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Education Quality Management System for Haramaya University








JUNE, 2023

First and foremost, we would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to our lord the Almighty for
guiding and enabling us to complete this work. We are immensely thankful to our advisor, Mr.
Gadissa D, for their invaluable investment of time, providing us with guidance, insightful
comments, and constructive suggestions throughout this document.


Table of Figures.............................................................................................................................IV

Table of Tables................................................................................................................................V

CHAPTER ONE..............................................................................................................................1


1.1. The Motivation of the Project:..........................................................................................1

1.2. Statement of the Problem:.................................................................................................2

1.3. The Objective of the Project:............................................................................................3

1.3.1. General Objective......................................................................................................3

1.3.2. Specific Objectives....................................................................................................3

1.4. Methodology of the Project:.............................................................................................4

1.5. Scope and Delimitation of the Project..............................................................................4

1.6. Significance of the Project:...............................................................................................4

1.7. Organization of this Work:................................................................................................5

CHAPTER TWO.............................................................................................................................6

2.1. Overview of Existing Systems..............................................................................................6

2.2. Overview of the Proposed System........................................................................................6

2.3. Functional requirements.......................................................................................................8

2.4. Supplementary Specification..............................................................................................13

2.4.1. Business Rules.............................................................................................................13

2.4.2. Nonfunctional Requirements and Constraints.............................................................14

2.5. Use Case Modeling............................................................................................................14

2.5.1. Essential Use Case Modeling......................................................................................15

2.5.2. System Use Case Modeling.........................................................................................16

2.5.3. System Use Case Description......................................................................................17

2.6. Activity Diagrams..............................................................................................................18

2.7. Sequence Diagrams............................................................................................................19

CHAPTER THREE.......................................................................................................................20

SYSTEM DESIGN........................................................................................................................20

3.1. Class Type Architecture......................................................................................................20

3.1.1. User-Interface Layer:...................................................................................................20

3.1.2. Controller/Process Layer:............................................................................................20

3.1.3. Business/Domain Layer:..............................................................................................20

3.1.4. Persistence Layer:........................................................................................................21

3.2. Class Modeling..................................................................................................................21

3.3. User Interface Design.........................................................................................................22

3.4. State Chart Diagram...........................................................................................................23

3.5. The Entity-Relationship Diagram (ERD),.........................................................................24

3.5.1. Relational Persistent Modeling........................................................................................25

3.7. Component Diagram...........................................................................................................27

3.8. Deployment Diagram..........................................................................................................28


Table of Figures

Figure 1: Essential use case modeling...........................................................................................15

Figure 2: System Use case Design.................................................................................................16

Figure 3: Activity Diagram for Login............................................................................................18

Figure 4: login Sequence Diagram................................................................................................19

Figure 5: Class Diagram................................................................................................................22

Figure 6: User Interface for Admin Department, and Quality Assurance.....................................23

Figure 7: Login State Chart Diagram............................................................................................23

Figure 8: The Entity-Relationship Diagram..................................................................................24

Figure 9:Component Diagram.......................................................................................................28

Figure 10 : deployment Diagram...................................................................................................29

Table of Tables

Table 1:Actor class CRC Diagram.................................................................................................13

Table 2: login Use Case Description:............................................................................................17

Table 3: Admin Table.....................................................................................................................25

Table 4: Teachers Table..................................................................................................................25

Table 5: Department table..............................................................................................................25

Table 6: Students Table..................................................................................................................26

Table 7: Course Table....................................................................................................................26

Table 8: Quality Assurance Table..................................................................................................26

Table 9: Feedback Table................................................................................................................27



The education sector plays a vital role in shaping societies and fostering the intellectual
development of individuals. Quality management systems in educational institutions are essential
for ensuring effective administration, improving teaching and learning processes, and enhancing
overall educational outcomes. In this context, this project aims to develop an education quality
management system for Haramaya University.

Haramaya University, located in Ethiopia, is a renowned institution committed to providing

quality education and contributing to national development. However, like many educational
institutions, Haramaya University faces challenges in managing and monitoring the quality of its
educational programs and processes. The existing systems and processes for quality management
are fully paper-based and limited in their effectiveness, leading to inefficiencies, lack of
transparency, and potential gaps in delivering high-quality education.

1.1. The Motivation of the Project:

The goal to give students the finest learning experience possible is what spurred Haramaya
University to adopt a Quality Management System (QMS) for education. The institution wants to
make sure that its educational programs meet or surpass stakeholders' and students' expectations,
hence it has adopted a QMS. The objective of the initiative is to improve the standard of
instruction, curriculum development, assessment procedures, and student support services.

The motivation is also based on the understanding that in the current competitive academic
environment, institutions must set themselves apart via the caliber of their programs and
services. Haramaya University wants to establish a culture of quality through the implementation
of a QMS, achieve operational excellence, and establish itself as a top institution of higher
learning. The university's initiative is driving the project committed to provide a top-notch
educational experience that equips students for success in their academic and professional goals,
as well as its commitment to ongoing development.

1.2. Statement of the Problem:

The existing education quality management system at Haramaya University relies entirely on
manual and paper-based processes, leading to numerous challenges and limitations. One of the
primary issues is the extensive use of manual data entry, where information related to education
quality, including assessment data, feedback, and performance indicators, is recorded on paper
documents. This manual process introduces the potential for errors and inconsistencies in the

Another significant challenge is the storage and retrieval of documents. The university depends
on physical filing systems to manage education quality-related documents, making it time-
consuming and inefficient to locate and retrieve specific information when needed. Additionally,
the physical nature of the documents limits accessibility and hampers effective collaboration,
communication, and information dissemination among stakeholders.

The lack of a centralized and digital data repository further complicates the management of
education quality. Comprehensive data analysis and reporting require manual compilation,
calculation, and interpretation of data from various sources, leading to laborious and time-
intensive processes. The delays in accessing and processing information impact the timeliness of
decision-making and the university's ability to respond promptly to quality-related issues.

To address these challenges, Haramaya University aims to develop a web-based Education

Quality Management System. The objective of this project is to digitize and automate the
existing manual processes, establish a centralized and secure database for data storage and
retrieval, streamline workflows, enable data analysis and reporting, and enhance collaboration
and communication among stakeholders. By implementing such a system, the university seeks to
overcome the limitations of the current manual system and leverage technology to improve the
management of education quality effectively.

1.3. The Objective of the Project:

1.3.1. General Objective

The primary objective of this project is to develop a web-based Education Quality Management
System for Haramaya University.

1.3.2. Specific Objectives

The specific objectives of the project include Digitization and Automation: Transition from
manual processes to digital systems to automate data entry, storage, retrieval, and management of
education quality-related information.

Centralized Data Repository: Establish a centralized and secure database for storing and
managing education quality data, ensuring easy access, efficient retrieval, and reliable data

Streamlined Workflows: Design and implement streamlined workflows and standardized

processes to enhance efficiency, reduce manual effort, and improve the overall management of
education quality.

Data Analysis and Reporting: Enable comprehensive data analysis, real-time monitoring of key
performance indicators, and generation of timely and accurate reports to support evidence-based
decision-making and continuous improvement initiatives.

Enhanced Collaboration and Communication: Facilitate seamless collaboration,

communication, and information sharing among stakeholders through user-friendly interfaces,
notifications, and integration of feedback mechanisms. By achieving these objectives, the
Education Quality Management System will enable Haramaya University to transition from
manual and paper-based processes to a more efficient, accessible, and data-driven approach to
education quality management.

1.4. Methodology of the Project:

To achieve the objectives outlined above, this project will follow a systematic and iterative
methodology. It will involve conducting a thorough analysis of the existing systems and
requirements gathering through consultations with stakeholders at Haramaya University. The
development process will include system design, prototyping, and testing, followed by
implementation, training, and evaluation. Agile development principles will be adopted to ensure
flexibility and responsiveness to changing needs.

1.5. Scope and Delimitation of the Project

The scope of this project encompasses the development of an education quality management
system tailored specifically for Haramaya University. The system will focus on addressing the
challenges related to quality monitoring, data management, and communication within the
university's educational processes. However, it is important to note that the project does not
cover broader aspects of university management or administrative functions outside the scope of
education quality.

1.6. Significance of the Project:

The successful development and implementation of an education quality management system at

Haramaya University hold significant importance. It will contribute to enhancing the university's
reputation and competitiveness, ensuring compliance with quality assurance standards, and
fostering a culture of continuous improvement in education. Furthermore, the system can serve
as a model for other educational institutions in Ethiopia and beyond, providing valuable insights
and best practices for effective quality management.

1.7. Organization of this Work:

This project report is organized into chapters to provide a structured and comprehensive
understanding of the education quality management system development for Haramaya
University. Chapter Two focuses on user requirements and analysis, examining the existing
systems, proposing improvements, and defining specifications. Chapter Three delves into the
system design, including class modeling, user interface design, and database design. Subsequent
chapters will address the implementation, testing, and evaluation of the system. By undertaking
this project, Haramaya University takes a significant step toward ensuring that its education
quality management system aligns with modern technological advancements and best practices,
ultimately improving the overall educational experience for its stakeholders.


2.1. Overview of Existing Systems

There is no complete web-based solution available for Haramaya University's present education
quality management system, which is purely paper-based. The institution places a significant
amount of reliance on manual procedures and paperwork to manage and guarantee the caliber of
instruction. This old method is time-consuming, ineffective, and prone to mistakes since it
requires a lot of paperwork. The current system consists of a variety of manual processes and
paperwork, including actual files for keeping track of policies, assessment summaries, feedback
forms, and other pertinent quality management records. These paper-based data are kept in
several offices and departments around the institution, which makes it difficult to access and
retrieve information quickly.

The absence of a centralized and integrated system places restrictions on communication and
collaboration between various quality management stakeholders, including administrators,
faculty members, departments, students, and quality assurance professionals. The fragmentation
of coordination efforts frequently leads to delays, misunderstandings, and challenges in tracking
and overseeing the execution of quality improvement programs. Moreover, the university's
capacity to use technology for data analysis, report production, and decision-making is hampered
by the lack of a web-based education quality management system. The reliance on manual
procedures hinders real-time monitoring of quality indicators, trend detection, and prompt action
for continuous improvement.

2.2. Overview of the Proposed System

The proposed Education Quality Management System for Haramaya University is a

comprehensive web-based solution designed to revolutionize the management and enhancement
of education quality. This system aims to address the limitations of the existing paper-based
approach by providing a centralized, integrated, and efficient platform for all quality
management processes. The proposed system encompasses various modules and functionalities
to support the key stakeholders involved in education quality management. Administrators,

faculty members, departments, students, and quality assurance personnel will have access to a
user-friendly and intuitive interface tailored to their specific roles and responsibilities. The core
features of the proposed system include:

Policy Management: The system allows administrators to define, manage, and communicate
quality management policies effectively. Users can access up-to-date policies, ensuring
adherence and consistency across the university.

Data Capture and Analysis: The system facilitates the collection of quality-related data, such as
student feedback, evaluation reports, and program outcomes. It provides automated data analysis
and generates comprehensive reports, enabling data-driven decision-making and proactive
quality enhancement.

Collaboration and Communication: The system fosters seamless collaboration and

communication among stakeholders. It enables administrators, faculty members, and
departments to collaborate on quality improvement initiatives, share best practices, and exchange
feedback and ideas through integrated communication channels.

Monitoring and Evaluation: The system offers real-time monitoring and evaluation of quality
indicators and key performance metrics. It provides customizable dashboards and analytics tools
to track progress, identify areas for improvement, and ensure the university's educational
objectives are being met.

Resource Allocation: The system assists in effective resource allocation by providing insights
into faculty workload, course scheduling, and infrastructure requirements. It optimizes resource
utilization and supports informed decision-making regarding faculty assignments and course

Continuous Professional Development: The system offers a platform for faculty members to
engage in continuous professional development activities. It provides access to training
resources, workshops, and collaboration spaces to foster ongoing learning and professional

By implementing the proposed Education Quality Management System, Haramaya University
will experience a transformative shift toward efficient, data-driven, and transparent quality
management processes. The system's web-based nature ensures accessibility, scalability, and
adaptability to future technological advancements, positioning the university at the forefront of
education quality management practices.

2.3. Functional requirements

Functional requirements define the specific functionalities and capabilities that the Education
Quality Management System for Haramaya University should possess. Here are some functional
requirements for the proposed system:

1. User Authentication and Authorization:

 The system should provide secure user authentication mechanisms, such as username
and password or multi-factor authentication.
 Different user roles, such as administrators, faculty members, departments, students,
and quality assurance personnel, should have specific access rights and permissions
based on their roles and responsibilities.

2. User Profile Management:

 Users should be able to create and manage their profiles, including updating personal
information, contact details, and preferences.
 User profiles should be linked to their respective roles and permissions within the

3. Policy Management:

 Administrators should have the ability to define and manage quality management
policies within the system.
 Policies should be categorized, versioned, and easily accessible to authorized users.

4. Data Capture and Analysis:

 The system should provide forms or interfaces for capturing various quality-related data,
such as student feedback, evaluation reports, and program outcomes.
 Captured data should be stored securely and made available for analysis and reporting
 The system should offer data analysis tools, such as visualizations and statistical analysis,
to generate meaningful insights from the collected data.

5. Collaboration and Communication:

 Users should be able to collaborate and communicate with each other within the system.
 Features like discussion forums, messaging, and notifications should be available to
facilitate effective communication and exchange of ideas.

6. Monitoring and Reporting:

 The system should allow real-time monitoring of quality indicators and key performance
 Administrators and authorized users should be able to generate comprehensive reports on
quality management activities, progress, and outcomes.
 Reports should be customizable and exportable in different formats (e.g., PDF, Excel) for
further analysis or sharing.

7. Resource Management:

 The system should support resource allocation and management, including faculty
workload, course scheduling, and infrastructure requirements.
 Users should be able to assign faculty members to courses, manage class schedules, and
track resource utilization.

8. Training and Professional Development:

 The system should provide a platform for faculty members to access training resources,
workshops, and professional development opportunities.
 Users should be able to register for training programs, track their progress, and receive
certifications or acknowledgments.

9. System Administration:

 Administrators should have administrative functionalities to manage user accounts, roles,

and permissions.
 The system should support system configuration, including settings for email
notifications, security measures, and data backup.

These functional requirements serve as a starting point for the development of the Education
Quality Management System, ensuring that the system meets the specific needs and objectives of
Haramaya University.

Class Responsibility Collaborator (CRC)

Class Responsibility Collaborator (CRC) is a technique used in object-oriented analysis and

design to identify and define classes, their responsibilities, and their interactions with other
classes in a system. It helps in organizing and visualizing the relationships and responsibilities of
different classes. Here is an example of CRC for the Education Quality Management System for
Haramaya University:

Class: Admin


 Manage users' accounts

 Generate reports
 Manage policies


 Users: To create and manage their accounts

 Report Generator: To generate reports
 Policy Manager: To manage policies

Class: Teachers


 Update their profile

 Teach courses
 Update course progress
 See posts


 Profile Manager: To update their profile

 Course Manager: To manage courses and update progress
 Post Viewer: To view posts

Class: Departments


 Supervise teaching activity

 Prepare schedule
 Assign teacher


 Activity Supervisor: To supervise teaching activities

 Schedule Manager: To prepare schedules
 Teacher Assigner: To assign teachers to courses
Class: Students


 Provide feedback
 See posts
 Update their profile


 Feedback Provider: To provide feedback

 Post Viewer: To view posts
 Profile Manager: To update their profile

Class: Quality Assurance


 Audit quality
 Review feedback
 Generate reports


 Quality Auditor: To perform quality audits

 Feedback Reviewer: To review feedback
 Report Generator: To generate reports

The CRC analysis helps in identifying the main classes in the system, their responsibilities, and
the collaborators they interact with. It provides a clear understanding of the class structure and
the relationships between classes in the Education Quality Management System. This analysis
serves as a foundation for further design and implementation of the system.

Table 1:Actor class CRC Diagram

Admin <<Actor>>

User name Create account<<UI>>

Password Edit privilege<<UI>>
First name Deactivate account<<UI>>
Last name manage User<<UI>>
Age View Report<<UI>>
Manage the account ()
Manage User ()
View report ()

2.4. Supplementary Specification

2.4.1. Business Rules

BR 1: User Authentication: All users must provide valid login credentials to access the system.

BR 2: User Roles: Each user is assigned a specific role (Admin, Teachers, Departments,
Students, Quality Assurance) that determines their access and privileges within the system.

BR: 3 Data Privacy: The system should ensure the confidentiality and security of user data,
adhering to relevant data protection regulations.

BR 4: Policy Approval: Any changes or additions to policies should be reviewed and approved
by authorized personnel (e.g., Admin) before implementation.

BR 5: Feedback Submission: Students should be able to provide feedback within a specified

timeframe to ensure timely assessment and improvement.

2.4.2. Nonfunctional Requirements and Constraints

1. Performance: The system should be able to handle a large number of concurrent users and
maintain acceptable response times.

2. Usability: The user interface should be intuitive, user-friendly, and accessible, catering to
users with varying levels of technical expertise.

3. Reliability: The system should be highly reliable, minimizing downtime and ensuring data
integrity and availability.

4. Security: Robust security measures should be implemented to protect sensitive data from
unauthorized access, including user authentication, encryption, and secure data transmission.

5. Scalability: The system should be scalable to accommodate future growth and increasing user

6. Compatibility: The system should be compatible with different browsers, operating systems,
and devices to facilitate widespread accessibility.

7. Regulatory Compliance: The system should adhere to relevant regulatory and legal
requirements, ensuring compliance with educational standards and data protection regulations.

These business rules and nonfunctional requirements provide additional specifications and
constraints that need to be considered during the development of the Education Quality
Management System for Haramaya University.

2.5. Use Case Modeling

The use case diagram plays a crucial role in the documentation of the "Haramaya Education
Quality Management System". It provides a visual representation of the interactions between
actors and the system, highlighting the specific actions and tasks they perform. By illustrating the
relationships and dependencies between actors and use cases, the use case diagram helps in
understanding the system's functionality, identifying requirements, facilitating stakeholder

communication, and guiding the system's architecture design. Ultimately, the use case diagram
ensures that the Haramaya Education Quality Management System meets the needs and
expectations of its users, contributing to its successful development and implementation.

2.5.1. Essential Use Case Modeling

An essential use case is a high-level representation of the required behavior of a system,

independent of any particular implementation or design decisions. It is not specific to an existing
or proposed system but rather focuses on the fundamental functionality and goals of the system
from a user's perspective. It describes the interactions between the actors and the system to
achieve a specific goal or task. It is used to capture the essential requirements of the system and
provides a basis for further development and refinement of the system's design and

Figure 1: Essential use case modeling

2.5.2. System Use Case Modeling

System use case modeling is also another technique used to model the behavior of the system
like essential use case through the use of use case diagrams. System use case modeling involves
identifying the actors and use cases that are required to support the system's functionality, and
defining the relationships between them. But system use cases provide a detailed description of
the functionality of the system, including the flow of events and the specific interactions between
the actors and the system

Figure 2: System Use case Design

2.5.3. System Use Case Description

A system use case description is a document that outlines the functional requirements and
behavior of a software system from the perspective of its users. A typical use case description
includes the use case name and identification number, actors, preconditions, Basic course of
action, alternative flows, and postconditions:

Table 2: login Use Case Description:

Use case Login

Use case ID UC001
Description This use case describes the process of logging into the Education Quality
Management System for different actors.
Actors Admin, Teachers, Departments, Students, Quality Assurance

Preconditions The actor must have a valid username and password.

Main Flow 1. The actor enters their username and password in the corresponding
2. The system verifies the entered credentials.
3 If the credentials are valid, the system grants access to the actor and
navigates them to their respective dashboard.

Alternative 2a If the entered username or password is incorrect, the system displays an

Flows error message indicating the incorrect credentials.
2b the actor may choose to reset their password by following the "Forgot
Password" link.
2b.1 The system prompts the actor to enter their registered email address.
2b.2 The system sends a password reset link to the provided email address.
2b.3 The actor checks their email and clicks on the password reset link.
2b.4 The system verifies the link validity and prompts the actor to enter a new
2b.5 The actor enters a new password and submits the form.
2b.6 The system updates the password and redirects the actor to the login page.

4 The actor may choose to select the "Remember Me" option to enable
automatic login for future visits.
Postcondition The actor is successfully logged into the system and gains access to their
authorized functionalities.

Exception 1.2 If the actor's account is locked or deactivated, the system displays an error
Flows message and prompts the actor to contact the administrator for assistance.

2.6. Activity Diagrams

An activity diagram is a visual depiction of a system or process, commonly employed to

illustrate the sequence of tasks and actions within a specific process. It offers a broad overview
of the steps and activities involved, aiding in the comprehension and analysis of intricate systems
or business processes. Various symbols and notations are utilized to represent distinct
components of the process, including actions, decisions, and transitions. Actions represent the
individual steps or tasks within the process, decisions depict the points at which the process
diverges based on specific conditions, and transitions signify the flow of control between
different activities.

Figure 3: Activity Diagram for Login

2.7. Sequence Diagrams

In UML (Unified Modeling Language), a sequence diagram is a type of interaction diagram that
shows the interactions between objects or components in a system over time. It provides a visual
representation of the sequence of messages that are exchanged between objects and can be used
to model the behavior of a system during specific use cases or scenarios. Sequence diagrams
consist of objects or components represented by rectangular boxes, with arrows or lines
indicating the messages or events that are passed between them. They are a powerful tool in
software engineering for understanding and modeling the behavior of complex systems and are
widely used throughout the software development lifecycle.

Figure 4: login Sequence Diagram



3.1. Class Type Architecture

In the proposed Education Quality Management System for Haramaya University, the
architecture follows a layered approach known as Class Type Architecture. The system is divided
into the following layers:

3.1.1. User-Interface Layer:

The User-Interface Layer is responsible for handling the interaction between the system and the
users. It includes components such as user interfaces, forms, and views that allow users to
interact with the system. This layer focuses on presenting information to users in a user-friendly
manner and capturing user input. It ensures a smooth and intuitive user experience.

3.1.2. Controller/Process Layer:

The Controller/Process Layer acts as an intermediary between the User-Interface Layer and the
Business/Domain Layer. It handles the flow of control and coordinates the processing of user
requests. This layer receives input from the user interface, validates it, and delegates the
appropriate actions to the Business/Domain Layer. It manages the overall system behavior and
ensures the integrity and consistency of data processing.

3.1.3. Business/Domain Layer:

The Business/Domain Layer contains the core business logic and rules of the Education Quality
Management System. It represents the main functional components and entities of the system,
such as quality management policies, assessment processes, feedback mechanisms, and
performance indicators. This layer encapsulates the business rules, algorithms, and operations
required to manage education quality effectively. It ensures the consistency, accuracy, and
integrity of data processing and supports the system's objectives and functionality.

3.1.4. Persistence Layer:

The Persistence Layer is responsible for handling the storage and retrieval of data from the
underlying database. It interacts with the database management system and provides mechanisms
for data access, retrieval, and storage. This layer includes components such as data access objects
(DAOs) or repositories that encapsulate the operations related to data persistence. It ensures the
long-term storage and availability of data for the Education Quality Management System.

By adopting a layered architecture, the Education Quality Management System separates the
concerns and responsibilities of different system components. This allows for easier

maintenance, scalability, and extensibility of the system. It promotes modular development,
where each layer can be developed and tested independently, and facilitates the overall
management and organization of the system components.

3.2. Class Modeling

Class Modeling is used for general conceptual modeling of the structure of the application, and
for detailed modeling, translating the models into programming code. The class diagram is used
to show the different objects in a system, their attributes, their operations, and the relationships
among the classes model is considered important as it represents the graphical representation of
the entire system and helps in analysis while communicating with the customers.

Figure 5: Class Diagram

3.3. User Interface Design

You may model the high-level interactions between key user interface components and
consequently pose important usability queries using user interface diagrams, also known as
storyboards, interface flow diagrams, windows navigation diagrams, and context navigation
maps. We attempt to illustrate the user interface diagram for the Haramaya University Quality of
Education Management system in the diagram below.

Figure 6: User Interface for Admin Department, and Quality Assurance

3.4. State Chart Diagram

UML state machine diagrams depict the various states that an object may be in and the
transitions between those states. In fact, in other modeling languages, it is common for this type
of diagram to be called a state-transition diagram or even simply a state diagram. A state
represents a stage in the behavior pattern of an object, and like UML activity diagrams it is
possible to have initial states and final states. A state chart diagram is used to model the dynamic
nature of a system. They define different states of an object during its lifetime.

Figure 7: Login State Chart Diagram

3.5. The Entity-Relationship Diagram (ERD),

The Entity-Relationship Diagram (ERD), which acts as a visual depiction of the links between
different system components, is an essential part of Haramaya University's Education Quality
Management System. It offers a succinct and clear summary of the relationships and interactions
between various things, ideas, and people. The ERD illustrates the database or system's structure
and organization by using connectors and symbols to list the entities, their characteristics, and
the connections that connect them. The Education Quality Management System is designed and
understood in large part thanks to this graphic, which helps stakeholders better comprehend the
data model and information flow inside the system.

Figure 8: The Entity-Relationship Diagram

3.5.1. Relational Persistent Modeling

Relational Persistent Modeling involves mapping the class model to relational database tables.
Here's the Relational Persistent Modeling for the Education Quality Management System:

Table 3: Admin Table

Attribute Data type

admin_id Int

Username VARCHAR (50)

Password VARCHAR (50)

Table 4: Teachers Table

Attribute Data type

Teachers_id Int

Username VARCHAR (50)

Password VARCHAR (50)

Table 5: Department table

Attribute Data type

Dept_id Int

Dpt_name VARCHAR (50)

Table 6: Students Table

Attribute Data type

Students _id Int

Username VARCHAR (50)

Password VARCHAR (50)

Table 7: Course Table

Attribute Data type

Course _id Int

Course_name VARCHAR (50)

Dept_id Int

Table 8: Quality Assurance Table

Attribute Data type

qa_id Int

Username VARCHAR (50)

password VARCHAR (50)

Table 9: Feedback Table

Attribute Data type

feedback_id Int

student_id Int

course_id Int

feedback_text TEXT

In this Relational Persistent Modeling, each class is mapped to a corresponding table, and the
attributes are represented as columns in the tables. "department_id" column in the "Course"

table serves as a foreign key referencing the "department_id" column in the "Departments" table.
Similarly, the "student_id" and "course_id" columns in the "Feedback" table act as foreign keys
referencing the corresponding primary keys in the "Students" and "Course" tables, respectively.
These foreign key relationships maintain the integrity and consistency of the data across the

3.7. Component Diagram

A component diagram is a type of UML (Unified Modeling Language) diagram that depicts the
structure of a system or software application in terms of its components and their relationships.
It is used to illustrate the organization and dependencies among the various parts of a system. In
a component diagram, each component is represented as a rectangle with the component name
written inside. The components can be connected by lines that represent the interfaces between
them. The interfaces can be either provided or required and may be associated with different
types of relationships, such as composition, aggregation, or dependency.

Figure 9:Component Diagram

3.8. Deployment Diagram

A deployment diagram is a type of UML diagram that shows the physical architecture of a
system. It depicts the hardware and software components of a system and how they are
connected and deployed across different nodes. In a deployment diagram, nodes represent the
physical components of a system, such as servers, computers, or devices. Each node can have
multiple components that are deployed on it, and these components can be either hardware or
software. The connections between nodes are represented by communication paths, which show
how different components interact with each other.

Figure 10 : deployment Diagram


In conclusion, implementing a Quality Management System (QMS) is crucial for Haramaya

University to enhance the quality of education it provides. By establishing standardized
processes, guidelines, and performance metrics, the university can monitor and improve its
educational practices, ensuring they meet or exceed student and stakeholder expectations.
Embracing a QMS will foster a culture of quality, drive continuous improvement, and position
Haramaya University as a premier institution committed to delivering high-quality education.


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