ried in 1844 to Sarah Shaldrick, and started ents had five children, of whom three are liv-
immediately for Illinois, and soon after landing ing. After his marriage, Mr. Blodgett settled
settled where he now resides. He bought, in in Lisle Township, this county, where he lived
partnership with Mr. Batrom, eighty-eight acres till March, 1882, when he moved to Downer's
Grove. He owns 116 acres of land in Lisle 103 acres. During the late war he was Captain
Township, makes a specialty of breeding Clydes- of Company K, Thirteenth Illinois Volunteer
dale horses, and brought the first imported Infantry ; was wounded at the battle of Mission
horse to this county. He is a Republican. His Ridge, and died at Chattanooga December 4,
wife is a member of the Congregational Church 1 863, seven days after being wounded ; he was
in Lisle Township. While in Lisle Township, a Probate Judge in this county for seven years,
he filled the offices of Road Commissioner, and resigned the position to enter the army.
Town Clerk and Justice of the Peace. His wife was born in Orange County, N. Y.,
ALFRED BUNNEL, farmer, P. 0. Downer's April 8, 1S21. They had four children— Frank-
Grove, was born June 21, 1813, in St. Lawrence lin, William, Elizabeth and Nancy. Franklin
Co., N. Y; is a son of Moses A. and Lola worked on the farm till he was nineteen years
(Hitchcock) Bunnel, the former a native of Mas- of age, then apprenticed to the carpenter's,
sachusetts and the latter of Connecticut. His which he worked till 1861, when he
trade, at
father was a weaver in his younger da3 -
s, and Company K, Thirteenth Illinois Vol-
enlisted in
kept a country hotel on the old military road unteer Infantry, served three years and three
from Plattsburgwas called out to serve with
; months. On his return from the army, he en-
the militia in the war of 1812
was at Ogdens- ;
gaged in the pursuit of his trade, also ran ma-
burg when the British attacked that place. chinery in wagon-shops in Batavia, 111., three
Our subject attended school and worked on his years, and sold and put up Halliday's windmills
father's latter gave him twelve
farm until the two and a half years. He then came to Down-
acres of land,when he purchased thirty-three er's Grove, where he has since run a flouring

acres more, thus making a good farm of forty- and feed mill, taking into partnership with him
five acres. This he remained upon till 1854, in 1881, Francis Miller. He started a cheese
when he sold it and came to Illinois, where he and butter factory in December, 1881, and is
purchased his present farm of seventy-eight doing a good business. He married in Cass,
acres, which is among the best ones of this this county, April 17, 1865, Juliana Clifford,
township. In 1841, he married Nancy J. Har- born in Barrington, 111., July 22, 1838, daugh-
mon, who has blessed him with two children, ter of Lyman and Roxana (Hawley) Clifford,
viz., Robert F. and George R. The former he a native of Jefferson Co., N. Y., born May
married Mary Persons, a daughter of Charles 24, 1809, now residing in Chicago; she is a
E. and Elvena (Dwight) Persons, natives of native of Hampshire County, Mass., born
Jefferson Co., N. Y. George R. married Nettie, August 18, 1816, died Dec. 30, 1881. They were
a sister of his brother's wife. Mr. Bunnel, al- the parents of nine children, five of whom are
though sixty-nine years of age, is hale and living. Mr. Blanchard is a member of Batavia
hearty, and gives his personal attention to the Lodge, No. 404, A., F. & A. M. He has an adopt-
farm. He is not an office-seeker. He and his ed daughter, Mabel N., who was born in Bata-
wife are members of the Baptist Church. via, Kane Co., 111., April 28, 1874. Capt.
FRANKLIN BLANCHARD, miller, and Blanchard was a man honored and respected
manufacturer of cheese and butter, is a native in thecommunity in which he lived he was ;

of Downer's Grove. He was born November 7, fine gold-headed cane by the

presented with a
1838, son of Walter and Alvira (Norris) Blanch- Plow Boys of Downer's Grove, as a mark of
ard, natives ofNew York. Walter Blanchard their esteem.
was born March 31, 1807 came with his family ; ISAAC S. BUSH, salesman, Hinsdale, was
to Downer's Grove in 1836, and bought a farm of born July 13, 1827, in Hinsdale, Cattaraugus

Co., N. Y., and is a son of Peter and Elizabeth four months. By hard work, he has become
(Howe) Bush, natives of Pennsylvania. His possessed of sixty-nine acres of well-improved
father was a shoemaker and farmer, and was a land. In 1865, was married to Matilda
Baptist, as was also his wife. Mr. Bush is one Stenter, a native of Hanover, Prussia, who
of eleven children; he attended school until foui'- came to this country with an uncle in 1864.
teen years of age, when he entered a tannery in She has blessed Mr. Bockman with eight chil-

Buffalo. In two years, he was promoted to the dren, as follows : Conradt, Mary, Charles, Peter,
position of clerk in the leather store of his uncle Henry, Jacob, Margaret and Emma. Mr. Boch-
John Bush. In 1854, the leather firm, " Bush man and wife are members of the Lutheran
& Howard," sent him out as salesman, at which Church, in which he holds office.

he was actively engaged until 1866, when he F. BASCOM, minister, Hinsdale, was born
came to Hinsdale, this county, where he soon June 8, 1804, in Lebanon, New London Co.,
began keeping a store. At this time, he was Conn.;is the son of Abiel and Sibyl (Roberts)

appointed Postmaster, and was also Notary Bascom, natives of Connecticut. They had ten
Public. In 1869, he withdrew from his former children, of whom our subject alone survives.
business and entered the employ of an agricult- He attended school during the winters, or about
ural establishment of Evansville, Ind. While three months each year, and studied during
in their employ, he spent most of his time in spare moments in the summers, until he pre-
the Southern States, repairing and setting up pared himself to which oc-
teach school,
machinery, collecting and selling everything in cupation he followed until twenty years of
their line.He remained with them till 1880, at age. At this period, he entered Yale College,
which time he was emplo3 ed by a similar Arm
from which he graduated with high honors in
in Wisconsin. With the latter firm, he re- 1 848. He then became a teacher in an academy
mained until recently. December 15, 1858, Mr. at New Canaan, Conn., where he continued one
Bush married Hattie A. Pratt, a daughter year. He then took a three years' course in
of Welcome and Susan F. (Hunt) Pratt, natives the Theological Seminary at Yale, at the com-
of Vermont. This union has resulted in two pletion of which he was appointed a tutor in
viz., Joseph P., born October 11, 1861,
children, the college, and held the position two years.
and Jennie S., born December 13, 1865. Mr. In 1833, he came to Tazewell County, 111., as
Bush had the honor of naming Hinsdale after Home Missionary, residing in Pekin, and the
his own native town in New York. He owns a interior of the county, and organizing many
house and lot in this place, and fifteen acres of churches. For ten years Mr. Bascom acted as
ground known as Bush's Addition to Hinsdale; agent of the American Home Missionary Society
is a member of Evansville Lodge, A., F. & A. of Illinois, and was for several 3
ears pastor of the
M., and is a stanch Republican. First Presbyterian Church of Chicago; was
CHARLES BOCKMANN, farmer, P. 0. six years at Galesburg, seven years at Dover,
Gower, was born in Germany in 1834 ; is the and five years at Princeton, doing a noble
son of Conradt and Catharine Bockman, who work at each of these places. He built up the
came to Willow Springs, Cook Co., III., in 1845. infant church at Hinsdale. Since 1872, he has
They had three children, viz., Margaret (now spent his time among the weaker churches,
Mrs. Peter J. Lutz), Catharine (Mrs. George helping to set them upon a solid foundation.
Haixhold), and Charles. They are Lutherans. He preaches now at Western Springs ; was
The mother is eighty-six years old and still liv- first married in 1833 to Ellen P. Cleveland, who
ing. Charles attended school in Chicago about died in 1838 ; was again married to Elizabeth
Sparhawk, by whom he had four children and Mrs. Bayer are connected with the Luth-
Charles P., editor, and George S., Congregational eran Church at Fullersburg.
minister ; the others deceased. His second JOHN BOHLANDER, hardware, Hinsdale,
wife dying, he married Kuth Pomeroy, by was born May 24, 1836, on board an American
whom he has one son, Henry, a physician. Mr. vessel on the Atlantic Ocean, son of John and
Bascom was one of the pioneers of this coun- Catharine (Glos) Bohlander, natives of Germany.
try ; has lived a successful life, and although John Bohlander, subject's father, emigrated with
past his threescore and ten, is hale and
still his family to and landed at Bos-
hearty. ton, Mass., where he remained one year then ;

PHILIP BAYER, barber, baker, confectioner, came West, landing in Chicago in the latter
etc.. Hinsdale, is a native of Germany, born Jan- part of 1837, and engaged in farming in Cook
uary 28, 1854. His parents, John P. and Cath- County fourteen years then sold out and;

arine (Balzar) Bayer, also natives of Germany, bought a farm in York Township, this county,
came here in 1871, and are now living with where he died in 1862. His wife died several
subject. Of their eight children, two are liv- years previous. They had seven children
ing — Philip and Catharine. Philip received his Mary, John, Margaret, Peter, Philip, Henry and
education in his native country, and at the age Adam. Subject's father, by a second marriage,
of eleven apprenticed to the barber's trade, at had four children —
Amelia, William, Dora and
which he has since been chiefly engaged. His •Ernest. John received a limited education,
father is a tailor, and Philip spent some time at and in 1859 engaged in the grocery business
that trade also. After landing in New York at York Center, and after three years sold out
City, he worked in a shop there for nine and bought a farm of eighty acres in Downer's
months ; then came to Oak Park, 111., where Grove Township, which he afterward sold to
he ran a shop two years. In 1874, he bought Charles Mandel. In 1871, he opened a grocery
out Jacob Bohlander, of Hinsdale, where he in Hinsdale, remaining in that business six
has since been engaged in business, with the years ;
then sold his stock at auction and en-
exception of a few months of the year 1879, gaged in hardware trade with
the general
which he spent in Kansas, where he met with Charles Pfeifer in 1878, and has since been
ill-fortune in business and returned to Hinsdale engaged in that business, under the firm name
with but very little means, but by energy and of Bohlander & Co., doing a good business in
industry has since built up a good business, his all kinds of farming implements, tinware, etc.

wife aiding him in his endeavors. He has a He married, in 1861, Solmea Wolf, a native of
good barber shop, bakery, confectionery and France, who has borne him nine children, six liv-

general store, and is having a lucrative trade. ing — Caroline, John, Henry, Louisa, Sarah and
He was married, December 15, 1877, to Mag- Emma. The three deceased were Katie, Ame-
dalena Schweickart, a native of Germany, who liaand Ellen. Mr. Bohlander was Postmaster
has borne him two children, one living— Katie. two years while in York Center.

Mrs. Bayer's parents Philip and Catharine J. W. BUSHNELL, retired farmer, P.-O.

(Grass) Schweickart came from Germany in Hinsdale, was born March 18, 1825, in Oneida
1866, and settled in Downer's Grove, where her County, N. Y., son of Calvin and Polly (Will-
mother died in 1871. Her father is now in iams) Bushnell. Calvin Bushnell was born in
Colorado. They had eight children, two of Connecticut April 29, 1781, and died May 18,
whom are living — Sarah (Mrs. J. W. Patricks) 1864 he was a Presbyterian minister, of which

and Magdalena. They were Lutherans. Mr. church his wife was long a member; she was

born in New York October 9, 1787, and died and engaged in farming six years, thence to
January 6, 1877 ; the\' were the parents of ten Ogle County, III, bought 131 acres of land,
children. J. W. received an ordinary educa- and after farming it two years, sold out and
tion, and at twenty-eight years of age began went to Minneapolis, Minn., where he dealt in
farming on his own account. He married June horses for five years. He then came to Chi-
12, 1856, Mary J. Convis, born August 18, cago, engaged in the hote^business there a short
1833, daughter of Thomas and Emeline (Peck) time, and in 1873 came to Downer's Grove,
Convis, natives of New York, and parents of and has since been engaged in the hardware
six children. Mr. and Mrs. Bushnell have two business there in company with J. W. Rogers ;

children— Charlotte L., born August 21, 1857, they also deal in lumber, coal, etc. In 1853,
and Elmira A., born July 16, 1865. After his he married Lucy Thompson, a native of Keene,
marriage, Mr. Bushnell settled in Kendall N. H., who was killed by a train on the Chicago
County, 111., where he remained till 1869, when Burlington & Quincy Railroad. Mr. Brookins
he moved to Sandwich, and invested some cap- was Deputy Sheriff one term, and afterward
ital in the Sandwich Manufacturing Company. Sheriff one term in Wright Count}', Minn. He
After several changes of residence, he came to has an adopted child, Mary, a teacher in Chi-
Hinsdale in 1882, where he erected a fine build- cago ; is a Democrat.
ing, and will probably locate permanently. He JAMES M. BARR, Postmaster, Downer's
and his family are active members of the Con- Grove, was born in St. Lawrence County, N.
gregational Church ; he is a Republican. Mr. Y., November5, 1838 son of John and Emily

Bushnell and his brother Calvin own 240 acres (Smith) Barr, natives of Massachusetts. Sub-
of well-improved land in Iroquois County, III, ject attended the country schools and also at
all of which they have acquired by their own Gouverneur, N. Y., three terms, and, at the age
efforts. Mr. Bushnell attends to the renting of nineteen years, entered the employ of the
of the property. Farmers' Insurance Company, remaining with
W. S. BROOKINS, hardware, Downer's that corporation for some time. In 1857, he
Grove, was born in Vernon, N. Y., March 5, settled at Downer's Grove and taught school
1826, of which place his parents David and one term at Cass, this township. In 1861, he
Ruby (Smith) Brookins, were natives ; the enlisted in Company B, Thirty-third Illinois
family came to this county in 1838 ; sub- Volunteer Infantry, and served till March,
ject's father, prior to that date had sold car- 1863. After leaving the army, he became an
riages in Chicago, and was the first in that agent for the Farmers' Insurance Company,
business in the city. Subject's parents had Freeport, and afterward for the American In-
nine children, eight living — Wooster H. (in surance Company, Chicago. He was commis-
Minnesota), Jane (now Mrs. Acy Manly, of sioned Postmaster in July, 1881. He married
Wisconsin), Erin (now Mrs. Z. M. Brown, Sarah Whiffen, who has borne him six children,
Minnesota), W. S. (subject), Margaret (Mrs. A. viz., Nellie, George. Harry, Lester, Edna and
Woods), Frances (Mrs. Dr. Le Due), Esther, Ethel. Mr. Barr takes a deep interest in all

Mrs. Dr. A. Randall, Kansas), Thaddeus, and public enterprises ; he has been Assessor for
Emma (Mrs. Charles Blodgett). Subject worked seven years, and Police Constable for many
on the farm till 1856, then went to Minnesota years. He is a member of Hinsdale Lodge,
and engaged in the livery business with his No. 649, A., F. & A. M.; was first Senior War-
brother, Wooster, at Monticello, that State, den in same. His wife is a member of the
forfive years. He then returned to this county Baptist Church of Downer's Grove.
MRS. ALMIRA CLARK, farmer, P. 0. at Hinsdale), and Alice M. Mr. Curtiss has
Downer's Grove, was born December 4, 1815. been School Director, Township Collector and
Her parents David and Abigail (Taylor) Well- Assessor, Village Trustee, Justice of the Peace,
man, natives of Connecticut, settled in Lee and a member of the Roard of Supervisors, to
County, 111., in 1847, where they died they had ; which latter position he has been elected five
ten children. Mrs. Clark attended school but lit- terms, and is the present incumbent. He has a
and spent her younger days spinning flax-
tle, fine residence in Downer's Grove. He cast his
She was married, in 1836, to Ephraim Holley ;
first Presidential vote for Gen. Scott, on the
by this marriage they had four children, one Whig and is now a stanch Republican.
living, viz., James L., who married Rhoda Gib- Himself, wife and eldest daughter are members
son (now deceased) ; he was in Company K, of the Raptist Church.
Thirteenth Illinois Volunteer Infantry, as was R. 0. CURTISS, farmer, P. 0. Downer's Grove,
also his brother Franklin, who was wounded at was born October Rutland County,
19, 1830, in
the battle of Chickasaw, and died in the hospi- Vt.; is a son of Samuel and Mary (Hatch) Cur-
tal at St. Louis, Mo. Mr. Holley died in 18-19, tiss, natives of Vermont, and the parents of five
and was buried in Downer's Grove. Subject children — Oromel, Eli W., Henry H, Charles
was married, in 1852, to William H. Clark, and Roswell 0. The parents came to Downer's
and from this union was born one child, now Grove in 1836, and bought land near the pres-
Mrs. Joseph Oldfield. Mrs. Clark settled on ent village. Here the father was recognized as
the present little farm of forty acres when it one of the leading men of the township he ;

was mostly raw prairie, on which stood a little was Postmaster, and held other prominent po-
cabin which had been formerly used for a sitions. He died February 24, 1867. His por-
schoolhouse. She now lives with her only sur- trait appears in this work. The mother is liv-
viving son. She is a faithful member of the ing at the age of eighty-six. R. 0. attended
Methodist Episcopal Church, to which she has school as much as was convenient. He labored
belonged over thirty years. on his father's farm in his younger days, and
CHARLES CURTISS, farmer, P. 0. Down- worked in a hotel which was kept by his par-
er's Grove, was born November 3, 1828, in Ver- ents for twelve years, on Maple avenue. In
mont. His parents, Samuel and Mary (Hatch) 1853, this building was burned and our subject
Curtiss, he of Connecticut, she of Vermont. began merchandising soon after, in Wheatou,
They had five children. Samuel Hatch, born in partnership with H. H. Curtiss, which he
in 1789, was Postmaster here, and died in 1867 ;
continued for four years. He then bought a
his wife, born in 1795, still survives, making farm in Du Page County, and worked on the
her home in the village she is eighty-six years
; same. In 1873, he engaged in the grocery bus-
old, and is hale and hearty. Charles attended iness in Chicago with H. H. Curtiss, from
school in this township, and also a select school which he withdrew in four years, and returned
and his broth-
at Naperville in 18-18. In 1850, he to his farm, which he still continues. He was
er Henry went to California, and engaged in married March 1, 1855, to Cordelia, a daughter
mining for about five years. On his return in of Silas H. and Sophia (Fowler) Lyman. She
1856, he was married to Laura A. Thatcher, of was one of six children, three of whom survive
Ottawa, 111., daughter of Eldred Thatcher, whose — Harriet, Cordelia aud Eliza. Mr. C.'s union
sketch appears elsewhere in this work. Mr has blessed him with three children— Hattie,
and Mrs. Curtiss have three children — Addie Carrie and Willie (deceased). He has served
H. (married Charles Calwell), Samuel (a clerk in some small offices. He and his wife are

members of the Baptist Church -of Downer's His father dying when he was young, the son
Grove. went to live with an uncle in Tennessee. He
CHARLES CURTIS, farmer, P. 0. Hins- received a good business education, and in 1832
dale, was born July 1, 1834,- in Mercer, Som- removed to La Grange, Tenn. He returned to
erset Co., Me.; is a son of Bracey and Eliza New England with some means entered Trin- ;

(Day) Curtis, natives of Kennebunk, Me. His ity College, Hartford, Conn.; graduated in 1845 ;

father was a farmer and sailor, born in 1800 ;

studied law and then theology at East Wind-
was Captain of a vessel on one trip to the West sor and Princeton, N. J., and was licensed to
Indies had nine children, three of whom are
preach by the Hartford Central Association.
deceased those living are Daniel D., a man-
He preached at West Hartlaud and New Hart-
ufacturer of ladies' straw hats at Medfleld, ford Center, Conn.; then at East Long Meadow,
Mass. — do $1,500,000 worth of business
will Mass. was ordained pastor of the Second Pres-

this year Irving, Lizzie S., Edward B., Mar-

bj'terian Church in Hanover, N. J. came West ;

tha D. and Charles, our subject. The latter to McHenry County, 111., in 1854, when he
attended school as much as was convenient and bought a good farm, yet taught and preached.
worked on the farm till twenty-one years of In New Hartford, Conn., he married Sarah
age, when he commenced work in the manu- Northrop, by whom he had one child — Florence,
factory spoken of above. Here he remained who died in New England. In 1856, he mar-
two years, at the end of which time he began ried Eliza E. Squires, who was killed by the
clerking in a wholesale millinery establishment, cars at Western Springs. In 1858, he removed
where he remained three years. In 1861, he to Indiana,where he resided during the war, in
enlisted in Company C, Ninth Maine Volunteer which he took an active part. In 1865, he re-
Infantry. In 1864, he started a grocery busi- moved to Noble, Richland Co., 111., and was en-
ness in Skowhegan, Me., under the firm name gaged in the mercantile business there for some
of Farrand & Curtis. From this he withdrew ten years with success. While in Indiana, he

in one year and came to Chicago, where he was was for a season connected with the Terre Haute
engaged for one year in the wholesale millinery Female College. In 1875, he removed to Cook
business with Keith Bros. In 1866, in Chica- County, and in 1878 married Miss Mary John-
go, he married Miss A. M. Fall, a native of son, of Richland, who has borne him two chil-
New York, born February 18, 1843, which —
dren Fannie and May. In 1880, he bought
union resulted in six children, viz., Minnie the Rogers farm, near Downer's Grove. Mr.
Edith, Edna May, Irving Claude, Lida Day, Cossitt is a man of books has read and written

George Percy and Walter Ray. Soon after his much and is a good speaker.
marriage, Mr. Curtis engaged with M. Camp- HENRY CARPENTER, retired merchant,
bell in a hair manufactory. This he continued Downer's Grove, is a native of Washington
three years, when he sold out and bought six County, N. Y., born February 22, 1810, son of
and one-half acres of land in Clarendon Hills, William and Lois (Austin) Carpenter, who were
which he afterward traded for his present prop- the parents of six children. William Carpenter
erty. He rents his farm, and, during the win- was a native of West Chester County, N. Y.,
ter, manufactures babies' straw hats in Chica- and died' in Herkimer County, N. Y., in 1822 ;

go. Is a Democrat. his wife, a native of Saratoga County, N. Y.,

PEARL COSSITT, A. M., son of Asa
S. died in 1814. Mr. Carpenter was apprenticed
C, Jr., and Ra. Seymour (Steel) Cossitt, was to the harness-maker's trade, at which he worked
born in West Hartford, Conn., March 30, 1817. several years, and in 1837 came to Downer's
Grove Township, this count)' bought a farm, ;
smith's trade ; was in that city during the
brought his family there in 1839', and in 1840 cholera epidemic m 1832. After working in
moved to the village of Dowuer's Grove. In New York five years, he went-to Bristol, where
1845, he built a storeroom adjoining his dwell- he worked for Chauncey Jerome. He after-

ing-house, and continued in business until 1857, ward went to Ypsilanti, Mich., where he worked
when he sold out to Hatch & Thatcher. Since at his trade for awhile, then went to Ann.
that time he has been engaged in farming ; was Arbor, Mich., and thence, in 1839, to Summit,
also in the boot and shoe business, but is now Cook Co., Ill, where he remained till 1841,
living retired. In Orleans County, N. Y., October when he located at York Centre, this county,
14, 1832, he married Martha Blanchard, a native where he engaged in farming and also worked
of Whitehall, N. Y., born January 21, 1813, at his trade. In 1844, he came to Fullersburg,
died October 2, 1882 ;
they had three children where he ran a blacksmith shop till lately,
— Walter, born November 5, 1833, a fireman when he retired, his son taking charge of the
on the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad, business. He owns 160 acres of land in this
killed at Chicago by the bursting of a boiler ;
township, which he farmed for man)' years, but
William H., born August 6, 1842, died when which he now rents. His children are Samu-
young ; Martha J., born September 15, 1845, el, Elizabeth (Mrs. James Walls), Alice (Mrs.
wife of E. W. Farer (the first white child born George Long) and Clarence T. The latter was
in Downer's Grove), and an adopted son of married April 7, 1882, to Libbie Chloe, of Chi-
William S., employed in a notion store in Chi- cago; and is running the shop formerly owned

cago. Mrs. Carpenter was a daughter of Ahi- by his father, and makes a specialty of the
mas and Mary (Tolford) Blanchard, natives of manufacture of buggies, carriages, etc. Mr.
New Hampshire ; he was born April 27, 1765, Coe was director of the first school in this part
died in 1817; she died in 1833. Mr. Carpenter of the county, and was the first storekeeper
is one of the early
settlers of Downer's Grove, here.
is an man, and one highly respected
influential SAMUEL COL WELL, farmer, P. 0. Down-
in the community in which he resides. He has er's Grove, was born in Madison County, N. Y.,
held the offices of Assessor, Justice of the September 20, 1842, and is a son of James
Peace and Notary Public; was Enrolling Officer and Ann (Reese) Colwell, who were the parents
during the late war. He was formerly a Whig, of four children, viz., Louise (deceased), Will-
now a Republican. iam, Samuel and Charles. Our subject at-
JOHN S. COE, retired blacksmith, Fullers- tended school in the country and also three
burg, was born in Rockland County, N. Y., terms at the 0. C. Seminary, Madison County,
November 28, 1815 ; son of Samuel and Mary N. Y. He has always worked on a farm, save
(Conkling) Coe, who were the parents of fifteen five years, during which he was employed in
children, seven of whom are living. Ann, the the Remington fire-arm manufacturing estab-
eldest child,was born in 1801, and is still liv- lishment in New York. He was married in
ing, and hale and hearty. Subject's father 1864, to Nettie Putnam, a daughter of Benja-
served in the war of 1812. John S. received min and Sophia (Myers) Putnam, who were the
but a limited education, his mother d3'ing when parents of the following children, viz., Oscar,
he was young. He made his home with his Austin, Ellen. Gilbert, Helen, Charles B.,

cousin, John Halsted, with whom he learned Sophia, Louisa and Elizabeth. Mrs. Colwell's
the trade of a millwright. In 1831, he went to mother died in 1859, when she was quite a
New York City, where he learned the black- child. Mr. and Mrs. Colwell are the parents

of four children, viz., Edward, Benjamin, Fan- ships that fell to the lot of early pioneers, such
nie and Carrie. He came, directly after his as going to church on horseback, milling and
marriage, to Christian County, 111., where he marketing with ox teams and truck wagons,
farmed two years, then returned to New York, and plowing with the old cast iron plow, which
and some time afterward, came again to Chris- they brought from New York. Mr. D. hauled
tian County, where he remained till 1879, the logs to Warrenville on one of the above-
when he rented 261 acres, the present farm of described wagons, a distance of eight miles,
his niece, Louisa Lesznsky, where he now re- from which lumber was made to construct their
sides. Mr. Colwell votes the Democratic ticket; \
first house. Their building was near an old
he is now Pathmaster. His grandfathers, Col- Indian camping-ground and these red men
well and Myers, were in the Revolutionary often pitched their tents near by. On one oc-
war. casion Mrs. D. was alone with three children,
MRS. L. A. DODGE, Downer's Grove. Mrs. when one of the little fellows informed her of a
L. A. Dodge, the subject of this sketch,was large "crowd" of people approaching. She
born July She
11, 1815, in Williamsville, N. Y. soon perceived them to be Indians, and gath-
is a daughter of George and Rosannah (Knox) ered her babies and left the house to care for
Hickman, natives of Wheeling, W. Va., and itself, retiring to a neighbor's, some distance to
residents of New York soon after marriage, the south. The red men camped near the
and to whom were given four children as dwelling for several clays and she returned to
pledges of their marriage vow, viz., Felding, her home before they left. In their house were
Reuben, Lucy A. and Hiram. The former son preached the first sermons in this part of the
was with Commodore " Perry at the time
" country. Revs. Beggs and Gaddis often held
when negotiations were opened up between meetings here. Mr. and Mrs. D. had ten chil-
Japan and the United States was lost or died ; dren, seven of whom grew up, viz., Sarah (Mrs.
while on a voyage. Mrs. D. attended school F. Irwin), Harriet Theodore Aldrich),
as much as was convenient in her younger Lucy (Mrs. Webster), Rosannah (Mrs. Bracken),
days. She was married, in 1830, at the age of Horace was in Company E, Eighth Illinois
fifteen, to Horace, a son of Zebulon and Salome Cavalry; is a physician in Colorado; Julia
(Thayer) Dodge, natives of Massachusetts, and (Mrs. E. Willard, of Joliet), and Bertha (Mrs.
parents of twelve children, eleven of whom grew Stover); she and her husband are mission-
up, viz., Avis (Mrs. Blodgett), Charles Parker, aries in Southwest Africa, where they are ac-
(deceased), Parker, Horace, Harriett, Salome, complishing a good that will only be known
Ezra, Caroline, Seva, Mariaui and Hannah. on that day when the secrets of all hearts shall
Horace was born in 1802, in Belchertown, be revealed. Mr. and Mrs. D. took every ad-
Mass. At marriage, Mrs. D. and her husband vantage in their power to educate their chil-
settled at Williamsville,where he worked in a dren. After sending them a short time to the
plow shop. In two years they moved to Fre- country, they hired teachers to instruct their
donia, same State, he continuing the same children at their residence; they afterward sent
avocation. In 1836, they came to Du Page them to graded schools, and each obtained a
County, and settled on the farm which
111., good education, five having taught school.
she now owns in Milton Township. At Mrs. D. was robbed of her loving companion
that time the country was a wild, raw prairie, by death, August 31, 1881. She has 275 acres
inhabited by wild animals, with now and then of well-improved land in Milton Township, a
a family. Here they experienced all the hard- portion of their first pre-emption. In March,
1840, her husband planted the apple seed from six of whom are living —Violet, Mrs. Fey;
which their fine orchard has sprung. They Elizabeth, Mrs. Steigerwalt; Silas K., in
brought many shrubs with them from New Iowa; Titus, married to Mary Oldfield, at
York, which, with their increase, adorn the home; Maiy and Esther. July 12, 1870,
landscape around. The beautiful maples that Mr. Dreher died, and was buried at Naper-
lie adjacent to her residence were planted there ville. Settled their farm in 1864. It con-
early by her husband, who took them from sists of 120 acres, well improved. Albert
Downer's Grove. Mrs. D. is an active member Fey, the husband of Violet, and Frank Steig-
of the Baptist Church of Downer's Grove.
erwalt, husband of Elizabeth, were in the
She was a teacher of a Bible class for many
late war m defense of the Union.
years at York Center. A few months ago, she JOHN W. DIXON, farmer, P. O. Down-
was thrown from a carriage and badly bruised
er's Grove, was born March 25, 1843, in this
about the face, but with her ever-enduring pa-
county, where he has ever since resided. His
tience, she has borne all, and has recovered-
parents, Robert and Mary E. (Wilson) Dixon,
No w. being advanced in years, possessed of a
competency of this world's goods, enjoying
natives of Ireland, emigrated to New York
in 1833, thence to this county in the same
reasonably good health, she has retired from
the toils and labors accompaii3 ing rural pur-7
year. They had eight children, viz., Henry,

suits, and is making her home in Hinsdale.

James, Robert, Jane, Catharine, Charles,

We have only mentioned a few of the leading John W. and Mary. Subject's father was
events that have made up the life of Mrs. D. Justice of the Peace for many years; he was
and her companion, and to enlarge on what we an Old-Line Abolitionist; four of his sons,
have said would be unnecessary we will say, ;
Henry, James, Robert and Charles, fought for
however, that she takes a deep interest in the their country in the late civil war. He and
benevolent enterprises of her neighborhood his wife were members of the Methodist
and her dut} -
is her greatest pleasure, as was Church. Our subject received his education
also her deceased consort. in the early schools of his native township.
MRS. HANNAH DREHER, farmer, P. O. He was married, in 1868, to May L., daugh-
Lemont, Will County, widow of Israel Dreher, ter of Emerson and Cynthia Osgood Gleason,
was born December 30, 1827, daughter of natives of Massachusetts, and early settlers of
Andrew and Esther (Foust) Kimmel, who this county; she was one of six children, viz.,

had twelve children — George, Hannah,

Dan- Watson, Emeroy, May, Ella and Eu-
iel, John, Hetty, Maria, Jacob, Andrew, gene her parents were Baptists. From this

Lewis, Sallie, and two deceased. The par- union four children have been born, viz.,
ents are both dead. Mrs. Dreher, our sub- Maude, Eugenia, May and Estella. He has
ject,was married, December 12, 1846, to Is- 100 acres of finely improved land, part of
rael Dreher, whose parents were Daniel and which he inherited, the remainder being ac-
Mary M. (Huntsinger) Dreher, who, like his cumulated by his own labors. The build-
wife's parents, had twelve children. The old ings cost about $2,500. He makes a special-
gentleman is dead, but the old lady, now and is also engaged in the dairy
ty of cattle,
over ninety years of age, is living in Penn- business. He is an active member of the
sylvania, hale and hearty for her great age. Methodist Church; his wife belongs to the
Mrs. Dreher bore her husband eight children, Baptist Church.

JAMES DREW, farmer, P. O. Cass, was son of Joseph and Jerusha (Hatch) Dorathy,
born in England November 3, 1828, son of natives of Massachusetts, and the parents of
Thomas an ! Rosamond (Jacobs) Drew, na- eleven children, six of whom survive — Eu
tives of England; the former came to Du nice,Mary, Charles, Jerusha, Lucinda, Azel
Page County in 1853, and the latter in 1854. Mr. Dorathy attended school in the country
Six of their children are now living. The and for awhile in an academy. At the age
father died March 13, 1864, and is buried at of eighteen years, he began clerking at Pots
Cass; the mother makes her home with the dam, N. Y., at from $12 to $25 per month
subject, James Drew. The latter, although for about five years,when he engaged in gen
a well-informed man, is entirely self-educat- eral merchandising for himself at that vil-
ed, with the exception of some private in- lage. In 1854, he entered the real estate
struction rendered by Rev. Lyman.
At ten business at Chicago, which he continued for
years of age, Mr. Drew commenced for him- twenty years, a part of the time with success,
self. He attended to stock and engaged in and also sustained some losses. In 1874, he
numerous kinds of work until he became had mostly retired, on account of ill health.
twenty years of age, when he came to Illinois Was married, in 1859, to Mariam Dewey, a
in company with Mrs. Wells, then Mrs. native of Potsdam, N. Y., the result being
Pitcher), Mr. Rooke and daughter Sarah, one daughter, Kate, deceased; his wife is

and Jonathan Clark. Mr. Drew was em- also deceased. In 1881, he was elected Po-
ployed on different farms until 1853, when lice Magistrate of Hinsdale, which ix>sition
he married Maria Rooke and settled on the he still holds, and is distinguished as a very
farm of D. H. Naramore, where he remained efficient officer. He is a stanch Republican.
until 1867, when his wife died; she had borne WILLIAM DAVEY, farmer, P. O. Le-
him eight children, of whom five are living mont, Cook County, was born in England
Rosamond, now Mrs. Loughlin, Jonathan, March 7, 1825. His parents, John and
James, Anna and Arthur. He then went to Catharine (Pomplin) Davey, came to New
Chicago and worked at carpentering until York in 1855, thence to Downer's Grove in
1870, when he married Mrs. Anna Palmer, 1858, where they farmed until 1868, when
born August 24, 1831, daughter of Robert they went to Iowa, where his mother died
and Martha Bean, natives of England. At September 13,1881; his father still survives;
this time, Mr. Drew
settled oq his present their children were ten in number, seven
farm of 140 which belonged to his
acres, living. Mr. Davey attended school in Eu-
wife. The result of this second union is two rope,and was a policeman two years in Lon-
children, viz., Fannie M. and Thomas. Mr. don. He came to New York in 1852, and
and Mrs. Drew are prominent members of worked on a farm at $130 per year. In 1857,
the Methodist Episcopal Church at Cass. he came to Illinois and rented land of Ben-
He votes the Democratic ticket. Mrs. Wells, jamin Prentiss. He married, in 1858, Mary
by her first husband, Thomas Palmer, had A. Dodge. Her parents, Sceva and Ruhama,
four children, of whom two are living came here single; her father died in 1870,
Harry B. and Annie E. and her mother in 1860; they had eleven
AZEL DORATHY, Justice of the Peace, children.Mr. and Mrs. Davey are the par-
Hinsdale, was born October 19, 1822, in ents of nine children — Carrie B., who grad-
Pierrepont, St. Lawrence Co., N. Y. ; is a uated at Downer's Grove High School, and

is among the leading teachers of the county; which he sold in 1849, and soon after bought
Alice C, Mary E., George W., John S., Ed- some town lots in Downer's Grove, this
ward, Charlie, Laura and Elvira. Mr. Davey county, where he has since resided. He
has been School Director. He had three built the first Methodist Church in Downer's
brothers in the late war, who returned unin- Grove, and was influential in raising sub-
jured. He has twenty-three acres of fine scriptions and keejnng the church from
timber, worth about $100 per acre, which has debt. He enlisted in Company B, One Hun-
been made by his own labor; he is at present dred and Fifth Illinois Volunteer Infantry,
farming on John Oldfield's farm. Himself, and was disabled at Frankfort. Himself and
wife and daughter, Carrie B., are active mem- wife are members of the Methodist Church.
bers of the Methodist Episcopal Church at He voted the Democratic ticket till the elec-
Cass. tion of Lincoln, since which time he has been
A. F. FOSTER, retired mechanic and a supporter of the Republican party.
farmer, Downer's Grove, was born in Middle- JOHN FLEMING, farmer, P. O. Gower,
town, Conn., October 17, 1815, son of Chancy was born in 1827, in Ireland, and is the son
and Sallie (Atkins) Foster, natives of Con- of Richard and Ann (Moran) Fleming, who
necticut, he born May 14, 1783, she Septem- came here in 1837 and settled in Will
ber 25, 1785. Chancy Foster, subject's fa County, where the father worked on the Illi-
ther, served as private in the war of 1812. nois & Michigan Canal. Subject's father
They had seven children —Eliza (deceased). died in 1837. His mother died in 1870, and
Oliver, Giles (deceased), Sallie, A. F., Wal was buried in the Catholic Cemetery at Cass.
ter and Lydia. At the age of fifteen, was Mr. Fleming was able to obtain but little
bound apprentice to the carpenter's trade, education. When quite young, he hired out
and, after serving three years, went to Can- at a few pennies per day. By frugality and
ada. In 1835, he came to Will County, 111. industry, he and a brother were at last ena-
Married, on July 16, 1839, Nancy Adams, bled to purchase some ox teams, with which
who has born him eight children William, — they broke prairie for the public, and soon
a farmer in Kendall County, 111.; Ellen, were able to purchase a home. December 26,
married Edward Vial, living in Iowa; Emma, 1851, Mr. Fleming bought eighty acres of lanr)
married Frank Miller; Eugene, married Ger- of the Illinois & Michigan Canal Company.
tie Bettles, lives in town; Albert, married This he has added to until now he has 187
Susie Bean, lives at Mt. Carroll, 111. ; Jonas, acres of well-improved land, upon which he
married Fannie Reynolds, living in Iowa; has erected buildings worth about $2,000.
George, in Mt. Carroll, 111. and Harry, at
; In 1853, he married Bridget Maloney, a
home. Mrs. Foster is a daughter of Jonas daughter of Michael and Bridget Maloney,
and Olivia (Seeley) Adams; he, a native of natives of Ireland, who were among the early
Massachusetts, born April 8, 1777, was a settlers of this county. Mr. Maloney died
Lieutenant in the war- of 1812, now deceased; many years ago, but Mrs. Fleming's mother
6he, also deceased, was born in Vermont is still living. Mi-, and Mrs. Fleming have
April 7, 1799; they were the parents of five eight children —Ellen, Richard, James, John,
children. Mr. Foster, after his marriage, Ann, Thomas, Bridget and Michael. The
settled inPlainfield, Will Co., 111.; in 1845, entire family are members of the Catholic
bought eighty acres of Government land, Church. Mr. Fleming came to Du Page

County May 10, 1842, since which time he ward added 100 acres. In 1855, our subject
has been engaged in farming. He is an ac- married Mary Lambe, a daughter of William
tive temperance man. and Mary Lambe, and soon after settled on
THOMAS FLEMING, farmer, P. O. the present farm of 324 acres, upon which
Gower, was born in Ireland February 1, 1801. Mr. Fredenhagen had previously erected a
His educational advantages were limited. fine residence. They have seven children
He came to this country and settled in Illi- Edward A (en-
Sojihia (Mrs. Cawley), Victor,
nois in 1837. He married Hannah Welch, gaged with the Hill Standard Book Com-
and soon after settled on his present farm pany), Paulina, Augusta, Martin and Frank.
of 120 acres. Mr. and Mrs. Fleming have From 1857 to 1S72, our subject was engaged
had twelve children, seven of whom are liv- with other parties in the millinery business
ing; they are John, Elizabeth, Michael, Han- at Warrenville. He has been Supervisor,
nah, James, Ellen and William. When Mr. and was one term, in 1875, a member of the
Fleming first came he con-
to this county, General Assembly of this State. He is at the
structed a log cabin, in which he lived, and present time Township Trustee, and a mem-
was obliged to bring the necessaries of life ber of Hinsdale Lodge, No. 649, A., F. & A.
from Chicago with ox teams. He worked on M. He and family are Lutherans. He is a

the Erie Canal for a short time, also on the Democrat.

Illinois & Michigan Canal. He now has a S. H FISH, inventor, Hinsdale, was born
tine home as a result of his hard labor. May 13, 1854, in Jefferson County, N. Y. ; is

VICTOE FREDENHAGEN, farmer, P. a son of Edward and Jane (Barber) Fish, the
O. Downer's Grove, was born June 11, 1832, former a native of Windham County, Vt., and
in Mecklenburg, Germany ; is a son of Victor the latter of Franklin County, Mass., she be-
and Paulina (Jurgens) Fredenhagen. who ing born December 18, 1815. The parents
came to Du Page County, 111. in 1855. , Our settled, at marriage, in Windham County,
subject received his early education, at his Vt., where they had four children, two of
father's house, a Professor being employed whom survive, viz., Mary J., Mrs. Gilbert
by the father. In 1843, subject entered col- Pierce, sewing machine agent, Boston,
lege; after five years,he graduated, and en- Mass.; and S. H., our subject. The father
gaged on a farm of 1,200 acres, where for was a farmer and merchant in Boston, and
three years he was " sub-boss," and where he died April 25, 1857; was a Methodist, to
learned farming in a scientific manner. He which denomination his consort now belongs.
then remained with his father until 1851, The mother came to this county in 1874, and
when he, in company with E. Napp, came to is keeping house for her son, who has never
Cleveland, Ohio, where they worked at farm- married. Mr. Fish bought a lot and built on
ing until 1852, when Mr. Fredenhagen made the same in Clarendon Hills in 1873. From
a prospective trip through Illinois and Iowa, childhood his active mind has been engaged
which resulted in his coming, with Daniel on the subject of machinery, and he has
Cook, to Du Page County, 111. Here they already completed some valuable inventions.
rented a farm, which our subject soon had He is now just finishing a potato-planter, the
entire charge of. In the fall of 1853, he efforts of three years' active labor. The me-
bought 480 acres of land, with money fur- chanical arrangement of this wonderful in-
nished by his father; to this the latter after- vention is complicated yet single, and is the

only complete planter in the world. Mr. Fish Company L, Second Light Artillery Regi-
is very sanguine as to its success, and has ment, and served about one year. He taught
several of the leading men of Chicago inter- school one winter, and then engaged with
ested in its completion. Success is certain, his brother in business. Married, Septem-
and, when once put into actual use, will be ber 15, 1870, Phoebe, daughter of Lyman and
a fortune to the inventor. Phoebe Babcock, natives of Ohio; the latter
FOX BEOTHERS, merchants, HinsdaR died when Mrs Fox was an infant. Mr.
Charles, the senior member of this firm, was and Mrs. Fox are the parents of three chil-
born in Vermont May 14, 1837; attended dren, one deceased —
Estella H, Marvin and
school in the country, and one term at Edith E. (deceased). He votes the Repub-
Wheaton, and at the age of twenty he took lican ticket. The parents of our subject are
the contract of carrying the mail from Brush living in Hinsdale, at a ripe old age.
Hill to Summit, Cook County, for $200 per ALMERON FORD, merchant, Fullers-
year, making two trips each week. He then burg, is Oneida County, N. Y.
a native of
bought the stock and crop on a farm near born November 4, 1829, son of Orrin and
Summit; afterward ran a hotel for nearly a Sally (Jones) Ford, natives of New York, and
year; was burnt out, and then engaged, in parents of five children —
Frances, Almeron,
1864, in the general merchandise business at Levi, Libbeus and Sarah E. (Mrs. Wylie).
Brush Hills (now Fullersburg) on his own Orrin was born October 5, 1801, and died
account two years, then took in as partner Ben- July 4, 1869; his wife was born December
jamin Fuller, who, after a year, withdrew, 9, 1805, and died July 17, 1856. Almeron
Hermon, Jr. , member of the present firm, tak- attended the country schools, and also one
ing his place. On August 17, 1875, they term at an academy, and at the age of twenty-
sold their building, and transferred their one began clerking in a country store,
stock to Hinsdale, building at that time working for his board six months, afterward
their present fine brick store, where they have receiving $4 per month, and, after working
since continued in business, keeping a gen- six months at that rate, came to Chicago,
eral line of dry goods, notions, groceries, arriving there with only $1.30 in his pocket.
hardware, drugs, boots, shoes, etc. Charles He left Chicago and went to Aurora, 111.,

was married, in 1861, on the day Lincoln was where he found his old employer, with whom
inaugurated, to Miss Betsey E., daughter of he started for Iowa. His employer, however,
Benjamin Fuller; they have had three chil- bought land near Shabbona Grove, De Kalb
dren, viz., William A., Eva T. and Delner Co., 111., and Mr. Ford hired with him to
E. (deceased). He has been Township Clerk work on the farm. He afterward engaged as
and Constable eight years; is a member of clerk in the store of Mr. Sutherland, inKan-
Hinsdale Lodge, No. 649, A, F. & A. M., kakee, where he remained four years,

and votes the Republican ticket. Hermon after which he bought 160 acres of raw prai-
M., the junior member, was born iu Vermont rie land, which, after farming two years, he
in 1843, son ofMarvin and Amy Fox, natives sold. He then bought out Walter Vanvelzer,
of New York, and parents of ten children, a merchant of Fullersburg, where he has
five living. Hermon M. attended the common since carried on business, doing a good trade
schools, and also one year at Manchester, Vt. in dry goods, notions, groceries, boots and
When twenty-one years old, he enlisted in shoes, etc., his being the only store in the

place save one. He was married, in Kanka- dealt in property in Washington, Philadel-
kee, November 4, 1857, to Angeline Fuller, phia and Chicago, and now owns property to
born in New York May 2. 1834; they have the amount of $60,000 or $70,000. He sus-

four children Frank A., Leona B., Carrie tained but two actual losses in the whole
B. and Arthur M. Mr. Ford has been Su course of his extensive transactions. He
pervisor, Justice of the Peace and School now resides in Hinsdale. His wife is a Meth-
Director; is now, and has been for some time, odist. He is a member of the A, F. & A. M.
Notary Public. He has good property on WESLEY FELL, farmer, P. O. Gower, was
Lots 2 and 3 in this village, a lot at Western born in Cass, this county, October 24, 1861
Springs, and four acres of timber in York son of Joshua and Emeline (Hewitt) Fell.
Township, this county. He is a Democrat. His mother was born February 22, 1830,
J. R. FINCH, real estate, Hinsdale, was and is the daughter of Orsemus and Ida
born in Sussex County, N. Y., March 16, (Spaulding) Hewitt, natives of Ohio; she was
1820, son of John and Elizabeth^ (Crampton) one of nine children, six of whom are living.
Finch, natives of New Jersey. John Finch Mrs. Fell's mother was a school-teacher in
was of German and French descent, and her younger days, and attained her knowl-
served in the war of 1812; he died at the age edge of arithmetic by ciphering on birch
of eighty-eight his wife was of English
bark. She was also a very popular nurse
and Irish descent; they had eight children. among the sick. The grandfather, Spauld-
J. R. received a limited education in his na- ing, was a teacher of vocal music. The
tive State, and was apprenticed to the car- father of our subject is a brother of Mrs.
penter's trade. At twenty-two years of age, Elijah Smart, wife of Elijah Smart, whose
he engaged as solicitor and peddler for sketch is in this work. Mrs. Fell had, by her
Wheeler, France & Madden, a hardware and marriage with Joshua Fell, nine children,
tinware firm, in whose employ he remained five of whom are living, viz., Alson, who is

four years. In 1842, he married Maria M. married to Susan Bonner, and is a farmer
Vliet, of Warren County, N. Y., who has in Jasper County, Ind. ; Anna; Carrie; Ed-
borne him six children; those living are J. gar, who is with his brother in Indiana; and
Warren, a stock farmer in Nebraska; Joseph Wesley, our subject, who attends to the old
K., a stock farmer in Smith County, Kan.; homestead. The farm now consists of eighty
Emma A., Mrs. William Gillett; and Em- acres of well-improved land. The boys are
manuel C, at home. Mr. Finch engaged in as energetic a class of young men as can be
mercantile business for a time, and afterward, found, and are fast accumulating means.
with his wife and two children, went to Mil- Mrs. Fell, the mother of Wesley Fell, io a
ton, Rock Co., Wis., and bought foity acres of faithful member of the Methodist Church, in
land, which, after eleven months, he sold at which denomination the children are deeply
a profit of $300, which he invested in land interested.
warrants, and has since dealt in real estate. GEORGE FRENCH, blacksmith, Hins-
He located 300 acres in Wisconsin, which he dale, was born in Denmark June 21, 1844,
exchanged for a hardware stock in Evansville, son of George H. and Helena French, who
Wis., which he sold, and invested the pro- —
had six children Christ, Peter, Nelson, Han-
ceeds in land in Virginia, on which was after- nah, Christina and George H. Mr. French
ward built tlie town of Finchville. He has attended school eight months in each year

until he was sixteen years old, when he be- Democratic ticket Mr. E. A. Burtt, the jun-
gan learning the blacksmith's trade. He ior member, was born April 28, 1834, in
came to Du Page Cotrnty in 1872, engaging New Hampshire; son of Benjamin and Lucy
on a farm in order to learn the English lan- (Wilson) Burtt, the former a native of Mas-
guage. In 1875, he worked at his trade in sachusetts and the latter of New Hampshire.
Chicago, where he continued two years, and They were the parents of three children,
has since been doing a fine business here, viz., E. A., G. H. and Frederick, the latter

making horseshoeing a specialty. He was dying when two years old. The father was
married, in 1873, to Mary Hanson, a native a miller the most of his life. The parents
of Denmark, and by her has one child, Hel- were Oongregationalists. E. A. attended
ena. He has two houses and lots in this school long enough to obtain a good business
place, worth about $3,000, the result of his education. At the age of fourteen, he began
own labors. Is a member of A. O. U. W. learning the carpenter's trade, which he con-
He attends the Congregational Church, and tinued until he was twenty-one years old, at
is one of our leading citizens. He is a Re- which period he engaged for a lumber firm,
publican. at Potsdam, N. Y. In 1861, he withdrew
GIFFORD & BURTT, butchers, Hinsdale. from that business, and enlisted in Company
Prominently identified among the leading E, New Hampshire Volunteer Sharp Shoot-
firms of Hinsdale is that of Gifford & Burtt. ers, where he remained till 1862; he became

Mr. J. A. Gifford, the senior member of the disabled at that time by a wagon running
firm, was born September 24, 1834, in Benning- over his ankle, but, as soon as able, he en-
ton County, Vt., son of Or a and Olivia (Turner) gaged as baggage master, brakeman and fore-
Gifford, and was one of eight children Ly- — man of the track-laying of the Concord &
man H, Samuel L.. J. A., Lewis E., Sarah Portsmouth Railroad. In 1871, he came to
A . Lizzie H. and two deceased. Mr. Gifford Hinsdale and farmed a short time with his
attended school in the country and one term brother, afterward working in Ohio. In two
in a select school. In 1862, came to Brush years, he returned to Hinsdale and engaged
Hills, Du Page County, where he engaged in in butchering, until 1880, at which time he
farming and teaming. In 1868, began a entered the partnership as mentioned above,
meat market at Hinsdale, continuing about and with Mr. Gifford he makes his home,
five years, and then entered a general store having never married. He votes the Demo-
under the firm name of J. A. & Lewis E. cratic ticket.

Gifford. The latter was Postmaster. In EDWARD GOODNOUGH, retired farmer,

1873, Lewis E. died, and the business was P. O. Downer's Grove, was born in Vermont
closed. In 1877, our subject went into the August 9, 1803; son of Liberty and Susan-
meat market with C. A. Walker, who with- nah (Barney) Goodnough. natives of Vermont
drew January 1, 1881, at which time E. A. and parents of eleven children, of whom two
Burtt, the junior member of the firm, stepped are living, viz., Edward (subject) and Ira.
in. These gentlemen are doing a first-class Subject attended one of the log-cabin school-
business, merited by their own personal at- houses of that day, during three months of
tention. Mr. G. has never been married, and, the year, and worked on the farm. In 1843,
with his makes his home in an elegant
sister, he came to Downer's Grove, bought 110 acres
little cottage in this place. He votes the of land, which he farmed until 1867, when

he sold out and removed to the village of wounded in the left hip at Kennesaw Mount-
Downer's Grove, where he lives retired from ain. On his return from the war, he resumed
active business life. He married, in 1825, County Superintend-
his studies; was elected
Lura A. Harmon, who has borne him three ent, which position he took in 1865. At-
children, all living, viz., Harmon, Antoinette tended lectures at Ann Arbor, Mich., and
(married Mr. Trumbull, and they have one Rush Medical College, Chicago, graduating
child — Florence, an efficient school teacher), from the latter institution in 1868. He be-
and Ann Eliza, now Mrs. Alf Nixon, of Austin, gan practice at Winchester, 111., the season
111. Mrs. Goodnough is a daughter of David before he graduated, and was selected as
and Adelia (Overton) Harmon, who were the County Physician for Scott County. In 1869,
parents of eleven children, all living, the he located in Knox County, where he met
eldest being over eighty, the youngest over with good success, and, in 1870, came to
sixty-one years; they are as follows: David, Downer's Grove, where he has since remained.
Samuel, Lura A. (Mrs. Goodnough), Eliza, In 1877, he was elected County Superin-
Lydia, Chauncey, Joseph, Mary, Franklin, tendent, which position he filled with credit
Nancy and Joel. Eliza Harmon, Mrs. Good- for four years. In Winchester, Scott Co.,
nough's sister, married Ira Persons; came to 111., September he married Fannie
24. 1867,
Downer's Grove in 1865; they had two sons H. Avery, a native of that county, born Octo-
— Edwin and Chauncey, the former killed at ber 3, 1846. daughter of Daniel and Eliza-
the battle of Gettysburg, the latter at Bull beth (Haxby) Avery, he a native of New
Run. Liberty Goodnough, subject's father, York, born March 19, 1819, died in 1866;
was in the war of 1812. Mr. Goodnough and she, a native of England, still living, was
wife have long been members of the Baptist born in April, 1825. Mr. and Mrs. Haggard
Church. have been blessed with four children Laura —
J. R. HAGGARD, physician and surgeon. A.,born November 1, 1868; David A., born
Downer's Grove, was born in Clark County, June 9, 1870; Robert C, born June 23, 1874;
Ky., October 29, 1839. His parents, David and Ralph Waldo, born August 18, 1876.
J. and Sarah A. (Edmonson) Haggard, are The Doctor is a member of Winchester Lodge,
natives of the same State; they had four No. 105, A., F. & A. M.
children — J. R. ; Sarah, married to James CHAUNCEY HARMON, retired mechanic,
Shaw, farmer in Nebraska; Z.W. and George Downer's Grove, is a native of Oswego County,
T. farmers in Nebraska.
, The parents are liv- N. Y, born April 1, 1813; son of David and
ing in Nebraska. The Doctor came with his Delia (Overton) Harmon, he a native of Con-
father's family to Scott County, 111., in 1840. necticut, born January 20, 1772, died in
He took an academic course at "Winchester, Jefferson County, N. Y., August 7, 1859,
this State, and then entered the popular where his wife, born March 18, 1782, who was a
school at North Prairie. In August, 1862, native of Long Island, also died, July 2, 1841
he enlisted in Company D, One Hundred and they were the parents of eleven children, all

Twenty-ninth Illinois Volunteer Infantry, living; the eldest being over eighty years, the
and remained until the close of the war; was youngest over sixty-two years of age, named as
a private, and afterward Hospital Steward. follows: David, Samuel, Lura, Ann Eliza,
He began reading medicine in Scott County Lydia, O. J., Chauncey, Joseph W. Mary, Ben-

with Drs. Skilling and Brengle. He was jamin and Nancy J. Chauncey attended a pri-
vate school in Massachusetts for a year, and, Julian, Polonia, Thaddeus, Edmund and
while quite young, went on a whaling voyage Frederick. Our subject obtained a good
to the Indian Ocean. He afterward engaged in business and literary education at Keokuk,
railroading on the Richmond, Fredericksburg Iowa, where he spent a portion of his younger
& Potomac Railroad as an engineer, having days in civil engineering with his father. In
learned to run an engine while in a machine 1861, subject entered the Chicago Post Office>
shop, and, after being on that road about two where he remained two years under P. M.
years, transferred to the Great South Carolina Scrips. In 1863, he became chief clerk of
Railroad, from Charleston to Augusta, and, af- the general freight department at the Canal
ter one season, engaged on the Alabama, Mem- depot of the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy
phis & Charleston Railroad for nine years. Railroad in Chicago, which position he held
He then traveled for about four years, and, in ten years. From this time, he held various
1842, located in Downer's Grove and engaged positions in railroading, until June 1, 1882,
in carpentering, building houses, railroad when he withdrew, and, August 1, started his
bridges, etc. He married, November 6, 1850, present business at Hinsdale. He is doing
Mary L. Rogers, sister of J. W. and Capt. some building, as well aa dealing in lime,
Rogers, of this place, and from thiB union cement, brfck, lumber and real estate. In
two children have been born — Isabel A., wife 1861, he married Miss Fannie Hugunin. by
of J. W. Tucker, of Aurora, and Velonia, whom he has one child — Dora, who keeps
wife of E. H. Andrews, corresponding clerk house for him, her mother having died in
of the Northwestern Bank, Chicago. Mrs. 1871. In 1869, Mr. Hulaniski bought his
Andrews engaged in the millinery business
is present property and erected buildings at
in this and has a large patronage.
place, Hinsdale, where he is one of the Village Trust-

Mr. Harmon is a Republican his parents were

; ees. His daughter is a Congregational ist;
active members of the Baptist Church. he is a Unitarian, and a member of the Board
J. HTJLANISKI, real estate and building of Village Trustees.
material dealer, Hinsdale, was born in 1839, WILLIAM J. HEARTT, farmer, P. O.
in Chicago, and is the son of Julian and Mar- Downer's Grove, was born December 2, 1812,
cia (Tuttle) Hulaniski, the former a native of in New York State; is the son of Daniel and
Poland, and the latter of New York State. Jane (Calander) Heartt, who came to Illinois
The father graduated at the "Warsaw Poland in 1838. In 1845, the family moved to this
University; was a Colonel in the battle of township, and bought 120 acres of land,
Warsaw in 1833, soon after which engage- known as the " Covely farm; " here they re-
ment he was banished to this country, thus mained but a few years, when they returned
being robbed of a vast fortune. Upon arriv- to Chicago. There, subject's father, who
ing in this country, he engaged in civil en- had been Deputy Sheriff and Constable many
gineering in New York State; he was also at years, died. Subject's mother is still hale
one time Professor of Languages at the Uni- and hearty at the age of ninety-three. Will-
versity of Richmond in Virginia. After this, iam attended school until fourteen years of
he was engaged in civil engineering in Keo age, when he began working in a harness shop
kuk, Iowa, where he was living with his fam- in Massachusetts, he having partly learned
ily at the time of his death, in 1855; he had that trade with his father. Here he remained
seven children, five of whom are living, viz., until 1837, when he came to Pike County,

111.,where he built a harness shop of his labor on farms. In 1S75, he bought 112
own. In J 840, he located in Chicago, where acres, his present farm in Will County,
he ran a " stage wagon, " carrying passengers which is highly improved. Himself and
to different parts of the country. Here he wife are members of the German Church at
remained two years, when he located on a Lemont.
farm in this county. Two years later, he WENDEL HIX, butcher, Hinsdale, was
bought 133 acres of land, a part of his pres- born June 9, 1832, in Germany; is a son of

ort well-improved farm of 180 acres. In John and Barbara (Raerich) Hix, natives of
1839, Mr. Heartt married Susan B. Roberts, Germany; she came here in 1863, and died
daughter of John and Sallie (Davis) Roberts, at the home of our subject; he died in his
natives of New Hampshire, who settled in native country. Mr. Hix is one of ten chil-
Canada, where Mrs. Heartt was born in 1821. dren, three of whom are living. After at-

Her parents came to Pike County, 111., in tending school eight years in his native
1836. They both died in 1874, were promi- country, our subject was engaged in farming
nent Methodists, he being a class leader forty and butchering. He came to New York in
years. Mr. and Mrs. Heartt have thirteen 1852, and remained there till 1854, when he
children —George B., Mary J., Edwin, Em- opened a butcher shop in Naperville, Du
ma, John, Jerusha, Smith, Sarah, Emily, Page County. Here he remained until 1880,
Chester, Rolla, Frank and Ira. George and when he began the business at Hinsdale,
Edwin served during the late war, the former since following the same, having a large
in Company B, Thirty-third Illinois Volun- patronage at the present time. He has been
teer Infantry, the latter in the Seventeenth engaged in this business all his life, and but
Illinois Volunteer Cavalry. Mr. Heartt is few are as well posted in the same as he. In
one of the early pioneers. On his farm 1855, he was married to Josephine Loos, a
stands a cabin, 10x12, which was the first native of France. She bore him eight chil-
schoolhouse in this neighborhood.Mr. and dren, all of whom survive. They are Richard,
Mrs. H. are members of the M. E. Church, Louisa, France, Peter, John, Mary, Willie
of which Mr. H. is a Trustee. and Josephine. His consort died in 1877,
GEORGE HOFFMIRE, farmer, P. O. and, in 1880, he married Mrs. Caroline Ditz,
Lemont, Cook County, was born March 5, who had been a resident of Hinsdale since
1807, in Germany, son of L. and Mary (Brin- 1870. She came and
to this country in 1857,
kle) Hoffmire, who -were the parents of six settled in Chicago, where her former husband
children — Joseph, George, Leonard, Mary, was engaged in a planing mill. Mrs. Hix is

Abbie and Julia.Our subject attended a member of the Lutheran Church. Mr.
school very little, but has managed to acquire Hix is a Catholic, and votes the Democratic
sufficient education to fit him for the transac- ticket.
tion of all necessary business, and has that MITCHELL HEINTZ, harness, Downer's
which is ofttimes more valuable to a man Grove, was born January 5, 1842, in France,
than "book larnin" —
common sense. In now a portion of the German Empire, son of
1837, he was married to Susan Hoffman, and Mitchell and Catharine Heintz, who were
has five children —
Abbie, Vila, John, Nick the parents of nine children, all living
and Charlie; they came to Illinois in 1837, Catharine, George, Ellen, Mitchell, Mary,
when he worked by the day at any kind of Sarah, Frederick, Christian and Charles.
The whole family came to this country in JACOB JEANS, farmer, P. O. Gower,
1851, landing at New Orleans, whence they was born in England July 31, 1821; is the
came to Chicago and from there to Naper- son of Charles and Keziah (Williams) Jeans,
where they rented land for two years,
ville, natives of England, and Episcopalians. Our
and then bought forty acres in Downer's subject closed his school days when twelve
Grove Township. The father and mother years old, and commenced work in theto
died within one year of each other. Our blacksmith shop he also
with his father;
subject was educated in the schools of this learned the shoemaker's trade. He came to
county, and began farming. In 1861, be Illinois in 1817 with Judge Morey, Henry
enlisted for the three- months service, in the Dike and others. The company landed in
Thirteenth Illinois Volunteer Infantry, but Chicago, and our subject began working for
remained two years. Was wounded at Vicks- a commission merchant. In 1848, Mr. Jeans
biirg by a shell, from which he lost an arm. was married to Mary Coan, and settled at
In 1871, he was married to Catharine Mich- North Branch, sixteen miles from Chicago,
el, who has borne four children, only one of where they rented land for two years, after-


whom is living William Fred. Mr. Heintz ward renting at Romer. In 1852, our sub-
went into the manufacture of harness at ject bought eighty acres of land, a part of the
Downer's Grove with George E. Downer, 100f acres of fine land upon which he now
and is doing a good business. He also has lives. Mr. and Mrs. Jeans have had seven
a farm oE eighty acres, well improved, also children, five living — Mary A., Harriet, Cath-
house and lot in Downer's Grove. Him- arine, William C. and Jacob T. Mr. Jeans
self and wife are members of the Lutheran has plowed with the ox team, and experi-
Church, and he is a Republican. Mrs. ! enced all the hardships of pioneer life.

Heintz' s parents were natives of Germany; About nineteen years ago, he lost his health,

they had five children Thomas, Catharine, !
and has since been an invalid. Notwithstand-
Julia, Mary, and Eva (dead). They were j
ing this, he takes a deep interest in general
also Lutherans. improvements, literary productions, etc.


farmer, P. O. MRS. A. P. KENNEDY, Hinsdale, was
er, was born in Germany in 1841, and is a !
born in Tompkins County, N. Y., November
son of Frederick and Mary Hogrefe, the lat- 11, 1833, daughter of John and Mary A.
terdying when the subject was quite small. (Slater) Sears, he a native of Connecticut
The father lives in this county with his chil- and she of New York; her parents settled in
dren When thirteen years of age, our sub- |
Lake County, 111., in 1845, where her father
ject came to America with his and for
father, had purchased land in 1840, with the view
two years lived with his uncle Bermen. He of getting his sons interested in rural life,
then commenced work for Mr. Mendel (his I yet they sought other occupations; her
present brother-in-law), where he remained father graduated at college and early began
ten years. In 1872, he settled on his present labor as a minister of the Baptist Church,
farm of 160 acres. In 1863, he married which he continued until his death, in Iowa,
Mena Hasamier, by whom he has six chil- at the age of sixty- one. Almost immediately
dren, viz., Willie, Henry, Louise, Sophia, after marriage, he and his wife were sent to
Jacob and Emma. Subject and wife are Fort Wayne, Ind., as missionaries among the
Lutherans. He has been School Director. Indians. The father of Mr. Sears was also

a minister, and for a time assisted his son at are the parents of four children, viz., Sally,
Fort Wayne, after which he returned to Ohio Mrs. Jacob Lehman; Frederick; Magdalena,
and died there. The mother of our subject Mrs. Lawrence Vix, living in Nebraska, and
survived her husband several years; after Catharine. They are all members of the
selling the old homestead, she located in De- Lutheran Church. Mr. Kline is a Republi-
troit, Mich. where she died at the age of
, can.
seventy-one. Their union resulted in eight DAVID KLINE, merchant. Downer's
children, as follows: Eliza, Olivia, Anna, J. Grove, was born May 20, 1838, in Alsace,
J. (deceased), Lucy, Harriet, Sarah and Asa. France (now Germany), son of David and
Mrs. Kennedy was married in 18G6 to A. P. Catharine (Wickersham) Kline, natives of
Kennedy, of Saratoga County, N. Y. he was ; Europe. David Kline, subject's farmer, emi-
born in 1814 and was the son of Lanson and grated with his family to America and settled
Electa (Kellogg) Kennedy. Subject's hus- in this county in 1853, where he bought 125
band was an early settler of De Kalb County, acres of land; he died in 1871, his wife in
having come there in 1840; was a member of 1853; they were the parents of nine children.
the First Congregational Church of Chicago. Subject received an ordinary education, and
May 2, 1881, while the family were residing worked on the farm till 1863, when he en-
at Downer's Grove, Mr. Kennedy fell into a listed in Company C, Sixty-fourth Illinois
well and was drowned. Mrs. Kennedy has Volunteer Infantry, and served about two
four children — Lina, Asa S., Grace and Carl years, participating in the battles of the
S.; she now resides in a beautiful residence campaign from Dallas, Ga., to Atlanta, Ga.
in this village, possessed of an abundance of in the battle at the latter place, July 22,
this world's goods, sufficient for the comfort 1864, he lost his left leg, which was taken off
and happiness of herself and children through above the knee. He engaged in the grocery
life. business in 1868; afterward took J. W. La-
VALENTINE KLINE, farmer, P. O. selle in partnership for four years; then with-
Gower, was born in Germany in 1815, and drew for about two years and Lasalle moving
is a son of Valentine and Margaret Kline, the goods, Mr. Kline put in a full line of
residents of Germany. Subject attended goods in his present building; he carries a
school until fourteen years of age, when he general stock and does a good trade. He
commenced to work
at farming, which he married, in 1875, Miss Lena Heintz, who
continued until 1845, when he emigrated to has borne him three children, viz., Edwin,
this country. Soon after landing, he was Albert and George, he also had by a former
married, in Buffalo, N. Y., to Sallie Shupp, marriage one child — Rosa. He has filled the
who came over in the same vessel with sub- office of Trustee; he is a Republican; polled
ject. Soon after marriage, they settled in his first vote for Lincoln. Mr. Kline attends
Du Page County, where they worked by the strictly to business himself; is a pleasant,
month until 1846, when they purchased genial gentleman, and enjoys the confidence
eighty acres of land. This has been added of all; he and his wife are members of the
to until now Mr. Kline has 120 acres of well- Lutheran Church.
improved land, the result of his own labor. KLINE BROTHERS, farmers, P. O.
In connection with his farming, he raises a Downer's Grove. John and Mathias Kline
good many fine cattle. Mr. and Mrs. Kline the 1 eading farmers of this town-
ship; they are the sons of David and Catha- Lyman was born in New Hartford, Litchfield
rine (Wickersham) Kline, natives of Alsace, Co., Conn., July 26, 1781; died at Downer's
Germany; they came here in 1854, settling Grove July 16, 1851, and was buried at Na-
where the subjects now live; here the father perville; his wifewas born in Sheffield, Mass.,
died in 1870, the mother having died with April 30, died in Iowa January 9,
cholera at Chicago just before the family came 1873. Mr. Lyman removed with his parents
to this county; the parents were Lutherans to Chicago in 1838, and, the following year,
and had twelve children, nine of whom grew came to Downer's Grove Township. He at-
up, viz., Catharine (Mrs. Sinister), Mary (Mrs. tended school in Ohio, in which State his
Storm), David, Jacob, John, Mathias, Sarah parents lived for several years, and, at the
and Caroline. The subjects of this biogra- age of seventeen, began teaching school in
phy have never married, and their two Will County, 111., Judge Williams, of Chi-
youngest sisters are keeping house for them. cago, being one of his pupils. In Painesville,
They are making a specialty of Durham cattle Lake Co., Ohio, September 18, 1850, he mar-
on their elegant little farm; they vote the sied Lovancia Pease, born in Madison, Ohio,
Republican ticket. December 23, 1821, daughter of George and
WILLIAM C. KESSER, farmer, Lemont, Lucinda (Campbell) Pease, natives of Con-
Cook County, was born December 18, 1847, necticut and parents of six children, viz.,
in Blair County, Penn., son of Valentine and Lovern, Lovancia, Carlos C, Lauren S.,
Martha (Brower) Kesser, natives of Germany, Sarah B. and Granville W. Mrs. L's mother
who came to America in 1842, and settled in . was a distant relative of the poet Campbell.
Pennsylvania, but afterward removed to Lock- She was educated at Oberlin College, and
port, Will County; they had eight children, taught school for several terms in Lake
six of whom are living — William, Sarah, County, Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. Lyman are the
Martha, Alice, Emma
and Sylvester. The parents of two children: Sarah Estella and
father is dead, but the mother is living with Walter Campbell. Our subject has 265 ares
subject. Mr. Kesser has always followed of well-improved land, on which he makes a
farming, with the exception of one year, specialty of raising Durham cattle he brought

which he spent as a traveling salesman for a his stock here over thirty years ago; he was
Cincinnati tobacco house; he is unmarried, one of the first Road Commissioners of this
and lives with his mother and sister Emma; township, the most of the early records of
they have fifty-five acres of land in Will which were written by him; he was chosen
County, and twenty- eight acres of timber at Foreman, by Judge Blodgett, of the United
another point; makes some specialty in rais- States Grand Jury of this district in the
ing Clydesdale stock. His father was a shoe- great whisky prosecution. He and his wife
maker, and had a shop on the farm. The are members of the Congregational Church;
family have acquired their property since he is a stanch Republican. Mr. Lyman's
they came here, and are industrious and fru- parents, Rev. Orange and Marcia (Dewey)
gal. Lyman, were among the early settlers here.
HENRY M. LYMAN, farmer, P. O. Dow- Our subject is one of seven children, viz.,
was born in Vernon, Oneida Co.
ner's Grove, Stephen D., Cornelia, Henry M., Thomas,
N. Y., October 27, 1821, and is a son of Euratas, Mary E. and Edward. In the pos-
Orange andMarcia(Dewey) Lyman. Orange session of Mr. Lyman is a barrel which was

shipped to the family over forty years ago, by throughout the United States as a dealer and
some of the relatives, containing dried apples, breeder of fine Jersey cattle. Mr. Lyman
and a bag of specie, with which " coin" they was originally a Whig, now a stanch Repub-
paid for their first piece of land, a part of lican.

the old homestead. R. LYMAN, farmer, P. O. Lemont, Cook

THOMAS LYMAN, real estate dealer, Chi- County, was born in Massachusetts in 1824;
cago, Downer's Grove, was born in 1824; son of his father, Liberty, was born in 1794, and
Rev. O and Marcia (Dewey) Lyman, he a na- his mother, Lucinda (Sikes) Lyman, in 1796;
tive of Connecticut, she of Sheffield, Mass. they ; they were natives of Massachusetts, and set-
came Downer's Grove Township in 1839.
to tled in Michigan, where the father died in
Subject's father was a Congregational minis- 1863; the mother of subject is still living;
ter, and was one of the first clergymen in they were the parents of ten children. At
Downer's Grove, where he died in 1851; his the age of twenty-two, our subject started on
wife died in Iowa in 1873; they were the foot for the Southwest, with only $10; this
parents of seven children, three of whom are soon gave out, and he then chopped wood
living. Mr. Lyman received his education in and logs for a time; he finally came to Le-
the East and at Chicago, and, at the age of mont, 111., where he took charge of a squad

nineteen years, entered a store as clerk. of men employed in constructing the Illinois
When twenty-three years old, he, in company & Michigan Canal. In 1850, he engaged in
with his brother Stephen, opened a store at mining and the lumber business in Califor-
Eockton, 111., thence removed to Iowa, re- nia, which he continued sixteen years; he
maining in business there eight years; he was married, in 1856, to Mary G. daughter ,

then engaged for ten years as real estate of George W. and Adaline M. (Sharp) Alder-
agent in Chicago for parties in the East, and man, who came to Illinois in 1838, settling
represented for many years more property be- where subject now resides, he dying in June,
longing to Boston capitalists than any other 1879, she in June, 1875. He returned from
dealer in Chicago. For the last seventeen California in 1866, and farmed here two
years, he has been engaged in the general years; then went back to California, where
real estate business on his own account, and he stayed four years, then made his final set-
owns a great deal of property in Chicago; he tlement on the present farm in Downer's
built Portland Block, one of the best in Chi- Grove Township, containing 167 acres of
cago. In 1847, he married Miss P. Clark, of land, in Sections 6 and 7. Mr. and Mrs. Ly-
Ashtabula County, Ohio; they have had one man are the parents of eight children, six of
child — Bessie, wife of R. Giddings, who is whom survive, viz. George L. Marua
, , (Mrs.
in business with Mr. Lyman, with whom A. Bannister), Henry M. , Nellie S. , Zolia B.
they reside. Mr. and Mrs. Giddings have and Sylvester A. Mr. Lyman was Supervisor
one child — Edward B. Mr. Lyman attends while in California; he is a Republican. He
very closely to his business, in thirty-eight is making a specialty of Holstein cattle and
years not having lost more than two months' Poland-China hogs.
time from actual business, save a few weeks' THOMAS LAMB, retired farmer, P. O.
vacation each year; he settled at his present Downer's Grove, was born in Hancock, Berk-
place, in Downer's Grove, in 1867, where he May 12, 1814; only son of
shire Co., Mass.,
has a fine residence. He is well known Phineas and Eunice (Howe) Lamb, he born

in Canada, she in Massachusetts. 1845, he, with his brother William, came to
Lamb was a shoemaker by trade, and died in America: worked at farming in several States
1816; his widow married Dennis Eggleston, until 1859, when they bought eighty acres of
whom she bore four children. By a marriage land, a part of our subject's present farm of
prior to that with subject's father, she had 240 acres. Here
began labor with ox

one child — Lothrop Smith. Thomas received teams. In 1851, Mr. Littleford was married
a fair education in the country schools, and, to Ann Jones, daughter of George and Ann
at the age of eleven years, went to live with (Leonard) Jones, born May 17, 1830, and is one
Mr. Samuel W. Wilson, with whom he re- of a family of eight children. Mr. and Mrs.
mained till he was twenty-three years old. Littleford have had ten children Eliza and —
In 1844, he came to Kendall County, 111., Sydney, deceased; George E., teacher at La
bought 100 acres of land, which he farmed Grange, 111.; Reuben H, a butcher; Frank,
for seven years; thence moved to De Kalb Jackson, Ann, James, Effie and Lottie, still

County, 111., bought land and remained on living. Our subject and wife and their sons
it three years; thence to Iowa, where he in- George and Frank are members of the Meth-
vested in land, which he farmed eleven years. odist Church at Cass.
From Iowa, he moved, in 1865, to Lisle JACOB LEHMANN, farmer, P. O. Gower,
Township, this county, where he bought a was born in 1839 in Germany, and is a son of
well-improved farm of 160 acres, where he Henry and Eva Lehmann, who came to York
remained till 1877, when he retired from Township, Du Page County, in 1858, after
farm life and came to Downer's Grove, where residing in the State of New York one year.
he has since resided. He married, in 1835, The father is dead, and the mother lives with
Ellis Jenks (sister of Mrs. Austin), born in her son Henry. Our subject attended school
Massachusetts December 24, 1816; they had a very and worked at farming while in

six children, of whom only one is living Germany. In 1862, he married Sallie Kline,
Milton, married LnellaRoe. living on his farm by whom he has six children, viz., Jacob,
Palmer W. (deceased), Thomas P. (deceased). Sallie, George, Fred, Louis and Valentine.
Benjamin F., died in Company K, Thirteenth Mr. Lehmann has eighty-seven acres of well-
Illinois Volunteer Infantry; William H., improved land as a result of his labors; he
died in Company H, Seventh Illinois Volun- raises some fine cattle. He and his wife are
teer Infantry, and Charles A., died in 1881. active members of the Lutheran Church; he
Mr. Lamb is a Republican; his wife is a has been Pathmaster, and is now School Di-
member of the M. E. Church. rector. Subject's eldest son, Jacob, is in
GEORGE LITTLEFORD, farmer. P. O. partnership with John Liston in blacksmith-
Gower, was born in England March 1, 1825; ing, and they are doing a tine business in
is a son of Retiben and Maria (Hoar) Little- Downer's Grove Township, at the junction of
ford, natives of England, and parents of the Plainfield and Naperville roads.
seven children; his father was a hotel-keeper J. C. MERRICK, physician and surgeon,

and farmer; he and his wife were both Epis- Hinsdale, was born April 21, 1842, in Wal-
copalians. Our subject attended school in worth County, Wis. ; son of A. L. and C. P.
those days when each pupil was obliged to (Cook) Merrick, natives of New York and
carry fourpence every Monday morning, with Massachusetts respectively; he living in Wis-
which to pay for the week's schooling. In consin; she died in 1855; they were the par-

ents of seven children. Tbe Doctor attended remained several years, and then invested in
the district schools in the winters, until he property in Fullersburg, where he has since
was about eighteen years old, when he en- resided. In 1833, he married Lydia, daugh-
tered the public schools of Burlington, Wis., ter of John and Lydia Cross, natives of En-
attending two terms; then attended Todd's gland; from this union eight children have
Seminary, at Woodstock, McHenry Co., 111., —
been born Mary A. (Mrs. John Fuller),
two terms, and afterward entered the Beloit Elizabeth (deceased), Ellen (Mrs. Morrell
College, where he completed his studies in Fuller),Jane (Mrs. Cyrus Fetterman), John,
the scientific course and Latin; he then read Edward (deceased), Emma (deceased) and
medicine with Dr. G. F. Newell, of Water- Susan (Mrs. Robert Chilvers). Mrs. Mack-
ford, Racine County, for three years, attend- inder died September 7, 187- since which
ing in the meantime the Rush Medical Col- time Mr. Mackinder has resided with
lege, Chicago, from which he graduated with Mr. Morrell Fuller; he is a Republican and
high honors, in January, 1869; he at once is connected with the Universalist Church.
began to practice his profession, near Mil- Mr. Fuller, with whom he resides, is a plas-
waukee, and at the end of a year entered terer in Chicago, and served three years in
the celebrated Bellevue Hospital College for Company B, One Hundred and Fifth Illinois
five months, locating afterward at Burlington, Volunteer Infantry as Drum Major; he was
Wis., where he remained three years, meeting married in 1865, and has one child Nellie.—
with success. In December, 1871, he located H. C. MIDDAUGH, farmer, P. O. Hins-
in Hinsdale, where he has a lucrative prac- dale, was born February 19, 1833, in Scio,
tice; he kept a drug store here for several Allegany Co., N. Y. is a son of Elijah and

years, which he lately sold to William Ever- Louisa (Noble) Middaugh, he born in Dry-
enden; he was married, in 1868, to Louise den, N. Y., April 6, 1805, died October 17,
Weage, of Wisconsin, who has borne him 1872; she, born in Whitehall, N. Y., October
three children —Harry
Fred A. and one
A., 28, 1811, is living with her son, John E., in
dead. He is a member, and also medical ex- Scio, N. Y., and is a member of the Methodist
aminer, of the A. O. U. W., and is now serv- Church. Our subject had the educational
ing as Village Trustee. advantages usual among pioneers, but in ad-
JOHN MACKINDER, retired farmer, P. few years, attended Friend-
dition, he, for a
O. Hinsdale, is a native oE England, born ship Academy and Genesee College, taught
July 26, 1813; son of John and Ann (Black- for a short time, and, in 1854, came West to
burn) Mackinder, who were tbe parents of seek his fortune. In 1855, he commenced
seven children —Mary (Mrs. William Banks), work in a lumber and sash factory in Chi-
John, Elizabeth (Mrs. George Taylor), Rich- cago, where he remained three years. After
ard, Ann ('2), Joseph and Edward. His par- teaching school a short time at Jefferson, 111.,

ents were members of the Episcopal Church. he served the Merchants' Loan and Trust
Mr. Mackinder received a limited education, Company in the capacity of book-keeper for
and began life working on a farm; he came three years; then, for four years, as Teller;
to Chicago, 111., in 1851, thence to Fullers- severing his connection with this firm, he em-
burg, this county, where he bought eighty barked in business for himself, first, in the
acres of land, which, after five years, he sold furniture business, which he continued but a
out and bought 100 acres in Cass, where he short time, then in the lumber trade, and
afterward, in the real estate business, which \
acres of finely improved land. The original
he continued many years. In 1878, he in- homestead of 280 acres was purchased by
vested $25,000 in land where he now lives, at John Fisher, a brother of Mr. M.'s mother; he
Clarendon Hills, Du Page Co., 111. He has j
came here with the family in 1842, and, in
since invested $25,000 more, so that he now 1850, commenced work in the Singer stone
has 180 acres of beautiful land, mostly laid quarry, of Lemont, of which he became fore-
out in lots, and dotted with ornamental and !
man. September 13, 1864, he was killed at
fruit trees. Near this, he also has another ,
the quarry by an iron derrick. In Lyonsville,
plat of eighty acres; all of this land is at a [
Cook Co., 111., June 1, 1876, Mr. Mihm mar-
fine elevation, and upon it Mr. Middaugh has ried Mary Pantke, born in Downer's Grove,
erected buildings valued at over $13,000; he this county, October 9, 1858, a daughter of
raises good horses, Berkshire pigs and thor- August and Rosa (Steindel) Pantke, natives
oughbred Jersey cattle; has barn room for of Prussia, he born Augustus, 1823, she born
500 tons of hay, and 150 horses. He was July 25, 1828. Mr. and Mrs. Mihm are par-
married, in Chicago, February 7, 1878, to ents of four children, three of whom
Miss Susan Price, born in Lakeville, Living- Charles, Lydia and Rufus — are living Mr.
ston Co., N. Y., in March, 1828, daughter of Mihm some Short-Horn cattle.
raises He is
Arthur and Agnes (Sinclair) Price, he a na- School Director and member of the Lutheran
tive of England, born in 1783; she, born in Church, as is also his wife.
Pennsylvania in 1793, died in September, J. B. MACKIE, farmer, P. O. Cass, is a
1875. Mr. and Mrs. Middaugh attend the native of Scotland, born in Glasgow October
Methodist Church of Hinsdale. 20, 1833; his parents, Thomas and Margaret
CHARLES MIHM, farmer. P. O. Gower, (Boag'i Mackie, were also natives of Scotland,
was born March 6, 1848, at Willow Springs, where the -former died; the latter came to
Cook Co., 111., and is a son of Christian and Ohio, where she was married to R. Simms;
Catharine (Fisher) Mihm, natives of Bavaria, she died in Michigan in 1872; she was a
Germany; his father was born December 6, Presbyterian; by her first marriage, she had
1811; emigrated to America in 1839, and his sis children. Subject attended school in
mother, who was born October 23, 1817, em- Toledo, Ohio, when it was about the size of
igrated in 1845. They were married in Chica- what Downer's Grove now is, and also in
go and settled at Willow Springs, where he Brooklyn, N. Y., obtaining a fair education;
worked on the Illinois & Michigan Canal. In at the age of eighteen, he began learning the
1849, they settled on the 280 acres, where the machinist's trade, at Mt. Vernon, Ohio, where
mother now lives with our subject, his father he remained over three years, when his health
having died May 19, 1874; they were both failing, from confinement to the shops, he
li fe-long members of the German Lutheran came to Illinois to recruit for one year, stop-
Church. Charles attended school in a cabin ping with his uncle John, who, at an early
which stood on his father's farm, it being the day, had settled the farm on which subject
first schoolhouse in this part of the country; now lives. Here subject engaged in farming
he also attended a business college in Chi- and now has a fine farm of 188 acres, the
cago for two terms. The greater part of his greater part of which is the fruit of his own
life has been spent on the old farm, to which labors. He married, in 1S64, Elizabeth
he has added twenty acres, making in all 300 Dunn, daughter of William P. and Hannah

(Antill) Dunn, both nativesEngland, who

of terham, a farmer in England), John, Jesse,
came to Kendall County, 111., in 1840, and .The parents are both within the silent
who had two children— Hannah and Eliza- bosom of the sunny land of En-
grave, in the
beth. Mr. and Mrs. Mackie have one child gland. The mother was an active Methodist.
—Laura M. ,an efficient teacher, educated at John spent his younger days in attending
Fort Wayne, Ind., and Naperville, this county. school and the rural pursuits of life. On the
Mr. and Mrs. Mackie are active members of 7th day of April, 1854, he was united in
the M. E. Church at Cass. He is a stanch marriage with Hannah, a daughter of Will-
Republican. iam and Ann (Tufts) Reader, natives of En-
LEVI MERTZ, hardware, Downer's Grove, gland. Her parents were blessed with thir-
was born February 17, 1848, in Downer's teen children, seven of whom survive, viz.,

Grove, this county; son of Edward and Sarah Elizabeth (Mrs. Standish), Hannah, Sarah
(Setzer) Mertz, botti of Allentown, Penn., and Mary (Mrs. Lay wood),
(Mrs. Joseph Gregory),

both still living, he born March 6, 1817, she John (married Jane Winkley), Ann (Mrs.
born September 22, 1822 they were the par-
; ! Herring) and William, who married twice,
ents of eleven children, six of whom are liv- the first wife being Sarah Wallace, and the
ing — Mary, Wellington, Levi, Allen, Lydia second Emily Siplaw; her parents were primi-
and Lewis. Edward and wife came to Illi- tive Methodists, and meetings were held in

nois in 1841, and bought 207 acres of land at their house when churches were yet to be con-
$5 per acre. Our subject engaged with J. structed. In a few days after marriage, Mr.
W. Rogers & Co. in 1870, and continued and Mrs. Oldfield gathered their small amount
with that lirm till July, 1881. November 11, of worldly treasure, and, in company with
1881, he bought one-half interest in the hard- his brother Jesse, John James Reader and six
ware establishment of George Mochel &Bro., others, they boarded the "Queen Victoria,"
where he has remained and is doing a fine and, in a few weeks, were landed safely at
business. In Chicago, January 1, 1878, he New York; June 12, they landed at Chicago,
married Lydia A. Faul, who has borne one where Mrs. O. remained while her husband
child—Fred R., born February 19, 1882. prospected for a location. After making a
Mrs. Mertz was born in Downer's Grove, this long and wearisome trip through the Fox
March 14, 1853, and is a daughter of
county, River region, Mr. O. returned to Chicago,
Henry and Eva M. (Wolff) Faul, both of and soon after rented a farm of George
whom are living, he born in Bavaria March Smith, a banker of Chicago, lying a few miles
19, 1818, she born in Strasburg October 26, from that city, which he managed with suc-
1819. Mr. Mertz enlisted during the war, cess for four years; he then bought forty
but was pronounced too young. Is a Repub- acres of John Riddler, in the Cass neighbor-

lican, having cast his first vote for Grant. hood, Du Page County; he and his brother
JOHN OLDFIELD, farmer, P. O. Lemont. Jesse, who had remained with him since their
The gentleman whose name heads this brief arrival in this country, brought a load of
biography is a native of England, being born household articles, and lodged on the night
there June 15,1824; his parents, Joseph and of their reaching this forty acres in a small
Ann Edgoose, were natives of England and log cabin, now in use on the farm of Jesse.

possessed a family of five children, viz., one They used their boots for pillows, making
deceased when young, Mary A. (Mrs. J. Bat- their beds only plauks. This seemed to be no
discouragement to them, and in this locality this marriage, two children have been born,
they have remained, accumulating, by industry viz., Roy and Gracy; he met with a severe
and frugality, a vast fortune, consisting of loss, that of his left arm, by the discharge of
several hundred acres of finely improved land a gun in the hands of an awkward boy, who
and large herds of cattle and sheep. Mrs. O. was quarreling with another boy. Mr. Old-
has long been an active member of the Meth- held has taken delight in driving fast horses
odist Church, being now associated with the at fairs; he makes a specialty of horses; he
church at Cass, to which organization her hus- has forty acres of well-improved land in Sec-
band has donated a large amount of money. tion 17; he is now in his fifth term as Tax
Mr. and Mrs. O. have been blessed with one Collector of this township. Himself and

daughter Elizabeth A., born December 10, wife are members of the M. E. Church.
1845, and married May 11, 1869, George B. A. L. PEARSALL, Postmaster, Hinsdale,
Hear tt, who was in the late war; her marriage was born in Chenango County, N. Y., Octo-
has blessed her with some happy children. It ber 28, 1828; son of John and Clarinda
is the purpose of this personal sketch to note (Walker) Pearsall, also natives of that county.
the prominent characteristics of the individ- John Pearsall came with his family, in 1839,
uals to which they refer, and to hand down to to Belvidere,Boone Co., 111., where he died
the future those who now stand prominent as March 2, 1865; his wife died in Iowa, Janu-
citizens of our country and representative ary, 1879; they were active mombers of the
men. Comment on the usaful lives of this Methodist Church, and were the parents of
biography would be useless verbiage, super- six children. Mr. Pearsall attended school
fluous and unmeaning. Enough to say they from one to four months during the winter
have obtained their large fortune by their seasons, and also used his own endeavors
own efforts. while at home to obtain an education. At
R. OLDFIELD, farmer, P. O. Downer's the age of eighteen, he began teaching in
Grove, was born in England September 2, Knox County, 111. While in Belvidere, he
1836; his parents, John and Anna (Fields) engaged for a time in the grocery and also in
Oldfield, were natives of England and the the hardware trade. In April, 1855, he mar-
parents of six children, all now living. ried Harriet Rockwell, of Kalamazoo, Mich.,
John Oldfield, subject's father, came to Illi- —
who has borne him two children Jennie E.,
nois in 1847, and, in 1848, settled on eighty wife of A. R. Robinson, Principal of the
acres in Section 16, this township, and after- Chicago Schools, and Henry, correspondent
ward added forty acres; he is now deceased; of the American Iron Works, Chicago. Mr.
his wife is still living. Our subject attended Pearsall settled in Hinsdale in 1S70, and here
school in the country and worked on a farm engaged in selling school furniture for A. S.
in his younger days; he carried on an exten- Barnes & Co., Chicago, for a year; then
sive butcher business for about two years at worked for a prominent nurseryman of Michi-
Downer's Grove, with a man by the name of gan for some time; he was chosen Justice of
Briggs. He was married, in 1861, to Kate the Peace, and, in 1875, was commissioned
E. Dixon, who died in 1865, having borne Postmaster at Hinsdale by President Grant,
him two children — Hairy and Alice; he was both of which positions he now holds; he is
again married, to Emma R., daughter of Rev. also a Notary Public. He has been Assessor
Samuel and Henrietta (Greeley) Ambrose; by of Downer's Grove Township two terms, and

filled that position in Boone County five Mass.; is a son of Luther and Elizabeth
years. He is a member of Hinsdale Lodge, (Lewis) Parker, who reared a family of eight
No. 649, A., F. & A. M., of which he is S. children, viz., William, John, Mary E., Al-
W. he and his wife are members of the Con-
; bert, Charles, Adaline, Francis and Ann; his
gregational Church, of which he is Trustee; father was a merchant in Boston, where John
he is a Republican. He served four months attended school, obtaining a fair education.
in the One Hundred and Twenty seventh Il- When fifteen years old, he began learning
linois Volunteer Infantry as superintendent the carpenter's trade, at which he worked
of a ponton bridge at Nashville, Tenn., three years, and then engaged in a book
across the Cumberland River. bindery. He next worked in a grocery for
GARDNER PAIGE, retired farmer, P. O. two years as clerk, after which he had an in-
Downer's Grove, was born July 17, 18'26, in terest in the business. In 1836, he came to
Royalton, Vt. son of David and Anna (Par-
; Chicago and engaged in the general merchan-
ker) Paige, who came from their native State dising business, under the firm name of Par-
to this section in 1837; bought land and ker & Gray. In 1844, he withdrew from
built the first frame house in this section of mercantile pursuits, and auctioneered for
Downer's Grove. David died June 20, 1864; twelve years; was engaged in the brewery
the mother June 8, 1879. The grandfather business in Chicago for some time, and then
Parker was in the Revolutionary war. The had an interest in the Corrugated Iron Com-
mother of Mr. Paige being a school teacher, pany, in which he sustained considerable loss.
taught him mostly at home. June 17, 1852, In 1869, he settled in Hinsdale, where he has
he married Annis W., daughter of M. P. and a good property and runs a vegetable garden.
Hannah (Hill) Gilbert, of Vermont, who came In 1835, Mr. Parker married Nancy T. Otis,
to Illinois in 1848. Mrs. Paige's father was —
by whom he had three children Frank, Mary
a soldier in the war of 1812, and her grand- and Charles. His wife died from cholera in
father Gilbert was an officer in the Revolu- 1863. He nest married Caroline M. Beal,
tionary war; her father died June 30, 1878; by whom he has had two children— Samuel
her mother is living with her. Our subject B. and Grace C.
has had five children Martha, married, Sep-— DANIEL PETERS, farmer, P. O. Down-
tember 3, 1879, to S. W. Miller, station er's Grove, was born August 3, 1851, in
agent at Lockport; Rosa A. and Gertrude; Downer's Grove Township; is the son of
those dead are Hannah and Alzina. Mr. Jacob and Barbara (Graff) Peters, natives of
Paige is now filling the position of Assessor; Germany, and the parents of six children,
he has been a Justice of the Peace and Col- viz., Barbara, Jacob, Fred, Sarah, Daniel
lector, each three terms; also Road Commis- and Samuel. The parents came to Downer's
sioner. He (subject), Judge Blanchard and Grove in 1844, and settled where the subject
John Marion voted the last three "Whig tick- now lives. The mother died August 21, 1876,
ets in this township; he is a Republican at and the father is still living, at the age of sixty-
present; wife is a member of the Baptist six, with the subject. Mr. Peters attended
Church; she taught school many terms in the common country school, and now con-
this section. ducts the farm, which consists of 112 acres
JOHN PARKER, retired auctioneer, Hins- of finely cultivated land, and twenty-seven
dale, was born June 18, 1810, in Boston, acres of timber. In 1877, Mr. Peters mar-

ried Lena Atzel, a daughter of F. Atzel, of his father were two of the first passengers on
Downer's Grove; he was born March 6, 1813, the Illinois & Michigan Canal. Our subject
in Germany; came to America in 1833, en- and his family are members of the Lutheran
gaged in different employments in New York Church, of which he is treasurer and trustee.
City until 1840, when he returned to Ger- G. H. PAPENHAUSEN, tailor, Hinsdale,
many. The following year, he again came was born in Germany September 28, 1837;
to America, locating in Chicago, where he his parents, Richard and Mary (Stopenhau-
learned the carpenter's trade. In 1851, he sen) Papenhausen, were also natives of Ger-
bought a farm of 120 acres in Downer's many, and had four children, two living
Grove Township, living on the same till 1874, Fred, a tailor in Chicago, and G. H. his ;

when he rented his farm and settled in the father was a tailor and with whom G. H.
village of Downer's Grove. The Atzel family learned his trade. Mr. Papenhausen attended
are members of the German M. E. Church, as school nine years, and then began to work at
are also Mr. and Mrs. Peters. The latter tailoring. He came to Brush Hills, this

have three children Clara, Edwin and Hen- county, in 1870, and began working at his
ry. Mr. Peters is a Republican. trade there, having scarcely any money. In
F. G. PRESCOTT, farmer, P. O. Gower, 1875, he name to Hinsdale, where he' has
was born January 5, 1833, in Prussia, and is since done a good business he has been fort-

the son of G. Prescott, who came to this unate in securing property here worth $2,-
country in 1839; his father,who died in 500; he was married, in Germany, to Mary
1860, was married three times, and our sub- Bachrans, who has borne him six children
ject was one of three children by his first Mary, Sophia, Ann, Willie, Lena and Charlie;
wife. Mr. Prescott received but little edu- they attend the Lutheran Church. He votes
cation; came to Cook County in 1839, and the Republican ticket, and is a member of
worked on the canal with his father. His the A. O. U. W. at Hinsdale.
first work for himself was trapping, in part- PROF. J. K. RASSWEILER, Principal
nership with his brother G. They were thus of Downer's Grove Schools. He is a native
employed for six years, on the Desplaines of Millersbiu-g, Dauphin Co., Perm., born
River. In 1858, they went to Iowa and September 10, 1853 his parents,
; J. Philip and
trapped along the rivers during the winters Anna D. (Haesler) Rassweiler, are represen-
iratil 1865, when they abandoned this kind tatives of that nationality to which the United
of work. They had been quite successful, States is indebted for very many thousands
making as high as $40 each per day. In of her most prosperous citizens and substan-
1860, Mr. Prescott hunted with Little Crow, tial men of worth and merit, being born in

chief of the Crow Indians. In 1861, our Hanover, Germany. J. Philip Rassweiler

subject married Rosa Pantke, whose parents was born April 18, 1812; emigrated to Amer-
are residents of this county. By this union, ica in 1825, and afterward settled perma-
there are twelve children, all living, viz., nently in Stephenson County, 111. His parents
Rosa, now Mrs. Huffman; Amelia, Julia, not being in affluent circumstances, our subject
Lena, Edward, Matilda, Willie, Charlie, Otto, worked on the farm during the summers, thus
Caroline, Richard and Maude. Mr. Prescott laying the foundation of his present energy,
now owns 144 acres of well-improved land, and, in the winters, when farm labor was not
the result of his own hard labor. He and to be Sbtained, he applied himself to mental

improvement, with eminent success. His school MBS. NANCY S. BOTE, Downer's Grove,
days began in the country, and, when at a rea- :

was born August 29, 1830, in Lower Canada;

sonable age, he entered an academy at Cedar -
her father, Daniel Boberts, was born in New
ville, Stephenson County, where he advanced Hampshire, and her mother, Lucy (Clark)
very rapidly; he set his mind for a thorough Boberts, in Lower Canada; they came here
education, and his parents were unable to in 1845, settling in the Cass neighborhood.
help him, so he devised every means in his Subject attended school but a short time in
power to be able to reach the target. He the country, but afterward entered a select
became qualified to teach in the country school at Naperville, where she remained
schools at the age of fifteen, and took advan- quite awhile. She was married, in 1848, to
tage of that vocation, teaching in the winters Luke S. Kimball, and from this union two
and attending college in the summers. He children were born, viz., Edward D. and
entered the Western College, at Naperville, Clara M., wife of Mr. Dawe, a Methodist
in 1870, where he graduated in 1876, with minister; she died May 28, 1881, leaving
high honors. During the period of six years three children —Ida M., E. Baymond and
that he was receiving instructions at the last- Charles. Mr. Kimball was educated at Mt.
mentioned institution, he taught terms of Morris, Ogle County, this State; was a class-

school at Mendota and Fullersbitrg. He was mate of ex- Gov. J. L. Beveridge; studied law
employed at the Downer's Grove Schools in in Chicago and practiced in Hennepin, Putnam
1870, a position his education and abilities County; his death occurred February 13,
peculiarly qualify him to fill. He has taken 1852, from drowning, in attempting to rescue
those schools from a mere primary grade, and j
some men from a boat which was frozen in
has them upon a foundation ranking
set the ice. Mrs. Bote then came to this county,
among the best in this country. At Streator, and, in 1857, was married to Bichard Bote,
111., September 15, 1876, he married Mary native of Columbia County, N. Y., and by this
Menominee Falls, Wis.,
E. Beringer, born in marriage was blessed with six children Eva —
Mahlon D. and
April 24, 1854, daughter of I V., Esther H, Mabel G., Ada E, Berton H.
Caroline K. (Wambold) Beringer, natives of I
and Ernest D. Mr. Bote died April 29,
Pennsylvania; he died February 16, 1859; 1879; was a member of the M. E. Church at
she was born July 23, 1833. Mrs. Bass- Cass, to which denomination the subject now
weiler's father was a member of the Evan- belongs. In September, 1881, Mrs. Bote
gelical Church. Her mother was again mar- ,
came to Downer's Grove. In 1882, she sold
ried to a Bev. J. Miller, of the Evangelical her eighty acres of well-improved land at $65
Church. Mr. B.'s union has blessed him per acre, and is living retired.
with two children, viz., Lula Winifred and i
F. A. EOGEBS, postal clerk on Chicago
Balph Edmund. He and wife are active & Dubuque mail route, Downer's Grove.
members of the Evangelical Church at Na- Mr. Rogers, ofwhom we write, is a native of
perville. He is now Village Trustee. Being St. Lawrence County, N. Y. is a brother of

averse to office, he has not been an office- Capt. T. A. Bogers, whose sketch, together
seeker. He is, however, now a candidate for with that of his father, appears elsewhere.
Superintendent of Schools of Du Page County, He had the advantage of the district schools,
a position he wdl probably get before this and a graded one at Somonauk, De Kalb
sketch is in print. County, this State. He spent his younger

days on his father's farm. He enlisted, in seen here, adjacent to the old structures.

1861, in Company E, I. C. A. V.,and served This hotel was known as Prospect Hill, and
the cause of his country for three years; was recently a large number of receipts were
and skirmishes, among
in about fifty battles found about the old building bearing such a
which were those of the Potomac campaign. postmark. They were receipts for board
On bis return from the war, he engaged prin- billsthat were probably never paid. Mr.
cipally in farming until October 3, 1880, Rogers has the patents for his present farm,
when he was commissioned postal clerk on which were signed by J. K. Polk.
the Chicago & Dubuque mail route, in which CAPT. T. S. ROGERS, meat market, Chi-
position he has proven an efficient officer, cago, P. O. Downer's Grove, was born August
having scarcely made a single mistake in the 30, 1831, in St. Lawrence County, N. Y. is a ;

transfer of mail, the labor of which is de- son of Joseph I. and Caroline A. (Smith)
pendent entirely upon the memory of hun- Rogers. The father was born January 12,
dreds of officers, their locality and mail route. 1802, in Herkimer County, N. Y., and the
He was married, September 6. 1860, to Mary mother on April 15, 1812, in West Spring-
A. Plummer, a daughter of Benjamin and field, Mass. The family came to this county
Amelia (Thomas) Plummer, of Hinsdale, in 1844, and bought land where P. S. Cossitt
which union blessed him with four children, now lives. Here the father died November
viz., Minnie A., born July 7, 1867; Mamie 18, 1863; the mother is living in Downer's
E., born July 15, 1869; Charlie L., born Au- Grove. Our subject attended school in a log
gust 24, 1870; and Elbert A., born August cabin which stood on the old Goodenough
3, 1879. Mr. Rogers has been Collector of farm, receiving instruction from Amanda
Downer's Grove Township for three years. Forbes. He taught school some during his
In 1880, he took the census of said township. life, in Milton Township, Lisle, and at Brush

Is a charter member of Hinsdale Lodge, No. Hill. He has run a threshing machine and
649, A., F. & and has been Past Mas-
A. M. , driven ox teams. Was married, December
ter of the same. He
votes the Republican 13, 1855, to Helen M. Stanley, a sister of L.
ticket. In June, 1880, he bought eighty-five W. Stanley, whose sketch appears elsewhere;
acres where he now lives, in Downer's Grove she was born February 6, 1833; she has
Township, and here his family remains On blessed her husband with two children, both
this farm stands an old log cabin that was of whom are deceased. In 1860, he was
erected about the year 1834, by Horace A.1- elected Sheriff of Du Page County. He en-
drich, who for many years at this place kept listed, before his term of office closed, in
the only hotel on the old jjlank road between Company B, One Hundred and Fifth Illinois

Brush Hills and Naperville. It was in this Volunteer Infantry, and was elected Captain
building that the Rogers family slept the first in July, 1862, and served till the fall of 1864.
night they were in Du Page County. The On his return from the war. he taught school
old well of forty-five years still furnishes as in Downer's Grove, and in 1866 he engaged
pure water as it did when__the merry traveler in the meat business at Chicago, which he
of those olden times tied his ox team, that he continues. He has a beautiful residence in
might bend over the old oaken bucket to Downer's Grove, and goes to and from his
quench his thirst. A portion of the old nur- business each day. He has been President
sery once cultivated by Mr. Aldrich can be of the Board of Trustees of Downer's Grove

since its Township Super-

organization; was Mrs. Robbins was thrown from her buggy by
visor one term, and has some other small a runaway horse, and almost instantly killed.

offices. Mention of the Rogers family will DAVID ROTH farmer, P. O. Hinsdale,
be found elsewhere. was born May 25, 1811, in Delaware County,
WILLIAM ROBBINS, real estate, Hins- N. Y. ; is the son of Edward and Mary (Close)
dale, was born July 20, 1824, Oswego
in Roth; the father died in 1815, and the mother
County, N. Y. ; is a son of John and Polly never remarried. In 1835, she came to Bu-
(Furguson) Robbins, the former a native of reau County, 111., where our subject engaged

Keene, N. H., and the latter of Albany, N. Y. |

in farming and driving ox teams to and from
They came McHenry County, 111., in 1844,
to Chicago. In 1842, he married Nancy Phelps,
and died there. Our subject attended school the result of the union being eleven children:
in the country, and afterward graduated at Serena G., Mary, Porter, Charlie, Marshall,
the Rensselaer Academy, at Mexico, N. Y. Frank, Myram, Frances, Norman Hyram, and
He then taught district schools in New York Laura. They remained in Bureau County till

and in Illinois, to which latter State he came 1865, at which time our subject bought land
with his parents. Soon after his arrival in near Brush Hills. Here they remained until
this State, he entered a dry goods store as I860, when they located in Hinsdale, where
clerk,where he continued until 1850, when j
they have since remained, with the exception
he went with several others to California, and i of four years which they spent in Iowa. Solo-
mined one winter. The following spring, he mon and Leonard, brothers of our subject,
engaged in general merchandising, under the were in the Back Hawk war. Mr Roth was
firm name of Bull, Baker & Robbins, at San first a Democrat, then a Republican, and now

Francisco. Red Bluffs and Shasta. They is a member of the Greenback party, of which
were successful, and, after six years, sold out, he is an enthusiastic advocate.
and began banking at San Francisco. This JOSIAH RICHARDS, butcher, Downer's
fchey continued successfully for four years, Grove, was born in Will County, 111. . Sep-
when Mr. Robbins withdrew and came to tember 6, His parents, John A. and
Chicago. In a short time, he invested his —
Lucy P. (Peet) Richards the former born in
ample means in which he has
real estate, to New Hampshire October 31, 1803, the latter
since given his personal attention. He was in Vermont April 24, 1804, came to Will
the founder of Hinsdale, where his beautiful County, 111., in 1835, thence to this county
residence now stands. He has about eight in 1836, where they still reside. Of their
hundred acres of land in and around Hins- five children, four are now living, viz., Josiah,
dale, and some in Cook County; has an office Louisa, Ellen and Emily. Subject received
in Chicago, to which he goes each day. In his education in the country schools ; also at-
1855, Mr. Robbins married Marie Steele, who tended the school at Naperville two terms;
blessed him with three children — Isabel, Mrs. worked on the farm till he was twenty-one
William H. Knight; John S., engaged in the years of age, then began life for himself. In
J. I. Case Plow Manufacturing Company at 1875, he engaged in the butcher business with
Racine, Wis. ; and George R., chief clerk for Mr. Naramore, at Downer's Grove, where he
Col. Forsythe, railroad official of Chicago. has since been engaged in that business, and
Mr. Robbins is a member of the Congrega- doing n good trade. He owns 231 acres of
tional Church at Hinsdale. In August, 1882, well-improved land, in Lisle Township, this

county; has filled the offices of Constable and of Cass, this county. His father, William,
Road Commissioner. He is a supporter of was born in 1808, in Bedfordshire, England,
the Republican party. and his mother, Mary (Fell) Smart, was born
MRS. ELIZA F. SMART, farmer, P. O. July 4, 1817, in Lincolnshire, England.
Cass. Elisha Smart, husband of Mrs. Eliza They were both single when they came to
F. Smart, was born in England February 10, America, and were married in 1839, and from
1816. His parents, Joseph and Mary (Briee) thisunion five children were born, viz., S. R.,
Smart, natives of England, came to America William H. George E., Albert and Mary E.
in 1825 settled in Monroe County, N. Y., Subject's father settled in this county, in
where their thirteen children grew up, and what is now Cass, and died December 26,
came here in 1844. Mr. Smart worked by 1876; his wife, subject's mother, lives with
the year at $35; spent a few months at the her son Henry, and is hale and hearty. Sub-
cooper's trade, and, at the age of twenty, ject received his education in the common
bought a farm of 100 acres in New York. j
schools, and, when eighteen years old, went
He married, in 1835, Eliza, daughter of to New York on a visit; while there, attend-
Joshua and Mary (Camach) Fell. Her father ed an academy at Rushford, N. Y. and, on ,

died September 25, 1846, and her mother his return home, resumed farming. At the
March 24, 1861; they were Methodists. Mr. age of twenty-two, he rented land of his
Smart remained three years on his farm in father and began f arming for himself. He
New York, then sold out and came to Illinois, married, March 4, 1868, Editha, daughter of
taking four weeks en route, and settled on Welcome D. and Sarah (Spaulding) Morton,
fifty acres of land. Mr. and Mrs. Smart natives of Pennsylvania and New York, re-
united with the Methodist Episcopal Church spectively, now residents of Vinton, Iowa,
in 1839, Mrs. Smart being the oldest mem- and parents of nine children, three living,
ber of that church now at this place. In viz., Editha (Mrs. Smart), Denisonand Lucy.

1853, Mr. Smart went to the California gold Mrs. Smart was born in this county March
fields, where he remained about seven years, 3, 1847. She and her husband are the par-
and was somewhat successful. Mrs. Smart ents of four children, viz., Blanche, born
bought seventy acres of land, the present March 24, 1870, in Illinois; Ida, born May
farm, while her husband was in California, 12, 1872, in Jefferson County, Iowa; Gen-it
which his earnings and the produce of the S., born February 13, 1874, in Jefferson
farm soon placed clear of debt. Eight County, Iowa, died February 12, 1880, with
children were born to them, all living scarlet fever; William D., born October 18,
Mary, Mrs. George Price: Wesley, married 1876, in Iowa. In 1869, Mr. Smart bought
Lucy Ahle; Caroline, Mrs. Thomas Leonard; a farm in Jefferson County, Iowa, and in the
Fannie E., Mrs. Amenzo Gilbert; Jerome, spring of 1870 removed to that State, where
married Lyde Ahle; Cecilia, Mrs. Peter War- he remained until 1876, when he returned to
den; A.nn M., Mrs. John Warden; and Jose- the old homestead. While in Iowa, Mr.
phine, Mrs. Martin Madden. Wesley was Smart was very successful, having secured
in Company B, Thirty-third Illinois Volun- two fine farms and improved them, making
teer Infantry, three years. thorn worth about $6,000. A railroad is now
SYLVESTER SMA.RT, farmer, P. O. Cass, in progress which will make the farms very
was born December 12, 1841, in the village valuable. One farm has a fine brick house

and all necessary buildings. The other farm j

and at the age of eighteen he applied him-
has new frame buildings, of first-class mate- self to teaching singing and day school in
rial. This amount of valuable property has j
this and Kane Counties. In 1857, he went
been obtained by his own labors. While in ]
to Chase County, Kan., and pre-empted 160
Iowa, Mr. Smart bought cattle at Chicago acres of Government land, paying for it with
and fed them on his farm. He is making a a land warrant received by his father for
specialty of fine cattle. He has 180 acres under services rendered in the war of 1812. In
very fine improvement, where he now resides, one year he returned to Bui-lington, Vt.,
in Section 33. Himself and wife are active where he engaged in the general musical in-

members of the Methodist Episcopal Church strument business, continuing until 1868.
at Cass, in which he is Steward; they attend In the meantime, however, he enlisted in
Sunday school. Company C, Twelfth Vermont Militia. In
G. E. SMART, farmer, P. O. Lemont, 1868, he formed a partnership with Isaac N.
Cook County, a brother of S. R. Smart, Camp in the wholesale and retail piano and
whose sketch appears elsewhere, and was organ business, at Chicago, which firm, Story
born October 7, 1847, in this township. He I
& Camp, has since existed. They have a
attended school as much
was convenient,
as j
large factory in Chicago, and branch business
and worked on his father's farm. He mar- rooms in St. Louis, Des Moines, Kansas City
ried, December 25, 1877, Esther, daughter of and St. Paul, together with those in Chicago,
John and Louisa Hall. Her parents came representing a capital stock of $500,000. In
here in 1870; her father died March 27, 1882; j
1868, while at Burlington, Vt., Mr. Story
of their twelve children, three are living, viz., edited and published the Vermont Musical
Thomas H. Eliza and Esther M.
, Mr. and Journal, a work possessing efficient talent.
Mrs. Smart have two children — Kittie L., born '
They make a specialty of the celebrated Estey
June 30, 1879; and Jennie M., born June |
organs, Decker Bros., Haines Bros, and other
20, 1881. They have 138 acres of well-im- j
makes of pianos. Their place of business is
}>roved land. Mrs. Smart was born January 188 and 190 State street. Mr. Story has been
2, 1854; she is a member of the Methodist twice married, the first time being to Marian

Episcopal Church at Cass. Mr. Smart is Fuller, by whom he had three children, viz.,
very successful in farming. Edward H, Robert T. and Frank. His sec-
HAMPTON L. STORY, pianos and organs, ond marriage was in 1876, to Adella B. Ellis,
Hinsdale and Chicago. Mr. Story, of the which union has blessed him with Addie and
firm of Story & Camp, was born in 1835, in I
James. His residence is located within the
Vermont; is a son of Andrew and Adaline i limits of Hinsdale, on twenty-one acres of
(Reed) Story, natives of Vermont, and the fine landjin this and Cook Counties; together
parents of three children, the subject only with the buildings, is valued at $40,000; all

surviving. The father was inthe State Leg- ! of which, with other large possessions, is the
islature in Vermont, and held many smaller result of his own His wife is a
positions; was a soldier in the war of 1812. member of _ the Episcopalian Church, and he
Mr. Story attended school in the country, is a Republican.
Cambridge, Bakersfield, Georgia and Fair- M. SUCHER, farmer, P. O. Ogden, Iowa,
fax, all thriving towns of Vermont; at the I was born in France in August, 1811. His
latter, he completed his labors as a student, I
parents, George and Elizabeth (Kries) Sucher,
downers ciiioVK township.

were natives of France, where the latter died and four brothers, viz., Margaret, Michael,
in 1819. Subject's father was again married Henry, Daniel and Jacob; he carried the
to Margaret Knopf, who bore him three chil- mail from Downer's Grove to West Lyons,
dren By his marriage with Miss Kries, Lemont and Cass, in all, twenty -one years;
seven children were born, viz., Henry, he died October 26, 1877; his wife, born in
George, Michael, Philip, Daniel, Jacob and Nashville, Tenn., March 8, 1818, also a mem-
Margaret. He came to Downer's Grove about ber of the Baptist Church, now resides in
1852, where he died; he was a member of the Downer's Grove; she one of a family of

Lutheran Church. Subject attended school three chidren, all living; she is the mother of

but little; he came to New York on 1833 five children, viz., James, Jacob, Lewis, Sarah
where he worked in succession on a canal, in and Nettie. Mr. Sucher's great-uncle, Shank -

a foundry, a distillery, a ship-lock, at butch lin, was in the war of 1812. The subject of
ering hogs and chopping wood, and at any this sketch learned the blacksmith's trade
thing he could get to do. He
worked at also with his father; enlisted in Company K,
splitting rails, digging up stumps and flail Thirteenth Illinois Volunteer Infantry, under
ing out wheat, at from $3 to $8 per month Capt. Blanchard, and served three years; his
In 1837, he married Miss Catharine Wolf, a brother Jacob also served in the same com-
native of France, who had settled in New pany. He married, December 26, 1866, Mary
York He remained in New York some time, C. Gager, born at Whitney's Point, Broome
then came to Illinois and bought 160 acres of Co., N. Y., April 27, 1848, daughter of Am-
land, at 10 shillings per acre. He has, by brose S. and Amanda (Thurston) Gager; he,
careful management, accumulated 240 acres born in Binghamton, N. Y., June 15, 1812,

of prairie and about eighty acres of timber died November 17, 1874; she, also native of
land in this county; he recently sold 240 New York State, born at Whitney's Point,
acres at $80 per acre, as he intends to locate Broome County, June 11, 1812. Mr. and
in Iowa. Mr. and Mrs. Sucher are the par- Mrs. Sucher have been blessed with three
ents of eleven children, viz., Michael (dead), children —Beulah E., Elvin N. and Lydia.
Henry B., William L,. Michael (dead), Mar- Mrs. Sucher is one of a family of ten chil-
garet E., George F., Samuel M., Charles K., dren, of whom eight are living —
Anna, John
Matilda, Walter and Edward B. Mr. Sucher T., C. M., J. R., Mary Ly-
C. (Mrs. Sucher),
has been Pathmaster and Town Commissioner dia M., Abbie and Ambrose S. Mr. Sucher
two years. He and his wife are members of owns a blacksmith shop, and dwelling; he

the German Methodist Church at Downer's works in his shop himself, and also employs
Grove. He has three lots and good houses two men; he does a general blacksmithing
in Chicago, and a house and lot in Napers- business. He is a charter member and Re-
ville. He makes a specialty of fine horses. corder of Hinsdale Lodge, No. 182, A. O. U. W.
J. W. SUCHER, blacksmith, Downer's M. F. SAYLOR, carriage painting and
Grove, was born in Shepherdsville, Bullitt Co., trimming, harness making and repairing,
Ey., July 5, 1841, son of Philip and Emily musical instruments, etc., Downer's Grove, a
(Hogan) Sucher. Philip Sucher, subject's native of Schuylkill County, Penn., born
father, who was born Germany October 15,
in September 17, 1831, son of Jacob and Pris-
1815, was a blacksmith by trade and a mem- cilla (Hoffman) Saylor, natives of Schuylkill
ber of the Baptist Church; he had one sister County, Penn., and who were the parents of

eleven children, nine of whom are living, mink and other valuable fur-producing ani-
viz., Morgan F. (subject), Thomas, Francis, mals, and thus paid for a small piece of land.
Jeremiah, Alexander, Peter, Mary, Emma In 1859, he married Susannah Herbert, a na-
and Alice. Subject, after receiving his edu- tive of Germany, and they settled where they
cation, taught school for five winters. In are now located. They have eight children,
1856, he came with his family to Naperville, viz., Henry, Mary, Amelia, Ella, Clara, John,
where he engaged in house-painting till 1860, Frank and Lucy. Mr. Shump has 145| acres
then moved to Plainfield, and soon after to of the finest land in the township, well
Joliet. In 1862, he enlisted in the Fifty- drained with tile; also has two fine orchards.
second Eegimental Band as B flat cornet Although averse to office, he has held some
player, and, after one year's service, was dis- small offices: takes an interest in education
charged. In 1863, he returned to Pennsyl- and local improvements and enterprises. He
vania and served three months in the militia; and wife are Catholics.
then became freight agent at Ashland, Penn., QUIRIN SCHMITT, wagon-maker, re-
and, after holding that position a year, went pairer and livery, Downer's Grove, was born
to work in the Pennsylvania Central Car in Europe April 30, 1853; his parents, Ro-
Works, where he had previously worked 'five man and Sophia (Tilken) Schmitt, both de-
years. In 1875, he came to Downer's Grove ceased, were Europeans; of their nine chil-
and engaged in carriage and house painting; dren, seven are living, viz. Nicholas, George,

in 1881, added the harness and musical in- Joseph, Amand, Quirin, Sophia and Therese.
strument business, and is doing a very good Subject, at the age of thirteen, began learn-
trade. Mr. Saylor has been twice married. ing the wagon-maker's trade, which he has
In 1850, he married Anna E. Feger, who was ever since followed. He came to Illinois in
killed at Joliet in 1872, by the explosion of a 1872, and worked one year and seven months
kerosene lamp; from this marriage six chil- with John Walters, of Downer' s Grove, whose
dren were born, four of whom are living business he then bought, and has since con-
Laura, Newton, Mary and Minnie. In 1874, tinued, making a specialty of repairing and
he married Mrs. Margaret Freeman, daughter building spring wagons, and doing an excel-
of Michael Sucher; from this marriage two lent trade. In 1881, he added a livery to his
children have been born, one of whom is liv- other business, and is meeting with good suc-
ing, Earl C. Mrs. Saylor had by her first cess in that line. He married, January 17,
husband two children, Edward and William. 1874, Barbara, daughter of Henry and Hele-
He is a Democrat, and himself and wife are na Schumpp. and from this union three chil-
members of the Baptist Church. dren have been born, viz., Eugene, Ida and
MICHAEL SHUMP, farmer, P. O. Down- Helen. Mrs. Schmitt' s parents were early
er's Grove, was born in December, 1833, in settlers here, and had six children, five of
Germany; is a son of Henry and Catharine whom are living. Mr. Schmitt is a Democrat;
(Sites) Shump, who reared a family of six members of the Catholic Church.
children. Our subject had but little chance PHILANDER TORODE, hotel and farm-
for education; worked on his father's farm er, P. O. Hinsdale, was born November 4,
until twenty-one years of age, when he began 1823, in Monroe County, Ohio. His par-
working out by the month. When he first ents, Nicholas and Rachel (De Lamare) To-
came to this part of the country, he hunted rode, were natives of Europe, and emigrated

to America in 1820, settling in Ohio, and, in Attorney, in which office he won distinction
1837, in Illinois, where his father died in by his vigorous prosecution of horse-thieves
1845, and his mother in 186-1; they had seven and counterfeiters. This office he held for

children Nicholas, Peter E. John J., Charles
, two terms, when, in 1849, he located in
W., Daniel W.. George and Philander; they Cleveland and practiced two years. He next
were members of the Protestant Episcopal went to Little Mountain, Lake Co., Ohio,
Church. Mr. Torode attended the common where he turned his entire attention to the
schools, and. at thirteen years of age, began law of patents in the United States Courts.
working on his father's farm. His life has After fifteenjyears here, he practiced at Al-
been mostly that of a farmer; however, he bany, N. Y., for ten years. Prom 1865 to
spent a few years in saw milling, operating 1868, he was Eeporter of the Court of Ap-
a cider-milland a stone quarry on Section 24 peals, from which labor twelve volumes were
in York Township, along Salt Creek. He published. While at Albany, he wrote a
was married, March 15, 1854, to Abba, " Treatise on Trusts and Trustees," and a

daughter of David and Catharine (Puller) work of " Practice under the New York Code
Thurston, who has borne him one child, who of Law," consisting of three volumes; also a

grew to maturity John A. In 1881, Mr. "Digest of the Court of Appeals," and a trea-
Torode left his farm of 150 acres in York tise on "Government and Constitutional Law.
Township and engaged in the hotel business He has lately published an able work enti-
in Hinsdale, where he has met with good tled " Man and his Destiny," and is now pre-
success. The building is nicely located and paring for publication some ideas and com-
well arranged for hotel purposes. In 1879, ments on "Agnosticism." In 1870, he bought
he engaged in farming in Alabama, whither property in Hinsdale, and began exerting his
he and his family had gone in search of active mind in the art of refrigerating; has
health. He bas been Assessor one term. His an office in Chicago, to and from which city
farm in York Township is the old homestead he goes each day. In 1834, he married Car-
of his father. oline M. Tryon, which union resulted in nine
JOEL TIFFANY, inventor, Hinsdale, was children, five of whom survive, viz., Mary,
born September 6, 1811, at Barkhamsted, Mrs. Van Inwagen; Amelia; Martha, Mrs.
Litchfield Co., Conn., son of Joel and Han- Humphrey; Ella, Mrs. J. B. Page; and Belle.
nah (Wilder) Tiffany, natives of Connecticut. His consort died in 1859, in Ohio, and he
His father was a builder, and was never in again married, in 1860, to Margaret Mason,
affluent circumstances, so that the children, by whom he has four children, viz., Frankie
all of whom were successful in life, were self- L., Leon J., Wilder and George S. Although
made. Our subject taught school and stud- Mr. Tiffany has been offered positions of hon-
ied hard until twenty years of age, when he or and trust, he has as often refused them,
began to read law with William G. Williams, being averse to holding office. In the person
at Hartford, Conn., and afterward with of our subject we have the marked character
Charles Olcott, at Medina, Ohio, where, in of a self-made man.
1834, he was admitted to the bar and prac- A. L. TENNEY, farmer, P. O. Downer's
ticed until 1836. He afterward practiced Grove, was born in New Hampshire
for thirteen years at Elyria, Lorain Co., Ohio, ary 2, 1845, son of Oliver and
where he held the position of Prosecuting (Bissell) Tenney, natives of Vermont, he born

in 1800 and she in 1807; they are still liv- er's Grove. In 1856, he entered the dry
ing, and are the parents of twelve children, goods and notion business, continuing in
all of whom are living. Our subject was j
business one year, under the firm name of
educated in the best schools of his native i Carpenter & Hatch; afterward, under various
county, and, at about twenty-four years of age, names, the present firm being Thatcher &
engaged in the express business, continuing at Crescey. He has a good store and other
the same for three years, when he came to property, which he has made by his own la-
Illinois and commenced farming, renting '

bors, having only $200 when he located here.

land for that purpose. He afterward pur- j
He was married in 1838; his wife died in
chased eighty acres, his present farm, which j
October, 1855, leaving one child, Mrs. Charles
is highly improved.In 1862, he was mar- Curtis. He married Charlotte Smith, who
ried to Miss Abbie Daggett, who bore him has borne him three children, viz., John,
two children, one of whom is living, Myron. Helen and Harvey. Mr. Thatcher has been
Mrs. Tenney died in 1869, and in 1870 Mr. Postmaster in Downer's Grove for nineteen
Tenney married Miss Phyllis Pye, daughter years, being commissioned by President Bu-
of Watts and Mary A. (Goodman) Pye, na- i
chanan; been Township Trustee for twenty
tives of England, who came to Du Page in I
years, and still holds that position, and has
1849, settling where subject now lives, but been Trustee of the village since its organiza-
who are at present residing in Minnesota; tion, with the exception of one year. He is

they had eight children, only five of whom a Republican, his wife is a member of the
are now living. From his last marriage, Mr. Baptist Church.
Tenney has had born to him six children EDWARD VENARD, farmer, P. O. Down-
Abbie M., Ella T., Watts E., Nettie B., Bes- er's Grove, was born February 25, 1842.
sie P. and Bertha J. The family are mem- parents, Charles and Catharine (Butler) Ve-
bers of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and nard, were natives of Ireland, and came to
he votes for the best men. Alden and Mar- America about 1832, settling in the dense
quis, brothers of A. L. were in the late war
, forests of New York, where they toiled and
— one in the army and the other in the navy. labored until 1845,when they gathered all
Watts Pye, brother of Mr. Tenney's wife, died and started same
for the West, locating the
whilst in the service, member of Company B, year on the farm where they now reside.
Eighty-seventh Minnesota Volunteer In- Here they again began in the pioneer style.
fantry. Subject's mother died here in 1857; his fa-
ELDRED THATCHER, merchant, Down- ther is still living, and is very feeble, being
er's Grove, was born in Susquehanna County, eighty-two years of age; the names of their
Penn., March 8, 1818, son of John and Sarah seven children are as follows : Anastasia,
(Moore) Thatcher, he a native of Massachu- Ellen, Charles, Thomas, Edward, John and
setts, she of New Jersey ; of their six children, Catharine. Subject was married, February
five are living, viz., Azor, Eldred (subject), 22, 1880, toMaggie J., a daughter of Adam
John, Edwin and Editha. Subject, at the and Julia Gorman, of Will County; she has
age of fourteen, apprenticed to the tanner's borne him two children, both deceased. He
trade, after learning which he attended school makes some specialty of Durham cattle and
three months. In 1831, he moved to La the Chester White hogs. He has 184 acres
Salle Countv, 111., thence, in 1841, to Down- of finely improved land, the fruit of his early

labors. They are members of the Catholic Fanny Watson. He has no children. He
Church at Naperville. he
settled his residence at Hinsdale in 1868,
DR. H. F. WALKER, coal-dealer, Hins- and his brother, J. M., buying at that time
dale, was born July 17, 1817, in Claremont, about three hundred and seventy acres where
Sullivan Co., N. H. ; is a son of Solomon and is now Clarendon Hills. They cut the same
Charity (Stevens) Walker; the parents emi- into lots, and, after selling many of them,
grated to Oakland County, Mich., in 1824, they sold the remainder, but had to take a
where they bought a large tract of land; the portion back on account of non-payment.
father died in 1857, and the mother in 1859; The Doctor has been Supervisor of Downer's
they were the parents of thirteen children, Grove Township, and has held other small

nine of whom grew up Elihu S., Oricy, An- offices. He is now a candidate for the Leg-
drew C, Leander (Methodist minister), Lu- islature from this district. He was first a
cetta, H. F. J. M. (deceased January, 1881,
, Whig, and since has been a stanch Republic-
was President of the Chicago, Burlington & an. He and^wife are members of the Con-
Quincy Railroad, and attorney). Mr. Wal- gregational Church of Hinsdale; were for-
ker attended school in the districts in Mich- merly Methodists, but transferred on account
igan and at Pontiac, same State, and for a of there being no Methodist organization at
time at Oberlin, Ohio. His younger days this place.
were spent on a farm and clerking in a store. ALFRED WALKER, farmer, P. O. Hins-
He began reading medicine in 1838, with dale, was born in Ludlow, Windsor Co., Vt.,
Dr. A. Hudson, of Farmington, Mich., and September 6, 1824, son of Josiah and So-
afterward attended the Cleveland (Ohio) Med- phia (Pettigrew) Walker. Josiah Walker
ical College, graduating there in"1843. He was born in Hopkinton, Mass., March 5, 1793,
began practice at Farmington, where he re- and died at Ludlow, Vt., March 22, 1846;
mained for nine years, and then retired for a his wife, born in Ludlow, Vt., December 28,
short time, on account of poor health. In 1795, died at Hinsdale, 111., December 12,
about one year, he engaged as a traveling 1875; he was a Methodist, she a Baptist;
salesman and collector for a wholesale dry they had eight children.Mi-. Walker received

goods house of New York, which he contin- a limited education, attending school about
ued for about two years, and again entered two months each winter season, and, when
his profession for one year. He learned that eighteen years of age, hired out at $13 per
his health would not permit him to follow month, and, after working one month, set out
his profession he loved so well, and he en- to look for other employment. He worked
gaged in the clothing business with O. F. for a time at various small jobs, then found
North, at Pontiac, Mich , for about one year permanent employment in the car works at
and a half, at the end of which time he with- Cambridgeport, Vt., receiving $8 per month
drew and came to Amboy, Lee Co.. 111., in for the first year, $16 per month the second
1855, where he remained for ten years. He year, and the third year received $1.50 per
then settled in Chicago, and acted as mana- day. His father dying about this time, he
ger of the Chicago & Wilmington Coal Com- returned home and hired out by the month
pany, and is connected with said company at awhile. In Tinmouth, Vt., March 30, 1847,
the present. Was married, in 1839, to Ath- he married Fanny Ann Hopkins, a native of
alia N. Watson, a daughter of Levi and that place, born May24, 1823, who bore him

three children — Lincoln, deceased; Clifford, slightly wounded between two fingers; also
who married Nellie Steward at Hinsdale, 111. j
contracted a disease in one of his lower limbs,
January 28, 1874; and Lillian Sophia, who ! which causes him considerable pain at this
married Frank L. Wentworth at Hinsdale, late day. In 1866, he married Miss Kate
October 2, 1877. Mrs. Walker's parents, Faul, by whom he had two children, Eddie
David and Amanda (Andrus) Hopkins, were and Ella; they finally separated, and Mr.
natives of Wallingford, Rutland Co., Vt.. he Wolf, in 1872, again married, the lady being
born June 14, 1788, died March 30, 1849, Miss Emily Wigant, daughter of William
at Tinmouth, Vt., where also his wife, who and Lottie Wigant. This second union has
was born August 30, 1792, died March 31, resulted in three children, viz., Louise, George
1849 they had fourteen children, six of whom
; and Amanda. Subjectowns 110 acres of well-
are living. Mr. Walker, after his marriage, improved land, and some timber in Downer's
settled on the old homestead farm, renting it Grove; the residence, which is surrounded
for awhile, afterward and finally
buying it, ;
by a good orchard, is situated on Section 23.
selling it for a county poor farm.In 1853, He and his brother Fred for a time ran a
he came to Brush Hills, this county, where threshing machine, which added to their
he started a hotel, in connection with which i
finances. The family of Mr. Wolf are mem-
he ran a cheese factory (the first in the State), j
bers of the Lutheran Church. He votes the
and also dealt in fat cattle. He became Democratic ticket.
wealthy, and purchased a large amount of FREDERICK WOLF, farmer, P. O Hins-
property, the greater part of which he still dale,was born December 28, 1838, in Ger-
owns. He is an active member of the Con- many, and is a brother of George, whose
gregational Church. sketch appears in this book. Subject ob-
GEORGE WOLF, farmer, P. O. Hinsdale, tained what little education he could at Dow-
was born May 14, 1835, in Germany; is a ner's Grove, but, as soon as he was large
son of George and Mary E. (Heintz) Wolf, i
enough, he was obliged to work on his fa-

who came to Du Page County from Germany i

ther's farm; at he was an expert at

in 1847. The family rented laud for five mowing. He used to drive four ox teams to
years, and then purchased where they now a plow which his father and brother held; has
live. The father had but S40when he locat- journeyed to and from Chicago with oxen, and
ed in this county, but, by hard labor and has, in fact, experienced all the hardships
frugality, he amassed quite a little fortune, j
of one in limited circumstances in an early
which he divided among his sis children. day. He now has 160 acres of finely im-
The mother is dead, and the father, at the age proved farm land, and ten acres of timber
of seventy-five, lives with our subject. The land; runs quite an extensive dairy, keeping
parents united earlyLutheran
with the twenty-six cows, and selling the milk in
Church. George's school-days were few, he Chicago. In 1866, he was married to Cath-
commencing early to work at farming, which 1

arine Mochel, by whom he has seven chil-

he has since continued; has experienced all |

dren, viz., William, Louisa, Charlie, Emil,
the hardships incident to pioneer life. In |
George, Albert E. and Adelia Mc. Mr. Wolf
1862, he enlisted in Company D, One Hun- |
has held the position of Pathmaster. He and
dred and Fifth Illinois Volunteer Infantry, wife are Lutherans. They are giving their
and served till the close of the war; was children a good education.
CHAELES WIIEELEK, farmer, P. O. the measles, was confined to the hospita 1 at
Downer's Grove, was born January 20, 1829, Alexandria, thence transferred to Philadel-
in New York, son of Merritt and Rhoda phia, and there discharged, not being ex-
(Hyde) Wheeler, and brother of Allen pected to live. He resumed his studies in
AVheeler, whose sketch appears elsewhere in Wheaton, afterward taught two years, then
this work. Our subject attended school in engaged five years for T. M. Avery in the
his early youth, but, as he grew older, was lumber business in Chicago. He married,
needed to help work upon the farm. When in 1864, Elizabeth A. Bateman, who has borne
twenty-two years of age, he bought thirty- him eight children, viz., Clara, Schuyler, Zoe-
eight acres of land of his father, and invested lina, Guy, Claudie, Lynn, Nora and Myrtle;
all of his available means in cattle. He now the latter two died in 1880, of scarlet fever.
owns 106 acres of well-improved land, the Mr. Wheeler takes an interest in educating
result of his economy and good management, his children; is now Clerk of School Board.
and makes a specialty of raising Berkshire He has been a professor of religion since he
hogs. In 1860, he was married to Miss was seventeen years of age; they attend the
Nancy McMillan, daughter of Andrew and Methodist Ejiiscopal Church. He has forty
Rhoda (Daily) McMillan, and sister to Mrs. acres of well-improved land, and makes a
E. S. Andrews, whose sketch appears in this specialty of fine Durham cattle. He cast his
work. This union has been blessed with three first Presidential vote for Lincoln.
children — Olive, Orin and Ida J. Mrs. MICHAEL WELCH, farmer, P. O. Gower,
Wheeler is a member of the Baptist Church. was born in Ireland April 5, 1824; is the son
Mr. AVheeler has filled several offices in the of John and Mary (Burke) AVelch, natives of
township, and, although he has seen his full Ireland, who came to New York in 1832;
share of the hardships of life, now enjoys the they had four children, viz., Michael, Han-
fruits of his thrift and perseverance. nah, Patrick and John. The father worked
ALLEN AVHEELER, farmer, P. O. on a canal and railroad in New York State.
Downer's Grove, was born August 29, 1840, In 1842, our subject came to Illinois and
in New York. His parents, Merritt and bought a part of his present farm of eighty
Rhoda (Hyde) Wheeler, were natives of New acres, in Downer's Grove Township. This
York, and came to Illinois in 1844, settling land he has improved until now he has one
on a farm west of Downer's Grove, now owned of the best improved farms in the township.
by " Deeder." In 1847, they settled on a A cabin 16x18 feet, which he at first dwelt
farm adjoining subject's place, and, in 1875, in, has been replaced by a commodious dwell-

located in Michigan, where they still reside, ing, surrounded by a good orchard. In 1852,
the father being blind. Subject attended Mr. AVelch married Mary Fleming, by whom
school but and that in a cabin on his
little, he has ten children, viz., John, Thomas, Rich-
brother's farm. His parents had nine chil- ard, William, Harriet, Mary, Catharine.

dren George, Charles, Roxanna, Grace, George, Arthur and Ann; two are deceased.
Sarah. Allen, Betsey, Harriet and Albert. Mr. Welch has held several small offices, and
He clerked awhile in Downer's Grove, and in takes an interest in all public improvements.
1860, attended school at AVheaton, this county. He and his wife are Catholics.
He enlisted in Company E, Eighth Illinois ABRAM WELLS, farmer, and present
Cavalry Regiment, but, being taken sick with Postmaster, Cass, was born in England May

1, 1841, and is the son of Eobert and Sarah he completed, and has since followed. He
Wells, natives of England, who came to New landed at New York in 1867; soon after, en-
York in 1856. Our subject obtained a good gaged at his trade at Buffalo, where he re-
common-school education in his native place. mained about a year, and at other points
When fifteen years of age, he began to learn in New York State for about eighteen
the shoemaker's trade, at which he worked months. In 1870, he came to Downer's
four years. In 1860, he came to the State of Grove, where he worked twenty-one months
New York, where he put in tile drains for for John Walton, a wagon-maker; then formed

one year. He then came to Du Page County, a partnership with J. W. Sucher, of this
where he worked at farming until August, place, which partnership, at the end of a
1862, when he enlisted in Company E, Sev- year, was dissolved. Mr. Wertz then worked
enty-second Illinois Volunteer Infantry, in for awhile with Mr. Sucher, and, in 1874,

which he remained till the close of the war, began his present business, which he has
participating in many hard-fought battles. since continued, doing first-class work. He
Upon his return home, he again engaged in purposes adding a large building, in which
farming. March 15, 1867, he married Mrs. to carry on a wagon and paint shop. He
Abigail Pitcher, only surviving child of James was married, January 13, 1872, to Frances
and Elizabeth Hardy, natives of England. Noll, a native of Germany, born July 9, lS54,

By her first husband, Mrs. Wells had ten daughter of John and Margaretta Noll he, ;

children; by Mr. Wells she has none. Mrs. born in Germany, died September 7, 1869;
Wells' only surviving child, John W. Pitcher, she died January 15, 1861. Mr. and Mrs.
was married, July 3, 1879, to Miss Susanna —
Wertz have five children Bertha, ten years
Dawson, daughter of John and Anna Dawson. of age; Francis, eight years; Catharine, six
They have had one child, Carrie E. Mrs. years; Maria, three years; and Elizabeth,
Wells came to this county in 1848, when it one and a half years. Mr. Wertz owns prop-
was in a comparatively wild state. She has erty in this village to the value o $7,000. all
fed the hungry red man at her own house. of which he has made by his own labors,

Mr. Wells has been School Director, Consta- save $2,000, which he inherited. He votes
bleand Road Commissioner; was appointed the Democratic ticket. He and his wife are

Postmaster March 4, 1869, and still holds members of the Catholic Church at Naper-
that position. The post office is known as ville.

Cass. He votes the Republican ticket. JOHN WALLACE, farmer, P. O. Downer's

PETER WERTZ, blacksmith, Downer's Grove, was born November 19, 1807, in New
Grove, was born in Prussia, Germany, Jan- Hampshire; son of Joseph and Sarah (Mcln-
uary 13, 1850, son of Peter and Maria (Zim- tire) Wallace, of New Hampshire, where they

merman) Wertz, natives of Germany, and both died. They had a family of seven chil-
both still living, he born November 18, 1818, dren, only two of whom are living —
she born August 27, 1822. They raised a and Sarah, now Mrs. Kibby. Our subject at-
family of eight children, viz., John, Mary, tended school in the old log cabin; came to
Jacob, Joseph, Peter, Margaret, Clemence Downer's Grove in 1839, and engaged in
and William. Subject attended school in his farming, pre-empting eighty acres. He now
native land, and, at the age of fourteen years, has seventy acres, which are well improved.
began learning the blacksmith's trade, which In 1833, he was married to Mehitabel Har-

rington, whose parents were James and Mer- miner in Colorado, and Richard; two de-
ceased, John and W alter.
cy (Sherman') Harrington, natives of Vermont, Mr. W. was Rev-
who had a large family. Mr. Wallace has enue Assessor in New York for four years,
five children living — Austin, Garry, James, being appointed by Chase; was Justice of
Emma and Alice. He has served as Consta- the Peace many years and was Captain of
ble and is a Republican, but cast his first militia; was once a member of the A., F. &
vote for Gen. Jackson. Himself and wife are A. M. he is a Republican, and cast his first

members of the Baptist Church at Downer's vote forVanBuren; he has a good home, tine
Grove. His son Garry was a member of orchard and all necessary conveniences.
Company B, One Hundred and Fifth Illinois VALENTINE WOHLHUTER, merchant,
Volunteer Infantry, and served his country Gower; was born December 1, 1825, in Alsace,
gallantly for three years of the great struggle Germany, and is the son of Philip and Sarah
for the Union. Wohlhuter, who reared six children, three of
WILLIAM E. WAEING, farmer, P. O. whom are living, viz., Philip, Eva and Val-
Downer's Grove, was born in New York May entine. The latter obtained his schooling
6, 1818; his parents, Solomon and Affey in his native place; he came to New York
Snedeker Waring, were natives of New York, State in 1848, and worked by the month till

where they reared ten children, viz., Mary, 1850, when he began selling milk in Chicago
Nellie, Harriet, Miranda, Sallie, Magdelia, for a dairyman of that city. At this time
Theodore, Solomon, Tunis and W illiam E.
(1850), he married Sarah Garst, who came to
they were members of the Dutch Reformed Buffalo from the old country when four years
Church. Subject received more than an or- of age. Our subject and his wife next settled
dinary education, having taken up the study at Dutchman's Point, fourteen miles from
of Latin, Greek and French; he taught two Chicago; here they purchased forty acres of
terms at small wages; when twenty- two years land, which, after living upon two years, they
old, he began merchandising in a grocery sold and bought three acres of land where
and feed store, meeting with success. He they now live. Upon this land, Mr. Wohl-
then engaged in the real estate business in huter soon erected a store, which he stocked
New York City and State, and, in 1868, went with goods; he has continued in this line,
to Nevada, Story Co., Iowa, where he en- doing a good business ever since; he now has
gaged in the same business, meeting with a full line of dry goods, notions, boots and
some reverses, and, in 1874, went to Chicago, shoes, groceries, and everything
where, also, he engaged in the real estate found in a first-class In Feb-
country store.
business, meeting with indifferent success. ruary, 1869, a post office was established at
In 1881, he bought thirteen acres of land in his store, and he was made Postmaster. His
East Grove, this township, where he has since patrons are a wealthy class of people, and he
remained and is doing well. His children has a good trade, yet his age demands a rest,
are Euphemia (Mrs. C. C. Carpenter, in and he contemplates retiring from active
Iowa), Peter, in New York City; John, a business; he has six children.

JACOB AUGENSTEIN, farmer, Naper- emptied when becoming filled with ashes;
ville, was born April "Wayne Co.,
15, 1843, in she also taught the first school in Downer's

Ind. is a son of Eev. C. and Harriet (Wal-

Grove ; she is now living with her son, Henry
lack) Augenstein, the parents of two children, Bush, the subject of our sketch. During his
viz., Jacob, and John C, a physician at Ba- youth, he was in sach poor health that he was

tavia. The parents are living at Freeport, unable to attend school, but by careful atten-
where the father is engaged in the ministry tion to his books at home, he obtained a good

of the Evangelical Association. The father education. At Downer's Grove, August 27,

can rightly be called a pioneer, who has seen 1865, he married Miss Calla E. Belden, born
some of the hardships that the early settlers at Downer's Grove March 24, 1848, daughter
had to endure. He bought 114 acres of land of N. A. and Fannie (Randall) Belden, who

where the subject now lives, which he still came to this county about 1844; her father,
owns; he was among the early preachers of born in Saratoga County, N. Y. December 1 1 ,

Chicago; he has given the greater part of his 1819, died April 13, 1864, and her mother,
earnest life in his ministerial labors to the born in Cortland County, N. Y., August 18,
churches. Jacob, of whom we write, was mar- 1818, lives in Downer's Grove. This iinion
ried in 1875 to Susie, a daughter of Jacob has resiilted in two children Guy L., born —
and Saloma (Arnold) Hirtzel; he is making November 13, 1866, and King M. , born Sep-
eome specialty in raising stock; is in the tember 14, 1870 Mr. Bush has 122 acres of
dairy business. finely improved laud; he makes a specialty of

HENRY L. BUSH, farmer, Downer's Grove, raising cows to supply a dairy which he car-
was born February 3, 1840, in what is now ries on. He was Assessor of Lisle Township
Downer's Grove Township; is the son of Ed- for seven years, and is now agent for the Chi -

win A and Nancy B. (Stanley) Bush, the par- caco, Burlington & Quincy Railroad at Lactor

ents of two children Edwin A. and Henry Station, which position he has held for near-
L., our subject. The father, born in Canton, ly fourteen years. He has always taken an
N. Y., June 16, 1816, died March 5, 1842: the active part in the agricultural organizations

mother, born in New Milford, Penn., Novem- of Du Page County, where he is now Secre-

ber 26, 1813, some time after her first hus- tary of a society of that kind.
band's death, married Mr. Dryer, who has S. A. BALLOU, farmer, P. O. Naperville,

since died. Mrs. Dryer is a sister of L. W. was born October 19, 1828, in Saratoga Coun-
Stanley, whose biography appears elsewhere ty, N. Y. is a son of Isaac A. and Hannah

in this work. In 1836, in Cass, Du Page Co. (Allen) Ballou, the former a native of Mas-
subject's mother began teaching school in a sachusetts, and the latter of Saratoga County.
cabin 10x12; in this room were crowded They were the parents of ten children that

twenty-seven scholars, besides the stove, grew i;p, six of whom are living, viz., O. R.,

which used to be carried out doors and Capt. D. W., Malvina and Henrietta, Amelia

W. and S. A. The mother was a descendant to county and State conventions. He is a

of Ethan Allen, the famous "warrior;" the relative of the Garfield family; is a member
father was a mechanic and farmer; the par- of the A..,& A. M. Lodge.
ents were Episcopalians. Mr. S. attended R. W. BOND, farmer, P. O. Lisle; was
school in the districts and an academy at born in 1847 in Portage County, Ohio; is a
Cleveland, Ohio. He taught some in Ohio son of William and Angelica (Woodruff)
and California; his younger days were spent Bond, natives of New York, and parents of
on a farm and in a tannery and shoe shop, five children — Josephine (married to Thad-
his father having having followed said busi- deus Cooper), Celia (Mrs. A. Macinturf),
ness for several years. In the fall of 1849, Janett (deceased), R, W.. and Arvilla, who
he went to New Orleans, and soon engaged married John M. Wells. The parents came
as a sailor on the barque "Oregon." In to Naperville, this county, in 1850, where the
1850, he began labors in California; was father was miller for Joseph Naper for
mining and merchandising for ten years, several years; they moved subsequently to
after which he returned to Du Page County. Somonauk, De Kalb County, this State, where
In 1861, was appointed by President Lin- they died, the father in 1869 and the mother
coln Captain of C. S. V., which position he in 1S71 The Eather was in the war of 1812,
held during the entire war. His three broth- and was ninety-nine years eight months and
ers, O. P., D. W. and Morgan were in the ten days old at the time of his decease.
war. On his return from the war, he settled Our subject attended school at Naperville
on his present farm of 225 acres, which he and worked on the farm. At the age of six-
bought in 1863; was married, 1865, to Julia, teen, he managed to be received into Com-
a daughter of A. S. Barnard, who blessed him pany H, Seventeenth Illinois Volunteer
with one child, Roy B. His wife died Sep- Cavalry, and remained in service three years;
tember 17, 1869; was a Congregational ist. was a brave soldier. On his return home, he
He was again married, 1S75, to Eliza A., a engaged in farming with his brother, Will-
daughter of Michael and Mary (Fitzgerald) iam, a child by his father's marriage prior to
Norton her mother is dead her father is living
; ; that with Miss Woodruff. In 1875, he en-
at the age of ninety-three; her parents had ten gaged as a policeman in St. Louis, Mo.,
children, f our of whom Thomas
survive, viz. , which he continued the greater part of three
Gerritt, Mary and Elizabeth A. Mr. Ballouhas years. Was married, November 9, 1879, to
Maggie, a daughter of Jeremiah and Ann

two children as a result of his last marriage,

viz., Ralph E. and Mary E. While in Cali- Caskey; her father died in the late war, and
fornia, Mr. Ballon was chosen to represent her mother in Iowa; her parents had three
his district in the Legislature and Senate; children — George, one deceased when small
used every effort in his power to prevent that and Maggie. Mr. and Mrs. Bond have no
State from becoming a slave colony; he was children. They settled on Mr. D. M. Green's
a reporter for the Legislature, and did- some farm of 251 acres in 1879, having the exclu-
excellent newspaper work; has served in sive control of the same, except being in
small offices his share; was Staff Officer for partnership with Mr. Greene in a large dairy
Sherman. McDowell and Thomas. Has al- business. He and wife are members of the
ways been an active Republican, and has Baptist Church, Downer's Grove. He votes
often been chosen by that body as a delegate the Republican ticket.

HON. A. S. BARNARD, farmer, P. O. ing his younger days, and came to Illinois with
Lisle, was born February 11, 1819, inMon- his brother Albert about 1810. Subject worked
roe County, N. Y. ; is a son of Timothy and awhile by the month, and then bought land
Julia (Hills) Barnard; he a native of Connec- where he now lives. He was married, in
ticut, born in 1789, and died January 8, 1881; 1849, to Catharine Leich, a daughter of John
she a native of Masachusetts, died in 1861. and Catharine (Kinkid) Leich, natives of
They were members of the Presbyterian Pennsylvania, and parents of seven children,
Church, in which he was an Elder for forty viz., Lettie, Robert, Belle, Rebecca, Samuel,
years; was Judge of the Courts of Monroe Catharine and Joseph. Mrs. Bannister came
County, N. Y. Our subject obtained a fair to Illinois in 1840, in company with all her
education in the schools of his native county. family save her father, who died a little while

In 1838, he came to Du Page County with :

prior to their starting. Mr. Bannister's mar-
Rev. E. Strong, and entered land where he riage blessed him with five children, viz.

remained for twenty-five years. In 1866, he Asahel, Willard. Eva, Catharine and Will-

settled on his present farm of 185 acres. He iam H. Mr. Bannister has 313 acres of fine
was married in 1843 to Miss Elizabeth Ray- lands, the result of his early days' labors with
nolds, daughter of William and Margaret the ox teams and the ancient plows. He
(Morrison) Raynolds, natives of Connecticut. helped to construct the first schoolhouse in
Mr. Raynolds was a noted sea captain many his neighborhood; takes an interest in educa-
years. This marriage resulted in seven chil- tion; votes^the Republican ticket.

dren, viz., Julia, deceased, who married S. A. B. CHATFIELD, farmer, P. O. Lisle,

A. Ballou, a Major in the late war; Timothy was born November 26, 1810, in Dutchess
H.,who was a clerk in the Commissary De- County, N. Y. ; is a son of Sherman and
partment during the late war; Robert R., Deborah (Wood) Chatfield, natives of New
Daniel D., Charles F., Frederick O, Eliza- York and Connecticut, and parents of six chil-
beth and an infant deceased. Mr. Barnard dren, viz., Alonzo B., Barak, Minerva, Henry
has been Supervisor and Town Clerk; he H., Eliza and Benjamin F. The parents
honored his county as a member of the State emigrated to this county in 1835. and here
Legislature in 1863-61. The family are the mother, who was born in 1791, died in
members of the Congregational Church of 1839, and the father, who was born in 1790.
Naperville. died in 1853. The educational advantages
WILLIAM H. BANNISTER, farmer, P. of our subject were limited. He was married
O. Naperville; was born October 15, 1813, in in Broome County, N. Y, in 1834, to Mary E.
Ontario County, N. Y. ; is a son of Asahel Graves, a native of thatcounty, born in 1816,
and Polly (Miles) Bannister, natives of Mas- daughter of Adam and Lydia (Linsley) Graves,
sachusetts,and parents of eleven children, six natives of Connecticut; he died in 1853; she,
of whom survive, viz., Asahel, Thomas M., W. born in 1780, died in 1840. This marriage
H., Mary, Henry, Dwight and Edwin. The resulted in ten children, seven of whom are
parents were Presbyterians; the father was in still living — Mary, GeorgeW. (who was in
the war of IS 12; was a Colonel, and was shot the late war), Edward, Lucy Ann. Alonzo B.
in shoulder. Mr. Bannister received a com- (clerk in the Treasury Department at Wash-

mon school education, worked on the farm and ington, D. C. was in the late war, and lost

"- )v* ri r"h* arm i'i thr> battle of BlnHc River

clerked for his father in a drv j»ood« storp '

Bridge), J. Randolph, Emma, Rosa, Charles was informed in his own house by a preacher
and Albert: the latter married to Anna that Abolitionists were on the road to hell as
Lloyd, of Iowa, and has one child. Mr. Chat- fast as they could go; the old man had a
held was Constable several years; Justice of heart that bled for the poor unfortunate ones
the Peace eight years; Assessor five years, in bondage, and took no fear upon himself.
and School Trustee six years. He was the He died August 3, 1850, his wife, who was

first to suggest the name of Lisle Township, born in Enniskillen. Ireland, in 1809, died
that being the name of one of the townships in 1865. Our subject was on the farm until
in his native county; his present home lies twenty-six years old, when he enlisted in
on the old Indian trail from Batavia to Chi- Company E, Fifty-fifth Illinois Volunteer
cago. Mrs. Chatfield is a member of the Infantry, as a private, and held every office up
Methodist Church of Downer's Grove. Mr. to Captain, having been appointed one year
Chatfield is a Republican. before the close of the war. He was one of
CAPT. ROBERT DIXON, merchant, Lisle, ten from his regiment who, in no way marked
was born November 8, 1835, in Belfast, Le- or crippled, was in thirty-six heavy battles,
land. His parents, Robert and Mary (Wil- besides sieges and skirmishes. On his re-
son) Dixon started from Belfast to Australia turn, he engaged in the wood and coal busi-
in 1884, and were shipwrecked, and returned ness, under the firm name of Dixon & Glea-
to where they had started from. The passen- son, at Chicago. He then formed a partner-
gers at once brought suit against the owners ship with C. P. Dixon & Co. (brothers) in
of the ship at Liverpool for damages, and the manufacture of sash and window blinds.
while the litigation was going on our subject August 10, 1874, he entered a partnership
was born. In 1836, the parents landed with with D. D. Escher in the general dry goods
their family at New York, and thence came business at Downer's Grove, and through the
to Downer's Grove, where the father bought unfortunate failing of his partner, P. A.
land and located. He once had occasion to go Rowland took Escher's place and with him
away from home, and upon returning after Mr. Dixon was successful. In 1881, he lo-
dark and striking the prairie adjacent to his cated at Lisle, where he has done a lucrative
new home, everything seemed changed. While business. In September, he closed out his
away, his wife had in some way set fire to stock of goods, and anticipates a home in the
the grass, and hundreds of acres were con- W est.
He was married at Downer's Grove,
sumed. Mr. Dixon wandered around for December 25, 1869, to Sarah J. Rowland,
many hours, and finally tied his oxen and born inMendon. N. Y., April 5, 1844, daugh-
laid down, soon falling into a sleep. He ter of Stephen and Celia (Smart) Rowland,
awoke with the sunshine, and on going to a by whom he has four children, viz. Mary C. .

little cabin strange looking to him, he there Robert R. Stephen W. and Sarah E. He

was greeted by his wife. The father,born has always been a temperance worker; is an
in Edinburgh, Scotland, in 1804, was one of active member, as well as his wife, of the
the first temperance men here, and was a Methodist Episcopal Church at Downer's
Justice of the Peace. He was one of the Grove; was one of the building committee for
leaders of the Underground Railroad, being the present church; was voted a resolution
an Abolitionist when it almost cost a man's of thanks for the discharge of his duty
life to express anything in that cause. He of Treasurer of said committee. He has

always been an active and energetic Repub- of well-improved land. At Naperville, 111..

lican. October 28, 1857, Mr. Dilger married Chris-

J. DUTTER, farmer, P. O. Lisle, was born tina Shafer, born September 30, 1837, daitgh-
August 2, 1827, in Germany; is a son of Jo- ter ofDavid and Christina (Nusbaum) Shafer.
seph and Magdalena (Bapst) Dutter. The natives ofGermany. By this union five chil-
parents came to this county in 1839, and the —
dren have been born Mary A. (Mrs. Henry
father engaged on the construction of the Roth), Emma L., Lydia O, Lizzie R. and
Illinois & Michigan Canal; he died in 1853; George M. He is also the guardian of
the mother is living. Our subject is the only George, Mena, Elbert and Samuel, children
one of seven children that survive. He had of his wife's sister. Mrs. Mary Hassert; these
little chance of education, owing to the limit- children live with him, as well as a boy,
ed circumstances of his parents; was married, Frank Manfelth, whom he is bringing up.
1850, to Theresa Riedy, who blessed him with He, his wife, Mary, Emma and Lydia are

two children Louisa and Delia. In his early members of the German Church of Downer's
days in thi county he witnessed the hard
3 Grove, in which Mr. Dilger is serving as Trust-
ships that made up the life of the early set- ee and Collector. He has held some town-
tlers. On one occasion, he hauled a wagon ship offices: is a Republican.
load of turnips to Chicago and sold them for JOHN EICHELBARGER, farmer, Naper-
enough to buy a hoe; and many other like ex- ville, was born August 20, 1818, in Lancaster
periences were attached to him. He has 138 County, Penn. , is a son of Jacob and xVnn
acres of well improved land, the result of his (Baker) Eichelbarger, the parents of thirteen
own labors. He and wife are members of children, five of whom survive, viz., George,
the Catholic Church of Naperville; he votes Jacob, Michael and Abe. Our subject attend-
the Democratic ticket. ed school a very little in a log cabin;John be-
ANDREW DILGER, farmer, P. O. Down- ing compelled to labor on the farm the time
er's Grove; was born May 27, 1832, in Ger- when he should have attended school. He
many, and is George and Mary A.
a son of was married in 1838 to Susan Hartrunnuff,
(Ehrhard) Dilger, natives of Germany. They who him with three children, viz.,
were members of the Lutheran Church, and Urias, A. and John. He came to Illinois
had eight children, viz., Andrew, Fred, John, in 1870,and bought thirty acres of land where
Christian, Lena, Emma, Godlove. and one he now lives, paying $2,600 for the same.
who died in infancy. The father, born He and wife hold a membership of a Pennsyl-
April 15, 1801, died September 4, 1870, was a vania Methodist Church. He votes the Re-
soldier in one of the wars of Germany; his publican ticket.
wife, born February 3, 1806, died October DANIEL M. GREENE, farmer, P. O.
25, 1836. Our subject attended school as much Lisle,waB born November 14, 1807, in Ver-
as was convenient, and early commenced to mont, son of Richard and Lydia (Latham)
work which he continued until he
at farming, Greene, natives of Connecticut; he, born about
came He borrowed
to this country in 1852. 177U, died about 1830; she, born about 1776,
money to pay his passage
over, and afterward died in May, 1834. They had five children
liquidated the debt with money earned by — Richard, Lydia, M. and
Maria, Daniel
arming for very small wages. By his in- William H. Aside from the country school,
dustry and perseverance he now owns 127 acres Mr. Greene attended an academy; his father's

vocation was that of a shoemaker, and the son 1776; is a son of Simeon and Sarah (How-
had to engage early in rural pursuits. At ard (Goodrich, natives of Connecticut, and
the age of twenty, he bought his time, and parents of eight children, viz., Emily, Henry,
engaged in making potash and in running a Simeon, Lura, Charles, Pomeroy (subject),
mill, which he continued for several years; Sarah and Eliza. His father, born Septem-
he then taught school in Western New York, ber 11, 1758, died February 7, 1852, was
receiving a compensation of $16 per month Deacon in the Congregational Church for
and board among the patrons. In Ogden, N. many years at Benson, Vt.; his mother, born
Y., November 30, 1834, he married Elizabeth June 1, 1765, died February 14, 1839. Our
Venilea Trowbridge, a native of that place, subject attended the district schools and the
born October 9, 1814, a daughter of Windsor academy at Castleton, in his native State.
S. and Rebecca (Willey) Trowbridge, the par- At twenty- one, he was engaged at farming
ents of seven children, viz., Elizabeth Ven- and running a saw-mill; was married in Ben-
ilea, Fidelia, Oliver, Martha, Windsor, J. T. son, Vt., January 28, 1819, to Lucy M.,
(the well-known author), and Edward. Her daughter of Oliver and Keziah (Allen) Par-
parents were Congregationalists. Her father, melee, natives of Connecticut, and soon after
born January 1, 1788, died May 30, 1844; started for the West in company with his
and her mother, born October 2, 1791, lived brother, Henry, Isaac Clark, Samuel Good-
among her children until her death, March rich and Lester Peet; they stopped for one
1, 1882, at the age of ninety. Mr. and Mrs. year in Ohio, and then came with their ox
Greene have had six children, viz. , Edward teams to what is now Lisle Township, Du
T. (manufacturer and shipper of feed, Chi- Page County. Mr Goodrich took a claim of
cago),Maria F. (married to Darius Hunkins, 320 acres where he now resides, and while
ex-Mayor of Galena, 111.), Francis D. (died in he was constructing his log cabin, with dirt
Company B, Thirty-third Illinois Volunteer and stick chimney, his family remained at
Infantry), Carrie R. (married to J. W. Scott, the residence of Mi-. Boardman, of Will
publisher of the Chicago Herald, and associate County. It was in this "cabin home" that
proprietor of the Daily National Hotel Re- the Indians, then friendly, found a welcome
porter of Chicago), Grace H. (married to A. F. resting place. Occasionally the '
' red skins "
Hatch, of the law firm of Hatch & Aldis, of would get on a spree from the use of too much
Chicago), and Venilea, who died in infancy. wkisky, and would make the night hideous
Soon after marriage, Mr. Greene came West with their yells around this the first house
and settled where he now lives, and where he in this part of the country. At such times,
has 251 acres of finely improved land, the re- the squaws would take care of the war and
sult of his own labors. He has served the town- game implements, that no harm might come
ship as Assessor, Trustee, and several other to Mr. Goodrich, who was always courteous to
small offices; was elected Sheriff in 1839, and them. On one occasion, when the "bucks"
retired in 1842, having been the first Sheriff were on a "spree," Mr. Goodrich became
of the county. The family are members of vexed, and taking his gun from the rack
the Baptist Church, of which they are liberal forced them away. He has by his first wife
supporters. Mr. Greene is a Republican. five children, viz., Betsey C, Chauncey M.,
DEACON P. GOODRICH, farmer, P. O. Pomeroy H, Sarah A. and George, deceased.
Lisle; was born in Benson, Vt., December 13, Mr. Goodrich lost his first wife, and his pres-

ent consort is a sister of A. S. Barnard. Sub- which he is Deacon. He votes the Repub-
ject has been Deacon in the Congregational lican ticket. More will be found of the Good-
Church for fifty years; his family are mem- rich family elsewhere.
bers of that denomination. Mr. Goodrich, WILLIAM B. GREENE, farmer, P.

with Messrs. Morse and Richards, built the Lisle, was born October 20, 1818, in Madison
first schoolhouse in his neighborhood. He County, N. Y. ; is the son of Richard and
votes the Republican ticket. Ethelinda (Briggs) Greene, natives of Rut-
C. H. GOODRICH, farmer, P. O. Naper- land County, Vt. ; they removed to Connecti-
ville. Mr. Goodrich is another of the pio- cut by ox teams. The father practiced the
neers of this county; was born July 31, 1823, botanical system of medicine for some time;
in Vermont; is a son of Henry and Thankful the mother died in 1829 and the father was
S. (Watson) Goodrich, natives of Vermont. again married to a Miss Pease, resulting in
They came to this county October, 1832, and two children, viz., one deceased when small
settled for a short time where William B. and Richard L., now a physician in Mis-
Greene now lives, and
where the sub-
later souri. Mr.Greene was one of three chil-
ject now lives; here the father died on May dren, viz., Laura (deceased when seventeen),
3, 1841, and the mother about January 12, William B. and Spencer (represented his dis-
1857; the parents had seven children, five of trict in the Legislature of Vermont one term;
whom came to this county, viz., Eliza (Mrs. was an attorney). The father died August
William Osburn), T. H, Charles H, Willard C. 29, 1834. Our subject attended the district
and Martha F. The parents were two of the schools of hiu native county and awhile at
founders of the Naperville Congregational the seminary at Castleton, Vt. He taught
Church. Mr. Goodrich attended school some several terms in Vermont, and in Will Coun-
in the cabin and for awhile in Chicago. ty, this In 1841, he came to Illinois
Went East in 18-40, and while there attended and engaged in rural pursuits, which he has
school in Benson and Castleton, Burr Semin- since continued. In 1843, he bought 200 acres
ary at Manchester, and Middlebmy, all of of land for $1,000 of the widow of Charles H.
Vermont; he then taught for some time; he Goodrich, and has since remained on said
returned to Illinois in 1847, and engaged in farm, improving it exceedingly. Was mar-
teaching. Was married, 1851, to P. Jane Tur- ried, March 16, 1845, to Harriet E. , a daugh-
ner, by whom he had five children Henry — ter of Eli and Eliza (Meacham) Meeker,
H., Ida T., Jennie E., Irving and C. W. (de- natives of Vermont, and parents of three chil-
ceased. He settled, at marriage, where he dren, viz., Charles EL, Harriet E. and Edward
now lives, having 212 acres of well-improved F. The father was a Congregational minis-
land; has three acres of orchard. One of the ter; was a Mason, and by that order was sent
finest schoolhouses constructed in this neigh- South to teach in the public and private
borhood was located on the northwest cor- schools. Mr. and Mrs. Greene have been
ner of Mr. Goodrich's farm: it was built by blessed with six children, three of whom sur-
John Collins. Henry H, Ida and Jennie Laura E. (Mrs. Capt. M.
vive, viz., Y. Morgan,
have each taught school. All of his children whose husband was of Company — , Thirty-
graduated at the Northwestern College at third Illinois Volunteer Infantry; he gradu-
Naperville. He and wife are members of the ated at the "Normal," McLean County, 111.;

Congregational Church at Naperville, in was Principal of the Naperville Seminary.


William S. (who married Jessie, a daughter now lives, where they died; the mother was
of Thomas and Cleantha (Storm) Hibbard, killed by lightning in the cabbage patch
natives of New York and residents of Chicago, August 19, 1879; the father died November
where her father is receiver of the Grand 14, 1881; were members of the Catholic
Pacific Hotel) and Gertrude M. (at St. Mary's Church of Naperville; parents came here in
College, Knoxviile, Knox Co., 111.). Mr. poor circumstances, and labored hard to sus-
Greene has served his township faithfully in tain their family, using the pioneer imple-
some of the small offices which are all labor ments and ox teams. Subject attended school
and no pay; has been Supervisor, and held but little; owing to the limited circumstances
the office of Township Treasurer thirty years of the family, he was compelled to hire out at
in succession. He is Warden in the Protest- the age of twelve at $8 per month, plowing
ant Episcopal Church of Naperville, of which with five yoke of oxen; he mowed with scythe
organization the family are active members. when quite young. The means obtained by
ADAM GESSNER, farmer, P. O. Naper- his labors were consumed by the family; he
ville. was born August 27, 1833, in Germany; often hauled corn to Lockport, and sold it at
is a son of Casper and Margaret (Steperlin) 30 cents per bushel. He worked with his
Gessner. natives of Germany and parents of father until his father's death; was married
five children — Henry, Conrad, Catharine, May 25, 1869, to Kate Seiler, by whom he has
Adam and Margaret. Mr. Gessner attended six children, viz., Joseph, Henry, Frank, Mary,
school as muchwas convenient in the old
as Adaline, infant, also one deceased. He has
country; he came county in 1S56, and
to this about one hundred and seventy acres of well
engaged for awhile by the month at Sj>4 to improved land, partly timber and partly under
$10; was chopping wood, etc. Was married, good cultivation. He has never sought any
1860, to Elizabeth, a daughter of Joseph and office; the family are members of the Catholic
Susannah (Swilly) Pussier, the parents of Church at Napervi le; votes the Democratic
eight children —Elizabeth, Fannie, Rebecca, ticket; takes interest in education; he ran a
Daniel, Mary, Susannah, Matilda and Joseph. threshing machine for sixteen years; he was
Mr. Gessner has nine living children out of in Company D, One Hundred and Fifty-sixth
ten, the result of this unioa, viz., Clinton, Illinois Volunteer Infantry; was out seven
Sarah, Joseph, Albert, Henry, Emma, Ida, months; in no battles.
John, Walter and infant. He set-
Lizzie, PHILIP HERBERT, farmer, P. O. Cass,
tled his present farm of 170 acres in 1870. was born April 19, 1839, in Germany; is the
He and wife are members of the Evangelical son of Henry and Katharine (Bohrer) Her-
Association of Naperville; votes Republican bert, natives ofGermany, who came here Jan-
ticket. uary 12, 1854, settling near where the sub-
JOHN HEITZLER, farmer, P. O. Naper- ject now resides. The parents had nine chil-
ville, was born in Alsace February 12, 1845; is —
dren Margaret, Katharine, Mary, Philip,
son of Joseph and Frances Heitzler, natives Henry, Abbie, William, Elizabeth and John.
of Alsace and parents of four children, viz., The father, who was born June 22, 1801, died
Frances (Mrs. Fred Pelling), Rosa (Mrs. February 24,1880; the mother, born June 20,
J. Seiler), Joseph (living in Henry County, 1807, is living with her son William. The
111. ), and John; parents came to Du Page parents early united with the Catholic Church
County in 1853, settling where the subject at Lemont. Our subject attended school but

nine days in this country. He teamed for

natives of Germany, and the parents of six
three years in Chicago, and the remainder of children, viz., Elizabeth, Franklin, Joseph,
his life has been spent in farming; was mar- Anna, Laura and Joseph; her parents settled
ried in Milton, January 9, 1866, to Elizabeth, in Milton Township, in this county, about
a daughter of Joseph and Margaret (Miller) 1841, where the father died in November,
Oberhart. She blessed him with six chil- 1848, and the mother in February, 1849.
dren, four of whom died within two weeks in Mrs. Hatch was born May 27, 1844, in this
1882 with diphtheria. Their names were
— county; she has blessed her husband with six
Maggie, Katie, Annie and George. Those children, Frank W., Clarence R., Rosa,

living are Willie and Mary. Mrs. Herbert Hattie, Harry and Mabel. Mr. Hatch has 145
was born in Chicago September 4, 1845; her acres of finely improved land here, and 120
father, born March 11, 1807, died October acres in Linn County, Iowa. He has held
30, 1868; her mother, born April 25, 1808, some small offices, as Trustee, etc. He is an
died April 22, 1879. Mr. Herbert has held active member of the Congregational Church;
some minor offices; he and his wife are mem- votes the Republican ticket. His father was
bers of the Catholic Church of Lemont, 111. an early "Abolitionist.
He votes the Democratic ticket. MARTIN HINTERLONG, farmer, P. O.
FRED HATCH, farmer, P. O. Lisle, was Naperville, was born June 15, 1841, in Alsace,
born February 5, 1839, in Lisle Township, Germany; is a son of Josephand Celestika
Du Page County, the son of Luther and Laura Hinterlong, natives of Germany, and the par-
(Kidder) Hatch, natives of New Hampshire, ents of four children —Martin, Antony,
and parents of three boys, viz., Fred,Ezra John, Joseph; the parents were early settlers
(storekeeper at Brooklyn, Iowa), Luther A. where the subject now lives; here they used
(farmer in Lynn County, Iowa). The father ox teams and experienced many hardships
was born February 5, 1804; came to DuPage that were attached to the lives of the pio-
County about 1832, and bought land where neers. The father died in 1868, and the
Patrick O'Brien now lives, and afterward lo- mother followed him two years later. They
cated permanently where our subject now possessed 240 acres; at the time of their de-
lives; here he died April 22, 1852, having pos- cease, which the children now possess. Our
sessed 145 acres of well-improved land, which subject obtained a fair education; was mar-
he had taken when raw prairie; the mother ried January 14, 1869, to Frances Kaefer, a
died May 25, 1879. The father was Township daughter of Lawrence and Frances (Neff)
Treasurer at the time of his death, having held Kaefer; her parents had three children
the office for many years. Mr. Hatch attend- Josephine, Francis and William. Mr. Hin-
ed the country schools and Wheaton College, terlong's union resulted in three children
after which he applied himself at teaching Edward, Frank and Henry; members of the
for nine terms. He was married in Lynn Catholic Church; has been Pathmaster; Dem-
County, Iowa, October 12, 1862, to Hannah ocrat; has a dairy of forty cows.
T. Burtis, of Iowa; by her he had two chil- HENRY HORSTMANN, farmer, P. O. Na-
dren — Freddie B. (decease 1) and Luther. Mrs. perville,was born January 22, 1822, in Prussia;
Hatch died July 7, 1867, and he was again his parents, Henry and Dorathy (Jung)Horst-
married March 10, 1868, to Anna Ott, a daugh- I
mann, were natives of the same country, and
ter of Joseph and Elizabeth (Warner) Ott, had nine children, four of whom grew up

Henry, Emily, Matilda and Bertha; the par- and the mother later; the parents had four
ents were Lutherans. Our subject attended —
children Leanna (Mrs. Fred Gress, farmer,
school he was seventeen, and was engaged
till Dakota). Libbie, Solomon D. and Reuben;
then for a time in merchandising. In 1848, they were members of the Evangelical As-
he came to New York, and worked awhile for sociation; the father is living in Lake Coun-
a farmer in Ohio. In 1849, he bought hfty ty; the mother died October 20, 1866; the
acres of land, a part of his present farm of father agan married Mrs. Elizabeth Schnei-
200 acres. In 1857, he was manned to Maria der, the widow of Jacob Schneider, by whom
Hammerschmidt, a native of Germany, which she had two children, viz., Sarah and Henry.
union blessed him with six children, viz., Pen cannot describe the hardships of the par-
Henry, Adolph, Emily, Julius, Bertha, and ents of our subject, and we will only leave
one deceased. Mr. Horstmann has been them to be compared with similar experiences
School Director thirty years in succession, and mentioned in different parts of this book.
has filled other small offices; he and wife are Our subject farming 167 acres belonging

members of the Lutheran Church of Naper- to his uncles, M. E., J. T. and S. D. Escher.
ville, in which he holds office. He takes a deep His brother, Reuben, is working for him, and
interest in education, and is a Republican. his aunt, Mrs. Lizzie (Faul) Escher is keep-
E. W. HEYNEN, farmer, P. O. Naperville, ing house for them; her husband is deceased;
born February 28, 1816, in Germany; is a the boys are making a specialty of raising
son of John and Margaret (Beth) Heynen, the grain.
parents of nine children — Fred, Caroline, THOMAS JELLIES, farmer and retired
Minnie, John, Peter, August, Harriet, E. W., carpenter, P. O. Lisle, was born December
Julia; they were Lutherans. Mr. Heynen 31, 1807, in England; is the son of Joseph
attended school considerable, obtaining a fair and Sarah (Baker) Jellies, who were the
education; he entered a store room as clerk parents of twenty children, eleven of whom
when quite young. In 1841, peddled on com- grew up and eight now survive. The par-
mission, handling all kinds of notions; was ents lived to be very old; the mother died
married in 1841 to Matilda Kreuzer, the result in a rocking chair without a struggle,
being seven children, four of whom survive while reading the Bible; she was an active
Robert, Otto, August and Annis. Robert is member of the Methodist Church. Mr.
farming the home place. Our subject came Jellies, our subject, obtained a fair educa-
to Illinois in 1848; he farmed two years near tion, and when eighteen years old began the
Freeport and then worked with Henry Horst- carpenter's trade, which he continued the
mann for five years. In 1856, he bought sixty most of his life. He was married in 1S30
acres where he now paying 82,000 for
lives, to Mary A Chapman, by whom he was
the same. He and wife are Lutherans; votes blessed with five children; three siirvive,

the Republican ticket; his oldest son, Annis, viz., William, Betsey and Sarah. Mrs. Jel-
killed in the lace war. lies died in 1848, and Mr. Jellies was again
S. D. ICHL, farmer, P. O. Downer's married in 1850, this time to Mary, a daugh-
Grove, was born July 23, 1853, in Vernon, ter of Thomas H. and Mary (Marney) Black-
Lake Co. , 111. ; is a son of George and Mary burn; she was born February 21, 1822, in
(Escher) Ichl, natives of Germany. His par- Kentucky, and was first married to James E.
ents came to Illinois, the father in 1830, Smith, the union resulting in three boys and

one girl, viz., Byron, Eugene, Thomas and which organization he and wife are active
Julia, now Mrs. L. H. Mcintosh, of Califor- members. Mr. Kuechel is the artificer of his
nia,whose husband owns 4,000 acres of land. own little fortune; he experienced the loss of a
Mrs. Jellies' first husband died in 1848 her ; father when quite young, and consequently,
marriage with the subject resulted in four being the only child, had to care for himself
children — Jennie, Lucy, Bertha and Mary. and mother. He labored for several years by
Mr. Jellies put up the first schoolhouse in the the month, and by frugality and energy se-
neighborhood of Lisle. He made a wagon, the cured him a very pleasant home. He has
wheels of which were composed of blocks taken a deep interest in educating his chil-
sawn from an oak tree, upon which he hauled dren.
the logs to the mill, and the lumber for it with HENRY MANBECK, farmer, P. 0. Naper-
ox teams to build the rude structure. At this ville, was born in Berks County, Penn., Janu-
building meetings were held, to attend which ary 14. 1823; his parents removed to Schuyl-
many of the early settlers drove their ox kill County, Penn., when he was six years old,
teams to their rude wagons and sometimes to where he lived till 1 854. He received a fair
sleds in the month of July. Mr. Jellies has education in the district schools, and began life

property worth §3,000 near Lisle Station, and working. on the farm; he also worked at the
with his wife enjoys good health at their turner's trade two years, but abandoned it for
ripe old age. Mr. Jellies is a Republican. farming. April 26, 1853, be married Rachel
JOHN KUECHEL, farmer, P. O. Naper- Reed, a native of Schuylkill County, Penn., and
ville,was born January 17, 1840, in Alsace, in the same month moved west to this county,

now Germany; is a son of John and Salome where he bought a piece of land about two
Kuechel, natives of Germany, where the miles east of Naperville, on which he lived till

father died, and the mother emigrated to about the year 1869, when he moved to his
this country in 1856, and died in 1869; was present place, which adjoins the northeast corner

a member of the Evangelical Association. of the corporation of Naperville; here he has

Mr. Kuechel attended school until fourteen lived ever since. Of his seven children only

year old, at which time he engaged actively five are now living. He is a Republican, and a

in rural labor, driving ox team, etc. He set-

member of the Evangelical Church.

mother on the land now owned

tled with his J. R. McMILLEN, Station Agent and Post-
by Solomon Mertz, where he remained until master, Lisle, was born September 4, 1830, in
1864, entering then the ministry in the Evan- Union County, Ind., and was raised in Ohio;
gelical Association, which he continued with isthe son of James W. and Cynthia A. (Mil-
unbounded success in different parts of the ler)McMillen, he, a native of South Car-
State till 1876, when he withdrew on account olina, born October 31, 1796, died in Illinois
of ill health; he now devotes his time mostly February 26, 1868; she a native of Shelby -

to his fine farm of 106 acres, lying a short ville, Ky., born in August, 1806, died in Ohio

distance north of Naperville; he was married August 23, 1843. Our subject availed him-
to Mary Sembach, which union resulted self of such educational advantages as the dis-
in Bix children, viz., Adin, George, Charles, trict schools afforded. At twenty years of
Samuel, Mary C. and Benjamin. He is now age, he commenced working on the Illinois
Superintendent of the Sunday school of the Central Railroad track, where he continued
Evangelical Association at Naperville, of two years, after which he learned tho trade

of brick-laying; after working at his trade are living; they are Solomon, Frank, Will-
four years in Bloomington, he settled in Ches- iam, Owen, Henry, Louisa and Mary. Mr.
ter, Randolph County, where he continued Mertz was again married in 1856 to Saloma,
his trade successfully; while at work on a daughter of Jacob and Saloma (Repps) Rehm.
railroad depot, he fell, breaking both his Mr. Rehm died December 28. 1881; his wife,
lower limbs, one of which was amputated at the age of sixty-seven, lives with the sub-
above the knee. As soon as he had sufficient- ject. Mr. Mertz has by his second wife nine
ly recovered to labor, he was employed in a children, viz., George, Daniel, Edward, Alice,
railroad office in Chicago.In 1866, he was Amelia, Delia, Ida, Ella and Lula. Mr. Mertz
appointed agent for the Chicago, Burlington settled where he now lives August 11, 1845:
& Quincy Railroad at Lisle, which position he has 350 acres of well-improved land in
he has since neld. In 1867, he was commis- this county, and 160 acres in Kankakee
sioned Postmaster. At Macomb, 111., Septem- County. Mrs. Mertz is a member of the
ber 13, 1859, he married Martha A. Hawkins, Evangelical Church, and Mr. Mertz of the
born in Reading, Vt., March 11, 1S40, a daugh- Lutheran; he was one among the noted
ter of John S. and Martha (Murrison( Hawk- hunters of this county; he is a Republican.
ins, natives of Vermont. This union has re- D. H. NARAMORE, retired farmer, P. O.
sulted in five children, viz., Edward W., aged Downer's Grove, was born in Benson, Rutland
nineteen years; John P., seventeen years; Co., Vt., December 10, 1803; son of Joel and
Charles A., twelve years; Fletcher H, ten Electa (Clarke) Naramore, natives of Pitts-
years; and Anna M., who died in infancy. field, Mass. Joel Naramore, who was born
Mr. Millen was Justice of the Peace three October 1, 1767, died at Sackett' s Harbor, N.
years, and is now in his seventh term as Y., June 13. 1813; his wife, born October 29,
Town Clerk. By his
industry, he has secured 1764, died March 3, 1844; she was a member
a good property worth about $1,800. His |
of the Congregational Church. They were
wife is a member of the Baptist Church, he !
the parents of eight children, four of whom
of the Congregational, in the Sunday school are living, the eldest being eighty-seven, the
of which he is Superintendent; he is a stanch youngest seventy-three years of age. Mr.
Republican. Naramore. at twenty-one years of age, appren-
SOLOMON MERTZ, farmer, P. O. Lisle, ticed to the blacksmith's trade in Benson,
was born July 12, 1813, in Pennsylvania; is

Vt., which trade he followed for ten years or

a son of Henry and Hannah Mertz, the par- more. In 1835, he came by boat and stage
ents of eighteen children, six of whom still to Ohio; afterwai'd settled at LisleTownship
survive, viz., Solomon, Charles, David, Elias, this county (then Cook County), paying $1,000
Edward and Mary. The father was in the ! for a claim of 280 acres, which he farmed till
battle of Lexington, the beginning of the 1876, when he moved to Downer's Grove,
Revolutionary war. Mr. Mertz obtained a where he has since resided. In this county,
good education, and worked at farming, February 12, 1837, he married Eunice K.
which occupation he began on his own re- |
Peet, born July 24, 1815, in Poultney, Rut-
sponsibility on attaining his majority. In who came to Lisle Township
land Co., Vt.,
1834, he married Lucy, daughter of Solomon and stayed with her brother Lester, who
Butts, of Pennsylvania; she died in 1854, taught the school in this county at Naper-


having borne eleven children, seven of whom ville; she is a daughter of Wheelock and

Alcy (Hickok) Peet, he a native of Bethle- River, and Jared and Horace, also deceased.
hem, Conn., born April 28, 1774, died July Mr. Netzly owns 300 acres of fine land, most-
29, 1860; shewas of Williainstown, Mass., ly the result of his own labors; he and wife
born September 12, 1775, died October 20, are members of the Baptist Church; he is a
1832; the parents of six children, of whom Republican.
three are living, the eldest being seventy- MORIS NEFF, farmer, P. O. Naperville,
eight, the youngest sixty-six years of age. was born in September, 1822, in Alsace, Ger-
Mr. and Mrs. Nararnore are the parents of many, son of Martin and Catharine (Craver)
five children, of whom two are living —Lucy Neff, natives of Germany, and the parents of
A. (married John Stanley) and Lester P. (mar- —
four children Moris, Martin, Joseph and
ried Eppie M. Pinches). Mr. Naramore has one deceased; the parents were Catholics.
always been a stanch advocate of temper- Mr. Neff attended school during his younger
ance; his wife is a member of the Congrega- days, and came to America at an early day.
tional Church; when she first came to this He mined in California from 1850 to 1851;
county the Indians were quite numerous. he served during the Mexican war, being in
HENRY NETZLY, farmer, P. O. Lisle, every engagement from Vera Cruz to Mexico.
was born in Lancaster County, Penn., Septem- In 1849, Mr. Neff, married Helena Frederick,
ber 21, 1832; is the son of Jacob and Mary who blessed him with seven children —Adam,
(Mentzer) Netzly, who came to this county Andone, Henry, Moris, Victor, Allen and
in 1851, settling where the subject now lives, Katie. Mr. Neff settled on his present farm
and where the father died in 1868; the of 104 acres in 1852; he put up a store
mother is living in Chicago. The parents building costing $2,000. The family are
had fourteen children, viz., Urias, Henry, members of the Catholic Church. Mr. Neff
Susan, Betsey, Sarah, Mary, Jacob, John, has plowed with the ox teams, and has wit-
Daniel, Samuel, Lenaus, Franklin, Lydia nessed the varied scenes of pioneer life; he
and Lucinda. Mr. Netzly obtained a fair ed- is a Democrat.
ucation, and the greater part of his life has JOHN NADELHOFFER, farmer, P. O
been that of a farmer. He came to Du Page Naperville, was born July 10, 1836; is a son
County with his parents by steamboat; for a of John and Magdalena (Operline) Nadel-
few years the family did all their tilling of hoffer, the parents of five children, viz.

the soil and hauling of grain to Chicago by Magdelena, John, Mary (Mrs. John Earhardt),
means of ox teams. Mr. Netzly was married Charles and Saloma the parents were Luther-

in 1855 to Catharine Brossman, born October ans; the father was a wagon-maker. John
14, 1836, daughter of Jacob and Leo (Grill) attended school during the winters until
Brossman, natives of Pennsylvania; they fourteen years old, when he hired out at small
were Lutherans, and came to Naperville, 111., wages; he came to America in 1856, and en-
in 1854. They had twelve children, all of gaged on a farm for John Christie, of this
whom are dead, except four, viz , Jacob, Mar- county, at §12 per month. In 1863, he rented
tin, Catharine and Lydia; the father is dead; of Alois Schwartz for two years, afterward of
the mother is living. Mr. and Mrs. Netzly D. Sleight and James Wright; he then bought
have had nine children, viz., Adelia, Rufus, 143 acres where he now lives, and has since
Mary, Laura E., Ira, Lydia, Marvin, who remained thei e, improving the same; he pos-

was drowned June 10, 1882, in the Du Page sesses 150 acres, the result of his own labors;

was married August 16, 1856, to Catharine childhood days; he came to Illinois in 1844,
Krautwasser, the result being eight children, and bought 200 acres where he now resides
viz., Catharine (Mrs. J. D. McMaban), John, at $15 per acre. He now possesses 300 acres
Daniel, Lena (Mrs. J. Seiles), Julia, Emma of well improved land, the result of his own
and Bertha. Mr. Nadelhoffer has been no labors; was married to Josephine Doael, and
office seeker, but is now Constable of Lisle has eight children living of a family of
Township. The family belong to the Lutheran eleven, viz., Antres, Atwal, Adaline, Joseph-
Church of Naperville; he votes the Democratic ine, William, Ferdinand, Mary and Louise;
ticket. has used the ancient farm implements and
JACOB OPFERLE, farmer, P. O. Naper- driven ox teams, hauling oats to Chicago,
ville,was born September 28, 1844, in Alsace, and selling them at 13 cents per bushel. He
France, now Germany is a son of John J. and
: has twenty-eight cows, and runs a dairy. He
Marie Salome (Yagel) OfferlB, also natives of and wife are members of the Catholic Church
Alsace, France, now Germany, who came to at Naperville; he votes the Democratic
Pennsylvania in 1855, and to this county in ticket.
1865. The father, born April 10, 1811, died MRS. ROSELLA PUFFER, Downer's
February 18, 1881, and the mother, born Grove, was born in Rensselaer County, N. Y.
May 28, 1813, died August 8, 1876; they had she the daughter of David and Lavina

three children, viz. Adam, Jacob and Adolph;

, (Wilkinson) Kinyon, natives of New York
the parents were Lutherans. Mr. Offerle at- State, and the parents of seven children.
tended the country schools, and was married The father died in 1826; the mother is still
at Naperville March 19, 1868, to Wilhelmina living. In her younger days, Mrs. Puffer
Rippe, born December 12, 1850, only child of lived with her cousins, Loring and Grenell.
Henry and Marie D. (Eosenwinkle) Rippe, In 1843, she married Reuben Puffer, a son of
who came to
natives of Hanover, Germany, Henry and Lusani (Wilson) Puffer. Soon
Illinois in 1856; the father was a tailor, and after their marriage, they came to Du Page
worked in Naperville. Mr. and Mrs. Offerle County, and settled where subject now re-

have five children "William Frank, born De- sides. Their first purchase was eighty-five
cember 17, 1868; Marie Dorothy, born May acres of farm land, and they have since
29,1870; Henry Adolph, born Jan. 29,1872, bought fifty acres of timber land in Milton
died May 27, 1872; Hannah Lovine Clara, Township. Mr. and Mrs. Puffer had ten chil-
born August 12, 1874, and Henry L., born —
dren Edwin, a stenographer in Chicago;
May 16, 1879. Mr. Offerle has ninety acres Elmer, a manuf aeturer of telegraph apparatus
of well improved land; he and wife are in Chicago; Frank, a merchant in Chicago;
Lutherans. Mr. Offerle' s brother Adolph Leonard R., engaged with his brother Elmer:
was born December 20, 1847, and was married William, Hattie and Genevieve, all at home.

in 1872 to Matilda Rosenwinkle, by whom he Two of their sons were in the late war; they
had five children —
Frank, Alfred, Amel, were George, who died in the service, and
Adolph and Amelia. Charles, who died in Iowa in 1867. Mr.
F. S. ORY, farmer, P. O. Lisle, was born Puffer died of heart disease in 1867. He and
January 12, 1818, in Germany; is the son of his wife experienced all the hardships of pio-
Ferdinand Ory, and one of five children, and neer life. The Puffer family are active Re-
the only boy; he attended school some in his publicans. She is an active member of the

Baptist Church, and the family are possessed to Du Page County, and made his home with
of fine literary accomplishments. the father of Judge R N. Murray. While
THOMAS PELLING, farmer, P. O. Lisle, here he had the privilege of attending'
was born October 25, 1812, in England; is a school at Naperville, one and one-half miles
son of James and Jane (Belchambers) Pell- distant. He afterward attended the school
ing, who came here in 1843, settling where at Warrenville. In the spring of 1844, he
Netzley now lives. The parents had five engaged as a farm hand for John Dudley at
children, viz.John, James, Thomas, William
, $9 per month. At the expiration of six
and Jane; parents were Baptists. Our sub- months he took service on a farm in Kane
ject obtained but little education, owing to County at $12 per month. He labored, prior
some financial disappointments of his father. to that with Dudley, eleven months with

Mr. Pelling worked out by the year, the com- Murray, spoken of above. In 1847, he en-
pensation varying from $60 to $85; he came gaged in the lumber business in Michigan;
to this county with his uncle, William Bel- bought forty acres of land in Du Page Coun-
chambers, who was afterward killed by a ty in 1845 and 1846; he worked on the old
team running away with him. Mr. Pelling Hobson mill dam across the Du Page River
worked for awhile in New York with his in 1849; was married, 1852, to Elizabeth Hob-
brother at blasting rock. He was married in son, which union resulted with three children,
1850 to S. Karfer, who blessed him with nine —
one living Albert, married Florence Moody
children, viz., Mary, Fred (was married No- and has two children, Ethel and Lottie A.
vember 23, 1880, to Frances Hitzler, and has Mrs. Page was born in 1832; she settled
one Frank, Lawrence,
child, Iny), Angeline, with her husband for a short time in Milton
Adaline and Ida A. In 1872, Mr. Pelling Township, and then in 1853 came to their
settledon his present farm of 113 acres; he present farm of 150 acres well improved, and
makes a specialty of running a dairy; his with a large stone quarry; was elected Jus-
wife is a Catholic; he votes the Democratic tice of the Peace, 1858; enlisted in Company
ticket. K, Thirteenth Illinois Volunteer Infantry;
E. E. PAGE, farmer, P. O. Naperville, was was First Sergeant; was elected Supervisor
born December 28, 1824; is a son of Samuel of Lisle in 1866, and held the office for nine
and Judith (Elliott) Page, natives, the father years; votes the Republican ticket.
of Massachusetts,and the mother of New ALONZO PALMER, farmer, P. O. Lisle,
Hampshire; the parents emigrated to Kane was born August 4, 1S42; is a son of Riley S.
County, 111., in 1838; there the father died and Nancy W. (Richards) Palmer. His parents
December 28, 1839, with the small pox; he came to this county in 1855, settling on the
was the father of six chidren, viz., E. E., Charles Parmelee farm; here the mother died
Clarissa and Harriet, and three deceased. in 1872; the father is now living in Nash-
The mother was married a second time to ville, Washington Co., this State. The par-
Nathan Williams, of Naperville, and the re- ents had eight children, viz. Mrs. C. P. Hatch,

sult was one child; she died about 1S65; was Alonzo, Allen, Mehetable, Mary V. (Mrs.
a Methodist. Mr. Page attended school in a George Schriver), Rosetta V. (Mrs. Perry
log cabin Kane County. At the death of his Boucher), and Anna (Mrs. Elwood). Mr. Pal-
father, he went to live with William Leonard, mer attended school but little, owing to the
of Jo DavieHS County, and in two years came limited circumstances of the family. He

learned carpentering, and worked at the same one living of his father's family, attended
for many years; was married in 1878 to Ella school as much as was convenient; he had
F., a daughter of John and Lucy (Peet) Rich- the advantages of a select school at Benson,
ards, now residents of this county. This Yt. He was married September 0, 1S53, to
union blessed him with two children, viz., Jeannett, a daughter of Oliver and Jane Kin-
Emma May; he enlisted in Company
L. and yon, the result being eight children, viz., Al-
B, One Hundred and Fifth Illinois Volunteer mah J., Arthur, Charles, Emma, Leonard, Al-
Infantry; was in several hard engagements; bert (deceased), James (deceased), Helen (de-
votes the Republican ticket. ceased). He settled on his present farm in 1842,
JOHN PHILIPP, farmer, P. O. Downer's buying eighty acres of the same, in 1844. He
Grove, was born October 5, 1854, in Gran- has now 147 acres of finely improved land, the
ville, Putnam Co., 111. ; is the son of Martin attainment of his own labors. He went to
and Eve (Rohner) Philipp. natives of Germany California in 1851, where he mined with fair
and the parents of one child John, our sub- — success for two years. He crossed the
ject; they came to Illinois in 1850. The Isthmus of Panama when the people were
father died in 1855, and the mother was sub- dying there by the hundreds. Possessed of
sequently married to Herman Pilz, by whom that characteristic that prompts a man to care

she has three children Henry, Edward and for others as he would have them care for
Albert. The mother settled immediately him, he with his strong arm carried many of
after her marriage with Mr. Pilz, in Lisle the weak, sick and distressed ones from the
Township, where they have since lived. Our hot, broiling sunshine to the shades of some
subject remained on the farm with his father isolated peak or small building, there to await
until 1881, when he was married to Sarah death's summons. His official positions have
Hoehn, and has one child George. Mr. — been few but important; he has served the
Philipp has forty acres of well- improved township faithfully for several terms as As-
land, the result of his own labors. He and sessor, and is now in his eighth term as Jus-
wife are members of the German Methodist tice of the Peace; he has also held his share
Church of Downer's Grove. of the small offices, where it is all labor and
farmer, P. O. no pay. He has experienced a few of the
Grove. The subject of these notes was born hardships that were to be endured by the pio-
September 20, 1821, in Benson, Rutland Co., neer; he hauled oats to Chicago with ox
Vt. is the son of Martin and Abigail (Stearns)
; teams, and sold at 10 cents per bushel. He
Root, who came to this county in 1843. set- specialty of manufacturing sorghum
tling where the subject now lives, and were , having an elegant evaporator of
the parents of six children — Emily, Maria, the best construction; he brought the first

James (deceased), Amos, James, Elisha. sample of sorghum molasses to this coiinty he ;

The parents were members of the Congrega- hauled the first load of merchandise to Down-
tional Church, in which the father was Dea- er's Grove, for Henry Carpenter. His active
con. The father of the mother of Mr. Root mind never finds rest, and he has obtained a
was a Revolutionary soldier; was under the knowledge of law sufficient to practice before
command of Gens. Sullivan and Burgoyne; any justice court; he is an active Republican.
was engaged in the surrender of Cornwallis JOSEPH RANOK, farmer, P. O. Naper-
at Yorktown. Our subject, who is the only ville, was born April 23, 1844,

County, Penn. His parents, Joseph and Mar- vantages in his younger days; his life has

garet Ranck, were natives of the same State; been that of a farmer; he came to this coun-
the mother came here in 1865, and lives with ty in 1854 with his father's family, and his

our subject; the father died in 1869; the par- wife, Sophia, a daughter of George and
ents were blessed with eight children Jona- — Esther (Shiffert) Wenner, whom he had mar-
than, Samuel, Elizabeth (Mrs. Lewis), Emery, ried in 1853; she was one of seven children
Amos and Joseph, and three deceased in in- — George, Esther, Mary, Clarissa, Peter,
fancy. The Ranck family emigrated to Penn- Lydia and Sophia; her father died when she '

sylvania about 1740. Mr. Ranck attended was small; was Lutheran, to which organiza-
school in the country academy at Waynesburg, tion her mother belonged. Mr. Rickert's re-
Chester Co., Penn., and State Normal at Mil- union gave him six children, two of whom
lersville, same State; he taught some time; have been stricken from life's roll on earth;
he clerked and kept store in Naperville two the four living are Mahlon, Emma, Irvin and
years, and the remainder of his life has been Mary. His wife died in 1869, and he was
spent on a farm; was married to Francis E. subsequently joined in marriage with Susan
Higgins, the result being two children, de- Kramer, a daughter of Mrs. William Stark,
ceased; wife died in 1870; was married a by whom he has four children, viz., Matilda,
second time in 1875 to Rebecca, a daughter William, Truman and Addie L. In 1860,
of David and Susannah (Boyer) Frost, natives he located on his present well-improved farm
of Lebanon County, Penn. her parents came
; of 116 acres, in Lisle Township, mostly the
to this county in 1850, and twelve of their result of his own efforts. He has served in
thirteen children survive — John, Elizabeth, some small offices; enlisted in Company D,
Daniel, George, Susannah, David, Rebecca, One Hundred and Fifty -sixth Illinois Volun-
Henry, Samuel, Jacob, Simon, Clara. Mr. teer Infantry; votes the Republican ticket;
Ranck has two children as a result of his last takes an interest in educating his children;

marriage Elmira and Clarence; he has 115 he and wife are members of the Evangelical
acres of well-improved land, which he bought Association at Naperville; his wife's parents
in 1866; he is running a dairy; he and wife live with the subject; her mother is blind.
are members of the Evangelical Association Mahlon, the son of Mr. Rickert, is employed
of Naperville ; he votes the Republican ticket; in the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe car works
has served in some small offices. at Kansas City, and Emma, his daughter, is

RICHARD RICKERT, farmer, P. O. Naper- the wife of John Slick, a fireman on the Chi-
ville, was born October 18, 1831, in Schuyl- cago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad.
kill County, Penn. ; is a son of Samuel and J. W. STEININGER, farmer, P. O. Naper-
Mary (Green) Rickert; the mother died in ville, was born October 11, 1836, in Pennsyl-

1844, having blessed her husband with six vania; is the son of George and Mary (Moose)
children, viz., Hannah, Richard, Edwin, Steininger, who emigrated to Du Page County
Alexander, Matilda and Alfred. The father at an early day. They were the parents of
married a second time to Esther Deibert, re- five children —Rebecca, Tillman, J. W., Catha-
sulting in no children. The father was a rine and Lizzie.The mother was born May
minister of the Evangelical Association; he 1, 1806, and died August 29,
1870. The
also merchandized and shipped coal; is living parents were members of the Evangelical
in Neperville. Richard had some school ad- Association. Mr. Steininger attended school

some in his native State: lie emigrated here hastily changed her threshing stiit for her
with his father's he was
family in 1843; 'home-made blue,' and soon bad supper wait-
married in 1863 Eebecca Ressler, a
to ing. In the meantime, two ministers of the
daughter of Joseph and Susannah Ressler, Evangelical Association called. Mother was
which union blessed him with six children an active member of that organization, and
Alwin, born July 22, 1864, died August 11, on this same evening determined to attend
1870; Emma, born November 5, 1866, died the prayer meeting at some distance. Father
August 7, 1870; Glistie. born January 25, was opposed to her going, but she had the
1870, died August 30, 1S70; Hattie, born ministers remain for supper, and after all
October 22, 1871; Annie, born April 24, 1874; were seated she took a bowl of soup and a
Charlie, born July 12, 1876. Mr. Steininger slice of bread, and left them to enjoy their
settled on his present farm of ninety-three meal while she ate her supper on the road to
acres in 1874, which is well improved, and prayer meeting. " Mrs. Steininger's par-
the attainment of their own labors, save ents were blessed with eight children —Betsey,
about $2,000 inherited by his wife. He and Rebecca, Mary, Daniel, Matilda, Joseph,
wife are members of the Evangelical As- Fianah, one dead.
sociation; takes an interest in education; has MARQUIS L. SARGENT, farmer, P. O.
a dairy; votes the Republican ticket. Mrs. Naperville, was born January 30, 1833, in
Steininger was born in 1843 in this county; Michigan. His parents were John and Irene
her parents came here 1842; her mother (Sweet) Sargent, the father a native of New
brought five dozen eggs from Pennsylvania, Hampshire, and the mother of the State of
thinking that such an article could not be New York. They had seven children, six of
found here. She remained overnight at what whom now «urvive, viz., Louisa (Mrs. Judge
is now the Page residence, and the next Murray), Silvester (grocer in Chicago), Cleo
morning carried Mrs. Steininger in her arms C. (Mrs. Wright), M. L., Walter A. (police-
a distance of two miles, together with a man in Chicago) and Sarah M. (Mrs. W.
broom, to the place of their choice, a cabin Marvin). The parents emigrated to Mich-
12x16, which for awhile contained three igan at an early day, and to Illinois in
families. Since the above was written, Mrs. 1837, settling where the subject now lives.
Steininger sends us the following, which we The father died in 1867; he was in the war
insert in her own language: "The threshers of 1812 as a Sergeant. The mother died in
had come, and hands being Bcarce and wages 1876 she was a member of the Congregational

high, mother not only cooked for them but Church. Mi-. Sargent attended school in

helped to thresh. The required amount of the country and he has spent
at Naperville;
chips were gathered, by which a fire was
' the most of his active on a farm. In e<u ly
life -

kept up, and over it was hung a kettle filled manhood he went where he re-
to California,
with beef. Giving her three children, the mained for a few years, and then returned to
eldest being five, the command to feed the his present farm of 145 acres of well-improved
fire, she locked the door to prevent our get- land, on which he makes some sjaecialty of
ting lost on the prairie, and went to help the stock raising. He was married in 1860 to
threshers; the only thing we could see was Lois M., daughter of Henry and Lois (Royce)
the cloud of dust from the machine. It was Ingalls, the parents of twelve children. Mi 1

getting dark when mother returned, but she '

Sargent was blessed with five children by his


marriage, two living, viz., Earl and Lorene SIMON SCHAFEB, farmer, P. O. Down-
A. Mrs. Sargent is a member of the Con- er's Grove, was born September 17, 1839, in
gregational Church of Naperville. Mr. Sar- Germany; is a son of David and Christina
gent is a member of Naperville Lodge, No. (Nusbaum) Schafer, who came from Germany
81, I. 0. O. F., and votes the Democratic in 1853. They first settled in Canada, where
ticket, having cast his first Presidential they remained two years, and then came to
vote for Franklin Pierce. Mr. Sargent is Du Page County; here they rented land for
educating his children in the Northwestern several years, until they had saved sufficient
means to purchase eighty acres, where our
L. W. STANLEY, farmer, P. O. Downer's subject now lives, and where the parents
Grove, was born May 14, 1826, in Susque- died, the father in 1880, the mother in 1866.
hanna County, Penn.; is a son of Dexter Our subject was the only son, and had but
and Nancy (Capron) Stanley, the former a little opportunity for attending school, the
native of Massachusetts, and the latter of greater part of his time being employed in
Pennsylvania. Our subject is a brother of farming with the ox-team and the primitive
Mrs. Dryer, the mother of H. L. Bush, whose implements of agriculture. The father's vo-
biography appears elsewhere. Mr. Stanley cation was that of a weaver, and the son was
attended school in a cabin which stood where hired out at an early age to learn farming,
the residence of Mrs. Curtis, of Downer's after which he took charge of his father's
Grove, now stands, his instructor being Nor- farm. He now has 120 acres of well-im-
man G. Hurd. He has devoted his life" to proved land of his own. In 1866, Mr. Scha-
farming, save four years, from 1850 to 1854, fer married Sarah Peters, a sister of Daniel
when he was mining in California, with his Peters, whose biography appears elsewhere
brother D. C. and Amos and Albert Adams. He in this book. This union has resulted in six
settled on his present farm of 130 acres in 1854, children, viz., Frank, Bertha, Amelia, Min-
and has improved the same from the "raw" nie, Edith and Willie. Mr. Schafer is en-
state to that of one to be desired by the most gaged in the dairy business; he votes the
tasteful. In 1854, he married Helen, a daugh- Bepublican ticket.
ter of Aaron K. and Maria (Ford) Farr, the par- ALOIS SCHWABTZ, farmer, P. O. Na-
ents of seven children, viz., Helen, Edward, perville. Mr. Schwartz was born June 17,
Mary, George, Frances, Ida and Charles; 1828, in Alsace, now Germany; is a son of
her parents came to Downer's Grove in 1842, Michael and Mary Schwartz, natives of Ger-
where the father died subsequently, and the many and the parents of thirteen children,
mother is livingwith the subject. Mi-. Stan- seven of whom are living, viz., Lawrence,
ley has three children living, from a family Joseph, Alois, Ferdinand, Lewis, Antone and
of five, viz., Arthur F., Mabel and Louie; Michael; the parents emigrated to this coun-
the former is working for the Western Eclec- ty in July, 1846, and settled on the farm
tic Manufacturing Company of Chicago. now owned by Michael Schwartz, near the
Our subject has been identified with the Be- center of Lisle Township; here the father
publican party since its organization, merg- died, September 10, 1865, and the mother in
ing from the Whig and Free-Soil organiza- February, 1874; the parents were Catholics;
tion. He devotes considerable time to the the father was a fisherman in his native
dairy business. country. Alois experienced some of the

hardships that were upon the early settlers. ville. Votes the Democratic ticket. His
He never attended school a single day, and wife was born July 16, 1840, in Alsace.
what education he possesses is the result of NICHOLAS STENGER, farmer, P. O.
his ambitious efforts. In 1850, he went to Naperville, was born January 22, 1860, in
California; there he mined successfully for Du Page County; is a son of Nicholas and
about five years, after which he returned and Elizabeth (Snebly) Stenger, natives of Ger-
bought land in Du Page County. By fru- many. The parents settled at Naperville
gality and careful management, he has secured very early, where the father died; the mother
380 acres of land, which is finely improved, is still living; the parents had seven chil-
partly by his own hands. In 1866, he made dren, five of whom are living Mary, Amelia,
a wise selection of a help-mate in the person Nicholas, Adolph, they became
of Miss Katie Gipe, which union gave him members of the Evangelical Association very
four children, viz. , Edward, Amelia, Dan C. early. Our subject had good eduational
and Andrew. He is tiling his farm; has now advantages. He was married, November 25,
about 800 rods of tile drainage on his fine 1881, to Emma, a daughter of Fred Strubler.
farm. The family are members of the Catho- of Naperville. He settled on his present
lic Church of Naperville. His political pro- farm of ninety- four and a half acres in 1882.
clivities are Democratic. He is making some specialty of stock-raising.
ALBERT SCHMITT, farmer, P. O. Na- He and wife are members of the Evangelical
was born July 22, 1834, in Alsace,
perville, Association. He votes the Republican ticket;
now Germany; is the son of Francis A. and is a strict temperance man. His father was
Francisca (Schwartz) Schmitt. The parents an owner of the early brewery at Naperville.
came to Du Page County in 1843, settling E. O. STANLEY, farmer, P. O. Downer's
where the subject of these notes now lives; Grove, was born August 8, 1828, in Penn-
the father died on February 6, 1861; the sylvania; is a son of Dexter and Nancy (Cap-
mother was born October 24, 1808, and is ron) Stanley. Mr. Stanley is a brother of L.
living with her son Albert, of whom we W. Stanley and Mrs. Dryer, the mother of
write; the parents had three boys Theopo- — H. L. Bush, in whose sketches the parents
las, Antona and Albert; they united early are prominently noticed. E. O. attended
with the Catholic Church. Mr. S. attended school in a small building on his father's
school some during his younger days; he farm, and for awhile in the old building
drove ox teams when ten years old, hauling Woods now lives. Was
that fetood where T. M.
oats to Chicago and selling at 20 cents per married, in 1862, to Mary Allen, a daughter
bushel; he was married, June 3, 1856, to of Mr. Allen, of Ohio, who blessed him with
Mary Schmitt (no connection), she a daugh- two children, viz., Adah M. and Lee. He
ter of Martin and Mary (Pfaff) Schmitt. By has 134 acres of well-improved land, the re-

her Mr. S. had seven children — Frank, Otilia, sult of his own labors. He is running a
Henry E., Willie N., Joseph T., Andrew A. dairy, having seventeen cows. Been in some
and Sophia (deceased). Ho owns 270 acres small offices. Votes the Republican ticket.

of well-improved land, which was formerly He and wife are members of the Baptist
timbered. He is now Road Commissioner; Church of Downer's Grove.
has been School Director. The family are G. W. WEBSTER, farmer. P. O. Naper-
members of the Catholic Church of Naper- ville. This enterprising young man is the

son of George W. and Caroline Webster. fare of the family. They would bring their
The father is a son of Lyf ret and Sarah Web- interviews to a climax by the one singing and
ster, and was born in 1811. The mother of the other dancing to the sweet music that
our subject was born July 1, 1822, in Ash- rolled over the turbulent waters.
land, N. H. is a daughter of
; Jacob and S. J. WILLARD, farmer, P. O. Lisle, was
Clarissa (Webster) Shepherd. The Shep- born August 27. 1818, in South Brimfield,
herds are descendants of the Holdeness Mass. is a son of George R. and Hannah

Colony, and the Websters of the Plymouth (Dunham) Willard, natives of Massachusetts
Colony. Mrs. Webster's parents emigrated
' and parents of eleven children, viz., George
to LisleTownship, this county, in 1849, and R., Ferdinand, Clarissa, Oriel, S. J., Whit-
settled on the farm where the subject now ! ney, Benjamin C, Oriel L., Annis, Edwin
lives. Here her father died in 1865, and her and Maryette. In 1835, the parents settled
mother in 1800. She was one of two chil- on a claim of 300 acres, where the subject
dren, Caroline and Walter (a grocer of Chi now resides. The father died in 1835, about
cago). Her mother was a member of the six weeks after arriving in this county; the
Protestant Episcopal Church. She was mar- mother died in 1862. Our subject attended
ried to Webster, the father of our subject, in school as much as was convenient; worked on
1846, the result being two children — Clara the farm and with his father at wheel wright
E. and George W. Her husband died in ing. When they located in this county, Mr.
November, 1848. She and her consort came Willard drove the ox teams and witnessed
to this county in September, 1846, buying at the scenes that make up the life of the pio-
that time 152 acres at $1.25 per acre. Here neer. He was married, in 1859, to Janet
she has lived since. Her parents really never Decker, by whom he was blessed with five

bought any land here, but made their home children — Judson, Lewis, Maurice, Alice,
with her after her husband died. She and and one deceased when young. Our subject
her son lived in Chicago for seven years, has 218 acres of well-improved land. He
where he was engaged in the milk and gro votes the Republican ticket.
eery business. George is now managing the S. D. WEBSTER, farmer, P. O. Naper-
farm, raising grain and stock. His mother ville, was born January 16, 1848, in Du Page
lives with him. He is somewhat in the dairy County; is the son of M. R. and Caroline
business. Mrs. Webster tells a little circum- Webster, early settlers of this county, and
stance connected with the life of ancestors, the parents of eight children, viz., Henry,
Websters and Shepherds, which we deem Sarah, Charlotte, Mary, Charles, Rockwood,
worth a notice, as it some facts set
illustrates William and S. D. The mother died in
forth in parts of this book. These relations 1850; the father survives, among his children.
were, two families of them, located on the The father was married a second time to
banks of a river, in New Hampshire, some Arvilla Bessel, by whom he had two children,
forty miles away from any other people. Laura and Julia. His second wife died in
The river ran between the two families, and, 1870. Our subject attended school at Naper-
as there was no means by which they could ville,aside from the district schools. Was
cross, the women were so eager to visit that married, October 1, 1874, to Flora A., daugh-
they would go to the banks and holloa at each ter of J. D. and Lucinda Turner, one of six
other, thus learning the condition and wel- children— Joel, George, Jennie, Matilda,
Flora and Charles. He
farming 150 acres
is —Joseph, Sophia, Lizzie, and o

of well-improved land belonging to his father. Mr. Worley" attended school some in his na-
His wife is a member of the Congregational tive country. Came to this country in 1849,
Church. He votes the Republican ticket. and engaged for eleven years in a brewery at
His father is noted as one of the early Aboli- Naperville. Was married, in 1855, to Lizzie
tionists. Schmitt, the result being six children — Will-
JOSEPH WORLEY, farmer, P. O. Naper- iam, Andrew, Mary, Frank, Henry and Lib-
ville,was born February 21, 1832, in Alsace, bie. He settled on bis present farm of 180
Germany; is a son of Antona and Mary acres in 1869, which is well improved, and
(Herstel) Worley, who came here in 1853, the attainment of his own labors. The fam-
settling in Lisle Township, where they both ily are members of the Catholic Church. He
died, having been blessed with four children votes the Republican ticket.

GEORGE H. ATWATER, Utopia, was who contributed much toward its advance-
born in Broome County, N. Y. February , 19, ment and settlement, was Gerry Bates, who
1826; his father, Jesse. Atwater, was born came here in 1842, and purchased the section
March 7, 1784, in the State of Connecticut, of land upon which the town of Elmhurst
son of Jesse, a Revolutionary soldier. The now stands. He was born August 24, 1800,
mother of our subject was Lucretia Martin. in Chesterfield, Mass., son of Benjamin Bates,
The Atwaters came West in 1834, and settled whose ancestors were of English origin. Our
in this county. Jesse died in 1866, and his subject removed with his father in 1808, to
wife in 1868. They were the parents of eight j
Geauga County, Ohio, but in 1842, removed

children William, Olive, George H, Rachel, !
to this locality as above stated, and soon after
Ann, Betsey, Rebecca and Benjamin. William making his purchase, built Cottage Hill Hotel.
Olive and Rebecca are dead. Jesse Atwater A. few years after, he engaged in merchan-

was a good citizen and was much esteemed. dising, and was made Postmaster, the first
His successor on the homestead, his son \ one in the township, and held the office up
George H., has constantly resided here since to tbe time of his death —a period of about
his father located the claim. July 14, 1849, thirty years. His death occurred July 29,
he married Phebe Willig, a native of Penn- 1878. —
He was twice married first, to Ada-
sylvania, born September 9, 1831, daughter line Hovey, who bore him several children.
of Henry and Mercy Ann (Abbott) Willig; His last wife yet survives him, and resides on
he died May 8, 1882. Mr. Atwater has two the homestead; her maiden name was Georgia

children Alfred and Almeda. Alfred mar- S. Smith, a native of South Waterboro, Me.
ried Ada Stevens, and has two children. She, with three children —
Frederick H, Ada- ,

Almeda married Jones M. Clapp, of Marengo, line and Charles, resides at the "Willows,"
McHenry County. Mr. Atwater has 146 acres the name of the family residence. Fred H
of fine land. is now practicing medicine in Bensenville, in

GERRY BATES (deceased). Prominent Addison Township, this county, and is get-
among the early arrivals of Elmhurst of one ting into a fine practice; he received his lit-

erary education at the University of Chicago, was a daughter of a Revolutionary soldier,

and graduated at Bush Medical College Feb- who was with Washington at Valley Forge.
ruary 21, 1878. After the death of his father, The Root family came to this county in the
he became Postmaster, and held the office un- fall of 1843. Martin Root had a family of
til his resignation. In August, 1881, he was eight children. Mr. Barber, when he first
associated with Dr. J. M. Zahn, of Elgin, in came to this county, rented land, in Lisle
the practice of medicine, which copartner- i Township; then bought forty-eight acres in
ship was dissolved in May, 1882, when he lo- Downer's Grove, where he remained several
cated at Bensenville. He is a member of the years, then sold out and moved to Lisle
Masonic Harlem Lodge, No. 540.
fraternity, Township, and after remaining there about
GEORGE BARBER, farmer, P. O. Lom- four years, came to his present place in
bard, was born in Benson, Rutland Co., Vt. 1860, bought 140 acres of land, at $20 an
November 18, 1818, second son of Joel and acre, and has since remained here; he bought
Laura (Cleveland) Barber, he born in Rutland this farm from Horace Brooks, who settled
County, Vt., she in Hampton, Washington it. Mr. and Mrs. Barber have had three
Co. N. Y.
, Joel Barber was a son of William children —
Josiah C, Lucy M. and George
Baber, one of the first settlers in Rutland F., who died March 3, 1866, aged seven-
County, Vt., who had to keep his family in teen years. Mr. Barber has followed farm-
the fort at Ticonderoga, N. Y., for shelter ing since he located here, and has also
while he was making a settlement in Benson, been agent for Kirby's mowers and reap-
Vt., and who had seven children — William, ers; he has been Assesser and Supervis-
Robert, James, Joel, Sallie, Polly and Eu- or; was formerly a Whig, now a Republican.
nice. Joel Barber's wife, Laura Cleveland, HENRY BUCHHOLZ, farmer, P. O. Elm-
wab a daughter of Josiah Cleveland, who was hurst, resides on Section 1; his residence
thrice married, Mrs. Joel Barber being one is situated on the northeast corner of the

of the children of the first marriage. The township. He was born November 5, 1846,
Clevelands were Methodists, the Barbers Bap- in the Kingdom of Hanover, and came to this
tists and Congregationalists. Joel Barber country with his parents when but two years

had eight children William C, George, of age. His father, Henry, was born October,
Gilbert, Carlyle, Margaret A., Lucy, Anna 1810, and married Minnie Beckmann, daugh-
E: and Betsey, who died in infancy. Our ter of Fred Beckmann, and by her two chil-
subject left home to push his own fortunes at —
dren were born Henry and Louisa. Louisa
the age of twenty-two, having but little edu- married Henry Kemman, of La Grange. The
cational advantages. In the spring of 1844, paternal grandfather of our subject was also
he started West; arrived in Chicago June 15, named Henry; he never came to this country.
that year, and came to this county, having The father of Henry came here in the spring
then about $70. In the fall of 1843, he mar- of 1848, and purchased the farm upon which
ried Maria Root, a native of Rutland County, he remained until his death, in March, 1868;
Vt., daughter of Martin and Abigail (Stearns) his wife yet survives him, and resides in
Root, he bom March 14, 1785, died Febru- Proviso; she married Henry Avers. October
ary 18, 1865, she born January 23, 1788, 1, 1873, our subject married Caroline, born
died in York Township, this county, March March 12, 1849, in this township, and is the
2, 1873. Martin Root's wife, Abigail Stearns, second daughter of Fred Fisher, one of the

early settlers of the county. Mr. Bucliholz train; Louis S. resides at Watseka, is pas-
has two children — Albert Henry and Carl senger conductor. He has one brother
Fred; he has about 200 acres of land under Charles, a farmer, who lives near Mears,
excellent improvement. Mich.
MELVIN J. BALLOU, railroad conduc- SETH CHURCHILL, Lombard, was born
tor, Lombard. The popular and well-known in Vermont May 25, 1805, and is a son of
conductor of the Omaha Express was born in Winslow and Mercy (Dodge) Churchill, na-
the Empire State, St. Lawrence County, Oc- tives of Vermont, Winslow Churchill having
tober 5, 1845, son of Philander and Abigail been born in Rutland, that State. The
(Stearns) Ballou. The paternal grandsire Churchill family came to this country from
of Melvin J. lived to be eighty-six years of England in the Mayflower; the Dodge family
age. James F. Stearns his mother's fa- came from Scotland. Winslow Churchill and
ther, lived to be also four-score years. The family came to this county in June, 1834,
father of M. J. was a farmer and yet resides having landed in Chicago on the 5th of that
in St. Lawrence County, N. Y. He raised month, came to Babcock Grove, now Pros-
nine children, six sons and three daughters. pect Park, where some of the family still re-

Melvin was brought up on the farm, and, side, took a claim eight years before the land
while yet in his teens, he volunteered in was surveyed, paying $1.25 p»r acre for 160
Company G, Sixtieth New York Volunteer acres. Winslow Churchill settled on the
Infantry, and served until the close of the banks of the Du Page River, where he died,
war. After the war, he returned home; soon aged seventy-seven years, eight months and
after, however, he came West, to Du Page eight days; his wife died at the advanced
County, first,Turner Junction, and, in
to age of eighty -eight years; they had the fol-
1867, he began railroading and worked his lowing children: William, who came West
way up, and in due time was placed in charge about the year 1840, died in Wisconsin, aged
of a train as conductor, and, for thirteen eighty-one years; Malinda, who married Syl-
years, has been serving in this capacity, his vester Ketcham, died in Michigan Christina,;

run being the Omaha Express on the Chicago in this county, has been twice married, her
& North- Western Railroad, running from first husband. Erastus Ketcham, died, leaving
Chicago to Clinton, Iowa; his efficiency as a one her second husband, David
son, Erastus ;

railroad man and his known fidelity have se- Christian, also deceased, left two sons
cured him one of the best runs on the line. Wesley and William C. Lorana, who came
He resides at Lombard, having a little home with her parents from New York, married
of his own, a wife and two children Eva F. — John D. Ackerman, and had five sons Seth, —
and Ashley Melvin; his wife Fannie was born the subject of this sketch; Major, living in
in Milton Township, daughter of M. W. Jeddo, N. Y. ; Betsey, living in Cook County,
Murray, one of the old residents of Du Page. wife of Samuel Mahoffy; Winslow, in Down-
Mr. Ballou is a Republican and a member of er's Grove, this county; Amanda, died when
the Masonic order. He has three brothers in young; Isaac B., in Milton Township, this
this State, all of whom are railroad men county, and Hiram, who went to California
Henry, Hector and Louis. Henry resides at and has never since been heard of. The sub-
Blue Island, and is passenger conductor; ject of this sketch lived on his first purchase
Hector at Danville; is conductor of freight of land until March, 1854, when he came to

Lombard, having previously, however, spent same year went north to Section 14, where he
one year in Chicago. August 9, 1828, he made a claim, which he afterward purchased,
was married to Roxana Ward, of Jordan, N. located thereon, and has since been a resident
Y., by Rev. M. Fuller. Mrs. Churchill was of the same. July 10, 1836, he married Ra-
a daughter of Elijah Ward, who had a large chel B. Atwater, who was born January 8,
family; she died March 12, 1872, aged sixty- 1815, in Broome County, N. Y., daughter of
four years one month and twenty-one days, Jesse Atwater, one of the early settlers of this

leaving five children Mary J., born January townshij). Mr. Eldridge has had five chil-

8, 1830; Horace, December 9, 1831; Myron, dren born, four living — Rhoda, wife of Frank
April 23, 1834, Emily R, August 17, 1838, Filer, she died June 1, 1882; Lazetta, mar-
and William H., July 17, 1840 Horace ried Charles B. Townsend; Benedict J.; Mar-
started for California via the overland route; tha, wife of Charles G. Howell ; Rebecca,
was at Fort Laramie May 9, 1852, and has wife of Walter S. Price. Mr. Eldridge is

never since been heard from. Myron died now nearly fourscore years of age; has been
December 25. 1876; he had two sons, War- a resident of the township forty-seven years,
ren and Orvilie. Emily resides at Prospect and is yet in good health. Not a member of
Park, wife of Oscar Johnson. William H. any church; in politics, Democratic.
resides in Iowa. December 10, 1874, Mr. GEORGE FULLER, farmer, P. O. Uto
Chtirchill married Eliza Young, born August pia, was born March 6, 1815, in the town of
23, 1849, in Oberholm, Germany, daughter Lisle, Broome Co., N. Y., son of Jacob W.
of Adam and Elizabeth Young, who came Fuller, who came to this county in 1836, and
here about 1852; the latter died in August, died at Fullersburg June 5, 1867; he was a
1852. By this union they have one child blacksmith. Jacob W. married Candace Sul-
— Jessie. Mr. Churchill has a fine farm livan, who bore him thirteen children, all of
of 420 acres of land; he has been a church whom grew up George remained
save one.
member for forty years; his father was on the farm until twenty-three years of age;
formerly a Congregationalist; later, a mem he learned the trade of his father, which he
ber of the M. E. Church, to which he be followed for several years, but finally gave
longed at his death. his entire attention to farming. In 1850, he
EDWARD ELDRIDGE, farmer. P. O. located where he now lives. He was the first
Utopia. This gentleman came to Du Page Assessor of York Township, and has subse-
County May 29, 1835, making his first set- quently refilled the same position. He has
tlement in York Township, where he hai served as Township Treasurer for fourteen
since He was born November 16
lived. years. He was married, December 31, 1841,
1803, in Albany County, N. Y. He was the to Cynthia M. Talmadge, a native of New
seventh child and fifth son of a family of York, daughter of John Talmadge; she died
eleven children. His father was Benedict September 15, 1851. July 12, 1853, he mar-
Eldridge, a native of Cape Cod. Benedict ried Polly Davis, daughter of Nelson Davis;
Eldridge married Rhoda Chevalier, and her she bore him three children — Lorin, Sarah
children, who grew up, were Richard. Zenas, and Mary, all deceased; she died in 1863,
Hannah, Dorcas, George, Edward, Mary, February 12. December 31, 1864, he mar-
Lydia and Louis. In May, 1835, Edward ried his present wife, Lydia A., who was
came West to Du Page County, and the born in this township; her parents were
Louis and Harriet (Clark) Eldridge. Four and builder by trade; he was a successful
children -were born — Lorin, Sarah, Mary J. business man and accumulated a handsome
and Willie N., all deceased. Mr. Fuller has competence for his family; he died in 1879.
about 300 acres of land; is in very easy and (See sketch of Mr. Struckmann and portrait
comfortable circumstances, and is spending appears in this work.) The Doctor has one
his declining years in happiness and content- —
son Walter D. He is a stanch Republi-
ment can and a member of the Evangelical
FRED J. T. FISCHER, physician,Elm- Church.
hurst, was born in Du Page County on DAVID FULLER, farmer, P. O. Fullers-
the homestead farm, in Addison Township, burg, born_ March 28, 1825, in the town of
July 30, 1842, and was the second son of Lisle, Broome Co., N. Y., son of Jacob W.
Henry D. and Maria Franzen (Fischer). Fuller, one of the pioneers of York Town-
Fred J. T. was broiight up on the farm, ship. David was a lad of eleven years when
where he remained until June, 1861, when his father came to this township, and has
he enlisted as private in Company B, Thirty- been a resident of the same up to the present
third Regiment, Illinois Volunteer Infantry, time. He was first married when twenty-six
and served three years and three months; years of age, April 7, to Catharine, daughter
during that time, he participated in every of Philip Bohlander, one of the early settlers
battle in which his company was engaged, of DuPage County; she died March 28,
some of the most prominent being Cache 1870. Of this marriage the issue was three
River, Ark, Bolivar Bend, Miss., Champion children. Angeline, now deceased, was the
Hills, Miss., seige of Vicksburg, Jackson, wife of George Coffin; Charles P. B. and
Miss., and Fort Esperanza, Texas. Soon Lydia L. are living. June 1, 1871, he mar-
after his return home from service, he was ried his present wife — Charlotte, a native of
elected County Clerk, and served three years, England, daughter of Thomas Evernden and
when he resigned in order to complete his Mary Ford, who came to the United States
education. He entered Oberlin College, and in 1855, and to this State ten years later.
graduated in 1874, receiving the highest Nine children were born to Mr. Evernden,
honors of his class, consisting of thirty mem- two sons and seven daughters —
bers, and being elected Greek orator of the Thomas, Mary, Jennie, Charlotte, Esther,
class; he received the degrees of A. B., A. M., Kate, Annie and Birdie. Esther and Kittie
as well as M. D. He also took a three years' deceased. Mr. Evernden died September 2,
course at the famous Heidelberg University, 1870; his wife Mary resides, with her son
Germany, and, upon his return, engaged in Thomas, in Fulton County, 111. William
practice at Cincinnati, Ohio, until the spring resides in this county, druggist at Hinsdale.
of 1879, when, on account of the death of his By the last marriage, Mr. Fuller has one
father-in-law, Diedrich Struckmann, he re- daughter — Elsie Bernice, born November 25,
turned to Elmhui-st. Since that time, he has 1872. He resides on the farm his father set-
been engaged in the practice of his profes- tled (Section 27), which has never been out
sion here. September 27, 1874, he married of the family name; he has 208 J acres and
Martha S., daughter of Diedrich Struckmann other interests in the county; he has traded
and Caroline Korthauer. Mr. Struckmann came successfully in real estate, and is of a me-
to this country m 1 S44 ; he was a carpenter chanical turn of mind.

FEED GRAUE, miller, Fullersburg, was EDWARD D. GRAUE, farmer, P. O.

born January 25, 1819, in Landesbergen, in Elmhurst, is a son of Henry Graue, one of
the Kingdom of Hanover, the third son of the early settlers of the township, and resides
Frederick Graue and Lucie (Thiirmau), to on the farm owned and settled by his father.
whom were born eight sons and one daugh- Henry Graue was born April 23, 1826, in the
ter. The Graue family emigrated to the same locality in the Kingdom of Hanover as
United States in 1833, arriving first in Albany were his brothers Fred, August and Lewis.
County, N. Y. In May, the following year, Henry came here to York Township with his
came to Chicago. They remained at Chicago brothers, and made his purchase and engaged
a short time, and, he the same summer, lo- in farming, remaining here until his death,
cated in Addison Township, this county, at July 19, 1868. He was a good citizen, and
a grove which has since borne their name. a worthy member of the community. His
Here Frederick, the father, died in 1837, his wife was Louisa Krage, born near Hanover,
wife surviving him until 1866. Fred, the in February, 1829, daughter of Fred Krage
subject of these lines, remained with his fa- and Mary Stuenkel, which family came to
ther until of age, when he located on a piece Du Page in 1837. Two children are living,
of land near the homestead, upon which he oE a family of three, born to Henry Graue and
lived until 1850; he then moved to the south- wife — Edward D., our subject, and Louisa,
east corner of the township, on Section 36, who Edward
resides in this township, wife of
where he, in company with William Asche, Rotermund. Edward D. who has taken his

purchased -a mill site and erected a saw-mill. father's place and represents him on the
After three years' association together in home farm, was born April 13, 1848, and has
business, Mr. Graue bought the entire inter- now charge of the farm and resides with his
est,and has since run it. In the summer of mother. The farm, at his father's death,
1852, he built the brick mill, main building consisted of 360 acres. Mrs. Rotermund's
45x28, three stories high and basement, put in portion taken out leaves 240 acres.
two run of buhrs, and has since run the same, HENRY D. GRAY, hardware, Lombard.
mostly on custom grinding. Mr. Graue Las This genial and wide-awake business man

been twice married first, to Louise Fischer, was born November 19, 1849, and is a de-
born in Hanover, daughter of Frederick scendant of the Graue family (pronounced
Fischer; seven children were born of this Gray), who were among the earliest settlers.
marriage, five of whom lived to maturity Henry D. was a son of Deidrick Graue and
Caroline, wife of Fred Grage, of Addison Louisa Flag. Deidrick Graue was the pio-
Township; Louis and Fred E. are on farms neer of the family he came and settled in

in York Township; Emma resides in Port- the south part of Addison as early as 1833;
land, Ore., wife of Harmon H. Kiessling; he pm-chased considerable amount of land,
William, the youngest, remains yet at home. which he afterward divided out among his
His second marriage was to Mrs. Henrietta brothers, who settled near him; he died in
Kiessling, whose maiden name was Korthaur. 1879, in January; his wife yet survives him
He has about 200 acres of land which he car- and resides on the homestead. The children
ries on, but gives his attention personally to born them were Henry D., August, Louisa,
his milling. He is a member of the Evan- Regina anil Albert, all of whom yet reside on
gelical Lutheran Church. the farm except H. D. and Louisa, who re-
side in this town. Louisa married Duncan Joseph B. Hull, who descended from old
Malcomb, a partner of Henry D., who was English stock; his progenitors came to Con-
raised on the farm where he was born until necticut and there settled prior to the Revo-
he came to Lombard, in 1877, and engaged lution. Joseph B. was born March 24, 1814,
in the hardware and agricultural implement in Kinderhook, Columbia Co., N. Y., and
business. Prior to this, he was for some removed with his parents to Cortland Coun-
time engaged as auctioneer, which he has ty when six months old. His father, George
since followed, in connection with his other Hull, was born in Dutchess County, N. Y., in
business. In 1879, he associated with him June, 1780, son of Tiddman and Annie Hull.
in business his brother-in-law, Mr. Malcomb. George Hull married Sarah, daughter of Jo-
Since, the firin has been Gray &Malcomb. seph and Eunice Barnard. The family on
In politics, Republican; is unmarried, and a both sides are remarkable for their longevity.
member of the A., F. & A. M., Wheaton Subject s father is yet living, in his ninety-
Lodge. Mr. Gray is the '
' outside man " of sixth year; his wife died aged seventy-live;
the firm, attends to the canvassing and set- her mother, Eunice, died aged eighty-four.
ting up the machinery. Malcomb attends to Tiddman lived to nearly a centenarian; his
the store and tin-shop. wife Annie died aged ninety-four. Joseph
AUGUST GEAUE, store and farming, Barnard, from whom our subject was named,
Elmhurst, was the youngest child born to was a sea Captain, and followed the seas and
Frederick Graue; he was born January 12, was lost while on one of his voyages. To Tidd-
1829, in the Kingdom of Hanover, and came man Hull and wife Annie were born seven
with his parents to this State, arriving at the children; those who lived to be grown were
grove which bears the family name, June 9, Penelope, Avis, Ruth, Annie, Amy, Solomon
1834. August was but a child when he came and George; now living, are George, the
here, and was brought up to farm labor, and father of J. B., who resides in Madison
has since that time given his time to agricultur- County, Y. Y.; Avis resides in Brooklyn.
al pursuits. July 24, 1851, he married Caro- To Joseph Barnard were born two children
line Krage, daughter of Fred Krage, a native — Eliza, and Annie, the mother of J. B.
of Hanover; she died March 21, 1862, having Eliza married a man by the name of Hunt,
borne four, children — Louisa, Henrietta, and settled in Wisconsin. Our subject was
Mary and August. His last wife was Mrs. raised a Quaker. To Geo. Hull and wife were
Louisa Stelling. and by her he has Caroline, born ten children; except the one who died
Edward, Willie and Julius. After Mr. Graue in infancy, nine of them lived to many years
married, he located on part of the homestead, past their maturity ere there was a death in
and continued on the same a constant resident the family; the first death of this number
and been engaged in farming. He has 271 was at the age of forty-nine. The eldest
acres in this county, and 100 in Will County, was Edward; then, in order, came Judith,
this State. October, 1881, he left the farm Joseph B., Lydia, Annie, Tiddman, Caroline
and located in Elmhurst and engaged in mer- and George M.; those deceased are Edward
chandising, carrying on a general store- -dry and Lydia. Eliza and Tiddman never
goods, boots and shoes, groceries, notions, etc. came West. Caroline resides at Harvard,
J. B. HULL, stock-dealer, Lombard. McHenry County, wife of Henry Benjamin.
Among the old-time residents of Lombard is Annie and Judith reside at Oak Park; the

former married L. Morey, the latterHorace done much toward building up the town;
Coleman. George M. resides at Fort Dodge, when he came there was about three buildings
Iowa, and Joseph B., who resides here in there; there are now nine buildings here
Lombard. His father was a mill man, and, which he built. He has always been identi-
for several years, ran a large paper mill in fied with the Republican party since its or-

Kinderhook; afterward, was engaged in farm- ganization In September, 1861, he enlistee!

ing, and run a saw-mill. Joseph was raised in the army, and was over one year in the
to farming and in the mill business; lived commissary department, serving as non-com-
with his father until about twenty-five years missioned officer; on account of ill-health,
of age; he afterward engaged with his brother he was released and returned home. He was
Edward in the mill business. He came to married, in April, 1841, to Fannie E. Pat-
this State in 1845, arriving in Chicago in rick, born in Cortland County, N. Y. in ,

April, and came out to Bloomingdale Town- 1817, daughter of Nathaniel and Penelope
ship, this county, and purchased of the Gov- Patrick. Four children have been born to
ernment and laid claim to 160 acres, 120 of Mr. Hull; but two living —Alma and Alice
which he got at Government price, the other (twins); Alma resides in Huron, Dakota,
eighty a neighbor entered away from him, wife of C. C Hills; Alice resides in Lom-
which he afterward obtained by paying him bard, at the home of her parents, wife of
§100 extra; when he paid for his land, he Henry Ferguson. Emily and Lydia are de-
had $75 left; he purchased two yoke of cattle ceased. Emily E. died, aged thirteen; Lydia
for $65, and a horse for $13; this wiped out married Franklin Claflin, and moved to Hop-
all his money. The first money he got he kinton, Mass. she had two children, both

obtained by cutting by hand twenty-five tons of whom died of diphtheria, and now lie by
of hay, which he sold to E. 0. Hills at $1. 25 the side of their mother, who died in 1877.
per ton; he hauled the same on a sled and Mr. Hull has been a member of the Congre-
his wife stacked it. About two years after, gational Church since its origin in this
he sold his improvements and land to W. R. place; himself and wife and two daughters
Patrick, for $25 per acre. He then came to of the number (fourteen) who formed the so-
the northwest part of York Township, and ciety at its organization. Though now nearly
piu-chased over 300 acres, costing $2.50 per his threescore years and ten, yet he is active
acre. When he first settled, he engaged in as a man of forty, and is actively engaged in
butchering, and, in two seasons, he killed stock trading, his operations extending into
188 head of cattle, and other stotk in pro- Iowa and other places, where he gathers up
portion. About the year 1848, he went to beef and stock cattle for the Chicago market.
Chicago, and engaged in business; carried GEORGE F. HEIDEMANN, physician,
on a store and manuf aetured shingles. About Elmhurst, was born February 10, 1839, in
two years later, he came to Lombard and Hanover. Germany, the seventh son of Chris-
built a storehouse and engaged in merchan- tian Hiedemann, who served in the famous
dising; subsequently, had interests in a battle of Waterloo. His wife was Mary
store at Cottage Hill and at Danby. About Heuer. Our subject was left an orphan at a
the year 1875, he sold out his land, reserving very early age, and came to this State when a
"Wdiity acres and engaged in stock trading, lad of fifteen. At the age of seventeen, he
which business he has since followed. He has engaged in a drug store, after which he <,
tended the University at Ann Arbor, where third son and fourth child in order of birth.
he took a course of lectures and completed His father was Harrison Hagans, who was
his course at Rush Medical College, being at born in 1796, in Massachusetts, son of George
one time private pupil of Dr. Brainard. Hagans, who served in the war of the Revo-
March 31, 1863, he was appointed Second lution and came of Irish stock. The mother
Assistant Surgeon of the Fifty-eighth Illi- of our subject was Jane, whose father was
nois Volunteer Infantry. May 7, same year, Daniel McCollum, of Scotch origin. The
was commissioned as First Assistant Surgeon subject of these lines received the advan-
by Gov. Yates, and was assigned to Spring- tages of a common school, and, entering
field in charge of the post there. In the Washington College, Pennsylvania, remained
summer of 1863, he was sent to Cairo, where there until his graduation, after which he
he remained until he joined Gen. Sherman's began merchandising at Brandonville, Va.
forces; afterward was with Gen. Banks on remaining about one year, and then to King-
the Red River Expedition; subsequently, wood, the county seat, where he continued
was with Gen. A. J. Smith, at Memphis; about eight years. In the fall of 1857, he
then with Rosecrans, who was operating in came to Illinois, locating here. In August,
Missouri, winding up his service with Gen. 1860, he returned to Virginia, and engaged
Thomas at Nashville. He was discharged in in merchandising once more. The war
February, 1865. After his discharge from breaking out, he went to Wheeling, where he
service, he came to Elmhurst and engaged in was appointed Secretary of the commonwealth
the practice of his profession, and has since under Gov. Pierrepoint. After the formation
remained. He was married, March 26, 1865, of the new State of West Virginia, he re-
to Hannah C. Schween, daughter of William moved to Alexandria, remaining there until
Schween; her mother's maiden name was 1865, when he returned to this State to settle
Sophia Boeska. The Doctor served two his father-in-law's estate, after which he re-
years as Coroner under Hayes' administration, turned to Virginia once more and purchased
and has been School Director for nine years an interest in the Wheeling Daily Intelli-

at the place; has six children — Alvenia M.. gencer,and was associated in the manage-
William G,
George H., Lydia, Ellen and ment of that journal until the fall of 1873,
Edie. Member of the Evangelical Church when he sold out his interest and returned to
and a Republican. He has since his coming Elmhurst. His place is called Hawthorn,"
' -

to Elmhurst been in active practice, which which he has improved from the wild prairie
has been a successful one, having now been to its present condition. Since his last re-

here about eighteen years. turn to this State, he has been associated
L. A. HAGANS, Elmhurst, has been iden- with the firm of Rand, McNally & Co., Chi-
tified with the interests of Elmhurst since cago. April 19, 1848, he married Lovela,
1857, at which time he removed here, locat- born in Pennsylvania, daughter of Elisha
ing on the place he now owns, though pur- and Anne M. (Brown) Hagans; he has one
chased by him some time previous to his ar- child living — Wilbur E. Myra Bella is dead;
rival. He was born January 31, 1825, in she was born May 9, 1857, and died June
Preston County, now West Virginia. There 10, 1868. Mr. Hagans is retired from active
were nine children of his father's family, five business, and employs his spare time in beau-
sons and four daughters, L. A. being the tifying and improving his home.

WILLIAM HAMMERSCHMIDT, tile business as Hills & Loy. May, 1881, he

manufacturer, Lombard. Among the recent purchased Loy's interest and built the store
inventions of the day, there are none that building he now occupies, which he stocked
are productive of better results and pay a with general merchandise. May 3, 18S2, he
better return as an investment to the farmers associated with his brother, D. O, and since
than the judicious distribution of drain-tile the firm is known as A. E. & D. C. Hills.
on low and wet soils, which fact is now gen- He also does an auctioneering business and
erally understood. As an industry, the manu- attends to sales all over the country. He is

facture of drain-tile is becoming one of im- the present Postmaster and Police Justice of
portance, and. recognizing this fact, Mr. the town, and a member of the A. , F. & A.
Hammerschmidt has, within the past few M„ Turner Lodge, No. 872. May 16, 1870,
years, turned his attention to the manufact- he married Ellen M. Patrick, born in Bloom-
ure of tiling. He came to this township in ingdale Township, daughter of W. R. Pat-
May, 1878, and established the Lombard rick and Mary L. Knowles. He has five

Tile Factory, and has since been giving his daughters — Carrie L., Florence E. , Donna
whole time and attention to the enterprise, J., Helen M. and Alena.
giving employment to a large force of men. HERMAN H. KORTHAUER, hardware
He is a native of Du Page County, born in and agricultural implement, Bensenville,
Naperville October 10, 1853, eldest son of eldest son of Esquire Henry Korthauer, was
Adolph Hammerschmidt, a native of Prussia, born in this township May 28, 1852, on the
who came to this country in 1848. William homestead farm. He received a good com-
remained at home until twenty-four years of mon-school education, which was completed
age, and came to York Township in the spring by a thorough course in the business depart-
of 1878, and has since been identified with that ment in Wheaton College, where he grad-
township. His factory is situated one mile uated in 1867. He
then returned home and
south of Lombard; his residence is adjacent to engaged in farming pursuits, continuing here
the factory. On March 30, 1882, he married until the fall of 1881, when he located in
Miss Elizabeth Bundorf. a native of Hanover. Bensenville and engaged in the hardware
A. E.HILLS, merchant, Lombard. Fore- business, buying out Henry A. Coggswell,
most among the energetic and stirring busi- who was well established in the trade. Mr.
ness men of Lombard is A. E. Hills, who was Korthauer is well known in the community,
born September 15, 1S46, in the town of and, having good business qualifications, will
Bloomingdale, eldest son of H. S. and Lorena merit the patronage of his many friends. He
(Maynard) At the age of fourteen, he
Hills. makes a specialty of the Grand Detour plows
set out for himself, and for several years was and Woods' machines, as well as a line of the
engaged as a clerk. In January, 1871, he best farming machinery and implements in
came to Lombard and opened a grocery, flour use. May 25, 1877, he married Emma,
and feed store, and was Postmaster. About daughter of Fred Heuer, a well-known and
two years later, he moved to the Marquardt prominent farmer in the township; has had
corner, and continued there under several two children, one living, Mary, Carrie died
firm changes until 1878, when he sold out to March 4, 1880.
his partner, Louis Marquardt. In 1879, he B. M. LEWIS, farmer, P. O. Lombard, is

associated with W. J. Loy in the auction a native of Berks County, Penn.; was born
April 26, 1811, the youngest son of Morgan D. , Thomas
J. Morgan J. and Carrie N.
, all ,

Lewis, born in same county in 1771, and died living. Charles M. died in 1881; was mar-
in 1843; he married Rachel Hudson, who was ried, and had two children. George resides
born in Lancaster County, Penn., in 1768, in Bureau County, a farmer. Jane L. lives
and died in 1849. The paternal grandfather in Wisconsin, near Lake Mills, wife of Luciel
of our subject was Evan Lewis, who married Griswill. Ben F. lives in Chicago; runs a
Rachel Williams; she bore him three sons flour and feed store. Rebecca lives with her
Morgan, Daniel and Amos; the former was a parents. Amelia married John Loy and re-
teacher; the latter were farmers by occupa- sides in Will County; also John D. Thomas
tion. The great-grandfather of B. M. was J. works the home farm. Morgan J. resides
Morgan Lewis, a native of Wales, and came in this township, farming. Carrie is a
to Pennsylvania soon after William Penn's teacher; graduated in 1878 at the Northwest-
arrival. To Morgan Lewis and wife. Rachel, ern College.Mr. Lewis has for several years

were born six children two sons and four been Road Commissioner. In politics, has
daughters, viz., Drusilla. Rebecca, Maria, been Democratic, yet not partisan. Was
Amos, Jane, and Benjamin M., the youngest raised an Episcopalian, and, prior to his leav-
of the family. He was raised upon the farm ing Pennsylvania, became affiliated with the
of his father until the year 1828, when he Masonic order.
went to work on the public works, on the Mine JACOB LOY, retired farmer, Lombard,
Hill & Schuylkill Railroad, where he contin- was born April 14, 1804, in Perry County,
ued sixteen years and worked from one po- Penn., son of Nicholas and Margaret (Miller)
sition to another, until he was promoted to Loy. J acob, our subject, was raised to farm-
Superintendent, which position he held un- ing, and lived with his parents until he was
til he resigned on account of impaired nineteen years of age, when he apprenticed
health from typhoid fever, which incapac- himself to the tanner's trade, working at it

itated him for about one year. In June, four years. He then began the career of a
1852, he came West, and Jocated first in drover, and afterward followed butchering
the south part of Addison Township, pur- while the canal was being built. He was
chasing 240 acres where Henry Geills now subsequently made Superintendent, and
lives. In 185S, he removed to Lombard and placed in charge of several miles of con-
engaged in merchandising until 1861, when struction work. After the canal was .com-
he located on the farm he now owns, which pleted, he engaged in boating, and ran the
place was settled by Walter Filler. Since first boat, Juniata, Newport; was also engaged

his advent to this place, he has been engaged in the mercantile business, which he after
in farming pursuits. He has been a success- engaged in the manufacture of and pur- iron,
ful business man. He has 263 acres here in chased a foundry, but the venture was not
York Township, 160 in Bureau County, and lucrative, so he turned his attention to the
1,015 in Kankakee and Will Counties. He lumber business, purchasing a saw and grist
was married, in 1S33, to Sarah Robinson, mill, but finally sold out and removed with
born in Berks County, Penn., in 1814, daugh- his family to this county March 31, 1858,
ter of Robert Robinson and Martha Philips. locating on the northwest quarter of the
They have the following children: George northwest section in the township, and has
M., Jane L., Ben F., Rebecca, Amelia, John since been a resident here, and engaged, in

the meantime, in farming. In February, raised, inducted, etc. , etc. , before coming to
1830, he married Catharine Zinn, a na- the West. Is a member of the Chapter at

tive of Lebanon County, Penn., daughter Wheaton.

of Joseph Zinn and Elizabeth Snavely. J. H. LATHROP, capitalist, Elmhurst,
He has had ten children born him, seven was born July 5, 1S06, in Lebanon, N. H,
of whom are living— William J., George, and was the youngest of a family of ten chil-
John, Rebecca, Caroline, Amanda and Mary. dren. His father, Samuel Lathrop, was the
Mr. Loy is now retired from active life. youngest of a family of twenty children, and,
His farm is carried on by his sons, George when but mere boy, served in the Revolu-

and John. Is a member of the Lutheran tionary war, and was wounded at the battle
Church. of Bunker Hill. He married Lois Hunting-
W. J. LOY, Lombard. One
farmer, P O. ton, daughter of Theophilus Huntington, of
of the worthy officials of York Township is Connecticut. Samuel died about the year
Esquire Loy, who has been meting out legal 1819. Our subject came West to Erie County,
justice to the people of this locality for sev- N. Y., where he remained until some years
eral years; is now serving his fourth term. past his majority. His educational advan-
He came York Township in September,
to tages were limited, but in early manhood he
1857, from Perry County, Penn., where he turned his attention to active business pur-
was born September 11, 1831, and is the only suits, first embarking in the lumber trade;
son of Jacob and Catharine (Zinn) Loy, well- afterward, was appointed Collector at Buffalo.
known residents of the township. William Subsequently, he removed to Virginia,
J. has been reared to farming pursuits. He where he married, in 1813, Miss Mariana,
worked with his father, remaining under the born in Alexandria, Va., daughter of Daniel
parental roof until of age, and afterward, as and Mary (Barbour) Bryan. While in Vir-
he continued in his father's employ some ginia, he engaged in the banking business,
time after arriving at his majority. Decem- and operated extensively in coal mines, which
ber 25, 1859, he married Sophronia Hatfield, at that time was the largest and most impor-

a native of Wayne County, Ohio, daughter of tant in the United States. During President
Adam and Isabella (Truesdell) Hatfield, who Taylor's administration, he was appointed
came to the township in 1854. Her father Navy Agent at Washington, D. C. In 1865,
died July 3, 1865; mother, in 1859; seven he came to Illinois and settled in Elmhurst,
children were born them five grew up ; where he has since resided, having an elegant
Jennie, now of Chicago; William, in Cali- borne, surrounded with all modern comforts
fornia; Luellen, in Missouri'; Lucinda, in and conveniences. He has three children
Wayne County, Ohio, wife of John Reeder. Bryan, Barbour and Florence W.
After the marriage of Esquire Loy, he located WILLIAM H. LITCHFIELD, Justice of
on the farm he now owns, and has been closely the Peace, Elmhurst, was born November 2,
allied with the township interests. He is 1832, eldest son born to Cyreneus and Nancy
Township Treasurer, and held that office for (Pluinmer) Litchfield. Cyreneus was a son
eight consecutive years. He has three chil- of Joel, and, early in life, was apprenticed
dren — Edward E. , Vesta L. and Hazel V. Is to learn tbe clothier's vocation. In the year
a member of the Masonic fraternity of long 1820, be removed to Erie County, N. Y., and
standing, having been entered, passed, engaged in farming. In 1816, he came to
Du Page County and located on Section 13, left Bremen in the summer of 1840, and for
in this township, where he purchased land the two years lived near Cincinnati. In

and improved the same. In 1865, he located the spring of 1844, he came to Leyden, Cook
at Elmhurst. In 1S51, he was appointed County, where he soon purchased land, which
Justice of the Peace, to fill an unexpired he sold in 1849, and came to this county and
term, and was four times re-elected, serving purchased 210 acres where his son lives, and
eighteen years in all. His death occurred remained on the same until 1878, when he
September 28, 1876. He was first married removed to his present location. He was
to Nancy Gardiner, and by her had one child, married, while in Cook County, to Dorotha
Harris G. now on Governor's Island, an
, Dierking, born in Hanover in 1830, daughter
officer in the regular army, and attached to of Christian Dierking. Mr. Meyer has ten
Gen. Hancock's staff. His last wife was children —Louis, Louisa, Caroline, Emma,
Nancy Plummer, born in 1813, in New Fred, William, Rosa, Henry, Martha and
Hampshire, daughter of Caleb and Polly Frank. Louis resides on the homestead;
(Webster) Plummer. Mrs. Litchfield had Louisa is the wife of August Rotermund;
three brothers and four sisters, nine in all Emma (dead) was the wife of August Schmidt;
her sister who married David Talmadge. Henry resides at Bartlett, in cheese factory;
They came to the county and settled in this Fred rims a store at Utopia. Mr. Meyer is a
township in 1836. She has two brothers, member of the Lutheran Church.
Benjamin and Chester, who are residents of W. D. MEYER, farmer, P. O. Elmhurst.
the county. By last marriage to Miss Plum- W illiam
Deidrick Meyer was born in the
mer, two children, W7 illiam and C. W., H Faderland, province of Hanover, June 13,
were born, both living with mother in Elm- 1848. His father's name was Henry Meyer,
hurst. William H. was elected Justice of a native of Germany, born August 25, 1807,
the Peace in 1877, and has since been hon- and married Caroline Reinking, born Feb-
ored with re-election. He is a member of i ruary 6, 1822, daughter of Deitrich Reink-

the Episcopal Church. j

ing. Four children— one son and three
D. MEYER, retired farmer, Lombard. —
daughters were the offspring of Henry and
The present prestige of Du Page County is Caroline Meyer. William D. was the eldest
largely due to the advent of the German peo- born. The girls, in order of birth, were
ple, who came to this country, and, in many Louisa, Doratha and Minnie. Louisa mar-
instances, penniless upon their arrival, yet ried Louis Balgemann, of Elmhurst; Doratha
their resolutions were only surpassed by their j
resides in Bloomingdale, wife of Herman
industry and economy, which, together com- Malwitz; Minnie also resides in Elmhurst,
bined, have made them today our most con- wife of George Balgemann. William D. was
spicuous and well-to-do farmers, and added but three years of age when his parents came
thereby very materially to the wealth and to this country from Germany. His father for
prosperity of the county. Of this class Mr. some time was in partnership with his brother
Meyers is one. He left his native home, Deitrich, they working together until each
Stulsnau, in province of Hanover (where he had means to purchase. Father located on
was born December 5, 1818), in the summer this farm about the year 1854, and improved
of 1840, son of Frederick and Sophia (Ess- it, and remained here until removed by death,

mann) Meyer, who died inGermany. He March 18, 1SS2; his wife yet survives. Will-

iani D. now occupies and owns the homestead, he came to Lombard and engaged in the
having 120 acres. November 4, 1877, he grocery business on the corner he now occu-
married Annie, born in Lombard September ;
pies; was first associated with A. E. Hill;
11, 1857, daughter of Deitrick Klusmeyer; afterward purchased his interest and carried
has one child, Robert William; one daughter, ,
on the business alone some time; then took
Alma, deceased at rive months. i
in his brother Fred, and since then the firm
F. G. MEYER, store, Utopia, is the rising J
has been Marquardt Bros. They keep a
young merchant of Utopia. He was born in general store, and, aside from this, have a
the township October 10, 1855, and is the large elevator and warehouse, and do a large
second son of Deitrick Meyer, a well-known business in grain, coal, bran and feed in
farmer in the township. Frederick G. has, j
general. November 1, 1877, he married
since his birth, been a resident of the town- Minnie, born March 9, 1860. in Addison
ship, remaining on the farm until the fall of Township, daughter of Fred Rotermund.
1879. when he came to this place and engaged He has two children, Amanda and Arthur.
in the employ of Arthur Robinson in the Are members of the Lutheran Church.
cheese and butter factory, and while here ob- MRS. FRANCES E. OGDEN, Elmhurst,
tained a general knowledge of cheese manu- is a native of Delhi, Delaware Co., N. Y.
facture. While here, he saw there was a Her parents were William B. Sheldon and
good opening for a general store, and accord- Ann Bonesteen. He was a native of Rhode
ingly erected the storehouse he now occupies, Island, and son of Job Sheldon, who served
and in August, 1880, he stocked up his store- in the Revolutionary war. The maternal
room with groceries, dry goods, boots and grandfather was Philip Bonesteen, whose
shoes, hardware, crockery, willow ware, flour, wife was Maria Ollendorf. To William B.
notions, etc., and has since been doing an Sheldon were born three daughters — Maria,
excellent business, being well known in the Cornelia and Frances
E. (Mrs. Ogden).
community, and keeping a neat and select Cornelia is In 1854, Frances E.
stock of goods at reasonable prices, he has became the wife of Hon. Mahlon D. Ogden.
been well patronized. In January, 1SS1, he He was born July 16, 1811, in Walton, Dela-
was appointed Postmaster of Utopia, which ware Co., N. Y., son of Abraham and Abigail
position he yet holds. August 10, 1881, he ;
(Weed) Ogden, of English descent. Mi-. Og-

married Annie Thoma, daughter of J. M. den went to Columbus, Ohio, in 1836, where
Thoma, of this township. he studied law under Judge Crane, and came
L. MARQUARDT, store and elevator, to Chicago about 1840, and engaged in the
Lombard, is the junior member of the firm of practice of his profession. About fifteen
MarquardtBros. He was born September 23, years later, he associated in the real estate
1851. in Bloomingdale Township, the fifth business with his brother, William B., and
son of Henry and Sophia (Weber) Marquardt. continued in this relation up to bis death,
He remained at home until fourteen years of which occurred February 13, 18S0. In 1871,
age, when he was sent to Fort Wayne, Ind., he was elected Alderman of his ward, and
and remained here in school three years and was a member of the St. James Episcopal
a half, and then went to Chicago, on Twelfth Church. He was a stanch Republican and a
street, and engaged in the grocery business, thorough business man. He was first mar-
he continued until July 13, 1876, when ried in 1837, to Henrietta M. Kasson, who
died leaving two children — Charles C. , now a ARTHUR ROBINSON,
resident of Little Rock, Ark. ; and Mary B.. Utopia, the enterprising proprietor of the
who resides in Chicago, wife of Gen. Will- cheese factory at Utopia, in this township,
iam E. Strong. In 1873, Mr. Ogden located who was born in Derbyshire, England, July
on hissummer residence, known as "Clover 6, 1854, son of William Robinson and his
Lawn," in Elmhurst, where he died his ; wife, Catharine Palmer. Our subject received
wife yet occupies the same diu-ing the sum- his instruction as a practical cheese-maker in
mer months, when not traveling, and her his native country, having worked in the first
winters are passed in New York City. She cheese factory that was run on the American
has three children —Anna S., William B. system. He came to this country in March,
and Brernon. Is a member of the Episcopal 1875. Previous to his coming he here,
Church. worked two years in a factory in Otsego
C. W. PLUMMER, farmer, P. O. Utopia, County, N. Y. He came to Will County, this
was born December 20, 1821, in Erie County. State, where he started a factory at Frank-
N. Y. He was a son of Caleb and Polly fort, which was operated by the farmers,

(Webster) Plummer. Caleb Webster died in where he continued about two years and a half.
1840. To him were born the following chil- In the fall of 1877, he came to Du Page
dren: Sally, Polly, William, Benjamin, I
County, and engaged in the commission bus-
Nancy, Maria, Philura and Charles W., who |
iness in Chicago. The factory is at what
was the youngest of the family. Our subject [
is called Utopia, this township. In Jan-
came to this county in 1848, and, the year !
uary, 1882, he started a new factory in
following, began breaking land on Section j
Downer's Grove Township, which is prom-
15.where his land was located, and, in 1850, [
ising good results. Mr. Robinson has
built a house, and has since been a resident proven himself to be a man of thorough bus-
of the township, and upon the same farm, iness principles, and given entire satisfaction
which contains 120 acres Before leaving to his patrons. In August, 1880, he was
New York, September 17, 1848, he married married to Amelia, daughter of Henry
Mary Townsend, who was born in Erie County Baethke, of Proviso, Cook County, and has
February 25, 1829, in Concord. Her parents one child.
were Gilbert W. Townsend and Esther DEIDRICH STRUCKMANN was born in
Twitchell. Gilbert W. was born in Erie Landesbergen, on the River Weser, province
County, N
Y, February 12, 1812; Esther of Hanover, Germany, on the 29th of Novem-
was born in Athol, Mass.. October 11. 1811, ber, 1818. After acquiring a common-school
The Townsend family came to York Township education, such as his poor parents could
from New York in 1856. locating on Section afford to give him. he devoted himself to the
15. In 1874, Mi-, and Mrs. Townsend re- carpenter's profession, at which he worked
moved to Oak Park, where they now reside. faithfully till he proved himself as a good
Mi-, and Mrs. Plummer have two children workman and mechanic, then traveling to
Henry M. and Mrs. Mary E. Philips. Henry some extent in Holland and other parts of
married Lovina Kernan; they have one child, Europe. Being a man of great enterprising
Chester Henry, born May 7, 1877. Mr. spirit, he concluded to leave his Fatherland,
aud Mrs. Plummer are Protestant Metho- and chose America for his future field of la-
dists. bor. Mr. Struckmann emigrated to New York

in 1841, but, having no means whatever, he and put up sixteen churches, some of which
immediately looked for employment, and are very large and costly structures. He
worked for several years at Sandy Hook, helped to form the Addison Farmers' Mutual
building light-houses, etc. After working Insurance Company, for which he acted as
here awhile, he was taken sick, which, for a agent for over twenty years. In 1875, he
time, consumed all his earnings. In the fall went to Em ope to
visit his old home, and re-

of 1844, he came to Illinois, settling in Addi- turned after an absence of about three
son Township, Du Page County, the country months. In 1877, he erected a large Ger-
being at that time all one open prairie. Here man seminary at Elmhurst, valued at §25,-

a number of his friends and countrymen had 000, being as nice a structure as can be found
settled previous to him, and. having "Excel- between Chicago and Elgin. Mr. Struckmann
sior " for his motto,he made himself useful was a ceaseless toiler for business, a self-
wherever he could obtain work, for low wages, made man, and his name will long be remem-
and, after several years, gradually worked bered as one of the leading and best business
himself up as a master of his calling, and, men of Du Page County. Through his great
through his ability, his cheerful disposition enterprise and good calculations, he accumu-
and straightforwardness, and also his honest |
lated a large amount of property, comparing
and upright character, he rapidly made j
well with any man's standing in the county
friends, and gained the entire confidence of who built himself from nothing upward, and
all he came in contact with. In 1848, he being the founder of his own fortune. He
was married to Caroline Korthauer, which died at his home in Elmhurst May 4,

marriage was blessed with three children, 1879.

one son and two daughters, the youngest HENRY G. STRUCKMANN, only son of
daughter, Caroline, dying at Wheaton in Deidrich Struckmann. deceased, was born at
1871, while preparing herself for teacher at Addison. Du Page Co.. 111., January 8, 1849.
college. He steadily increased his reputa- He received a good school education, attend-
tion as a builder, and continually had to ing some good colleges, and always took
have more men in order to erect the many much interest in learning. He intended to
buildings which he had contracted for. be a draughtsman, and worked in a Chicago
Whatever building had to be done within architect's office for some time, but was
many miles of where he lived, he seemed to be obliged to go into other business on account
their choice, as he acted for them as contract- of weak eyesight. At the age of eighteen,
or, builder and architect. Owing to his clear he devoted himself to the milling trade, and,
head and sound judgment, he was generally after five years' experience commenced bus-
successful in all his undertakings, and when- iness for himself at Vernon Mills, Lake Co.,
ever he would meet with misfortune, he 111.,where he owns a large mill property, and
would show a ceaseless spirit in overcoming is carrying on a very successful business there.

it. In whatever capacity he served, he would He is also acting as Justice of the Peace
fill it with honor and ability. Besides his there,and is now serving his second term.
professional abilities, he was also a very good September 26, 1875, Mr. Struckmann was
real estate speculator, in which he was also married to Bertha Rotermund, daughter of
very successful. He erected almost every Frederick and Wilhelmine Rotermund, liv-

building in the vicinity of where he lived, ing near Ben6onville, Du Page Co., 111., and
two children have blessed this union — Laura L. and Gertrude B. George died aged one
and Arthur. year; Robert L., at the age of nine; Gertrude
GEORGE SAWIN, attorney at law, Elm- B. resides at Ridgeland, in Cook County,
hurst, is one of the leading lawyers in Du wife of Morton L. Marks. Mr. Sawin located
Page County. He was born in Boston, Mass., at Elmhurst in July, 1870, where he has
April 14, 1884. His ancestors four genera- since resided, at 'Clover Lawn. "
Mr. Saw-
tions back came from the North of Ireland. in is one of the Trustees of the town, and is
His parents were John and Charlotte (Lash) a member of the Episcopal Church. Is an
Sawin. About the time of his majority, he honored member of the A. F. & A. M., and,

began the study of law in the office of Hon. since November, 1881, has been Eminent
George S. Hilliard, remaining there nearly Commander of Siloam Commandery at Oak
two years, and, from close application and Park.
confinement, his health became impaired, J. R. STRICKLAND, farmer, P. O. Utopia,

and he concluded to try traveling, so he ac- born June 28, 1822, in Broome County, N.
cordingly accepted a position offered by L. L. Y. His father's name was Ebenezer Strick-
& W. H Mills as general collector and ad- land, who served in the war of 1812; he
juster of accounts, remaining in their employ married Mary Mack, and by her had fourteen
three years, also working in the same capacity children, of whom John Rogers, our subject,
for Stacy & Thomas one year. He then en- was the eighth in order of birth. , The
tered the law office of James P. Root, and Stricklands came toDu Page County in 1839,
was admitted to the bar, and first associated and located where Mr. Hesterman now re-
in practice with John Mattocks, then with sides. Ebenezer removed to Iowa in 1866,
Hon. Gilbert S. Walker, and with Chase & and there died. John R. was brought up to
Munson. In November, he enlisted
1861, farming, but went to Chicago, where he
in the Fifty-eighth Illinois Volunteer In- worked a short time. In August, 1847, he
fantry, and was commissioned First Lieuten- married Cirinthia Barus, born in Berkshire
ant and assigned to the Quartermaster's de- County, Mass. daughter of James and Tem-

partment, where he remained until after the perance (Childs) Barus, who came West in
battle of Shiloh, when he was assigned to the 1840. In 1848, Mr. Strickland located where
staff of Gen. Sweeney. He served until the he now lives, purchasing 120 acres of land,
close of the war, and came out with the rank upon which there were no improvements.
of Major. During his term of service, he His wife died March, 1878. March 4, 1880,
participated in the battle of Ft. Donelson, Shi- h9 married Mrs. Maria Cavanaugh, a native
loh, Corinth, Iuka, Meridian, on Price's raid of Du Page County, daughter of Patrick
in Missouri, Pleasant Hill, and at Nashville. Mulnis. who was an early settler. Mr.
He escaped unscathed, yet had three horses Strickland has been identified with the Meth-
shot from under him. Upon his return home, odist Episcopal Church for thirty years.
he resumed the practice of his profession. No- SETH WADHAMS, general business,
vember 13, 1S55, he married Miss Carrie L., Elmhurst, President of the Washington Ice
who was born in Onondaga County, N. Y., Company of Chicago, is a resident of Elm-
daughter of Elijah and Charlotte (Brockway) hurst and has been identified with the State
Rust. This marriage has been crowned with since 1835. He was born October 29, 1812,
the birth of three children — George, Robert in Litchfield County, Conn., son of David

Wadhanis, born March 4, 1769, and died in H. P. Moses, and remained about three years,
1829. The mother of our subject was Phebe and then went into the ice business in Chicago,
Collins, who bore her husband sixteen chil- which business he has built up from a capital
dren, all of whom grew to maturity, bat only of a few thousand, until it now has become
four of whom are now living — Phebe, Mrs. one of the largest in the city, and, in fact, in
Roswell Carter, of Chicago; Mortimer, in the West. In 1868, he began improving the
Rochester, N. Y. Carleton, in South Bend,
; place he now owns, which is called "White
Ind. and our subject, Seth, who left home
; Birch," and it is one of the most desirable
at the age of nineteen and clerked for about residences in the State. In January, 1849,
three years in dry goods store at Rochester- he was married to Elizabeth McKenney, a
N. Y., after which he decided to cast his fort- native of Hartford, Conn., daughter of David
unes with the then wild State of Illinois, McKenney. Her grandmother was a Wal-
and came first to Vandalia, Fayet+e County, cott, which was one of the old and substan-

but did not remain there long, coming, in July tial families in early time. She died sud-
of the same year, to Chicago, which, at that denly, at her home, Sunday, July 9, 1882,
time, had less than one thousand inhabitants; and was buried in Graceland Cemetery. Mr.
yet, as small as the place was, Mr. Wadhams Wadhams has no children living; had one
grasped the idea readily that Chicago was child, Dana T., which died aged six and a

destined to become a great city. Turned his half years. He has property of great value
attention at whatever he could do; worked in in Chicago, and is yet actively engaged in
harvest at 75 cents per day and boarded him- business. Though now having attained
self; afterward clerked for Norton & Case in nearly his threescore years and ten, he pos-
Chicago, and, subsequently, for Ryerson & sesses all the vigor of mind and body that is

Blakeley, dealers in hardware. While in usually seen in men of forty. In politics

their employ, he sold the first piece of bar and religion, he has taken but little interest,

iron ever sold in Chicago. Afterward, he took yet he was the first Assessor of personal prop-
an interest in foundry and machine shop with erty in the county.

G. J. ATCHERSON, retired, P. O. Turner, moved to Turner Junction and engaged in
is Rockingham, Vt. He was born
a native of buying hides, 'furs and wool. He also kept
in the year 1825, and was raised on the farm. a boarding house, and, about three 3
ears la-

He received a limited common-school edu- !

ter,he added the boot and shoe business.

cation. At the age of thirteen, his father About 1870, he began dealing exclusively in
died, and he worked with his brother till he hides and fur. Since the spring of 1881, he
became of age. He then began peddling, has retired from active business. Politi-

and traveled by wagon in that line for nine cally, he was formerly a Free-Soiler, and Re-
years, selling tinware the first year, and dry publican since the organization of the party.
goods and notions thereafter. He then came He has held the office of Poor Master, and
West and rented a farm on Salt Creek, Du has served as Supervisor of Winfield Town-
Page County, 111., and the next year, he ship for three years. In 1855, he married

Mrs. Mary Ann Bolles, formerly Miss Wea- here in Du Page County, and was buried at
ver, a native of Rockingham, Vt. They have Geneva. They had nine children, of whom
no children. By her first marriage there four are living. About four years after the
were three children, two living— Charles E. death of his first wife, he married Mrs. Fogt.
Bolles, now living in Oak Park, 111. ; and She lived in Shelby County, Ohio. They
Delia I. Davis, living in "Windsor, Vt. have one child, Julia. He sold his farm to
WILLIAM ADAMSON, deceased, was his son-in-law and moved to Geneva.
born in Yorkshire, England, in the year HENRY BRADLEY, grain-dealer, Turner,
1818. He lived in his native land until he is a native of Berkshire County, Mass. He
was twenty -five years of age. He worked at was born in the year 1834, and is seventh of
mining, and in 1841 married Miss Harriet twelve children born to Ebenezer and Abi-
Squires, a native of Yorkshire. In 1843, gail ( Sturges) Bradley. They were natives of
they came to America, in company with Mrs. Massachusetts. They married there, and
Squires, her son and daughters, and bought came West in 1847 and settled on a farm lo-
a farm one mile south of Turner and lived cated on the line between Du Page and Kane
there. About 1860, Mrs. Squires and. her Counties, 111., three miles west of Turner
son went to Kansas, where she died soon Junction, where they now live, at the ad-
after. Mr. Adamson died in 1876, on the vanced ages of eighty-seven and eighty-four
farm, and Mrs. Adamson lived there until respectively, both in good health, body and
1879, when she came to Turner. By the mind. Our subject was raised on the farm,
marriage there were twelve children, of whom and received a common-school education. At

three are living William, on homestead; the age of nineteen, he began working on his
Mrs. Sarah A. Pernel, living in this county; own account, with his brothers on the farm,
Mary E. , at home. and, some three years later, he engaged, in
JACOB BARTSH, farmer, P. O. Geneva, partnership with Mr. Fowler, of Batavia, in
is a native of Baden, Germany, He was the lumber business, and continued in the
born in the year 1812. He was raised a business foiu or five years, and soon after

farmer, and received a common-school edu- came Turner Junction, where he engaged
cation. In 1832. he came to America, and in the grain business and shipping stock,
first stopped at Lithopolis, Ohio, and worked which he has continued since. He is a Re-
at a hotel, and in 1834 he went to New Lan- publican in politics. In 1S59, he married
caster, and the following year he joined a Miss Mary Lathrop, a native of Massachu-
circus and traveled with them for four years, setts. By the marriage there are foiu- chil-
and then hired as coachman in Cincinnati, dren — Clarence, Fannie, Grace and David.
and lived there about seven years. During DARIUS BARTHOLOMEW, farmer, P.
the latter part of the time, he kept a livery O. Batavia, is a native of Du Page County,
stable, and then went to farming in Shelby 111. He was born in 1844, and is the second
County, Ohio, where he lived a number of of five children born to Bishopand Almina
years. He then, in 1850, came to Du Page Jones Bartholomew, who are spoken of else-
County, and bought eighty-five acres in Win- where in this work. Mr. Bartholomew was
field Township, finally getting 230 acres. raised on the farm and received a common-
While in Cincinnati, he married Ragena Har- school education. In August, 1862, he en-
mon, a native of Alsace, France. She died listed in the One Hundred and Fifth Regi-

rnent Illinois Infantry, Company D, and came by team and lake,and made a claim to
served until the close of the war. He was the present place. She died here on the farm
with the command at the battle of Kesaca, in 1858. He married a Mrs. Scofield, May
Atlanta campaign, the march to the sea, and 9, 1858. They moved to Wheaton in 1868,
the other engagements of the regiment. and he died there in 1879. She is living
From the army he returned home and farmed there at present. They had one child,
the home farm on the shares until 1871, George Brown. Our subject has always lived
when he married Miss Hannah E. Lehman, on the old homestead. He received a com-
a native of Pennsylvania. She came to Du mon-school education, and, at the age of six-

Page County, 111., with her parents. After teen, he took the management of the farm,
the marriage, he bought and occupied his and, in 1868, he bought the same. In 1857,
present place, which contains 136 acres, lo- he married Miss Louisa Bean, a native of
cated three miles east of Batavia. By the Ohio. They have four children. He is a
marriage there are two children — Arlind E. Republican; has served two terms as Road
and Walton H. He is Republican in politics. Commissioner, and has been School Director
THOMAS BROWN, farming, P. O. Tur- for nearly thirty years. He owns 175 acres,
ner, is a native of England. He was born located three miles west of Warrenville.
in the year 1812. In 1831, he came to CAPT. L. B. CHURCH, retired, Turner,
America and located in Schenectady County, is a native of Wyoming County, N. Y. He
N. Y., where he worked on the farm until was born and is the fifth of ten chil-
in 1833,
1842. He then worked a year in Onondaga dren born to Lucas B. and Betsy (Patterson)
County. In 1843, he came West by the Church, the latter an own cousin to Mrs. Bon-
lakes. He first stopped a few weeks at Bata- aparte. They were natives of Cayuga County,
via. He then bought forty acres of the Gov- N. Y., and Colerain, Mass. They married in
ernment here in Winlield Township, and New York. He was engaged in the lumber
rented a farm adjoining, and he has fanned business, having mills on the Genesee, and
ever since. He now owns 110 acres, located a yard in Rochester. The mills were de-
adjoining the village of Turner. In 1834, stroyed by floods, and, in 1844, the family
he married Miss Cornelia M. Van Valken- came West and settled in McHenry County,
burg, a native of New York. By the mar- 111., where they followed farming at Crystal

riage there have been seven children, of Lake, where he died in 1849. She died there
whom three are living. He is a Republican. in 1878. Our svibject lived at home until he
He has held the office of Highway Commis- became of age. He then began as agent for
sioner. The three children living are Will- the stage company on the old Galena & Chi-
iam H., mining in Montana; Mary, at home; cago Railroad, and in 1857 he became the
Mark, on a cattle ranch in Montana. proprietor of the Junction House. In 1862,
D. C. BROWN, farming, P. O. Warren- he enlisted in the One Hundred and Fifth
ville, is a native of Wayne County, N. Y. Regiment Illinois Infantry. He was made
He was born in the year 1834, and is the eld- First Lieutenant, Company B, and served six
est of nine children born to James and Annie months with his regiment. He was then de-
(Crane) Brown. They were natives of New tailed upon the staff of Gen. W. T. Ward, of
York, and married there January 10, 1833, Kentucky, and, a year later, was ordered to
and came West in the fall of 1836. They his regiment, and again detailed on the staff

of Gen. E. A. Payne, and, a year later, was C. M. CLARK, dealer in lumber and coal,
detailed on the staff of Gen. Saul Merideth, Turner, is a native of Canada. He was born
of Indiana, and, five months later, joined his in the year 1830. When two years of age,
regiment, being promoted to Captain of his his parents removed to Syracuse, N. Y.,
company, joining the command at Roanoke, where he was raised. He received a com-
N. C. Returned home in June, 1865. He mon-school education. At the age of twenty,
then became the traveling agent of the Lake he began teaching public school in the vicin-
Shore & Michigan Southern Railroad for five ity of Syracuse, and taught for five or six
years. He was then appointed one of the years. In 1856, he came West, and taught
Assistant Supervisors of Illinois in the Inter- school two winters in Wisconsin. He then
nal Revenue Department, and, about six taught four winters at Gary's Mills, in Du
months later, was relieved and appointed In- Page County, 111., and five winters at Turner,
ternal Revenue Assessor for Montana, where after which he engaged in the lumber and
he served until 1873, when he returned home coal business at Turner, and has continued
and took his old position with the Lake Shore same since. In 1859, he married Miss Ar-
& Michigan Railroad, and, three years later, villa, daughter of the Rev. R. Currier. She
he was made General Western Passenger was born in New Hampshire, and came to
Agent of the Hoosac Tunnel Line, headquar- Turner with her parents. She died in 1865.
ters at Chicago, and remained with them un- They have had one child, viz., Charles D.
til 1879, when, owing to ill health, he had to Clark, now attending Wheaton College. In
retire, and has since looked chiefly after his 1867, he married Miss Amanda E. Williams.
health. November 23, 1854, he married Miss She was born near Syracuse, N. Y., where,
Clara Haffey, a native of Schoharie County, also, she was married. He is Republican in
N. Y. She lived at Franklinville, 111. , with his politics. He has served as Town Clerk,
her parents. He is Republican. Village Trustee, and a member of the School
JAMES CONLEY, farmer, P. O. Turner, Board for the past twelve years, and has
is a native of Tipperary County, Ireland. taken an active interest in securing efficiency
He was born in the year 1822, and was to the school.
brought up on the farm, receiving a fair JUDGE THOMAS DRUMMOND, Win-
common-school education. In 1834, his par- field, was born October 16, 1809, at Bristol
ents came to America and settled in St. Mills, Lincoln Co., Me. His father, James
Lawrence County, N. Y. In 1839, Mr. Drummond. descended from a Scottish line;
James Conley came W est to Illinois, and lo-
was a sailor, a farmer, and for many years,
cated with his brother in Livingston County, a legislator of his State. Young Drum-
where he worked on the farm. In 1843, he mond took his course through the common
married Miss Eliza Sutter, and, the next year, schools, the academies, to prepare him for
came to Du Page County, where he bought college, and, at his majority hewas a grad-
forty acres of land in Winfield Township, uate of Old Bowdoin. His next three years
and has farmed in the vicinity ever since. were spent, as a student in the law office of
During the past twelve years, he has also con- T. Dwight, of Philadelphia, whose father was
ducted the eating-stand at the depot in Tur- President of Yale College. He was admitted
ner. By the marriage there are three chil- to the bar in 1833, and, in 1835, made his
dren. professional start in life in Galena, 111., and

never lost sight of his original aim in life. Co., N. Y., and conducted a woolen factory
He soon won distinction among his peers, as in Amherst, now Cheektowaga, N. Y. While
the sequel showed. His law practice grew here, he married, in May, 1838, Miss Pame-
into large proportions, and, in 1850, he re lia Levens. She was a native of Erie Comity,
ceived substantial proofs of the public esti- N. Y. After the marriage, they came to Illi-
mation of his able jurisprudence by being nois and settled on a claim he had bought in
appointed Judge of the Northern District the previous year, in what is now Winfield
Court of Illinois. The duties and responsi- Township, Du Page County, where he lived
bilities of his office soon multiplied on his until his death, on January 11, 1879. He
hands, in proportion as the country increased was a Republican, and served as Supervisor
in wealth, and with it the inevitable rivalship of his township a number of years. They
of growing interests, only to be harmonized had six children, of whom three are living
by the principles of general law, and never, Mrs. Almina Chatfield, of Turner; Judson
since the days of Moses, the great law-giver, Fairbanks, on the old homestead; and Nellie
did a jurist find more versatility, more com- Fairbanks, at home. Mrs. Fairbanks lives
plexity, and more fallow ground to break, in Turner.
than has come under the jurisdiction of Mr. JAMES FAIRBANK, farming, P. O.
Drummond since he has been clothed with the Turner, is a native of Yorkshire, England.
ermine. Since December, 1869, he has been He was born in the year 1814, and is the
Judge of the Circuit Court of the United seventh of nine children born to Francis and
States for the Seventh Judicial District, em- Jennie Shaw Fairbanks. They were natives
braced in the States of Illinois, Indiana and of England. They married there; also all
Wisconsin. His rural home, near Winfield, the children were born there. He was a
to which he came in 1868, evinces his love manufacturer of woolen goods. About the
for domestic life, in itsimmunity from the year 1820, they came to America, and located
turmoil of metropolitan centers like Chicago. in Genesee County, N. Y. where they farmed

Here, at this tranquil retreat, he entertains until their death, he in 1847, and she some
his coterie of friends who visit him and en- four or five years later. John Fairbanks, the
joy his pleasant surroundings at the same eldest son of Francis, manufactured woolen
time. He has a large family, two of whom goods in New York until 1837, when he and
have died — his daughter, Annie E., in 1869, his brother James started by teams for the
and his wife in 1874. To his neighbors he West. They proceeded as far as Erie, Penn.,
is plain Mr. Drummond home, and in his
at when, owing to the roads, James took the
official capacity, when they uncover their wagons, etc. and went to Chicago by boat,

heads before His Honor, it is done with all John going through on horseback, they meet-
the more genuine respect. ing at Warrenville, 111. John bought a claim
JOHN FAIRBANKS, deceased, Turner, is about three miles northwest of Warrenville,
a native of England. He was born in the and lived there until his death. James
year 1806, and came to America with his par- worked by the month at farming for a few
ents. They settled in Wyoming County, N. years,and then worked at carpenter work for
Y. His father was a clothier, and John a number of years. He also bought a claim
learned the same trade. When he was about to his present place, and has lived on the
twenty-five years of age, he went to Erie same since. In 1839 he married Miss Maria
Blackman, a native of Erie County, N. Y. i
twenty, came to America. He worked one
She died a few months after the marriage. j
year in New York and then went to
He married Miss Electa Chandler, a native Portsmouth, Ohio, where he worked for about
of Genesee County, N. Y. She came to Du four years. In the fall of 1854, came to
Page County, 111., with her parents in 1836. Turner, 111., and bought a farm, two and a
By the marriage there were two children, of half miles west of the town, where he farmed
whom one is living, Allen H. He was until 1869, when he removed to Turner, where
Democratic in his politics in early days, then he has lived since. In 1852, he married, at
Abolitionist, and has voted Republican since Portsmouth, Ohio, Miss Mary Walter, a na-
the organization of the party. He owns 220 tive of Germany. She came to America two
acres, located three miles south of Turner. j
years after he did. They were acquainted in
GEORGE FEHRMAN, of George Fehr- the old country. They had five children, of
man & Son, Winfield, is a native of Hanover, whom but one is living, Charles F. M. Faes-
Germany. He was born in the year 1822. sler. The four deceased all died within one
He was raised a farmer, and, at the age of week, by the scarlet fever. He is Repub
fifteen, he apprenticed to the tailor's trade, lican in his politics. He is a member of the
and served four and worked some five
years, Evangelical Association, and is one of the
years as a journeyman. In 1849, he came to pioneer members of the St. Michael's Church
America, and first stopped at Dunkle's Grove, of that denomination in Turner. Mrs. Faes-
now Addison Township, Du Page Co. 111. , sler is also a member of the church. Dur-
where he worked at his trade one year, and ing his residence in Turner, Mr. Faessler
then opened out for himself at Addison Vil- has farmed his place by a tenant.
lage, and, some two or three years later, he SEBA FRENCH, farmer, P. O. Warrea-
added general merchandise, and continued i
ville, is Lake Co.,
a native of Painesville,
the business until 1865, when he sold out and Ohio. He was born in the year 1819, and
lived three years in Chicago and conducted was raised on a farm. He received a limited
a produce commission business. He then common-school education. His father was
went to Lombard, in Du Page County, where a clothier by trade, though, in later years,
he conducted general store until 1871, when followed farming. He also conducted a saw-
he went to liioomingdale Township and mill. Our subject worked on the farm, and,
farmed three years. He then rented his farm in 1842, married Miss Elizabeth Clark, a na-
and came to Winfield, and, two years later, New York. She died here in Illinois.
tive of
he and his son William opened the present —
They had three children Abigail Peas, liv-
store. In 1853, he married Miss Catharine ing in Wisconsin; D. C. French, living in
Oehman, a native of Germany. She died in Boone County, HI. ; Lucy R. Brown, living
1870. By the marriage there were seven ,
in Parsons, Kan. In 1862, he married
children, six of whom are living. In 1876, Miss Harriet Woodburn, a native of New
he married Mrs. Kerch. Hampshire, and living in Lake County, Ohio,
JOHN M. FAESSLER, retired, Turner, at time of marriage. They have one child,
is a native of Baden, Germany. He was bom Hattie E. In February, 1854, Mr. French
in the year 1828, June 11. His father, also came to Illinoisand bought a place one mile
his grandfather, were carpenters, and he north of Naperville, where he farmed two
learned the same trade, and, at the age of 1

years, and then came to his present place,


which contains 129 acres, located one mile neers of Du Page County, 111., where he set-

west of Warrenville. He is a Democrat in tled in the year 1832, making a claim near
politics, and has served as Koad Commis- the present village of Warrenville, fuller par-
sioner one term. ticulars of which are given in another part
JACOB A. G-ALUSHA, retired farmer, of this work. In 1851, he married Miss
Warrenville, is a native of Burlington, Vt. Margaret L., daughter of the Kev. Mr. Kim-
He was born in the year and is the
180-3, ball, who is spoken of elsewhere in this work.
second of ten children born to Ezra and Ma- She died July 25, 1862. By the marriage
bel Barney Galusha. They were natives of there were eight children —
George P., Lucy
Connecticut and Vermont. He was a farmer, M. Leora M. Jude F. Lovisa J. Edwin A.
, , , ,

and, when a young man, went to Vermont, Laura E. and William S. In 1863, Mr.
where he married, and, in 1834, they came Gary married Mrs. Dr. Rose, formerly Miss
to Illinois and located on a claim in what is L. M. Sherwood, a native of Chenango County,
now Milton Township, Du Page Co., 111., and N. Y., born April 28, 1827, by which marriage
lived there a few years, and lived thereafter there were born four children, three of whom
with their sou until their death. Our sub- —
are living Eben S. Gary, Lewis E. Gary and
ject was raised on the farm. He received a Charles L. Gary. By her first marriage, Mrs.
common-school education. On becoming of Gary had one Mary Rose Wilson.
child, Mrs.
age, he began on his own account, farming a Mr. Gary died May
11, 1881. Mrs. Gary is
piece of land he had bought, and upon which living on the oldhomestead near Warrenville.
the family lived. In 1833, he came West, C. W. GARY, hardware, tinware and agri-
over the canal and lakes, and made a claim cultural implements, Turner Junction, is a
to his present place, and, the next year, his native of Du Page County, 111., and is the
father sold the property in Vermont and came youngest son of Charles Gary. He was born
West with his family and made a claim ad- on his father's farm, located two miles south
joining his son's. Mr.
Jacob A. Galusha of Turner, in the year 1S44. He received a
was married to Miss Parmelia K. Foote, of common -school education. At the age of
Kane County, 111. She died in 1870. They twenty, he began farming on his own account,
had three children — Ezra and Edwin, farm- farming the home farm on the shares, and,
ing the old homestead; and Mrs. Cora Han- on becoming of age, his father deeded him
cock, of Chicago. In 1872, he married Mrs. 100 acres, and, after his father's death, he
Bisbee, formerly Annie Jayne, a native of bought out the heirs, and now owns the home
Susquehanna County, Perm. She came to farm of 250 acres. In 1877, he bought the
Du Page County, 111., in 1864. By the first hardware business of J. W. Gates & Co.,
marriage, she had three children — Alonzo and and has conducted the business since. He is
Albert, farming in Nebraska; and Mrs. Net- Republican in politics, and has held the office
tie Henderson, living in Reedsburg, Wis. of Supervisor for two years. In 1864, he
He is Bepublican in his politics, and a mem- married Miss Maria Pierce, a native of Du
ber of the Universalist Church since he was Page County. She died in 1873, leaving
a young man. three children — Charles E., Mary Nettie and
JUDE P. GARY, deceased, was a native Ella M. In 1874, he married Miss Mary
of Pomfret, Windom Co., Conn. He was Baker, native of the State of Ohio, near Cleve-
born February 3, 1811, and was one of the pio- land. Her parents died when she was a

child, and she made her home with her un- also practiced in that city. He first ran on
cle, at St. Charles, 111. They have one child, the lakes, and made headquarters at Buffalo,
Lula. where he married. His father died in Chi-
G. W. GUILD, farming, P. O. Warren- cago. Frederick came to Du Page County
ville, is a native of Huntingdon County, N. about 1850, and settled on a farm in W
J. He was
born in the year 1837, and is the Township. He bought first forty acres, and
eldest of eleven children born to A. E. and added to it until he had 325 acres. Shortly
Suzan A. Warne Guild. They were natives after coming here, he retired to Wheaton,
ofNew Jersey and now live in Cook County, and lived there at the time of his death. Mrs.
111. In 1839, they moved to Fulton County, Hageman is living there at present. While
111., moved to Sugar Grove,
and, about 1843, in Chicago, he served as City Physician and
Kane County, and thence to Cook County. Alderman. Frank J. was raised in Wheaton.
Our subject lived at home until he was about He received a course of study in Wheaton
twenty years of age. He received a common- College, and learned the painter's trade,
school education, attending the Wheaton which he followed about five years. August
College for two years. In 1857, he came to 11, 1877, he married Miss Emma Batchelor,
Du Page County, and worked on the farm of a native of Du Page County, 111. They have
Mr.. John Warne, and, the next year, rented —
three children Lucy, George and Frank.
the place, and farmed it several years. He After the marriage, he came on the old home-
then bought the present place where he now stead farm, and has farmed it since.
resides, and, in 1881, he bought the adjoin- MATHIAS HILLS, general store, Win-
ing place, now owning 220 acres, located one field, is a native of Prussia. He was born in
mile west of Warrenville. In 1858, he mar- the year 1831. He was raised a farmer. He
ried Miss Abbie E. Warne, a native of Du received a common-school education. In
Page County, daughter of John Warne,
111. , 185-4, he came to America, and stopped a few
Esq. By the marriage there is one child months in Michigan, and thence to Chicago,
John W. — and an adopted daughter, Augusta and, after a few months of sickness, he went
Guild. He is Republican in politics. to Lake County, 111. and dealt in stock for

FRANK J. HAGEMAN, farming, P. O. two years. He then rented a farm and

Winfield, is a native of Du Page County, 111. farmed for about six or seven years, and next
He was born on his father's farm, in Win- went to Cook County and opened a butcher
field Township, in the year 1852, and is shop at West Wheeling, now Arlington
fourth of five children born to Frederick and Heights. He remained there three years.
Margaret Snyder Hageman. They were na He then came to Winfield and engaged in
tives of Germany. Frederick Hageman came his present business, and has continued since.
to America with his parents when a young He is Democratic in politics; has served as
man, and she with her parents when seven Postmaster of Winfield for about four years.
years old. On the way over, his mother and He American Ex-
also served as agent for the
brother were drowned. He and his father press Company for six
years, and station agent
went to Chicago. His father was a physician, for the North-Western Railway Company at
and practiced in Chicago. Frederick studied Winfield for three years, and Collector of
medicine in Germany, and got his diploma township for one year. In 1855, he married
in the Rush Medical College, Chicago, and Miss Barbara Nilles, a native of Prussia.

They had seven children, five living — Jacob when he came to Du Page County and bought
P., Toony, Mary, Eva, Katie. his present place, though he rented for two
M. W. HAWKS, carpenter, Turner, is a years before he occupied his jdace, and has
native of Goshen, Hampshire Co Mass. He
lived here ever since. In 1858, he married
was born in the year 1817. When he was Miss Jane Wood, a native of Vermont. She
fourteen years of age, he apprenticed to the came to Du Page County, 111., with her par-
carpenter's trade,and served until he became ents about 1854. They have three children
of age, after which he worked transient as a —Wilbnr D., Louisa C. and Theron B. Mi-.

journeyman, at Amherst, on the college. He Hawks is Republican in politics. He has

also traveled three years in Canada. While served in the school offices, and as Road
there, he married Miss Julia Wait. She died Commissioner. He owns eighty acres, locat-
in July, 1876. From Canada he came to ed one and a fourth miles southwest of Tur-
Chicago, where he lived until February, ner.

1846, when he came to Winfield Township, BENJAMIN HOWARTH, livery, feed and
Du Page Co., 111., where his brother-in-law sale, Turner, is a native of New York. He was
lived, and bought a small place and farmed born in Auburn, N ¥., in the year 1843, and
the same in connection with his trade as car- is the fourth of six children born to Sanders
penter, and lived there until a few years ago, and Mary Peacock Howarth. They wera na-
when he moved to his present place, in the tives ofEngland. They married there, and
village of Turner. By his marriage there moved to New York soon after, and in 1844,
were seven children, of whom four are living they moved to St. Charles, Kane Co., 111.,

— Mary Church, resides near Milwaukee; and in 1846, settled in Milton Township, two
Cloye Jones, resides in Beatrice, Neb. ; Arthur miles north of Wheaton, where they carried
Hawk, telegraph operator ; Clifford Hawk, on farming. He died there in 1879. She is
engineer on North-Western Railway. Sep- livtng with her daughter, in Wayne Town-
tember 16, 1 877, he married Hannah Akers, a ship. Our subject was raised on the farm.
native of Fulton County, Penn. She resided About 1868, he farmed the home farm on the
in Wheaton at the time of her marriage. He shareB, and, in 1875,went to Kane County,
is Republican in politics;was Whig, anti- where he farmed one year; he then moved
slavery. He is a member of the Congrega- on a farm two miles south of Wheaton, and,
tional Church. in 1878, came to Turner and engaged in his
NEWTON HAWKS, farming, P. O. Tur- present business. In 1875, he married Miss
ner, is a native of Goshen, Hampshire Co., Emma Vandervolgin, a native of New York.
Mass. He was born in the year 1819. His He is Republican in politics.

father was a physician, and died when New- WILLIAM J. HOLLISTER, farmer, P.
ton was young, and our subject was raised in O. Batavia, is a native of Berkshire County,
the village until he was eleven years of age. Mass. He was
born in the year 1840, and is
He then went on the farm, living with a rel- the youngest of five children born to G. J. and
ative until he became of age. He then A. M. Fuller Hollister They were natives
worked one year in a saw-mill, and sis years of Massachusetts and Vermont. He was a
in a flower garden at North Hampton. He wollen-manufacturer. In 1846, they came
then, in 1817, came West and worked at the West, and bought a place lying on both sides
carpenter business in Chicago for one year, of the county line of Du Page and Kane

Counties, where he farmed until his death, in Yuba River for about three years. He then
1880. Mrs. Hollister died in 1875. Our came borne and sold out and moved to Iowa,
subject was raised on the farm. He received where he lived for four years, when he re-
an academic course of study at the academy turned to a place he bought in Winfield
in Batavia. In 1862, he enlisted in the One Township, where he lived until 1875, when
Hundred and Twenty-fourth Regiment Illi- they moved to Batavia, where they now live,
nois Infantry, Company B, and was in the both of whom have passed the age of eighty.
service three years. The first year, he served Our subject lived at home until the year 1817,
as Clerk in the Commissary Department. when he married Miss Susan Warne, a native
He was in the siege and capture of Vicks- of New Jersey. She came to Du Page County,
bwcg, siege and capture of Mobile, and the 111., with her parents, in 1834 After the
other engagements of the regiment. He re- marriage, they occupied a part of his father's
turned home from the army, and, in 1866, he farm, where he farmed until 1852, when he
married Miss Ella Carpenter, a daughter of went overland by team to California, and
A. E. Carpenter, an old pioneer of Du Page mined one year, and farmed two years in
County, now resident in Aurora, 111. He SaDta Clara Valley. He then returned home,
lived on the old homestead the first year after and, sood after, bought and occupied his
he was married, and then came to his present present place, where he has since lived By
place, where he has lived since. By the mar- the marriage there are five children, all
riage there are three children Bertha M.,— —
daughters Sarah M. Del ana, farming in
Freddie A. and Robie C. He is Republican. Linn County, Iowa; Emma E. Hodges, of
Owns 150 acres located in Du Page and Kane Turner, 111. ; Mary Hummel, farming in Ne-
Counties. braska; Carrie, at home; Josephine, at home.
A. H. JONES, farmer, P. O. Turner, is a Mr. Jones is Republican. He owns 160
native of Hall, Washington Co., N.
White acres, located two and a half miles northwest
Y. He wasborn in the year 1824, and is of Turner.
the second of eleven children born to Cornel- J. J. KAUTZ, farming, P. O. Turner, is a
ius and Fannie M. Wilson Jones. They native of Baden, Germany. He was born in
were natives of Washington County, N. Y. the year 1828. He was raised on the farm.
They married there and, a few years after, He received a common-school education, and,
moved to Providence, R. I., and, in company at the age of twenty, he entered the army,
with Mr. Jerry Breede, owned and conducted and was engaged in the war or rebellion
a canal boat for three years. He then re- against Prussia. In 1849, he came to Amer-
turned to his native county in New York and ica, and stopped in Erie Coun'y N. Y., where

farmed until 1835, when he and Reuben Jones, he worked at farming and lumbering for
a son of his half-brother, with their families, about two years, when he came to Illinois and
came West by teams to Illinois, and settled located at Turner, where he had relatives.
on the east side of the Big Woods, in what is He worked at gardening, and, the following
now Naperville Township, Du Page County, spring, his parents, Christian and MaryPfei-
where they bought claims and occupied and fer Kautz, came and bought a farm in Win-
improved the same. In 1850, Mr. Jones went field Township, Du Page County, where they
overland with two of his sons, Franklin and lived until their death. J. J. Kautz worked
Hiram, to California, where he mined on the on the Galena & Chicago Railroad, he being

foreman of a gang of laborers, and, the next Fredenhagen, and the family moved to War-
winter, went to live with his parents, and has where Mrs. Lambe died a few years

lived on the farm since, he buying out the later. In 1862, Mr. Lambe sold one-half his
heirs after their death. He married, in 1856, interest in the mill and moved to a farm in
Miss Saloma Hansel, a native of Germany. Downer's Grove, where he farmed for eleven
She came to America with his parents in years, during which time his father died. In
1852. They had nine children, of whom 1873, he returned and bought Mr. Freden-
three are living — Christian, farmer in Kane hagen' s one-fourth interest in the mill, giv-
County; home; Louisa, at home.
Charles, at ing him then one-half interest, and, a few
He owns 208 acres, located on county line, years later, he became the sole proprietor.
three miles west of Turner. August 11, 1879, the mill was destroyed by
MARTIN KAUTZ, farming, P. O. Geneva, fire, and was rebuilt, on a more extensive

is a native of Baden, Germany. He was born plan and improved pattern. In 1855, he
in the year 1829. He was raised on the farm married Miss Sofa Fredenhagen, a native of
and received a common-school education.- In Germany; they have four children William —
May, 1855, he came to America and settled in Victor, Paul Edward, Mary L. and Carrie
Turner, 111., where he had relatives living. A. Both the sons are engaged in the mill.
He then worked as a helper to a mason in J. E. LEHMAN, farmer, P. O. Batavia, is

Geneva, and then rented one of his present a native of Lee County, 111. ; he was born in
places for four years, and then bought the the year 1817, and is the second of three chil-
place,and has lived there since. He now dren born to Samuel and Mrs. Foutz Lehman.
owns 223 acres, located on the line, three Our subject was raised on the farm in Lee
miles west of Turner. In 1855, he married County, 111. , until he was ten years of age,
Miss Barbara Hawk, a native of Baden, Ger- when the family moved to Warrenville, 111.,
many. She came to America on the same where our subject lived until 1871, when he
vessel he did,and also came to this county came to his present place, and has lived here
with him; they were married a few months since. In 1873, he married Miss Emma
later. They have seven children Carrie — Pratt, a native of Du Page County, 111. By
Wolf, farming in Kansas; Mary, Martin, Jr., the marriage there are three children — Wil-
Jacob, Frederick, Barbara, Christina. He ton, Delia and Luke. He owns 130 acres lo-

has earned all his property. cated two and a half miles southwest of Tur-
EDWARD LAMBE, milling, Warrenville, ner.

is a native of "Yorkshire, England; he was JAMES W. McKEE, farmer, P. O. War-

born in the year 1831; he received a common- renville, is a native of Du Page County, 111.

school education, and, at the age of fifteen, he was born in the year 1840, and is the sec-
began clerking in a railroad office, where he ond of three children born to David McKee
continued about three and a half years. In and his second wife, Sarah Ward. David
1850, he came to America with his parents, McKee (deceased) was a native of Loudoun
William and Mary Watson Lambe; they were County, Va. ; he was born December 2, 1800
natives of Yorkshire; they settled on a farm his parents were John F. and Jane Marple
in Du Page County, 111. , where the family McKee, of Scotland; they settled in Virginia,
lived till 1857, when Mr. Edward Lambe from which State they went to Pennsylvania,
bought the mill in company with Mr. Victor and, in 1813, they went to Cincinnati, Ohio,
where David learned the trade of blacksmith- George Macauley married in New York City,
ing. In 1821, he made a trip to New Or- and came to Illinois in the summer of 1841,
leans, on the City of "Washington, and, in and occupied a claim he had bought of Mr.
1822, he was appointed to do blacksmithing Town, which was located in what is now
for the Indians at Chicago, where he worked Winfield Township, Du Page County, and
for eight years; he then carried mail for a lived on the place until his death. Mrs.
year between Chicago and Fort Wayne; served Macauley died about two years previous to
with Capt. Bordman in the Black Hawk war, her husband. Our subject was raised on the
and then hired to the Government again. In farm; he received a common-school educa-
1836, he located on a farm at the forks of the tion. In 1841, he and his brother Walter M.
Du Page Biver, and kept a blacksmith shop drove a team to the present place. In 1864,
there for a number of years; from there he he married Miss Anna Whitmer, a native of
moved on a f arm in Winfield Township, Du Niagara County, N. Y. where she lived when

Page County, where he lived to within a few married, she being engaged as a school
years of his death, which occurred near Au- teacher. They have three children Will- —
rora, 111., April 8, 1881. Mr. McKee was iam L. David W. and Mary F. In 1849, Mr.

twice married first, to Miss Wealthy Scott, Macauley went to California overland with
a sister of Willard Scott, Esq., of Naper- cattle, being seven months on the trip; he
ville. 111. two children were born Stephen
: — lived there three years; he followed mining
and Josephus; the latter died when he was one year, and conducted a grocery and
young. Stephen served four years in the butcher shop for about two years; he then
army during the rebellion, after which he re- returned and kept a general store in Elgin
moved to Nebraska, where he died. The for about seven years, when he came to the
second wife was Miss Sarah Ward, a native old homestead, and, except three years' resi-
of New York; they had three children Mrs. — dence in Chicago, has lived here since.
Wealthy Bicknell, of Cedar Springs, Mich. M. W. MUBBAY, farmer, P, O. Winfield,
Miss Carrie A. Fisher, of St. Louis, Mo., and is a native of Ireland; he was born in the
James W. McKee, living here on the old year 1823, and is the eldest of four children
homestead, where he was born. November born to John and Mary Brenan Murray; he
28, 1860, he married Miss Frances L. Bird, was of Scotch descent and born in Ireland;
of Winnebago County, 111. he married "in his native land and came to
WILLIAM A. MACAULEY, farmer, P. Canada soon after, where he lived for sis or
O. Turner, is Lawrence Coun-
a native of St. eight years, and then came to the United
ty, N. Y.; he was born September 21, 1823, States and settled in Connecticut, and, in
and is the second of ten children born to 1835, he came West by the lakes and bought
George and Mary Miller Macauley; they were a place on the lake shore, at Grosse Point,
natives of Ireland and New York City, she and, the next fall, went to Chicago, where
being of Scotch descent. He came to America he lived until 1837, and then made a claim
when a young man; he had been educated as in what is now Winfield Township, Du Page
a Presbyterian minister; his father was a County, 111., and occupied and improved the
successful merchant of Dublin, and placed place where he lived until his death. Mrs.
his son in circumstances that he was not re- Murray lived on the old homestead iintil her
quired to follow the ministry, and did not. death. Our subject lived with his parents

until he was about nineteen years of age; he one and three-fourths miles west of Tur-
then began for himself, working by the month ner.
for a season, and then rented a place, which JONATHAN R. MATHER, farmer, P. O.
he farmed a year, and, on becoming of age, Warrenville, is a native of Du Page County,

he was elected Constable of Wayne Township 111. he was born in the year 1849, and is the

to fill a vacancy, and he served in all for seventh of ten children born to Israel and
seven years. During the last four years, he his second wife, Hannah Royce Mather; they
also served as Deputy Sheriff; he then moved were natives of Essex County, N. Y. Our
on a place which his father deeded to him, subject was raised on the farm; he received
and farmed the same since. In January, a common-school education. At the age of
1845, he married Miss Martha Ann Billings, sixteen, he began doing for himself, working
a native of Indiana, and came to Du Page by the month, and, after becoming of age, he
County, 111., with her parents, who were early began farming the home farm on shares. In
pioneers. She died May 1, 1872. By the 1877, he married Miss Nettie L. Ketchnm, a
marriage there were nine children, of whom native of Du Page County, 111.; they had two
seven are living. September 29, 1875, he children, one living Israel. — Since his mar-
married Mrs. Ketchum, formerly Miss Lu- riage, Mr. Mather has farmed the home farm.
cinda C. Scott, a native of Pennsylvania; she HENRY H. MARTIN, farmer. P. O. Tur-
came to Du Page County in 1856. By the ner, is a native of Erie County, N. Y. he ;

present marriage, there have been two chil- was born in the year 1848, and is the fifth of
dren, both of whom have died. He is a Re- nine children born to Christian F. and Sarah
publican in his politics. Rhodes Martin. Henry H. Martin was raised
D. R. MARTIN, farmer, P. O. Turner, is on his father's farm, and received a common
a native of Erie County, N. Y. he was born
; school education; he lived at home until he
in the year 1843,and is the second of eight was twenty- four years of age; had an interest
children born to Christian F. and Sarah or share in the product of the home farm,
Rhodes Martin; they came to Kane County, since he was sixteen or seventeen years of
111., in 1849, and to Du Page County in age. In 1872, he married Miss Clara A.
1865; they now live near Naperville. Our Hodges, a native of Pennsylvania; she came
subject was raised on the farm; he received I
to Du Page County, 111., with her parents,
a common-school education. When he was who settled on a farm in Winfield Township.
about twenty-two years of age, he began After the marriage, they settled on the pres-
farming the home farm on the shares, and, in ent place, which he bought of his father, and
1871, he married Miss Lucinda Pratt, a na- has lived here since. He owns eighty-six and
tive of Du Page County, 111. After the mar- one half acres located one mile west of Turner.
riage, theycame to the present place, which By the marriage there have been three chil-
he rented a few years and then bought the dren, two of whom are living — Elmer and
same, it being the old David Martin home- George. Mr. Martin is a Republican. He is
stead, and has lived here since. By the mar- at present Highway Commissioner.
riage there are four children — Jessie, Olive, DANIEL W. MARTFN, farmer, P. O.
Albert and Cora. Mr. Martin is Republican Turner; a native of Kane County, 111.; he

in jwlitics; he has served as Assessor and was born in the year 1851, and is the fifth of
school officer. He owns 122 acres, located eight children born to Christian F. and
Sarah Ehodes Martin. Mr. Martin was EDWARD P. MACK, farmer, P. O. War-
on the farm, and received a common -school renville; is a native of Susquehanna Coun-
education. In 1865, the family moved to ty, Penn.; he was born in the year 1815, and

Du Page County, 111., and, in 1S72, he began was raised on the farm and received but a
farming his father s place on the shares, and, very limited common-school education. At
in 1874, he married Miss Jennie Pratt, a na- the age of twenty, he went to Rockingham,
tive of Wayne Township, Du Page County, Vt., and learned the clothier and cloth-dress-
111., and daughter of Obadiah Pratt, one of ing business, working about five years. He
the pioneers of Wayne Township. After the then returned home and boated on the Schuyl-
marriage, he rented the farm, and, in the kill Canal one season, and, in 1841, he came
S2)ring of 1881, he bought the place, his par- West and sold dry goods and groceries from
ents then retiring to Naperville, where they a wagon in Wisconsin and Illinois. He then
now live. Mr. Martin is a Republican. He engaged in breaking prairie in Wisconsin,
owns 117 acres, located one mile south of which business he followed for two seasons.
Turner. In addition to farmiug, Mr. Martin He then bought his present place and occu-
has conducted a thresher for the past ten years. pied the same. He owns 240 acres, located
RUSSEL MANVILLE, farmer, P. O. two and one-half miles north of Warrenville.
Turner, is a native of Whitehall, Washing- In 1842, he married Miss Maria Royce, a
ton Co., N. Y. he was born June 5, 1818;
; native of Essex County, N. Y. she came to;

he was raised on the farm and received a Will County, 111., with her parents; she died
common-school education; his father died in July, 1882; there have been ten children,
when he was about fourteen years of age; he of whom seven are living — Abner, farmer in
lived on the home farm with his mother till Iowa; Edward, farmer in Nebraska; Charles,
he was twenty years of age; he then decided employed on the Chicago & North-Western
to go West, and, accordingly, took the canal Railway; Orland, farmer in Will County, 111.
to Buffalo, thence by boat to Detroit, and Adaline, at home; Elmer, at home, and Mil-
railroad to Ypsilanti, and team and stage to ton, at school, Aurora. Mr. Mack is a Re-
St. Joe and lake to Chicago; thence to War- publican.
he rented a
renville, where, the next spring, J. C. NELTNOR, general store and nurs-
farm and farmed one season, after which he ery, Turner, is a native of Pennsylvania;
worked during summers and taught school in he was born in the city of Erie, in the year
Marshall and Tazewell Counties, and, about 1841, and is the eldest of six children born
1845, he came to his present place, and has to Francis X. and Mary A. Runser Neltnor;
lived here since. In 1848, he visited Ver- they were natives of Baden, Germany; they
mont, and married Miss Julia C. Smith, a came to America when young; they married
native of that State. By the marriage there in Pennsylvania. He was a merchant tailor,
are four children — Lotan S., United States and came to Du Page County, 111., in 1847,
mail agent; Mrs. Jane E. Smith, of Wayne and conducted his business in Bloomingdale
TowDship; E. H., of Oak Park; Martha J., until his death, in 1881, Mrs. Neltnor is

at home. He is a Republican in politics, and living in the old home at Bloomingdale. Our
has served as Collector one year. He owns subject lived with his parents until he became
175 acres, located four and one-half miles of age. When about ten years of age, he
southwest of Turner. engaged as clerk in a general store in Bloom-

ingdale, and clerked there until 1861, when years,,and has held the office of Supervisor.
he became a partner with Dr. Sedgwick in a During the war, he was appointed County
general store, and continued thereuntil 1864, Marshal; he has also served as Road Com-
when he sold out and came to Turner and en- missioner for two terms, and he was Captain
gaged in his present business. In 1868, his of the old Winfield Cavalry Company.
place was destroyed by fire, and he afterward DAVID ROOT, farmer, P. O. Batavia. is

built his present place. In 1870, he estab- a native of Piermont, near Haverhill, N. H.
lished, in company with Mr. G. W. Rich- he was born November 8, 1815; his parents,
mond, the Grove Place Nurseries, and, in Ephraim and Vashti Burd Root, were natives
1874, he became the sole proprietor and has of New Hampshire and Vermont. He was a
conducted the business since. In 1882, he farmer, and moved to Genesee County, N.
established Neltnor's Fruit and Flower Grow- Y., in 1822. Mrs. Root died there in 1829,
er, a horticultural magazine, published quar- and Mr. Root later moved to Michigan, and
terly. He is a Democrat in politics and has thence to Illinois, and finally died in Indiana,
served as Secretary of the County Committee where he lived with a son. Our subject was
for anumber of years. In 1864, he married brought up at home until his mother died;
Miss Mary E. Kinney, a native of Du Page he then went to live with an uncle, for whom
County, 111. They have six children. he worked on the farm, receiving $7 per
CAPT. G. N. ROUNDY, farmer, P. O. month, and, after two years, he began teach-
Turner, is a native of Spafl'ord, Onondaga ing at the age of sixteen, having a school of
County, N. he was born December 4,
Y. ; fifty scholars and receiving $12 per month,

1811; he was raised on his father's farm and for a four-months' term. He then went to
received a common-school education; on be- Kentucky, where he had brothers living, and
coming of age, he began on his own account, taught school at Newport and in Fayette and
working by the month; he also spent two Harrison Counties, for seven years. When
years in Canada, collecting for a party doing Mr. Root went to Kentucky, he made a

business there, and, in 1836, November 12, trip horseback to Michigan; this was about
he drove the first car over the Erie & Kala- the year 1832, and, in 1839, he came horse-
mazoo Railroad, from Toledo to Adrian, now back to Illinois, and bought a claim to his

part of Southern Michigan. November 1, present place, which he occupied, and has
1837. he came and bought a claim
to Illinois lived here since, except about a year he lived
in what is now Wayne Township, Du Page in Indiana. In 1841, he married Miss Syl-
County, and improved the place, and, in the vania Graves, a native of New York; she
fall of 1843, he sold out and came to Win- came to Du Page County with her parents;
field Township, and has farmed in the town- she died September 22, 1847; they had three
ship ever since. He owns 120 acres, located children. In 1847, he married Miss Marietta
one mile east of Turner. He married Miss Hallenbeck, a native of Erie County, N. Y.
Maria L. Kimball, a native of Vermont; she she came to Du Page County, 111., with her
came to Illinois with her parents. By the parents, in 1843; they had seven children.
marriage, there have been twelve children, He is Republican, and a member of the Baptist
of whom seven are living. He is Republi- Church for the past forty years; also Mrs. Root
can in his politics; he has served as Assessor is a member of the Baptist Church. He owns
of Winfield Township some seven or eight 190 acres, located three miles east of Batavia.
W. T. REED, Eeed & Stark, general store, Wayne during the summers and teaching
Turner; is a native of Du Page County, 111.; writing in the winters. He then accepted
liewas born on the farm in Wayne Township, the position of Deputy Circuit Clerk, under
in the year 1843, and is the third of seven chil- Mr. W'hitney, and held the position about
dren born to Geo. W. and Juda A. Ellenwood one year, when he enlisted in the Fifty-fifth
Reed, of Wayne Township. Our subject was Regiment Illinois Infantry, Company, C, and
raised on the farm and received a common- was appointed Quartermaster Sergeant, and
school education. After he became of age, he served fifteen months, when he was dis-
began farming on the shares, which he contin- charged, after which he became a citizen em-
ued until 1876, when he removed to Turner and ploye in the Quartermaster's department, and
engaged in partnership with Mr. Voll in the held the position until the close of the war,
general store business, and, about one and a when he returned home to Wayne Township,
half years later, Mr. Voll sold his interest to and clerked in a general store for about one
Mr. Stark, and they have conducted it since. and one-half years, at Lincoln, 111. He then
In 1864, he enlisted in the One Hundred and engaged in the business at that place on his
Forty- first Regiment Illinois Infantry, and was own account, which he conducted until the
in the service about five months. In 1878, fall of 1869; he then became a salesman in

he married Miss Maggie Campbell, a native the office of Franklin McVeagh & Co., of Chi-
of Philadelphia; she came to DuPage Coun- cago, and, four years later, began traveling
ty, 111., with her parents. By the marriage on the road for the same house, with whom
there is one child — Jennie Irene. He is Re- he has remained since. In 1865, he married
publican in politics, and has served as Police Miss Elvira Currier, a native of Du Page
Magistrate for two years. County, 111. she died in 1876.
; By the mar-
0. K. SANDERS, commercial traveler, riage there was one child —
Bertha D. In
Turner, is a native of Cattaraugus County, N. 1878, he married Mrs. Almeda E. Townsend,
Y. he was born in the year 1836, and is the
; a native of Utica, N. Y. There are no children.
eldest of four children, born to James and EDGAR STEPHENS, of Wiant & Stephens,
Betsy Irish Sanders; they were natives of general store, Turner; is a native of Morris
Vermont and New York; they married in County, N. J.; he was born in the year 1845.
New York, and came WT est in 1841, and In 1847, the family moved West to Illinois,
rented a farm in Wayne Township, Du Page and located at Geneva, where they lived for
County, 111., and, two years later, bought a seven years, then moved on a farm, two miles
piece of land and began building a house on south of Batavia. Our subject lived at home
the place, but died before it was completed, until 1861,when he enlisted in the Forty-
and Mrs. Sanders sold the place and soon Becond Regiment Illinois Infantry, Company
after married Mr. O. Higgins, and lived in I, and served three years; he was in the bat-
Wayne Township until about 1881, when tles of Stone River, Chickamauga, Mission
they moved to Turner, where they now live. Ridge; at the latter place was wounded
Our subject lived at home
was about until he and joined his regiment about five months
eighteen; he received a common-school edu- later, and took part in the Atlanta campaign
cation; he spent one year in the East, and, — battles of Jonesboro and Kenesaw Moun-
while there, taught writing, and returning tain; from the army he came home and en-
home in the spring, clerked in a store in gaged as fireman on the North-Western Rail-
way for two years; he then became engineer C. P. STARK, of Reed & Stark, general
and continued with the company nine years store, Turner, is Du Page Coun-
a native of
longer. He then became a partner in the ty, 111.he was born on the farm in the year

present business. He is Republican in poli- 1855, and is the second of nine children born
tics, and has held the office of Trustee of Tur- to Martin and Margaret (Voll) Stark; they
ner and Township Treasurer. In 1869, he were natives of Germany; she came to Amer-
married Miss Alice Wiant, daughter of Joel ica with her parents, and he came to America
Wiant, Esq., of Turner. By the marriage, in 1847, and settled in Du Page County, 111.
there have been four children, one of whom Our subject lived at home until he was about
is living, viz., Lloyd Stephens. fifteen years of age, then engaged as a clerk
JOSEPH W. SMITH, Postmaster, Tur- in a general store at Turner, and continued
ner, is a native of Cazenovia, Madison Co. clerking at Turner and Chicago for seven
N. Y. ; he was born in the year 1812. In years (one year in Chicago), and, in 1877, he
1819, the family moved to Gates, Monroe purchased Mr. Voll's interest in the business
County, N. Y., where his father died; he and formed the firm of Reed & Stark. In
then went back to Cazenovia, and lived with 1881, he married Miss Ida M. Reed, a native
his uncle until he was about sixteen years of of Du Page County, 111. , daughter of George
age, during which time he worked at black- W. Reed, of Wayne Township. Mr. Stark
smithing; he then went to Greece, Monroe Co. is Democratic and has served as
in politics,
N. Y., where his mother lived. February 28, Town Clerk three terms and Village Clerk
1829, he enlisted in the United States Army, four or five years.
and was in the service for three years; he CHRISTIAN D. SMAIL, farmer, P. O.
then learned the cooper's trade and followed Winfield, is a native of Mecklenburg, Ger-
the business in Monroe County and in the many; he was born in the year 1812; he was
State of Michigan for eighteen years, where raised a farmer and shepherd, and, in 1849,
he engaged first as trackman and then as fire- he married Miss Mary Witt, a native of
man on the Michigan Central Railroad, and Mecklenburg, and the same year came to
he engaged with the New Albany & Sa-
later, America, and lived for three years in Chi-
lem Railroad, having charge of their black- cago, and then came to De Plaines, where he
smith shops. In 1857, he came to Turner lived about one and one-half years, and, in
and engaged as blacksmith for the old Galena 1853, he came to Du Page County and rented
Railroad. During the war, he enlisted in a farm in Winfield Township. In 1858, he
the One Hundred and Forty-first Illinois Vol- bought and occupied his present place.
unteer Infantry, and served about five months, There were two children one liv ng Caro- — —
and, on his return, he resumed his place with line; she married, January 15, 187-4, Mr.
the railroad company. In 1873, he was com- Christian Fessler, a native of Baden, Ger-
missioned Postmaster of Turner, and has held many; he was born October 4, 1841; he was
the position since. October 20, 1833, he raised a Earmer, and received a common-
married Miss Eliza Ann, daughter of Dr. school education, and served as a teamster in
Moses Lewis, of Greece, N. Y. they had five
; the French and German war; he came to
children, three ofwhom are living two sons — America in 1871, and worked at farming in
and one daughter; the latter married Mr. D. Du Page County. By the marriage there are
C. Stanley, of Downer's Grove. —
two children Flora and George. Mr. and

Mrs. Fessler live on the old homestead with pears in this work, is a native of Luzerne
Mr. Srnail. He owns forty acres, located two County, Penn. ; he was born December 10,

and a half miles south of Winfield. 1812, and was raised on the farm; his educa-
JOHN WEST, drugs and general store, tion was obtained in the common schools of his
Turner, is a native of England; he was born day; he lived at home until he became of age,
in the year 1 829. In 1830, his parents moved and then went to the vicinity of Mauch Chunk,
to America, and located in Oneida County, where he was principally engaged as a clerk
N. Y., where they engaged in the man- in a hotel until 1837, when, with a Benjamin
ufacture of woolens, which business they Fuller and family, he came West by team,
and their ancestors carried on in England for via Chicago, and stopped at Spencer's Cross-
generations. Our subject was raised in ing, owing to the roads. He and Mr. Fuller
Oneida County, and received his education took horses and prospected, visiting Rockford
at the Whitesboro Academy. When about and Dixon, returning, intending to go to
eighteen, he began as book-keeper in a gen- Dixon, but, owing to the roads, they stopped
in W ayne Township, where they bought
eral store, and, in 1850, he visited one year in
England; in 1852, he engaged in that busi- claims. Mr. Wiant lived with Mr. Fuller
ness on his own account; in 1855, he went to about one and one-half years; he then went
California via Panama and lived there about East and married Miss Rhoda Wolever, a na-
fifteen months, being engaged in mining; he tive of Sunbury, Penn.; after their marriage,
then returned East and soon after took charge they occupied their place in W^ayne, to which
of a general store at Blackberry, 111., and, in piece after piece of land was added, until fin-

the spring of 1857, he located at Turner aud ally it contained over 400 acres Mrs. Wiant
opened a general and has conducted
store, died June 6, 1851; they had four children,
the business ever since, he being the oldest all of whom are living to-day. October 17,
merchant in the town. In 1852, he married 1852, he married Miss Dorcas W olever,
Miss Elizabeth Allison, a native of Leeds, twin sister of the first wife. By this mar-
England; she came to America with her par- riage one child has been born, which died
ents. By the marriage there have been four September 22, 1865. In 185S, he moved to
children, three of whom are living. He was the Junction, trading a part of his farm for a
formerly a Whig, and, later, a Republican; store property and grounds. He conducted the
from 1860 to 1869, he was Postmaster of store until 1862, when he traded his business
Turner; he has also served as Town Clerk, in for a farm near Wheaton and a village prop-
all about fifteen years. In 1818, Mr. West erty in that village, where he moved, and, in
and his father subscribed for twenty shares in 1865, he returned to Turner and opeued up
the old Galena & Chicago Railroad, and that in the old store again, firm, J. Wiant & Sons,
$2,000 has now increased to $20,000, besides and was connected with the business about
the dividends, and has remained in the fam- four years, since which time his sons have
ily. The children are as follows: John A. conducted the business. He then built his
West, musician and organist in the Church present elegant brick house, where he has lived
of the Ascension, Chicago ; Mrs. J. T. retired since. In politics, Mr. Wiant was
Hosford, and Annie West, Utica, N. Y. formerly a Whig, but, since the organization
JOEL WIANT, retired, Turner Junction. of the Republican party, has voted that ticket.

The subject of this sketch, whose portrait ap- While in Wayne, he served as Assessor, Col-

lectorand Highway Commissioner. In 1869, born to Joel and Rhoda Wolever Wiant, who
he was appointed by the Board of Supervisors are spoken of elsewhere in this work. Mr.
County Treasurer, which office he held about Wiant was raised on the farm until fourteen
two years. years of age, when the family moved to Tur-
A. H. WIANT, United States Gauger, ner. He received, in addition to the common
Turner, is a native of Wayne Township, Da schools, two terms at Wheaton College; he
Page County, 111. ; he was born in the year assisted his father in the store, and, in 1865,
1841, and is the oldest of five children born to became a partner with his father and brother,
Joel and Rhoda Wolever Wiant who are spoken and has been identified with the store ever
of elsewhere in this work. Our subject was since. October, 1877, he married Mis^ Mary
raised on his father's farm, and, in addition to Moore, a native of Canada; she came to Tur-
the common ha attended the Wheaton
schools, ner, 111., with her parents. By the marriage
College a short period. At the age of seven- there are two children — Edith and Clare.
teen, the family moved to Turner, and, in HENRY S. WILLIAMS, farmer, P. O.
1862, they moved
Wheaton, where he en-
to Warrenville, is a native of Jefferson County,
listed in CompanyOne Hundred and Fifth
B, N. Y. ; he was born in the year 1820; his
Regiment Illinois Infantry, and was in the parents, William and Mary Sterling Williams,
service nearly three years; during the first were natives of Connecticut and New York.
year and a half, he acted as Commissary for Mary Judge Ster-
Sterling was a daughter of
the company. He was with his regiment in ling, who was the first Judge of Herkimer
the battles of Resaca, Cassville, the Atlanta County, N. Y. William Williams was a
campaign, Kenesaw Mountain and Peach Tree farmer; he went to New York when a young
Creek, the march to the sea, Averysboro and man and married there. In 1834, he came
Bentonville, and finally, at the review in West afoot, and made a large claim near
Washington, D. C. He served every day with Warrenville, 111. ; he also made a timber
the command, never being ill or injured in claim in the Big Woods, where he put up a
any way; from the army he came to Turner, log house, in 1836; he was joined by a daugh-
111., and became a partner in the firm of Wi- ter and two sons, and, in the following year,
ant & Sons' general store, and, a few years built the house on the prairie claim, one mile
later, the firm became Wiant Bros., Mr. Wi- west of Warrenville. In 1838, his wife and
ant continuing in the business until 1876; he several children came. Mr. Williams was a
then sold out and engaged as a traveling militia man, and took part in the battle of
salesman for Franklin McVeagh& Co., of Chi- Sackett's Harbor. He was very poor when
cago, and, the same year, he was appointed ho came West, and borrowed $43 of Dr. Max
"United States Gauger and has held the office well, of the United States Army, at Fort Dear-
since. In 1870, he married Miss Ella Haffey, born. He made a claim of 1,600 acres when
a native of Turner, 111. By the marriage he first came, but it was jumped down to 320,
there is one child, viz., Lester Albert. upon which he and his wife lived until their
THOMAS WIANT, of Wiant & Stephens, death. Henry S. Williams was raised a
general merchandise, Turner, is a native of farmer, and had but limited opportunities
Du Page County, 111. ; he was born on his in the schools of his day. In 1836, he came
father's farm in Wayne Township, December West with his brother and sister, and, the
24, 1844, and is the second of four children next year, assisted in building his present
residence; he worked on the farm which where the parents died, and the son has lived
finally became his after his parents' death. here since. In 1853, he married Miss Saloma
In 1855, he married Miss Sarah Jane Welty, Kress, a native of Baden, Germany; she came
a native of Maryland; they have no children, to the United States of America with Mr.

but one adopted daughter Florence "Will- Wurtz. There have been five children, three
iams. of whom are living —
Mary B., Susan K. and
JACOB WURTZ, invalid, Turner, is a Annie E. Mr. Wurtz was a Revolutionary
native of Baden, Germany; he was born in soldier in the rebellion in Baden against the
the year 1823 ; he was raised on the farm and Prince. He is He owns 230
received a common-school education; his acres in this county, besides some timber land
father was a weaver, and he learned the same in Kane County. The homestead is located
business, and worked at it and farming. In three miles southwest of Turner.
1848-49, when the Revolution took place, he CHRISTIAN WURTZ, farmer, P. O. Tur-
took up arms against the Prince, and, in ner, is Germany; he was
a native of Baden,
1849, he and hia brother Christian came to born in the year 1828, and came to America
America and worked in New York State by in 1849 with his brother; they worked for
the day for about two years, when their par- two years in Erie County, N. Y., and then
ents came to America and they all came wrote to their parents, Michael and Suzannah
West and settled in Winfield Township, Du C. Pfeifer Wurtz; they- came and bought a
Page County, 111., where the parents died. farm in Winfield Township, Du Page County,
Mr. Jacob Wurtz has lived here since; for 111.,where they lived until their death. Our
the past eight years he has been afflicted with subject married, in 1857, Miss Elizabeth
paralysis, and has been confined most of the Bachman; she was born in Wurtemberg, Ger-
time. In 1849, he married Miss Saloma many, and came to America with her brother
Schocb, a native of Baden, Germany; she After the marriage, they lived on the old home
came over to America at the same time he farm; he then bought and moved to a place
did. —
There are four children Mrs. Saloma on the Geneva Railroad, and, later, came to
Asmus, farming in Erie County, N. Y. his present place. There have been nine
Christian, fanning in Erie County, N. Y. children, seven living —
B. Franklin, Michael
Mrs. Louisa, wife of Rev. Mr. Wolf, of Cook

E., Suzannah C, George W., Christian J.,

County, 111., and Michael, managing the Carrie D. and Louisa S. E. He is Republi-
home farm, which contains 102 acres, located can. Mr. Wurtz owns about 356 acres; his
two and a half miles, southwest of Turner. residence is located two and one-half miles
MICHAEL WURTZ, farmer, P. O.Turner, northwest of Turner. He is a member of the
is a native of Baden, Germany; he was born Evangelical Church since childhood, and has
in the year 1825; he was raised a farmer and taken an active interest in its affairs.

received a common-school education; when COL. J. M. WARREN, retired, Warren-

about fifteen years of age, he began working ville, is a native of Fredonia, N. Y. ;he was
at weaving, which he followed for about born in the year 1810, and is the third of
three years; he also worked at washing gold eight children born to Daniel and Nancy
in the Rhine and also at fishing. In 1851, Morton Warren; they were natives of Worces-
he and his parents came to the United States ter County, Mass. they married in Madison

of America, and settled on the present place, County, N. Y., in 1803, and moved to Chautau-

qua County soon after. He conducted a grist ceiving his education by attending night
and saw mill, and also carried on a general schools. In 1846, he married Miss Ann Bar-
store, and, at one time, a distillery. In 1833, ber, a Rothwell, Yorkshire, Eng.
native of
they came West by teams, the Colonel and In 1849, they came to America, and located
two sisters coming in the spring, and made on a farm near Winfield, where they farmed
a claim to about 160 acres, where Warrenville for eighteen years; they then sold out and
now stands. His father came out the same came to his present place, located one mile
spring, and bought a claim on the river north east of Turner, where he has lived since. By
of Naperville, where he lived several years, the marriage there are nine children, of
when they came here and lived with their whom eight are living — Joseph A. Ward, liv-

son, where they died, he July 6, 1866, and ing in Sycamore, 111. ; Mrs. Annie Gladding,
she February 4, 1873, they living to the age of Fulton County, William K. Ward, of
111. ;

of eighty-six and eighty-eight respectively. Turner, 111.; Mrs. Mary Roundy, of Turner,
Col. Warren farmed his claim, upon which 111.; John L., George Alfred, Ella May and
he built the first house in the village of War- Charles D. , at home. Mr. Ward is Republi-
renville, which was laid out on the claim can in his politics.
about 1836; he also built and conducted, in SANFORD WATSON, farmer, P. O. Ba-
company with Philo Carpenter, of Chicago, tavia, is a native of Cortland County, N.
a saw-mill. He also conducted a general Y. ; he was born in the year 1839, and is the
store in Warrenville for a number of years. fourth of eight children born to Eliphalet S.
He was the first Postmaster of the place, and and Lois Kendall Watson; they were natives
has held the office some twenty-five
in all of New York and Massachusetts; he was a
years. He was formerly a Democrat in poli- carpenter and also farmed. In 1844. they
tics, his first vote being for Jackson, and has came West and settled in Winfield Township,
been Republican since the second administra- Du Page County, 111., where Mrs. Watson
tion of Lincoln. In 1844, he was elected to died; he afterward married Miss Morina
the Legislature from the Will District, rep- Bartholomew, and lived on the old homestead
resenting Du Page, Will, Kankakee and until 1882, when they moved to Geneva, where
Iroquois Counties, and, later, was elected to they now live. Our subject was raised on the
fill a vacancy. The Colonel was raised in farm he received a common-school education

the village of Fredonia until he was fourteen he also taught school a number of terms. On
years of age; he received a common- school, becoming of age, he began working as a car-
course of study; after he became old enough, penter with his brother. In 1S62, he married
he assisted in his father's business, which, Miss Jane Coopei a native of Ohio; she came

at the time, was principally confined to the to Du Page County, 111,, with her parents.
distillery, where he worked until he came In the fall One
of 1862, he enlisted in the
West. Hundred and Fifth Regiment Illinois Infant-
DAVID WARD, farmer, P. 0. Turner, is ry, and some three months later, he was trans-

a native of Roth well, Yorkshire, England; he ferred to the Pioneer Corps, and served for
was born in the year 1826; his father was a three years. From the army he returned
coal miner, and David was put in the mine home and began farming, also doing carpen-
at nine years of age, and continued at work ter work. They have four children— Irving
in the mines for about thirteen years, he re- S., attending Grinnell College, Iowa; Charles

S., Mary E. and Frank S. s

at home. He is born and Fulder, except a two years' vacation,
Republican; lie owns 113 acres located two owing to sickness, until 1864, he came to
miles east of Batavia. America, and studied for four years at the St.
REV. JOHN WIEDERHOLD, Winfield, Mary's Seminary, of Chicago, and then fin-

is a native of Westphalia, Prussia; he was ished his studies in Milwaukee, where he was
born in the year 1840; he was born on his ordained by Bishop Henne and was appoint-
father' s farm, and lived there until he was ed to his present parish, where he has pre-
twelve years of age, when he began to pre-
pare for-the ministry, and studied at Pader-

IRA ALBRO, farmer, Wayne Township, latter was in the war of 1812, came West in
was born in Erie County, N. Y., October 31, 1853, and died February 2, 1861; his wife
1809, son of John and Martha (Gardner) Al- died January 4, 1862.
bro. John Albro was a native of Rhode Isl- ROBERT YOUNG BENJAMIN, farmer,
and, to which State his ancestors came from P. O. Turner Junction. Of the pioneer repre-
Nova Scotia. He was twice married; his sentatives of Du Page County, this gentleman
wife was Betsey Dunham, sister of Solomon ranks among the
first. At the time of his
Dunham, of Du Page County; his second coming, the red man had not taken his final de-
wife, Martha Gardiner, bore him seven chil- parture, and was watching with envious
dren, all of whom grew to maturity, none of anxiety the encroachments of the "pale face"
whom, however, came West, save Ira, our sub- upon their domain and the consequent dimi-

ject, the eldest of the family. He came to nution of their own numbers. Robert Young
Illinois in the spring of 1835; worked out by Benjamin was born in the (then) wilds of the
the month some time; took a claim of 228 Buckeye State July 7, 1808, near Worthington,
acres of land in the fall of the same year, Franklin Co., Ohio. He was the eldest son
and has since resided on the place. He has and the third child of his father, Daniel Ben-
devoted his attention to farming since he set- jamin, a native of New York State, son of
tled here; he started on his farm, May, 1866, William. Daniel Benjamin was a carpenter
the first cheese factory in this section of the by trade, and emigrated to Ohio and made
country, which he sold after running it seven his settlement north of where Columbus now
years; his farm now comprises about three stands, and was one of the early pioneers of
hundred acres of land. Mr. Albro was mar- Franklin County. He married Martha, a
ried, September 29, 1839, to Betsey Dunharn, daughter of Robert Young, who was a native
born in Erie County, N. Y., June 24, lS19, of county Tyrone, Robert, whose
eldest daughter of Solomon Dunham. Mrs. name heads was named for his
this sketch,
Albro died October 25, 1880, leaving one son, mother; he was reared to farm labor, and as-
Adrian B., born in 1841; she was a woman sisted his father when young in clearing up
of worth and of marked character, and did the farm, and thus early in life became accus-
much good in the community. Mr. Albro tomed to the usages and inconveniences that
was a Democrat, as was also his father. The are necessarily incident to frontier life. His

school advantages, as a matter of course, were ers named Bartlett came from England at an
very meager; the elements of reading, writ- early day in the history of this country, one
ing, etc., were acquired in the log cabins of settling in New Hampshire, one in Massachu-
that day; his principal schooling was such as setts and one elsewhere. To Luther and
he obtained in the busy school of life ex- — Annie (Nims) Bartlett was born seven chil-
perience. February 25, 1826, he married dren, all of whom lived to maturity. Luther
Nancy, who was born March 8, 1808, in Hop- Bartlett, father of subject, died on the home-

kins County, Ky. daughter of John Groff.

, stead in Conway, and there our subject was
In the spring of 1834, he came West to this raised to maturity. He taught school for
State, and the 12th of May he made his loca- several years. In the fall of 1842, he came
tion where he now resides, and the 15th, three to Michigau. and the following summer he
days from his arrival, he moved into his and his brother Lyman bought farm in

house, which was the first one built in the Wayne Township of 320 acres, and settled
township. His claim amounted to about four upon the same, and the following spring
hundred acres, which he purchased of the (1844) they bought of the State enough land
Government as soon as it came into market. to make 765 acres in all. Here he remained
Here he settled, and for well on to half a until his death, June 25, 1882, of Bright's
century he has been a constant resident of the disease; he was sick only a few days; he was
place, and been identified with the interests a life-long Democrat; he was Supervisor
of the county and township. Of eight chil- several years. The deceased was a man
dren born to him, seven are living, viz., Will- highly respected in the community in which
iam, Allen, Daniel andNathan (twins), George, he lived; was strictly upright and honest in all
Walter and Elizabeth. The above are living, his dealings with his f ellew-men, and although
but variously scattered. William resides in not a member of any church, was extremely lib-
Roseburg, Ore., Register of Land Office there; eral to all denominations, November 8, 1844,
Allen, Walter and Daniel are in Harrison he was married to Sophia, daughter of Chester
County, Iowa; George resides in Montana; and Sophia (Palsifer) Bartlett, he a native of
Elizabeth and Nathan are residents of Wayne Massachusetts, born in 1788, and died in
Township; Elizabeth is the wife of John 1850; she born in 1798. Chester Bartlett
Kline. Mr. Benjamin has now 150 acres of and wife came West in 1843.
land,and is yet engaged in the cultivation WILLIAM BLANK, farmer, P. O. Bart-
and management of the same, and has always lett. Of the wealthy farmers in the township
been one of the township's worthy citizens. there are none that are entitled to more credit
He is not a member of any church or society. than William Blank. He was born April
Politically, he has since his youth been a 12, 1823, in Pennsylvania, near the Lehigh
stanch Democrat. River, son of William Blank and Sarah Hick-
LUTHER BARTLETT, deceased, was born man, both of the same State. Our subject
July 21, 3817, in Conway, Franklin Co., started out in life upon his own resources.
Mass., of a family of six sons and one daugh- He had no school advantages; could just read
ter, he being the fourth son and the fifth and write his name, but had no knowledge of
child that grew to maturity. His father was figures whatever. He worked out by the
Luther, and his mother's maiden name was month, and got means to enable him to come
Annie Nims. of Massachusetts. Three broth- West. Upon his arrival, he had nothing but

his hands, but he labored on; he came West has a fine farm of 211 acres. Mrs. Barber
in 1845. In 1850, he went the overland route died July 4, 1875, leaving three children
to California, and while on his way had some Caroline E., wife of Josiah Sterns, of Bloom-
trying experiences; was sick six months, and ingdale Township ; Mary, wife of I. B. Kin-
was in danger of his life from the Indians, ney, andHenry F., living on the homestead,
and other difficulties. While he remained in who married Mary Moore, who has borne him
California, he was engaged in teaming and three children ; Barton H. , May and Howard.
mining. He succeeded in saving some JOHN CARR, farmer, P. O. Turner Junc-
money, and upon his return to the county he tion, whose portrait appears in this work, was
settled permanently, and has since remained. born in June, 1808, in Ireland, and emigrat-
He is a self-made man, and what he has ac- ed to Vermont in 1S34, where he worked by
cumulated has been by hard labor, having the month at a small salary for one year, when
never speculated nor engaged in any com- he went to Massachusetts, and farmed for
mercial business. He has 181 acres, upon two years. In 1837, he came to Chicago, and
which he put all the substantial improve- subsequently to Batavia, where he engaged
ments. July 1, 1847, he married Mrs. Elea- in a grist mill at $20 per month. Within
nor Blank, born April 12, 1822, in Perry about one year he took sick, and when able

County, Penn., daughter of Benjamin Dunkel- to work, his means were exhausted, and he
berge. Mr. Blank has four children — Orlin- started again anew. In 1S41, he was married
thia. Evaline, Lydia A. and Allison. Orlin- to Bridget McGuire, which union blessed
thia married Albert Ellis; Evaline, wife of him with two children that grew up. viz.,
Dr. Vanderhoof. Mr. Blank's first purchase William J. and Ann. He began buying land
was eighty acres, costing $8 per acre, and as soon as he could save some means from his
after added forty more, for which he paid daily labors, such as digging wells, chopping
$15 per acre. He purchased and located wood, etc. He has now 250 acres of well-im
where he now resides in December, 1866; proved land, the result of his own labors
farm cost $-40 per acre. He lived for many years in Winfield Town
HENRY F. BARBER, farmer, P. O. ship, and in 1 867 he settled where he now re
"Wayne, was born in Benson, Rutland Co., sides in Wayne Townnship. He has ex
Vt.. July 12, 1804, and is a son of Levi and perienced the hardships that make up the life

Rebecca (Hinman) Barber, natives of Wor- of the pioneer. He labored for some time in
cester, Mass, aud parents of nine children a distillery, yet has never attained the habit
six sons and three daughters. Mr. Barber of drinking strong drinks. He has hauled
remained on the homestead farm until he wheat from this township to Chicago and
grew to manhood, and in January, 1828, mar- sold it for 40 cents per bushel, and also oats
ried Huldah L. King, born in 1806, daughter at 20 cents. He served one term as School
of David King. Mr. Barber came to this Trustee. He and wife early united with the
county in the fall of 1852, and purchased a Catholic Church. He votes the Democratic
farm in Bloomingdale Township, where he ticket. His son William was married to
remained about three years; then moved to Mary E. Lynch, a daughter of James and
Cook County, 111. ; lived there until about the Margaret Lynch, by whom he has. as a result
year 1869, then moved to his present place of his union, four children, viz., Anna, John,
in Wayne Township. Section 15, where he Gertie and James W. William has good

land adjoining the home place, and he with country and were prominently identified
his family reside with his parents and sister with its interests, was Solomon Dunham;
Ann, who was never married. "William is although not an actual resident of the county,
now School Director, and has served in some yet living as he did near the line, and in
small offices. Our subject has always taken I that early time lines were not as closely
a deep interest in educating his children, yet drawn as now, and being a man of much more
he had but little chance himself. He is now than natural ability, possessed of an educa-
well along in years, burdened with poor tion much superior to the settlers in common,
health, while his consort suffers with cancer and being of strong mind and of a positive
on the hand. nature, his influence was felt to a large
BOBERT CARSWELL, farmer, Wayne degree for miles about him. Hence, though
Township, was born in Scotland May 1, Solomon Dunham was not an actual settler of
1837, son of Allen and Janet (Johnson) Du Page County, yet it is no more than just
Carswell. Our subject was the youngest of to him that he receive some honorable men-
three sons, and emigrated to Herkimer Coun- tion in this volume. Most of his children
ty, N. Y. with his parents.
, He engaged for and descendents have since become identified
several years in agricultural pursuits in dif- with this county. He was born in Saratoga
ferent counties in New York State ; then went County, N. Y. in 1791., His father, who was
to New Jersey, where he engaged in farming an officer in the war of the Revolution, was a
in Hudson County for two years; then located native of England, and had several sons, some

in Otsego County, N. Y. From there Mr. of whom took sides with the British, and were
Carswell came to Wayne Township, Du Page denominated Tories. The father of our sub-
County, 111. For several years after coming ject took the side of the colonists, and took
Mr. Carswell worked at the car-
to Illinois, up arms against his brothers. Solomon, our
penter's trade,which he had learned in New subject, was bereft of his father at an early
Jersey. In 1872, he married Emma Dun- age, and was thus early in life thrown upon
ham, youngest daughter of Solomon Dunham, his own resources. He soon learned the tan-
one of the old pioneers and representative ner's and and that of shoemak-
currier's trade
men of this county. After marriage, Mr. ing, all of which he carried on for several
Carswell lived one year in Wheaton, and the years. He used to run a boat on the Hudson
following spring located in this township, of River; was engaged in the lumber business,
which he has since been a resident. He has and was on a sail boat passing down the river
173 acres of land under cultivation, and ten when the first steamboat plowed the Hudson,
acres of timber land. Since purchasing his and his boat run a race with the new steamer.
place, he has erected a good house and barn He afterward removed West to Cattaraugus
and made general improvements. Aside County, N. Y. and still carried on his trade

from general farming, Mr. Carswell raises and engaged in farming to some extent. As
Norman horses and conducts a dairy, having the tide of emigration was drifting west-
thirty seven cows. Mr. and Mrs. Carswell ward, he caught the spirit of the times, and
i —
have four ch ldren Robert F. Ira A. Grace D.
, , in March, 1835, started with his family in a
and Willard B. Mr. Carswell is a Republican. wagon, the party consisting of himself, wife
SOLOMON DUNHAM, deceased. Of the —
and seven children Betsey, Daniel, Harriet,
early settlers who came to this region of Cordelia, Jane, Julia and Helen. He located

on Section 12, now St. Charles Township, eldest son of Solomon and Lydia (Ballard)
bought a claim of about four hundred acres of Dunham. At the age of five years, he removed
land of Frances Perry, a portion of land ex- with his parents to Gowanda, Cattaraugus
tending intoDu Page County. He studied Co., N. Y., where he remained till the spring
surveying, and surveyed off and divided many of 1835, when he came West to Illinois, and
of the claims that were taken at that time, and located at St. Charles Township, Kane
in the settling these lines it often required County, one-half mile from the
Page Dn
much promptness and decision of character to County line, where his father purchased
settle disputes among the real claimants and about 400 acres of land from Francis Perry.
the "jumpers." He was the first Station Mr. Dunham lived with his parents until he
Agent at "Wayne Station on the Chicago & was twenty-seven years of age, having, in
Galena Kailroad, and built the first store 1812, purchased a farrn of 250 acres in this
there. In politics, he was a Jefferson Demo- county, which he began improving in 1849.
crat, and up to the time of his death was true November 5, 1853, he married Olive Hatha-
to the principles he held. He was a good way, born in Steuben County, N. Y. in May, ,

farmer, and was successful in his business 1837, eldest daughter of Edward and Sallie
affairs. He was a good neighbor, and a valu- A. (Dolph) Hathaway ,he born in Massachu-
able member of the Commonwealth. He setts in 1815, son of Joel Hathaway, she

was the first County Commissioner and first born in Steuben County, N. Y. daughter of

Assessor in Kane County, and took an active Alvin and Mary (Calkins) Dolph. The
part in the interests of the county as long as Hathaway family moved West in 1844 to St.
he lived. He died in April, 1865. His mar- Louis, Mo., where they remained until 1850,
riage to Lydia Ballard was blessed with when they came to Wayne Township, this
eleven children, all born in New York, except county. Mr. Dunham built a house in 1849,
Mark W. and Emma, now Mrs. Carswell; six on his farm, where, after his marriage, he
are living — Daniel, Harriet. Cordelia, Helen, located and has since remained. Mr. and
Mark W. and Emma, all now in Wayne Town- Mrs. Dunham have four daughters — Ellen
ship, except Mark W. and Harriet the latter ; D., wife of Joseph Boss, of Wayne Town-
resides in St. Charles Township, adjoining ship; Flora I., wife of Charles P. Dewey,
Wayne Township, wife of Mark W. Fletcher. of the banking firm of Birge & Dewey,
Betsey,now deceased, married Ira Albro; Toulon, Stark Co., 111.; Julia and Mary at

Helen; Jane married Daniel Stearns; Julia home. Mr. Dunham began breeding and
died aged sixteen; Cordelia resides in Wayne importing Norman horses in 1872, and makes
Township, wife of Peter Pratt; Emma, wife a specialty of that business, in which he has
of Robert Carswell; Mark W., on the home- met with good success. He has now forty
stead. Solomon Dunham died April. 1865. brood mares and eighty head in all. Prior
DANIEL DUNHAM, farmer, breeder and to his engaging in the breeding and import-
importer of Percheron horses; residence, ing of fine horses, he followed the dairy busi-
Grove Place; P. O. Wayne; is one of. the ness, beginning in 1868. He kept about 100
prominent farmers of Du Page County, and cows, and, in the summer of 1877, shipped
ranks among the first of the breeders of fine to Chicago 7,000 cans of milk. Before keep-
stock in the State. He was born in Erie ing the daiiy farm, he fed cattle for about
County, N. Y., January 13, 1821, and is the ten years, shipping large numbers of cattle

and hogs. He carried on the dairy business with them in Will County, and remained
till1880, since which time he has given his there until his location on the farm he owns,
attention to his horses. He has 800 acres of which was shortly after his marriage, which
land, and one of the best improved farms in occurred in July, 1866, to Lucinda Smith,
this county. Among the breeders of Per- daughter of John Smith, one of the early
cheron horses in the United States, Mr. Dun- settlers. Mr. Gorham has an excellent
ham ranks third. He is a supporter of the farm; the buildings he has erected since his
Democratic party. purchase; he has one child —Willis, born
LYMAN W. DURFEE (deceased) was October 17, 1871. His father, William Gor-
born in Windsor County, Vt., April 4, 1802; ham, was born in old Stratford, Conn. about ,

second son of Nathan and Cynthia (Slade) the year 1792, son of William and Mary
Durfee, natives of Vermont. Our subject (Cannon) Gorham. Mary Cannon was born
was raised on a farm, and was early in life in France; her father came over with Lafay-
thrown on his own resources. He finally ette,and fought in the Revolution under
purchased some land and engaged in farm- Washington. William Gorham, the grand-
ing. June 5, 1825, he married Betheny Al- father of our subject, was a sea pilot by oc-
len, born November 4, 1807, in Cayuga cupation. He had ten children born to him.
County, N. Y., eldest child of Barry and viz., Le Grand, Joseph, Hannah, William,
Abigail (Derby) Allen, she a native of New Mary, Lewis, Stephen, Charlotte, Curtis and
York State, and he of Vermont. Mr. Durfee Betsy. Le Grand was born the day that
came "West in the fall of 1838; spent that Danbury was burned; he settled in Massa-
winter two miles east of Elgin; thence he chusetts, and run a mill and kept a hotel at
came to Kane County, 111. near the Du Page
, Great Barrington. Joseph went off with
County line, where he worked three years. Commodore Porter on the sea, and was never
He visited this county first in 1837, and heard of after. Hannah married George
brought his family here in 1838; in 1842, Robson, a Revolutionary soldier; they settled
he pre empted a piece of land, which he in New York. Mary settled in the same
afterward lost, and the following year bought place; she was the wife of George Cox.
forty acres for $40; he added to this land till Lewis settled in Great Barrington. Stephen
he had 120 acres at the time of his death, in old Stratford, where he was born. Betsy
which occurred December 5, 1874; he was a married Capt. Kimball, and settled in New
Democrat. Mr. and Mrs. Durfee had eight York. Charlotte and Curtis never married,

children Jane, living in Jackson County, so far as known. Sarah Holloway, the
Wis., wife of Irvin Whitney; Martin, en- mother of W. J. was born July 22, 1800, in

gaged in mining in Arizona; Harvey, in Pawling, Dutchess Co., N. Y., daughter

Kansas; Henry, in Idaho, mining; Almera, of Justice and Hannah (Parks) Holloway.
deceased; Andrew, Frank and Abigail, at Hannah was a daughter of Jacob Parks and
home. Deborah Stevens. Jacob Parks married Lydia
W. J. GORHAM, farmer, P. O. Wayne Tinkkam, who was a daughter of Jacob Tink-
Station, born November 27, 1837, in Dutch- ham, an Englishman by birth, who died leav-
ess County, N. Y. , the youngest son of Will- ing a large estate, which his heirs in this coun-
iam and Sarah (Halloway) Gorham. He re- try have never been able to get possession of.
moved West with his parents, and located He (Jacob Tinkham) had three children

Lydia, Hannah and Jacob; the latter died ing a short time, returned to this county and
when crossing the ocean. To Justice Hollo- worked at his trade and also engaged in farm-
way and Hannah, his wife, were born five ing. In 1855, he married Adelia Reed, born
sons and one daughter, viz., Sarah, Debo- November 15, 1838, only daughter of Horace
rah, Jacob, Althea A., Phebe and Anna; all Reed; from this union five children were
of the above, except Sarah (Mrs. Gorham), born — Almira, wife of Thomas W. Lake;
came West and settled at St. Charles, Kane Gussie F., Edith, Horace and Mamie. Hor-
County, this State. Justice Holloway died ace Reed, Mrs. Gorham's father, was born
March 1, 1840; his wife survived him until January 26, 1795, in Weston, Mass. came ;

January, 1862. William Gorham, the father West and settled on the place now owned by
of W. J., was a tanner and currier by trade, our subject, which he improved and on which
and carried on merchandising to some extent he remained until his death, which occurred
while in Dutchess County. After he came January 28, 1867. April 19, 1818, he mar-
West, about 1852, he went to Will County, ried Almira Parker, a native of Massachu-
where he died. He was a member of the M. setts, born May 5, 1800, daughter of William

E. Church, and was held in high esteem by and Sallie (Parker) Parker, also natives of
all who knew him. Seven children were Massachusetts. William Parker was born in
born to him, viz. , Hannah E. , Maiy A. , Ai- Lynn, Mass., and died in 1828, aged fifty-
ken, Eletha, Jacob R. , Elijah and William, seven years; his wife born in Leicester,
all of whom are living, except Eletha. Han- Mass., died November 3, 1863, at the ad-
nah E. resides in Grundy County, this State, vanced age of ninety-two years; they had the
relict of Newall Dodge. Mary A. resides in following children, who grew to maturity:
St. Charles, wife of R. H. Leake. Aiken re- Esther, Otis (settled in Vermont), Almira and
sides in Will County, a farmer; Jacob R. Louisa (twins), Sarah and Maiy. Mr. Parker
and William, in this township. settled in Vermont in 1803. and died in that
JACOB RANSOM GORHAM, Wayne, is State; his wife and daughters came to Illinois
a native of Dutchess County, N. Y., born in 1859. Horace Reed served in the war of
September 26, 1830, second son of William 1812; afterward, joined a militia artillery
and Sarah (Holloway) Gorham. William company, in which he was promoted from
Gorham was born in Stratford, Conn. was a ; Sergeant to Captain; he and his wife were
tanner and currier by trade, and, in addition members of the M. E. Church. After his
to pursuing his trade, carried on mercantile marriage, Mr. Gorham bought a farm of sev-
business and the manufacture of boots and enty acres, which, after working six years, he
shoes; his wife, who was a daughter of Jus- sold, and bought 180 acres in the same school
tice Holloway, was born in Pawling, Dutch- district;worked it five years, then sold out
ess Co., N. Y. Mr. Gorham learned the and bought his present place, on which he
trade of a carpenter and joiner; left home has lived since 1867; his farm consists of
when he attained his majority, and arrived in 337 acres; he carries on general farming and
this township with but $4 in his pocket, and dairying. He is a supporter of the Demo-
engaged in farming with R. H. Lake; after- cratic party. William Gorham, subject's
ward, traded in stock, meeting with success. father, had seven children, six of whom are
After one year, he dissolved partnership with living — Hannah E., residing in Grundy
Mr. Lake and returned East, and, after stay- County, relict of Newall Dodge; Mary A., in

St. Charles, wife of R. H. Lake; Elijah; Ai- a dairy. Mr. Hammond has served as Jus-
ken, a farmer in Will County, 111. ; Jacob R. tice of the Peace two terms; also for several
(subject) and William, in this county; he years as Assessor and Collector. He was
was a Methodist. The Gorhams were early married, in February, 1863, to Miss Marga-
settlers of Stratford, Conn., being there in retSimpson, born in Ontario County, N. Y.,
1777 they came out with the Pilgrim Fathers.
; daughter of John and Alice (Palmer) Simp-
The Holloways were of Quaker descent. son. Mr. Simpson came to Cook County in
M. J. HAMMOND, farmer, P. O. Wayne, 1835. Six children have been born: Charles
was born in Dutchess County, N. Y. , October M.. Florence A., Frank J. and Edward.
13, 1S34, eldest son of Egbert and Phcebe JOSIAH HARRIS, Bartlett, Cook County.
(Halloway) Hammond, he a native of New Among the early settlers in this township
York, born in 1809, son of Mathew Ham- was the Harris family. Josiah was born
mond, she a daughter of Justice Holloway April 26, 1S36, in London, England, the
and Hannah Parks, daughter of Jacob Parks, second son of Benjamin and Amy (Cook)
all of Dutchess County, N. Y. Jacob was Harris. The family emigrated to" this State
one of the first settlers of that county, and a in 1845, and bought eighty acres in this
Revolutionary soldier. The Holloways were township, Section 2. The father remained
of Scotch descent, the Hammonds from En- here until his death, in 1860, aged fifty-seven
gland. Jacob Parks died aged eighty-eight. years; he was a member of the Protestant M.
The Hammonds came West in 1850. The E. Church; he raised four children, three of
family consisted of parents and five children whom came here — Josiah. Amy and Hannah.
— M. J. Perry H. Jacob C. Sarah and Em-
, , , Benjamin remained in England. The mother
ma. Perry H. died in the army, a member is still living. Amy resides in Minnesota.
of the One Hundred and Fifth Illinois Vol- wife of John H. Mason; Hannah resides in
unteer Inf antry, Company F. Jacob died at ; Grinnell, Iowa. Josiah has since remained
home, aged twenty- two; Sarah and Emma in this county. He was married, in May,
are at home. When Mr. Hammond came to 1867, to Jane Denham, born in this county,
this township, he bought in company with daughter of Robert and Jane Denham, natives
A. H. Leake; stayed here one year, but settled of the Isle of Wight, and seven children
finally on Section 16, and lived there from have been born to them —Hannah E. Robert ,

1861 to 1868. M. remained with family

J. B., Amy J., Melvin J., William, Irvin and
till he was twenty-one. In 1855, he bought Nathaniel. Mr. Harris has 125 acres of ex-
land. In 1861, he enlisted in the Thirty- cellent land, and is a Baptist and a Republi-
sixth Illinois Volunteer Infantry, Company K, can.
and served until September, 1862; was Sec- ABRAHAM KERSHAW is a descendant
ond Lieutenant, and resigned; he re-entered of one oE the early settlers, and is one of the
the service as private, but was promoted to leading breeders of Short-Horn cattle of this
Fifth Sergeant, and finally was commissioned county, born in Rhode Island July 10, 1822.
as Second Lieutenant; he was at Pea Ridge His father, for whomnamed, was a na-
he is

and the siege of Corinth. After his return tive of Manchester, England, and was a
home, he resumed farming, and has since weaver by trade; he married Rachel Butter-
lived bere. He owns 250 acres here and 120 worth, who bore her husband thirteen chil-
acres on Section 16; has farmed and run dren, of whom our subject is the third son

and fourth child; three of the oldest were Chicago, and were on exhibition at Dexter
born in England. Subject's father came to Park; he raised a three-year-old heifer that
this country in ISIS; he was a thorough silk weighed 2,200 pounds; he also raises some
and cotton weaver, and ran great risks in Berkshire hogs. His farm is finely located,
coming to America when he did, as at that and he has the best of farm implements.
time England had forbidden her mechanics Politically, he is a Democrat.
to come to this country. He first operated a JOHN KLINE, Winfield, was born in the
factory in Rhode Island, then went to New city of New York December 27, 1S2S, son of
York State, and, in 1838, came West, locat- Casper M.
and Louisa (Krebell) Kline.
ing in what is now Wayne Township, Du Casper Kline was born in Germany August
Page County, 111.; here he died in June, 28, 1801, and came to America when very
1850; his wife died in 1840. Mr. Kershaw, young; his wife, whose parents were from
our subject, now owns the homestead, situ- Germany, was born in Philadelphia, Penn.,
ated in Section 7. Of the thirteen children, and died in January, 1876; they had the fol-
seven grew to maturity, viz., John, Abraham, lowing children, all living: Matthias, in
William, Mary, Marsden, Minerva and Michigan; John and Francis, on the home
Charles; of these, three are now living farm in Winfield Township; Mary L., wife
John, in Johnson County, Neb. Marsden, ; of Thomas Watson, of Winfield Township;
in San Francisco, Cal., and Charles, in Can- Joseph, in Benton County, Iowa; Louisa,
ada. Abraham being the only one of the chil- wife of Nathan Benjamin, of Wayne Town-
dren in this State. When our subject was a ship. Mr. Kline remained on the home farm
lad of seven years, he worked in the factory till he had reached the age of twenty-four

at Fall River, printing calico, at $1 per years, and, November 23, 1852, married
week, and boarded himself; he then worked Clarissa M. Champion, bom in Canada,
mainly for his father until the latter's death. daughter of Elias and Susan (Ayres) Cham-
Mr. Kershaw was married, in September, pion; she died January 25, 1858, leaving
1850, to Mrs. Althea J. Whipple, relict of —
two children Eliza A., wife of Byron Reid,
Dr. Thomas Whipple, a native of New York, of Kane County, 111., and Francis T., in
who came West in an early day. Mrs. Black Hawk County, Iowa. September 21,
(Whipple) Kershaw died July 4, 1S73. Mr. 1859, Mr. Kline married Caroline E. Benja-
Kershaw married his second wife, Mrs. Emily min, born Aiigust 23, 1830, eldest daughter
Lee, January 24, 1880; she was born in Kane of R. T. Benjamin, one of the earliest settlers
County, 111., daughter of George Muir. Mr. of this township. Since his marriage. Mr.
Kershaw by his second wife, two chil-
has, Kline has resided in this township, at the

dren Althea and Abraham, Jr. Our sub- Junction for some time, and at Wheaton six
ject located on his present farm in 1852; he years, locating in the latter place December
traded a suit of clothes and a gun for his first 5, 1870. He has held the office of Sheriff
claim; he now owns 320 acres. Since 1855. three terms, being elected in the fall of 1870,
he has been engaged in the breeding and and since re-elected twice; he has also been
raising of Short-Horn cattle; he has bred Road Commissioner one term. He moved to
some of the finest cattle in the county, having his farm in 1855, and has since resided there,
raised twin steers that weighed respectively with the exception of the time he resided at the
3.350 and 3,400 pounds; they were sold in Junction and at Wheaton while acting as Sher-

iff; farm consists of 102£ acres of land. By

his supporter of the Democratic party. Thomas
his last marriage, he has four children Ade- — W. Lake, only son of the subject of this
laideC. Cooper M., John R. and Nathan J. sketch, is one of the enterprising farmers of
GEORGE KLINE, farmer, P. O. Winfield. this township. He was born on the farm on
Among the prominent farmers of Wayne which he now lives, September 25, 1851.
Township is the gentleman whose name heads He married, December 15, 1875, Almira
this sketch. He is a native of Prussia, born Gorham, born May 11, 1855, eldest daugh-
December i, 1822, son of Michael Kline. ter of Jacob R. Gorham; they have one child
The family came to this State, bought eighty — Jacob Ransom Bertie, born July 15, 18S2.
acres the same year and settled upon it, where Mi-. Lake has had control of the farm since

they lived and where the father died in 1866, his marriage.
the mother surviving until 1876. They had THOMAS MUIR, farmer, Wayne Tp.. was
two sons and two daughters, the daughters born April 2, 1810, in Scotland, youngest of

being dead Jacob, in Kansas, and our subject eleven children born to Alexander Muir, a
being the survivors. Mr. Kline learned the shejsherd and small farmer, who died in Scot-
shoemaker's trade in his native country, and land. Our subject was a shej>herd boy un-
worked several years at the same in Naper- der his father until coming to Canada, land-
ville. He bought the farm he now owns in ing at Quebec in June, 1832, after a voyage
1853, and has made all the improvements on of eight weeks. After working by the month
it. June 22, 1850, he was married to The- in Canada for three years, he came (just pre-
resa Hentes, born in 1832, daughter of Math- vious to the Patriot war in Canada) to Buffa-
ew H9n|es, and six children have been born lo, N. Y. He worked in a saw-mill in
to them —
Peter, Jacob, Nicholas, George M. Buffalo for a short time, then on a railroad
Theresa and Maggie. He has 194 acres at running from Buffalo to Niagara Falls (this
the Junction and 170 acres here. Mr. Kline was one of the first railroads); subsequently,
is a member of the Catholic Church and a he was engaged in a saw-mill and at the car-
Democrat. penter's trade on the Illinois River; then,
ROBERT H. LAKE was born in Dutch- after recovering from a severe illness, he
ess County, N. Y. , October 27. 1819, and is worked in Chicago for two winters, then
the eldest son of Thomas and Elise Lake, bought and worked up thirteen acres of tim-
both natives of New York and parents of ber on North Branch. Mr. Muir next came
seven children, six of whom grew to maturity. to Bloomingdale, Du Page County, and bought
Mr. Lake remained with his father on the 120 acres for $800; he also paid $25 for a
farm till he was twenty-seven years of age, claim, and entered the same. After making
and, in June, 1849, came West, to Illinois, some improvements on his land, he returned
and bought 152 acres of land in this town- to Chicago and engaged in the commission
ship at if 12 an acre; afterward increased his business for two winters, then, after a return
farm to 222 acres, and carried on farming to his farm, he sold goods on commission for
and dairying; in 1876, he removed to St. James F. Durant, and subsequently, handled
Charles. He married Mary Ann Gorham, the same line of goods on his own account.
also a native of Dutchess County, N. Y., and j
Mr. Muir next located on his farm, built a
daughter of William Gorham; they have two house and remained there until April, 1867,
children —Thomas and Imogene. He is a when he bought 178£ acres in Wayne Town-

ship, where he still resides. October 7, Hezekiah and Dolly (Brown) Watkins. Ann
1857, Mr. Muir married Esther J. Owen, was a daughter of Benjamin and Susan Tut-
born June 9, 1826, in Hastings, Oswego Co. hill. After leaving home, Mr. Moffatt worked
N. Y., daughter of Shubel and Hannah (Cook) land on shares until he came West and set-
Owen, natives of New York. Mrs. Muir's tledon his present farm of 203 acres. Mr.
paternal grandfather served during the entire and Mrs. Moffatt have had three children
war of the Revolution. Mr. and Mrs. Muir Mary, Thomas and Albert. Thomas enlisted
have buried three infants, and now have four in Sex^tember, 1861, in Company K, Thirty-
children —
Alexander J., Albert O., Helen J. sixth Iowa Volunteer Infantry, and, after
and Thomas E. Mr. Muir was raised in the serving one year, was killed in the battle of
faith of the church of Scotland, or Old School Perry ville; Mary, wife of Jonas G. Blank,
Presbyterians; he is now a member of the resides in this township; Albert resides on
Baptist Church. In politics, he is a Repub- the homestead, and is married to Alice Wal-
lican, but cast his first vote for Harrison. cott; they have two children —
Charles and
W. H ^OFFATT, farmer, Wayne Tp., Fannie. Mr. Moffatt and his family are
who was born February 24, 1810, in Orange members of the Congregational Church. Mr.
County, N. Y., came to this county in 1845, Moffatt was a Whig, and has been a Repub-
and purchased a part of a claim from the lican since the organization of that party.
Government, upon which he settled and ERNST MEYER, farmer, P. O. Ontario-
where he has since remained. He was the eld- ville. Among the settlers of Bloomingdale
est son of Thomas and Deborah (Helm) Moffatt, was Mr. Meyer, who was born September 1,
natives of New York State. Thomas was a 1819, in the Kingdom of Hanover. He was
farmer, and raised a family of eight children the eldest son of Christian and Margaret
—W. H, Mary A., Phebe, William, Sylva- (Essmann) Meyer. Ernst remained with his
nus, Catharine, Anselm and Ruth, all of father till he was fourteen years of age, when
whom are living except William; Mary A., he went to clerking for some time, when he
wife of Elmer Gregory, lives in Elgin Phebe ; went into the army, where, in consequence of
resides in Bartlett, Cook County, relict of merit, he was appointed to a position as serv-
Henry V. Sayer; William died a young man; itor "at court, where he remained till twenty-
Sylvanus resides in Wheaton, and Catharine eight years of age. In 1848, he came to
in the same place, relict of Frank Bordeen; America, and, coming to this county, bought
Anselm resides in Kansas near Clyde, Cloud eighty acres of land in Addison Township,
County; Ruth, wife of Daniel L. Wheelock, where he lived some time, and then went to
resides in Iowa. Mi-. Moffatt's father, Thom- Brush Hill and lived. In the fall of 1850,
as, died in September, 1827; his wife died he married Louisa Krausa, born in Prussia,
in May, 1879. Our subject remained on the daughter of John Krausa; she died August
home farm until he became twenty-three 26, 1855, leaving one child — Matilda. Feb-
years old, when he began for himself. He ruary 29, 1856, he married Wilhelmina Hin-
was married, December 31, 1833, to Dolly A. amann, a native of Hanover, born May 22,
Watkins, born February 3, 1809, in Orange 1826, daughter of George and Margarita (Ro-
County, N. Y. ; she is the youngest child of ller) Hinamann. Six children were born, five
Joshua and Ann (Tuthill) Watkins, both of of whom are living — Louisa, George, Augus-
Orange County, N. Y. Joshua was a son of
; ta, Julius, Mary (dead) and Emma. Louisa

lives in Chicago, wife of Charles Schramm. CHARLES PLANE, farmer, P. O. Tur-

Matilda, first wife's child, married John Red- ner Junction. Most of the young people of
eker, of Elgin. Mr. Meyer has lived here the present generation are not aware of the
since 1856, and has put all the improvements difficulties and discouraging circumstances
on his farm. He sells very little grain, feed- that attended the early settlers upon their
ing the same to his stock. He is a member making a start in life. The history of many
of the Evangelical Church and a Republican. of these men should be a valuable incentive
PATRICK O'BRIEN, farmer, P. O. Bart- to the young men of the present age. The
lett. Among the self-made men of this town- success that has crowned their efforts is with-
ship is Patrick O'Brien, who was born in in the reach of all those that will heed the
June, 1826, on the Emerald Isle, County lesson taught by the experience of these men.
Wexford, of a family of twelve children Among the self-made men of Du Page County
born to Thomas O'Brien and Bridget Grant. who has succeeded under adverse and dis-
Patrick obtained a good common-school edu- couraging circumstances is Charles Plane.
cation,and was raised to farming pursuits He was born March 6, 1820, in Norfolk, En-
and was early in life thrown upon his own gland, and emigrated with his father, Pelan
resources, and, at the age of sixteen, he emi- Plane, to Livingston Coutny, N. Y. , when
grated to this country, and soon made his way about ten years of age. His father hired him
to Chicago, where he worked for several out to a hard master, with whom he remained
years, turning his attention to any honest until about fourteen years of age, when his
labor thatwould promise the best and surest treatment and the requirements made of him
returns. Having, by diligence and economy, became almost past endurance, and he left
saved some means, he entered 160 acres of him and turned his back upon the Empire
land in Bloomingdale Township, located in State, and came West, to this State, and
the northwestern part; this he obtained at hired out among the farmers on Rock River,
Government price. He soon settled on the in Ogle County. By diligence and economy,
same and improved and remained on it un-
it he succeeded few years in ob-
at length in a
til about 1866, when he sold out and pur- taining the nucleus of a home. About this
chased 200 acres in this township of Daniel time his father came "West, and, as he was
Wheelock and has since been a constant resi- yet under age, Charles had to give up his
dent of this township and been engaged in hard earnings, and he struck out to make
farming pursuits, and, from a poor and friend- another beginning. Went first to Cook
less boy, has come to be one of tho county's County, where he worked some time in a liv-
substantial farmers. He has been twice mar- ery stable, after which he went to Boone
ried — Mary Ackermann. a
first, to native of County, remaining here one year. After
Germany, who died in 1866. Of ten chil- this, he came to Maywood and kept tavern
dren born of her, five are living— John, Mike, two years; then went to Algonquin, McHenry
Henry, Mary and Carrie. Mary married County, and carried on the same business one
James Shields, and resides in the township; year. Subsequently, came to this county and
other children at home. His last wife was purchased 160 acres, where he now resides;
Mary Calloway, a native of Ireland. Mr. the land cost him $9 per acre. Since that
O'Brien is a Democrat and a member of the time, he has been a constant resident of the
Catholic Church. township, and is to-day one of the wealthy

farmers of the county, having here 300 acres, Shippy. The Pratt family are of Scotch de-
besides 330 in Kane County. His improve- scent. When twelve years of age, our sub-
ments are among the best in the township. ject removed with his parents to Cattaraugas
He lost his former residence by fire, which County, N. Y. where they remained seven

has since been replaced by a large and com- years, and then all started in a wagon for Illi-
modious residence of modern style. Few, nois. They located in Kane County, 111. . in
if any, men have worked harder than Mr. the fall of 1842, and, two years later, the
Plane, yet, notwithstanding all the obstacles father bought a small piece of land in Wayne
thrown in his way, he has surmounted them Township, where Wayne Station is now situ-
all and is now independent, having a compe- ated, on the Chicago & North- Western Rail-
tence laid by for his declining years.
He has road. Subject's father died in 1846, and
been twice married; his first wife was Lucy his mother in 1864; they raised eight chil-
Clark, daughter of Daniel Clark, one of the dren —Olive, now Mrs. T. Evans, of Belle-
early settlers of the county; his wife died, leav- vue, 111.; Peter, our subject; Mary, now Mrs.
ing two sons — Albert and George, now of Kane Albert Compton, of Kendall County, 111.

County. His present wife was Sophia, born in Philogus, deceased about 1850; Eleanor, now
Allegany County, N. Y. daughter of Levi H.
, Mrs. Charles Wheeler, of Linu County, Kan.;
Appleby and Rebecca Stoddard, who came West Christopher, a resident of Jackson County,
in 1842; he died in 1852; she, June, 1881. By Ore. ; Rebecca, now Mrs. John Norton, of
last wife he has three children — Edwin, Cofley County, Kan. Annetta, now Mrs.

Carrie and Minnie. Carrie resides in Kane George Furnell, of Pecatonica, this State.
County, wife of Joseph Higgins. Mr. Plane Our subject remained at home, working on
tised to haul wheat from Rock River to Chi- the farm, till he was twenty-one years old,
cago, when the trip would take eleven days, when he began for himself; worked as a farm
wheat 45 to 50 cents per bushel, often getting hand, at $12 a month; also chopped wood
stuck in the road, and would have to convey and split rails, boarding himself. Septem-
the wheat on his back to dry ground; this ber 26, 1S47, Mr. Pratt married Cordelia
would have to be repeated several times dur- Dunham, born March 11, 1825, in Erie Coun-
ing the same trip. Mr. Plane had eight ty, N. Y. ; she is the third daughter of Solo-
brothers and sisters, who are severally located mon Dunham, one of the early settlers of
as follows: John resides in Belvidere; Robert this county. After his marriage, Mr. Pratt
in Independence, Buchanan Co., Iowa; Sarah located on his present farm, on Section 17;
resides in Belvidere, also, is the wife of Ben- this place of 131 acres he purchased in 1846;
jamin Gill; Esther settled in Ogle County, he owns some timber land in Kane County;
wife of Matthew Riseborough; Charlotte lives he raises some horses. Mr. and Mrs. Pratt
near Fort Dodge, wife of Thomas Gill. Mr. have had five children Mark D., who died —
Plane is a Republican. May 20, 1860, at the age of eleven; George,
PETER PRATT, farmer, Wayne; was now in Washington Territory, in the railroad
bom in Erie County, N. Y., March 1, 1823, business; Jessie, wife of Thomas Julian,
eldest son of Luther and Ruby (Shippy) residents of Plate Centre, Kane Co.. 111.,

Pratt, he born in Massachusetts, son of Peter Emma and Frank, at home. Mr. Pratt, al-
and Olive (Short) Pratt, natives of Massachu- though not a member, is a supporter of the
setts, she born in Vermont, daughter of Jacob Congregational Church, of which his wife

and family are members. Mr. Pratt, former- daughter of Veranus Lathrop, he born in
ly a Whig, is now a Republican. Vermont, son of Ralph Ellenwood. After
JAMES T. PIERCE, farmer, P. O. Bart- Mr. Reed's marriage, he removed to Cuyahoga
lett, Cook County, is a native and one of the County, Ohio, and remained there about two
early settlers of the county, born in the years. In the fall of 1837, came to this place
town of Lisle February 2, 1822, second and took a claim where the cheese factory
son of Martin and Esther Pierce, natives now stands he remained upon that claim till

of Massachusetts. Martin Pierce came to 1842, when he sold out and bought the claim
this county in the fall of 1835, and settled where he now lives, paying $100 for 180
near Naperville and died in 1865; his wife acres. Mr. and Mrs. Reed have had eight
siuwived him several years. The subject of children —
Rodney B., born in Ohio, died
this sketchremained at home till 1845, and, June 4, 1880; George B., living in Kane
in 1851, located permanently on his present County; William L., a merchant at Junction;
place, consisting of 212 acres of land, on Emily A., wife of Robert Benjamin, living
which he has put all the improvements nec- in this township; David E., deceased; Julia
essary to a well-regulated farm. He mar- A., at home; Charles F., also at home, and
ried Sarah, daughter of Mr. J. Blank, and Ida M. , wife of Charles P. Stark, located at
from this union eight children have been Junction; the last seven children were born
born —Austin, Eva, Spencer, Carrie, Mate M., in Illinois. George B. was in the late war.
Eugene, Frank and Etta. is in Gen- Austin serving in Company F, One Hundred and
oa. 111.; Eva is John Bid-
the wife of Rev. Fifth Regiment, Twentieth Corps; was with
well, and Carrie resides in Marengo, 111., Sherman in about all of his battles. Will-
wife of Marsh Underwood. Mr. Pierce is a iam Thomas was out in the 100-days' service.
Republican; is Road Commissioner, and has Mr. Reed has been a member of the M. E.
held several other local offices; his wife is a Church for about thirty years; in politics, he
member of the Congregational Church. is a Republican.
GEORGE W. REED,f armer, P. O. Turner, HENRY VENDUSER SAYER (deceased)
one of the early settlers of this township, was was born in March Orange Conn
15, 1815, in
born February 26, 1806, in Cambridge (then ty, N. Y., eldest son of William and Mary

Franklin) County, Vt. He is the youngest (Venduser) Saver. William was a native o:
son of Nathaniel and Anna (Keys) Reed, na- Orange County, N. Y., son of Jonathan Say-
tives ofWarren, Mass. Mr. Reed remained er. The Vendusers were from Holland
upon the home farm until seventeen years of Mary was a daughter of Henry Venduser.
age, when he began clerking in a store in St. To William and Mary Sayer were born six
Albans, Vt. there he remained till he was
; children, five of whom lived to maturity-
twenty-four years old, when he engaged in Fannie, Henry, Catharine, Harriet and Jo
the mercantile business in Cambridge, Vt., seph, none of whom are now living. Henry
in company with his brother Renssalear; they V. was raised a farmer and was married,
continued this business until about 1834. April 10, 1838, to Phebe E. Moffatt, born
January 1, of that year, Mr. Reed married December 13, 1813, in Orange County, N. Y.,
Julia A. Ellen wood, born in Johnson, Vt., third child and second daughter of Thomas
December 28, 1816, eldest child of Thomas and Deborah (Holm) Moffatt, both natives of
and Alice Lathrop, she born in Connecticut, Orange County, N. Y. Thomas was a son of

"William Moffatt. In 1837, Mr. Sayer came Elgin, 111. and two others who died when

"West to see the country, and, in the spring young. Mr. Martin and family were early set-
of 1838, took up a claim near Aurora, but fi- tlers of Addison Township, this county; they
nally traded for a claim in Wayne and located moved to this township in 1867. After his
there in 1841, where he remained until his marriage, Mr. Sayer moved to his present
death, December 5, 1874; he was a Whig in farm, where he has since remained. Mr. and
the early times, but became a Republican. Mrs. Sayer hav« been blessed with four chil-
Since the spring of 1876, Mrs. Sayer has re- dren, two of whom are deceased — George
sided in Bartlett. To Mr. Sayer were born Martin, Dyer O., Clara A. (died, aged one
eight children — William, Warren, Alvira, year and eleven months), and a babe deceased,
Harriet, Theodore, Charles,Emily and Mary. unnamed. Mr. Sayer has a good farm and
Alvira is the wif« of Alex Thompson, of keeps twenty-five cows. He and his wife are
Wheaton; Harriet is Mrs. William Howard, members of the Congregational Church; his
Maryville, Mo. Theodore is on the homestead
; parents were members of the M. E. Church.
Charles is in Bartlett, in the cabinet busi- In politics, he is a Republican.
ness; Emily is the wife of Ed Phillips, of WARREN M. SAYER, Wayne, was bom
Maitland, Mo. ; Mary is Mrs. Will Richard- near Aurora, January 5, 1841, and is a

son. Mrs. Sayer is a member of the Congre- son of H. B. Sayer. When less than a year
gational Church. old, his parents moved to this county, and
WILLIAM SAYER, farmer, P. O. Bart- Warren M. remained at home till he attained
lett, Cook County, is one of the enterprising his majority, when, July 31, 1862, he enlist-
farmers of this county, and was born in Kane ed in Company F, One Hundred and Fifth
County. 111., January 16, 1839; he came to Illinois Volunteer Infantry, and served till

this county with his parents, and has since the close of the war, participating in the
resided here; he received his early educa- battle of Nashville, Tenn., and other engage-
tion in the common schoolo of this county, ments. After his return from the war, he
afterward attending Elgin Academy for some remained at home one
year, and, in Decem-
time. April 8, 1869, he married Emma F. ber, 1866, married Harriet M. Brown, a na-
Martin, a native of Addison Township, this tive of Madison County, N. Y. and daughter ,

county, and daughter of Charles W. and of James and Harriet (Smith) Brown. By
Xancy (Pierce) Martin. Charles W. Martin, this union, they have been blessed with three
Mrs. Sayer's father, was born in Potsdam, N. —
sons James H. Eugene D. and Louis A.

Y., January 11, 1816, and, Septemper 6, In the spring of 1867, Mr. Sayer located on
1838, he married Nancy Pierce, born in Os- the farm which he now owns, consisting of
wego County, N. Y., April 6, 1816, daughter 106 acres of land, where he haH since resided,
of John Pierce; from this union they had with the exception of four years, which he
eight children —
George D., killed in the late spent on the homestead farm. Mr. Sayer
war, member of the Fifty- first Illinois Infant- was elected Township Clerk in 1867, and has
ry,Company B; Smith D. served in the since served in that office, and is now serving
Eighth Illinois Cavalry, now a farmer of his third term as Township Treasurer. He
Wright County, Iowa; EmmaF. (Mrs. Sayer); is a Republican.
Milton E., in Elgin, 111.; Orel L., wife of THEODORE F. SAYER. farmer and
Malcomb McNeil, of Chicago: Alva D., in dairyman, P. O. Bartlett, was born on the

homestead farm, where he now resides, May Lawrence County, N. Y. but after two years,

1, 1848, son of Henry V. and Phebe (Moffatt) sold out his interest and returned to Vermont.
Sayer. Our subject was raised on the farm He came to this county October 15, 1837,
and remained under the parental roof till his and bought a claim of land of Mark Fletcher
marriage, which occurred February 18, 1875, for $200. On this claim there were no build-
to Martha Smith, born June 30, 1851,. in ings of any kind, and but ten acres of land
Steuben County, N. Y., and daughter of broken. After living there five years, he
William and Jane (Jones) Smith, both na- moved to his present place, where he has ever
tives of New York, he born January 18, 1818, since resided, and where he now has 252
son of David Smith, a native of Scotland, acres. Mr. Smith was married September
and was one of the early settlers in that 10, 1837, to Elizabeth H Banfill, born in

county, as early as 1810. Jane Jones was Corinth, Orange Co., Vt., March 6, 1S16,
born December 18, 1825, daughter of Harley youngest daughter of John and Hannah (Dear-
and Lucy (Sidney) Jones. Our subject took born) Banfill, both of Massachusetts, he a
charge of the farm since his marriage, and son of John Banfill, she a daughter of Samuel
has 120 acres from the old homestead. He Dearborn, who served in the Revolutionary

has two children William Smith and Phebe war. Mrs. Smith's parents had twelve chil-
Emily. Mr. Sayer runs a dairy and fifty dren, ten of whom grew to maturity — Sally,
cows. Samuel, Mary, Abigail, Hannah, Clymenia,
JOHN SMITH, Wayne, was born in
P. O. Prenella, John, Elizabeth and David. Mr.
Orange County, Vt. , January
29, 180S, and and Mrs. Smith have been blessed with the
is the second son of Asa and Lucinda (Morey) following children: George Asa, bom in
Smith, natives of Massachusetts. Asa Smith, May, 1839; Mary L., February, 1842; Henry
subject's father, who was a farmer by occupa- A., November, 1843; Ellen E., August, 1845;
tion, was a prominent man in his locality, Albert E., August, 1847; Newton A., August,
and represented his county in the Legisla- 1849; Sarah L., October, 1852, and Florence
ture, as did also subject's grandfather Morey. E., September, 1856; and of these three are
Mr. Smith's mother, Lucinda Morey, was a deceased —
Sarah L., November 19, 1856;
daughter of Simeon Morey, who was born in George A., August 15, 1863, and Albert E.,
1739, and who served in the French and November 10, 1865. George A. when with- ,

Revolutionary wars; he had five children in a month of his graduation from college, en-
Sabra, Lucinda, David, Ephraim, and Bertha, listed in Company F, One Hundred and Fifth
all of whom grew to maturity. Mr. Smith's Illinois Volunteer Infantry, and his death
grandfather, Asa Smith, was of English de- afterwards occurred from disease contracted
scent, and served in the Revolutionary war; while in the service. Albert E. also died
he had eight .children, all of whom grew up from the same cause; he first enlisted for the
—Stephen, Polly, Asa, Manasseh, William, three months' service, and afterward re-en-
Abigail, Lydia and Silas. Mr. Smith re- listed. Mary L. resides in this townshi]^,
mained on the home farm until he attained wife of William Gorham; Elizabeth E., wife
his majority; then staid with his brother of William Lewis, resides in Webster County,
Manasseh in Orange County, N. Y., four Neb.; Henry A. is on the home farm; Newton

years, worked out two years, then bought a A. lives in this township, and Florence, wife
one-fourth interest in a blast furnace in St. of John D. Colvin, in Wheaton, this county.

Mr. and Mrs. Smith are members of the was a soldier in the war of the Revolution,
Congregational Church, as was also their son and died in 1834 at the age of eighty. Sub-
George A. ject's father was a farmer and inn keeper,
THEODORE SCHRAMER, farmer, P. O. and died at the age of sixty-one. Mr.
Turner, is a native of Prussia, born March 5, Stearns, oiir subject, was one of a family
1839, son of John and Mary (Stiel) Schramer. of nine children, all of whom grew to ma-
John Schramer, subject's father, emigrated to turity. When he was twenty-fouv years old.
the United States in 1857, leaving Prussia in he came West to this State and purchased
April, and arriving in Wheaton. this county, land; he now has 135 acres, and carries on
May He purchased 100 acres
27, that year. farming and dairying. Mr. and Mrs. Stearns
of land in Winfield Township, this county, have four children — William, who resides in
paying §20 per acre for his farm, on which Franklin County, Iowa; Franklin, in De
he died in 1860; he had ten children John, — Kalb County. 111. ; Jennie, wife of Newton
Peter, Helen, Lizzie, Nicholas, Kate, Theo- ;
Smith, and Zenas, at home. Mr. Stearns is a
dore (subject), Martin, Nick, Jr., and John. strong Republican.
Theodore remained with his father until the D. LOUIS WHEELER, farmer, P. O.
death of the latter, devoting his attention to Wayne, came to Illinois in September, 1845;
farming. He married, October 26, 1863, i
remained in Quincy till the following spring,
Mary Leas, also a native of Prussia, born '

then went to Toulon, Stark Co., 111., and

May 19, 1843, daughter of John and Marga- after staying there six months, came to this
ret (Sehomer) Leas, she a daughter of Jacob county in the fall of 1846. His father,
Leas. The Leas family came to the "United Daniel Wheeler, came to this county soon
States and 'located in this county in 1851. after our subject and bought 240
came here,
Since his marriage Mr. Schramer has resided acres of land; then returned East, and in the
in this county, principally in this township. fall of 1847, returned to this county and settled

He began life with but little means, but by permanently. Daniel Wheeler was born in
the energy and industry of himself and wife Guilford, Vt. , in October, 1797; his wife,
they have accumulated 386 J acres of land; Sadie D. Stewart, born May 1, 1802, died
they settled on their present farm in 1871, August 12, 1870; they had ten children, eight
having previously, however, made several of whom grew to maturity D. Louis (our sub- —
purchases and changes of location. . Mr. and ject), Eleanora J., William S., Sylvanus M.,

Mrs. Schramer have been blessed with six Almira A.. Franklin S., Lucinda andPamelia.
children —
Mary, Peter, John, Nicholas, Lizzie Eleanora married Myron Smith, of Elgin,
and Susan. They are members of the Catho- 111. Lucinda married George D. Sutton, of

lic Church. New York City; and Almira married L. Bene-

DANIEL STEARNS, farmer, P. O. Wayne; dict, of Chicago. March 27. 1851, Mr.
one of the old settlers of this township, W heleer
married Julia A. Pierce, a native of
was born October 26, 1816, in Benning- Chautauqua County, N. Y., born March 3,

ton County, Vt. He was third son and fourth 1830. eldest daughter of Luther and Clarissa
child born to Simeon and Irene (Newcomb) (Wells) Pierce, he born in January, 1800,
Stearns; he, born in Massachusetts in 1788, she born in 1807. After his marriage, Mr.
was a son of Capt. William and Joanna Wheeler remained in this township four
(Duncan) Stearns. Capt. William Stearns years ; then moved to Bremer County. Iowa,

and remaining there ten years, returned

after Daniel. Mr. Wheeler is a member of the
to this township in the spring of 1S65, and Congregational Church; his wife has been a
has since remained here on his farm, con- member of the Free Methodist Episcopal
sisting of 104 acres of good land. Mr. and Church for fourteen years; his father, Dan-
Mrs. Wheeler have had three children, two iel Wheeler, was a supporter of the Demo-
of whom are living
—"Walter P., Warren cratic party.

WILLIAM BATTEN, farmer, P. O. Mea- a member of the Methodist Church since
cham. Among the old settlers and substan- 1852, and Superintendent of the Sunday-
tial farmers in this township is Mi'. Batten, school for thirty years, having not missed five
-who, for thirty-five years, has been closely Sundays during that time. He had no school
identified with the interests of the county, advantages; was bound out when eight years
and one of its stanch and valuable citizens. of age; but has been a School Director for
He was born December 12, 1812, in Devon- fifteen years, and owes no man a penny. Is

shire, England, son of John and Maiy a stanch Republican.

(Moore) Batten, who were the parents of JOSEPH BUTLER, farmer, P. O. Bloom-
three children —William, John and Elizabeth ingdale, was born in Erie County, N. Y.,
Jane. John resides in Canada, and Eliza- August 1818, second son of John and
beth remains in England. Our subject came Pattie (Wilson) Butler. John Butler was a
to America in 1847, arriving in Chicago June native of Vermont, born in 17S8, and died in
8 of the same year. From Chicago he came New York at the age of eighty- four years.
to this county, and went to work among the He was a Baptist, and in politics a Repub-
farmers, digging wells, ditches, etc., and, in lican. He had seven children John, Jo- —
fact, working at anything he could get that seph, Seth, Harvey, Sarah (deceased), Charles
would bring him money, continuing in this (deceased) and Ozias. Joseph came West in
way about four years. He then had saved the spring of 1843; bought eighty acres of
some money, and purchased eighty acres of land, which he afterward sold and bought
land. He afterward added forty acres, and eighty acres more; sold it, and, in 1850,
has resided here since. He was married, came to his present place, and now owns 313
when twenty-five years of 'age, to Mary Ann acres, on which he has put all the substantial
Baker, born about 1816, in Cornwall, Eng- improvements. He gives his attention to
land, daughter oE James and Mariani (Neal) stock-raising, in addition to general farming.
Baker. Mrs. Batten died about 1872, having In 1S43, he married Abigail West, born near
borne eleven children, eight of whom are liv- Sardinia, Erie Co., N. Y., in November,
ing —Mary, Mariana, John, James B., Eliza 1812, daughter of Ashbel West. They have
Ann, Jane, Charles Gr. and Sarah. Mary is had nine children, six of whom are living
the wife of James Pierce; Mariam is the wife Sewall, farmer in De Kalb County, 111. Ira, ;

of Charles Landon; James B. lives in Iowa; at home; Ashbel. farmer in De Kalb County.
Eliza A. is the wife of James Lake; John, 111. Elbert, at home; Judson and Delia.

Charles and Sarah are at home. He has been Those deceased were Elijah, died aged twen

ty-six; Gilbert, aged twenty-five; and James, Bloomingdale Township and bought 165
who died July 6, 1882. Mr. Butler owes his acres of land at $30 an acre, and has since
success to his own thrift and energy. He is a resided here. His wife, daughter of Michael
Republican. Neuhardt, was born in 1802. They had the
GEORGE W. BARNES, farmer, P. O. following children: John, Philip, Henry,
Bloomingdale, is a native of Clinton County. Conrad, Mary, Jacob E. and Emma. Our
N. Y. . born June 4, 1831, and is the third subject took charge of the homestead farm in
son born to Jonathan and Mary (Gorhani) 1870, and has since managed it. The farm
Barnes. Jonathan Barnes, the youngest son comprises 120 acres of land. Mr. Bender
of Jeremiah Barnes, was born in Massachu- was married, December 26, 1870, to Wilhel-
setts March and was a carpenter
24, 1793. mina Iser, a native of Hesse-Darmstadt. Ger-
and joiner by trade; came West in the fall of many, born in April, 1837, daughter of John
1838; bought a claim of aboitt three hundred and Helen (Bender) Iser. She came to this
and twenty acres of land, where he died county in 1868. By this union they have
March 25, 1874. He was a Congregational- been blessed with six children— Emma, So-
ist; in politics, a "Whig. His wife is still phia. Mina, John, Lucy and Katie. Mr.
living. They had the following children: Bender assessed the township in 1882; has
Eliza, wife of John M. Howe, of Milwaukee, been Collector and School Director; is a
Wis. ; Phcebe, wife of Philip Farnsworth, member of the Evangelical Church; io poli-
never came West; Noah, in Chicago; Thomas tics, a Democrat.
H. died in California; Mary, deceased, wife JACOB CLAPSADDLE. Wheaton, was
of Franklin Talmadge, Wayne Township; born on the German Flats, Herkimer Co. N. ,

George; Marie, wife of M. Pendleton, of Y, May 20, 1808, eldest son of George A.
Wayne Township. Our subject has always and Nancy (Bellinger) Clapsaddle. George
remained on the homestead farm, which con- A. Clapsaddle was born in Herkimer County,
sists of 240 acres, and devotes his attention N. Y. was a farmer by occupation, and died

to general farming and stork-raising. De- in December. 1862, aged seventy- eight years.
cember 22, 1858, he married Susan S. Dud- His wife was a daughter of Peter F. Bellin-
ley, born in Oswego County, N. Y.. in 1833, ger, a Revolutionary soldier, who was wound-
daughter of Asa and (Miss Alcott) Dudley. ed in the shoulder in an engagement in that
From this union nine children have been war. They had eight children Elizabeth, —

born Jesse, Millie. Harry. Mabel, Newton, Jacob, Mary, Peter G. George H. Andrew,
, ,

Maude, Robert, Ella and Alson. The Dud- Frederick and Nancy. The Clapsaddles are
ley family came to this county in the fall of of German descent. Our subject's grand-
1839. Mr. Barnes is a Republican. father, Andrew Clapsaddle, served all through
JACOB E. BENDER, farmer, P. O. the Revolutionary war. The subject of this
Bloomingdale, was born in Hesse-Darmstadt, sketch left home at the age of twenty- four
Germany, April 1843, fifth son and sixth
2, years. He was married, July 14, 1831, to
child of Michael and Elizabeth (Neuhardt) Sally E. Terbening, a native of Herkimer
Bender. Michael, who was the son of Philip Couuty, N. Y., born October 3, 1814, daugh-
Bender, was born July 21, 1802; was a ter of Peter I. and Elizabeth (Brown) Ter-
farmer by occupation; emigrated with his bening. he a son of Lucas Terbening. she a
family to America in May, 1858; came to daughter of Valentine Brown. After his

marriage, Mr. Clapsaddle moved to Herkimer offered, and never ate the bread of idleness.
County, N. Y.. and worked on land there for In one year. $2.50 was all the money he
one season. The following year, he went to spent. He was elected Constable while here
Onondaga County, N. Y., where he bought at Naperville, and served until April, 1850,
which he cleared forty
fifty acres of land, of when he took a trip across the plains to Cali-
acres during the five years he lived on
it. In fornia, where he engaged in mining, remain-
May, 1844, he came to this county, bought ing here until the spring of 1854, when he
240 acres of Government land, on which he returned to the county and came to Bloom-
has since resided, his farm now consisting of ingdale and engaged in business with his
190 acres. By their marriage, Mr. and Mrs. brother, D. F. under the firm name of Dei-

Clapsaddle have been blessed with eight chil- bert & Brother, and carried on a general store.
dren — Kelburn and Jerome, in Kankakee This association lasted until 1861,, when he
County, 111. ; Harriet, wife of Hiram Kelsey, sold out to his brother, and, for one year,
of Iowa; Sophia, in Travis County, Texas; was out of active business. He then asso-
Jacob P., at home; George A., in Ida County, ciated with J. R. Dunning in the mercantile
Iowa; Mary E., wife of Horace Richardson, business; firm name was Dunning & Deibert,
of Wheaton, 111. ; and Elvie, wife of James which copartnership lasted until August 9,
Steven, Kossuth County, Iowa. On the fif- 1879, when he sold out to his partner, and
tieth anniversary of the same, Mr. Clapsaddle since has been retired, and resides in the town
celebrated his golden wedding. He has eight in the peaceful enjoyment of life's savings,
children, twenty-nine grandchildren and having secured what he set out to accomplish
three great-grandchildren. He is a member I
when he came to the State. He has been
of the Congregational Church. In politics,
twice married — first time, in August, 1844. to
a stanch Republican. Susan Dewald, a native of Schuylkill County,
GEORGE F. DEIBERT, retired, Bloom- Penn., daughter of John Dewald. She died
ingdale. Among the self-made men of this in 1849, leaving no children. In October,
township is Mr. Deibert, who began in life 1853, he married Sarah, the sister of his first

with nothing except his hands and a resolu- wife. By her he had fottr children, three
tion to make for himself a home and a com- —
living Milton G., Ida M. and Mary. Ida
petence for his old age. His father died M. resides in Greene County, Iowa, wife of
when he was but about three years of age, Sherman E. Kinney. Stanch Republican.
and from that time forward he was upon his J. R. DUNNING, merchant, Blooming-

own individual resources. He was born Jan- dale, born March 14, 1822, in Hamilton
uary 4, 1821, in Schuylkill County, Penn., County, N. Y. son of Justice Dunning and

son of George Deibert and Maria Faust, both Lorinda Rich, both natives of New York State.
of whom were natives of Schuylkill County. The paternal grandfather of Jonathan Rich
In September, 1844, Mr. Deibert came West, Dunning was Amos, who served in the war
and made his location at Naperville, where of the Revolution. Our subject was raised
he immediately began work, turning his at- in the county where he was born, and, upon
tention to any honorable employment that coming to maturity, he engaged in mercantile
promised a reasonable compensation. He pursuits, starting a store in Rome, where he
made it a rule, if he could not get his own continued in business until he came to this
price for his labor, he accepted the best terms place, arriving in the town of Bloomingdale,

July, 1860, where he subsequently purchased 1818, in Ohio, daughter of N. B. and Sallie
the interest oE Dr. Sedgewick, and has since (Bliss) Adams, both natives of Vermont.
been engaged in merchandising, and been The Adams family came West in the spring
Postmaster since 1869. January 18. 1841. of 1833, to the southern part of the State,
he married Harriet Pendleton, who was born and were among the first settlers of Jersey
December 25, 1S25, daughter of Benjamin C. County. Mr. French, by this marriage, has
Pendleton, who was born November 11, 1791, four children — Joseph G., Josiah N. Han-
in Westerly, R. I., and was present at the nah M. and Orville A. Joseph G. is in
bombardment of Stonington. October 29, Nuckolls County, Neb. ; Josiah is in Iowa, a
1818, he married Asenath, who was born July farmer in Delaware County; Hannah M.,
28, 1798, in Hopkinton, R.She was the I. wife of G. W. and Orville
Moss, Chicago;
youngest daughter of Saunders Langworthy, A., in Iowa, near Iowa Falls. Mr. French
to whom thirteen children were born. The was raised a Congregationalist, and is a Re-
Pendleton family came to this county and publican. He began a poor man, and has
settled in Bloomingdale Township in 1817. built up his own fortune.
His death occurred March 12, 1877; his wife R. W. GATES, mechanic, Bloomingdale,
died May They raised six chil-
13, 1871. ex-soldier and one of the inventors of Du
dren — Benjamin Mercy L., Etherliuda
F., Page, was born October 15, 1835, in Tomp-
D. Harriet E. Mason M. and Mary J.
, , Mr. |
kins County, N. Y., son of Levi Gates, a na-
Dunning has four children Calvin L. Al- — . tive of Worcester County, Mass., where he
bert D., Francis H. and Estelle; Calvin L., was born in 1806, and subsequently removed
in Chicago; Estelle, of South Park, wife of to Tompkins County and married Nancy
George H. Berger; Francis H. and Albert D.. |
Gould, a native of North Adams. She bore
at home. A. D. has one of the best selected him seven children, all of whom are now liv-
libraries in the county. ing. The eldest is Elmira, wife of Henry
JOSIAH FRENCH, Ontarioville, Cook Haddock, of Elgin. Skillman, the eldest son,
County, was born March 1, 1813, in East resides in St. Louis, Mo. Next in order
Salisbury, Mass. , son of Josiah and Hannah comes Robert W. Sarah resides in Chicago,
(French) French, she having same name, but wife of John Morrison. Helen resides in
being of a different family. They had nine Madison County, Neb. , wife of M. J. Davis.
children, seven of whom are living. Our sub- Charles resides in Elgin. Charlotte, the
ject left Boston April 21, 1831, and arrived at }
oungest, resides in Batavia, this State, wife
Carrollton May 25, coming by canal, steamboat of John Hugitt. Robert W. is the only
and wagon. In the fall of 1S33, he moved member of the family residing in Du Page,
to Jersey County, and lived there until 1S56, and was nineteen years of age when he came to
when he came here. He lived also eighteen this county with his parents. His father was a
months in Galena. He came from his native carpenter, with whom he worked, and learned
State with a man with whom he learned the the trade under his instruction. After at-

trade of carpenter. He hrst bought 160 taining his majority, he began business on
and then 620
acres of land in Jersey County, his own In September, 1861, he
acres unimproved. He now owns over three enlisted as a private in Company D, Eighth
hundred acres of good land. April 20, 1838, Illinois Cavalry, and served until after the
he married Dollie Adams, born January 26, close of the war, receiving his discharge July,

1865. Six months after his enlistment, he Deitrich Stuckmann, where he continued
was promoted to Quartermaster Sergeant of thirteen years. He then came to Blooming-
the regiment, and, in the winter of 1863, he dale and bought 114 acres of land, costing
was promoted to First Lieutenant, and had $2,600; lived there about twelve years, and
charge of the Quartermaster's Department of then came to where he now is, one- fourth
his regiment. His term of service was filled mile south of the village of Bloomingdale,
in the Army of the Potomac, where he was where he bought the old mill owned by Col-
assigned. After his return from the service, bury, and ran the same until 1872, when he
he built and ran a cheese factory for three built anew mill, and has since ran the same.
years at Itasca. Since that time, he has been In 1879, he built the steam mill at Roselle,
a resident of Bloomingdale, and engaged in and has three ran of buhrs. He is also
wagon-making and blacksmithing combina- (1882) putting in machinery to manufacture
tion shops, and has since conducted the same. the " patent process " flour. April 15, 1845,
In 1869, he invented the potato-digger, which he was married to Louisa Foltmer, born May
has had an extensive sale, it being the most 4, 1821, and who died May 16, 1880, having
sucessful machine of the kind ever invented. borne nine children, only three of whom are
In 1874, he was elected Justice of the Peace, living —Frank, Matilda and Caroline. Ma-
and has since been re-elected. In August, tilda is the wife of Fred Boner, and Frank
1865, he married Laura Landon, who was runs the mill at Roselle. Mr. Holstein is a
born in this township, daughter of Lewis E. self-made man. He began poor, and has ac-
Landon and Maria Parnum. He has four quired he has by his own industry.

children Nellie, Allen, Harry and Eugene. H. O. HILLS, Bloomingdale, was born
Mr. Gates has, since his majority, been affil- June 26, 1818, in Vernon, Oneida Co., N.
iated with the Republican party, and a strong Y., son of Allen and Almeda (Collins) Hills.
advocate of the temperance cause. Allen Hills was born in Connecticut April 26,
miller, 1791, and died in April, 1862. His wife was
dale, was bom in Hanover, Germany, Decem- born December 28, 1794, died February 28,
ber 22, 1821, eldest son of John H. and 1863. They had five children —Erasmus O.
Maria (Boss) Holstein. John H. was a in Hyde Park, 111. H. O. our subject; Nu-
; ,

farmer, and died in his native land in 1862, bria C, at Hyde Park; Almeda P., married
aged sixty-five years. He had two sons and R. Stevens, of "Wheaton, 111., always lived in
five daughters —Louisa, Fred and our subject. this county; and Huet B., lived in this
Louisa is the wife of Louis Homeir, of Ad- county until his death, in August, 1881.
dison Township, and Fred resides with her. Allen Hills was a son of Huet Hills, who had
Henry was raised a farmer, and remained twelve children, six sons and six daughters.
with his parents until fourteen years of age, Our subject lived on the home farm till he was
when he went to learn the miller's trade. In twenty-four years of age, and, in June, 1842,
the spring of 1849, he came to America, ar- came "West to Illinois; worked that summer
riving in Baltimore in the latter part of May. on a farm his father had bought in Bloom-
The next month, he came to Addison Town- ingdale Township, and, in the fall of the
ship,where he worked at farming, and after- same year, began driving a stage from Chi-
ward went to Cook County. The next year, cago to Peru, which occupation he followed
returned to Addison and rented land from for two years. He has since given his atten-

tion to farming, and has a farm of 180 acres. acres of land. In the fall of 1843, he mar-
He clerked six years for Deibert & Bros. ried Sarah Butler, born in Erie County, N,
December 7, May-
1842, he married Lorena Y., daughter of John and Pattie (Wilson)
nard, born in Potsdam, N. Y., December 31, Butler. Mrs. Hoyt died in 1856. The chil-
1818, daughter of Elias and Lorena May- dren by this marriage were Martha, wife of
nard. Elias Maynard and family came to Jerome Lester, of Cook County, 111. Ellen, ;

Illinois about the year 1837, and settled in wife of George Wilson, died in Iowa leaving
this township. He had Ave children Ruth, — one son, Charles; and Walter, died aged
wife of Orin Lilley; Lorena, Mrs. H. O. seventeen. Mr. Hoyt married, June 29,
Hills; George, deceased;Hiram, residing in 1857, Nancy Hopkins, a native of Windham,
Austin, 111. and Esther, wife of H. Bran-
; Vt., born in 1820, daughter of David and
son Hills, of Wheaton. Mr. -and Mrs. H. Hannah (Cobb) Hopkins, natives of New
O. Hills are the parents of nine children Hampshire, who moved to New York State
Sabrina E.. wife of O. A. Verbeck; Helen when Mrs. Hoyt was seven years of age. By
J., wife of Harrison Muzzy; Allen E. , Huet this union they have been blessed with three
B., Charles H., Dewitt C. Lorena M., wife
; childi-en — Llewellyn, married and settled in
of Thomas Lake; Edwin O. and Fannie B. Franklin County, Iowa : C. G. and Moses
all living in this county. Mr. Hills was K. one deceased.
; Mr. Hoyt is a Republican.
formerly a "Whig, now a Republican. His JOHN H. HARMENING, Bloomingdale,
parents were members of the Congregational was born in Hesse Cassel, Germany, Decem-
Church. His father was formerly a Demo- ber 31, 1826, son of John Henry and Sophia
crat, afterward a Republican, and served as (Pfingsten) Harmening. John Henry Har-
Justice of the Peace several terms. dening, son of Fred Harmening, came with
, MOSES K HOYT, Bloomingdale, was his family to America in the spring of 1S65,
born in Plattsburg, N. Y., April 12, 1817, and came West to Chicago. He died in Sep-
fifth son and sixth child of Moses and Sallie tember, 1871. His wife, who was a daugh-
(Piper) Hoyt, natives of New Hampshire. ter of John Pfingsten. died in Germany.
Moses Hoyt was a hunberman. and shipped They had five children —Christian, who died
lumber to Quebec. He came with his fam- in 1859; Mena and Charlotte, in Germany;
ily to this county in the fall of 1S37, locat- Hannah, who died in Germany; and John H.
ed on 160 acres of land, where he resided Our subject, after coming to this country,
which occurred in 1860. He
until his death, worked in a brickyard, drove a team, farmed,
was a Whig. His wife died several years and kept a hotel at 112 West Lake street,
previous. They had seven children George — Chicago, for some time. He then came to
W., who settled at Dundee; Hiram and this township and bought 3 10 acres of land,
Charles H., who located in Addison Town- on which he has put all the improvements,
ship ; Sallie, who married Thomas H. Thomp- set out trees, hedges, etc. He married, April
son, of Dundee; Louis L., who resided in 2, 1859, Dorothea Thies, a native of Han-
Plattsburg, N. Y. Moses K. and FanDie
; ; over, Germany, born February 11, 184 J,
M., wife of Alfred Rich, of Dakota. All are daughter of John and Charlotte (Prinne)
deceased save Moses K. and Fannie M. Our Thies. By this marriage they have been
subject has followed farming since he came blessed with four children- Henry, Sophia,
to this county. His farm consists of 200 Matilda and William.

IRVING EDWARD INGRAHAM, farmer, ter of Henry Turner. Our subject was reared
P. O. Bloomingdale,was born in Essex, Chit- on a farm, and came to this country in 1858,
tenden Co., Vt., November 22, 1850, eldest when eighteen years and to Cook
of age,
son of Artemus A. and Lncinda (Goodhue) County shortly afterward, where he worked
Ingraham. Artemus A. Ingraham came with among the farmers for about three years. In
his family to this county in the spring of 1863, he went to Chicago and learned the
1869. bought 380 acres of land, on which he ba'ker's trade, but subsequently returned to
lived till the fall of 1881, when he moved to Cook County and purchased a thrashing ma-
Wheaton. Our subject received a good com- chine, and for eight years engaged in the
mon-school education, and afterward attended business of thrashing grain. About 1866,
Wheaton College for two years. January 1, he purchased 300 acres of land in Palatine
1873. he married Francelia Deibert, a native Township, and engaged in farming, also
of this and adopted daughter of
county, doing business in Chicago for a seed firm.
Daniel F. Deibert, one of the prominent men In 1873, he removed to Chicago, and re-
of this township. Mr. Ingraham has taken mained there aboiit one year, in the grocery,
charge of the farm since the fall of 1881. flour and feed business, at the same time car-
He runs the largest dairy in the township. rying on his farm. In 1875, he located at
He and his wife are members of the Baptist Roselle and engaged in the grain business.
Church. He is also a member of the Tem- He has built several houses, and done much
perance Union. toward improvement. Since he came here,
CHAS. B. KELLEY, farmer and stock- he has been engaged in the grain, flour, coal
raiser, P. 0. Wheaton, was born in Milton and feed business, and in buying and selling
Townshij) March 6, 1853, on the homestead stock. He has also an elevator at Harper.
farm, second son living of Daniel Kelley. November 6, 1864, he married Hannah Mey-
He was reared on the farm, and received good ers, born on tbe ocean October 22, 1847.

school advantages. April 14, 1879, he daughter of Charles and Corlene (Hartmann)
formed a matrimonial alliance with Maggie Meyers, both natives of Hanover, and six
Pottage. In 1877, he purchased the farm he children have been born to them Mary, —
now owns, consisting of 160 acres, which lies March 28, 1867; William, May 22, 1869;
in the southern part of the township, and Freddie, October 3. 1871; Sophia, August
since his marriage he has been a resident of 17, 1873; Henry, December 3, 1875; and
the township, and been identified with its Annie, October 24, 1878; the last two being
interests as a farmer and breeder of thorough- born in Roselle. In 1872, Mi-. Langhorst
bred Merino sheep. Is a member of the made a trip to the old country and brought
Baptist Church, and a Republican. No chil- over his parents, but the father died August
dren. 21, 1875, and the mother November 26, 1876.
. FREDERICK LANGHORST, Roselle. He is a member of the Evangelical Church.
Among the principal business men of Ro- CHARLES LAWRENCE, retired farmer,
sell is Mr. Langhorst. He was born Febru- Meacham, was born November 11, 1804, in
ary 7. 1840, in Germany, the third son and Cornwall, England, son of John and Mary
fourth child born to Christopher and Doro- (Shaplin) Lawrencg. He emigrated to Amer-
thea (Tiirner) Langhorst, he bom in 1801, ica in 1844, and located in Schaumberg, Cook
she burn iu the kingdom of Hanover, daugh- County, and purchased land and engaged in

farming, where he continued for many years, HENRY PIERCE, farmer, P. O. Mea-
when he finally located in this township, and cham, was born in this township October 14,
has since been retired. He married Grace 1845, the second son and third child born to
Tinnemore, who was born in 1806, in En- Thomas and Elizabeth Pierce, whe came to
gland, daughter of Hugh Tinnemore. She Du Page about the year 1840. Thomas
died in 1868, having borne him five children Pierce first lived about one year south of

— Charles, who Ann. mar-

resides in Iowa; Bloomingdale; afterward bought land in the
ried Joseph Baker, deceased; Mary. Henry northeast part of the township, now owned by
F. and James, who is farming in this town-
. Charles Pierce. Here he died July 11, 1880.
ship. He was born in Schaumberg, Cook His wife is living.
still They raised five
County, April 15, 1850. where he remained children- James, Maria, Henry, Thomas and
on the farm until he came to this county. Charles. Maria died in 1875, wife of Charles
He engaged in business for himself after he W. Geary. All the others are young.
became In 1881, he purchased the
of age. Henry, the second son, was raised on the
Col. Meacham farm, consisting of 250 acres, farm, and was married, January 6, 1869, to
and is engaged in farming and dairying. Emma Rathburn, born in this township, the
JAMES PIERCE, Postmaster, merchant second daughter of Rowland and Eliza (Mose-
and depot agent, Meacham, is a native of ly) Rathburn. After marriage, he remained
England, born February 24, 1841, eldest on the homestead two years, and then built
son of Thomas and Elizabeth (Sandercock) where he now lives, the land having belonged
Pierce. Thomas Pierce was one of the early to his father. He has 100 acres, and has put
settlers of this township; came here in the all the improvements on the farm. He has
summer of 1842 bought 200 acres of Gov-
; four sons and one daughter — Arthur R. , Al-
ernment land, on which he 'lived till the time bert T., Nellie M.. Henry Clyde and Chester
of his death, having increased the farm to G. Mrs. Pierce is a inentber of the Method-
400 acres, which he divided among his ist Episcopal Cburcli and he is identified with

children. He had five children James, — the temperance movement. Is now serving
Maria J.. Henry. John T. and Charles. his sixth year as Commissioner of Highways,
James S. remained on the homestead farm and is a Republican.
until he attained his majority, then worked FRANK W. PIERCE, farmer, P. O. Mea-
out for some time. February 1, 1863, he cham, was born in Addison Township, this

married Mary, daughter of William Batten. county, July 27, 1846, on the land first set-

They have two children Horace Elmer and tled by his father. He is the eldest child of
Ella Maria. After his marriage, Mr. Pierce Charles and Margaret Pierce. Charles
rented the homestead farm for five years, Pierce was born in Cornwall, England, in 1810
then bought a farm on Section 11, where he emigrated to America and came to this county
lived for ten years. In the winter of 1S78, in 1843; bought eighty acres of land, on
he came to Meacham Station, opened up a which he remained some time, then bought
store, and has since been Postmaster and de- 100 acres of land where Itasca now stands,
pot agent there. He owns 170 acres of land and. in 1869. came to this township, and
in Sections 10 and 11. and 100 acres on Sec- lived here till the spring of 1882, when he
tion 2. He is a membe'r of the Methodist removed to Elgin. 111. He had two chil-
Episcopal Chtirch; in politics, a Republican. dren. Charles W. and Susan, Mrs. Spanuel

Samuels, of Elgin. Frank W. was married, majority, rented the homestead for one year,
December 1, 1867, to Mary Ericson, born in and his father gave him eighty acres of laud.
Wisconsin July 6, 1849, who has borne him In April. 1881, Mr. Pierce married Jeunie

two children Jennie and Nelson. Since his Batten, a native of Devonshire, England,
marriage, Mr. Pierce has had charge of the born October 10, 1862, daughter of John and
farm, which contains 130 acres of land. He Tamzer (Rundle). From this union they
is a Republican, and a supporter of the tem- have one son, born August 17, 1882. Mr.
perance cause. Pierce has a farm of 170 acres of land.
JOHN T. PIERCE, farmer, P. O. Mea- W. KIRK PATRICK, deceased, was born
cham, was born May 8, 1850, third son and February 16, 1824, inTruxton, Cortland Co.,
fourth child of Thomas Pierce. He was N. Y., son of Nathaniel and Penelope (Pot-
raised on the farm, and, on attaining his ma- ter) Patrick, he born February 10, 17S5, in

jority, rented land of his father in this town- Stillwater, Saratoga Co., N. Y. ; she born in
ship. He married, January 22, 1874, Hatfcie 1793, daughter of Nathaniel Potter. To
A. Baxter, born in Winfield Township, this Nathaniel and Penelojie Patrick were born
county, March 1, 1854, second daughter of fourteen children, twelve of whom grew to
John and Sarah (Sharp) Baxter, residents of maturity — Stephen, Elias, Fannie E., H. B.
this county, who came here from England Albert, Charles, William K. , Lydia. Mary,
about the year 1848. After his marriage, he Rachel, Alfred, Elizabeth. Stejihen resides
located on his father's farm, known as the in Cortland County, N. Y., and has repre-
Daniel McGraw place, where he remained sented his county in the Legislature of his
until March 25, 1881, locating on the George State;Lydia married Alanson P. Benson, of
Meacham farm, containing now 193 acres, Onondaga County, N. Y. Those who settled
160 acres of the Meacham farm, the remain- in this county were William K., H. B., Fan-
ing thirty-three acres of the Trewin farm, on nie (Mrs. J. B. Hull); Elizabeth, wife of
which he has good improvements. He car- Robert Patrick ; Charles, Richard, Alfred
ries on a dairy in ad "ition to farming. By and Eliza settled in McHenry County Alfred ;

their marriage, Mr. and Mrs. Pierce have is a farmer; Mary married Charles Angle,

been blessed with two children Eddie Til- — and removed to Topeka, Kan. W. K. Pat-
ton, born June 30, 1876; and Clarence Ray- rick came West in 1850. He was raised on
mond, born April 11, 1880. Mr. Pierce is a a farm, and his father died in 1844. Onr
Republican. subject, being the eldest son at home, took
CHARLES PIERCE, farmer, P. O. Mea- charge of the farm until he came West in
cham, was born in this township February 1850. The paternal ancestors of Mr. Patrick
24, 1857, and has always resided here. He emigrated from Scotland to the North of Ire-
is the youngest child and son of Thomas land during the reign of James I, and the
Pierce. Thomas Pierce was born in 1807; Patricks landed in New York in 1763. Our
came with his family to this county in July, subject married, February 16, 1847, Mary L.
1841, and bought land of the Government. Knowles, born in Chenango County, N. Y.,
He died July 11, 1880. His wife, a native June 17, 1827, daughter of Daniel and Lo-
of Cornwall, England, was born February vina (Reynolds) Knowles, he born in 1785, in
20, 1818, daughter of John Sandercock. The Rhode Island, she torn in 1797, daughter of
subject of this sketch, when he attained his Benjamin and Sarah (Briggs) Reynolds, who
removed Chenango County about 1S02.
to Mrs. Patrick has one brother and one sister,

To Benjamin and wife were born nine chil- George and Elizabeth (Mrs. Charles Hoag, of
dren, who grew up. Daniel Reynolds and Plainfield). HerTparents were members of
wife removed to Cortland County in ] S37, the Congregational Church.
and died there. To Daniel and wife were ROWLAND RATHBURN, Prospect Park,
born three children — Mary, Darius D. and was born near Rome, Oneida Co. N. Y. Au- , ,

Sarah, the last two deceased. Prior to Mr. gust 18, 1817, and is a son of Acors and
Patrick's coming West, he bought 160 acres Sarah (Peckham) Rathburn, natives of Rhode
of land, and afterward added more, and made Island. Acors Rathburn was one of a fam-
several changes, but finally settled where he ily of six, born to Burden Rathburn, of Rhode
lived until his death, May 8, 1S82. He was Island. Acors Rathburn learned the hatter's
a Republican; served as Assessor and Super- marriage to Sarah Peck-
trade, and, after his
visor several terms. About 1858, he engaged ham, daughter of Judge W. Peckham, he re-
in sheep-raising, and, later, was a large moved to Oneida County, N. Y., where he
breeder of the same. He was a liberal sup- was one of the early settlers. He followed
porter of the Gospel, although not a member farming there till his death. He had a fam-
of any church,and always a helper of the ily of twelve children, all of whom grew to
and needy. To Mr. Patrick and wife
jjoor maturity — William, Solomon; Sarah, resid-
were born nine children. Those who grew ing at Oak Park, 111., wife of Daniel Mory;
to maturity were Delia, wife of C. B. Field, Wells, Joshua, Peckham and Mercy, all three
of Freeport, 111. ; Ellen, wife of A. E. Hills, in New York; Dorcas, wife of Henry Thomas,
of Lombard ; Florence, Wilbur K., Jr., of Lone Rock, Wis. Perry, in Atlantic,

Frances, Charles, Abraham L. and Jesse. Iowa; Benjamin, also in Iowa; May A., Row-
Mrs. Patrick is a member of the Congrega- land and James. The latter went to Califor-
tional Church. nia, and has not been heard from for several
ALFRED S. PATRICK, farmer, P. O. years. The subject of this sketch remained
Wheaton, was born on the homestead farm, with his parents on the farm till he was
where he now lives, September 8, 1841, and twenty-two years of age. In the sjn-ing of
is the third and youngest child of H. B. and 1844, he came to Illinois, and in September
Clarissa (Frisby) Patrick. Mr. Patrick was of that year, purchased, at $1.50 an acre, a
raised on the farm, and has always followed claim of eighty acres of unimproved land,
farming. He also devotes his attention to where be still resides, having now, however,
feeding cattle. January 1, 1875, he married 160 acres of well -improved land. He has
Ida McClester, born in Long Meadow,
W. been thrice married. In January, 1840, he
Mass. February 13, 1849, youngest daughter
, married Elisa Mosely, a native of Rensselaer
of Robert and Mary (Field) McClester, he a County, N. Y., daughter of Charles Mosely.
native of Massachusetts, of Irish descent, she —
She died leaving four children Joshua, Cor-
a relative of Cyrus W. Field. The McClester nelia,Emma and George. His second wife,
family came West to Plainfield, Will Co., Harriet Mosely, sister of his first wife, died
111., Robert McClester, who was a
in 1853. leaving one child, Eliza.His third wife was
master mechanic in Government employ, died Josephine Smith, a native of Vermont, and
in Chattanooga, Tenn. , in the second year of daughter of Alvin Smith, one of the early
the late war. His widow is still living. settlers in this county. By this last marriage

he has six childlen Acors, Sarah, Carrie, has given his attention to farming pursuits.
John, Richard and Warren. He is a mem- In 1856, he had the misfortune to lose his
ber of the Society of Friends. Of his chil- right arm while working with a threshing
dren, Joshua served four years during the machine. He has always been a stanch and
late war, in the Thirty-sixth Illinois Cavalry, reliable Republican; has served as Justice of
and died after leaving the service; Cornelia the Peace for twelve years, and, since 1873,
resides in Chicago, wife of George Meacham, has been Supervisor of the township, except
lumber merchant; Emma is the wife of
Henry 1877, and in all his official relations he has
Pierce, of this township; George is a farmer maintained the dignity and uprightness which
in Ellsworth County, Kan. and the remain-
; characterize the true man. He has 258 acres
der of the family are at home. of land in the township, and 480 acres in
WILLIAM RATHJE, farmer, P. O. Kossuth County, Iowa. March 20, 1863, he
Bloomingdale, has been a resident of this married Louisa Ehlers, who was born in the
county since October 23, 1846, and of this same place as himself, February, 1841,
township since the spring of 1847. He was daughter of Fred Ehlers and Maria Meyer;
born October 13, 1833, in Rodenwald, Amt —
has eight children three sons and five daugh-
Nuestadt, in province of Hanover. His par- ters —Emma,
Mena, Bertha, Annie, Sophia,
ents were Frederick Rathje and Sophia Frol- Fred, Louis and Willie. Member of the
icli.His father was born December 26, 1799, Evangelical Church.
and had eight children born to him, whose JOSIAH STEVENS, Bloomingdale, is now
names, in order of their birth, are Louisa, the oldest living male resident of Blooming-
Frederick, Henry, Mary, William, Louis, dale Township, having come here with his
Henry and Sophia. Henry died in the old parents in the spring of 1S35. He was born
country; Mary resides in Addison Township, July 10, 1832, in Lenox, Madison Co., N.
wife of Henry Buchholz; Louisa married Y. , third son and seventh child of Noah and
Fred Wakenhauer, of same township; Fred- Lois (Walker) Stevens. The Stevens family
erick resides in Peotone, Will County, this came originally from England, four brothers
State; Sophia resides in Corvallis, Benton of the family coming out in the Mayflower.

Co., Ore., wife of Fred H. Fisher. William, Noah Stevens, a farmer by occupation, son of
when he came to this county, resided the first Thomas Stevens, was born in Sangerfield,
year with his sister, Mrs. Wakenhauer, in Oneida Co., N. Y., November 16, 1797; was
Addison Township. The following year, he married, November 9, 1818, to Lois Walker,
came to this township. He hired out for six a native of Hinesburg, Vt., born Jan. 21,
months to Horace Benjamin, at $3 per month. 1801, daughter of Asa Walker. By this
The year following (in 1848), his father came, union were born the following children:
and bought 120 acres of land, which Sibylla, born February, 11, 1820, wife of D.
William now owns, which was obtained of D. Noble, of Nebraska; Thomas R., born
Cyrus Kellogg, at a cost of $10 per acre, March 25, 1822, a farmer, died at Wheaton,
there being but little improvements on the 111., in March, 1882; Leonora, born April
place at the time. Since that time, Mr. 3, 1824, married C. W. Kellogg, of this
Rathje has been a constant resident at the township, and died September 24, 1875; Lois,
place. His mother died in 1843. His fa- born May 19, 1826, wife of Henry Hatch, of
ther resides with him on the farm. William Iowa; Lavina, born June 20, 1828, wife of

E. A. Herrick, of Winnebago, 111. ; Ethel H. son of Levi and Rebecca (Hinman) Barber.
born March 25, 1831; Josiah; Alvira L., The Barber family came West in 1853 and
born December 31, 1835, lives with Josiah; settled Bloomingdale Township, this
Adeline D., born June 28, 1838, wife of Ed- county. Simeon Barber now lives with his
ward Herrick, of Iowa; and Mary A., born son Henry; his wife died in July, 1875.
November 25, 1840, wife of Asa W. Farr, of They had three children — Caroline E., Mrs.
Iowa. All grew to maturity save Ethel H. Stevens; Henry F., residing in Wayne Town-
Noah Stevens came W est with his family and
ship, this county; and Mary L., wife of I. B.
settled on a claim of 175 acres, on which Jo- Kinney, of Henry County, Mo. Mr. Stevens
siah now resides, and remained there till his has had charge of the farm since 1853. He
death, which occiured September 5, 1862. now rents the place. Since 1867, he has kept
He was a Deacon in the Baptist Church, and a public house, the Farmers' Home, and,
one of the organizers of that church here, since the spring of 1875, he has been en-
their meetings being held in his house, which gaged in the construction of tubular wells,
was the home of the ministers. In politics, keeping four teams constantly on the road.
he was a W hig, and
later a Kepublican. His Mr. and Mrs. Stevens have been blessed with
wife died February 4, 1863. Our subject —
three children Hattie L., Addie L. (wife of
married, March 5, 1855, Caroline E. Barber, E. ~W. Lester, of Addison Township) and
born in Castleton, Rutland Co., Vt., October Myrfca A. Mr. Stevens has been Constable
5, 1829, daughter of Simeon and Lorain H. since 1865, and has served for nine or ten
(King) Barber, natives of Benson, Vt., he a years as Township Trustee.

WILLIAM ASCHE, farmer, P. O. Elm- ing. Dora resides in Chicago, wife ofFred
hurst, one of the young settlers of Addison
is Wassaman; Fred resides Lemont, this
Township; his father, William Asche, was a State; Emma is the wife of Henry Kay, and
native of Hanover, where he was born Febru- resides at Blue Island near Chicago. Will-
ary 26, 1809, and emigrated to America short- iam, our subject, who now resides on the
ly after the Fischer family came. He worked homestead farm, was born January 7, 1854,
on the canal in Chicago for some time, finally and, being the youngest, he has always been
locating in Addison Township, where his son j
on the home farm. April 16, 1874, he mar-
William now resides, making his purchase ried Louisa, eldest daughter of August Graue;
July 10, 1844. May 12, 1842, he married

He has five children August, Edward, Ma-
Mena Fischer, a native of Hanover, born Oc- tilda, Albert and Ada.
tober 7, 1823, daughter of H. F. Fischer, who WILLIAM HENRY BOSKE, farmer, P.
for several years operated the wind-mill in the O. Bensenville, resides at Kaler's Grove,
southeast part of the township. William which took its name from Barney Kaler, who

Asche, Sr., died March 18, 1876; his wife in married Mrs. Boske, the mother of William
November, 1858; six children were bom to Henry; her maiden name was Mary Ulhorn,
them, five coming to the years of matm-ity, whose first husband was Henry Boske, and
Dora, Fred, Emma and William are now liv- —
by him had two children Sophia and Will-

iam Henry, who was bom January 4, 1823, Hundred and Thirteenth Regiment, Illinois
in Ehrenburg, in the Kingdom of Hanover; Volunteer Infantry, and served until the
his father died in 1827. William Henry close of the war, and was never absent from
emigrated to this State with his mother and his command except when home on furlough
stepfather in 1834. William Henry left one month, by reason of a wound received at
home after his stepfather's settlement here, Guntowu At the close of the war, he went
and went to Chicago, remaining there until to Chicago and engaged as clerk in the gro-
he was about eighteen years of age, when he cery store of J. H. Haake, remaining in his
returned to this township, where he has since employ until May, 1868, when he purchased
remained. June 2, 1848, he married Mary his employer's interest and run the store until
Charlotte Schmidt, who was born February the great fire, in 1871. Two weeks later, he
19, 1829, in Londesbergen, in the Kingdom set up in business on Milwaukee avenue, near
of Hanover, daughter of Henry Schmidt. Noble, where he remained about ten months;
Nine children have been born to him, eight then sold out and opened a flour and feed
of whom are living. Sophia was born August store, and continued in that business until

16,1849, and resides in Bloomingdale Town- 1880. In May, 1868, he married Mary Hu-
ship, wife of Marquardt; Louisa W., born ell, born in Cook County, 111., daughter of

November 20, 1851, and resides in this town- John Huell; they have three children Will- —
ship, wife of Fred Bucholz; Anne L. E.,born iam, Carrie and Emma. He is a member of
January 12, 1854, wife of William Stuenkel, the Masonic fraternity.
of Lombard; Maria D. R., born January 19, FREDERICK H. BATES, M. D., Ben-
1859, wife of George C. Johnson, of Chicago; senville, was born in the village of Elmhurst,

Henrietta L. E., born May 24, 1861, wife of 111., October 8, 1856; he was the son of Gerry

August Webber, of this township; Elsie L. and Georgia Bates (a sketch of whom will be
M., Fred H. and William W. at home. Mr.
, found elsewhere in this work). After receiv-
Boske has over 300 acres with excellent im- ing a liberal education, he commenced the
provements thereon. Is a member of the study of medicine, in 1875, and on the 26th
Lutheran Church. day of February, 1878, he graduated with
WILLIAM BARUTH, general store, honors at the Rush Medical College of Chi-
Itasca; located in this town in the spring of cago. After the death of his father, Gerry
18S2. He purchased the interests and store Bates, which occurred July 29, 1S7S, he was
of L. F. Magers, and keeps a general store, appointed Postmaster at Elmliurst, an office

dry goods, groceries, boots and shoes, hard- which his father had held for thirty years
ware and notions; he also keeps a saloon and previous to his death. He continued to act
sample room adjoining. He was born Au- as Postmaster and in the practice of medicine
gust 3, 1839, in Amt Otterndorf, in the Prov- at Elmhurst until 1881, when he resigned
ince of Hanover, son ofWilliam and Rebecca both and entered into a partnership in the
Baruth. Mr. Baruth came to America in 1856, practice of medicine with Dr. John Zahn, at
and lived in New York about two years, work- Elgin, 111. In January, 1882, this partner-
ing for what he could get. In March, 1858, ship was dissolved, and Dr. Bates has since
he came to Long Grove, in Cook County, 111., been practicing his prof ession at Bensenville,
where he hired out among the farmers. In in this county, where, owing to his profi-
June, 1862, he enlisted in Company C, One ciency as a physician and his extended knowl-

edge of the German language, he has a large Christian came to America in the spring of
practice. The Doctor has for some time been 1867* he spent one year in Chicago, and
a member good standing of the Ancient
in came here the following year, and has since
Order of Free and Accepted Masons, Harlem been engaged at his trade, being both stone
Lodge, No. 540. and brick mason and plasterer, and an excel-
WILLIAM BUCHHOLZ, farmer, P. O. lent workman withal. He was married,
Addison; is a native of Hanover, Germany, March 3, 1872, to Lesetta, daughter of John
born February 8, Henry and
1826, son of Brettmann, one of the old settlers in the town-
Mary (Knage) Buchholz. Henry JBuchholz ship; he has three children —
Herman, Julius
came with his family to Illinois, in Novem- and Malinda. He has, by honest labor and
ber. 1844, and located where
in this township, attention to his business, obtained a home
he lived until his death, which occurred July here in Bensenville and valuable property.
12, 1853; his wife died two years later; they GEOEGE COGSWELL, farmer, P. O.
had five children — Mary, Louisa, Henry, Bensenville, was born December 15, 1847, in
William and Fred. Our subject was about Bensenville, eldest son living of William F.
eighteen years of age when he came to this Cogswell, a native of Concord, N. H., who
county; when a little over twenty-three years came to this township in 1842, and purchased
of age, he began the business of life on his a claim on Section 13, of M. L. Dunlap, and
own account. He married, May 4, 1859, So- here the family have since lived. August 26,
phia Fiene, also a native of Hanover, born in 1843, he married Annie A. Franzen, who was
September, 1829, daughter of David Fiene. born August 30, 1826, in Prussia; her parents
By this union, they have been blessed with were Garrett Franzen and Anna Kriniplenian,
eleven children, six of whom are living who came here in 1843. The father died
August, Fred, Sophia, Louis, Anna, Louisa, June 23, 1S69, having been for twenty years
William (died May 6, 1877, aged seventeen); a member of the Evangelical Church. Ten
Emma, wife of Henry Deirson, died August children were born to him. Of this number,
9. 1877; Bertie died March 11, 1877, aged William, George, Caroline, Henry, Louis and
five years; Heniy died March 19, 1877, aged Clara grew up. George has now the posses-
two years; Matilda, the eldest child, died sion of the homestead, where he grew up.
November 11, 1S01. After his marriage, Mr. In November, 1870, he married Maggie Brust,
Buchholz located on his present place, where who was born in Ohio, near Chillicothe,
he has since resided; his son August lives on daughter of Adam and Barbara Brust. He
the adjoining farm; he has 253 acres of good located after his marriage in Cook County,
land and a good farm-house, erected in 1874. where he lived seven years. Since that time,
They are members of the Lutheran Church. he has been an occupant of the homestead.
CHRISTIAN BAUCKE, mechanic, Ben- He has four children, viz., William F., Ar-
senville, is the leading mechanic in his line thur, Nellie and Alice. Is a member of the
in Addison Township; he is a native of the Evangelical Church.
"Fatherland," Province of Hanover, where HENRY A. COGSWELL, retired, Bensen-
he was born April 3, 1847; his father was was born on the homestead farm in this

Christian Baucke, a farmer, who died when township March 21, 1852; was the fourth son
his son was eighteen years of age. His and fifth child of William F. and Anna (Fran-
mother's maiden name was Dorathy Fogt. zen) Cogswell, who came to Du Page County

soon after its organization. Henry A. was 1878, he built an addition to his mill, and
educated at the common schools; afterward, has since been engaged in manufacturing
attended the commercial school of Bryant & cheese boxes, wooden ware, fruit crates, etc.

Stratton, at Chicago, completing his studies which gives employment to several men. In
at Plainfield College. At the age of seven- December, 1857, he married Eliza Brooklyn,
teen, he engaged in selling farm machinery, of Ogdensburg, N. Y. by whom he has eleven

and canvassed the greater part of the county children — Carrie, William, Annie, Grant,
and was a very successful salesman; he subse- Leonard, Philo, Joseph, Walter, Eliza, Abel
quently built a large storeroom and engaged in and Robert. His farm of 114 acres is situ-
the hardware trade, but continued in the ma- ated about one mile and a half from Itasca,
chine business. He was the first one who where he resides,and carries on his business
carried on the business in the town ; he con- in Itasca at the same time.
tinued in the trade for thirteen years. He DANIEL CLARK (deceased) was born in
sold out, in the fall of 1881, to H. H. Kort- Connecticut August 15, 1820, and came West
hauer, who has since succeeded him. De- with his father, Daniel Clark, when Chicago
cember 2, 1874, he married Matilda Graue, was a mere town. Daniel, Sr. was for many

who was born in this township, and who has years engaged in the hotel business, in Cook

borne him two children Ada M., living, and County, 111., just outside of what is now the
Walter F., who died at the age of two years. limits of the city, and he was widely known
A. G. CHESSMAN, farmer and general by the people at that time, far and near, as
business, Itasca, one of the leading business " Uncle Dan." He subsequently located in

men of Itasca, was born March 4, 1832, in Bloomingdale Township, and there carried
Cumberland County, N. J., son of William on the same business up to the time of his
W. and Lydia (Griffith) Chessman, a daugh- death. His son who bore his name located
ter of Abel Griffith, a Revolutionary soldier in this township, on Section 8, in the year
and participated in the war of 1812. At the 1851, purchasing his land at |10 per acre.
age of seventeen, Abel G. began learning the March 23, 1852, he married Mary Jane Fos-
carpenter's trade, and came to Chicago when ter, a native of Upper Canada, born April 1,

twenty years of age. About the year 185S, 1832, daughter of Asher and Hannah (Rose)
he purchased land in this township, and lo- Foster, who came here prior to 1840. Mr.
cated on the same, and from that time he has Clark engaged actively in farming, and, for
been closely allied to the interests of the several years in his early life, ran a threshing
township and Du Page County. He has in machine, working excessively hard several
the meantime been engaged in building and months each year for many years, and while
contracting to some extent, and, since the in this business doubtless sowed the seedB of
existence of Itasca, has been prominently as- consumption, which caused his death, January
sociated with it as a business man. He was 5, 1877. He was a generous-hearted man, a
the first Postmaster in Itasca, receiving his kind husband and indulgent father) and, with-
appointment under Abraham Lincoln, in al, an excel lent neighbor. His wife and three
1863. He was for some time engaged in sons — —
James, Burlon and Allen survive him
buying and shipping grain. After abandon- and reside on the homestead. James, who
ing the grain trade, he put up a mill, and is was born December 18, 1856, has charge of
now doing effective work for the farmers. In the farm, assisted by his brothers. July 14,

1878, he married Maggie Hamilton, born in Township; he was born in this township
Glasgow, Scotland, daughter of David and March 8, 1856, second son of Frederick Eh-
Jane (Morrison) Hamilton, to whom were lers, a native of Hanover, who came to this
born three daughters and one son. James State in 1850; he married Maria Meyers and

Clark has two children Adelbert and daugh- subsequently located in Cook County, where
ter (unnamed). he died in 1869; his widow yet lives on the
LOUIS DIERKS, farmer, P. O. Bensen- homestead. Edward remained at home until
ville, was born July 30, 1835, in Neustadt his marriage, which occurred May 23, 1877,
Amt Rodewald, in the Province of Hanover, with Caroline Korthauer, daughter of Esquire
only son of John Henry and Dorathy (Preus- Korthauer. of this township. Since his mar-
sner) Dierks. In 1841, Louis came to Amer- riage, he located where he now resides, and
ica with his parents, and, in November of the has been engaged in farming and running
same year, his father located on Section 13. the Addison Mill. Having a steam engine of
There was a log house and but little improve- twenty-live horse-power, he is never compelled
ments. His father is now well up to ninety to cease running his mill, when the wind is

years of age; he resides with his daughter not sufficient to propel the machinery. He
Caroline, wife of Henry Miller, in Cook has two children —Mary Christina and Ber-
County. Louis, being raised on the farm, tie E.
became attached to that life, and decided to FREDERICK FISCHER, farmer, P. O.
make it his business. July 4, 1855, he was Elmhurst. Henry D., the eldest brother of
married, in Chicago, to Margaretha Lauing, Frederick, emigrated to this country in 1833;
born September 16, 1833, in Amt Hoya, came first to Chicago, and shortly after, took
Province of Hanover; her parents were De- a claim on Section 27, in Addison Township.
trick and Eebecca Breuning, he born in 1803, The remainder of the family came in the fall
his wife in 1815, and he came to America in of 1836, and have since been identified with
1861. She died in the old country in 1855; the interests of Du Page County. Frederick
he in 1865, in this county. Since Mr. was born March 17, 1823, in Hanover. His
Dierks' marriage, he has been located on the father was Conrad Fischer, who married Lou-
homestead, consisting of 155 acres; he has isa Reinking, and the fruits of this marriage
one of the best houses in the township, built were three sons and three daughters Henry —
of brick and furnished in first class style; his D. , Louisa, Frederick. Augustus, Caroline
farm adjoins the town of Bensenville. Twelve and Wilhelmenia; the latter was accidentally
children have been born to Mr. Dierks, nine drowned while coming to this country. Lou-
of whom are living —
Sophia, born April 29, isa married Henry Bielfeld, now of Milwau-

1856; Ernst, February 11, 1859; Louis, June kee; Caroline, wife of Louis Rathje. Con-
26,1861; Martha, October 20, 1863; William, rad Fischer and his family settled where
October 19, 1865; Emma, February 10, 1868; George Fisher now lives, in this township,
Albert, July 26, 1870; Henry, August 3, 1872; where he remained until his death, having
Ida. April 1, 1874. Mr. Dierks is a member attained to the age of over fourscore years;
of the Lutheran Church. he was a member of the Evangelical Lutheran
EDWARD EHLERS, farmer and miller, Church, and was a man Df substantial char-
P. O. Elmhurst, is the owner and proprietor acter and highly respected. Frederick has
of the wind-mill in the east part of Addison been a constant resident of this township, and

has been successful as a farmer, having 630 j

Otto, a farmer in this township; Gustave and
acres of choice land. He has been twice Charles, at home.
married — first, in 1847, to Henrietta Mesen- GEORGE A. FISCHER, farmer, P. O.
brink, who died in 1S80, leaving three chil- Addison, was born on the farm he now owns,
dren —Louisa, Caroline and Albert. Louisa January 30, 1851, the seventh son born to
is the wife of Fred Koch, United States Gau- Henry Dietrich Fischer, born in 1815 in the
ger; Caroline married Fred Buchold, and village of Esdorf, in the Kingdom of Hano-
Albert lives in Chicago. His present wife ver; he learned the harness-maker's trade,
was Mrs. Dorothe Poehlsen, daughter of Lud- and, in 1834, embarked for America. In
wig and Charlotte (Bube) Kluto. Mr. Fisher 1836, his parents, two brothers and two sis-

moved to his present location in 1845. I ters came to this section from the old
AUGUST FISCHER, farmer and stock- country, -and determined to engage in farm-
raiser, P. O. Elmhurst, was born February ing. In 1837, Henry D. married Ann Maria
26, 1826 at Estorf in the Kingdom of Han-
, Franzen, daughter of Bernhard, one of the
over, and is the third son born to Conrad and early settlers of this township. Mr. Fischer
Louisa (Reinking) Fischer. August was but \
was a representative man of his time; he
ten years of age when his parents located in this held the office of Justice of the Peace from
township. He married, May 27, 1849, Eliza 1854 up to the time of his death, July 1,
Hackrott, who was born December 25, 1828, 1868. In 1855, he was elected Supervisor,
near the city of Hanover. Her parents were and was re-elected annually until 1859, and
August and Mary (Krueger) Hackrott, who again in 1866. He was a stanch Republican.
emigrated from the old country and settled His children were as follows: Henry D., born
in this township in 1842, on land adjacent !
May 21, 1838; Charles C, March 1, 1840,
to the Fischer estate. August Hackrott i
died 1855; Frederick I., July 30, 1842; Au-
was born in the summer of 1800; his wife gustus H. October 1, 1844, was killed at At-

Mary on February 27, the same year. To lanta, Ga. August 13, 1864; Herman A.,

them eleven children were born, seven of September 6, 1846; William H., December
whom lived to be grown, Mrs. Fischer being 18, 1848, died June 9, 1865; George A.,

the only one of the family remaining in Du June 30, 1851; Eliza C, June 25, 1853; Will-
Page County. Her father died in 1852, her iam H., August 17, 1855; A. Henriette, No-
mother in 1849; they were members of the vember 27, 1857, died in 1859. George A.
Evangelical Church. After Mr. Fischer's I
has succeeded his father on the homestead
marriage, he located on the farm he now oc- ! he received good common-school advantages;
cupies, where he had then but 200 acres of also attended several terms at Wheaton Col-
land; he has now over 1,500 acres in all, 400 lege. He took charge of the farm in 1876.
in Iowa, the remainder in this and the ad- January 30, the same year, he married Mary
joining county. Farming has been his busi- C, daughter of B. H. Franzen and Charlotte
ness since he began life for himself he keeps ; Buchholz. Mary C. was born May 29, 1856,
a dairy of over fifty cows and is a very suc- in Prussia; she has one brother. Augustus
cessful farmer. Mr. and Mrs. Fischer are H., and two sisters — Louisa and Caroline.
parents of five children, four living — Otto, Mr. Fischer has 237 acres and the best of
Amelia, Gustave and Charles. Amelia re- I farm improvements. He has two children
sides in Elmhurst, wife of Adam S. Glos; living—Edgar B. H. and Henry F. A. ; Flora

died November 15, 1878, born December 27, Emma C, born April 6, 1849; Carl August,
1876. born September 28, 1852; John Henry, born
OTTO A. FISCHER, farmer, P. O. Elm- February 27, 1855, died March 7, 1880;
August Fisher, one
hurst, is the oldest son of Dorothy, born January 25, 1857; Fred
of the prominent farmers and early settlers of W., born March 18, 1861; Herman H,
the township. He was born March 16, 1850, born September 3, 1868. Mr. Franzen
and has been a resident of the township has thirty-eight grandchildren. For sev-
since. His school advantages were such as eral years after his coming here he was
were obtained in the neighborhood at the engaged in running an oil-mill; aside
common district school, which he completed from this, he has given attention to farming.
by attending Dyrenfurth Commercial Col- He has about 250 acres here and 600 in Min-
lege, at Chicago; returning home, he contin- nesota. He has now retired from active life
ued work on the farm. July 16, 1874, he and is enjoying the fruits of his labor in
wedded Mary "Weinrebe, daughter of August quiet and contentment.
and Christina (Marges) Weinrebe. After his HENRY FRANZEN, farmer, P. O. Ben-
marriage, he located where he now resides, senville, is a son of John Franzen, a native
and engaged in farming and stock-raising. of Prussia, who came to Du Page County in
He has 195 acres in this, and 78 in Cook 1837, and was identified with the county un-
County. Has three children — Alfonso A. til his death. He first settled on the farm
Eleanora E. and Alonzo G. now owned by George Ei term an, and followed
J. H. FRANZEN, farmer, P. O. Bensen- farming. Henry was born June 20, 1836,
ville,was born in October, 1813, in Prussia, and has given his time and attention to farm-
the eldest son and second child born to Bar- ing. July 16, 1858, he was married to Lou-
ney H. Franzen and Fenne Adelherd Elf ring; isa Eiterman, born in August, 1842, daugh-
he was born October 4, 1782, and married in ter of John George EitermaD, who came here
1808; his wife Fenne was born March 18, in 1842. Since his marriage, Mr. Franzen
1781. To them were born Anna Catharine, has been located on the farm he now owns.
John Henry, Annie Gesina, John Barney and He has had nine children, seven of whom are
Gerhard Henry. The family emigrated to living —
Sophia, the eldest, residing in Elk
the United States in 1834; the father died Grove Township, Cook County, wife of Fred
January 5, 1844; the mother April 3, 1835. Everding; Elvena, Matilda, Julius, Emil,
July 1, 1838, he married Anne E. Dieckhoff, Lizzie and Hulda; Henry, who died in his
who was born in Hanover September 13, j
sixth year,and a babe who died young. Mr.
1816, and died July 25, 1844, leaving four |
Franzen has 106 acres here, upon which are
children, but two of whom are living — Mary nice farm buildings and a residence large
and Sophia. Mary is the wife of Henry and commodious. He has also 120 acres lo-
Kirchhof; Sophia married Henry Fruchli. '

cated in Cook County. He is a member of

Herman was struck by lightning July 13, the Evangelical Church.
1859. He was married in October, 1844, to C. A. FRANZEN, lumber and warehouse
Anna Catharine Deters, who was born Sep- Bensenville, was born in this township Sep-
tember 14, 1824, and by her ten children tember 28, 1852, second son of John H.

were born, seven living Barney, born Octo Franzen; he received a good common-school
ber 2, 1845; Caroline, born August 11, 1847; education, and afterward graduated at Bryant

& Commercial College at Chicago,

Stratton's Section 2, at |2.50 per acre, there being
after which he returned home, where he re- no improvements on the same. There were
mained one summer; then went to Bensen- but two children born to Diedrich and Sophia
ville and took charge of the warehouse and —
Feddercke Fred and Sophia; the latter re-
managed the business for his father. Since sides in Cook County, wife of Henry Heuer.
that time, the business has been turned over Fred came to this county four years after his
to him, and he has been conducting the same father, and has always remained on the farm.
upon his own account. He has the control j
In his twenty-second year, October 15, he
of the lumber, grain, coal and feed trade at ,
married Sophia Oelerking, born in Hanover,
this place, and has a good patronage. March ,
daughter of John Oelerking. Mr. Feddercke
14, 1875, he married Mary, daughter of Fred has 132 acres of land. Is a member of the
Heuer, of this township; three children have Lutheran Church. He has seven children

blessed this union George, Ida and Kosa. Beteni, Sophia, Regina, Martha, Clara, Ber-
DR. JOHN G. FRANKE, physician, Ad- tha and August.
dison, was born in Fuerstenthum, Schwartz- JOHN GODFREY, farmer, P. O. Itasca,
burg, Rudoestadt, Germany, son of Christian was born County Kerry, Ireland, about
Franke and Augusta Regen. Christian came the year 1817, eldest son of William and
to Jefferson County, Penn., in 1854, and en- Elizabeth (McCarty) Godfrey. Mr. Godfrey
gaged in farming and in the lumber trade. shipped from Liverpool in April, 1851, and
The Doctor remained in Germany until 1858, landed at New York May 20 following; he
attending school; he went to Pennsylvania, first went down to Cape May, where he worked

and there began the study of medicine, under a short time; afterward worked at Altoona,
n German physician; in 1861, he went to Ann Penn., and finally came to Illinois, in No-
Arbor, Mich. ; afterward attended the best vember, the same year, having nothing but
schools in Cincinnati and received the benefits his hands to assist him, but he was willing
of Rush Medical College and began practice and ready to work, and hired out, getting at
in 1865, at Brush where
Hill, in this county, first but $8 per month; afterward, he hired

he continued until the fall of 1876, when he out at the rate of $100 per year, and he con-
removed to Addison and has since been en- tinued on in this way about three years. In
gaged in the practice of his profession, and 1854, he purchased sixty-seven and a half
is doing well; his thorough knowledge of his acres on Section 5, which cost him $10 per
profession is being recognized. In the fall acre, borrowing the money to pay for it, and
of 1866,he married Olive, daughter of David in due time paid off every dollar. In 1868,
Thurston, one of the early settlers in York he added another portion of about sixty-seven
Township. He has four children Ada, — acres, which cost him $66 per acre, and has
Amelia, Freddie and Ella L. Member of since been a resident of Addison Township;
the Lutheran Church. he has also 240 acres in Iowa. In 1853, he
FRED FEDDERCKE, farmer, P. O. Ben- married Hannah Griffin, a native of County
senville, was born in Neustadt, in Hanover, Kerry, Ireland, daughter of Thomas Griffin,
August 5, 1838, only son of Diedrich and —
and by her has four children William, John,
Sophia Feddercke. The family came to Mary and Eliza, all at home.
Du Page County in the year 1840, where FRED HEUER, farmer, P. O. Salt Creek,
his father purchased seventy-four acres on was born October 21, 1831, near the city of
Hanover, Germany, second son of a family where, in the fall of 1869, he purchased sixty
of three children. His father's name was acres of land and kept it when he
until 1870,
Henry Heuer, who married a Miss Kulman, came to this county, locating where he now
who bore him three children Henry, Fred- — resides. His farm is situated on Section 3,
erick and Lena. The family left the old in this township, and is known as the Lueh-
country in 1844, and came to this State and ers farm; he has 160 acres, eighty in this
located in Cook County; here Henry Heuer, ! township and the remainder in Cook County,
the father, died; his son Henry resides there 1 adjoining. November 4, 1870, he married
still; Lena resides in Chicago, wife of Henry !
Adelheid Luehers, daughter of one of the old
Oehlerking; Frederick came here in 1854, I settlers in this township, now deceased. He
having purchased land the year previous; ;
has four children — Herman, Fred, Ernest and
since his location here has been a constant I
Henry. He is a member of the Lutheran
resident. He has 240 acres of land. Since J
Church of this township.
1865, he has been County Commissioner, and HENRY KORTHAUER, farmer, P. O.
tilled some minor positions in the township, Bensenville. The great-grandfather of our
as Trustee and School Director. He was |
subject was John Henry Korthauer; he mar-
first married, in January, 1852, to Christina ! ried Anne Sophia Stuken, who bore him two
Oehlerking, who died in 1858, leaving two '.

sons and two daughters Daniel, Henry,—

children — Emma and Mary. Emma is the [
Maria and Anna Catharine. In direct line
wife of Herman H
Korthauer, of Bensen- !
comes Daniel, who, in 1785, married Catharine
ville. Mary married August Franzen, also I
Margarita Doebbcken, of Engebostel she bore ;

in Bensenville. His seeotid wife was Mena him three children, but one of the number lived
Reker, who died in 1860, leaving one to be grown, viz., John Henry Korthauer, who
child— Edie, who resides on the farm ad- was born July 17, 1789. December 11, 1812,
joining. His present wife was Amelia, sister he married Catharine Dotendorf whose par- ,

to his last wife; by her he has three children ents were George Ernest Dotendorf and
— Mena, wife of William Kussack, of Frank- i
Doratha Gravemeier. To John Henry and
lin County, Iowa; George and Amanda, at Doratha were born nine children, six of whom
home. I
grew up; live of the number are yet living,
HENRY HELDORN, farmer, P. O. Salt of whom Henry, the subject of these lines, is

Creek, born February 10, 1849, in Amt Neu- one; he was born October 27, 1822, in the
stadt, Province of Hanover; his father, Henry town of Bisendorf, in the Kingdom of Hano-
Heidorn, born June, 1800, in the same prov- ver; he emigrated to America with his parents
ince, married Mary Biermann, who bore him in the fall of 1840, arriving at New York;
seven children, two of whom came to the navigation being closed, they were detained
years of maturity. Subject's parents died in there until the spring of the following year,
the old country, and none of the family ever when they came to this county, locating on
came to America but Henry. He was raised the section of land where Henry now resides.
on the farm at home, and, in the spring of He had loaned money to the man owning the
1867, emigrated to this country, arriving at land, who failed to return it as agreed, and
New York on February 15, and soon after Mr. Korthauer took the land in lieu of the
came to this State. He spent about three money, and improved it and remained on the
years in Cook County at work on a farm, same until he died, 1876; his wife in 1865.

Of the five children living, they are located 1837, purchasing a claim on Section 34, of
as follows: Louisa resides in Peabody, Ma- Richard Kingston; upon this the father set-
rion Co., Kan., wife of Frederick Seybold; tled with his family, and remained here until

Henrietta is the wife of Fred Graue, of York his death, August 18, 1872; his wife died the
Township, this county; Caroline resides in year after their arrival here, July 18, 1838.
Elmhurst, relict of Diedrich Struokrnan; The children born to them were Fred L.,
George resides in Oregon j Henry has always Louisa, who married Henry Graue; Mary,
been a resident of the township since he wife of Peter Meville, of Chicago, and Caro-
came. His father, being of mechanical turn line, who was the wife of August Graue, now
of mind, taught his son Henry the carpenter's deceased. Fred L. has always remained on
trade, atwhich he worked while young; soon the homestead, being the only son. He has
after coming to his majority, he gavo his at been thrice married — first, July 24, 1851, to
tention to agricultural pursuits. He has Wilhelmina Graue, daughter of Fred Graue;
been twice married — first, Novmber 18, 1852, she died November 20, 1862; but one child
to Mary Kirchhoff, who was born in Hanover, now living by her — Augusta, wife of Fred
daughter of Henry and Christina (Ofingsten) Stuenkel, now of Arlington Heights. His
Kerchhoff; she died May 1, 1874, having second marriage was, April 24, 1863, to Mary
borne him three children, viz., Herman, Weber, daughter of Henry Weber; she died
Caroline and William. May 28, 1876, he November 10, 1866; by her two children were
married Mrs. Mary Stueve, who was born in —
born Caroline and Mary. Caroline is the
Hanover October 10, 1827; she was a daugh- wife of Otto Feine. April 5, 1867, he mar-
ter of Henry Hoppensteat and Doratha Bier- ried Caroline Graue, daughter of Fred Graue,
mann, who came to this country in 1842. of York Township; by her five children were
Mr. Korthauer has 195 acres of land; he for born, viz., Louis, Emily, Fred, Paulina and
several years was giving some attention to August. Mr. Krage has over 500 acres of
the nursery business, but farming has been land; is a successful farmer and a Lutheran.
his principal interest. He was elected Jus- HENRY F. KOLZE, farmer, P. O. Ben-
tice of the Peace in 1870, and has since been senville, was born in Cook County, 111., in
re-elected; was six years Supervisor, and has the Kolze settlement June 6, 1856. He is

always been a stanch Republican and a mem- the eldest son and child of Henry and Mary
ber of the Evangelical Church. (Resto) Kolze, both natives of Hanover, who,
F. L. KRAGE, retired farmer, P. O. Ad- upon their arrival in this country, located in
dison. Of the old-time settlers living who Cook County, where they raised a family
came here in 1837, Mr. Krage is one of the two sons and f our daughters. Next in order
few remaining. Frederick Louis Krage was of birth to Henry is Louisa, who is the wife
born April 28, 1827, near the village of La- of Fred Arbecker, residing in Cook County.
derholz, in the Kingdom of Hanover. He Elvena resides in Addison Township, wife of
was the only son and eldest child of Freder- George Basenburg. Lillie is also a resident
ick William Krage, who was born March 17, William
of this township; she is the wife of
1800, in Rodenwaldt, a farmer and carpenter Franzen. Amelia resides with her parents
by trade; his wife was Anna Mary Doratha in Cook County. Henry Fred remained on
Stuenkel, born January 4, 1802, daughter of his father's farm in Cook County until his
Louis Stuenkel. The family came here in marriage, which occurred May 12, 1876,
when he married Minnie Steve, who was born Whiteside County, 111. ; Alonzo, residing
September on the farm where she
18, 1S5S, near Cedar Rapids, Iowa; Julia A. (Mrs.
now lives, upon which Mr. Kolze settled after Lester); Emily, married H. P. Goodrich, of
his marriage. The homestead consists of Chicago, and died in that city; Ellen, mar-
100 acres; he also owns 136 acres in Cook ried Hiram Aniick, of Chicago, and Alma M.,
County, 111. he has four children Lizzie,
; — married Reuben Bunnell, of Chicago. Mr.
Lillie, Clara and Tillie. and Mrs. Lester have been blessed with eight
FEED E. LESTER, merchant, Postmas- children, four of whom are living — Edward
ter, farmer and proprietor of the cheese fact- W., living on the Lester homestead, married,
ory, P. O. Salt Creek, was born in Clinton, in 1880, to Addie L. Stevens, and has one
N: Y., July 3, 1828, and is the youngest child child —
Carrie C. Newton M. Lottie M.
; ,

of Edward and Hannah (Newton) Lester. Mabel J. Hattie, died aged eight years;

Edward Lester, subject's father, was of En- Charles, six years; Alma, eight months, and
glish descent and was born on Long Island; Birdie, eighteen months. Mr. Lester located
he was a farmer of mechanical turn of mind, on his present place, which consists of 212
and served during the war of 1812; he came acres, May 31, 1854, and lived for some time

to Illinois in the fall of 1835; lived for a in a log cabin on the farm; the place was at

short time on Section 16, in this township, that time $2, 500' in debt. Mr. Lester, when
then located permanently on Section 9, where eighteen years old, lost a limb in an accident
he died at the age of seventy-four years; his while working on a threshing machine. He
wife died in August, 1846; they had seven was elected Postmaster in 1874, and has since
children, five of whom are living — Lewis, held that opened up his cheese factory

died August 7, 1S79; Marshall; John, died in 1873, and, in February, 1878. engaged in
in Minnesota; Julia, residing in Racine, mercantile business. He is a Republican;
Wis., wife of Edgar Waite; Daniel, in his father was a stanch Democrat.
Wayne Township, this county; Acentha, re- WILLIAM LEESEBERG, farmer, P. O.
siding in Elgin, 111., wife of F. W. Wright, Addison, was born November 13, 1818, in
and Fred E. Mr. Lester was married, May Amt Neustadt, Province of Hanover, eldest
31, 1854, to Julia A. Duncklee, the first child son and third child of the family. His fa-

born in this township, born in Section 10 ther, George. F., was born in the same lo-

January 8, 1835, daughter of Ebenezer and cality; his wife's maiden name was Mary
Amy (Higley) Duncklee. Ebenezer Dunck- Scheele. William landed in New Orleans in
lee was born in Hillsboro, N. H., March 22, 1838, and, in March the following year, came
1 797he was a member of the Congregation-
; to St. Louis and thence to this county, in
al Church, a Whig and the first Abolitionist August the same year, but soon returned to
in this township; he died July 22, 1863, aged St. Louis, where he worked two years. He
sixty-six years; his wife, born in Shoreham, purchased eighty acres where he now resides,
7t. November 22, 1799, was killed by a cy-
, paying for it with his own earnings. He has,
clone blowing down the house, in which there since his location here, been engaged in farm-
were nineteen persons at the time, March 13, ing. He has served as Justice of the Peace
1852. They had seven children Elizabeth — several terms, and is now the incumbent of
A., wife of James A. Hawks, of Nebraska; that office; he has also held other offices in
Abbey T., wife of Lorenzo D. Newton, of the township and important positions in the

college here as an and in the church

official, children, six living —Henry, Alvena, Bertie,
he has borne a prominent part. August 23, Clara, Leda and Barney.
1844. he married Rebecca A. Brettmann, born HENRY LANDMEIER, farmer, P. O.
February 1, 1819, in Hanover, daughter of j
Bensenville. Henry Landmeier is the eldest
John Henry and Anna Alfken) Brettmann
( and only living son of George Landmeier and
her father was one of the early settlers of the I Mary Hilka, both natives of Prussia, where
township, coming in 1842; he had six chil- j
Henry was born June 11, 1834, and emigrated
dren —-Mrs. L. being the youngest of the I
to this State with his pareuts, who settled in
number. Mr. Leeseberg has eight children; j
Addison Township, in 1838, his father pur-
the eldest was Frederick, who died in March, chasing a claim consisting of eighty acres.
1863, in Gallatin, Tenn., and was a soldier j
The family have since lived here and been
in Company I, One Hundred and Fifth Regi- j
engaged in agricultural pursuits. There were
ment, Illinois Volunteer Infantry ; Louisa four children born to his parents, but only
married and resides in Elgin, this State; —
two came to maturity Henry, our subject,
Sophia resides at Oak Park, wife of John W. and Louisa, who now resides in the State of
Senne; Mary died January 27, 1881, in Chi- Alabama, wife of Christopher Wolf. Henry
August Ganske: Emma lives in
cago, wife of has always remained upon the farm and as-
Fond du Lac, Wis., wife of Rudolph Fretz- sisted his father, and since his retirement has
ke; Adolph died, aged eight years; Louis been in possession of the homestead, his par-
and William, the latter a teacher in St. ents residing with him. In July, 1856, he
Louis. married Henrietta Everding, born in Ger-
BAKNEY H. LANDMEIER, farmer, P. O. many, daughter of Henry Everling; he has
Bensenville, born April 21, 1838, in Prussia, six children living —
Herman, Frederick, Al-
eldest son and second child of Barney and vena, Louis, Martha and Eddie; two died in
Elsebine (Oesterfink) Landmeier, who emigrat- infancy. He has about 180 acres of land,
ed to this country in 1848, and located on with good buildings thereon, and is a suc-
Section 2, the land costing $4 per acre, with cessful farmer. His parents and his family
out improvements. This land Barney H. now ! are members of the Evangelical Church.
owns, on which he has built a handsome HENRY B. MARSHALL, farmer, P. O.
brick residence; has rebuilt the barn and has Salt was born in Leyden, Cook
the farm in good shape. His father is yet County, September 11, 1855; his father was
living; his mother died in November, 1881; Barney Marshall, who was born in Prussia.
members of the new church (Lutheran) they ; His mother's maiden name was Annie Law.
raised a family of three children — Ellen, the The family emigrated to this country in the
eldest, resides at Elk Grove,
Cook County,
in early part of 1853, coming first to Cook
wife of Henry Scheringhausen Barney H. ; County, where subject's father rented land
and Henry, the latter residing in Cook Coun- several years; afterward, came to this town-
ty. Barney has been twice married first, Oc- — on Sec-
ship, and, for seven years, rented land
tober 4, 1861, to Ellen Schoppe. who was born !
ti onwhere Barney Franzen now lives; sub-

in this county, daughter of Barney Schoppe, sequently, he purchased the farm now occu-
she died October 22, 1864; no children living. pied by Henry B., which consists of 125 acres.
May 25, 1S65. he married Mary Schoppe, sis- The house is new and situated on a pleasing
ter of his first wife, and by her has had eight eminence, with a grove surrounding it, mak-
ing it and pretty place. There
a desirable switch, coal shed, etc., and is ready for busi-
were nine children born to Barney and Annie ness. He is a native of this State, born April
Marshall; those living are Barney, Annie, 28, 1855, in Elk Grove, Cook County. He
wife of Henry Melhap, in Cook County; is a son of Conrad and Mary (Wischsteadt)

Emily, living in Chicago, wife of August Magers, both natives of Germany, who came
Schack; Mary, wife of Henry Magers, of to this State about the year 1850 and settled
Cook County; Henry B., Louisa and Herman; in Cook County. The subject of these lines
the latteris in Chicago. Henry B. was mar- left home when ten years of age, and early in

ried, October 18, 1880, to Mary Khle, who life learned to care for himself; he had but

was born in Cook County, daughter of Henry limited education, having to provide for his
and Louisa (Hoffman) Khle, both of the own maintenance while other boys of his age
Province of Hanover. Mr. and Mrs. Mar- were attending school. At the age of seven-
shall have one child Malinda. —
Since his teen, he began learning the carpenter's trade;
marriage, Mr. Marshall has had charge of the he subsequently engaged as clerk in a whole-
farm. sale establishment in Chicago, two years, and
LOUIS J. MARCKMANN, saloon, Ben- afterward, carried on a saloon one year. In
senville,was born September 10, 1833, in the fall of 1876, he came to Itasca, and start-
Ehlanfeldt Mecklenburg Strelitz, son of ed a general store, which he run successfully
Christian Marckmann and Augusta Radckee; nearly six years; then sold out to "William
be was born April 30, 1794, a shoemaker by Baruth, the present proprietor. In the spring
trade. Louis was left fatherless at the age of 1882, he set about building an elevator,
of seven, his father being killed by accident and built a switch and side-traek, which he has
August 26, 1841, and, at the age of fourteen, completed. From his acquaintance with the
he went to learn the tailor's trade, at which people, and his known business qualifications,
he worked until twenty-two years of age, when he will be a valuable component to the town
he entered the army. In September, 1859, and an assistance to the farmers. November,
he came to Chicago and engaged at his trade; 1S76, he married Emma, daughter of William
then in the grocery business for five years, Scharringhousen and Mary Klunder.
after which he run an orchestrian hall; he CHARLES MARTIN, blacksmith, Bensen-
then returned to his trade again, which he ville, is a native of this township, born July
carried on until he came to Bensenville, June, 5, 1859, the eldest son of Charles Martin, a
1877. He
has been thrice married first — native of Mecklenburg; his mother's maiden
time, in October, 1859, to Joanna Henrich; name was Doratha Colso. The family emi-
she died, leaving one daughter — grated to this country about the year 1857;
now living; his second wife was Wil his father was a blacksmith by trade, at
Foss, a daughter of J. Henry Foss; she which he worked in this township, where he
died, leaving no issue. His present wife was lived until his demise, in September, 1S66;
Mrs. Caroline Haf er, daughter of Henry Kline. his widow is yet living. The subject of
L. F. MAGERS, lumber and grain, Itasca. these lines left home at the age of seventeen,
The grain, lumber and coal interests of Itasca and began learning the trade of his father's
are ably represented by L. F. Magers, who has choice. He worked with Louis Schroeder
recently established himself in this line; he for four years, and, in the fall of 1880,
has erected an elevator, with side-track and came to Bensenville and piu-chased the shop

and good will of William Oelrich, and set up HENRY PLAGGE, farmer, P. O. Addi-
in business for himself, and has since been son; is now living on the farm where he was
doing a thriving business. October 10, 1880, born, which event took place January 22,
he married Emily Eickhoff, a native of this 1848; his father, William Plagge, was born
township, daughter of Fred and Charlotte March 7, 1800, in the Kingdom of Hanover,
(Krage) Eickhoff. He is a member of the and came to this county about the year S38, 1

Lutheran Church. and purchased a claim of 160 acres, upon

FRANK ORT, harness -maker, Bensenville, which there were only limited improvements
came here and set up in business in October, — a log cabin, etc. —for which he paid $100.
1878, and has since carried on harness-making. Here he settled on Section 36, and spent the
He was born October 17, 1857, in Proviso, remainder of his days, his death occurring
Cook Co. 111. and is the youngest of four
, , July 2, 1870; he was a good man and a mem-
children, two sons and two daughters. His ber of the Lutheran Church; his widow yet
father, Paul Ort, was a native of Hesse survives him and yet resides on the home-
Darmstadt, and a farmer by occupation; stead with her son Heury. There were three
when he came to Chicago, he had but 25 children —
Frederick, Henry and Charles.
cents in money; he, however, finally pur- Henry has always remained on the farm.
chased land of his own. He met with a June, 1871, he married Louisa, daughter of
tragic death, in February, 1877 ; his wife William Heuer, of this township; by her he
survives him. The children born them are has had four children, three of whom are liv-
Eva, wife of George Glock; Sebastian, and ing —Herman, Charles and Anne. William
Agnes, wife of James Pollock, all of Chicago, died in his fifth year. Mr. Plagge has a
and Frank, Frank remained at home until snug farm, with good improvements thereon.
fourteen years of age, when he hired out as He is a member of the Lutheran Church.
clerk and worked in stores until he was nine WILLIAM RICHARDSON, farmer. P. 0.

teen, when he went to Chicago to learn the Itasca, is a native of the Green Mountains,
harness-maker's trade, remaining there until born May 9, 1821, in Topshaw, Orange Co.,
he completed the same. When he came to Vt., fifth son and eighth child of Thomas
Bensenville, he purchased Mr. Snyder's in- Richardson, a native of Connecticut of Scotch
terest, and began in business one door north descent, who married Dorathy Tenrpleton,
of his present place of business. When he who bore him the following children: Thom-
got his building finished, he had left was
all as, Sarah. Matthew, Dorathy, Moses, Polly,
$75, with which to buy stock. However, he Mark, William, Robert, who grew to man
made a commencement, and, by diligence and and womanhood. Subject's parents died in
attention to business, he has built up a fail- Vermont. William, on attaining his ma-
trade,which he hopes to yet enlarge. He jority, hired out by the month, working for

has a in which he lives and has

new building $10 and $12 per month, and continued on in
a commodious place. December 19, 1880, he this way until the year 1847. About this
married Dorathy Franzen, born January 25, time he married, on May 2, Susan Martin,
1857, in this township, daughter of John H. who was born in Bradford, Vt., June 27,
Franzen, a well-known resident of the town- 1827, daughter of Nathaniel and Betsey
ship. They have one child — Rosa, born Jan- (Sawyer) Bradford, he a native of Vermont,
uary 28, 1882. she of Canada. After Mr. Richardson's mar-
riage, he and wife came West, locating here ment, he returned to the homestead farm,
iD Addison Township, and, with the excep- where he now resides and carries on the
tion of eight years spent in Wheaton, to edu- homestead, giving his attention to farming
cate their children, they have been constant and dairying. Has three children Emania, —
residents of the township. He purchased Edie and Laura.
240 acres, at |4.50 per acre. He has five ELIJAH SMITH, retired physician, Itas-

children living Mark, Horace, Jeannette, ca, the founder of the town, was born May 8,

William and Maria. Jeannette resides in 1815, in Morristown, N. J. ; his father was
Wayne Township, wife of Allen J. Spitzer; Abner Smith, son of Elijah, who was an offi-

William is traveling for a drug house; Maria cer in the Revolutionary war. Abner Smith
resides in Stanton, Neb., wife of Charles was born June 5, 1786, and, March 9, 1809,
Howard; Horace resides in Milton Township, he married Sarah Sutton, who was born Au-
and Mark is at home on the farm. Mr. Rich- gust 7, 1784. To Abner and Sarah Smith
ardson's farm now consists of 193 acres, were born seven children. Elijah died in
-whichis situated near Itasca, and is well Chicago, in September, 1847. The Doc-
adapted to farming and dairying purposes. tor had two sons by his second wife Allen —
He and wife are members of the M. E. and Frank Amasa; Allen was born in 1852
Church. and died in 1863; Frank A. is at home with
FREDERICK ROTERMUND, Bensen- his father. November 16, 1875, he was mar-
ville, is one of the substantial citizens and ried to Mrs. Jeanette Allen Smith, relict of
among the early arrivals of this township. Samuel Smith; she was a sister of his second
He was born June 18, 1812, in the Kingdom wife. Mrs. Smith's husband died in Austin,
of Hanover, and emigrated to this country Texas. January 29, 1873. Our subject at the
with the Brettmann family in 1842. He lo- age of nineteen began reading medicine with
cated near the place he now owns, on the his brother, Dr. John Smith, and afterward
border of Cook County; the land he since attended lectures in New York City, at the
sold to Esquire Korthauer. After his arrival College of Physicians and Surgeons, and
here, he married Wilhemena Schmidt, daugh- subsequently received his diploma, June 25,
ter of Henry Schmidt. Ten children were 1838. He came to this State in May, 1841,
the fruits of this marriage —
Henry B. and and settled where he now lives, in June,
Frederick, reside inCook County; William same year; he first bought eighty acres of
M., in Bloomingdale; August G.; Bertha, land and began the practice of his profession;
resides at Half Day, wife of Henry Struck- he added to his first purchase at different
man; Louis M., in Lombard; Herman, at times until he owned over 400 acres. He
home; August G., resides on the home farm; has been farming and practicing medicine
he was born July 18, 1851, and raised to until within a few years past; he has sold off
farming pursuits. In September, 1874, he the greater portion of his land, having now
married Louisa, born in Cook County, daughter 140 acres. He still attends to some calls
of Deitrich Meyer and Dora Dierking. Au- from his friends, but only in urgent cases.
gust removed to Bloomingdale Township In 1873, he laid off eighty acres of land and
after his marriage, where he purchased land, platted the town of Itasca, gave the right of
and lived two years, and, on account of his way to the Chicago & Pacific Railroad, and
father's advanced age and consequent retire- has done much to encourage the building of

the town. He cast his first vote for Henry ceased.The father died in 1876, the mother
Clay. He has been thrice married — first, io 1854.August 15, 1862, he volunteered in
February 10, 1841, to Jane O, daughter of Company I, One Hundred and Fifth Regi-
Richard Smith, of Herkimer County, N. Y. ment of Illinois Volunteer Infantry, and
she died May 31, 1846, leaving no issue. served until the close of the war, retiring
May 23, 1850, he married Mary, daughter of from the service with the rank of Sergeant.
Deacon Elijah and Anna (Hotchkins) Allen, He participated in all the battles of the war
of Stockbridge, Vt. in which his company was engaged. He
D. SCHMIDT, farmer, P. O. Bensenville. was with Sherman on his march to the sea,
Of the substantial families of Addison Town- and it may be said of Louis Schmidt that as
ship, the Schmidt family stand among the a soldier and comrade he knew his duty and
first. Deitrich Schmidt was born April 9, performed the same with fidelity and zeal.
1826, near Stulznau, in Landesbergen. in the In the fall of 1867, he was first niayied, his
Kingdom of Hanover, and is the youngest of wife being Hannah Ahrbecker, who died,
a family of twelve children born to Joh,n —
leaving him four children Ida 0., Herman
Henry Schmidt, who moved here with his A., Emma and Louisa. August 29, 1880, he
family in 1835, arriving in June and pur- married his present wife, Mrs. Frederica
chasing a claim; he located on it, and about Schutte, by whom he has had four children,
him afterward settled his sons. Deitrich was —
three living Ida, Emma and Annie. Mrs.
first married to Sophia Steager, who was Schmidt's maiden name was Franzen, daugh-
born in Hesse Darmstadt; she was killed by ter of Gerhart and Catharina (Haitbeck)
lightning in 1852; his second wife, Louisa, Franzen. Mr. Schmidt has an excellent farm
daughter of Yost Turner, who was an early of 213 acres, with stone house and the best of
Mr. Schmidt has seven
settler in the county. barns and farm implements. In politics,
children, six and one daughter Au-
sons — Mr. Schmidt has always been a stanch Re-
gust, George, AlexanderDeitrich, Edwin, publican, and is generally selected by his
Herman; his daughter Sophia married Bar- party to represent them in caucuses and con-
ney Franzen. He has several hundred acres ventions.
here and 305 in Iowa. He is a successful ERNST C. SCHROEDER, blacksmith,
farmer and substantial citizen of the com- Itasca; is one of the oldest smiths in Addison
munity. Township, having been here since 1856; he
LOUIS SCHMIDT, farmer, P. O. Ben- learned his trade with his father in Germany,
was born January 15, 1840, on the
senville, where he was born in April, 1833, and came
farm he now owns, which his father located to America in 1854, making Chicago his home
in 1839; his father was Louis, bora in the for two years prior to his coming here. His
Kingdom of Hanover in 1808, who came to father, Charles Frederick Schroeder, was
this county in 1835, with his brothers and born in Mechlenburg October 24, 1801, and,
father, all of whom settled in this immediate April 25, he married Hanuah Maria Steuve.
neighborhood, the land being yet in the pos- Ernest worked at his trade while in Chicago
session of the family. The mother of our the first year for Peter Schutler; the remain-
subject was Louisa Fischer, who bore her der of the time for Pierce, Tucker & Hicks.

husband three children Louis, Louisa and After he came to this township, he worked
Caroline; both of the sisters are now de- first for Fred Seibold. Afterward, he and
his father started a shop of their own, and Henry Dresster, of Leyden. Her father was
worked together until 1860; he also carried a cabinet-maker in the old country, but fol-
on business at Sagone until 1873, and since lowed the carpenter's trade coming after
then has been a resident of Itasca. He has here Mr. and Mrs. Schroeder have three
valuable property in Itasca, besides about 130 —
children Louis, Alexander and Annie. Is
acres of land in the township. He does a a member of the Evangelical Church.
thriving business at his trade, and has given LOUIS STUENKEL, cheese factory, Addi-
much time and spent a deal of money in in- son, was born October 6, 1838, in this town-
venting and perfecting mechanical appli- ship, youngest son of Frederick and Doratha
ances; one of them he has brought to comple- Stuenkel. Frederick Stuenkel was a native
tion, called the revolving coupling for bob- of the Kingdom of Hanover; emigrated to
sleds, which is a success, and he has a patent this locality in the fall of 1836, and pur-
therefor. His second machine is a combina- chased a claim of 240 acres for $300. He
tion machine, potato-planter and cultivator. died August 7, 1850; his wife also died in
January 27, 1863, he married Christina Beck, them were born
.August, four years later; to
born in January, 1845, near Detroit, Mich., six children, four of whom grownlived to be
daughter of Barney and Margaret (Leser) — Henry, Fred, William and Louis. Their
Beck, she a native of France, he of Baden father was a Lutheran and a Democrat.
Baden, and came to this country about the Louis at an early age worked industriously
year 1833. Mr. Schroeder has four children at whatever promised the quickest and surest

— Josephine, William, Cecelia and Victor. returns. In 1861, he began mei-chandising

Caroline and Joanna died young. at Addison, and continued in business there

LOUIS SCHROEDER, blacksmith, Ben- about eleven years, when he sold out to his
6enville, was born June 28, 1839, in Giewitz, brother Fred and engaged in the manufacture
Mecklenberg. second son and sixth child born of butterand cheese at this place. He has
to Charles Frederick and Maria (Stueve) been twice married — first, at the age of

Schroeder. Louis came to America with his twenty-four, to Lena Blacke, a native of this
parents in 1854, landing in New York Sep- township, daughter of Lewis B. and Mena
tember 6, and coming to Chicago, where they (Flagge) Blacke, who came to this township
remained about one year and a half. In the in 1843; she died in August, 1871, leaving
spring of 1856, he came to Du Page County. three children —
Julius, Ella and Emma. His
His father was a blacksmith, of whom he last wifewas Mary Rotermund, also a native
learned his trade, and worked with him until of this township, daughter of Henry and
thirty years of age. In 1877, Louis came to Doratha (Fiene) Rotermund, who came here
Bensenville and built the shop he now owns; in 1841. By his last marriage, seven chil-
he on wagon-making also. July 2,
carries dren were born, six living —Adolph, Leopold,
1869, he married Doris Biermann, born in Caroline, Doratha, Lucy and Melinda. Mr.
August, 1852, in Province of Hanover; her Stuenkel is a Lutheran.
parents were Rudolph and Margareta (Goel- HENRY FRED STUENKEL, Addison,
ner) Biermann, who came to Cook County in only son of Henry Stuenkel, of this township;
1862; her father died in 1867 mother living.
; he was born on the farm he now owns June
They had live children, three now living 28, 1847, and has since been a resident of the
Mrs. Schroeder, Henrv and Lizzie, wife of township. He took charge of the farm in

1877. June 12, Louisa

1875, he married the homestead farm, in Addison Township,
Turner, who was born Elk Township, in
in this county,which place is located just
Cook County, daughter of Fred and Louisa the road and adjoining his premises, where
Turner. —
Has one child Louisa, born Octo- he was raised to maturity. He is the second
ber 4, 1880; one child deceased, named Hen- son of, Barney Sehoppe. On December 23,
ry, aged two years and four months. Has ]878, he married Mary Wiemerslage, who
150 acres; is a Lutheran. was born March 15, 1861, in Cook County,
JOHN H. SCHOPPE, farmer, P. O. Ben- eldest daughter of Fred and Mary (Midden-
senville, who was born June 28, 1850, on the dish) Wiemerslage, who had but two children
northeast quarter of Section 1, in Addison — Mrs. Sehoppe and one son, August. After
Township. His father, Barney Sehoppe, lo- Mr. Sehoppe married, he located on the farm
cated there about 1847 he was born October
; he now owns, which his father gave him; he
15, 1819, in Schale Chreis Techlenberg, has 160 acres; he has two children — Rosa
Prussia, a son of John Sehoppe, whose wife's and Laura.
family name was Stueve, both of whom are yet* AUGUST SOHWERDTFEGER, farmer,
living, though very old, having outlived P. O. Bensenville, was born on the farm he
their son Barney, who came with them now owns, August 15, 1845. Charles
from the old country; he died January 20, Schwerdtfeger, August's father, was born in
1880, his wife January 30, 1878. They had the Province of Hanover February 13, 1S13,
six children, three living Mary, John H. — and came to America with his parents in 1833,
and Barney. Mary resides in this township, settling first in Dearborn County, Ind., where
wife of Barney Landmeier, Barney resides they remained until about 1840, then removed
on farm adjoining the homestead, which is to this county and settled in Addison Town-
located in Cook County. Barney, the father ship, on the farm now owned by August; he
of John H, was a member of theJEvangelical (Charles) was married, in 1835, to Catharine
Church, and soon after coming here identified Franzen, a native of Prussia, born August
himself with the Republican party, and re- 10, 1810, daughter of Barnard Franzen, and
mained a supporter of that party until his from this union seven children were born; he
death. John H. now owns the homestead, died August 7, 1878. August has always
consisting of 160 acres, which cost at the lived on the farm, which his father settled
time of purchase $10 per acre, and of which and improved. He was married, April 14,
he took charge in 1876. He was married, 1872, to Alvena Krueger, born in Cook
March 22, 1877, to Amelia Kruger, born County, 111., in 1854, who has borne him two
March 22, 1857, in Cook County, daughter —
children Emil, born January 13, 1873, and
of Charles and Wilhelmina (Beisner) Kruger, Martha, born August 4, 1874 Mrs. Schwerdt-
who settled in Du Page County in 1854, he feger is a daughter of Charles and Wilhel-
a native of Prussia, she of Hesse Darmstadt. mina (Beisner) Krueger. Mr. Schwerdtfeger
Mr. Sehoppe has three children Clara, John — owns 125 acres of prairie and sixteen of tim-
and Lillie. ber land.
senville, resides in Leyden Township, Cook ville, is the founder of the cheese and butter
County, on the line adjoining Du Page factory of this place; he was born September
County. He was born February 28, 1854, on 16, 1856, son of Louis Struckmeyer, who was

a stone -cutter by trade and died in the land his own account on Milwaukee avenue, Chi-
of his birth in 1S60. William emigrated to cago, where he remained until the fall of
this State with his mother in 1867, landing at 1877; he then moved to Bensenville, where
Chicago, where they remained a short time he has since conducted a general store, doing
prior to their coming to this county. He a good trade. October 25, 1860, he married
worked until nineteen years of age among the Anna M. Fortmann, a native of Oldenberg
farmers, and made the best of bis time and op- District, now part of Prussia, daughter of
portunities. He then commenced learning John and Mary (Wielage) Fortmann. Mrs.
butter and cheese making in Bloomingdale Tiedemann's parents, who came to Chicago
Township, with Fred Stuenkel, remaining in 1844, are both deceased, her father dying
there until July, 1878, when he came to Ben- in 1857, her mother in 1855; they had three
senville and established the factory he now children —Men a, Mrs. Tiedemann and George,
runs, and has since been a valuable and nec- the former and the latter both of Chicago.
essary component to the town, as well as to Mr. and Mrs. Tiedemann are the parents of
the farmers in this portion of the county. the following children: Jacob T., Thomas H,
July, 1878, he married Carrie, daughter of Dora Anna, Emma, Amanda, Frederick, Will-
Fred Stuenkel, and by her has two children iam, Louisa, Minnie. Mr. Tiedemann has a
Jennie and William. brother Thomas in Chicago; William in Utah;
P. T. TIEDEMANN, merchant, Bensen- Christian, Anna and Froderica in New Or-
one of the thriving and prosperous
ville, is leans, La.

business men of this township; he was born WILLIAM WINKELMAN (deceased) was
on the Island of Fehmarn, District of Schles- born in Hanover, Germany, in September,
wig, now a part of Prussia, October 26, 1832, 1824; emigrated to America, bought land in
and is the fourth son and sixth child of Jacob this county and settled on it about the year

and Anna D. (Haltermann) Tiedemann; he a 1855. He married Mary Bargman, a native

sea captain, who had been a sailor all his life, of Germany, born in 1827, who bore him the
died in New Orleans, La. ; she died in her na- following children: Henry, residing in Cook
tive country. M. Tiedemann emigated to County, 111. ; William, on the homestead
America, landed in New Orleans, and thence Sophia, wife of Lewis Heina, Elgin, 111.

came to Chicago, in 1854, having but $2.50 Fred, farmer, in Cook County, 111. ; Barry
in his pocket when he arrived in the latter Herman, Emma, Edie and Martha. Mr
place. He secured a situation as clerk in the Winkelman moved on to his farm in 1860
store of A. Bigelow, of Chicago, with whom where he resided until his death, which oc
he remained nine years, and, in 1864, having curred November 19, 1877. The farm con
saved considerable money, began business on sists of 160 acres of good "land.
=»^ FSB. 65
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