Lab 08

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Learning Objectives:

1. Create a PivotTable with the Data Model

2. Perform Pivot analysis using more than one table
3. Customize PivotTable
4. Use Conditional Formatting to create and manage rules in a PivotTable.
5. Group rows in a PivotTable.
6. Add slicers to a PivotTable.
7. Drill down PivotTables
8. Create a PivotChart from a PivotTable and customize it.
Furnleys Pet Store

1. Open Lab 08 – Furnleys Pet Store.xlsx. Save the workbook as “LastFirst_Lab 08–
Furnleys Pet Store.xlsx” using your last and first name.
2. On the Documentation worksheet, type your name in Cell A12, and use a function to
type today’s date in Cell D12.
3. Insert Tables for the data in both “Pets Inventory” and “Sales Data” worksheets.
Name them PetsInventory and SalesData respectively. Apply the table style Blue,
Table Style, Medium 9.
4. Analyze the Average Sales Performance by Species and Breed by following these
a. Insert a PivotTable from a Data model onto a new worksheet (Use the arrow
under PivotTable to choose Data model). Rename this worksheet as
b. The PivotTable should use the Species and Breeds (from the PetsInventory
table) as the Rows and Sale Price (from the SalesData table) as the Values.
c. Change the Sale Price calculation so that it calculates the Average Sale Price
and format the field as Accounting with 2 decimal places.
d. Change “Row Labels” in Cell A3 to “Pet Category” and change the PivotTable
design style to Rose, PivotStyle Light 17.
e. Using the minus sign next to all breeds in the PivotTable, collapse the data
per Breed. Use Conditional Formatting to create a New Rule to all cells
showing “Average of Sale Price” values for “Breed”. Format all cells based on
their values. Use a Data Bar format style, using the Lowest Value Type for
Minimum and Highest Value Type for Maximum. Fill with Blue, Accent 1.
5. Create a drill-down of the German Sheperd onto a new worksheet and rename the
worksheet German Shepherd.
6. On the PivotAnalysis worksheet, insert a Health Status slicer and position it so that
its top-left corner is in Cell D3.
7. Click on the PivotTable, then add the Sale Date as a Row to the PivotTable. If the
dates are not grouped by months, right-click on one date then Group by month.
8. Insert a Month slicer and position it so that its top-left corner is in Cell H3.
9. Use the slicers to only show Healthy pets that were sold in April.
10. Create a Pie Chart from the resulting PivotTable.
a. Edit the chart title to read Average April Sales of Healthy Pets.
b. Format the data labels to include only the Category Names.
c. Adjust the size of the pie chart to show the legend.
d. Copy the Pie Chart and paste it as a Picture on a new sheet. Rename this
worksheet AprilHealthySales.
11. On the PivotAnalysis worksheet, clear the filter on the Health Status Slicer and
observe the changes in the Pie Chart.

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