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Resources, Conservation & Recycling 197 (2023) 107072

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Circular economy initiatives are no guarantee for increased plastic

circularity: A framework for the systematic comparison of initiatives
M. Lisiecki a, b, *, A. Damgaard a, K. Ragaert b, T.F. Astrup a
Department of Environmental and Resource Engineering, Technical University of Denmark, Bygningstorvet, Building 115, 2800 Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark
Circular Plastics, Department of Circular Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Science and Engineering, Maastricht University, Urmonderbaan 22, 6162 Geleen, The


Keywords: Plastic plays a prominent role within circular economy, with many stakeholders promoting initiatives to increase
Circular economy plastic circularity during the manufacturing, use and end-of-life phases. Despite well-meant intentions, many
Plastic circularity initiatives are characterized by a lack of compliance with basic circular economy principles, implementation
Waste management
barriers, and limited effects on the intended long-term plastic circularity. This study provides a systematic
evaluation framework for comparison of plastic initiatives, based on 17 criteria addressing key aspects of plastic
Initiative circularity. A three-level likelihood ranking approach is applied to analyse the impact of 54 initiatives targeting
plastic circularity in a European context. It was found that relatively few of these initiatives were readily
implementable without considerable investments, e.g. in new waste management and recycling technologies,
and changes in plastic production and product design. The results clearly suggest that current suggestions for
circular economy initiatives targeting plastic may have limited effect and not lead to the intended impacts
without the support of new regulations and change in plastic demand and consumption. The study stresses the
importance of synergies and cooperation between stakeholders across the value chain to reach plastic circularity.
The framework offers a consistent basis for decision-makers to identify critical barriers and enablers in relation to
plastic circularity characteristics, but the approach may also be applied to other topic areas.

1. Introduction development of circularity performance indicators (Huysman et al.,

2017; Saidani et al., 2019) and reviews of comparison methods (Saidani
The circular economy (CE) is a prominent strategy in the European et al., 2017; Parchomenko et al., 2019; Niero and Kalbar, 2019).
transition toward a more sustainable society. To support this transition, Plastic plays a prominent role in circular transition by representing
and as part of the European Green Deal (EC, 2019), the European Union numerous applications (Reichel et al., 2021) and holding the potential
(EU) has launched a range of strategic roadmaps, including the Circular for reducing environmental impacts based on waste generation and raw
Economy Action Plan (EC, 2020). The implementation of a circular material dependency and efficiency (EC, 2018). Circular economy may
economy has received considerable attention in the literature (e.g. also be enabling the United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development
Sitadewi et al., 2021), as well as from policymakers, governments and Goals (SDGs) (Velenturf and Purnell, 2021). Plastic circularity is thus
intergovernmental agencies at the local, regional, national and inter­ interlinked with the 2030 Agenda and SDG targets, such as responsible
national levels (Ghisellini et al., 2016; Lieder and Rashid, 2016; Kirch­ production and consumption (SDG 12) and prevention of climate change
herr et al., 2017; Geissdoerfer et al., 2017). Several studies have stressed (SDG 13). Ideally, plastic circularity should contribute to increasing the
the need to measure progress toward the circular economy (Bocken resource value of plastic materials, minimising climate impacts,
et al., 2017; Borrello et al., 2020), and many attempts have been made to reducing pollution and littering and ensuring overall resource efficiency
measure circularity, such as reviews of circularity indicators (Moraga (Geyer et al., 2017). Very little is known, however, about plastic circu­
et al., 2019; Kristensen and Mosgaard, 2020; de Oliveira et al., 2021; larity implementation, the requirements for this implementation and the
dos Santos Gonçalves and Campos, 2022), assessments of circularity potential for increasing plastic circularity falling within the circular
metrics (Sassanelli et al., 2019; Kamp Albæk et al., 2020), the economy principles (Karayılan et al., 2021). While circularity metrics

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (M. Lisiecki).
Received 22 February 2023; Received in revised form 12 May 2023; Accepted 31 May 2023
Available online 10 June 2023
0921-3449/© 2023 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (
M. Lisiecki et al. Resources, Conservation & Recycling 197 (2023) 107072

and quantitative assessment methods, such as life cycle assessments sector organisations (29). See Table 1 for an overview. The selection
(LCAs) (ISO, 2006a; 2006b), do indeed exist, these approaches often offers an exhaustive, comprehensive list of available initiatives based on
require large amounts of data (Desing et al., 2021). On the other hand, relevance, redundancy and information level to ensure applicability as
simple indicators such as recycling rates may not represent the full illustrative cases (De Smet et al., 2019; EASAC, 2020; ten Brink et al.,
complexities of the challenges and barriers associated with related ini­ 2020; EMF, 2021; Kahlert and Bening, 2022; Werner et al., 2022). We
tiatives (Corona et al., 2019). consider the 54 initiatives appropriate for implementing and demon­
An initiative can be understood as a claim, i.e. a suggestion of actions strating the evaluation framework and discussing initiative effective­
intended to increase plastic circularity. Borrelle et al. (2020) and Lau ness. The initiatives were classified according to their primary "focus" in
et al. (2020) discussed the effectiveness of strategies in reducing plastic the circular economy value chain, e.g. plastic production and material
leakage into the environment according to several scenarios between feedstok, product use and end-of-life management, and organised ac­
2016 and 2040. Even with the implementation of recycling and pre­ cording to seven overall categories: (i) Design for Circularity, (ii) Plastic
vention initiatives, predicted growth in plastic waste exceeded all efforts Use, (iii) Increase and Improve Collection, (iv) Increase and Improve
to mitigate plastic-induced pollution (Borrelle et al., 2020). The wide Sorting, (v) Increase and Improve Circularity, (vi) Material Feedstock
range of possibilities for initiatives to implement circularity has been Choice and (vii) Design from Circularity. Table 1 provides an overview
acknowledged (Lau et al., 2020), and more than 70% of the world’s of the 54 initiatives by category (refer to Supplementary Materials, SM1,
largest companies have committed themselves to reducing plastic for details).
pollution (Diana et al., 2022a). It was recently concluded that the
implementation of "circular innovations" for packaging on a global level 2.2. Evaluation framework overview
is low (Hafsa et al., 2022). With numerous circular initiatives claiming
importance over others, structured comparisons of potential effects, The study proposes to assess the impact of initiatives before their
dependencies and barriers for implementation are seldom provided full-scale implementation based on requirements and effectiveness ex­
(Babbitt et al., 2018). As such, we may put effort into and trust in the pectations rather than on quantitative indicators for an individual
"wrong" initiatives, thereby losing resources and time in the transition initiative. As such, the intention was not to achieve a normative score
towards plastic circularity materials (Fellner et al., 2017; Katalin, 2020; reflecting the "quality" of an initiative but to facilitate a relative com­
King and Locock, 2022). parison across the range of selected initiatives. To do so, a systematic
The expected benefits of plastic circularity include (i) reducing de­ and qualitative evaluation of the initiatives according to a range of
mand for primary raw materials, (ii) lower environmental impacts, (iii) criteria provides a structured analysis of the initiatives’ impact toward
less waste generation and (iv) cleaner and safer materials. Several plastic circularity. The evaluation framework comprises a range of
questions, however, remain: (i) to what extent does an initiative comply evaluation criteria (17) organised into three "pillars": (i) compliance
with a fundamental circular economy definition, (ii) are there critical with fundamental circular economy principles (6 criteria), (ii) re­
barriers hindering successful initiative implementation and (iii) will the quirements necessary for the initiative’s implementation (7 criteria) and
initiative contribute to material circularity from a longer-term (iii) expected contributions to long-term plastic circularity (4 criteria).
perspective? Currently, such insights are fragmented and not system­ For each criterion, a specific evaluation question was formulated (see
atically provided. the following Section 2.3).
This study aims to provide a structured basis for evaluating and Circular economy compliance represents the first pillar and ad­
comparing circular economy initiatives with a focus on plastics, dresses the likelihood of compliance with basic circular economy prin­
addressing (i) compliance with fundamental circular economy princi­ ciples and objectives, such as those defined by the European Commission
ples and strategies, (ii) the importance of barriers and implementation (EC, 2018), e.g. expecting the CE to lead to less waste generation, higher
requirements, and the (iii) potential for contribution to long-term ma­ reuse and recycling rates, lower dependency on fossil resources,
terial circularity. The intention of this research is to offer more clarity improved valorisation of resources in waste and lower environmental
and consistency in the discussion of circular economy initiatives and impacts (UN, 2021). This pillar includes six criteria chosen from the
thus promote more robust decision-making regarding future proposals relevance of the literature to represent the main principles of plastic
within the field. The following – more specific – objectives are included: circularity as a specific example of the circular economy: Waste Gen­
(i) identify relevant initiatives targeting plastic circularity throughout eration, Fossil Resource Consumption, Waste Collection, Waste Hierar­
the entire value chain, (ii) develop a framework for a comparative and chy, Plastic Design and Environmental Impact.
qualitative evaluation of circular economy initiatives, (iii) apply the Implementation requirements represent the second pillar and
framework to the range of selected plastic initiatives and (iv) on this address the likelihood of initiatives being affected by critical re­
basis, provide recommendations for improved plastic circularity and quirements upon implementation. The “maturity” or “readiness” of
initiative prioritisation. waste systems is rarely discussed in the CE, although waste management
practices may represent a potential barrier for new initiatives (Anto­
2. Methodology nopoulos et al., 2021). Material circularity implies that plastic waste is
collected, sorted, reused or recycled into new plastic products as part of
2.1. Selection of circular economy initiatives subsequent material cycles (Xiao et al., 2022). Due to plastic value chain
complexities, stakeholders’ willingness or ability to adapt or change
An extensive review was conducted for the selection of initiatives. may also be critical for implementation (Bening et al., 2021). We have
The initiatives were selected based on their (i) potential ability to selected seven criteria representing different aspects of the imple­
improve plastic circularity, (ii) involvement of novel technologies, mentation of waste management, especially for plastic: Waste Manage­
recycled material, or new business models, and (iii) targeting of plastic ment Compliance, Technology Readiness, Capacity Investment, Value
products (e.g. bottles, pipes, tyres) or specific sectors (e.g. packaging, chain Acceptability, Market Demand, Societal Readiness and
textiles, building and construction). Only initiatives available and Regulation.
described in the public domain were included. Long-term Circularity Contribution is the third pillar and evalu­
In total, 54 circular economy initiatives suggested for plastic were ates the scalability and likelihood of an initiative contributing to “long-
extracted from a broad range of literature, i.e. peer-reviewed scientific term” plastic circularity. With plastic material circularity, we refer to
literature (14), industry reports and company statements (6), govern­ strategies increasing the circulation of plastic as material to displace the
mental strategies and action plans (3), non-governmental organisations use of fossil resources. Potential long-term circularity may be defined as
(NGOs) (2) and public material from other relevant stakeholders such as the share of plastic material being reused or recycled into a new product

M. Lisiecki et al. Resources, Conservation & Recycling 197 (2023) 107072

Table 1
Overview of all 54 initiatives evaluated in this study, organised according to the following seven categories: Design for Circularity (grey), Plastic Use (red), Increase and
Improve Collection (green), Increase and Improve Sorting (blue), Increase and Improved Circularity (purple), Material Feedstock Choice (yellow) and Design from
Circularity (light grey). ID numbers are used throughout the study. Detailed descriptions of all 54 initiatives are provided in Supplementary Material, Section 1 (SM1,
Table 1).
Category Initiative
Design for Circularity

1 Design guidelines for polystyrene (PS)

2 Design guidelines for polyolefins (PO)
3 Ellen McArthur Foundation (EMF) commitments toward recycled content
4 Light-weighting, plastic packaging size reduction
5 Ban difficult-to-recycle plastic
6 Create new plastics based on polymer chemistry research
7 Phase out dangerous substances according to the Safe and Sustainable Directive
8 Register recycled materials under European chemical legislation (REACH)
Plastic Use
9 Standardise plastic
10 Ban planned obsolescence for plastic devices
11 Develop new service business model for tyres
12 Reduce plastic leakage from bottle caps
13 Ban unnecessary plastic for flexible packaging
14 Ban single-use plastic (SUP) found on beaches
15 Design refill stations for beverages
Increase and Improve Collection
16 Tax ‘’pay-as-you-throw’’ for plastic source separation
17 Extend deposit return systems (DRSs) for juice bottles
18 Private DRSs owned by beverage companies
19 Focus only on PET and PO rigid plastic packaging
20 Extend collection to flexible and trays packaging
21 Separate collection systems for flexible packaging
22 Individual collection points owed by a private company
23 Develop new sorting streams for plastic trays
Increase and Improve Sorting
24 Include currently untapped plastics such as post-industrial plastic film
25 Use chemical markers for selective sorting
26 Use digital watermarks for selective sorting
27 Use radio frequency identification (RFID) on the label
28 Use Blockchain for selective sorting
29 Use AI for selective sorting
30 Develop sorting centres for textiles
31 Use spectral sorting technology for selective sorting
32 Mark packaging with sorting certification
Increase and Improve Circularity
33 Quality sorting criteria to improve recyclability
34 Plastic-to-fuel (PtF) technology
35 Produce biodegradable PEF (PolyEthylene Furanoate) packaging
36 Devise recyclability certification for packaging
37 Develop extended producer responsibility (EPR) for packaging
38 Introduce mandatory recycling content for thermosets
Material Feedstock Choice
39 Up-scale pyrolysis plants
40 Chemical recycling feedstock agreement between stakeholders
41 Introduce a tax on fossil-based plastic production
42 Substitute fossil-based for polylactic acid (PLA) bottles
43 Substitute fossil-based for paper-based bottles
44 Prioritise attribution of secondary recycled material
45 Produce textile fibres from bottles
46 Manufacture pipes with recycled plastic packaging
47 Manufacture furniture with recycled plastic packaging
48 Incorporate recycled packaging in concrete
49 Voluntary minimum recycled content for polyvinyl chloride (PVC)
50 Produce post-industrial recycled polyamide (PA) for textiles
51 Scale-up pyrolysis for tyre recycling
Design from Circularity
52 Design guidelines for the use of recycled plastic from electronic devices
53 Use compatibiliser production of plastic packaging
54 Use compatibiliser production of plastic agricultural films

(Eriksen et al., 2018). Rather than addressing a single loop, however, Scalability.
this pillar focuses on the potential for enabling multiple loops and While an exhaustive literature review in relation to plastic circularity
promoting plastic circularity from a longer-term perspective. The ability was outside the scope of this study, an extensive review was carried out
of plastic materials to maintain quality and functionality throughout to identify the evaluation criteria. Detailed definitions for all criteria and
their lifetime over several loops is essential. We have selected four evaluation questions are provided in Supplementary Materials (SM2).
critical criteria representing the long-term effects of initiatives: Material We fully acknowledge that these criteria and questions could be defined
Quality, High-Quality Recycling, Multiple Material Loops and in many ways; however, we consider them both relevant and

M. Lisiecki et al. Resources, Conservation & Recycling 197 (2023) 107072

Table 2
Overview of criteria comprising the three pillars and the associated questions applied to evaluate the initiatives. Background information on the selection and
definition of each criterion used for the evaluation is provided in Supplementary Material (SM2).
Criteria How likely will the initiative:

Circular Economy Compliance

Waste Generation Reduce waste generation?
Fossil Resource Consumption Reduce dependency on fossil resources for primary material production?
Waste Collection Increase the amount of waste collected for recycling?
Waste Hierarchy Promote waste materials management at a higher level of the waste hierarchy?
Plastic Design Increase the share of high-quality secondary plastic?
Environmental Impacts Reduce environmental impacts throughout the value chain?
Implementation Requirements
Waste System Compliance Comply with the existing waste management system?
Technology Readiness Be feasible without new technology development across the entire value chain?
Capacity Investment Be feasible without investments for additional infrastructure and capacity?
Value Chain Acceptability Be acceptable for all stakeholders throughout the value chain?
Market Demand Produce secondary materials with a market demand?
Societal Readiness Be implemented without additional end-user education and awareness?
Regulation Be supported by existing regulations?
Long-term Circularity Contributions
Material Quality Contribute to cleaner and safer materials with less contamination?
High-quality Recycling Contribute to increased closed-loop recycling?
Multiple Material Loops Support multiple (recycling or reuse) loops?
Scalability Be scalable and target entire sectors rather than single products?

appropriate for evaluating circular plastic initiatives. Table 2 provides 3. Results and discussion
an overview of the individual criteria and evaluation questions.
3.1. Overview of evaluation scores
2.3. Framework scoring
Fig. 1 provides an overview of the evaluation scores, Sp, for all three
The scoring is a three-level likelihood approach (1; 0; − 1), repre­ pillars in all initiatives, numbered according to Table 1. Pillar 1 (Circular
senting an initiative’s likelihood to respond positively to the evaluation Economy Compliance) scores are plotted along the x-axis, while Pillar 2
question in Table 2. For example, if an initiative is considered likely to scores (Implementation Requirements) are plotted along the y-axis.
reduce waste generation (first pillar), the attributed criterion score is Each "bubble" indicates individual initiatives, with the size of the bubble
"1′′ . If the effect is unclear or potentially has no effect, the score is "0′′ . representing the scores in Pillar 3 (Long-term Circularity Contributions),
Furthermore, if the initiative is considered counter-productive con­ i.e. higher scores are illustrated by larger bubbles.
cerning the criterion, the result is "-1′′ . Fig. 1 illustrates that evaluation scores cover almost the entire scale
The qualitatively scoring was done based on available information for Pillars 1 and 2 (vertically and horizontally). This indicates that some
about an initiative relative to the current situation in Europe. Initiative initiatives may be readily implementable, while others potentially
specifications and information conciseness vary. For most initiatives, depend on external factors (such as technology, capacity implementa­
detailed information was unavailable, mainly because many have not tion or new regulation). At the same time, a considerable number of the
yet been implemented on any scale or are poorly documented. As such, initiatives do not appear to comply with basic circular economy prin­
scoring inevitably is subjective to the authors. As the focus is a relative ciples, even though they are often advertised as such. None of the ini­
comparison between initiatives rather than evaluating the absolute tiatives was evaluated as fully supporting all CE principles, which
performance of individual initiative, we find this approach justifiable for indicates that the suggested CE initiatives may not necessarily provide
the intended purpose. the anticipated effects and thereby contribute to the expected transition
For an initiative, i, the criterion scores, s = [1; 0; -1], were sum­ – at least not without paying further attention to potential barriers
marised across each criterion, j, within each of the three pillars, p. While limiting implementation.
each criterion (s) and pillar (p) could be weighted, e.g. through a Focusing on the largest bubbles in Fig. 1, indicating the most sig­
stakeholder consultation process, the weights were maintained at unity nificant effect on long-term circularity, 18 initiatives can be identified.
in this study. The focus was on the relative comparison between initia­ Fourteen were evaluated as being either neutral or only with a few re­
tives rather than a final rank score. In summary, the final score for a quirements for implementation, while four were evaluated as likely to
pillar, Sp, follows: have requirements limiting implementation. Fig. 2 provides an overview
of the detailed scoring for all initiatives. The colour coding follows the
1∑ i
initiative’s likelihood to respond positively (white; +1), neutral (dark
Spi = wj .sji , for i = 1, …, n and p = 1, 2, 3
n j=0 grey; 0) or negatively (black; -1) to the question associated with each
criterion from Table 2. The evaluation outcome is discussed in the
where p represents the pillar, i represents the initiative evaluated and n following sections for each pillar (see 3.2–3.4).
represents the number of criteria within pillar p. As mentioned above,
weight, wj, was defined as "1′′ for all criteria, j. Normalised scores, Sp,
3.2. Circular economy compliance
were calculated by dividing by the number of criteria, n, within the pillar
to achieve Sp values between -1 and 1. The detailed equations for each
Only a few initiatives were found to address and improve waste
pillar are provided in Supplementary Material (SM3).
generation, apart from initiatives related to Plastic Use (initiatives
10–11 and 13–15 in Fig. 2), which focused on reusable products and
lifetime extensions, likely contributing to lower plastic waste genera­
tion. For Fossil Resource Consumption, while about half of the initiatives
supported less dependence on fossil resources, the other half was found

M. Lisiecki et al. Resources, Conservation & Recycling 197 (2023) 107072

Fig. 1. Overview of the assessment. Each bubble represents an initiative, and the colour coding gives the initiative category, as in Table 1. The bubbles coordinate to
represent the normalised score obtained after evaluating the Circular Economy Compliance criteria (Pillar 1, x-axis), the Implementation Requirements criteria (Pillar
2, y-axis), and the Long-term Circularity Contributions criteria (Pillar 3, size of the bubbles). Further details regarding scoring normalisation are provided in
Supplementary Materials (SM4.2).

M. Lisiecki et al. Resources, Conservation & Recycling 197 (2023) 107072

Fig. 2. Overall qualitative assessment of the 54 initiatives and the associated scoring from each criterion within the three pillars following the likelihood approach
described in part 2.2: Likely scores 1 (white), neutral likelihood or not possible to assess scores 0 (light grey) and unlikely scores -1 (black). Each row is a criterion;
the colour predominance can be used to analyse the barriers and the levers of plastic circularity implementation. All the justifications regarding the attribution of the
score are detailed in Supplementary Materials (SM4.1.1-SM4.1.3).

unlikely to contribute to lower consumption: most initiatives within economy principles addressed in this evaluation. A notable exception
Improved Collection and Improved Circularity (initiatives 16–33) were was Initiative 10, which focused on banning electronic obsolescence,
unlikely to contribute to lower fossil resource consumption. This was covering five out of six principles. Initiatives 14 and 15 (banning single-
mainly related to those initiatives focusing on improving system effi­ use plastic and implementing refill stations, respectively) scored posi­
ciency rather than the material feedstock itself. tively on four principles out of six. Most initiatives were evaluated be­
Initiatives included in Feedstock Material Choice (41–51) supported tween -0.5 and 0.5 (Fig. 1), indicating that only one or two criteria
reducing fossil fuel consumption by promoting recycled material and scored positive. Initiatives 19, 34 and 48 scored any criterion of Pillar 1
renewable feedstock to substitute for fossil-based plastics. Most of the positively. Focusing only on some plastic types (19), using plastic for
initiatives within Design for Circularity and from Circularity (initiatives fuel feedstock (34) and using PET as concrete fillers indicate that these
1–8; 52–54) and Feedstock Material Choice (initiatives 41–51) were initiatives might not be compatible with our definition of plastic circu­
found not to improve Waste Collection and management according to larity. Overall, this suggests that most initiatives with a technology-
the Waste Hierarchy. This may indicate that plastic design and material focused concept may have limitations with some circular economy
selection initiatives are somewhat "disconnected" from current waste principles. Only a few initiatives were found likely to contribute to
management practices. As such, they may not have the anticipated effect plastic circularity. Similarly for the SDGs and 2030 Agenda targets,
without paying attention to the waste management phase. particularly SDG 12 is relevant with focus on responsible production and
Most initiatives were found likely to improve the overall manage­ consumption.
ment of plastic waste by proposing solutions to move plastic from
disposal to recycling rather than from recycling towards reuse or 3.3. Implementation requirements
reduction. Very few initiatives (19 and 34) were found likely to have
detrimental effects on the Waste Hierarchy and Environmental Impact Most initiatives within Waste System Compliance were not found
criteria. However, the high number of initiatives scored as neutral il­ likely to comply with current approaches, particularly those associated
lustrates the lack of information available to evaluate environmental with Feedstock Material Choice (initiatives 39–51) relying on a less
consequences. This indicates that many initiatives may be poorly developed waste management system such as textile recycling (50) or
documented or lack consistent evaluations of their environmental tyre recycling (51), as well as chemical recycling feedstock (39–40).
aspects. Similar results were observed for the Increase and Improve Collection
Almost none of the initiatives positively covered the six circular and Sorting initiatives, perhaps due to the focus on creating new waste

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streams such as tray packaging (23) or industrial waste (24) and the welcomed by the value chain and will encounter less disagreement.
creation of new plants for sorting textiles (20). Regarding Technology Similarly, Plastic Use initiatives, such as refill stations (15) or restricting
Readiness, most initiatives rely on existing technology or do not require unnecessary plastic (13), are unlikely to be more easily integrated
a technological process to be implemented, especially regarding Design throughout the value chain due to non-willingness on the part of other
for and from Circularity initiatives (1–5; 52–54). Those relying on stakeholders to apply the change. Initiatives from Improve and Increase
technological readiness are primarily found in the Improve and Increase Collection, Sorting and Circularity (16–49) may be subject to rejection
Sorting and Circularity categories. This can be explained by the neces­ from value chain. For example, recyclers might refuse to accept new
sity to scale up the initiative to an industrial scale in Europe, such as the waste streams (19–21), plastic products (22–23) or alternatives to fossil-
production of biobased-plastic bottles (35), the development of ther­ based plastics (42–43). A potential competition exists between stake­
moset recycling (38) and chemical recycling using pyrolysis (39). holders, primary application (for example packaging) and end market
In contrast, Capacity Investment reveals that initiatives may require (for example textile) (44–51).
investments to change the current plastic value chain to implement Initiatives focusing on collecting, sorting, and recycling have no
circularity. Investments are required to improve plastic use, with only impact without market demand, which is why these initiatives presented
one initiative scoring positively (13). Furthermore, two out of nine, none mixed scores. Those with a negative or a null score invested in immature
out of eight and none out of seven initiatives scored positively for markets, for example in Increase and Improve Collection (18–24) and
Improve and Increase Collection, Sorting and Circularity, e.g. using a Feedstock Material Choice (41–48), while others scored positively,
spectral instrument for sorting (31), intelligent sorting (25–29) or mainly in Design for and from Circularity, thereby strengthening current
substituting fossil-based for biobased plastic (42), recycled material market demands, for example within plastic packaging (2–3; 53).
from tray packaging (23) or recycled material for building and con­ Regarding Societal Readiness, initiatives related to Plastic Use
struction (49). (10–11; 14–15) and Increased and Improve Collection (16–24) involved
More initiatives scored negatively regarding Value Chain Accept­ users’ willingness to change their behaviour, in this case, they scored
ability. As mentioned before, initiatives are individual claims to negatively. Education and awareness campaigns were not necessary for
contribute to plastic circularity. In general, initiatives included in con­ half of the initiatives.
sortiums and global agreements between different actors, such as EMF Overall, 32 of the initiatives were found not to be readily supported
global commitments (3) or design guidelines (1–2; 52), are likely more by existing regulations, which, along with directives, often come

Fig. 3. Alluvial diagram representing the potential co-dependencies between initiatives included in the seven categories. (right) Positive interactions indicate the
potential reinforcement and enabling of the initiatives in the category; (left) Negative interactions indicate a potential counteraction between initiatives within two
categories. The thickest line shows the cluster of initiatives with the most dependencies on the other. Further details regarding scoring are provided in Supplementary
Materials (SM5.5).

M. Lisiecki et al. Resources, Conservation & Recycling 197 (2023) 107072

without a quantifiable target focus on a specific product type or sector. decrease the amount of plastic entering the waste management system
As a result, initiatives have been assigned a null or negative score when (assuming overall constant production). On the contrary, banning spe­
unclear whether existing regulations support specific initiatives. On the cific plastic products or restricting difficult-to-recycle products may in­
contrary, initiatives about packaging are supported more directly, crease plastic circularity. Initiatives setting out to Increase and Improve
especially with the recent revision of the Waste Packaging Directive Collection, Sorting, and Circularity equally influence the failure or
(EC, 2022), for example a ban on single-use plastics (14), an increase in success of initiative implementation within each other category. For
the collection of beverage bottles (17) or improvements to the collection example, an individual initiative based on a sorting technology may
of flexible packaging (21) and plastic trays (23). depend on other initiatives addressing the collection of these plastic
products and might enable relevant end markets. However, these three
3.4. Long-term circularity contributions categories do not enable the impact of design initiatives. The Feedstock
Material Choice cluster mainly affects the initiatives included in In­
For Material Quality (Fig. 2), initiatives focusing on new feedstock or crease and Improve Collection, Sorting and Circularity, which rely on
recycled material did not appear to limit potential contamination. On acceptability from the waste management system and may depend on
the contrary, those improving segregation in the sorting step can be the roll-out of innovative waste technologies. For example, the scale-up
expected to lower recycled material contamination. Promoting design of plastic production from renewable feedstock, such as bioplastics, will
guidelines and reducing difficult-to-recycle plastics limit contamination be successful in a circularity perspective only when waste collection and
risks, thereby increasing or maintaining material quality. recycling schemes are in place.
Half of the initiatives scored null for the High-quality Recycling
criterion. However, this evaluation was challenging. Most of the initia­ 3.6. Stakeholder and value chain involvement
tives involving recycled material used waste feedstock but not from the
same application, for example beverage bottles as filler in concrete (48), Based on the evaluation of and potential co-dependencies between
packaging recycled into pipes (46) and furniture (47) or textiles made initiatives, several critical aspects influence the implementation of
from beverage bottles (45). Additionally, most initiatives did not pro­ plastic circularity initiatives. Stakeholder involvement may be one such
vide a solution to overcome the challenges of maintaining quality, critical enabler or barrier. The shift toward plastic circularity is possible
except by using compatibilisers (53–54) and developing advanced if changes occur through the entire value chain and with absolute
recycling approaches claiming virgin quality (39). stakeholder involvement and acceptability. Our evaluation illustrates
As with the examples above (45–48), Material Feedstock Choice potentially different stakeholder viewpoints in terms of accepting ini­
often prevents further recycling in multiple loops. Nevertheless, initia­ tiatives complying with their interests but not necessarily with others:
tives within Plastic Use generally supported multiple loops and producers and manufacturers focus on feedstock for production and
continued reuse/recycling rather than only single loops. Contradictory sorting centres, recyclers focus on waste with potential end markets and
observations were made for the Multiple Material Loop criterion over regulators prioritise the action required to reach targets. Omitting one or
consecutive product cycles. Half of the initiatives scoring null did not several circular economy principles may place the burden of re­
report if materials were recycled or reused successively over several sponsibility elsewhere. Furthermore, not all stakeholders will benefit
cycles, and most of them involving waste fractions or technologies equally from the transition, which in turn may create barriers or a lack of
scored null for this reason, for example in the Increase and Improve motivation to change. Sharing a common vision and a clear direction is
Collection and Sorting categories (16–30). necessary to align stakeholder involvement (Stumpf et al., 2023), whilst
As voluntary commitments, initiatives mainly represented niche collaboration between stakeholders is essential in order to have more
applications from single brands rather than entire sectors and regional stringent and impactful initiatives. Our evaluation found that most ini­
markets, except for initiatives backed by larger consortiums (1–3, 22, tiatives depended on new investments and increased operational costs
52). Nevertheless, some initiatives showed potential for scaling beyond (e.g. new sorting technologies, hot washing, cleaning and chemical
the initial scope, particularly those included in the Increase and Improve recycling,SYSTEMIQ, 2022). Each initiative is naturally associated with
Collection, Sorting and Circularity categories (17–18; 23–28; 34–35; a waste management system that reflects local or regional conditions
38–40). However, as scalability is particularly uncertain, 19 initiatives and traditions. Aligning EU waste management systems for all Member
scored null, especially in the Feedstock Material Choice group (41–42; States may be difficult to achieve. The study also illustrates the chal­
44–50). lenges involved in plastic circularity on a European scale and "harvests"
potential material circularity.
3.5. Co-dependency between initiatives Improving collection, sorting and recycling is pointless without
market pull and demand for recycled materials and reusable products
When scoring the initiative, co-pendency became apparent. In­ (Klotz et al., 2022). However, the evaluation emphasised that long-term
teractions illustrated in Fig. 3 can be either positive, negative or circularity may likely face limited availability of secondary materials.
consistent, i.e. they have no significant interactions. The competition between stakeholders and end markets, visible in this
Flows represent the interdependencies between initiatives within the evaluation, compromises the flexible uptake of recycled plastic, which
seven categories, signifying the node clusters. The height of a block should be application-specific and transparent regarding properties and
represents the number of initiatives in the category. The interaction functionalities (Demets et al., 2021). Finally, the uptake of recycled
evaluation between the included initiatives is detailed in Supplementary plastic and the development of market demand must be incentivised
Material (SM6). across a wide range of plastic products and not only packaging.
It was determined that the initiatives in Design For/From Recycling Citizen involvement is often overlooked. In this regard, the evalua­
influence all the other categories, for example by enabling the uptake of tion revealed gaps in awareness and education, thereby indicating a
recycled plastic or by counteracting with innovative technology devel­ disconnection between the stakeholders suggesting initiatives and con­
opment (mono-material design vs. dissolution recycling). However, sumers. Establishing educational programs that encourage behavioural
initiatives might present counteracting effects between themselves (e.g. changes and explain initiatives will contribute to plastic circularity, and
use of additives in recycled plastic vs limited use of additives). Material changes in consumer habits might lead to increased attention being paid
Feedstock Choice initiatives considerably enable or counteract the suc­ to waste prevention (Eunomia, 2022).
cess of initiatives included in Design For and From Circularity, whilst Despite the existing regulatory strategy for plastic circularity, our
Plastic Use initiatives seem to counteract mainly with the Increase and evaluation emphasises apparent gaps in regulation. Only a few EU pol­
Improve Collection cluster. Reusable products, for example, might icies or initiatives directly target non-packaging plastics (EFA, 2019);

M. Lisiecki et al. Resources, Conservation & Recycling 197 (2023) 107072

however, the amounts of plastic Europe uses in construction, furniture, circularity. The framework herein offers a structured process for iden­
electronics and textiles are undeniably significant. Again, in the absence tifying such critical barriers, given the fundamental principles of the CE.
of market demands, regulatory targets may be mandatory to initiate To illustrate applicability, 54 initiatives addressing plastic circularity
non-packaging plastic circularity. were evaluated. For the initiative to work at scale, barriers limiting
implementation, such as financial, organisational, technology-based,
3.7. Need for impact monitoring social, policy-related, market-based and social obstacles, must be over­
come. Very few initiatives were found to be readily implementable and
The evaluation clearly illustrated a lack of reliable and transparent without any shortcomings or changes. Notable exceptions, however,
data regarding the implementation and effects of initiatives throughout were those focusing on: i) banning problematic plastic from recycling, ii)
the plastic value chain. As there is no sanction if intended impacts are standardising plastic formulations, iii) increasing product lifetimes, iv)
missed, consistent and quantitative measurements relating to progress, certifying the recyclability of products and v) providing guidelines for
and the effects of initiatives are thus critical. Being unable to measure circularity. Very few initiatives were disclosed at a level of detail that
changes to and progress towards regulatory targets highlights the risk of allowed for a quantitative assessment of full-scale impacts. Most focused
poor investments and the creation of barriers (Bassi et al., 2021). on recycling, with considerably less attention given to changes in plastic
Reducing the policy gap and providing better documentation will sup­ production, consumption and waste prevention. Analysing enablers and
port plastic circularity within the circular economy context (Pinyol barriers in a wide range of plastic circularity initiatives helps track
Alberich et al., 2023). In addition, (preferably) regulatory measures progress towards plastic circularity. The framework described in this
should include quantitative metrics that capture the full extent of cir­ study offers a basis for assessing and prioritising future initiatives, thus
cular economy principles. Such metrics must relate to material flows, enabling more significant impacts and transparency in the transition
product life cycles, business models and consumer behaviour, including towards plastic circularity.
economic, environmental and social changes (Blum et al., 2020). This
may require a standard and an operational definition of what constitutes CRediT authorship contribution statement
a CE (Corona et al., 2019), but it must also include a systematic quan­
titative environmental assessment across various impact categories M. Lisiecki: Writing – original draft, Data curation, Methodology,
(Amadei et al., 2022; Bardow et al., 2022; Meys et al., 2021). This may, Visualization. A. Damgaard: Conceptualization, Data curation, Visual­
in turn, contribute to effective implementation, thus ensuring continued ization. K. Ragaert: Writing – review & editing. T.F. Astrup: Concep­
trust in plastic circularity and avoiding fake claims and greenwashing. tualization, Writing – review & editing, Supervision, Project
administration, Funding acquisition.
3.8. Evaluation bias

Relatively similar approaches highlighted the evident need to criti­ Declaration of Competing Interest
cally analyse initiatives. A predominant focus on recycling (Blasiak
et al., 2021) confirmed that companies primarily commit to increasing The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
recycled or recyclable content. Voluntary initiatives can be assessed interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
according to plastic-specific narratives and the occurrence of the the work reported in this paper.
initiative in policy (Diana et al., 2022a, 2022b). In 2018, OECD pro­
posed an analysis of the barriers to plastic circularity implementation Data availability
and the maturity and feasibility of circular tools that could be used to
overcome them (e.g. recycled content, taxes) (OECD, 2018). The impact I have shared the information anf the justification in the supple­
of interventions on closing the plastic circularity gap is assessed through mentary material
technology-orientated initiatives using plastic volumes and investment
(Werner et al., 2022, 2021), whilst the need for mechanical and chem­
ical recycling investments to reach recycling targets has been high­ Acknowledgements
lighted without focusing on barriers. A UK study pointed out the lack of
monitoring data in policies to achieve plastic circularity (GPPC, 2022). This research received funding via the C-PlaNeT (Circular Plastics
Other studies have identified critical barriers to implementing ini­ Network for Training) project via the European Union’s Horizon 2020
tiatives, namely consumer education, waste management acceptability, research and innovation program under Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant
waste hierarchy level and lack of policies specific to plastic packaging agreement No.859885. The authors acknowledge the support they
innovation (Hafsa et al., 2022). Specifically, beverage bottle circularity received from 20 experts within plastic circularity in the context of the
pledges, value chain acceptance and material quality are the main C-PlaNeT project to assess the framework criteria and initiative scoring
challenges to attaining plastic circularity (Kahlert and Bening, 2022). in this study.
The focus on plastic packaging is prominent, thereby promoting waste
prevention and collaboration. However, the Ellen McArthur Foundation Supplementary materials
already revealed that several main stakeholders would miss their com­
mitments about the use of recycled plastic for 2025 (EMF, 2022). Supplementary material associated with this article can be found, in
This study has covered a wide range of aspects relating to plastic the online version, at doi:10.1016/j.resconrec.2023.107072.
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holders and identify linkages between individual initiatives. The pro­ References
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