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Sure, here are 5 sentences using "like" and 5 sentences using "dislike":


1. I like to start my day with a cup of hot coffee and a good book.

2. I like spending time with my friends and family, especially during the holidays.

3. I like taking long walks in the park, it's so relaxing and peaceful.

4. I like trying out new recipes and cooking different cuisines from around the world.

5. I like listening to music while I work, it helps me stay focused and motivated.


1. I dislike being stuck in traffic, it's frustrating and stressful.

2. I dislike cold, rainy weather because it makes it hard to go outside and enjoy activities.

3. I dislike rude and inconsiderate people, it's important to treat others with kindness and respect.

4. I dislike waking up early on weekends, I prefer to sleep in and relax.

5. I dislike when my favorite TV show gets cancelled, it's always disappointing.

2. A) Comparative adjectives with short adjectives:

1. The cat is smaller than the dog.

2. This book is more interesting than the last one I read.

3. Running is faster than walking.

4. My phone is newer than yours.

5. Today feels colder than yesterday.

2. B) Comparative adjectives with long adjectives:

1. The movie was more captivating than I expected.

2. Her explanation was more comprehensive than his.

3. This novel is more fascinating than the one I read last month.

4. The concert was more entertaining than I thought it would be.

5. The new restaurant is more sophisticated than the old one.

3. Certainly! Here are sentences using the interrogatives "who, where, thou, whom, why":

1. Who is coming to the party tonight?

2. Where did you find that amazing restaurant?

3. Thou art a true friend, aren't thou?

4. Whom did you invite to the event?

5. Why did she decide to move to a different city?

4. Writing

Write a composition what you would like to finishing grande 12. (100 words)

I would like to finish grade 12 with a sense of accomplishment and pride. As I approach the end
of this academic journey, I aspire to have developed a deep understanding of the subjects I've
studied and to have honed my critical thinking skills. I hope to have formed lasting friendships
and meaningful connections with my peers and teachers. Additionally, I aim to have contributed
positively to my school community through extracurricular activities and projects. Ultimately, I
want to graduate with a clear vision of my future goals and the determination to pursue them.
Graduating from grade 12, I want to feel prepared and excited for the next chapter of my life.

English AP

Name: Antonia Alibra Tiago

Class: L

Grade 9

Teacher: Manuel Luis Da Cruz Molapa

Nampula 2024

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