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This begins in a massive crowd of about 10,000 people. You’re

packed shoulder to shoulder, you can’t move without moving
someone else. The UCS Secops are starting to move in on
THE PROTESTERS to try and kettle them. A motorcycle
plows through the crowd and Shade pulls one of the PCs to
safety. She points out Duzi_768 and says he’s working with
the cops and She needs the PC to prove it. Shade has put a
tracker on Duzi and hands off a chip THE PC CAN USE TO
PLCAE, then disappears into the crowd as another flash
bang goes off nearby.
INSTRUCTIONS: Get video evidence that Duzi is turning info
over to the UCS Secops. Shade will pay 500 credits if the
PCs can follow Duzi and record him working with the cops.
The meeting place for payment is in the Laketon subway
station in 24 hours.

Shade was a well known

revolutionary leader until
Duzi_786 (a riot-streamer)
embarrassed her on the net and
ruined her reputation. Now
Shade wants revenge.

Duzi_786 is a riot-streamer who

claims he’s a journalist. He
shows up at riots to broadcast
the chaos on the net. His whole
claim is that he’s always
“Impartial” although he clearly

Duzi is constantly
accompanied by PHIX, a
muscled out cyber_psycho
who defends him to the
1. Secops launch a Red Pain gas canister. Toughness DR12 or D6
Damage for 6 rounds unless you leave the area or use a gas mask.
2. Found something useful on the ground. Roll on the pocket lint table
(11-16 revolutionary propaganda tract)
3. Fight breaks out between two rival Punks; you get shoved in the
chaos. Roll initiative
4. Secops start shoving people back. Test strength or agility DR12 or
be knocked down. You are being TRAMPLED. Take D4 damage
each round. It’s a DR16 strength or agility check to get back up. If
someone takes a turn to help you it’s DR8.
5. Secops launch a flashbang next to you. Test toughness DR12 or
+4DR for D4 rounds
6. Secops fire indiscriminately into the crowd. Defend, then roll
7. The crowd overwhelms 4 Secops and are beating them badly. Roll
D6 to loot them
1- Shock Stick
2- Bio/ID scanner
3- Flashbangs x2
4- A flier drone and control module
5- Assault rifle with grenade launcher
6- A key card that can open D4 security systems
before it’s shut off.
8. Secops set off an EMP blast nearby. All tech malfunctions for D4
9. Someone offers you drugs! Choose Red Juice, Adrenochrome,
Bullseye, or C/Vortex. First hit is free, more at market price.
10. The Secops start breaking through the frontline. In the chaos
the PCs can pull a stranger to safety. Test Strength DR14 to save
them. That Punk is loyal to the PCs now!
Random Punk
HP: 6, Morale 7, No Armor
Spiked Bat (D3)
Knows one useful thing per day
MEDIC - To call for a medic roll a
D4. on an even number they are
close by. Spend one round moving
to “safety” and one round being
treated. They have a first aid kit and
they can stop bleeding / infection
and heal D6 HP. You can spend 10
minutes resting with the medic to
restore another D4 HP.
The Riot can last as long as
you want. when it’s time to
wrap it up Duzi and PHIX
move out of the crowd and
the police bring out two
Mechs or Gunships to start
mowing people down.

If they manage to track Duzi

out of the riot, they can
follow him into a nearby
subway platform and they
catch him entering a secret
Secops intel station where
he is welcomed in by the on
duty investigator.
While the players get video of
Duzi talking with the Secops
they are confronted by PHIX.
he saw them tailing Duzi. He
drags them into the Secops
station to talk.

Once inside, Duzi and

the investigator try to
get the players to give
up their employer. They
eventually offer the
players double the
reward to turn in Shade.

If the players won’t cooperate they can call Shade AND

her lawyer gets them released. Shade then meets them
with the promised payment. If they take the offer they
are free to go, but their reputations are ruined and
Shade is after them!
HP: 14, Morale: 9, UCS Riot Gear (-d4)
UCS Protector SMG (D6a)
D4-1 Flashbangs

Random Rioter (roll one D4)

HP: 6, Morale (D4+2), No Armor
(D4) Weapon:
1. Fists Only (D2)
2. Improvised weapon (D3)
3. Machete (D6)
4. 9mm pistol (D6a)

HP: 14, Morale - Mostly Metal (-D4)
Cyberblade (D6)
Pneumatic Glove (D6)
Attacks twice per round. Defense against
Phix is DR14, attacks are DR10.

HP: 4, Morale 2 (if PHIX isn’t around)
Style Guard (-D2)
Body Camera
Mini Spy Drone
Taser (D2)



RIOT & BLACKMAIL is an independent production by +GOOD and is not affiliated with
Stockholm Kartell. It is published under the CY_BORG Third Party License. CY_BORG IS
Thanks For Playing!
I hope you enjoyed the game. This is the part of the Zine that
gets political so if you’re bothered by things like that you can
just stop reading now.

The Cy_Borg world is fun partly because it’s an exaggerated

parody of the one we live in. It can be fun to play around in
made-up situations like the one in this zine, but police violence
against political protesters is a very real problem in the world.
People are feeling less and less like their voices matter, like
they have no control over the conditions of their own lives.
Politics is corrupted, and the institutions we put our faith in
are failing left and right. Many people are taking to the streets
all over the world and, instead of the state hearing and
responding to the voices of their people, they meet them with
repressive police violence. In America, the militarization of
police forces is on the rise. The state has begun imprisoning
political opponents and attempting to charge them with “Domestic
Terrorism” or RICO charges for constitutionally protected acts of
protest. Not to mention the endless cases of police violence,
extrajudicial killings, unlawful surveillance, harassment and
intimidation of political activists by law enforcement throughout
American history.

We have to fight this state repression and violence wherever and

however we can. Maybe it’s emailing your reps, maybe it’s going
to meetings, maybe it’s getting out in the street. However you
want to do it, please DO IT. You don’t have to do it alone, find
local organizations for causes you care about and get involved
with them. It’s going to take everyone working together to build
a better world. And remember, no good cops, no bad protesters, we
keep us safe!
allow demonstrators to take
action without fear of immediate
identification. If you choose to
wear a mask, do it right:
It's not enough to cover half your face. even if you get away, the police may use photos or
video to charge you later. Cover your hair, face, arms, and hands. Cloth gloves are best. Take out
piercings. Make sure there are no identifying features on your clothes, shoes, or backpack. If you
bring any materials with you, wipe them down with rubbing alcohol first to get the prints off. Don't
bring anything you don't need.

If possible, come to the demonstration with a small group of people you trust. Choose your crew based on shared
intentions, not just friendship. you are there to have each other's back in the street and follow up if one of
you gets arrested or hurt. Strangers need to protect each other too. Stay physically close, not spread out, so that if police
try to enter the crowd, you can "accidentally" get in their way. The front of the march might need to slow down while the
back catches up. Stay moving, though: a tight, mobile crowd is difficult to surround or disperse.


always wear "civilian clothes" under your hoodie so that you can de-bloc and blend in with a crowd or smoothly walk away. Keep
an eye out for danger zones and escape routes. If things heat up, stay calm and act decisively. Commit to your exit when you decide
you're done. Sometimes you have to sprint and hide; sometimes, you just step onto the sidewalk and remove your mask. you can de-
bloc in the middle of a friendly crowd if you're sure you are well screened.

Bragging and storytelling are natural, but they're easy to use against us. If you have to talk, choose someone
trustworthy who was with you in the streets. Don't post anything on Facebook that you wouldn't show a cop. The same
goes for Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr. remember that police will read your texts and call-log if they arrest you.


If you are arrested, invoke your right to remain absolutely
silent. name, address, and no more.

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