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Unit: Our Findings show UNIT INTRODUCTION

A. Name the following pictures using words from the box:

Magazines - Cell Phone -Radio- Telegram -Telephone - Smart phone- Newspapers- Television

B. Choose the right answer: The following pictures represent:

1. Means of transportation.
2. Means of communication.

1 2 3 4
It is a …………… It is a ……………. It is a………….. It is a …………

5 6 7 8
It is a …………… It is a ……………. These are………….. These are…………
C. Match the British and American Newspapers (1.2.3) with the Algerian Newspapers
(A.B.C) that have similar titles. Name other Algerian newspapers that are famous
and offer reliable information.

1 2 3


My Glossary
1. Complete the chart as shown in the example using the suffixes in the columns:
Verb Noun Adjective Meaning
example To report reporter – a reportable/ To give a description of something or
report - reported information about something to someone
To interview -er/ -ee -able/-ed To get information
To comment -ary/ -ing -able To give a remark/opinion.
To show -ing -able/-less/-y To present something
To question -ing -able To ask questions
To find -ing/-er -able/-less To get something that you have been
searching for
To suggest -tion -able/-ed To tell someone your ideas about what
they should do
To conduct -ing -ive To get information or prove facts
To request -ing -able/-ed To ask for something in a polite or formal
To collect -ion/ -ing -ed/-able To get things of the
same type from different places
and bring them together

2. Fill in the gaps in the following newspaper article, then read it aloud to the class:
rejected- independence- movement- unacceptable
Algeria’s Hirak: When a Social Movement Puts
Citizenship Under the Microscope
On 22 February 2019, Algerians took to the streets in protest of President Abdelaziz
Bouteflika’s attempt to run for a fifth mandate. They ……1……not only the rule of Bouteflika, but
also his entire regime. This ……2………. was known as HIRAK and it has been defined by a
special sense of humor and an unlimited creativity in designing slogans, songs, and signs. HIRAK
was not only a revolt against living conditions that had become……3……….. but it was also a
movement that turned the country’s streets into a stage for citizens who are seeking to revisit their
history and assert their ………………4…………..
Translated by Islam Amine Derradji & Amel Gherbi


A. Naming pictures using words in the box:

1. It’s a telephone
2. It’s a radio
3. It’s a smartphone
4. It’s a television
5. It’s a telegram
6. It’s a cell phone
7. These are newspapers
8. These are magazines

B. Choose the right answer: Pictures (1-8) represent:

1. Means of communication.
C. Matching British and American newspapers (1.2.3) with Algerian newspapers (A.B.C) that
have similar titles.


3. USA TODAY( ‫الجزائر( اليوم‬
- Naming other Algerian newspapers that are famous and offer reliable information.

My Glossary
A. Complete the chart as shown in the example using the suffixes in the columns:
Verb Noun Adjective
example To report reporter- a report-reporting reportable-reported
To interview interviewer/ interviewee/ interview interviewable/interviewed
To comment commentary/ commenting commentable
To show show-showing showable/showless/showy
To question questioning/ questionnaire questionable
To find finding/finder findable/findless
To suggest suggestion suggestable/suggested
To conduct conducting conductive
To request request - requesting requestable/requested
To collect Collection-collecting collected/collectable

B. Filling the gaps:

1 rejected
2 movement
3 unacceptable
4 independence


Skills Functions Language forms Phonology

Listening and responding to Expressing likes/ formation of: Final “S”
an interview dislikes - adjectives using
suffixes: ful /less


Writing about means of communication (TV, newspapers, magazines …)
Writing a questionnaire
*formation of:
- adjectives using suffixes: ful /less

Skills Functions Language forms Phonology

read and interpret reports, * making requests Direct & indirect *Stress shift
newspaper articles and graphs /suggestions / speech: reporting from noun to
* identify the main phases of a recommendations. questions and statements adjective
survey in the present simple (for literary
* write a newspaper article tense, modals. stream only)
reporting an event *Reporting verbs: said,
told, wondered, asked,
answered, replied…
report what people say using summarizing verbs
*write a report / an article
* Direct & indirect speech: reporting questions and statements in the present simple tense, modals (consolidation)
* summarizing verbs: advise, order, admit, recognize…

 write a newspaper article reporting an event
Conducting an interview about: PUPILS BAD HABITS IN SCHOOLS



about means of communication (TV,Functions
newspapers, magazines Language
…) forms Phonology
WritingListening and responding to Expressing likes/
a questionnaire formation of: Final “S”
an interview
*formation of: dislikes - adjectives using
- adjectives using suffixes: ful /less suffixes: ful /less

Unit: Our Findings Show Sequence01: Listening and Speaking

ANTICIPATE/ Before Listening
A. Match shows/movies in pictures (1-11) with channel logos (A-E), then complete the table below:

1 2 3 4

5 6 7 8

9 10





B. Classify the TV shows and Movies in pictures (1-11) in the following table according to their
genre (type):
Action/ Animation Comedy Family Documentary Sports Horror cooking religion Music
Adventure Drama

C. What is your best-loved and unloved genre? Why?

Start like this: I like/ love/ adore (verb+ing)……………because…………..
I don’t like/ I hate/ I abhor (verb+ing)……… because………..
D. Do the new generation teens watch their favourite shows on traditional TV or YouTube or
Netflix? Why?

LISTEN AND CHECK/ While Listening:

Task01: Listen to the interview and say whether the following statements are true or false:
a. The interview is about watching TV and Netflix.
b. Both interviewees prefer watching YouTube more than watching TV.
c. TVs are portable and we can carry them wherever we go.
1. Listen again to the interview, and fill in the questionnaire:

1- What are Majd’s favourite TV show/Movie genres? Family drama Action Comedy Horror
per week
2 hours per 02 hours per
2- How many hours does Majd spend on watching TV? week month

3- What does Majd watch instead of watching TV? Netflix YouTube Amazon

4- What does Malik think about watching TV? Very Less

enjoyable Very boring

Post Listening: Imagine you are a journalist, imitate the questionnaire above to ask your
classmates about their Solo Time activities. Prepare a set of interesting questions and try to give some
Suggested topics:

Gaming Revising lessons Practising hobbies Texting friends

Watching TV Connecting to social media Hanging out with friends

A Survey about: ………………………………………….

Questionnaire: Please respond to the following questions:
Do you listen to music?
Yes, I do No, I don’t
Who is your favourite singer? …………………………….
Question03:………………………………………… ?

Unit: Our Findings Show SAY IT CLEAR Sequence01: Listening and Speaking.


 Give the plural form of the following words:
Singular Plural Phonetic transcription
(how the word is pronounced)

TV ……………….. / ……………………/

……………….. /……………………./

………………. /……………………./
 Check the following table, then do the task below:
Voiceless sounds take /s/ Voiced sounds take /z/ These sounds take / ɪz/
Imagine the sound a snake might Imagine the sound a bee
make Ssssssssssssssss might make...Zzzzzzzzzzzzz Similar to the word 'is'
These sounds are voiceless: These sounds are voiced:
/f/ /k/ /p/ /t/ θ/ /b/ /d/ /g/ /j/ /l/ /s/ /ks/ /z /dʒ/
/m//n/ /ŋ//ð/ r/ /v/ /w/ + all /ʃ/tʃ
vowel sounds
Practice: Pick up from the following interview “all the words that end in “S”:
Listen to your teacher reading the words you picked up and classify them in the following
table according to the pronunciation of the final “S”
The Interview: Journalist:
Hello, I’m doing a survey on traditional TV and YouTube. May I ask you a few questions please?
Majd: Please do.
Journalist: What are your favourite genres to watch?
Majd: Comedy is my favourite genre, especially when dad watches with me.
Journalist: Do you like watching your shows on TV or YouTube? And which one entertains you more?
Majd: Actually, both television and YouTube entertain me but I prefer watching YouTube.
Journalist: Could you please explain why?
Majd: When watching TV we are forced to watch whatever comes up, with constant commercials. TVs are
not portable either, so we cannot carry them around and entertain ourselves with. While,
on YouTube there are millions of different shows and movies you can choose from! Another thing is
the community, what makes it even more interesting as the viewer exchanges comments and messages with
Journalist: Ah Ok! I see, so, how many hours do you spend on both TV and YouTube?
Majd: I spend 02 hours on television per month while I watch 02 or 03 hours on YouTube per day.
Journalist: Thank you for your responses, what about your friend here?
Malik: I personally share the same opinion with my friend although I enjoy watching serials with my
Journalist: Thank you for giving me so much of your time. Bye.
/S/ /Z/ /IZ/

Unit: Our Findings Show It’s Your TurnSequence01: Listening and Speaking
1. Match words with their definitions:
1. A. A mobile phone that performs many of the functions of a
computer, typically having a touchscreen interface, internet
access, and an operating system capable of running downloaded
B. A large box with a viewing screen which receives electrical
signals and changes them into moving pictures and sound

C. A regularly printed document consisting
of large sheets of paper that are folded together, or
a website, containing news reports, articles, photographs,
and advertisements
2. Classify the characteristics of SMARTPHONE in the following table:
a. Exposure to unwanted things on the internet affects a child’s growth mentally and even
b. You can spend your time wisely reading the news or doing some official work.
c. You can make the world listen to your voice in a touch.
d. You can entertain yourself with games, music or movies.
e. Spending most of the time on your phone creates neck problems and sleep deprivation.
f. Overusing smartphones harms our eyes.
g. It Keeps your loved ones in touch, either through calls, text or images, which express the feeling
in a sweet and amusing way.
h. Food and groceries can be ordered online.
Advantages Disadvantages

SAY IT IN WRITING: Smartphones are the friendly gadgets (electronic devices) which have made
everything reachable through a touch. However, this small invention can have both a positive and a negative

side. Write a short paragraph to inform your classmates about smartphone’s advantages and disadvantages.
Use notes from the table above. Use the necessary sequencers and respect the following guideline:
Topic sentence (main idea of the paragraph), On the one hand, the smartphone has many
advantages. First,………….Next, …………….Moreover…etc
On the other hand, the smartphone has many disadvantages. First,….Then,.…In addition to this,….
Finally, (concluding sentence : State your opinion or Give advice)
formation of: adjectives using suffixes: ful /less
Task: Add suffixes “ ful” or “less” to the underlined words to form ADJECTIVES according to the
meaning expressed in each sentence. Check the example given:
EXAMPLE: If you are full of hope, then you are hopeful. If you have no hope, you are hopeless
If you care about something, then you are ………………… If you don’t care at all, you are ……………..
If something ends in success, then it’s …………. If something ends without success, it’s ……………
If you say the truth you are ………… If you don’t say the truth, you are ………………
If something costs an expensive price, then it’s …………………
If something is having a value beyond any price, then it’s ………………
If something causes no harm, then it’s ……………… If something causes harm, then it’s …………….




Skills Functions Language forms Phonology

read and interpret reports, * making requests Direct & indirect *Stress shift
newspaper articles and graphs /suggestions / speech: reporting from noun to
* identify the main phases of a recommendations. questions and statements adjective
survey in the present simple (for literary
* write a newspaper article tense, modals. stream only)
reporting an event *Reporting verbs: said,
told, wondered, asked,
answered, replied…


report what people say using summarizing verbs
*write a report / an article
* Direct & indirect speech: reporting questions and statements in the present simple tense, modals (consolidation)
* summarizing verbs: advise, order, admit, recognize…

 write a newspaper article reporting an event

Conducting an interview about: PUPILS BAD HABITS IN SCHOOLS
Unit: Our Findings Show ANTICIPATE Sequence:02/Reading and Writing
A. Match pictures (1-7) with titles from the box:
Making calls- Studying- Chatting -Calculating- Connecting to Facebook/Insta-Watching YouTube - Gaming

1 2 3

4 5 6 7
B. Choose the correct answer: Pictures (1-7) represent: 1. Computer Uses 2. TV Uses 3. Smartphone Uses
C. According to you, what do most teenagers use their smart phones for?
READ AND CHECK: Read the text and check your answers to question “C”
Journalist: Excuse me dear delegate, I’m here today to conduct an interview about the findings of the questionnaire
you made with 100 pupils in your school. So, are you ready?
Delegate: Yes, I’m ready. Let’s start.
Journalist: That’s great, Well, as you know, we ‘re conducting a survey on smartphone use by teenagers. And we
have already asked you to make a questionnaire with teenagers in your school. So, my first question is how many
teenagers use the smartphone for making calls?
Delegate: Well, most of them rarely make or receive calls on mobiles so only 10 pupils use it for making calls.
Journalist: Okay, thanks, now how many of them use the smartphone for gaming?
Delegate: Well, most of the boys are addicted to gaming so we can say that 50 pupils use their mobiles for gaming.
Journalist: Okay, now let’s move to another question! How many of them use the smartphone for watching YouTube
and chatting on messenger?
Delegate: Well, most girls and boys prefer watching YouTube to TV so the total number of pupils who use their
phones to watch YouTube is 70. Whereas, the number of teens who use their mobiles to chat is 90.
Journalist: Now tell me how many of teenagers use the smartphone to connect to social media (FB, Insta.)?
Delegate: Oh, it wouldn’t be a surprise to you to know that all of them use smartphones to connect to social platforms
as they are all addicted to them.
Journalist: hhhhh, I already expected the answer. Now I want to know how many of them use the smartphone as a
Delegate: Actually, none of them use the smartphone for calculating but they use their calculators instead.
Journalist: Okay, that’s logical. Now are there any pupils who use the smartphone for studying and reading electronic
Delegate: It’s really embarrassing to inform you that only 13 30 pupils use their mobiles for study.
Journalist: I feel sad to hear that. I really hope they will be able to use mobiles in the right way.
Thank you very much for answering my questions. Goodbye.
Task01: Choose the correct answer: A. The text is: 1. An email 2. A dialogue 3. A report
B. The journalist is making a survey about: A. Internet use by teenagers
B. Smartphone use by teenagers
C. Computer use by teenagers
C. The journalist is collecting date from: a. 200 pupils b. 400 pupils c. 100 pupils

Task02: Help the journalist complete the 2nd part of the report by filling the gaps with the
appropriate “Reporting Verbs”:
replied -said - answered - told - asked - added - questioned

I…………1…….how many pupils used the smartphone for watching YouTube and chatting on MSN.
The teenagers ………2……..that most girls and boys preferred watching YouTube to TV and ……
3….……that the total number of pupils who used their phones to watch YouTube was 70. Whereas, the
number of teens who used their mobiles to chat was 90. Then, I……4…. about the number of pupils
who used the smartphone to connect to social media (FB, Insta.)
The teenagers ………5……that all of them used smartphones to connect to social platforms.
When I wanted to know how many teenagers used the smartphone as a calculator.
The teenagers..............6…………that none of them used the smartphone for calculating but they used
their calculators instead.
Finally, I ……7…….. if there were any pupils who used the smartphone for studying and reading
electronic books. Unfortunately, the teenagers ………8……………. me that only 30 pupils used their
mobiles for study.

Task03: Help the journalist to present the results of his survey in the following Bar Chart:

100 90
80 70
60 50
40 30
20 10
……………… ……………… …………….. …………….. …………….. ……………..

1. Read the underlined sentences in the report then choose the correct answer:
The report’s findings show that:
a. Teenagers don’t use their smartphones at all.
b. Teenagers use their smart phones in the right way.
c. Teenagers use their smart phones in the wrong way.

Post reading Making Suggestions and recommendations

What solutions and recommendations would you suggest to solve the problem of teenagers’ misuse of
Use the following expressions:
- I feel we ought to….
- I recommend that…….
Suggested solutions:

 Parent’s control
 Making a balance between using mobiles for fun and for study
 Learning how to use smartphones for useful things
Unit: Our Findings Show STOP AND CONSIDER Sequence:02/Reading and Writing
1. Match sentences (1.2.3) from the interview with sentences (A.B.C) from the report:


1. Journalist: “How many of you use the A. I asked if they used their mobiles for
smartphone for making calls?” reading e-books.
2. Journalist: “Do you use your mobiles for B. They said that 20 pupils used smartphones
reading e-books?” for their study those days.
3. Teenagers: “20 pupils use smartphones for C. I asked how many of them used the
their study these days!” smartphone for making calls.

2. Filling the table by making a comparison between sentences (1.2.3) and sentences (A.B.C)
Direct Speech Reported Speech
Reporting verbs
Verb Tense Change
Pronouns Change
Time/place markers
3. Read sentences (1/2) What type of questions are they? Check their reported forms then
complete the reminders:

We report Wh questions as follows:

…………………………+ ………………………..+……………………………………….

We report Yes No question as follows:

Let’s Practise: Rewrite sentences ‘B’ and ‘C’ the same as sentence ‘A’
1. A/ Sarah : ‘’ My phone is damaged ‘’
B/ Sarah says that………………………………………

C/ Sarah said that………………………………….
2. A/ Aymen: ‘’ Why do teenagers prefer Facebook to Instagram?’’
B/ Aymen asks …………………………………………..
C/ Aymen asked……………………………………………..
3. A/ Walid : ‘’ Is my aunt coming this afternoon’’
B/ Walid asks …………………………………………
C/ Walid asked …………………………………


Reminder: To tell someone else what someone else said, there are two ways of doing this:
1. You can repeat someone’s words (direct speech): He said: "I'm watching TV"
2. Or you can use indirect speech (reported speech): He said (that) he was watching TV.
3. The word “that” is between parentheses because it is not obligatory.
Verb Tense Change: If the Reporting verb is in the present tense, there will be no change in the tense
of the reported clause. But if the reporting verb is in the past tense, tenses of the reported speech will
change as follows:
Direct Indirect
Present simple Past simple
Present continuous Past continuous
Future simple Conditionel ( would+stem)
imperative infinitive
Other changes: Changes in Time and Place Markers:
Direct Indirect Today That day
Must Had to Tomorrow The next day/ the following day
May Might Yesterday The previous day/ the day before
Can Could Next week, month, year The following week, month, year
Shall Should Last week, month, year The previous week, year, month
This That
These Those
Here There
Now Then
Ago Before

Task: Read the following conversation between the partially deaf grandmother and her grandson then rewrite
the underlined sentences in the indirect speech (reporting must be in the past):

Grandmother: I love listening to the radio. It reminds me of my youth.
Grandson: I enjoy watching videos on YouTube and TikTok…
Grandmother: What is TikTok anyway ….!!!
Grandson: Well, it is a video-sharing application for smartphones.
Grandmother: Are phones smart? Hein!!!! That’s awkward!
Grandson: You must try them; you will love them.
Grandmother: Can you turn the radio up?
Grandson: surely ….
(the grandson wearing the headphones and humming a song)
Grandmother: What are these strange wires on your ears.
Grandson: These are “earphones”, “You shall try them to listen to your favourite songs.”
Grandmother: No, never.
Grandson: Come on grandma, don’t be a Luddite!!
Grandmother: Hush! My favourite radio-talk show is playing now.
Tell me what are they speaking about today?
Grandson: they are speaking about old ladies who hate technology and …. (Grandson laughing)
Grandmother: Hein! How dare you ….!!
Unit: Our Findings Show Sequence02
When reporting, we don’t always use the verbs ‘’ say’’, ‘’ tell ‘’ and ‘’ answer’’. But, we can
use summarizing verbs such as admit, advise, apologize and beg.

1. Match quotes 1-8 with reporting verbs a-h

a. To Beg b. To Promise c. To suggest d. To apologise

e. To advise f. To Warn g. To Admit h. To Remind

1. ‘’ Remember you have to buy an air ticket’’
2. ‘’ Beware of the dog!’’
3. ‘’ You should go and see a doctor’’.
4. ‘’ I’ll never say it again’’.
5. ‘’ Why don’t we open the box first?’’
6. ‘’ Please, please, please, show me the way to do it’’.
7. ‘’ I’m so sorry for the incident!’’
8. ‘’Okay, okay, I touched it. It’ true.’
2. Use the words in the box below to summarise dialogues 1-4 that follow. Make the
necessary changes :
Suggested to- offered- asked- told- ordered him/her to/ not to -invited- apologised-
requested- accepted- refused- promised
Example: Air Hostess: Would you like another drink ?
Passenger : No, thanks, I’m fine.
Summary: The air hotess offered another drink to the passenger but the
passenger refused the offer respectfully.
a. Policeman:Would you please fasten your seat belt ?
Motorist: Oh, sorry (He fastened it right away).
b. Karim: are you free on Saturday?
Doris: Yes, I am.
Karim: Would you like to go out for a meal?
Doris: Thank you very much. That’s a good idea.
Summary: ……………………………………………………………………..
c. Mother: Don’t do that next time. Otherwise you won’t have your pocket money.
Child: Sorry Mum, I won’t repeat the mistake again.
Summary: ……………………………………………………………………………

Unit: Our Findings Show UNIT ASSESSMENT
1. Check the pictures (A-F). What do they represent?
2. Choose the best headline that fits the events displayed in the pictures.
3. Reorder the scrambled events shown in pictures (A-F) into the logical order. Describe each picture
with a sentence in your own words using information from the table below:

………………………………………………….. …………………………………………………. ………………………………………………….

…………………………………. ………………………………. ………………………………..

Let’s Write: Imagine you are a journalist, write a newspaper article reporting the accident
displayed in the pictures above. Use the sentences you already wrote.
The pictures show Causes of the accident Features of the accident

a car fast driving Vehicles:
a child careless driving Knock people down.
a bike weather conditions Run people over.
an ambulance People:
Get killed/ injured/ to fall
down/ to faint/ taken to
hospital ..etc..
Start like this:
The accident occurred in the road leading to……………… yesterday. According to some witnesses….


1. Match pictures (1-7) with titles from the box:
playing with mobiles at class - eating in the class – smoking inside the school - making troubles during the
lesson – quarrelling with classmates- littering the class – making fun of others (bullying)

Step One: Use the following Tactics Summary to conduct an interview with your classmates about: PUPILS

Conducting an interview:
A. Addressing informants: Excuse me, I’m /Hi! I’m …/Hello/ good morning/ good afternoon
B. Opening the interview: We ‘re conducting a survey on. /Can I ask you some questions about……?
Thanks. My first question is…….
C. Asking more questions: Ok. Thanks. My next question is: What…/Oh, do you? How often?
Closing the interview: Well, thanks for your time. Goodbye /Thank you very much for answering my
questions. Goodbye

Step02: Report your findings by writing a short report using the necessary reporting verbs.
This report represents details about ……………………………….by a sample group of.
………………………………. I asked them …………………………They
said…………………………………………………………. I ……………………………….
Step03: Present your findings(results) in one of the following charts (graphs):

1 2 3
Pie Chart Bar chart Line Chart
Lesson plan
Level : 01st Year Streams.
Unit : Our Findings Show Sequence01:Listening and Speaking
Rubric: Anticipate/Listen and Check
Intermediate objective: By the end of this lesson, learners will be able to listen and respond to an
interview/ to fill in a questionnaire/ to prepare a questionnaire.
Materials: Worksheets / pictures Time allowance: 01hour.
Competencies: Interacting orally+ producing a written expression
Function: Describing / expressing/interpreting … Language Forms: Like/ Don’t like + verb+ing
Tasks Procedures/Correction Objectives Time
Interacting with LS using different questions and pictures: To set LS in 8min
Warming up A. T invites LS to match shows/movies in pictures (1-11) with context/
channel logos (A-E), then complete the table below. build the
ANTICIPATE Ls suggested answer: knowledge
1/ Insahni ENNAHAR TV 2/ The voice Kids Mbc 01 to
Pre-Listening understand
3/ Nsibti Laaziza Nesma TV 4/ Hichem Cook Samira TV the
5/ Air Crush Investigation National Geographic listening
6/ Sada El Malaib Mbc01 script.

7/ 30 days night Netflix 8/ Detective Conan Spacetoon

9/ Arabs Got Talent  Mbc 04 10/ Home alone Netflix/mbc02..

B. LS are invited to clssify the TV shows and Movies in

pictures (1-9) in the following table according to their
genre (type):
Ls suggested answer:
Action Animation Comedy Family Document
Adventure drama ary
Home Detective Nsibti Beb El Air crash
alone Conan Laaziza Hara investigati

Sports Horror Cooking Religion Music

Sada El 30 days Hicham Insahni Arabs Got
malaib night Cook Talent

The Voice
Ls are invited to answer the following questions:
C. What is your best-loved and unloved genre? Why? To express
D. Do the new generation teens watch their favourite shows likes and
on traditional TV or YouTube or Netflix? Why? dislikes
Ls give different answers.

The listening script:

LISTEN AND Journalist: Hello, I’m doing a survey on traditional TV and
CHECK YouTube. May I ask you a few questions please?
Majd: Please do.
While- Journalist: What are your favourite genres to watch?
Listening Majd: Comedy is my favourite genre, but I also enjoy watching
family drama with my parents.
Journalist: Do you like watching your shows on TV or YouTube?
And which one entertains you more?
Majd: Actually, both television and YouTube entertain me but I
prefer watching YouTube.
Journalist: Could you please explain why?
Majd: When watching T.V. we are forced to watch whatever comes
up, with constant commercials. TVs are not portable either, so we
cannot carry them around and entertain ourselves with. Whereas,
on YouTube there are millions of different shows and movies you can
choose from! Another thing is
the community, what makes it even more interesting! You can
communicate with other fans and comment together on the videos.
Journalist: Ah Ok! I see, so, how many hours do you spend on both
TV and YouTube?
Majd: I spend 02 hours on television per month while I watch 02 or
03 hours on YouTube per day.
Journalist: Thank you for your answers, what about your friend
Malik: I personally share the same opinion with my friend. TV is
very boring and less interesting as you have to watch at least one
episode to know if the series is worth watching. With YouTube it’s
much easier to find something you like.
Journalist: Thank you for giving me so much of your time. Bye.

1. Ls are invited to listen to the interview and say whether

statements (a-b-c) are true or false.
Ls suggested answer:
To listen
d. The interview is about watching TV and Netflix. FALSE for specific
e. Both interviewees prefer watching YouTube more than information
watching TV. TRUE To say
f. TVs are portable and we can carry them wherever we go. whether the
FALSE statements
1. Ls are asked to listen again to Part 01 of the interview, and are true or

fill in the questionnaire. false
Ls suggested answer:
1. Comedy / Family Drama
2. Two hours per month To listen
3. Youtube and fill in a
4. Very boring / less interesting questionnai

Ls are invited to imitate the questionnaire above to ask their

classmates about their favourite Solo Time activities. They are To prepare a
asked to prepare a set of interesting questions with giving some questionnaire

Post- T gives Ls some suggested topics and invite them to add other
Listening topics.
Ls suggested answer:
A Survey about: Teenagers favourite activities.
Questionnaire: Please respond to the following questions:

1. Do you listen to music YES NO

Who is your favourite singer? …………….
2. Do you practice your hobbies? YES NO
What is your best hobby? …………...
3. Do you play video games? YES NO
What is your best game? …………………
4. Do you watch Anime cartoons? YES NO
If you watch Anime, who is your best hero? ……………

Lesson plan
Level : 01st Year Streams.
Unit : Our Findings Show Sequence01:Listening and Speaking Rubric: Say it Clear
Intermediate objective: By the end of this lesson, learners will be able to able to learn and practise the
different ways to pronounce the 's' at the end of words.
Materials: worksheets / pictures Time allowance: 01hour.
Tasks Procedures/correction Objectives Time
Interacting with LS using different questions and pictures: To set LS in 8min
Warm up T invites LS to give the plural form of words in the table. context/
LS are invited to pronounce the plural form of each word.
T writes the phonetic transcription of each word.
Ls are invited to underline the sounds of the final “S” in each word
and compare their pronuciation.
Ls suggested answer:
Book Books /bʊks/  /S/
TV TVs /tiːˈviːz /  /Z/
Message Messages /ˈmesɪʤɪz/ /IZ/
Ls are invited to check the following table, then do the task below To
Voiced sounds take These sounds take introduce
Voiceless sounds /z/ / ɪz/ the rules of
take /s/ Imagine the sound a final “S”
Imagine the sound bee pronunciati
a snake might might Similar to the word on
make make...Zzzzzzzzzzzzz 'is'
These sounds are These sounds are
voiceless: voiced: /s/ /ks/ /z /dʒ/
/f /k/ /p/ /t/ θ/ /b/ /d/ /g/ /j/ /l/ /ʃ/tʃ
/m//n/ /ŋ//ð/ r/ /v/
/w/ + all vowel

Ls are invited to pick up from the interview “all the words that end
in “S”.
LS are asked to pronounce the words and to classify them in the
table according to the pronunciation of the final “S” To practise
Ls suggested answer: the
/S/ /Z/ /IZ/ pronunciati
on of final

makes questions-genres watches-messages
parents shows-comes exchanges-
comments commercials-TVs responses
hours -answers
series -serials -

Level : 01st Year Streams. Lesson plan

Unit : Our Findings Show Sequence01:Listening and Speaking
Intermediate objective: By the end of this lesson, learners will be able to * write about means of
communication (TV, newspapers, magazines …)/ To form: adjectives using suffixes: ful /less
Materials: worksheets / pictures Time allowance: 01hour.
Competencies: interacting orally+ producing a written expression
Function: Describing / expressing/interpreting …
Tasks Procedures/Correction Objectives Time
Interacting with LS using different questions and pictures: To set LS in
Warm up 3. T invites LS to match words with their definitions context
Ls suggested answer:
Newspaper C/ Smartphone A/ TV B/
LS are invited to classify the characteristics of SMARTPHONE in
the table
Ls suggested answer:
- It Keeps your loved ones in touch, - Spending most of the time on your To classify
either through calls, text or images, phone creates neck problems and the
which express the feeling in a sweet sleep deprivation. advantages
and amusing way. - Exposure to unwanted things on and
- You can make the world listen to the internet affects a child’s growth disadvanta
your voice in a touch. mentally and even physically
ges of
- You can spend your time wisely - Overusing smartphones can harm
reading the news or doing some our eyes.
official work.
- You can entertain yourself with
games, music or movies.
- Food and groceries can be ordered
3. LS are asked to write a short paragraph about the advantages
and disadvantages of SMARTPHONE, using notes from the table
above+ using the necessary link words, sequencers.
Ls suggested answer: To write
Smartphones are the friendly gadgets which have made everything about
reachable through a touch. However, this small invention can have both a The
positive and a negative side. On the one hand, the smart phone has many smartphone
advantages. First, it Keeps your loved ones in touch, either through calls, (cons and
messages or images, which express the feeling in a sweet and amusing pros)
way. Moreover, you can make the world listen to your voice in a touch. In
addition to this, you can spend your time wisely reading the news or doing

some official work or you can entertain yourself with games, music or
movies. Not only this but food and groceries can be also ordered online. On
the other hand, the smartphone has some disadvantages. First, spending
most of the time on your phone creates neck problems and sleep
deprivation. Besides, the exposure to unwanted things on the internet
affects a child’s growth mentally and even physically. Moreover, overusing
smartphones can harm our eyes. All in all, this two-edged sword device
should be used wisely because no harm can be caused by anything if you
do not get indulged into it blindly. Hence, being aware of the smartphone’s
pros and cons and having self-control could save you from its harmful

formation of: adjectives using suffixes: ful /less

Task: Ls are asked to add suffixes “ ful” or “less” to the To form
underlined words to form ADJECTIVES according to the meaning adjectives
expressed in each sentence. Check the example given: using
EXAMPLE: If you are full of hope, then you are hopeful. suffixes
If you have no hope, you are hopeless ful/less

If you care about something, then you are careful

If you don’t care at all, you are careless
If something ends in success, then it’s successful
If something ends without success, it’s sucessless
If you say the truth you are truthful
If you don’t say the truth, you are truthless
If something costs an expensive price, then it’s priceful
If something is having a value beyond any price, then it’s priceless
If something causes no harm, then it’s harmless
If something causes harm, then it’s harmful

Lesson plan
Level: 01st Year Streams
Unit: Our Findings Show Sequence02: Reading and Writing
Rubric: Anticipate/Read and Check
Intermediate objective: By the end of this lesson, learners will be able to identify the main phases of a survey/
To read and interpret reports, newspaper articles and graphs/ Making requests /suggestions / recommendations.
Materials: worksheets / pictures Time Allowance: 01hour
Competencies: Interacting orally….
Function: Describing / Expressing/Interpreting … Language forms: Reporting Verbs
Tasks Procedures/Correction Objectives Time
Interacting with LS using different questions and pictures: To set LS in 8min
Warm up A. T invites LS to match pictures (1-7) with titles from the box context/
Ls suggested answer: build the
1 Watching YouTube 2Making Calls necessary
ANTICIPA 3 Gaming 4 Chatting knowledge
TE 5 Connecting to FB and Insta… to
6 Studying understand
7 Calculating the text
LS are invited to :
Pre- A. choose the correct answer
Reading Ls suggested answer:
Pictures (1-7) represent:
3. Smartphone Uses.
LS are invited to answer the following questions:
B. What do most teenagers use their smart phones for?
Ls sgive different answers .
READ Ls are invited to read the text and check their answers to question To read
AND “C” and check
CHECK answers

Ls are invited to read again the text and answer QUESTION01. To read for
Ls suggested answer: specific
While- information
Reading 2. Choose the correct answer:
A. The text is: 2. A dialogue
B. The journalist is making a survey about: To
b. Smartphone use by teenagers introduce
the first
C. The journalist is collecting data with: phase of a
a. 200 teenagers survey
b. 400 teenagers “collecting
c. 100 teenagers data”

NOTE: The three main stages of conducting a survey that LS

should know at their age and level are:
Stage One: Collecting Data (Interviews, Questionnaires …)
Stage Two: Reporting the results.
Stage Three: Presenting Data (Results/Findings) in a chart (Bar
Chart/ Pie chart/ Line chart)

Ls are invited to help the journalist to complete the 2nd part of the
report by filling the gaps with the appropriate “Reporting Verbs” To
At this stage, the T introduces the second phase of a survey, introduce
and that we use “Reporting Verbs” to report our findings. the”
Ls suggested answer: reporting
I asked how many pupils used the smartphone for watching YouTube. verbs”
The teenagers said that most girls and boys preferred watching
YouTube to TV and added that the total number of pupils who used
their phones to watch YouTube was 70. Whereas, the number of To
teens who used their mobiles to chat was 90. introduce
Then, I questioned about the number of pupils who used the the second
smartphone to connect to social media (FB, Insta.) phase of a
The teenagers answered that all of them used smartphones to survey
connect to social platforms. “writing a
When I wanted to know how many teenagers used the smartphone as a report”
The teenagers replied that none of them used the smartphone for
calculating but they used their calculators instead.
Finally, I asked if there were any pupils who used the smartphone for
studying and reading electronic books.
Unfortunately, the teenagers told me that only 20 pupils used their
mobiles for study.
3. Ls are invited to help the journalist to present the results of
his survey in the following Bar Chart.
Ls must write the Title+ Data
Ls suggested answer: Title: SMARTPHONE USE BY TEENAGERS
0 pupil use their phones for calculating
10 pupils use their phones for making calls
30 pupils use their phones for study To
50 pupils use their phones for gaming introduce
70 pupils use their phones for watching YouTube the
90 pupils use their phones for chatting Survey’s
100pupils use their phones for connecting to social platforms phase of
4. Ls are invited to read the underlined sentences in the report “presenting
and to check the data presented in the chart then choose the Data in a
correct answer. chart”
Ls Suggested Answer:
The report’s findings show that:
c. Teenagers use their smart phones in the wrong way.
Ls are invited to suggest solutions to solve the problem of To make
Post - teenagers’ misuse of smartphones. Suggestions
Reading Ls are given some expressions to help them express their: recommend
Recommendations/ suggestions ations

Ls suggested Answers:
- I feel we ought to teach teenagers how to use their
smartphones in the right way.
- I recommend that parents must control the use of
smartphones by teenagers….etc

Level: 01st Year Streams Lesson plan

Unit : Our Findings Show Sequence02:Reading and Writing
Rubric: Stop and Consider
Intermediate objective: By the end of this lesson, learners will be able to identify Direct & indirect speech:
reporting questions and statements in the present simple tense, modals..
Materials: worksheets / pictures Time Allowance: 01hour
Competencies: Interacting orally…. Language forms: Direct & indirect speech
Tasks Procedures/Correction Objectives Time
Interacting with LS using different questions and pictures: To set LS in 8min
Warm up T invites LS to match sentences from the interview with sentences context/
from the report build the
Ls suggested answer: 1 C 2A 3 B necessary
LS are invited to compare between Direct Speech ( sentences taken knowledge
form the direct interview) and Reported Speech (Sentences taken to
from the report) understand
Ls sgive different answers the text
Direct Speech Indirect Speech
Colon (:)/Inverted commas No: (!) /(:)/(?)/(‘’ ‘’)
Question mark (?)/
Exclamation mark (!)
No reporting verbs. Reporting verbs (to ask- to tell- to
say- to answer- to reply…) To
Changes in: compare
- Verb tense (when the reporting verb
direct and
is in the past simple)
(present simplepast simple)
Present continuouspast continuous) speech
- Pronouns.
- Time and place markers.
Question structure : V+S. Question structure : S+V
Ls are invited to read sentences (1/2)
To say What type of questions they are.
to Check their reported forms then complete the reminders
Suggested Answers: To deduce
We report Wh questions as follows: the rules of
Reporting verb+ Wh question word+ Subject+Verb reporting
We report Yes No question as follows: questions+
Reporting Verb+ If+Subject+Verb Yes No
Practice Ls are asked to report sentences (1.2.3): questions”

1. Sarah: ‘’ My phone is damaged ‘’
Sarah says that her phone is damaged.
Sarah said that her phone was damaged.
2. Aymen: ‘’ Why do teenagers prefer Facebook to Instagram?’’
Aymen asks why teenagers prefer Facebook to Insta.
Aymen asked why teenagers preferred Facebook to Insta. To practice
3. Walid: ‘’ Is my aunt coming this afternoon’’ reporting
Walid asks if his aunt is coming that afternoon. Statements/
Walid asked if his aunt was coming that afternoon. Questions

Lesson plan
Level: 01st Year Streams
Unit : Our Findings Show Sequence02:Reading and Writing
Rubric: Stop and Consider
Intermediate objective: By the end of this lesson, learners will be able to report questions and statements in the
present simple tense, modals (consolidation)
Materials: worksheets / pictures Time Allowance: 01hour
Competencies: Interacting orally…. Language forms: Direct/Indirect Speech
Function: Describing / Expressing/Interpreting
Tasks Procedures/Correction Objectives Time
T provides Ls with the necessary rules about reporting statements/
Warm up questions.

Ls are asked to read the dialogue and report the underlined

Grandmother: I love listening to the radio. It reminds me of my youth.
Grandmother said that she loved listening to the radio. It reminded her of
her youth
Grandmother: What is TikTok anyway ….!!!
Grandmother asked what TikTok was.
Grandmother: Are phones smart?
Grandmother asked if phones were smart

Grandson: You must try them; you will love them.

F Grandson said she had to try them, she would love them

Grandmother: What are these strange wires on your ears.

Grandmother asked what those strange wires were on his ears.

Grandson: “You shall try them to listen to your favourite songs.”

Grandson said she should try them to listen to her favourite songs.

Lesson plan
Level : 01st Year Streams
Unit : Our Findings Show Sequence02:Reading and Writing
Rubric: Stop and Consider
Intermediate objective: By the end of this lesson, learners will be able to report questions and statements in the
present simple tense, modals (consolidation)
Materials: worksheets / pictures Time Allowance: 01hour
Competencies: Interacting orally…. Language forms: Direct/Indirect Speech
Function: Describing / Expressing/Interpreting
Tasks Procedures/Correction Objectives Time
T provides Ls with the necessary rules about reporting statements/ To introduce 8min
Warm up questions. the meaning
3. Ls are asked to match quotes 1-8 with reporting verbs of
9. ‘’ Remember you have to buy an air ticket’’  To Remind
10. ‘’ Beware of the dog!’’  To warn
11. ‘’ You should go and see a doctor’’.  To Advise
12. ‘’ I’ll never say it again’’.  To Promise
13. ‘’ Why don’t we open the box first?’’  To Suggest
14. ‘’ Please, please, please, show me the way to do it’’.  To Beg
15. ‘’ I’m so sorry for the incident!’’  To Apologize
16. ‘’Okay, okay, I touched it. It’ true.’  To Admit
Ls are asked to use the appropriate summarizing verbs to To
summarise dialogues (1-4 )+Making the necessary changes. summarize
Example : Air Hostess : Would you like another drink ? dialogues
Passenger : No, thanks, I’m fine. summarizing
Summary : the air hotess offered another drink to the passenger but the verbs
passenger refused the offer respectfully.
a. Policeman :Would you please fasten your seat belt ?
Motorist : Oh, sorry (He fastened it right away).
Summary : The policeman requested the motorist to fasten his seatbelt.
The motorist apologized and fastened it right away.
b. Karim: Are you free on Saturday?
Doris: Yes, I am.
Karim: Would you like to go out for a meal?
Doris: Thank you very much. That’s a good idea.
Summary: Karim invited Doris for a meal. Doris accepted the
invitation and thanked him.

c. Mother: Don’t do that next time. Otherwise you won’t have
your pocket money.
Child: Sorry Mum, I won’t repeat the mistake
Summary: The mother warned the child. The child apologized and
promised not to repeat the mistake again.

Level: 01st Year Streams Lesson plan

Unit: Our Findings Show
Intermediate objective: By the end of this lesson, learners will be able to write a newspaper article reporting
an event.
Materials: Worksheets / pictures Time Allowance: 01hour
Competencies: Interacting orally…. Language forms: Reported Speech
Function: Describing / Expressing/Interpreting
Tasks Procedures/Correction Objectives Time
1. Ls are asked to check the pictures (A-F). And say What they To set LS in
Warm up represent. context
2. Ls are asked to choose the best headline that fits the events
displayed in the pictures.
3. Ls are asked to reorder the scrambled events shown in
pictures (A-F) into the logical order. And to describe each
picture with a sentence in your own words using
information from the table below.
LS Suggested Answer:
1. Pictures (A-F) represent: A street Accident/ An accident.
2. The best headline is: C. CHILD SURVIVED IN
(Inform Ls that Newspaper Headlines are to be written in the
3. Reordering+ Describing pictures (A-F) notes for
1 A/ A little boy was riding his bike. the written
2 E/ A careless car driver was driving so fast. task
3 F/ The car knocked the boy down.
4 D/ The poor little boy fell down and fainted.
5 B/ The ambulance came and took the injured boy to
Let’s Write hospital
6 C/ The boy survived but his leg was broken.
To report
LS are invited to write a newspaper article reporting the accident
the events
displayed in the pictures above. Using the sentences, they already
of an
LS Suggested Answer: accident

The accident occurred in the road leading to BEN MEHIDI High

School yesterday. According to some witnesses, while a little boy
was riding his bike, a careless car driver was driving so fast and
suddenly knocked the boy down. The poor little boy fell down and
fainted. Later on, the ambulance came and took the injured boy to
hospital. At the end, the boy survived but his leg was broken.

Dear teachers, thank you again for your trust.

The project can be explained at the beginning or middle of the unit, and each time we teach them a
stage , we ask them to prepare it untill they finish the whole work.
This file contains all the mentioned lessons in the new progressions2012/2022.
We tried to simplify the book’s content by designing new lessons that aim to facilitate the teaching and
learning processes.
The file is editable so feel free to edit it the way you want.
The work is not mistake free so we would be pleased if you inform us of any missing points.
We left the total freedom for teachers to set the estimated time for each activity.


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