Enzymatic Isolation

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Die Angewandte Makromolekulare Chemie 268 (1999) 59–68 (Nr.

4667) 59

Mild enzymatic isolation of mannan and glucan from yeast

Saccharomyces cerevisiae

Franziskus Kath, Werner-Michael Kulicke*

Institut für Technische und Makromolekulare Chemie, Universität Hamburg,
Bundesstrasse 45, D-20146 Hamburg, Germany
(Received 9 February 1999)

SUMMARY: An enzymatic procedure to isolate polysaccharides from the yeast saccharomyces cerevisiae
was developed which would both be environmentally friendly and preserve the native structure of the poly-
mers. Two proteases and three enzyme cocktails were employed.
To isolate the cell wall polysaccharides, the cell walls were first separated from the internal components by
mechanical cell disruption. The quality of cell disruption was investigated for four types of glass beads with
diameters from 0.25 – 1.5 mm and monitored via the inner cellular proteins released. With large glass beads
(Ø = 0.75 – 1.5 mm) both brewer’s and baker’s yeast cells exhibited more than 90% cell disruption after as
little as 12 min, whereas disruption was still incomplete with smaller beads. The isolated cell wall material
was purified on microporous membranes, freeze-dried and then incubated with enzymes. Proteases caused
protein lysis in the outer cell wall and released soluble mannan. The insoluble glucan was separated by cen-
trifugation and the mannan was purified by dialysis or chromatography.
In the digestion with proteases, complete conversion was achieved at concentrations higher than
240 mg g–1 of cell wall material within 26 h. Cell walls from baker’s yeast had to undergo a preliminary
extraction with petroleum ether. Complete conversion was only possible with one of the enzyme cocktails
investigated, and this was achieved after as little as 6 h for cell walls from both baker’s and brewer’s yeast.
The activity of the two other enzyme cocktails investigated was weaker, with brewer’s yeast cell walls gener-
ally reacting more readily than those of baker’s yeast.

ZUSAMMENFASSUNG: Im Hinblick auf die Entwicklung umweltfreundlicher Verfahren und den Schutz
der nativen Polymerstruktur wurde ein enzymatisches Verfahren zur Isolierung von Polysacchariden aus der
Hefe Saccharomyces cerevisiae entwickelt. Eingesetzt wurden zwei Proteasen sowie drei Enzymcocktails.
Zur enzymatischen Gewinnung der Zellwand-Polysaccharide wurden zunächst die Zellwände durch einen
mechanischen Zellaufschluß vom Zellinneren getrennt. Die Aufschlußgüte wurde für vier Glasperlensorten
mit Durchmessern von 0,25 – 1,5 mm untersucht und anhand der freigesetzten innerzellulären Proteine kon-
trolliert. Sowohl für Brauereihefezellen als auch Bäckerhefezellen zeigte sich mit großen Glasperlen
(Ø = 0,75 – 1,5 mm) bereits nach 12 min ein mehr als 90proz. Zellaufschluß, während bei kleineren Glasper-
len der Aufschluß noch unvollständig war. Das gewonnene Zellwandmaterial wurde an mikroporösen Mem-
branen gewaschen, gefriergetrocknet und anschließend mit Enzymen umgesetzt. Proteasen zerstörten in der
äußeren Zellwand die Proteinmatrix und setzten lösliches Mannan frei. Das unlösliche Glucan wurde durch
Zentrifugieren abgetrennt und das Mannan durch Dialyse oder Chromatographie gereinigt.
Bei Umsetzung mit Proteasen war vollständiger Umsatz ab einer Konzentration von 240 mg g–1 Zellwand-
material in 26 h möglich. Zellwände aus Bäckerhefe mußten zuvor mit Petrolether extrahiert werden. Von
den untersuchten Enzymcocktails war nur mit einem ein vollständiger Umsatz möglich, der aber sowohl für
Bäckerhefezellwände als auch für Brauereihefezellwände schon nach 6 h erreicht wurde. Die Aktivität der
beiden anderen untersuchten Enzymcocktails war schwächer, wobei sich Brauereihefezellwände generell bes-
ser umsetzen ließen als Bäckerhefezellwände.

Introduction mental influences or ageing, the immune system is wea-

The World Health Organisation (WHO) is expecting an kened2). This enables pathogens to reproduce and cause
increase of epidemic proportions in cancer and other dis- damage. Active ingredients are thus being sought that are
eases of civilization over the next two decades1). The able to modify the body’s own defence mechanism and
cause of this is the dramatic increase in life expectancy may be termed ‘biological response modifiers’ 3). These
and the continuous rise in environmental pollution. If a include mannans and b-1,3-D-glucans, the action of which
host organism is exposed to stress, the strains of environ- has been the subject of intensive investigation in recent
* Correspondence author.

Die Angewandte Makromolekulare Chemie 268 i WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH, D-69451 Weinheim 1999 0003-3146/99/0607–0059$17.50+.50/0
60 F. Kath, W.-M. Kulicke

decades4). They occur in microorganisms as exopolysac- Scheme 1: Structure of a yeast cell The cell wall consists of
charides or cell wall polysaccharides5). Today there is two layers: on the outside there is a mannoprotein complex, on
already on the market a substantial range of immune- the inside is the b-1,3-D-glucan as a structural polymer.
stimulating fungi glucans. In the western world they have
hitherto only been employed for healing wounds and to
combat viral and bacterial infections6) as classical school
medicine is still preferred in these field. However, in
Japan these products are already being used as adjuvants
in cancer therapy7). Numerous in vitro tests on isolated
immune cells as well as in vivo tests on mice, rats and
higher mammals have in some cases demonstrated a
stronger stimulating effect of the glucan6, 8). b-1,3-D-glu-
can from the cell wall of baker’s yeast (Saccharomyces
cerevisiae), in particular, exhibits a strongly stimulating
effect9). This glucan is extracted chemically. However, as
it is insoluble in water, numerous procedures for manu-
facturing a water-soluble derivative have been devel-
oped10), which have enabled side-effects to be eliminated
and the activity to be increased9). One side-effect of the
process of glucan extraction is the release of mannan, for
which there is also documentary evidence of an immuno- polysaccharide and in the inner cell membrane and
modulatory potential11–14). accounts for 20 – 50% of the mass22). First studies in 1937
By employing drastic reaction conditions in the chemical were only able to detect the a-1,6 linkages of the main
extraction and in derivatization, the glucan is in some cases chain23), whereas it later became possible by means of
severely degraded15, 16). However, as the molar mass has a methylation analysis to identify a-1,3 and a-1,2 linkages as
significant effect on the immunological activity8), this study well23). The many individual aspects relating to the structure
will attempt to reduce the drastic conditions in isolating the of the mannoprotein complex have been compiled and pub-
polysaccharides. In addition, an examination will be under- lished in two review articles by Ballou et al.22, 24). Mannan is
taken as to whether brewer’s yeast is suitable as a substrate linked to a peptide basic chain as an oligomer or polymer25).
for extracting biologically active polysaccharides. Brew- The complex consists of 5% to 50% protein. Oligomeric
er’s yeast is also a species of Saccharomyces cerevisiae and mannan is bonded directly to serine and threonine26),
as a waste product of the brewery industry it is available as a whereas polymeric mannan is bonded to asparagine via N-
bulk raw material at very reasonable prices. acetylglucosamine22).
In 1937 the molar mass of mannan was determined as
100 000 g mol–1 with osmometry23) and as 76 000 g mol–1
Structure of the yeast cell
with ultracentrifugation25). After enzymatic digestion a
The precise structure and composition of the yeast is mannan with a molar mass of 180 000 g mol–1 was iso-
strongly dependent on the culture conditions17). A shortage lated, but which had a protein content of 10%27). Phos-
of amino acids, for instance, reduces the protein content in phate groups were also found at the C6 position of the
the cell wall. Yeast is a unicellular organism with a rigid mannose25), and they were found to occur on average at
cell wall made of polysaccharides. The cell is oval to every 15th mannose unit28). The picture of the inner struc-
round and has a diameter of 5 – 13 lm. Scheme 1 shows a ture of the mannan component is published in the two
picture of the yeast cell, as described in the literature. review articles by Ballou et al.22, 24) and shown in
The cell wall, which is ca. 70 nm thick, accounts for Scheme 2.
approx. 20% of the cell’s weight18). A layered structure is Overall, the mannoprotein can be divided into three
assumed on the basis of electron micrographs19). The different regions: the peptide chain, the core region, and
main components of the cell wall are mannan 31%, pro- the external chain in which the polymeric fraction is
tein 13%, lipids 9%, glucan 29% and chitin 1 – 2%19, 20). located.
The chitin here is located entirely in the budding scar21).

The mannoprotein complex The glucan of the cell wall

By definition, mannan is a polymer that is exclusively com- Glucan accounts for 30 – 60% of the dry matter. The
posed of mannose units. In yeast, mannan is associated with majority had 1,3-glycosidic linkages and only 10 – 20%
protein in both the external yeast cell wall as a mucigenous 1,6-glycosidic linkages29). 1,2 linkages could not be
Mild enzymatic isolation of mannan and glucan 61

Scheme 2: Sequence of the mannoprotein complex: the polymer mannan consists of

an a-1,6-glycosidic basic chain that carries a-1,2- and a-1,3-glycosidically linked oli-
gomannans as side groups. On the peptide chain oligomeric mannans are bonded
directly to the amino acids serine and threonine.

Scheme 3: The possible structure of the glucan; 1,3-glycosidic basic chains are
linked with one another via 1,6-glycosidic intermediate chains to form a three-dimen-
sional network.

found30). If glucan is treated with ca. 3% caustic soda at dic linkages34). Using electron micrographs it was possi-
75 8C, a maximum of one-third of the glucan goes into ble to demonstrate a fibrillar structure for the b-1,3 com-
solution31). The glucan can be subdivided into two com- ponent and an amorphous structure for the b-1,6 compo-
ponents: one that is insoluble in alkali (glucan A) and one nent35).
that is soluble (glucan B). Glucan A accounts for ca. 80 –
85% of the entire content and contains primarily 1,3-gly-
cosidic linkages as well as 3% 1,6-glycosidic linkages. Its Chitin and lipid in the cell wall
molar mass was determined as 240 000 g mol–1 32). At a
The chitin is located exclusively in the budding scar,
molar mass of 250 000 g mol–1, 15 – 20% of the entire glu-
where it forms a ring36). Tanner and Jung isolated the lipid
can is soluble in alkali (glucan B)33). 80 – 85% of the gly-
dolichol phosphate37), its yield is 3 mg kg–1 weight of wet
cosidic linkages are b-1,3, 8 – 12% are b-1,6-linked, and
yeast38). The lipid is linked to mannose via phosphate
3 – 4% of the glucose rings are branchings. The 1,6 lin-
kages are selectively hydrolysed by acetolysis. After this
the 1,3-glucan is soluble in DMSO. Consequently, the
1,3-glucan chains must be linked to one another via 1,6
intermediate chains31). Scheme 3 shows a proposed struc- Enzymes
ture for the glucan of the yeast cell wall. This study employed, on the one hand, specific enzymes
Enzymatic degradation of the 1,3-glycosidic linkages (proteases P1 from SIGMA and P2 from Merck) with pre-
yields a water-soluble b-1,6-glucan with a degree of poly- cisely defined lytic activity and, on the other hand, non-
merization, P, of 130 – 140 (molar mass L
21 000 – specific enzymes, so-called enzyme cocktails. Several
23 000 g mol–1) and a small proportion of b-1,3-glycosi- enzyme activities are required for complete hydrolysis of
62 F. Kath, W.-M. Kulicke

Fig. 1. Monitoring the quality of the disruption broth by means of the intracellular
proteins liberated as a function of the time and the diameter of the glass beads.

a yeast cell: a protease and a b-1,3-glucanase are abso- for obtaining proteins have been compiled in several
lutely necessary, mannanases and chitinases are also fre- review articles44, 45).
quently found39). Amongst the non-specific enzymes, Various homogenizers are generally employed in order
three enzyme cocktails were employed: EC1, an enzyme to extract large quantities of intracellular enzymes46–49);
cocktail from Helix pomatia (Merck), EC2 an enzyme Schütte et al., however, developed a method to disrupt
cocktail from Cytophaga sp. (Merck) and EC3, Lyticase yeast cells on an analytical scale50, 51). This involves mix-
(SIGMA). These enzyme systems have been used to ing a suspension of yeast cells with glass beads and shak-
extract mannan and glucose. ing them at high frequency in a vibration mill. Very high
shear forces are generated between the glass beads which
Results and discussion result in the yeast cells being torn apart50). The cell walls
can be separated by centrifugation or filtration on micro-
porous membranes. Intracellular protein is found in the
Separation of the cell components
supernatant and the cell walls are found in the sediment.
Diverse disruption methods were developed to extract the The proteins liberated from the contents of the cell can
yeast contents. One feature they all have in common is be detected quantitatively by staining them with Coomas-
separation of the two main components, glucan and man- sie Blue (Bradford test52)). Fig. 1 shows the photometric
nan. In recent times the procedure has been specially curves of the cell broths for brewer’s and baker’s yeast
directed towards isolation of glucans. Due to its rheologi- cells, which were disrupted with glass beads of various
cal properties and its indigestibility in the human organ- diameters. As the duration of disruption increases, the
ism, the particulate b-1,3-glucan can be employed in diet- concentration of proteins in the cell supernatant rises and
ary foodstuffs as a thickener40) or fat substitute41). As with it the depth of colour. A plateau value is established
knowledge of the immune-stimulating properties of glu- after a certain time, which is designated as the maximum
cans increases, work on synthesizing pharmaceutically disruption quality. In order to monitor the disruption qual-
pure glucan from yeast is forging ahead, particularly in ity, samples were taken out of each of the mill containers
the research group around Williams9, 16, 42, 43). at various times and the protein content was determined
in accordance with the Bradford test52).
The glass beads with the smallest diameter (0.25 –
Mechanical yeast cell disruption 0.5 mm) are not suitable for the disruption, as even after
With the growing need for biotechnological products, 60 min 90% of the maximum protein quantity still had
biological methods have been developed in addition to not been released. Almost identical curves are found for
the chemical and physical in order to obtain valuable pro- the glass beads with diameters of 0.75 – 1.0 mm and 1.0 –
ducts from microorganisms. Particular attention has been 1.5 mm. After as little as 12 min a disruption quality of
focussed on isolating enzymes and proteins, e. g. from more than 90% was achieved. Hence, isolation of the
yeast. In chemical disruption methods, proteins or yeast cell walls was carried out exclusively with glass
enzymes are often denatured. This is the reason why mild beads of at least 0.75 mm diameter and disruption was
procedures are required, such as the biological or continued for at least 15 min. As the autolytic activity of
mechanical. The biological procedures include for yeast sets in at higher temperatures33), the cell suspension
instance autolysis or digestion with enzyme systems that and the mill beaker were cooled to 5 – 10 8C. After a dis-
break down yeast cells. The various disruption methods ruption time of 60 min the temperature inside the mill
Mild enzymatic isolation of mannan and glucan 63

Fig. 2. Electron micrographs of yeast cells; 1. baker’s yeast, killed off with methanol; 2. brewer’s
yeast; 3. brewer’s yeast after mechanical cell disruption; 4. mechanically disrupted cells after

beaker was only 20 8C, so that there is no fear of damage polysaccharides that can be isolated from this procedure,
to the polysaccharide by autolysis or heat generation. the deterioration in native structure is negligible.
Electron micrographs were taken in order to determine Further processing of the cell walls in enzymatic diges-
the effects of the mechanical disruption on the structure tion was carried out exclusively with the freeze-dried cell
of the yeast cellsa. Fig. 2 shows various photographs of wall material.
yeast cells.
The first picture shows baker’s yeast which was killed
off with methanol. The second shows cells from the
ready-to-pitch yeast. The baker’s yeast cells are firm and Enzymatic digestion of yeast cell walls
round, whereas the brewer’s yeast clearly exhibits defor- The cell wall material obtained was reacted with different
mations on the cells. This is presumably due to the brew- enzymes to obtain the polysaccharides. Scheme 4 is a
ing process, in which the pH value falls during fermenta- schematic picture of the procedure employed. Protease is
tion, which leads to a deterioration in the physiological employed to isolate the glucan and thus destroys the
condition of the yeast. The third shows the sediment of a matrix of the mannoprotein complex. This results in man-
mechanical cell disruption, in which there is no recogniz- nan detaching itself from the cell wall and going into
able cell structure whatsoever. However, freeze-drying solution. Polymeric glucan, which is insoluble, is left
this material yields the fourth picture. The cells may behind. It can be easily separated by centrifugation. In
appear somewhat “shrivelled” because the water has been addition to the enzyme, the supernatant also contains
drawn off, but they still have their full shape. Conse- small peptide residues as well as oligomeric and poly-
quently, the cells were only torn up but not broken down meric mannan. Dialysis or chromatography can be
into small fragments. Hence, in terms of the quality of the employed to free the mannan or supernatant resulting

The yeast cell suspension is located to a large extent in the interstitial volume of the glass beads. This is why the sum of the
percentages is greater than 100%.
64 F. Kath, W.-M. Kulicke

Scheme 4: Principle of enzymatic digestion; protease action

yields glucan and mannan, glucanase action yields the mannan
or mannoprotein.

Fig. 3. Influence of the enzyme quantity in mg on the reduc-

tion in optical density during the reaction of 1 g of brewer’s
yeast cell walls with enzyme cocktail P2.

from centrifugation from the oligomeric components and

If a glucanase is employed, it is able to hydrolyse the
glucan from the inner side of the cell wall. Provided the
glucanase is free of protease activity, oligomeric glucan
fragments and intact soluble mannoprotein are obtained.
Mannoprotein is in fact only insoluble when linked to the
glucan of the cell wall.

Separation of the cell wall components with specific

Proteases and glucanases are enzymes with a specific Fig. 4. Decrease in the optical density of the reaction mixture
action. The action of proteases will be described first. during reactions of baker’s yeast cell walls (bacw) with enzyme
The two proteases P1 and P2 are used for this purpose. cocktail P1.
The substrate is provided by the cell walls of brewer’s
and baker’s yeast as well as, in individual cases, the intact employed, the pattern of the curve is identical. After ca.
living yeast cells. Progress of the reaction was monitored 24 h a plateau value is more or less attained. With sub-
photometrically by means of the reduction in optical den- stantial quantities of enzymes the reaction should have
sity at a wavelength of 600 nm53, 54). As the conversion reached completion whereas complete conversion will
increased, the extinction value decreased. not yet have been achieved with smaller quantities of
The first objective was to determine the optimal reac- enzymes. Therefore, in order to ensure complete reaction,
tion conditions. After specification of the pH value and 240 mg/g of cell walls was employed.
the temperature, the most important variables are the time If only mannans are to be extracted, which are in fact
and enzyme quantity. The influence of these two param- located in the external cell wall, it is also conceivable to
eters on the reaction rate is shown in Fig. 3, where the react proteases with the intact yeast cells. In the case of
reduction in extinction as a function of time was moni- baker’s yeast absolutely no reduction in the extinction
tored for various enzyme quantities. was observed. For this reason baker’s yeast was investi-
In order to be able to compare the different reactions gated in more detail and only the cell walls extracted
with one another, the curves were normalized. This mechanically were reacted with P1. Fig. 4 shows the
involved dividing each extinction value by the value at result of the reaction. Even if the cell walls of baker’s
the start of the reaction. Hence all the curves begin at an yeast are reacted with P1, no reduction in the extinction
extinction of 1.0. As the enzyme quantity increases, the is found. Apparently, interference with the attack of the
curve is found to drop more rapidly. However, beyond an enzyme P1 has occurred. Lipids37) are located in the cell
enzyme quantity of 240 mg/g of cell walls no further wall that disrupt the enzyme attack55). Hence reaction
increase can be achieved, even when 480 mg of P2 is should be possible after extraction of the lipids.
Mild enzymatic isolation of mannan and glucan 65

In order to confirm this, the cell walls of the baker’s

yeast were stirred at room temperature in petroleum ether
and then reacted with the P1 again. But here too no
decrease in extinction over time was observed. Not until
the cell walls have been extracted for 20 h with petroleum
ether at 70 8C is any clear reduction found in the extinc-
tion during the enzyme action. The lipid layer located on
the baker’s yeast would therefore appear to be responsible
for the resistance to P1. However, if the lipids are
removed by extraction, reaction is then possible in an
analogous manner to that of the brewer’s yeast cell walls.
Presumably this problem does not occur in the case of
Fig. 5. Reaction of brewer’s (brcw) and baker’s (bacw) yeast
brewer’s yeast because alcohol is formed during the fer- cell walls as well as reactivated (reac.) baker’s and brewer’s
mentation process, which results in the cell wall lipids yeast cells with different batches of the EC2 enzyme system.
being transferred to the beer.

Separation of the cell wall components with enzyme

Apart from the specific enzymes, enzyme cocktails can
also be employed. They contain mixtures of various pro-
teases and glucanases and are thus able to completely
hydrolyse the yeast cells. When enzyme cocktail EC1
was reacted with baker’s yeast cell walls, only a slight
reduction in the optical density was observed, and this
could not even be accelerated by degreasing the cell walls
(not shown in a figure here). The best conversion rates
were achieved with cell walls from brewer’s yeast as a
substrate. However, even after 27 h no plateau value had Fig. 6. Decrease in the optical density during the reaction of
brewer’s and baker’s yeast cell walls with EC3.
been attained, which is why two further enzyme cocktails
were used.
EC2 is another enzyme cocktail. The decrease in opti- The reactivated yeast cells were centrifuged and reacted
cal density during the reaction of yeast cells and cell immediately with the enzyme system. If the resistance of
walls with this enzyme system is shown in Fig. 5. the cells was attributable to the poor physiological state of
First, baker’s yeast cells were reacted with EC2, with the yeast, then the yeast cells would have to successfully
no decrease whatsoever being observed in the optical react with the enzyme. But here too no decrease in the opti-
density of the suspension (Batch 1). To examine whether cal density was seen over a period of 30 h.
the enzyme is active at all or whether the enzymatic When only the isolated cell walls were reacted with
activity has possibly been destroyed by incorrect storage, EC2, a weak decrease in the optical density was found,
for example, a second reaction was carried out with the which could not even be improved by prior degreasing.
enzyme from a different batch (Batch 2). No decrease in Therefore the reaction was presumably attributable to the
optical density was observed here, either. glucanase activity because in the case of the cell walls, in
As aged yeast cells are known to form a thicker and contrast to the intact cells, an attack on the glucan can
more resistant cell wall structure, attempts were made to take place from the inner side of the cell wall.
improve the physiological condition of the baker’s yeast. Only in the case of brewer’s yeast cells did the reaction
Compressed baker’s yeast is in a physiologically poor proceed without any problems, even though the level of
condition with a very low metabolic output56). For this the plateau value is relatively high. The decrease in opti-
reason a sample of baker’s yeast was reactivated (aerobi- cal density was only 30%, which is less than in protease
cally) for 24 h in a nutrient solution to which oxygen was reactions, where the decrease was 75%.
added. The improvement in physiological condition was EC3 is another enzyme cocktail. The decrease in optical
shown by the metabolic output. The ability to liberate car- density during the reaction of cell walls from brewer’s and
bon dioxide was distinctly higher after 24 h, as demon- baker’s yeasts with this enzyme system is shown in Fig. 6.
strated by the greater degree of bubble formation and An identical curve pattern is found for the cell walls
frothing of the suspension on stirring. from both yeasts. The plateau value is attained in as little
66 F. Kath, W.-M. Kulicke

1. In the case of the specific enzymes, complete reac-

tion of cell walls from brewer’s yeast with P1 and P2 is
possible within 24 h. Baker’s yeast cell walls can only be
reacted after prior degreasing.
2. The EC1 enzyme system displays very little lytic
activity. The EC2 enzyme cocktail displays a similarly
low lytic activity with brewer’s yeast cell walls, which
comes to a standstill in reaction with baker’s yeast and
baker’s yeast cell walls. Even degreasing the baker’s
yeast cell walls does not produce any success in this case.
3. High lytic activity is only found for the EC3 enzyme
cocktail, which enables almost complete lysis of brewer’s
and baker’s yeast cell walls after only a few h, even with-
out degreasing.
4. If a long reaction period is allowed, it is possible to
achieve lysis of cell walls with certain industrial cellu-
lases, which apparently have b-1,3-glucanase and pro-
Fig. 7. Decrease in optical density during reactions of baker’s
yeast or 1 g each of cell walls from brewer’s (brcw) and baker’s
tease secondary activities.
(bacw) yeast with different quantities of cellulase in mg. 5. In general the cell walls from brewer’s yeast can be
digested more easily than those from baker’s yeast, which
as 5 h. In this enzyme system there are either lipases or first have to be degreased. In terms of completeness of
the protease activity is not disrupted by adhering lipids on reaction within an acceptable time, reactions with P1 and
the baker’s yeast cell walls, as was found for reactions EC3 are preferable. With the other enzyme systems the
between baker’s yeast cell walls and P1 (cf. Fig. 6). reaction within a period of 24 h are too low to practicably
The final example of an enzyme cocktail investigated achieve disintegration.
was industrial cellulase. Reaction of yeast cells with cel- However, photometric monitoring of the reaction alone
lulase is conceivable because industrial enzymes fre- is not sufficient to assess the quality of enzymatic conver-
quently do not have a particularly high degree of purity. sion, as, for instance, it is not possible to assess the level
Consequently, there are always various secondary activ- of purity and the molar masses with which the polysac-
ities that might be exploited for reactions. The advantage charides can be isolated. Therefore, the isolated fractions
of the enzyme is its low price. The reaction of baker’s were characterized by methods of polymer analysis, the
yeast and yeast cell walls from brewer’s and baker’s yeast report of which will also be published shortly.
with cellulase is shown in Fig. 7.
The curves for both intact cells and cell walls from Experimental
baker’s yeast display identical patterns. Consequently,
protease activity must also be present in addition to the
Preliminary purification of the brewer’s yeast
known b-1,3-glucanase activity, otherwise the intact cells
would not be hydrolysed. Overall the decrease in optical In order to obtain the polysaccharides, spent brewer’s yeast
density was only weak even over a period of more than were primarily employed in addition to baker’s yeast. This
comes from the brewing cycle as ready-to-pitch yeast or
60 h, and in addition no plateau value is attained.
compressed surplus yeast and therefore first had to be freed
The influence of the enzyme quantity is also illustrated of beer and hop residues. For this purpose the yeast was first
by reactions with brewer’s yeast cell walls in Fig. 7. If sieved (mesh width 125 lm, Retsch analytical sieve). The
the quantity of enzyme is increased, then no rise in the sieved yeast was centrifuged, the supernatant discarded and
reaction rate is observed above 200 mg/g of cell walls. the sediment resuspended in water. The procedure was
However, a plateau value is not attained until after repeated three times. The content of dry matter of the reacti-
approx. 50 – 60 h. Yet the reactions with cell walls from vated yeast was 12 – 15%, of which ca. 1 – 2% are accounted
brewer’s yeast proceeds much better than with those from for by hop residues. Baker’s and compressed yeast had a dry
baker’s yeast. Consequently, reaction with industrial cel- matter content of ca. 27 – 30%, the centrifuge sediment of ca.
lulase is in fact possible but time-consuming. 20%.

Summary of the enzyme activities Mechanical cell disruption

The reactions of yeast cells and cell walls with the The mechanical cell disruption is based on an analytical
enzymes and enzyme cocktails investigated may be sum- method by Schütte et al.50). For this purpose a 30% cell sus-
marized as follows: pension was prepared. With reference to the centrifuge sedi-
Mild enzymatic isolation of mannan and glucan 67

ment this corresponds to an initial weight of 1 g sediment in Enzymatic digestion with cellulase
2.5 mL suspension. For the baker’s yeast 1 g was weighed 250 mg of cell walls from brewer’s or baker’s yeast were
into 2.5 mL, which corresponds to a 40% suspension. A suspended in 10 mL citrate buffer, pH = 4.9 and conditioned
phosphate buffer was used in order to keep the pH value neu- to 37 8C. Up to 1 g/g of enzyme was added. Using chromato-
tral (13.7 g KH2PO4 , adjusted to pH = 7.5 with NaOH). The graphic separation it was possible to isolate 61 mg of a high-
total volume of the milling container was 86 mL.
73 mL 112.8 g glass beads (85% of the volume) were
molar-mass mannan.
mixed with 51 mL yeast suspension (60% of the volume)a.
The suspension was placed into the mill beaker through a
Monitoring the enzyme reactions
screw opening with a funnel, the beakers were suspended in
the vibration mill (Type MM 2000, Retsch) and agitated at The progress of enzyme reactions was monitored by obser-
the highest power setting for 15 min. Afterwards the contain- ving the reduction in optical density of the reaction mixture.
ers were opened and the glass beads were separated via a 100 lL of the reaction suspension was removed, placed in a
sieve, they were then rinsed with water and the filtrate was cuvette and diluted with 2 mL of water. The extinction was
centrifuged. The solid was resuspended and centrifuged sev- then determined immediately afterwards at 600 nm.
eral times and filtered on microporous membranes (pore size
0.65 lm; Minitan-S system, Millipore). The cell walls were This report was based on a project funded by the Federal Ger-
man Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Technology
washed with deionized water until the conductivity was less
under project code 0311141. Responsibility for the content of
than 20 lS mL–l. Approximately three times 500 mL were this publication rests with the author.
needed for this. After freeze-drying, 7.4 g of cell walls were
obtained by means of washing and centrifugation and 5.6 g
by separation on microporous membranes.
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