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LOVE SO LOUD 2 copyrights© 2021 Thembelihle Nkosi

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Please note that this story is purely fictional, if there is any event that relates
to real life; please consider them as purely fictional.

For more info contact: 0719517153


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Twitter: @ThembelihleNk18

Instagram: @Thembelihle_T_Nkosi





She stands there by the door shocked to the core. This doesn't make sense, not one
bit at all. Where is this woman coming from and how did she know where she stays?
No, this is one of the scams she is not willing to entertain.

With her heart beating so fast, she closes the door right at her face and turns back to
catch some air and balance. Innocentia is looking at her worried and holding her

Innocentia: Thobile breathe, who was that?

Thobile: I don't know.
Innocentia: You don't look okay, what did the person say?
Thobile: She said she is my mother.

Silence, Innocentia registers what she just heard and pulls a chair sitting down.

Innocentia: Urhm, your mother?

Thobile: Yes, can you believe such madness? You know what, I'm not even going to
entertain this, I'm going to go take a shower then we can leave.

Innocentia: Thobile wait, what if…

Thobile: No Inno, there's no what's if here! This person standing outside the door is a
liar! Where was she all these years? So she miraculously knew where I lived but
never contacted me? Please, I don't want this kind of stress.

She gets up from the chair and walks up to her bedroom and locks herself inside it.
She is being tested for real, this cannot be happening!

There was a time in her life where she yearned for a mother's love so badly, prayed
for a miracle to meet her one day but it never happened! And now that she long
made peace with the fact that she doesn't have a mother, boom thushu a person out
of nowhere? No, she is not going to allow this. If indeed she is who she says she is,
then she can go back to where she comes from!

Her phone rings, causing her to startle as her mind is miles away. It's Akin so she

Thobile: Hello…
Akin: Baby, did you get home safely?
Thobile: Yeah, I'm fine.
Akin: You don't sound okay, what's wrong? Is it the internet bullies again?


Thobile: No, it's not that.

Akin: What is it then, talk to me babe.
Thobile: Something happened and I…
Akin: You know what, I'm coming there…
Thobile: No, please don't. It's really not necessary.
Akin: What do you mean it's not necessary, baby you are crying?
Thobile: I'll be fine, I promise. I just need some peace and quiet for now.

He sighs on the other side of the call, she can feel that he is stressed but really, she
wants to be left alone!
Akin: Okay, just try to take it easy okay? I know it's hard, baby but we are going to
pass this phase. I will be with you every step of the way, I promise.
Thobile: I know. Thank you for being here.
Akin: When am I going to see you?
Thobile: Honestly,I don't know.
Silence…. He sighs again.

Akin: It's fine, get some rest okay?

Thobile: I will.
Akin: I love you.
Thobile: I love you too.

The call ends and she exhales, places her hand on her stomach. There's a baby
inside her? Wow, who could have thought? Her being pregnant at this age was
never part of the plans. No wonder her dad is so mad. But it's done now, there's no
going back about it, the baby is here, all she needs to do is prepare for its arrival and
be the best mother she can ever be.

Thobile:(holding her tummy) I will never ever leave you, no matter how hard the
situation is, I promise. You and I are stuck together till the end of time. I wasn't ready
for you, but now that you are here, I'm going to make the best of our times together
worth it. I love you so much my angel.


She places the cup of rooibos tea in front of her mother and sits next to her. Her
father is not around, probably out there figuring out how to solve Zamani's dilemma.

It's not yet out that he is arrested and thank God for that, because it means that they
can actually have a chance to deal with it as a family without the gossipers.

Lindiwe: Thank you, my baby.

Lulu: Mama, what are we going to do? Zamani cannot go to prison, he won't survive


Lindiwe: I know my child, I know. But I cannot protect him.

Lulu: Ma!
Lindiwe: Look, I take full responsibility for my action of staying in a toxic marriage
because I thought I was doing it for you.
I acknowledge that Zamani is the person he is today because of the environment he
grew up in. But I am disappointed that after seeing how that affected me, he chose
to be worse instead of doing better and changing the narrative.
Lulu: Mom, what are you talking about? What toxicity and abuse?

Her mother puts the cup of tea down and holds her hands. You and dad love each
other nje!?

Lindiwe: My daughter, my marriage with your father hasn't always been this glorious.
He wasn't the man you see him today. He used to cheat and beat me up, even when
I was pregnant with you.
Lulu: What? Mom, no!

Lindiwe: Yes, and your brother witnessed all of that abuse taking place. He saw it
first-hand. At so many times, he used to fight me asking why I can’t leave. Haven't
you asked yourself why he hardly comes home? Even after his father changed and
corrected his ways, that image stuck up with him.

Lulu: I can't believe this!

Lindiwe: Sadly it happens with so many marriages. What happens behind closed
doors isn't what they tell the world, they, we suffer in silence.

Lulu: You see mom, you see that he has a problem? That's why we need to help
Lindiwe: I'm willing to support and encourage therapy but other than that, no. Zamani
should have known better. Rape? No, I'm disappointed in him!

Lulu sighs, she is clearly not winning with this and it's no use arguing about it with
her mother. The only way she knows how to fight battles is through prayer, she is
going to pray to God to come through for her brother. He did wrong but she is not
going to turn her back against him, not when he needs him the most.


Deep breath, in and out Sonto, you have come too far to give up now. You honestly
didn't think it was going to be a walk in the park now, did you?

21 years is no child's play, she is thankful for the new world development of
technology. It's through it that she managed to track Thobile down. With the sex tape
scandal, it made it even easier.


She is so grown, a whole beautiful and smart woman that is doing well for her.
Menziwa really did a good job with her. He is a better parent and person than her;
hence she left and never looked back.
Her presence will cause so much pain, that she knows for a fact. If it was up to her,
she would have remained in the dark and unknown. But her soul won't rest in peace
dying with the secret in her chest.

The door opens; a beautiful lady looks at her up and down and smiles faintly.

Innocentia: Hi, please come in.

Nomasonto: Thank you.

She follows her inside the apartment and looks around. Such a beautiful cosy space.
Innocentia: My name is Innocentia, can I offer you anything to drink?
Nomasonto: Water will be fine, thank you.
Innocentia: Coming right up….

She looks around; such a lovely space, there are pictures of Thibile against the wall.
Her baby girl has grown so much; and so beautiful. Menziwa really did a great job
with her; hopefully everything is going to go well and Thobile can give her a chance
to explain herself.

With the little time she has left with; all she want to do is to make peace and be
happy with her daughter. Already there is so much time that has been wasted over
the years so this she is going to use this opportunity wisely.




What is she doing? Honestly, she also doesn’t know! But one thing for sure, is that
she can’t leave her standing outside like that. Besides the nosey neighbours, it is just
inhumane. Her insecurities have to be put aside at this point and give her a chance
to actually express why she is here. Maybe then, she can decide how she feels
about this whole thing.

Before she could let her in, she first informed Menziwa about it, because she doesn’t
want trouble. He sounded pissed at this and judging from Thobile’s reaction, both of
these people are upset about this woman’s presence. It makes her realise that this is
actually bigger than her. And on top of it all, she doesn’t know the nature of her
relationship with Menziwa, how it ended. What if her being here ignites the passion
and they reconcile?

Her intestines turn at that thought because she is not ready for that drama, one of
the reasons why she doesn’t date baby daddies but this was fine with her knowing
that she left and has no connection with them. She has often heard people talk about
bonds between baby mamas and daddies, hopefully this time around, this isn’t such
a case.

She gets to the kitchen, opens the fridge and takes out the bottled water, puts it on
the tray with a glass and takes it to her. She finds her coughing when walking and it
looks pretty intense to the point where she just grabs the bottled water and drinks
straight from it and the coughing subsides, and she smiles.

Nomasonto: Thank you. I didn’t catch your name?

Innocentia: Oh, my name is Innocentia Khumalo.
Nomasonto: Mbulazi, I am Sonto, shortened to Nomasonto. You see, Thobile takes
after me, back in the days I used to enter those beauty pageants.
Innocentia: Interesting, so where have you been all this while?
Nomasonto: (smiling) Please forgive my manners dear, are you Thobile’s friend or?
Innocentia: Oh, I am actually her stepmother.

Sonto’s smile disappears immediately, causing Inno to be amused. What did she
think, that Menziwa was single and waiting for her? Shame.

Nomasonto: You look too young to be his girlfriend.

Innocentia: Says someone who abandoned her kid for 21 years!
Nomasonto: I wasn’t fighting you sis, it’s just that you looked the same age as my


Innocentia: You have no right to comment about my relationship with Menziwa,

absolutely none!
Nomasonto: I am sorry.

She keeps quiet, what does one say or do after such? Walk away, yes, that is the
best solution.

She goes to Thobile’s bedroom and knocks, luckily she opens the door and
Innocentia walks in.

Thobile: I'm almost done.

Innocentia: Sis, she's here, at least hear her out.
Thobile: Where?
Innocentia: I opened for her…
Thobile: Wow, that's your problem then, deal with it.
Innocentia: Thobile…
Thobile: Innocentia, angixega bandla!( leave me alone)

Wow, okay! This is the disadvantage of dating someone with older kids. They easily
tell you to bounce off with zero care!
Innocentia: Your father is on the way.

She rolls her eyes and doesn't respond. Maybe she needs to leave and let them sort
it out on their own. They will call her when she is needed.


She didn't mean to lash out at Innocentia like that, she is a good woman who has
been very supportive throughout the whole drama of her sex tape leaking out. She
knows that even now, she is only trying to help.
It's unfortunate that this whole thing frustrates and adds to her stress. Can she deal
with one issue at a time please? Why is she showing up now? Nxxx, this whole thing
makes her upset.
This time the door flies open without a knock and she is ready to ask Innocentia what
the hell when she realises that it is actually Luyanda. Ever since the incident
occured, they haven't had a chance to talk about it.

Luyanda: I leave for a few seconds and our apartment is flooded with strangers?
Thobile: Come on Luyanda, don't act as if you don't know Innocentia now.
Luyanda: Yeah, I do. But who is other woman?
Thobile: What is your business? They are not here for you!
Luyanda: I pay rent here too Thobile and…


Thobile: Forget about my guests and tell me exactly what is bothering you. Yes, let
us address the elephant in the room!
Luyanda: You want to talk? Sure, let us talk!
Thobile: Go on…

She puts down her sling bag and folds her arms, she is upset!
Luyanda: How do you get to do such a thing to my brother?
Thobile: Excuse me Lulu? Your brother recorded me without my permission and
published the video online! I should be asking how he can do that to me!
Luyanda: Because you are a whore, that's why!
Thobile: Oh really!?

Luyanda: Yes Thobile! You are a fat ugly whore that my brother was doing a favour
by dating! You are not his type, and for doing this to him, that's cruel and unfair. He
loved you, wholeheartedly! And for your information, it wasn't him who leaked the
video on the internet but his crazy ex!

She chuckles in disbelief, this gotta be the lowest lie he has ever heard. The fuck!
Thobile: Come on; you seriously want me to believe that?
Luyanda: You don't have to but that's just the truth. She drugged my brother and
hacked into his phone. She found the video and published it. Look, I know you don't
believe me right now and I do blame Zamani for recording you but he didn't leak that
video, Phumza did.

She sits down on the bed feeling defeated. Why didn't she think of this?
Thobile: You know, she called me and threatened to embarass me if I didn't leave
Zamani alone. I didn't put it into my mind because I had an exam to attend.
Luyanda:(sighs) That woman is crazy. Now look at how far she has pushed my
brother to go? He is going to prison because of her.
Thobile: Going to prison? I haven't opened the case yet…
Luyanda: He beat and raped Phumza.

Rape, what? That's extreme and crazy! She covers her mouth, unable to hide the
Luyanda: No, no, no Thobile. Do not think like that okay? Zamani is not a psycho or
anything like that.
Thobile: What do you mean; do you understand how serious rape is? Oh my God,
the emotional damage and…
Luyanda: Look, I know this is messed up but he is really a good person with a
difficult past and upbringing.
Thobile: What kind of anger pushes someone to rape a woman, worse a mother of
his child?


Right now she feels really unsafe at the thought that all this time she was dating a
whole rapist!
Luyanda: He's going to get help and be fine. I just need you to admit your own
wrongs into this and forgive him for that video.
Thobile: No Luyanda, your brother recorded me way before that. Why? He has
issues and is deep. I betrayed him, sure but why did he record me? For what
Luyanda: I don't know, okay, all I know is that he is not this person!
Thobile:I suggest that you stay out of his business and don't get involved.
Luyanda: I can't, I'm the only one in his corner. My parents think he deserves
punishment; I can't abandon him on his lowest. I can't!

She choose to keep quiet because she may not know or understand how deep the
bond between siblings since she doesn’t have any is.

Thobile: I'm sorry this is happening, I really am.

Luyanda:(sniffing) It's not fair. So what's going on with the bags?
Thobile: I'm going home for a while. I'll come back Wednesday to prepare for my
Friday exam.
Luyanda: Oh okay. So; you and Akin?
Thobile: I don't know what's going to happen between us with the baby on the way
but yeah, we are together.
Luyanda:(chuckling bitterly) Wow, you couldn't wait huh?
Thobile: I don't have to do this with you right now. Please leave…
Menziwa: Girls…

He says by the door and Thobile runs up to him and he evolves her into a tight hug,
Luyanda exits the room




Everything has been so chaotic and crazy ever since his only daughter's privacy was
violated. He doesn't and hasn't seen the video. No father or parent wants to see
such a video of their child.

He has been trying to pull strings from his own contacts to find out if the video can be
taken down but he was told that it won't be easy since a lot of people have
downloaded it and shared it on porn sites.

Damnit marn, if he can see that boy, he is going to kill him with his bare hands. Now
Thobile all her life she will have such a video hanging over her head because of his

As if that's enough, his ex-show; up on his daughter's door after 21 years of going
MIA. When Innocentia called to tell him that she was here, he dropped everything
and rushed back. The person in his mind that he wanted to see was his daughter.

Upon his arrival at his daughter's apartment, he is indeed greeted by Nomasonto's

presence. It is really her, in the flesh. He ignores her and goes straight to Thobile’s
bedroom and finds her talking to her flatmate.

Menziwa: Girls…

Thobile runs up to him and he opens his hands to evolve her into his chest. No
matter what happens or how bad things turn out to be, she will always be his only

Thobile: Baba, I am so happy that you are here.

Menziwa: I'm here my love, daddy is here.
Thobile: Please, let us go home.
Menziwa: Okay my angel. How do you feel?
Thobile: Tired, I'm tired of everything. I wish I didn't survive.
Menziwa: Thobile…
Thobile: I'm sorry dad, I know that's very selfish of me to say but everything is a lot
baba. There's a woman there in the kitchen who claims to be my mother. Daddy, I
don't have a mother, right?

Seeing his daughter in such states breaks him, he holds her close to his chest,
controlling his own emotions and trying his level best not to cry.
Menziwa: It's going to be okay baby; it will be fine my love.
Thobile: (crying) I'm tired daddy, I'm tired.


Menziwa: Shhhhh, don't cry. Stress is not good for the baby. Don't worry about your
mother, now focus on your healing. Everything else will be dealt with thereafter.


She is finally alone and gets to think with everything that has happened. That was
such a horrible experience and it's going to take her forever to be able to deal with it.

She shouldn't have done what she did, maybe she should have accepted that
Zamani didn't want her anymore and moved on. Now look, her child is going to grow
up not knowing her father because of her.

Her daughter's father today is a rapist because she couldn't take a "no" from him.
She didn't want to understand what it was about this girl that made him reject her all
of a sudden.

They always found their way to each other no matter how long they have broken up,
this time was different and she found it difficult to accept and understand it. She kept
on pushing and pushing, hoping that Zamani was going to crack and finally give in
but he didn't.

That broke her ego and confidence, to actually see him go all out for her and be
determined to be a better man for her. He even posted her on his social media,
something that he has never done on their time together. He always spoke about
how much of a private person he was.

She sighs and gets up from the bed, with a phone in her hand. Where is she going to
start drafting that apology letter to Thobile? With everything that is at stake? What
about her job?

With Zamani going to prison, she can't lose her job because what is her daughter
going to eat? And again, there's no moving on from this until she clears Zamani's

Biting her lips, she comes down to one realisation and it is going to disappoint many
but it's the only way out. The only way to protect her daughter's future is if she drops
the rape charges then clear Zamani's name. It is the only way.



The drive from Gauteng back to Meyiwa's household has been long, hot and quiet.
Everyone is going through their thoughts about the situation at hand. Innocentia took
Nomasonto's number and promised to reach out once everything has settled but
honestly, she doesn't even know how and where they are going to begin doing that.

It's the first time she is seeing Menziwa this devastated and angry. He may not say
anything but she sees it in his eyes. It is understandable; he loves that child so
She walks into the bedroom and finds him combing his beard and hugs him from
behind, laying her head on his back. He smells good, from the shower.

Innocentia: Thobile is sleeping, she is so tired but at least she ate something before
Menziwa: We should too, it was a long day.
Innocentia: Can we talk?
Menziwa: MaKhumalo…
Innocentia: Please Mathamahle, we can't pretend this didn't happen. It's here and we
need to find a way forward around it. The best way to deal with it, is now. We have to
talk about it now.

He sighs and untangle himself from her embrace and goes to bed. He sits on the
edge of the bed and Innocentia joins him, taking his hand to hers.

Innocentia: How are you feeling?

Menziwa: Angry, sad, disappointed and helpless…

She keeps quiet and brushes his hand, giving him a chance to continue…

Menziwa: I feel like I failed as a parent to Thobile. I failed to be a good father to her
and protect her.
Innocentia: That's not true and you know it. Kids misbehave and mess up all the time
and it is not always the parent's fault.
Menziwa: I don't know Mbulazi, I don't know where to start. And this woman, she
shows up after I suffered this much raising this child? She comes to cause
problems? After everything I went through with this child alone? After I sacrificed so
much so that she can have a good life? We were doing fine without her, we were

His voice is breaking and her eyes are also becoming moisty at this. He is hurting
and that also hurts her. She brushes his back, pulling him to her chest.

Innocentia: Its okay, it's okay to cry and let it all out my love. I am sorry.


Menziwa: What if she is here to take my daughter away from me?

Innocentia: Thobile is an adult; no one can take her from you. Not when you worked
so hard in building the bond and relationship between you two.
Menziwa: She shouldn't have come…
Innocentia: It is okay, it is going to be fine…

Is it going to be okay? She also doesn’t know and to be honest, she is worried about
this woman showing up now. Menziwa never really explained to her what happened
between the two of them or the reason why she left and that is worrisome. What if
they pick up from where they left at? They have a child that is going to bind them for
life; from experience, baby daddies have attachments issues to the women that
made them fathers for the first time.

She loves Menziwa so much and if such was to happen, she would be devastated.
This is her first relationship where she feels safe and cared for. But now is not the
time for her to be insecure, she needs to support her man and trust him until this
whole thing is over. Their love is strong and real to overcome any challenge, so she

Innocentia: Let us get to bed love.

She says getting up to prepare the bed, Menziwa follows and they get under the
sheets, he pulls her to his chest and kisses her forehead. His heart is beating so fast.
Menziwa: Today was crazy, I don’t know how I would have managed without you,
thank you.
Innocentia: I will always be here, for a s long as you need me. I love you.
Menziwa: I love you even more, goodnight.



Leaving the house was so difficult with everyone around watching her like a hawk.
Sinazo called her mother who came at her house (Phumla’s) and has been on her
neck ever since, talking about how much of a horrible man Zamani is and all those

The Uber driver drops her at the police station, she thanks him and walks out of the
car heading to the reception with her hoodie pulled over head and asks for the
detective handling her case. Since it just a new case that was opened few days ago,
she is attended immediately and is taken to interrogation room.

Detective: Ms Nzima, how are you?

Phumza: I am fine detective.


Detective: That is good to hear, I must say that you are indeed a strong woman, to
see you standing and walking during your situation.
Phumza: I have no choice; I need to fix the mess I created.
Detective: What mess are you talking about?
Phumza: The case, I would like to drop it.
Detective: What; why? Ms Nzima, is anyone threatening you to do this?

She shakes her head no.

Phumza: No; there is no one threatening or forcing me to do this.

Detective: Then what is it?
Phumza: Detective, this matter is complicated and I would like to deal with it on my
Detective: I beg your pardon; how are you going to do so?
Phumza: Don’t worry yourself about that. You see detective, Zamani is not a bad
man, not at all. This whole thing was just a misunderstanding.
Detective: You call rape a misunderstanding; do you know how many women are
raped in South Africa as we speak and the perpetrators are often not found? Each
and every day people blame the police for not doing their jobs when it comes to such
cases and here you are, dropping a case.
Phumza: I am sorry detective, really I am. But I cannot sit down and watch the father
of my child go to jail…
Detective: So you would rather what; watch him rape another person? I heard you
have a daughter, what happens when he rapes your child?

She bangs the table outraged and stands up on her feet.

Phumza: Detective; please, Zamani is not a rapist!

Detective: You are making a mistake; a huge one and I hope you don’t get to regret
it one day because it will be hard to help or believe you then.

She swallows the lump on her throat shaking the doubt in her mind; she is not going
to regret it because Zamani is not that man and he would never harm his daughter.
Phumza: Where do I sign please?

The following day she is woken up by her phone ringing; it is Akin. She dreads
answering it hoping that he is going to give up and actually stop calling but he
doesn’t give up and that forces her to answer.

Thobile: Hello.
Akin: Baby, finally you answered! I was losing my mind thinking that something has
happened to you.
Thobile: It is 6 am in the morning Akin; I am sleeping!


She didn’t mean to shout but come on; no one likes to be disturbed from their beauty
sleep so early in the morning. Especially; when it took you so long to be able to fall
asleep the previous day.

Akin: I am sorry; I didn’t mean to wake you up.

Thobile: It is fine; I am awake now.
Akin: How are you feeling?
Thobile: Well; besides being tired, I am fine this morning and calm.
Akin: I am glad to hear that babe; it makes me happy to hear those words from you.
Stress is not good for the baby; both of you actually.
Thobile: Yeah; I know. So I am going to talk to that woman and close the chapter
than ignoring it.
Akin: Are you sure; is that what you want to do? And wait; which woman are you
talking about?
Thobile: My biological mother; she showed up yesterday after 21 years.
Akin: What; are you serious?
Thobile: Yes; I need closure so that I can be able to move on.
Akin: That’s good babe; I wish you all the best, remember to take it easy. Okay?
Thobile: I will try. How are you; are you still around?
Akin: I am fine; just worried about you, and yes I am still around. I can’t leave without
seeing you and talk about how we are going to move forward from everything. If it
was up to me; you would come with me to Nigeria.
Thobile: (chuckling) You want my father to kill me? Besides that; I have school to
finish this side so yeah.
Akin: There are online classes for such reasons my love.
Thobile: I am doing science; it requires practical presence not theory all the time.
Akin: We are going to work it out; one way or another.
Thobile: Okay…

A moment of silence passes by between them; she yawns from feeling sleepy.

Akin: Now that I have heard your voice, you can go back to sleep. Please keep me
posted with everything.
Thobile: I will; thanks for caring.
Akin: Of course, you don’t have to thank me. I love you.
Thobile: (smiling) I know you do and I love you too.
Akin: Keep well my baby mama.
Thobile: You too daddy.
The call ends; she lies with her back smiling and thinking about how gorgeous their
baby is going to be, especially if it is going to be a boy. She wonders how Zamani is
but quickly deletes the thought and gets off from the bed.


It still shakes her knowing that he actually beat his baby mama and raped her
because he was angry. As much as Phumza was wrong for what she did, she still
believes that was too extreme from Zamani. It actually makes her thinks that he is
capable of murder because rape is worse than murder; she would rather die than
enduring that. She hopes that Phumza is okay and is going to get some help; poor
kid, imagine growing up to know that your father raped your mom, that is horror nje.

After making her bed; she heads to the bathroom and takes a very relaxing bath
wondering when are the morning sicknesses that people always talks about going to
start. She feels much better after her bath; like a huge weight has been lifted off her
shoulders. All her social media accounts are frozen by her management to allow the
dust to cool off and she promised herself that she won’t create any fake social media
accounts but use this break to actually breathe and live her life peaceful.

Innocentia and her father are eating in silence when she joins them and she doesn’t
remember when last did she see her father in such a devastated state; all because
of her.

Thobile: Good morning Family.

Menziwa: Morning.
Innocentia: Hey baby; how did you sleep?
Thobile: I slept very well; thanks for asking. Dad?
Menziwa: Yes?
Thobile: I want to meet her…
Menziwa: Who,Sonto?
Thobile: Yes; soon as possible so that I can close this chapter and move on with my
Menziwa: Oooh-kay. Are you sure love?
Thobile: Yes; I will be fine dad, I promise.
Menziwa: Okay; we’ll call her.
Thobile: Thank you.


The machines are beeping; nurses are going up and down attending to patients.
Zamani’s father, Sydwell Meyiwa is in his ward to check up on him and to actually
deliver the news to him. Yesterday they didn’t talk because when he came; he was
heavy on drugs and the doctors gave a clear instruction that he shouldn’t be woken

Zamani: Dad; I am happy to see you.

Sydwell: I wish I can say the same.
Zamani: Father….


Sydwell: No shut up! Who is your father; how dare you embarrass us like this? You
are lucky because Alwande’s mom dropped charges; I wanted you to learn a lesson
Zamani: Dad wait; Phumza dropped the rape charges?



Is his father telling the truth about Phumza dropping the charges; but then, what
would he gain by lying? If really she did; then he owes her his whole life! There is no
thought that was freaking him out like going to prison.

Sydwell: She did and we were all surprised when the lawyer that we got for you told
us there was no case.
Zamani: Wow; I owe that woman my whole life!
Sydwell: She didn’t do It for you but your daughter that you forgot about when doing
Zamani: Baba…
Sydwell: I want you to stay away from this girl; do you hear me? When you see her
coming in the opposite direction, change the street.
Zamani: Baba listen; please listen to me!

He didn’t mean to shout at his father but the pain and emotions are all taking its toll
on him right now and he can’t take it anymore. His father looks at him startled at him
raising his voice.

Zamani: I never meant to hurt her; it never crossed my mind, I am not that evil. Yes
we used to fight and get messy but I was changing; I was becoming a better person,
the very first reason why I broke up with her because she was not good for me. I left
her because I didn’t want to be that person who beats his woman up on every

I saw it from my mother and it was not nice; so trust me when I said all I wanted was
to walk away and live a peaceful quite life. I was good to Thobile; did everything right
any good man would do for his woman. I admit I was wrong for filming that video; I
thought it was safe for me and my eyes. I shouldn’t have; that I admit. But Phumza is
also on the wrong here; she drugged me and violated my privacy, it is a good thing
that she dropped the charges because I was also going to bring that one up.

It doesn’t amount to me forcing myself on her; I agree! But it is the cause of

everything that has transpired. I am willing to do everything to fix the situation even


though I know it won’t be easy. I might survive jail time but this is going to haunt me
for the rest of my life! So please; do not stand there and judge me as if you are a
perfect man either. If for anything; you should be ashamed of yourself because this
is all you. Like father like son.

He stops talking when he feels as if his heart is going to come out of his mouth and
looks the other side of the wall. Half of the things he said were true but he didn’t
mean to say them; at least not this harsh or to make it seem as if he is putting the
blame on him. What annoys or rather hurts him the most is the fact that he is
standing here as a saint man while he used to be a devil himself. His father clears
his throat; he remains still and doesn’t turn around.

Sydwell: Wow; I didn’t know you felt this way, I am glad you finally spoke up.
Zamani: (turning around)
Sydwell: Get well; we will talk more about this when you leave this place.
He walks inside his bedroom where Innocentia is busy doing her make-up; for just
staying at home, women will surprise you for real. She has been awkwardly quite
after breakfast and disappeared to hide here.

Menziwa: I made arrangements for Nomasonto to come this side; damn, I hate this.
Innocentia: Do you?
Menziwa: Yes; I never thought I would do this, but here we are.
Innocentia: Me neither!
Menziwa: Baby; are you okay?
Innocentia: Uhm-uh.
Menziwa: Come on; don’t do that to me.

She sighs; there is a problem, he knows his woman too well. She puts down her
make-up brushes and looks at him.

Innocentia: if I am being honest Mathamahle; I am a little bit unsettled about this

sudden appearance of this woman.
Menziwa: May I ask why?
Innocentia: Other than the obvious reasons that she is your ex; I don’t know the
history between you two. I am worried that her being here might rekindle something
between you two and….
Menziwa: Come on my love; you want to tell me that even now you still doubt that I
love you?
Innocentia: I don’t doubt that but she is still the mother of your only child. I can’t help
but be jealous. And now she is coming here; who knows how is that going to turn out
to be?


Menziwa: (smiling) And it makes me happy that you are jealous with your man but
baby; I am all yours and all for you. I promise she is going to stay at the lodge and
we are only going to talk, nothing more, I promise.
Innocentia: Okay.
Menziwa: Come here…

She gets up from the chair and Menziwa wraps his arms around her waist and kisses
her lips. His dick reacts to her touch and she can also feel it; she blushes and pulls
away from him.

Menziwa:(begging) Mbulazi…
Innocentia: Ai Memela; your daughter is in this house.
Menziwa: Don’t tell me about that one; she is old enough and is going to make me a
grandfather soon. Come here…

He pulls her and they fall into the bed together; Innocentia laughs at him falling on
top of her, he kisses her lips and looks at her beautiful face close by.

Innocentia: You are going to ruin my make-up.

Menziwa: You are beautiful still without it,
Innocentia: I know….

He laughs and captures her lips into his while his other hand squeezes her boobs;
she moans and opens her legs.

Menziwa: I missed you; I missed this.

Innocentia: Take it….
Menziwa: All of this is mine?
Innocentia: All day and everyday baba.
Menziwa: Oh MaKhumalo.

He groans in pleasure as he enters her; his eyes are shut close and he thrusts in
and out of her in deep and fast strokes. She moves her waist and hips to meet up
with his pace and he losses it.

Menziwa: MaKhumalo stop it.

Ínnocentia: Why; don’t you like it?
Menziwa: I love it.
Innocentia: Then enjoy it and stop complaining.
Menziwa: I am going to come!




She is back at her house; has left Phumza’s, no one is happy about her decision to
drop the case, more especially Phumza. They all think that she is making a huge
mistake; off course they will say that and she doesn’t blame them. Not when the rate
of GBV and rape cases against women and children are so high in South Africa.
With the history of their toxic relationship with Zamani; this made things even worse,
there is no coming back from this.

Sinazo: Are you sure that you are going to be fine alone?
Phumza: I will be fine; I promise.
Sinazo: I still can’t believe you dropped the charges Phumza; that man almost killed
Phumza: We already spoke about this Sina; I am doing this for my child and her
future, I don’t want her to grow up and hate me or suffer.
Sinazo: You should have thought about you daughter before you leaked that video!
Ai kunini ngikhuzana nawe Phumza about Zamani; when are you going to leave
Phumza: Trust me this was a lesson to me; both of us as well.
Sinazo: I seriously think that you need help; this is not normal. A part of me wants to
disown you at this point but I can’t really do that because Alwande needs a sane
mother. So get your shit together before it is too late!

She says while grabbing her handbag and walks away, Phumza quickly wipes the
teas rolling down her face. This is the worse time to ever be alive and if she was not
a coward or a mother, she would kill herself right now. Everyone thinks she is crazy
and is refusing to see things on her point of view. If this case went to court; Zamani
was going to expose her as well and she cannot afford that.

She grabs her phone and dials Thobile’s number hoping that she answers; this is
better than writing an entire social media post hanging yourself.

Thobile: Hello?
Phumza: Thobile; hi. It is me.
Thobile: You who?
Phumza: Phumza…
Thobile: What do you want?
Phumza: I want to apologies for leaking that video; I really took things too far and I
am sorry.
Thobile: Is that all? Oh wow; I cannot fucken believe you right now! My whole life is
doomed because of this video; my children and every one of my lineage will see that
video all thanks to you! I will never be fully happy knowing that the video is out there


and all thanks to you. All for what; a man that rejected you? You know; I really hope
your daughter never gets to experience what you put me through because you know
what they say about karma and the sins of parents falling upon children.

She hangs up and sits on the bed holding on to her chest as the last part from
Thobile’s statement gets to her. It would be unfair for her daughter to be punished for
her sins that she got nothing to do with. If anything; let the punishment come while
she is still alive.


The news of her elder brother surviving jail time brought her so much joy in her
heart. Indeed God is a merciful God that forgives us even when we don’t deserve it.
Zamani is not a saint but; like anyone else, he deserves a second chance in life and
she hopes and prays that he is going to use it wisely. As long as those two whores
stay away from him; all shall be well.

She is at the hospital visiting him; carrying all the goodies and his favourite junk food.
The doctors are promising that he is going to recovery after a few sessions with a
good physiotherapist. That is a relief because imagine the stress of not being able to
walk while you were born fine.

Luyanda: Hey big broe.

Zamani: Hey sis; how are you?
Luyanda: I am happy to see you looking better.
Zamani: I am glad too; it is no longer that bad yazi.
Luyanda: We thank God; how are you, like really?
Zamani: I am trying; it is not easy but I am grateful to live. Your father was here;
things didn’t go well.
Luyanda: I heard; I am sorry.
Zamani: I didn’t mean to put the blame of my behaviour through him but I was upset
when he made me a monster and failed to understand my reasons.
Luyanda: I know; my mother told me the kind of environment you were exposed to of
which could be the reason for your anger now. But bhuti; I seriously don’t think you
should continue living like this. You need to get help and please do it sooner. You
survived hell and this is a sign.
Zamani: I know; trust me I know. How is Thobile?
Luyanda: Please; do not ask me about that witch.

She says rolling her eyes and Zamani laughs; he is unbelievable to ask about her
after everything.

Zamani; Come on; I owe her an apology about the video that’s all.
Luyanda: Good because she is in love and pregnant for someone else.


Zamani: Ouch!
Luyanda: The sooner you register that in this big head of yours; the better for all of

Her phone vibrates; it is a message from Ifeanyi letting her know that he is still
around and would love to see her for dinner. She smiles and accepts the date before
turning back to Zamani who has this funny frown on his face.

Zamani: Who were you chatting to that got you grinning like an idiot?
Luyanda: None of your business. I have to go; I will come and check on you
tomorrow, take a good care of yourself and listen to the doctors.
Zamani: Mxm; I am not a child and you can dodge me for now but I am going to be
discharged and I will break that guy’s bones.
Luyanda: (laughing) Bye broe… love you loads!
She doesn’t wait for his answer but runs away before he can say anything.
He and Ifeanyi decided to kill the time by going to the gym; it helps with keeping your
mind busy and free of overthinking. At this point; he feels useless because he can’t
really do anything until Thobile is ready with a go-ahead. She is also not saying
anything that can help put his mind at ease; a promise maybe, that would mean a lot.

But she is pregnant and with all the stress she has been dealing with; the last thing
he wants to do is adding up on it. So he is going to try his level best to be patient and
wait for her to deal with her things and come back to him. During the water breaks;
he notices Ifeanyi grinning alone like an idiot busy chatting and chuckles in
amusement as he walks to his direction.

Akin: Who is this babe you are chatting to na?

Ifeanyi: Ah ah; which babe might be this na?
Akin: Come on sha; I can see the smile on your face hee; it is big and wide reaching
your ears.
Ifeanyi: (laughing) Cum on now; it’s just the internet.
Akin: Come on my friend; I am not stupid.
Ifeanyi: Well; its something new so I won’t say anything to jinx it.
Akin: Okay; okay; no jinxing it.
Ifeanyi: How is your baby mama?
Akin: I spoke to her this morning; she sounded fun.
Ifeanyi: (chuckling) That girl stresses you oooh, I have never seen you this whipped!
Akin: I love her broe; so much. If it was all up to me; we would go back home
together but she is so stubborn.
Ifeanyi: So what is the plan; we are going to stay here until when?
Akin: Until me and here has spoken; take it like a mini unplanned vacation.


He shakes his head and gets off from the treadmill machine; picks up his towel and
wipes his sweat off.

Ifeanyi: Are you done with your session?

Akin: Yes I am done; we can go home.
Ifeanyi: Thank God; I am tire.
Akin: Come on; you didn’t do anything, you were busy on your phone the entire time!
Ifeanyi: Because I am already fit; I just come here to tone up.

They laugh so loud and exit the gym premises heading to the cars and gets inside.

Akin: Take the rest of the afternoon off.

Ifeanyi: Are you serious?
Akin: Yeah; I will be sleeping after all so it will do you good to also rest.
Ifeanyi: Thank you so boss.
Akin: You are welcome; you can also take the car when you go check on your babe.

Ifeanyi doesn’t respond but smiles while nodding and that’s the end of their
conversation. A message from Thobile informing him that they are going to meet up
with her mother comes through. He replies and tells her that he will be praying that
all goes well and they talk calmly.



It is now or never; Menziwa and Thobile are on the way to meet up with her at the
guest house she spent her night at. To say she is not nervous would be an
understatement; she doesn’t know how today is going to turn out to be but she is
grateful to be given this opportunity of sitting down with both of them.

Waiter: Are you okay ma’am?

Nomasonto: I am fine; thanks for asking.

She responds not looking at her as her hands are shaking uncontrollably almost
dropping and breaking the glass of water. Lifting her head up; she sees them walking
in following each other; she sighs relieved seeing that Innocentia is not with them.
She has nothing against her but this is a family matter so she did well by staying

Menziwa: Hi.
Nomasonto: (smiling) Hi Menziwa; hello Tho.
Thobile: Hi.


Menziwa: We apologies to keep you waiting; traffic was bad.

Nomasonto: It is okay; I could wait all day. Are you going to order?
Menziwa: No; and you Princess?
Thobile: I am fine; can we please get to what we are here for?
Menziwa: Princess….
Nomasonto: It is okay; let her speak.

She says with a smile and Thobile sits up straight looking at her.
Thobile: I need to know why did you leave me as a child and never came back? Not
even a call or text? Did you ever regret your decision? Do you even love me?

She is unable to hold her tears back; Menziwa rubs her shoulders and Sonto gulps
down the water and coughs so bad but at least this time a blood doesn’t come out
but her chest is dry and sore as hell.
Nomasonto: My child; there is no single I didn’t regret leaving you behind.
Thobile: (crying) Then why didn’t you come back for me?
Nomasonto: I wanted to; but the pain I put your fa….(clears throat) Menziwa was
unbearable. He loved you; still do I can tell for me to mess that for him.
Thobile: What do you mean?
Nomasonto: I cheated on your father…
Thobile: So what; people break up all the time and co-parent! Unless; dad was
keeping me away from you or maybe abusing you?
Nomasonto: No; no, no. nothing of such sort. Menziwa is a good man with a heart of
Thobile: You are right; he is so good hearted that is why God is blessing him. Why
are you back?
Nomasonto: Because I am dying…

They look at each other as if she just didn’t just drop a bomb on them.

Menziwa: Come on Sonto; is that all you are going to do? You gotta do better than
Nomasonto: I am not lying; I have cancer and the doctors say I have limited days in
this world. I thought I should come see you before I die and to actually free myself
from this secret that has been weighing heavy on me all these years.

Thobile: What secret?

Nomasonto: Please know that I am not doing this to anyone but to free myself from
all this pain and for everyone to know the truth.
Thobile: Baba; this is a waste of time; clearly this woman doesn’t see us.
Menziwa: Give her some time.
Thobile: 10 minutes and if she doesn’t say anything I am leaving.
He turns and looks at Nomasonto who is now crying hysterically; thank God there is
fewer customers in here. Imagine all that drama.


Menziwa: Sonto; this is your last chance, talk.

Nomasonto: (crying) I am so sorry Menziwa; Thobile is not your daughter.
Menziwa What?
Thobile: What?
Menziwa: This a joke right? Please tell me is a joke; I will forgive you even though it
is not fun, tell me!
Nomasonto: I wish it was…
Thobile: (shaking with anger) I should have left; what madness is this one?
Menziwa: (begging) Sonto?
Nomasonto: I am so sorry; you can do a paternity test if you don’t believe me it is

Thobile’s tears drop even more; she is now longer fighting but looks defeated by this
whole thing.

Thobile: If he is not my dad; then who is my father?

Nomasonto: I have his picture.
Thobile: Dad; let us go home…
Nomasonto: (coughing) Please listen to me….
Menziwa: How can you be so cruel; what you did was not enough and you figured to
do even worse?
Nomasonto: Menziwa; I am not doing this to hurt you but to free my conscience.
Thobile: You and your conscience can go to hell; I shouldn’t have come here!
She storms out and walks away to the car; Menziwa looks at her and shakes his
head, his eyes are red and in pain.

Menziwa: If I am not the father then who is it?

Nomasonto: The same man I cheated on you with; when we dated you and I; already
I was pregnant and had just broken up with him. I pinned it on you but he came back
after the baby was born and we fixed things. When he started questioning the
possibilities of Thobile being his; I had to run because you were so obsessed with
her; I couldn’t do it.
Menziwa: I wish you die and rot in hell.

Menziwa and his daughter have gone out to meet the woman and she is breathing
through the wound. She knows that Menziwa loves her but still; this is his first love
and mother of his daughter. He stayed single all these years because he wasn’t able
to replace or move on from her and now she just shows up. You honestly cannot
blame her for being worried because this here; is a recipe for disaster.

To keep herself busy; she decides to call her mother and chats to her about what is
going on at Mpumalanga.


Busisiwe: It is hot; I am doing spring cleaning here, the curtains, windows, blankets
and all.
Innocentia: Yooh but mama; why do you like hard labour so much? You could have
gotten someone to do this for you.
Busisiwe: You know I am Do It Yourself woman and it therapeutic for me.
Innocentia: I don’t understand how hard labour can be therapeutic shame when I can
just do it the easy way.
Busisiwe: Ave ulivila; angazi ngoba ujola nendoda yomzulu uzomisa kanjani (you are
so lazy yet you are dating a Zulu man; I wonder how are you going to survive.
Innocentia: Menziwa is a modern and domesticated Zulu man mama; more reason
why I love him.
Busisiwe: But still; every man loves or at least expects submission from his wife. So
if you want to be Mrs Memela you need to up your socks my girl; umendo

Innocentia: You know Ma; there is something bothering me a bit.

Busisiwe: I was about to ask what is it because I can hear your mood is a bit down.
Innocentia: Menziwa’s ex just showed up mama.
Busisiwe: The one that abandoned him with a baby?
Innocentia: The one and only. I don’t know Ma; she says she is here for the daughter
but you know how baby mamas are. I am just unsettled about this whole thing.
Busisiwe: What is your man saying?
Innocentia: He said he has no interest or desire for her; but you know men Ma; they
say this and turn to do the opposite.
Busisiwe: My daughter; please trust your man; do not let insecurities ruin a good

The front door bangs loudly; she sits up startled as to what or who could be that.
Innocentia: Ma; I will call you back.

She ends the call and heads to the front to check what is going on; before she can
get there, she sees Thobile’s bedroom door open and heads there. She has her bag
on top of the bed and packing her things. She looks so mad and keeps on wiping her
Innocentia: You are back; where is your father?
Thobile: I don’t know; probably with that witch of the woman.
Innocentia: What happened?
Thobile: That woman is twisted; I can’t believe I was considering giving her a
chance. I hate her so much. I am going back to Pretoria; please do not try and stop
Whatever it is must have been hard and serious; she leaves Thobile’s bedroom to
call Menziwa. His phone rings unanswered for a while before he can pick it up.

Innocentia: Baby; where are you?


Menziwa: I am driving; what is it?

Innocentia: Thobile is here crying and packing her things saying she is leaving, what
is going on?
Menziwa: Let her leave if she wants to; I will explain everything to you when I g et
and they are having a good time chatting. He is such a cool and humble gent outside
his bodyguard character and it is so sweet. He holds her hands and brushes them;
giving her all sorts of butterflies on her stomach.

Ifeanyi: I really want to make you happy Lu; please give me a chance home.
He drops the call and Innocentia gasps in shock; bathong; what is going on! You see
this woman; it hasn’t been that long she got back but she is causing havoc. A huge
part of her is tempted to give her a call and asks what really happened but she stops
herself; that might piss Menziwa off and honestly; it is none of her business.
The sound of a bag being wheeled out forces her to go out and Thobile is heading to
the Uber car that is waiting for her at the gate. She runs after her.

Innocentia: Thobile wait. Look; I don’t know what happened but I hope everything
goes well. Please remember to stay calm and not stressed; you are pregnant.
Thobile: (nodding) Thank you; it is hard but I am going to try.
Innocentia: Travel safely; call when you arrive.
Thobile: I will; thank you for everything, I will never forget you.
Innocentia: Why does this sound like a goodbye?
Thonbile: Because it is; bye Innocentia. Please continue loving and taking care of my
She gets inside the car and it drives off; Innocentia tries Menziwa on his phone
again, it goes to voicemail this time.

Her date with Ifeanyi is going well; she chose a less busy place.
Luyanda: I like you too Ifeanyi but how are we going to do this? You are Akin’s
shadow and lives in another country; when and how are you going to make time for
me, us?
Ifeanyi: Love always makes a way; we will always find a way around it.
Luyanda: I don’t think so; as long as you are Akin’s bodyguard; you and I will hardly have
time for each other. And let us say we end up getting married and having kids; what
kind of life are you going to give us when you are always not around? I need
someone who is going to be available; especially emotional wise.

He attempts to speak but his phone vibrates; he reads the message silently and he
Ifeanyi: It’s Akin; I have to go.
Luyanda: You see? This is exactly what I am talking about.
Ifeanyi: Please don’t give up on us; I will make it work for you; us. I will call you .




Whoever said when days are dark friends are few didn’t lie because where is
Banele; his best friend? The last time he heard from him was when he told him about
the leaked video online; ever since then; he didn’t hear a thing from him. Not even a
hospital visit nyana ke. But it is all good; this is actually going to allow him some time
to think and reflect on his life by himself. He is going to work very hard when he gets
out from here to be a better man and a father his daughter can be proud of.

He turns his head to the door side when he hears someone walking inside the room
and it is none other than Phumza herself. His heart skips a bit seeing her here; he
doesn’t know how to react or what to say. She looks much stressed; her eyes are
puffy and swollen, the bruises from that night still visible on her face.

This sight of her pains him because it shows how bad things were on that day and
there is no amount of apologies can take that pain away. The scars he caused her
physically may heal along the way but the emotional and psychological damage will
always be there. He tries to sit up but flinches at the pain that comes with it.

Zamani: Hey.
Phumza: Hi; how are you?
Zamani: I am getting better. How are you?
Phumza: (shrugging her shoulders) I don’t know; I am alive and that is it to my
Zamani: I understand how this thing is not easy on you…
Phumza: Do you; really?
Zamani: I do; and thank you for dropping the charges.
Phumza: I didn’t do it for you; but our daughter!
Zamani: I know but still thank you. Phumza; I know I put you through so much
mntaka Nzima but I really do wish that one day you could forgive me. All you ever
did was love and accepts me for who I am. If there is anyone who truly knows me;
from being good, bad, sad, and happy and all my demons it is you, yet you accepted
me the way I am and loved me still.

She sniffs her tears away and rubs her eyes; the pain is there.

Phumza: Stop; just stop okay? Because all of this doesn’t matter now; you made
your choice and I should have accepted it and the reality but I was too hung up on
our memories to actually realise that you were really gone. I am here to say it is
okay; I forgive you for my own sanity; I forgive you for all the things and pain you put


me through. I also apologies; for fuelling the monster in you by constantly provoking

Today I am here; painful as it is, to say that I release you, from my heart and mind. I
set you free from my bondage; you are free to move on with your life and love
whoever you want to without my dramatic interference. The only communication I will
keep open is in regards of our daughter. Goodbye; Zamani.

She says and leans over to kiss his lips; her tears falling on to his face mixing with
his own tears. Her lips and whole face is hot from all the crying and weeping she has
been doing. He doesn’t react to the kiss nor rejects it; but watches in silent as the
woman he once loved dearly walks away.

It hurts; so much he won’t lie; he is also human and this right here makes him realise
how much he fucked up and wonder if there will be any other woman to love him the
way Phumza did? Maybe in their next life; they love story will be re-written and told
differently but for now; he accepts the end of it and is open to new beginnings.

Thinking about new beginnings; he wonder how Thobile is and if she is going to give
him a chance to actually talk about everything that happened and to actually get it
from her side as to why did she cheat on them because he thought they were happy.


He is not feeling well; something in his chest is hard and cold as ice, he feels light
headed and as if he is going to drop dead on the ground. His mind is failing to
register and accept what this woman is saying about Thobile not being his.

After everything he went through raising this child alone to be told that it is not his?
No; Nomasonto is cruel and what she did can never be undone; this whole thing took
him back to the old days when his grandmother made a remark about Thobile not
looking like the Memela kids. He remember how offended he was that day and
defended the claims by saying that Thobile looked like her mother; it never occurred
to him that it could be the truth, even after he had caught Nomasonto cheating on

He left Nomasonto and headed straight to the bar and bought himself a bottle of
whiskey that he has been drinking on his way home. It is the first time he is so
careless and not complying with the road laws but he doesn’t care. A part of him
wishes that a truck can come and hit him so that he dies on sport.

How can Nomasonto do this? Make him love someone for so many years as his
child only to drop such news now? And to make it worse; she is lying about dying
and being sick so that he doesn’t get to do anything to her, fucken bloody witch! She


is not going to get away from this; not at all. She can’t hurt him twice and think this is
it. This time; she will get what is coming to her; whatever it is, he just need to think
about it thoroughly.

He drives into his garage and gets off the car; finishes off the remains of the whiskey
and walks inside his house feeling drunk but trying his level best to walk straight. He
knows that Innocentia is not happy about him going the whole day and switching off
his phone. But he had to do it; for his own peace. He throws himself on the bed next
to her and closes his eyes.

Innocentia: My goodness; where were you? I was worried sick about you! I think
Thobile has left; her last speech sounded like goodbye.
Menziwa: Thobile is going to cool her head and come back. Come; let us make a
Innocentia: Ei; what? Menziwa; open your eyes! God you are so drunk; what

He burps and she jumps away thinking that he is going to vomit on her.

Menziwa: You are the best thing happening into my life right now MaKhumalo;
please promise me that you are never going to betray or leave me?
Innocentia: Hawu kodwa sthandwa sami; wase ukhuluma kabuhlungu kanje; what is
going on? You know that I am here for you; as long as you still want me.
Menziwa: I will always want you Mbulazi; I love you so much, thank you for accepting
me and my daugh…Thobile into your life.
Innocentia: I love you too and it is a pleasure Mathamahle; you make loving you
easy. As for Thobile; don’t even mention it; she is your daughter and that makes her
your blood.

He cries out and now Innocentia is worried; as much he is the modest Zulu man; she
knows very well that men don’t just cry so easily unless there is really something that
is bothering them. Now she is really convinced that something big happened into that
meeting; Thobile stormed out crying and now her man is crying as well. She takes off
her shoes and gets in bed; curl him into her arms and to her chest.

Innocentia: sthandwa sami; did I say something wrong? Why are you crying?
Menziwa: If it wasn’t you in my life right now; I was going to seriously think that my
ancestors have turned their backs on me. What is happening to me is what I
normally hear other men talk about or read about on social media. I never thought
that one day such was going to happen to me. After spending so many years and
sacrificing so much?
Innocentia: I am sorry love; it is going to get better.
Menziwa: I don’t think so; I wish I could sleep and wake up to be told this is a dream
because I refuse to believe such painful thing is happening to me.



He received a call from Thobile informing him that she was on her way back to
Pretoria and would like to meet up with him. That made his day because he has
been depressed not knowing what to do with his time and at the same time scared to
be a nag by constantly calling her.

Without wasting any time; he texted Ifeanyi to go fetch her from the airport and come
back with her to his hotel room, indeed he does as he has instructed and Thobile
arrives an hour later. The first thing he notices as they are left alone in his room is
her puffy red eyes and pulls her into a tight hug.

Akin: Baby; uh-huh. Please do not tell me that you have been crying all this time?
Thobile: Life is so hard Akin and at this moment it is showing me flames; I am
starting to feel like I am bewitched or something because what this is? One problem
after another; it never ends, I am tired!
Akin: What has happened now; is it the issue of your biological mother showing up?
Thobile: I don’t want to talk about her; at least not for now. Please make love to me.
Akin: (smiling) You don’t even have to ask baby.

He kisses her gently and Thobile responds hungrily for him while helping each other
with removing the clothes. He gently lays her on the bed; kissing her entire body
from her neck down to her boobs and finally his favourite place, the cookie. He gets
on his knees; legs spread apart widely and brings his face to her pussy and kiss it,
she lets out a soft gentle buckling her hips up; he runs his tongue up and down
before giving her a full muff.

She is grabbing sheets and squeezing his head inside her thick thighs as pleasure
kicks in and her orgasms like crazy. There is nothing that makes him proud like
being able to make her cum fast the way she does. With her legs on his hands
spread wide apart; he slides his hard manhood into her slippery, hot and tight pussy.
He groans as his dick struggles a bit to enter until her pussy stretches to
accommodate him fully in.

Akin: God I missed this; I missed this pussy so much!

Thobile: I missed you too; now give me that BBC.
Akin: Yes ma’am; like that?
He asks thrusting in and out of her; giving her deep and long strokes that results in
her screaming her lungs out.

Thobile: Yes; like that, right there!

Akin: Come for me mommy, give me those juices.


She obeys and comes hard on his dick and seeing it covered by her white cum fuels
him to come as well. He ejaculates inside and passes on top of her; breathing
heavily still inside of her; their bodies stuck together because of the sweat. He lifts
his upper body and gives him a kiss; she holds his face and kisses him passionately,
causing his dick to twitch inside her. She is so beautiful and innocent; love how
comfortable she is during love making.

Akin: That was mind blowing; are you good?

Thobile: I’m fine; do you still want me to leave with you?
Akin: Are you serious? Do not joke like that!
Thobile: I am not joking; I am tired of this place and needs a break, so yes, let’s
Akin: And your family; do they know?
Thobile: I will tell them once we are gone because they might try to stop me; well
maybe not after what that woman said.
Akin: It seems what she said is making you upset?
Thobile: Very and sad at the same time because it means that my whole life I have
been living a lie.

Tears streams down her face again; he brushes her back gently and wipes her tears.
Akin: I am sorry; I will make arrangements regarding our tickets and all.
Thobile: Thank you; I am going to shower and heads back to my place and collect
my things.
Akin: Okay; Ifeanyi will drive you.

She gets up and heads to the bathroom; as soon as the bathroom door closes, he
gets up and makes a phone call to Jessica,

Akin: Jessica hi; please sorts out my return flight please.

Jessica: Hey; oh finally you are coming back to your senses and coming home.
Akin: Things are going to plan; before I forget, I am coming with Thobile.

A moment of silence passes by; he can hear her sigh on the other side of the phone

Jessica: Okay; I am going to need her details.

Akin: I will ask them from her and sends them to you; thanks.

He drops the call and puts on his t-shirt and pants heading towards the door and
sees Ifeanyi walking up and down the corridor with his wireless headphones plugged
in his ears and calls him.

Ifeanyi: Boss?


Akin: We are going back home tomorrow morning; I will need you to drive Thobile
back to her apartment and back her, she is going to collect her things.
Ifeanyi: Did she finally agree to come with you?
Akin: (smiling) Yes; and I am so happy.
Ifeanyi: As you should; I will be waiting for her then.
Akin: Cool; let me see how far she is with her bath.

He goes back inside and heads to the bathroom; Thobile is drying her body with the
towel, he closes the door and walks slowly towards her biting his lips, feeling himself
getting hard again at the site of her nakedness in front of him. He bites her shoulder
standing behind her.

Akin: Jessica would like to have your details so that she can sort your ticket out.
Thobile: Okay; check my I.D on my handbag.
Akin: Cool; Ifeanyi is waiting for you outside. I am so happy that we are doing this
baby. I promise you will love my country and everything that comes with it.
Thobile: I can’t wait; where are we going to be staying at?
Akin: In my place in Accara; Ghana, but first, we will go to Nigeria and shows you
Thobile: Okay then.

He kisses her lips and leaves the bathroom so that she can finish her bath before he
pins her against the wall and pipe her again. The way he is so addicted to her body
and punani; he can go on and on without being tired but now she needs to sort out
the arrangements of her leaving.


She is watching TV all by herself while browsing through social media and laughing
at people’s crazy jokes when a knock comes through the door. She lowers the
volume and gets up from the couch and heads to the door to open.

Luyanda: Thoibile; I thought you were in KZN?

Thobile: I am back but not staying; I am here to fetch my things, I am leaving.
Luyanda: Leaving to where?
Thobile: I am leaving South Africa; with Akin.
Luyanda: What; Thobile what about school?
Thobile: Please; don’t start.

She says and disappears to her bedroom and lock the door behind her; Luyanda
claps her hands once and goes back to her seat unable to believe what just
happened. This girl is just throwing away her future and father’s money down the
drain because of a man? Yeah hai.


Ifeanyi: Hi; can I come in?

She looks up and finds him standing by the kitchen door and jumps up from the
couch as if something has bite her ass.

Luyanda: What are you doing here?

Ifeanyi: I am driving Thobile and thought this was a perfect chance to come see you.
Luyanda: Oh; so you guys are leaving?
Ifeanyi: Sadly yes. I know what you said and I am really going to put it into
consideration and work around it because I want to be with you. I know that it sounds
like a far-fetched dream but please promise me one thing; promise me that you are
going to wait for me?
Luyanda: I don’t know Ifeanyi; it is hard for me to make such promise because there
is really nothing to hold on to.
Ifeanyi: You are right; how about this?

He says and steps closer and kisses her lips; gosh, he is such a good kisser and his
buffy body makes him such a huge turn on. She feels her undergrounds getting
excited at his touch. They pull out from each other’s lips breathing heavily and he
looks behind her, at Thobile’s bedroom.

Ifeanyi: Do you think she is going to take a while?

Luyanda: I think so; unless she is taking a few things.
Ifeanyi: So what do you think we do?

Her eyes shoot straight to his points and the print is printing; she swallows her saliva
and presses her thighs together while crossing her legs. Don’t judge her; you would
also be salivating of you were standing in front of such a man.

Luyanda: Let us go to my bedroom.

She says quickly and doesn’t wait for him to responds, but turns and walks away,
leading him in her bedroom. As soon as the door closes behind them; he pulls her
towards him and kisses her so deeply. His hand goes underneath the hoodie dress
she is wearing and touches her soft boobs. His hands are so soft; gentle and warm
as they caress her body all the way down to her underwear.

He doesn’t take if off but pushes it aside and brushes her pussy; inserts his finger on
her cookie, she bites her lips and moans.

Ifeanyi: You are so wet.

Luyanda: It is all you.


He turns her around; make her bend over on the edge of the bed as he pulls up her
hoodie and drops his pants. She feels his hard dick entering her slowly and before
she knows it; he is fully in and is taken aback how big he is. Of course, he is a
Nigerian so no surprises there. His strokes are so deep she is unable to keep up and
ends up lying flat down on her stomach.

Ifeanyi: (chuckling) You are making noise; Thobile is going to hear you.

How can she not scream when his dick is touching her lungs? She grabs a pillow
and presses it against her face to cover her mouth as she screams. He pumps her
hard and fast, her ass bumping against his thighs until he feels him taking it out and
before she knows it, a warm liquid is splashed against her back and ass. Great; at
least he didn’t come inside.

Ifeanyi: Where are your towels?

Luyanda: In the cupboards ….
She answers still lying on her back; feeling her legs shake and Ifeanyi gets up and
comes back with the clean towel and wipes her clean. They get up and fixes
themselves while spraying the room and opening windows as the room is smelling of
sex. They giggle in unison as they think of what they just did. He pulls her to his
chest and kisses her forehead.

Ifeanyi: I hope that was enough?

Luyanda: Not really enough but it is something; I still want more.
Ifeanyi: I will give it you well well, don’t give my pussy to anyone.
Luyanda: I won’t; let me check the cost before we step out…(she peaks through the
door) okay, cost is clear, let us go.
Ifeanyi runs out of the bedroom almost trip and fall and Luyanda laughs, thobile
comes out.

Luyanda: Oh you are done with packing?

Thobile: Yes; when did Ifeanyi get to the house?
Luyanda: Oh; just now; he came to help you with the bags in case they are heavy.
Ifeanyi: (clearing his throat) Yes; the bags, I came to get them

The way he is sweating and stuttering; Luyanda almost burst out in laughter but
composes herself. Thobile looks at them suspicious but doesn’t say anything other
than giving Ifeanyi the bags.

Ifeanyi: I will load these to the car.

Why is he announcing? Lol; he says and carries the bag out of the room and the
tension eases a bit.




This is bittersweet moments; never have she ever thought that she would be leaving her
place, country like this but she is tired. Everything is taking a toll on her and she needs a
break; another person may assume that she is a coward by deciding to just up and leave but
she is also a human being and carrying another human being.

In less than 24 hours; she has been so stressed out like crazy and with the way things are
going; she is worried that she might lose the pregnancy due to stress because the problems
are not ending. So it is best that she goes away for a while; she is taking a huge risk right
now by leaving everyone and everything she knows behind and taking off with a man that
she hardly knows.

But love is blind right? And love makes a way? She is hoping that in her case; love prevails
and makes a way. All she wants is peace and to be able to enjoy her pregnancy and deliver
safely. Then she can deal with everything that is left behind her; and finish off her degree.
Her heart goes out to her father; this is going to break him so much but as he usually says:
selfish people lives longer and this is one of the selfish decisions she has to make right now,
for the benefit of her own mental health and being.

She is going to miss this place; as much as they had their moments but Luyanda was a good
flatmate, not to forget the students from her class and South Africans in general. She sighs;
she will be back and stronger, this is still her home. She wipes her tears and wheels the
suitcases out of her bedroom and finds Luyanda in the passage giggling with Ifeanyi. They
look startled by her; ifeanyi is looking anyway besides her eyes. Luyanda smiles.

That is weird and looking at her; she looks guilty of something and there is something about
her eyes, it as if she just had sex but that can’t be possible because Luyanda is single.

Luyanda: You are done?

Thobile: Yes I am; please help me with the bags, I will call Ifeanyi to carry the rest.
Luyanda : Okay.

As Ifeanyi comes to get the bags; she notices how they look and smiles at each, she adds
the numbers and gets her answer. These two just fucked! Luyanda is whore though but hold
up; she is the last one to cast judgment after falling pregnant while dating another guy, at
least Lulu is not hurting anyone. When all the bags have been loaded in the car, they hug.

Thobile: I am going to miss you.

Luyanda: Me too; I won’t rent your bedroom in case one day Akin annoys you and you
decide to come back home. You will find it here waiting for you.
Thobile: Thank you; take care of yourself and I will text you when I arrive, I want all the tea.
Luyanda: (smiling) Travel safely.

The car drives away and Thobile can see Ifeanyi looking at Liuyanda through the mirror.
Thobile: Can we please pass by this address?


Ifeanyi: (looking at the phone) Hospital; who is sick?

Thobile: Just drive please.

This is the last thing she has to do before she can board that plane and leave tomorrow. She
needs to talk and apologies to Zamani for the betrayal and also forgive him for what he did to
her. At this point; she doesn’t care who is more wrong between them but just want to make
peace and move on from all of this.

The car drives around until it pulls up at the hospital and Thobile steps out of the ca; Ifeanyi
gets out too.

Thobile: You can wait for me inside the car; I won’t be long.
Ifeanyi: Not a chance.

Arguing with him is pointless so she just walks ahead and immediately she steps in; people
recognises her and starts taking pictures, Ifeanyi blocks them away and she realises that he
actually did well by insisting to come along; how was she going to deal with this? This is
supposed to be a private hospital but it is busy so late and Ifeanyi tells her that those are the
journalists since she is also a star and Zamani made their relationship publicly known.
By the time she gets to Zamani’s ward; she is sweating and breathing heavily from walking
fast and dodging the cameras. Zamani looks at her surprised but calm; she turns into Ifeanyi
and looks at him.

Thobile; Please give us some privacy.

Ifeanyi: (nodding) I will be standing outside the door.

He hasn’t said anything but is just admiring how beautiful Thobile is glowing; she look sad
but it still doesn’t dim her light and glow.

Thobile: How are you doing?

Zamani: Now that you are here; I am better.
Thobile: I won’t be long; I came to say I forgive you and apologies for cheating on you. There
is nothing you did wrong; we met at the wrong time and I had fallen in love with someone
Zamani: I understand; I know this will never go away but I am truly sorry about that video, it
was never my intention for it to land in public.
Thobile: Why did you take it in the first place?
Zamani: It was for my own pleasure and entertainment when you weren’t there; I swear.
Thobile: There is no use crying over spilt milk; the damage has already been done. What is
left of us is to pick up the pieces and move on with our lives; it won’t be easy but we got to
try. I am leaving the country; I hope you are going to heal and bounce back.
Zamani: You are leaving with him?
Thobile: Yes I am.
Zamani: There goes my dream of us every working out. I wish you all the best with
everything Thobile. Travel safe and don’t forget home.
Thobile: Thanks; I wish you the best too. Bye.



She wakes up alone the next day; the other side of the bed empty and from how it looks; it is
as if he didn’t sleep there. To say she managed to sleep is still a miracle because she kept
on tossing and turning the whole night; wondering what could have gone wrong or
Menziwa’s issue. In the period of their dating; she has never seen him this drunk and out of
control like he was yesterday. It was disturbing; the things he was saying and him as a

The bedroom door opens and he walks in carrying a tray that has breakfast and places on
the bedside table. He walks up to her side and kneels on the floor and kisses her lips.

Menziwa: Good morning; I have made breakfast.

Innocentia: Good morning love; it smells great, I didn’t know Zulu men also do breakfast in
beds. I thought most of you hated it because of cockroaches.
Menziwa: (laughing) I told you long time ago that I am a modern sophisticated Zulu man.
Innocentia: (smiling) Of course you are; and I couldn’t be more proud of my choice.
Menziwa: I want to apologies about last night sthandwa sami; I didn’t mean to be out of
place the way I was.
Innocentia: You got me worried; I won’t lie. What happened?
Menziwa: Ei Mbulazi; ithi ingaba nkulu ingaba isazekeka… that woman dropped a bomb on
me that I am not a father.

She almost drops her plate when she hears such news because of shock. This can’t be
right, how can she say such a thing? No bathong; not when Menziwa loves Tho this much.
Innocentia: Love; please tell me that you are joking; tell me that this is not true.
Menziwa: I wish it was; I have been praying for a miracle of waking up and be told that this is
just a dream, but unfortunately isn’t. It is happening.
Innocentia: Yooh; no wonder Thobile was crying and so livid yesterday and I couldn’t
understand what was going on.

Menziwa keeps quite for a few minutes reading a message that just came through from his
phone. He clicks his tongue getting up from the floor and heads towards the wardrobe and
takes out clean clothes.
Innocentia: Are you going somewhere?
Menziwa: Did you read a message from Thobile that says she is leaving the country?
Innocentia: Leaving what; when? No; let me check my phone.

She grabs her phone and indeed there is a long ass message from Thobile saying her
apologies for the abrupt leaving and explaining why she is leaving.
Innocentia: Oh my God; baby! Where are you going?
Menziwa: Just stay in the house and continue trying Thobile on her phone.
This is a mess; how can this child do this to her father bathong? Menziwa will faint yazi.




I’ve been here all night

I’ve been here all day
And boy, got me walking side to side
I’ve been here all night
I’ve been all day
And boy, got me walking side to side (side to side)

Been tryna hide it

Baby what’s it gonna hurt if they don’t know
Making everybody think we solo
Just as long as you know you got me
And boy I got ya
Cause tonight I’m making deals with the devil
And I know it’s gonna get me in trouble
Just as long as you know you got me.

She dances singing in the room, swinging and swaying her hips as the song plays on
TV. The girl is in a good mood and you can guess why; I mean why she can’t; when
she got it all the previous night and hot? What made that round to be even extra hot
was the fact that they were hiding and worried that Thobile might caught and walk up
on them.
Often people talk about how funny quickies are and finally she gets to experience it
first hand and boy; it was such a bomb! She went to bed wearing the same hoodie
just so she can smell Ifeanyi’s scent all over her once more. He is a man and a half;
how he holds her and looks at her eyes; is enough to give her orgasms. Her phone
rings; she lowers the volume and blushes when she sees that it Ifeanyi calling, she
even sits down.
Luyanda: Hello.
Ifeanyi: Hey babe; how are you?

Lord; that voice again? Have mercy abeg.

Luyanda: I am good and you?
Ifeanyi: I miss you like crazy; at the airport now waiting to board the plane.
Luyanda: I miss you too; I hope you are going to travel safely.
Ifeanyi: We will; what are your plans for today?
Luyanda: I am just cleaning my place and later on I am going to be fetching my
brother from the hospital, he is being discharged and will be recovering from home.
Ifeanyi: Okay babe; at least you will be moving around other than I who would be
stuck on a long ass hour’s flight.
Luyanda: Askies…
Ifeanyi: I am going to call you when we land in Nigeria okay? Have a great day, I
love you
Goosebumps mongwaneng; the way she is blushing right now? Chineke!
Luyanda: I love you too; travel safe. Bye.
Yes; she said the magic 3 words and it feels amazing. U girl uyajola ya’ll!



The word upset doesn’t even begin to describe how he is feeling at this moment; he
is angry and smells blood. If he goes to prison after this then it is fine, because what
is the point? Everything that he knows; lives and works hard for is gone! Thobile is
not only her child but best friend; confidant and safe space.

He allowed her got away with the cheating the first time it happened because he
believed that there was nothing he could have done to prevent it, you cannot force a
person to love and remain loyal to you, no matter how good you are to them. It was
painful and hard to adjust but he found a way and eventually got it right.
Just when it is his turn to be happy and actually gets to relaxes knowing that his
daughter now is grown up and can vend for her and be independent; she comes
back and ruin it all! Thobile has always had issues when it comes to dealing with
emotional challenges; that is why her first response to the social media bullying was
committing suicide; and now she has just decided to leave with a boy that she knows
nothing about!

What about his money that he spent the past 3 years paying for that expensive
institution; rent and her lifestyle to just drop it all down and leave with that boy? Now
she is going to be so far away from home with no one on her corner. He doesn’t
know nor trust that guy to not turn on her knowing that she is far from home.

He was hoping that the sex tape ordeal was going to open her eyes and keep her
away from the streets but no; it seems like she doesn’t want to listen and learn from
what has happened. She should be focusing on her pregnancy; staying low and
finishing her studies but no; now she is going to play house with that guy. Does she
know rappers? When they are out there doing tours and performing; the things that
they do? Is she emotional strong and ready to handle all of that? Thobile has
disappointed him and is going to send him to his early grave for real.

The accommodation was booked by him so he knows which room is she at so he

goes straight there and knock once and opens the door. To his luck it is not locked
so he heads to the bedroom shouting her name.
Menziwa: Nomasonto! Where are you? Come out and face your sins; my daughter
has left because of you! Noma….’what the hell?

He stops death on his trucks when he walks to Nomasonto seated on the floor with a
bucket between her legs coughing blood. He kneels before her and looks at her; she
looks so pale and out of it.

Menziwa: Noma; what is wrong with you; why are you looking like this? My
goodness, Noma can you talk?


Nomasonto: (coughing) I have cancer…

Menziwa: Oh my God; why are you here then? Shit; urhm I have to take you to the
hospital right now. I am going to call someone who is going to help me with you.

Today he is being discharged and he is excited about leaving this place; finally! But
is not honestly ready for the outside world, the world without Thobile and his family, it
sucks. One thing he is grateful for is that he can still move his legs even though he is
in so much pains but he is going to be using the wheelchair and crutches until he

Luyanda walks in with a wheelchair looking all happy and vibrant; she has flowers
and hugs him for dear life the moment she gets to him. Her support has been
amazing and he honestly has no idea what would he have done without her. She
held his hand through and through this journey and here they are now.

Zamani: Okay; easy now, are you trying to squeeze the life out of me?
Luyanda: Come on; can’t a girl be excited to see her brother and that he is being
discharged today?
Zamani: Of course you may but now suffocating me with the hug.
Luyanda: Mxm; you are so ungrateful. Have you packed all your things?
Zamani: I have; I cannot wait to be out of this place!
Luyanda: let us not waste any time then.
Together with the help of the nurse; Luyanda helps him sit on the chair and loads
everything on the bag and wheels him out. He is still going to come here a lot for his
appointments but as long as he is not admitted; this place can depresses you.

Zamani: Thobile came to say her goodbyes and apologies yesterday.

Luyanda: Oh really; that’s nice.
Zamani: I didn’t expect to see her but I was happy when she came.
Luyanda: I am glad she is gone and there is nothing to hinder your healing now.
Zamani: Why do you hate the girl so much?
Luyanda: I don’t hate her; I just don’t want you together, that’s all. I got you a nurse,
her name is Martha and she is sweet, be nice to her.
Zamani: Listen to you bossing me around; I am still your elder brother!
Luyanda: (laughing) whatever dude….


After long hours of sleep; playing board games; watching movies; eating and having sex,
they finally land in Nigeria; Lagos. Akin seems very excited to be back and carries her on his
back to the cars.

Akin: Welcome to my homeland; are you excited?


Thobile: I am excited about the adventure that waits in the next few days we are here.
Akin: (holding her hand) You are going to love it; I am really happy that you are here.
Thobile: Me too.
He picks two glasses of champagnes and hands one to her.

Akin: It is non-alcoholic so don’t worry. To us; and our bright future together, cheers babe.
Thobile: (smiling and toasting) Cheers!



Her bags are packed and ready; she just finished taking her bath and is ready to get
dressed and hit the road going back to Johannesburg. She came here to support
Menziwa and his child in their dilemma but now she is the one let alone in this
house. What upsets her even more is that no one tells her anything; Menziwa just
upped and left. Who know if he went back to his ex?

No; she didn’t leave her job in Joburg for this nonsense and to be treated as a
second option. It may be not her business but they are together and lovers; they
should be telling each other things and supporting one another but nope, not
happening with this Memela guy. She is not going to force him to open up or teaches
him how to be a right partner. It is either he is in or out; it is that simple.

After packing everything; she decides to call Menziwa one more time and this time
his phone sends her to voicemail. Tears are threatening to come out of her eyes
because of anger but she comforts herself and pulls her head up and walks out of
his house. Mpilo is ready to drive her to the airport. She greets him and gets inside at
the back of the car and checks on her WhatsApp messages; Menziwa’s last seen is
when he was at the house; since then he hasn’t logged into WhatsApp.

Mpilo: All of you are leaving; what is kicking you guys out?
Innocentia: I don’t know about others but I have a job and life in Joburg that I need to
get back to.
Mpilo: Oh; it is just strange that today you asked me to drive you whereas Memela is
the one that does that. Are you guys fighting?
Innocentia: Mpilo; do you know how unattractive is a gossiping man is?
Mpilo: (swallowing his own saliva) I am sorry ma’am.
Innocentia: Menziwa is your boss and my man; I find it unprofessional of you to want
to discuss his business with his girlfriend.
Mpilo: Of course; I was out of line and for that I apologies; I was just trying to make a
conversation. Please do not tell him about this because he won’t be happy about it.


She shakes her head and looks at her phone one more time; still, there is nothing
from Menziwa. Yeah neh; whatever it is that is keeping him busy must be very
important shame.

Innocentia: When last did you speak to him?

Mpilo: Early this morning ma’am.
Innocentia: Did he tell you if he had any plans or trips to take?
Mpilo: I thought you said we shouldn’t discuss or gossip about my boss?

She clicks her tongue annoyed at him acting smart by trying to use her own words
against her.
Innocentia: You know what; don’t answer me; it is fine!
Mpilo: Ma’am…?
Innocentia: Just drive!

His first morning in his house is the hardest; he struggles to wake up from bed so
that he can go to the bathroom and pee. After so many attempts; he finally manages
to get into his wheelchair and heads to the bathroom and great; there is Luyanda in
there. She decided to spend a night after being discharged from the hospital

Luyanda: Good morning; did you sleep well?

Zamani: Morning; I need to pee, I am pressed please.
Luyanda: Oh okay; can I assist you?
Zamani: No; I will be fine.
Luyanda: I can call the nurse…
Zamani: Damnit Luyanda; I said I am fine!

He lashes out and she doesn’t wait for the second time before she storms out of the
bathroom and he sighs heavily; regretting that. His sister was trying to help; there
was absolutely no need for him to shout at her like that. He makes his way to the
bedroom she is occupying after relieving himself.

Zamani: Can I come in?

Luyanda: Sure.

He wheels himself inside and parks the wheelchair next to the bed where she is lying
down and sulking. He pinches her cheeks and she gives him a death stare.

Zamani: I am sorry; I didn’t mean to lash out on you.

Luyanda: I was only trying to help you.
Zamani: I know sis; I know.


Luyanda: I know this is hard on you but you need to control your temper because
you are going to push the only person that is on your corner if you are not careful.

Those words stings because really; she is the only one his corner right now so he
can’t afford to mess that one up. He opens his arms widely and smiles.
Zamani: Peace offering?
Luyanda: (hugging) A bank notification would be much better but I will take the hug
for now.
Zamani: You love money my sister; I feel for the man you are going to date because
wow; he is going to be constantly asked money over and over.
Luyanda: Indoda must give his woman money vele; even though I will be having
mine but he must.
Zamani: Says who?
Luyanda: God; go read your bible; a man is a provider!
Zamani: I am sure that’s the only verse you know…

She laughs and her phone vibrates from the bed; she looks at him and wheels him
out of the room.
Zamani: And then?
Luyanda: My man is calling; bye!
She shuts the door on his face; he chuckles in disbelief; wow! She has boyfriend?
To think that when he left his house he was so upset, the only thing that was in his
mind was to strangle Nomasonto to death. Finding her in that situation scared him,
he was not expecting it and it then registered in his mind that she wasn't lying about
the sickness as he and Thobile had thought.
Seeing her vulnerable and helpless made him sad, maybe he didn't mean it when he
said that he was going to kill her. She is not to be fully blamed for everything that
happened here. Who knows, Thobile was going to still leave with her boyfriend,
regardless of her showing up and dropping that bomb or not.
He just wanted someone to blame and it happened that it was her, all the wounds
from the past betrayal came back and the thought of killing her came to mind.
After waiting for so long, silently praying that she doesn't die, at least not before
Thobile reconciles with her because it will haunt her for life, even though it is not her
fault but he wishes that they can find each other and have that relationship.
The doctor comes and tells him that she is stable and he can go and see her. He
doesn't waste any more time and heads to her ward; she has drips and is breathing
with an oxygen mask. He pulls a chair and sits next to her, exhaling loudly as he
looks at her eyes.


Menziwa: You scared me back there; I have never seen someone coughing so much
blood. When did this start?
Nomasonto: It is coming back. I was diagnosed 4 years ago, got chemo and was
declared free from it only for it to come back again 6 months ago. My doctor told me
that chances of beating it again were slim this time around.
That's when I started looking for you and Thobile because I knew that my time is
Menziwa: I find it unfair that you had to wait until you were dying to come back home
and meet up with your beautiful daughter. She has been yearning for love all this
Nomasonto: I wasn’t going to be able to give it to her; you are a better and best
parent I would have ever been. I wasn't ready for her because I had her after my ex
had dumped me. Seeing you bonding and loving her drove me even far away from
Menziwa: I am hurt Sonto, this hurt me so much. My heart is heavy because now I
am torn between hating or feeling sorry for you.
Nomasonto: You don't have to feel sorry for me; I deserve all your anger.
Menziwa: 21 years? 21 years of me not dating, having friends and doing other things
my peers were doing because I was busy being a good father. Today you want me
to accept that she is not mine? Sonto, this is not fair, it's not fair at all!
Tears streams down her face all the way to her chest.
Nomasonto: That girl will always be your daughter Menziwa, blood or not, she will
always be yours. The bond you two created is strong and nothing will break it.

Menziwa: I used to think so too until you came back. She has left the country with
her Nigerian boyfriend. She is pregnant, alone with a stranger.
Nomasonto: You need to get her back, Menziwa, she needs to come back home.
Menziwa: You get her yourself; you created this mess so you better solve it.
His anger comes back; this woman doesn't get tired of using him huh? Now she
wants him to go far as Nigeria to fetch a child that is not his so that they can be
reunited and be a family without him? He is not stupid and the era of her using him
ends here and now.
Thobile is an adult, she chose to leave by herself, when she is ready, she is going to
come back home on her own. He leaves the hospital ward without saying his
When he gets to his car, he realises that his phone is off because of the battery and
decides to charge it. He doesn't like doing that because it damages the phone but at
this point he has no choice but to do so.


There are thousands of messages from Innocentia and the phone calls he missed.
He whistles and scratches his head, realizing that he is a dead man walking today.
He starts the car and drives straight home without opening and reading any of the
On his arrival he asks Mpilo where is she, he tells him that she left and decides to
follow her.
The door opens; Akin walks in with breakfast whistling a happy song. He puts it on
the bed and gets on bed and crawls into the bed next to Thobile and whispers in her
ear. She is still sleeping; the jetleg from those long hours is showing her flames. Soft
kisses lends on her face until she is forced to open her eyes.
Akin: Good morning baby; I made you breakfast.
Thobile: Good morning; what time is it?
Akin: 07:45. Sit up; your food is going to get cold.
Thobile: You are a morning person neh?
Akin: Yep; you may say that; but I promise, I won’t bother you, at least not much.
Thobile: Wow; but you will still bother me, that’s what you say.
Akin: Just a bit.
She shakes her head and digs on the food; it is pretty good and delicious.
Thobile: This is good; worth being awaken up for.
Akin: I am glad you like it. So today we are touring the city. I am going to take you to
so many great and memorable places.
Thobile: I cannot wait; I need to charge and switch on my phone for content.
Akin: Sure; make sure you wear comfortable shoes.
Thobile: Okay.
She pause eating and reaches for her phone; switching it on and thousands of
messages comes in. The one that catches her attention is the one from her dad; she
Akin: What is wrong?
Thobile: Sonto is at hospital; but you know what, I am not going to be stressed about
She says and stuffs her mouth with food; Akin looks at her concerned and rubs her
hand softly and gently.
Akin: Babe; don’t you want to attend to it?
Thobile: No.


Akin: At least to find out what happened.

Thobile: This is another trick to either get me back home or to forgive her and it is not
going to work.
Akin: Do you think your dad can do that to you?
He wouldn’t; but that is beside the point, she doesn’t want to talk or see that woman
ever again, not when she came and turned her world upside down, to something she
doesn’t know.
Thobile: No; my dad wouldn’t lie to me, especially with something this big. If she is at
the hospital then she is at the right place with qualified people to help him there with
her sickness. She is going to be fine and recover. I came here to rest and relax;
Akin: Okay; I will go sort out the mess I created when I made you breakfast and
check you after okay?
Thobile: Okay.
He kisses her and walks out of the room; Thobile puts the tray with food aside and lie
down on the bed and attends to her messages.
This morning is not a good one; returning back to Joburg last night not in good terms
with her man is something that makes her day not to be so good. She is not childish
right; I mean it make sense why she is upset? Menziwa can’t just disappear the
whole day with no communication and expects her to understand.
They adults that should behave better than the chase game; it is seriously
exhausting. Mad as she is; her heart still beats for him, big time. This Memela guy
surely fed her some love portion because ai; the old Innocentia would have blocked
and dumped him from spot. Well; she has blocked him from everywhere; except her
“Ms Khumalo; there is someone here for you’’
A voice says from her desk phone from the receptionist and she rubs her face;
Innocentia: Tell them I am in a meeting; I don’t want to see anyone, especially so
Receptionist: Urhm; he can hear you. He said his name is Menziwa Memela.
Erh what? No ways! Menziwa knows her office why not come straight here instead of
waiting in the reception area? She picks up the phone and composes herself as she
Innocentia: You can send him up.
Receptionist: He is asking that you come down here.


Innocentia: Fine!
She slams the phone down and gets up from her desk feeling upset and happy all at
once. She is happy that her man is here; and upset that he is making her walk all the
way to the reception, instead just coming to the office. She leaves her office ready
for world war 3 in her head but melts when she sees him standing there with flowers
and her favourite chocolates.
Well; those goodies will not bribe her out of anger; not today. She folds her arms and
watches him looking remorseful.
Menziwa: Mbulazi; kunjani sthandwa sami? (How are you my love)
Innocentia: Menziwa; I am at work; please hurry with whatever you want to say and
Menziwa: Yehlisa ulaka sthandwa sami; ngiyazi ngonile, ngivumele ngixolise kuwe (
calm down baby; I know I have wronged you; please allow me to apologise to you)
Innocentia: Let us do this in my office.
She turns and takes few steps walking away but stops when she realises Menziwa is
not following her. When she turns around; she finds him on his knees, her heart is
beating fast.
Menziwa: Khumalo; Mbulazi, Mzilikazi ka Mashobane. Sthandwa sami; ever since
you came into my life things have been better and made sense. I got to understand
why it was said in the bible that a man is not supposed to be alone. I made a mistake
and I promise not to do that. My mind hasn’t been able to function you in the pas
hours without talking to you. I need you to know that you are my only Queen; my
only Love and Hope. Angisenamuntu manje Mbulazi; all my trust is in you.
Okay why is she tearing up now? She didn’t expect this and the whole thing now has
audience. His hand goes into his pocket and comes out with a box that he opens and
there is a ring inside. This time she cries real tears; he is still on his knees.
Menziwe: Sthandwa sami; angikaze ngashada mina; uma ungavuma ukuba
ngowami ungunaphakade, sivuse umuzi kababa, ngingajabula. Ngicela ungenze
indoda emadodeni uvume ukuba umkami. ( My love;I have never got married, if you
could agree to be mine forever and build our home, I will be delighted. Could you
please make me the happiest man ever and agree to be my wife)
“ncooh; this is so sweet, please say yes Inno’’. Says the people that are watching
Innocentia: (wiping her tears) I thought you didn’t care about me.
Menziwa: The day I will stop caring is the day I die.
Innocentia: Being with you has been great and it has its challenging moments like
the one we are from. But I am willing to go through that route with you; as long as
you promise me that you will never disappear on me again.


Menziwa: Never ever; ngifunge ubaba…( I swear on my father’s grave)

Innocentia: Then yes; I will marry you, I will be your wife.
People ululate; some cheers at them as he gets up to slide the ring on her finger and
picks her for a kiss. She is engaged and about to be someone’s wife! Who could
have thought; God is really good hey.
Menziwa: I love you so much my future wife.
Innocentia: I love you too my future husband.
This is exactly what she has been looking forward to; being away from the drama
and just have peace without having to worry about the non-ending politics that are
happening in her life. The latest news she heard from home was that her father, well
Menziwa, is engaged and getting married to Innocentia.
She sent him a congratulatory message on his engagement because really; he is a
good man and deserves all this happiness that he is getting right now. Innocentia is
a good woman, she deserves this too. It is a pity that she is not at home to celebrate
this news with them.
All her life; she wished this for her dad, happiness and stability and it is finally
happening. Nomasonto? Well; she hopes and wishes that she recovers and
disappear again, but this time, never comes back because she didn’t bring anything
other than pain. I mean the only man that ever loved her unconditionally is not her
father? That is not fair, and that she hates her forever.
Her phone rings; it is a video call from Luyanda. She smiles and sits up, fix herself
and answers.
Thobile: Hey boo.
Lulu: Hey hun, how are you doing in the foreign land?
Thobile: Argh, besides boredom, I am okay. How are about you?
Lulu: All is well, done with the exams and I can now finally relax and do the things
that I love to do.
The mention of exams makes her remember that she upped and left everything back
home, pains her a little knowing that she missed a final chance to her qualification
because she couldn’t handle her emotions.
Thobile: Happy you, I really miss the stress of exams yazi.
Lulu: Ah, don’t lie to me please. I know you are enjoying the princess treatment
there. My man told me phela.


Thobile: Listen to you, your man? You and Ifeanyi are really doing this?
Lulu: We are and I don’t know where we are going with this but I am happy and I
love him.
Thobile: And I can feel it from your voice that you are happy Lu, you deserve this.
Lulu: Thank you, I won’t lie, this really caught me off-guard but I am giving it my all.
Thobile: Yes please do, love us beautiful when it is well given and received.

Lulu: While on that topic, how are things between you and Akin?
Thobile: We are fine…
Lulu: But?
Thobile: I am just worried about the unknown future; I ask myself most of the time if I
made the right choice, if I won’t regret this along the way. And if I do, what is the
Lulu: It is okay to be scared and plan your things but don’t let that fear rob you of a
good experience or real love. Open your heart and give it your best, whatever
happens, and then it happens.
Thobile: I hear you bra, I really do. It just that it gets lonely most of the time.
Tears stream down her face after that confession; she is surrounded by all the
fanciness but still feels lonely.
Lulu: Oh honey, do not cry. Such is expected, especially from the line of work Akin is
Thobile: I know that he is out there working hard for us and our baby, I know. If I am
being truthfully honest, I wasn’t ready for all this, the lifestyle and sacrifices that
comes with it. I don’t know if I am crazy but it is really hard, I don’t want to lie.
Lulu: I hear you, I also had reservations about me and Ifeanyi, and you know his job
and all. I ask myself how is he is going to manage and balance it. But he assured me
that he got everything under control. Now that I have communicated my fears, needs
and all, I have left it to him to figure out.
Thobile: So, you think I should talk him about it?
Lulu: There is no other way out around it. Talk to him babe and sort it out. Tell him all
your fears and hear his side, it is not fair to judge him before we hear his side of the
Thobile: You are correct; I will talk to him today.
Lulu: Great; now tell me, how is it like being pregnant? Do you have any preferred
gender yet?


Thobile: Argh; pregnancy is not so bad, besides the fact that I eat and sleep a lot,
nausea and always tired.
Lulu: Please remember to exercise and eat healthy; you are pregnant yes but you
can still lead a healthy lifestyle. You don’t want to add more weight on the already
one you have and trust me, losing weight is the pits!
Thobile: Yeah; sure. I will remember that. Thanks.
Lulu: I didn’t mean to offend you…
Thobile: I am not offended; just a bit tired and want to lie down a bit. Thank you for
checking up on me; really appreciate it.
Lulu: You are welcome; I miss you.
She smiles genuinely seeing Luyanda’s eyes lighting up after that statement. They
had their days and fights as roommates but towards the end of it, she was good and
she warmed up to her.
Thobile: I miss you too; how is your brother doing?
Lulu: He is recovering well hey; thanks for asking.
Thobile: I’m glad; we are going to talk again soon.
Lulu: Okay my angel; do rest, bye.
Thobile: Bye.
They end the call; she gets up and walks to the bedroom thinking about what Lulu
said about her weight gain. She wasn’t offended but appreciated her advice because
already her weight is an issue; she doesn’t want to add on that. Lying on the bed;
she goes to google and researches healthy foods and exercises a pregnant woman
can eat and do. There is a plenty of options to pick up from; she ends up confused
as to which one is the best and to go for.
Excited; she dials Akin’s number and it rings unanswered. That forces her to go to
WhatsApp to text him and luckily his last seen shows that he was online not so long
ago. She types a message telling him that she now wants to eat healthy and
After sending the message; she exist the chat and view people’s Whatsapp statues.
Akin has updated ones as well, a behind the scenes kind of thing. From videos to
pictures and what she notices is that his manager or P.A is all in these post. Is she
wrong to think that something is fishy here or it’s her hormones messing around with
her? I mean Akin is not one to make uploads; especially 10 at a go with a woman all
cosy even. She logs out of the app and decides to do what she came here for; sleep!



They are at the studio; drinking and celebrating the album coming together after so
many challenges. Everyone is in a happy and celebrating mood; Jessica is taking
videos and pictures with his phone. By the time it comes back to him; he checks the
time and exclaims in shock to find out that it almost 9pm. He starts moving around;
picking up his belongings and preparing to leave.
Mario: You are leaving already?
Akin: Yeah man I got to go; I didn’t realise it was this late.
Mario: (chuckling in disbelief) Late? Come on Akin; this is like sunrise to you. Loosen
up and let us celebrate the hard work you put into this album. The ladies are here;
alcohol and weed is available.
Akin: Sorry man; those days are gone; I am a father to be now. I have go; my woman
is waiting for me.
He doesn’t wait for him to respond but exits the room; finds Ifeanyi and they head
home. On his arrival; he finds Thobile sleeping on the couch and leans over kissing
her and the tummy.
Thobile: You home?
Akin: Yes babe; I am sorry I am late. Let us go to bed and tuck you in so I can
shower quckly.
Thobile: I sent you a message after calling you and you didn’t respond to both of
Akin: You called me?
Thobile: And texted you too. Why; were you busy with one of your models that you
didn’t hear the phone ringing? Don’t look at me like that; I know what you do to your
models behind closed doors. I was once them; remember? I am going to sleep.
He is left in shock by what Thobile is saying. What the hell is she talking about? He
ignores the remarks about fucking models because as much as it used to be like
that; he is not that person anymore, he has worked so hard to be where he is today.
Not that he blames Thobile for thinking like that but he really wishes that she could
give him the benefit of the doubt at least.
Checking and browsing through his phone call history; he sees the missed call but
there is no message left by Thobile. If these are hormones then he has a long way to
go! He follows her to the bedroom and finds her under the bedcovers. He takes off
his shoes and jumps on the bed next to her; not under the covers though.
Akin: Babe; come on, sit up, let us talk. I know you are not asleep so don’t try it.
Thobile: What do you want to talk about?


Akin: About what you just said…

Thobile: Did I lie?
Akin: Thobile come on; I know our relationship started off like that but you got to be
serious right now. I love you and have my eyes only for you.
Thobile: Doesn’t look like that from the status updates you posted.
Akin: Status updates? Hold up….(looking at his phone) babe I didn’t upload these.
Thobile: (rolling her eyes) mxm…
Akin: I swear I didn’t and even if I did; i don’t see anything wrong with these because
they are innocent!
Thobile: Which part is innocent; you ignoring me or you being all close and personal
with your assistant?
Akin: Babe; I didn’t hear the phone ringing and I am sorry for that. As for your
message; I am not sure what you are talking about because the last messages here
are when we are talking about my studio session, nothing else.
Thobile: I did sent you a message telling you about a diet and exercising plan and it
went through, I am not crazy.
Akin: Okay babe calm down; I might have missed it, I am sorry. And what diet plans
you talking about? I hope you are not planning on starving my baby right?
Thobile: No; just for me to be healthy and fit even pregnant.
Akin: You will tell more about it during lunch tomorrow.
Thobile: Lunch?
Akin: yes; I am taking you out for a lunch date. I just realised that you and I never
dated; we just went straight into fucking.
Thobile: (laughing) That’s true and look at us now; we are pregnant!
Akin: I don’t regret it though. Given a chance; I would do it over and over again.
Thobile: For real?
Akin: For real. You and the baby are the best thing to ever happen to me; I cannot
wait for him/ her to arrive. I love you both so much.
Thobile: We love you too daddy.
Akin: Okay; I am going to take a shower and come back quickly okay?
Thobile: Alright; should I warm up your food?
Akin: Yes please.


They kiss briefly and Thobile gets off the bed; put on her sleepers and walks out of
the bedroom. Akin uses that opportunity to call Jessica; she answers on the first ring,
sounding drunk.
Jessica: Boss?
Akin: Did you delete a message from Thobile while you were using my phone?
Jessica: Boss?
Akin: You heard me; don’t make me repeat myself! Why did you do that?
Jessica: Because I have feelings for you damnit and I want her gone; back to South
Akin: You are drunk Jessica; you don’t mean that.
Jessica: That’s your problem Akin; you don’t take me serious; even now you won’t
see how much I fucken love you!
Akin: You can’t love me Jessica; what we had was fun and pure fun.
Jessica: Fuck you!
She says and ends the call and Akin sighs. He needs to fix this and do so real
quickly before it becomes a problem for him. He undresses and heads to shower.
He received a call from Phumza asking to see him. The request left him with so
many questions as he didn’t know what the meeting was for; Phumza was so short
and he wasn’t able to tell from her tone what it is about. Maybe it is about their
daughter or she really wants to talk; about everything that has happened. He
understands that as much as it is hard on him; it is probably twice as hard with her.
She arrives and the first thing he notices is how much weight she has lost and it
hurts him. She makes her way inside and Martha serves them with refreshments and
leaves them.
Phumza: I am glad to see you getting better; you got a helper?
Zamani: My sister insisted. Please put me out of my misery; what is it that we have
to talk about?
Phumza: (sighs) I don’t even know where to begin telling you this.
Zamani: You are scaring me now.
Phumza: I am pregnant.


‘’ I am pregnant’’. She says and he feels a cold wind hitting his chest and going all
the way up to his throat and chokes him; he coughs and Phumza gets up from her
seat on the opposite couch to help him. She gives him water that Martha left behind
and he doesn’t waste any time but gulps them down.
Phumza: I am so sorry.
Zamani: It is not your fault; you didn’t do this. How far are we?
Phumza: 2 weeks… well that’s what the pregnancy tests say; I noticed that I missed
my periods and decided to test.
Zamani: Yooh; this is a mess; like my sins are following me everywhere.
Phumza: I don’t know what you think but we; actually I, cannot have this baby. Not
with the nature of how it was conceived; it is going to be a reminder of what
happened and I cannot have that.
Zamani: So you are saying that you are going to abort?
Phumza: It is the only way; the only way I can heal and move on from what
happened or else I will hate this baby and it wouldn’t be fair.
Zamani: I understand; as much as it is a bitter pill to swallow, I get your perspective
and no matter how many times I apologise; it will never take away all the pain that I
put you through.
Phumza: (sniffing) Yeah; I thought I should tell you about it.
Zamani: Thank you for telling me; I truly appreciate it. So; have you made an
Phumza: No; not as yet but I will do it first thing I get to my place.
Zamani: Who else knows about this?
Phumza: No one; not even Sinazo. I am already judged about dropping the charges
so I don’t want to make the matters worse.
Zamani: I can come with you; if you are okay with it.
Phumza: You don’t have to.
Zamani: I want to; it is the least thing to do. You can’t go through this pain alone;
allow me in and let us heal together.
Phumza: Okay; I will send you details once I have made the appointment. I have to
She stands up quickly and exits the door; Martha walks in shortly afterwards.
Martha: I saw her leaving her crying; is everything okay?


Zamani: No; nothing is okay, nothing will ever be. You see this woman that just left
Martha: Yes?
Zamani: I broke that woman; I destroyed everything of hers and her only sin was to
love me. I was never deserving of her love. I really wish I can turn back the time and
fixes things with her, restore her peace and gives her the love that she truly
Martha: I don’t know you or your story but you really do seem like a great man and I
believe that she means a lot to you as well.
Zamani: She does; that is a mother of my child, I knew I was a man through her. It
breaks me into pieces seeing her like this. I know I have to do something but I don’t
even know where to begin to make things right.
Martha: I am going to share with you what I learned in my few years of living. The
first step to improving any relationship is effective communication. Set regular time
to time to talk about your concerns. State your thoughts in terms of behaviour;
without judgement, attack, and be positive.
Talk to others; an outsider’s view can be helpful in helping to each other
understand the other’s perspective without judgement.
Acknowledge your wrongs; not in a blaming or argumentative way, but thoughtfully.
Talking about your differences in reconciliation can help each of you sort out what
you bring to the party. Talking about the ways in which you react and respond
differently can be very constructive, as long as you don’t do it in a critical or
denigrating way.
Educate yourself. Nobody is born knowing how to maintain a perfect relationship
and self-knowledge is key to understanding what the problem could be and what
areas you and the next person should be focusing on.
Last but not least; learn to compromise and give the other person space and time to
process your apology. Just because you apologised; it doesn’t mean that they have
to immediately forgive you.
Zamani: wow; that was quite a mouthful; I didn’t know you were a counsellor/
slashed caregiver plus nurse.
Martha: I try; my job is to bring hope and heal not just the physical part of the body
but the emotional and psychological one. I hope you are going to grasp something
from my long- ass speech and practise it.
Zamani: I will try; but first things I need to deal and process the anger that is in me,
the anger of seeing my father being abusive towards my mother when growing up
and her staying through it. That thig really messed up and I believe it is the reason I
turned out to be like this, not that I am shifting blames or anything but that’s how I
feel at this moment.


Martha: it is okay to feel that way and I am happy you are able to identify the
problem and seek help into solving it. That is the most important part of healing and
you are on the right path; I am proud of you.
Zamani: Thank you. So; now I am conflicted a bit as to what I want.
Martha: In what wat?
Zamani: She is pregnant; wants to terminate the baby. I understand her points and
reasons but another parts of me wants this baby to live; to give it a chance and to
actually be there in it’s life the same way I was with my daughter. But I am scared
that if I raise such; Phumza might think I want to hurt her for life.
Martha: Just pray it; when you do, ensure that you tell God all your heart desires.
Starts by acknowledging all your sins; the ones you know and don’t know the begin
praying. He hears and answers because he is our faithful God. I am going to pick up
the laundry from the line.
The Jessica situation has been bothering him from last night until today; he even
struggled to sleep as he was thinking about the possibilities of this happening. He
badly wants to believe it was all alcohol talk but there is this huge ‘’what if she really
loves you ‘’?
Today is his first official date with Thobile and he is excited about it; hoping and
praying that it is going to help them get closer to each other even more. He is going
to deal with Jessica and her stunts a bit later.
They get to the restaurant and the waitress shows them their reserved table and
takes their drinks order and walks away. Thobile is taking a few pictures of the place
and Akin holds her hands and brushes them softly.
Akin: How are you feeling today?
Thobile: I am good babe; happy that we are here and outside. It was very much
Akin: That is true; I believe that we should do this quite often you know?
Thobile: Yeah; I would really love that.
Akin: So; do you have any gender preference?
Thobile: Not really; this is my first baby, any gender will be fine with me. And what
about you; do you have any?
Akin: I mean: as you say it our first child and all, but I would really be happy to have
a daughter you know?
Thobile: Really?
Akin: Yeah; a gorgeous daddy’s girl that I would be so overprotective with.


Thobile: Oh wow; that is so cute. I don’t know many men who wants girls as their first
born but I believe you would do good with her; like my dad did with me.
Akin: Of course babe; he raised an incredible young woman that I am madly in love
Thobile: (blushing) Yeah; I miss him, my father.’
Akin: You should call him; I am sure he misses you too.
Thobile: I will. Oh here comes our food, looks so tasty.
Akin: Indeed; what were you saying about diet and exercising again?
Thobile: I was talking to Luyanda yesterday about it and she opened my eyes about
staying healthy and in shape even pregnant.
Akin: interesting; well, I am not disputing the idea but I am just saying that let us see
and hear what the gynaecologist is going to say about all of that and we can have a
look into it, okay?
Thobile: All good with me; have you find one?
Akin: Yes; I think you are going to like her.
Thobile: A female gynae huh?
Akin: Yep; I don’t want no man stretching and touching my things; hell no.
She laughs; almost chocking on her food. Great that she finds this funny while he
thinks that male doctors are weird; I mean how do you see, open and touch a
woman’s vagina without feeling horny?
Akin: You are laughing huh?
Thobile: I am sorry babe but your jealous is cute.
Akin: I am not jealous…
Thobile: Oh really now big guy?
Akin: (smiling) Shut up…
Thobile: (laughing) You are so cute. I love you.
Akin: I love you too baby. Shall we eat; are you done taking content?
Thobile: (laughing) Yes; let’s eat.
Akin: At least the food is not cold. And please tell me you are not going to do this
everytime we go out.
Thobile: Well babe; this is how you attract brands and become and influencer.
Akin: Yeah; but as a new time mom, you won’t have time for all of that.
Thobile: We are not called Imbokodo for nothing; just watch and see me jugglitng it
all. Our baby will buy his/ her own pamper with the influencing gigs and money.


She still cannot believe that she is actually someone’s wife; a whole lobolad hun
ya’ll. Menziwa didn’t waste time after his proposal; he sent delegation to her family
and the two families sat down; talked and came to an agreement. Now the next step
is the big day; every woman, okay maybe not every but 90% women dream and
fantasises about this day.
She is one of those women who always envisioned about how her wedding day
would look like and to finally have the privileged to plan it is something crazy.
Menziwa walks into the room and lies down on the bed next to her in silence. She
learns over and kisses him; it is then that she feels his whole face burning.
Innocentia: Are you okay?
Menziwa: I’m fine; just tired.
Innocentia: I am going to run a bath for you…
Menziwa: Thanks babe but not now; I just need a moment to myself.
Innocentia: Okay….You know; I want us to talk about something.
Menziwa: yeah?
Innocentia: Your daughter; please hear me out babe.
Menziwa: I already do not like this conversation but yeah; go on.
Innocentia: I think you should reach out to her; she made a mistake; panicked. She
is a child Menziwa; I don’t care what that woman and the DNA says but that is your
Menziwa: You are saying it as if I abandoned her; I didn’t. Instead; I am still very
much hurt about this whole thing; she upped and left. She left me; all alone with this
dilemma; she knows very well that I would have supported her in everything that she
does or decides.
Innocentia: I know babe; I do. All I am asking is, please give her a call and talk about
this; then if she refuses then its fine, at least you would know that you tried. Please. I
know how much you miss her; I want to see you happy and right now; you are not
happy without her.
Menziwa: I am not; but it also hard on me; it eats me up knowing that I raised
another man’s child, how I was made a fool into believing she was mine. I could
have long married and had more children by now. Don’t get me wrong; I love her but
all of this is so unfair to me.
Innocentia: I understand; I truly do. But in the marriage part; see at is as blessing in
disguise because if you were married, we wouldn’t be together.
Menziwa: (smiling) Hawu why; you would be my second wife.
Innocentia: Listen to that; me, a whole second wife? Never!


It is done; the procedure is done, it was quick because the foetus was still its early
stages of development. Not to say it wasn’t emotionally and physically taxing but she
is grateful to have done it with Zamani near her side. When it comes to him; she
doesn’t know how she really feels for him. A huge part of her hates him so much but
at the same time; she feels for him and can’t shake away the feeling that this is her
fault; she should have backed away when she had a chance but no, she kept on
pushing and pushing and now look where they are.
Zamani: Are you going to be okay; do you need me to get you anything?
Phumza: I am going to be fine; thank you.
Zamani: Urhm; okay.
Phumza: Yeah; I need to lie down so, thank you for coming with me today.
Zamani: I wish there was something better that we could have done but just know
that I am here for you.
Phumza: I appreciate that; your presence really did mean something so thank you.
Zamani: I am glad; do you want me to stay maybe?
Phumza: No; I will be fine. I just need to be left alone for a while.
Zamani: Okay; call me if you need anything.
Phumza: Sure; will do.
He nods and walks away leaving alone feeling the heartache; she covers herself with
the blankets and weeps, allowing the tears to fall off her face and down to her chest.
Phumza: (praying) Dear Lord; I believe you love me. Please forgive me for my
sins. Help me to be a better person. Search my heart, reveal to me any
remaining burs of hurt where I have attempted to forgive apart from you. I pray
you would cover these hurts in Your healing grace; and through your strength,
empower me to forgive others as wholly and completely you have forgiven me.
Father; only you understand how much I’ve been hurt by this person. I don’t
want to carry the pain for another second. I don’t want to be a bitter person.
But I need your grace and the power of the cross to release my hurt and to
forgive those who’ve hurt me. This is the turning point; first; I need to
experience your forgiveness. You know all the ways I’ve hurt others, and I’m
sorry for my sins.
Jesus; thank you for dying for me, I accept your grace and forgiveness, and I
need it daily. Today I am turning to you, and I’m choosing to forgive the way
you have forgiven me. Every time the memory comes back; I will forgive that
person again until the pain is gone. Thank you, Lord Jesus for coming to earth.
I believe you are the son of God who died on the cross for my sins and rose


from the dead on the third day. Thank you for bearing my sins and giving me
the gift of eternal life.
I know that I am a sinner and that I cannot save myself. No longer will I close
the door when I hear you knocking. By Faith I gratefully receive your gift of
salvation. Heal my heart with your grace. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
The date with Akin is exactly what she needed; to talk and actually get to know him
on a better level. It is true that their whole thing started on a fast pace; they didn’t
give each other time and chance to know each other. They jumped straight to sex
and now they are expecting a baby together. It worries her at times to think if
whether Akin will be a good father; let alone be a good, loyal partner.
He is in the entertainment industry and we all know that dating in this industry is
definitely not for the faint hearted. Scared and uncertain of her future with him she is;
she loves him. That is one thing that she is sure of believes that love conquers
She is so looking forward to motherhood; the challenges that it will bring but mostly,
holding her baby and be called ‘’mama’’. With the latest developments of her life and
how she grew up without a mother; she is so determined to do better, not perfect but
better. She is going to be her child’s best friend and safe space.
Her phone rings; it is her father. That takes her by a surprise because she didn’t
expect that, she sits up and clears her voice before answering,
Thobile: Hi dad…
Menziwa: Thobile; how are you?
Thobile: I am good father; how are you doing?
Menziwa: I am trying but things are very hard; I am struggling to cope. You leaving
me and the country really hurt me.
Thobile: I am really sorry dad; I wasn’t fair I admit. But I had to do it; for my own
sanity, just be away from everything.
Menziwa: I hear you. How are you doing though; are you fine and coping well in the
new place?
Thobile: I could say that all is well; I am adjusting and some days are better than
Menziwa: I know this is something you don’t want to hear but you need to come back
home Thobile; come back home and finish your studies, make peace with your
mother. Forgiving her is not for her but you; how are you going to lead a happy life
and enjoy motherhood with all that is behind you? Pleas my child; if it is not for that,
then do it for me, your father. I cannot get married without u Mangwase wami… (my
first daughter).


She feels her cheeks burning up; tears streaming down uncontrollably. Her father
still loves her despite taking off and leaving everything behind. She wipes her tears
and nods as if he can see her.
Thobile: Okay dad; I am going to come back, for your weeding, okunye nokunye we
shall see how things unfold when I get back.
Menziwa: Thank you; I will take that.
Thobile: Okay dad; how are the wedding prepartions?
Menziwa: They are coming along; you know how stylish your mother is, my money is
going to be finished but I am excited. I want to give her the weeding she deserves.
Thobile: I know Inno very well; but I am happy for you dad, you deserve this.
Menziwa: I do; don’t i?
They both crack up and laugh at the same time at that cockiness of his. After the
laughter has died down; what she is going to ask is heavy but it has been on her
mind for some time now. It is now or never right?
Thobile: How is she doing?
Menziwa: Who?
Thobile: You know who….
Menziwa: (sighs) She is sick Thobile; real sick. At first I was like you too; though that
it was all just a plot to get us to forgive her but she really is sick. Doctors don’t know
how much time she is left with in this world.
She swallows a lump on her throat; so, she came to die? She lived all her best years
away and on her dying days, she thought it was okay to come back? Why is she
feeling sad and hurt for a stranger that didn’t care how she lived and survived for the
past 21/22 years? She shouldn’t feel this hurt right now but she can’t help it.
Thobile: You know dad; I am so upset about everything that she did but at the same
time I feel sorry for her and that makes me feel weird.
Menziwa: It is expected for you to feel that way; at the end of the day, no matter how
much we run away from the truth or what we say; she is your mother. And just like I
said; you forgiving her would be you freeing yourself from all the chains of anger and
heartache that you are feeling. Running away won’t help with anything and you won’t
run forever.
Thobile: I appreciate you dad checking up on me today; we will keep in touch.
She says and shortly ends the call thereafter. It is rude but she needs to think.
Things are a bit awkward at the studio today; he is trying to put yesterday’s things
behind his back but it is clear that this won’t just be swept under the carpet until they
actually discuss it.


Akin: Okay J; let us talk. Cards on the table; what is going on?
Jessica: What do you mean?
Akin: Yesterday you did and said a lot; maybe let us start explaining that?
Jessica: I told you how I feel; what is there to explain?
Akin: So you weren’t drunk or joking about any of the things you said last night?
Jessica: (rolling her eyes) Since when do I get drunk and not remember what I have
said Akin? And why is this shock to you? Akin; I met you at your lowest, build and
represented your brand for free at times. When Mario told me about you; I believed
in you instantly and invested not only my time, body but resources and feelings into
Akin: Jessica….
Jessica: It is okay; such is a norm, men eating with the women that they didn’t starve
with. I am not the first one neither the last so it’s fine; I will get over it. Let us work;
shall we?
Akin swallows a lump and nods; this is deeper than he ever thought it was. What a
‘Such is a norm, men eating with the women that they didn’t starve with.’
The words keeps on replaying in his mind as he tries to compose a song; this is not
working, just a waste of time. He removes the headsets off his ears and hangs them
on top of the booth and walks out of the recording room.
Mario; together with Jessica looks at him in silent but with the “wtf dude’’ eyes, he
doesn’t care who says what at this point but he is needs some air and space.
Mario: Akin; what’s going on with you today?
Akin: Mario please leave me alone; I think we should call it a wrap for today.
Mario: What; are you crazy? Your tour is happening in a week’s time and this is the
stunt and attitude you want to pull? Come on; please be serious, just for once!
Akin: (chuckling) You talk as if I haven’t been serious my entire life; you know what, I
am done with this shit!
Jessica: I will go talk to him…
He storms out and bangs the door behind him; he doesn’t know why he is feeling this
way but yeah, he is enough and done of everything and this place. He hears Jessica
calling him.
Jessica: Akin; wait!


Akin: What?
Jessica: I should be asking you that Akin; what was that stunt you just pulled back
Akin: Stunt? Jessica; how can you say the downfall of men is eating with the women
they never starved with, huh?
Jessica: You got to be kidding me; so all this drama it is because of that?
Akin: Yes! What did you think it was; huh?
Jessica: What I said was the truth and I don’t understand why you are bothered
because I told you that I am going to be fine, you already have made your choice!
Akin: Jessica…
In a split second he pulls her towards him; now their chests are against each other;
breathing heavily. He pulls her face up and without thinking twice; he kisses her. She
responds and pushes him to a corner; lift his hands up while her knee lifted up to his
manhood, he groans in pleasure remembering how much he enjoys this side of her,
being in control and taking it the way she wants it.
Jessica: You missed me; didn’t you?
Akin: I did but I can’t do this, not to Thobile. I am sorry.
He says and pushes her off him and walks away without looking back and gets into
the car.
Akin: Take me home.
Ifeanyi: Yes boss.
He wipes the sweat of his face; thinking about the mistake he almost just did. Thank
God he was able to come to his sense real quick before messing up even more.
Thobile doesn’t deserve that; not after leaving everything behind to be with him; to
build a family with him.
Ifeanyi: Are you okay boss?
Akin: I almost messed up Ifeanyi; big time. Jessica is going to be a problem; she
needs to go.
Ifeanyi: When you say go; you mean….?
Akin: I don’t know; I just don’t want her around me or my girlfriend, I don’t trust her.
Ifeanyi: Do you want me to keep an eye on her?
Akin: Please!
Ifeanyi: Will do; we are home.
Akin: Thanks; stay around, I might call you.
Ifeanyi: Cool; hey, before you get inside, here.


He hands him a clean handkerchief; Akin looks at it confused.

Akin: And then; what should I do with this?
Ifeanyi: Wipe your face; it has her lipstick all over it.
Akin: Oh shit; thank you bro!
Ifeanyi: You are welcome.
He cleans his face while walking inside the elevator that is taking him to the
penthouse. The door gets opened by Thobile who hugs him and pulls him inside.
Akin: Someone missed me…
Thobile: I did; well, we did. Guess what happened today?
Akin: You tell me babe.
Thobile: My dad called me; we spoke and he asked me to come home for his
wedding; I agreed!
Akin: I am happy that you two spoke; I know you missed him. But wait a second;
when is the weeding again?
Thobile: I am not sure; in a month or two maybe?
Akin: Oh; that’s great, I was worried that you were going to leave immediately.
Thobile: No silly; and leave your attached ass alone?
Akin: I can’t help it; I love you so much.
He says and pulls her towards him for a kiss but she ducks it and makes a frown.
Akin: What?
Thobile: You smell a woman’s perfume and it is definitely not mine!
Shit! Why didn’t he think of this happening? Thing is; he has never been a player or
a cheater so he doesn’t know all these tricks and games.
Akin: Urhm babe; I can explain, it is not what you think it is.
Thobile: Of course it is not; it is never the case. I am just crazy and an insecure bitch
Whoa; this has taken a huge turn he didn’t see coming, especially not tonight. I
mean he ran away from Jessica so he can dodge trouble but it seems like it is
following him even at home.
Akin: Babe; calm down and let me explain this to you.
Thobile: There is really no need for you to explain; like I said, I know how this works
so yeah.
Akin: So every time you and I have an argument you are going to bring up how we
met as a weapon to attack me? That is so unfair and you know it!


His phone vibrates; he take it out of his pockets, it is Jessica face-timing him.
Thobile: Are you going to answer that?
Akin: No; it is not important, I will deal with it later.
Thobile: No need; I am going to give you space.
She says and walks out of the door and Akin sighs, answering that call wasn’t a
good idea because knowing Jessica; she is probably naked and masturbating as she

It is a cold day in hell in South Africa; she is wrapping herself under the blankets and
binging on her favourite shows. The exams are done and dusted so she has every
excuse to stay up until late watching a TV. Her phone rings; it is Ifeanyi. She sits up
excitedly; lowers the volume from the TV and answers with a smile.
Lulu: Hey babe.
Ifeanyi: Hey love; how are things going on your side?
Lulu: It is cold; I am missing you so yeah; things aren’t well.
Ifeanyi: I am sorry my love; we are going to be together soon, I promise.
Lulu: I cannot wait. How about you; anything interesting that has happened today?
Ifeanyi: Not really; except the boss juggling two women…
Lulu: Juggling two women; how? I thought Akin is committed to Thobile now.
Ifeanyi: Not like that. So there’s this girl he used to do things with, now she is finding
it hard to accept that Akin has moved on and is causing troubles for him by throwing
herself at him. Today he had to set a record straight and left her; went straight to
Luli: Yooh; I hope Thobile never gets to hear this.
Ifeanyi: Seems like she already did; here she comes out of the house all upset and
crying. Babe; I will call you back, I need to call Akin and finds out what to do. I love
Lulu: (rolling her eyes) I love you too...
What was she thinking? People have always said that the same way you get him;
will be the same way that you lose him. But what is she saying? It is not as if she
found Akin dating with anyone or has lost him, yet.


Maybe this is karma; for what she did to Zamani. That guy really loved her but she
decided to mess it all up because she failed to communicate her unhappiness in the
relationship. Falling out of love is okay but what is not okay is stringing the other
person along and made them believe that whatever that you are doing is still on.
She really is taking full responsibility about that; no matter how hard it is to admit,
she did Zamani dirty and so wrong. He was annoying at times but he genuinely loved
her; never tried to make her pregnant. Despite the crazy baby mama and recording
their private session; they had a good time. With his she was guaranteed a chance in
real life but she chose a fuck boy that is every girl’s dream.
‘ Thobile; please wait”. Ifeanyi’s voice calls after her as she is walking so fast and
away from the house. He matches her pace and grabs her by the arm that she yanks
off annoyed.
Thobile: Leave me alone Ifeanyi!
Ifeanyi: Come on Thobile; where do you think you are going at this time of the night?
Thobile: Anywhere far away from your cheating friend!
Ifeanyi: Please; it is not safe for you and the baby to be out there. Let us go back to
the house and talk about this.
Thobile: What is there to talk about; it won’t undo the betrayal Akin did to me so I
suggest that you stay away from this!
Ifeanyi: I would if he really was guilty but he is isn’t.
Thobile: And what do you know? Wait a minute; what am I even asking because you
would do and say anything to protect him!
Ifeanyi: Not in this case; Akin is my brother and I know for a fact that he loves you.
When this whole drama happened on the studio; he walked away and asked me to
drive him home immediately.
Thobile: What drama?
She is now calm and interested to hear more about this; clearly she overacted.
Ifeanyi: There is a girl Akin used to fuck around with; they didn’t date but had sex on
a regular basis. She didn’t take the news of him choosing you and leaving his old life
well and now is doing everything in her power to cause distraction. Your behaviour
and reaction right now is exactly the outcome she was hoping for.
She sighs looking down and feeling stupid by how she reacted and hating that this
could not be true. But still; maybe she should have given him a chance to explain.
Thobile: Thanks.
Ifeanyi: You are welcome; let us go back home.


Today was another day of physio and his sister accompanied him there. It was
frustrating; he almost hurt himself. He has a lot on his mind and doesn’t even know
where to begin with solving the issues he is currently facing.
Lulu: You are recovering well; you just need to take it easy.
Zamani: Take it easy how with everything that is going on? I really wish I died that
day Sinazo tried to shoot me; I don’t deserve to live.
Lulu: I don’t know what voice is that but you better not listen to it; you are making a
progress Zamani; why do you want to go back?
Zamani: My progress means nothing when other people are hurting on my expense.
Lulu: When are you going to attend therapy?
Zamani: I don’t know.
Lulu: You should and soon; it is the only way you are going to heal from this.
Zamani: Do you know what happened yesterday?
Lulu: Tell me.
Zamani: I accompanied Phumza to terminate my baby.
Lulu: Zamani; oh no!
Zamani: Then you are telling me about healing; do you see the kind of monster that I
She doesn’t respond but brushes his arms softly looking all sympathetic. It sucks; big
He gets up when Thobile walks through the door and thanks Ifeanyi for bringing her back
home. He chose not to follow her because he suspected that it might not end well.
Akin: I am glad you are back.
Thobile: I wasn’t running away; just needed some walk to clear some air.
Akin: Are you feeling any better now?
Thobile: Yes I am. Please forgive me for not giving you a chance to explain yourself.
Akin: You were upset I understand. But babe; you need to take it easy these days. Your
anger worries me sometimes.
Thobile: I will do better I promise. So; who is this girl that won’t take a no for an answer?
Akin: You don’t have to worry about it baby; I am taking care of it.
Thobile: I bet you do; next time you come back home smelling like her again I will kill you.
Akin: (chuckling) So; does that mean I am forgiven?
Thobile: Yes (kissing him) I want you.


It’s the next day; she is awake and decided to clean her place and do some décor
changes. What happened has happened; it won’t do her any good to mop around
and cry about it. Her daughter still needs her; she needs to pick her pieces and
moves on.
While deep with chores; she receives a call from the security at the complex she
resides at. Luyanda is here and that is a first; that girl is full of herself so it really is
surprising to learn that she is here. She tells the securities to allow her in while she
fixes herself in waiting.
Moments later; Luyanda is knocking on her door, she opens for her and Luyanda
walks in carrying a bunch of flowers and chocolates amongst other goodies.
Phumza: Hey; what a nice surprise.
Luyanda: I just dropped my brother and thought I should come and check up on you.
How are you doing?
Phumza: I’,m fine; yeah, I am fine.
Luyanda: Okay. I know we don’t like each other or have been that close but what has
happened and is happening to you is not fair. I know for a fact that you are a good
person and I am so sorry that this is happening.
Phumza: Thanks; it really means a lot hearing such words from you. I truly
appreciate them.
Luyanda: You are welcome sis; please do get better okay? I should get back…
Phumza: Okay; thank you so much for checking in.
They give each other that awkward hug and Luyanda waves walking out of the
house; she closes the door and sits back on the chair and exhales. Her hand
reaches for the phone and she dials Zamani. His phone rings; as it does so, she is
debating whether to continue with it or just hang up. He answers; great.
Zamani: Hello?
Phumza: Hey; how are you?
Zamani: I am good; how about you?
Phumza: Good; good.
She says and a moment of silence passes between them; she made this call so she
have to say something, she clears her throat.
Phumza: I was just checking on how you are doing; your sister was here.
Zamani: Oh really; I didn’t know that.
Phumza: Yeah; she came to check up on me.


Zamani: That’s great; well thanks for checking up on me, I truly appreciate it. I have
been thinking about you a lot lately.
Phumza: Same here (silence) Okay; bye and be well.
Zamani: Phumza…
Phumza: Yes?
Zamani: Do you think we can do dinner sometimes?
Does she want to do that? Part of her wants to say no but a huge part of her says
Phumza: Dinner; yeah sure. I think that would be cool?
Zamani: Are you sure; I mean I would understand if you don’t want to.
Phumza: It’s okay; being outside will actually do me good.
Zamani: Okay; thank you. Please pick a date; time and place that is convenient for
you and lets do this.
Phumza: I will let you know. Bye.
She doesn’t wait for his response and hang up quickly; her heart is beating up so
damn fast. Did she just agree to that? Is it a good idea? What are people going to
say when they hear this? But screw what people are saying or thinking; this is her
life. Her phone vibrates; it’s a message from Luyanda.
‘’hey P; this is one of the highly recommended therapist in town; I don’t think it would
hurt to give the idea a try. You have been through a lot so yeah; give him a shout”.
She replies and thanks her for the contacts and researches the guy.
Coming back to work the next day after having sorted out things with Thobile makes
him very happy. She is his dime and loves her very much. All he wants to do is see
her happy and enjoying her pregnancy without the stress of thinking that he might
cheat on her.
Akin: Jess; can we talk please?
Jessica: Sure; what’s up?
Akin: I need you and I to be in one place of understanding so that we can work well
together. I don’t want drama; I am with Thobile; you and I never dated. We fucked
and we both had a great time but that has come to an end; okay?
Jessica: Okay; I am sorry, I allowed my feelings to get the better of me.
Akin: It okay; I understand. We are cool right; no more drama?
Jessica: It won’t go away overnight but I promise that from now on; you and I are just
going to be work and I will respect your woman.


Akin: Cool; I am glad we have made peace. Hug?

Jessica: Sure.
They share a peace offering hug and Thobile shows up unexpectedly and from the
look on her face. Jessica steps away; she comes and kisses him and turn to look at
Thobile: So; this is the bitch that is so obsesses over you; huh?
Akin: Babe…
Thobile: Don’t “babe” me. You need to tell her you are happy with me and that’s it.
Jessica: You should be using this energy to go to the gym not being insecure
unnecessary. We get it; the man is yours so please; there is really no need to being
bitchy about it, your physical appearance doesn’t allow that so relax, okay? Geez;
these farm girls!
Love making with Akin always leaves her happy and satisfied; the guy really knows
where to touch her and how. In that department; she doesn’t lack anything shame; it
makes her kind of her understand why the bitch is obsessing over her man but that
doesn’t mean it is alright or accepted.
Today she decides to go to the studio and pay Akin a surprise visit just to see how
he creates his magic. But of course; there is an underlying wish inside her, she badly
wants to want to see the girl that thinks Akin will be hers and mark her territory. They
need to know he is taken and also to become a father.
She makes sure that her make-up is done so well and popping; Ifeanyi compliments
her when she gets into the car; she smiles and thanks him. That boosts her
confidence even more. On the way; she makes sure to pick some snacks and drinks
for Akin, she can’t just walk in there empty handed.
On her arrival; the first thing she sees is her man hugging another woman and
laughing about it. That irks the jealous inside her; and she doesn’t need anyone to
tell her that this is the same girl that got them to fight yesterday. She does what any
woman in her position would have done; she kisses him; wraps her arms around his
arms and looks at the bitch.
Thobile: So; this is the bitch that is so obsesses over you; huh?
Akin: Babe…
Thobile: Don’t “babe” me. You need to tell her you are happy with me and that’s it.
Jessica: You should be using this energy to go to the gym not being insecure
unnecessary. We get it; the man is yours so please; there is really no need to being


bitchy about it, your physical appearance doesn’t allow that so relax, okay? Geez;
these farm girls!
She says and clicks her tongue walking away; she gasps in shock and looks at Akin
who looks upset.
Thobile: Are you going to let her talk to me like that Akin?
Akin: What do you want me to say?
Thobile: Pardon me; you are supposed to defend me!
Akin: From what exactly; did she lie?
Oh no; this is really not happening! She looks at him; he is not moving.
Thobile: Akin?
Akin: Don’t call my name Thobile; I had everything control and what you did right
here was not necessary neither acceptable! You can’t just go around insulting people
because we are together and can’t take it when it is served back to you.
The amount of anger she feels right now; she is even shaking! How dare this man
say such when in the first he is the reason all of this is happening? If he didn’t mix
business with pleasure none of this would be happening!
Thobile: I can’t believe you are taking her side right now Akin!
Akin: If me calling you out from your bullshit is taking sides then hell damn I am!
Thobile: You are not calling me out but you are letting her body shame and insult me
in your presence!
She is now crying; this is not science; she expects him to understanding this and
how hurt she is right now.
Akin: Didn’t you insult her by calling her a bitch? Just because you are my girlfriend it
doesn’t mean what you did was right.
Thobile:So in other words you believe what she says; that I am insecure and fat?
Akin: Those are your words; not mine.
Thobile: Wow; I can’t believe this; that I left home to be treated like this, maybe I
should go back home.
Akin: Maybe you should.
That takes her by surprise; hai bo; what is this man saying kahle kahle?
Thobile: I should leave?
Akin: Yes; if all you are going to do is accuse me of cheating; questioning my love for
you and causing drama when it is not necessary and think it’s cute. Then yes go
Thobile; you and I are going to co-parent because I can’t deal with the person that
behaves like you.


Thobile: Are you breaking up with me?

Akin: I am asking you grow up and realise that is not a game but real life and real
feelings at stake here. If you do something; be prepared to be held responsible for it.
It’s that easy.
She can’t deal with this anymore; this is too embarrassing to handle. Clearly this
man is so done with her. The least she can do is save her last dignity that is left and
walks away. She leaves everything she brought behind and runs outside and straight
to the cars; not caring who is watching or taking videos. As long as she is out of
Akin’s face then it is fine.
Ifeanyi: What happened; I didn’t expect to you coming back so soon?
Thobile: (breathing heavily) Your friend/boss doesn’t want me anymore; I can’t
believe he stood there and said all those things to me. But it is fine; please take me
to the house and book me a return ticket home.
Ifeanyi: Home as in South Africa?
Thobile: Do you know of any other home that I have maybe?
Ifeanyi: Sorry; I was just making sure. I am going to call…
Thobile: You are not calling anyone; I am an adult and at this very moment I am
telling you what I want.
Ifeanyi: Well; I don’t take orders so whatever that you ask me to do; I need to verify it
with Akin first.
Thobile: Fine then; don’t do it; I will do it myself!
She storms out of the car banging the door; stops the metered taxi passing and jump
inside. She instructs the driver to take her to the house while she logs into the
website for a ticket. If Akin thinks that she was kicked out from her home he must
think again.
Imagine the audacity to side with that witch in her presence? Okay maybe she
overacted a bit but as her man; he is supposed to take her side; always! This is not
even up for discussion; what Akin did tells her how little he values her.
Coming here was a big mistake in her life; he is right, co-parenting will do. Right now
she needs to focus on finishing her studies and make her father proud, the only man
that ever loved her so loudly and treated her like a princes that she is. Her hearts
gets heavy when she thinks about the current developments with her father
patterning her paternity.
He probably thinks that she has abandoned him and all that. She would never do
that; stressed overwhelmed her, but now she is going to do better. As for Akin; if he
really wants her; he knows where to find her at.
The taxi parks outside the house; she pays using her own money and rushes into the
house. First thing she does is to grab the same bag and starts loading her things in.


Dating isn’t easy as a cakewalk! There are a lot of things that need to be done in a
relationship to keep it going happily. Hurdles or fights are a real thing that often
comes are part of every relationships but turns off are a real thing that often comes
once you step through major red flags set by an individual.
Healthy men are always fascinated by confident; contented, and a smart women. A
real man wants to compliment and appreciate a woman’s brilliance more than
anything in this world. Men are practical and they usually find those women attractive
who master the art of emotional intelligence. Men are far away from the drama or
games when they actually in love.
Does he want Thobile to leave? Hell no! Not by a chance but he is sensing a
behaviour that he doesn’t like and the only way that they will work is if he puts the
end of this and do it now. He was harsh towards her and didn’t mean it when he said
they rather co-parent. He only said that to bring her to her senses; this is not how he
wants his relationship to be, constantly arguing.
He badges into the office where Jessica is at and she jumps startled.
Jessica: Akin…
Akin: Let this be the first and last time you talk to my woman like that; do you hear
Jessica: She called me a bitch!
Akin: Aren’t you one?
Jessica: Excuse me?
Akin: You know you and I never had anything concrete but you had the audacity to
kiss me while knowing I am in a relationship with her; went as far as calling me. Tell
me if that aren’t a bitch behaviour?
She doesn’t respond; Akin walks out, his phone rings, it is Ifeanyi. He takes it out of
his pocket answers.
Akin: Broe?
Ifeanyi: What happened between you and Thobile?
Akin: It is a long story; I will tell you about it later.
Ifeanyi: Well; she might not be here by that time.
Akin:Wait; tell me she is not going with it?
Ifeanyi: You knew? She is going home. What are you going to do?
This is so tricky; he scratches his head and bites his lips in frustration.
Akin: It’s fine; let her go. Give her a ride if she wants one.


Ifeanyi: Just like that; you are not going to beg her?
Akin: Then my whole life is going to be like this; every time she is going to throw a
tantrum and expect me to jump. If she leaves let her leave, she wouldn’t be the first
one to leave me anyway, my parents did too. I will not live my life validating and
trying to prove my love to her while she doesn’t see my efforts. Maybe this is what
we need; a time apart because I am worried that with these constant fights amongst
us, it will put the baby in danger.
Ifeanyi: Are you sure; because this might paint another image to her.
Akin: And what image is that? I didn’t chase her away nor broke up with her.
Ifeanyi: Okay; if that’s what you want then I will assist her.
Akin: It’s not what I want but what can I do? Thobile is an adult; I can’t force her to do
anything she doesn’t want to. Just make sure that if she leaves; she gets to the
airport safely.
He may be mad at her but he still cares about her and her safety and their child’s.
Walking back to the studio he feels the heavy energy around it but chooses to ignore
it and heads to the recording booth. Mario joins him after a few minutes.
Mario: Eyo; what is going on with you today?
Akin: What do you mean?
Mario: I am talking about this whole drama that is happening here. Jessica came
here crying saying you and your girlfriend insulted her.
Akin: Oh; is that how the script has flipped now?
Mario: You have to sort this out; Jessica was even talking about resigning.
Akin: Then let her resign; we are going to find someone else.
Mario: Are you fucking out your mind? Jessica is an assert to this company!
Akin: Then she needs to stay in her lane and stop acting as if I promised her
marriage or something.
Mario: Dude; that’s not how you should deal with this, you know how emotional
woman are and the next thing you are trending for all the wrong reasons. Your mind
needs to be on the clear space at keeping a clear image for your upcoming tours or
you might as well kiss those gigs goodbye.
Akin: Can we do what you and I are supposed to? I don’t appreciate you scolding me
as if you are my father. This is my private life and it got nothing to do with you.
Mario: That’s where you are wrong; it got everything to with me if you bring your
drama to the office.
Akin lifts his headsets and puts them around his ears while turning the on the
recording button. Mario sighs defeated and exists the booth; Akin exhales and
checks his phone for any message from Thobile but there is none.


She is standing outside the therapist office; doesn’t know how he got here. After
googling the doctor and seeing so many amazing reviews about him online; she
thought maybe giving him a chance and a try won’t be such a bad thing. Now that is
how she is standing outside Dr Buthelezi’s offices.
Her hand goes up to knock at the door but she quickly pulls it back and thinks about
her rehearsed intro and greetings. No; actually this is a bad idea, she should go back
home. Yes; that’s actually better than embarrassing her-self, she takes a turn and
walks away only to bump into someone who was behind her, coming inside the
office. It’s the therapist guy!
Dr: Hey; I’m sorry; were you looking for me?
Phumza: Yes but I am leaving now.
Dr: No wait; do we have an appointment?
Phumza: No; I didn’t do one; I was just taking my chances about coming here.
Dr: (looking at his watch) it’s okay; I have an hour free so I am going to squeeze you
in. come along.
Oh boy! He opens his office; it is so chilled and has a big office space with nice
Dr: Please; have a seat.
Phumza: Thank you.
Dr: My name is Musawenkosi Buthelezi; I am clinical/psychologist. Before we start;
can I please fill this form and sign it. I promise that whatever we discuss stays
between us.
Phumza: Thank you.
She reads and fills up the form in silence; the way her heart is beating so fast right
Dr: (reading the form) Phumza; what brings you here today; what made you wake
up; decided that you need therapy?
Phumza: Uhrm; a lot of things that I am dealing with; a friend recommended you and
thought that you can help.
Dr: Go on.
Phumza: (chuckling nervously) Where do I even begin with this?
Dr: Just start anywhere; we are going to piece the pieces along the way.
Phumza: Phew; okay let us see; well; I was raped by the father of my child, on top of
that, I conceived from that outcome and had to abort because I couldn’t bring myself


into bringing and raising a product of rape into this world. I knew that I wouldn’t be
able to love that child and it wouldn’t be fair to do that.
Dr: I am sorry to hear that; where is this guy now, the father of your child? Did you
have him arrested?
Phumza: No; my friend did but I dropped the case.’
Dr: Why; are you still in a relationship with him?
Phumza: No; our relationship ended a while ago. We had our on and offs moments
but it was nothing concrete anymore.’
Dr: So you dropped the charges?
Phumza: Yes.
Dr: Why?
Phumza; I didn’t want my daughter to grow up and hate me from taking her father
away because of my selfish and greediness.
Dr: How do you describe seeking justice from yourself as greediness?
Phumza: (sighs) Doc; I am ashamed to say this.
Dr: Please feel free; in order to know how to help you I need to know the truth. And
like I said; this is a safe space for you. My job is to listen and help you; not judge
you, I promise.
Phumza: He had moved on with this other lady; I couldn’t accept it; in my mind I
thought it was one of those situation where he messes with me and end up breaking
up with them. It was really hard to see him committing towards her and actually
putting me in line for her. What contributed to this envy was the fact that she was
nothing to the types of girls he would go for; she was big; fat, and dark.
When I couldn’t break them apart I tried to drug him; the purpose was for me to sleep
with him and make sure that his girlfriend is aware of it. It didn’t go as planned
because he passed out.
Dr: So let me get this right; you were trying to force yourself onto him?
Phumza: (shyly) Yes.
Dr: Continue.
Phumza: When I realised that his manhood was not rising to the occasion; I
undressed; took his phone and took pictures. I wanted to post them so that his girl
would see that she was wasting her time and leave the father of my child alone.
Then I saw something from his gallery.
Dr: What did you see?
Phumza: A sex tape of them. I sent it to myself and tried to blackmail her to leave my
baby daddy but her response drove me to the edge. I published the video online.


She feels her chest getting heavy as she imagined the length she went through just
to get her way. Now that she is narrating this story; she feels she was an obsessed
Dr: What happened after that?
Phumza: Things went crazy; they took a quick cave I didn’t think through when
posting the video. The girl tried commiting suicide; I realised the mess I had created
and tried to ran away but he found me in time. He was so upset when he came to my
house; I didn’t recognise the person he was. We argued; he forced the truth out of
me and lost it. Then he said since I drugged him to have sex with; he was going to
give me what I wanted.
I got scared when he teared my clothes off and begged him to stop; I didn’t want
that; at least not in that manner. He got really aggressive and overpowered me; had
his way with me; ignoring my cries and pleas for him to stop. He didn’t.
Dr: (giving her the tissue) I am sorry; this is heavy and I understand how hard it must
have been to you.
Phumza: (wiping her tears) It has been very hard doctor; especially when I dropped
the charges. My family and best friends were not so happy with me; I isolated myself
from them.
Dr: This is hard Ms Nzima; I understand that you were also wrong but two wrongs
don’t make a right. I hope after our session you will be a better person and be able to
forgive yourself. I congratulate you for taking the first step and coming here; it is
going to get hard before it gets better, but I urge to not quit. The journey to healing is
a messy one and need to be handled with so much care. I am going to give you a
date for our next appointment; we are going to meet twice a week, Mondays and
Fridays with tasks and activities involved.
Phumza: Thank You so much doctor.
Dr: How are you feeling?
Phumza: A headache but I am feeling; it’s like a huge weight has been lifted off my
Dr: I am glad to hear that. Till we meet next time; take care of yourself and know that
you can give me a call any-time before 8pm.
Phumza: Thank you so much Doctor; I am feeling a whole better after this
experience; I will definitely come back.
Dr: See you on the next one then; drive safely.
She walks out of the office with her head held up high; it is not a lot but having
someone to listen without voicing their options is exactly what she needed. When
she gets to her car; she makes sure to send Luyanda a message and thank her for
the recommendation before driving away.


She is relaxing on her apartment when she receives a message from Phumza telling
her that the therapy went well. This is good news; she really needed it, so is her
brother. But what she is going to try first is to get him to chat with the parents and
iron their issues out. What is going on is not healthy and she hates the fact that now
she is a middle man between the two parties and is used to convey the message
and stuff like that.
Her chats are disturbed by an incoming call from Thobile; according to the different
time frames; she should be sleeping right now.
Luyanda: Girl….
Thobile: Please open for me.
Luyanda: open for you where?
Thobile: The apartment; I am outside.
Luyanda: Huh?
She drops the call and runs to the door; how is that possible? When she opens it;
Thobile stands outside with her bags. They are not a lot like the time she left here so
she assumes that she is not staying for long.
Thobile: Are you going to let me in or just stare at me
Luyanda: I am sorry; it’s just that I didn’t expect to see you back so soon. You have
been gone for like what; a month and couple of weeks?
Thobile: Who cares anyway?
Luyanda: Well I do; welcome back babe, you look so pregnant now.
She hugs her tightly and Thobile complains
Thobile: Yeah yeah; its good to be back home. I am feeling normal again.
Luyanda: What does that supposed to mean?
Thobile: I will tell you about it once I have rested; now please excuse me, jetleg is
showing me flames.
Luyanda: Okay; enjoy your rest then.
Thobile walks to her old room; she rushes to her phone and calls Ifeanyi, well at
least with him he is not much of a sleeper so he picks up on the second ring.
Ifeanyi: Babe?
Luyanda: Babe; hi. Sorry to wake you up but Thobile is here and she is vague about
it. Do you perhaps know anything about it?
Ifeanyi: Her and Akin had a fight and he had to let her go.
Luyanda: As in like break up with her?
Ifeanyi: I am not sure but along those lines


That is hectic and she feels for her bathing; no one deserves to be dumped while
pregnant, it is not fair. Hopefully whatever it is that are fighting about it can be
resolved before the baby is born. Yes at some point she did wish them a break up
and also tried to sabotage her but that was then.
Now she has grown to love Thobile and really wishes her the best with everything.
This is not part of that best. After talking to Akin; she lies on the couch wondering
about this issue until she falls asleep. She is woken up by Thobile and when she
checks the time; it is past half 1; that is very long hours she spent sleeping, phela
Thobile got here around 11.
Luyanda: You are awake?
Thobile: Yeah; I needed a bathroom and couldn’t hold it in anymore.
Luyanda: Have you rested though?
Thobile: A bit. Would you believe me when I say Akin hasn’t texted or called me to
ask if I travelled safely?
Luyanda: Are you guys having issues?
Thobile: (nodding) Yes; it was pretty big and I think this time he is done with me.
Luyanda: That bad?
Thobile: It was that bad….
She narrates the story about what happened and she listens attentively. The hatred
she has for this girl that slept with Akin makes her mentally swear that she will never
reveal that they shagged because clearly Thobile is going to hate her and distances
herself from her. Besides that; she promised Akin to never tell anyone about it.
Luyanda: But babe; don’t you think that you are exaggerating this whole situation?
Thobile: I know I am but why he is quiet and not checking if I arrived safely?
Luyanda: Why are you not texting him and tell him that you got home safely?
Hormones are really driving you crazy shame.
Thobile: And what do you know about hormones; have you been pregnant before?
Luyanda: Yooh sorry; don’t bite my head off.
Thobile: (sighs) I am sorry; I am just scared of him dumping me for real.
Luyanda: He won’t just swallow your pride and talk to him.
Thobile: I will call him later.
Luyanda: So since now you are back; what is the plan?


Thobile: Finishing my degree and fixing the underlying issues between my prodigal
mother and apologies to dad.
Luyanda: That’s a good thing to do; parents issues are a real thing and they do catch
up with you later in life if you ignore them.
Thobile: Seems like you are speaking from experience?
Luyanda: Yeah; turns out that my brother has serious anger issues bottled down
because of how my dad used to treat mom before I was born.
Thobile: Oh shame marn; I hope he gets to solve them, how is he doing by the way?
Luyanda: He is getting better yazi; I am trying to enforce therapy on him.
Thobile: That’s a good step to healing. Do you think the dean will allow me to write
the remaining exams I missed?
Luyanda: I mean what happened to you was all over the news; I think you have a
good case.
Thobile: Neh; I am going to give it a try.
Luyanda: Does your father know that you are here?
Thobile: No; I am going to surprise him at his wedding next week; I just need to sort
out the school thing and go home.
Luyanda: He is going to be so happy. I am going to make myself some tea; do you
want some?
Thobile: Tea in this heat; I will die. Get me anything cooler please.
Luyanda: Alright…
Thobile: Make your tea quicker and come back here to tell me the real tea.
Luyanda: (laughing) and what tea is that?
Thobile: You and Ifeanyi; how are you guys surviving the distance?
Luyanda: Eix it is hard but we talk on the phone every-day and do other things that
keep us closer.
Thobile: Luyanda; are you not a Christian!?
Luyanda: A Christian with needs please; and it is the only way I can keep my man
from chasing other hoes.
Thobile: (laughing and clapping her hands) I cannot believe this; a whole mamoruti
masturbating? Now I really wish I can see this!
Luyanda: Ai bo Thobile for what?
Thobile: For entertainment I guess…
Luyanda: hehehe; you really undermine me I see. I know a lot of things ausi.


Coming back to an empty house really made him realise how far this thing has went.
A part of him was strongly hoping and praying that she changes her mind and comes
back; even at the airport at least but no; she really is gone and what is left behind is
her scent.
He fell asleep on top of the bed covers last night with his dirty shirt that she last
wore. His phone has been in his hands the whole time; making sure that he doesn’t
miss any call or message from her.
But it is the next day and there is nothing from her; he is now starting to get worried.
What if something happened to her? He calls Ifeanyi with the intention to ask him to
investigate. He shows up immediately and finds him sweating and panicking.
Ifeanyi: What is wrong?
Akin: I need you to check for me if Thobile has gotten home safely. She hasn’t called
or texted me.
Ifeanyi: You are fighting; remember?
Akin: But still; I need to know if she is safe.
Ifeanyi: Well; you can call her and find out.
He gives him the “don’t be dumb’’ look before taking his seat and brushes his head.
Ifeanyi: She is fine and arrived safely.
Akin: How do you know; did she call you or?
Ifeanyi: Her flatmate called me/
Akin: Why would she call you about Thobile; is everything okay?
Ifeanyi: All is fine; stop panicking; Luyanda and I talk; we call each other often.
Akin: How often?
Ifeanyi: How is every-day for often?
Akin: Wait; she is the girl that has been driving you crazy?
Ifeanyi: Still is.
Akin: Oh wow; urhm okay; congratulations I guess.
Ifeanyi: Thank you. While in that topic; I would like to announce that I will be
resigning soon.
Akin: Why?
ifeanyI: It is time I settled down and starts a family; and I cannot do that with the line
of work that I do. I am starting my own security company and will supply you as well.
Akin: Now that is amazing brother; I am happy for you and wishes you the best.


Trauma is a fact of life. It does not; however, have to be a life sentence.
We try to maintain in sense of normality until we no longer can.
That my friends; is called surviving; not healing.
We never become a whole again- we are survivors.
Dear Phumza;
This healing comes in waves.
On some days you will drown, and on other days you will float.
On some days you will feel broken; and on other days you will feel renewed.
Be patient with yourself; you are doing great’’

She finishes writing and closes her diary and put it aside. The past few days have
been a rollercoster of emotions. Never has she ever thought that she would cry this
much; she would leave the Dr’s office with a headache from crying. It got better after
a week; she knows she is healing as she is no longer feeling overwhelmed and can
soothe her mind in triggering situations. She is now looking forward to her future;
accepted what happened and forgives the situation.
Obviously it won’t go away overnight but she is not going to make or allow the
trauma to be the primary issue in her life any more. It is now time to move on and
embraces life and its beauty.
Speaking of moving on; today she is meeting up with Zamani; she took him up on
that offer and they are doing lunch. She accepted it because she feels ready and
knows that she won’t be disgusted or triggered to kill him when they meet; so she
It doesn’t take her long to arrive to the venue that they both chosen and he is already
there; waiting. Her heart skips a bit as she walks to the table; feeling as if the whole
world is looking at her and knows what has transpired between them.
Zamani: Hey; you look so amazing.
Phumza: Thank you; I hope I didn’t keep you here for long?
Zamani: No; it hasn’t been that long since I got here. How are you?
Phumza: I am good; I have been good really. And what about you?
Zamani: I could say the same; went back to work this Monday.
Phumza: Oh; and how that has been for you?


Zamani: Awkward; people whispering and talking behind my back; it makes me sick.
Phumza: Just give it time; it will soon pass over.
Zamani: I doubt; I am going to look for another job.
Phumza: Your mentally health first; then I support it.
Zamani: Yeah; but enough about my work politics; how is my daughter and the rest
of the family?
Phumza: Last time I saw them they were fine. I want to get my daughter back to
living with me full time.
He keeps quiet until the waitress finishes with taking their orders and walks away.
Zamani: I really do wish that one day we can all live under one roof and be a family
Phumza: Do you mean that or you are saying it to ease your guilt?
Zamani: I mean it Phumza. The past few weeks have taught me how short life is and
how you don’t get a second chance twice neither a good woman twice. You have
always been good for me Phumza; despite my issues and all but if there is one
person who has really been there for me; it is you.
I know that my action really messed up a good thing and I am not expecting you to
just jump and accept what I am saying. I am willing to wait and put in the work of
gaining and earning your trust again.
Phumza: I hear you; I guess time will tell, but for what is worth, I have forgiven you.
That doesn’t mean I am ready to jump back into your arms again; no. It means that I
am freeing myself and you from this trauma and moving forward.
Zamani: I don’t deserve you forgiveness but I truly appreciate it.
Phumza: My therapist wants to see you.
Zamani: Okay; you will let me know when and what time.
Sinazo: Phumza; I thought my eyes were deceiving me. This is you?
Phumza: Hey friend; long time.
Sinazo: Indeed; you have been hiding yourself.
Phumza: I have been working on myself friend.
Sinazo: I can tell; what are you doing with this monster?
Phumza: Friend; please don’t start a drama please.
Sinazo: No Phumza; this person raped you, he belongs in prison not here eating
prawns and drinking milkshakes!
Phumza: Sina; me and Zamani have a child together, we are bound to talk and
besides that; I believe that I am old enough to make my own decisions.


Sinazo: Ai I can’t believe this; look at how you are defending at him? What kind of
love is this?
Phumza: It is a LOVE SO LOUD, a sound we cannot hear; yet within our hearts it is
as loud as thunder. It’s a word we cannot speak; although it is branded upon our
every soul.
Sinazo: Listen to you; being poetic to a man that humiliated and violated you. I hope
one day when he rapes your daughter; you will be as this poetic.
Phumza: Okay Sinazo that’s enough; my daughter is off limits!
She doesn’t say anything but walks away after shaking her head. Phumza
remembers the breathing exercises her doctor advised her to do in situations like
Zamani: That was; wow. I’m sorry to put you into this situation where you have to
fight with your friends because of me.
Phumza: It is fine…
Zamani: It is not because I can see the pain in your eyes. Phumza I am sor….
Phumza: Say you are sorry one more time and I will lose it! I said I was fine; why
can’t you take that?
She is shouting and now people are looking at her making her feel uneasy. She
pushes her chair back and picks up her belongings.
Phumza: Coming here was a mistake; bye Zamani.
She doesn’t wait for him to respond but runs out of the restaurant and straight to her
car. Damn; that was a lot to deal with but she is proud at how she handled it.
After telling Akin about his idea and him wishing well; he feels the need to call the
person who is the reason why he is taking such a decision in the first place, he calls
his girl and she picks up in the 3rd ring.
Ifeanyi: Hey baby; you won’t believe what happened.
Luyanda: I’m sure I will; tell me.
Ifeany: I spoke to Akin about resigning and starting my own business; babe, he gave
me his full blessings and even offered to sponsor my start up!
Luyanda: Yaaaaas; now this is some good news worth being woken up for. I am
happy and proud of you my love; I have no doubt that you are going to do
exceedingly well in your new endeavours
Ifeanyi: It’s all thanks to you baby; your presence in my life encouraged me to reach
this decision. I love you so much; I can’t wait to see you soon.
Luyanda: I am glad I did; I love you too baby. I am looking forward seeing you too.


Things are slowly going back to normal ever since she got back. As Lulu had said;
her case with the dean office didn’t prove to be too difficult as it was known by
everyone what she went through so with that said; baby girl is writing her exams next
week and she couldn’t be more happier.
Things between her and Akin are better and back to the usual state; they both
apologised to each other and now are handling things like a normal couple. What
made her to be more relieved is hearing that Jessica resigned and left the record
label. It won’t stop him from cheating if he wants to but it is better than having his
obsessed ex working with him. He is busy with his album tours and he is getting all
the love and hype he deserves from the social media.
Today is his father’s wedding day; both he and Innocentia have left her countless
messages about the weeding preparations. She cannot wait to see the surprise on
their faces when she shows up. But he first stop is the hospital; she needs to check
up on Sonto.
As she walks towards her ward; she is welcomed and greeted by the unfriendly
medication smell that makes her want to throw up so badly. Her bed is by the corner;
she looks so thin and pale; despite her worsened condition; she smiles warmly when
she sees her approaching. Gosh; her tears better not start; at least not now.
She is fully dressed and glammed up for her father’s wedding so the tears better not
mess that one up.
Thobile: Hi.
Sonto: Waze wamuhle ngathi uyoshada…(you look so beautiful as if you are going
to get married)
Thobile: Kushada I ex yakho; not me.
Sonto: I know; he told me when he came to visit me. He was so sad that you were
going to miss the wedding; he is going to be very happy when he sees you.
Thobile: I know; how are you feeling?
Sonto: Now that I have seen you; I can finally rest and be free.
Thobile: No what do you mean? You better not die.
Sonto: I have been holding on for you to come back my baby; I am inpain!
Thobile: Mama; I don’t understand why you did what you did but I forgive you and I
would love for us to have another chance.
Sonto: Maybe in another life my angel; thank you for forgiving and freeing my spirit.
Why does it look like you are pregnant?
Thobile: Didn’t you know? I thought you were aware of that before I left.


Sonto: Never mind me; it is probably the medication making me drowsy. So tell me
about this boy that made you to pack your bags and run with him.
Thobile: I didn’t run with him; I just needed some time away to process everything.
Well; as for my partner; in short I can say that he is annoying; he’s hilarious, he
makes me yell, he drives me crazy, he is out of his crazy mind but he is everything
that I want. His arms are strong enough to hold every fear; every beautiful broken
piece of me. This man doesn’t just make me feel complete; he completes me.
Sonto: He sounds like a good man and you also sound happy with him.
Thobile: I am; although we have our ups and downs but we are really good together.
I cannot wait for you to meet him and our son.
Sonto: You are having a son?
Thobile: Yes; that’s what the scan says.
Sonto: I am so happy for you; I know that you are going to be a good mother to him.
Thobile: Definitely; oh my God; I think he just kicked! Here; feel it.
She takes her mother’s hand and places it on her tummy; she smiles weakly.
Sonto: You are going to live long enough to see your boy grow into an amazing man;
he is also going to live and be a good child.
Thobile: Amen and amen; I receive those blessings! Thank you mama for that prayer
She doesn’t say anything; Thobile feels her hand shifting from her tummy and
panics. The machine starts beeping up like crazy all at once and the doctors invade
the room and ask her to step aside, she is a crying mess!
Thobile: Mama; please do not do this to me!
The doctors look at her with so much pity and touches her shoulders.
Doctor: I am sorry she has left us; I need to contact Mr Memela.
Thobile: ( wiping her tears) No; No please; I am going to tell him myself; do not call
Doctor: Ms…
Thobile: I am his daughter and today is his wedding day; please wait until tomorrow.
Doctor: In that case we understand and again; condolences to you and the whole
Thobile: Thank you doctor. I will come to sort out the paper work; I just need some
time with her.
Doctor: Of course; we will give you some space to say goodbye.
They walk away and leave her with the dead body; she steps closer and looks at her;
touching her forehead and closes her mouth and eyes.


Thobile: You look so peaceful salukazi sami. I am sorry I wasted the little time we
had to reconcile being angry but I am grateful that you waited for me and left after
making peace and blessing my child. I know you are going to be a great ancestor to
me and my son; thank you for coming back even though it was for a short space of
time. Rest in peace mama; we shall meet again.
She kisses her hand and walk away from the ward feeling a bit better; her mother
saw her and blessed her child. That alone is enough to comfort her through this
situation. After sorting out the necessary documents and filling up the information;
she heads to the car and fixes her make-up again before driving away.
The weeding is happening in some private guest house they booked; it is per
invitation only but she doesn’t experience any problems on her arrival. Most people
seems happy to see her having made it to the weeding and it comforts her to see
that no one is talking or asking her about that video.
She heads straight to where his father and his groomsmen are getting dressed and
preparing to leave. As she walks closer; she can hear the joyful noises and praises
coming from the room as the other men praises her father by his clan names.
Thobile: Knock-knock; can I come in?
Mpilo: Hawu; its Thobile!
He announces and Menziwa sprints free to come and gives her a tight hug; she
really needs it after the news of her long lost mother passing.
Menziwa: You made it?
Thobile: Of course I did baba; I couldn’t let you get married without your only
daughter being present.
Menziwa: Mafungwase kababa; I am so happy that you made it through my
daughter, thank you so much. This makes me so happy.
Thobile: It is a pleasure babami; congratulations on this day, you have done well,
Innocentia is a good woman. I am glad and happy that you have chosen to settle
down with her.
Menziwa: I am happy too. Are you okay though; your eyes look a bit puffy and red?
Thobile: I am fine father; it is probably lack of sleep that makes me like that.
Menziwa: Oh the jet-leg neh?
She almost says no and quickly remembers that he doesn’t know that she has been
in a country for over a week now so she agrees to that and asks to excuse herself so
that she can go and check on Innocentia. She screams and hugs her so tight.
Innocentia: Oh my God; the Princess is here ya’ll, we can now get this wedding
started. Thank you for coming; we are going to talk more later.
Thobile: No problem; you look amazing.





Today will be
The happiest day
The happiest day of your life
You look so lovely
Just standing there
He's so lucky to have you as a wife
Just count your blessings
And feel the love
May your love be blessed
Coz you look so lovely
Standing there
He's so lucky to have you as his wife
It's your wedding day
Bayakushada namhlanje
It's your wedding day
Ba go nyala ka jeno

She looks like a dream as she walks out of the room she has been into, preparing
and all. Her mother couldn't be more proud of her daughter than she is today.

The ululations and singing is what activates the atmosphere. Umshado lento marn!
Her uncle walks with her to the aisle and hands her over to Menziwa.

He looks so happy and handsome, Thobile’s arrival is contributing to this laughter

she last heard when she was still around. That makes her happy as well, seeing her
back and supporting her father.

Menziwa: You look so beautiful.

Innocentia: Thank you babakhe, you look hot too.
Priest: Today we are gathered together in a wedding celebration of Innocentia
Khumalo and Menziwa Memela. These two met and decided to do a God thing,
getting married!


God loves marriages, hence he said in his word "zalanani nande", he further said a
man will leave his parents and home to be together with his wife. This Mr Memela,
means that Ms Khumalo here is your first responsibility.

You are commanded by the law and God himself to take care of her at all times and
cost, put her first and make her happy. Induku ayiwakhi umuzi. And back to you Ms
Khumalo, Mr Memela has chosen you to be his helper in navigating this life thing

Your duty as a wife is to submit to him and support him as he loves you abundantly.
The Bible says a wise woman builds her home but a foolish one destroys it.

There will be trials and tribulations in your marriages, that will not only test your faith
but your love. I want you to be geared up and be ready for such times when they
come. Remember the Bible says " Love one another" 1 Corinthians 13:4–8a
(ESV) Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant or
rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice
at wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth.

Without further-due, please say your vows so that we can pray and the celebration
can begin.

Innocentia is the first one to say her vows, she didn't write any and promised herself
that she was going to speak straight from the heart. She holds Menziwa's finger and

Innocentia: In your arms, I have found home

In your eyes, I have found compassion
In your heart, I have found love
In your soul, I have found a kindred spirit
You are my everything.
I promise faithfulness and patience, respect and lightheartedness, attentiveness and
I will celebrate your triumphs, and love you all the more for your failures.
This ring is a promise that you will never have to face the world alone. I love you..

The guests ululate and Menziwa drops a tear that she helps wipes while smiling.
Now it's his turn.

Menziwa: Mbulazi, Mntungwa, you know I am not good with my words but my
actions. I pledge to honour you, love you, and cherish you as my wife today and
every day. Today I say, "I do" but to me that means, "I will." I will take your hand and
stand by your side in the good and the bad. I dedicate myself to your happiness,
success, and smile.


Thank you for coming into my life and making it so beautiful, and restore my dignity
as a man again .I will love you forever.

Okay now she is the one chopping onions, his vows are short and beautiful, straight
to the heart.

Priest: With powers vested in me, I present to you Mr and Mrs Memela, you may
kiss the bride.

The part they always debated about, she always told him that she wants a simple
kiss not the swallowing of lips and saliva all over the place. He always laughed and
told her that he was going to give her a full french kiss, I mean she is his wife so why

But when they lips meet, he does the opposite and opts for the soft gentle kiss and
one on her forehead. He is smiling like an idiot and she knows that she is going to
pay for it later but she doesn't mind, as long as it's not during the people..imagine
watching the video and you see that bathong.




The past few months have been challenging but better. From dealing with rejection
to helping Zamani deal with his childhood trauma, to attending therapy sessions
together and to falling in love with him again.

She has seen him putting in the work and dedication into becoming a better man.
The motivational talks he does and starting a men group where they meet every
month to discuss their issues and help each other overcome them. They really have
grown so much as a couple and individuals, she couldn't be more proud.

The only issue that took long to clear was the intimacy, but he was patient enough to
allow her time to heal before they got to engage in it again. At first it was very
awkward but as time went by, her body relaxed and gradually embraced him.

Sinazo has made peace with her and they are back to being good friends like before.
She doesn't talk about Zamani but it is not a secret that she doesn't like him, just
tolerates him for her sake.



She is happy in her relationship with Ifeanyi, he relocated to South Africa and are
doing great together. Her parents don't know that she is doing vat and sit with Ifeanyi
and she is doing a great job at keeping that a secret.

Ai bo, it is so amazing waking up next to your man everyday. They have been
married for years so they should understand this.

Speaking of marriage, Ifeanyi wants to go that route but she doesn't know how her
family is going to react to her marrying shortly after university and to a foreign man.
But hey, Love conquers everything, they are going to definitely find a way.



After her mother's passing, she thought she wasn't going to know happiness as she
felt guilty for not forgiving her earlier but who was she fooling? Akin made sure that
she was happy all the time.

She finished her course and graduated while heavily pregnant, she went to labour
during the celebration and her family named her son " Graduation" . She doesn't
want that name but Menziwa uses it every now and then.

Today is their movie night with Akin and the child is going to stay behind with a last
minute hired babysitter because no one was available to look after him as they made

She tried Innocentia but she told her that she had other plans, like Luyanda, so a
babysitter was the last option. Now she fully understands why Akin is always
pestering her about getting a nanny, in times like this it would have come so handy

Thobile: Why is it so empty here?

She asks as they walk through the 3D cinema room.

Akin: Well maybe it's because I booked the entire place for us.
Thobile: Ncooh, that's so sweet. Maybe we can have sex in here.


He coughs dramatically and drags her to sit down as the screen lights up. Instead of
a movie, their pictures, crazy videos including the Graduation and labour ward
moments play out.

She is aware of how he collected and kept all of these memories that a tear shed
down her face. She turns around to ask him how he put this one together and finds
him on his knee, with a ring. She screams.

Akin:When I first saw you, I felt like I knew you, and I couldn’t stop seeing my life
with you, and building a family together. One that isn’t stuck in the pain of the past.
It’s very pretty.
You healed pieces of me I didn’t know needed healing. You cared for me when I
didn’t know I could use that extra love. You brought out the happiness in me I didn’t
know existed. You’ve made me feel more alive than ever.
I fell in love with you not knowing what love really was. I stayed in love with you
because there’s no one or nothing I’ve ever wanted more than you. I will forever be
in love with you because I can’t picture even a second of my life without you.

Please make me the happiest man in the world and agree to be my wife. Please
marry me.

Thobile: (covering her mouth) Oh my God Akin, you are so sneaky! Yes, I will marry
you baby, I will marry you baba ka Nathan!

Suddenly, there's cheering up and ululations as they kiss after he slid the ring on her
finger. Her family and friends show up from wherever they were hiding in the room
and celebrate with them.

Innocentia: Congratulations dead daughter, although you almost made a second

baby right here.
Thobile:(laughing shyly) I thought we were alone…
Luyanda: Congratulations guys, your love story is beautiful. I want me a LOVE THIS

*************THE END********************
( Apologies for the delay of release family, I encountered so many problems with this
story but I'm grateful to see the end of it and for your patience.

On to the next one, nize ningadinwa yimi. Thank you for your love and support. Don't
forget to leave a smallanyana review in our WhatsApp group.

Feb WhatsApp story starts on the 6th, book your seats!)



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